#Christmas Carol AU
sketchquill · 6 months
I'm thinking that Julie should be the Ghost of Christmas past
here's what I'm thinking
She could but I like alice-angel12x’s idea of having Sally as the Ghost of Christmas Past a lot more and think she fits perfectly in that role ^^
BUT I also loved the idea of having Julie as the Ghost of Christmas Past I decided to draw her as if she was for fun! I ended up making three designs though lmao 🤣
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alice-angel12x · 5 months
WH Christmas Carol pt. 5
@sketchquill and Everyone pt.3
<- pt.4,
Sadly this Au will be shelved till next Christmas. So too be continued next time.
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Video pt.1
Comic dub pt 2 Here
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corazon-celeste-au · 6 months
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Merry Christmas to everyone, this is fanart
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Recently I imagined up a Christmas Carol Cycle AU, ‘tis the season and all that, where Joey is Scrooge being haunted by spirits resembling his old co-workers (most of whom are dead, probably)
What better way to celebrate then ghosts tormenting an old man.
(rambling about the AU below the cut)
The basic premise is the idea that this story, Joey’s Christmas Carol, is a cycle much like the story theory in BATIM’s main story. Joey is haunted by the ghost of Nathan Arch (Jacob Marely) the night before Christmas, who warns him he will be visited by three spirits to straighten his act up, or else a fate worse then death would be gunning for him.
Ghost of Christmas Past takes the form of a slightly younger Henry, though a bit more flame-y then usual. He shows Joey his childhood, his youth spent with Henry up until their eventual parting once Joey starts getting a little too focused on the studio, then his personal relationship with Henry and others. Business and personal relationships don’t mix.
Later, he’s awoken to Christmas Present, taking the form of Susie Campbell as a form of angel. Seemingly perfect, she leads him around New York City to see all the sights, one of which includes his daughter Audrey at a Christmas party with friends, of which Joey refused to go to. Susie explains as he sat there, his relationship with his daughter weakened every minute. And, likely asks him what she would think if she found out about the business he and GENT had a hand in? (During the second half of her visit, her form begins shifting and contorting more into that beloved Malice Angel face we all love)
Later and near the end of the night, Christmas Yet to Come visits- shrouded and silent, he only pointed to and pushed Joey around New York as he has to watch people gossip about someone who had died recently. The apartment was robbed of literally everything. Eventually he is directed to lift the cloth off of a dead body, of which he refuses to do. He’s then shown Audrey in her apartment, with a very familiar book. Audrey was writing a parody of Christmas Carol, the day after Christmas. It would be revealed it’s a Cycle, and the whole night repeats once again when Joey withers away in his sleep, forever stubborn.
I don’t really have the time anymore to basically read and re-write all of Christmas Carol for this AU, but I thought it was too neat of an AU not to do some doodles for, and a line up! As well, you could also argue Sammy is as well sharing place with the Ink Demon as role of Christmas Future, given the grim reaper thing going on. I just wanted to make one of the ghosts more krampus-y/monstrous so here we are~
Bonus; The spots of the children Christmas Present shows Scrooge, Ignorance and Want, are likely filled by Buddy and Heidi.
As well, it was a tie between Nathan and Bertrum being Jacob Marley, but I wound up choosing the former because Bertrum would rather die twice then help out Joey Drew.
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nobodysdaydreams · 6 months
The Mysterious Benedict Society Christmas Carol AU
(I was gonna wait until December to post this, but Gogh and they were interested, and I have zero impulse control so here we go!)
I wanted to make something for my TMBS mutuals this wonderful holiday season, and I never get tired of Christmas Carol adaptations. Dickins knew what he was doing when he wrote that one. There's just nothing that gives me that warm, wholesome, special holiday feeling more than the idea of finding a cruel selfish person and putting the fear of God and compassion for mankind into their heart by haunting them with their own sins and terrifying the living daylights out of them.
So I figured, why shouldn't Curtain get his turn too?
For @sophieswundergarten and @myfairkatiecat based on your wonderful vision (I’m sorry I know I promised you this in like…August. But better late than never). And for @itsgoghtime so that we can scream about it together!
Trigger warning for multiple character deaths (don't worry it's all good at the end part though).
Obviously Scrooge is none other than Curtain/Nathaniel Benedict himself. The other roles are generally shared between characters.
This takes place in between season 1 and 2. The extended Benedict family is celebrating Christmas together, but Nicholas has trouble getting into the spirit of the season, because the holidays have never felt the same without Nathaniel. But then it occurs to Nicholas that now that he knows where his brother is, he can invite him to Christmas this year (though there still is the small problem of them being enemies and the fact that his friends might not approve of it).
So, Nicholas, after sleuthing out his brother’s address in Italy, decides to secretly write him a letter inviting him to their Christmas party, explaining that he forgives Nathaniel, is sorry he didn’t come back when they were children, and that he sincerely misses his brother and wants him to be part of his family again (so I guess for the purpose of matching characters, Nicholas has the role of Fred in this instance).
Meanwhile, back at the compound, Garrison (who has the role of Bob Cratchit, at least for now), has a huge fight with Curtain over the happiness technique, and in typical Curtain fashion, he rudely insists on doing it his way and verbally abuses Garrison. SQ overhears his father yelling at her but doesn’t say anything.
Later, Jackson and Jillson come to Curtain with some concerns about the way Marlon had been doing things at the compound. They ask Curtain what they’ll be doing for Christmas this year, and suggest doing something for charity in order to promote the work they’re doing. Curtain replies that the work they are doing is inherently charitable, and that they don’t have the time to waste celebrating Christmas. He then orders a disappointed Jackson and Jillson to get back to work.
As Jackson and Jillson leave, they drop a letter on Curtain’s desk, which was delivered to the compound that morning. It’s Nicholas’ invitation. Curtain, believing it to be a pathetic attempt to get him to surrender by appealing to his nostalgia and sentimentality, scoffs at the letter as SQ enters the office and asks his dad who sent them a Christmas card. Curtain replies that it’s junk mail and throws the letter in the trash.
SQ then nervously asks his father why they aren’t celebrating Christmas this year. Curtain replies that he understands this is a disappointment, but explains that he can’t afford to relax when his brother (Nicholas) is spreading lies about them. However, he tells SQ that he got him some lovely art supplies to make up for it, and promises that they’ll have a lovely celebration next year. SQ is visibly disappointed, but tries his best to sound grateful and wishes his dad a Merry Christmas before going back to his room.
Meanwhile, Curtain, who is still upset about the holiday (which he views as a waste of time) and Nicholas’ letter, angrily settles in for a night of hard work.
And that’s when the haunting begins.
For this AU, Jacob Marley is the ghost of SQ's dad, since he's dead, and he and Curtain worked together. But in this version, he isn't a chained up ghost (because he wasn't a bad person in life), but he is still a sad ghost. He asks Curtain why he's trying to control the world and begs him to change his ways. Curtain is startled, but believing the ghost to be a hallucination, insists that what he's doing is best for their son and best for the world. When SQ's bio dad's ghost challenges him on this, Curtain slowly begins to accept that he might be real, but grows tired of being criticized and says that this is what he had to do to survive and move on after SQ’s bio parent’s deaths. SQ's bio dad sadly replies Curtain has one last chance to change, but that he will be haunted by three spirits. He then disappears, and Curtain believes it to be a dream.
He dozes off and awakens later to see what he believes to be his brother Nicholas surrounded by a glowing light. But not Nicholas as he knows him, but the child version of his brother, who introduces himself as the ghost of Christmas past. Curtain reluctantly follows the ghost, who leads him through memories of Nathaniel celebrating Christmas with Nicholas. Even though they didn't have much at the orphanage (and heck, they don’t even know if their birth family even celebrated Christmas or any holiday at all), they always did their best to give each other nice gifts and make the holiday their own. The ghost reminds Curtain that this was something he looked forward to every year, and suggests that Curtain misses spending the holidays with his brother. Curtain scoffs and dismisses the warm feelings, stating coldly that Nicholas never really loved or appreciated him (though he doesn't quite look like he believes what he's saying and a part of him wishes it wasn't true).
The little ghost seems very sad to hear Curtain's words, but reluctantly takes him to his next memory, which is of Curtain celebrating Christmas with Garrison, Milligan, and SQ's birth parents back when they were his employees and Curtain wasn't as evil or uptight as he is now. Milligan (who I guess is a stand in for Fezziwig in this AU), is the one who insists that they have a celebration and break from their work, and they all have fun together. Curtain, for a moment, gets swept up in the good feelings. The ghost notes that Curtain never does anything like this for his current employees, which Curtain dismisses by saying that things are different now, and they'll have time for celebrations later, after they've won.
The ghost then points out SQ's birth parents and reminds Curtain that this was the last Christmas they spent together before they died. Curtain tries to talk to them, and ask SQ's birth father why he appeared in his bedroom earlier, but the ghost tells him that these are only memories, shadows of what was. No one here can hear them, and Curtain can't interact with any of them.
They continue to watch SQ's birth parents, and Curtain, in a moment of sentimentality, does admit that they were good friends and good people. The ghost says it's a pity they died without having children, and Curtain corrects him by saying that they did have a child. The ghost remarks that Curtain is right: they had his son SQ (so I guess SQ's birth parents and SQ are also stand ins for Fred and Fran).
Curtain then sees a memory of him spending one of his first Christmases with baby SQ, right after his birth parents die. He promises his son that even though his parents are gone, he’ll make sure that he always feels loved and knows that he has a father who loves him. The ghost then asks if SQ enjoys Christmas parties as much as his birth parents. Curtain is too ashamed to talk about it, and mutters that it's unimportant.
Now, if you want to make this an exact Christmas Carol AU, I could also insert a scene here of Garrison friend zoning Curtain and asking him to keep their relationship professional after SQ's birth parents die and she watches Curtain slowly turn into a worse and worse person. This would parallel Scrooge getting rejected by Belle and feed into the Garrison and Curtain divorce drama agenda™️, but it's take it or leave it.
Either way, at this point, the emotions of the memories lead Curtain to the verge of a narcoleptic attack, which he dismisses by declaring that the past doesn't matter and he doesn't care about it. He tries to snuff out the ghost's light, but that only makes it glow even more, as it's face transforms into the faces of Curtain's old friends and family and the scene changes between the different memories shown to Curtain. In frustration, Curtain throws an blanket over the ghost when they are back in his bedroom and the ghost disappears.
And of course, now that Curtain finds himself back in his bedroom in the present, who does he find but the ghost of Christmas present. The ghost again looks like Nicholas, but different somehow, in a way Curtain can't quite explain. The ghost does look joyful and at peace, which is very much a Nicholas way of being, but also very professional, and he's dressed more the way Curtain usually dresses, just in Christmas colors instead of the usual blue.
The ghost takes him to Nicholas' house, where Curtain sees Nicholas and his family celebrating Christmas. The children are playing a guessing game (like Fred's friends in the original story), and Constance asks them to guess something that's exactly like Mr. Benedict, but awful in every way, immature, sad, and dumb. Everyone is confused as to how something that resembles Mr. Benedict could possibly be so awful, but then Reynie realizes the answer is Curtain, and everyone laughs (though Nicholas looks a bit sad).
Curtain is insulted and tells the children off for being rude, only for the ghost to remind him that they can't hear him. Curtain watches the party for a bit, at first insisting that it's stupid and he wouldn't have wanted to come anyway, but he slowly beings to participate in the games (getting especially frustrated when people have trouble guessing obvious answers), and actually enjoys himself. When the ghost points it out to him, Curtain has a moment where he realizes, to his shame, that this is always what he's wanted: Christmas with a family. But he rejects the thought as soon as it comes.
Then he notices Kate struggling with the injuries she received from his men at the Institute, and notices the worry on Milligan and Nicholas' faces (She's Tiny Tim in this AU). He asks the ghost if Kate will be okay, and the ghost replies that Kate is more injured then she's letting on, and warns Curtain that she'll put on a brave face if it means stopping him and protecting her family, even if it means injuring herself more permanently. Curtain accuses the ghost of blaming him for Kate's condition, and the ghost replies that he's merely answering Curtain's question. Curtain scoffs and says that this is stupid anyway. He has his own family and doesn't need or care about Nicholas'.
The ghost nods and takes him back to the compound, where he sees Jackson and Jillson celebrating Christmas by frantically trying to get everything together for Curtain as Marlon yells at them to work faster. The ghost comments that Marlon seems to have a very different attitude towards his underlings on Christmas than Milligan did, and asks Curtain whether he thinks this is an improvement to the work environment. Curtain replies that unlike Milligan, Marlon is loyal, and that's something to be valued. The ghost observes that Jackson and Jillson certainly seem loyal too. Curtain overhears how miserable Jackson and Jillson are, and that they don't really care about Marlon, but they follow his orders because they don't want to disappoint Dr. Curtain. Jackson and Jillson both reveal that they look up to Curtain and genuinely want to do a good job for him. They also wonder whether Dr. Curtain is proud of them or appreciates their work. Curtain realizes that he's never once thanked either of them.
He then sees SQ on Christmas, surrounded by all the fancy art supplies that Curtain gets him every year. SQ talks to an old photo of his birth parents and comments that this is nice, and he doesn't want to see ungrateful, but he wishes that he had friends and family to celebrate Christmas with, and that his dad wasn't always so busy. Although he knows his son can't hear him, Curtain says aloud that he didn't realize that this was making his son so miserable, and promises that once his plans come to fruition, they are going to have many wonderful Christmases together. SQ doesn't hear him or respond, he just sighs, puts the photo away, and goes to bed.
The ghost then tells Curtain they have one last person to see: Garrison (who is also a version of Bob Cratchit in this, I guess she and Milligan sort of share the role).
Curtain watches Garrison get out of bed and sneak out of the compound. He's surprised she found a way to do that, but follows her down the street. She walks past a church with a bulletin board outside and stares at it for a few minutes, as if debating what to do. When people begin showing up for the Christmas mass, she sighs and quickly continues down the street before anyone gets the chance to talk to her. Confused, Curtain looks at the bulletin board and realizes the church is also a space used for alcoholics anonymous meetings. Garrison continues down the street until she comes to an crossroads, one of which leads to the train station, the other leads to a local bar. Garrison stares at the train station for a long time, trembling and shivering, before she decides to go the bar instead. Curtain watches her down several drinks before stumbling into the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror and muttering that she's a pathetic coward for not being strong enough to leave or ask for help. Curtain tries to tell her this isn't true, but the ghost reminds him that she can't hear him. Curtain comments that this doesn't make sense, since he thought Garrison had succeeded in staying sober. He and the ghost listen to Garrison declare that she deserves all the terrible things the alcohol is doing to her and that Curtain deserves this too, because he drove her to this. The ghost sadly explains that Garrison took up drinking again after Curtain started using her happiness on people.
Curtain, frustrated at being "blamed for all of this" angrily insists that if he'd know this was a problem, he'd have done something to help. He follows Garrison outside, trying to get her attention as she stumbles outside into the snow, shivering and shaking all the way back to the compound. The ghost follows too, telling Curtain that his time is almost up. The ghost looks noticeably older by now, and in fact has been slowly aging this entire time, but Curtain ignores this and tries to run after Garrison, but the snow starts falling faster, swirling all around him, and Garrison disappears in the dark and snow. Church bells start chiming. The ghost informs Curtain that his time is up. The ghost of Christmas present disappears and Curtain finds himself alone on a dark street, and the swirling snow around him has now vanished.
He turns and sees a figure covered in a black robe hobbling out of the darkness. Curtain asks if he is the ghost of Christmas future. The ghost doesn't answer, he merely nods and beckons Curtain to follow him.
The first place he goes is an insane asylum. In it he finds Garrison, and overhears her caretakers talking about how she really got a bad deal working for that "horrible man". It's implied that Nicholas defeated Curtain, and in the aftermath, Garrison's history of substance abuse and mental illness got her declared insane, so instead of sending her to prison, she was placed here. She looks completely miserable and has a dead and far off look in her eyes, and doesn't really speak at all. She only whispers "it's my fault" over and over again. Disturbed, Curtain whisperers to her that he'll make sure this doesn't happen, but she doesn't seem able to hear him, and Curtain is really creeped out by her staring and wonders what could have happened to make her like this.
Curtain then finds himself in an old and dirty factory, where he finds Jackson working alone. It's revealed that since Jackson and Jillson were legally over 18, they went to trial as adults. Nicholas did his best to keep them from prison, but the courts forcibly separated them, and since neither have very good job skills and both have criminal records, they each work in factories in different parts of the country, where they are exploited and forced to work in horrible conditions for very low wages. They both dream of saving enough money to be able to find each other again, but Curtain can tell that neither of them could possibly save enough for that. He calls what happened to them cruel and blames Nicholas for it, since this is apparently the result of Nicholas defeating him. He demands to be taken to the Benedict residence.
The ghost still doesn't speak, but complies. Curtain finds the Benedicts (and friends) celebrating Christmas, but they are not as happy as before. Milligan and Kate are notably absent. The mood is extremely somber. Curtain is confused, saying that they won, so they should be happy. He then overhears Nicholas privately tell Number Two and Rhonda that he wishes he could have been allowed custody of SQ after Curtain went to prison and done more to help him, to which Curtain yells that Nicholas ought to stay far away from his family. Nicholas doesn't hear him, and the subject of Nicholas visiting Curtain in prison comes up. Apparently, Nicholas has not gone to see Curtain once. Nicholas feels guilty about this, but also says it's going to be hard to face his brother after everything he took from them. Nicholas then sighs and admits that his friends were right: the brother he knew really is gone for good.
Nicholas gets emotional and leaves to have a moment alone. Curtain goes after him, yelling after him that Nicholas is one to talk considering the brother he remembers was one he was so eager to leave behind. Although he can't hear him, Nicholas breaks down into tears the second he's alone, admitting to himself that he knows he's the reason Nathaniel is gone forever, he's the reason there's only Curtain now. Curtain then realizes that this is the first time he’s heard Nicholas call him "Curtain" instead of "Nathaniel" and is disturbed by it, wondering what prompting Nicholas to starting calling him by that name.
Curtain then addresses the ghost, asking him what the meaning of this is. Why is Nicholas acting like this when he's the one who won? What could he possibly be so upset about now, he already knows Curtain is his brother? The ghost takes him to a graveyard where he sees Milligan sitting by a grave stone that's surrounded by flowers, cards, and candles.
Milligan apologizes to the grave stone, saying that he should have been more vigilant, that he should have prevented "her" from facing off against such a dangerous enemy all alone while recovering from an injury. But he then adds that he knows she did it because she cared about her friends and wanted to save them, without ever thinking of herself. Milligan then tearfully apologizes for losing her again so soon and declares that even though they only had a short time together, he was proud to have her as his daughter. He then says "Merry Christmas Katie-Cat" before sadly leaving the graveyard.
Curtain is shocked to find that Kate is dead and from hearing the comments of some passersby as they watch Milligan (looking like a shell of his former self) leave the graveyard, learns to his horror that in this future, Kate fought through her injuries and tried to fight some of Curtain's men alone, an action that resulted in her accidental death when she slipped off a ledge. The people at the graveyard shake their heads and comment how sad they feel for poor Milligan. They also express their disgust at how awful and terrible Curtain is, saying that prison time is still too merciful of a sentence for such a terrible crime against such a brave and selfless child.
Curtain is suddenly back in the Benedict residence and hears Number Two comment that it's a shame Mr. Benedict still blames himself when his brother is the one who is a murderer. The others agree.
The ghost raises his hand again, as if about to show Curtain another scene from his future, when Curtain grabs his arm to stop him, insisting that he's not a murderer, and that he never intended for this. In a moment of panic and desperation, he insists that the only reason the future is like this is because Nicholas and his friends won. In a world where he won, none of this would have happened! Curtain demands that the ghost show him that future, the better future, the one where he won instead. The ghost complies.
Curtain declares that in this future, everyone will be happy and better off, and at first, this does seem to be true. Instead of insulting, mocking, and belittling him, everyone on the streets cheerfully discusses how wonderful Curtain is. He's considered a hero and visionary. Curtain is pleased by this. He then sees Jackson and Jillson, smiling and agreeing with the other passersby. However, the second they are alone, Jackson and Jillson drop there fake smiles and start sobbing with guilt about what's going to happen to these people being all their fault, and they express regret at having ever followed Curtain and their role in helping destroy the world. Curtain is confused, and askes the ghost what they could possibly be talking about when everyone else seems so happy.
The ghost then takes him to the compound to show Curtain what has become of his followers, Nicholas, and the society. Curtain is relieved to see them all alive and well, but slowly realizes they they aren't moving. As he explores the compound, he discovers that this is the fate of everyone here, Nicholas and the children included, and a consequence of the happiness technique that's spreading out of control across the world. He starts to panic, thinking of what he can do to stop this, and then realizes that Garrison would know what to do. He demands the ghost take him to Garrison immediately.
The ghost takes Curtain back to the same graveyard from earlier. Curtain is upset, saying that he saw that Kate was alive (but frozen with the others) in this future, and insists that she and the others will be fine as soon as he finds Garrison and asks her how to reverse whatever is happening. The ghost merely points to a gravestone, which has Garrison's name on it now instead of Kate’s, and is barren and empty compared to how Kate's grave looked before with all the cards and flowers. A newspaper flutters past Curtain's feet, revealing that after seeing what her happiness was doing to the world, Garrison blamed herself and drank herself to death out of guilt. Frustrated, Curtain yells at the ghost to stop showing him all these horrible things, but the ghost does not reply.
Curtain, growing increasingly frustrated, says this isn't what he wants either, and the ghost finally speaks, and asks Curtain what sort of future he does want if he is so unsatisfied with futures where he wins and loses. Curtain breaks down and finally fully admits the truth (both to the ghost and to himself) and confesses that he wants what he's always wanted since the orphanage: a future where he can be happy with his family on Christmas.
The ghost tells Curtain that his family is the one thing that remains the same in both futures.
Curtain finds himself standing in front of an unfamiliar, but nice looking house. After peering through the windows, he sees a family that seems to be celebrating Christmas, or some sort of holiday together. A first, Curtain is confused. This isn’t his family, so why would the ghost bring him here? But still, he knocks on the door, and finds to his surprise that this time his hands are solid, and he can actually knock on it. A young teenager that looks like SQ answers the door, and to Curtain's surprise, the boy can actually see him. Curtain tentatively asks if the boy is SQ, and the boy shakes his head and calls for his father. Curtain then realizes he is at the home of future SQ and the people inside the house are his son's friends and children (Curtain's grandchildren).
When grown up SQ comes to the door, he is upset by the sight of his dad and protectively tells his children and family to go back inside and let him handle this. Curtain asks SQ to let him come in, so that he can meet his grandchildren and have a chance to be in his son's life again, but SQ angrily refuses and declares that he won’t let his father hurt his family anymore. Curtain begs him for a second chance, but SQ tells him that he threw that opportunity away a long time ago. SQ also tells Curtain that he'll do anything to protect his family, and threatens to contact the authorities if he ever comes to their house again.
After the door is closed in Curtain's face, the ghost of Christmas future restates that this is the one thing that remains the same in both futures.
In the future where Curtain won, he was unable to bring himself to use the happiness technique on SQ after seeing what it did to Nicholas, and SQ, horrified by what his father had done to control the world, spends the rest of his life running away and establishing a new identity and life so he could be free of his father. When Curtain eventually tracks down his son, he is turned away and SQ threatens to hurt his own father if he ever dares approach his family again, for fear his will use the happiness on him or his children.
In the future where Curtain lost, he eventually gets paroled out of prison decades later as a very old man and goes to find his son, only to be turned away in a similar manner because of what he did to Kate after being informed that SQ has a restraining order against him.
Curtain, in tears, yells at the ghost and demands to know who he is and why he is doing this to him. The ghost lowers his hood to reveal the face of future Curtain as an old man, and Curtain finally realizes that the ghosts he was seeing weren't alternate versions of Nicholas at all, but distorted reflections of himself. The ghost of who he was, the ghost of who he could be, and the ghost of who he will become. Curtain gasps and stumbles back. As he does so, he catches a glimpse of his face in the window and realizes that he now looks old too. He turns back to the ghost, only to find that the ghost has disappeared, and this is his life now.
He starts to panicking and running the streets, looking for someone who can help him, but his visions of the two futures begin merging together and everywhere he turns he either sees unsettling groups of people under his happiness technique staring at him with creepy frozen smiles, unable to move, or people jeering, spitting at him, and shoving him as they call him a criminal and a murderer.
Finally, Curtain starts breaking down in tears, begging God, the universe, or anyone who is listening for a chance to go back and change things. Then his narcolepsy takes control and he falls asleep.
When he wakes up, he runs through the compound and grabs Jackson by the shoulders asking him what day it is. Jackson replies that it's Christmas (and Jillson, who of course is next to him adds "December 25th to be precise"). Nathaniel is so relieved and overjoyed, and hugs them both, which confuses Jackson and Jillson. Nathaniel immediately orders them to prepare to attend a Christmas party and gives them a list of presents to buy. Jackson and Jillson are confused, but happy with their new assignments.
Nathaniel then finds Garrison trying to escape the compound. Because Nathaniel is still the insane dramatic theater kid that he is, he does the fake out thing Scrooge does to Bob where he yells at her and backs her into a corner. Garrison cowers in fear, only for Nathaniel to hug her and promise her that he's going to raise her pay, publicly declare her innocent, get her help for her alcoholism, and put her in charge of their entire operation just before he confesses to his crimes and goes to prison after celebrating Christmas with his family.
Garrison, believing him to have gone insane, asks if he tried to use the technique on himself or if he's having a mental breakdown, but after a thorough examination, realizes to her surprise that he is being sincere. Nathaniel begs her to join him for Christmas, and with no where else to go, and too shocked to come up with any excuse, she agrees.
Nathaniel then grabs all of the employment records, addresses, and information he has on the Wetheralls before Milligan's brain sweeping (with generous financial compensation) and sends it to their house (similar to how Scrooge sent the turkey to Bob Crathcit's house).
He then finds SQ and declares that he was wrong about Christmas, family, and everything, and begs him for a second chance. SQ is surprised to see his father actually apologizing to him that he agrees, even as Nathaniel starts telling him the truth about his narcolepsy, his evil plans, Nicholas, everything. It's a lot for SQ to take in, but he's happy his dad is coming clean and being honest with him, as shocking as it might be. He's also pleasantly surprised to see his dad seems genuinely happy.
Nathaniel then takes SQ, Garrison, and Jackson and Jillson with him to Nicholas’ Christmas Party ("But Bods, aren't the Benedicts in America and the compound is in Italy, do they teleport now?" "Nathaniel has private jets now." "Uh... okay, but it would still take hours-" "Don't question the magic of Christmas").
Nicholas' friends start threatening Nathaniel immediately, assuming he's there to ruin Christmas and do something horrible, but are surprised to see that Nathaniel brought gifts for all of them (surprisingly well thought out gifts too). Nathaniel introduces the others and asks Nicholas if it’s not too late to reconsider his offer and celebrate Christmas with them. Nicholas replies that it’s never too late.
Of course when all is said and done, Nathaniel serves a nice looonnnngggg community service sentence, but he's back with his family, he's good now, and all is well with the world.
*Cut to a scene of the ghosts of SQ's bio parents smiling at Nathaniel before they disappear*
I hope you guys like this!
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saw2goth · 4 months
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Figured I'd post him here too. Second Body Snatcher/Christmas Carol AU only this time Wolfe doesn't get redeemed in life and well :] He should have more chains and they should be longer but I have yet to make a chain tool so he's simplified for now.
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shadow-von-vamp · 6 months
going back to my eggman christmas carol au and just adding the note that at the end of it he acts more like boom!eggman and doing nothing else
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pridepages · 6 months
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Thanks @heybuddy-drabbles for the tag.
Here are a few sentences from today's writing sprint on the festive fic...
“This how you get your undead kicks?” Alex snarks. “What—rattling chains and slamming doors lose their thrill after a few decades?”
The ghost—Henry—raises a (frankly, judgy) eyebrow. “No,” he says coolly. He lifts his chin and declares, “I’m here to help.”
It’s only missing stirring music in the background for peak dramatic effect.
Alex laughs. “Go fuck yourself."
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thebunnyslibrary · 6 months
Ficmas Week One: A Loki Christmas Carol
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Date Originally Published: December 6, 2019 - December 24, 2019
Multi/One Shot: Multi, 5 Chapters, 8.8k words
Summary: In this rendition of Christmas Carol, Loki portrays Ebeneezer Scrooge, with his faithful clerk ~~Bob Cratchit~~ Tony Stark. When his partner from beyond the grave to warn him of a terrible fate, a Marvelous cast of spirits will show Loki the error of his ways.
Posting Location(s): AO3
About This Fic: The original summary i wrote when I posted this was had this incredible idea to see Tom Hiddleston as Ebenezer Scrooge And I still agree! I think Tom could EASILY play either Scrooge or Cratchit or even one of the phantoms!
A Christmas Carol is one of my favourite Christmas stories ofall time. Whether it be with Muppets, Patrick Stewart, or Daffy Duck! (Yes, it's real and it's amazing) Not to mention it's public domain! :D
I cast the Avengers all very carefully in this fic and had a TON of fun with it. It's a few years old now, I wrote it just before the pandemic but I still re-read this fic, along with the real story, every Christmas :)
It was also reviewed in a podcast! @the-shipping-forecasters reviewed this fic for this episode of their show! (starts at 33:30)
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We're coming up on the "holiday themed fics" season, and I was wondering if you or your followers might know of any Sherlock Holmes (any adaptation)/It's A Wonderful Life, or Sherlock Holmes/Christmas Carol crossovers or mash-ups. I'm a sucker for those formats (no preference for either Holmes or Watson filling the "main character" role), I've read a few, and loved them. I'm hoping there are more out there. THANK YOU in advance!
Hey Nonny!
Ahh, I only know of this one, but I haven't read it:
You Don't Need Wings to Fly by Laiquilasse(T, 11,326 w., 11 Ch. || Wonderful Life AU || Bullying, Angels, Suicidal Ideation, Christmas) – John, an angel, is sent from Heaven to help a desperate Sherlock Holmes by showing him what life would have been like if he had never existed.
I'm sure there's a Christmas Carol adaptation as well, but I've not been recced it, LOL.
Anyone able to help us out with some more??
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uppastthejelliclemoon · 7 months
I wanna hear your Christmas carol au idea, Bestie!
Bustopher as Scrooge
Mistoffelees and Victoria as Fred
Alonzo as Bob Cratchit
Pouncival as Tiny Tim
Gus Sr. as Jacob Marley
Jennyanydots as Belle
Jellylorum as Christmas Past
Munkustrap as Christmas Present
Macavity as Christmas Yet to Come
Amunet as Fan
so in this AU, Fred (Scrooge's nephew) is split into Mistoffelees and Victoria's characters. The story is essentially the same, but the characterizations shift just slightly.
also the idea of Munkustrap as Christmas Present and Macavity as Christmas Yet to Come is based around most versions of the story having the former sort of shift and melt into the latter, and i'm a sucker for Munk and Mac parallels so yeah
and obviously Jenny as Belle was a no-brainer, and ofc the man she ends up with instead of Bustopher is Skimbleshanks (i honestly am flip-flopping between putting Munk as Bob JUST to have the angst of Bustopher meeting Demeter for the first time and seeing the spitting image of his former fiance married to his employee who he's treating so horribly...)
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Christmas Carol AU where for years after her fifth birthday Mirabel was slowly kinda pushed away from celebrations and ceremonies. Her birthday was regularly forgotten and on Christmas she would be the one to get the least amount of presents during the small amount of time that the family had to celebrate together.
Alma thought it was fine, there were more things to focus on. Until one Christmas she's visited by the ghosts of Christmas Past Present and Future who for fun sake take on the forms of the triplets so as not to scare her two bad but also make the lessons more personal.
Julieta is the ghost of past as she heals past wounds, Pepa is ghost of the present and Bruno is the ghost of the future
Dang she really bout to get some eye openers huh 🥱 nah but fr. This is actually really cool. Alma probably doesn't even believe it at first, but the further through time she goes the more she starts to see 😭 And shown by her own children too??? Yeah she's got a thing or two coming 💀
Also when would it take place??? I imagine probably a little after Antonio is born, or maybe before, because that would prove for more future stuff. Not sure what do you think <\33
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alice-angel12x · 6 months
WH Christmas Carol Au Pt.3
@sketchquill and Everyone pt.3
&lt;-Pt.2, Pt.4 ->
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theshippirate22 · 6 months
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“You need us to look after you and we will. We are,” Nina murmured. “But your mind can’t keep us here long. So we’ll send you some others.”
“What the fuck are you two talking about?” Crowley whined, rubbing his face exhaustedly.
“You’ll be visited by three spirits,” she continued. “Christmas Past, Present, and Future.”
“And… and what? These spirits? I suppose they’ll teach me the true meaning of Christmas or something?”
“Or something.”
“Expect the first at midnight,” Maggie whispered, stroking his hair endearingly.
“It’s… it’s far past midnight…”
“Shh,” Maggie crooned. “It’s just a dream, love. Don’t think too hard about it.”
(Or Crowley’s Christmas Without Aziraphale in which he delivers the Christ Child, takes Muriel ice skating, and has a proper holiday-induced-depression-nap)
Coming Soon
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a-living-cartoon · 6 months
Hear me out “A Charlie Brown Christmas Carol”
Charlie Brown: Scrooge (he isn’t mean like Scrooge, he just doesn’t feel like he’s wanted by anyone and gives up on Christmas)
Lucy: Jacob Marley
Linus: Ghost if Christmas Past
Franklin: Ghost of Christmas Present
Snoopy: Ghost of Christmas Future
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In the Christmas Carol AU I’ve decided Bramblestar and Squirrelflight would’ve finally split up a year before the story. This would allow us to include The Love is Gone from the deleted scene as well as contribute to Bramblestar’s cruel behaviour and how the cats in the clan view him. I imagine the breakup came after quite the explosive argument where Bramblestar got REALLY nasty to the point some cats felt the need to intervene, and in a quieter moment that night Squirrelflight would catch him where he’d sulked off outside of camp and firmly break it off with him. While Bramblestar is devastated knowing him he doesn’t take long to go from sulking to cruelty. He’d be extra critical to Squirrelflight as a deputy, SH levels of micromanagement, undermining and general nastiness. You can tell he’s basically waiting for her to slip up just enough for him to kick her out of her position altogether. However without Squirrelflight tolerating his cruelty nearly as much and with him generally being more bitter as a result he has become substantially meaner to every other cat, he’s effectively pushed away his entire family and everyone thereafter. This contributes to the way everyone views him as like Scrooge in the story along with the disillusionment with his behaviour and the infallibility of leaders in general after Ashfur.
Lionblaze would play the role of Fred (the nephew) from the OG, he comes across as the cat who’d tolerate Bramblestar the most IMO with Lionblaze’s own increased aggression with age while also still being a bit of a beefhead, still slightly holding onto his idolisation of him from his kit/apprentice age but aware of how he is enough to poke fun at him in Who Am I.
I’ve also decided the Marley’s will just be Tigerstar and Hawkfrost second death be damned. This could all be a dream for all we know and also it’s a Muppets Christmas Carol AU none of this is canon compliant in the slightest. I like the image of Hawkfrost always smiling and Tigerstar always scowling even when laughing as a sort of design parallel to the two theatre masks 🎭 <- these things.
Sorry for the long ask I have A Lot of thoughts I love this AU.
This is excellent I love this
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