#Coffee jerk
nabwastaken · 6 months
starkid headcanons part 4
All the Jon characters are related? HAHAHAA, Dear mortal, your headcanon pales in comparison to mine!
I present:
McNamara and Sam are siblings. The reason they have different last names is because John took his husband's last name when they got married.
Mr. Davidson and Hidgens are their uncles. Hidgens is the weird gay one and there's the sliiightttessssttt chance Davidson pulled some strings for Charlotte to get hired at CCRP.
Barry Swift and Coffee Jerk are both identical twins (who are cousins of Sam and John) and always get confused for each other.
Gabe is the son of the mysterious brother who was very religious, and constantly tries to get the rest of his family to convert.
Bonus: they are all secretly descendants of Jack Bauer Dikrats
Bonus Bonus: they cut their hair in different ways to look different
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charlottesweetly · 8 months
no way did emma punch in coffee jerk's order and get the price that fast, that man is a REGULAR and still has the nerve to be obnoxious about the price
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milkbreadtoast · 8 months
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This meme is ancient but I randomly saw it again and i needed to do it..... (not sure abt some of the charas but just wanted to fill up space dmfbn)
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namearentfunfr · 2 months
what hogwarts house would the hatchetfield characters belong to?
i mean obviously there are some obvious ones. hidgens is in ravenclaw. i still have difficulties deciding between hufflepuff and gryffindor for some characters, but massive hufflepuff vibe for paul and slytherin for emma
im conflicted between gryffindor and hufflepuff for ted as well. he has immense loyalty as seen in his love with jenny, but also not even that loyal when he left emma and paul to jreg. leaning towards gryffindor tho.
tom is a hufflepuff and becky is yet another gryffindor. lex is a slytherin and hannah is???? honestly im not sure about hannah
the million dollars question: what the fuck is the man in a hurry. im tempted to say gryffindor but he lacks the moral compass. same with gary. he seems like a ravenclaw but also slytherin based on how he immediately called gerald to talk inheritance after linda's death.
honestly i gotta see more au's for hatchetfield. some classic zombie apocalypses could be nice. superhero aus could be cool af. maybe i should flesh out my spiderverse au more
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always-coffee · 2 months
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I am so tired I’m not sure I’m even awake at this point, but at least I look cute. I think? 
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istanbulite · 6 months
girls are fightiiiiiiingg
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gideonisms · 10 months
Executive function win! Local spends 2 hours researching how to have better executive function instead of doing the dishes, showering, and applying for jobs ♥️ surely she will remember all 100 tips she just looked up!
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succinate-oo · 6 months
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وما من يعز على قلبي غيرك … انت
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hunterxmp · 9 months
Your Type (is Coffee) [pt.2/reformat]
Because tumblr is being an ass. Continued from here with @mpxsekhmet
She booms in sound and while others around them turn their heads to look, Hunter simply lifts his cup to his lips again to drink calmly. As though none of her outbursts will ever phase him in the slightest because, with time, they truly won’t. He likes her just the way she is and is adjusting with all the good Southern grace he was raised with. She declares again that she will ban the action around her and Hunter once again nods in affirmation even though he knows for certain fact that there will always be someone, somewhere getting blitz-drunk in the evenings in the city. If not her and her friends, then at the very least some younger demigod and their friends.
    The goddess narrows her eyes at him and doesn’t so much as ask as she states that he doesn’t believe her. It’s a dangerous game to play being around deities because for all the cautionary tales they present to those younger than them, it’s still entirely up to those demigods and humans to either learn from them, or be foiled in the same ways they had been before. Hunter knows only to be honest to those older than him when asked a direct question and so, he is.
      “No ma’am I do not. At least not forever. I think you will ban it for a while, but I also think you’ll lift that ban yourself after indulging in a moment of chaos or chaotic happiness, and there ain’t nothing wrong with that either,” he says to her. “You’ve dealt with a lot being among people ‘round here. Who are we to judge how you unwind?”
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ourlordapollo · 2 months
One time I had an extremely vivid dream about falling off a bridge way up in the fucking mountains and now every time I see a local TikTok filmed on. a bridge. in the mountains. I go "HOLY FUCK IT'S THE BRIDGE FROM MY DREAM."
NO, genius, it's the Pacific Northwest. Every mountain bridge west of the Cascades looks exactly the same 😭
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hoodie-prince-kid · 1 year
Mitzy (@pastelspooks) vs Lux (@hoodie-prince-kid)
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monster-ultra-yellow · 2 months
this is so embarrassing because why am I genuinely incapable of discerning if I'm horny or just have to pee sometimes. I've pavloved myself into wacking my shit silly style instead of just going to the bathroom and sometimes it takes me 15 fucking minutes before I realize hey maybe there's a reason this isn't going anywhere I should probably try something else
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aenslem · 3 months
imo total aus would be very hard to write well w rush/young but here’s a wildly different meeting one. including “and they were neighbors, sg1 and sga peeps, rush cooking for young and also lots of angst and heartbreak:)) btw at some point rush actually does work as a barista at a coffee shop agsfggfhk (it’s mathematique by cleanwhiteroom) here’s their blog: cleanwhiteroom. blogspot. com
Well, it does not mean it can't be written 🤷‍♀️
I know there are some aus, I read them, but they are not enough, you know, I want to have options to choose from 😆 like more than 3 🥹
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snowy-bones · 1 year
*CJ blinks in shock of how they’ve been read so easily.*
*CJ averts their gaze, and clenched fists.*
Well…can’t blame me for trying, eh? *CJ’s earrings stop glowing and despite feeling the need to cry. They don’t, they seem to lose the drive in their eyes and resign.*
I’m sorry, Wixpix and Ash.
I want to do something, what could I possibly do? Im obsolete here.
Another one bites the dust, I guess.
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You are absolutely hilarious. Oh mortals are funny! I might have mother spare you just for this fact. Ha!
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slocumjoe · 4 months
Augustijn: raised catholic
Augustijn as well: finds out danse is a virgin and has to be drowned periodically in ice water lest the Devil's whispers take hold of his willing weak mind and possess his willing weak body
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wandeel · 2 years
In the "My big brother is a jerk" category:
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Special mention to this face: 
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