#And as I said it’s definitely likely that mikoto would be hurt but at the hands of “himself” rather
laniemae · 28 days
Could John start hurting himself in trial 3?
So I’ve got a lot of theories for trial 3 and stuff but this is the one I want to talk about first since it was the one that stuck out to me most yet I haven’t seen people talking about the possibility
I actually wrote about this theory quite a while ago which I’ll just link to but I definitely do think it’s very likely but hasn’t been discussed much.
For a brief summary of the post I made it’s a theory on how John may have self harming desires but doesn’t physically hurt himself as he’s afraid of hurting Mikoto. Basically it’s how the reason why Mikoto’s clothes are so tattered is because John has been ripping them apart in another way to harm himself but not physically hurt Mikoto. Heck, there’s very clearly bite marks on the clothes so I highly doubt it was from the fight with Kotoko. And as well as just ripping his clothing it probably explained the breakdowns John is said to have at night especially in that one minigram where Es heard on it and there was a lot of crashing sounds and stuff breaking, even ripping sounds which definitely matches with what I was saying. So John does all of this in a method to self harm as a stress reliever but not physically harm Mikoto.
So here’s the trial 3 theory. As of recently Mikoto has stopped denying John’s existence as everything he’s seen in heard it’s just too much for him to deny anymore. And instead of that he’s began to hate John so much and blame him for every bad thing that’s happened, even going as far to blame him for what happened to Mahiru even though it was very clearly Kotoko’s fault. And with John, he loves Mikoto. Dedicates his entire existence to him and despite all the constant trauma and suffering he’s endured the only thing that keeps him going is the possibility that Mikoto will love him and praise him for saving him.
“Hey now, I saved you, right? So why in the hell are you crying?
Cling to me, hoist me up as your "savior", stand up and sing out your gratitude, that'd be good.”
Judging by these lyrics, it seems John is somewhat aware that Mikoto is denying his help but still wants to believe it. Even Neoplasm he says how Mikoto’s entrusting him with his heart, which can either be he doesn’t fully know about the hatred or is denying it. But what I’m really worried about is how much Mikoto loathes John in trial 3 and what he could do.
As I said earlier John dedicates his existence to Mikoto and I couldn’t explain how John may feel after he would realise his hatred for Mikoto  aside from his entire existence being denied. I already discussed this in another theory but for John to so deeply love Mikoto and dedicates everything to protecting him and only holding on with the possibility of approval and being told he did a good job, only to be met with unimaginable hatred from the person who he idealises as someone who could never hate anyone must be devastating on so many levels for John and… you can tell where I’m getting at here.
So what would happen next? Could perhaps John feel so betrayed by Mikoto that he could go to actually physically hurting himself out of conflicting feelings around Mikoto? Loving him like that but feeling so betrayed and hurt that he just tries not to care about Mikoto any more and harms himself out of both previously established coping mechanisms and spite?
It’s hard to tell here, as John is one of those characters who it’s very hard to predict what would happen next so who knows what he might do. I just believe this may be the most likely based off things that have been implied and established.
And just to address a potential elephant in the room is I highly doubt John would disappear in trial 3. That’s not how it works, and just because Mikoto may not be Guilty any more doesn’t mean he would be relieved from all stress so John definitely would still have his purpose. And I think it’s most likely why John claimed that he would disappear was that he believed Es hated him and wanted him gone, so he claimed that he would disappear if Mikoto were to be voted Innocent as a way to sway Es to that verdict. And there are lines such as “I’ll play dead even if I’m alive right?” And “can’t get rid of me now” that definitely imply that he will stay or perhaps pretend to go dormant which perhaps would be interesting as we’ve seen him masking as Mikoto in the minigrams before so it would be interesting if he does that in trial 3 perhaps. And side note even though this is kinda cheating theory wise but it would be stupid to remove John from the story like that so uhhh.
#milgram#mikoto kayano#John kayano#john milgram#tw sh#tw self destruction#I just wanna say I’m sorry for bringing up such a dark subject matter like this in a theory sense#It’s just when writing about the darker themes in milgram I always get scared I’ll offend someone by how I talk about it so sorry#But trial 3 is certainly gonna be crazy#This theory is one I’ve had for a while and thus easier to write but I’ve got a lot planned#Like it definitely seems like how in trial 2 kotoko was the main antagonist/one causing conflict and it definitely seems#That in trial 3 amane will fufill that role#Which I mean I am uhh really exited about that because Amane’s my favorite and I love character who fuck up everything#But from everything we’ve seen the whole thing with fuuta and Shidou she’s going to be the one starting the whole chain of events#And there’s definitely a lot of theories on people who could suffer or be injured because of everything#Definitely Haruka but that would be from himself#But from the amane thing potentially Shidou if she or fuuta attacks him#Maybe mahiru if Shidou can’t treat her if she’s injured which could be really bad I’m actually very worried for her#And fuuta if he goes too far deep into the ideology and actually takes off his eyepatch but that’s kinda hard to predict#And as I said it’s definitely likely that mikoto would be hurt but at the hands of “himself” rather#And with kotoko I have absolutely no clue how she would react to the guilty verdict but that unpredictably makes it more exiting#I’ll have to talk about kotoko and the others in a separate theory because it’s so complicated but aughahhan hiatus brain no#And kinda off topic with the mood that I’ve kinda set with this post#But looking and analysing the lyrics of meme and double for this post#I found it pretty funny how John is actually really affectionate when referring to mikoto#Like of course the “snuggle together and say good night” lyric which is funny because how that does not fit John normally but does make sen#And in double he uses words such as basically “welcoming home” mikoto and in those freeze frames whispers of good morning#Which one again is really funny as edgy boy misanthrope John has said almost uwu fanfiction stuff canonically#But it totally makes sense to his character which makes it all the more funnier but kinda fucked up as from what I’ve said in the post#Why am I talking about something funny like this? Maybe I’m just too worried about talking about dark subject matters I’m sorry
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oboetemasuka · 2 months
Order of Attack, part 14
When you thought you were saving someone, but you were only doing them harm.
Amane visits Fuuta yet again, while Es interrogates Mikoto. If these events are concurrent, wouldn't it be more poetic?
Huge thanks to @lostxmelody and @laniemae for the pointers on the John section.
We're really almost done here... I've already got Kotoko's half-a-VD written out, just waiting for proofreading. Then one chapter left after that. (not counting side stories)
(cw cults, suicidal thoughts, self harm)
"Kajiyama Fuuta, how are-" Amane stopped in her tracks when she got a good look at Fuuta's face. His eyes were so dull, almost sunken in. Eyebags went down his face as far as they could. If she thought he couldn't have looked any more lifeless before, she was proven wrong now.
"Constant pain… as always. But fine… it'll be worth…" he groaned.
She had told him as much, so why did she feel so wrong? "Are you really okay with that?"
"Why not? …better than numbing… to obliv…" His words were so much more strained than before.
"You don't sound okay…" 
"…fine… be over soon…" Over? He couldn't mean-
"Hold on, let me get-" Get who? Certainly not the doctor sleeping in the corner. What about Yuno or Mahiru, then?
"No need… can manage… my own…"
This wasn't right. But who was Amane to steal a trial?
"I'm sorry for being so worried, but it feels like things are going horribly, horribly wrong."
"All accord… …plan… …you said… " Fuuta mumbled.
Amane did say those things before, didn't she? So why did it feel so bad to have them echoed back at her?
"What about you, though? What do you want?"
"…like… …was said… stay course… perish…"
"Something wrong…?"
Yes, everything was wrong. What had she gotten him into? How was she supposed to respond to her own words?
"Amane… what do… want… for me… follow… …light…"
"I… I don't know what I want," she admitted. "But it isn't this!" Tears streamed from her eye. She made no effort to hide them. "Fuuta-san, I don't want you to die…"
Fuuta's eyes were closed. He was… definitely asleep. Did he hear what she said?
Amane glanced at Shidou. She didn't want to get him, but honestly, he was the only one who knew how to help. She could just claim she was about to leave; waking Shidou up was the responsible thing to do so as not to leave Fuuta alone. She wouldn't say anything about their conversation, just let Shidou figure out what was wrong and do his job. She would just turn a blind eye and pretend she didn't know what he would do.
She hoped Fuuta would be okay.
Mikoto tugged the chains and laughed nervously. "Dangerous? Me? Warden-kun, you make funny jokes."
Es was sure the look on their face was the opposite of joking. "I know you're not clueless… or am I wrong?"
"You're so mean," Mikoto responded with a chuckle. "Though… I think I know what you're referring to." He swept his hair to one side in contemplation. "It's about Koto-chan, isn't it?"
Es nodded.
"I honestly don't remember beyond what the others told me. I just woke up and saw Fuuta and Amane horribly injured, with Shidou-san looking over them. I was hurting too, but they obviously needed help more."
Only now did Es realize that the attacks impacted Mikoto as well. "So did you eventually get help?"
"Oh, I didn't. It seems everyone is afraid of me, so I don't want to bother them. It's so strange. They say my actions saved Amane's life… That's like calling me an unsung hero to my face. It hurts, you know?" Yet he still said that with a smile.
"That must feel bad, indeed," Es replied flatly.
"Warden-kun, you're so cold. Everyone is. They won't even let me visit after what happened with Fuuta, apparently. I don't even remember what happened!" There was a crack in his voice.
"What are you getting at?"
"It's so lonely here. I can't visit anyone, and nobody visits me." Mikoto rested his chin on his hand. "Haru-kun was the last person to visit, and that was so long ago."
Es felt bad for Mikoto, but that didn't change what a liability he was.
They also felt bad for how they were about to steer the conversation.
"You scared of me?" The newly named John growled.
"Why should I be? You did get folded by Kotoko."
"Psh, she just caught me off guard. This time, I got the jump on her."
"I don't know… based on what I heard, the fight was a draw."
"Which means I didn't lose."
"Tell me, what were you doing in Fuuta's cell in the first place?"
"What's it to you?"
"I want to get a sense of your motivations."
"Hah, my motivations? Isn't it obvious?"
"Answer the question."
"So I tell you a sob story, and you forgive 'me'?"
"Answer the question, John."
John huffed. "It was all to protect 'me'. When I heard the scream, I thought that 'I' would be next. I went to seek out the threat so it wouldn't get the jump on me."
"You went all the way from across the panopticon?"
John shrugged. "It's best to stop threats early."
"I see. You had excellent timing."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You saved Amane's life, you know."
"Good for her." John clearly couldn't care less. Of course it wasn't about Amane. It was about Mikoto.
"Then would you say you've done a good job protecting the one you meant to protect?"
"The hell are you asking me about?"
"Mikoto has been ostracized because of your actions."
"My actions? All I was doing was keeping 'me' safe. You're the ones who put 'me' in this hellhole!"
"I had no hand in bringing anyone to MILGRAM."
"But you didn't forgive 'me'. That was the tipping point."
"I can't say I had any reason to judge otherwise. The footage was really incriminating."
"That was my doing," John said immediately, eyes wide with desperation. "I got us into MILGRAM." And he was ready to plead with Es to get them out.
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walnutofthedead · 1 year
Can you do Yandere Mikoto x Gn! Reader headcanons?
Hahaha hah djbdhddhhdhd
The ask I’ve been waiting for frfr….
I’m so normal about yanderes (they’re fun to write leave me alone)
So uhm I MAY go a wee bit overboard here??? And May or may not have ended up doing the yan alphabet?? This is for Mikoto and not his alter, if you want an orekoto one just lmk <3
Prob will do a shortfic later
Yandere shit under the cut
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
I see Mikoto as a physical affection type of guy tbh- Like, he’s still really sweet! Always nice with his words, but he’ll like randomly hug you from behind, hold your hand, a lot of things that most regular couples do. 
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Well… in terms of like, actual messes, he tries to be clean! Mikoto doesn’t particularly even want to hurt anybody. He’s not ALL bad…
With that said, sometimes, he has to. If someone is trying to steal you away and doesn’t heed his warnings, or if they hurt you, he has no choice but to put an end to that! 
If someone hurts you, he’ll be more brutal.. not above torturing them if they’ve gone that far. 
If it’s because he’s jealous, he’s a bit more nice. He doesn’t make it too painful. Maybe a blow to the head, a fast-acting poison… 
After all, he can’t blame them for falling for you just like he did! It’s impossible not to~
They just don’t get to take you away from him. Never. 
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Nono! He’s a sweetie:c Mikoto honestly would just treat you with genuine respect and love,, be like, he loves you! He knows he’s already done something awful by abducting you and is sympathetic. Prob tries to make it as comfortable as possible. 
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Well… he’s definitely do a lot of hugging and stuff like that… but the furthest he’d go without (implied or direct) consent is just a peck on the lips<3
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
So here’s the thing- he’s delusional as fuck. He’ll just treat your relationship like he’d treat any regular one. He’s never invulnerable around you, but there’s definitely times he’s more vulnerable. Don’t hurt him please the silly:(
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
So confused and betrayed. You love him, so why are you fighting him? He only wants what’s best for you! 
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
He takes this shit so seriously- istfg bro hates it when you try and escape :((( kind of a pushover tbh- like he’ll probably just try and make it even more comfortable for you whenever you try to leave. 
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Being abducted is the worst it’ll get. Even while captive, he treats you with such care it’s baffling- he loves you!!!! Cmon pooks love him back ong
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
I feel like he daydreams about marrying them… like he has it all planned to a T. Probably already designed an outfit for s/o to wear at their wedding. We love a ✨ prepared ✨ mans 
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He gets jealous and inhales lethal amounts of Copium. The poor silly
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Nah bro just acts like his normal self but like,, slightly more happy???   
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Just approaching regularly, he has no issue going up and talking to them! When confessions are involved though, he has a much harder time… probably would opt for a love letter. A long, well-written one with little doodles on it !!
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Lmao nope
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He kinda just.. wouldn’t..? If he got really pissed somehow, he might like, lock them in their room or something… but he avoids using violence when possible. 
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Not many! When he abducts them, he’s strict at first, but eventually even lets them go out so long as he’s there with them. 
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He’s incredibly patient. He doesn’t get angry very easily, and when he does, he calms down fairly quick. This is assuming he doesn’t switch to Orekoto, of course…
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Haha no
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Oh, absolutely. He’d feel like actual shit about it. Even with all the gaslighting himself to try and justify it, he knows taking someone captive like this is awful. And especially for such selfish reasons… that’s why he tries making it up to them by spoiling them! 
He won’t let them go though. There’s no going back once you kidnap someone. 
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Hm……. I’d say probably just emotional dependency and bad attachment issues. He just happened to get a bit too attached to s/o. 
-bonus hc: he gives his friends nicknames to make it feel like they have a deeper friendship than they do so they don’t drift away from him ! 
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Oh, he hates it- just seeing them sad or afraid breaks his heart. He doesn’t know what to do, so he just tries his best to comfort them with words. 
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Give his darling some MOTHERFUCKING FREEDOM-
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
His willingness to trust. As I mentioned earlier, he gives a lot of freedom, and that only increases as his trust in them builds. Once he’s convinced they do, in fact, love him, and won’t try and leave, he’ll begin letting them go out alone for short periods of time so long as they let him track their location. You can already see how that could turn out in an unsatisfactory way for him…
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Nope. Or at least, it would take a lot for him to lash out and do so. And even then, it wouldn’t be that bad. 
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He doesn’t really worship them per se… but he will totally go to extreme lengths to win them over. No amount of time or money or effort is too much if it means a chance at winning his darling over <3
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Depending on outside factors like other people pursuing them, it could be anywhere between a few months and a couple years. 
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Haha no. 
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prisoner-000 · 8 months
Hey, here's a fun question: Which lines are sung visually/directly by the characters in each MILGRAM MV?
Weakness: Haruka's 'Ah, ah, ah's' are also shown in video form in the chorus. He definitely does have that manner of laughing in canon, but I'm not sure there's much to say about it. He has every disease
Umbilical: No lines are sung/said. This might resemble Yuno's whole 'innocent girl with little agency' thing that people saw her as at first. She doesn't even get to say anything in her own story.
Bring It On: Nope. No lines sung/said. Like with Yuno, I think this might be taking away from Fuuta's agency on purpose. To portray him as more of a follower that got out of hand instead of the group leader. Though this may also be a budgetary issue, as Milgram's animation was pretty limited at first, they couldn't afford much lipsync animation.
After Pain: Arguably, her part with holding on to Rei's sleeve can be lip-read as 'I'm sorry/gomenasai' which would sync up with 'gomen' in her lyrics, though I think it's supposed to be more of a parallel than a direct spoken line. It's still a very fun detail that I don't see people talk about that much!
Throw Down: No spoken lines. This time, I think it's just Shidou putting up that barrier between the audience and what actually happened with his backstory, making it more vague and unclear.
TIHTBILWY: "I'm sorry!" In the scene where Mahiru looks at the camera, and maybe also her monologue on the phone? The lipsync doesn't quite match up, but it's possible. The fact that the only proper thing she says is "I'm sorry" hurts, though: She really does know she did something horrible and wants to atone for it, but doesn't know how.
half: "The curse of reuniting with you puts a dagger in my heart; I imagined you saying "See you" was the same as "It's over"; Only if your heart would change, but that's not possible; Please tell me what I should do, feelings shrouded in lies will float and away and disappear" (essentially: the entire chorus). It's notable how this is all sung during Kazui's performance on stage, once while wearing his mask, once without.
Magic: "See?" (From 'See, isn't it a great thing?') and "God/Wise One" ("Kami-sama" from 'Dear Wise One, is this ok?'). To me, the 'See?' is directed at herself, convincing herself that the things that happened to her were actually good. The whole song is just Amane trying to justify all the horrible things she went through.. And the visual cue just makes that more obvious :(.
MeMe: "Why am I here? It must be a mistake, right? Take a good look at me" and "Never forgive" (from "I will NEVER forgive you if this is happening to me even though I'm right"). First one is pretty self-explanatory, I feel like the second one has some implications about Mikoto's judgment of other people, mayhaps.
HARROW: No spoken lines! Due to the lines being more general in establishing Kotoko's goals and not really towards any one person in particular, it might have been awkward to fit a speech segment into the video. So. Hmm.
All-Knowing and All-Agony: No lines are sung directly except for mayyybe an "Ah" in the middle. I think they might be trying to highlight Haruka's tendency to Ah, eh, hm, in his speech mannerisms, with these being his only visually spoken lines.
Tear Drop: "Shut up" (from "Just shut it, will you? You know it all") and "So nauseating... So creepy... will you please disappear". These are very clearly said to a person in particular; though also possibly just her clients that infantilize her in general. Love that these lines get emphasis considering Yuno's character.
Backdraft: "So worthless!/What a load of crap!" and "Come up to the ring and face me!". Very much still Fuuta's tough guy act talking to the people that judged him.
It's Not My Fault: "We are just the same" (from "I am doing this just because I'm bored, we are just the same" and "I'm always so pitiable!" (Translated as "I'm always the drama queen" but this sucks as a translation so.. lol). Aimed at Rei, mayhaps? The first line carries some very interesting implications with it. Wasn't here for the drop of this MV so it's probably already been analyzed to death..
Triage: "I want to be forgiven, I want to live!" Ohh Shidou.. be careful with that developing savior complex. Basically Triage's whole message summed up into two lines.
I Love You: Just a simple sigh. She's too exhausted to say anything more than that.
Cat: "Phew, wow, I'm drunk.. Hey, if I said I liked you, what would you do?" and arguably him breathing out smoke/sighing at the end. Infamous confession scene. IMO, this is still him confessing his feelings for his friend, which leads to that insane downwards spiral that ruins his life.
The Purge March: No lines spoken. Due to most of the MV taking place before the murder but the lyrics being about her motivation for murder... Yeah, it's natural no lyrics are visually said. (Since they also want to keep her actual murder scene vague).
That's all we've got so far!! Hope you enjoyed :-) if you have any thoughts feel free to add on!
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I'm strongly against voting Amane guilty because :
1) I'm against voting any prisoner guilty in general. It's my human rights activist side taking over, sorry. I refuse to put anyone through any kind of psychological torture (constantly hearing voices putting you down and such), and I'm not even talking about restraints, this is just. No. Ever since trial 2 began and Jackalope explained what the guilty voting inflicted on prisoners, and implying that it will get worse as trials go on, I've been set on either abstaining or voting innocent. Just making sure that everyone is voted innocent (which has failed so far, as Haruka and Muu have been voted guilty.) But here it's even worse as Amane has been abused and tortured probably her entire life. I refuse to do the same things as her abusers. And that is enough of a reason for me to vote her innocent regardless of any other circumstances.
2) idc about the "what if she hurts Shidou" argument. Because if Kazui is voted inno, he probably will protect him and if he isn't, it's not like Kotoko's situation where she was the 2nd strongest prisoner. Amane can probably kill Shidou if she wants to, but only if no-one tries to stop her. This time, we're talking about one of the weakest prisoners. Shidou might not defend himself because Amane is a child and we know what he thinks of being put to death by a kid (his dream come true, in the end), but there are other prisoners who will definitely try to stop amane. Yuno for example. She won't let Amane get in the way of Mahiru's recovery. Mikoto's alter can't be restrained as of now (though Jackalope said he was working on it so who knows) so he might step up and defend other prisoners if voted inno (I would have said Haruka as well because he hates children and is the third strongest prisoner (according to the arm wrestling match results), but he'll be restrained and probably working on his suicide, so I'm guessing he won't be able to do anything).
But I get it. I get the argument. Shidou may be injured. But he can probably take care of himself and others still (he got voted 81% guilty he's basically the prison's god atp). And even if he's not able to patch himself up, I'm sure he can ask help from other prisoners (like Yuno). And really, right now, I'll be putting the child's well-being above Mal Practice's potential safety if you'll allow me. Oh and lastly, idc about Shidou the guy can die for all I care (this is a joke, but now you're aware of my own bias at least.)
Also this is a reminder to vote Kazui inno if it's the state of the prison you're worried about, because it's probably the best way to keep safe as many prisoners as possible. If you don't care about prisoners getting hurt, then don't bring up the Shidou argument for guilty Amane (although I haven't seen anyone making both the argument to vote Kazui guilty "for his own good" and Amane guilty "for Shidou's safety" yet. People have been fairly consistent with their arguments so far.)
Oh and did I mention that you have the opportunity to avoid putting the 12 year-old who was abused her entire childhood through even more torture? Yeah anyway. Vote however you want but for now I have laid out my main argument for inno Amane and counter argument to guilty Amane. Make what you will with that.
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archivalofsins · 23 days
Hey, why aren't you taking about Milgram as much-
There's literally nothing to talk about. It ain't due to the harassment. It's legit just nothing to talk about. What am I supposed to do repeat the same shit I've already said but shorter this time? Bet.
The Mikoto brought in by Milgram definitely committed those murders and not the other one.
Yuno's murder isn't abortion and stating it could be basically equates abortion to murder which it is not. While also not explaining the several men that have consistently been alluded to and their blacked out belongings in Umbilical.
Shidou killed people in comas and vegatative states not brain dead individuals. Brain death is pretty rare its not something that happens often. This man would either have to be incredibly unlucky, working in a hospital that's incredibly unlucky, purposefully inducing brain death in his patients, working in a hospital that specializes in brain death (which, why??? but okay i believe you.), or lying to the family members about them being brain dead so they decide to pull the plug which family can choose to do in the cases of comas and vegetative states which he basically states he's doing in fucking Throw Down at several different instances.
Mahiru cheated on her significant other and this has been foreshadowed since the start of Milgram (her statements on Mikoto someone who is as social as her having cheater energy, and her going I'd never do that ever actually wouldn't that be fucked up. Similarly to how Mu said she'd never be a bully.) And it's bluntly alluded to in the lyrics of I Love You.
Amane seems to have killed someone other than her mom and I'm pretty sure I know who and that's probably the thing she's referring to when she's talking to Shidou and states all her decisions weren't good ones.
Everyone here has killed more than one person. These are all serial killers. Shidou just believes he killed the most, but if it turns out they're ordered by kills, then that would be Mikoto and Kotoko. Which I find that concept fucking hilarious. But Mu only had one victim wrong, driving people to suicide also can be counted as murder under certain circumstances, and both her songs imply this is what she did with other people through her bullying. We just saw the one person she killed directly. So, there's your suicide counts as murder too for those who wanted it. Also, another of Yamanaka's characters before Mu causes people to die the same way and at points is implied to have staged incidents to look like accidents and suicides. What about Futa though- He's been implied to have hunted down everyone else involved in the hat girl incident and I find this very funny given he asks why he's the only one here- What about them when he probably knows full and well they're dead.
Also, for straight fun- here are all the references to Mahiru's songs in the latest Deco*27 song Aitai-lians or at least the ones I saw and brought up in private the day it released-
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"Love>a pain, that's incredible but that equation flips so easily don't you know."- "We fought sometimes, I was happy to get hurt. Let's have matching pain, this sickness is pretty bad."
"(hey) miss you, (grr) wanna see you, (sigh) where are you, (gaa) I need you (but) can't have you, (grr) can't see you, (sigh) can't find you, (gaa) can't hold you- Kill me now."- "If you don't hug me even our hearts will start drifting apart." "Sigh... No appetite, I can't sleep, my hair's a mess. What am I supposed to do now? If you won't tell me I can't be me." Along with her saying in voice drama if she can't love like she wants she'd rather die.
"You throwing around that later such a bitch ass move"- " 'See you next week' sounding in cadence."
"Still addictted, but actin' stupid and pretending to be a good girl"- "I pretended to be a good girl but really I don't want to say 'I'm ok'."
"Miss you"- "Love and Miss You."
"Where are you"- "Tell me, oh tell me why, are you not here anymore?"
"Calling you"- "Ring-ring I'm calling you in the middle of the night forcing you to wake up and I say 'Good Morning'."
"Don't test me"- "Even when I test you, even the times we do the breakup ritual."
"Oooh, who dis? I'm so much better, I'm green-eyed, shit. As for lovin' you can't beat me in that department."- "Do you really think you know what love is? If you do, let's just overheat together." "My lethal weapon: This Is How To Be In Love With You."
"You *dumped* me but you're smiling seriously go kill yourself already."- "Kiss goodbye to this feeling because it's too heavy. I can't no way, no way, no way." "Die."
Mahiru: Don’t say you like someone so flippantly! It’ll disappear…… words like “love,” don’t use them!
"Wait who was the hero of this story, huh, can't remember.", "I wanted you to be the hero of this story you know."- Both these lines can play on the fact this line applies both to Mahiru and her victim in her second song "This adorable, earnest, sincere heart is bleeding wailing this is the end."
Though the term hero has been related to Futa a lot as well. It can also be used under framing people in the right within the series or innocent something Mahiru currently I'd and wanted to be. However, she admits to herself doing more wrong in the relationship throughout both her songs. So she clearly knows she's not the hero here.
Also, not speculating this will be her next cover song or anything. I just find the similarities between her songs and this one interesting. I would like it if this was because it would be interesting while fitting with the other ones she got. I just want to wait until the next trial song trailer to speculate on that in depth.
But no, in seriousness, I don't say much unless I have a lot to say and can put enough time into it right now. There's not a lot left for me to chew on. Since I did my in-depth stuff over the course of the trial so I've mostly been taking a break and playing games.
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sea-owl · 2 years
Sasuke was 5 years old when he learned his soulmate's name.
He watched in a trance as clumsy words, as if the writer had just learned them, appeared on his left arm.
Hi! I'm Sakura!
Sasuke stared some more before he gasped in realization, he's seen this before! Itachi-nii had writing appear like this on him as well. He has said that his soulmate can write to him on his skin!
Sasuke runs around the house looking for a marker, finally stealing one from Itachi's room. Using his best penmanship he writes back.
Are you my soulmate?
Sakura writes to Sasuke for hours, telling him how excited she is to start the ninja academy and become the best kunoichi in Konoha.
By the time Mikoto calls for dinner Sasuke thinks of telling his family that he's been talking to his soulmate. But then again, if he tells his family then Itachi-nii will want to meat her and everyone likes Itachi more.
Sasuke pulls down his sleeves to hide the writing. He wants to keep Sakura to himself for a little bit longer.
Sasuke was seven when he became the only survivor to the Uchiha massacre. He was never more grateful that he never spoke of Sakura to his family.
Sakura doesn't know he's her soul mate. When they were kids the excitement of writing to each other led to Sasuke forgetting to tell her his name.
He's never been more grateful for it now. He couldn't imagine the danger Sakura would be in if word got to Itachi that she's his soul mate. And Sasuke knew if he ever said her name and soulmate in the same sentence then Itachi would know.
Sasuke made sure to keep his distance from Sakura. It was hard. On rougher days when the nightmares would not stop Sasuke had to restrain himself from running up to Sakura and hiding her away where he could protect her. He started to wear arm coverings so he could reread every word Sakura wrote to him and not wipe it away like most do, or waste chakra bbyu having a genjutsu constantly over his arms.
He had to be content with writing to her. For her own safety no one can ever know. He was grateful that Sakura was content with just them writing to each other, choosing to have their bond be platonic, at least on her side.  
The writing was their only communication after he left with Orochimaru.
I wish I could hate him
Sasuke blinked at the writing. Did Sakura mean him?
Pulling out a hidden marker Sasuke began to write.
Do you mean Sasuke?
As if a damn broke Sakura's words came flooding in down Sasuke's arm and then leg when Sakura must've run out of room on her own.
I should hate him, he left me on that damn bench. He betrayed our home all in the name of power and revenge. What's he gonna do after huh? Waltz back like nothing happened?
Sasuke winced. He knew there was a chance of never going home when he left but he knows he has to avenge his clan, no matter what it takes.
I want to hate him so badly sometimes. Maybe I wouldn't hut this badly if I hated him.
Gods, Sasuke felt like an ass. This was the last thing he ever wanted to do to Sakura, but it was necessary. He had to hurt her to protect her, and Sasuke hated every second of that night. And the worst part is Sakura will never know. She will never know how he purposely avoided looking at her that night because he knew if he did he wouldn't have left. Sasuke probably would have begged Sakura for forgiveness if he had looked at her, and Uchihas don't beg.
He doesn't deserve you Sakura
It was a stab to the heart to admit, and the knife was pushed further in when Sakura did respond.
Sometimes I wished I fell in love with you
Sasuke has felt like shit for the past few hours. And that was the nice way of putting it. His head felt like there was cotton in it, every single one of his limbs felt like it was tingling, and there was a huge bruise on the left side of his stomach. A bruise he would have definitely noticed getting based on how big it was, and like the rest of his symptoms it came out of absolutely no where. 
The worst part was that Orochimaru took notice of that bruise.
“They say that soulmates with strong bonds not only can see what marks their skin, but also feel everything their soulmate does.” 
Sasuke’s hand tightens on his sword. Was this all from Sakura? If so what happened to her and why the hell didn’t Naruto protect her?
Back in his room Sasuke wasted no time grabbing the marker.
What happened? 
What are you talking about? 
Sasuke had to hold back an annoyed growl. This was not the time for Sakura to play dumb. 
The bond Sakura, I can feel what happens to you. And I have a huge bruise on my left side. 
You can see where I got stabbed? 
Stabbed?! Sasuke had to stop himself from rushing out of the hide out and tracking Sakura down. He left to protect her damn it! Where the hell was Naruto when she was stabbed? He would have never trusted that dobe to protect her if he knew this was going to happen. 
Sakura, explain
Sakura goes onto retell her fight with Sasori of the Red Sand, a member of the Akatsuki. How he had stabbed her with a poisoned sword, but she was prepared as she had created an antidote earlier for another victim of his. She also explains how he and his partner, Deidara, had taken the Sand villages Kazekage, and extracted the One Tailed Beast from him. That was why Naruto wasn’t there during her fight, he was chasing after Deidara. 
Sasuke was a mixed bag of emotions, on the one hand he was proud of her and how strong she has become. On the other hand, Sakura was in contact with the Akatsuki. What if Itachi saw her, saw Sasuke’s writing on her arms, and she became a target? 
Sasuke picks up the marker again but this time he doesn’t write any words. He just draws cherry blossom on his arm, hiding within the center of the flower, where the little stigmas were, was the Uchiha fan. Sakura never noticed, but Sasuke always felt comfort in knowing it was there, even if just for a moment. 
Kabuto had brought some sickly looking Ninja in. His name was Sai, and apparently he had come from Konoha. 
Sasuke was going to kill him. He was finally getting some rest after that scare with Sakura almost dying. Then that bastard had to go and wake him up just to try to kill him. Sasuke doesn’t care what plans Orochimaru may have had for this bastard he was going to - 
A flash of pink bursts out of the hide out, and the next thing either boy knows Sakura has her fist wrapped around Sai’s collar. Sasuke’s eyes widened; he can see the flower on her arm that he had drawn only an hour ago. 
All their talks, and she had never once mentioned a mission to find Orochimaru’s hide out. 
For the first time in three years, Sasuke looks into his soulmate’s eyes. He’s afraid of what she sees. 
After Itachi’s death, after learning what Konoha has done to his family, Sasuke can’t bring himself to respond to Sakura’s writing. She continues to write to him, telling him of all the preparations she has done for the upcoming war, and training all the medics she can beforehand. 
Every day Sasuke would read over his arm, and not respond. If he was lucky, he would find the strength to draw their flower. Sakura never pushed for him to write back, she assumed that he was busy for his own preparations. She would be half right. 
“I will always love you,” Itachi said, bumping his forehead against Sasuke’s. Sasuke felt lighter, Itachi literally looked lighter as he began to glow. He gave Sasuke one last mischievous grin. “So what’s her name?” 
Sasuke blinked once, but then looked down to where Itachi was pointing. His wristband had slipped, and the flower was visible. “Her name matches the flower.”  
“Lady Uchiha Sakura. It has a nice ring to it,” Itachi laughed before disappearing. 
They had won the war, and Sasuke left again. This time it was to seek atonement. He wanted to be better, see the world anew. He wanted to be the man that could stand at his soulmate’s side. 
He poked her forehead, right on her seal, with a promise of “next time.” 
Missing an arm now, Sasuke’s left leg became dedicated to the flowers he would draw for his soulmate. His right left was for conversations. They write to one another every day, with Sakura telling him how her day went and asking about his. Sasuke tells her about his travels, how the world is chaning now after the war. Sakura tells him about her work with creating a children’s mental hospital. 
I’m proud of you Sakura.
You know I just realized that we’ve been talking for 14 years now and I don’t even know your name. 
Sasuke blinked. Has it really been that long since Sakura first wrote on her skin? Sasuke smirked. He can’t believe it’s been this long and this is the first time she’s brought it up. 
Sasuke continued with his action on knocking on Sakura’s door. 
“Sasuke-kun you’re back,” Sakura greeted. 
“Uchiha Sasuke. My name is Uchiha Sasuke,” Sasuke said, holding up his arm that matched the Sakura’s. 
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good-beanswrites · 9 months
WAAAAH the mv the mv omg the mv !!!!! when i said i enjoy seeing my favs in pain this is. Not what i meant ;; i was super busy giffing it since i am oh so normal about this. Like im pretty sure she DID kill one of her abusers, but also,, i think it's the reasoning that's the main thing to consider. cause she definitely didn't kill them *because* they abused her, but because they broke the rules of the cult. So she just followed the cult's teaching. i wasn't thinking too deeply into it, but i was wondering if maybe her abuser was a drug addict or something?? idk But i love her sm, so im voting her inno <3 I really want to know WHO she killed. Also the man and girl in the mv, I think they informed her parent/guradian about amane bandaging the cat, before leaving? Though I'm not sure ;; BUT IM ACTUALLY SUPER UPSET ABOUT THE VOTING ;; since it seems most people are considering how amane can hurt shidou rather than like. her entire situation?? like idk i feel like even if shidou did not bother defending himself, there are?? other prisoners who'd get in amane's way if she tried to attack him??? anyways im gonna go back to ignoring the horrors- @erimnar
!!!!!! This video !!!!!
Yessss, I'm always here for the angst! (<- loves listening to Fuuta and Shidou goin thru it in t2) but Not Like This Please ;____;
Ough you're right and I think it's sooooo juicy that her murder wasn't revenge for her abuse -- she still thinks it's justified, but thinks everyone needs to play by the same rules. It adds a new layer to it because she's not like Muu/Mikoto trying to protect herself, but by some of those lines you can still feel her anger and know (at least subconsciously) she is acting in part out of personal feelings for what they did to her. That last second of her driving home the point they were merciless to her gave me Chills ahhhhh
>:0 I had assumed her victim broke the commandments by killing the cat, but that'd be so interesting if it was something completely unrelated! Even moreso if it was something the audience could be sympathetic to, like addiction 👀👀👀 oohhh I'm definitely going to go digging on that, there's a lot of things it could be...
I'm so curious about the man and girl!! Because I don't think Amane saw them, so she wouldn't know they told on her? But also they must be important? Based on the Undercover image of her on the bathroom tile during the water torture, I'm inclined to think the blue cult leader (gozake I think?) is her victim. But is he the man? How does he relate to her equally abusive mother? <- apparently one of the process gifs labeled the woman with the taser as her mother. Who would have broken the vow enough to kill? *shakes the mv violently*
I'm also going to vote her innocent!! Though I love that people are voting for whatever reason they choose, I do think it's interesting that they're more scared for Shidou's safety than hers :/ Because you're right! It'd be so easy for him/others to protect himself, while she could be crushed under the weight of another guilty verdict ;-----; Prison antics aside, I also think she's very justified for her murder: 1. She was taught with violence and taught it's okay to deal out violence. That's not her fault for accepting that information. 2. Even if not directly intended, she did get revenge on her abusers and she has my full support for that 👏👏👏
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for milgram ask game 💖 1, 2, 5, 8 for Yuno 3, 4, 6, 7 for Haruka 12, 13, 14, 15 for Mikoto
1.) Favorite song lyrics?
I think I like Tear Drop just slightly more than Umbilical.
“I’m the one who chose / let you and you and you all in / Happy or sad? / Why decide? / Where’d you get your half-baked sense of justice / So nauseating… so creepy will you please disappear? / Phew. Anyway”
I just really like this verse from Tear Drop and that she is continuing to emphasize her point that yeah, you can punish people outside the law, but it’s never-ending and people have differing views on what the ‘right’ punishment is. No one in the audience expected Kotoko to attack the Guilty prisoners after Trial One, and during Kotoko’s voice drama, she is able to verbally put Es in the corner when they try to shut her down. As far as Kotoko was concerned, murder is murder, get wrecked by the fang of justice. Muu, in her first voice drama, brings up the idea of self-defense and Es agreed with her that killing someone in self-defense is justifiable and can be forgiven, something that conflicts with Kotoko’s view on justice. Yuno brings up that most people look down on sex work, but if it’s a consensual exchange of sex in exchange for money, is it really hurting anyone, and if not, why is it other people’s business what she does? Especially even seems to understand where she is coming from, even if they don’t give a vocal agreement to it. That said, I still want to know how in the hell she got involved with sex work in the first place. I know she’s using sex (the warmth) to fill an emotional void (the coldness), but how long has she been doing sex work, because some of those men she’s been with have taken her to upscale places that a high school boy and most college guys certainly can’t afford to take their dates to.
2.) Favorite music video frame?
I did get question 2 before and I picked a scene from Tear Drop, so it’s only fair that I pick from Umbilical.
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I think this one is my favorite because it seems to be the one time she’s making her own decision and seems totally into it.
5.) Favorite voice drama line/moment?
I had gotten 5 before (see the previous link in 2 if you’re interested) and since I picked a line from her second voice drama the first time, this time I’ll do one from the first:
“That’s right. You know those people who just want to convince themselves, so they intrude in other people’s affairs even though it’s not their place—I despise them. That’s what I was saying. They only do it to make themselves feel better, don’t they? Those people don’t actually end up doing anything.”
Though, the “It’s fucking bothersome,” line is still number one Yuno quote in my heart.
8.) What is your theory of their crime? If there is a general consensus on it in the fandom, do you have any other, not-so-widely-accepted theories?
The abortion. I’m 99.99% sure that her murder was an abortion and I will be very surprised if it turns out that she murdered one of her clients because that would be out of left field at this point. @2amtechnicolor has a good post on whether Yuno actually wanted the abortion, and how that plays into her feelings regarding her Trial One verdict. It definitely put Yuno’s words in a different light and explains why she was adamant over being found Guilty in Trial Two. Definitely not something I would have thought of on my own. Before I read that post, I thought Yuno had been angered by everyone waving her off as a naive young girl who doesn’t understand what she’s done and maybe even regretted her abortion after the fact.
3.) Favorite non-MV official illustration?
I think I like the birthday image for him best:
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I like the little Chibi drawing. I do just want to point out that in his Trial Two image, the heel of one of Haruka’s shoes is stomped down and it bothers me, so now you all have to look at it:
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They’re not tied either but untied fits the image of his younger self that he is trying to cling onto. I wonder what happened to his slip-on shoes he wore last trial. They didn’t have any laces.
4.) Favorite Minigram episode/moment?
Ooh, it’s probably the cat’s cradle one where Yuno is showing off her tricks and he keeps asking Fuuta if he saw the tricks and Fuuta is pretending not to care. And then they both get amazed and Haruka is like, did you see that, did ya, did ya, as Fuuta is frantically yelling that he’s apathetic. Comedy gold.
6.) Favorite relationships with another character in the prison?
Fuuta for sure. They have the, “Excuse me, he asked for no pickles,” energy that I appreciate. I think it’s important that Fuuta treats him like a peer with equal footing, because Haruka seems to be so used to being less than. I’m sad that they splintered off after Trial One. Muu is alright with me for now, since I was introduced to the idea that she has been teaching him how to write and that’s why his questions in the second response are longer and neater than in the last trial, and she does seem to be trying to increase his self-esteem, if her gifts are anything to go off of. She’s not number one best girl because she and Haruka magnify each other’s worst traits and behavior. I think Fuuta was trying to encourage Haruka to speak for himself, (see the timeline convos insistence that Haruka not speak so formally to him and trying to figure out what Haruka likes). Haruka does need someone to support him, but he also needs that someone to help give him a push so he doesn’t stagnate (same with Muu) and he and Muu are not a good fit for where they are mentally.
7.) Favorite relationships with another character if they weren’t in Milgram, the way you imagine or would like them to be?
I had gotten 7 for Haruka before and said Fuuta, but besides Fuuta… hmmmmm. I think I would say Shidou and Haruka would be interesting since Shidou is said to have treated Haruka for a cold in the Minigram and when Haruka cut his palms by pressing his fingernails into them. I know Amane doesn’t like how Shidou treats her like a little kid and would be better off with Kazui as a father figure because Kazui has shown himself to be capable of treating Es like a young adult, which she would appreciate it. But given Haruka’s mother’s neglectful treatment of him and the apathy and disappointment his father feels towards him, I think the gentleness Shidou has shown him would be a welcome relief. If I remember correctly, I think Shidou had asked Haruka to make sure to take care of himself after he finished bandaging his hands.
It’s possible that the two could meet if Shidou worked at a doctor’s office where Haruka’s mother took him for a check up. Or maybe Shidou moves his family to Haruka’s neighborhood or vice versa, and Shidou notices how Haruka is staring at how Shidou and his wife interact with their kids. Maybe he’d ask if he would mind watching their two boys while they have a date night, or start simpler with asking if Haruka could help Shidou move some things in their house and thank him sincerely and praise him a little for being so helpful. I think the gentler, while sometimes condescending, attitude that Shidou takes with younger prisoners is what Haruka would need to start believing that he is capable of doing things right.
12.) What do you wish would be discussed more often about them within the fandom?
Hmm, I see a lot of theories and analyses of Mikoto, and I wish I could do him justice the way others in the fandom have. I’m starting to see some discuss the reliability of Mikoto and John’s accounts, which I’m thankful for because they are putting the words together much more coherently than I could. I’m happy I got @archivalofsins to watch Primal Fear and to hear her thoughts on it because whenever I try to analyze Mikoto, I’m worried that that film is coloring my view negatively and I’m not giving Mikoto a fair shake and jumping the gun.
There are a couple of things that I want to hear more talk about. For starters, since DID is a rare disorder formed in response to extreme abuse during early, and sometimes middle childhood, what could have caused it in Mikoto? Was it abuse from his dad? When John first appeared in John Doe, it sounded like I was listening to an abusive father beat and belittle his kid. We know his mom raised him and his baby sister after she divorced their father and he sounds quite attached to her. I had hoped for some more answers on this during Trial Two, but Mikoto’s murder is supposed to be at the forefront of the discussion, so we may not get an answer just yet. Which leads me to my next thought: I think John and/or Mikoto is full of shit that the person killed by them was just a stranger. In MeMe, it looks like Mikoto is waiting for someone before we cut to the blond guy crawling on the ground while Mikoto swings the bat down. I think it was a targeted attack. Maybe he is someone from Mikoto’s past who could have ruined all his hard work with blackmail (hence the “my life… wasn’t supposed to be this way,” and “DESTROY EVERYTHING”) that Mikoto either thought he could scare off with the bat but ended up killing the guy or went there with the intent to kill or seriously harm him. I do think that Mikoto knows more than he is letting on, and that John isn’t a purely evil monster hellbent on killing anyone who annoys him.
I am bummed that Trikoto seems to be officially dead with Double, but there better not be a surprise twist of a third alter during Trial Three.
13.) Any ideas on what would they and their music videos would have been like if they had gotten a different in Trial 1?
Remember how the beginning of MeMe had some glitchiness and jump cuts? I think we would have seen more of that in Double if Mikoto had been voted Innocent in Trial One. Mikoto doesn’t seem to know, or maybe, doesn’t want to know what goes on during his memory lapses and about John. He probably attributes it to stress from his work and while the stigma attached to mental illnesses has lessened over the years, it’s still not something you admit to in private, much less in public circles around most of the world. Voting Guilty forced John to surface more, and him surfacing more often seems to have forced John’s perspective of the crime to appear more in Double and both seemed to have been stressed out over the murder. I think the flashes of John probably would have been much more violent compared to the POV of the easygoing, but ignorant Mikoto. Like MeMe on steroids. I hope that makes sense.
14.) Any headcanons on their appearance?
It’s kind of funny in a mean way that in-universe, that Mikoto is said to be so plain that he resembles mass-produced goods. I like to think he is the most fashionable of the male prisoners because he learned how to cultivate different looks to make himself stand out more and boost his confidence. He would love to join in on Mahiru’s skincare routine when he learns that she shared it with the girls. He does notice how Fuuta and Haruka balk at joining in on Mahiru and Yuno’s fashion fun times because of their low self-esteem, and does try (well, did try for Fuuta) to gently encourage them to join by offering himself up as the girls’ ‘doll’ because Amane and Kotoko are not willing and Muu prefers certain aesthetics and isn’t ready to let them go hog wild just yet. Haruka wants to join but doesn’t join in because Fuuta is loudly complaining about how it’s girly and boring and it’s only when Mikoto shoots him a death glare that Fuuta gets the message and reluctantly agrees on the condition that they don’t put anything on his face/touch his mask. Fuuta does grumble but it’s more half-hearted because Haruka is soaking up the positive attention.
15.) What do you think of their voice?
I am not the coolest when it comes to taste in music, but I did dabble with metal and I like the kind that Mikoto does where it’s mostly singing with some screaming to punctuate. Sorry, I’m a bit lame, haha 😅
As for his speaking voice, I like the sound of his and John’s different ways of speaking. It works with his more cutesy and chill moments as Mikoto and the blunt, brusque, and brutal way it gets with John. I love the range. I may not know many Japanese voice actors, but I can’t imagine anyone but Natsuki Hanae voicing him.
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laevanders · 2 years
Tumblr is gay right? So let's go with my Headcanons for Saiki K cast, cuz I have no one else to talk too.
Saiki: Aromantic Asexual (CANON!!)
Teruhashi: Bi with a preference for men (but I'm not opposed to Lesbian with Hetcomp Kokomi)
Imu: She's a lesbian with hetcomp and there's no discussion
Nendo: Does not have preference and doesn't label himself
Kaido: Disaster Bi (also trans? Idk how to feel about it)
Kuboyasu: Gayyy or bisexual with preference for men (especially for a specific chunnubio) (and for Saiko)
Yumehara: She's so straight that hurt my heart, but I also ship her with Aiura, do idk bi?
Mera: my aromantic queen
Aiura: She's Pan, to match the color palette
Toritsuka: Token Straight ™ but like, he kinda has a crush on Saiki, cuz everyone has a crush o Saiki
Saiko: He's gay, cuz like...have you seem him?
Akechi: Ace baby, also gay
Hairo: He's gay as well, like has he ever said "oh wow"? I don't remember
Satou: He gives me bi vibes, but who cares about him except Saiki?
Also on the fact that everyone has a crush on Saiki:
I lied, but it's still 80% of the cast.
Komoki, Mikoto and Chiyo are the obvious ones, like explicit saying that
(but like, Aiura and Saiki are platonic soulmates cuz I said so)
But Shun definitely had a crush on Saiki on the start on the show, idk the way he talks about he's second in command, hmmm. He's not aware of it tho
Akechi is obsessed with Saiki, I'm gonna say it's a crush because I can
Toritsuka was competing with Aiura for Saiki attention, and the other two are soulmates. Also the "Not even brainwashed he would hate you" ? It's love bro
Mera dos not have a crush but I like to think that she and Kusuo have a aromantic solidarity, maybe they can get in QRP and trade sweets
Satou also doesn't have a crush, but Saiki does. And I think it's worth mentioning. And also ironic
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
pre-reconciliation saruhiko finds out misaki got into some freak accident and is unconscious in hospital. he's trying not to act like he cares, but also he finds himself thinking about what would happen if misaki suddenly dies because of this, like his whole world that he built so meticulously just shatters because he can't be a part of a world whose owner died in. as he's standing at misaki's bed (definitely just to make sure that no one interferes with the ivs and all the machinery tied up to misaki, definitely not because he cares or anything) he just finds himself feeling this onslaught of tears, and he really doesn't want to cry, but a stray tear falls onto misaki's still hand anyway
I imagine Fushimi trying to keep up the denial as long as possible but then at the same time seeing Yata lying there motionless in a hospital bed really is affecting him. Maybe this wasn’t even a Homra thing, like Yata gets hurt in a freak accident that even his powers aren’t strong enough to protect him from. He ends up in the hospital in a coma and of course this is a big thing for Homra, imagine them all clustered in the hospital super worried, not knowing if Yata’s going to be okay. Kusanagi reaches out to Awashima to have her tell Fushimi, feeling that he needs to know especially if Yata never recovers. When Awashima tells Fushimi that Yata Misaki is in the hospital and may not recover Fushimi initially just freezes, eyes wide, and then he clicks his tongue as if shaking something off and complains at her for even telling him, why should he care what happens to members of Homra. Awashima’s still trying to be gentle, telling him that Kusanagi said he would be welcome to visit, but Fushimi rebuffs her and claims he has no interest at all.
Despite that later that evening Fushimi slips into Yata’s hospital room, keeping to the shadows and the windows where no one can see him (and even so outside the room Anna stirs and sits up, Mikoto puts a hand on her head and tells her it’s fine and she nods, and they make sure no one else goes in). Fushimi tells himself that he just wanted to see how pathetic Misaki looked in a hospital bed but seeing Yata here hooked up to all these machines, skin uncharacteristically pale, not moving, all that energy Fushimi’s long associated with him just totally gone, Yata suddenly gone small and fragile in front of him….Fushimi finds that his hands are shaking and they won’t stop. He calls Yata an idiot, like you have all this power and you nearly get killed by a freak accident, what an idiot, a real moron, scratching at his burn as his voice gets more and more ragged, like he’s trying to get Yata to wake up and yell back at him.
Yata doesn’t move and Fushimi’s legs suddenly won’t hold him anymore, sinking to his knees next to Yata’s bed and shaking him slightly like hey Misaki wake up already, say something. He’s still trying so hard to hold onto the fiction but it’s all coming crashing around him now, that if Yata dies that world he’s tried so hard to cling to really will shatter, destroyed even beyond what Fushimi’s always tried to do, beyond even the reach of hatred. There’s this yawning darkness in his mind, the creeping realization that if Yata’s gone there’s really no going back, that he really will have lost everything and he won’t ever see it again, Yata’s smile or Yata’s anger, and Fushimi feels this choking in his throat. He tries to swallow it all down because there’s no way he’ll cry, he’s far past being a weak person who cries when he loses something — but he can’t hold it all back and a tear falls onto Yata’s hand. Suddenly the machines go wild and Fushimi darts out of sight as the doctors come running in, and before he slips out of the room Fushimi sees Yata’s eyes sluggishly begin to open. 
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laniemae · 6 months
John’s self destructive tendencies and coping mechanisms: theory
TW for sh, suicide mention
So I was thinking about this for a while and I want to talk about Mikoto’s tattered clothes in trial 2.
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So basically in trial 2 we can see how the guilty prisoners uniforms have changed, with them having more restraints coinciding with Jackalope’s mention of phases of restraints. But Mikoto’s in interesting in this case because unlike the others his clothes are all tattered, and technically have less restraints than in trial 1. Initially I thought that this was remnants of Kotoko’s attack but looking at it more that doesn’t seem to be the case.
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Just look at this these are bite marks. And obviously Kotoko wouldn’t have been biting him during the fight so it’s obviously self inflicted, and looking at the rest the straitjacket is ripped this definitely makes sense. Heck, it’s even said to be happening in trial 1 by this minigram.
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It’s confirmed that all of the minigrams happen during trial 1, so we know about this already. And Mikoto mentions that he doesn’t know how it ended up like this, so it was probably John’s doing. And likely during his breakdowns at night time especially since Amane mentioned it right before. And since Mikoto was offered a replacement it’s probably a cycle of John destroying the clothes, and Mikoto getting a replacement so it’s probably happening a lot. And I mean, in the art for Double we literally see John tugging at the straitjacket.
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(Also I noticed this now, but again in one of the minigrams one of the noises coming from his room is the sound of ripping)
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But then the question is, why? First I thought that maybe John just wanted to get out as much as possible by ripping the straitjacket off. But I thought about it a while and that wouldn’t really make sense. As the straitjacket itself currently doesn’t have its restraints as much to really impair movement, and he never has expressed desire to leave but at the same time, it’s John, he basically hides everything about himself.
But then I thought, this is very likely happening during his breakdowns at night, so he’s lashing out at the environment and also lashing out at himself by ripping apart his clothes. And then I realised, John likely has self-destructive tendencies, but is harming the jacket instead of himself because he knows that’d hurt Mikoto.
I think this is probably what’s happening here, as it explains a lot for the tattered clothes and how it’s very likely a stress reaction. And also I’ve seen theories that the blood in the bathtub from MeMe was his own blood from an attempted suicide/self harming, and him collapsing in the shower was due to blood loss. This would also fit with the line sung in that scene “Maybe it's ok to try to keep on living, 
Split in half, Make that heart beat”. But probably knowing that Mikoto would be suffering because of that, who he wants to protect so much. He lashes out in a different way by destroying the environment around him and ripping apart his clothes. Which good for John for finding alternatives I guess…
But this is really interesting to think about. As if it is true it gives alot of insight into John’s character. It’s very likely he’s heavily self loathing as expressed through Neoplasm and Double. And we know he’s constantly stressed and likely in mental agony. So how he deals with his stress as lashes inward, but doesn’t want to hurt Mikoto in the process is really interesting and sad. Like he’s willing to completely destroy his own life in order to protect Mikoto’s, but he’s already passed the breaking point and can’t control his stress and agony…
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
prompt 8 and/or 9 for shouhei, please!-shoheiakagi
After reading your recent post, I’m a dollar short and a day late, but I hope these will still do the trick!! Since I’d already dealt with a request for prompt eight, I hope you don’t mind that I settled on prompt nine instead! It seemed really fun, and I enjoyed writing these, so I hope you’ll enjoy them as well!
How do you view people who are similar to you?
I really do think Shouhei can get along with almost everyone, and having similarities with someone does make it easier for him to find common ground and things to talk about, so he can normally strike up at least a friendly acquaintanceship with those similar to him, unless there’s major differences that keep that from happening (for example, while I do see Hidaka and Shouhei as very similar and like people who should get along, the distinct difference in their clans and the way they approach the concept of justice means that they really could never form that friendship). That being said, I do feel like people who are similar to Shouhei don’t really interest him, or challenge him mentally and emotionally enough, to really catch his interest as much as those who are quite opposite to him do.
Is copying the sincerest form of flattery?
Not really, not in Shouhei’s opinion. Sure, he’ll probably have a little bit of an ego-boost if someone copies some of the things he does, but it’s pretty short-lived. Once that initial little ego-boost is done, I do think he would kind of wonder why the person was copying him – were they not confident enough in themselves, did they lack their own identity, did they not feel like they were strong enough on their own? It would really kind of bother him, as he definitely does feel that people are best when they’re living their authentic selves, and he’d first probably subtly try to get the person to express more of who they actually are or would kind of sever ties to them slowly if they kept relying on copying him.
Do you believe people are either good or bad?
Honestly, Shouhei falls somewhere in the middle. I do see him as the sort of person who can easily see the good in a wide variety of people and who will focus mainly on the good in a person. He can shrug off annoying traits or faults in people pretty easily that way. However, he’s not a stupid boy and he’s seen quite a bit in his life, and he has no delusions that every single person is good. He knows there’s immoral people out there, selfish people who will do anything as long as they benefit from it, no matter how much it hurts other people or how depraved it is so he is quite fully aware that there do exist people out there who are just plain bad, to the point that not even he can find the good in them.
Do you believe certain people would be better off dead?
Yes. There’s a lot of people who look at HOMRA, and Shouhei because he is a part of that group and assume that they’re all a bunch of hoods with no moral values. But Shouhei actually has a pretty strong moral compass and some pretty strict ideas of what’s okay and what’s not, though they might differ from those held by general society. Those people who destroy those morals he has, those who purposefully seek to gain from other people’s (especially women or children) pain and suffering…Shouhei would happily send them to hell himself, and if he can’t do it, he sure as hell would not be sorry if someone else did.
Would you trust anyone to protect you?
I think the answer here is really obvious. Though they might not always get along, and they do fight among themselves sometimes, he trusts every other member of HOMRA to have his back when he needs them to and he knows that any of them would protect him if needed, even if they got hurt doing so. (That being said, Mikoto and Bandou are definitely the two he put the most absolutely trust in.)
Do you need to have a leader role? Would you fight someone if they competed or just let it go?
Now, Shouhei has absolutely no problem with being the center of attention. He’s not a shrinking violet or someone who minds having all eyes on him. But, even with that super-extroverted nature of his, he doesn’t really have a lot of ambition, I don’t think, and he doesn’t really gravitate towards leadership roles or being in charge. He doesn’t want someone dictating all of his moves or what he should be doing, so it’s not that he wants to be subservient or that he needs someone to give him direction for his life, but more that he’s just a very ‘live and let live’ kind of guy when it comes down to it, with some exceptions of course. He’ll happily relinquish leadership over to others, as long as they don’t expect him to blindly follow their orders and they don’t micromanage or behave too authoritarian for his liking.
Do you believe your parents know best? If not, then who?
No. No, he definitely does not. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that Shouhei doesn’t like his parents or that he doesn’t get along with them (though there were some rough patches during his early to mid-teenage years). He loves his parents and they’ve gotten to a point where they’ve accepted his lifestyle enough to not nag him about it. But Shouhei doesn’t think that his parents know everything – they’re just people, doing their best, same as him and everyone else. He knows his parents aren’t infallible, that they make mistakes. Hell, while he deeply respects Mikoto as his King, and the upper members of HOMRA like Tatara and Kusanagi, he knows that even they don’t know everything and that they can make mistakes. In the end, Shouhei follows Mikoto as his King and respects him, but Shouhei feels like only he, himself, knows what’s best for Shouhei and that each other person knows what’s best for themselves.
Is it best to have friends who are convenient to you or friends who are genuine?
While Shouhei will have a lot of friendly acquaintances and lots of surface level friendships, people he sees or interacts with here and there and gets along with, because he is such a friendly, open guy, he really does treasure his genuine friendships, because he does know how rare those can be. A true friend is worth more than all the money in the world, in his opinion.
Is marriage for love or for business?
Now, while he’s not averse to fun and casual flings, Shouhei is a bit of a romantic at heart, and he will definitely be the kind of person who does want to find ‘the right one’. Marriage is serious to him, and he definitely feels marriage should be with someone you truly love and can’t imagine living your life without.
Should people be judged on how they look? Would you judge others in such a way?
Shouhei actually isn’t super into how people look. He’s not blind, and he will find certain people more attractive than others. Looks will determine who he might be interested in dating, though they won’t be the only thing that determines that. But overall, in terms of just how he treats people in general and how he determines who he enjoys as a person and who he dislikes as a person, looks never factor into that sort of thing.
Do you believe being disliked makes you stronger or more of a threat?
Neither. Shouhei’s, again, not a dumb guy and he’s pretty socially smart. He knows it’s impossible to make it through life without someone disliking you because not everyone likes everyone else. Hell, there’s plenty of people he doesn’t really like. Him not liking them, or someone else not liking him, doesn’t make him stronger or weaker to them or them to him. It doesn’t make them a threat to him or vice versa. It just means they’re two people who don’t get along.
Are problems best shared or should people keep them to themselves?
This is a complicated one for Shouhei. He really, really struggles to share the problems he’s facing with others. He is always really quick to offer help to others, to take other people’s problems on himself but he finds it difficult to let other people into problems he’s facing. Half of him simply believes that he can do it all on his own, while the other, smaller half doesn’t think it’s right to put his burdens on someone else, even though he never views other people’s problems as burdens.
Do you believe people who force you out of your comfort zone are helpful? Annoying? Do you want to deal with them at all?
The thing is, Shouhei has a really wide comfort zone. He’s pretty game for anything that seems fun or interesting and he’s definitely not risk averse.
Even if you know nothing about a subject, do you feel the need to take part?
Yes and no. I don’t see Shouhei as this big mansplainer or anything. He’s not a know-it-all or anything like that. It’s more that, if the subject being discussed seems at all interesting to him, he’s going to join in on the conversation, ask questions, try to learn something new and cool.
How do you view people who are your opposites?
Now, as mentioned in the very first question, I do see Shouhei being more interested in or intrigued by people who are very much his opposite. They’ll still need to share some common things, as in he won’t be interested in someone who is super rigid in their beliefs or someone who is very authoritarian, but overall, he very much has a curiosity about people who are quite opposite. I really do think he’s that extrovert friend who kind of collects more introverted friends, just because he finds them really fascinating or finds it interesting to see how they think and view things and approach things. He finds he learns a lot more and it helps him develop as a person to have those friends who help him see different points of view or different ways of thinking about things.
Do you interact with others in a special or different persona or attitude?
Okay, this one is a little complicated because I do see Shouhei as being someone who is very chameleon like. He doesn’t entirely change who he is with people. He’s still the same guy, with the same core values and attributes, but he does kind of adapt his behaviour to the person he’s hanging out with. Some people only get Shouhei at, like, 25% fully himself because he tones down some of his personality traits to make them feel more at ease. Others get full 100% Shouhei, mostly the other alphabet boys in HOMRA.
Do you prefer to be around extroverts or introverts? Or does it not matter to you either way?
Now, I do think that Shouhei can really be comfortable hanging out with both introverts and extroverts, but I do, as previously said, think that he prefers introverts. But hey, if someone is cool and extroverted, he’ll hang out with them, he’ll be friendly. I just think he chooses to hang out with his more introverted friends more often than not.
If you need help, are you more likely to accept it from anyone or only close friends? Do you ever accept help in general?
Shouhei has a hard time really accepting help in general and, when he does, it’s only from those he really, truly trusts to have his back. And it’s normally because those people know him well enough to have figured out that there’s something going on with him, because he does have his tells and some of them have figured them out and can read him pretty easily now.
How do you feel about party games like truth or dare? Do you wish people would leave you out of them?
He can take them or leave them himself. He has no problem participating in them, keeping them all in good fun. That being said, if the people he’s around or hanging out with are people who would be uncomfortable playing the game when someone else suggests it, he’ll probably shoot it down because he doesn’t want his friend to feel forced into an uncomfortable situation.
Do you wish people paid you more attention?
Quite simply put…Shouhei’s a handsome, charismatic, friendly guy. He really isn’t hurting for attention and he’s quite okay with the amount of attention he gets.
Do you wish no one ever paid you any attention?
There are times, mostly when he has to be sneaky or fly under the radar, that he does wish that he didn’t draw quite so much attention, especially since he finds it hard not to engage with people who come up and start talking to him because he’s caught their eye.
Do you think authority figures are looking out for your best interests and should be trusted?
No. Very much no. I do think that a large part of the reason that being in HOMRA works so well for Shouhei is because Mikoto, while he’s their King, doesn’t expect or try to be an authority figure. He’s fine, and actually pretty proud of being under Mikoto, but that’s because Mikoto feels more like someone that Shouhei looks up to and respects; Mikoto has that charisma and draw to him that people like Shouhei, who have issues with authority and being told constantly what to do and what not to do, really do respond well to.
Do you believe people would be upset if you disappeared one day or more relieved?
Shouhei has a pretty healthy amount of self-esteem. He knows that his parents do love him. He knows he has friends who would notice if he just up and disappeared. He knows HOMRA would definitely notice if he went AWOL, and he knows that all those people would be upset and would do everything they could to find out what happened to him, if he ever ran away or disappeared.
Do you get along better with people older than you or younger than you? Perhaps the same age?
Okay, weird stance here, but I do think Shouhei can get along with kids, but he’s sort of uncomfortable around them. Like, he tries to be nice, but my god, some people’s kids, you know…He’s friendly enough to older folks and his charming nature does mean that most of them forgive the fact that he looks a little bit like a hood. That being said, he’s not going out of his way to hang out with most older folks, and he really does prefer the company of those more around his age, as he finds more in common with them.
What does it take for you to consider someone an enemy?
Shouhei won’t stand for two things. Don’t hurt one of his friends or loved ones. Just don’t do it; don’t put them in danger in any way. And for fuck sakes, just let him live his life the way he wants to. He hates it when people try to control him or force him into this tiny, societally acceptable box.
What does it take for you to consider someone a friend?
Honestly, it’s not too hard to make a friend out of Shouhei. He makes friends easily. Be kind to him, don’t cause unnecessary drama, have a sense of humour and fun, and he’ll be more than happy to be your friend, even if it does just begin as a surface level friendship.
What are your thoughts on public displays of affection or skinship?
I’ve said it before, but I do see Shouhei as an incredibly affectionate guy. It doesn’t matter if it’s his bros or his parents or his friends who are girls, or a lover. He’s big on hugs, on high-fives, on playful shoves or rough housing with the other guys, with arms slung across shoulders…he’s just very physical as a person, with physical touch definitely being the love language he shows to other people.
It’s a dog-eat-dog world and everyone’s got an agenda. Do you believe that?
For the most part, Shouhei wouldn’t really buy into that. He does know that there are people out there who do have hidden agendas, who are only out for themselves, but he doesn’t believe that that is the majority of people and he’s met enough kind, generous people (and been raised by them), that he’s pretty sure there’s more good people in the world than bad people.
Do you consider it creepy or undesirable if someone knows too much about you?
It depends on the degree. If it’s just something that he knows they might have overheard someone else say about him, or heard him say in a conversation, then it doesn’t bother him too much. He’ll chalk it up to curiosity. However, if it’s stuff that he knows he’s never mentioned or talked about before and they’re bringing it up, he’s definitely creeped out and probably has some ‘oops, have another crazy stalker again’ vibes.
Would you do something horrible in order to save your friends even though they’d loathe you for it?
In a heartbeat. Shouhei really does care deeply for his friends and he’s the kind of guy who wants to fix things for others, to help them out. If his friends were really in danger, even if what he had to do meant that there’s a chance he might end up in a bad way or that his friends would be disgusted or pissed at him, he’s doing what needs to be done to keep them safe.
Do you remember anyone you used to get along with? Why did you stop getting along?
Shouhei actually used to be in a gang with some guys he knew before HOMRA. He was really good friends with this other guy in the gang, Minato. At least he was until it came out that Minato liked to knock around his girlfriends…that’s not exactly something Shouhei can overlook or be okay with, and Minato definitely wasn’t too friendly after Shouhei broke his arm and fractured his jaw.
Is family more important than any other relationship?
No. While he definitely does try to be good to his parents, especially now that they’ve gotten past all the rough patches of his teenage years, and he does want to keep a loving relationship with them, he also believes that that is only one of the many important, caring relationships that should be part of an adult’s life.
Do you think friendship is better and more powerful than love?
That’s impossible to really answer with a yes or a no for Shouhei. Friendship to him, true and genuine friendship, is just another form of love. Love to him doesn’t necessarily always equate to romantic or sexual feelings, though he does want and enjoy that kind of love too.
Would you rather hurt people or let people hurt you?
It depends. Emotionally and mentally, Shouhei doesn’t like to hurt people. He tries his very best to kind of go with the flow and is maybe a little too accommodating (ie: kissing Saya because she wanted him too and he didn’t want to hurt her feelings). That being said, physically…Shouhei has zero issues with hurting people if they try to hurt him or if he feels like they deserve it. HOMRA’s members have the reputations they have for good reason, and it’s because every single one of their members, including Shouhei, do love a good old-fashioned fight.
Do you believe peace is best and, as such, avert your eyes to misdeeds?
Shouhei, as mentioned, overlooks the little things. The things that don’t really make a huge difference. If the misdeeds are bigger than that, he’s definitely calling the person the fuck out or taking steps to stop what they’re doing.
Do you believe it’s fine to be alone so long as you’re true to yourself?
That’s actually, in a way, his worst nightmare. Shouhei thrives off human contact; he needs it to be happy and mentally healthy. He hates the thought of being completely alone, truly, one hundred percent alone, and he’d only put himself in that situation if it was absolutely necessary.
Do you think honest people are foolish people?
He doesn’t think they’re foolish. Bandou, probably Shouhei’s best friend, is way too honest sometimes, and it’s something Shouhei finds amusing and charming about him, actually.
Do lies bother you even if they’re for a good cause?
No. I will say this plain out, I do think Shouhei is one of those guys who will feel completely comfortable telling white lies. He won’t lie about anything serious, but small lies to protect the other person’s feelings – those are okay to him.
Do you believe there are some relationships that can’t be broken by anything?
I do think that he would feel that, though he wouldn’t know how exactly to put how he feels on that. He knows there are people who are always going to be important people to him, always going to have been huge influences on his life, people who he could go years without speaking to and then bump into and talk to as if only a day had passed.
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lisutarid-a · 1 year
[Gakuen K] Totsuka Tatara Route Translation
The world of the law of the jungle 
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[Translation under the cut]
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Kusanagi: I didn't expect stones and dustpans to come flying. It was a disaster, wasn't it, Totsuka?
Totsuka: I was surprised when it hit me out of the blue. But it didn't hurt as much as it did with the sheep.
Totsuka: And I even had her take me to the infirmary.
Kusanagi: Really?
Saya: Yes. He was hitted twice by the same spot and besides there was blood...
Saya: I was worried he would go to the infirmary alone.
Totsuka: Ahaha.
Kusanagi: Don't "Ahaha" it, Totsuka. Stop worrying her so much. I can't tell which one of you is older.
Totsuka:  I'm older one, you know?
Kusanagi: I knew it, you idiot.
Yata: Totsuka-san, I'm sorry!!
Totsuka: What's happened so suddenly?
Yata: I injured Totsuka-san twice...I'm ashamed of myself!
Totsuka: It's fine, it's fine, what's done is done. Don't be so down.
Yata: Totsuka-san...Thank you!
Saya: Totsuka-san has a big heart, doesn't he?
Kusanagi: That's true. Thanks to Totsuka's personality, the Red club still exists.
Saya: It that so?
Kusanagi: The Red club guys are basically a bunch of hot‐blooded people.
Kusanagi: When you have a guy with that kind of vibe it's like a cushioning material.
Saya: Somehow, I feel like I understand. Totsuka-senpai's flame seemed gentle to me.
Kusanagi: Oh, you saw his flame? It's a little unusual of our club, but this guy got the flame that's so like him.
Kusanagi: Mikoto too, no matter what anyone says, also needs him.
Totsuka: Achoo! ... Achoo!
Totsuka: I sneezed two times...Kusanagi-san. Did you just say something bad about me?
Kusanagi: I said nothing like that. We were generally praising you. Right?
Totsuka: Really? And, what were you speaking about me?
Saya: Fufu. Well...
Kamamoto: Yata-san! Ahhh...It's terrible!
Yata: What's wrong, Kamamoto? You're out of breath.
Kamamoto: Oh, really...Ahaha...
Kamamoto: ...Ugh.
Kusanagi: Just say it already!
Totsuka: Waaah. A straight Tsukkomi (response). Looks like a sketch.
Kamamoto: Emm...Before that, can I get some water? My throat is dry.
Saya: Yeah, here.
Kamamoto: Thank you...*glug, glug, glug*
Kamamoto: Haaah...I'm calm down.
Yata: It's no "calm down"...! What's the "terrible" thing, spit it out!!
Kamamoto: Oh, about that. Sorry, I was careless!
Kamamoto: Emmm...Looks like there's going to be a war in the purchasing department in a minute.
Saya: A war?
Kusanagi: At this time of year, in this time of day...This is "It".
Totsuka: That's definitely "it".
Saya: What's "It"?
Mikoto: ..."It".
Saya: Suoh-senpai.
Kusanagi: Are you awake, Mikoto? Good morning.
Mikoto: Ahh. I'm hungry.
Totsuka: Roger that. Well then, I'm going to join the war.
Saya: Senpai. What is "It", can you tell me?
Totsuka: Are you curious? Well, then, follow me.
Saya: O-okay...?
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Saya: Wow, that's a huge crowd...
Totsuka: It's a war, after all.
Shiro: Ah...Can it be...?
Saya: Shiro-kun, Neko-chan.
Neko: Yahoo, Gohan!
Totsuka: Are you guys going to participate too?
Shiro: Umh. I'm not a fan of fightings, but there is no choice but to do this.
Neko: We lost last year, but this year Wagahai is the strongest!
Saya: (Are people here going to fight too, I wonder...)
Shiro: What's wrong? You looks gloomy.
Saya: Umh. ...Everyone is keep fighting around.
Shiro: It can't be helped. Because it is a world of the law of the jungle.
Neko: The winner will get the most delicious yakisoba bread!
Saya: Is that so...I see...
Saya:...Eh, yakisoba bread?
Totsuka: The reason all these people are gathered here is because of the yakisoba bread.
Totsuka: A limited amount of it will be sold at this time of the year. Wishing to buy it, students gather here. That's why war happens.
Totsuka: I'm of all people accidentaly forgot about it. I'm glad that Kamamoto come to inform.
Saya: So this's what it was. Because you called it a "war", I thought it was about beating someone...
Totsuka: There's no direct violence. Probably.
Neko: Yaaah! Shiro, the war has begun!
Totsuka: Oh, it's no good. I gotta go, too.
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Choice: [Please do your best] ♥
Saya: Please do your best, senpai!
Totsuka: Okay-okaaay. Well, I'm going.
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Choice: [I am going too]
Saya: I'm going too!
Totsuka: It's fine, it's fine. You wait here.
Saya: But..
Totsuka: I'd like to compliment your spirit of challenge, but as Isana-kun said, it's war.
Totsuka: Because of me trying to keep you safe, it will be hard for me to get to the cash register.
Totsuka: So, I want you to wait here. Okay?
Saya: Yeah, I got it...
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Totsuka: Alright, I'm going to capture it quickly.
Saya: Senpai, I hope you'll be okay...
Awashima: A limited amount of yakisoba bread is starting to go on sale right now!
Awashima: Challenge those who want to buy it fair and square. I wish you all good luck in your battle!
Saya: (Oh, it's started...!!)
Neko: Shiro, Shiro, can I do it with my ability!?
Shiro: Hmmm, let's not do that. The Blue club's advisor is watching.
Totsuka: Okay-okay, I'll go first.
Neko: Woah! That's the Red club for you!
Saya: (Amazing...Totsuka-senpai moving smoothly forward through the crowd)
Totsuka: I'm ba-ack. Sorry for keep you waiting.
Saya: No, that was quick.
Totsuka: Well, let's see...here's the King's share. Here's yours. Please, take it.
Saya: Eh, it is okay?
Totsuka: Uhm. I told you before, right? That I'll repay you.
Saya: Repay...?
Totsuka: Arara, don't you remember? You lend me a towel that you had just bought.
Saya: Aaah, I remembered!
Saya: Really, it's small deal, so it's fine.
Totsuka: If that's the case, then this is just another 'small deal'. You've also done a lot of other things to me. Right?
Saya: (I wonder, if it'll be okay if I take this precious yakisoba bread...oh, right!)
Saya: ...I got it. Well, let's split it in half.
Totsuka: Eh? I'm okay, no need...
Saya: Totsuka-senpai also did a lot of things for me. Or do you happen to dislike yakisoba bread?
Totsuka: Un-uh. It's not like that.
Saya: Well then, let's eat together!
Totsuka: Okay, I got it. I'll take half, thank you for the meal. ...Fufu, it's kind of embarrassing.
Totsuka: Let's go back to the club room while eating. I don't want King to starve to death.
Saya: Okay!
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ecargmura · 6 months
Dog Signal Episode 6 Review - Niwa's Past
It was really nice learning about Niwa’s past. I really liked learning about why he became a dog trainer and why he became the person he is currently. It is also very heartbreaking. Man, he had it rough. Hopefully, his issues with Fujiwara will get resolved in the future. The entire episode is Ritsuka explaining about Shinichiro’s past to Miyu, but there’s also another flashback from the day he decided to become a dog trainer. Since the flashback scenes are a bit out of order, I’ll talk about them in order.
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The reason Niwa became a dog trainer was because of how he couldn’t protect his dog Kuma. As a kid, he has always loved dogs and would always go to Ritsuka’s family pet salon to play and feed the dogs there. He finds Kuma tied to a lamppost one day; Ritsuka finds a note in a bag, showing that it’s abandoned. Shinichiro takes Kuma home, but his mom said no. Fortunately, Mr. Niwa saved the day by telling her that he and Shinichiro would be responsible for it; she caves in, only on the condition that it stays outside. Caring for Kuma and his dad’s love for the dog only fueled Niwa’s love for dogs even more. However, one day, both his dad and Kuma died; his dad died in a construction accident while Kuma died after getting hit by a car at night on his way to search for Mr. Niwa. Kuma had no idea Mr. Niwa died and was very anxious that he wasn’t showing up one day. It turned out that Mrs. Niwa released the dog, which spiraled towards its untimely demise. Because of how he lost his dad and dog in a short amount of time, it caused him to close himself off to people and resolved him to become a dog trainer so that no dogs would get hurt ever again.
Now this childhood flashback was full on bittersweet. Niwa went from a happy boy who loved dogs so much to a traumatized boy who closed off and perceived himself as weak for not being able to protect Kuma. I have to say, I hate Mrs. Niwa so darn much. I usually try not to hate anime moms only if they’re awful; for example, I don’t think the Yuzuki brothers’ mom was that bad of a mom for neglecting Mikoto and focusing too much on Minato because there are times where the mom does focus on Mikoto too, as shown in Episode 8 of the Yuzuki Family’s Four Sons. Mrs. Niwa, on the other hand, sucks. She doesn’t care about her son’s feelings towards Kuma and just released him without his consent. Sure, she made a promise with her son that if he doesn’t train him properly, she’d release it, but the fact that she did without second thoughts was heartless as fuck. Definitely worst mom of this show so far.
As Niwa got older, he decided to work part-time jobs at Ritsuka’s pet salon in order to pay for his tuition for the school of his choice. Because Ritsuka was worried about him, she decided to go to the same school as they have dog grooming certification there too. Attending that school was there they met Dr. Kubo and how Niwa met his teacher Seiji Fujiwara, a professional dog trainer. To Niwa who was tired of his teachers teaching him with textbooks, Fujiwara was his idol, ideal teacher and the kind of trainer he wanted to become. After graduation, Niwa worked under Fujiwara at his dog training center. Fujiwara taught him that bad owners make bad dogs and that a bad dog should never be hurt by human hands. That also became Niwa’s philosophy until he saw he man he looked up to harm the dog that had attacked him.
For this part of the flashback, I get why Niwa became the way he is now. He has always been dogs first, humans second. He hates it when humans hurt dogs; it was a mindset that Fujiwara also shared with him. I understand why Niwa and Fujiwara are on bad terms now. His hero went against his own philosophy and hurt a dog. First off, why have such an aggressive dog? They knew that dog was aggressive, yet they still keep it. Second, I hate seeing animals being harmed too, but in this case, this was necessary. It sucks that he had to witness his master doing this when he had bright hopes for his future—taking over Fujiwara’s dog training center as its new owner once he died.
Fujiwara as a character is like the total opposite of Niwa; he’s like an older, mature version of Miyu in a way. Maybe Miyu will be like Fujiwara in the future. Anyways, he’s not related to Niwa in anyway; he’s just his mentor. He seems to have a laid-back attitude towards everything unless it’s necessary to stand up. I liked the parts where he gets kicked by Ritsuka for calling her Niwa’s wife; he gets kicked three times. He’s almost like a father to Niwa in a way; perhaps, the reason why Niwa was willing to stay with Fujiwara was because of the lingering attachment.
It was nice learning that Ritsuka and Niwa were childhood friends. They seemed quite close. While Ritsuka is wife material, she doesn’t seem to be interested in Niwa and thinks of herself as his mom friend. Dr. Kubo met the two in college and stuck around since. It’s nice to see that their friendship still remained ever since. Though, I do wonder why Dr. Kubo wants to learn about dog grooming; he’s still a freak.
I think learning about Niwa’s past can also help Miyu understand him more. In fact, this whole episode is Miyu learning about Niwa. Hopefully, Miyu will do something about Niwa’s issues either next episode or in a future one. He is Proud Dog’s saving grace, after all. Without Miyu, the whole place is gonna go bankrupt. I do like that Niwa from the past was like Miyu and how Fujiwara and Niwa were mentor and student, Niwa and Miyu became mentor and student too. Although Singe isn’t that important in this episode, I do like how his positions and expressions change every time the episode cuts back to Miyu. There was even one instance where Singe was trying to get his dad’s attention; that was super cute.
I’m surprised with the casting for the new characters. Toshiyuki Morikawa plays Niwa’s dad. From what I know, Morikawa is a huge dog lover; he even named his voice acting agency, Axl-one after his late dog, Axl. Also, he has been playing a lot of dads lately, so I guess this adds into his ever growing list of playing a protagonist’s dad. I didn’t expect Shunsuke Takeuchi to play the aggressive dog Maro. Where are they getting these high quality voice actors from? Do they just find them passing by the recording studio and ask them to come in and record for a minor role or something? Young Niwa is played by Makoto Koichi and young Ritsuka is played by Anna Nagase. I’m not too familiar with them. In fact, I looked up Anna Nagase and I just learned that she’s 18. So young! There’s also a name that rather surprised me when I saw the cast list. Ritsuka’s mom is played by Kumiko Higa. She’s most known for voicing Lan Hikari/Netto Hikari in the Megaman NT Warrior anime (Rockman.EXE). It’s cool that this anime is getting rather known names for their supporting cast.
I’ll end my review here since I feel like it’s getting long (It’s almost 1300 words). I do feel like this is a two-parter. Maybe Miyu will save the day and help Niwa and Fujiwara patch things up as he is good with handling people. It sucks that the original source material is Japanese-only so I can’t really read what’s gonna happen next because I don’t have access to it. If you’re watching this anime and seen this episode, what are your thoughts on Niwa’s past?
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cooliogirl101 · 2 years
Now I'm imagining an au where the ppg had jiraiya as a jounin-sensei (maybe they got him as a punishment for hacking into the files or something?) and Minato got sakumo instead lol
Honestly would feel kind of bad for Jiraiya in that AU, dude would be way in over his head lol. Three terrifyingly competent teenage girls, each strong in their own way, intensely devoted to each other with unmatched teamwork skills, who aren’t afraid to break a few rules to get what they want? Nightmare situation for any new jounin sensei.
Not to mention I feel like Jiraiya’s the kind of person Kushina would feel the urge to prank constantly. His porn-writing tendencies/general way he treats women would definitely rub Mikoto the wrong way, and given that Mikoto’s usually the one who holds Kushina back from going too far in her pranks, this would equal double the amount of pranks for Jiraiya. Reina would probably end up being the most sympathetic one because she can see under all his bluster, he genuinely means well. Still, as a team they’d have a much harder time adjusting to Jiraiya compared to Sakumo.
(In which Jiraiya tries to impress his new team by emphasizing what a Very Big Deal it is to have him as a teacher and what a Very Big Deal He Is, Too Important to be Dealing With You Plebeians, and it ends up backfiring completely.)
“Here.” Jiraiya looked up, instinctively catching the bottle Reina tossed at him.
“Acetone. It dissolves superglue,” she explained. Jiraiya hesitated in opening the bottle, causing a wry smile to appear on Reina’s face. “Don’t worry, I didn’t put anything…extra in. You can test it on me if you don’t believe me.”
“Ah, there’s no need for that,” Jiraiya replied, slightly sheepishly. Then again, after the day he’d had, he thought he could be forgiven for being a little more cautious than usual. “Could you—?”
He trailed off when Reina stepped behind him, wordlessly complying with his request to remove the wooden sign (containing some rather colorful language) glued to his back before he’d even had a chance to ask.
“You know, the only reason she pranks you is because she wants you to teach her,” Reina murmured, as she began using the acetone to separate the sign from his back inch by inch.
Jiraiya let out a harsh laugh.
“I’m the last person she wants to teach her,” he said bitterly. “She hates me. They both do.”
His words cracked slightly at the end, hurt creeping out of his throat like thorns, and he bit back a curse. As if things with his team weren’t bad enough, now he had to go and ruin his chances at gaining the respect of his only student who didn’t seem to resent him.
Reina’s hands paused for a second.
“Kushina wants a teacher that responds to her. Mikoto wants a teacher that respects her. That’s very different from them hating you, sensei,” she said quietly.
“I’ve been trying to do that—”
“You’ve been trying to impress us,” Reina corrected. “Or the Hokage. Maybe your colleagues as well, I don’t know. But that’s not what we need.” She looked at him, gaze calm and steady and entirely too wise for someone her age. “What we need isn’t some larger-than-life legendary figure who’s too important to sit down and talk through the basics with us— what we need is someone real and willing to be present. Show Kushina you’re willing to take her seriously and that she doesn’t need to fight for your attention. Show Mikoto that you don’t think any less of her for being female. That’s it. Do that and I promise you they’ll come around.”
“That’s it, huh?” Jiraiya murmured, almost inaudibly. Just be present. How…simple.
Reina looked at him.
“When you were a genin, what did you care about more? That Sarutobi Hiruzen was the Hokage, or that he was your teacher?” Reina asked rhetorically. “Be the amazing, spectacular Toad Sannin to the rest of the world if you like, I don’t care. As long as you let yourself be Jiraiya-sensei for us.”
She stood up suddenly.
“Aaaand that’s the last of the superglue removed,” she informed him. Jiraiya blinked, startled. He’d completely forgotten about that. “You can keep the rest of the acetone, by the way. Consider it a gift.”
“Thank you, Reina,” Jiraiya said sincerely. He meant it, in more ways than one.
Her gaze softened.
“Hey, what are teammates for, right?” She asked, with a slight smile.
“Can I ask you one more thing?” He asked after a moment. Reina nodded. “You’ve said what the others wanted. What about you?”
“What do you mean?“ She asked, looking faintly confused.
“What are you looking for in a teacher?” He pressed.
Reina was quiet for a moment. When she looked up again, there was something almost wistful on her face.
“For you not to treat me like a child. Do you think you could do that for me, sensei?”
(The way I see it, when he was young Jiraiya was that one kid no one expected to succeed, who had to fight for every bit of respect and acknowledgement he got. And now that he’s a bit older, with an S-rank title and considered to be on the same level as Orochimaru and Senju Tsunade, it’s resulted in major imposter syndrome and him trying desperately to prove himself worthy of his reputation every chance he gets, overcompensating for his insecurities by acting far more confident and important than he actually feels.
Reina managed to cut through all of that by basically telling him you don’t need to be a genius or a hero to be a good teacher— you just have to be there for us and listen to us and respect us, it isn’t your reputation I want as my teacher, it’s you.)
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