#Daily tarot reading
belovedapollo · 7 months
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I was on the go the last three days and I was feeling extremely low, which resulted in not journaling at all – but today I finally cleaned my apartment, showered, made food and sat down to write some thoughts down 🍂 reblog is ok, don’t repost
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littledogtarot · 13 days
Pick a Card for the Weekend of 4/19/24—4/21/24:
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Card reveals and discussion below the read more!
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The Hierophant represents tradition, order, and systems. It speaks to knowledge you can only gain by adapting to the rules of a new institution or the norms of a new group. It may represent a mentor or teacher you are going to study with, or simply an organization that has knowledge you will have to work for. Quite often it represents higher education, but it might simple be a new class or hobby you're going to pick up. There's a lot of success potential here, but you'll have to put in time and effort to get what you want.
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The Nine of Wands represents the last push before successful work completion. It comes near the end of the suit of wands, meaning that you've been working on this for a while, and you're almost there. It's a sign that you need to stand your ground and keep going, because you've got this. It'll be hard work, but it's worth doing. Success is in sight, so just hold on. You're close to release.
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The Wheel of Fortune often represents a big change coming to your life, one that will bring you close to your true purpose or passions. It's also a reminder that the nature of life is change, and that this too shall pass. You're on a journey, but you still have farther to go. Savor the good moments, and trust that the hard ones are helping to shape you into the person you're meant to be.
Deck is the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris Anne.
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essseateatarot · 5 months
Court Cards in Tarot: How to Read Them
Understanding the Court Cards
In the tarot, the Court Cards often serve as a bridge between the esoteric symbolism of the Major Arcana and the practical scenarios depicted in the Minor Arcana. They are the personified expressions of the energies within the deck, each card holding a distinct personality that can influence the interpretation of a spread.
The Court Cards are divided into four ranks: Pages, Knights, Queens, and Kings, each representing a different aspect of human character and development.
The Page stands for the beginning of a journey, embodying youthfulness, curiosity, and the potential for growth. They are the seekers, the learners, always eager for new experiences and knowledge. In a reading, a Page might suggest a new phase of life, an invitation to explore uncharted territories, or the early stages of a creative endeavor.
Knights, on the other hand, are the embodiment of action and movement. They are the adventurers of the tarot, representing the pursuit of goals and the energy required to achieve them. Knights can indicate change, travel, or the need to take decisive action. They are the momentum pushing us forward, sometimes with such force that it can be a challenge to steer them in the right direction.
Queens are the nurturers, often reflecting the maturity and emotional intelligence that comes with experience. They hold space for growth, offering support and encouragement. In readings, Queens suggest a time to reflect, to understand the emotional landscape, and to nurture the seeds we have planted. They remind us of the strength found in compassion and the power of intuition.
Kings are the epitome of mastery and control. They represent the culmination of the journey through the ranks, embodying leadership, authority, and the establishment of order. When a King appears in a reading, it often points to a period of control and governance, a time to take charge of a situation, or to stand firm in one’s convictions.
Each rank is associated with one of the four suits: Cups, Pentacles, Wands, and Swords, which correspond to the elements of Water, Earth, Fire, and Air, respectively. The suit of Cups deals with emotions, relationships, and connections. The suit of Pentacles focuses on material aspects, such as work, finance, and health. The suit of Wands is linked to creativity, ambition, and personal drive. Finally, the suit of Swords represents thought, communication, and conflict.
The combination of rank and suit in a Court Card can offer a nuanced glimpse into the querent’s life. For instance, the Knight of Cups might represent a romantic pursuit or an invitation to follow one’s heart, while the Queen of Swords could suggest a need for clear communication and intellectual control.
To truly understand the Court Cards, one must be willing to engage with them, to see them as characters with stories that resonate with our own. They are not static symbols but dynamic forces that interact with the energies of the other cards and the circumstances of the querent. By learning to read these interactions and the personalities they represent, we can unlock the full potential of the tarot and provide readings that are both insightful and transformative.
Interpreting the Ranks
The ranks within the Court Cards of the Tarot deck serve as a hierarchy of personal development and perspective. Each rank, from the Page to the King, offers a unique lens through which we can view ourselves and the situations we encounter. To interpret these ranks effectively, we must consider their individual attributes and how they apply to our lives.
Pages: The Youthful Spirits Pages are the children of the Tarot court, brimming with the spirit of discovery and the innocence of youth. They represent the nascent stages of understanding, where everything is fresh and possible. When a Page appears in a reading, it often signals a message or a small beginning, the spark of an idea that has the potential to grow into something significant. They invite us to open our minds and hearts to new learning and to approach life with a sense of wonder and openness.
Knights: The Valiant Questers Knights are the action-oriented figures of the court, representing the pursuit of ideals and the journey towards a goal. They are the champions of a cause, driven by their suit’s elemental energy, whether it be the fiery pursuit of passion with the Knight of Wands or the steady progress towards material success with the Knight of Pentacles. Knights challenge us to consider our actions and the momentum behind them. They ask us to question whether we are charging ahead with purpose or merely tilting at windmills.
Queens: The Sovereign Protectors Queens are the embodiment of maturity and command over the emotional and practical realms. They are the nurturers, the protectors, and the ones who govern with a blend of strength and grace. A Queen in a reading suggests a time for empathy and understanding, for taking care of oneself and others. In the presence of a Queen, consider the structures you are building in your life—be they relationships, projects, or personal goals. She challenges you to lead not from a throne of isolation but from the fertile ground of connection and care, ensuring that every decision is rooted in the collective good as well as your own well-being.
Kings: The Seasoned Rulers Kings are the epitome of authority and mastery within the Tarot. They represent control, leadership, and the overarching power of their suit. These venerable figures beckon you to the helm, urging you to steer with a steady hand and a clear vision. They are the embodiment of strategic prowess, the architects of destiny who craft their legacies with deliberate strokes. They encourage you to wield your power with a balance of might and wisdom, to be the beacon others look to in times of uncertainty. In their presence, you are reminded that every kingdom is built on the foundation of past trials, and every ruler’s strength is tempered by the fires of experience.
Combining Ranks and Suits in a Tarot Reading
Court Cards weave together the stages of personal development and the elemental energies of life—emotions (Cups), intellect (Swords), creativity (Wands), and materiality (Pentacles). They offer a narrative that’s rich with human experience and provide guidance for our journey.
The Elemental Interaction of Suits The suits of the Tarot deck embody distinct aspects of our lives, and their elemental interaction with the ranks brings to life a character with unique motivations, strengths, and weaknesses.
Cups: The suit of Cups is the wellspring of emotions, relationships, and connections. When Court Cards of this suit appear, they often speak to the emotional context of a situation, the undercurrents of feeling that influence our actions and reactions.
Swords: Representing the realm of thought, communication, and conflict, the Swords bring clarity and challenge. Court Cards from this suit can indicate a need for clear thinking or can signal that a situation is fraught with intellectual tension or moral dilemmas.
Wands: The Wands are the spark of inspiration, the drive to create and to act. Their Court Cards encourage us to follow our passions and to channel our energy into pursuits that light us up and move us forward.
Pentacles: Grounded in the material world, the Pentacles focus on issues of finance, career, and physical health. Their Court Cards suggest a time to be practical, to plan, and to consider the tangible outcomes of our actions.
Intersecting Ranks with Elemental Energies
When we begin to combine the ranks with these elemental suits, we delve deeper into the psyche of the reading and the querent. Understanding the combination of ranks and suits requires not only a knowledge of their meanings but also an intuition for their interplay.
A Knight of Pentacles, for instance, may suggest a methodical approach to achieving one’s goals, but if it appears in a reading dominated by Cups, it might also imply a need to balance practicality with emotional awareness.
Similarly, a Queen of Swords can represent a sharp-witted and perceptive individual, but when surrounded by Wands, it could indicate that her insights are needed to fuel a creative project or to cut through the fog of uncertainty that hampers progress.
Expanding on this, the interplay of the Page of Wands with the elemental suits further deepens the reading’s narrative. The Page of Wands typically represents enthusiasm and the pursuit of new ideas. However, when this card is found amidst numerous Pentacles, it might suggest that the querent’s new ideas need to be grounded in reality and possibly linked to material or financial concerns. The youthful energy of the Page needs to be channeled into practical endeavors.
In contrast, the King of Cups embodies emotional stability and maturity. When this card is juxtaposed with Swords, it can signal a situation where emotional intelligence and empathy are crucial in navigating conflicts or making decisions that require clear, rational thinking. The King’s usually calm demeanor may be tested by the mental challenges or communication issues represented by Swords.
Additional Examples of Court Card and Suit Interactions Here’s more examples that illustrate how Court Cards interact with the elemental suits, offering a deeper and more complex understanding of their meanings in a tarot reading. This nuanced approach emphasizes the multifaceted nature of human experiences and the diverse aspects of personality and circumstance that come into play.
When the Knight of Swords appears in a spread, it often represents quick thinking and decisive action. However, if this card is surrounded by Cups, the interpretation might shift towards using one’s intellect and clarity of thought to navigate emotional situations. The swift energy of the Knight of Swords is thus tempered by the need to be sensitive to the feelings of others.
Similarly, the Page of Cups usually signifies a gentle, dreamy energy, often a messenger of creativity and emotion. If this card appears in a spread with a majority of Pentacles, it could suggest that the querent needs to ground their emotional insights and creative impulses in practical matters. This combination could point to the need for the querent to apply their intuitive understanding in a real-world context, perhaps in their career or financial decisions.
The Queen of Pentacles, often associated with nurturing and practicality, when found in a reading with several Swords, might indicate the need to balance caring and resourcefulness with clear communication and logical decision-making. This combination suggests that the nurturing aspects of the Queen need to be applied with intellect and objectivity, especially in challenging situations that require problem-solving.
Lastly, the King of Wands, typically a symbol of leadership and charisma, when combined with Cups, can highlight the importance of leading with empathy and emotional intelligence. This combination urges the leader to be mindful of the emotional needs and well-being of others, using their natural charisma to inspire and motivate in a way that is emotionally resonant and compassionate.
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olympiccreation · 7 days
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Daily Reading for 4/24/24
Stack 1
Ten of Swords
It's okay to be hurt by what others have done to you. But denying the hurt and burying your feelings is not going to stop what is happening. Accept that things end, and sometimes there is nothing you can do to stop it. Let go and let be.
Stack 2
King of Cups reversed
Feeling out of it lately? Notice that you've been a little touchy and quick to anger or annoyance? Been giving a few guilt trips? It's fine to be emotionally unbalanced sometimes, but making it your default is unhealthy not only for you but for everyone else around you as well. Take some time to come to terms with your feelings and watch yourself before you lash out at others for things beyond their control.
Stack 3
Seven of Pentacles reversed
Are you planning, or are you winging it? Without a plan in place, you can't prepare for inevitable hurdles, which will ultimately decrease your chances of success. You don't have to plan down to the minute details, but have at least some idea of the path you plan to follow.
Stack 4
Queen of Pentacles reversed
It is difficult to balance your work life and your home life and it seems those things are starting to mix. Being passionate about what you do is fantastic, but don't let it consume you. Leave some room in your schedule for you to just be you and not an employee.
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yiotarot · 1 year
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🌙 Yio
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ace01taro · 1 year
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💰Daily message for 4/3/2023💰
This message has a set date, but is still considered “Timeless”. When you manage find it, that is when you were meant to find it.
This message is mainly about your finances ✌️💰This is about your money and how you might be someone who has been observing this situation for some time. Now is not the time to doubt yourself. Some of you might feel as if “Money” is being stolen from you, This could be reason as to why your finances are in a “Halted” state. If you feel that you have been in a war recently ⚔️ Now is not the time to “retreat”, you must keep pushing forward Your enemies are running scared.
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brookepricer · 2 years
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saturnalia-tarot · 1 year
🌻  Daily Tarot Reading April 2nd, 2023   🌻
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Welcome, dear friend, to your daily tarot reading!
Today, the cards have brought forth the Nine of Cups, known to many as the "wish card." This card speaks of fulfillment, satisfaction, and contentment, indicating that you may be feeling particularly blessed and happy in your life at this moment.
The universe is working in your favor, and your efforts may be rewarded with recognition, success, and happiness. Your wishes and desires may be coming true, and you are encouraged to continue working towards your goals with faith and optimism.
Take this moment to revel in the joy and abundance of the universe, and let its energy flow through you. Remember that you have the power to manifest your dreams and create the life you truly desire. Trust in the universe, trust in yourself, and keep moving forward with confidence.
May your day be filled with magic, wonder, and blessings.   🍀
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ascendantevolution · 11 months
New direction. Transformation. Move with the flow of the Universe. Be present. Be guided by your intuition. Free Spirit, rise and be free of the expectations and voices of others who would keep you bound. You ARE brave, independent, and passionate. Finally, regard your authenticity as the rudder for co-creating with the Universe. ♈🌞♑🌑🦁
I am Estara Merit, an intuitive reader. That means I read what Spirit gives to me before I read traditional card meanings. I believe that I have been called to share intuitive readings as a means of offering guidance for those who are awakening, or awakened and ascending, and those engaged in deep healing, especially through shadow work. I work closely with my guides, archangels, cosmic energies, and Source. I am here on Earth at this time to be an observer and reflector, a teacher, a warrior of light, and a healer. I want to thank you, thank you, thank you for showing up, for living courageously, and for giving my channel a try. I wish you well on your sacred path. Blessed be.
Want to book me for a reading? [email protected]
Donations in support of the work are always welcome & appreciated: CashApp: $AscendantEvolution Venmo: @ascendantevolution
Interested in the decks I am using? The specific decks are linked in the description box for the Youtube video. I have begun the work of cataloguing my collection of decks. ESTARA’S DECK COLLECTION: https://bit.ly/EstarasTODeckCollection https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a_B6pp6ezlpW0_GyZJJU_QU4A7DvyAYUHUX6Y3SEDy4/edit#  
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moonlightwhiskers · 2 years
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hello hello, a little pick a card reading to start off your day!
pick a number and see what your reading for today is…
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Connect with your higher self. Listen for the messages surfacing from within. Fall back to your spiritual path to find your answer, and you will find that your inner guides are waiting to serve you. In quieting yourself internally, you will finally be able to hear your truth.
Move through the day in the light of your own truth and sense of justice. Let your conscious be your guide.
You’ve come to a sense of resolution, commitment, triumph, and clarity. During this time you’re being asked to see things with a broader perspective.
At this time, emotional balance will be the key to your success. Embrace your ability to be loving, and it will help you cultivate your community.
You feel like you’re caught up in a sense of conflict. The struggle that seems to be happening around you may in fact be happening inside of you. You feel like you’re fighting tooth and nail, but getting nowhere.
Allow yourself to fail, allow yourself to lose, and you may find that you are actually winning. In losing all, you will gain everything. In this case, you are merely relinquishing that which is obsolete.
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littledogtarot · 5 days
Pick a Card for the Weekend of 4/26/24—4/28/24:
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Card reveals and discussion below the read more!
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The Magician is an intense but optimistic card. Part of the Major Arcana, it packs major power. It represents capability, energy, willpower, and making things happen. The Magician asks you to draw on all your strengths—your head, your heart, your gut, and your spirit—and bring them together to achieve your goals. The Magician is an auspicious card, suggesting you'll be successful in your endeavors.
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The King of Swords represents fairness and justice, wisdom and counsel. It speaks to looking at an issue from all sides, and using a lifetime's worth of knowledge to solve problems. Sometimes the King of Swords' advice can seem intimidating or stern, but it's always trustworthy. The King of Swords might represent a person in your life, a situation, or qualities that you are called to embody. Put on your impartiality hat and make some wise, unemotional, ethical decisions.
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The Three of Cups represents finding your people and reveling in their company. These aren't just any friends, and they're not necessarily family. They're the people you feel most yourself with, the people who love you for being your unique, specific self. The Three of Cups could represent relationships like this coming into your life, or taking the time to appreciate these relationships if you already have them. Spend some time together and bask in your gratitude for their presence in your life.
Deck is the Kawaii Tarot by Lulu Mayo.
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essseateatarot · 6 months
Honoring ancestors through ritual and gratitude 🪞🌛
As Halloween approaches and the air becomes infused with a certain mystical energy, many believe that the veil between our world and the spirit realm grows thin. It is during this enchanting time that we are drawn to honor our ancestors, those who came before us and whose wisdom still whispers through the ages. Crafting a Tarot altar for our ancestors is a powerful way to connect with and pay tribute to those who have paved the way for our existence. In this post, we will embark on a journey into the sacred art of creating a Tarot altar dedicated to our forebears, a place where their presence can be felt, their guidance sought, and their memory cherished. So, let's delve into the mystical realms of Tarot and ancestry, and discover how to craft an altar that bridges the gap between the living and the dearly departed. 🌌 🪄
Incorporating ritual into ancestral work not only deepens the connection but also provides a tangible way to express your gratitude. This practice is akin to setting a special table for beloved guests, acknowledging their presence and the profound impact they continue to have on your life. Here are some ways to approach this sacred work:
Creating an Ancestral Altar: This act involves selecting a dedicated space, be it a corner of your home or a specific piece of furniture, to honor your ancestors. Adorn it with items that hold meaning, such as photographs, heirlooms, or objects that evoke their memory. This becomes a focal point for your ancestral practice, a place where you can come to commune with their energy.
Lighting the Way with Candles: Lighting candles holds deep symbolic significance in many cultures. The flame acts as a beacon, illuminating the path for your ancestors to join you in your sacred space. Consider using colors that resonate with ancestral energy, such as white for purity, red for vitality, or black for spiritual insight.
Offerings of Love and Remembrance: Providing offerings is a poignant way to express your gratitude. This could be their favorite food or drink, or even items that held special meaning for them in life. It’s a tangible act of remembrance, demonstrating your respect and love for the legacy they’ve passed down.
Engaging in Meditation and Reflection: Set aside time for quiet contemplation. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and allow your mind to journey back through the annals of your family history. Visualize the faces of your ancestors, feel their presence, and let any messages or insights come to you naturally.
Sacred Sound and Song: Music and chanting have the power to transcend the physical realm and reach deep into the spiritual. Consider incorporating ancestral songs or chants into your ritual. This resonant energy can serve as a bridge, connecting you to the wisdom and experiences of those who came before.
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olympiccreation · 9 days
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Daily Reading for 4/22/24
Stack 1
The Heirophant reversed
It is okay to be different. You do not need to feel crushed under the weight of societies standards all of the time. Society is fickle, after all. What is okay today will be cause for ridicule tomorrow. Make your own standards and stick to them no matter what others say.
Stack 2
Five of Pentacles
Things are tough right now, and that's okay. But you're letting yourself drown in your worries rather than looking up. Focus on your future and how to make it there rather than you past and what caused you to be where you are now. Nothing will change what has already happened, but you can change what will happen.
Stack 3
Nine of Pentacles reversed
You've been so focused on investing in your work and your future that you've not noticed how your breaking down. To get ahead, you need to be healthy, medically, spiritually, and mentally. Take a step back and have a you day.
Stack 4
King of Pentacles
If you keep up the hard work that you are putting in, you will absolutely see positive results. The more you keep at it, the better you'll get, and the more you will see your intentions come to fruition. Just be wary of falling into a cycle where you dont take care of yourself as well. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.
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yiotarot · 1 year
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🌙 Yio
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patsliftedgifts · 1 year
Daily reading
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tarotchariot · 11 months
Daily tarotscope 9 June
2 of cups - Ace of cups - Justice (rev) - The star
2 of cups fits the friday vibe of it being date night, or friend/sibling night. The mood to connect with others is in the air today supported by ace of cups. If there is a date for this evening, it's boding well in the cards. Even if negative things are happening, today is asking you to enjoy what is in front of you, whether it's that bagel or that game or your pay packet lol. There could be things you skip out on in preference for hanging out, or chatting to people whether in person or online. I don't think it will be harmful, as long as you keep in mind the things you need to do after having a mini break for the night, say.
As advice, if there is negativity or rudeness, do not respond in kind - stay away from it and choose to treat people like the kind, decent person you are even if irate. If something/someone really bothers you today or hurts your feelings, remember that there are good people out there and interesting, if not positive events to unfold.
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