#Cuz that was ten years ago LOL
clown-demon · 7 months
In what fandom did you start?
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((Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood on Facebook! I RPed Riza Hawkeye as my first canon character! Though on TUMBLR my first fandom I started on was the Mario fandom! I RPed Antasma from Mario and Luigi Dream Team!
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theeeveetamer · 10 months
Diafred Week Day 6: AUs! Alfred woke everyone up at 4 am for a family portrait
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You might remember that I had this idea aaaaaaaaall the way back in April for Mother's Day and. well. I finished it about a week ago (help)
Omegaverse AU where Diamant and Alfred just have a big happy family together! Alfred woke everyone up at 4 am for a family portrait and only two of them are happy about it lol
Kiddos are (from left to right) Onyx, Emerald (Emmy), and Selene.
I wanted to draw a companion piece where they sit for a portrait in Firene but this one already took me three months to complete so that wasn't going to happen for Diafred Week lol
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Most Wanted (Mafia Boss!Toji x Spy!Self-Insert!Reader 18+ One Shot)
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"I’m gonna make sure you remember tonight and what happens when you fuck with a guy like me."
Pairing: Toji Fushigiro x Self-Insert!Reader (Enemies to Lovers)
Synopsis: You’re a highly skilled hitwoman. You’ve been doing this for years–getting paid to take hits on the wealthy and corrupt at your agency’s order. You figure taking a hit on the renowned Tokyo mafia boss Toji Fushigiro won’t be any different. However, things take a terrifying turn for you, and your skills are put to the test when you go undercover as a dancer at his favorite club and give him a private dance. But instead of killing you, Toji takes it upon himself to punish you and show you what happens when you fuck with him.
Warnings: Smutty Smut, 18+; Porn with Plot; Physical Fighting; Gun Play; Knife Play; Noncon/R*pe; Forced Deepthroat; Mutual Oral; Forced Orgasm; Lap Dancing/Pole Dancing; Doggystyle; Spit Play; Degradation + Praise; Rough Sex; Choking; Hair Pulling; Unprotected PIV Sex; Creampie; Some Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: Here you go lovely!! @curiouscutie143 I hope you & everyone other toji lovers enjoy this. I had so much fun writing this & I tried to make it as nasty as I could lol. I may write another mafia!toji thing in the future just cuz this shit was soooo fun. Enjoy! -Jazz
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“Peaches, you’re needed in the backrooms.” 
You resist the urge to smile as you turn around from your seat at the bar, sipping on some water after your dance and sweet-talking a middle-aged bank broker into his pockets. It’s important to keep up the facade.
“Comin’,” you tell your coworker and turn to the broker who looks ready to dive into your cleavage. 
“Sorry, but I’ve gotta run,” you sigh, acting apologetic. He frowns at you, making the wrinkles and lines in his face more evident. “But this shouldn’t take too long. Find me afterward?”
The broker puts his hand on yours, accidentally using the hand his gold marriage band sits on. “You’ve got it, baby,” he purrs. “I’ve got some dollars just waitin’ on ya.” 
He gives you a wink before polishing off his whiskey and walking away from the bar, leaving you to breathe and collect your thoughts. You turn to the bottle girl, waving her down. “One shot of Patron, please!” you yell above the music blaring from the overhead speakers. She nods, scurrying to fetch you a much-needed shot. It will be the first alcoholic drink you’ve had since your shift started. 
You suddenly hear a buzz from your right ear and instantly put your hand up against it under your hair. “V,” a gruff voice says into your earpiece. “Come in, V. It’s been 20 minutes since we last talked. Did you get him yet?” 
You scan the upscale strip club pulsing with purple and red strobe lights and booming with activity: businessmen and regular-degular customers tossing money at the dancers on stage who spin around poles and do splits in their thongs and heels.
“Target was sighted five minutes earlier, sir,” you whisper into the earpiece given to you by your agency. “He is currently in the backrooms waiting for me. He came alone. He made eye contact with me ten minutes ago, so he may be asking for me.” 
More like you made eye contact with him and had been since he walked in. He is impossible to miss with how tall and buff he is. His black V-neck tee stuck to his pectorals and abs while his jeans hung low on his hips.
You had expected he’d be flashier with his wealth by wearing obvious designer clothing, but you figured that he had to keep a low profile as well. Beneath the V-neck that hung from his neck, you could see the tattoos that roped over his chest just like his arms. The healed scar at the corner of his smirk as his green eyes scanned the place over told you that this was, indeed, your target. 
He stood between two bodyguards in suits half his size, giving off an intimidating aura, especially with the guns at their hips. But you’d expect nothing less from Toji Fushigiro, Tokyo’s most notorious mafia boss. 
He is powerful. He is wealthy. He is known throughout Tokyo and Japan for being the head of Tokyo’s infamous mafia gang, the spot being passed down by his father. He is also a criminal. White-collar crime, organized crime, drug trafficking––you name it, Toji does it. 
He is also known for his scare tactics on those who owe him a debt. He’s held man over bridges, threatening to drop them in the murky waters below. He’s pistol-whipped. He’s choked. He’s stomped. He’s jumped guys in alleyways and left them for dead. He is a man of his word. If he tells you he’ll fuck you up if you don’t give him his money in a certain amount of time, he’ll do it. 
He is the number one man current on your hitlist…and your agency’s. They knew it was a good idea to employ you, their top hitwoman, to Toji’s favorite club to take him out for good. Though he didn’t show up when you started at the club a couple of weeks ago, you knew it was only a matter of time until he showed up. 
And now, he is. As soon as he was in the club, everyone’s eyes were on him. Dancers scurried to the pole and backstage to change into their best outfits to milk him out of his pockets. Bartenders and bottle girls quickly wiped down counters and took care of customers as quickly as possible so they could tend to him. Your manager barreled toward him with complimentary champagne and a spot in the VIP section. 
As Toji walked with your manager, your eyes met across the room. They met again while he sat in the VIP section when he should’ve been watching a dancer twirl around the pole in front of him. Both times were fleeting, but they affected you completely. His green eyes, like mirrors to a forest, sent chills down your spine and made your stomach flip. His gaze was intense. Intimate. His eyes made it hard to relax or act like a normal dancer working her shift at the club. 
He seemed to know what he was doing to you or he was sizing you up because he would simply smirk and sip on his whiskey on the rocks and puff on his cigar, his soft lips forming Os and blowing the smoke into the strobe-lit air. You can understand why so many women fell for him, but you aren’t one of them. The tiny gun strapped to your hip proves it. 
Your real boss sighs in relief. “Excellent work,” he praises. “Unfortunately, we can’t see what you’re doing from over at headquarters and we’re still working on connecting the audio to hear what’s happening around you, so just fill us in on what you do next until then. All you have to do now is walk back there and complete the mission as we discussed.” 
You toss an arm over the bar, stretching your coffin-shaped nails along the polished bar. “Of course,” you reply with a smirk. “Don’t I always?”
The bartender returns with your shot and you down it at once, relishing the burn and the way it loosened you right up. “I’ll keep you informed,” you say. “Just stay near the phone.” 
“Be careful,” your boss says before the line cuts. You check your makeup in the bar before you get up from the bar and strut over to your beautiful, blonde coworker in her red lingerie and heels. “Hey, Yuki,” you greet her. 
She smiles at you and guides you to the backrooms where the wealthier customers usually take the girls to get a dance…or something more. Sexual exchanges aren’t allowed, but the manager never complains if they bring in more money. You and Yuki peer down the hallway to the double doors of a private room where Toji’s bodyguards stand. 
“Why the guards?” you ask, pretending to be confused. “Is the President here or somethin’?” Yuki turns you to face her, her eyes wide. “Even bigger,” she replies. “He’s the hot guy with the scar who comes in here often. He’s a mafia boss, apparently. Super hot, but very powerful. The bossman gave him his pick of any girl he wanted and he picked you.” 
You do your best to hide your smirk. You knew you had him. “Me?” you ask breathlessly. “Why me?” Yuki shrugs, just as clueless. “Don’t know, but I was sent out to fetch you. He’s willin’ to pay double the amount of a regular lapdance, but he didn’t say if he wanted it topless, naked or not.” She gives you a worried look, furrowing her blonde brows. “You sure you up for it, hon?” she asks. “I know you’ve taken high rollers before, but he ain’t even a high roller! He’s beyond that!” 
To sell it even more, you bite your lip, acting nervous but intrigued. “I can do it,” you reply. “Just hold my hand when you walk me in there.” Yuki obliges and squeezes your hand as you begin to walk toward the guards, heels clicking across the floor. 
“Target is in sight,” you whisper into your earpiece, turning away from Yuki and putting your mouth in your arm to muffle your voice. “I’m walkin’ to the backrooms now where he’s located.” 
“Excellent, V!” your boss says. “Just do it as we discussed. Don’t falter, don’t yield, and don’t lose focus.” The three rules of being a spy. You never forgot them. Finally, you come to the guards and Yuki smiles up at them. “I’m here with Peaches,” Yuki announces. “The girl Mr. Fushigiro asked for.” 
You plaster a bright, charming smile on your face. It must work because the guards budge and step out of the way for you. One of them opens the door for you and Yuki, holding it. “Step in,” he orders. You thank him and scurry inside the dimly lit room with an included mini-bar, a single stripper pole, and leather lounging couches. Toji currently sits in one of them, legs spread and eyes hooded as he puffs on a blunt and sips on his drink. 
His green eyes pierce into your very soul when he eyes you in the doorway. “Here she is, sir,” Yuki says. “Just as you requested. And she’s just as pretty as I told you she is.” She moves your hair out of your face, exposing your pretty false flashes, Fenty Beauty gloss, and accentuated features to the boss. 
Toji hums, liking what he sees. “Yes, she is,” he agrees. “Tell your boss thanks. He can expect some good business out of me once the night is through.” Yuki nods and gives your arm a squeeze. “Good luck,” she whispers before heading off. The doors close and you are left alone with your hit. 
Neither one of you moves toward the other, staying posted to your spots. Toji takes a puff on his blunt and lights taps it above the ashtray next to him. “Y’know, you’re mighty pretty up close,” he purrs. “I’ve been wonderin’ what you’d look like up close instead of across the room.” 
You finally look at him, noticing how big he is even sitting down. “So you’ve been watchin’ me tonight?” you ask. He nods, his eyes trailing down your form. “I knew I hadn’t seen ya before,” he continues. “I come here often and I would’ve remembered seein’ a face and a rack like that.” 
You scoff, rolling your eyes. “Charmer, aren’t you?” you sarcastically question. 
He smirks at your wittiness. He likes that bite in a woman. “When I wanna be, but you’ll have to forgive me; the liquor makes me bolder than I already am.” His tongue jets out to lick his lips. “But you’ve gotta give a guy credit for bein’ honest and that lil’ outfit don’t leave much to the imagination.” 
You go to wrap your arms around yourself but then stop. You need to sell this and if you’re forced to stand here in a mini dress that barely covers your ass or titties with heels that could crush a bitch in front of your hit who also happens with me enticingly sexy, then so be it. Toji’s gaze softens somewhat, noticing your discomfort. “You are very beautiful, Peaches,” he genuinely says. “Is it okay if I use your name?” 
“Thank you, Mr. Fushigiro,” you softly reply. “And no, it’s fine. It’s what I’m known as around here anyway. I started here five weeks ago.” He nods, sipping on his whiskey. “Call me Toji.” 
“Toji,” you parrot, slowly striding towards the pole in the middle of the room, an overhead speaker playing soft R&B overhead. “You’re quite the man. The entire club seems to be in a frenzy over you.” 
His smirk widens, proud and cocky. “They always are,” he chuckles. “Don’t know why. This place gets plenty of people bigger than me all the time, especially international celebs. I heard Drake was here not too long ago.” You give a dry “mm-hmm” as you grasp the pole. Toji takes that answer another way. “What, you don’t like Drake?” he snorts. 
“He’s okay,” you reply, short and impatient. “So what are you here for? To talk or to watch me dance?” You wrap a hand around the pole and pop your hip out, waiting for him to give you an order. 
“Depends.” He sits up, leaning forward to get a better look at you. “What are you willin’ to do tonight for me? ‘Cause we can just sit here and talk. I wouldn’t mind hearin’ that pretty voice all night.” His green eyes gleam with mirth and a small hint of lust.
“Definitely a charmer,” you chuckle. “That’s fine if you’re willin’ to pay, though we don’t have a rate for conversation.” 
He laughs at this, the sound deep and raspy yet pleasant to the ear. He takes another puff on his blunt before he lowers it down onto the ashtray. “Then let’s cut to the chase,” he sniggers. “It’s $500 for a 10-minute dance, right? I want 20 minutes, so that would make…”
He begins to count on his fingers but then stops. “A lot,” he chuckles. “I’ll probably ask for you to strip though. Are you okay with that, Peaches?” 
You feel something flip inside of you at the mention of all of that money and how passive he is about it. Any girl working here would do whatever he wanted for 20 minutes! “I’m a stripper,” you reply passively. “What else am I gonna do?” 
Toji tsks, grimacing at you. “Damn, what kinda attitude is that?” he laughs. “A beauty like you should be more adamant about showin’ off her body. Can I offer you a drink to get you in the mood?” He nods at the mini bar overflowing with bottles of tequila, vodka, and liquor.
“I don’t drink on the job,” you reply. “Music helps.” You suddenly hear a buzz in your ear and then your boss’ gruff voice: “Give me the rundown, V,” he demands. 
You want another drink?” you ask. You nod at Toji’s empty glass and he agrees, so you walk over to the bar. To him, you’re seemingly looking for a bottle of whiskey, bent down to look through the racks. “With the target now,” you whisper. “Just waiting for the right time to attack. Give me a second.” 
Once the line goes dead, you walk back over to Toji and pour him a bottle. As you bend down, you give him an ample view of your titties much to his enjoyment. As you do, you slip the gun out of your dress and place it under the couch where only you can find it. Once done, you leave the bottle with him, and step back, hands on your hips. He sits back against the couch, preparing for the show. “Whenever you’re ready, darlin’,” he purrs, his eyes filled with obvious lust and attraction. 
With a slow song playing above and the lights dipping into an almost ominous red shade, you begin to move to the beat. You roll your hips, swaying them side to side and front to back, almost as if you’re grinding on Toji despite him being several feet away from you. You let the music take control of you as you grasp the pole and begin to grind against it, dipping low to wind your ass in his face. 
You do a few tricks on the pole for him–jumping and spinning around it, your thighs wrapped tight around the metal pole; squatting and lifting up your dress to bounce your ass, etc.–before you turn to look at him over your shoulder, flipping your hair. Toji’s eyes are hooded and lustful, all from the weed, the whiskey, and the effect you’re having on him. Despite the situation, it feels good to have an attractive man ogle at your plump frame. 
“Take off the dress,” he demands, a slight growl in his voice. You don’t turn to face him, instead still facing the wall as you carefully unzip the back of your dress. The thin piece of clothing falls off of your body, revealing all of your rolls, curves, and the matching glittery bra and thong set. 
“Shit!” Toji hisses, ogling at your asscheeks in your glittery thong. “Your back don’t hurt carryin’ that around?” 
You finally turn around and find him leaning forward, his hands clenching his thighs. “You don’t look like you’re ready,” you giggle, winding your hips and toying with your titties in their cups. “Did you talk too much big game, Toji?”
The boss looks like he can’t even speak, his scarred lips parted as he stares you down. “Goddamn,” he hisses. “How some horny fuck didn’t propose to you and steal you out of here yet is beyond me.” 
You give a light, tittering laugh, smiling down at him. “Well, if someone did that, I wouldn’t be here with you.” He looks happy with that response. You then twist around and bend over for him, giving him a full view of your full, round, perfect ass. “Can you handle it, baby?” you purr. “Can you handle me?” 
You quickly pop up and turn around, finding him shifting in his seat and gritting his jaw. “I should be askin’ you that,” he growls. “Come the fuck here.” Deciding not to tease him any longer, you strut over to him, feeling sexy and irresistible. It’s strange that the same man you were sent to kill is doing this to you. 
His eyes have grown several shades darker, reminding you of the deepest, darkest parts of a jungle. “Dance for me,” he demands. “Not on the pole; on me.” He opens his legs wider for you and pats his lap, his bottom lip caught between his teeth. Though clients often get handsy when dancers give them lapdances here, you decide that it’s best to do as he says. 
Plus, you’d be lying if you said that you aren’t curious to feel him for yourself. So you place your hands on his thick, muscular highs and begin to roll your body before squatting down, popping up between his legs. You reach up to drag your palms and long nails down his chest, feeling up his abs and toned stomach. He allows it, staring down at you with a look that would make a nun blush. 
You then stand up between his legs before turning around and lowering yourself down into his lap. “Shit,” he whispers, watching the way you work your ass along his lap and the jean-clad bulge that has begun to make an appearance. You twerk and bounce on top of him before he takes a drag of his blunt, blowing the air away from you. “You ever shotgun before?” he asks, his lips close to your ear now. 
Your body grows hot from him being so close, the attraction ironically magnetic. Slowly, you shake your head and Toji chuckles, adoring your mix of cute and sexy. “C’mere.” You lean back and tilt your head up while he takes another puff of his blunt. He holds the marijuana smoke before puckering his lips up and leaning down as if to kiss you. Slowly, the smoke travels from his lips to yours in an indirect kiss that leaves you breathless and your head dizzy. 
You can’t deny it: you’re wet. Your pussy has never been this wet for any man before…and he’s the enemy! Toji seems to feel it too judging by the hard-on you can feel pressing into your thigh. You shift onto his knee and begin grinding your ass back, doing your best to not grind your pussy against his thigh. 
“So you got a name other than that stripper shit?” he randomly asks you. You are immediately taken out of your lustful haze, remembering why you’re here. “I don’t remember us talkin’ about personal shit,” you dryly reply. “I don’t give my real name out to men I don’t know.” 
Then, for the first time tonight, Toji touches you. His big hand lowers onto your thigh and squeezes. You don’t try to move it but you are alarmed. “Oh, but you do know me, darlin’,” he replies, digging his fingers into your flesh. “And I know you, V.” 
At the mention of your real name, you freeze. The world freezes with you, everything seeming to cease their existence including the music that continues to play overhead. But you don’t hear it. All you can hear is your own blood pumping loudly in your eardrums. Toji releases you and you quickly jump off of him, turning toward him. 
He just sits there staring at you, a humorous smirk playing on his lips. The smile is no longer attractive to you anymore. Suddenly, you feel disoriented. You feel like you may vomit or drop to the floor in your heels. Your earpiece buzzes to life again in your ear. “V!” your boss calls. “We just got the audio working again. What’s happening?” He sounds panicked, just as much as you are. 
Toji bares his pearly whites at you as he calmly reaches for his whiskey. “Ah, now them wheels are turnin’ in that pretty little head,” he chuckles. “You know, you dance almost as good as you lie. I can see why you were put here to go undercover.” He takes a sip and licks the remnants away from his top lip, still staring you down. 
“Ain’t that right?” he asks and it feels like a snake has just silvered up your back and sunk its teeth in you, paralyzing you. 
“Y/N, he knows!” your boss hisses. “Stand down! Don’t do anything stupid!” He continues to yell and scream at you about aborting the mission and telling you that someone will be there soon, but you can’t quite hear him. It’s like you’re underwater and he’s standing above ground, his voice muffled and murky. 
For a few seconds that seem like a lifetime, you and Toji stare each other down, waiting for the other to make the first move. Your body kicks into fight or flight, the freeze stage having already been awakened. Inisctively, you shift into fight mode. Quickly, you take the bottle of whiskey and bring it down towards Toji’s head, but he catches your wrist like it’s nothing. 
You grunt, wincing at the pain of his grip. “Oh, you wanna play, huh?” he cackles. “Goin’ against your boss’ little rules just to take me out? How cute.”
With a wail of effort, you swing your other hand at his head but he catches that too. Counting on this, you bring your leg up and kick him hard in the groin. He immediately releases you and lurches forward, holding his junk, giving you a chance to grab your gun from under the couch.
“Don’t move,” you growl, cocking the gun at him. “You move and I’ll shoot.” 
Toji, red in the face and panting, glares up at you. “Please,” he scoffs. “You act like you’re the first bitch that’s put a gun to my head.” Before you can blink, he is swinging the bottle at you. You duck which is a mistake because Toji uses that opening to tackle you to the ground. You struggle and growl, turning into an animal as he wrestles with you for your gun. 
He ends up winning, flipping you over and pinning you down to the floor with his body. “Get off!” you scream, still wriggling around. “Get off me!” Click. The barrel of your gun presses to your temple. “If you don’t shut up, I’ll make you regret it,” he growls. 
His fingers move your hair back away from your ear and pry the earpiece out of your ear. He snarls at it as if it’s nothing but a bug. “God, they made these things so much smaller now.” He stands up, keeping the gun on you, and stomps on the earpiece, breaking it. “Whoops!” he mockingly says. “They should still be able to find ya though. I don’t plan on movin’ ya to another location…if you don’t piss me off.” 
The gun clicks again. “Turn around slowly,” he demands. Despite your reluctance to do so, you slowly turn around and face him, lying on your back with your own shit pointed at you as Toji stands above you. “How did you know?” you whisper. 
He smirks, appearing like the Devil in your eyes. “It wasn’t hard, darlin’,” he chuckles. “Dancers don’t eye me up the way you were. You looked like you were out for blood, not dollars. Not to mention the gun I saw at your hip.” You flush, cursing yourself. You should’ve been smarter. Of course, he would know. He spends his days having people hunt him down. 
His smirk fades, his expression darkening. “Who sent you?” he demands. “And don’t lie. You don’t wanna know what I do with liars.” The gun cocks, his finger trained on the trigger. You glare at him, hating his guts even more than you had before you met him. So you weakly confess. He guffaws, shaking his head in disbelief. “Damn, those guys? They’ve been after me for years!” 
“You’re a criminal,” you hiss despite the gun in your face. “You only got this far because of you dippin’ your hands in crime and gettin’ blood on your fists. I’m here to stop you.”
Toji’s brows raise in shock though he’s intrigued by your stubbornness. He squats down in front of you, still pointing the gun at your head. “And how are you gonna do that, huh, little girl?” he asks. 
Not even thinking, you hollow your lips and wallop a glob of spit in Toji’s handsome face before quickly turning over and scrambling to the door. However, Toji is just as fast and has his big, tatted arms wrapped around you, squeezing you tight. You can’t elbow him anywhere because your arms are stuck in his, leaving you to kick and wriggle.
“Oooh, I love a feisty bitch,” he chuckles. “Makes it a lot more fun to break ‘em.” 
He begins to walk with you over to a nearby wall and slams you against it, knocking the air out of your lungs. You find yourself pressed against the wall and him who is equally as hard and unmoving as the solid wall against your front.
He shoves the side of your face into the wall while he pins your arms behind your back, causing your muscles to explode with pain at being stretched back too far. “Get off!” you cry. “O-Ow, that hurts!” 
Toji tugs on your arms again, emitting a weak whine of pain from you. “That’s what you get for fuckin’ with me,” he growls. “Now what should I do with you? Kill you? Leave your agency to find you here?” The gun once again presses against your temple, cold and unrelenting. 
You squeeze your eyes shut, tears pushing back the ducks. You can’t beat this. You can’t fight this. “Do it,” you sob. “Just do it!” You go limp against him, waiting to feel that bullet penetrating your skull and for the void to come to collect you…but instead, Toji takes the gun away from you, leaving an indent on your temple. “No,” he says. “I’ve got a better idea.” 
You open your eyes, confused but also scared. What else is he planning to do with you? Before you can answer, you hear the undeniable sounds of his zipper coming down and the clinking of his metal belt buckle. Your body instant seizes, fear flooding your insides.
“I’m gonna make sure you remember tonight and what happens when you fuck with a guy like me. Tonight, babydoll, you’re mine. You don’t have a choice. You’re mine and I’m gonna show you what that means.” 
With his belt finally in his hands, he trains the gun on you. “Put your hands against the wall and stick that ass out,” he demands, his voice void of all emotion. “Do it now.” Outnumbered and out of tricks, you do as he says, trembling as you do so. 
“Bad girls like you need to be punished,” he says before the belt comes down hard onto your right asscheek. WHACK! The sharp sound of the leather hitting the soft, jiggly flesh of your ass penetrates the air. It feels like fire has licked your skin and your knees buckle at the pain. “Ow!” you cry out. 
Toji cackles at your agony, finding enjoyment and cuteness in it. “What, that hurt?” he laughs. “You don’t like the pain? I’m sure a girl like you has taken plenty of worse things before.” He raises his arm and whips the same cheek twice.
WHACK! WHACK! You flinch at each sharp hit, each one becoming more painful than the last. “Hurts, don’t it?” he snickers. “Don’t you regret pullin’ that shit with me now, babydoll, hm?” 
He then proceeds to whip your left cheek, not allowing you any time to recover or breathe. 
WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! You bite your lip so hard that you nearly draw blood, the burning of your backside too much to bear. “S-Stop!” you whine. “Please stop!” 
Toji’s big hands wrap around your mouth, covering it. “Don’t speak,” he whispers into your ear, his breath the scent of whiskey and mint. “You don’t get to speak. Just take it.” You have no choice but to do so as he wails on your ass again and again, the leather cracking like fire against your jiggly ass. “God, that recoil,” he groans. “I’m gonna enjoy my time with you, baby doll.” 
You don’t answer, too busy holding back tears that have begun to push at your eye sockets. Toji finally stops and tosses his head back to laugh. “Are you cryin’?” he laughs in disbelief. “Damn, and all from some spankings? And here I thought you were this tough bitch.” 
You burn with resentment and humiliation, but all of that is pushed aside when he forces you to stand up straight and tugs your arms behind your back. You begin to panic but don’t say anything as he tightens his belt around your wrists and locks the belt buckle around them. “Turn around,” he finally says. 
Despite your tiny sobs, you do so and face him. His eyes are hooded and dark with obvious lust for you. He uses one big hand to force you onto your knees, right in front of his open fly and hard cock that you can see pressing against his designer briefs. “I’ll give you somethin’ to cry about,” he growls. He points the gun at your face, specifically at your lips. “Open your mouth and suck on it.” 
His expression, dark and chilling you to the bone, makes you feel as if you don’t have a choice..and not the loaded gun pressing to your lips. Swallowing hard, you shakily open your mouth and he slides the pistol in. The metal feels cold and hard in your mouth, making you cringe. “That’s it,” Toji chuckles. “Take that shit, baby. C’mon, don’t you wanna please me?” 
Slowly, you begin to suck, hollowing your lips out against the gun. Though you tremble and shake, you squeeze your eyes shut and try to imagine the gun as a hard, warm, throbbing cock instead. Toji moans as if you’re sucking on him, watching your tongue swirl along the barrel and your head bob. 
“Fuck, baby doll,” he groans. “You’ve got such a mouth on ya.” He slides it in further, the metal scraping against your teeth, until he reaches your throat. You gag and try to pull away, but Toji grips the back of your head.
“Uh-uh, mama,” he snickers. “You don’t get to get outta this. C’mon, just open your throat and breathe through your nose. You can do it.” He continues to push and pull, the gun sliding in and out of your mouth, while you struggle to breathe. You can feel sweat pool under your pits and between your cleavage all from your fear. Toji’s finger isn’t on the trigger anymore, but it doesn’t matter. He could change that in a second. 
So you suck and you slurp and you bob your head up and down like a good little slut, staring him into his eyes while spit drips from your lips. Finally satisfied, Toji pulls the gun out of your lips now coated in your saliva. “You fuckin’ slut,” he pants. “Now I need to try ya out for myself.” 
He pockets the gun and, with one hand, pulls down his briefs. His big, long, throbbing, veiny, perfect-looking dick springs to life. It damn near hits you in the face, making you gasp. “Sorry, mama,” he chuckles. “He just likes you.”
He wraps a hand around his 12-inch dick, pumping it lewdly in your face. “So you finna stare at it or suck it?” he deadpans, but he doesn’t wait for you to answer or recover. 
“W-Wait,” you stammer.
That’s all you get to say before his cock is pushing between your lips and into your mouth. He releases a moan when he first slides into your mouth, his eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of your wet mouth, soft lips, and tongue wrapping around him. Meanwhile, you’re struggling to take him. His girthy dick stretches out your jaw and your throat as he pushes himself in deep. 
“C’mon, babydoll,” he chuckles. “That can’t be all you can take of me.” He continues to push, filling your tongue and nostrils with the scent and taste of him. The walls of your throat have no choice but to accommodate his size though it burns and you gag as he begins to slowly yet roughly thrust into your mouth. “Maybe this will help ya out,” he says. Suddenly, he retrieves a pocket knife from his pocket and flicks it open. 
Fear flares into your stomach, making you want to jump away, but his large hand keeps you locked down on his cock. He presses the knife to your throat, chuckling as he does. “Careful now,” he warns. “You lean too close and that pretty neck might get sliced. I just wanna encourage you to do a good job.” He grips your hair and wrenches it up to look at him. “And you will do a good job for me, won’t you?” he asks. 
His tone makes it so you can’t refuse, so you say yes and allow him to force your head back down onto his cock before pulling it back. He does that for a while––pushing and pulling your head down onto his dick like you’re his toy while he uses your sloppy, wet mouth like it’s a fleshlight. “Fuck!” he shouts to the ceiling. “This fuckin’ mouth is heaven, baby. I hope your pussy is just as tight as your tight ass throat.” 
You gargle and mumble on his cock, causing pleasurable vibrations to travel throughout his body and his heavy balls that drip with your saliva. He continues to fuck your face and ruin your makeup, marveling at how beautiful you look choking on his cock. “Look at you, you little slut,” he dreamily sighs. “Makeup all fucked up. Hair ruined. You’re just a little mess for me, aren’t ya?” 
He slides his cock out of your throat and you take a grateful gulp of air, strands of your hair stuck to your wet lips and chin. He takes the knife and slides it along your chin, smirking down at you. “Now it’s my turn to taste you,” he murmurs. Before you can protest, he is picking you up, tossing you over his shoulder, and placing you on your stomach with your arms still tied behind you. 
“Please!” you sob, beginning to cry again. Toji straddles your ass, one hand massaging the globes of fat in your thong while the other holds his knife. “Please what, baby?” he mockingly coos. “I ain’t even touch you yet.” You then feel the cool metal of the knife dragging up your spine, sending shivers down your spine. “Time to get your sexy ass out of these fuckin’ clothes,” he growls. 
You flinch when you feel the knife drag up to your left shoulder where it cuts the bra strap. He does the same to your left one before positioning you onto your knees with your wrists slung over the couch arm. Your tits are now exposed, hanging like ripe, juicy fruit beneath you. Then off comes your thong with two swipes of the knife cutting through the thin straps. You sob helplessly as the cool air touches your sodden, wet pussy. 
“Damn, baby!” Toji cackles. “Are you wet from all this? You naughty little girl.” His middle and forefingers gently probe your entrance and slide up and down your slit, dragging unwanted moans out of you. “I’m gonna have some fun with you,” he chuckles. “Make sure you never forget about me.” 
He then bends you over the couch and proceeds to put his hot, wet, experienced mouth on your pussy while the knife stays pressed against your thigh. You whine at the feeling of his soft lips and tongue swirling along your clit and every sensitive part of you, opening your pussy up to more of him. He drowns in your pussy, pushing his face into it as far as he can and letting his tongue do all of the talking. 
You can’t stop the moans and gasps that escape you. The pleasure is just too much and too good! What a shame that a man who is so good at eating kitty is the same man you were sent here to kill. “Toji,” you moan, using his name for the first time ever. “Please…please!” 
Toji’s one hand massages and smacks your ass, becoming aoslutely obessed with it. “What do you need, babydoll?” he coos against your clit. “You need somethin’?” You nod helplessly though you have no clue what you need at this point. “Tell me you’re mine then,” he growls. “Say it and fuckin’ mean it. Say you’re my good little slut.” 
You keep your lips clamped tight, not wanting to swallow your pride or give up that tiny part of you that hates him still. SPANK! Your ass stings from his assault on your ass, his hand no doubt leaving a handprint. “Say it!” he bellows. 
At the blinding pain, pleasure, and delirium, you break. “I’m yours!” you sob. “I’m your good girl! Your good little slut! I’m everything you want me to be!”
Toji, pleased, presses soothing kisses to your burning asscheek. “Good girl,” he praises. “See how easy that was? Now you get your reward.” Suddenly, you feel his thick cock smack against your pussy once, twice, three times and then he is sliding home inside of you. 
Your mouth goes slack and your eyes grow wide as he begins to rocks his hips into, allowing you to get used to him. He is big. You can feel him stretching out every part of your cunt as he sinks deeper into your velvety, wet walls. “Fuck,” he sighs, one hand clutching your hip. “Not bad, babydoll. Your pussy is definitely the best one I’ve fucked…so far.” 
He begins to fuck you harder, faster, railing you as if this will be his last time doing so. Your moans and huffs of breath become louder and more intense the harder and deeper his cock plunges inside of you. “W-Wait!” you gasp. “Slow down! I can’t…can’t!”
Toji chuckles, watching your ass bounce against his pelvis as he fucks you. “Sorry, honey,” he says, not sounding sorry at all. “I couldn’t help it. You just sound so cute.” 
Your thighs clench and your body writhes as he rails you, unable to take this deep dicking into the couch. You try to move away but the knife suddenly sliding against your throat stops you. “Uh-uh, babydoll,” he growls. “Don’t run from me. I wouldn’t try it if I were you.” He then pops his knee up, his foot up on the couch, and reaches a part inside of you that makes you feel unimaginable pleasure. 
“Just take me like a good girl, okay?” he whispers. “You can do that for me if you wanna live.” You don’t have a choice in the matter, mostly because of the hold he has on your arms, pulling you back as drives himself forward again and again. The sound of your moans, his grunts, and the lewd plap, plap, plap as his balls swing against your overly-sensitive clit and his hips slam into your ass fill the air, drowned out by the music playing outside. 
“Who would’ve thought,” Toji pants into your ear. “C.O.D.E.’s good little spy gettin’ her brains fucked out on a mission, huh? I bet they’d love to see this.” His free hand releases your arms and yanks on a handful of your hair. “I bet they’d love to see you full of me,” he growls. “Full of this dick and my cum.”
He presses the knife deeper into your throat, just enough for you to feel the sharp, jagged edge of the blade. “You wanna cum for me, baby?” he asks. “You gonna be a good slut and take all my cum too?” 
“Please!” you whimper, losing your mind and all of your pride. “Please just make me cum! I’ll do whatever you want, Toji!” He takes the knife from your throat and replaces it with his hand, choking you as he fucks you stupid. “Then do it,” he demands. “Fuckin’ cum on this cock while I fill you up. Cum with me now!” 
“Ah, ah, fuck, I-I’m gonna cum!” you deliriously sob as he continues to pound into you. “I’m gonna…gonna–!”
You don’t get a chance to finish because your pussy has finally reached its limit and explodes all over him, your walls squeezing around him and your clit shuddering. You reaching your peak triggers Toji and he grips your throat and ass as he comes to a still, his entire body tensing. “Fuck!” he bellows, cumming deep, deep, deep inside of you. 
You gasp as you feel a rush of warm liquid flood into your pussy while you gush all over his cock, dripping down his balls. He fills you to the brim, giving you so much that it has no choice but to trickle down your thighs. He doesn’t immediately pull out though––he continues to fuck you, albeit slowly and sloppily, before giving your tit one feeble squeeze and finally pulling out of you. 
You weakly moan at the feeling of being empty yet used, your pussy twitching and aching. “Mmm, now look at that,” he sighs dreamily, staring at your cum-soaked cunt. “Now that’s a properly fucked pussy if I do say so myself.” He takes a handful of your chin, squeezing your cheeks together, and presses a kiss to your forehead. “Not bad, babydoll.” 
You don’t respond, too weak and too tired to do so. You’re too tired to even feel any amount of disgust for him and shame in yourself for failing the mission and enjoying the sex. “Let’s get this off of you,” Toji says, his hands unbuckling the belt from your wrists. “I’m gon’ need it for myself, anyway.” He releases your wrists and lets you lay on the couch, panting and coated in sweat. 
Your makeup and hair are ruined. Your underwear is in tatters. You feel used and fucked-out. You can only stare at Toji as he quickly gets dressed and straightens out his clothes, his cock still covered in you. “I’m sorry, baby, but I’ve gotta go before your people get here.” He gives you an apologetic smile. “But gimme a call since I’m sure you can find that out. Maybe we can do this again.” 
He then moves to the extra bathroom behind the couch and retrieves a robe which he covers you with. “See?” he chuckles. “I ain’t that big of an asshole.” He presses a kiss to your lips before bending down to pick up your thong. “Thanks for this,” he says, dangling it in front of you. “And the dance. I’ll cherish both forever.” 
You don’t say anything, even as you watch him leave, taking your thong and your dignity with you.
Then you are alone. At some point, you find the strength to stand up and wobble to the bathroom where you take a hot shower, washing the scent of sex and cum off of you. When you return, dressed in your robe, the door busts in, and your boss and fellow spies enter the room, guns drawn and masks on their faces. 
“V!” your boss shouts, instantly dropping his weapon and running to you. His eyes widen at your state, looking for any bruises or scars. There are none…that are physical, anyway. “V, what happened?” he asks. 
And as the events of tonight come flooding back to you at full speed, you muster up the most believable lie you can, clutching your robe closed: 
“He overpowered me.” 
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talentisntgenius · 4 months
Bottoms (2023) but instead of a fight club they have a gaming club — Part 1.
headcanons(?), loose plot, and shenanigans.
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The club was established a long time ago by Josie, PJ, and Hazel when the school started to require every student to be a part of a club.
PJ didn't want to partake in any club as they all seem to involve physical exertion and community service so she thought they could just make up their own and they ended up with a gaming club.
They had high hopes for the club in the beginning bc who doesn't like video games?! But it turns out three nerds endorsing the club didn't seem too appealing to the many students of Rockbridge Falls High.
They used to play different types of games until they decided to exclusively play Tekken bc it's PJ's favorite and everything PJ's demanding ass wants, she gets (/pos. she's princess).
Also bc there were only three of them and Hazel always seemed to go with whatever PJ wanted.
They play local tourneys... Oh, and they never win!
They get a ten dollar budget from the school which they use to buy food after participating in a tourney.
PJ is Lili main because duh! She's gay and dramatic.
PJ's adamant that she mains Lili bc she's 'hot and sexy' but really she just thinks her outfit is pretty </3
Hazel is Asuka main mostly bc PJ is Lili main lol she also mains Lars.
PJ thinks Hazel purposefully choses Asuka to piss her off bc Hazel always beats her.
Josie is Jin main but sometimes she plays Josie just because :)
Josie draws Tekken fanart/comics.
Sometimes Josie draws Asulili fanart to piss off PJ. She gives them to Hazel who puts them up in her bedroom <3
PJ believes Josie's a show-off for being a Jin main but Josie thinks it just shows how much of a loser shut-in she is.
PJ spams single moves when she wants to piss off Josie.
And yes PJ was definitely a button masher. When they were younger Hazel beat her twelve times in a row and she got so mad that she didn't talk to Hazel for a whole day until Hazel showed her what practice mode is actually for.
She grinded so much that time that she failed a test but it was all worth it when she finally beat Hazel. It wasn't that long until Hazel was, yet again, unbeatable to PJ.
Josie is defo the best out of all of them, she's naturally great at remembering combos.
Josie and Hazel loves discoursing/theorizing about the plot and characters with each other.
Hazel makes them club shirts every year bc she's the rich one.
Hazel loves experimenting with/building fightsticks.
Hazel likes to write down combos she find on YouTube and she shares it with the club when they meet.
Hazel also takes notes about what everyone needs to improve during their sessions. Josie takes notes when it's her turn.
And PJ thinks it's stupid, "You guys don't need to do all that. Literally, no one cares about this club but us. We could be not doing any of this and no one will care,"
When they got to senior year they were given a notice by the school telling them they were gonna shut them down and m cut off their budget if they don't rack up at least ten members and gain any significant achievement for the school.
"Fuck this stupid fucking school. Why can't we be ugly, gay, and untalented in peace?! Does that mean it's one dollar for each student? Do they think my Tekken expertise costs a dollar?!"
Luckily Hazel got Sylvie and Crystal to join. Annie's also there, she doesn't play, she just sits there and complain the violence.
Sylvie is Panda/Kuma main. Crystal is King main. Annie will play Julia but only if she's playing against Sylvie.
Hazel also got Stella Rebecca to join too but only cuz she told her about the tourney prize money.
Stella started out as a Chloe main until she saw PJ playing as Alisa once and got into her bc chainsaws ^-^ !
They're still missing three members and lo and behold— Isabel and Brittany joined the club.
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erin-bo-berin · 1 year
Because I always have a prompt for you lol - so Steve has glasses but he’s never worn them in public cuz he’s embarrassed. You’re the only person who has seen him in them. Well - the first time he wears them in public is your wedding day because he needs to see you clearly walking down the aisle toward him 🥹
Okay so, imagine that he just hates the way he looks in them and is like “babe I look like a dork” and you’re assuring him he doesn’t. But even so you’re like “you’re my dork though.” And when he pours you just kiss his cheek and grin and go “you can’t look bad if you tried your hardest”
So Steve decides to surprise you and everyone by wearing his glasses on your wedding day. Of course, everyone is shocked at first and Dustin being Dustin would be so nonchalant about it like “oh you wear glasses BUT YOU LOOK GREAT MAN!” giving him a big hug and slapping him on his back.
Hopper is walking you down the aisle on your left side and your father on your right. You wanted them both to give you away and you didn’t want to choose. They were both so honored to be asked to the point they even wore matching bow ties to signify their importance of being your father and father figure.
Steve is standing with his back to you when the music first starts and you take your first step with the two men. When he turns around to watch you walk down the aisle your heart skips a beat when you see his glasses sitting perfectly on his face.
You have to catch yourself from stumbling, you’re so thrown off by the surprise. You’re so proud of him you feel tears well in your eyes. He’s never worn his glasses in public and downright refused to, yet here he was looking as handsome as ever in his black tux, hair perfectly styled with the same smile and sweet face you fell in love with so many years ago, just enhanced with the addition of his glasses.
Tears actually escape down your cheeks as your eyes never leave his during your journey down the aisle. His smile only grows wider as he watches you approach.
It could’ve been a minute or ten minutes between the top of the aisle and Steve, but it seemed like eternity as you both were in your own universe, gazes locked on one another.
When Hopper and your father finally sit down after giving you away, you look at Steve as the officiate moves into position to begin the ceremony.
“What’s this?” you chuckle quietly, loud enough for only Steve to hear.
“I had to be able to see my beautiful bride walk down the aisle now didn’t I?” he smiles wryly.
You don’t care in that moment that the officiate hasn’t even began yet as you fling your arms around his neck and kiss him on the lips, so happy to be marrying him, so proud of him and just so glad to be in this moment.
“Well, I guess we can skip to the “I Do’s” then since these two seem to be ahead of today’s program,” the middle aged man in front you laughs.
The entire audience whoops, whistles and laughs in response as you break away, cheeks warm in slight embarrassment.
“That won’t be necessary. Just start from the beginning,” Steve smiled over at the man, giving your hands a squeeze before continuing his statement.
“I want to do this the right way.”
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hairstevington · 3 months
writing patterns 👁️
rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Omg thank you @hbyrde36 for tagging me this is so fun!!! I went based on my ten most recent on Ao3 cuz that's easiest lol.
"Steve was kind of prone to getting beat up." (From songs that voices never share)
"Not so long ago…In the mysterious land…Of Hawkins, Indiana...Eddie Munson was dating a high schooler." (From Eddie Munson vs the World)
"That night plagued Steve for weeks." (From like real people do)
"At first, Robin thought she was going crazy." (From TelePlatonic)
"It all started with a t-shirt." (From i can't tune you out) - this one made me emotional ngl lol
"Benny woke up on the floor of his restaurant with a headache from hell." (From i'm counting the days to the rapture)
"“Dude, did you see what they just announced?” Steve asked as he played video games with Eddie." (From Do I wanna know?)
“We’ve got a situation.” (From The Marriage of Bigfoot and Mothman)
“Steve, you’re coming out with me, and nothing you say will change my mind.” (From i wanna cut to the feeling)
"Robin applied to Flowers for All because a really pretty girl worked there and Robin needed a reason to go in and talk to her." (From flowers and ink)
Oh my LANTA this took me on a journey through the last year. Thank you again byrdie for tagging me!!! I'm tagging my darling @tartarusknight because this was fun and I selfishly wanna see yours 😈
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always wanted to know what lee taemin is like as a boyfriend? your questions have been answered…
includes nsfw content‼️
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likes waking you up early
for no reason too he's just your alarm clock cuz he’s loud as hell in the morning
clashing shit around n bein loud
he takes longer than you to get ready
you are ready to leave in sweatpants and he’s got a full outfit on and you’re like come the fuck on
wants to buy you expensive things so you two can be the stylish couple instead of the trashman and the hot guy
you like being the trashman tho so it’s ok
swings your hand that he’s holding while u two are walking n starts skipping n shit cuz he thinks it’s cute while you’re like :| what
ties your shoes, buttons up your coat, puts on your scarf, etc. loves taking care of you
loves laying his head on yours when yall are on the bus or train
he also likes sharing earbuds with u!! he just does it to be physically closer to u tho lol
writes gross poems out in the notes app in his phone for you and they physically make you ill because of how cheesy they are
*some odd interpretative dance in the middle of the street* “this represents my love for you”
you: 🧍 “take it back pls”
u both are just very chaotic
copies people that he sees on the street bc life imitates art
tries to say profound things but they end up coming out sounding like tongue twister
sends up just telling a story from ten years ago that you’ve already heard before
but you’d never tell him that
likes to take the scenic route even though it’s far longer because he loves taking photos
speaking of which, he has more than 10k photos in his camera roll, half of them being of the sky and the other half being memes from twitter
is a big fan of trashy reality tv—sometimes more than you
i hc him as a huge love island fan
he likes ordering you both large coffees from starbucks and sitting down on the couch and gossip about the love island contestants
always somehow roots for the couple that gets eliminated the fastest
is very passionate about voting on reality television shows
tries to imitate their accents (he is convinced he could be Australian)
also is someone who yells at the tv, but also stops it every five seconds to talk about what’s going on in depth bc no one else would understand
loves doing karaoke so u guys have karaoke nights
he buys the goddamn microphones too
he just loves doing the things he loves the most with you
as long as he’s with you :)
loves touching u more than anything else 
loves getting on his knees to look up at you while you run ur fingers through his hair
loves loves loves praising u but only if u reciprocate it back
just very very sensual and does everything slow just to take it in
french kissing/??!?!?!?!?
puts your hands everywhere on him
rlly likes handjobs???
he just wants ur hands on him
he loves getting off on the thought of u
loves when u sit on him facing each other just bc he wants to see ur pretty face as u get off on him
mutual masturbation!!!!!
does that thing and pulls u closer to him by ur legs
likes when ur on top of him just cuzzzz
it’s the best seat in the house
he likes seeing u in control thats all it makes him feel loved and wanted
loves putting ur foreheads together so he can feel ur breathing against his lips as u slowly fuk him👀
his eyes are way too much to handle
slightly hooded and pupils dilated so much it’s like he just got back from the eye doctor
“lemme show u what i've always wanted to do to u”
wants to know he’s making you feel good
how do we feel about these taemin hcs that have been sitting in my wips folder for actually about a year?? i’m sorry ;-; i wanted to upload a little something before i go ia this weekend, and i thought i’d upload the taemin hcs! if you are interested in more content, please make sure to see my pinned post!
please make sure to rest well this weekend and heal: i will be here or on my twitter for anyone who would like to reach out.
TAGLIST FOR THE SPECIAL PEEPS (lmk if you’d like to be a part of this to get notifs on my new posts!): @keyloml​, @jjongolese​, @taeminscheesetouch​, @dayskz​, @jonghyuns-husband​, @taeminscult1​
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pasharuu · 1 year
idk why but i wanna show tumblr my aranara quests themed custom tarot deck lmao. i finished it in february but since i created this acc just recently, i gotta put it here now. im just really proud of this project and the fact that i actually finished it.
unfortunately tumblr will only allow me to add 10 pics per post, while there are 23 cards, so that kinda sucks. will have to separate em it seems. i'll also explain a little about my choices on these. so here we go, first ten.
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0 the fool - "where the journey begins". i think its already a tradition to put some main figure on the fool card and so did i. glad i used his correct design for the card-
basically theres nothing to explain except for the monarch butterfly symbolism, which usually is a sign of a chosen. not like Arama is any "chosen" in a common sense, but i felt like adding this anyway. 6/10 nice Arama card.
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I the magican - creation and manipulation. Aranimba got here for his exclusive sense of beauty and the will to create the beauty. he is an artist after all.
the story of the bg is kinda wonky. it was at release of 3.4 and due to my disappointment i made a pic where Aranimba points at that shiny cave northwest the mt. damavand with excitement. well, now its a boss enterance, but back then i had no clue, i made it literally at the release day lol. but it worked well on the bg of this card. i think you wouldnt guess it was that cave if i didnt tell, and that was done on purpose as well. 8/10 for backstory, and im proud of this card overall.
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II the high priestess - waiting for the impulse from outside, confidence. first of all, the high priestess to me was always associated with some whimsy loud woman, and if you ask me, this is where Arapacati fits. however here she is depressively hugging a viparyas cuz she kicked her brothers a decade ago and now shes sad. what did i tell u about whimsy woman? 6/10, solid.
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III the empress - the mother, fertility, the birth of a new. THIS IS WHERE WE STARTED, THE MAMA. no need to explain why i put Rukkhadevata here? 6/10, i struggled with this card cuz i hate drawing people, but it came out solid imo.
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IV the emperor - the father, discipline, responsibility. to remind you, Araja is basically the one who runs the Vanarana dream realm, the tree of dreams. he is also here for a very simple reason because of being a big boss here, and looking like one as well. 7/10, nice mustache.
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V the hierophant - attention to visible and invisible, search of the essence. if you ask me why i put Arapandu here, theres my answer - because he was the only major character who didnt have a card in the process of planning. i have some really vague explaination why exactly on hierophant, its mostly because of Varunastra actually, not Arapandu. i honestly dont have any emotional connection to Arapandu, he's kinda boring. 4/10.
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VI the lovers - chosen by heart, determination and aspiration. ONLY BECAUSE OF SUCH INTERPRETATION. im against shipping aranara x anyone.
i think i wouldnt even make any better choice for this card whatsoever. they are here because they share dreams and aspirations and i really love their duet. 9/10 i teared.
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VII the chariot - knowledge of the world, searching for the new. these goofy guys are here mostly because of "searching for the new", even though their methods were unsafe and archon knows what would happen to these dummies without any sense of self-preservation if we werent around. fact: they've been wondering for at least 4 years, but i love to say a decade. nay, theyre just very lucky. 5/10.
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VIII justice - "play nice, and others will play nice with you". this is a card for Nara Varuna specifically and i decided to make both Lumine and Aether so that everyone will be satisfied. since Nara Varuna did nice in the past, all the aranara praise their name in the present.
the bg is again kinda symbolic. these are runes on Varuna contraption: "the water", when the rain pours, for Lumine, and "the sky", when its sunny, for Aether. i only hate how i made them so vague that theyre barely recognizable eh. but overall good cards, 6/10.
for now. i bumped into images limit. gotta complete it in the next two posts!!!
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toomuchracket · 27 days
Ok see now I’m imagining nerd matty coming to girlie for the first time with something HE wants to try in the bedroom and she’s just so excited cuz she knows he gets shy in that department so she’s soooo eager to return the enthusiasm he brings to whatever he wants to try, like maybe it’s when he asks if she’ll dress up and role play and she’s thinking like: I’ve seen *insert nerd media reference here* once ten years ago but I’ll play along 😁 or maybe it’s just something so typical boy like a school girl or his teacher and she’s like :D let me go get my plaid skirt!
i think i'll probably elaborate on this in fic at some point but i think you pretending to be a student of his is up his street only because he loves it when you make him try and keep yapping about something while you get him off and he could probably turn that into some relevant roleplay???? idk lol. like you both have your glasses on (you MELT whenever he wears his) and you have your cunty little kilt on with stockings and a low-cut jumper, which like you said you HURRIED to put on like :D, and you "seducing him for a better grade" is literally the second sexiest thing he's ever experienced. birthday princess leia sex still tops it lol. but yeah! you love that he's being open about what he wants, it's so hot <3
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virgilisspidey · 1 year
you know the asian dad thing of liek, buying tons of the things you mentioned that you liked/wanted to try ouy to him one time?
my dad always bought me powdered milk because when i was younger i love drinking milk.
he's still doing it.
now imagine rise splinter doing that to his own kids.
he's the type to be that way lol. i can imagine donnie mentioning once when he was younger that he wanted to try out pomegranate seeds cuz he read all about it but since they're still situating themselves in the sewers, splinter couldn't get it.
then lo and behold, he's sixteen years old and wakes up to see a basket full of pomegranates on the kitchen counter.
"what... what the hell is this?"
"you wanted pomegranates."
"... i said that ten years ago!"
"better late than never!"
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theloveinc · 1 year
I love ex boyfriend bakugo so much you don't even know
actually i do know because i feel the SAME. my love for ex bakugo is unyielding. endless. forever. and i actually wrote a bunch for him a couple months ago when another anon brought it up but... got scared they'd hate what i had down so i....... put it on the shelf. i'll have to find it maybe... if ppl want.
ANYWAY... like. there is truly just no way to go wrong with him. there is just no universe where he isn't either a depressed, miserable, longing ex or an kind, gentle and regretful one (or some variation of). even when he's angry, it's mostly just at himself for being a douche who managed to lose you, and HOW CAN U NOT LOVE THAT??
it's so ironic bc he's such a prickly pear but... he just loves the hardest out of any + everyone. not that i don't imagine the others and just as caring... but for bakugo, it's almost a religious experience, you know? never a phase or an era or something he just does but a... idek. life commitment? goal? achievement? something to be maintained and treasured? all of the above. EVEN IF he's not that good at it (at first... which is debatable anyway), that's still how he feels.
so when u break up... that can't be the end of things. like really i can only imagine it happening circumstantially, cuz i genuinely think that any issues you bring up with him (aside from work maybe), he'd take BEYOND seriously.
too gruff and private? suddenly he's telling u every single emotion he has and asking if he's being too rough. too anal and uptight? suddenly the kitchen is a mess and he hasn't even noticed. hell, even too busy? he'll do his best to fit a whole evening with u in his schedule (he hates mornings more than anything but takes the ass crack of dawn shift just so u can have dinner together most night)... it's like !!!!!!! + reminds me of that post i made talking about how pro heroes are so hard to breakup with bc even when ur pointing out their flaws, they're so used to constructive criticism, they don't even notice ur being insulting LMFAO😭
that aside tho, i can never imagine a bakugo breakup!au without them... you both back together at some point. even if it's ten or fifteen years later like... he spent all that time trying to get better for u... even if he didn't think you'd really come back. (or, as i was trying to write, you breakup with him and he just... doesn't fucking believe u LMFAOOOOO and shoves his booty back into his rightful place sadjkfhakjdsf)
(and bc i have i-can-fix-him disease, i also like bakugo who went thru a traumatic breakup w/ someone who wasn't u... and then five/ten/fifteen years later, you're the one to teach him to love again. or maybe that's not that unique of me LOL).
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mod2amaryllis · 1 year
so, and i know this will spoil for most newbies so u can private, is the fact that the ending will be loved or hated cause joel keeps them from using ellie's brain? (i had that spoiled ages ago, i just still havent played yet lol) I just can't remember if that's the END end or just some part of it i saw
answering publicly with a spoiler tag cuz i don't really mind spoiling a game from ten years ago: yes I'm referring to joel preventing the fireflies from making a vaccine from ellie's brain and killing most of them in the process.
this ending has always been so great to me because it's just like. the absolute worst thing he could've done. on every level. not only because he prevented a vaccine that could literally save the world AND killed the only people who knew how to make it, but because ellie didn't get any input at all. we know she would've agreed to it. joel does too, that's why when she wakes up, he lies about what happened. IT'S SO BAD, IT'S SO SELFISH.
and!!! it's the only ending that makes sense for his character. it's such utter tragedy disguising itself behind the fact that they both live and make better lives together. it's not a happy or sad ending but a secret fucked up third thing.
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ssamja-trash · 2 months
i've been tagged in three tag games so i'm putting them all in one post
i've been putting off doing these but i'm finally doing 'em now! :D i was tagged by @micdrophobi for all of these. thank you so much for tagging me ily! 💜😊
Tag Game - Questions to Get to Know Me Better
Last Song: Red Pill (Born from the Blue Pt. II) by JUSTHIS (produced by Code Kunst ;D).
Favorite Color: Purple!
Last Film / Last Show: One Piece (the anime).
Sweet or Savory or Spicy? Savory, but sweet comes very close
Last Thing I Googled: I googled a Skyrim in-game book series lmao.
Relationship Status: Single
Current Obsessions: Skyrim (got back into it recently) and One Piece probably.
Kpop Tag meme
who is your favorite kpop group?
Super Junior and Stray Kids. I'll do this for Stray Kids since I've done something similar with suju already I think.
which member sparked your interest first?
Changbin and Han with their insane rapping.
who was your first bias?
Changbin and Han :D
who is your current bias?
Lee Know is my ult in Stray Kids but I also still consider Changbin a bias.
what makes them your current bias?
The main reason I love Lino is his weirdness :) But there's a lot to love. He's just a very fun and kind guy. I'd like to be his friend. Changbin I like because of his rapping but more importantly because of his personality. He's funny and cute and silly when he wants to be but he's also mature and a good listener. I'd like to be his friend too.
who is your bias wrecker?
Seungmin, my son ☺️
which members are you currently obsessing over that aren't your bias/bias wrecker?
Hmm... I don't really obsess over individual members aside from the three already mentioned 🤔
when did you first discover this group?
Predebut, after the survival show had already come out.
have you ever been to one of their concerts?
No. I'd love to go but tickets are fucking expensive and I'd have to travel abroad cuz who the fuck comes to Finland 😭
what are some of your favorite songs by the group?
Oof, now that's a hard question to answer without making a loooooooong list. I made a top ten b-sides gifset before and you can find it here, but that was a few years ago. So I'll list only a few newer songs by them (idk if these are my absolute favourites of their newer songs but I don't have the energy to think too hard about that now lol): DOMINO, SSICK, VENOM, Muddy Water, Streetlight, MEGAVERSE.
shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and list the first 10 songs that play, then tag 10 people
Rainbow by Kyuhyun
Che Guevara by Happoradio
Joutsenet by PMMP
Restart by Kyuhyun
Shadow by TEN
Crazy Form by ATEEZ
The Story Behind by Kyuhyun
BAD BAD (Feat. Tabber, Jay Park) by CODE KUNST
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myfriendgoo94 · 9 months
Hey I haven’t done one of these in forever! Thanks to @macleod for tagging me (also go check out their post cuz there’s really cool stuff on there). These are my top 5 songs on repeat:
1: Health x Nine Inch Nails - Isn’t Everyone
I’ve been following Health since i saw them open for Crystal Castles in 2012 and they honestly just get better. These collab albums they’ve been making are just incredible tho, i’ve had the entirety of Disco 3 and Disco 4 on repeat but this is the one i play even more often. And NIN have been my fave band since middle school but haven’t made a track this good in years, defs recommended if you like either band, STRONGLY recommended if you like both bands.
2: Sweet - Love is Like Oxygen
I’ve had this song stuck in my head for about a decade and it’s been great. You can’t unhear it once you’ve heard it tho lol. I picked up the full album at a record shop a few weeks ago and it rules, viva Sweet!
3: Marnie Stern - Hell Yes
I bought this album about ten years ago when it first came out, listened to it like twice, and then put it down. Idk why it didn’t stick back then but when i put it on 6 months ago it blew me away, especially this song. It’s kinda weird dream pop-infused indie math rock.
4: Billie Eilish - Oxytocin
Ever since i’ve gotten into Billie Eilish i’ve sorta just gone from track to track that i’ve been obsessed with, and this is my current obsession. It’s real sinister and badass and i often put it on when i’m doing my makeup.
5: R.E.M. - Gardening at Night
I adore R.E.M. This is from their debut EP Chronic Town, which is excellent all the way thru, but you can’t really go wrong with any 80’s R.E.M. tbh. Before i got really into them a year ago i had no idea american people could make such good post-punk music lol
These are super fun to do and i love sharing music with people, hope a couple of you listen to some of these songs if ya get a minute. Anyways i’m gonna tag @thatdykepunkslut @mousey-toy @cofo92 @sixtysixsixtysixes for this. No pressure if ya don’t wanna do it, also if you weren’t tagged but wanna do it anyway plz go for it! ☺️
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ladynightlark · 10 months
Hi! Just moved to tumblr here and I wanted to tell you how much I love your story. I saw A LOT of kny roleswaps cuz I love this trope so damn much. There’re many good ones but it’s rare to find one that hits me right in my kokoro like yours did. Since the first chapter, the way Nezuko repeatedly thought “Takeo was dead… Mom was dead… Rokuta was dead… But Tanjiro was still alive” was so haunting yet beautiful in such a heartbroken way. It hurts even more when you realized Nezuko was only twelve when her whole world was shattered in blood, and not to mention the amount of feels that is Zenitsu. I’ll admit that the rollercoaster of emotions it gave me was what got me so invested in your fanfic to the point of keeping on coming up with one theory after another though.
But one question first, I saw you saying Tamayo’s husband will be an OC, does that mean her three children are OCs too? Their no-nonsense attitude and the cold glares they gave Genya really remind me of the certain someone though*stares at the girl with plum red eyes*
And before I delve into my theories, remember when I brought up Dabi’s infamous quote? Let me tell you I honestly didn’t expect Kai and Zen’s development to be actually inspired by Endeavor and Dabi’s storyline here. It’s does make a lot of sense though as your Kaigaku really has many things in common with Endeavor now that I think of it, especially with how they thoroughly ruined someone’s life out of their own selfishness and the way it’s gonna come back to bite them HARD later. And the fact that I was today years old when I found out Dabi and Zenitsu have the same VA*surprised Pikachu face* 
Wait, does that mean Nezuko’s gonna be Shoto in this scenario?
Regardless, while I admit that my knowledge of MHA is limited since I didn’t really watch the show, I have watched enough clips scattered all over YouTube to get the gist of it. So, if Endeavor’s reaction to Dabi’s reveal is anything to go by, I’m so looking forward to how Kaigaku and Zenitsu’s “Dabi’s Dance” will go. Even more so if you decide to throw in the Hashira’s reaction when/if they also learn of Kaigaku’s crimes. And if he still did what he did to Himejima and other kids, I honestly can see a few of them straight up calling for Kaigaku’s execution right then and there.
As for my Upper Moon guesses, the angry male demon, I saw a few comments saying that it was Sanemi but I doubt it. The meeting occurred ten years ago so Sanemi would still be a kid back then. So nope, not him for me. Therefore, I’m gonna go for unconventional choice and guess that it was Hairo, former Lower Moon 2, as he’s legit the only character whose rage surpasses Sanemi’s. And since Gyokko was downgraded into a common demon, I’m crossing my fingers that there’ll be a canon lower moon who got upgraded into an Upper Moon here.
But other UMs’ identity aside, Upper Moon Two gotta be Shinobu. Something about Koku and the DK asking for UM Two’s opinion about the chance of reanimating Zenitsu’s corpse just screams Shinobu to me. And for that reason, I’m gonna guess that Kanae is in Tamayo’s place judging from her character tag. It would put the Kocho Sisters in the opposite side of the war but what can I say, I’m always in for Sibling Drama*evil cackling*
Hi! Welcome to Tumblr! And thank you so much!
Honestly, role-swaps are one of my favorite fanfic tropes to read, and there were just so many goods ones within the KNY fandom that I decided to bite the bullet and try my hands at it. I've been having a lot of fun with it and the direction it has been going, so hearing that readers have been enjoying it never fails to make my day!
I honestly didn't even expect it to turn out this angsty in the beginning (lol). The main goal I had when initially writing the first chapter was just to capture how tragic/horrifying the attack on the Kamado family would be from Nezuko's POV, while making it unique compared to what must have been going through canon Tanjiro's mind. Twelve and thirteen are really young ages to experince so much trauma, and then having to uproot your entire life to find a way to protect your remaining family is a heavy burden to bear.
The same goes for Nezuko's interactions with Zenitsu, as both of them were barely even teenagers when so much happened to them. I definitely think underlying tragedies with character relationships and confrontations of the past are going to become more prominent themes than I initially intended, and I'm excited to show those as I continue to write more of the series.
(Slight Manga Spoilers Ahead)
But to answer your question, yes, I do plan on making Tamayo's children OCs for now. Like her husband, we only got a brief mention of them by Muzan and Tamayo during their final confrontation in the Infinity Castle Arc. I wasn't able to find anything on what their canon appearances/personalities would be, so I figured unless more information comes up about them, I'll make them OCs. I suppose one benefit of this is it gives me a little more room to plan out how they will impact her role/arcs as leader of the Corps in this AU (oh, and more info will be given on the girl with the red eyes later...because I do have plans for her...).
In terms of the Dabi & Endeavor similarities between Kaigaku & Zenitsu, it sort of just started happening as I was planning out that specific storyline. Sometimes my writing unintentionally picks up things from shows and books I've read in the past, and I think it was around the time that the Dabi v. Endeavor & Shoto fight was animated that I began to see the potential similarities between the encounters.
I've had many conversations with friends about MHA's take on the Todoroki family drama, especially in regard to Endeavor's character development and change from his negative actions toward his children and wife to being a better father/hero. And one of the things that I've come to understand coming out of those discussions was that although forgiveness and forgetting aren't satisfying solutions in moving past that part of his character, there are still ways to make things at least a bit better by striving for atonement and mitigating what damage has already been done by taking responsibility for it without any excuses.
As I've said in posts before, the one thing I definitely wanted to make clear early on is that it is totally up to readers to decide if Kaigaku is worth rooting for. He's done terrible things and hurt a lot of people, but he's trying to make a change for the better. But doing that isn't as putting the past behind him, especially since there are characters who do know the bits and pieces of some of the damage he's done (such as Kuwajima and, very soon, Nezuko).
So as predictable as it may be at this point, there definitely will be a Kaigaku v. Zenitsu fight in the late future, which will be one of several major confrontations of Kaigaku's past coming back to haunt him and the people he's learning to become closer to. Kaigaku will have gone through a lot of change by then, along with us getting a closer look at his past (as I have ideas to fill in the gaps of his early life that the manga didn't really touch on yet, though that may change depending on how much the anime decides to add when Infinity Castle gets animated) and understanding a bit better the motive behind some of his actions. It won't be an excuse for what he's done, but a build-up to him learning to take responsibility for what he's done, and what he can do now to fix the damage he's done.
So I guess that would make Nezuko the Shoto of this confrontation, being caught in the middle of the conflict, but knowing that this is still a fight she has to take part in to put Zenitsu to rest.
(Also yeah I was shocked when I found out both Zenitsu and Dabi share a Sub VA (lol). You'd be surprised how many VAs share roles in MHA and KNY. I think one of my favorites is the fact that Genya's Sub VA voices Bakugo and his Dub VA also voices Hawks!)
I will say this, almost all of the bad stuff Kaigaku did in the manga is canon in this series. And I can confirm that at least THREE of the hashira know some of the terrible things Kaigaku did in the past (with at least one of them knowing EVERYTHING about his past). But as for if more hashira will find out about his past, that is yet to be confirmed...
And regarding your guesses on the Upper Moons...I will say those are some VERY interesting theories that I can't wait to confirm if they are correct or not...
Also, in case anyone was curious or confused about demons being Kizuki, the canon Lower and Upper Moons aren't guaranteed to be Moons in this AU unless they are explicitly stated to be ones. For example, Wakuraba (the winged demon Nezuko and Tanjiro ran into in Chapters 3-5) was Lower Three in canon, but was just a regular demon in this AU. And Gyokko, who was Upper Five in canon, was also a regular demon that took the place of the Hand Demon from Final Selection in canon. Some of the Moons MAY change ranking in the AU, but if they aren't stated to be Kizuki, then they are just regular demons.
But I'll definitely will give the canon Lower Moons some chances to shine since they didn't get much of a chance in canon. Who knows, maybe the next demon Nezuko meets will have been a Lower Moon in the canon timeline...
Thank you so much for commenting!!! I hope you have an awesome day!!!
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thesuetyouforgot · 3 months
Have you seen the Graham Chapman memorial service video on YouTube? If so, what did you think of it?
(Asking cuz I'm not really emotionally prepared enough to sit through it without bursting into tears just 1 minute into the video. Maybe when I'm ready, I'll be able to watch it straight and somewhat emotionally stable one day, ya'know?)
Oh yes, I totally feel you! What is really hard about the video is when they film the other Pythons in the audience and you see them somewhere between laughing about the little jokes in John's speech and crying... And John also starts crying at one point which (at least to me) hits hard because you wouldn't expect to see him that emotional...
But I can't remember it in detail anymore because I've seen it almost ten years ago and have never watched it ever again (which probably says a lot lol)
But iirc they really tried their best to bring in a lot of jokes and silly moments - so it's watchable. I think it's more of a "oh I remember this beautiful time, sadly he isn't here anymore" kinda sadness than a "I miss him and can't go on without him" one, if you know what I mean.
If you want to go into it more prepared, you can read John's eulogy here. It hurts less when you don't see the sadness of the other Pythons at the same time.
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