#Cm alongi
acemdzsfan · 4 months
J.C: should I be concerned that the nurse, and the aide, both told me to check myself into the ER if I thought of hurting myself or somebody else? Multiple times. In the thirty minutes I had to be meeting with both of them? And separately?
Nicole: it's going on the list!
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tbookblurbs · 5 months
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Citadel - C.M. Alongi
4/5 - loses a point for predictability, very good conflict, MC is a nonverbal autistic woman
This is a science fiction novel, but it's fantastical science fiction in that you can sort of treat it like it's a fantasy setting because it's so far removed from humanity and doesn't bear resemblance to many other science fictions novels in advanced technology, space travel, etc.
The main character I found exasperating at times, but a fully fleshed out character that had realistic goals and grievances. I wanted her to succeed but also found myself frustrated with her tunnel vision. This book also puts up a mirror to our Western society with regard to ableism and, to a lesser degree, corruption and abuse of power.
The most interesting part to me was the chimera, the winged "demons" in the forest, taking their names from the same Greek mythological creature. Their method of communicating strained the boundaries of science fiction a little for me, but not past what I was willing to put up with.
As I've said, I docked a point here because the novel follows a lot of very common SciFi plot beats, and thus I could predict the twists and turns from very early in the story. Initially, I had thought this was going to be a standalone novel and got very concerned for the pace as we entered around the last 20% of the novel. Luckily, it's the first in a series, so my worry decreased significantly. Still dragged a little in the middle, but nothing crazy. I do hope that this remains a duology though, I think trying to stretch it into a trilogy would be to overstrain a plot that can't sustain three books.
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nrcbookclub · 2 months
Oooh, have you read Citadel by CM Alongi or the Blackwing Saga?
no, but they both sound pretty good!
I might need to make a list or books im gonna check out now-
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forgottenthreads · 2 months
Has anyone got any good recommendations for Sci-fi stories from fresh or unusual perspectives?
I have read a few and want to diversify my reading a bit especially since I've found a bit of a rut of male leads lately.
Children of Time novels have a few alien perspectives including Spiders and Octopodes among others
WWW: Wake Watch Wonder by Robert J Sawyer has a blind girl as the primary perspective
Dreadnought and Sovereign by April Daniels are Trans Superhero books
Citadel by CM Alongi has a nonverbal and autistic lead perspective
Greg Egan's Novels are full of unique perspectives, Dichronauts, Clockwork Rocket, Schild's Ladder to name a few
If you have any books to add I'd be excited to add them to my audiobook collection.
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thejuniperjinx · 10 months
Book 30 of 2023
Part of the Summer Reading Challenge (Kitsap Regional Library)
The Slain Princess by CM Alongi
I give this a 4.5/5
With a final blow, we see the close of this part Blackwing Series. I love this series. The representation is varied, and done with care and respect. I enjoy the found family trope that has built throughout the series. The characters have really grown together in understanding and friendship. I love that there is no romance between the principal characters, just friendship, leaning towards a sibling style relationship, especially with the confirmed age gap. The more minor of the core characters, Hylas and Aketa, get a bit more screen time, showing the healing and growth the teens have done. Their tight sibling relationship is so sweet, even with Aketa still struggling with the reveal of the last book.
Ontiku continues to be my favorite character, who really leans into the old grumpy gay trope. I love his aside comments, and the peak further into his background we got in The Slain Princess. This finale did make me cry some, but more often than not, I was just angry on behalf of the titles Princess, and the other victims of the villain R. How could one person be so hateful. I really like the wrap up on this arc of finding R, and ending their reign of terror, while giving us a firm confirmation that the story will continue. The final reveal for Jinua that I had been suspecting for the last three installments was very satisfying as well. The only real downside to this book for me is that it's really gory. More so than the others. It is to expected with a fantasy series revolving around necromancy and war, but it's a lot in some moments.
The Slain Princess finds our plucky group of adventurers investigating the murder of Princess Bekstra of Varse. Evidence suggests a necromancer is behind it, possibly the mysterious R. Jinua must discover the plot, while protecting her necromancers from discovery.
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pleasanttacoenemy · 5 years
#oopsm#bad #dumb #sorry @stevengreer #val #iants #crawl this man's name is watch watcheants thor. Watch the ant new more than 200 languages he uses up all at Department of Defense with a 30 cm larger than normal man's brain pan he knows several languages call and call me not engineering subjects vernaculars not vernaculars from the humanities, not either small Earth languages but many, many many many alien languages to such an extent that it's actually I wonder, a wonder how some governments... Don't seem to object. Cube PPE roll roll little alongi ecstatic dance with flair Roush Motor motor moose sounds like a slam family Flame butter flame pewter and that stuff Style to crush crunch crunch crunch get it's don't workout your physique wear Pusheen it like that Karma Comic-Con it needs awake on Left 4 Dead flash24 raise hook... Just as different as in size shoe for Red Hook on pulling up the anchor and sexy woman slicing lines I said daughter. I could before no easy but not oven leave it alone! Oh my god daughter. Excited the way it is height of a male Whitney's his knees Sammy's Sammy's way away old field Hill in Italiano casual sex Dayton Ohio that excited! Not talking about huge aura I said Dwyer dr. Are but you don't know why ER... Not who he means by that man w r u r y t w o u r man. Sorry. Not EWR you are here Ronald stop.. From El Ron Hubbard but I put nice LT1 and old and let's see if our body Dwyer US national treasury secretary will save his own life and near time Caesar himself no fear. Realize you are dreaming and he recognized that it was one and he has a car to ask him bud#love #scooby #park #yelliwstone #comey #trump #fbi #russia #relationship #trumpsupporters #girls #women #team #dance #swim #ball #hot #pretty #goodmorning https://www.instagram.com/p/BvnE5vzhuED/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xz9akc6ru5vw
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acemdzsfan · 3 months
Nicole: What kinds of sounds annoy you? JC: Are we talking real sounds or imaginary ones? Nicole, now interested: Lets say imaginary. JC: Spiders wearing flip flops.
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acemdzsfan · 3 months
JC: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy. Nicole: I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep. JC: I said within reason, Nicole. How about I murder that guy? Nicole: So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't? JC: Well, duh. What kind of question is that?
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acemdzsfan · 4 months
Nicole and JC
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acemdzsfan · 4 months
Bob PT. 4
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She likes to wear shiny things when off shift, so she gets to wear the bright colors.
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acemdzsfan · 4 months
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acemdzsfan · 5 months
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acemdzsfan · 5 months
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Can you tell I like to project my phobias onto my favorite characters? >:p
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acemdzsfan · 5 months
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acemdzsfan · 5 months
Yarn Grammy
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acemdzsfan · 1 month
Janine pt. 3
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