#Definitely Haruka but that would be from himself
laniemae · 1 month
Could John start hurting himself in trial 3?
So I’ve got a lot of theories for trial 3 and stuff but this is the one I want to talk about first since it was the one that stuck out to me most yet I haven’t seen people talking about the possibility
I actually wrote about this theory quite a while ago which I’ll just link to but I definitely do think it’s very likely but hasn’t been discussed much.
For a brief summary of the post I made it’s a theory on how John may have self harming desires but doesn’t physically hurt himself as he’s afraid of hurting Mikoto. Basically it’s how the reason why Mikoto’s clothes are so tattered is because John has been ripping them apart in another way to harm himself but not physically hurt Mikoto. Heck, there’s very clearly bite marks on the clothes so I highly doubt it was from the fight with Kotoko. And as well as just ripping his clothing it probably explained the breakdowns John is said to have at night especially in that one minigram where Es heard on it and there was a lot of crashing sounds and stuff breaking, even ripping sounds which definitely matches with what I was saying. So John does all of this in a method to self harm as a stress reliever but not physically harm Mikoto.
So here’s the trial 3 theory. As of recently Mikoto has stopped denying John’s existence as everything he’s seen in heard it’s just too much for him to deny anymore. And instead of that he’s began to hate John so much and blame him for every bad thing that’s happened, even going as far to blame him for what happened to Mahiru even though it was very clearly Kotoko’s fault. And with John, he loves Mikoto. Dedicates his entire existence to him and despite all the constant trauma and suffering he’s endured the only thing that keeps him going is the possibility that Mikoto will love him and praise him for saving him.
“Hey now, I saved you, right? So why in the hell are you crying?
Cling to me, hoist me up as your "savior", stand up and sing out your gratitude, that'd be good.”
Judging by these lyrics, it seems John is somewhat aware that Mikoto is denying his help but still wants to believe it. Even Neoplasm he says how Mikoto’s entrusting him with his heart, which can either be he doesn’t fully know about the hatred or is denying it. But what I’m really worried about is how much Mikoto loathes John in trial 3 and what he could do.
As I said earlier John dedicates his existence to Mikoto and I couldn’t explain how John may feel after he would realise his hatred for Mikoto  aside from his entire existence being denied. I already discussed this in another theory but for John to so deeply love Mikoto and dedicates everything to protecting him and only holding on with the possibility of approval and being told he did a good job, only to be met with unimaginable hatred from the person who he idealises as someone who could never hate anyone must be devastating on so many levels for John and… you can tell where I’m getting at here.
So what would happen next? Could perhaps John feel so betrayed by Mikoto that he could go to actually physically hurting himself out of conflicting feelings around Mikoto? Loving him like that but feeling so betrayed and hurt that he just tries not to care about Mikoto any more and harms himself out of both previously established coping mechanisms and spite?
It’s hard to tell here, as John is one of those characters who it’s very hard to predict what would happen next so who knows what he might do. I just believe this may be the most likely based off things that have been implied and established.
And just to address a potential elephant in the room is I highly doubt John would disappear in trial 3. That’s not how it works, and just because Mikoto may not be Guilty any more doesn’t mean he would be relieved from all stress so John definitely would still have his purpose. And I think it’s most likely why John claimed that he would disappear was that he believed Es hated him and wanted him gone, so he claimed that he would disappear if Mikoto were to be voted Innocent as a way to sway Es to that verdict. And there are lines such as “I’ll play dead even if I’m alive right?” And “can’t get rid of me now” that definitely imply that he will stay or perhaps pretend to go dormant which perhaps would be interesting as we’ve seen him masking as Mikoto in the minigrams before so it would be interesting if he does that in trial 3 perhaps. And side note even though this is kinda cheating theory wise but it would be stupid to remove John from the story like that so uhhh.
#milgram#mikoto kayano#John kayano#john milgram#tw sh#tw self destruction#I just wanna say I’m sorry for bringing up such a dark subject matter like this in a theory sense#It’s just when writing about the darker themes in milgram I always get scared I’ll offend someone by how I talk about it so sorry#But trial 3 is certainly gonna be crazy#This theory is one I’ve had for a while and thus easier to write but I’ve got a lot planned#Like it definitely seems like how in trial 2 kotoko was the main antagonist/one causing conflict and it definitely seems#That in trial 3 amane will fufill that role#Which I mean I am uhh really exited about that because Amane’s my favorite and I love character who fuck up everything#But from everything we’ve seen the whole thing with fuuta and Shidou she’s going to be the one starting the whole chain of events#And there’s definitely a lot of theories on people who could suffer or be injured because of everything#Definitely Haruka but that would be from himself#But from the amane thing potentially Shidou if she or fuuta attacks him#Maybe mahiru if Shidou can’t treat her if she’s injured which could be really bad I’m actually very worried for her#And fuuta if he goes too far deep into the ideology and actually takes off his eyepatch but that’s kinda hard to predict#And as I said it’s definitely likely that mikoto would be hurt but at the hands of “himself” rather#And with kotoko I have absolutely no clue how she would react to the guilty verdict but that unpredictably makes it more exiting#I’ll have to talk about kotoko and the others in a separate theory because it’s so complicated but aughahhan hiatus brain no#And kinda off topic with the mood that I’ve kinda set with this post#But looking and analysing the lyrics of meme and double for this post#I found it pretty funny how John is actually really affectionate when referring to mikoto#Like of course the “snuggle together and say good night” lyric which is funny because how that does not fit John normally but does make sen#And in double he uses words such as basically “welcoming home” mikoto and in those freeze frames whispers of good morning#Which one again is really funny as edgy boy misanthrope John has said almost uwu fanfiction stuff canonically#But it totally makes sense to his character which makes it all the more funnier but kinda fucked up as from what I’ve said in the post#Why am I talking about something funny like this? Maybe I’m just too worried about talking about dark subject matters I’m sorry
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astrxealis · 2 years
comin in ere just rq to say tldr (final. real.) fuuta !! i want him to be voted innocent/forgiven bcs i hope he can. make peace with himself. i think he's truly a good guy at heart even if that doesn't excuse all that he did (i think he's. some sort of victim too and he deserved better. by this i mean like w his friends?? some sort of pressure and all. also the fact all the blame got put onto him which sucks but also with context, if that context is right, is rather deserved ngl. also i'm worried if he gets voted guilty bcs something bad will def happen)
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#⋯ ꒰ა milgram ໒꒱ *·˚#being a twitter user and chronically online did this to him /j#joking bcs yeah a bit of that maybe but i think the guy is kinda lonely. like. friends but there's the pressure from them too and all#yeah my thoughts are clearer now (phew!) i think i think too hard and too much but thinking so much was fun tbh#now i'm chill (listening to haruka's song on repeat as i try to do homework. keyword try)#he/milgram/viewers/es. the 'same'. and. agh. it is just so interesting and so so amazing to me (wow!)#but now i will try to chill (keyword try. it is 1 am i really should do my homework i hate chem)#i have more hw for the week still and then next week... i'll try to do my best and hopefully not get distracted#it's still kinda complicated bcs i want to vote 'what would be best overall' but yeah forgiving him aligns with that i think#as well as my own personal beliefs. so yeah#huh. i think i just thought way too much and confused myself (happens often bcs i try to understand all sides. oops!)#i like fuuta a lot. he reminds me of himself and that's another reason why i think forgiving him this time is for the best#and then ultimately forgiving him as well. but imo guilty first trial actually makes sense even if... at the same time idk#it kinda broke him uhh. made him unstable and all. yk the drama audio yeah. but it helped in making his beliefs better and all#i think milgram makes my brain go into overdrive. maybe even a bit too much#didn't realize how much time passed and i was just thinking and talking about milgram goddamn#hi more thoughts but yeah... he feels regret and i think hes starting to feel guilty. maybe? im not sure my head is sort of a mess again#maybe i just need to sleep. it is 5 am now. hmmm. but yeah hes definitely changed#he's heading towards improvment <3 !! fuuta innocent so true please#im still confused about whether the whole. Guilt thing#sometimes i forget what some words mean or use them as synonyms oops (metavoting and guilt oops!)
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enassbraid · 5 days
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ft. Sakura Haruka, Suo Hayato, and Togame Jo
—Someone seems a little too eager to ask you out on a date… somehow missing your boyfriend’s sharp glare from beside you. How is the situation handled? (1.4k words)
Cw) gn!reader, getting hit on, cursing, flirting, kinda suggestive in suo’s part at the end, reader is shorter than suo in his part, reader can fight + mentioned bullying in togame’s part, some of this might (definitely) be ooc but i wrote this with 2 hours of sleep and a redbull, so its okay ..
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Sakura gets aggressive…
Haruka has never been ignored like this before.
He’s been excluded, sure. But ignored? Never. With looks like his, it’s nearly impossible to turn a blind eye to him. While he might’ve been accepted for his unique traits since coming to Furin, it doesn’t erase the fact that they’ve been the very bane of his existence for the past 16 years.
Oddly enough, he’d rather have his pale eyelashes and hair ridiculed again than sit through another minute of this.
“Ah, I’ve been rambling for too long, haven’t I?” your self-proclaimed ‘childhood friend’ apologized discreetly. “How about this, you give me your number and we can plan a day to catch up without constraints. Does that sound good?”
You cringed from the guy’s insistence, but before you could turn him down, Sakura interjected.
“That sounds awful,” he scoffed; wrapping his arm around your shoulder to pull you closer.
The male before you merely rolled his eyes. “I don’t recall asking you anything.”
Sakura’s brows furrowed, and you felt his loose hold ok you tighten in an attempt to keep himself somewhat grounded. This guy was pissing both of you off, but more so Sakura due to the blatant ignorance your “friend” was displaying.
He shifted his gaze back from Sakura to you, and slightly tilted his head. “Clearly there’s some competition here.”
“A competition you already lost,” your boyfriend grumbled under his breath.
“So tell me, what’ll it take for you to give in?”
Your previously nonchalant expression morphed into one of annoyance. You might’ve known this guy from when you were younger, but he’s practically a stranger now after so many years. His sly smile struck a nerve, not to mention his attitude towards the boy that stood next to you. All of it ignited a strong flame within you, one that made you wanna-
“Ah- Shit! What the hell is wrong with you?!” your old acquaintance cried from the ground.
Sakura’s arms were tense at his sides, ready to throw another punch if needed. He stood in a fighting stance you were familiar with, but this time, it was for your sake.
“Take a hint, man. Don't you get it?” your boyfriend spoke, retreating back to your side with a sharp glare aimed at his current arch nemesis.
He interlocked his hand with yours, holding it with a firm grip. “They’re already taken, not to mention uninterested!” Sakura barked with displeasure. “And if you don’t want that face of yours to get fucked up even more, I suggest you scram.”
The other male whined from the ground, hastily scrambling away in fear whilst clutching his bloody nose. Of course, he spouted one last insult once he was far enough.
“You’re crazy! You Bofurin shits are all out of your minds!”
You and Sakura could only turn to one another and laugh in amusement.
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Suo becomes flirtatious…
Suo’s a relatively calm man. He always kept a small smile on his face, rarely allowing it to fall no matter the situation.
Although right now it was slowly starting to falter.
He stood next to you, hands behind his back with a threatening gaze towards the other man before you. Seriously, neither of you expected that this guy would start flirting with you after helping him gather his belongings that just so happened to fall to the ground as you both walked by.
But he seemed to believe it was “fate.”
“Thank you so much!” the stranger said with glee. “I really oughta take you out to show my gratitude. Is there any place that’d you-“
“Nah, I’m good,” you interrupted, rejecting his advances before anything could escalate.
Suo felt a brief wave of relief wash over him at your words. You were very much capable of standing up for yourself, but he still kept his guard up incase anything were to happen. While you were very clear about turning this guy down, he wasn’t ready to give up.
“Are you sure? I’ll take you anywhere you want! All you gotta do is name a place!”
Suo’s eye twitched.
“I’m quite positive. I’m sure my boyfriend here can do all that for me and even more, so if you could kindly back off that would be wonderful.” you placed a hand on Suo’s shoulder with a grin, displaying affection to get your point across.
“This guy? Seriously?” the stranger grumbled in disbelief.
“Yep, that’s me,” Suo started. “Your offer is kind, but you should know when to back down, yeah?”
“I think she should be grateful I’m offering anything, and the nice thing to do would be to take that offer,” he taunted.
Suo chuckled at the boy’s insistence. “She doesn’t owe you anything.” he stayed sternly. “Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”
You felt flustered at the sudden pet name, not to mention the feeling of his arm slowly slipping around your waist teasingly.
“Yeah, that’s right,” you responded, accepting your boyfriend’s display of affection as you both emphasized your point.
His grip on your waist tightened, and he slowly leaned down to plant his forehead against yours. His eye was half-lidded, and you could feel his gaze on your lips. Just as he was about to lock his lips with yours, the other male let out a noise of disgust.
“Oh god okay- I get it!” he gagged. He stepped away, bags you helped him gather in hand as his face scrunched up. “You don’t need to start making out! That’s gross! You’re both gross!”
He rushed off, turning the corner to never be seen again. Suo pulled away from you, leaving his touch to linger around your face and waist. You couldn’t help but feel embarrassed, flustered, confused, and annoyed all at once.
“I didn’t think you had something like that in you~” you teased playfully.
His hand went to rub the back of his neck. “Neither did I… I don’t think I can do something like that again. I just needed to get him to back off.” he replied bashfully.
“But you did leave me hanging there. Am I gonna get that kiss or what?” you asked genuinely, tilting your head in curiosity.
Suo sighed, and guided the back of your hand to his lips to plant a kiss.
“You’ll get the one you’re waiting for when we get home, yeah?”
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Togame is amused…
Usually, Togame would be ready to swing by now. However, he’s too enamored by your pretty face as you spew a number of insults at your middle school bully.
“After all you’ve put me through back then, do you really think I’d wanna sit and chat with you like nothing ever happened?” you shouted in the middle of the sidewalk, catching the attention of numerous passerbys.
“I’ve changed!” he shouted back, arms thrown up defensively. “Don’t you believe in change? Or do you think everyone stays the same their entire life?”
You rolled your eyes with bitterness. “Just forget it, we aren’t speaking ever again.”
“Now just wait a second-“
“Didn’t you hear them? They told you to forget it,��� Togame stepped in front of you protectively.
“No, Togame. Let me handle him.”
“Oh? Well if you say so,” he replied, stepping aside for you. He knows you’re capable of holding your own, so he’s not too worried. Still, he kept his fists balled up at his sides incase he had to step in at any point.
The boy you’ve known since junior high scoffed at your actions. “We ain’t fighting, pretty.”
“You don’t get to call me that,” you fumed.
“Oh? Does that mean only your boyfriend here can compliment you?” he taunted, a smirk forming on his face.
Togame sat back and watched with a sly smile, admiring the way your face scrunched up in anger. He had no problem with others complimenting you. In all honesty, he liked it. It filled him with pride. Others could want you all they want, but only he could have you.
And he loved that.
You threw a hard punch at the male’s face, knocking him off his feet and onto the ground. Togame only whistled from behind you in praise.
You crouched down to the other’s level, grabbing him by the hair to keep eye contact. “I don’t wanna hear shit from someone like you, that’s all.”
After dropping his head, you stood up proudly.
“Sorry I didn’t let you handle it, Jo.” you apologized meekly.
“Nah, don’t worry about it.,” he brushed off whilst waving his hand. “Besides, that was pretty hot.”
You punched his shoulder lightly with a slight smile. “Of course that’s what you were thinking.”
He hummed. “If you ask me, anything you do is hot.”
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© enassbraid 2024. i do not permit plagiarism, translations, or reposts of my work on any platform.
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brainrot-of-a-thot · 10 days
1–900 – you don’t want this shit.
or, that’s the first and last time they ever touch you, featuring: bofurin + shishitoren
a/n: I’ve been listening to this song (1-900 by speed gang) on repeat for the past day, and even tho it doesn’t fit the theme of the song I can’t help but imagine scenarios of the windbre boys becoming possessive because a man gets too handsy with their girl while listening to it.
wc: 1.1k
note: I’m also trying out a new headcanon format so I can try to fit more characters in by using umbrella descriptions (won’t make sense until you actually see it). this format was actually inspired by @penny-for-thots. I swear I’m not trying to steal your style babes, your formatting just looked so compact and tidy and I adored it! if it bothers you pls let me know. I don’t want to make you uncomfy or make you feel like I’m stealing from you!
c/w: fem!reader, touchy!creeps, jealous!boys, possessive/protective!boys, language, established relationships, headcanon blurbs (some are longer than others, oops)
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↳ hands thrown. no hesitation. no explanation. he’s blinded by pure possessive rage. you touched what’s his, and now you’re dead.
sakura haruka is sending the creep flying before you can even blink. he’s never been good at reigning in his emotions, especially those that are intense; and seeing that man put his hands on you so brazenly, with absolutely no consideration to who you are as a person or that you clearly weren’t interested set him off like nothing else. so don’t be surprised if you have to tend to his split knuckles because he ended up whaling on the creep even after he was knocked out by his initial blow. you also may have to step out of sakura’s earshot and call the local morgue to ensure they hadn’t received any new bodies — just in case.
choji tomiyama will beat his ass with a smile on his face. it’s difficult to tell what choji is feeling at any moment because that smile seems to be permanently etched onto his lips, even in moments that anyone else would have taken a much different expression — but one simple look at his eyes and the way he moves can tell you everything. upon seeing someone else put their hands on you, choji’s eyes darken and his body moves faster, and there’s far more force and malice behind his punches and kicks than normal. his blows are connecting with the sole goal of knocking the life out of the creep, and if it wasn’t for the fact that he could see your face out of the corner of his eye — horrified, worried, needing him — choji would most certainly succeed in that goal. he most definitely beat the man to an inch of his life, though.
ren kaji’s beloved strawberry sucker is dropped to the ground just as fast as the creep is. kaji’s in motion immediately, overcome by a rage so fierce that he fears he won’t be able to reign it in — he knows he looks like a monster, whaling on the man and screaming insults, but he can’t help it. he’s never been so enraged; and he’s never felt so satisfied and comfortable letting that side out. he’s protecting what’s his, reminding not only the creep but everyone else in the vicinity that you’re his, and that you are under the protection of a monster. the only thing that stops kaji’s assault of the man is your soft hands placing his headphones atop his head and your warm chest pressing into his back as you embrace him from behind after.
↳ violence is most definitely considered, but barely held back. he’ll give the creep one chance to back off; but if he doesn’t, he’ll be praying he took the mercy when it was offered.
hajime umemiya can barely restrain himself from from absolutely ripping the man apart. the second he saw the man’s hand connect with your supple flesh, umemiya’s vision was colored red — but he’s not the type to start a brawl in the middle of town, especially not for something that he knows many would consider so trivial. but rest assured, it is in his mind, eddying beneath his muscles and causing his grip on the man’s wrist to be harsh enough to break bone. umemiya’s voice is smooth and calm when he asks (demands) the man to back off, but it’s also dark and threatening; enough so that the man nearly pisses himself and stumbles a few times trying to scamper away.
suo hayato is calm individual. he’s unfazed by many things, and he’s an absolute expert at ruffling feathers — and for the most part, this demeanor of his isn’t even forced. it just comes to him naturally, comfortably, as if he’d been doing it since he was born. but when he sees those grubby fingers wrap around your dainty wrist and watches the man try to pull your supple body into his, that easy-going demeanor of his changes instantly. his calm is still completely natural, but it’s dangerous now. sharper. threatening. the smile on his face is off putting rather than gentle as he slaps the man’s hand away by the wrist.
“I’ll ask you politely to please not touch people without their permission.” suo drawls smoothly, almost kindly; but he’s in no way asking. suo is commanding the man to step away. despite having a few inches over suo in terms of both height and width, the man cowers back from the aura pouring out of your boyfriend. although suo did greatly desire to assault the man, he was ultimately glad that the man backed away. suo didn’t want you to see that side of him; it was quite ugly and scary.
hiragi toma is mildly impressed with himself when he just barely manages to refrain bowling the man down with a carefully aimed punch. the absolute rage he felt inside had only just lost to his desire to remain a pillar of justice and strength in the eyes of the community — and in your eyes. but hiragi had no qualms with verbally lashing at the man, even shouting and threatening him to never touch you again unless he wants to lose his hands. above all else, hiragi doesn’t want to scare you; he just doesn’t see how much you like witnessing this jealous, protective side of him.
↳ that prick doesn’t even get the chance to touch you. he’s stepping in the second the man’s hand reaches out to you.
jo togame is a possessive person. he hates the term, but the protectiveness he feels for you is too close to extreme to be labeled as anything else. when you aren’t in his sight, togame starts to go crazy. his mind whirrs and his muscles tingle, screaming out to him to locate you and safeguard you. he just needs to know you’re safe, and, on a deeper and more insecure level, needs to know that you’re still his. so it’s only natural that when you’re out and about, togame is right there. for the most part, togame’s sheer size and formidable build discourages any man from getting too close to you, but there are some that are ballsy enough to approach — such as the one who decided he could try his luck at grasping your hand to ‘get a closer look at your pretty bracelet.’ togame’s own hand is shooting out before his brain can even register he’s doing it, knocking the man’s outstretched hand away harshly.
“you can look at it from there.” togame deadpans, emerald eyes glaring daggers at the man in front of him. the man is obviously put off by togame’s aggression but also trying desperately to feign indifference. he gives a halfhearted, sloppily blubbered excuse as to why he needs to get going, and when he scampers off, it’s with a tad more haste than what you were sure he meant to showcase.
togame had succeeded in keeping unwanted hands off of you, but now he has to spend the next hour listening to you gush and tease him about how cute he is when he’s jealous.
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kingkatsuki · 4 days
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— miscommunication
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Based on this silly little post I made here. With inspiration from @/oooohno💕 basically Sakura can’t fathom anyone could ever like him like that.
Pairing: Sakura Haruka x f!reader.
Warnings: none, a little angsty, Sakura is bad at feelings.
Word Count: 2.9k.
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You always feared getting your heart broken someday, you just hadn’t imagined it would happen like this. Sakura had always been kind to you, ever since you’d been introduced to him through Tsubakino. It was one of the many reasons why you found yourself falling for him. It had been impossible not to, and you’d spent the majority of the time working up the courage to finally ask him out. Convinced by the fact that Tsubaki had guaranteed he would say yes.
“He’d be a fool not to like you,” He said, glancing at you through his reflection in the small compact he carried with him. Giving you a reassuring wink as he applied a fresh layer of engine red lipstick, “You won’t know unless you try.”
But maybe you were the biggest fool of all because you definitely hadn’t expected Sakura Haruka to leave you standing alone in the middle of the park wearing a pretty sundress. An excruciating pain ruminated beneath your ribcage as you tried to fight back the ache of rejection.
The first step had been the most difficult— working up the courage to ask for his number. It seemed awkward to ask for it straight up, but you also didn’t want to just get it off Tsubaki in case it crossed any unspoken boundaries. So you decided it might be easier to give him yours, writing it down onto a napkin from Kotoha’s restaurant one morning while you waited for her to pour your coffee. Before slowly sliding it across the bar to Sakura, who was shovelling omelette rice into his mouth. His pink cheeks bulged with food as he skimmed the note, looking up at you with a frown.
“If you don’t want to, it’s okay.” You smiled softly as you thanked Kotoha for the coffee, walking out through the door into the warm morning sun.
If he didn’t want to what? Sakura thought to himself as he scanned your number on the white napkin. Why did you give him your cell phone number? Sakura pondered the reasons as he continued to shovel the warm egg omelette rice into his mouth. You could want to hang out as friends, but you’d never showed any indication of wanting to do so prior. Or perhaps you were looking for protection, although that didn’t make sense when you were so close to Tsubaki who was a force to be reckoned with alone.
You didn’t need protection— so what if you’d given him your number so you could fight? It made the most sense to Sakura. It had to be why you stared at him each morning when you came in for your coffee, almost as if you were sizing him up with expectation, and today was the day you’d decided to extend the invitation. He waited until he’d finished his plate before fishing his cell phone out of his pocket to send you a text message.
Even after Kiryu had added Sakura to a Furin group chat all those years ago, Sakura was never the best at texting. He tests the words against the screen as he debates how to properly respond. Backspacing until he finally settles on a simple, yet concise answer and he hits send.
Sakura[9.49AM]: I want to.
He wasn’t entirely sure what he was agreeing to, but it had to be some sort of fight. He’d never trained with you before, so it couldn’t be that. And if you were friends with Tsubaki-chan, perhaps you enjoyed fighting too.
You[9.53AM]: hi! I’m glad you texted, I wasn’t sure if you actually wanted to go or not but I’m glad you do!!! Honestly, it’s made my day :)
Sakura reread the text twice, just to make sure he understood what you meant. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to go— so you were looking for a fight.
Sakura[9.55AM]: When?
He texts back, glancing at the screen as he notices the three little dots appear at the bottom to signal you are typing back.
You[9.57AM]: Meet me in the park by the swings at 7pm :)
Sakura read the text three times with a frown— 7pm. So you really did want to fight him? That would surely be the only reason you wanted to meet so late.
It felt like a shame to fight you, especially when your face is so pretty. Sakura feels his cheeks flush at the thought as he pictures that same sweet smile you give him each day when he sees you enter the restaurant to order your usual coffee to go, while he tries to hide his face in his omelette rice.
But you’re best friends with Tsubaki-chan so you must be strong, and maybe that’s the reason why you’ve chosen to fight him. And he’s never one to back down, and you’ve set the stage now so he has no choice but to agree. Sending back a single word as his fingers glide across his phone screen.
Sakura[10.00AM]: Yes.
Sakura isn’t sure how he’s supposed to prepare for this, or if he even needs to. He’s never seen you fight before, although he’s certainly seen you mad. Your soft hands balled into tight fists as you warned off a guy for getting a little too close, so close in fact that even Sakura was decidedly about to jump in— until you managed to get him to back off and leave.
Okay, maybe you were strong—
He doesn’t know anything about your fighting technique, or the way you hold yourself. Wondering whether you have a similar style to Tsubaki, and that’s why you’re so close? But he’s friends with Suo and Nirei and they don’t fight like him, so maybe that doesn’t make sense, he frowns. He’s known you for a while, and this is the first time you’ve shown any indication you want to fight, so now he’s started to overthink everything. Contemplating how he’ll be able to get the upper hand— or what spoils will be offered to the victor?
He makes sure he’s early, arriving at the park ten minutes before your scheduled fight with his hands bundled into fists inside his jacket pockets. But he’s surprised to see you already there and waiting, his roaring heartbeat catches in his throat at the sight of you as he almost forgets to breathe—
You’re sitting there waiting wearing the prettiest dress Sakura thinks he’s ever seen. A flowy sundress that hugs your curves in all the right places, embarrassed when his eyes are instantly drawn to the cleavage that spills out of the top. Your bare skin has a dull throb pounding at the back of his head as though he’d just been sucker punched as he wonders whether he’s still standing or how you’re this strong.
The moment he first saw you, he remembers a word that Suo had taught him to describe things like this— and he reckons that’s exactly what you are. Ethereal.
His cheeks burn a fiery red as he risks a glance further down, the soft material of the dress stops just above your knee as he follows the path of your legs to see your feet encased in pretty wedge sandals that strap around your ankles. There was no way you’d come to fight like this— in fact, he couldn’t fight you like this, could he?
“Hey.” You notice him staring as you stand up to walk towards him, and Sakura is certain that he won’t be able to land a single hit when the scent of your perfume surrounds him.
“W-what are you wearing?!” He shouts, despite the fact you’ve come to stand in front of him and it takes you aback.
The same insecurities begin to shroud you as they did when you were preparing to meet him. Standing in front of your full-length mirror as you tried on various outfits until you came to settle on this one, almost deciding against it at the last minute before you checked the time and noticed if you didn’t leave you might be late.
“Oh— you don’t like it, do you?” You fiddled with the strings at the front of the dress that were tied into a pretty, thin bow. Sakura’s eyes couldn’t look away as they followed the movement, noticing your pretty painted nails before he found himself staring at the hint of skin that peeked out of the top of the dress, “I knew I should’ve worn the other dress, it’s not quite as light as this one. God, I feel stupid.”
One of the thin straps was dangerously close to falling down your shoulder, and now Sakura wasn’t even sure he’d be able to land a single punch. This had to be some kind of distraction technique.
“You can’t fight in that!” Sakura raises his arm in an accusatory point, trying to stop himself from shaking and showing any signs of fear as he tries desperately to tame the fierce blush that streaked across the apples of his cheeks.
“I can’t fight in this?” Sakura despised how adorable you looked when you cocked your head to the side with your words, his heart banging like a marching band as he thought about his initial statement— maybe he was foolish for thinking you couldn’t fight in this.
When he’d watched Tsubaki fight, he’d always notice men that would get distracted from his short skirts and heeled boots— was this what you were trying to do to him now? Was this your plan all along?
“It’s—” He tries to get the words out, but it’s difficult when you look so cute, “It’s not— it isn’t—”
“It isn’t what?” You take a small step closer and the sudden movement had his fight or flight instinct kicking in as Sakura turned to run. Escaping in a hasty sprint as he left you standing alone in the park, the sun slowly falling over the horizon.
You try to ignore the ache in your chest when Sakura turns to run, wondering why he’d even bother to show up at all when he was going to reject you anyway. But then you suppose that’s one of the reasons why you even like him in the first place— he’s way too thoughtful and considerate of others. That’s probably why he didn’t want to reject you over text, and he’d come to tell you face to face.
Trying to stop the tears from falling as pearlescent droplets collect in your thick lashes to blur your vision, blinking them back you pull out your phone to rest Tsubaki. The first text sitting at the top of your phone is still your message chain with Sakura as you reread the “Yes” he’d sent you hours earlier. You were so stupid.
It’s the first fight Sakura has ever run from in his twenty-two years, and he hates himself for it. Hates that you managed to win on pure tactics alone as he makes his way back to the restaurant to find his friends.
His chest is heaving when he finally makes it through the door, knocking the wood so hard it almost flies off its hinges as wild eyes search for his friends. Thankful they seem to be the only people inside as he makes a beeline for them, his two-toned hair now windswept and pushed back from his forehead as it sticks up in all directions.
“You’re back quick?” Kiryu notes, his thumb pauses on his screen to take note of Sakura’s dishevelled appearance.
“Did she stand you up?” Nirei asks, concerned.
“No.” Sakura deadpans, still standing by the table despite there being a free seat in front of him as he leans his weight on the balls of his feet.
“You stood her up?” Kiryu locks his phone and places it down on the table as he raises a questioning brow, “That’s really not how to treat a girl, Sakura. I thought you—”
“I went there!” Sakura shouts, louder than necessary inside the small cafe as his hands ball into fists on either side of him.
“What happened?” Suo asks calmly, trying to diffuse the situation, but there’s a curious lilt to his tone.
“S-she was there.” Sakura tries to work out how to explain what happened, as his nose scrunches pensively.
“Okay? So that’s good, right?” Nirei smiles.
“She was wearing a dress!” Sakura is loud, immediately regretting his volume as the heat rising inside his body starts to become uncomfortable. Slouching down to sit beside Suo as he mumbles, “You can’t fight in a dress—”
“Girls can fight in anything,” Kiryu smiles, as Sakura looks across the table at him. So you did want to fight? “But I don’t think that’s what she had in mind.”
Oh. So if you didn’t want to fight him, then what else did you want?
“Well, where is she now?” Suo questioned, and Sakura answered for him with a sheepish look paired with a deep pink blush all the way down to his shoulders, “You left her in the park?”
“Wait— on her own?” Nirei continued, “Why would you do that?”
And somehow it sounded worse when his best friend put it like that. Sakura hadn’t left you alone, or at least he hadn’t meant to. You were there alone before he’d even got there, almost like he’d just stopped in passing. You were fine—
“She was wearing a dress!” Sakura repeated with an angry rasp to his tone.
“Sakura, you messed up.” Kiryu starts laughing playfully, shaking his head, “You’re gonna have her and Tsubaki-chan mad at you now. I can’t believe you did that to her— the poor girl.“
“What?!” Sakura baulks, “But she’s the one that text me!”
Sakura never wanted to fight you, why would he? You were far too pretty— too delicate to be subjected to that. He didn’t want to think about you fighting anyone, the thought alone had that same strange feeling bubbling in his tummy as he pictured you coming out of the fight hurt. That same seated desire inside him burning red hot at the thought— Sakura is certain he’d fight to the death to protect every single inch of you, to stop any harm from coming to you.
“What do you think it means when a girl gives you her number?” Sakura sat back beside Suo as he pondered the question.
The only phone number he had stored in his phone outside Bofurin friends and Togame from Shishitoren was Kotoha, and that was because she’d grabbed his phone the same day he’d given it to Kiryu. But Sakura didn’t mind so much because she always brought him food. But he didn’t think that’s why you’d given your number to him, was it?
“Iunno.” He mumbled gruffly, his lips curling into a pout, “That she wants to fight.”
Tsubaki-chan had texted him to spar all the time, it wouldn’t be weird to think you’d do the same.
Kiryu shot Suo a look as he gave his friend a soft smile, before trying a different approach. It was clear after knowing him for so many years, that Sakura was inexperienced in things outside the reemits of fighting.
“Have you never found a girl pretty before, Sakura-kun?” Suo asks,
“Shaddup!” Sakura snaps swiftly, already feeling a dangerous heat rise inside him— but it’s at that same moment where he really ponders the question.
Kotoha is pretty, he supposes. Thinking back to the first time he met her when she offered him a warm plate of food with a kind smile, remembering the heat that plumed inside him that followed her kindness as Sakura found himself coming back to her.
Sakura is certain he thinks Tsubaki is pretty too, although none of them seem to compare to how he feels about you. The incessant pounding of his heart against his rib cage at the mere thought of you, your saccharine perfume makes him feel dizzy and yet he hates when you’re not around so he has to remember the way it smells. The sound of your laughter causes more than just a subtle warmth inside him like Kotoha, it's more like a blazing inferno that courses through his veins like molten lava that’s impossible to extinguish. And the way you manage to fluster him without even being there— he’s constantly thinking about your face before he falls into a dreamless sleep, and waking up to wonder what you’re doing right now.
Tsubaki would probably think he’s foolish for thinking you couldn’t fight in a pretty sundress with sandals when he fights in a skirt and heels all the time. Maybe it would give you some kind of advantage, a way to get the upper hand. The sandals wedge gave you a slight height advantage sure, but would that be enough to beat him?
“Are you listening, Sakura?”
“Yeah.” He pushes his chair out with a harsh screech against the hardwood floor as he moves to leave, frantic in his search for you as he hopes you’re still standing where he left you.
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gibberishfangirl · 3 days
WIND BREAKER | when they have a shopaholic girlfriend
Synopsis ✰ head cannons of the boys when they’re dating a girl who loves to shop
Characters ✰ Haruka Sakura, Hajime Umemiya, Hayato Suo, Akihiko Nirei, Jo Togame, Choji Tomiyama
Contains ✰ suggestive, blushing boys, slight teasing, semi-public (implied), cute content of the boys being boyfriends, tiny amount of spice?
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Haruka Sakura ᡣ𐭩
♡ you drag this man to the mall at least twice a week
♡ he personally hates shopping and finds it to be boring but never complains since it’s an excuse to spend time with you
♡ secret confession: he thinks your wasting money but is way too afraid to face your wrath to say it out loud
♡ whenever he asks why you spend so much money on clothes and make up he gets hit with a “there’s a price for beauty”
♡ after he seeing how cute you look in your new outfits he most definitely learns that there is a price for beauty
♡ he will become a blushing mess when you pick out the most revealing outfits
♡ “what do you think?” you asked picking up a skimpy dress and pressing it against your body. his only response is a huge blush that spreads from his nose, cheeks to the tip of his ears
♡ he loses it once you drag him into victoria secret
♡ “don’t you think this would look nice on me?” you teased while picking up crotchless underwear
♡ you absolutely will be the death of this man
♡ he feels like the worlds biggest boy toy carrying all your pink shopping bags and following you into every clothing store
♡ you reward him for being so nice and patient with your shopping by taking him to one of his favorite stores and buying him whatever he wants
♡ wetzel’s pretzels pit stop is a must
♡ you reward him even more by trying on every scandalous outfit you purchased at home in private
Hajime Umemiya ᡣ𐭩
♡ acknowledges that your shopping addiction is a problem and tries to help without making you feel bad
♡ he mostly tries to help you through budgeting, thanks to him you’ve cut down shopping to twice a month
♡ Umemiya personally loves your style, especially with how confident you are in your clothes
♡ he always suggests that you should try on your clothes before committing to the purchase
♡ don’t be fooled, it’s not because he wants you to make sure they fit you, he just loves seeing how cute you look in the new outfits
♡ on some occasions he goes around the store himself picking out the cutest tops and skirts he can find for you
♡ once he picks out the cutest pieces he can find you do him the favor of trying them on while he gets to admire your beauty
♡ you manage to get the very lightest blushes from him when the skirts he picks out happen to be shorter than he originally pictured
♡ once your done doing a number on all the stores he carries all your bags
♡ it always surprises you how no matter how many bags you have ume carries them with a startling amount of ease
♡ ofc you offer to carry some but he insists you shouldn’t lift a pretty finger
♡ every cashier compliments how adorable you two look together
♡ “how cute! you two look like a match made in heaven.” a comment you two often receive a lot
♡ depending on your guys mood you might end the day with a movie night
♡ no, Ume can’t help but keep his hands all over you in the dark theater once he finally has you to himself
Hayato Suo ᡣ𐭩
♡ will always offer to pay for your items
♡ fortunately enough for his wallet, you almost always decline since you prefer to use your own money
♡ has no problem carrying all your bags, does it with a smile on his face
♡ almost every girl who sees you at the mall is raging with pure jealousy
♡ so many of the girls wished they had a boyfriend as sweet as yours
♡ you couldn’t help but glare at every girl in the mall who was checking him out
♡ he quickly noticed your glares which had him gushing on the inside
♡ he was so flattered to know you could be so possessive over him
♡ once you noticed every cashier you got were lingering their eyes on him longer than they should, batting their eyelashes at him, smiling harder at him than you, one of them even winked at him when they thought you weren’t looking, you lost it.
♡ “i want to go home. im done shopping.” you pouted. Suo knew exactly why you didn’t want to shop anymore but still asked “why not love?” “everyone keeps falling in love with you!” you whined before putting your head on his chest. his heart fluttered at the action before he opened his mouth, “don’t pay any mind to them. i’m all yours” reassuring you with a soft kiss
♡ Suo made sure to reassure you with kisses more after the conversation
♡ you made the mistake of leaving him alone while getting a jamba juice drink, you came back to find a girl asking him out
♡ before you knew it your feet were moving up to them, completely ignoring the girl. you grabbed your boyfriends head by the back of his neck and yanked him down to a deep kiss. you pulled away while saying “hey babe”, the girl instantly walked away embarrassed
♡ Suo blushed after the incident while you continued walking to the next store as if nothing happened
Akihiko Nirei ᡣ𐭩
♡ the absolute sweetest boyfriend about your habits
♡ he’s so incredibly supportive while also making sure you aren’t going to overboard
♡ he helps ensure that you’re only buying what you need and not things you’ll get over in a week
♡ he has no bad opinions, tells you everything looks nice since in his head everything does look nice on you
♡ he gets a little nervous whenever you drag him to the fitting room so you can get his opinions on the clothes
♡ he sits in the lounge room anticipating the moment you walk out of the changing room
♡ you treat this as if it were a fashion show making him tell you what he likes about each article of clothing
♡ whenever you get near any lingerie he gets incredibly shy trying not to look
♡ he won’t even look at the mannequins if they’re wearing risqué clothing
♡ such a sweet innocent boy who you can’t help but tease
♡ one of your favorite things to do were joke about buying lingerie for him, holding up a black lacey set you ask “can you imagine me wearing this for you? would you like it?” with a sweet smile
♡ he could never give you a proper response due to fighting back any suggestive thoughts, just blushes
♡ you let out a giggle and made your way to the cash register making him freeze in shock before quickly making his way to you
♡ you purchased it, Nirei was furiously blushing when the cashier smiled at you and then looked up at him
♡ Nirei’s thoughts were going absolutely wild the entire way home just wondering how soon you’d be willing to wear that for him
Jo Togame ᡣ𐭩
♡ he carries all your bag with a significant amount of ease, doesn’t even let you touch a bag before he already has it in place around his arm with the others
♡ Togame doesn’t get shy, jokes about suggestive clothing won’t work on him if anything he’d ask you to wear it for him
♡ this man is holding your hand 24/7, if he has too many bags to hold your hand, you settle with wrapping your arm around his bicep
♡ he loves having such a pretty girl on his arm
♡ he will glare at every man who has lingering eyes on you fighting the urge to go over there and punch both their eyes out of their sockets
♡ he’s the one who drags you into victoria secret, his favorite thing to do is pick out underwear for you to wear later
♡ “these would look so nice on you… while i push them aside to touch your cute little cunt” he whispers in your ear making your face beat red
♡ he’s gotten so used to all your habits and all the stores you go to
♡ he’s mesmerized where all your favorite stores are at so if you ever forget he can easily lead the two of you there
♡ you’re so thankful for Togame’s height whenever there’s an item that’s the last one and is too high up to get he comes to your rescue
♡ he loves to ‘rescue’ you since you always reward him with a kiss and a small “my hero” he loves to hear your praise
♡ you’re a gorgeous girl, ofc there’s always a guy who wants to ask you out
♡ before any guy can even make their way to you they meet Togame’s eyes that holds a dark threatening aura to them
♡ consider every man in existence to be scared off
♡ he personally doesn’t care about your shopping addiction as long as your happy and safe
♡ he ensures that your safety by always being there by your side
Choji Tomiyama ᡣ𐭩
♡ he loves your shopping addiction, he thinks it’s a cute habit of yours and figures if you can afford it why not?
♡ he finds it absolutely adorable to watch you gush over every item at the store
♡ you both always go to miniso first, it’s a must
♡ especially since it’s the main store that provides items you both like
♡ you guys are fascinated by the alarming amount of blind boxes miniso provides
♡ you do some blind boxes unboxing and he always gives you the one he gets if it’s the one you originally wanted
♡ when it comes to clothing shops he loves watching you try on clothes
♡ he purposefully picks out the shortest skirts for you to try on
♡ “try this on for me? yeah?” he was never afraid to ask you to try on something scandalous for him even if it made your face crimson red
♡ Choji is anything but shy he has no problem being bold with you, it’s a blessing and a curse
♡ “i- you can’t come in with me!” you blush as Choji steps inside the changing room. his only response is “no one’s watching us, it’s fine”
♡ Choji is very impatient. he won’t wait until your home, if he wants you he’ll have you
♡ even if that means having to clamp his hand over your mouth to muffle the sweet sounds you make
♡ secret confession: Choji loves to pick out miniskirts for you, it makes you so easily accessible
a/n <3 : i’ve been in such a head cannon mood lately? im having so much fun writing them, im obsessed! expect more to come soon <3
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moibakadesu · 10 months
Haruka’s victim of his “murder” was he himself (The suicide theory)
This is a theory that I had since t1 there have been even more points for me to work with (I just never had time/peace of mind to do so), so let’s get into it, shall we?
First of all, as should be obvious from the title, there is a cw for suicide and also one for child abuse and neglect, as well as dead animals because we can’t talk about Haruka without going into these topics.
So what we are going to talk about today is:
Haruka’s victim of his “murder” was he himself
You might wonder now: But how is he walking around in Milgram then? We are looking at a magical song prison that bends the fabric of reality, I don’t think being a sort of purgatory is that much out of the question. I am not one to think that ALL of our current prisoners are dead, but for some it seems like an option. Note Yuno asking so pointedly in her t2 VD “Am I really still alive?” which seemed like a big hint. And also (MILGRAM NOVEL 2 SPOILER) in the second novel there is a part where literally falls the statement of “of course there are people who are already dead, it would be more strange if we wouldn’t have these”. As well as there being a suicide case.
And even if we would not go into that direction, we would still have the option of a failed suicide attempt which resulted in a temporary stopped heart = on paper you can be declared dead. With Milgram’s very loose definition of “being responsible for the loss of a human life” this seems very much like it could qualify as well.
So what gave me the idea that this could be the case for Haruka? The first thing that made my interest perk up was this screen here from Undercover:
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In these shots with the silhouettes from the prisoners we presumably have a location where their murder happened or is heavily connected to it. And in some cases we even have the victims present in the shots.
What differentiates the prisoners from their victims is that all prisoner silhouettes have this gray hatching on them while their victims are a solid black color (it’s a bit unclear with Kazui, because he and Hinako are pretty small in his scene).
So with that in mind what falls to attention in Haruka’s shot? Yes, he is a solid black.
And that sprung the idea of: what if Haruka is the victim?
Well, he is, in more sense than one, but we are only concentrating on his “murder” for now.
Let’s now go through his first MV Weakness with this in mind, because it is already ripe with a lot of possible suicidal imagery. We won’t go over his first VD, because … well, there are simply no real hints in that one yet.
Weakness analysis
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Right away at 0:08 we start with a scene transition of Haruka sinking into water. As you are probably all aware water is a big recurring theme with him, it draws itself through his MVs as well as being present in image material and merchandise related to him. Prior to ending up in Milgram he was also living in the city Niigata, which is literally called “the city of water”. So we can assume that it is of pretty big significance to his character.
The overall imagery of drowning and suffocating also appears repeatedly with him, so my assumptions of how he might have taken his life are either by, well, drowning or by hanging himself (due to imagery we will later get to in AKAA).
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At 0:41 we have Haruka pushing his younger self into a “scribble-puddle”, leading us to another transition of Haruka once again sinking into the watery depths.
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I think this is both a representation of Haruka’s loathing and jealousy of his younger self which still was somewhat loved by his mother until his disabilities became too noticeable to be ignored as well as an actual stand-in for killing yourself.
At this point let’s talk a little bit about the little girl that is assumed to be Haruka’s victim, shall we?
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Well, in a broad sense we can say: yes, she is his victim. But the twist is this, recently I saw a theory that made a big amount of sense to me, especially taken in account with the suicide theory. Basically, I think the little girl never existed in reality. She was just a figment of Haruka's imagination, a sort of “Imaginary friend”, his idealized version of what “Haruka” should have been. We know from his t2 interrogation questions that his mother always wanted a girl instead of a boy, going so far as to picking the name beforehand and not changing it even after she knew she was expecting a boy.
I could even imagine that his mother might have tried to raise him as a girl up to a certain age, her terrible overall parenting surely gives me the impression that she would do something that twisted.
So Haruka’s delusion of “his perfect loveable self” might have intermingled with himself taking his life. Because something that always threw me off was that in the end of AKAA when we get the split second of him strangling the girl it is clearly a grown up Haruka putting his hands on her neck. But in Weakness they are around the same age apparently. Why is this? Well, of course the “perfect little girl his mother wanted” would stay a little girl forever in his mind.
So he is fully convinced that he killed that girl, in his mind she was real after all.
This might be completely off the mark, but even if it is, I still could imagine Haruka taking his life after having committed the murder of the girl. Going over his second VD again personally I am leaning more towards the option that the girl was his little sister, with how much attention he puts on it having been a murder out of jealousy.
But the lyrics going along with him pushing the girl in Weakness could also allude to the possibility of that “imaginary girl” theory.
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And right here at 1:20 down in the water we go again, directly after the scene above.
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And at 2:05 we are at the well known stone smashing scene. The action in the screen is not the main point in this case though, here we have the first appearance of the lyrics of:
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Haruka usually doesn’t consider the abuse received by his mother as bad, any attention received from her is good attention in his eyes, so he wouldn’t see himself as a victim for that, right?
So what could it imply?
Maybe becoming your own victim?
Because a lot more importantly, these lyrics make another reappearance right away. When?
When Haruka strangles his younger self. (Right after another “falling in water” scene at that.)
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And at the end we literally have Haruka kneeling over his dead self, admitting that “it was me”.
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It is also important to note that this is the only instance in the MV where he is not waking up in his bed again.
So that is all already plenty to go from, isn’t it? But don’t worry, there will be plenty more. (Or do worry, my heart cries daily for poor Haruka.)
To go chronologically let us look at his second VD:
Metamorphosis of the Weak
This will be quick, we only have to take a look at the very end here where Haruka comes up with his suicide threat. It’s his first instinct after threatening to kill Es and becoming aware again that he can’t do that. He is making that statement with astounding ease, almost as if … he went through with it before. He knows he is capable of doing it, so he is certain and confident of himself.
On that note, I am like 99,9% certain that he won’t be successful with whatever attempt he might be starting, there will be an intervention or a reason why it’s not possible of some sort. It will most likely go against Milgram’s purpose of judging these prisoners, so it won’t be allowed that somebody escapes proper judgment by putting an end to themselves. (MILGRAM NOVEL 2 SPOILERS: Jackalope in the novel also makes a point of this, saying that the prisoners there are disposable only after they have been judged.)
But I wrote a whole post about all the reason I am certain they won't kill him off in the middle of the trials, if you want feel free to read up on that as well!
So without further ado let us go to Haruka’s second MV:
All knowing and all Agony analysis
We start at 0:12 with Haruka in his solitary confinement, the room getting flooded with water.
Here we are again with the theme of him getting submerged in water.
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And the next scene of him submerged in water right here at 0:35 in the mirror (btw. I love the direction of this MV, the blurred writing appearing in the mirror like it is getting drifted ashore by the water being one of the parts of this).
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Now here at 1:29 we have a very interesting scene.
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Sadly AKAA is riddled with a very spotty translation of the lyrics that doesn’t convey the meaning a lot of times or even leaves out some things.
This part here is the perfect example, the more fitting translation here would be: “if with the push of one button I could be reborn”
The translation exchanges the reborn with reset which doesn’t really carry the same meaning in this context, being reborn is something that you get after dying. I don’t think this is a coincidence at all. Also important detail here is that we have the frames with the butterfly specimens on the wall. The butterfly is a symbol of death and rebirth as well. This goes well with the name of Haruka’s second VD, because “metamorphosis” is the term for the transformation that a butterfly undergoes in the cocoon.
And here another important part that gets lost in translation:
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In Japanese it would more correctly translate to “I don't want to die, I don’t want to die”.
Because, yes, I do think that Haruka committed suicide. Do I think that he did it because he wanted to die? No, that was not the main objective for him. In my opinion it was either, like before mentioned, to be reborn so that he can be a more loveable self in the next life or it was the last final desperate cry for attention from his mother after even killing the target of his jealousy didn't give the desired results.
It probably also ties in with his situation in Milgram, he does not want to die, to get wiped out, but his death is once again the only means to an end that he can see in this situation, in this case forcing an innocent vote for Muu with his life as the bargaining chip. (And well, we all know how well that gamble turned out for him ...)
And then at 2:09 we have the scene of Haruka standing on the chair.
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You know what people often stand on chairs for? Hanging themselves. Doesn’t help that the barred up window in the back sort of alludes to the rope of a noose the way one of the bars is placed directly behind of him.
And here once more, with the infamous “dreaMu” line.
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As I mentioned before, I suspect his pre-Milgram suicide was by drowning, but these images could very well allude to his threat spoken in the prison to secure Muu’s innocent vote. I personally wonder how Haruka could even be aware of this option to take his own life, because I can hardly imagine him having knowledge about this with his “sheltered” lifestyle, but who knows. 
Good luck attempting that in the prison though, as far as I am aware there are no fixtures there that would allow for it, and we are talking about a person that can’t even tie his own shoes, let alone tie a noose that would hold up his whole body weight.
Here we also have another very bad translation choice, and I’m not talking about the “dreaMu”. No, the problem is that they just didn’t include the whole second part of that line which would be “and spread my wings wide”, perfectly going along with Haruka spreading his arms like wings.
As if to take flight. This could be calling back to the butterfly symbolism as well as jumping, “taking flight”, from the chair …
And at 3:00 we reach another part of the MV where Haruka gets submerged in fluid. But this time it’s not water.
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We have seen this fluid before in the MV, notably when the preserved animals started “melting”.
Preservation is the important word here, because this fluid is most likely formaldehyde (or formalin), used to preserve dead bodies. Fun fact, this is technically not the first time we see it, it might be present in Weakness as well.
This bottle here right at the beginning looks a lot like bottles that get used to store it. It is also a clear fluid before it comes into contact with what gets preserved.
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As to why Haruka has knowledge about this sort of thing is, that I could imagine that his mother had to do with animal specimen preservation, either as a hobby or for work, so he is familiar with the function of it. On that note, he might even have started killing animals to bring his mother more bodies for her hobby/work and to be praised for it.
So we are closing the MV with Haruka sitting and swaying in his “formaldehyde tank”, the very substance in which dead things are preserved, repeating the lines of wanting to be reborn to be the favorite next time, in his next life basically.
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(Oh my sweet boy, you don’t have to try so hard, you are already my favorite.)
And this is it, my theory that Haruka is literally a dead boy walking in this prison.
My heart bleeds for him, because for him it’s absolutely impossible to get any sort of happy end at the finale of Milgram and I think he would have deserved the world. Just a family that would have supported and understood him properly, a way more normal life, how his biggest wish is.
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ssruis · 3 days
Hello welcome to yet another post that was 1) originally meant to be a short thing but it rapidly got out of hand 2) caters to me specifically 3) is all over the place because I kept finding more things I wanted to talk about
The way rui approaches emotions is so fascinating to me bc like. He approaches everything with a very rational/logical thought process instead of an emotional one and he tends to either ignore his emotions or view them as an obstacle/hinderance.
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(From his gleaming stars card story)
If he acknowledges that he’s upset or unhappy he tends to just go “oh well. What can you do.” & then berates himself for not wanting to be unhappy. I feel like a lot of that can be explained by his childhood alienation from his peers.
In RMD his reaction to his classmates refusing to take part in his play once he explained the tree jump stunt & them calling him weird is to blame himself:
Little Nene: Rui, what’s the matter? Did something sad happen?
Little Rui: Nene… No. That’s not it. I pushed my show onto everyone and bothered them.
(From RMD - TL by Arven Oven)
Which is pretty telling. To Rui, the issue is that he asked for too much, that he as a person is something that must be tolerated by his peers.
But ultimately he still has faith that he’ll find his people.
Little Rui: …That’s right. People like you, Nene, who would say that they like my shows, surely exist out there. I want to make my own shows. But as of now - I think it might be a little hard.
And he *did* keep trying to find people who would accept him for a while - Wonder Halloween shows that he continued to try to reach out even after the stuff that happened in RMD, but eventually anyone he got a little close to would end up leaving & reinforcing his idea that he was too different from others to form relationships.
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(From Wonder Halloween)
I’ve seen some people say him giving up on forming relationships was due to the events shown in RMD, but I think it was more of a result of him experiencing the same rejection over and over again. The definition of insanity is trying over and over again when the result never changes, and despite what his peers may think, Rui is not insane. I think he gradually lost faith in his parents assurance that he would find people who accepted him - he begins pushing Nene, the only person who hasn’t left him yet, away.
Middle School Rui: I’m working on a solo project… but I haven’t found anyone else like you that’s willing to help.
Middle School Nene: oh, I see…
Middle School Nene: then would you like to join the troupe I’m in…?
Middle School Nene: I mean, uh…
Middle School Rui: hehe. It’s nice of you to invite me, but there’s no need to pity me. I’m doing ok on my own, and it’s for the best anyway.
(From Wonder Halloween)
Why he pushed Nene away is sort of left up to interpretation - To protect her from himself? To leave her before she left like everyone else? - but I think the assumption that her invitation is out of pity show that at least part of his decision to push her away was out of the belief that she, like everyone else, was simply tolerating him. If he assumes everyone hates him/is scared of him right off the bat, he can avoid getting his hopes up and being crushed when he’s inevitably abandoned. It’s not unhealthy or detrimental to forming relationships he’s just recognizing a pattern and using it to predict the behavior of others (blatantly wrong).
Zombie Plushies: We can tell you’re just pretending to be friends! Deep down, you’re probably scared and disgusted by us too!
Zombie Plushies: We’ll never fit in with them anyway…
Rui: …! (Never fit in with them, huh…)
Rui: When I look at them… I remember how things used to be.
(WXS world link, TL by Haruka’s penguin)
He rationalized his loneliness with “I’m just incompatible with other people” which
1) ow.
2) if he’s incompatible with other people, there’s no reason to get his hopes up because he’ll never find people he fits in with
3) if nothing is ever going to get better, he should be content with being alone. There’s no reason to be sad over a fact of life. It is what it is.
4) being sad over this is inconvenient, unhelpful, and a distraction from following his dreams (on his own)
5) inflicting himself onto others is a selfish desire and he should just keep to himself. “It’s for the best, anyway.”
6) he’s perfectly fine on his own. He doesn’t need anyone for his shows, and he doesn’t need friends.
By the time the WXS main story takes place, he’s already fully convinced himself that he’s better off alone, and that Actually It’s Super Beneficial For Him & His Shows And He’s Fine Like This.
Middle School Rui: Solitude isn’t as bad as people make it out to be.
Middle School Mizuki: huh?
Middle School Rui: In fact, it has had certain benefits for me. It’s given me plenty of time to see plays and to think over ideas for shows, for example.
(Kamikou festival)
Rui: hehe. Unfortunately, we won’t be doing a show together.
Rui: you see, I like to work alone and with absolute freedom to stage any show I want.
Rui: as long as my shows fill my audience’s hearts with joy, I’m perfectly satisfied.
(WXS main story) (“I’m perfectly satisfied” me when I lie)
I feel like it’s overlooked that the only reason rui joined wxs was to get nene in the group. I’m probably going to talk about his continued pushing of Tsukasa’s limits/suggesting insane stunts and over emphasizing how dangerous they are at a later date - and how that was (imo) an attempt to find the point where Tsukasa would hate and leave him too -
(surely this is too good to be true, Tsukasa/wxs will be like all the others -> wait he’s not calling me a freak and leaving ok I guess I’ll go full throttle on the insane shit surely at some point he’ll get tired of me -> he got injured because of me and he’s still here?? what the fuck???? Well now I care about him & this group so I need to pull back I’m not going to get a second chance)
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(Wonder Halloween)
- but I would like to briefly mention that Rui literally suggests risking Tsukasa’s life right off the bat & when Tsukasa is like “?? I don’t want to die???” Rui just goes “alright I’m out of the group I guess bye. have fun nene!”
Rui: Don't worry, the device can be securely attached to the stage in a way that will keep the audience perfectly safe. Please make sure you don't touch it or you'll die.
Tsukasa: what about keeping ME safe?!
Tsukasa: I’m not going to risk my life on-stage!
Rui: but you said you’d perform any role I gave you to, quote, 12000%, unquote!
Rui: I'm afraid that I have no choice but to step down as a stage director. Nene, good luck working with these people.
(Wxs main story)
Unfortunately humans are a social species & emotions don’t follow (faulty) logic so rui *was* unhappy on his own and he *did* want to have friends. Which I’m sure he continued to call himself selfish/greedy for feeling. Rationalizing all of this was a way he could accept/make peace with being miserable (because it must be this way, because this is how it will always be).
Rui: I was the same a long time ago… I gave up on fitting in with anyone.
Rui: If they don’t understand me, that just can’t be helped, if they disagree with the way I think, that just can’t be helped… I would think like that.
Rin: Rui-kun…
Rui: - in reality, I really did want to put on a show with someone else. But people didn’t understand the shows I was making. On a subconscious level, I convinced myself it wasn’t going to work out and gave up on the idea.
(WXS world link)
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(Wxs Journey to bloom animation)
This added scene from the main story animation adds to this - why he leaves WXS did have to do with Tsukasa yelling at Nene, but the reason he doesn’t come back after Nene forgives Tsukasa is because Tsukasa’s self centered attitude is something that antithetical to a belief that Rui thought he’d given up on a long time ago: great shows *can’t* be made alone, no matter how many times you insist that you don’t need anyone else. As much as he denied it, Rui *did* still want to connect with people and be accepted - not just for the purpose of making shows, but to have a place where he belonged. For the first time in years Rui got his hopes up, started believing in what his parents told him, and Tsukasa proved to him that he never should have done so in the first place. Unlike the other times, though, Rui is the one to walk away first. & then tsukasa/wxs do the whole “true feelings” show etc etc we know how the main story ends.
That being said, I think that Rui still subconsciously believed WXS would grow to hate him and leave because he would finally be Too Much. Wonder Halloween showed him that this wasn’t true (Which is why it’s so important that the zombie plushies in the world link performed potato ghost to connect to the other plushies - it’s the show that was performed when Rui fully realized that wxs was not going to abandon him.) but I feel like that only cemented the fact that wxs would keep performing alongside him, not that they were his friends.
Rui also very clearly did not process or evaluate how his childhood impacted him.
Nene: When you talked about the old days, you seemed happy.
Rui: fufu. I don’t mind it anymore because it was so long ago.
(His RMD card story - TL by Rubilia Heartfilia) (me when I lie part two)
After so long by himself, with shows as the only thing he had, I think that having a connection to people *outside* of shows was completely unfathomable to Rui.
Which is why he’s kind of incapable of realizing why the idea of leaving wxs hurts him so much,
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(Curtain call)
why he doesn’t realize why he starts holding back in wonder Halloween or why he holds back on the cheer squad,
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(Cheer squad event)
And why he’s surprised that wxs cares for him not just as a director, but as a friend.
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(Festival bathed in twilight)
I make fun of him for taking a year to finally be like “yeah tsukasa-kun and I are friends” but I think it’s pretty reasonable taking his trust/abandonment issues into account. Accepting Tsukasa’s offer to join wxs (twice) changed his life drastically - he realizes that he can connect to others outside of shows, that it’s possible for him to form relationships with people outside of wxs. Rui just needed to make the choice to accept the outreached hands - not changing the parts of himself that people previously deemed too weird or strange (not that he was ever going to do that anyways) but changing his attitude of “it’s just impossible for me to be accepted.”
Rui: I had always thought that I could never properly understand everyone around me.
Rui: as I started doing shows at Wonder Stage with everyone, my way of thinking and feelings began to change.
Rui: now, I am able to understand and connect with someone without relying on shows, and I’ve come to value the beauty of laughing alongside others
Rui: that’s why — tsukasa-kun. Thank you for giving me the chance to change.
Tsukasa: but… it’s not only just thanks to me, y’know?
Rui: eh?
Tsukasa: think about it. No matter how many chances I gave you, if you had refused to change, you would never have done so, right?
(Pandemonium, TL by Tsukasa’s #3 fan)
This is also why he tends to berate himself for having the very normal desire to hold on to wxs. He’s never had something like this before, where he has people who accept and love him as he is. He’s never wanted to keep something as badly as this. He’s asking too much of them, he’s imposing like he did with his classmates in RMD, he should let them leave. It’s the mature thing to do. He spent so long on his own, he should be fine going back to that, isn’t it selfish and greedy to want more?
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(Curtain call)
(Talking abt wanting to keep doing shows w wxs and his actions in OHE) Rui: Now that I think about it, I’ve been pretty selfish.
(World link)
Rui: (…When the time comes, even I, too, will have to move forward.)
Rui: (…Moving forward, can I do that?)
Rui: (…Geez, I really lack a backbone. When will the time come when I find myself satisfied with the way things are?)
Rui: (While working to make my dream come true, together with everyone, I will make their dreams come true. A way to do that - let me think of one.)
Rui: (fufu, how greedy of me.)
(Curtain call - TL by Arven Oven & Tsukasa’s #3 Fan) (fuck you ensekai)
I think that, in future events, he’ll (hopefully) come to realize there are more people who will accept him (& get more trust ranks. Please.). I think it’s an impossible ask for him to be completely fine with wxs going their separate ways some day (and the same goes for everyone else in wxs), but I think when the time comes it will at least be bittersweet and with the knowledge that he can find other places to belong & that his relationships with the rest of wxs is strong enough to withstand not being in the same troupe. Things can’t stay the same forever, but change doesn’t have to be bad. Etc etc.
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assigning PJSK characters media i've enjoyed at some point that i think they'd like:
Ichika- Omori (themes of a friend group drifting away... yeah. is it ever actually said if Ichika likes gaming? cause i get the feeling that she would)
Saki- Lego Friends (the Lego itself i imagine could've been a fun activity to pass time during her hospital years, but i imagine her also being entertained by the various animated series)
Shiho- Sumikko Gurashi (she seems to like cute things secretly, plus two of the mascots are penguins)
Honami- Strawberry Shortcake (i loved it when i was younger and it has such Honami vibes, she canonically likes baking and desserts, as does Strawberry Shortcake's titular character)
Minori- Little Witch Academia (i feel like she would soooo relate to Akko's insane persistence and ambition despite not succeeding immediately. plus, cute witch show and Minori is cute, and a witch in that one card set)
Haruka- Octonauts (can imagine it being a favourite childhood show. like me, her favourite would definitely be Peso, the penguin character)
Airi- Disney Princess movies (especially the ones with a lot of action like Brave, Mulan and Frozen)
Shizuku- Lego Elves (the prettiest Lego theme in my opinion!! Shizuku gives me the vibe that she'd like fantasy :D)
Kohane- Adventure Time (idk i can just imagine Kohane liking cartoons in her free time)
An- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (action and friendship and lesbians!!)
Akito- SK8 The Infinity (just... vibes. also cause i saw a post once that pointed out the parallels between him + Toya and Reki + Langa from SK8)
Toya- Your Lie in April (can imagine the character of Kousei hitting him pretty hard, even if his circumstance wasn't quite as extreme as Kousei's)
Tsukasa- A3! (it's fitting for W x S in general though since much of the story at the beginning is about restoring and saving a theatre. Tsukasa would probably relate to the Tenma in THAT game due to both of them having, err... self assured personalities)
Emu- Hello Kitty (ESPECIALLY that old series, Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theatre!! loved those when i was younger and i think it's perfect for Emu- cute iconic cat mascot AND theatre)
Nene- Six the Musical (she likes musicals and that's one of the only ones i've seen soooo)
Rui- Voltron Legendary Defender (you know he tried to recreate the robot himself)
Kanade- Witch's Heart (i believe canon says that she likes video game tracks but doesn't play them herself cause she gets lost in the music, and Witch's Heart has some great music)
Mafuyu- Coraline (perhaps the Other Mother would somewhat remind her of her own...)
Ena- TBHK (i think, like me, the unique art style of that anime would have caught her eye)
Mizuki- Barbie movies (especially the ones that had fashion elements like Fashion Fairytale and Thumbelina)
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doctorbunny · 16 days
Hi! I hope you don't mind the sudden question, but i got really into Milgram recently and was wondering: What reasoning did people give when they voted Haruka guilty in the second trial? Like, generally speaking, what did the consensus seem to be?
Haruka is a character i strongly relate to, so i have a lot of Thoughts about him.
Firstly: Wow the start of the second trial was that long ago, huh 😅
Secondly: I need to explain that Haruka's trial was a bit different than most Not sure how recently you joined but in a normal trial, the MV will upload the same day a CD releases, and stuff like the instrumental, DECO covers and most importantly the voice drama will be officially uploaded at the same time
But for Haruka, due to some unspecified CD issue, we were getting the MV as planned then wouldn't get the voice drama for another two weeks This will be very important to his voting
Thirdly: Going into his trial, things were uncertain, a lot of people really liked Haruka and were very worried for him due to his new relationship with Muu. Whom many saw as a potential bad influence or threat. I won't get into it too much, but before this trial it was definitely more common to have a.... soft image of Haruka as a harmless little guy who had gone through a lot, who just made some mistakes because he didn't know any better
Its worth remembering that without the context of AKAA, Weakness is a very dream-like MV and not many were sure which parts were real or imagined One of the biggest debates about weakness was about if the blue haired child was a younger bother or Haruka himself It all seems quite quaint from here Some people thought Haruka might not have even killed a person, just animals, I was even considering a theory suggesting Haruka was in milgram for his own suicide (in the words of Danganronpa 'killing the person who is most important to you: Yourself') The girl with the plait wasn't thought about much as other than a possible childhood friend due to her being shown running next to young Haruka.
Fourth: The premiere of AKAA was super emotional and intense, it was a beautiful MV But like Purge March later, it would contextualise parts of Weakness we didn't expect it to Mainly the animal murder and the girl's death.
But without the voice drama, many were unsure what verdict would be best for Haruka Despite the failure of T1 Amane, many still thought we could fix the prisoners through voting right Some people saw this vote as a chance to get Haruka to break up with Muu if we played our cards right Overall people were confused and conflicted and couldn't wait for the voice drama to come out I think the best summary of feelings is a comment from the top of the AKAA comments section
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This was posted right after AKAA came out and reflected a common mood
This part of his voting period was very strange. Because of the uncertainty, people were pretty split People didn't think he deserved an innocent verdict, but they didn't want to punish him so harshly with a guilty one either And it turned into an interesting situation: What happens if a prisoner gets exactly 50%? It was an unlikely truce between two passionate sides but for about 2 weeks straight, 50-50 was sustained Or more accurately, it was a constant flux of 49.9-50.1, changing by the hour if not minute (I actually dreamt up a fic of this causing Haruka to get a migraine but like most of my fics it never materialised)
Then the voice drama released
At the time I was the mod of the second biggest milgram server (rip Fancult - unfortunately that place got nuked so I'll have to go off memories alone) so I got to watch as a lot of people gathered and listened to the VD at the same time We were still waiting on translations, but still people could appreciate the acting and pick out key words like the prisoners' names and... other common phrases
お母さん, "Okaasan" The Japanese word for 'mother' or 'mum'
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By the time we got to here it was Harukover 😔
Then a second Okaasan hit the verdict
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And this giant mess ended with the suicide threat that's been haunting us for the rest of the season...
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Needless to say, people were not too pleased
The 50-50 pipe dream was immediately shot down and betrayed
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This graph (by paiplushie on twt) shows it pretty clearly
One thing to keep in mind is that even before Muu's MV was out, people were certain she'd be voted guilty, there was a fervour for it (mostly because people saw her as having taken advantage of Haruka and having the wrong attitude towards her verdict)
For some reason, voting Muu innocent was never really considered an option
It was 'Haruka threatened to kill himself if we vote Muu guilty, how do we stop him doing that after we do' [personally I voted him innocent because I had a pipe dream that if both Haruka and Muu were inno then they'd be obnoxious about it but unharmed]
People justified voting guilty in different ways, some thought it'd make him break up with Muu and not want to die for her, some just didn't want to enable his action (threatening suicide is awfully manipulative) and some people genuinely believed that physical restraint was the most effective way to prevent him from attempting suicide... which all I'll say is I disagree with that logic
But yeah, once the VD was out it never really showed any signs of returning to inno
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thatanimewriter · 2 years
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➳ synopsis: who cries on their wedding day (they all do)
➳ character/s: nanase haruka, tachibana makoto, ryugazaki rei, hazuki nagisa, matsuoka rin, yamazaki sousuke, nitori aiichirou, mikoshiba momotarou, kirishima ikuya, kirishima natsuya, serizawa nao, shigino kisumi, shiina asahi, toono hiyori
➳ warnings: swearing, reader is the one walking down the aisle (rei) but otherwise no roles mentioned
➳ notes: i don’t know where i got this idea from, it popped into my head and i looked at the list of characters i write for and thought that this worked the best for the free! cast. also, i can’t imagine any of them NOT crying?? maybe to varying degrees, but they’d all shed a tear or a thousand
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  
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sousuke is a strong man
he’s not, but let’s just pretend he is
he doesn’t cry over things like this
yes he does
but when he saw you for the first time in your wedding outfit, he nearly broke
but like we said
he’s a strong man
he doesn’t CRY at things like YOU in a JAW-DROPPING OUTFIT >:((
this is unheard of 
he’s perfectly fine and it’s just dust thank you very much
he won’t cry in front of you or the guests
because he’s just
but when he returns for the reception
and you ask him if he cried
because his eyes are kinda swollen and red
absolute lies
he said he just took a breather
but you know he went off on his own to sob to himself
because the remnants of tears are still there
and no, you’re not gonna mention it
he couldn’t lie
he almost got teary just seeing you for the first time
but he managed for the ceremony
as for in between the ceremony and reception?
don’t worry about it :))
he just needs a moment to sob it out
but it’s a happy sob
he’s definitely yelling to himself how happy he is about marrying you
and as private as he wanted this moment to be, everyone CAN hear him
he is a very loud man
everyone doesn’t know exactly what he’s doing
 but one can assume he’s jumping up and down like a kid
probably in denial a bit 
he didn’t imagine this would ever happen
so this still feels kinda like a dream
only until the wedding finished
and he woke up the next day to see you sleeping next to him
wedding ring glinting in the morning sun
immediately starts crying
because he’s not alone anymore ;v;
and he has you
he’s 100% embarrassed he’s crying over this
and he’s 100% glad that he did cry the day after
very level-headed
he’s very absorbed in him not fucking up his vows
but once the ceremony is over
he’s done for
just stood by himself for an extended period of time
the poor man
he cleans himself up before coming back to you
but you know what he’s been doing
and honestly
because you’re probably not any better :))
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what a little bitch
he can remain as stoic as he wants
but you don’t miss the tear that rolls down his cheek
his eyebrows raise just a fraction
and this look of absolute admiration crosses his face
haru.exe has stopped working.
in middle school, you’d never see him cry
but how can he not shed a tear when you’re getting married?
our usually unemotional bean is in a place he thought he would never be
and god
it feels so fucking good 
he has an obsession with beauty
we all know this
so when this beautiful THING (you) appears
lip quivering like crazy
vision gone blurry even though he’s got his glasses on
and a lump in his throat
can barely get through his vows
honestly, you’re happy he cried
because you had said previously
‘if you don’t cry when i walk down the aisle, i’m turning around and we’re trying that again.’
so it’s good that he got it right the first time-
what a soft boy ;v;
audible gasp when he sees you for the first time
jaw dropped and just staring
he doesn’t even notice he’s started crying a little bit until you comfort him
he’s fine with it though
it’s HIS (and your) wedding day
he can CRY if he fucking wants >:((
i say that as if he would be able to control it
he can’t
not a single thread of toxic masculinity in this man
he would wrap you in such a tight hug and cry into your shoulder
but he wouldn’t ruin your outfit, he can wait until you get home and can finally go to bed
this tease oml
he’s still gonna keep it light-hearted
this is your wedding day after all
makes the stupid ‘kiss me’ joke
but he can’t finish it without his throat closing up
and his eyes filling with tears
he claims he had a flashback moment
where your entire relationship just flashed before his eyes
you’re pretty sure he’s just emotional
BUT if that’s what helps him sleep at night-
you’re not complaining
because he’s your husband from that day onwards, you’ll let him process it however he needs
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it took waking up for this bitch to cry
i am not kidding
he woke up and chose tears
it has been 3 minutes after waking up
and he’s already a goner
he can’t wait for the actual ceremony where he continues to cry like a baby :))
and that he did
cried through the entire ceremony
but survived well enough
he can’t give a speech at the reception though
he’s hopeless
hides his face in the paper he wrote his speech on and got it wet ._.
he doesn’t know what emotion he is
is he crying of happiness, excitement or fear?
probably all three
manages to calm down
after the rest of the style five boys give him some more confidence
and then their work is immediately reversed the moment he sees his parents in the front
and then he improved a little bit
and then he went right back to being a mess
because of your mere presence
and the words ‘ i now pronounce you’
the rest of that sentence was a blur because he just dove in to kiss you
probably cried about the wedding for the rest of the week
oh boy
he’ll cry at anything
so his wedding day will be a moment and a half
anxious knee-bouncing on the car ride to the venue
and anxious sighing until the ceremony starts
he both desperately wants to see you and wants you to stay far away
can’t get through his vows without sobbing
he went through an entire tissue box by himself
and he cried most of the way through that as well
especially the speeches
my god, the speeches...
likely said he’d be fine
and uhh, yeah
he definitely wasn’t
his shirt is probably soaked
don’t even bother with the blazer
it’s ruined
he’s in a whirlwind of emotions
and he doesn’t know how to escape it
because when this absolute piece of art is standing in front of him
his brain malfunctioned
after the vows and everything he was fine though
that night when you went to bed he wasn’t
ikuya is an emotionally troubled man
and it fucking shows
he’s literally never felt like crying more
natsuya and hiyori bullied him for it FOR SURE
which made him super embarrassed
and probably made him cry harder-
the first time he saw you, he tried suppressing it
tried to get through his vows without crying or fucking it up
tried to regain his composure for the speeches during the reception
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archivalofsins · 6 months
Happy belated birthday to Kotoko Yuzuriha.
She had a very interesting one, right? So, here are my thoughts on her interaction-
Contents warnings for discussions about domestic violence and suicide beneath the cut.
I was talking about how I felt in private about the timeline interaction since yesterday. I didn't really want to give a kneejerk reaction. However, it really sucks to be Mahiru. Everyone is rightfully concerned about Haruka due to his threats to harm himself. However, I have one question in regard to that-
Why would he need to discuss his plan with Kotoko at any point in that process?
In the discussion I had the only valid reason given was to avoid having his death look like anything other than a suicide. However, this is pretty easy to contradict. In the first Milgram novel we read the equivalent of someone committing suicide by cop in a hospital room. Now the novels are not a playbook for how the web series is going to go.
However, both books are an indicator that the staff is well aware of every method one could conceivably commit suicide. Both books cover the concept of self-harm in depth for various reasons. Haruka is not asking Kotoko to assist him in any way in fact it's quite the opposite. He is asking for her to not intervene with what he is going to do.
Now to be frank we all already know how Kotoko feels about the other prisoners. Especially given her second trial CD that came out. However, she's consistently been shown to have a soft spot and respect for Haruka. For reasons that have yet to be illustrated to us.
21/12/15  (Kotoko’s Birthday)
Haruka: Ah…… H-happy birthday, Kotoko-san.
Kotoko: ……thanks. You’ve definitely changed a bit. Do you remember before? You could barely even talk to me. Haruka: I-is that so? Now that you mention it, I, I maybe have got a bit better since then. ……m-maybe I’ve got more used to being around people. There’s other people here who are interested in me, and, um, in particular Mu-san pays a lot of notice to me…… I… I’m enjoying myself here…… Kotoko: ……hmm. It’s just a theory I have right now, but I get the feeling the outcome of Milgram’s judgements are having some influence on our mental state. Well, I only noticed because I happened to be last up though. Good for you, then. This must mean that you’re fine. ……I’ll accept those birthday wishes.
Even going as far to extrapolate on her own observations about Milgram without any actual prodding from him. Something she did not do with the first individual she discussed this situation with.
21/10/24 (Shidou’s Birthday)
Shidou: ……oh, Yuzuriha-kun. It’s unusual so see you around this early. Wishing me a happy birthday…… probably isn’t the what you’re here for, huh.
Kotoko: No, it is. Happy birthday, Shidou. Though it’s not like I bought you a present or anything. But while I’m here, I’d also like to ask you something. Has anything changed for you recently? Having nightmares, hearing voices, feeling anxious…… anything like that. Shidou: Not especially, no. ……ah, so this is about how Kajiyama-kun and Shiina-kun have been strange recently? And she’s been trying to hide it, but Amane too…… We’ve been living in these conditions for a while…… it’s not unusual for there to be an impact on us mentally. Are you worried about them? You’re a very caring person. Kotoko: Hmm, so you noticed? If nothing’s wrong with you, then that’s good. ……if I’ve understood properly, that means you’re safe…. Once again, happy birthday, Kirisaki Shidou.
Despite her conversation with Shidou tentatively confirming her suspicions about Milgram. She decides to not disclose her observations as she willingly chooses to do with Haruka despite his unclear interest in the topic. I don't know if she's behaving this way towards him because she has a soft spot for him or due to her not taking him seriously as a threat.
Add to this Haruka's behavior and statements prior to Kotoko's attacks and well that's when things get interesting-
22/06/22 (Haruka’s Birthday)
Mu: What’s wrong, Haruka-kun? Did something happen? You shouldn’t look away like that when you’re together with me. Haruka: Ah, s-sorry, Mu-san. Um…… No, it’s nothing. I just, suddenly got a feeling. That something is about to happen. Mu: Isn’t that because it’s your birthday? Or perhaps it’s a sign the guard is about to wake up again soon? Fufufu, I bet they’ll be really surprised at a lot of things. Haruka: That, might be true. But, I want the- The guard to see. ……the new, me…….
Then directly after this the attacks happen. That's some convenient timing. Except it's not really, is it?
The entire prison is a panopticon, the cells and rooms go in a full circle. So, much so that in Es' voice drama the cells are referred to as times on a clock. From one to midnight. In that sort of set up and being as out in the open all the time as Mu and Haruka are stated to have been by multiple prisoners.
Well, it's not out of bounds to believe he saw Kotoko preparing and said nothing about it. It's a good reason for her to be so accommodating when it comes to being asked to look the other way herself now. We know from her voice drama what cooperation is to her. It's being able to do the things the other can't. So, the fact that she's agreeing to cooperate at all in any capacity means there is something she can get out of it by cooperating.
Which already shoots the idea of this being a suicide out of the water because if it was that- Would such an idea really illicit this response from Kotoko?
Kotoko Birthday TL Translation (12/15/2023)
Haruka: ...Please, be quiet about this. And you, please don't get involved. All I can do is ask this of you... Kotoko: Fufufu, fufufufufu. You're thinking some outrageous things. To be frank, it's abnormal. But I don't dislike it. If only all sinners were like you. Haruka: No... That's not it... I don't mean it that way... This isn't for me... it's to protect... so, Kotoko-san... please... Kotoko: Eh? Yes, yes. Well, I promise not to interfere with your plans. Even though I'd like to do it myself, I'll leave it to you. What happens after that... depends on Es, doesn't it?
To be frank like Kotoko, I don't believe she would give one's rat's ass about what Haruka does to himself and neither would Milgram. It's been illustrated (again in the novels) that the prisoners can self-harm within the facility. Also, that they can partake in self-harming behavior during the trial.
Again, the novel isn't a playbook for how the web series goes but Jackalope plainly states to Es and the audience the only restriction during the trials is the prisoners cannot fight each other. Never adding on any other restrictions to this.
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We also see the characters partaking in harmful behavior towards themselves over the course of the trial be it mentally or physically. Like Milgram wasn't stopping Haruka from holing himself up in his room and not eating. The only person who intervened with that was Mu. So, honestly if he was worried about Kotoko interrupting his attempt he has the perfect time to do it right now as she cannot attack him as the trials are still going on and he is free to do whatever he wants to himself.
I'm not trying to be crass or dismissive of his threats of self-harm. Suicide ideation is a real issue and can cause great harm to an individual. However, there's a difference between threatening to harm yourself in order to protect another person/get something and actually facing this very serious and severe mental health issue.
What Haruka did is a manipulative tactic that people in all sorts of relationships use to get what they want. Validating that with his desired response would have been morally incorrect in my opinion.
This behavior is incredibly bad and emotionally manipulative full stop regardless of how much I like Haruka as a character. Takeaway here is never let someone else purposely leverage their physical wellbeing against you to get their way. Yes, you feel like the bad guy if they do it, but you aren't obligated to do things you don't want to or are uncomfortable with to avoid a threat, they put on themselves.
That's not how that works. That's just manipulation. Doing what Haruka did in this trial is a form of domestic violence. Here's some sources on the behavior-
What to Do If an Abuser Threatens Suicide
When Your Partner Threatens Suicide
How to Deal with Coercive Suicide Threats
As someone who has personally struggled with suicide ideation and depression. As well as someone who has had the above done to them several times by multiple parties it feels incredibly disrespectful and gross to have this sort of manipulation legitimized in any way. However, it makes sense that it's being legitimized. Because that's the point of making coercive threats like these.
The point is expecting the other person to be better than you so much so that'd they'd want to do anything to avoid having another person be hurt or die. The point is going prove you care more about me than your personal beliefs, security, emotion and physical health. Then if you say no I'm not doing that you're the bad guy, you're the uncaring heartless piece of shit that'd rather hurt two people by voting one guilty at the expressed expense of another's life then just forgive another person.
I forgave Haruka because I understand how he got here and empathize with that. However, that does not change the fact that what he did is textbook domestic violence and manipulation tactics. And it's so fucked up that people are still going if he does anything it's our faults when no it's his fucking choice nobody forced him to make that threat. That is a reflection of his character.
Furthermore, as shown through this if he wanted to, he could have by now. No one can stop him during the course of the trial. If he was worried about it not looking like a suicide because Kotoko attacks him well, she fucking can't right now. This is actually the best time to do that not during the intermission where the chances of it appearing ambiguous are highest.
Sooo what does this timeline mean?
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It means exactly what it meant the last time he pulled a I think something is going to happen right before someone else's birthday.
22/06/27 (Amane’s Birthday)
Kazui: What’s up, Shidou-kun? You’re looking pretty down. I guess you must be tired, I’ve been relying on you a lot lately. Shidou: Yeah, I just remembered…… today is Amane’s birthday. I’m just getting a bit sentimental. Kazui: Hmm, it’s unfortunate, but at the moment we can’t worry about that. ……you understand, right? There’s something that you need to do right now. And if you tried talking to her your words definitely won’t reach her. Don’t look at me like that. We’ll just wait until the situation changes. Let’s do our best. Shidou: Yeah. I’ll do what I can. I can’t have a child making a face like that. Even though we’re “murderers”…… we’re also the adults here.
Everyone is here rightfully worried about Haruka. It's human instinct to just jump to tunnel vision onto the easiest threat to perceive. However, the audience only perceived this threat because he made it. He continued to make it during all of trial two. That doesn't mean he has the intent to follow through and it's a disservice to people who have actually been manipulated in this fashion and those who actually struggle with suicidal throughts to have their experiences and struggles compared to someone acting in such an overtly manipulative way.
Especially someone who very clearly stated these things for all to see-
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The fact that he talked to Kotoko and asked her not to interfere with what he was going to do only cements that for me. Because the only thing that Kotoko cares about that she would interfer with or come into conflict with someone about are people interfering with her self-given job of prison deputy.
Meaning if someone were to do what she considers to be her job or intervenes with it they will immediately come into conflict with her. Regardless of whether they are Innocent or Guilty. She is then going to have an issue with that person even if it does not escalate to violence.
Something shown here-
22/08/05 (Kazui’s Birthday)
Kotoko: ……Mukuhara Kazui. Thanks to you, I wasn’t able to properly serve justice to those who did something unforgivable. I’m currently acting as an agent for our prison guard Es. Don’t get in my way next time. Kazui: Oi oi, don’t be silly, Yuzuriha-chan. There’s no way I could just look away from your outrageous display of violence. Anyway, even disregarding the fact violence against those voted guilty isn’t a part of Milgram’s system, what you’re doing is just acting recklessly based on a broad interpretation. As long as I’m free myself, I’ll stop you. Kotoko: ……what a pointless argument. Hmph. Since Es forgives you, I have no choice but to forgive you myself too. If you to keep to your words, then you’d best do what you can to keep being forgiven. If you’re not, then next time you’ll be one of my targets. Kazui: Oh, how scary. That girl truly is frightening. ……well then, I wonder what the guard will decide to do with me. That’s the one thing I really can’t make out. Honestly……
Attacking the prisoners she's meant to be in charge of while Es is asleep would technically be stepping into her territory or trying to take her postion. Something that would immediately have her and whoever tries it come to blows regardless of verdict. So, him talking to her at all about not interfering with whatever he has planned is already incredibly suspicious and makes me severely doubt it has anything to do with harming himself or harming himself only.
Ultimately this timeline could mean a lot of things and only highlighting a threat Haruka put on himself is exactly why he put that threat there to begin with. It's difficult to think of him hurting someone else when he's already very vocally committed to harming himself if a certain outcome was not given to him.
Yet instead of highlighting the audience not taking that threat seriously in a told you so way now. It's important to recognize the fact that the threat existed and was one he made at all speaks volumes about the sort of character he is. regardless of if you like him or not. It's important to recognize that people who do this to get their way are emotionally neglectful and harmful to those around them and such behavior should not be incentivized/rewarded ever.
Either way whatever Haruka has planned is going to be interesting and may not be happening on Mahiru's birthday since trial two won't have closed by then and if he is planning to attack another prisoner, he cannot do it before the end of the trial. Which is why he's planning ahead by discussing things with Kotoko so far in advance.
However, that's just my interpretation of everything that has occurred so far. I could be wrong, and it could just be about him doing that. Still doesn't change the fact this is a very awkward timeline interaction to come up right before Mahiru's (a person who has only gotten sicker and sicker over the course of trial two) birthday.
So, here's hoping Mahiru has a decent birthday next year.
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drops mmj pronounce and queer headcanons and runs
establishing right off the bat that All of Them are lesbians and polyam. so I don't have to individually list that in their bullet points
she/it/clover transfem agender
realized her lesbianism and gender identity from a young age. seeing Haruka for the first time made her realize that she wanted to be a girl and Minori's family has been nothing but supportive. Later on, Haruka was also her lesbian awakening.
also resonates a lot with xenogenders, specifically many of the animal related ones
she is very proud of her queerness, but that pride in its identity was used against her in conjunction with the other things about her that could socially isolate her. like her bad luck, constant enthusiasm and passion for her interests, clumsiness, eccentricity (cough cough neurodivergency cough co- *dragged away*), etc. In my head this would contribute to her, in the past, being that person who everybody knew and said hello to but not many people bothered to stop and really befriend and listen to. Besides her few close friends that were accepting of her quirks (like the girl we see in Dear Me, From Back Then), I think Minori would have been kind of socially isolated - it wouldn't have affected her majorly but it definitely would have influenced her low base level of self-worth and the way she perceives herself. whoops JESUS CHRIST I went on a tangent there huh maybe i'll just make another post about this it lives in my brain
they/he transneumasc nby
likes playing around with his gender expression but he still feels a little apprehensive about it. In general, he has trouble being accepting of themselves and their identity both as a lesbian and genderqueer person. It's very tied to his fear of change, his need to keep up a certain image of themselves, and his previous experiences in The Industry. he's come a long way in expressing himself with MMJ's support though!!
wears a binder often. "Yeah, I'm just wearing a binder to further enhance my disguise in public" -> "huh. huh I like this. oh wait. huh."
"I'm probably on the ace spectrum but I have a show in 3 days so I don't really care about that right now"
she/her transfem
started transitioning from a pretty early age, like Minori
specifically is a femme. the femme label is very precious and affirming for her
i'm pretty sure this is just canon but Airi ties her transness and girl-ness to her idolhood, and worth as an idol, a lot. MMJ is helping her work on undoing this self-damaging outlook on her identity. it'll take a hot minute but she's getting there :)
Sort of bullies Haruka and Shizuku into letting themselves experiment and express themselves freely. Minori then makes sure Airi is following her own advice about this topic.
they/she/fae (+ a whole lot more neos) egogender
They struggled with finding a label for themselves for a while until Minori helped them do more research on the topic. and then she realized that her gender is just. Her. She likes just thinking of her gender as just. being herself :) *I am we are starts playing*
plays with her gender expression A Lot. Like Haruka, but More. she does as a part of discovering herself beyond the image her old agency had forced her into and letting herself express herself more and realized that her perception of how her identity manifests changes quite often. Also like Haruka, she is still nervous and apprehensive about fully going with the flow and expressing herself.
she plays with her gender perception often enough that she's questioned whether she's genderfluid. fae does not have a definitive answer to that yet
Like Minori, also resonates a lot with xenogenders
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good-beanswrites · 4 days
WAH HEY BEANS!! okay so i was looking at the plushies and merch again and i suddenly had a thought in LCSyS, what are their thoughts on like merch?? i have no idea if you've mentioned this before and if so i am silly. i can totally see fuuta go OH NO IVE BEEN TURNED A MARKETABLE PLUSHIE
YES AHAHAHA I love that!! This is for the gone-public variation of the au
This made me realize the wide range of official merch, plus I think a lot of them would love supporting artists once they're out and have access to the internet again lol. Overall I think the plushies would cause the biggest stir around the facility 😂 I mention bootleg merch, like when you have random companies making weird/ugly knockoffs -- I don't think real Milgram has that but it was a fun idea for the story lmao
Haruka isn’t used to having his own image on so many things. The others are really sweet about taking care of his plushie and doing kind things for it to boost his own confidence (although there was One Singular Moment of jealousy where his tiny counterpart was getting more attention than himself and needed to be talked down lol) He and Muu have plushies of each other that they’ll plan cute matching outfits/accessories with.
Yuno loves her own plushie, and is excited to share it with Yura. She takes really good care of all the plushies she has, and they genuinely bring her warmth, especially post-milgram when they all separate <3 She (or maybe Mikoto, I haven’t decided) gets only the weirdest/most concerning buttons on her personal bag. She loves her Borderline Suicidal Fuuta, Crazed Bug Muu, Grieving In A Hospital Shidou, Rats Mahiru, and so on. She asks Amane for permission to add Waterboarding Button to her collection. For her more public displays, she likes the aesthetic things from the anniversaries and birthday art. She loved those days of dressing up for the photoshoots, so they carry nice memories as well as being super cute. 
(I tagged you in the art I thought of, but yeah,) Fuuta puts up a big act about how weird and capitalistic it is to have merch of oneself, how plushies are “for kids,” and also how ugly/skrunkly his t2 one looks... His refusal to interact with it only makes the others interact with his more. I can see some of the prisoners (*cough* yuno *cough*) carrying around their Little Fuuta and sharing full conversations and activities while he looks on in horror. In the end, he caves in order to set a good example for Amane, and keeps a few in his room. He never admits that he also gets really attached >:3 Another secret -- he likes using the special bluetooth headphones. He thinks they look cool and the voices are a fun touch, but he’d never dare tell the others. 
Muu has one of those really aesthetic merch bags where she keeps buttons, plushies, stickers, keychains etc. She has a little something for every prisoner, but there are definitely a few who have some shameless favoritism… Once out of Milgram, she makes a lot of social media posts focused just on the plushies in different locations and outfits. She keeps them in pristine condition, caring a lot for them.
Shidou gives the plushies to his kids, and the prisoners laugh/brag about which one each child chose as their favorite. (I also like to imagine the conversations Shidou must have with strangers: “aww your daughter is so sweet! Who do you got there, honey? Aw, you’re squeezing ‘em real tight! Is that your favorite disney princess or something?” “Ah, that’s a little doll version of the divorced cop who lives a few streets over. In a prison uniform.” “O.oh…?”) He likes adding stickers to his tech, using some of the cases, and thinks the album covers look nice to display.
Mahiru goes crazy over the plushies. She sews little mv outfits for all of them, alternate outfits, and other accessories to hand out. She starts planning on making custom plushies for other people – her bf, Hinako, Shidou’s family, Lucky, etc. She was genuinely upset by how sad her T2 plush looks, thinking no one will love it – Jackalope breaks his experiment-long internet ban only once to sit with her and scroll through pictures that people had posted of them treating the plush kindly because of her looks. Also, even though they broke up, she excitedly shows her bf the buttons that feature the two of them 😅
Kazui already has a lot of records/CDs collected, and he makes a really nice display of all the albums for his wall. The other prisoners love gifting him bootleg merch of his own videos – tshirts and things from random companies that are juuust off somehow. (I have no clue about her sense of humor, but maybe one day Hinako wears one of the Cat marriage buttons like “I got married and traumatically divorced and all I got was this this stupid button)
Amane would have tried to match Fuuta acting too cool for the plushies… if it weren’t for every single other person absolutely fawning over them. She can admit to loving them and carries a different one to set with her each day, treating them kindly and dressing them up with Mahiru. She also enjoys adding stickers to her notebooks and things, they end up completely covered by the time the later mvs come out. At the very end of the experiment, she ends up using merch to cover up the old cult stickers on her backpack.
Mikoto owns the most of his own merch, claiming “it’s John :)” (and then John points to the same things claiming “it’s Mikoto :)”). They each have a T1/T2 plushie to carry around, though they end up like that Garfield "to be loved is to be changed" plush -- they really go everywhere. Mikoto gets those anniversary art shirts with the prisoner’s face taking up the whole center, and wears it to each of their mv shooting sessions, much to their embarrassment. He owns a lot of the stands to keep on his desk while he works, using them for rubber-ducking when needed. He posts I feed him rocks.
Kotoko prefers the more general things when she goes out, feeling like it’s odd to show off the other’s faces out in public. (They claim they’re famous anyway, but she insists you can never be too careful.) So she wears a lot with the main milgram logo/inno and guilty symbol/Jackalope/etc. In her personal space, though, she has a ton of the others’ things, and tries to play down how much she really likes the plushies :3 When Mahiru’s finished with it, she’s excited to show Lucky both of theirs.
Everyone owns a lot of Es merch. They try to be subtle about it post-reveal and not overwhelm their poor guard, but it comes out eventually and does scare them just a bit. 😅 Later, Es really enjoys having something of each of the prisoners close even when everyone goes back to their lives.
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meowunmeow · 3 months
Undead Unluck Chapter 199 Spoilers!!
This is Part 2. Part 1 here
I can't tell who's the first one, can anyone tell me their guesses?
Juiz using Unjustice because all War is about hurting others so he's hurting himself!! She really said "if you wanna kill so bad then kill yourself".
SHORT HAIRED JUIZ YIPPEEE fighting Justice no less. No wonder she decided on duelling and nothing else.
Omg full mask Juiz 😳😳 stabbing Sick right in the chest lol. That explains why he was so arrogant in the Sick Arc, he's facing a new opponent.
Once again with the whole "Soul sees humans as equals instead of lesser beings". But that might explain why he's the first seat outside of being the eldest daughter, he's smarter than the rest.
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Aww the makeshift sling from Haruka's apron 🥹
So while Luna and Soul were having a chat, Top was having a soul meetup before dragging Beast around the Earth several times.
But hmm... "Bunch of athletes I respected"... Could it be they gain Unstoppable only after becoming professional athletes? They probably had to give up their passion for the sake of not hurting others under the guise of retiring early :((
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For a moment, he looked like his old self aww :,))
And woo!! Julia got her Panpanda wallet back!!
So it seems that Julia was already told who the remaining recruitments are (Kururu, Backs, Tatiana but my coping ass wants to believe that Feng and Lucy are included too and Ruin too... I guess...) as well as who's next
Haruka forcefully making Top's tsundere ass nod is peak buff girlfriend activity
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Fuuko is either predictable or Soul is just too insightful. Either way, I love these double panels.
And yippee!! Soul upgrade for everyone!! Knowing Tozuka-sensei, he'd probably make it a timeskip again, oh well...
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Anyone who predicted that Language Arc would have a communication issue and give Tella a chance to shine because of his communication speciality are definitely kicking their feet and giggling rn
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Oh damn at least there's a cooldown, unless that she's attacking them while they have this debuff. That would be so sick, like they have to rely on fighting without an important aspect - communication - as well as fight against the clock. Man, I'm so hyped!!
12 hours of silent battle AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
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And aww Nichico moment spotted!!
Looks like she went beyond simple astral projection if she's this much of a threat to them...
I like to think the reason is actually more petty in the loop is because Nico defeated her easily in a 1v1 match in the previous loop and she's so salty that she wants to kill his future wife and prevent Mico's conception as well as make him extra depressed Ghost Arc style
And we don't exactly know the extent of Lan's ability either... But seeing how a lab member is bleeding from the mouth and she's sitting on him so nonchalantly and Nico looks so wary... I'm excited to know
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That's all for now, I can't wait for the Language Arc to start! IM A NERD FOR LANGUAGE IF YOU CANT TELL ALREADY EHEHEHEHE
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yakuzacanons · 10 months
Hi friend!!! :D I hope you're having a great road trip so far (I know it's gonna be a while for you to answer this one but it's okiee take your time, just wanted to thank you for writing these amazing headcanons!! <3)
So, I'm a sucker for marriage. Can I request some headcanons about how the boys would propose to their partner?
BRAIN GO BRRRRRRRRR yes you absolutel can have these headcanons ahooga. Also thank yew, road trip was gouda. Headcanons below da cut sweet anon, thanks for your patience!
Kazuma Kiryu
Most nervous about planning the proposal, actually. Worried about where, when, and all of that. He'll be surprisingly calm during it though, much to his own surprise.
He'd pick somepalce rather intimate, definitely not the type of guy for public proposals. Honestly might just go the classic route and propose to you while the sun sets on the beach in Okinawa.
Only other person who knows any details about his proposal is Haruka. She totally contributes, like hiding the ring box in her room because she knows you won't look in there.
Majima Goro
Debates for a long time if he's going to go the typical over the top route he does with... pretty much anything else in his life. Asks Kiryu and Saejima for advice, to which they both kinda blush awkwardly and are like "How the heck would I know what to do?"
Shockingly, he decides to also go the more intimate route, although maybe less romance movie tropey than Kiryu. Probably takes you up to a rooftop the two of you relaly like to hangout at, or some other place where you both have a lot of fond memories.
Most nervous of all of the boys DURING the proposal itself. You might honestly be able to pick up on it due to his sudden fidgety behavior a few minutes before it actually happens.
Saejima Taiga
He'll keep it fairly plain and simple. No frills or lavish giant public proposals here. Saejima wants to keep it as real and genuine as possible as he sees this as essentially THE confession of a lifetime.
Won't go too crazy with planning and will likely settle for doing a date that repeats your first date together. Visiting all of your favorite spots or maybe where you had your first kiss is a good setting for him.
Might propose on a rooftop or in a park but will make sure there are no crowds nearby. He wants to be able to lay out all of his feelings before popping the question and he needs some amount of space and privacy from the world to do this.
Akiyama Shun
Total class act. Fancy dinner and all. Brings flowers and everything. Probably secretly asks the waiter to pull some strings in the kitchen for a nice dessert.
Asks Hana advice for what to do. She helps him pick out the place, ultimately. She makes him do the ring shopping though and refuses to give him input on that.
Nervous the entire time, both while planning it and during the proposal itself. Akiyama is a romantic at heart but honestly marriage was kind of always a distant fantasy for him, so it's totally crazy for him to actually be doing this.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Our boy is a MESS. Has zero idea what to do. Where the heck do people even get rings? Does it matter which knee people get down on during a proposal? He has no idea.
Spends the most amount of time out of all the boys picking out a ring. He knows this is something very special and important so he puts in the time accordingly to pick one out.
Might honestly propose at Homeland after getting them to prepare a special dinner for you both. Proposes in private though, makes eveyone leave the restaurant before he gets down on one knee because he's shy as hell.
Ryuji Goda
The LEAST nervous of all the boys about proposing. It's kind of expected for him to get married someday given his position in the Omi Alliance, so the concept has been on his mind somewhat for a good while.
Confident in his ability to pick out a ring and he will indeed pick out something very nice. Unlike most of the boys, he can plan a proposal all by himself.
Think Akiyama on steroids. It's not just a fancy dinner, it's a PRIVATE room in the nicest restaurant in town with your favorite bottle of wine chilling when you arrive. Hell, private chef too if he can find one. Gets down on one knee after dessert just as the sun is setting.
Nishikiyama Akira
Out of all the boys, he's probably the easiest to sniff out when he's planning a proposal. Tries to play it cool like everything is normal but it's super obvious when things are not normal.
Asks Kiryu for advice on places to go ring shopping, to which Kiryu is like "Uhh... Le Marche? Where else do they sell rings..." which isn't much help. Might just go ring shopping WITH you after proposing, if you're into that.
He'll wait for an anniversary or Valentine's Day to pop the question. It lets him use the holiday as a cover up for all his scurrying around making plans.
Daigo Dojima
Similar to Ryuji in that he always knew he'd likely get married at some point due to his status. However, unlike Ryuji, he has ZERO clue what he's doing. Isn't panicking outwardly but is a little palms sweaty if you know what I mean.
If he asks anyone for advice, it's his mom. He wouldn't bring it up to other Tojo Clan members and plus he trusts his mom of all people to understand him and what he's about to do. They have a pretty decent relationship and she'll be glad to see her son getting married.
With Daigo, it'll eventually go down one of two ways. If you share a home together, he'll plan a private dinner at home with just you two and send all of his staff home so you can have the place all to yourself. If you don't share a home together, he'll take you on a weekend vacation and propose the night before the vacation ends.
Mine Yoshitaka
Good at ring selecting, bad at proposal planning. He's got a pretty good idea of what kind of ring you'd want but when it comes to the act of proposing itself, he's not sure where to do it.
Would end up taking you on a very special date, something the two of you hadn't done before, like going to an opera. It'll definitely be something that requires you two dressing up. Even by Mine standards, it'll be a rather fancy affair.
After the event, he'll take you to a really nice rooftop bar late at night and that's when it'll all go down. It's semi-public but he'll still try to keep it intimate and won't try to draw attention to himself.
Tatsuo Shinada
Despises public proposals. The idea of proposing is plenty scary and he doesn't need a hundred people watching. Having said that, he's not the best at getting all fancy, especially since he can't always afford that, so planning is pretty hard for Shinada.
It's cheesy but he might just end up like putting the ring on a cupcake and giving it to you at home after spending all day together doing cute things, like going to bookstores and getting food at some local restaurants.
The least traditional of all the boys to be honest. Don't expect the whole down-on-one-knee things. Shinada's pretty spontaneous so it'll be a unique proposal for sure. Most likely man to propose with a ring pop or something.
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