#Children of Cain
boysr4breaking · 2 months
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always struggling between complete disgust for men or disgustingly infatuated with the male species. god what’s wrong with me ?
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when i see cain and abel content i start gnawing at the bars of my enclosure and shaking it and screaming and sobbing because “am i my brothers keeper?” is so UGH
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It's Friday the 13th and you all wanted to see more folk magic alongside Lolita and Cosplay so let's talk about lucky charms:
I tend to bounce between things I can hold in my pockets or bags, things I wear, and things I do before I leave the house. You will almost always see me wearing my evil eye bracelet that I made myself, and the iron coffin charm stays in my bag. Iron wards a few different things away in my practice and I mostly carry it as a charm of protection. The copper moon coin makes not only a great fidget but I use it to draw in positive energies the way the moon draws the tides. The Good Luck pin and Clover pin were gifts from different people, with the Clover pin coming from the same dear friend who gifted me the 4 leaf Clover I keep in my wallet.
I only wear the pendelum necklace on Fridays as a talisman to a pact I made to ease scarcity out of my life (more on that later). The Hex breaker is kinda a break only in an emergency, consider it an immediate cleansing. I dress myself with the oil and juniper smoke before I leave when I need an extra layer of protection and often where a bandana like the one I'm using as a background as a final barrier between me and the world, especially when doing anything with charms or workings. I do consider Friday the 13th as a weird day, so I like to play heavy handed with my charms compared to my daily practice where I tend to maybe keep one or 2 things on my person.
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kk1ttykat · 1 year
honestly preachers daughter rant real quick.
house in Nebraska is such a important track and when u dig into it Willoughby is such a important character because canonicaly ethel is a trans woman and judging by the lyrics he was maybe the only person or atleast one of the first people who she was out too and told Willoughby she was a woman and he LOVED HER he didn't use her for her body or saw her as less but he LOVED HER the best he could and called her his woman, i personally believe he left to protect her in some way but its just important to me as a trans woman that she had someone who loved her for the woman she is especially in the 90s in the American south and that makes her death even more tragic.
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daisy-spot · 5 months
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Ptolemaea - Ethel Cain // Hijos de Caín - Barón Rojo
Cain's children (musical theme)
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mylifeingotham · 3 months
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kieran-granola · 5 months
Let's-give-Bruce-a-heart-attack plan, in which all the Bats team up to get their identities "exposed"
As in, they go out in civvies with suits underneath their clothes, Clark Kent-style, except all of the suits are obviously wrong.
Tim gets exposed as Spoiler. Jason is spotted changing into Black Bat's uniform. Cass blinks innocently when someone points out the Robin top peeking out from underneath her clothes. Damian gets recorded, voice deadpan in a Batman suit size 14 yo like, "It's hard work being the Protector of Gotham, especially for as long as I've been doing it, but someone has to be there for the people."
Bruce is in Hell.
And he doesn't know what he's done to deserve this, but thankfully, he has an idea to get them to stop.
...Turns out Wonder Woman's skirt and boots make his calves look fantastic.
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biancabi · 7 months
Bruce: *Watching the news* -a group of two adults, four teenagers and a child were seen wreaking havoc and destruction in-
Bruce: *Feeling a headache coming* Please don't say Gotham, please don't say Gotham. Please don't say they are children, please don't say they are my children
News: -Central city authorities have not yet discovered their identities but are working for-
Bruce: *Completely relieved* Not my circus, not my monkeys.
*Batkids appearing at the bottom of the screen*
Tim: Okay, I don't want to scare anyone but there is an 80% chance this thing will explode.
Dick: Considering everything we did today, this actually seems pretty minor to me.
Jason: Only 80%? Did you hear that, NOT TODAY, SATAN!!
Damian: *Talking on the phone before hanging up and turning to Jason* Satan says he's very offended and would never bother dealing with people like you, Todd.
Duke: I have some questions about the monster trucks we sunk.
Steph: You're talking about the monster trucks we sunk in Gotham harbor? or the monster trucks we crashed in Metropolis?
Duke: I don't remember crashing monster trucks in Metropolis.
Tim: Of course not, you were too busy trying to stop the fire you started a few streets down.
Duke: Oh yes, I remember that. My mistake.
Damian: Honestly Thomas, I would expect this elderly behavior from Grayson, not you.
Dick: *Gasp* Elderly behavior?? Lil'D I'm not that old, plus you're supposed to be on my side!!
Jason: Sorry Dickhead, but demon brat is right.
Cass: *Appearing out of nowhere and pointing at the abandoned building behind they* Boom
Steph: What?
*the building explodes*
Cass: 🙂👍
Dick: Oh my god, Bruce is going to kill us. Run, guys, run.
Jason: You heard the man. WITHDRAWAL!!
*The transmission is cut off*
Bruce: ...
Bruce: *In collapse* My circus, my monkeys. My circus, my monkeys.
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pinkiemachine · 2 months
For those who are still confused about the Bat Children… 🦇
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Hope this helps :)
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dragonpyre · 5 months
Honestly, gotta respect that out of all the bats, literally Jason and Cass are the only ones who don’t have a civilian-sona. They don’t do shit as their legal identities (assuming Jason even has one). They’re job is to look pretty and that’s it.
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batfaesar · 5 months
Everyone in the batfam was an only child before they became one of the family and I think that makes it more understandable for their dysfunction
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kk1ttykat · 1 year
honestly preachers daughter rant real quick.
house in Nebraska is such a important track and when u dig into it Willoughby is such a important character because canonicaly ethel is a trans woman and judging by the lyrics he was maybe the only person or atleast one of the first people who she was out too and told Willoughby she was a woman and he LOVED HER he didn't use her for her body or saw her as less but he LOVED HER the best he could and called her his woman, i personally believe he left to protect her in some way but its just important to me as a trans woman that she had someone who loved her for the woman she is especially in the 90s in the American south and that makes her death even more tragic.
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thefiresofpompeii · 7 days
missy says “the doctor kills people too, i just enjoy it more. he’s the farmer, i’m the hunter, you know” and that makes me think she’s intimately aware of the sacrificial lamb paradigm. the lord is my shepherd. companions as beautiful little foals raised for the slaughter. with sorrow, of course, and remorse. the farmer loves every new creature in their flock with an emotional tenderness reserved for children and lovers. he’ll grieve when the butcher comes. he always does. but it’s inevitable. and you can always pretend your pet will live as long as you but fifty dog years are ten of your own. and when the time comes to put them down you’ll blame the vet. you’ll blame whoever has to bleed the calf. you’ll try not to blame yourself. after all, creatures in the wild alone lead such boring, listless lives. you’re showing them the wonders of the cosmos they’d never have seen with their normalcy-blinkered gaze. you’re doing them a favour. you’ll adopt another one. it will thank you as the light leaves its eyes.
but the hunter is evil, you say. the hunter kills willfully, the hunter stalks its prey, the hunter attacks with no mercy. instantly. painlessly, maybe. is that really so much worse?
after all, many moons ago, with a bloodied rock in his hands and the spectre of Death breathing down his neck, the hunter’s future had become the farmer’s first sacrifice. many moons ago, cain was the farmer and abel the hunter. and cain killed abel
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lepetitdragonvert · 6 months
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The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen
Artist : Errol le Cain (1941-1989)
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puppetmaster13u · 26 days
3am Prompt/Au Idea
What if, like love evil Dick in DC Vampires, more power to him, but like, imagine for a second...
Bruce, after finding out one of his kids is the self-proclaimed Vampire King, just holds up his hand, gathers up said kids into a room and just-
"I am not mad-" Several exchange looks that are half alarmed and half guilty, seeing as they're unsure why they've been gathered up at this moment. "-nor am I disappointed."
Bruce, fully channeling dad mode, "But what did we agree on for world domination plans?" (Somewhere a snooping hero chokes)
"Not to do it when you're on world so you don't have to at least attempt to stop us?"
"Exactly. Now, which one of you broke the rule and now has new medical information you didn't inform Alfred of...?"
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