#Commission Fic
knightyoomyoui · 1 month
[SMUT COMMISSION] TWICE Jeongyeon x Male Reader - "Just The Way You Are"
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Word Count: 15,169  Tags: virgin sex, BODY WORSHIP AND POSITIVITY, dominant and submissive, roleplay, honeymoon, rough sex, vanilla sex, angst, fluff, smut etc. WARNING: contains smut, R+18, mature and sexual content, curse words
Here's my very first commissioned fic featuring our lovely angel Yoo Jeongyeon of TWICE requested to me by @devittobushi, a huge thank you once again for giving me the opportunity to write a commission for you! This has one objective in mind, and that is show lots of love and appreciation for Jeongyeon's current appearance through YN who will stand as Jeongyeon's best man in this story , so for those bitter body shamers of her... yall ain't allowed here with us who will still support her all the way along, unless yall wanna change. In addition, this marks my LONGEST one-shot work EVER, surpassing my Dahyun x Male Reader oneshot "Everlasting Love" from TWICE: Book Of One-Shots x Reader with 13,056 word count. Enjoy reading and I hope I did well on my first commission fic!
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It was 9:29 PM in the evening. You are a veterinarian who is operating the only open and available pet clinic through a street in Seoul. Tonight,you are entertaining your last client who happens to visit your place to seek some assistance regarding his pet dog who is a chihuahua having some stomach issues.
“How is he, doctor?” The owner named Mr. Park asked nervously after you finished checking-up his dog, putting down your stethoscope.
“She is stable now. Nothing need to be worried about, sir.” You calmly said. “It wasn’t that life-risky, but it could’ve went worse if you didn’t happen to rescue her on time.”
“Yeah, good luck that it was my day off today that’s why I got to stay home and be with my Blossom for today.” The owner explained how was he able to atleast send her dog to the clinic. “Anyways, how is the result doc?”
"So, like I said, it was that much worse, but this isn’t a joke either. This has to be treated immediately,” you said as you felt sympathy for Blossom. “May I ask you something? Do you happen to notice something unusual about your dog that made her be like this? ”
He shook his head after quite a while of posing himself and thinking deeply. “No, Doc, I don’t remember at all. She was just fine to me, as from what I can see about her, how she moves from the last few days, but unlike earlier... she just started moaning and barking deeply enough to make me panic and scared for her.”
“Hmmm okay.” You nodded, but your theory wasn’t satisfied yet. “Did she occur to inspect something from outside your place?”
“None. My dog is too meek and quiet. She wasn’t that kind of pet that is so active enough to be a pain in the ass.” He replied. “Why, was there something wrong about it?”
“What about his eating habits, still nothing?”
You remained silent as you watched Blossom sleeping while free from pain. “She eats a lot. I mean literally SO MUCH that she exceeds the average amount of dog foods she had to consume everyday.”
“How much she ate in a day?”
“Four? Sometimes it gets higher than that.”
“Jesus, now it makes sense.” You cursed under your breath. “Oh you hungry softball, you better chill a little bit.” 
You patted her belly and caressed her head before you returned your focus at her owner.
“Blossom has stomach issues, Mr. Park. It may have not been for their overexposure to waste and mess but instead for her overpassing the limit on how should a dog in a breed like her should regularly eat.” You revealed to him the specific details of your findings.
“She may have eating delicious and fitting dog food for her body but that doesn’t mean she can just take it all as much as she wants.” You continued. “Blossom’s overeating made the symptoms to form and turn into gastroenthritis.”
“I really thought at first she is pregnant.” He gasped.
“No, sir. Her belly bloated because of too much intake of food, and the undigested inside her stomach causing it to pile up and not letting the blood and the oxygen flow around their body. Their digestive system might got disturbed the more this keeps going on. It might also get infected with bacterias from the waste of all those she took and could make her gastric worsen.”
“And now that she’s here, that should mean it got prevented, right?”
“You have to less worry for her, I made her comfortably rest because I couldn’t imagine how painful it is for her to hold it in.” You said, glancing at Blossom’s sleeping state. He huffed in relief at the good news.
“I just have one advice for you, monitor and control what she eats next time. It might lessen the risk other having stomach issues, okay?” 
“Got it. Thank you very much, doctor.” He nodded and bowed down in respect for you. “I’m really glad that there’s a place here already where I can go and prevent travelling far away just to search for a pet clinic.”
“You’re welcome, sir.” You humbly responded.
“Actually, lucky for you I was about to start packing up until you showed up. Talking about perfect timing.”
He chuckled and shook his head. “Yeah, it was really fortunate of me to have something like this located nearby at my place, and it is the only pet clinic too.”
Those words effectively motivated him, and you preached of them because he felt like he had a bright purpose that had to be done in a place where something like this unique of a service, especially for the residents who own pets at home to go through once there was a sudden emergency.
“Anyways, I’ll just gonna pick up the papers to seal this deal up. Please wait for a while.” You gently said as you left the owner have some alone time with his beloved pet.
You returned back from your office carrying the clipped papers containing infos about Blossom’s condition, consent from the owner that the patient must stay here for continous check up and lastly the bills of the medication he has to pay for.
He signed all of them and ended their brief meeting with a mutual agreement. He lavished you again with lots of gratitude before he bids goodbye to his let and left the place, leaving you alone again in your own personal space.
“Cmon, Blossom. Let's get you somewhere safe and comfy,” you said as you carefully carried the chihuahua and placed her in one of the vacant cages filled with blankets.
After you successfully didn’t disturb her peaceful rest, you decided to divert your attention now to prepare yourself for going home. You switched the placard from "Come in, we’re OPEN" to "Sorry, we are CLOSED" so that no more clients would appear and beg to make another request at the very last second.
While putting back all the things to their necessary spots, your vision garnered attention by the appearance of a black van stopping from your client. It became more familiar when a woman stepped out and bid farewell to her fellow staff. 
She turned around and started walking towards the door. Sporting furrowed brows and a confused smile, you had to witness her figure becoming more visible as she opened the door and removed her bag to be placed on one of the seats.
There she was, your girlfriend, standing in front of you. One of the idols and members of the worldwide popular K-Pop girl group TWICE is Yoo Jeongyeon herself.
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“Good evening, my YN! ”She slowly walked at you, and you were startled when she immediately hugged you while in her baggy coat. She buries her head on your shoulder, and you watched her submerge herself into your contact.
“Hey, my Jeongie.” You rubbed her back. “You look really tired. You should’ve gone home already and gotten a rest rather than coming here, especially since you’re doing dance practices for your group’s comeback. Save some more energy. ”You reprimanded here with pure concern audible in your voice, as you mentioned how busy and working hard for their new single More and More.
“Ehh, why do you sound like you don’t want me to be here.” she sulked. “Well that’s why I came here for, you’re my battery YN.” Her voice was muffled, but you can already guess that one of your girlfriend’s usual behavior is to either tease you or she gets easily sulk and sad at whatever that has something to do within her actions that wasn’t entirely right makes her disturbed.
“No, ofcourse I love to see you too and I’m glad you’re okay. I just hope you could’ve thought of yourself for now because you needed it. I just care about you, Jeongyeon. You know that because that’s how I love you so much.” You caressed her long blonde hair, feeling her silky length sliding between your fingers as you pressed the side of your head against her.
“Sweet as always, heh.” Jeongyeon smiled and wiggled her face more at the broadness of your shoulder and seethed in your fragrant scent. “But you said it anyways that what’s important for you is my own sake and what should I do about it. Well, I decided to come here and see you because I can’t be alone there at the house while waiting for you. I can’t rest at ease without having you on my side, you know that.” Your clingy and soft girlfriend spoke about her defense.
“Do you really miss me that much? We just saw each other earlier in the morning.” You chuckled.
“That wasn’t enough, okay? We haven’t been able to spend some time together because of how busy we’ve been. You can’t blame me for needing you.” She reminded you why she was this eager tonight to have your affection. You smiled, as you appreciated how you felt so important for her life right now.
“I love you, Jeongyeon.” The only words you can reply at your loss of other words to tell. You hugged her tightly and kissed her temple.
“Love you more, my YN.” She giggled kissed you in the cheek.
“You good now?”
“Alright, we can continue this at home sp lemme fix these up and we’re all good to go.” You said, breaking your embrace with her.
“Let me help you-”
“Nope, you stay here missy and rest. I can handle this.” You know how much of a clean freak your girlfriend is and you appreciate her consideration to help you, but like you said, her own sake is what that matters the most for you.
She must be really exhausted. You can feel how her heartbeat and her breathing were all racing. And if you say that, you mean that at all because obviously you and anybody should not underestimate how hard it is to be a K-Pop idol, and you have always alluded Jeongyeon for carrying such a heavy career.
Although before she was able to reach the seat, she paused and asked you again. “Uhh YN-nie where are the boys?”
“At the back, sleeping.” You pointed with your thumb.
“Owkieee” She went first to head through the direction to your office. You returned all the things back to their respective locations before you followed her and watched her from the doorframe.
Jeongyeon has cautiously opened the cage and pulled the tray to expose her two boys, which are technically her two pet dogs named Nanan and Peanut, both quietly sleeping, along with the rest of the pets here slated to be under your supervision and care while they are receiving treatment.
She has entrusted it to you to take care of them since her other pet, a cat named Bomb, is already with her parents. She was supposed to take them to her sister Seungyeon, who usually guards them, but sadly, as an actress, she is currently busy filming her upcoming TV show. Her other sister, Seoyeon, couldn’t do the same since she’s mostly focused on officework.
Fortunately, she has another special person in mind who has this quality that he shares with hers and finds it a huge green flag for her ideal man that she can trust for her pets. That’s one of the ways you were able to win her heart one day.
Unbeknownst to her, as you continue to watch your loving girlfriend act like a mother to her two kids, it makes your mind travel back to that one unforgettable memory that serves as the beginning of how you and her ended up to what you two are now currently in your relationship status as a couple.
You were busy treating one of your patients when the chime rang, signaling that the door had been opened by somebody. Your head turned to the open pathway as it stole your attention.
Leaving your medication station, you left to see your new client.
Stepping out of the doorframe, you stopped as you saw that the client turned out to be a woman. She was wearing a mask with an outfit composed of a mint-green t-shirt with leggings and some clean-looking rubber shoes. Her dog was in her arms.
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“Good morning, maam. Are you gonna set an appointment?” You greeted the lady.
“Good morning too, doc. Ahh yes, please.” She nodded and slowly rocked her pet dog in her arms.
“How can I help you?”
“My dog is sick. He’s burning in fever and I don’t have anyone else to take care of her. I’m a busy woman these days.” Her voice was fully of softness and worry as she looks down at her poor dog.
“Wait a second, please. I’ll just gonna return my patient back to her cage.” You said before you made an instant action regarding her concern.
After doing what you said, you returned to the woman and instructed her. “Follow me, please.”
You and the lady ended up at the medication station to conduct a brief check-up on her dog. After removing the thermometer, you checked to see the temperature, and the result got you worried for the dog too. 
“104 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s high. She does have a fever,” you said, placing the back of your hand against its body. “She’s very hot at the moment; we have to give her medicine immediately to decrease the heat in her body.”
The woman nodded, and she just let you do your own thing as part of your expertise as a veterinarian. You injected something into the dog, and its speedy breathing somehow calmed down.
“This should do. It’ll get her to take it again after 7 hours.” You informed the lady.
“Thank you so much, doc.” She bowed in gratitude.
“Okay, follow me so that you can log off and we can process the papers.” 
You and her went to your desk next. She was sitting in front of you at the guest seat. “May I clarify something? Are you perhaps alone right now in your property?”
“Yes, but actually I somehow stay sometimes on my other houses than my own dorm, my sisters and my parents.” She answered. You muttered to yourself that this lady is very rich.
“Are your sister and your parents aren’t available to manage her… oh wait, what’s your pet name?”
“Cute. I see why you came up with that name.” You joked as you remembered her color, and you immediately understood the point of the origin. She also chuckled at how guilty she was.
“Okay so why was there nobody to atlesst assist Peanut for the meantime? Are all of them unavailable?”
“Yes, doc. My sister is busy also at her work and my parents… well they also do have business on their own but mostly my mom is already guarding my two other pets. I just don’t want to bring more burden at them so I decided to take Peanut here.” She explained.
“Good idea. I can assure you that Peanut will be back on her good condition again.” You said confidently. Her cheeks widened, indicating that she must be smiling behind the mask at your positive words.
“Can I get your name, maam?”
“Y-Yoo Jeongyeon.”
You were about to land the ballpoint of your pen onto the chart when your brows furrowed as it clicked on your sense that hearing that name hit you a familiarity. 
“Come again?”
“I know you heard me, doc. You must be recognizing me now.” She giggled shyly.
Your mouth agaped and let out an ‘ooh’. “What a pleasant surprise. This has to be the first time I get to face a famous celebrity visiting my clinic.” You laughed. “You’re Jeongyeon of TWICE, am i correct?”
“Pleasure to meet you.” 
“This won’t do help anymore anyways.” She removes her mask. Her full visual is now visible to you, and wow she must be also the most beautiful client you have ever encountered so far in your time here. 
The hand that you’re presenting at her for a handshake flinched as soon as you saw her face in full display. Jeongyeon accepted your hand, and your body shivered at her warm touch passed on you.
“Pleasure to meet you too, doc. I could tell this might be your first time… or you’re a fan?”
“Ahh… sorry for this but I’’ll go with the first one.” You cautiously said on her, fearing that she might get offended at your explaination after. “Not actually to consider myself a fan, I do have listened to some of your songs and it’s pretty good but I’m just not that invested much at K-Pop” you said in an apologetic tone.
“No, it’s fine doctor. I’m actually glad that I can atleast be able to have a conversation with somebody by just being simply as myself and not this famous image that I’ve built for myself.” She said. 
“You’re right, and if that’s what makes you comfortable, then I would be willing to give you that, Ms. Yoo.” 
You and Jeongyeon proceeded to finalize the necessary informations before you made it clear to her that Peanut must stay here for an estimated 3 days since you still have an available slot left for pets to remain at your workplace for stricter guidance and medication.
Jeongyeon agreed on that and appreciated your service again before she bids your farewell. Once she left, you breathed out deeply, astounded that you had just interacted with an idol and, at the same time, had such an attractive lady like Jeongyeon.
The next day, Jeongyeon went to visit again at an earlier time compared to yesterday to gain an update on Peanut, and fortunately, you brought some good news. Although Prsnut is still sick, you informed her that she is now stable and that her temperature has improved.
After getting to look at Peanut, who is resting, Jeongyeon decided to spare her breaktime from her work by engaging in some conversation with you, away from the honorifics, and rather as two people genuinely getting acquainted with each other.
They explore topics like Jeongyeon sharing her interest on opening a pet clinic too if she wasn't an idol because she likes animals too, particulary dogs and cats, you being not that much of a K-Pop fan, and some other common and difference between each other.
That’s where she learned as the mood shifted when you brought up about the fact that he's unsure if his clinic will remain here for long when Jeongyeon expressed her interest to come back here again because you told Jeongyeon that his rent exceeded due and he already got a warning from the landlord. He wanted to pay but he is struggling to attain the required money, now that it gotten higher than the previous amount of rent.
You also added that you are currently trying to search for other vacant places where you can move your clinic to escape the heavy rent. 
Jeongyeon was saddened by it and hoped that things would go well for him. Little did you know, though, that when she returned again for the last day to pick up Peanut, she actually took note of it and surprised you with a reward for helping her.
“Uhm n-no Miss Yoo thank you so much for this but… I can’t accept this. This is too much, I’m just doing my work.” You respectfully refused her offer.
“No, you deserve it, that’s why, and I can see that you are a gooand easygoing with. We can be friends if you’ll even like that more.” Jeongyeon grinned and shrugged. Her invitation to welcome you to a much more explorable and closer connection with her has shocked you to the core.
You must be one of the luckiest people in the world because, despite being a stranger, you had no idea that, as you crossed paths with a huge name like Jeongyeon, you didn’t expect at all that you'd be able to make friends with her. All you knew at first was that this whole thing was just going to be a one-off experience.
“That’s why I’m doing this. I can respect your refusal, but you know I would like it better if you’ll give it more time to think and… accept this.” She smiled and handed you a card. “This is my number, contact me when you make up your mind.”
She just left you speechless as she exits your clinic. You gulped and let out a gasp as you view Jeongyeon’s business card in your possession. Remembering her advice, you did contemplated about the offer for the entirety of the night. The next day, a one call away was all it took for Jeongyeon to get the go signal.
You and Jeongyeon visited the place, and it did match your liking. What she did after overwhelmed you when she said that she'd be the one to buy it for you, and all of the embarrassment and humbleness overflow at Jeongyeon’s initiative to help you.
But you have no choice but to accept; after all, this is already such a wonderful free treat coming from a kind-hearted woman like Jeongyeon. You accepted it, and Jeongyeon made the payment. Now she has also assisted you to relocate with the help of some movers and establish this place your official new clinic.
Because of this wholesome exchange that you and Jeongyeon made possible, this became the gateway to an opportunity when, as days went on, their bond grew until they started to feel something more for each other. That’s when Jeongyeon realized that there was another reason why she was so open to getting closer to you: she finds you interesting.
Then one day, being a true man, you were the one who submitted and initiated the first move by confessing what you feel for her despite anxious and fear. It was all washed away when Jeongyeon shockingly accepted, marking the beginning of their relationship as a couple. BACK TO THE PRESENT
You took Jeongyeon home right away after closing the clinic. Reaching your own safe haven together, you act through your words that you will help your exhausted girlfriend relax by giving her a proper massage before joining her on the bed for a deep slumber.
A week later, they have already reached the D-day for their comeback release titled More and More. You attended their first scheduled music show performance to promote their new title track and the album, belonging to the ones who were committed to appear at the studio very early in the morning since that’s the scheduled time for the idols to tape their performance before the live voting hours later.
As much as you wanted to accompany your girl at the moment, you knew that she’s getting assisted right now by her staff. You were feeling so enthusiastic and motivated to do everything for Jeongyeon today, and what came after surely didn’t have yourself to blame for why you’re being like this.
Exactly as they achieved their first win based on the combination of both live voting and the other criteria's result, it also coincided as your first anniversary together, making this day with her even more special.
Rushing through the backstage after one of the managers helped you to pass through the guards, you met Jeongyeon and greeted her with a tight hug and a proud kiss for her additional achievement today.
“Congratulations, Jeong. Oppa’s so proud of you, darling.” You said very close to her ear after kissing her in the temple and stroking her hair from behind. Jeongyeon’s breathed deepened and you felt her body trembled at her chuckle.
“Thank you, YN. Another thing for us to celebrate, isn’t it?” 
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“Yeah we will. So better wrap up your schedule for today because we are going to spend this day really well.” You said, staring at her with an excited grin. “Have you already told your managers about it?”
“Yeah I did. They allowed me. However, since they’re gonna move the rest of what we’re supposed to do today onto the next day, our schedule will be heavier.” Jeongyeon frowned at the consequences.
“O-oh no… wait, are you sure you’re still up-”
“Don’t worry about me, and us oppa. The girls are fine with it. They know how important this day is for us. Right, girls?” Jeongyeon acknowledged her sense of having others listening to your conversation with her at the moment and she was right. As she turned her head around, you and her caught the girls peeking at the door with their busted reactions.
They all gestured with thumbs ups and nods, even sending their congratulations for your first anniversary with Jeongyeon. You thanked them before facing your girl back.
“Time is running, let’s get going shall we?”
Jeongyeon hurriedly went to their dressing room and packed her things before she joined you and left the studio along with the bodyguards to shield you both against the fans who might trap you two in a stampede.
As you escorted Jeongyeon to the car, you thanked the bodyguards before entering too and awakening the engines to drive off through your first destination.
From afternoon to evening, you and her went to Gwangjang Market since her request was that she would love to have a food trip with all the street food they could get. You understood immediately her love for street food, so you granted it, taking her there and letting yourself get dragged along to wherever food stalls could attract her.
In the middle of a cold evening, you and Jeongyeon strolled along the uphills, where the scenery of the city was almost visible. Standing on one of the balconies, you savored this peaceful moment with the most precious woman in your life with some random talks about topics that can amuse both of you until it went to the most important aspect of why you brought her here.
You handed a box at Jeongyeon. When she opened it, her eyes lighted at the sparkling object laid neatly in front of her. It was a necklace that Nayeon recommended for you to buy when she shared that Jeongyeon was staring the most at this one while they were shopping. Even though she can buy it easily, she decided not to because their purpose on that time was to buy things that they needed the most in their dorm.
“YN… this is beautiful. I- I really appreciate this, you really searched for the place just to get this for me?” Jeongyeon’s expression went mellow for you. 
“You know I will do everything just to make you happy, Jeongyeon.”
Jeongyeon hugged you and kissed you in the cheek. “Thank you so much, babe. I’ll wear this often.”
“Oh you better be. It suits you.” 
“But wait, you think you’re the only one who has a gift prepared?” She smirked and slowly placed the box of the necklace on her bag.
“And what do you have for me too, missy?” You returned the same gesture as her.
“But first, let me drive this time. I want to show you it by myself.”
You had no issues with her request, and you just let her sit in the driver's seat while you’re the one on the passenger list this time. Jeongyeon parked the car in one of the parking lots in a hotel building, and you just kept yourself silent, keeping your questions as to why the two of you went here.
Reaching the final storey as they exit the elevator, you were perplexed as to why there’s only one room left. Jeongyeon pulled out the keys and unlocked the door. The interior of the unexpectedly huge and spacious room made your jaw almost drop to the floor.
“J-jeongyeon, w-what are we doing in here? Is this y-yours?” You said as you roam your eyes around the surrounding of the room.
“Correction: ours… but technically, it’s mainly for you, YN.” Jeongyeon placed her bag on the couch and gripped both of your arms. “Because this whole place was effectively bought and signed in for ownership under the name of… YN LN.”
“W-what?” Your eyes widened at Jeongyeon’s reveal. “You s-serious? Does that mean-”
“Mmmhhmm… this is all yours, mister.” Jeongyeon hummed and nodded. “You don’t have to travel farther from our house to your clinic because is this just few roads away from there. No more hassle for you.”
“This is… wow. This is awesome. Thank you a lot, truly. You’re making me feel like I’m the luckiest guy in the world.”
“Well you must be. Not only you own such a luxurious place like this but it will be never compared to that one rare and outstanding thing that you possess the most, and that is my heart. And I’m glad that you’re handling it with care, my love.”
“I just can’t broke it. I can’t seem to hurt you, Jeong.” You tucked her hair behind her ear. You and Jeongyeon shared a passionate kiss again before Jeongyeon pushed you to speak something in addition.
“Since we now live together here… that means we can do whatever we want here tonight, right?” Jeongyeon smirked as her voice slowly gets lower along with her touch from your shoulder slipping down to your chest.
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“And this place is yours, then that means you’re the one in-charge…” She starts to remove the buttons of your polo.
“Jeong, are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes, I trust you, YN.” was her only response. She has fully spread your clothing open, revealing your pecs and toned abs. Her breath got stuck in her throat for a while before she licked her lips. “It will be my first time too with you, so be gentle for me oppa, please.”
Confirming that she is indeed prepared to initiate this kind of activity with you, you have decided to join along with her plan. “I promise you that, baby. Oppa’s going to take care of you tonight.” 
You pulled her head towards you to land another kiss, but it was still passionate until it got mixed up by some little intensity and heat built up from both parties. Reaching for the zipper on the back of her black dress, you pulled it down and slowly removed it from her body while your lips were still entangled with hers.
Dropping the dress on the floor, she is now only sporting a black laced bra on top, her warm, milky skin now in contact with yours. You released from the kiss, allowing her gasp from your hands wandered around her back and arm, along with some slight squeezes there.
Kneeling down on the floor, you unhooked the only button present that holds her waistband before pulling down her skirt onto her ankles. Looking up to her, you saw the distinct shy blush formed in her cheeks as she stared at your face on an equal level with her panty-covered pussy.
Helping her take off the skirt from her ankles as she lifts both her feet, your hands then ran through the length of her astonishingly sculpted long legs, enough to qualify for a model’s quality. The movement ended exactly at her bubbly ass, giving it a light squeeze and inserting your finger inside the hem of her pants, moving it again back and forth.
Jeongyeon yelped at your fingernails raking her sensitive ass. Standing back up to your feet, you cupped her cheeks and kissed her again shortly before you grabbed her arms and led her to join you on the bed. Sitting first on the mattress, you silently instructed her to stack herself next on your lap.
Facing you with her sexy body, Jeongyeon starts to grab both sides of your head to kiss you deeply and nuzzle onto your neck, peppering it with some sucking and licking, wanting to show you that she owns you. You did the same thing for her to return the favor, inhaling her pleasant smell and dragging your lips across the surface of her neck and her dazzling collarbones before you kissed each inch of her shoulders.
Your fingers tugged against the strap of her bra; it slid down to the cups until it located the clip on the front. Unhooking it, you set off the bra from the sides, revealing her perky B-cup-sized breasts for you, ready to be indulged by her admirer.
Not wasting any more time, you quickly sucked her pinkish nipples, giving them equal treatment as you gnawed her tits left to right. Jeongyeon mewled as she savors the feeling of your tongue coating her nipples with saliva. To add more satisfying feeling, you joined her hands in action by groping both of her milkers while you patiently devour them.
As you buried your face in her wonderful cleavage, your hands then went at her back and ass to massage them until the wetness forming under Jeongyeon’s pants encouraged her to start grinding at your crotch. 
Jeongyeon pushes you to the bed, laying you down on the mattress. Having her on top of you, she immediately had her sight next to your pants, still distractingly covering her prize. 
Unbuckling your belt and tugging your pants away, she left you with your boxers remaining.
The view of the outline of your hardened length made Jeongyeon dazed in lust and desire of having you to herself. To satisfy her craving, she finally unveiled your veiny thick cock standing at 8 inches proud for her. She licked her lips deliciously at its delectable size.
“Fuck, you’re so big, baby. Woah, I don’t know if this will fit inside of me.” She ran her finger nails on the underside of your shaft. You cursed out at how sensitive your cock is at the ticklish feeling of what Jeongyeon is doing.
She just cackled devilishly as she noticed pre-cum starting to drip out from your crotch. “Oh, no. We can’t just let it waste like that. Lemme clean it up for you, baby.” She starts to lift your cock with her slender hands and licked the puddle of pre-cum on your skin. 
Her eyes then marveled at the humongeous size of your cock around her fist, rattling it like she’s handling a toy.
“Mmmhh… so fucking big, baby. I always wanted to taste something like this. Now I’d love to definitely keep you by my side more.” She starts to lick your head, cleaning the remaining dripping pre-cum on its slit. Your breaths became heavy at her pervy actions.
“J-jeong.. ah shit, that feels so good.”
“Do you love this? Your hot girlfriend sucking off your long, thick cock?” She starts to gently pump onto your meat. 
“Yeahhh… ahmm” You nodded as you swipe some hair blocking her eyes.
“I’m going to empty your balls, baby.” Jeongyeon then began to take you inside her mouth, her mouth slurping around your girth.
You are floating into Cloud 9 until her loud gag snapped you back into reality, and as you looked down, Jeongyeon has now almost swallowing your entire length, a mission success still for an impressive deepthroat. 
“It fits both into my mouth and hands, can’t wait to feel our bodies mashed together.” She then starts to fasten her blowjob, spreading the mixture of her spit and your pre cum along the skin of your hardened cock.
Jeongyeon went under to also share her attention on your full heavy balls. She slobbered on each of your testicles, arising her anticipating to have your load get emptied for her. As she returned to give you more deep sucks and tight pumps, you felt that familiar tightening of your stomach and crotch.
“Fuck my mouth, baby. I know you’re getting close.” Jeongyeon mentioned it as soon as she felt your cock twitch inside her mouth. It urged you to hold her head as a handle and start moving your hips upwards as you fuck her face, her throat getting penetrated by your girth.
As she furiously tapped your thighs, you stopped moving and let your cock slip out of her mouth to give her a break, breathing deeply and tears forming in her eyes. However, she was still enjoying it. She even slapped your meat on her face, making herself look really needy.
She returned your cock back to her mouth, giving you a few more suckers before you alerted her that you were about to reach your end. “I’m cumming, Jeong! ”
Jeongyeon felt her mouth then filled with thick and creamy white substance or simply, your cum saved up for months of not ejaculating. As you take your cock out, Jeongyeon had some few cum dripping out from the side of her lips before she licked it off with her fingers after she swallowed your cum empty in her mouth.
“Damn, Jeongyeon you are so daring, aren’t you?”
“Only for you, YN. I just can’t resist how hot my boyfriend is.” She said and licked your still hard cock clean.
“Same thoughts we’re sharing, then.” You kissed her on the cheek before pulling her closer towards you and switch position, now she’s the one laying on the bed.
“My turn, baby.” You removed her panties down from her legs before you spreaded it, taking your first look at her glistening pussy ready to be taken and had its virginity invaded with the cock owned by man it adores.
You buried your face deep through her slit, tracing it with the tip of your tongue. Jeongyeon sighed loudly at the pleasure it provides. You flicked her clit repeatedly, tensing her lower parts more.
“Mmhhmmm… f-fuck, baby yeah that’s it, make that talented mouth of yours show how can it to me~” Jeongyeon bit her lips and gasped at the feeling of your sweet suckle on the fat borders of her pussy. Your tongue then went back to work inside her walls, wiggling it and bumping it on each sides.
“Oh god i’m cumming, haaahh I’m cumming on that handsome face YN!”
Jeongyeon lived up to her words, squirting her love juices straight at your face, while you try to catch some of the fluids to drink by your mouth. Sweet and tangy for your impression, it still paid off to witness your girlfriend now lost in the sensation of sex, riding her orgasm off with eyes shut off.
You kneeled between her legs and dragged the tip of your cock again to her slit. “Are you ready babe?”
Jeongyeon nodded whilst feeling a bit nervous. “P-please, YN be gentle…”
“I will, baby. Just say if you need to adjust okay? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Yeah, but don’t get me wrong YN. I really love to do this with you. I want this to finally happen.”
“Me too, Jeong. Now we all have the time in the world to fulfill our desires.” You said before giving her one last nod as you start pushing your length slowly inside her pussy. Jeongyeon shuts her eyes off and groans a bit at the pain.
“Babe, you okay?” You asked her with worry.
“Yeah, just give me a bit of time to adjust.” You nodded and waited for her signal to proceed. She did, and you started to move once again. Her groans and yelps trying to take your size more transformed into moans and whimpers of pleasure as you performed your fifth and more gentle thrusts at her.
“Goddamn, Jeongyeon you’re so tight!” You grunted and gritted your teeth at how perfectly it strokes your cock as it compressed your girth.
“And you’re so fucking big inside of me, baby. You’re almost touching my womb, I can feel it poking me!” She said as she spreaded her legs even wider.
You held her ankles as you tried to speed up your jams, sending Jeongyeon delighted at your attempted aggressiveness while in a missionary position. Letting her legs wrap around your body, your hands are then planted on her bouncing tits.
“Ugh ugh ugh aghmm… yeahhh hnnghh~” Jeongyeon lets out melodies of delight out of her mouth at the heavenly pleasure of your cock banging her tight pussy.
Your strokes went slow as you tried to tease her next, making her whimpers louder. As you felt that curling feeling again, you laid your body on top of Jeongyeon and kissed her once again, your tongues dancing along to the rhythm of your movements.
You were now fucking her at such a rough pace, your balls slapping the bottom of her ass, sending her rocking crazily on the bed. Her breasts are now squished within your pecs.
“O-ohhh fuck yes there! You’re hitting the spot oh so deep, baby…”
“Jeongyeon, shit… I’m about to release it!”
“Do it outside! I can’t get pregnant yet!”
You take out your cock. As an alternative way to make your cock feel like its still ravaging her pussy, you lift up her legs and pressed them together. Inserting your cock between her juicy thighs, you continued your pace and your length sliding through the surface of her cunt made Jeongyeon feel the satisfying effect of it too.
“Shit, I’m cumming again Jeong!”
“Give it to me!”
On one last push, you blow your second load, splattering around her torso, mostly at her breasts, lips, and stomach. You gave off a few strokes in her thighs before you let go, laying down beside her on the bed.
Jeongyeon scooped your cum on her body as much as she could catch and swallowed it once again with pure will. She hummed in delight at its delicious salty taste. You and she stared at each other, exchanging both amazed and hilarious chuckles.
“I can’t believe we just did that.”
“Yeah, me too. You were really serious about getting this moment happen.” Jeongyeon laughed at your joke.
“Thank you for being my first time, YN.”
“I’m much grateful as you are, Jeong. To have it with such an amazing woman like you, especially, the only one that my heart prefers.”
You kissed her again before Jeongyeon starts to sit up. “I have to clean myself. You really did made a mess out of me, huh.” She teased you as she points at your cum dripping on her tits.
“That’s what you to do me for being so hot.”
Jeongyeon rolled her eyes and playfully pushed you to the side. She offers her hand at you. “Come on, join me to the bathroom and get clean up.”
Well for that initiative, you have no intention to decline, especially when its an another opportunity to appreciate your bodies further. Stepping into the shower, you and Jeongyeon shared some more affectionate touches under the running water flowing down to your bodies, the lust and love you have devoted to your lives have became uncontrollable to resist.
During the bath, you and Jeongyeon helped yourselves clean up, rubbing your bodies with some sneaky squeezes at the intimate parts until it became sexual again. 
You cupped and massaged Jeongyeon’s breasts from behind with soapy hands while Jeongyeon knelt on your knees and gave you another round of blowjob before ending the shower and getting dressed back up. You and Jeongyeon then slept together on the bed to end your special day.
That was the last time you saw Jeongyeon at her full and sincere energy. Another week has passed since you suddenly noticed that something was wrong with Jeongyeon after you observed that she often complains about her neck and back aching a lot, even at some minimal movements.
Being a concerned boyfriend, you tried to investigate her workplace through her co-members, and you learned from them that they also noticed Jeongyeon enduring that pain. What’s surprising was that it was already happening since their preparation for More and More, and it just got more serious now that they were preparing for their next comeback.
Later that night, while she was using her phone, you decided to break the silence by confronting her about it. “Jeong. Can I ask you something? ”
“What is it?” She sounded dull.
“Is your neck giving you a hard time?”
Jeongyeon’s fingers stopped from scrolling through her phone as she got surprised at your question regarding her condition.
“H-how can you say so?”
“Jeong, I’m not blind, and I mean it when I often tell you day by day that I care for you.” You answered. “How would you think I wouldn’t noticed about it? I look at you, checking up on you time to time and then I often caught you wincing like you’re in pain. It bothered me and I decided to ask from your members if-”
Your words were cut off when you heard Jeongyeon sob. You rushed beside her and hold her hands. “Jeongyeon, why?”
“I-It hurts, YN…” she said between her sniffs, placing her face on your shoulder. It broke your heart to hear her poor voice clearly in pain.
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“Why were you not telling us about it? The girls even said you were holding it in since your preparations for More and More. Was that true?” 
“Good grief, that long?” You were astounded at her revelation. “Why did you keep it as a secret? You could’ve told us about it.”
“Because I don’t want to miss the promotions, okay! ”Jeongyeon’s voice rose, making you flinch. “I don’t want to disappoint the fans, and I didn’t want to stop because I don’t want to put all my efforts and hard work I poured into this all to waste.” Her cries begin to get louder.
You remained silent as you let her express the thoughts disturbing her. “These days, I feel like I haven’t been receiving much recognition for what I’ve been doing just to entertain ONCEs, to the point that I don’t even know if some are just too hard to please or if there’s really something wrong with me. But to include that possibility, then that means I have to do something about it in case it’s like that too.
So I practiced hard and cooperated with the staff and my members to the best I could, because I want to avoid myself getting seen as someone who's just not enough for the group.” You helped Jeongyeon wipe her tears off her eyes. “And now, it frustrates me that my stupid neck won’t want to get along with what I am trying to achieve, but I’m trying not to let it get in my way, even if it’s hurting me really bad every day.”
You sighed and rubbed Jeongyeon’s shoulder to comfort the weeping woman. “Jeong, if that’s what your perception is about what the other fans hold their opinion about you, then they are not real fans as what they claim themselves to be. You can’t force yourself to be the best because you’re already at your best at what you do. And do you know one of the indications why I am saying that? And that is because you have us who love and support you, along with those real fans that you entertain with your charms and talent.
So don’t get brought on with their negative comments or impressions about you, because it doesn’t matter as long as you are not stepping on other person’s reputation. You are doing a great job, Jeongyeon. Please, don’t stress yourself now okay?”
Jeongyeon continued to cry again after hearing your words. You resumed your comfort before voicing out your request.
“We have to get you look by the doctors tomorrow, okay?”
Sadly, it was found out from the results of the x-ray that Jeongyeon is suffering from a herniated disc on the back of her neck. The company then learned about it and advised Jeongyeon to stop attending practices for now, as one of the priorities of JYP Entertainment is their idol’s health.
They were unsure at first if Jeongyeon would make it until the promotions for ICSM, but unfortunately, it was confirmed that Jeongyeon wouldn't be able to participate when they went for a check-up again with the psychologists on Jeongyeon, and this time, it showed that she is much more likely suffering from an anxiety disorder due to the effect of her herniated disc.
Since her hiatus requires her to stay at home for now to began her recovery, you then saw how Jeongyeon was badly dealing about it as she became even more down everyday not being able to join the girls on the promotions. 
As usual, you have to do your role as a boyfriend by promising that you'll be there on her side always to help and console Jeongyeon.
And you were exerting everything to provide what Jeongyeon urgently needs right now. Thankfully, she is easy to instruct because she listens responsibly, like when it comes to taking her medications on time and trying to find some ways to distract herself while resting through some of her favorite hobbies at home: playing Legos with her dogs, cooking, and others.
However, occasionally the one thing she can’t avoid is her guilt and worry about her group being incomplete, and the fans missing her are killing her inside. She still holds herself responsible for the unfortunate circumstances that her group has to overcome because of her situation.
It was evident from you that there’s something that disturbs her inside. Her mood swiftly changes when she feels like the flow of the good mood you have been sharing with her has run out. It became one of your challenges for her that you must keep the ball rolling whenever you’re spending time with Jeongyeon.
Just like what she does for you, she was also following the doctor's advice that she must not tire herself too much from other heavy activities, restricting her more from going outdoors and performing some of her heavy interests like doing workouts, mountain climbing, etc. 
The unavailability of those had made Jeongyeon change plans during the course of her break; thus, she decided to find a solution to relieve her stress through some freak cleaning and frequent eating to satisfy and recharge her energy.
With the combination of medications and the amount of food she daily intakes, you can observe the difference that her anxiety and injury have brought to your girlfriend. Jeongyeon began to gain weight while her mood remained unbothered.
On the first week of January, Jeongyeon's mental health slightly improved thanks to your proposal to celebrate Christmas and New Year with you and her family.
She then made a request and the company tested if she is able to go back now on stage by granting her to participate in promoting with the members, and since they have an upcoming schedule to perform their recent comeback in an award show that will have no crowd in attendance due to pandemic protocols, that opened an opportunity for Jeongyeon to join her members at least once.
Hugely accepting the offer, the members were emotionally happy for Jeongyeon, brought by longing and their support for the recovering woman. 
“Unnie, I missed seeing you around!” Chaeyoung said as she ran through Jeongyeon and hugged her quick.
“You look like you’re getting better, unnie. How are you doing these days?” Dahyun asked her.
“Doing well. Thanks to YN.” Jeongyeon smiled shyly.
“Ahh, you’re so lucky that you have such a caring boyfriend like oppa.” Sana said as she pouted while letting out cute noises. 
Jeongyeon then noticed that Tzuyu was just smiling at watching her co-members reconciling with her. She probably guessed that Tzuyu is embarassed to check up on her personally while being surrounded with her unnies, as she knew her unnies usually teases their savage maknae to be such a cute softie baby instead.
“Tzuyu-yah.” Jeongyeon called her, snapping her senses back as she startled.
“Won’t you say hi to unnie? I’m sad, my Tzutzu doesn’t want to have me-”
Tzuyu’s eyes largened and her expression changed into fear. “Ehh!” She shook her head and dashed at Jeongyeon, not giving a damn anymore to her playful unnies but in her surprise, the girls just clapped and awwed at them. Tzuyu got slightly shy that her thoughts were wrong and the girls were waiting for her instead to make a move.
“Sorry, unnie. I just don’t know what to say, but it’s really great to see you again with us.” Tzuyu said. Jeongyeon understood her immediately. She knows that Tzuyu wasn’t that vocal on advices and sharing sympathy when in comes on consoling someone. She rather speaks louder using her affectionate actions.
“I missed you too, Tzuyu.” And the youngest member delighted at her words.
“We really didn’t expect that you’re gonna do this, Jeong.” Nayeon said, referring to the offer. “We’ve heard that you’re keeping progress on your health and we’re not forcing you to do this, okay?”
“I know, but I had this urge in me that I wanted to give it a try. I don’t know what it is, but I couldn’t stand seeing us incomplete and not the same OT9 that the fans adore much. I don’t want them to experience again what happened when Mina took a break before.” Jeongyeon said and looked at Mina who weakly smiled and nodded understandably at her.
“So don’t mind me with this, what matters is that we can give the fans what they want before we release another album again.” Jeongyeon motivated her members.
“You’re so brave, unnie. Thank you for doing the same thing what I always wanted for ONCEs.” Mina said to Jeongyeon, remembering the time she wanted to make a surprise appearance to see ONCEs in personal while being on a hiatus also during Feel special era.
“I guess it makes us the same too, huh.” Jeongyeon smirked and Mina grinned while nodding.
“Alright, we’ll be there for you, unnie. As a leader, I must do my responsibility to guide my members for safety, and if you have any instances that you feel nervous, just hold my hand during the show okay? I’ll stand by your side like I’ll always do.” Jihyo stared at Jeongyeon who started to blink her eyes rapidly and bend her head away.
“Agh Park Jihyo even you? Why are you guys being like this, I don’t want to cry!” Jeongyeon whined. The girls laughed and they locked their beloved sister in a group hug. Meanwhile, you just returned from claiming your orders at the delivery guy waiting on the outside of the building.
You stopped at the door of the dance practice room and smiled as you watch the wholesome sight of the group, not wanting to interrupt their moment.
The event has occured, and Jeongyeon’s surprise appearance definitely shocked the fandom to the core. Her return became even better when they also won an award too. While she is watching their performance, her curiousity led her to peek at the comments and they were all positive coming from the heartfelt fans.
Although, the ocean of positivity has met its shore when Jeongyeon landed next to the Naver site, she saw some articles about her return that wasn’t actually favorable from some netizens.
They have noticed that Jeongyeon's endurance and stamina decreased compared for before, reasoning it out due to her sudden change of figure, making Jeongyeon hurt and offended by some rude comments about them.
She shut her device right away and revisit what happened to her during the event. She knows also to herself that she’s not 100% but she gave her best because what’s important to her is to entertain the fans again like she loves to do.
She tried to forget it and acted like nothing happened when you returned to the living room to spend the night away resting with her.
She then accepted to return back from hiatus by joining her members promote Alcohol-Free. It only lasted short though when it was spotted that there are claims that she’s hurting herself from the way how she’s exhausting heavily while performing, giving the netizens a mixed reaction again based from her condition.
Her secret didn’t last long also when you caught her viewing the sites related to what happened earlier. You snatched the tablet and turned it off to spare Jeongyeon from what she have seen. 
“This is why I told you to stay away from engaging in social media apps too long, Jeong.” You said to her. “It won’t do no good to yourself.” 
“I didn’t even meant to see them, but I knew already that I’ll be receiving complains like I used to.” Jeongyeon said while she’s laying sideways, away from you.
“Jeong, just don’t get brought up by their useless pathetic comments. They just can’t appreciate people’s hardwork, that’s why.”
“That’s it. You said it yourself. How can they appreciate what I’m doing if maybe… my hardwork wasn’t enough yet.” Jeongyeon said before you noticed that she slept after while you are advicing her not to think like that.
You sighed and joined her to the bed, cuddling her into comfort.
She wasn’t lying when she said those words to you last time. It drove her to grind for improving herself on practicing their Japanese track Perfect World to prove herself, only to cost her getting affected too much by the comments she saw that not only lifted up her motivation to excel but caused her emotional state to be depressed, halting the progress rather.
Her condition got worse, with the doctors and the company putting her back for a short hiatus again, which caused her to miss the dance practices for The Feels. It was like something inside had snapped. Her behavior and mood also changed drastically for you; your kind words of assistance weren't working enough anymore to convince her that she’s going to be okay again.
Through the first two weeks of her hiatus, you can see from Jeongyeon that she’s acting differently whenever you try to interact with her. While yours were gentle and kind, hers was rather the contrast of how you treat her. 
She would just answer you with a blank face, minimal words, and a and a robotic and bland tone that would lose your enthusiasm to talk with her.
Sometimes you would just catch her staring into the unknown, and as much as you wanted to come up to her, you knew she'd silently request that you leave her alone.
This is not the Yoo Jeongyeon you knew and loved. It’s not right anymore, you thought to yourself. You know you have to do something to end this because this ain’t something she is incapable to do, both for her personal well-being and for the people around her who're impacted by it.
This urge has pushed you to confront  Jeongyeon regarding her unusual antics, unintentionally leading both into an altercation. 
Not because of what you said, but from what you have just heard from her when surprisingly, she was the one who initiated to break the silence during your dinner with her.
“By the way, I’m packing my things tomorrow, YN.” Jeongyeon said, taking one of her last scoops on her food.
“Packing your t-things?” You stopped moving your spoon through the plate. “Why, where you going?”
“Back to my parent’s house.” She blandly replied. 
“Oh. We better sleep right after this then. Let me escort you tom-”
“Not needed.” She simply rejected. Your brows started to meet.
“Jeong, you know it’s not safe for you to go outside on your own. You’re still not well, the fans and media can just-”
“It’s not your problem anymore.” Jeongyeon’s hands gripped tightly on the table. Your stare went deeper at your girlfriend.
“Not my concern? Jeong, I’m your boyfriend.” You huffed. “Come on, what exactly is wrong with you? W-why these days… I feel like you’re trying hard to… push me away. Was there a problem? Don’t you need my assistance anymore?” You made a direct approach. It has became impatient and insufferable already for you to hold these thoughts that’s bothering you everyday.
“Or was it still the same?” You sighed heavily and scratched your forehead.
“It’s not.” Jeongyeon muttered. You were barely able to catch what she said.
“Say again?”
To your astonishment, Jeongyeon looked up and gave you the same intense stare, but her aura was different from yours. Gazing into her eyes, you had the impression that you were witnessing her most vulnerable state of being tonight as she attempted to disfigure herself with this act of hostility and coldness.
“I want to break up with you.” 
Your body froze, looking at her in fright, heart and mind rambling and constricting at the same time just absorbing that sentence you thought you will never going to hear from her forever.
“We’re d-done.” She said to you and twitched her head away to avoid staring at you. “You don’t have to look up for me, I’m giving you freedom now to do whatever you want to do.”
She stands up and was about to enter her bedroom when you stood up and hit the table hard. “You can’t be serious, Jeong! Just like that?”
Jeongyeon stopped on her steps, her back facing you. “After everything I’ve done? Jeong, I’m not stupid. This isn’t the best of you, we both damn know you never want to say that.”
“I mean it, YN! Was I not obvious enough why I don’t need you now? What else you want me for you to understand!” She yelled as she turned around to look at you. You just stood there and stared at her bursting out her frustation at you.
For the first time, your eyes dwelled with tears made by the anguish in your chest after receiving those words of despise coming from someone you love the most out of anyone that you never know would express herself that she will end up hating you.
“Jeong…” You called her breathily. She was dumbstrucked seeing you emotional because of what she did. “W-what happened to us?”
She remained silent observing your stability shatter into pieces. “I’m not gonna be fooled by your acts, Jeong. You’re just saying that because you’re tired… but you don’t meant with all your heart because I know right there, I’m the one you will always love to be with.”
You slowly walked across her and Jeongyeon lowered her head to avoid gazing at your broken state closer. “You can’t just leave me with “why?”. How about me, huh? I do get tired, trying to fix you, but did you hear me wanting to break up with you?”
You raised your chin and made her look at you. “No. I didn’t stopped, I NEVER stopped, because I can’t abandon you. I can’t bear seeing you helpless because of the same thing. I love you, Jeongyeon and that… is what I mean a lot.
Don’t let me go, please. That’s all I’m asking for.” You cried as you held her hands and hold it tight. “Just tell me what’s the problem, and I’ll carry it too. We have to solve this together, I can’t let it cost you. You’re the only one I have left.”
Jeongyeon couldn’t control her own tears as she got defeated easily by your pleads of sorrow, demonstrating your unwavering and loyalty of your unbreakable love for her. 
She felt pity immediately thinking about you losing her, and knowing that she has became very important aspect of your life, it’s cruel for her to apply a worse circumstance on other people than her own suffering.
Jeongyeon raised your hands together and gave yours a deep kiss. She laid her head on your chest and sobbed heavily in your arms. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to hurt you too.”
You hugged her closer to you and keep yourselves soothed in your warmth creating by this burning affection you share for one another. “It’s fine. I know everything must be so hard for you, but please don’t ever consider removing me or others who are willing to stay by your side and guide you to recovery.”
“It’s not that I don’t want others who care for me, it’s just that… I’m just scared, that I might just hurt and displease you because of how I’ve changed.” Jeongyeon began to explain while you wipe your tears in her face. 
“That made me began to hate myself these days. I feel like I’ve losing my worth into people lives and rather becoming a burden. And I’ve tried to distance myself from you because I thought…  I might just making you suffer too much to take care of me, and i feel like I’m unattractive to be paired with you. You deserve better, so I made a plan to slowly make you quit.”
She said before she broke down again brought by guilt and regret. You continued to ease her emotions off, patting her head and caressing her back.
“Jeongyeon… everything that you said, that’s not happening at all.” You gave a feedback. “You may have confessed that people might probably dislike you  for how you look now compared from the previous that they’ve grown accustomed to recognize you… but I’m not. 
Jeongyeon, you don’t know the level of fear I’ve got when I heard you breaking up with me. Let’s say, one of those is because you think you’re not pretty as before in my eyes anymore that concerned you. But no…”
You traced her visuals with your fingertips, Jeongyeon felt chills as she stared at your eyes encapsulating primal desire as she felt her face being admired by the man she adore.
“How about I do something… to prove I’m not letting go easy, and to make you know how you will always be the epitome of my ideal woman in my eyes.”
You catched the back of her head and pushed her into yours, colliding your lips together. You walked and guided her through the bedroom, shutting the door with your feet before you continued engaging into a wild kiss with Jeongyeon.
You removed your T-shirt and pants, sparing your boxers as the only piece of garment left worn. Jeongyeon sought that as a signal to get rid of her own clothing too, but you hold her hands to prevent her from doing.
“Don’t. All you have to do is watch and submit. Because tonight… is all about you, my love.” You kissed her again before rotating the blushing Jeongyeon, facing her through your full body mirror.
“Look at you, such a masterpiece.” You whispered in her ear as Jeongyeon watched you stroking her hair from behind. Your hands went lower, sliding it across the sides of her figure. “Shall I start doing a breakdown of what I observe that makes you understand… how special you are?”
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Jeongyeon just nodded, very flushed at your sudden change of demeanor. You may have caught her response, but that wasn’t enough for her. “Cmon, baby. Don’t be shy, use that pretty voice of yours. Make me hear it.” 
You whispered to her ear while you wrapped her waists and pushed her closer to you. Jeongyeon whimpered as she felt her ass bump into your boner. “Yes p-please… let me know.”
“Good. Let’s start with your face, babe.” You squished her plump cheeks and gave it both kisses, making Jeongyeon’s blush intensely. “Back from the time I’ve saw you in my clinic, the first thing my mind commented was how exceptionally beautiful you are, Jeongyeon.”
“Sure, there may be other women around there who are also beautiful but… yours is just… unique. And I don’t lie when you’re the one I still wanted even after all this time, because my heart only prefers the beauty you possess.” 
Jeongyeon smiled at your endearing compliment. You kissed her on the temple before moving on. Your sight was on her neck, massaging and sniffing on her scent. “These smooth, milky neck and shoulders that you always expose from me. That’s why I love laying my head or burying my face onto your skin, makes it better whenever I miss having your touch on me.”
You peeked to see Jeongyeon shutting her eyes and savoring your touch. “Don’t close your eyes too long, baby. I want you to see everything.” She complied, and then she realized that you’re starting to lift her shirt up, holding the hem.
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You smirked as you teasingly slowed down your hands beginning to cover her cups before you planted them suddenly, yelping Jeongyeon. You kneaded her boobs gently through the bra. “So soft. Whenever I catch you changing up and get to see you in your favorite set of lingeries, not gonna lie, it makes you so hot, Jeongyeon… especially today.”
“These nice tits, so flawless and pearly, contrasting to the color of your enticing black bra.” Jeongyeon heard you groan while groping her boobs, turning her on.
“But ofcourse, nothing gets better when I see them uncovered, for my eyes only. .” You sensed the clip on her front and unclicked it, exposing her packed set of breasts laying neatly on top of her ribcage. “Goddamn, they’re so perfect.”
You resumed to knead them again, making sure that you give them equal attention. Jeongyeon starts to gasp and whine as your fingers twists and pull her nipples. “You say your body gets ugly, but it just became better for me Jeong. Look at your tits, they’ve became bigger… perkier… and heavier.” You said while playing at them, jiggling them in your palm.
“Makes me wonder, if I put a baby on you today and make your pregnant, wouldn’t these get even more bigger. And God… getting these huge jugs filled with milk, I’m afraid our baby won’t be getting everything of it, because daddy have to share instead, I may even couldn’t control and won’t spare a drop.” You whispered seductively as your hands circling her tits intensified, now matching it with your crotch humping the outline of her ass.
“Please… fuck YN I’m about to lose it, hurry…” Jeongyeon said as she felt her panties getting soaked now by her juices.
You understood what she meant, your hand went to her bottom. “Oh goodness, you’re really soaked down there. Couldn’t wait to fuck you, huh?”
“But hold it a bit longer, we’re not through yet, baby.” You chuckled devilishly. Jeongyeon whined as you left her crotch and slowly kneeled beside her, your hands went attention now to her tummy that gained some fat due to the effects of her medication.
“You call this ugly but I take it to be cute, instead. I can’t wait to lay my head on these fluffy tummy of yours whenever I’m bored, baby.” You said as you pinched her belly and wiggled it. “Those bodyshamers who will dare to berate you will definitely feel my wrath, Jeong. Nobody can insult you.”
Your fingertips then reached the waistband of her jogging pants. “Ah yes, we’re getting closer to the main event.”  Jeongyeon continues to watch you work on her lower part, pulling down her pants. She stepped out from it and there she is, all left with nothing but her matching white panties.
“There’s another thing why I love your body even more, Jeong… is through these.” You ran your hands, inspecting her long legs and giving her thighs some squeeze, eliciting an ‘ahh’ from Jeongyeon. “You have gotten way even thicker this time, Jeongyeon. I think I’ll get addicted burying my face and willingly die onto these meaty, juicy thighs compressing my head.”
“T-that’s harsh. I-I still want to keep you.”
“Course you do, nobody can appreciate you better than I do.” Jeongyeon looked at you and blushed.
She watched you again at the mirror, caressing the length of her legs before you playfully bumped your finger at her core, letting out a lewd sound from her. “Y-YN!”
“And lastly, this.” You repeated it again, making Jeongyeon close her legs for a while before you removed her panties, and Jeongyeon is now fully naked in front of the mirror. 
You kneeled again, rubbing your face on her ass and burying it between her crack, sniffing on it. “Y-YN… it’s d-dirty down there!”
“I don’t care, but you still smell so intoxicating, Jeong.” You gave a kiss on each of her cheeks before spanking her. 
“Do you love me smacking these fruity butt you got, Jeongyeon?”
You slapped it again. “God you’re so perfect. Sculptured and blessed by the gods with a perfect combination of huge tits and firm ass. Thank heavens for making me the luckiest guy in the world, thinking that I can have this all by myself.” You whistled. “And you think I would have the guts to find another woman when I already have mine as the best.”
Jeongyeon’s heart is blooming at your continous praises for her body and beauty, effectively boosting her confidence.
“Spread those legs, baby. Let me see that dripping cunt of yours.” She followed you, and there she showed her pussy tainted with her pre-cum.
You traced it and catched some of her fluid, sending chills again on her body as she felt her folds scratched by your fingertips. Your way of licking her juices off your hand just makes Jeongyeon’s arousal even higher.
You cupped her pussy and inserted two of your fingers inside her, pushing and pulling it to trigger her walls. She started to hold on to you to maintain balance. “Ahhh mhhmm…”
“Say, Jeongyeon. You’re just begging to be fucked now, aren’t you?”
“Louder, say it clear.”
“PLEASE FUCK ME YN, I can’t take it anymore…” 
You speed up the face of fingering her cunt. “More. Give me more.”
Jeongyeon bit her lips and gasped at the feeling of her pussy being invaded by your slender fingers. “Ah I-I’m coming…”
“You do? Release it first. Don’t be shy squirting in front of your loving boyfriend.”
With few more rams, Jeongyeon sprayed her juices on the floor and onto your hand and feet. You felt Jeongyeon heaving deeply, but you didn’t let her rest as she suddenly felt your cock grazing her wet pussy, realizing you have stepped out of your boxers already, making both of you now naked on the mirror.
“Do you want me to fill you up so bad and make you a mommy, Jeongyeon?” 
“P-please, I don’t care. Just give em all to me.”
You catched her face and lean it closer to you, breaking character. “Control your hormones, babe. You can’t get pregnant yet, still have career to maintain right?” Jeongyeon got embarassed, realizing how horny you have turned her already. You chuckled. “But, I get you. Promise, I’ll give it to you in the future, I’ll give you as much cum as you want in any of your holes but first, I just know where to put it for now.”
You licked her jawline and nibbled at her earlobe before raising one of her leg and point your tip at her. Jeongyeon’s eyes widened before it transformed into arousal and delight that she’s about to get fucked by your enormous cock. “You’re gonna be loved tonight, Jeongyeon. All you have to do is watch me.”
You sink her into your length and Jeongyeon lets out her first moan as you begin to plunge into her slow in a one-legged standing position. 
She wrapped her arms around your head and kissed you. Your other hands went on playing her tits as you continued fucking her.
Your pace increased, now creating smacking sounds resonating around the room. Jeongyeon watched herself getting bounced feverishly in your arms. Few deep pumps and she was shocked that you released and drop her to the floor, releasing your cum into her face and her upper chest.
Jeongyeon understood what you have meant, you did have found some alternative technique to atleast not let your cum turned to waste. She scooped some of it and have a taste before you leaned forward and presented your still stiff cock on her.
Jeongyeon didn’t hesitated to put your cock inside her warm mouth, giving your shaft some cleansing with her saliva. She gave you a usual impressive blowjob, she looked at the mirror to see your satisfied expression while patting her head like a good girl, motivating her to perform better.
Jeongyeon lifts your cock and went next to your hanging full balls. She sucked gently on each testicles, nibbling on your foreskin and rolling her tongue at its roundness. 
Jeongyeon didn’t hesitate to put your cock inside her warm mouth, giving your shaft some cleansing with her saliva. She gave you your usual impressive blowjob, and she looked in the mirror to see your satisfied expression while patting her head like a good girl, motivating her to perform better.
Jeongyeon lifted your cock and went next to your hanging full balls. She sucked gently on each testicle, nibbling on your foreskin and rolling her tongue at its roundness. 
Entering her asshole, you fucked her slow which made Jeongyeon moan and grit her teeth at how big you are inside of her. You also joined her moans and curses because of her tight she is, but the perfect grip that she has around your girth is what effectively makes her ass stroking your cock even more pleasurable.
You started to fuck her faster, her ass id now being pounded against your crotch. Maintaining your hold on her waist, you took a short time to let go one of your hand to give some few smacks on her asscheeks again.
“Do you like me fucking your precious peachy ass, baby?”
“Yes, fuck! You’re about to tear me apart with your big cock, YN!”
“You can take it, right? You must be going crazy right now feeling my cock fill up your tight ass.” You said as you continued to hammer her. 
“Ugh yes, you can do whatever you want YN. Your cock is the only one I need fucking me.”
“I bet you do, because look at how compatible our bodies together. You’re so perfect around my cock, and I’ll be using it to please you whenever you want!” “Oh yes! Harder baby, pound me!”
You fucked her faster at full speed, testing your energy and Jeongyeon’s until you reached your climax, firing more seeds inside of her ass. As you released, Jeongyeon watched you smack your creamy dick in her cheeks before she felt that ticklish burst of your cum overflowing her hole.
Reaching for some tissue, you wipe off some of your cum before you pick up Jeongyeon and make her sit on your lap. To make sure she can still get a full view of the sexual interaction that both of you are engaging in, you positioned her as a reverse-seated cowgirl. Lifting her up, you slammed her, then back down on your cock, fucking her again into a nice slow introductory pace.
Jeongyeon just lustfully and gratefully watched you perform your intimacy stored solely for her, kissing her neck, playing with her huge breasts while caressing her tummy.
She was indeed feeling loved and honoured tocherish such an awesome man like you who is returning the same exact amount of how she wants to experience what love is supposed to be.
Her smile went wider and bigger as she has continued to cooperate and join with the flow of your intercourse with her. She is simply enjoying having her time alone with you tonight, appreciating your way of servicing her to overcome and forget her personal problems even for a moment.
On your observation, you sensed Jeongyeon beginning to add some movements of her own as you continue to penetrate her underneath. She was now grinding and rolling her hips to stimulate her walls and stroke your cock in other angles.
Her moans have gotten constant and repeated, lifting your hormones to encourage pleasuring her as much as you can provide for this wonderful woman sharing a bed with you tonight.
“You seemed like you’re liking this now, Jeong. I can feel you moving now on your own.”
“Yeah… fuck mhhmm you’re right. You never fail to get me hooked on with your big cock impaling me, baby. I can feel every inch of you filling me up so good. Don’t stop… ugh hngh~”
“Oh don’t worry, I still got a lot left in me, baby.”
You leaned back and laid on the bed, letting Jeongyeon now ride you on her own. Enjoying the view of Jeongyeon bouncing erratically on your lap, all you had to do is to gasp in amazement at how your girlfriend becomes even more skilled at sex when gets hornier.
“Fuck you’re so big, YN. I would love to have you invade me everyday.” Jeongyeon continues to praise how great your cock makes her feel. She twerked and rolled her hips more, eager to receive your load for her.
“Jeongyeon, I’m about to cum!”
She gets off from your lap and formed like a ball between your legs, she pumped your cock a few times before your seed aimed at her mouth and tongue, taking a taste of your addicting creamy load once again.
As she let go of your cock, she laid beside you to take a minute of rest. You still have enough stamina left. You repositioned Jeongyeon so that she could still be visible in the mirror. You turned her aside and slid underneath her body. 
Now in a 69 position, you have an excellent view of her streaming wet pussy and her freshly fucked asshole gaping with your newly unloaded batch.
You gave each peck on the flesh of her vagina’s exterior before flicking and poking her clitoral area to stimulate her on the edge. The more you kept on teasing her, Jeongyeon was matching your game with her hums around your cock and repeated hollow sucks on your mushroom head. 
Kneading her thighs and spanking her plump ass one more time, you lifted Jeongyeon a bit to signal her that you'd be moving again. She lay prone on her side, and you went behind her to insert your cock back in her pussy this time.
Fucking her again in a spooning form, Jeongyeon combs your head as she whimpers and refreshingly sighed at your mouth sucking her tits while you press her legs and fuck her pussy from behind. Your other hand was directing her boobs on your face to add more stimulation on her intimate part.
You paused to fuck her pussy when you come up of an idea that interests you. Jeongyeon suddenly felt the warmth of your shaft between her thighs, and just as she discovered, you have now ejaculating yourself between them.
You grabbed her hand and placed it in front of your tip. Moving your hips as your stomach begins to curl up for a familiar climax, you released your sperm with most of it landing onto her palm.
Jeongyeon made a show by staring at you as she licked your sperm through her hand, turning you on at her sexy and sensual gesture. Her mischievous smirk inspired you to get up from your knees and straddle her torso.
Squeezing and fondling her huge tits for a short foreplay, you grabbed your cock and sandwiched it to her succulent bosoms. Performing a titfuck while she’s under you, Jeongyeon tries to catch your head with her tongue to please you further. Thankfully, with your massive length and width, she was able to grab a taste of your irresistible meat.
Now giving a rough pounding on her abused tits, you didn’t give a damn anymore if you’re getting aggressive. You ain’t stupid to catch her needy look looking up at you, challenging you to give everything you have because she’ll fall for it more.
Couple more strokes and you mounted her face by pushing your cock deep in her, depositing your load that flooded her inside.
Jeongyeon swallowed again, ensuring that none would be left wasted as a way of replacement for not being able to have her pussy filled yet with your baby batter that would make her womb fertilized.
As you let Jeongyeon rest again for a while, you went your attention on her hypnotizing tits, sucking and gnawing at them like there’s no tomorrow. Having a glimpse of hee now watching you do your own thing, you sensed that she must be now back on track.
“Can you still keep up, baby? We can stop now if everything’s enough for you.” You said as you gently knead her breast.
“How about you?”
“Well I can still do more. You’re just so attractive tonight, Jeongyeon. How would I say this? Hmmm… oh yeah, I can’t stop me.” You winked at her before Jeongyeon wheezed and laughed.
“Witty.” She rolled her eyes at you and chuckled.
“That makes us even.” 
“You’re so good tonight, you know. You make me wanna say more and more, because I’ve been craving to have this again with you.” She said as she patted your face.
“Wait, is that another reference again?” You squinted your eyes at the guilty and sheepish Jeongyeon acting like she didn’t got caught. You pinched her nose. “Ahhh!”
“You dork.”
“It hurts!” She pouted and touched her nose. “Just continue eating my tits, you pervert.”
You wheezed and shook your head as you played again with her breasts until you remembered something. “But seriously, I’m happy that I can make you laugh again.” Your eyes went tender for Jeongyeon as she just watched you become serious.
“This is what I just want to see from you. Being here as my girlfriend while I’m convinced that you’re doing fine. Your smile is one of the things that calms me down and keeps me going through the reality of life. You can’t blame me why its such a big deal for me to lose it, how more if I… lose you completely.” Your tears escaped again from your eyes and Jeongyeon wipes it off.
“I’m really sorry, YN. I became selfish not thinking that you’re struggling as me too. And to involve others with my worries and fears only to get their feelings hurt… especially you. I don’t think I should have a nerve to pity myself for what I’ve done.” Jeongyeon apologized.
You reached for her hand and lock it in your grasp. Laying beside her, you cuddled her and laid her head on your chest where your heart only beats for her. “I don’t care how many times I would be going to make this known for you, I still and will love you in just the way you are, Yoo Jeongyeon.
Your body figure doesn’t matter to me too much because the reason why I  love you is because of how kind-hearted you are and I feel like I own you too much since the beginning.” You said to her.
Jeongyeon remembered that she was there for him in ups and down, to provide him that would require saving like for example: his pet clinic before. And now she also realises that you were doing the same for her. You also became the special person who will do anything to stay by her same most of the time, bringing her back to when they first met.
You didn't treated her as Jeongyeon from TWICE but simply as by herself, as a normal human and Korean citizen named Yoo Jeongyeon, like she always wanted to receive from anybody whether they may be part of the fandom or not.
“How fitted a woman’s body wasn’t my qualification to make you my girlfriend. Even if I marry you in the future, it’s not because I’m in love only because of the way you look, but because you fulfilled my dream and I devoted myself to give your soul and existence a meaning to my world.”
Jeongyeon kissed you directly through the lips and hugged you tightly. “I love you so much, YN.” That’s what all it took to show her utmost respect and value for your role.
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As you and her go on for another heated kiss, you felt your cock being woken back up by her thighs poking your shaft. 
Bumping into her folds, you spreaded it wide again as you inserted it back inside of her, fucking her passionately before you and her both go on into another multiple number of positions, basically them having sex around the house, shooting a gallon more of cum in her mouth and ass until you and her are too spent. You and her then slept together at dawn, with your dry flaccid cock still tucked into her snatch.
Because of that moment you shared with her, Jeongyeon slowly starts to recover from her anxiety, trying to be confident and love herself for her new figure and become not much bothered by the hate comments. 
She then goes to hang out more often with her family, members and her boyfriend. It made her successfully return and fully participate for the upcoming comebacks like Talk That Talk, Set Me Free and One Spark while also attending endorsements and doing modeling again to spread body positivity and break Korean beauty standards.
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And in April 2024, the media, the K-Pop community, and especially the fanbase of ONCEs across the world were surprised to learn about the announcement that Yoo Jeongyeon made. 
You and her officially tied the knot at a chapel in Ulsan, and many acquaintances, friends, and relatives from each other attended to witness the grand wedding. The couple were very honored and grateful for their attendance. The event became the headline of numerous news stories and articles.
Both excused themselves and rented a hotel room to celebrate their marriage in private during the honeymoon trip. There, they fucked each other's brains for hours, granting your sworn words that you’ll be making her a mommy in the future by finally pouring everything you have in store through her fertile womb, which ultimately led to Jeongyeon giving birth and welcoming your first child into the family.
Now that Jeongyeon has accomplished all the dreams that she has shared with you to come true, the idol is proud and fully assured that their love is truly unconditional and that she claims you as the perfect man for her who will always accept, believe, and stand by her no matter what happens that might attempt to bring her down.
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copiousloverofcopia · 8 months
Hey there ghesties!!!
Here is a new fic commission, for the awesome @dantesunbreaker featuing Copia and an AFAB Reader!
Thank you so much again ghestie for commissioning me! It was a pleasure to write for you again!!!
Hope you all enjoy!
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info!
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Being a sibling of sin is hard...especially when dealing with the wrath of Sister Imperator. Copia helps you find a way to relax.
Also available HERE on AO3!
Definitely NSFW below the cut!
“Oh Lucifer, she is the most miserable and contemptuous woman I have ever met” you hissed as you stormed down the hall. Your voice, thankfully, echoing just out of earshot from Sister Imperator’s office. You had had enough after spending two hours getting drilled, along with a few other siblings, and all over a little indiscretion involving some ghouls and sacramental wine. If it weren’t for the woman being Papa’s mother, and the matriarch of the Ministry, you would have given the old woman something to really rant about. 
Alas, she is a member of the high clergy, and you—only a mere sibling. Instead, you allowed your better sensibility to guide you. Deciding that a walk around out in the courtyard, allowing your boiling blood to come down to a simmer, was a much better choice. Though you wondered if the fresh air and the change of scenery would be enough to shrug off the stress of the day. Still you continued on, walking down the stairs and through the main hall until you reached the exit into the courtyard.
The minute you stepped outside you were met by the beauty of the day. A bright blue sky and the warmth of the late summer sun beating down on you. Any other time you would have thoroughly enjoyed it, but now all you felt was the tension. Upset that even the simple pleasures of a nice day had been ruined by Sister’s raving. 
You made your way around the path that lined the cloister, kicking around a few stones at your feet. Your eyes held down to the ground as you rubbed at the knots in your neck. Kinked up and pained by the heavy mental weight you’d been carrying. Committed to walk off your fury before returning to your duties within the Abbey.
On your third trip around the year you were hit suddenly by the light scent of cologne in the air. The bitter citrus notes, mingling with bergamot and rosemary, quickly followed by a pair of arms around your waist. Arms that were all too familiar and comforting. A smile pulled at the sides of your mouth as you put it all together.
“Amore?” Copia cooed into your ear. A gentle nudge of his head into yours as he hugged you. 
“Oh Papa.” you sighed, turning around to face him. Feeling a bit of relief from only having been pulled into his arms. Copia held you close for a moment, rubbing your back and allowing you to rest on him before he pulled you up to face him.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, his concern showing through his paints. Worry written in the lines of his face. You dreaded telling him, though you both shared everything together. Even when it may cause a disagreement, the truth was always spoken between you. One thing you both could always count on.
“It’s…It’s…” you stammered, trying to get out the complaint. Your resolve, dampened by the fact that she was his mother. You began chewing your lip, your eyes falling back to the ground and settling on the tops of Copia’s shoes.
“Amore—just tell me.” he begged you, his face stricken with a disheartened frown. His concern, growing with each second of silence that passed between you.
“It’s your mother!” you shouted, bringing your hand quickly to your mouth. Ashamed for having blurted it out like that at him. Copia smiled, looking around the courtyard to be sure it was just the two of you. 
“Tesoro, come with me.” Copia insisted as he practically dragged you off to the storage shield that rested near the far end of the yard. You were skeptical, it wasn’t like him to rush you off in such a way. Deep down you wondered if he was upset with you and wanted to address things in private. Finding the closest place of refuge to scold you.
When you stepped inside, you began to rub at your aching head. Your eyes, crawling over the old planks of wood, bags of mulch, and discarded garden tools that had managed to escape Primo’s attention. Now more worried that you had upset him, than anything else. 
“Papa I am sorry…I wasn’t trying to offend you or Sister…” You began.
“Agh.” Copia scoffed in disagreement.
“...it’s just she drives me crazy with her nitpicking and…” you continued, watching as Copia slowly closed the door up behind you. His eyes fixed on you as he allowed you to vent your pent-up frustration. Then without warning he grabbed you, his lips pressing tightly against yours. Silencing your anger with his affection. Your eyes, unable to help but close as you melted into him. Feeling the bitterness of the day begin to shed from your shoulders.
“You, mio dolce amante, need to relax.” Copia smiled, his lips still held against yours. Kissing you again with tenderness and love. You lost yourself in it, so much so that when he pulled away you became somewhat confused. “You know I’m right.”
“I—I know.” you agreed, leaning back against the old wood shelf near the back of the shed. Copia approached you, his fingers tracing up along the buttons on the front of your shirt. Undoing them one by one until it hung open. 
“She is quite the shrew I must admit.” Copia chuckled to himself, his eyes quickly filling with desire as he began to remove your belt from its loops. The zipper of your slacks, slowly pulled down before your pants fell to your ankles as your body began succumbing to his will. The heat felt as it swirled within your gut. The sense of need, traveling into your core and leaving you wet before you could exhale your next breath.
“Oh Copia.” you purred as he brought his fingers down beneath your underwear and effortlessly found your clit. 
“You see, I can’t help the fact that my mother is…well, how she is amore…but I can do this.” Copia grinned, delighted as you squirmed beneath his touch. Always knowing exactly how you liked to be touched and teased. 
“I was afraid you were mad.” you told him, your voice breathy and low. 
“Afraid?” he asked, baffled at the thought.
“That you’d be mad at me…for being angry with her. I just…just can’t ever seem to stay in her good graces. There is always something keeping me in her sights and not for anything good.” you explained. You made a sharp inhale as Copia dipped his fingers inside you, bringing his mouth to your neck. Nipping and sucking, leaving marks of ownership into your skin. 
“I could never be angry with you…especially not over her…” he promised you, working his fingers deeper and deeper until he reached the spot, he knew would send you on edge. Letting out a satisfied groan as you began to shake inside. “That’s right, cum for me…” 
“Mmm…” You moaned as he worked you. Your insides squeezing tightly against his fingers. Fluids flowing over with your need for him. Hoping that soon he would be inside you—filling you. Copia brought his other hand down between you. Unzipping his own pants and freeing his already leaking cock. 
It was oh so hard, and throbbing, as it bounded out from the confines of his pants. The thick vein that ran its length, pulsing as he stroked himself. The sight of it, only making you more aroused as you replaced his hand with your own. Copia couldn’t help moaning as you touched him.  
“Ah…mmm…” he purred with your touch. His hips, rutting him harder into your hand.
“Are you sure?” you hummed, as you glided over his shaft with ease. 
“Assolutamente, you needn’t pay any attention to her tesoro…you belong to me. She—and everything else are nothing but background noise.” he assured as he pulled you back into a kiss. Tongue conquering yours swiftly as he made you cum again over his hand.    
“Oh C!” you cried as he spun you around. Facing you away from him, your head falling back against his shoulder. You were already so much more relaxed than you’d felt all day. He kissed along your jaw, his hands traveling to the roundness of your ass. Copia, unsatisfied until he’d made you a boneless, limp, and fleshy puddle.
He bent you over the empty shelf. Taking a tight grip on your ass as he ran his cock through your messy folds. You could feel the heat of him against you. Your body, craving for more of him. Desperate for the friction between you and the way he felt inside. It wasn’t long before he indulged you—plunging himself into you. 
“Ah! Cazzo, you feel so good!” he growled as he bottomed out. All you could do was moan and whine. Unable to gather enough brain power to focus on anything other than how tightly he was filling your pussy. You body clinging on to him as he slowly thrusted through you. Tugging against your walls with each pump of his hips.
“Mmm…” you mewled as Copia brought his fingers to your lips. Tracing the line of your mouth until you opened it for him. Allowing his thumb inside and sucking gently on the tip as he has he fucked you from behind. 
“That’s mio topolino…you’re so good for me.” Copia groaned, excited more as you continued to suck and lick his thumb. When he was satisfied, he popped it from your mouth. Using his other hand to guide you further down against the shelf. Angling your body just how he wanted it.
The sounds he was making only served to excite you even more. Washed over in pleasure while he buried his cock over and over into your pussy. It was only moments later when you felt him tease at your ass. Rubbing his thumb against your hole. Allowing you to get used to the stimulation before inserting his thumb inside. 
“Ah!” you called out as he entered you, the fingers of his hand anchored onto your ass. Helping him to hold onto you, as he slipped around his thumb inside you.
“I want you so full of me.” he purred, making small circular motions with it in your ass. “Touch yourself tesoro.” 
“Yes Papa.” you replied, happy to relinquish the control to him, bringing your fingers to your clit as he fucked you. His cock pounding away in your pussy as his thumb worked the sensitive nerves of your ass. Before long, he had you ready to cum again. Your walls, squeezing and pulling, against the rhythm of his cock. 
“Cum for me.” Copia commanded, his voice shaky and breathless. 
“Ah!” you moaned, your fluids leaking out from all around him as you came, hard and fast. The insides of your legs—covered in your satisfaction. He removed himself from you. Still gloriously hard and needing more. 
“I still think you’re a bit tense…let me help fix that.” he told you as he used his cock to gather up some generous amount of juices from your folds. Sliding up through the crack of your ass and pressing the head of his cock, heavy against your hole. Allowing you to adjust before he pushed himself inside.   
"C! Fuck!" You mewled, reaching back to grab at his wrist. Copia, gripping hold to your hips and pounding into you with the full force of his thrust. Leaving well earned bruises on the meat of your ass. 
"Let go amore! Ah! You. Are. So. Fucking. Tight." Copia grunted as he continued. Cock, running through you as your fingers found their way back to your clit. The flesh of your backside gloriously spread out by his hands. Your lover memorized as he watched the space between you, disappearing over and over into your ass. 
The sweat began to pool in the small of your back. Your fingers gripped tight to the old wooden shelf as your lover took you. Copia too was dripping from his brow. Relishing each and every pump of his pelvis into you. 
"Yes! C! Please, I'm cumming!" You cried out as you felt his cock begin to swell. His rhythm, more erratic and desperate as he got close to his own release. 
"Ah! Lucifer tesoro…I'm going to cum for you!" Copia groaned just as he painted your insides in hot, sticky cum. Spilling every last drop from his sack deep in your ass. The force of his climax, and your own diligent rubbing, sending you over. Your fingers slick with cum just as he had just begun to slow his stride.  
"That was exactly what I needed." You exhaled, your body loose and completely free of tension. The stress of the day fading as you melted with your lover's touch. "You always know how to make me feel better and help me unwind." You laughed, as Copia slipped out. Lifting you up into his arms to hold you against him.
"Believe me amore…the pleasure was all mine." He grinned, his paints a bit rougher looking than before. The sweat, blurring the once crisp edges. Smearing the black into the white. 
mio dolce amante- my sweet lover
Assolutamente- absolutely 
Cazzo- fuck
mio topolino- my little mouse
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savventeen · 1 year
places we've been torn (i'm always, always yours)
pairing: soonyoung x gn!reader rating: T wc: ~1k summary: you and soonyoung have been lying together for who-knows how long now, going back and forth asking each other about the various scars you both have. the stories have been mostly silly or stupid (or both), but it's as the night is winding down that soonyoung asks about the one scar with a story you're not sure you're ready to share. warnings: scars, mentions of suicide, past near-attempted suicide (reader) tags: fluff and angst, angsty fluff, reader is in a good place now but there was a time when they weren't, and soonyoung has to take some time to process that fact, i think this is still very soft??? despite the subject matter, but please please please be careful friends a/n: this is for @diamondyjh as part of my emergency commissions and she requested angst to fluff (tho this turned into more angsty fluff than angst to fluff, but i hope you still like it) and the title is from always by switchfoot
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You're not sure the last time you felt so content.
At the moment, you and Soonyoung are curled up on his bed over the covers, feet tangled together and heads sharing the same pillow. The past few hours you've spent just laying there and talking, mostly asking about each other's scars but drifting off to other topics as well. For the past ten minutes or so, it's been quiet, the two of you simply enjoying each other's company.
Everything about this moment is warm — from the way his hands hold one of yours and press a kiss to your palm to the way your heart feels like it's melting in your chest and spreading all the way to the tips of your toes.
"What about this one," he murmurs into the silence, rubbing his thumb slowly over the soft skin of your wrist. "It's so tiny; I never noticed it before."
And the scar in question is tiny, smaller than a grain of rice, nestled right in the center of your wrist.
The story behind it, though, is so much bigger.
For the first time all night, your first instinct is to lie — to make something up and brush it off and clutch at the secret you've kept tucked away in your chest for so, so long. Excuses like oh, it's no big deal - it's nothing - I don't even remember all sit ready on the tip of your tongue. But you bite them back.
You stare at Soonyoung, marveling at how soft he looks in the warm lamplight — trusting the small but fervent corner of your quickly-beating heart begging you to be completely honest for once in your life, whispering that you can trust him with this.
He keeps tracing his thumb in gentle arcs across your skin, and you breathe in — slow — breathe out — steady.
“It’s from a knife,” you say at last, calm, and not at all like this is the first time in the ten years since it happened that you’ve told anyone. A buzzing has started under your skin, anxiety humming through your veins at a frequency you’re sure Soonyoung must be able to hear.
But he just wrinkles his brow in adorable confusion, lower lip jutting out just enough to form a soft, worried pout. “A knife?”
You can trust him with this.
You gulp and bite the bullet. “I was sixteen and... and I came really close to killing myself.”
A beat, and the world stops.
Your breath feels trapped in your lungs as you watch him blink, his thumb freezing as he processes your words. And for a moment, his face is blank.
But Soonyoung has always worn his heart on his sleeve, and you can easily read the emotions that start flashing across his face. First, a silent shock that bleeds into disbelief. His eyes find yours, searching, searching, yearning to find a falsehood somewhere in your words — a soft kind of horror dawning like a rain-soaked morning as realization sets in.
His grip on your wrist tightens, fear and worry evident in the way he takes a deep, steadying breath, and he pulls your hand to his chest and clutches it there, almost desperately. His other hand reaches out to cradle your face, stroking reverently, even as his exhale is shaky. It doesn't seem to be enough, though, because a moment later, he's scooting forward the foot of space between you and bringing your forehead to his. You lay like that for a moment, two, and then he's pulling you closer still, tucking your face into the crook of his neck and shoulder so that he can wrap his arms around you and squeeze.
You squeeze back, telling him with everything but your words that I'm not gone, I'm still here. I'm here, I'm here, I'm here. You let yourselves have this moment, burying yourself into his embrace as he holds you like you'll disappear if he lets go.
"I'm okay, Youngie," you murmur eventually.
His fingers curl into the back of your shirt. "But you weren't." His voice is a whisper, thick with the threat of tears. "You weren't okay."
You sigh, bringing one hand up to cradle the back of his head and gently scratch at his scalp. "No. No, I wasn't then. But that was a long time ago, now."
Between one blink and the next, he's pulling out of the embrace just enough to be able to cradle your face between his palms. He's staring at you with red-rimmed eyes, and you feel something crack in your chest.
"You'll tell me, right?" he asks. "If you're ever not okay again? You'll tell me, or someone, or—" He huffs a frustrated breath before pressing a gentle kiss against your forehead. For a moment that feels like your own eternity, he lingers there, lips against your skin — an invisible tattoo pressed into every thought floating around in your head. "Please promise me you'll tell someone, jagi."
"I will." You seal your vow with a kiss of your own pressed to his lips. "I promise."
And he must hear the truth of your words because you can feel the tension bleed out of him like he's a deflating balloon, and you deflate right along with him. You press another kiss to his lips, soft and chaste and full of all the reassurance you have.
"Hey, Youngie." You wait until he's looking at you, and then you let all of the warm, gooey feelings of hope and love and life bubble over into a beaming grin. "I love you, and I'm so happy that I'm here with you."
The smile he gives back could rival the sun's, you think.
Suicide Hotlines in the US call or text 988 Spanish toll-free number 1-888-628-9454 Trevor Project/LGBTQIA+: text 678-678 or call 1-866-488-7386
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shannaraisles · 7 months
Idiot. - for @threeletterepithet
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A comissioned piece for the patient and lovely @threeletterepithet, who requested a little interaction between her OC, Velthei, and Cullen Rutherford. Thank you, lovely, it was a delight to work with you!
“Healer! We need a healer here - the commander!”
Velthei’s head snapped up at the sound of that cry, her eyes narrowing their focus to take in the sight of Commander Cullen Rutherford being half-dragged, half-carried into the medical tent where she had been working, with Varric Tethras bobbing along behind him like a particularly motherly tugboat. Of course, most tugboats don’t have a shit-eating grin on their face as they watch their charge tipped bodily onto a cot in front of the harbour master, but Varric could hardly be described as most anything. 
“What happened?” Velthei demanded, hurriedly dousing her hands in alcohol to disinfect them as she made her way to the commander’s side. 
“Curly here decided to show his army how it’s done,” the dwarf informed her, staying out of the way as the soldiers removed Cullen’s dented and scratched armour as carefully as they could. 
Not carefully enough, though - for all his stubborn stoicism, Cullen couldn’t quite hold in the soft groans of pain as various cuts and bruises were brought forth into the shining light of Velthei’s critical eyes. Even she, without the sharpness of sight brought about by years of mundane medicinal training, could tell that the armour had done little to prevent several broken ribs at the very least, and one particular gash on his temple had seemingly been bleeding for a significant amount of time, if the state of his quilted padding was anything to go by. 
“It was ...” Cullen paused to bite down on another groan, one hand weakly waving away the soldiers before they managed to get the padded shirt off him. “It was a necessary action.”
“Yes, I can see how very necessary it was.”
Her drawling response to his noble comment was met with a wince that was definitely not inspired wholly by physical pain. Velthei knew only too well - better than most, in fact - Cullen’s tendency to throw himself into combat he could not possibly prevail in out of a sense of guilt over sending others under his command to do something similar. She had absolutely no doubt this was a result of exactly the same guilt that had had him forcibly removed from Haven all those months ago, all but kicking and screaming in an attempt to go down with his proverbial ship. He hadn’t had much opportunity to be a flaming idiot in recent months. After much debate between the two of them, it had been decided that Adamant didn’t count; there was a small but significant contingent of the Inquisition that maintained they had all been flaming idiots to storm the Grey Warden fortress, and it was a little difficult to argue with, however well it had turned out in the end. 
But here and now, Cullen was beaten to the Void and back yet again, and it was, yet again, the result of his own daft decision to lead by example without actually letting anyone follow his example and help him in the moment. Possibly the best part of this situation, however, was the sheepish, slightly cornered expression on his face under the stern gaze she levelled in his direction as Varric was shooed out of the tent.
“I know what you are going to say,” he began, but she wasn’t having it, shaking her head before he could entrench himself in a ridiculous excuse for this behaviour.
“How many times have I told you that one man does not make an army?” she said, her tone perfectly calm.
She knew that was the worst part of it, too - Cullen was braced for angry words and tempers; he crumbled easily in the face of calm disappointment. Perhaps it was a little mean to wield that knowledge as a weapon, but given the state of him and the way he had got there, it felt like a fair weapon to wield right now. He visibly deflated in the face of that calmness, not even flinching when she sat down on the cot beside him and began to untangle him from what remained of his armour’s padding. 
“I maintain that in some instances one man can be an army,” he managed, the words muffled half by quilting and half by pain as he contorted through the action of raising his arms above his head. 
“Hawke doesn’t count,” Velthei said, but there was a smile playing about her lips as she said it. She knew she had already won this argument, if there was going to be one. The man was already backpedalling, and she had barely said a word. 
Cullen glowered at her, just a touch petulantly, at the mention of Hawke. That individual had been somehow both a thorn in his side and his deliverance in Kirkwall, and he still vacillated between gratitude and resentment for it. It did not help that Hawke was possibly the most impressive person either of them had ever met. Impressive; not necessarily likeable from certain perspectives. 
“Are you finished making excuses for being a hero yet?” she then asked, tilting her head as she let that smile loose to shine through her face and voice. “I’ve treated about twenty of the soldiers whose retreat you covered all by yourself in the past hour or so. You may be an idiot, but you’re an heroic idiot.”
To her delight, a very faint flush of rose flooded his cheeks at her complimentary words, whiskey-warm eyes awkwardly glancing away before returning to examine her face even as she let her gaze lower to examine the mottling that betrayed just how much damage he had sustained before his own people dragged him bodily out of harm’s way. All it took was a barely whispered request, and he gave his permission to be touched, allowing her the freedom to trace the edges of bruises and cuts with feather light fingertips, cataloguing the injuries he had so willingly taken in defence of the people he lead without hesitation. 
“Better an idiot than a coward,” was his soft reply, shortened only by the sharp intake of breath as the barest pressure on his side drew pain flaring to the foreground. 
“Cullen ...” Velthei bit her lip, glancing across the medical tent to where the mundane healers were still working on their charges. There were other spirit healers too, but this was a question that could only come from her. “I can heal you with magic, if you will allow it. You know how long broken ribs take to heal on their own.”
He hesitated, as she knew he would. No matter how close they were, how many times he had allowed her to do just this in the past, he would always be wary of magic and those who wielded it, with good reason. It was a decision to be weighed up between his traumatic past and his unknown future - was revisiting a memory filled with pain and torment worth being ready for the future that might bring with it more danger for him to face? For as long as she had known him, he had always had this moment of consideration, and he had never chosen to run from his past. 
He did not run from it now.
WIth a short nod, he assented, settling himself on the cot in as relaxed a fashion as he could muster.
“If it is you, Velthei, then heal me,” he said, fingers twitching toward her own ever so briefly before falling back to the rough linen beneath him. “Idiot though I may be, I trust you.” 
“I really don’t understand why,” she said, relaxing herself now the consent had been given. “I am, after all, a filthy Dalish mage with no manners whatsoever.”
He groaned at the reminder of how she had been described in Kirkwall, rolling his eyes under her grin.
“Yes, thank you, I am aware that I was not the most courteous in my welcome,” he pointed out, wincing just a little as she laid her palms gently over his right side to begin channelling the icy heat of healing magic into the bones that lay cracked beneath his flesh. “You were not particularly charming yourself.”
“Oh, I was horrible,” she agreed cheerfully. “But that’s why you love me, isn’t it? My irrepressible bad humour.”
For a moment, there was absolute silence, Velthei’s focus pouring into Cullen’s injuries to knit and soothe in that same cool heat of magical healing. Then she felt Cullen’s chest jerk beneath her hands - not in pain, but in a strange huff of laughter - and heard words that she could not have said with any confidence that she had no longed to hear.
“I suppose it is, isn’t it?” he mused, “But there is far more to love about you than just your bad humour.”
She froze, wide eyes flicking to meet a gaze that was somehow impossibly soft and also guarded with stone-like shields, wary of her response but achingly eager for it as well. Her heart thumped painfully in her chest; was this really the time or the place for this conversation? Would it ever truly be the right time or place for it? She’d spent so long not putting a name to this closeness between them, not labelling it or hoping for anything, acutely aware that they were not a couple that would be willingly accepted by the circles either of them moved in ... but now she had said it, entirely without thinking, and he had not corrected her. 
“Cullen, I -”
His lips crooked into a faint smile as he raised his hand, one finger gently touching her lips. 
“Now who’s the idiot, hmm?” he asked, biting down on a grunt as he eased himself to sit up, only his ribs yet healed at this point. “It may still be myself, waiting to know if you feel for me as I feel for you.”
It was her turn to hesitate, almost afraid to break the silence now with a confession after she had almost forced his from him with her unthinking words, unconsciously turning her face into the curve of his palm as his fingers traced from her lips to her jaw. 
“Do you think I’m like this with just anyone?” she heard herself ask, inwardly cursing the way she had not truly answered. “I mean ... that is, I ...” She sighed harshly, trying to force the nerves from her throat, daring to hold his gaze with her own as she finally gathered her own courage. “I do. I’ve loved you for a long time, Cullen.”
“Then, with your permission, I will do something that not even you could call idiotic,” he answered, the scar on his lip pulled taut as he leaned close to her, his breath playing over her lips. Waiting for her consent. 
Consent given with near-shy enthusiasm as her lips brushed his, tasting with tenderness, mindful that he was not as hale and hearty as he wanted to believe himself to be. He gave her no chance to pull back and spare his injuries, sliding arms about her waist to pull her ever closer as his kiss deepened, savouring the mouth that teased him constantly as much with words as with smiles and laughter, embracing the woman who had become so much a part of his life that he could not now imagine a future without her. She squeaked at his boldness, laughing into that kiss even as he grinned, daring to wrap her arms about his neck and shoulders, falling into this newness with the familiarity of old friends who might always have known this was coming. Pressing closer, needing to be closer still, until ...
“Blast it all!”
Cullen dragged free of their embrace with a hiss of pain, his back arched, eyes squeezed shut, one hand pressing to the sizeable bruise on his shoulder that her fond ministrations had not yet had the chance to attend to. Velthei couldn’t help it, not even trying to bite down on her laugh at the pain their shared eagerness had given him anew. 
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vampyrsutton · 1 year
Good Little Whore
Hawks gets one weekend off a month and dammit he's going to use it.
Ao3 Tags:
BDSM, Dom/sub, Dom Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Sub Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is Not a Villain, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Has Genital Piercings, Trans Takami Keigo | Hawks, Edgeplay, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation, Use Of The Hanky Code, Kink Negotiation, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko is a Good Friend, Past Relationship(s), Hero Public Safety Commission Bashing (My Hero Academia), Unsafe Sex, Bondage, Shibari, Dirty Talk, Degradation, AFAB Terminology, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Oral Sex, Vibrators, Sex Toys
Commission for AyumixRose!
Bracelets are based on the Hanky Code.
Beta'd By UndeniablyAres!
Chapter 2
'Ten minutes.' Hawks thinks as he side-eyes the clock on his desk for the fifth time in the last half hour. He shakes his head, trying to go back to focusing on paperwork.
He was not successful and barely a minute later is back to looking at the clock in longing.
In his defense, it had been a long ass month with this new Meta Liberation Army causing problems left and right and some guy named All For One harassing a bunch of high schoolers and one of them becoming his intern and patrols and everyday hero work and-
In short, he was glad Rumi found out about him overworking himself and raised hell at the commission until they granted him at least one weekend off each month. All For One would be the least of their concerns, because, under the threat of public scrutiny, he now had the third weekend of each month off to relax. This, unfortunately, led to the realization that he had nothing to do with that because he hadn't had a day off since he was like twelve.
After calming his very angry friend down once more, she began asking more questions and it came to light that yeah, he really didn't know how to relax at all. Any attempt to just got him stuck in his head which was equally disastrous because he could be out saving people , but he was sitting here wasting time and-
"Hawks, I swear to god." Rumi had groaned in exasperation. "Fine, how about getting laid? Nothing like a good fuck to take you away for a bit."
Hawks had flushed as red as his feathers and had to stop Rumi once more when she realized he hadn't even had time to do that.
"Are you telling me you've been going through mating season alone ?!" She had yelled at him.
"Let's not focus on the past." He had tried to laugh it off, only to wince when her eyes narrowed further. "So, what's the plan?"
Further bickering had decided the bar was too dangerous, as was a prostitute, and Hawks was out of ideas from there so Rumi had sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Okay…Okay, I have one more idea, but it's a bit out there. I know of this club…"
That had been how a few hours later, Hawks found himself walking into what appeared to be a lingerie shop with his best friend. He was told to pick some bracelets from a chart and led down some stairs into a BDSM club. He was then told to have fun and find her if anyone gave him trouble as she set her sights on a pretty little white-haired sub that was fidgeting in the corner. Hawks had wandered around lost for a bit before the apparent deer-in-headlights look caught the attention of a Dom-sub duo that offered to show him the ropes.
He had been spending his weekend off there since and tonight would be no different if it would just BE FIVE ALREADY!
At three 'til, he finally gave up making progress and started packing up, putting files where they belong, and clocking out the second the clock hits five.
"Bye, guys!" He calls as he flies out the door before anyone can try to stop him. He salutes when his sidekicks call out their farewells as well.
Within the hour, Hawks has gone home, showered, changed, and is landing a few blocks over from the club where he detaches his feathers to hide in his coat so he can walk over there undetected and not have to think for a bit.
"Hey, Kimi." Hawks grins as he walks in and holds up the token he got after his second visit. "Usual colors."
"Hello, Sir." The cashier smiles before frowning slightly. "I regret to inform you that Spinner and Tomura won't be here this weekend, but I can direct you to another Dom if you don't wish to look around?"
Hawks frowns but shrugs. "You know everyone who comes through, so if you wanna point one out, you know what my bracelets are."
"That I do." Kimi is back to smiling as she nods, reaching under the counter for the colors he usually chooses. "Would you like a 'looking' bracelet as well just in case?"
"Nah. I trust your judgment." He grins, waving off the offer as he slips the gray, light blue, navy, mustard, puce, and teddy bear on his right wrist, purple and maroon on his left, and finishes with a houndstooth necklace. "Your quirk is Match, right? I'm sure it'll be fine. Spinner already grilled me on scene set up, and you guys don't tolerate bullshit."
"That we don't." Kimi agrees seriously before emerald eyes glow with a gold backlight. "A Dom using the name Dabi lines up perfectly with a few extras that you'll need to talk through. Otherwise, there's a Switch going by Twice who's on the lighter end, a service Dom going by Compress who's down for anything, and a Kai but he's on the harder end of things and would require a lot more talking." He doesn't miss her grimace before she smiles again. "Those first three are your best bets though." She nods as the glow leaves.
"Sounds good." Hawks nods, heading to the door down. "Can I get a description?"
"Scars and staples for Dabi. A blue and gray puppy mask for Twice. White face mask for Compress and otherwise orange color scheme. Plague doctor mask for Kai." She calls, already going back to her paperwork. "Be safe!"
He calls his thanks as the door closes behind them and he's descending down the stairs and ducks into the changing rooms to drop off his street clothes and get his wings back in order. Even if he was here for someone to make a mess out of him, he still wanted to look nice so made sure his wings were straight and shiny before heading across the hall to the main play area in nothing but his bracelets and short shorts, scars on his chest on full display along with those from battles.
Once inside, it doesn't take him long to clock each of the people Kimi had mentioned and find Twice and Compress to already be involved in scenes so that left him with two. The two quickly turned to one when Kai took his mask off to take a drink and Hawks realized it was the yakuza boss they'd been surveilling for a while so in the spirit of maintaining the neutral grounds promised of the club, that only left Dabi.
He was a bit harder to find, looming in the shadows, but he was definitely easy to identify even with Kimi's two-word description.
Spiky black hair, piercings and staples galore, pretty pale skin connected to rough scar tissue. A black leather harness framed his pecs and sinfully tight black leather pants combined with complicated-looking platforms. Lean muscles that could definitely pack a punch if Hawks' training were to be believed.
'Might have to update my bracelets.' He thinks as he sees a fuschia bracelet on the Dom's left wrist.
Hawks decides to approach and his wings flutter behind him when near-glowing turquoise eyes bore into his very soul. He has to fight his bird instincts not to hide in his wings as he suddenly feels stripped bare.
That one. He absolutely wants that one.
"Uh." Hawks flushes, clearing his throat before trying to throw on a hero smile and try again. "Hey, Hot Stuff. Uh, Dabi, right? What's got you hiding in the shadows like this?"
The man doesn't answer at first and he straightens to reveal that he's three or four inches taller than Hawks as bright eyes study him before the Dom tsks. "Yeah, but I don't do heroes."
Hawks blinks, not expecting that one. Sure Tomura had had his reservations when Spinner brought him over, but from watching Rumi work, most people jumped at the chance to have a scene with a hero. He tries to smile through it though.
"Even one off the clock?" He tries.
Bright eyes narrow as he seems to think about something. "Normally, I'd say something about heroes never actually being on the clock, but from what I hear, you're never off it. I still don't deal with heroes. There's only one hero I want to bring to his knees and I don't want him to enjoy it."
That should probably be a red flag, but Hawks’ wings droop all the same as he sighs, looking back to the room to see Compress and Twice still occupied and grimacing. "Don't want Kimi kicking my ass for not respecting boundaries so Kai it is then, I guess."
He doesn't notice turquoise eyes widen because, by the time he turns to apologize for wasting Dabi's time, they're narrowed again in a different kind of annoyance.
"Do you not work the rest of the week?" Dabi asks before Hawks can talk.
Hawks frowns, tilting his head. "I'm back on Monday."
"Can't you try again tomorrow?"
"I usually use Saturday for recovery so I can do errands on Sunday?" Hawks explains in confusion.
Dabi seems to debate with himself before running a hand down his face in defeat. "I'll Dom you, birdie…just don't go with Kai. He is so much worse. They're trying to get him removed and banned for a reason."
Hawks’ eyes widen as he wonders why Kimi would even mention the guy then as he nods quickly. "Please then? I only get one weekend off a month and I don't want to mess it up by getting hurt."
A black eyebrow raises into bangs, but he just nods as though in understanding. "Fine. Let me grab a key. I don't like doing that stuff out here." He sighs as he pushes off the wall to start towards the counter before frowning. "That good with you?"
"Yeah, that's fine." Hawks nods, following, not knowing what else to do. "You were Kimi's top recommendation, so I'm sure you're fine."
"I try. I'm down for anything really, just won't do burn play or branding, CNC, or beat the shit out of you. Spanking is fine and some impact play, but yeah. Biting and shit are fine, though." Eyes glance down at Hawks' talons. "Claws too, just watch the staples if you can. How far do you wanna go?"
Hawks thinks for a moment before shrugging. "I have the implant so I'm fine if you are. My only big things are no full head coverings–blindfolds are fine as long as I can see some light– because it messes with the bird brain, and be careful with the feathers because they're directly connected to the brain and it can be A LOT. Otherwise, I use the stoplight system and will let you know…one, two, three snaps or one, two, three high-pitched chirps if I can't talk or go too far under." He clarifies, making the sound when prompted.
"Noted." Dabi nods before waving to the door. "I'll get the key, wait for me over there, birdie."
Hawks nods, scurrying over to the door and grinning easily when Dabi's not far behind at all. "So, where we going, Hot Stuff?"
"Dabi is fine." Dabi huffs, twirling the key around his finger as he holds the door open for Hawks. "Room three, pretty bird."
Hawks' wings puff a bit at the nickname as he gets the next door for Dabi. "Any plans, yet?"
Dabi glances down at the hero's gray bracelet then the wings before tilting his head as though calculating something. "Was thinking ropes?"
Hawks takes the infliction at the end for what it is and nods. "Yeah, that's fine."
"Cool." Dabi hums, unlocking their playroom for the night and flipping the sign as he opens the door. "You wanna go under?"
"Want out of my head, yeah."
"Hmm, have you tried edging?" Dabi checks as he heads to a trunk and starts digging through different ropes. "I've found edging a sub until they cry then making them cum to the same result works rather well." He glances over his shoulder to check with Hawks before his eyes flick to the wings again and he holds out a hand. "I need to touch one to make sure the ropes won't fuck them up too bad."
Hawks flushes down to his chest even as his pupils pin in interest as he walks over and holds out a wing. "I'm willing to give it a try."
Dabi mumbles something as he feels the wing before testing a different rope and humming in approval. "This one will work." He decides, taking out a few bundles of dark purple rope. "And I'm not going to be nice. Anything you've gotten up until now was for formality's sake." A smirk. "Consider it the hero special."
Hawks returns the smirk, leaning into Dabi's space a bit. "Do your worst."
Something sparks in already burning blue eyes and Hawks can tell this is going to be fun.
"Go over to the cushion and strip, pretty bird." Dabi orders, voice deeper and commanding obedience. "I'll tell you what to do once I grab everything else."
Hawks obeys without issue but quickly realizes that Dabi either has a lot of plans or wants Hawks to be squirming before they even get started, and, despite knowing this, it's working and soon his feathers are puffing to survey the room.
"No using these more than whatever naturally comes through." Dabi orders, suddenly between Hawks' wings behind him and drawing out a startled chirp. "Fuck! Forgot they turn into knives."
'How the fuck did he get back there without me noticing?!' Hawks thinks as Dabi grabs blonde hair to roughly jerk his hair back and growl in his ear.
"Not very nice, pretty bird." Dabi tsks disapprovingly before his voice drops in a way that that alone makes Hawks' knees weak. "On your knees, hero." The amount of venom in the title has his head spinning in a way it usually doesn't.
Oh, this could be dangerous.
That voice sounds like pure sin.
He's glad the room is padded with how fast he hits the floor.
"Good, birdie."
Yep, he's an absolute goner.
"Look at you." Dabi chuckles darkly, brushing his hands through blonde hair now as he walks around the wings to stand in front of Hawks. "Japan's Number Three on his knees so easily. It's a wonder you make any arrests when all it takes is a deep voice and a command to make you so weak." A rough grip on his chin forces gold to meet turquoise. "Adorable." It doesn't sound like a compliment.
It makes Hawks instantly wet and his ears burn in embarrassment as he tries to shake his head.
"Oh? You think you have the right to deny it?" Dabi hums. "After you about busted your knees to obey? Sure, I believe that."
Hawks opens his mouth to argue but whines when a thumb is slipped into his mouth to silence him and he starts sucking on it without thinking.
"Shit, birdie. I was just trying to keep you quiet, but you're just a perfect little slut, huh?" Dabi laughs in disbelief before drawing his hand back to smear Hawks' spit on his cheek on the way up to pull the other side of the blindfold down into place. "Good?" He checks since this was a mentioned gray zone.
Hawks looks up and down to make sure he can see some light before nodding. "We're good."
"Good." Dabi nods to himself despite Hawks not being able to see it. "Now be a good boy and I might let you cum quickly." The smirk is evident in his voice.
Hawks nods and his wings flutter when he feels the first loop of rope around his neck before Dabi starts working down.
The Dom is quiet as he works, only speaking to check in but otherwise staying focused on not actually hurting the hero, especially when he gets to the wings. He doesn't let Hawks sit alone with his thoughts either though, constantly finding new sensitive spots to caress and keep him in the present until the Dom has to work around the trembling of the hero's feathers.
A warm hand between his wings draws a desperate chirp from Hawks and another low chuckle from Dabi.
"Such a sensitive little bird, aren't you?" Dabi hums as he finishes securing the top harness so Hawks’ arms are stuck to the small of his back and his wings are restrained open just enough to be secured against his back on either side so he can be comfortably laid on his back. A surprised chirp when his lanky arms can lift and toss Hawks on the bed makes him smirk. "I wonder where else is sensitive?"
Hawks lands with a chirp, surprised to find the Dom had managed to do that without crushing his wings, and immediately tries to close his splayed legs in embarrassment only for them to be forced open by deceivingly broad shoulders and tied with rope to be folded and spread open so his glistening pussy and twitching clit are on full display of hungry turquoise eyes.
"I've barely even done anything and you're already practically dripping for me." Dabi laughs, running a finger over his folds teasingly. "Oh, I'm going to ruin you, pretty bird."
Hawks is flushed red down to his chest as he squirms in embarrassment before gasping when a finger suddenly slips inside and whimpering when it starts moving slowly as though teasing him. "Dabi~" He eventually whines when his body demands more. " Please !"
"Begging already, birdie?" Dabi scoffs, reaching up to pinch a nipple that he had been delighted to find had sensitivity when he brushed against it earlier.
He coos almost mockingly when Hawks whines at the feeling and futilely tries to squirm away only for Dabi to use the distraction to work another finger in and watch wings try to flutter in their bindings as Dabi starts searching for something in that pretty leaking pussy. When Hawks gasps and jerks, Dabi knows he's found what he's looking for and pays that spot more attention as he slips a third in and his thump moves up to play with the hero's clit.
Hawks whines, used to his usual service top who's just trying to turn him to putty, but this one seems to be determined to get him off as fast and efficiently as possible. He's quickly diminished to a chirping mess as he nears the edge, only to warble in anguish when Dabi seems to know just when to stop to rob him of his orgasm and he's stuck on that edge, unable to tip over.
"Dabiiii~!" He whines as he's ripped away from the edge with no release and overly sensitive nerves that try to react to even the slightest draft.
"I warned you~" Dabi smirks, tapping at Hawks' lips with his slick-coated fingers and making a surprised noise when the hero doesn't hesitate to open his mouth. "God, look how easily you've fallen. One denied orgasm and you're already willing to lick up your own slick." He chuckles darkly. "Such a good little whore aren't you?"
Hawks chirps around the fingers in his mouth, not expecting the effect it would have on him as his wings attempt to flutter.
"Oh?" Dabi hums in amusement as he pushes his fingers further to make Hawks gag a little before pulling back once more. "Do you maybe like being a whore?"
Hawks' face is flushed red as he tries to shake his head in embarrassment, but Dabi shoves his fingers deeper once more before he can argue and a moan rips itself past the intrusion.
"Don't even try lying to me, birdie. Your slutty body is giving you away all on its own." Dabi tsks, dragging his spit-slicked fingers back down the hero's chest to tease around his pussy. "Look at you. Fingered once and choking on your own slick already have you soaked like the little whore you are. Just admit it, birdie." A wicked smirk. "You want to be my good little whore, don't you?"
Hawks still tries to shake his head only to whine when Dabi seemingly tortures his clit. 
"How disappointing." Dabi sighs, continuing to rub the hero's clit with his thumb as he sinks his fingers back in and smirks at the lewd sound. "Don't worry, birdie. I'll make an honest hero of you by the end of the night."
Hawks feels the flush spread to his chest, and opens his mouth to say something but just ends up moaning when Dabi starts torturing him again. "Fuck! Please!"
Dabi just smirks, pumping his fingers in and out as his thumb circles the blonde's clit and delights in how quickly he gets muscular thighs shaking once more. "All the training I'm sure the Commission put you through, and you're still a horrible liar. What would Japan think if they saw how eager you were to be someone's bitch? God, I'm going to have so much fun ruining this pretty little hole. Send you home leaking with my cum."
Hawks lets out an embarrassed trill, but knows denial is pointless when he feels how he clenches around the Dom.
"See, birdie. Not that hard to be honest." Dabi chuckles darkly as he continues.
Dabi deprives Hawks of two more orgasms like this and has the hero shaking by the time he starts feeding his cock into the blonde's tight heat. Based on the desperate little coos, he can tell his Jacob's Ladder is appreciated, but it's still not begging.
He had warned he wasn't going to be nice, and he wanted to see the mighty hero crying for his release.
"Come on, pretty bird." Dabi hums as he sits inside the hero, waiting for signs of impending orgasm to fade. "Sing for me won't you?"
Hawks chirps desperately, doing his best to squirm for any kind of friction, but the Dom's rope work has him right where the other wants him and he stands no chance. Any attempt to use any amount of hero strength would probably lead to him getting hurt, and the wicked smirk he can somehow sense on Dabi's face tells Hawks he's well aware. He wants to scream. He's been so close so many times, and if he doesn't cum soon, he thinks he might cry.
Hawks doesn't notice tears forming in his eyes until an apparently stitched tongue leans forward to lick one off his cheek.
"You're so close, pretty bird." A smoke-ruined voice rasps in his ear. "Put away that hero pride for a bit and I'll let you cum." He promises, starting to move now.
Hawks coos, trying to hide his face in a pillow, but when Dabi starts to slow again, he actually sobs now. "Please! Please, Dabi! I've been good! So good! A good little whore. Your whore. So please let me cum already! I can't take it anymore! Please!"
Dabi grins manically. "Good boy." He nearly purrs before placing a hand on bound calves for support and starting a rough pace that forces a loud moan from the blonde.
"Fuck! Yes! Dabi! Please! I'm so close! Dabi, please!" Hawks cries, feeling his pussy clench around the Dom's cock as he nears the edge.
Dabi groans, reaching down to tease the hero's clit before cursing when the blonde clamps down with a scream and cums. "Fuck, birdie!"
Hawks chirps needily, hiccupping as he's fucked through his orgasm before trying to squirm away when Dabi keeps going. "Dabi~"
"I told you I wasn't stopping, baby bird." Dabi pants, even if he's not far behind. "Shit, tight."
Hawks whimpers, nearly sobbing in relief when Dabi curses and finally fills him with cum. "Dab…"
Dabi hisses as he makes sure to fuck his cum deep into the hero as he works himself through his orgasm before pulling out with a sigh. "Fuck, birdie…shit, alright, I'm adding another rope."
Hawks whines as he tries to see around the blindfold, but is left mostly boneless as Dabi makes what he thinks is a cradle of some sort between his midthighs out of the last bundle of rope he brought over. Hawks tries to follow the Dom's movements, but it isn't until he feels what feels like a wand against his clit that he realizes it’s a harness.
"I told you I was going to make you keep cumming." Dabi hums innocently like he's not currently being a devil incarnate.
"Wai-AH!" Hawks screams when Dabi turns on the vibrator, stuck just right on his already sensitive clit, and a mixture of pleasure and overstimulation racks through his body continuously. 
"That's the plan." Dabi promises with a smirk, getting comfortable to let himself recover after stuffing a vibe into the hero's leaking hole to make him whine.
Hawks just warbles brokenly, but without safe words, he's stuck at the Dom's mercy. "Please…" He quietly whimpers. His pleas are just met with a mean laugh and settings being turned up.
This is how Hawks finds himself being worked over the edge a second time by the machine’s brutal vibrations against his clit and g-spot. If it weren't for the toy stretching his pussy beautifully, he'd almost be worried about losing his prize, but a hand yanking his fuzzy head back promises a more long-term one.
"Open wide, birdie." Dabi near growls as a Prince Albert taps drool-covered lips. "Gonna fuck that pretty throat next."
Hawks coos, opening his mouth wide to accommodate as a familiar fog starts creeping into his mind, but he holds off to enjoy the weight as Dabi pushes in slowly. 
"There you go, birdie. Opening up so well. My perfect whore. To think I'd have a top hero swallowing my dick one day. Fuck…" Dabi rambles, thrusting slowly until he can start picking up speed. "Fuck, birdie. Swallow it, alright?" 
Hawks trills happily, swallowing around the head when he can, but otherwise letting Dabi use him. 
It's not much longer before he falls mostly silent, whimpers and moans only interrupted by chirping when he cums. 
He doesn't even realize he went under until he's coming back down to warm hands massaging feeling back into his sore limbs, and reassuring words. 
"Welcome back, pretty bird?" Dabi smirks, as he runs a warmer-than-normal hand along a toned thigh. "How are you feeling, hero?" 
Hawks chirps in answer before trying again. "Sore, but good. I'll probably cry if anything touches my clit for the next week though." He croaks. "Willing to break your no-hero rule again if I request you next month?" 
"Hmm." Dabi hums, tilting his head in consideration even as a growing smirk pulls at his staples. "I think that can be arranged." 
Hawks smiles, chirping happily when a warm hand starts preening his wings. "Cool." He yawns, exhausted in the best possible way. "Can't wait."
"Get some rest, birdie. I'll get water and be here when you wake." 
Hawks shakes his head, pulling Dabi close. "Cuddles first. Other aftercare after." 
Dabi raises a brow, but sighs, continuing to run warm fingers through ruffled wings. "As you wish, pretty bird. As you wish."
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southsidestory · 3 months
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~ 🌸 ~
Commissions Open!
Before requesting, please check my Do Not Write list, which lays out the ships, tropes, and topics I will/won't write.
Carrd | FFN | AO3 | Twitter | Threads | Ko-fi
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
Truth or Dare: Part Two
(Part One)
Plot: After their game of truth or dare, both Malcolm and Y/n come to terms with their changed feelings. During a ship-wide party, those feelings become less than secret.
Pairing: Malcolm Reed x Gn!Reader (Use of Y/n)
Written for @fandomdancer as a fic commission on my Ko-fi
Warnings: A kiss at the end, but that's it!
A/N: The requested song is linked in the fic at the moment it starts to play.
Words: 2.2k
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Ever since your game of truth or dare with the others the night before, your mind had been working non-stop. Had these feelings for Malcolm always been there? Had they just been hidden by your friendship with him?
And the one question that seemed to be plaguing you most frequently.
Did he feel the same?
Or was this just some quickly passing crush that would be gone in a weeks time? Part of you hoped so, but another part of you, a curious part, wanted to know what would happen if your feelings were real. And if they were returned.
Jumping slightly as a hand gripped your shoulder, you looked up to see Trip staring at you.
Chuckling he removed his had "Where's your mind at? I was calling you for a good thirty seconds."
Realizing you had been wandering down the hall without paying attention, you chuckled nervously "Sorry, just a bit tired I guess."
"Not too tired I hope? You better show up to the shin-dig tonight."
You smiled and nodded "I will be there"
"Did you need something?" You asked, recalling why he had come up to you.
He handed you a PAD "Just for you to check this over."
"Ah, alright, will do."
"Maybe take a nap before the party tonight, ey?" He smiled as he wandered off.
You let out a small sigh, you really needed to get out of your own head. Sighing again, you headed to your room to take a shower. How could you take a nap with your mind so worked up? It's the reason you didn't really sleep in the first place.
The ship was still stuck in the storm, and expected to be until the following day. So, after some discussion among the crew, and encouragement from the Captain there was going to be a party tonight. Food, music, dancing. Should be fun. Though, a heavy weight had seemed to find it's way into your chest.
You hadn't seen Malcolm since the previous night except once from a distance. When you saw him, you felt as though your chest was going to explode, so you turned around and avoided him.
You seriously needed to get grip on yourself and figure out your feelings before tonight. Yeah, right.
Malcolm couldn't seem to stop his eyes from wondering around every space he entered, looking for your presence. He had only seen you once earlier in the day walking the opposite way. He had resisted the urge to follow after you, but regretted it when he didn't see you again.
He hoped he would see you tonight at the party. He wanted a moment to be with you, to see just how strong his newfound feelings were.
He wasn't quite sure what he was going to do either way. He had lingering suspicions that maybe you had feelings for him, and he wanted to know for sure. If you did, then perhaps your relationship could become more. And if you didn't, well then, he would hope to remain your friend at least.
Checking the clock, he realized it was about half an hour until the party was going to start. Deciding to go to his room to get ready, he tried to ignore the twisting in his stomach as nervousness filled him.
--- --- ---
As you made your way into the large room, people were mingling and laughing together, as some danced in the center of the room.
The whole party was themed around old Terra traditions. Old music, food, and drinks. A theme you assumed was devised by the Captain and Trip.
You felt a nervous flutter in your chest as you looked around the room, your eyes looking out for one person. As your eyes settled on him, you felt you heart jolt.
Malcolm stood with some others, smiling about something and you felt butterflies shoot through your stomach.
A few days ago you would have gone up to him easily, with no problem. But now, you walked to the other side of the room, unable to even look at him.
You had come to the conclusion that your feelings for Malcolm were real. As much as they seemed to come out of nowhere, you had a feeling they had been simmering for some time.
Finding Hoshi, you stood and talked with her, wondering if you'd get the courage to approach Malcolm soon.
"Hey, look!" Hoshi whispered to you, catching you off guard.
Following her finger, you looked across the room to see Travis dancing with Hannah, grins on both of their faces.
Your thoughts were distracted from Malcolm as you grinned at the sight. It looked like Travis found his courage after all. And, he wouldn't have to eat a whole batch of southern pear salad it seemed.
Malcolm searched the room for you, his eyes scanning fervently. As they finally landed on you, he felt his chest tighten. You had a bright grin on your face that took his breath away, literally.
Following your line of sight, he saw you watching Travis and Hannah. He smiled at the sight as well before he looked back at you.
Feeling a sudden burst of courage, he walked across the room towards you, his eyes never leaving your face.
Your heart leapt at the sudden familiar voice as your eyes darted to Malcolm, who had appeared by your side.
Swallowing the sudden surprise you smiled "Hey Malcolm"
He stared at you for a moment before finally clearing his throat and finding his words "Would you care to dance?"
Your eyes widened slightly at the question as your heart pounded. "Dance?"
You could feel Hoshi look between the two of you and you wondered if maybe she could feel the tension as well.
He nodded with a smile, though you could see something in his gaze. Nervousness?
"Alright." You said softly, your voice much quieter than you meant.
But Malcolm heard you fine and smiled brightly at you "Great, come on."
As he reached down and slid his hand into yours, you felt your breath hitch. After giving Hoshi a parting glance, you followed him to the center of the room, butterflies rampaged through your stomach as his hand left yours before gently landing on your waist, the other moving to your shoulder.
As the two of you began to slowly dance to the music you felt as though you had nothing to say. You had never been so speechless around Malcolm.
The song that had begun playing was new to you and you felt a nervous flutter. You weren't used to old music, and you were afraid you'd embarrass yourself.
Malcolm, seemingly noticing your hesitation smiled softly as he leaned a little closer "Just follow my lead."
You met his eyes and felt a warmth in your chest, your eyes seemed to stay locked forever, before Malcolm began stepping in rhythm to the song. You followed along, constantly reminding yourself to keep breathing.
"Have we ever danced before?" Malcolm asked after a moment of silence.
After you thought on it for a moment you shook your head, starting to feel your self relax in his presence again. "I don't think so."
"Hmm. That's a shame."
You smiled, repressing a chuckle "Yeah it is. If I had known you were a good dancer I may have looked for an excuse."
He grinned at you "I'm not the best, but with the right partner..." He trailed off softly, and you thought you could hear a subtle hinting tone in his voice.
After he twirled you lightly, he brought you closer than you had been before. Your face felt warm, but you tried to stay calm.
He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it, seemingly second guessing himself.
"What?" You prodded softly.
"I just- was thinking about that game of truth or dare yesterday evening."
Your heart seemed to jolt suddenly as you smiled, laughing softly "Yeah, what about it?"
"Well, it's a shame it ended so early. I never got a chance to ask you a truth."
"Didn't you?"
He shook his head in response "I dared you early on in the game to chug some cider, but that's it."
"Oh yeah. Thanks for that by the way." You said sarcastically earning a laugh. You swallowed, butterflies heavy in your chest, before you spoke again "Well was there something you wanted to ask me?"
He smiled softly, and you could see something shining behind his eyes. You had asked the right question.
"It's not something I thought of during the game, but after."
You rose your brow inquisitively and he chuckle softly before straightened himself up a bit and speaking playfully "Truth or Dare?"
You let out a laugh as you rolled your eyes playfully. The playful part of you wanted to choose dare, but the other part of you, the one that recently discovered your new feelings, wouldn't let you. You had a feeling in your gut, that he felt the same. And that this truth would make it real.
"Truth." You said softly with a smile.
Malcolm seemed to take in a breath before he spoke, his voice soft, only loud enough for you to hear.
"Do you feel the same way about me, as I do about you?"
The over thinker in you wanted to convince you maybe he meant friendship, but you knew that was stupid. He wouldn't ask you that. The only reason he would be asking a question like that, is if this was a confession in itself to you.
'Do you love me as much as I love you?' His inner thoughts spoke, but he reworded it, for fear of the emotion being too strong.
"I think-" you stopped yourself before you started over with a soft nod of your head, your eyes filled with fear, surprise, and joy "Yeah, I do."
Malcolm let out a relieved sigh that seemed to bare a heavy weight he wasn't aware he was holding until it was gone. "Oh thank God."
You couldn't resist the laugh that bubbled out of you, allowing him the relief to laugh as well.
You spoke softly "Can I ask... when did you know?"
Was it as recent as your discovery, did things change for you at the same time?
"Well, I think I always knew, in some way. But, I didn't realize it fully, until last night actually, it was like it suddenly smacked me i-"
"-in the face!" You finished, your face showing your surprise "Me too!"
You nodded fervently and he let out a bewildered laugh. "Wait...so were you actually checking me out when I was doing my pull ups?"
He saw the shock cross your face before you smacked him, making him laugh and mutter out an apology.
"I guess it was good that Trip convinced us to play that stupid game. Who knows how long it would have taken otherwise."
"Shh! Don't say that!" You said, causing him to look around startled.
"What why?"
"You really want Trip to have that over our heads for the rest of our lives?"
Malcolm's eyes widened as the thought "Oh God, definitley not."
You chuckled "So let's maybe keep that under wraps huh?"
He nodded and laughed "Just our little secret then."
--- ---
The rest of the party went well, you and Malcolm only left each other's sides a couple times througout the night. But anytime you'd look to catch his eye, he was often already looking at you.
It wasn't obvious to the others, as far as you could tell, what had happened between the two of you. So it would remain your secret for a while longer.
When most everyone had wondered off to bed, you parted ways with Hoshi and Trip before heading back to your dorm, Malcolm trailing alongside you.
You got to your door a lot faster than you would have preferred, and gave Malcolm a shy yet bright smile.
He grinned at you before he looked around and cleared his throat.
"This may come off a bit fast, and I understand if you say no, but, would you mind if I kissed you goodnight?" His eyes were heavy with nervousness as he asked and you almost reached out and touched his face.
Your heart swelled in your chest as the butterflies returned. You were shocked at the question, but far from displeased by the suggestion.
You smiled, and you were sure you face was flushed as you replied "I wouldn't mind at all."
Smiling, Malcolm slowly inched forward, his lips hesitating just before touching yours, before he kissed you. It was gentle, and only lasted a few seconds, but it was special. You felt a shiver run through your body a you felt a giddiness in your stomach.
When Malcolm pulled away, he kept his face close to yours as he looked into your eyes.
His voice was nearly a whisper when he spoke "I was afraid...that might feel weird, but it was..."
"Perfect?" You asked softly.
He smiled and nodded "Exactly."
You smiled in return as you slowly pulled away from each other. You were sure both of you felt the desire to kiss again, but it was best this night end here, with a perfect ending with a promise for more to come.
"Good night Malcolm" You said after a moment.
He grinned down at you "Goodnight Y/n."
xx End xx
Thank you for reading, and I really hope you liked it!
This was a two-part commission fic, so if anyone is interested in getting one as well, you can find he llink to my ko-fi at the top of the fic.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @rexit-mo, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Star Trek Taglist:@starfleetimagines, @groovy-lady, @asgardianhobbit98, @agent-catfish-kenobi, @starship-argo, @cs-please, @gatefleet, @fandomdancer
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tirsynni · 1 year
Darkly Dreaming (Empty Graves): Ch.1 
Ganlink OoT AU: Years after Link dreams of twin witches and leaves the Kokiri Forest, new dreams haunt him and call him to the Gerudo Desert. Disturbed but confident, no longer a frightened child but a warrior, Link rides out. Then the dreams change. The old patterns shift. And in the desert, a dead, dark king awaits him. Link might be in over his head this time.
Commission fic for @anosrepasi! Multi-chaptered with exact number of chapters unknown. Snippet first posted on BMC. Any support there, on my Ko-Fi, or checking out my original works is definitely helpful and appreciated. <3
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seekingseven · 6 months
something comforting - inid commission fic!!
Bunta is ready to leave the racing world behind. He has a son to feed, a mortgage to pay, and a wife to bury.
But things get a little complicated when a four year old Takumi finds a friend in his archrival's son.
AKA: Baby Takumi meets Baby Kai and they hit it off immediately! Fluff and naps ensue.
IniD kofi commission fic I wrote for @twilighthomunculus! They wanted a little fluff fic about baby Takumi and Kai hanging out. It accidentally got a little angsty but I promise it's still sweet in the end LOL I hope you enjoy!
All proceeds from my commissions are donated to MSF / Doctors without Borders! If you'd like to support a good cause while also getting fanfic out of it, please consider donating! You can find more info on my kofi here!
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idiacide · 2 years
Something Fruity, For Pride
A commission fic for @dulcesiabits who requested a Ruggie x Reader fic based on that one tumblr post who I cannot dig up for the life of me. You'll know the one as you ready it
Ruggie Bucchi/Reader, 2.7k words
TW: Food, eating
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“Oh my god, hurry up!!!!”
“It has to look natural!” You insist, turning the bag on the bench and backing up once more to assess it critically. Not quite right…maybe leaning a little more on the armrest.
“Minion, I’m getting booooored!” Grim rocked from paw to paw like an impatient toddler, tugging at the hem of your uniform insistently. You were starting to attract looks from passersby, and despite the gnawing sense that it still looked too obvious, it was enough encouragement to leave it alone. Scooping a protesting Grim up, you cross the courtyard towards one of the shadowy stone alcoves on the perimeter.
“If it looks like bait whoever’s doing this won’t come get it!” You hiss, letting Grim squirm free of your grip to climb on your shoulders. He snorts, kneading biscuits into your jacket.
“You’re crazy.”
Maybe a little. But after the past few weeks, who could blame you?
It’d all started nearly a month ago, at lunch. You’d managed to wrestle a table for yourself, Ace, and Deuce, circumstances rare enough to be noteworthy on their own. While swapping notes for history, you spotted Jack’s pointy ears peeking up over the crowd and waved him over. Jack had rolled his eyes, but shouldered his way towards you nonetheless. As he got closer, you realized he had a tagalong: Ruggie, hanging on to the taller boy’s tail.
“Hey!” You called, once they’re both close enough to hear. You’d looked down at their current arrangement with raised eyebrows. “Uh…little nervous, Ruggie?”
Ruggie just laughed, releasing Jack’s tail. As usual, he was overloaded with food, apparently having taken as much as he could carry out. “Nah, just taking advantage of the big lug to get to the good stuff faster.” 
Jack mumbled something nondescript, craning his neck to see if his tail is ok before realizing he was starting to walk in circles. He set his tray down with a huff and dug into his food. Ruggie, meanwhile, focused his efforts on rearranging his purchases so they sit more securely in his grip.
‘Do you need some help with that…?” You had said, rising to your feet and reaching out to help balance some buns that were threatening to topple.
Ruggie’s face went a little pink and he leaned back. Not quite a jerk back, just getting some distance. “Nah, I got it! Just uh….” He glanced around for a second before setting some things on the table, crouching down. The position hid him from view while he focused on the task at hand, cursing under his breath.
“Jeez, dude.” Ace said through a mouthful of food. “Trying to carry off the cafeteria’s supply?” 
“Nah, Leona’s just peckish and sent me in with a list as long as my arm.” After another second or two he rose to his feet, chucking an apple at Ace. He spluttered, nearly falling out of his chair as he dove to catch it. Ruggie’s fashioned the lower half of his shirt into a pouch of sorts, allowing him to cradle all the food at once.
“You sure you don’t want to stay?” You asked, nodding towards the open seat beside you. Ruggie shook his head, however.
“Should get this stuff to him before it gets weird tasting.” Carefully, he leaned across the table to ruffle Jack’s hair, much to his chagrin. “Keep outta trouble, alright big guy?” After a second’s hesitation, he turned to do the same to you. There was a wide grin on his face as you laughed and batted his hand away, making him back off towards the exit. “You too, Prefect.” 
You watched him go, trying not to sigh audibly. Seemed like Ruggie only got busier lately. Maybe you should actually try to set up some kind of official hangout instead of just waiting for the stars to align…
It worried you a little more than you’d like to admit. Sure, people got busy. Especially Ruggie. But you and him had always been close, since very early on in your stay here. Lately you couldn’t escape the nagging sensation that he was avoiding being alone with you. Nothing you could prove, but the feeling persisted nonetheless. Still, he didn’t seem upset with you about anything. So what could it-
“SHIT!” The exclamation from your left startled you out of your thoughts. You turned to see Deuce frantically tearing through his bag, eyes wide and face pale.
“What’s wrong with you?” Ace said, straightening up and taking a bite of the apple.
“My notebook’s not here! The one with my notes for the entire semester.” Deuce groaned, letting the bag drop to the table and burying his head in his hands. “I’m so screwed, I don’t have any copies of that information anywhere.”
“Hey, don’t freak out.” You said, bending down to retrieve your own bag. You pull it onto the table, flipping  “We sit next to each other, maybe it got mixed up in my stuff-....”
“....Well is it in there?!”
Without a word you overturned your bag, dumping out a small pile of papers, textbooks….and oranges. “Alright. Which one of you?”
“Uh…what?” Ace raised an eyebrow.
“Which one of you did this.”
“Wasn’t me!”
Deuce was frantically tearing through the stack of paper, sighing in relief when he found what he was looking for. “O-or me.”
Jack’s withering look communicated enough.
“Weird prank anyways.” You picked up one of the oranges and picked at the peel. “What is this even supposed to accomplish?”
“Why are you still looking at me?!” Ace protested.
That was how it began.
Innocuous, really. Not something worth getting worked up about, as annoying as their persistent denial was. You’d written it off as Deuce (thus also explaining how his homework got in your bag) and had called it a day. Your friends were weird, but what else was new?
Little did you suspect, it was only the beginning.
“I’m telling you, someone is stalking me!”
“And your evidence is…?” Jack said, slinging his gym bag off of his shoulder to rummage through the contents. You were walking together to a joint class, with him very pointedly ignoring the slightly bruised tangerine you kept gesturing with.
“Do I really have to explain why??” You shoved it back in his face nonetheless. “It is literally not possible that I keep forgetting about putting fruit in my bag! Not this often!”
“So your more reasonable theory is that someone is maliciously slipping you fruit?” Jack finally pulled what he was looking for out of his bag. Your gym clothes, which you’d left at Savanaclaw during the Octavinelle incident. He shoved them at you in a wad.
“I didn’t say maliciously.” You took the clothes out of his hand. From the smell, they’d been laundered at least, if not folded. Felt weirdly heavy though. “I’m just struggling to come up with any other explanation for why-”
Thump thump thump.
Both of you fell silent. Gazes drifting down to the floor, where, at your feet, rested three apples that had fallen out of the bundle of clothes in your hand.
“......Please tell me that’s-”
“I’m not the one.” Jack insisted, stooping to pick up the apples and handing them to you. “It’s not something I’d waste my time with…..” You must look in distress, because he pats your shoulder before breezing past you.  “Sorry.”
It wasn’t so much that it was a bad thing. You weren’t deluding yourself that this was some kind of precursor to an attack on your life. It was, after all, NRC. If someone wanted to attack you, they just would. But it was weird, weird in a way that specifically unsettled you. Mostly it was just the not knowing. Who was putting this much work in to keep their identity a secret over fruit, and why?
The final straw, though, had been just three days ago.
Alone in your dorm. Was there ever four more delightful words? Grim had taken off for the afternoon to practice combat magic with Ace and Deuce. Normally you tried to be present, but after the week you‘d had you felt like you’d earned some time by yourself. It was a hot summer day. You’d propped most of the windows open to let some air circulate and spent most of the afternoon drifting between the couch, the chairs, and the kitchen, phone in hand and scrolling idly through social media. Eventually, you’d decided to actually take advantage of the time to accomplish something at least halfway productive. You still had a few lab reports for Crewel that needed filling out…
Your bag on the table. Just where you’d left it. Unassuming. The same as ever. 
Ungodly heavy when you picked it up. Enough that it slipped from your hand and onto the floor. The flap, unzipped, fell open to spill lemons, oranges, peaches, and a few bananas all over your floor.
Grim came back that night to find you parked by the kitchen windows, broom in hand and a wild look in your eyes.
So now here you were. A few weeks older, a few fruit fuller, and a whole lot more paranoid. Stakeout had been Ace’s suggestion, but that hadn’t meant either of the boys were willing to help. That left just you and Grim, who was clearly getting more bored with each passing minute.
“I still don’t get what the big deal is!” He whined, flopping onto his back by your feet. “Its free food! Its a good thing!”
“There’s no such thing as a free lunch…” You darted your head back again, only for your eyes to widen. “Wait, is that….”
“Is that wh- MMPH!”
Your hand clapped over his mouth. Eyes locked on the person in front of your bag, the person shuffling around as he looked between the plaza and your bag. His hand plunged into his jacket pocket, and emerged cupping something fist-sized and round.
The hyena jumps about three feet in the air, the peach in his hand nearly slipping out of his grasp. He scrambles to catch it, winding up crouched on the ground with his entire torso curled protectively over it. As you march across the plaza you see his eyes dart about in every direction until they land on you. “Jeez, prefect, what the hell was that for?”
“You’re the one who’s been putting fruit in my bag??”
He straightens up, hands darting back to slip the peach into his pocket like he can hide it now. He laughs, tilting his head and furrowing his eyebrows. As if you’d just said something completely insane (which was a look you were getting a lot of lately). “Uh…..the what?” 
But for as much as he presents himself as a hardened criminal, Ruggie’s not much of a liar. His ears are flattening to the side of his skull and his cheeks are flushing a bright pink.
“I saw you!” A squeak from your hands reminds you that you might be suffocating Grim, and you let go to cross your arms over your chest. For now you ignore his furious protests from down on the ground. “I can’t believe I didn’t put it together, you were literally right by my bag with all that food…”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His face twitches into a scowl even as he colors more.
You look pointedly down at his hand. Ruggie sighs, shoving them into his pockets and looking off to the side.
“....Fine. Yeah, it was me. Happy?”
“Why, I’ve literally been tearing my hair out about this!” You duck your head as you try to catch his gaze. It’s not easy, those blue eyes seemed determined to look anywhere else. “It’s a really weird prank to pull.”
“Wasn’t a prank.” He mutters, grinding his heel back into the cobblestone.
Shit, he seems embarrassed. And irritated, but mostly embarrassed. You guess you had kinda cornered him, and even if he was the one acting weird some part of you couldn’t help but feel guilty. Stopping to apologize now might just make it worse though. 
“.......Hey….I’m not mad at you, yanno?” You say, trying to gentle your tone a little. It seems to catch him off guard, at least a bit, because his eyes finally meet yours for a half second. “I’m mostly just curious why you’re smuggling me food.”
“.....” For a second he looks like he might bolt. He studies your expression before sighing, rubbing the back of his head. “I mean….I’ve told you about where I grew up. Food scarcity is. Kinda a big thing for me.”
“So why give it to me?” 
“I mean I know things are usually pretty tight with Crowley, but its not like you have to worry about…me…..”
……Oh you’re an idiot. Oh you’re dumb. Your heart skips a beat before doubling its efforts to make up for the lost time. Ruggie doesn’t look much better off, his face now red enough to make every freckle pop. For a moment you just stare at each other in silence.
It hits you now that you want this. That you have for a long time. You’d always known you liked him. He was cute, and more than that, fun to be around in a way you didn’t often get at this school. You…had a lot of trust in Ruggie. For as much as he liked to play the fasttalking rogue in a lot of ways he was one of the most giving people you knew. Even this whole endeavor had been a prolonged (albeit roundabout) way of looking out for you. But only now, looking at his face fight between trying to play it cool and pleading desperation…do you realize exactly how deep those feelings run.
“....Unless….you wanted to…to t-take care of me.” You swallow. Has your tongue always felt this thick and heavy, so obtrusive and useless in your mouth? “Which…I would be fine with.’
There’s a pause that’s just long enough to make you want to crawl under the earth. His eyes widen, just a hair, and for a second he’s at a loss. That slow playful grin begins to creep back though, slipping over his face with a warmth you feel like you’d never seen before.
“That so?” He takes a step closer now. Not quite closing the gap, but its not really doing your chest palpitations any favors. “If that’s the case, think you could make it a little easier? Lot of effort I gotta put in here.”
Give and take, huh? Despite the fact that it makes your stomach want to pirouette out of your body you force yourself to take a step forward. Meet him almost in the middle, close enough that you can feel the heat radiating off of each other. “Since when are you scared by hard work?”
He snickers, but doesn’t respond for a second. Out of the corner of your eye you see his hand inching upwards, right towards your face. Ruggie catches your gaze and the hand stills in midair. That look is back. Silently asking for permission.
You nod.
His hand slips over your cheek. Its almost too tentative for a caress, the rough pads of his fingers tracing the curve of your jaw, your cheek, sliding up to toy with a stray bit of hair. Your lips part a little involuntarily, pulse thumping away as you watch him. There’s something in his touch, his gaze. Like he regards you as delicate. 
“Just to be clear, we’re not talking about the fruit, right.”
It startles you enough to make you snort, trying not to pull out of his reach when your head ducks. “No…”
“Thank god.” He groans, leaning in a little more. “Expensive habit, I can only steal Leona’s card so many times. Well….actually that’s a lie. Its just a hassle.”
“Woooow, what a provider.” You can’t stop grinning, head tilting towards him as your gaze starts to circle on his lips.
“Hey, hyenas are scavenger predators! I’m doing what nature intended. Although….” A mischievous look lights up his eyes. His free hand reaches back to his pocket, and suddenly something solid is being pressed against your lips.
You look down to see the peach. Held gently against your mouth by Ruggie’s hand.
“Be a shame to waste it. Eat up~”
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lady-wallace · 6 months
Blood is Thicker (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
A new commission fic for my Bloodline Anon! In this one we get to see a little of Giorno's recovery after the events of "Tainted Blood" (if you haven't read that one yet, I would suggest doing so before reading this one)
(Bloodline Verse) After confronting a vampire intent on inserting himself into Giorno's territory, Giorno has to come to terms with not only his trauma associated with the event, but the fact that his own inherent vampirism has started rearing its head and he's going to have to live with it now. Luckily, he has a good support system.
Read on Ao3
Read on FF.net
My commissions are OPEN! If you are interested in a fanfic or art commission, please check out my info HERE
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copiousloverofcopia · 9 months
Hey there ghesties!!!
Here is a new fic commission, fresh off the press for @kittenburps featuring their OC Lucrecia and Terzo!!!
Thank you so much for allowing me to write for you! Hope you all enjoy!
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info!
Driven to Madness
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Sister of Sin Lucrecia has caught the eye of Papa Emeritus III. While neither one will admit their full feelings for the other, an innocent gesture between her and a new sibling of sin makes Terzo need to remind her to whom she belongs.
Also available HERE on AO3!
Definitely NSFW below the cut!
It was too late—events set in motion from the moment he saw it. An innocent smile in the direction of the new postulant made as his lover sat in the pews. A friendly gesture—sending Terzo’s blood boiling in his veins. Fury, burning within him as he continued watching her from the lectern. 
Terzo’s jaw clenched tight, forcing himself to continue as he began rushing through his planned sermon. Waiting impatiently for the moment when the congregation filled out from the pews. When the time finally came, Sister Lucrecia took her leave. Following the crowd out, none the wiser of her sin. The fire that was searing inside Terzo, only growing as he hastily made his way towards her in the naive. 
“Papa?” she asked, turning to face him. Watching as his white eye glow in the low light of the chapel. His breathing, heavy and presence foreboding. 
“Sorella?” he responded, hand slamming hard against the chapel door and forcing Lucrecia back against it. Bringing himself closer and closer until she could feel the heat of his breath on her skin. He looked dangerous and wild. His appearance, bringing within her a heat that began in her belly. Swirling and flooding inside her, until it finally pooled in the space between her legs.  
“Everything ok?” she asked, eyes crawling over him. Reveling in just how incredible he looked draped in his chasuble. Frame, sensually accented in black, purples, and gold—adorning him like the royalty of the Ministry that he was.  
“No.” Terzo growled, his voice sinister and dark. Bringing his lips dangerously close to hers, only to pull away when she spoke.  
“No?” she asked, both thrilled and a bit frightened by him. 
“I saw you, Luci. Smiling at him…the new guy.” Terzo growled, his other hand now trailing up the front of her habit. Finding its way over the swell of her soft breasts. Teasing the tender flesh of her nipple beneath the fabric. His hand, continuing upward before finally wrapping tight around her throat. 
Lucrecia let out a gasp, mouth hanging open before him. Feeling herself getting more wet by the second. Hoping that by pressing her thighs tightly together she’d be able to stave off her need a bit longer. Terzo took the opportunity to remove his hand from the door, unzipping his pants, and allowing his hard cock to hang freely between them. 
“You see what you do to me?” he asked her, throwing his chasuble over his shoulder, Lucrecia doing her best to peek down at him. Terzo loosened his grip from her throat. Bringing his hand between him to stroke the length of his cock. Rolling his thumb across the swollen head of it, only to drag those same fingers along her jawline. Pushing his thumb into her willing mouth. “You taste my need for you.” he asked her.  
Lucrecia moaned, the salty sweet precum filling her mouth. Luci’s bright blue eyes, blown wide as she held his gaze. Sucking his finger as if it were his aching cock–wanting him to know she wanted him. Terzo’s eyes burned even more with fury and lust. Asmodeus blessed and cursed at the same time, was his desire for her. 
“It meant nothing I swear.” Lucrecia explained, her voice heavy with need. Terzo wanted to devour her—consume her wholly. Needing to mark her as his own, claim her before Lucifer and anyone else who dares so much as glance at her. 
“You know what that does to me? I am driven to madness at the thought of it. Someone else’s hands caressing the curves that so rightfully belong to me.” he began, hand slowly lowering into the bodice of her dress. Rolling his thumb over her hardened nipple. Watching with pleasure as she twitched at his touch. 
“Oh Papa.” she moaned, bringing her hand down to touch him, only for Terzo to grab her wrist hard. Keeping her from touching him. Torturing her until he had said his peace. 
“...someone else touching you…tasting you…feeling the heat of your cunt on them. I would gladly kill anyone for entertaining the thought. You belong to me sorella…no one else...”
“Of course, Papa, I’m yours.” Lucrecia told him. Terzo grabbed her full hips, quickly taking up her dress and finding his way to the band of her panties. Tearing them off swiftly as his hand went to cup her cunt. 
“Then prove it.” he hissed, fingers sliding easily into her slick. She let out a moan, her voice trembling and soft. Wanting nothing more than for him to use her body. 
“This cunt…and you—you are mine Luci. No one else.” Terzo continued, fingers working her hard and fast. Pressing deliciously into the ribbed upper walls deep inside. His expert touch, having her cumming over his hand within seconds. 
Terzo continued, pulling her breasts from her dress and drawing a nipple into his mouth. Grazing it with his teeth a bit as he listened to her wanton moans. Humming against her skin, as his fingers pulled from her yet another orgasm. The sensation pouring over her—a rush unlike any other.
“Only yours.” She vowed, when suddenly Terzo withdrew his fingers, lifting her up high above him. Hiking up her legs up over his shoulders and burying his face in her folds. “Oh fuck!” she cried out, held high against the door as Terzo lapped at her. His tongue, darting in and out of her dripping pussy before sucking mercilessly on the bud of her clit. 
He sucked and licked over her lips, Savoring the taste of her on his tongue. His cock throbbing, an almost painful compulsion to fuck her. Continuing his ministrations so she’d be ready to take all he had to give her.  
Luci began to shake around him, cumming against Terzo’s broad tongue. His Papal paints coloring the insides of her thighs. Her cum, dripping all over his mouth. Terzo smiled, satisfied with his efforts. Lowering Lucrecia down before bending her over the statue of Baphomet that sat at their side. Gathering up her dress in his fists and tossing it over her back before stuffing her with his cock in one quick motion. 
“Oh Satanas!” she mewled, trying to keep her balance as Terzo pounded away inside her. Fingers gripped tightly into the soft, plushness of her hips. Leaving a wealth of bruises in his wake. 
“Oh, fuck you feel so good. So tight for me. This cunt was made just for me.” Terzo groaned as he thrusted. The head of his cock, hit her in just the right spot. Lucrecia, beginning to feel herself rising again, insides pulsing around him with each thrust of his hips.  
“That’s a good girl, Luci. Cum on my cock. Show your Papa how good it feels for me to fuck you. To claim you as mine.” Terzo whined, beginning to feel himself get close. 
“So good Papa! Ah! Ah!” she cried as Terzo picked up his pace, bringing her hips back harder against him, hitting her even deeper than before. Lucrecia’s pussy was already tightening up around him. Holding him as he pushed through her, filling her over and over with his cock.
“Cum with me my pet, make me cum for you!” Terzo called out, his cock swelling up inside her. Engorging the hollow of her cunt with his thickened girth. So tightly that she thought she may burst. 
“I’m cumming!” she yelped, as his cock began kicking hard deep inside. Her own orgasm, milking him as he spilled his burning-hot seed. Terzo collapsed over her back. Running his fingers through her damped long black hair. Staying inside her for as long as her body allowed before kissing along her spine and settling in the small of her back. 
“Never again will there be a question as to who you belong to, si?” he asked her, feeling her tensing against him inside. 
“Never Papa…never.”
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mikeellee · 6 months
Fic commission
A client request for Izuku Midoriya to finally snap against UA and here is the results.
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shannaraisles · 7 months
Unravelled - for @memaidraws
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A commission for the fabulous @memaidraws, who has been an absolute star through the whole process - thank you, lovely!
Four cast pots, two iron pans, the campfire expanded to accommodate not only the broiling and boiling but also the baking and warming of various ingredients before they came together into a meal fit for kings.
Kings of the road, perhaps, but still kings for one night. Kings every night, when it was Gale of Waterdeep’s turn to cook. A man of dedicated taste and refined palate, he scoured each market and store they came across in search of new spices and flavourings, or to restock his supplies of those they already had. Rae was no slouch when it came to cooking himself, but he had to admit, Gale took it to an entirely different level. The others might complain about how long dinner took to make when the wizard was in charge of it, but there were never complaints about the quality when it finally arrived. 
It was a fascinating process to watch, too; the meat carefully dressed and trimmed, seared to perfection before it was wrapped in sturdy, flavoursome leaves and tucked into the warm embers at the far edge of the flames to bake slowly as sauces and vegetables were prepared with diligent care and attention to detail to some rhythm only Gale knew. And there was rhythm to it; a musical quality to each spoon swirled through some sticky soft mixture, or fork speared into the flesh of a tuber or brace of greens, testing their readiness with expert knowledge.
But Rae wasn’t watching purely to enjoy the aesthetic of Gale’s form as he cooked, oh no. Gale of Waterdeep had spent long years in a tower with only a tressym for company, and he had picked up a habit in her presence that he had never quite lost in her absence. Gale talked to himself as he cooked, and the subject of tonight’s curious ramblings was none other than their not-so-glorious leader, Rae himself. 
“If this were my tower, I could at the very least send out for pheasant or squid,” the wizard was muttering as Rae approached from behind. “Alas, a decent cut of beef and basic herbs shall have to do. But when we reach Baldur’s Gate, things will be different.”
His fingers flickered through a complicated sigil in mid-air, and a clutch of fresh rosemary appeared in his grasp, apparently freshly picked through the Weave from someone’s garden. Rae bit down a smile, hoping that garden was far enough away that no one would tie a mystery herb thief to the strange group that had just passed through their little town. Gale ripped the leaves from the woody stalks, crushing each just a little between his fingers before sprinkling his bounty into the pot before him.
“Baldur’s Gate will have everything I need,” the man continued, seemingly talking to mid-air. Rae couldn’t help but wonder if he was actually talking to Tara through the Weave somehow; anything was possible with Gale. “Perhaps I should forgo preparing the meal myself? It would make the evening seem more special, more deliberate. We could visit the Elfsong Tavern, though it is a very common sort of place. Perhaps one of the restaurants in the Wide ... The Heroes’ Feast, perhaps. It does have an excellent reputation, and Rae has expressed an interest in the heroes of the Bhaalspawn War. An evening of conversation with the grandchildren of Gorion’s ward might be just the ticket. And the food, I am told is excellent.” 
Rae’s brows rose; Gale was making plans for time they could spend together, just the two of them? And worrying, as he did over everything, about what would make it perfect. It was somehow both infuriating and endearing that Gale seemed to have no idea that just his presence was enough to make an evening perfect.
”But he seems to enjoy my labours in this area; it would be a travesty if the food were below par,” Gale went on, lifting a spoon to taste some mysterious concoction that somehow managed to sparkle briefly in the flicker of magic at his fingertips. “If their tales are of good enough quality, they could be invited to the tower as company - entertainment for the evening, perhaps. But if we are to go that far to seek entertainment for one evening, then would it not be better to take him to experience the theatre?”
There was a pause, no doubt for the expected response from Tara who was not present and therefore had nothing to say. But Gale still seemed to get a response of some sort, whether from the real tressym at some distance or from the imagined version of her in his mind’s eye, for he nodded sagely as though in answer to some comment, stepping to one side to flip the bread frying in a pan to the other side before adding it to the stack of already perfectly created flatbreads resting on a plate close by. 
“No, of course, the theatre is far too mundane,” he mused. “He has no doubt seen every production worth seeing already, and would know the quality of the players in the Gate far better than I. But in Waterdeep, we could take him - I could take him to The Yawning Portal; adventurers a-plenty there to whet his appetite for tales, and Durnan can be trusted to provide a more sheltered seat in one of the upper galleries in case the Undermountain decides to send a visitor to the main floor. It is a rather rowdy place, though, and quiet does seem to suit him better than raucous distraction ...”
He lapsed into silence for a long moment, unaware that the object of his eager affections was so close and so aware of every word he said. Rae felt his heart swell with each word; how had he not noticed how very much Gale wanted to impress and delight him? Had he been too acutely aware of his own uncertainties and perceived shortcomings that he had missed this adorable fumbling toward some grand gesture that might please? He couldn’t help but be grateful for the unspoken agreement among the entire party that anything Gale said while cooking was to be ignored and never spoken of again. Some things were too personal to tease about. 
“I have it!”
Gale snapped his fingers, the sudden sound startling Rae almost into revealing himself as the Wizard of Waterdeep beamed at no one across the fire in front of him. 
“We shall dine in my tower, but it shall be cloaked in the Weave, and wherever his fancy takes him, that shall be our entertainment,” he declared to no one in particular. “Exhausting for myself, of course, but nothing is too great a stretch for my love.” He sighed, seeming to sag for a moment, his voice softening with impossible desire. “I would give him the world, if I but had it within my grasp.”
Rae smiled, his heart somehow both melting and hammering in his chest at the tenderness in his lover’s voice. This was enough torture for one night, surely?
“I would rather a lifetime of ordinary evenings at your side, than watch you destroy yourself in the search for one perfect night.”
Gale straightened hurriedly, his head turning with affected nonchalance at the sound of his lover’s gentle approach.
“Ah.” He offered up a sheepish smile. “I don’t suppose I could convince you to forget you heard all that, could I?”
Rae’s smile flickered, somehow awkwardly shy yet brimming with unexpected confidence, fingertips ghosting down along Gale’s spine as the other hand reached for the package of baking beef. It was ... rather wonderful, to know he was not the only one in this relationship still feeling his way toward certainty. 
“I would rather forget how to touch the Weave than forget how much you love me,” he said, feeling his cheeks warm with how bold his words seemed, dropping his gaze to the food. “Any night with you is the perfect night, because I am with you. That is all that matters, Gale, truly.”
Gale sighed through a soft smile, unconsciously leaning into Rae’s side as they stood close together beside the busy campfire. His head lowered just enough to rest, temple to temple, against Rae’s, the two of them cloaked in a stillness of their own affectionate making amid the quiet bustle of their party’s evening camp. 
“I would give you nothing but perfection, if it were mine to give,” Gale murmured, twisting a little to brush his knuckles against Rae’s smooth cheek.
“I don’t need perfection, love,” Rae whispered, daring to raise his eyes to meet the tenderly adoring gaze levelled upon him. “I have you.”
“That you do.”
The brush of knuckles turned, Gale’s gentle palm curling to Rae’s cheek to draw him close. Lips covered lips, softness flavoured with the delicate prickle of hair that somehow heightened the experience, sweet and sinful and oh, so wonderful. For just one moment, even the Weave could have unravelled and everything would still have been perfect.
“Oh, blast it all, I forgot the spice,” Gale suddenly declared, pulling from the kiss in a distracted huff at his own sense of failure.
Rae bit down a laugh at the abrupt end to what could have been a perfect moment for a lot longer, and reached for the little pot that was currently the focus of his lover’s ire. 
“Show me what to do with it?” he suggested, tilting his head with curious interest.
Gale looked at him, his eyes flickering from the little spice pot in one hand to the sweet softness of the lips he had just abandoned, to the warm interest in the eyes that held him in thrall. His own lips curved in an unthinking smile, unable to resist the siren’s call of the man who had captured his heart so thoroughly without even seeming to try. 
“Come here,” he said, gathering Rae into his side to draw him to the appropriate pot. “You need just a pinch, in this one ...” And here and now, as they talked and touched and learned each other in ways more binding than simple lust-fueled intimacy, among friends in the wilderness between their respective worlds where each thread did not need to be woven to become a fabric of infinite possibility ... this was perfect.
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vampyrsutton · 10 months
Good Little Whore Chapter 2
Hawks takes an extra day off to make sure he gets to Dabi in time, only for the Commission to completely tank his mood and leave him feeling bratty. Entering the club to find Dabi busy on top of it, Hawks decides to fuck around, and oh hey, if it isn't the consequences of his own actions.
Ao3 Tags:
BDSM, Dom/sub, Dom Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Sub Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is Not a Villain, Trans Takami Keigo | Hawks, Use Of The Hanky Code, Kink Negotiation, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko is a Good Friend, Hero Public Safety Commission Bashing (My Hero Academia), Dirty Talk, Degradation, AFAB Terminology, Vaginal Fingering, Spanking, Pussy Spanking, Overhaul Being An Asshole, Mentioned Body Horror
Commission for AyumixRose!
Bracelets are based on the Hanky Code.
Beta'd By SqueezeBabe!
Chapter 1
“So?” Hawks asks after giving Rumi a long-winded explanation on why he wants an extra day off of work that just so happens to be the day that starts his monthly weekend off.
{Mr. Workaholic is finally begging me to cover a shift after the what, like, 30 that I owe him? And thinks I won’t say yes?} Rumi snorts through the phone. {Damn, if I knew a good dicking is all it would take, I would have told the prickly asshole to grow the fuck up and introduced you to Dabi myself. Yeah, I’ve got you.}
Hawks sighs, not knowing why he even tried to bullshit her, but is thankful all the same. “Thanks, Rumi. Someone got to him first last time, and Spinner and Shiggy are great, buuuut…”
{Not quite as compatible as tall, dark, and stapled?} She finishes in understanding.
“Yeah, it's just not the same.” Hawks half-laughs as he catches a draft higher. “I get one weekend off a month, I want the most out of it, ya know?”
{Yeah, I getcha.} Rumi hums before there’s a beep and she curses. {Shit, well, duty calls. Have fun.}
“You, too…with the fight!” Hawks scrambles to clarify before the line goes dead to her laughing at him. “Yep, I’m gonna get teased about that later.”
Hawks wastes no time in emailing his secretary to cancel any meetings for that day before he gets his own alert to probably head to the same fight and sighs. 
Duty calls indeed. 
Duty needs to stop calling. 
By the time Friday rolls around, Hawks is beyond exhausted, and, despite telling his handlers three different times that he would not be coming in before finally siccing Rumi on them, they were still trying to guilt him into coming in. 
To say his feathers are ruffled by the time he arrives at the club is an understatement, but whether from anger or guilt, he has yet to figure it out. 
“Hey, Kimi.” Hawks mumbles as he pushes through the door, taking off his baseball cap as he goes. “You know if Dabi’s in?”
Kimi frowns at his state but nods. “Hello, Sir. He got in about an hour ago with the others…I am sorry to overstep, but are you okay, Sir?”
Hawks smiles at her slightly, giving his own little nod. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just had a long week…day really. Thank you and sorry to be short, but can I just get my usual colors? …and try a fuchsia bracelet this time?”
Kimi offers a reassuring smile as she goes about getting those. “Promise me you will ask for some extra aftercare?”
His smile becomes a bit more genuine at that. “I will…that sounds nice.”
“I’m sure it will feel nice too.” Kimi hums, making a small noise of annoyance before sighing. “Ah, there it is. Compress must have been messing with me again. Here are your bracelets and necklace, Sir. Have fun and stay safe.” She smiles once more. “He’ll be free in about twenty minutes. Someone called ahead.”
“We both know he’ll allow nothing less.” Hawks laughs, feeling a little better knowing he’s going to be taken care of as he slips his bracelets and necklace on and puts the new fuchsia one on his right wrist. “See ya later.”
“See you later, Sir.” She smiles, bowing slightly as he disappears through the door leading downstairs.
He’s a little bummed that Dabi’s busy, having taken the day off specifically to avoid this, but it’s just twenty minutes so he should be able to manage. As usual, he ducks into the locker room to put away his street clothes and change into his shorts before getting his wings into some semblance of order despite the abuse they’re probably about to endure. 
He’s just getting ready to shut his locker when his phone starts playing The Imperial March from some American movie that Rumi insisted on setting for the Commission’s ringtone. He finds it grimly fitting right now as he fights his training long enough to let it go to voicemail and reads the text that quickly appears in the drop-down menu. 
[It’s not very professional to abandon your duties to a lesser hero. There could be people dying and you’re selfishly wasting time on a day off. We thought we trained you better than this.]
Hawks has never been more relieved for Dabi’s no phones rule as he forces himself to toss the device back into his locker and slam it before stomping out into the playroom. He knows he’s not supposed to go into a scene angry, but he hopes Dabi will fix it for him. 
By the time he gets across the hall to the main playroom, he thinks he’s done a pretty good job at schooling his expression into one of the excitement that the annoyance was trying to smother and even manages to make the excitement resurface when Dabi gives him one of his knowing smirks from across the way. He’s already working on bringing his current sub back down from their high.
“ Let me handle aftercare, and I’ll be right over. ” Dabi mouths to which Hawks nods, deciding to lean against the wall to watch for the time being. 
Hawks can’t really see the sub from here, more interested in Dabi, but whoever she is, she’s very pretty from what little he can see. As soon as Hawks is situated, she has Dabi’s full attention once more, and Hawks watches how Dabi holds, caresses, and gently talks her back to herself and how she practically melts into his touch. Hawks knows firsthand how heavenly those warm hands feel on scene-worn muscles and based on the knots he’s undoing, they have to feel like a blessing. 
He knows this is part of Dabi’s job, being soft with and caring for the subs that pay the club fee, himself included, but it has to be the territorial bird part of his brain that makes him feel so bitter watching him interact with her…or maybe it's the feather that must have gotten stuck in his bag and can feel his phone vibrate with texts. 
Yeah, he’ll go with that one.
Whatever the case, he takes the opportunity to duck back out and over to the locker room to scowl at the offending device and retrieve his feather. 
This is, of course, a mistake because his phone reacts to the movement and he gets a look at the message. 
[Such a disgraceful hero.]
He fucking knows, okay!
He finally turns off the device altogether with an offended chitter before going back across the hall with the intention of being distracted from the little voice in his head telling him the Commission is right. 
The sight of Dabi still with the other sub doesn’t help.
“Hey, Hawks!” Twice is the first to get his attention when he re-enters the playroom, the masked man seemingly oblivious to the strained quality of Hawks’ smile. “Wanna play with me a bit? Help me get into puppy space again? Dabi ditched you, huh? Sorry! Sucks to suck! ” 
Hawks manages to contain his flinch to his feathers, knowing Twice doesn’t mean it. “Bad night?”
Twice deflates a little but still looks grateful to Hawks for understanding. “You can see why I need it, man. I’m going nuts! ”
Hawks feels bad, he does, but they established last month that Hawks isn’t very good at soothing praise and the discipline Twice needs to get into puppy space, and the last thing the hero needs tonight is another reason to feel like a failure. It’s half the reason he took the bracelet for spanking. He kinda wanted big warm hands and a mean mouth to tell him all the reasons he fucked up until he was crying and raw before the same warm hands and much softer mouth put him back together. 
“Sorry, bud. I can’t handle not getting it again tonight, and I need something a little harder, ya know?” Hawks apologizes, internally sighing in relief when Twice just waves him off that it’s fine. 
“Yeah, no big deal, dude. Chicken! Compress should be ready in five if you wanna just chat for a few. He’s being a drama king! ” That second interjection didn’t entirely sound like the other voice this time. 
“Nah, man, it’s cool. I-” A flash of white caught his eye and he followed the white tie until he found Kai’s eyes boring into his and had to suppress a gulp. Dude was fucking creepy…a short scene couldn’t hurt though, right? “I was actually going to see if Kai was free.” 
He didn’t miss how Twice stiffened or how Magne went quiet at the counter behind him, but he chose to ignore it in favor of smiling cluelessly. Had both Kimi and Dabi warned him against Kai? Yes. Was he desperate enough that this arrangement would already be missing the sane in safe, sane, consensual? Maybe.
As though the man had been listening, he seemingly materialized next to them to crinkle his eyes in what was probably supposed to be the equivalent of a disarming smile with a black face mask covering his mouth, but Hawks had a feeling this was the first smile ever to not reach the person’s mouth. 
“As a matter of fact, I am, Hawks,” Kai speaks smoothly and it's such a shame he has such a nice voice. “I heard you were interested?”
Multiple instincts were screeching that he was an idiot, but Hawks just smiles. “Just a short little scene, yeah.”
Calculating yellow eyes look him over, taking in his bracelets for a moment before nodding. “Not my agreed upon clientele, but they did say if I was asked for… so I’m sure we can figure something out.” 
Hawks catches the movement of Twice creeping behind Kai to shake his head furiously in warning, but how much damage could the possible villain really cause in ten minutes? Hawks would just need to make sure he wasn’t available for that takedown.
Yeah, it’d be fine.
“What,” Dabi growls as he crowds Hawks against a wall in the back corner of the playroom where there aren’t too many wondering eyes, “the fuck were you thinking, bird brain? We all warned you about Kai. Why the fuck would you go with him?” 
Hawks flinches, still a little raw from the disaster Dabi just pulled him out of, and lets out a sigh of relief when the Dom immediately relaxes his body language. Even if he still gives the hero no opening for escape, it helps with the still frayed nerves. “Everyone else was busy…” 
“Kimi told you I would be ready in twenty minutes and Compress even sooner.” Dabi scoffs, glaring at someone who happens to lock eyes with the furious flame user. They’re fairly sure that’s one of Fatgum’s sidekicks so he should have more manners than to stare anyway. “Are you that much of a self-sacrificing dumbass that you let Mr. Literal Human Furniture anywhere near you? Only the most extreme subs and those avoiding therapy willingly go to him. So again, what the fuck?”
‘He didn’t have to hit the nail on the head that hard.’ Hawks thinks, meaning for his eye roll to be internal and feeling his feathers puff up when Dabi tsks. He decides to double down on his dumb decision. 
“I had a long week, okay? How do you know I don’t fall into the first one?” Hawks huffs, crossing his arms petulantly and earning an eyebrow raise, and turquoise eyes immediately drift to said arms as though they hold the answer to Hawks’ question. 
Unfortunately, they do. 
“I’m talking the ones who have their right arm filled with every bracelet they can.” Dabi huffs, crossing his arms and tilting his head at the comparatively empty arm in question. “Not the ones who like rough sex and some biting. I mean the one’s who purposefully plan their whole month around needing the weekend into possibly Monday or Tuesday sometimes off because they let some psychopath disguised as a sadist beat the shit out of them for the full three days straight and they’re too beaten, bruised, and/or fucked to move from a guest room and one of us have to handle aftercare to make sure they don’t drop. Not someone who has to plan their month around their bosses breaking labor laws though we are in Japan, but not as much as you on that one. The literal human furniture wasn’t a joke. His quirk can do some freaky shit and we’ve seen him do it before. ” 
Dabi’s glare hardens further as he huffs another breath.“The most infuriating part is that we’re 90% sure his quirk would let him manipulate their bodies to leave pain free but he’s gotten what he wants by then and doesn’t care. The glaring turquoise returns to looking at gold eyes that are barely hiding their fear behind their defiance. “Is that what you wanted, Birdie?” His eyes soften when Hawks flinches. “Don’t you get enough of that at work, baby bird?”
Hawks wings droop, but he’s still not ready to admit he’s wrong. “You don’t own me, Dabi.”
Instead of the glare returning as he expected, Dabi smirks and kabedons the hero to get more in his space. “Oh, but don’t I, birdie?”
He says it with so much confidence that it makes Hawks hesitate. “...N-no?”
“Are you sure about that, pretty bird?” He hums in a way he by now knows makes wings puff up for him to ghost his free hand over so they’ll flutter from the enticing heat. 
“Y-yes?” Right?
“Oh? Do you not know what they send in the club’s chat when someone sees you come in?” Dabi taunts, knowing the mention of secret information will pique the hero’s interest further. The curious head tilt is all the prompting he needs. “They say ‘ Your birdie is here, Dabi’, and let me know what room we’ll be in. If I’m already booked, they figure out who approaches you first. Kai should have never had a chance to approach you tonight or any night for that matter. Not only do we not trust him with you, but you’re considered mine , baby bird. We’re allowed preferences just as much as you are.”
Hawks is flushed almost as red as his wings at the growl in the Dom’s voice as he’s so resolutely claimed, but he also doesn’t want someone to be in trouble for the wrong reasons. “Twice approached first actually…”
A black eyebrow creeps into equally black bangs. “Then how did you end up with that asshole?” 
Hawks toes at the ground, sure he’s about to be scolded. “I-um-might have called in an I.O.U. to Rumi for today to get here in time, but the Commission doesn’t like her for a lot of reasons-”
“They can’t control her.” Dabi supplies.
“I don’t think anyone can.” Hawks agrees before snorting. “Thank something she’s a hero, I guess.”
“A decent enough one, I guess.” Dabi shrugs before the scowl works on returning. “What does that have to do with you trying to get maimed?”
Hawks’ wings droop again. “The Commission wasn’t happy with me for taking even a few hours more of my allowed personal day so I’ve been declared various forms of a disgrace of a hero including a straight-up disgrace… the last one was right before I re-entered the room when Twice approached me. I couldn’t do soft when I came in and I especially couldn’t after that so…”
“So, you were spirally and decided to take a dive off the deep end.” Dabi finishes, sighing when Hawks nods. “They’re so lucky Kurogiri found me when escaping with Shigs. I wonder how many timelines exist where I burn that damn Commission to the ground.” He mumbles, smirking at Hawks’ horrified chirp as the Dom returns to learning over the hero with his platforms. “Look me in the eye, birdie, and tell me they don’t deserve it. Tell me, how many of you are there?”
It only takes a few seconds for Hawks to break eye contact with a pout. “Why do you think I have an intern?”
Dabi blinks before his eyes turn cold and Hawks yelps at how quickly their corner heats up. “He’s 15.”
“He’s strong.” Hawks shrugs like that doesn’t make it worse.
“Can you cover up an arson?” Dabi decides, glancing around to make sure no one can hear them.
“Dabi, no.”
“Dabi, yes.”
“Your fire is bright fucking blue!” Hawks hisses.
“It wasn’t the last time they recorded it.” Dabi grins manically, making Hawks groan in a mixture of annoyance and arousal.
“I hate how much hotter you get like this. Literally and objectively.” Hawks grumbles. “Why do I keep talking hero shit with you.”
“Because you like crazy,” Dabi smirks, pulling Hawks close with hands just a little too warm to be comfortable. “Come on, pretty bird. Just a few heads.”
“No.” Hawks huffs, pouting as he uses the Dom’s chest harness like a lead to pull him closer. “How about taking it out on me? I did ignore your warnings after all. Don’t I deserve it?”
The smirk just quirks wider. “Wait until Kimi hears what you did, you’ll be begging me for something soft, but sure.” He sighs before his expression turns hungry again to make heat shoot straight to Hawks’ groin. “Are you going to take your punishment like a good boy, birdie, or be a little bitch again?”
Hawks smirks, still having a little fight in him. “What do you think, Hot Stuff.”
Dabi rolls his eyes at the ridiculous nickname and lets his hand curl around the back of Hawks’ neck to guide him out of the corner and towards a very relieved-looking Magne at the counter. “Room key, please. Someone made sure to earn a punishment.” 
“Seriously?” Magne scoffs as she retrieves a key from the ‘Clean’ pegs and scribbles in a book. “Gave us all a heart attack just to be a brat?”
“It would seem so.” Dabi sighs, tightening his grip just slightly to warn Hawks to be quiet when he goes to defend himself. “Don’t even try denying it.”
Hawks pouts, considering his next move as Magne snorts. 
“Well, whatever you have planned…" Magne starts, smirking when she sees the fuschia bracelet Hawks added tonight. "Add another swat for scaring the shit outta me, won't you dear?" 
“The needy little thing he is, I doubt he’ll complain,” Dabi smirks back, snickering at how Hawks flushes red down to his chest. “Seriously, practically screamed you like pain inviting Kai to hurt you, but someone calls you out-”
“Shut up.” Hawks pouts before his eyes widen and he whips his head towards his unimpressed Dom and Magne grinning. “I mean-”
“Save it,” Dabi warns blankly, thanking Magne for the key before leading Hawks and his fluttering wings toward the door and thus the private rooms. “I’ll make you regret it, don’t worry.” 
Hawks gulps even with his tiny club shorts doing nothing to hide his arousal as he thinks of Dabi smacking his ass red. He had just been curious before but apparently, this was definitely a thing for him as he remembers what else those hands are capable of. 
"What if you don't?" He decides to poke, wings puffing at the warning look he gets even as he falls into his hero persona. "What if I'm still pushing your buttons or decide to give Mask another shot?" 
Hawks has to wonder if whatever caused that scarring is what lets Dabi make that growling noise as the Dom pushes him into the Private room. 
"I'm more than capable of making sure you can't sit right, birdbrain. Don't test me." 
Hawks decides to test him. 
"Kai could guaran-" 
Hawks is cut off with a yelp as he's wrestled down to be draped over Dabi's lap with his ass on display for the Dom's hand to rest on in warning. 
"Kai also had to be threatened to obey safewords. Only reason we were able to get you away from him so fast." Dabi hums, smirking at the blush spreading down the hero's back and neck. "Now…How many do you think you’ve earned…?" 
“None?” Hawks tries, slightly nervous despite his excitement, and yelps when it earns him a sharp swat. It makes him jerk in the Dom’s lap, and he’s mortified to find himself turned on by the sting in his ass. “Dabi~!” He whines in embarrassment. 
“Consider that one Magne’s for worrying her.” Dabi huffs as he rubs out the area. “Now no lying. I was going to let you decide since your misplaced guilt started this whole mess, but fine. If you want to keep mouthing off, fifteen sounds good, don’t you think?”
“But didn’t I have no reason to feel guilty?” Hawks tries, knowing Dabi will get closer to what he feels he deserves the more he questions him. 
“For the Commission bullshit? Not even a little.” Dabi agrees, squeezing the hero’s ass lightly to watch him squirm. “For worrying us by going with the psycho? Fifteen is being nice. If he hadn’t already scared the shit out of you and my wrist wasn’t held together by staples and spite, twenty sounded more appropriate, but I’m cutting you some slack.”
Hawks pouts but otherwise droops in acceptance. “Should I move my wings?”
“I’d prefer not to get stabbed, yeah.” Dabi agrees, leaning back so they can fly over to the holding box on the nightstand and he can reach over to close it. 
This was basically Hawks’ room at this point and they had all learned their lesson about letting the feathers free roam after an incident a few months ago that almost cost Compress his other arm. Hawks felt horrible, but the magician had simply released a marble of medical supplies and a box before ordering Hawks to put the feathers away in it and letting the apologizing hero fix up the gash. He then overstimulated the hero until he cried, but that wasn’t important. 
What was important was that Dabi could see feathers sharpening in anticipation as he closes what was probably once a sword box and turning back around gave him the fun little view of Hawks’ baby wings trembling in a mixture of fear and arousal that he knew all too well from the first time.
“Ready, baby?” Dabi checks, already drawing his hand back, but ready to stop if Hawks said so. 
“As I’ll ever bE-FUCK!” 
Hawks jolts, instinctively trying to escape the hand with a whine before jerking when the hand gently rubs the area next. The whiplash of pain to soothing makes him whimper and squirm, but it also makes him hyper-aware of the area and makes him blush harder as a result. 
“Dabi~!” He drags out the other’s name in a whine. 
“Trust me, you don’t want me to warn you.” Dabi sighs as though reading the hero’s mind. “You’ll tense up and it’ll hurt worse.”
“No, I won-”
As though out to prove Dabi right, Hawks does, in fact, tense and howls with the next sting across his backside that sends heat down to his groin as well. The next soothing hand on his ass makes him flinch but it does do the job of making him relax. 
“You get it now?” Dabi checks, kneading at the hero’s red ass to hear him whine. 
“I won’t next time.” Hawks insists, for some reason deciding to double down. 
His current angle doesn’t allow him to see Dabi’s raised eyebrow, but his baby feathers do pick up the Dom’s shrug.
“If you insist. Three.” 
Again and again, Hawks tenses with each warning, and again and again, it hurts more and more. Three hard smacks leaving at number nine leave Hawks tense when a choked, almost sobbing sound finally leaves him.
“Yellow.” He sniffles, whining when both hands quickly leave him. 
“What do you need?” Dabi immediately asks, deciding to save the ‘I told you so’ for later. 
“Just a pause and no more warnings.” Hawks concedes, slumped in defeat when all Dabi says is okay. “Touch me? Your hands feel nice.”
“Alright.” Dabi agrees, heating his hands just slightly and watching how Hawks relaxes and twitters. “Better, pretty bird?”
“Mhmm.” Hawks hums, sighing as Dabi kneads the sore muscle. “Whenever you’re ready.” He eventually mumbles. 
Dabi wastes no time delivering another hard smack that this time gets some intriguing mix of a yelp and a moan that makes Dabi’s staples tug as he grins. “Oh?”
“Shut u-Ah!” Another smack gets another moan and okay, yeah, Hawks will definitely be acting out more. 
“Considering the menace you’re probably about to become, no, I don’t think I will,” Dabi smirks as he soothes the angry flesh once more. “You obviously had to have some amount of masochism, but who knew it’d be something as simple as spanking, hmm?”
Hawks mumbles something about being able to withstand torture before he yelps and jolts at another spank just in time for the next one to catch his leaking pussy with a wet Smack! And makes the hero’s head fall forward with a moan. “Dabi!”
Hawks can’t see it, but Dabi is grinning like he’s just been gifted a new toy. “You only have two left. Wanna add a few more?”
Hawks nods embarrassingly fast, moaning in a mix of pleasure and pain when the next two catch the cleft of his ass and thigh. He’s then rearranged so his legs are hanging off the bed and touching the floor enough for Dabi to have access to the hero’s glistening cunt.
“God, look at you.” Dabi chuckles breathily. “We’ve gotta get you in the main playroom sometimes. Show off your pretty little holes, so wet for me with just a little bit of pain.” He slides a finger through wet folds that shudder at the touch. “I wonder if I could make you cum just from smacking your pussy. I’ve done it for others before.” There’s a lewd slurping noise that has a blush once more racing down Hawks’ back as Dabi no doubt cleans his fingers. “Wonder if I could make you squirt?”
Hawks’ face burns in embarrassment, but he doesn’t have time to complain about it before Dabi tells him eight more and delivers a hard smack that sends pleasure shooting through the hero’s clit with each successive smack. Much to his humiliation, he can feel himself getting close, and he shakes with his effort to hold it off. 
Harsh pinches to his clit as skilled fingers teasing him in between, however, guarantee his downfall, and soon Hawks is cumming with a broken chirp and tears in his eyes. It hurts. It hurts so good. The final smack knocks an almost sob out of him and Hawks’ remaining feathers flutter in sensitivity Dabi finally helps him fully onto the bed. 
“You good, birdie?” Dabi asks gently as he cards the fingers of his clean hand through messy blonde hair. “You were so good for me, baby.”
Ah, aftercare then. That sounds nice, they have all weekend for more. 
Hawks nods his head between sniffles when Dabi insists on a response.
“Such a good boy.”
Hawks smiles dopily at the praise. 
Yeah, he was a good boy, wasn’t he? Fuck what the Commission said. He was good. 
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st0rmyskies · 10 months
An explicit fic in which Hyrule wanders off into the Lost Woods to have a little one-man adventure and bites off way more than he can chew…
Mind the tags, babes.
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