#C: “John nobody sees.” J: “I do.”
letthefairyinyoufly · 3 months
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“You're reading me.” [002]
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sgiandubh · 11 months
Jottings: Season 7, Episode 5. Dinna fash, we'll sort it out
The proof is in the pudding: we don't really need to see J&C/S&C all the time on screen, to know an episode is still consistently good, in an overall unexpectedly great season, so far.
Side note: just how hypnotic Bear McCreary's Dance of the Druids must be, to immediately cut all ties to the real world, as you settle on the couch, larva style, with your ice cream (yes! again! B&J's Karamel Sutra Core - more appropriate for last week, but nobody's perfect)?
It would seem this time speed gave precedence to density and even gravitas, because neither war, nor self-assertiveness are jokes. The main theme of the mysteriously named Singapore seems to be the obvious cause and effect relationship between prejudice and miscommunication, or even lack thereof. It doesn't really matter if the year is 1777 or 1979: men will be men, women will be women and idiots will be idiots, regardless of gender or nationality. Tonight, for instance, an accomplished French idiot, which is ironic and a tad unfair to watch, seconds after Bastille Day (this comes from a place of deep love, familiarity and appreciation). But almost all of them will face authoritarian idiocy in this episode: I will let you discover (remember: nothing but minimal spoilers).
Still embarrassed for SS, whose vital signs seem to be on display only when she is a) crying and b) pissed off because of someone or something. For the pub scene with the gang of morons from the plant, she could have borrowed a wealth of JAMMF's expression tricks (for which S is the absolute ace) and I suspect she tried but, yet again, failed to persuade: the only thing that she seems remotely acquainted with is the smirk. And I will not insist on the torturous rendering of maternal love or domestic bliss. I feel merciful tonight and sometimes mercy is just about the same as oblivion (not a word about that vanishing panties scene, do you hear me?). Maybe this is also why RR still seems more relaxed, but perhaps also totally resigned about a situation that must be dealt and be done with a stiff upper lip, for the cause.
Product placement alert, with the Barbour wax jackets and shirts (long time client, here) prominently featured at Lallybroch. Nothing magic. This is a long-term partnership, maybe also S's contribution. Yes, Mordor, that peasant did it again!
A propos of the plant inspection, the tunnel scene sent powerful The Man in the High Castle vibes, from the set to the running through well, something, for lack of a better word. For those who have not seen this excellent series, here's a good Droughtlander plan. It's all about Jude Law and the Japanese guy; and also Philip K. Dick, one of my beloved science-fiction writers, truly a genius.
Spoiler: "You can thank that rotten stew". Ohai, Vandervaart, sweet summer child. Too fleeting a presence on my screen, yet you nailed your scene with Rachel Hunter, which I proclaim my favorite of this episode. The scenery helps, that pre-dawn murky, metallic light is perfect and you found the right balance between disgust, horror, an adrenaline high, fear, uncertainty and yes, unspoken (maybe even unconscious) attraction. Also, a masterful use of voice, pitch and breathing techniques - what's not to like?
A close second but enthusiastic kudos for Young Ian. John Bell is wonderful in his scene with C. which, again, gave me life imitates art vibes. And even more moving is the dense moment with the Cherokee/Scottish son, for I believe that endearing boy with a Fraser smile is Young Ian's.
These jottings are unable and unwilling to ignore S, very busy shaping Jamie's hero stature in short, effective appearances. Something we will probably see in full force next week, when I shall be out of town and not watching. Still, rejoice: the Jottings will be making it a double in two weeks.
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greytabbydreams · 1 year
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Honest Confessions: (16+) warnings include curse words and slight sexual content. It’s mainly fluff and Arthur being shy and awkward lol.
Summary: Set in chapter four of the story, right after Jack is saved from Angelo Bronte. Arthur gets drunk and reveals a secret. 🤭
 Honest Confessions ~
The evening was as optimistic as it was humid since we had just saved young Jack from Angelo Bronte, earlier that day. Although, from the sounds of it Jack didn’t seem to be in too much trouble. Talk of sleeping in some lavish room and eating Italian food. What did he call it again? Spaghetti? In any sense, the gang was in rather high spirits. Javiar is playing his guitar and singing, while a part of the group did their best to sing along overlooking the fact nobody could understand a word of Spanish. I laughed to myself watching my friends smiling faces flicker in the campfire light. I turned around to face the table I was resting on, there was an opened box of liquor. I reached in and grabbed a bottle and took a drink. A warm tingling feeling instantly sent a calming sensation into my face and chest. The drink was definitely some good whiskey. On a normal occasion, I wouldn’t want to over-drink, but since tonight was so great… What the hell, when isn’t there a better time to get drunk than being surrounded by friends? I finished my first bottle and grabbed another for walking around while chatting with everyone around the camp…
A couple of hours had passed, and the party was starting to slow down. But I think I might be on my… third?... probably fifth bottle of whatever alcohol I was sipping on, it honestly doesn’t matter I was feeling incredible and surprisingly chatty.
“J-John,” my words were tumbled out, “I, just wanna tell ya’ you doin’ okay.”
“Aw thanks, Arthur.” The stringy man replied with a goofy smile.
“You’re a good dad, you’re gonna do right by the kid.” I slurred while giving a little smack to the back of John’s shoulder.
“I hope you’re right.” He said while pushing me away from him.
“You should probably stop drinking now, and eat something though Arthur.”
“Alright, Marston.” I reply giving a dismissive wave as I turn around to face the entrance of the Shady Belle manor. I squinted into the darkness, did I just see something move? Could that be… Charles? He’s still on guard duty during the party? How absurd is that! I quickly began to stomp my way up the hill to confront the man.
“Wh-wat da’ hell are ya’ doin’ up here all by yourself?” I clumsily question the large man who didn’t seem too startled by my company.
“I’m on guard duty this evening. And you’re pretty drunk my friend.” He replied in his normal stoic yet warm tone.
“Come on Charles,” I wine, “ we’re c-clearly havin’ a party.” I gesture back to the campfire that was now being put out by Abigail, while other members of the gang were cleaning up the rest of the mess.
“Looks like I missed out.” Charles replied letting out a little chuckle.
“Aw shit…I think you’re right.” I said with a sigh.
“Well, I haven’t talked to you ALLLL night! So come on, take a little break and sit with me.” With that, I plop right down in the dirt beside Charles. Charles lets out a little sigh in protest but then sits down next to me.
“Okay, what’s on your mind, Morgan?” Charles asks.
“Well, I’m just really happy you’know?” I hummed while looking up at the stars that barely shined through the branches above.
“Things are just going our way at the moment. We got Jack back, I have faith in Dutch’s new plan, and I’m… I’m just in a great mood tonight.” I close my eyes for a moment allowing my head to hit the back of the stone wall that sat by the entrance of the manor. Maybe I was oversharing, normally it was hard to talk about any type of feelings I had. Could it be the whiskey? Or Charles’ calming presence? I shake away the thought, what was I talking about again?
“Well, I’m glad you’re happy, even if it ends up being just a fleeting moment.” Charles breathed as he moved to stand up. Reaching his hand down to me.
“Let’s get you to bed now.” Charles said looking down at me with his twinkling hazel eyes.
“Alright Mr. Smith, let’s go.” I respond grabbing his calloused hand and pulling me up with ease. We wandered over to the entrance of Shady Belle, Charles holding onto my ribcage to keep me from stumbling. However, his touch put my nerves on edge. Not because he was making me uncomfortable, but more because I was uneasy with human contact that lasted for this long. Once we had made it to my room, I pushed off him and face-planted into the pillow on my bed. Charles turned away walking towards the door.
“Good night Arthur.” He said quietly, trying not to disturb the others who were trying to sleep on that floor.
“W-wait Charles, c'mere I wanna talk to ya’,” I say slightly muffled by my face still practically covered by my pillow. He turns back around to me, crouching at my bedside.
“What?” he sounds in a hushed tone.
“Oh Charles, you’re so talented, a-and strong!” I mumbled “So handsome too, but you work soooooo hard. You need to let loose every once in a while.” Charles suddenly looked a little flustered as a small ting of pink filled his cheeks.
“Uhm, yes I’ll keep that in mind, Arthur.” Charles tries to move away again but I reach out to grab his arm. What has gotten into me?
“Where are you going?” I stammer as confidently as I could. Charles snorts looking at my hand that was on his arm.
“Back to my post cowboy.” He answered in a playful tone.
“Didn’t I just say somethin’ about workin’ too hard? Why don’t you stay here with me, and we can talk.”
“I don’t know about that Arthur, by the way you’re talking, you might say something you’ll regret later.”
“What do you mean by that?” I say gripping his arm a little tighter and trying to draw him closer to me.
“All I’m saying is that you’re clearly very drunk. Maybe we should talk in the morning.” Charles finishes breaking away from me and walks out the door. Dread and embarrassment immediately washes over me as soon as Charles exited. What did I just do? Did I make a move on Charles? Am I imagining things? No that definitely happened. I pulled my blanket over my face like a child cursing myself for acting so oddly. I’d always known I had a fondness for some men, but I hadn’t acted on any of those urges. Too afraid of being found out; especially by any of the gang members. Oh God, I’m sure I freaked out Charles, he probably despises me. FUCK.
The sun begins to peak through the window and onto the table in my room. My vision was blurry, as my eyes fluttered open. My head ached, and nausea flowed over me instantly.
“Oh God… what the hell did I do last night?” Memories of the party last night, and walking around camp came back to me. Memories of me and Charles. Shit, Charles. The feelings I had of embarrassment came to me again. Why did I act like such an idiot last night? I swear to God I hope Charles doesn’t say anything, or– just forgets about it and just assumes I was just drunk and didn’t mean anything by it. Fuck, I need to get out of here for a couple of days. I jolted out of my bed and moved to retrieve my satchel and pistol, head still pounding from the previous night’s liquor. I moved into the hallway going down the stair almost bumping into Hosea as I passed him.
“What’s got you moving this fast my boy?” Hosea questions in a slightly annoyed fatherly tone as he would speak from time to time.
“I just need to get some fresh air, Hosea.” I say a little more irritated than I intended
“Okay, don’t let this old man get in your way,” he replies sarcastically
“Maybe while you’re out try and get some deer, we’re running a little low on supplies.”
“Fine,” I nodded at the older man. I continued to rush down the rest of the steps and walked outside stepping onto the porch. I trek over to the edge of camp where Tobacco, my horse, was standing grazing on a patch of grass.
“Come on boy,�� I say swinging myself on the back of the Arabian. I ride out of the camp, but as I passed the gate, I noticed Charels’ horse was also missing from the herd. Maybe that was a good thing, he wasn’t going to say anything to the gang about me.
I made my way into a clearing a few miles away from Rhodes where I knew I could find some deer for camp. It felt good to be far from camp. I can think a lot clearer when I wasn’t surrounded by people. I could see a large stag grazing atop a hill a couple of paces away from my current position. I took aim with my rifle, breathing in, and out slowly. The sound of my rifle shooting reverberated across the field the stag fell over dying instantly.
“Nice shot,” a filmier voice said behind me. I practically jumped out of my skin.
“OH, MY FUCKING–don’t-don’t sneak up on me like that!” I erupted turning to see Charles who had a slight smile on his face looking down at me from his horse Taima.
“Oh, I’m sorry Arthur, didn’t realize you would react so intensely.” He replied, obviously finding the whole situation to be very funny.
“What are you doing here?” I ask calmly, trying to stay relaxed while in his presence.
“Went hunting early this morning, Hosea mentioned we were running low on food.” Charles gestured to Taima, who already had a large deer strapped on. How amusing Hosea, I thought, what did he think he was playing at?
“Well, guess we had the same idea.” I say shortly moving away to retrieve my fallen stag. Charles seemed a little taken about by my tone. I didn’t particularly care, I just needed to get away before I embarrassed myself again.
“Hey, do we need to talk about something?” Charles asks sharply trying to catch my attention. My hair stood up on the back of my neck, and the same feeling of dread I felt last night washed over me. I cleared my throat before I spoke again.
“Alright,” was all I could muster before turning back to face Charles.
“So, about last night… I–uhh– it didn’t mean anything I was really drunk.”
“You’re sure?” Charles asked,
“Yes, I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.”
“Okay, as long as you’re sure,” Charles reacted emphasizing the “sure” in his sentence, a twinkle behind his eyes. Why the hell is he acting so weird?
“ I’m confused Charles,” I blinked in confusion.
“Are you trying to tell me something?”
“That depends, are we on the same page?” Quickly, Charles moved towards me and pushed me up against a nearby tree. My face immediately flushed, eyes darting unsure of where to rest.
“Hm, seems like you were lying Mr. Morgan,” Charles said in his calm and patient tone. I was frozen, I didn’t know what to say.
“It’s alright Arthur, I’m not angry with you,” Charles spoke in the same tone, changing his position on me slightly by relaxing his hand on my shoulder.
“You’re not?” I asked, begging to let that feeling of embarrassment drift away.
“No, of course not,” Charles smiled warmly
“To be honest, I wanted to tell you I was interested but I wasn’t sure when would be the right time.”
“What?” I say stunned, could Charles really be interested in me— like in that way?
“I felt like I would have been taking advantage of you last night. That’s why I thought it would be better to talk when you were sober.” I couldn’t believe what Charles was saying! This handsome statue of a man was really saying he was interested in dirty, ugly me?
“So…” I start, straightening myself up against the tree.
“What now?” I ask trying to regain some sort of confidence. Charles hummed a moment before leaning in and giving me the lightest peck on the lips. My body felt like it was lit on fire, and this small action from Charles unexpectedly made me ache for his touch. I reached for the back of his head and drew him into a deeper kiss. I felt the hand that was on my shoulder shift to the base of my neck, while his other wandered down to my waist. I let out a sharp sigh as I felt Charles thrusting my body closer to his. Things seemed to be escalating pretty quickly, and I was still unsure of what was really happening. The last couple of minutes felt like a long-awaited fantasy of Arthurs. I turned my body slightly in hopes of finding a more comfortable spot against the tree. Instead, I lost my balance and started falling back down the hill.
“Shit!” I spat out before me and Charles started tumbling down the golden mound. We fell for quite a ways until we hit the dip between two hills. Charles and I lay still staring up at the sky.
“God Arthur, you really know how to make a man fall for you?” I could hear Charles’ smile spread over his face.
“Oh, shut up Charles!” I erupted laughing. I pushed myself up off the ground and reached my hand down to Charles. He grabbed my hand and I lifted him up to his feet.
“Maybe we’ll pick up where we left off later,” I say, trying to regain composure.
“I’m sure we will,” Charles replied with a gentle demeanor while brushing dirt from his shoulder.
“I should grab that deer I shot before a wolf gets it.” The two of us walked up the hill and retrieved the animal carcass and then made it back to our horses.
“I’ll meet up with you back at camp,” Charles said while turning Taima in the direction of the camp.
“Alright, I’ll meet up with you soon,” I smiled at Charles tipping my hat as a sorta wave goodbye. Charles’ trotted off. I took this moment to take a deep breath. My heart must have been beating out of my throat with how hard the thumping felt.
“Come on boy,” I say to my horse who began to move in the direction of camp.
The sun was starting to set over the Shady Belle house. The usual faces of friends, and Micha, were gathering around the campfire. Javiar was playing his guitar, John was poking the fire with a stick and Hosea was sitting next to Jack teaching him to read with some fantasy tale. I sat down on a log next to Charles, who was carving what appeared to be a little horse out of wood.
“How was hunting today boys?” Hosea asked, pausing Jack’s story when he noticed I had sat down.
“Great, we shot two bucks a little past Rhoads,” Charles replied calmly, as usual, so as to not hint that any other activities had occurred. I could only nod awkwardly after flashes of being pinned against a tree came back to me. Hosea smiled in response.
“Anything else happen while you were out?”
“No, just the deers.” I reply as plainly, as I could.
“Okay.” Hosea said with a shrug of his shoulders a hint of suspicion behind his tone. Why was Hosea so suspicious of us? Did he see us together up on that hill? No he couldn’t have, he almost never leaves camp by himself. Maybe it was best just to forget about it for the moment.
A couple of hours had passed, and members of the camp were starting to retire for the night. I had finished a sketch of the deer Charles and I shot today in my journal, every drawing I did seemed to get a little better with practice. Something I was secretly sorta proud of. Charles placed a hand on my shoulder leaning to whisper in my ear.
“How about you get ready for bed and I’ll meet with you in a little bit?” His warm breath on my ear sent a shiver up my back.
“Uhm–okay,” I say with a swallow. I sat for an additional moment, waiting for Charles to leave. I proceeded to get up from the log walking to the manor and eventually the door into my room. I began taking off some of the extra weight I had been carrying all day. First my satchel, belt, and gun holster, then my jacket, and lastly I removed my hat placing it on my shelf. A soft knock came on my door. I quietly moved to the door, opening it as silently as I could making sure not to wake Hosea, John, and his family in the nearby rooms.
“That’s you Charels?” I whisper through the crack of the door.
“Let me in Arthur,” Charles replied in a similar hushed tone. I pulled the door open wide enough for Charles to slip in.
“C’mere,” Charles said grabbing the collar of my shirt and pushing me onto the bed. He pulled me into his kiss once again and I replicated the motion pressing my lips into his. Charles pulled away from the kiss to set my body into a more comfortable position, parallel to the bed. I could hardly believe what was happing to me right now. If this was some sort of dream, I hope I never wake up. Charles brought his hands to my chest, removing my blue button-up, and I began to do the same with his shirt pulling it off onto the floor. Charles then moved his hand down near my crouch.
“This alright?” He said in a thick soothing tone.
“Yea’ that’s alright,” I say, heart, beating out of my chest, bringing my hand to his. He began pulling down my pants while maintaining partial eye contact with me. Just then the audible sound of my pistol hitting the wooden floors thudded. I had forgotten to take it off the bed and move it to my table.
“Shit,” Charles whispered through gritted teeth. We both froze waiting for someone to come and ask what all the ruckus was about.
“I think we’re in the clea–” I began before the sound of a door creaking opening could be heard. Shit, I thought still frozen with Charles on top of me, his hand motionless on my inner thigh. Footsteps could be heard coming in our direction.
“Are you alright in there Arthur?” Hosea asked, his voice dense with sleep.
“Yes,” I grumbled out “go back to bed, I just dropped my gun.”
“Okay son, try and get some sleep.” Hosea replied, his footsteps were getting quieter as he retreated to his room. I let out a breath of relief as I heard his door shut behind him.
“Would you like to pickup where we left off?” Charles asked, leaning into me.
“Of course darlin’,” I reply bringing him down to kiss him again.
The morning sun once again came pouring into my room. I blinked my eyes open, turning to see Charles who was still sleeping underneath my arm. The both of us were squished together because of how small the bed was. I turning over onto my side, staring at the man who layed before me. How unbelievably handsome he was; his muscular body, soft black hair, his eyelashes, everything about him was absolutely beautiful. I wanted to badly to grab my journal and draw him asleep the way he is. Although moving would only disrupt this prefect image that sat so peacefully. Some movement could be heard outside my door. It was Johns voice moving closer. Not again! I nudged Charles on the shoulder waking him up.
“Good morning Arth–” Charles began before I placed my finger to his lips signaling him to be quiet.
“I’m comin’ in Arthur,” John stated turing the door knob
“NOWS NOT A GOOD TIME MARSTON!” I shouted, but it was already too late. John had stepped into the room.
“So I was just letting you know I borrowed your–” His demenor suddenly shifted to stunned and dumbfounded. His mouth stayed opened as he stared at me and Charles laying completely naked next to eachother.
“Wow, uhh, I-” John spoke in totally bewilderment.
“Please, leave.” I spoke in a tense but calm tone.
“Shit, Arthur,– I– i’m so sorry” John said turning bright red with embarrassment. Right before he was able to escape this awkward situation. Another voice rang though the hallway.
“What the hell is going on over there?” Hosea shouted from the room across from mine. Why was this situation getting worse and worse by the second?
“NOTHING!” John and I shouted at the same time.
I quickly leaned down and grabbed my underwear that was laying on the floor slipping it on. I then pushed John out the door and shut it with a slam. Charles and I as quickly as we could scrambled to put our clothes back on. I stubbeled outside my door into the hallway where a still stunned John and a confused Hosea stood.
“Who else is in that room Arthur?” Hosea questioned
“Well–” I started desperately trying to think of a away out of this situation.
“Charles.” Hosea answered his own question gestuing to my shirt. I looked down noticing that I was wearing Charles’ shirt. What an idiot.
“I had a feeling you two were up to something.” Hosea said, who then shifted closer to me placing his hand on my shoulder.
“It’s okay son, I don’t care who interests you.” Hosea said giving me a warm smile.
“What?” I say staring blankly at the older man.
“I had a feelin’ you and Charles had something going on. I noticed Charles leaving your room a night ago.”
“WHAT?” John exclaimed mouth still agape.
“How long–how long has this been going on brother!?” John questioned in disbelief
“I guess I might have made a move after the welcome home party for Jack. But nothing really happened until yesterday.” I answered shifting from one foot to the other.
“Oh my God,” John said with an exhale.
“I mean, it’s totally fine, but shit–entirely unexpected,” He said scratching the top of his head. Just then Charles slipped outside the door behind me.
“Excuse me.” Charles said moving me gently to the side.
“Everything okay?” Charles questioned the group of men.
“Yep,” John replied nodding and giving a little thumbs up as he twisted around to his room. Hosea let out a little chuckle.
“I know you’ll treat him right,” Hosea says also nodding and walking away. Once the men had disappeared I turned to look at Charles.
“Well, I guess we don’t need to worry about anyone finding out now.” I say shrugging.
“That sure made things a lot easier,” Charles said turning to look at me.
“How bout’ we ride outta here for a little bit?” I asked the taller man. Charles’ face warmed with a smile.
“That sounds like a good idea Mr. Morgan.” Charles replied giving me a little kiss on the cheek.
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ashes-writing · 2 years
Plz share ur thoughts on "The Breakfast Club" boys?
GOD BLESS YOU FOR THIS. LOVE MY BOYS OKAY? THIS MOVIE IS LIKE.. Listen.. I have a quote from it tattooed on my arm, so yeah. I'll happily attempt this for you.
These are all kind of a mixed bag. I tried to do it that way so romance wasn't front and center but it was there. I had so much fun doing these, btw.
Hope you enjoy them as much as me.
Warnings: Uh.. probably drinking / drugs / vague mentions of unstable home life / toxic family dynamics and that's it..
Tag List: Ah, well, see.. Sadly, there's nobody on any of my taglists yet, so.. yeah. I just made them though it's no big deal.
Other stuff: Nah.
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✯ Loves to stare. It’s both a power thing and a being observant thing and it’s up to you to decide which of the above is the reason for his staring. 
✯ Uses sarcasm to flirt. The only problem with this is that in doing so, he tends to wind up wearing a lot of sodas over his head because the sarcasm is so natural that he really comes across as an asshole. Rule of thumb here. If he’s got a certain smirk.. Lopsided and there’s this playful gleam in his eyes as he’s saying whatever smartass thing he’s saying, it’s not sarcasm sweets.. Boy is flirting and he’s flirting hella hard.
✯ Pretends he doesn’t give a shit when you fight with each other but 9 out of 10, especially if you cry, he’ll kind of awkwardly hold you against him. Don’t expect a verbal apology though, he doesn’t really uh.. Do those. I mean he does, but it’s never an outright “I’m sorry.” it’s more or less “I was wrong.” or some other variation of “I’m sorry.” because try as he might, he just can’t seem to bring himself to say he’s sorry.
✯ His idea of a romantic night is a blanket in a truck bed with some shitty gas station soda and premium w*ed. Maybe a little fooling around by the light of the moon while some classic rock is playing (Think Zepplin or Sabbath here, because while he /is/ a metalhead, he enjoys slower and softer rock to set the mood, so to speak.). If you’re looking for 5 star, you won’t find that here. Bender is dirt fucking poor. So he hardly has the money to actually take you anywhere. But if you want spontaneous drives, breaking and entering the community pool to have a little midnight swim after hours or little outings like the one I described above? Bender here is your boy.
✯ He gives as good as he gets. He’s got a razor sharp tongue and he’s not afraid to use it. But.. Growing up in the household he’s grown up in has kind of given him this sense of “I’m not gonna lay hands on the person I love, I don’t fucking care how bad they are.”.. But he does have his breaking point. When he reaches it, he’ll leave. Could be for a few minutes, could be for an hour.. It could be for a whole week. When he’s this pissed, it’s best to just leave him to his own devices. He needs the cool down. I feel like while we saw him get angry in the movie here and there, he held back a lot.. I feel like maybe his anger scares the living shit out of him, so if he ever gets this mad with a person he cares about (be it friend or lover, whatever), he will avoid them until he cools off.
✯ He’s not really the jealous type. If you’re planning to try and make him jealous, prepare to have it blow right up in your face. Oh, he’ll fight for you if someone is threatening you, yeah.. But if someone is coming on to you, he’ll hang back. He’ll observe and he’ll observe carefully. If you’re into it, most of the time this will start him distancing, so yeah.. If you wanna lose John Bender this is the second fastest way to do it.
✯ The reason he has such a problem with Claire in the beginning is because she’s kind of on the fake side and he’s kind of observant enough in that he can see and recognize that. It’s also the reason he kind of hates Andrew also. This leads me into my next point. He’s not really a fan of lying. A little fib about where you stashed your J or a fib for the greater good isn’t terrible, but.. It’s when a person lies constantly, through their teeth, 25/8/365 that really grinds his gears. And if you wanna lose John Bender real fast? Lie to him about something major. Come to him under false pretenses. He’ll sniff it out every time and call you out on it promptly.
✯ Weed and cigarettes are his two vices. Alcohol isn’t something he enjoys, I mean.. The guy grew up fearing the sound of daddy’s key hitting the lock. Half of his childhood was probably spent with leather sliding through belt loops or hidden in his room, the scent of his father’s whiskey hanging heavily in the air around him as his parents had an all out brawl down the hallway. For this reason, he doesn’t really drink a whole lot, he’ll do one now and then when it’s been a real fucking rough day. It’s also no thanks to the reason above that he tends to avoid stupid parties like the plague unless he’s party to a deal going down or something.
✯ Good with his hands. In more ways than one. I feel like he plays guitar. I also feel like he does mechanic work to stash away money. Do with this knowledge what you will.
✯ He likes to take/tear things -and people apart and find out what makes them tick, see for example how he totally read Claire and Andrew for filth with no hesitation when they were all stuck in detention together. He was trying to ‘tear them down’ to see what buttons were their hot ones. Because when he got them good and angry, he got glimpses of the real people beneath their ‘known’ personas.
✯ Dirty minded. Oh my god, so dirty minded. Every third thought that leaves his mouth, especially when he’s good and high… A dirty thought. Some people find it off putting but some seem to like it. Bear in mind though, when I say dirty minded I mean f-i-l-t-h-y. “Let’s lock the doors and knock up the prom queen” was childs play to some of the shit this man says -and thinks, on a daily basis.
✯ Smells like a mix of motor oil / engine grime, weed and sweat.
✯ Is actually good at basketball but refused to try out because his old man played in high school and if it pisses off the old man in some small way, well.. He’s gonna do it.
✯ Guilty pleasure music is Bryan Adams. But it’s only two songs. “Somebody” and “Run To You.” and he only ever listens to them when he’s in a reasonably good mood.
✯ As a friend, he’s more of the “Only I can talk shit about my friend.” type and he will throw hands in seconds if anybody hurts someone he cares about. It’s just.. Due to his prickly defenses, nobody really seems to get that close. I theorize that after their detention, Bender did take to ‘shadowing’ Brian Johnson because the kid just needed a set of eyes on him. This did not thrill Johnson’s parents at all. But nobody ever bothered him again, it was almost as if the kid became immune to the bullying endured by his friends at the hands of other kids.
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✯ Andy seems like your typical dumb jock at first glance and honestly, what you see is what you get.. Except he’s not nearly as dumb as everyone thinks. See, he plays dumb. It’s his own way of gaming the system. If the bar is set in hell, then anything he does is technically above expectation, right? Right.. He may seem dumb but he’s not and he know exactly when to reveal this to people.
✯ The toxic masculinity in this man’s life.. I feel sorry for him, tbh. He has a hard time processing emotions. He has a hard time expressing emotions and the first time he cried about something he felt so… dirty. His father was something of a legend back in the day, so I’m thinking that Andy was pushed to follow the old man’s footsteps. I kind of feel like Bender’s dad and Andy’s dad could be best friends, what with their combined shitty parenting. I also feel like maybe when Bender was on his rant about his home life, Andy looked so uncomfortable because to an extent, he hears a variation on some of the things Bender admitted his father said. “You’ll never be me.” or “You can do better” when the man is clearly trying his best. He busts his ass for his father’s approval and deep down, he’s all messed up inside because he knows it won’t ever come. BUT.. BUT.. he’s trying to come to terms with that post movie and he eventually gets to a point where he gives no fucks whether his dad is proud or not anymore, he only worries about whether he’s proud of himself -or whether or not if he told his future kids about whatever it is he’s doing, would they be proud.
✯ To piggyback off of the above. I think Andy has a bit of an unstable home life too. Not nearly as bad as Benders but.. It’s not great. I feel like maybe Andy wants to become the father that his own couldn’t/refused to be for him to his own kids one day. So he’ll be the settled one, the one with three happy and well adjusted -even if a little rambunctious, kids of his own one day. And he won’t repeat the shit his father did to him. If his son wants to be an artist? He’ll get top fucking tier art supplies. Little girl wants to be a lineman? Andy sets up practice in the backyard. He’s going to do his best not to be the man his father was. So.. yeah..
✯ Andy seems like a serial dater to me. Different person every week or two, that kind of thing. However.. I do feel like he does it because he’s searching so desperately for the love and approval that either one or both of his parents won’t give. I’m not real sure about his mom and their relationship in my own head but I strongly feel that the relationship between father and son is like a landmine. There’s a lot of bitterness and disapproval and misunderstanding there. 
✯ Speaking of dates, Andy is surprisingly thoughtful when it comes to planning them. He’s observant, like Bender, and he uses the things he learns about a person to find the best way to make them like him more. (Can we say stunning lack of confidence at all because yeah..) So a date with Andy is always an adventure because somehow, he always just seems to know what the person lucky enough to go on a  date with him wants, to the letter. And if he really wants them to like him well.. He’s been known to pull out all the stops.
✯ Andy comes from a middle class family and they’re more on the upper side. This comes with a mountain of debt because his parents are probably your typical 80’s keepin up with the Joneses type. So he’s not loaded (like I feel Alison is) but he’s not dirt poor (like we kind of know Bender is) but he has enough money to blow here and there. Here’s the thing.. He doesn’t. He’s got it stashed away. 
✯ Continuing with the money thing, I feel like he and Bender actually lowkey became friends after their detention. I feel like maybe Bender told him to come work at the garage (that I feel Bender works at, i don’t make the rules) and from there, a friendship grew. I feel like Andy knows how broke Bender is, so sometimes, he’ll slip Bender some money covertly like say.. It’s been a 12 hour day in a hot shop during the summer and they’re down to their last beer. Bender is down to his last cigarette and Andy knows he doesn’t have money to reup. Andy will slip a fiver or something into Bender’s stupid fucking jacket and when Bender finds it later, he’ll play dumb and let Bender think he put it there while high at some point.
✯ Andy is good at math and history. Numbers are his thing, despite everyone believing otherwise. It’s English that fucks him up. Oh and science because it’s just so boring for him to grasp.
✯ After he found out it was his friends that taped the ass of Brian’s friend together, Andy had a few harsh words (and fists) to share with them. The saturday detention was the beginning of Andy’s world view expanding. I feel like he does the same as Bender, but his protective arm extends to the entire chess club, not just Brian. Brian tutors him in English because he feels like he owes him because he’s now so vocal when it comes to Brian and his friends and Brian knows it has to have had an effect on Andy’s relationship with the team.
✯ His guilty pleasure music is some obscure metal band Bender dragged him out to see at some point. Oh and Poison. He wishes he had the confidence that glam rock era Brett Michaels seems to have.
✯ Andy is more of a behind closed doors person when it comes to PDA but he will slip an arm around you or pull you to his side and kiss the top of your head in public. Now behind closed doors, whew… All those reservations melt away and this sweet, touchy feely romantic side surfaces. He can’t be close to you or touch you enough. But when you’re out in public, he keeps it simple. Sweet. And his words (because he totally brags and takes every chance to praise you to anyone who will listen because he just loves you so fucking much) do more of the showing his love.
✯ Supportive as hell. He just doesn’t want anyone to ever feel one tenth of the way his own father makes him feel 100 percent of the time. So he’ll be there cheering on the people he cares about, doing whatever he can to let them know that he’s proud of them.
✯ Outrageously short fuse and does not tolerate bullying after the detention awakening. It takes nothing to make him angry, especially if it comes to people hurting someone he cares about (Be it friend, family or lover).  After the one detention he got himself at least three more because he got into it with members of his own team on behalf of Brian and Brian’s friends.
✯ If it’s not obvious, he goes from going along with the bullying to utterly loathing bullies. I think when he heard Brian’s reason to be in detention, it kind of.. Something clicked for him because he just looked entirely too involved as Brian was saying it to all of them not to. He realized what was going on, so now he’s working on himself.
✯ Has a definite thing for smaller / shorter people in romantic relationships. He loves to feel bigger and stronger. He loves to feel like the protector and given the changes that come about post detention date of destiny, the protector role kinda suits him. So he loves to be the bigger person in relationships.
✯ Very good kisser. But his kisses are messy. Roaming hands and tongues. What starts off as the meeting of two mouths tends to go awry and it’s more or less turned into a whole body affair.
✯ Makes the best mix tapes. Because when he cares about someone, he gets all caught up and he learns every little thing about them. So he knows their favorite songs even if they don’t really talk about them.
✯ He’s not the kind of guy who wastes words. He’s not a big talker. So if you’re friends or you’re with him, you better bring your conversation skills to the table.. Or be content to just sit in silence and know you’re there, together.
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✯ The family dynamic, oh my gods. The kid is stressed beyond belief. His parents expect perfection because as I feel, they were far from it. I feel like he comes from a large family. They were probably high school lovers, guy knocks up girl, they get married because it’s the right thing to do and then four kids later, or more… They realize they kind of made a mess of their own lives. They’re good people, they just expect the moon and stars from all their kids. They ride Brian the hardest because he’s the oldest. He’s the one setting the example for his siblings. All this pressure is most likely the biggest reason he wound up in detention to begin with.
✯ Lower middle class. Definitely. I feel like Brian’s old clothes get passed down to the younger ones and maybe when Brian was smaller, when things were tougher for his parents, they might have even been just a rung or two above the Bender family on the economic scale and maybe this got him picked on.
✯ He’s a sweetheart. Very much a gentleman. Will blush if he walks in on someone changing and he’ll awkwardly apologize while stumbling backwards with a hand over his eyes out the door. I feel like if he had done the deed, he’d only done it once. This being said, he’s a tad perverted too. Not in a creepy way or anything, but like… He just fucking stares at a person when he’s into them because every part of the person is attractive to him.
✯ He’s a quick thinker. A very quick thinker.
✯ If he dated anyone, they’d be treated like a god/goddess, oh my god. This guy would move fucking mountains for the person he loves. Mountains.
✯ Claire kind of takes to setting him up with girls she notices him watching. She also takes him shopping and like.. She just kind of mothers the kid now and then. Brian appreciates it, too. And he repays her by helping her out with school. He won’t do her assignments for her, but he does help her with them.
✯ He kind of grows out of the whole ‘puppy’ persona and into his own post detention. People had been using him to get passing grades. But then Bender takes him aside and kind of goes all “Hey.. If you’re gonna do it, at least make a little somethin for yourself.” and thus, this is how Brian becomes the go to at his high school -and on into college, for essays and such. For a small fee, he’ll write you a paper. He also stops taking so much shit from everyone. He won’t fight because he can’t, but. He learns that his mouth/words work just as well as fists. He learns to look out for himself a bit more.
✯ wears mismatched cartoon themed socks most of the time.
✯ very very talented artist. Also a very talented writer. His parents view this hobby as a waste of time and discourage it, but Brian continues because it’s something he enjoys. It ultimately leads to him doing a stint with a newspaper as a cartoonist. He also pens a novel or two under alternate names.
✯ Because of the way his parents were, he has a hard time letting loose. Until Bender and Andy, that is. Afterwards, he really comes out of his shell and he goes from being the wallflower at parties to being the guy with pretty okay moves for a scrawny kid or the pushover nerd to the guy who will write you a kick ass essay for twenty bucks.. He starts to make friends a lot easier. He learns to value his relaxation a hell of a lot more too.
✯ likes long drives. He’ll get in the car and just drive until he feels moved to stop. Then he’ll sit around and make a few nature sketches and just relax. 
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beatlesonline-blog · 1 year
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mrsmalfoyshelby · 3 years
John Shelby Smut Alphabet:
Pairing: John Shelby x reader
Warnings: smut, a little swearing
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A -ftercare (What they’re like after sex)
God he’s so sweet, like tooth rotting sweet, every time you have sex he’s like that. He will hold you for as long as you want and get you whatever you need.
B-ody part (Their favorite body part of theirs and yours)
On himself his neck because that’s where you bury your face when you cum or because that’s where you leave hickeys.
His favourite body part of yours is your ass, he just loves it as it perfect for his hands.
C-um (Anything to do with cum)
He loves to cum in your mouth and watch as you struggle to swallow it all.
He loves when you come on his face, as he loves to taste you “fucking delicious” are normally his words.
D-irty Secret (Exactly what is says on the tin)
He likes to be dominated by as he has to constantly be in control over everything in his life, so when he comes home to you he loves when you just take complete control of him and his body.
E-xperience (How experienced they are)
Very. This man has been sleeping around since he was 14, but since he met you your the only one he will fuck now. - lucky you -
F-avourite Position (How they like it)
You on top of him - when he’s being dominated - but apart from that he doesn’t really care all he cares about is fucking you l.
G-oofy (Are they more serious or goofy)
It’s John, so we all know that he is going to be goofy during sex.
H-air (how well groomed are they)
I’d say he doesn’t really bother much with his hair down there.👇🏻 - Unless you ask of course -
And with you he doesn’t care he’ll go down on you, and oh boy he will make sure that you are screaming his name.
I-ntimacy (How are they during the moment)
Yeh he’s intimate during sex, mostly because when he’s at work he doesn’t show lots of affection.
J-ack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
If your there then he’ll fuck you even if he’s angry he’ll fuck you but he will just go harder on you.
And with you he doesn’t care at all tbh, whatever/however you want he’s cool with.
K-ink (One or more of their kinks)
Choking. Power kink. Breading - why do you think you have so many kids he loves to see you stomach swell with his kids -
L-ocation (Favourite places to fuck)
In your bed is his all time favourite, but in his office is a close second.
M-otivation (What turns them on)
Something as simple as you sitting on his lap can turn him on. - it doesn’t take a lot -
N-O (Something they wouldn’t do/turn offs)
He won’t share you. Your his. Nobody else’s and he will make sure to remind you if you forget that.
O-ral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He loves going down on you, and this man is good with his tongue and mouth.
He also loves when you go down on him.
P-ace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He can be both, “baby you just need to ask, you know that I’ll give you what you’ll want”
Q-uickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Your sex is mainly quickies, and he loves them but he prefers to take his time on you and worshiping you/ your body.
R-isk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc
This man is risky he will fuck anywhere, you even fucked in Tommy’s bed once - Tommy still doesn’t know 🤷🏼‍♀️ -
S-tamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
5 at most I’d say but you could try for more.
T-oy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
You have some, but they are mainly used on you, on the rare occasion John will use them.
U-nfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh this man is a tease, he will touch you randomly on the thigh when you sitting next to each other and will run his hand up and down it. And he could do that for a whole week if he really want to tease you.
V-olume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s not overly loud, but this man can make some noise, it’s mostly just grunts tho and the odd moan will slip out.
W-ild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He will make you be extra loud when at home, so everybody can hear you.
X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Let’s be honest he’s big like 6-7 inches and he is THICK, and the annoying thing is... he knows it.
Y-earning (How high is their sex drive?)
Very very high since he met you, all he does is think about sex.
Z-ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
If you stay up, he will stay up it’s as simple as that.
I know that I’m definitely doing Arthur, but I might do Polly as well, should I?
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fan-girling-101 · 4 years
Request by Anonymous: Hello can I please request a imagine where the ready has a twin sister and they decided to switch and see how long it takes everyone to notice. The reader is also dating JJ!! Thank you!!
JJ Maybank X Reader
Summary: Request^
Warnings: Swearing, underage drinking, slight rape just a little bit sorta
Word count: 2880
The twin Sadie, her nickname by Rafe is Die I hope someone gets the reference. Also thank you so so so much for my first request I was so happy. Please continue sending them in. And I’m very slow at updating so sorry in advance if I take a long time to respond. 
Part two
Not edited sorry for mistakes 
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When me and my twin sister Sadie where younger we’d switch places all the time. I was amusing being someone else for the short time we’d do it. As we got older it stopped happening as much until the last time we did it was grade 6. The two of us have lived on the rich side of the Outerbanks our whole life The rich people were never my scene though, so I made friends with the pogues. I was closest to JJ out of everyone in the group and slowly I found myself falling for the blond headed idiot. And somehow that’s how I ended up here, two months into dating JJ but scheming with my sister.
“Come on Sadie just for a little bit.” I pleaded with her, between the two of us Sadie was always the level headed and calm sister. It was my idea in the first place to switch places back in kindergarten.
“I am NOT kissing JJ.” Was the main argument to why she didn’t want to do it.
“I don’t want you to kiss him. He’s my boyfriend, it’s not like I’m going to kiss Rafe the lo-” I got cut off with a hand over my mouth. The love of your life was the ending to that sentence. Sadie doesn’t like talking about it but she’s in love with Rafe Cameron.
“If we do this you need ground rules.” She states looking around my room for the notebook we would write the rules in everytime. She finds the dark read notebook on the bottom of my bookshelf and grabs a random pen from my desk. “1. No kissing anyone. I won’t kiss JJ and you don’t kiss you know who.” she says gesturing with her hand.
“I’m never going to kiss Voldemort.” I joke as she starts in her effortlessly perfect handwriting.
“Your so funny I might die of laughter.” Her bitch face on as she glares at me. “2. Don’t make and life altering decisions.” I nod along thinking of what else to add.
“4.” “What about 3 stupid.” “3 is a stupid number I don’t like it. 4. I pick what you wear and vice versa.” She starts writing it down writing three instead of four. “I think that’s it. There’s a bonfire tonight at John B’s tonight wanna start then?”
“Yea that’s good I’m supposed to go over to Sarah’s. And take a picture of it because if you do anything wrong I’m going to kill you and throw you in the marsh.”
“And remember no kissing ya know.”
Day one
Y/N’s Pov
Sadie dressed me in a white summer dress and I took her car over to the Camerons. When I park outside of the huge house I text Sarah to let me in. I pull down the sun visor and open the mirror looking at my appearance with the light make up and my Y/H/C slightly curled. 
“Your name is Sadie Y/L/N, your 16 and in love with Rafe Cameron.” I take a breath getting in the mindset of my twin. “I can totally do this.” I hop out the car making it to the first step when Sarah opens the door. “Hey.”
“Hi you know you don’t have to tell me you’re here. You just walk in.” She opens the door wider so I can slip through. I awkwardly laugh nodding my head unsure what to do. “Go up to my room I’ll get snacks.” 
I walk up the stairs trying to remember where her room is. I’ve only been here a few times before Midsummers so we could all get ready together. I look both ways before deciding on going right. I get to the door I think is Sarah’s opening it praying to God I was right. But God decided on taking a vacation, instead of the light purple walls I was hoping for I got grey ones instead. 
“Fuck!” I hear, the person in the room faces me calming down once he sees who opened the door. “God Die what the hell. Next time knock, and what are you even doing here.” 
“Umm.... I’m lost. I think my brain stopped working I thought this was Sarah’s room.” I say looking around the room my eyes landing on a white substance on the desk he stood up from. “What’s that.” I ask hoping it’s not what I think it is and Sadie’s crush is a druggie.
“Nothing, two four doors down.” I slowly nob. closing the door trying to forget what I ‘didn’t’ just see. “And Die you didn’t see anything ok.” I nod again opening the right door this time sitting waiting for Sarah.
Sadie’s POV
“Hey princess.” JJ greats me as I get out of Putt Putt Y/N’s car. His hand finds its way to my denim clad hip from the shorts Y/N put me in. I really just want to push his hand off me, this is my sister boyfriend for God sake. He leans down to press him lips to mine but i turn my head his lips landing on my cheek instead. 
“Hi.” I wave to the rest of them pulling away from JJ. I try to ignore the stare coming from the blond as I sit in one of the lawn chairs. The sun was going down as I got here Y/N telling me what time to leave and what to wear before heading out way earlier to the Camerons. 
“Late as always Y/N/N.” John B shakes his head sipping the beer in his hand. Never once has my sister been early for anything and it stresses me out so much I don’t know how she does it. 
“It’s called being fashionably late Booker. But you wouldn’t get that would you?” I laugh knowing that was something she would say to her best friends. JJ sits beside me still staring so I turn to face him giving him a smile, he relaxes a little bit wrapping an arm around my shoulders. My or Y/N’s phone rings in her backpack I grab it out seeing the text from ‘My Person’, it was what we agreed on for our contact names after we repeatedly binged Grey’s.
                                                   My person
Bro what do you and S talk about????
                                                                       The latest drama at school
Sooo....                                                                                                        What is the latest drama
                                                  God do we even go to the same school                                                                           Immanuel P. kissed Madison B.
In a few hours it hits midnight and I was freezing. The cropped AC/DC shirt and shorts doing nothing against the cold autumn air. The night of Autumn in the Outerbanks were always so cold for a place that’s supposed to be hot. The fire was helping but I wanted something more. I got up to check Putt Putt for one of Y/N’s hoodies but I was pulled back landing on JJ’s lap a small shriek leaving my lips. 
“Were you going Princess.” His arms tightly around my waist while my arms go around his neck. His eyes staring into mine with nothing but adoration. I was happy that Y/N had someone in her life that loved her, but the way he looked at me thinking I was my sister makes me want to tell them a little . But I have to admit this is so fun.
“I’m cold and just going to find a hoodie.” He still doesn’t let go, instead one hand moves off my waist to grab something beside him. In his hand is know a black hoodie that would be way too big for me but as he hands it to me I slip it over my head. “Thanks.”
“You ok, you seem, I don’t know... off.” 
“I’m fine.” I give him a reassuring smile but I can she he doesn’t buy it.
“Are you sure you know you can tell anything right.” His thumb starts rubbing circles on the exposed skin under my shirt. I am so taking a long bath when I get home. I like JJ, it’s not like I hate Pogues or anything it just weird though.
“I 100 percent fine J, if something was wrong I’d tell you, you know that”
“Yea I do.”
Day 2
Sadie’s POV
Nothing was happening with the pogues today so I got an off day, but then I had to go and say something I wish I didn’t. 
                                              🥰My Surfer Boy🥺
You doing anything                                                                                      Can I come over 
                                                    Sadie is dragging me to a kook party
Well then I’ll just have to score an invite
Now JJ wasn’t going to stop till he could come which wouldn’t be hard as Sarah was inviting John B.
We pick out each others clothes before going to the party at Topper’s. I go to find Sarah lookinaroundud for the blonde. But instead of finding that blond I see Sade and JJ, his arm wrapped around my sister making me jealous. 
“Hey Die.” A voice says right behind me making me jump not at all expecting Rafe. He chuckles at me reaction before handing me a drink.
“What’s in it.” I ask, Sadie doesn't normally drink so I don’t know if I should take a sip of the dark liquor. “Trust me.” Is all he says back. I take whiff smelling how strong it is. Me personally would never trust Rafe, but this is Sadie not Y/N. I take a cautious sip. The second I take a sip I almost gag at how strong it is. I could handle alcohol but that is to much. Rafe starts laughing so I grab the front of his shirt and pour the rest down his chest.
“Hey Hey.” he pushes me back but it’s to late his shirt now had a dark stain on the front. “Okay maybe I deserved that.” He shakes his head at mumbling something about changing his shirt. There was a tug on my arm and I was faced with myself, well my sister. JJ behind her laughing putting his hand up for me to high five. Which I did.
“What are you doing. I would never do that.” She scolds me in a whisper so JJ won’t hear. When we switched Sadie was very serious about staying discreet. 
“Well I can’t kiss him as you what do you want me to do?” I laugh as she scoffs walking away JJ following behind her still laughing.
Day 4
Sadie’s POV
Four days nobody really suspected anything, well other than JJ he keeps asking if I ok. And I’ve had to dodge every kiss he tried to give me, and when I tell you JJ loves kiss Y/N it’s an understatement. It was the night of a boneyard kegger hosted by the pogues. 
I was chatting with Kie about turtles when a very drunk Kelce came over. He slung his arm around my shoulder, his drink spilling out of his cup and onto Y/N’s favorite shirt. I never really liked Kelce he just made me uncomfortable. Any time I saw Rafe, Topper and him out I’d always say hi, bothe Rafe and Topper would respond with a hi while Kelce would look me up and down before saying anything.
“Hey babygirl. God you don’t know how many times I’ve dreamed of fucking you are you sister, to have the two of you under me screaming my name. Why don’t we make it reality.” He drops his mostly full cup silling it on the converse I was wearing. His hand going to my waist and his lips attaching to my neck.
“Get off me! Stop!” Suddenly he was ripped off me. JJ’s fist colliding with his face. Kie grabs my hand asking if I was okay. I nod hopping into the van. Soon enough John B, Pope and JJ came to the van, JJ sitting right beside me wrapping me in his arms hugging me as no one said anything. 
“I don’t know how many times I’m going to have to punch him in the face for him to stop.” JJ said as we park at John B’s. I grab my phone leaving the van before it’s fully stopped I ran inside Dialing my number. 
“Yo Sade how’s life on the cut.”
“Were you ever going to tell me about Kelce.” I ask angrly pacing around the small bathroom.
“About that.” She nervously laughs not continuing. “Maybe should've warned you Kelce is in love with us before you went to the party.”
In Love with us! Y/N he tried to have sex with me!.”
“I know.”
“I hate you sometimes.”
Day 5
I was at a small party just some friends over and some games at Sarah’s. We were all sitting in the living room talking about all the drama at school which I knew nothing about. A hour in Rafe and some of his guys friends walked in. Just as Sarah was going to tell them to leave Carmella asked them to stay, while practically eye fucking the kook king himself. Instead of walking over to the girl begging for his attention he sat beside me on the couch. I put Sadie’s phone I was currently texting her on so she could keep up with everything down.
“Nice to see you here Die.” 
“Hi Rafey.” I replied back using the nickname I usually call him. He rolls his eye as Carmella sits basically on top of him and starts a conversation about some boring kook thing. I felt bad for Sadie if this is what she has to deal with. “Come on. We’re out of snacks.” I grab his hand pulling him with me to the kitchen.
“Why do I have to come.” He whines like a baby as we get into the hallway, but follows even when I let go of his hand.
“Because I need help getting snacks.” JJ please forgive me for what I’m about to do. I grab the front of his expensive polo shirt putting my lips to his. He starts to kiss back but I pull away grabbing Oreos and walking back to the living room. Soon Rafe walks in clearly shocked of what just happened in the kitchen. Rule one and two broken. Oops.
Sadie’s POV
After hours of sitting in the sun on the boat I’m practically dying. I mean sure living in Obx you get used to the heat but someone turn the heat down. JJ has been asking me nonstop questions about things which I find weird but I answer.
What star sign are you? Virgo
Who’s the president? Trump
How many states are there? 50
9x7? 63
Our favorite thing to do together? Surf
What does www mean? World wide web
What university are you going to? UNC
Dream job? Not sure
I was confused what was happening the Pogues all asked what JJ was doing but he just said nothing.
“HA I knew it.” JJ jumped up startling everyone. I sighed, everytime it was always me that messes up if people find out. 
“How did you find out. Was it that I knew was www meant?” I question texting Y/N to get to John B’s. As we pulled up to the dock Kie got out laughing that I should be an actress. 
“No it’s that you answered 9x7 so fast. Also next time dream job is opening a surf shop together.”
When I show up I knock on the door fiddling with my fingers. The door opens with the blond headed, blue eyed boy kissing me. He wraps his arms tightly around my back like he hasn’t kissed my in forever. I giggled kissing his nose wrapping my arms around his neck.
“Took you long enough. Five days surfer boy, gotta do better next time.” I push past him into the Chateau. “Hey guys miss me.” They shake the heads at me calling us crazy.
“I just thought it was that time of the month or something.” JJ said wrapping his arms around my torso resting his head on my head. I hit the back of his head causing him to playfully bite my ear. “Don’t ever do that again I was worried you were mad at me.” He looks between me and Sadie and I turn to face him giving his a salute.
I sit beside Sadie whispering in her ear that I kissed Rafe earlier tonight. “WHAT!” She jumps up. “You broke rule one and two!!! I have to go fix what you messes up now!”
“I didn’t break rule four though.”
“I hate you!” She runs out of the house starting up her car and driving off to the Camerons.
Later that night I’m curled into JJ on the bed in the room he claimed as our. The shirt he was wearing now over my shoulders enclosing me in the smell and heat that is JJ Maybank. My head on his chest listening to the rhythmic heartbeat. In the five days without JJ this is one of the things I missed most. His smell was just intoxicating and his arms tightly around me felt safe.
“Oh JJ I may have kissed Rafe.”
Part two
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Saturday 21 February 1835
12 10
No kiss ground white with snow as yesterday morning - but deeper covered now and snowing at 8 50  at which hour F39 ½° - the snow this moment abating and the sun shining and breakfast - snowing again in 5 minutes and wintery day - breakfast  till 9 55 - Pickells brought his account for draining in Low land etc - said I would look it - then at rough book copying out my pencil in ink, and noting down money paid to P- on account - A- came to tell me the Whigs had brought in their speaker Mr Abercromby against Sir C. Manners Sutton by a majority of ten - 316 to 306 - .:. 622 m.ps. voted - bad news but let us not despair - then sometime with my father - Marian was to have arrived per mail at noon - Matthew took the phaeton for her - not come - Mr Jubb came but I did not see him for had Joseph Mann and paid him £8 on a/c for the last fortnight he had been before this morning about a new run - the trestles could not be set it was so rough and wet and snowy, and Holt came at the same time at 1 ¼ and staid 1 ½ hour till 2 ¾ - He is to appoint a day with Shay of Ovenden to come and see about the waterwheel - said John Oates has sometime ago planned to have a pit at Charles Howarths - we must have a vent pit - where should it be - would it not be as well in Pump little croft, and be a sale pit? H- agreed at last but said at 1st he would have a vent and sale pit in J. Wilkinson’s land - I said we should have the turnpike to pay and I should get upon coal and looses I did not care to meddle with more especially as H- said old Wilkinson had spoke to Holt about selling his W-‘s coal about 15d.w. - meant to advertise them - H- said nobody could loose them but myself - he had better try and agree with me - I said if I put down   pit in JW-‘s land Old W- would not know what to ask for his coal - he had better sell me the estate at once - said what the Tilley holme still loose would loose - I cared not about buying more except Mr Machans’ coal - H- said Mr. Rawson had been about it again - but the people had promised him (H-) not to tell is without letting him know - he is o see them again on Monday - told him by all means to agree and get those to sign who could sign, and all can but one - will slip up on Tuesday evening and let me know about Shay and what is done about the Machan coal - said I had been thinking about loosing the coal at Mytholm mill only wished to know whether Shay thought the waterwheel could both work the mill and pump the coal water - this was the calculation I wished Shay to make - if this could be managed I should think seriously about it - in letting the Mytholm farm, meant to reserve the holme and land about the mill - H- said if there was not water enough just in summer, there could be a small fire engine to keep all going - Explained my intention of stopping the Spiggs concern altogether and raising the water so as to get it into my dam - this water = ¼ of the brook, and this and brook raised so as to give me above 30ft. of fall would surely do all I wanted - in this case I had better lay out at Mytholm my £300 or £400+ that the wheel at Tilly holme style would cost - improve the mill and pay myself both ways - H- seemed taken with this - said there would be no difficulty in preventing the colliers from loosing other people  - agreed that coal at 7 1/2d. per corve at Pump pit would be worth as much to let as coal at 8d. at Walker pit, on account of double depth to pull at W. pit - if the coal was his, would not make a farthing less than £150 per acre soft bed and £80 per acre hard bed - and thought the tenants should take gin and rails at a valuation to be paid by instalments for if he was I he would not have the pother of keeping them which would subject me to repairs -well! said I perhaps that will be the best way - but we must consider about conditions of letting when the time comes - it occurs to me however that I had best keep gin and rails and charge a percentage allowing a certain deduction for repairs - this plan will keep all [most] in my own hands - I said people said I might to have a public letting if I liked but nobody was to have the coal but Holt - that I always denied that saying I did not know who would get the coal but that I never bound myself to take the highest bidder - but said I, if you do get it, and perhaps one is more likely to prefer old acquaintances than strangers, you will have the best coal-concern hereabouts - he said they might get a good living yet out of the coal at the above named prices but no more - Mr. R- does not get 10 acre per annum but perhaps gets 8 acres per annum - H- thinks they cannot ‘pull over’ (get) more than 2 acres at Walker pit, but at 2 pits may get and sell from 3 to 4 acres per annum - had the large plan down - began really to understand Mr. R-s’ colliery - he is sinking a 2nd pit (not yet bottomed) at Law hill nearer to the road, up to which 2nd pit will be 2 galloway gates (6ft. high) communicating one with the staith near the bottom of the old bank, and the other with the Swan banks staith - the other Law hill pit is his engine pit - this engine pumps up the water 44 yards from the soft or low bed into the level (in the sandstone?) that pours out the water (a strong feeder) into the brook just below Thief bridge (in the Stony royde land) at H-x - this level, call it A, received at a little distance from the Engine pit all the water that R- formerly threw on Hinscliffe, and that being thus taken off drys all the coal in the waste and the coal R- is now getting alongside my land Hugh grave fields and forward towards Barraclough lane-head - and if I was to raise the Spiggs water all along the barrier I propose leaving of my coal to the North west, so that it ran round the corner down towards R- it could not reach his engine, but would turn short of it, and go down to Thief bridge - R- by this pumping of 44 yards (vid. line 8 above) has 500 yards of level - i.e. has gained 500 yards breadth on the dib side - i.e. can get a breadth of 500 yards in the line of water head hold measured from his engine pit - his water level running parallel with mine (from Trough of Bolland wood to the top far corner of Conery wood etc) it seems he cannot get all Hall’s coal, and if I buy Mrs. Machans’ coal, perhaps R-‘s colliery will be done in 8 or 9 years -
mine cannot be fairly started of 2 years - that his rivalry will not hurt my colliery forever - Holt very poorly - had not been out since Wednesday till this morning - terribly wintery day for him - spoke to him about A-‘s colliery in Lidgate land - will look after it for her if she likes - Hinscliffe very thick with Illingworth - H- often wondered why he treated him so often - advises the joint colliery being settled very quietly about on measurements given in right or wrong way- for all the coal clean [great] and top crushed in that nobody [cannot] measure any more - H- came at 1 ¼ and went away at 2 ¾ then staid down looking over the large map - till A- came to me for sometime - had Pickells - gave him £10 on a/c and put off settling till I had more examined his account - from about 3 ¾ to 5 wrote all but the 2 first lines of today - then had Charles H- up in the blue room to set the pendulum of the pendule right and talking to him about Mytholm engine pit till near 6 - he explained why it would never do to loose my coal from mytholm - should have all the upper bed water to pump - the great gall 3 yards from the engine pit on the Hipperholme side - all the money my grandfather laid out there quite thrown away - should put my water wheel down somewhere (and that could only be between Tilley holm stile and coffin-lane bridge over the brook against Lower brea garden) where it would be out of (free from) the upper bed water - the upper bed being all got hereabouts all the water runs along the old works and would be in upon us in such force at mytholm, we should have it to pump before we get down at all to the lower bed and then we should have both upper and lower bed water  to lift - (engine pit to upper bed 20 yards? deep at Mytholm) - either put the waterwheel down at Tillery holme stile or between there and coffee lane bridge, or else begin at Dumb mill where the upper and lower bed being whole coal there would be barrier enough against letting in upon us all the upper bed water from the old works - on the Dumb mill side, the gall would be a throw up and this would be right - on the Mytholm side it would be to us a throw down and we could do nothing with it - never being to loose coal at Mytholm -dinner at 6 ¼ - coffee - had Washington at 7 ½ had fresh coffee for him - left him with A- about 8 - Marian had arrived per chaise from Halifax just before - very well and safe returned from Market Weighton - a little while with her and my father - then wrote the last 16 lines (after having made out Pickells’s account) till 10 - then with my aunt a minute or 2 - when A- came up SW- only just gone - very snowy wintery day, and windy night -sat talking to A- till 11 at which hour F40°
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letthefairyinyoufly · 2 months
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“You're reading me.” [003]
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hklunethewriter · 4 years
But seriously, why do I never hear about Irene Iddesleigh around the Internet? It’s practically The Room of late Victorian literature! I have to tell y'all about this book. See here:
Got published because Amanda McKittrick Ros’s (the author’s) doting husband paid for it, but not for the “I want to have more control over publication/don’t need the traditional system” reasons—no, she simply thought her writing was too amazing for that
Mark Twain called it “one of the greatest unintentionally humorous novels of our time”
C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien would deadass have reading parties where whoever could go the longest without laughing won
“Hope is like a shimmering oaken ship on the turbulent seas of discord, fear, and impertinence, cast by the hollow winds of despair. The sun’s rays of goodness and victory tumble down from the heavens, but lo! The clouds of uncertainty beat them back as though"—ALMOST EVERY PARAGRAPH IS LIKE THIS. Metaphors and similes and alliterations and melodrama is the entire book.
a humorist from that era named Barry Pain (lmao) called it the book of the century. At first he found it funny, but then apparently he “shrank before it in tears and terror”
When Ros read what Pain said, she called him a “clay crab of corruption” and then claimed he did it because he was secretly in love with her (my gosh. her mind)
And for all that, it’s not even just the outrageously
🌌 purple prose 🌌
that’s the whole issue here. The plot is basically just
Act I: I’m going to willingly marry a man I hate, and I hate him because he isn’t my secret lover >:(
Act II: I hate him even more each day but we have a kid, oh and I’m having an emotional affair with my secret lover
Act III: husband discovers affair and locked me in a “cursed” room for a year (Charlotte Brontë is literally shaking) but I escape to America with my lover. Huh? I have a child? Never heard of him
Act IV: I somehow legally marry my lover in America and will live there the next fifteen years, but whoops! Suddenly he’s super bad with money and also a drunk and abuser and hits me and then dies by suicide
Act V: I go back to England. Nobody recognizes me even though I’m, like, 35, but they all hate my guts and love my dead husband. My son got the whole story from his dad and hates me the most. I’m sad. I walk to a cottage my lover used to use and literally drop dead. The end
So if you’re looking for something ridiculous to read and be entertained by, I can heartily recommend Irene Iddesleigh. It’s about 100 pages, so it isn’t a slog (somehow)—I read it in an afternoon. You can read it storybook style here or find it over at Project Gutenberg. It’s what Tolkien and Lewis would want.
In case you aren’t convinced yet, though, allow me to show you.
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Until now he was inclined to be prejudiced against the snares and allurements of women, but he strongly resolved to try gradually and abandon every unkind thought harboured in his mind against them, fearing lest all his conjured imaginations were both unjust and selfish; and determined to drown them for ever in the clashing gulf of fate, felt a prouder and happier mortal than before.
But time would solve the problem and heal the wound which penetrated so deeply his bosom. Yea, a short time he hoped would bring his creeping fever of endearment under the binding stay of appointed authority, and heal its weakening effects with the sacred salve of truth.
Aka “my long-worn misogyny has just been reversed by a pretty woman”
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Chapter IV: When on the eve of glory, whilst brooding over the prospects of a bright and happy future, whilst meditating upon the risky right of justice, there we remain, wanderers on the cloudy surface of mental woe, disappointment and danger, inhabitants of the grim sphere of anticipated imagery, partakers of the poisonous dregs of concocted injustice. Yet such is life.
Chapter VIII: A word of warning tends to great advantage when issued reverently from the lips of the estimable. It serves to allay the danger pending on reticence, and substantiates in a measure the confidence which has hitherto existed between the parties concerned. Again, a judicious advice, extended to the stubborn and self-willed, proves futile, and incurs the further malice and fiery indignation of the regardless, the reckless, and the uncharitable.
Chapter XIII: It is astounding to view the smallest article through a magnifying glass; how large and lustrous an atom of silver appears; how fat and fair the withered finger seems; how monstrously mighty an orange; how immeasurably great the football of youth; but these are as nought when the naked eye beholds the boulder of barred strength—a mountain of mystery.
Every chapter has a paragraph like this. I won’t spoil them for you.
Such is life.
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“My dearest and much beloved, I assure you your remarks have astounded me not a little! Your words sting like a wasp, though, I am quite convinced, unintentionally. You are well aware that within a short period I will be marked  out publicly as mistress of Dunfern mansion—an honour revered in every respect by me; an honour to which I at one time dare never aspire; an honour coveted by many much more worthy than I, whose parentage is as yet bathed in the ocean of oblivious ostentation, until some future day, when I trust it shall stand out boldly upon the brink of disclosure to dry its saturated form and watery wear with the heat of equality. You are about to place me in a position which cannot fail to wring from jealousy and covetousness their flaming torch of abuse. Yes, Sir John, on me you have not ceased to lavish every available treasure and token of your unbounded love. You have been  to me not only a loyal admirer, but a thoroughly upright and estimable example of life’s purest treasures. You have resolved to place me by your side as your equal, whilst wealth in boundless store is thirsting for your touch. You have elevated my unknown position to such a pitch as to defy taunt or jeer, and at any time if I may have, seemingly, ignored your advances, it was purely want of thought, and not through any underhand motive or scheme whatever.
“I assure you your allusion to my verbal answer last night is very pronounced, and may be overlooked on the ground of pure disappointment. Our time of singleness  is now short, and begging your forgiveness for my seeming neglect or indifference, I hope the tide, which until now has flown so gently, may not be stayed on the eve of entering the harbour of harmony, peace, and love.”
At the commencement of Irene’s answer of lavishing praises and flimsy apologies, her affianced moved to the opposite corner of the rustic building to scan the features of her he wholly worshipped and reluctantly doubted. Every sentence the able and beautiful girl uttered caused Sir John to shift his apparently uncomfortable person nearer and nearer, watching at the same time minutely the divine picture  of innocence, until at last, when her reply was ended, he found himself, altogether unconsciously, clasping her to his bosom, whilst the ruby rims which so recently proclaimed accusations and innocence met with unearthly sweetness, chasing every fault over the hills of doubt, until hidden in the hollow of immediate hate.
Ros is so close to being self-aware at the start of the last paragraph here, but then it’s lost in the same circular language found throughout. Ah, well.
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brothfan1997 · 3 years
do u think john and june can coexist?
siiiiggghhh ok this is a complicated question and as a tme person i dont know if i can fully speak to the nuances of this conversation. my first point is just that i think the energy people put into this issue would be better directed not at other fans but at the actual writers of hs2 who have put exactly zero effort into representing her (i do not read hs2) in the source material thus far. [putting this under a cut because i have Problems and wrote like 700 words about this]
the intangible nature of “canon” is like, literally an entire aspect of the plot heavily explored in homestuck proper. canonization can be given and taken away freely within the actual confines of the story, as a narrative device, and this concept is intricately intertwined with the relationship between Homestuck and its audience. the main characters are observed by an outside audience even within the story, and interactions from observers have the power to make changes in-universe, in a literal sense (readers picking actions), a meta sense (andrew hussie and the MSPA reader as actual characters), and just textually, when the main character, one J. Egbert, leaves the narrative and becomes an character outside of the author’s control with the power to alter reality. if i was going by a strict interpretation of the actual plot of homestuck, technically nothing andrew hussie says has any bearing on any character that has retcon powers. but im not going to do that, because that is kind of dumb.
i think these are the sort of mental backflips the hs2 team are doing to justify their avoidance of the issue of actually canonizing june. because from my point of view, right now, she is not canon. she is not mentioned once, in any of the source material. again, this is a fault of the writers, but lets ignore that, and assume that she is canon by toblerone law, as im guessing that this is what this ask is actually trying to get at. people argue that oh, shes canon in this timeline and not others, which tbh i think is another transphobic backflip, using the plot mechanics of homestuck to justify ignoring a characters transition. making content for the hs2 cast on earth C that features a cis john is absolutely transphobic; john and june cannot coexist on earth C. 
HOWEVER: the thing is that june isnt a real person, existing as a conscious being at only one fixed point in time. shes a character in a story, one that has existed for almost 12 years, and that character can be consumed and interpreted at any point in her journey. every version, every moment of this character exists at the same time, and i dont think its a disservice to junes character to interpret and make content for her as she is, pre-transition, in homestuck proper. there are certainly ways to do it wrong, and there are certainly people who do it to be hateful, but i dont think this issue is completely black and white. at the end of the day, homestuck is a self contained story, and (when it comes to, like, making act 5 fanart) nobody is obligated to reimagine the original material based on second hand information from a ~dubiously canon~ sequel (i think that whole thing is bullshit for other reasons that i wont go into. take responsibility for the writing choices you make). 
i think this is a really unique situation of having a character transition AFTER the actual story takes place, which really hasnt been represented in media before at all. i would really like to see the hs2 writers do a good job, and i would love for the homestuck fandom to interact with the characters in a way that is respectful to their future journeys, because it is so so so important to respect people that see themselves in those journeys. i really think the most important thing to consider with june discourse is just... is that person being transphobic? are their headcanons motivated by transphobia? is this person trying to erase a canon identity or are they just exploring a character as they have been represented. anyway. i love june egbert and i just think we should hold writers to the same level of accountability as we hold the fans. i do think this is a really important conversation to have tho especially as we have more trans representation in media so please let me know if you have any thoughts on anything ive said here :-)
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britesparc · 4 years
Weekend Top Ten #455
Top Ten Comedy Sidekicks
Ha, LOL, ROFL, guffaw, snort. Comedy, eh? You’ve got to love it, unless you somehow fall through a timewarp into a late-seventies working men’s club in Blackburn and you find yourself choking to death on second-hand smoke, mother-in-law jokes, and a simmering undercurrent of racist violence. Good times!
Anyway, it’s fairly common that even in the most serious of narratives and with the most serious of protagonists, we need a little chuckle very now and again (nobody tell Zack Snyder – actually, no, scratch that, somebody definitely tell Zack Snyder). It lightens the load, makes the world more nuanced and realistic, and even makes the truly dark moments stand out all the stronger. Most films have a bit of a joke every once in a while (and, of course, Shakespeare’s tragedies are full of comic characters or bits of business), and one very common trope is the Comedy Sidekick.
What is a Comedy Sidekick? Well, it’s a supporting character who offers comic relief, basically. sometimes this can be obviously discernible – Luis in Ant-Man, for example, may function as a plot engine from time to time, but has little in the way of actual character development and is mostly there to be funny whilst the heroes do hero stuff. Sometimes it’s harder to define; I mean, are either of the Blues Brothers a comedy sidekick? Arguably Jake is the lead and Elwood is a bit more of a “turn” (he’s almost eternally deadpan and unemotional), but I’d never say one was inherently funnier or “straighter” than the other. And the you get onto films like Aladdin: sure, Aladdin himself is obviously the protagonist, and there’s an argument to be made that the Genie is a comic relief supporting character, but I feel in this case he’s far too integral to the plot, played by a significantly more famous actor, and really just dominates the film to the extent that he becomes the de facto lead (see also: Captain Jack Sparrow). Again, in Men in Black, Will Smith’s J is clearly the “funny” one, but Smith is also the bigger star and the audience entry point; plus, Tommy Lee Jones is hilarious as the deadpan K. So it’s not as simple as it may first appear.
Anyway, the ten in this list are ones I define as definitely being supporting characters. They may be big characters, in terms of plot or development, but they’re definitely there in support of another protagonist. And whilst they may be fully-rounded characters with their own arcs, their primary function is to be funny; they’re the ones who deliver the comedy lines back to the main character, or crack a joke at the end of a serious bit.
Right, I think that’s my usual ridiculous caveats out of the way. Now let’s make ‘em laugh.
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Baldrick (Tony Robinson, Blackadder series, 1983-99): Baldrick is one of the supreme comic idiots in all of fiction. Serving as a perfect foil to Blackadder, he is not only supremely stupid but also his niceness and naiveté serves to undercut his master’s wickedness; plus his idiocy is often the undoing of Blackadder’s villainous plans. But he is also charmingly fully-rounded, oblivious to his own stupidity, possessed of “cunning plans”, and with a great love of turnips. A phenomenal turn from Robinson.
Sir John Falstaff (various plays by William Shakespeare, from 1597): is it cheating to include as significant and iconic a literary figure as Falstaff? Feels a bit like it, especially as he's practically a lead (and, indeed, becomes one in Merry Wives). But really he’s the archetype: a supremely vain and self-serving comic foil, but one with vast hidden depths as he’s keenly aware of his own frailties and the inevitable end of his good times with Prince Hal.
Father Dougal McGuire (Ardal O’Hanlon, Father Ted 1995-98): in many ways he’s a slightly watered-down version of Baldrick’s comic idiot; but Dougal is, if anything, even stupider, and less self-aware. He’s like a perfect idiot, a beautiful naïve fool, a supreme man-child with his Masters of the Universe duvet. And he’s divine, just incredibly hilarious throughout; and, like Baldrick, serves as the perfect foil for his more duplicitous and cynical elder.
Donkey (Eddie Murphy, Shrek, 2001): animated sidekicks are very often the comic relief, and I’d argue that Murphy’s Donkey is as good as they come. I actually think Murphy’s prior turn as Mushu in Mulan is probably the better character, but Donkey is just a comic force of nature, a creature who exists only to make everything dafter and funnier. It allowed Murphy a chance to go all-out in a way he hadn’t on screen for quite some time, and it was something we’d rarely seen in animation (arguably only Robin Williams’ Genie is in the same ballpark). Plus, he actually is a good friend to Shrek, bringing out his better nature. Well done, Eddie!
Danny Butterman (Nick Frost, Hot Fuzz, 2007): another of those characters who really skirts the edges of “supporting comic relief” and is really a deuteragonist. But I feel like most of Frost’s characters in his partnerships with Simon Pegg are, essentially, supportive; Pegg is almost always the lead. In this film, despite Danny having some great development and functioning almost as a romantic partner for Pegg’s Nick Angel, he’s usually presented as a beautiful comic foil, his folksy, slobby demeanour contrasting perfectly with Angel’s straitlaced professionalism. And – for the second film in a row – he gets a tremendous C-bomb.
Luis (Michael Peña, Ant-Man, 2015): another comic fool, Luis is the silly, charming, endearing, loveable thorn in the side of Paul Rudd’s Scott Lang. He’s daft, yeah, and comes across as a bit dim, but his permanently-smiling demeanour means we just keep on loving him, even when we can see how annoying he would be. but what cements his position is his rapid-fire OTT explanations, and how the movie presents them; pieces of comedic joy in the MCU.
Cosmo Brown (Donald O’Connor, Singin’ in the Rain, 1952): Singin’ is one of those great Golden Age movies full of witty dialogue (as well as great songs, natch), and by its nature Gene Kelly is the lead and therefore straight man, whereas O’Connor’s Cosmo can be wackier and funnier, and in doing so get to the truth of what his friend is feeling. But what really gets him in this list is his performance of “Make ‘Em Laugh”, running up walls like he’s in The Matrix or something, and feeling like a Bugs Bunny cartoon brought to life.
Silent Bob (Kevin Smith, View Askiewniverse, from 1994): I guess you could argue that both Bob and his less-silent colleague Jay are, as a twosome, the comedy sidekicks in whichever films they’re in (apart from the two they headline, I guess); but if you take the pair on their own, I’d say Bob is the comic of the duo. Yeah, it’s Jay who’s the mile-a-minute loudmouth, cracking jokes and being explosively filthy. But who really gets the laughs? For my money it’s Smith’s perfectly-judged expressions, punctuating the pomposity or reinforcing the eccentricity of whatever Jay’s on about. And then every now and again he gets to speak, and delivers a great one-liner (“no ticket!”) or serious, heartfelt monologue (cf. Chasing Amy).
Semmi (Arsenio Hall, Coming to America, 1988): Semmi is supposed to be a loyal and devoted servant to Prince Akeem, and he is, I guess; but he’s also a true friend. Akeem’s quest to find love in New York is genuine, and despite the film’s high joke quantity, Eddie Murphy has to be relatively restrained in his lead role. Hall’s Semmi, on the other hand, gets to be acerbic, throwing shade and barbs at his lord, questing their quest and seeking his own share of wealth and, well, women. And we all love his line “you sweat from a baboon’s balls”.
Dory (Ellen DeGeneres, Finding Nemo, 2003): as discussed above, comedy cartoon sidekicks are a cinematic staple. They’re not often female, however, and even more rare is a female character who gets to be both funnier and seemingly dumber/goofier than the lead. Of course, Dory is full of pathos, a borderline tragic character whose chronic memory loss has a dreadful impact on her day-to-day life. It’s her sunny optimism (“just keep swimming!”) that makes her endearing more than her humour, however; and, of course, it’s this optimism that begins to chip away at Marlin’s (Albert Brooks’) flinty suit of armour. Funny, warm, makes our hero a better person, but can be a little bit sad – perfect comedy sidekick.
There are two that I’m annoyed that I couldn’t fit in so I'll mention them here: Carrie Fisher in When Harry Met Sally and Danny Kaye in White Christmas. In the former case, whilst Fisher’s Marie is hilarious throughout, and definitely comic relief when put alongside the relatively straight Sally, the fact that everyone, really, gets a lot of funny lines in what is a consistently funny film kinda knocked her down the rankings a little bit, even though I feel bad about it, because everything is always better if Carrie FIsher is in it, including these lists. Kaye’s Phil Davis in White Christmas absolutely steals that film from Bing Crosby, with fast-paced witty wordplay and some supreme physical comedy, and the running gag about how he saved the life of Crosby’s Bob Wallace is golden. But, I dunno, he just kept slipping down the list, despite being my favourite thing in that film. Sorry, Danny.
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blackmuzak8484 · 3 years
nortey dowuona’s best of 2020
to be completely honest, I decided to do this entirely for TSJ. otherwise, I wouldn’t have bothered at all. Best end lists are for music nerds and billboard chart nerds and industry vultures, and i happen to be subscribed, in the discord and in the comments of the youtube vids of these folk. so, i decided to pick 10 out of random from the big best of 2020 i was compiling for the whole of the year, which I was gonna post to this Tumblr at the end of the damn year, but I guess I can just post the link to the playlist in the bottom of this post. Here, i’m gonna write about 10 songs I personally love, and pick out a few artists i specifically loved:
artist of the year.
RAP Ferreira put out his best album and best verses in a year everybody either stagnated, fell off or got rendered irrelevant by the world at large. He was ebullient, hilarious, thoughtful and even surprisingly honest. I enjoyed the fact that now he’s begun to create a real platform for many talented folx, and I hope he continues to do that in the margins and make even more beautiful music in the years to come.
rookie of the year.
Enny by a mile. Everybody else who debuted this year got hamstrung by the pandemic but she created 3 great songs, each thoughtful, insightful and a joy. Apparently she just started publicly releasing music to a large audience, and I hope she gets better and better, and even gets bigger than J-
most pleasant surprise.
Vic Mensa’s V Tape. An artist who I though had no more moves left completely turned around his whole career with a fantastic performance at Lollapalooza, a fantastic fleet of features and tis gorgeously produced EP which had some of his most brilliant songs on it. I love it all, Vic Mensah is well and truly back. Welcome back bro. (ALSO, DROP THE DRILL TRACK.)
Strongman Burner, Amarae, Okunta Kinte, Vic Mensah in general.
cool things my friends and classmates did.
Justine Darcenne’s #4TheBaeless. Valencia Rae’s Siren thyhomebodies’s Coming of Age. (Phil, a producer in the group, made his own studio!) Brad built his own computer. petit abri put a track on APT9 Record’s compiliation album Volume II. khaalid anderson’s transitions. (khaalid will also be performing at Beats & Brunch on January 23, 2021 at 11 am.) Yannick Paul’s Bear Fruit. The Big Climax’s This Is Ya Boy kxng jetson’s Waves (ft. Kokko Williams & Mike Mezzl) Nicole Gonzalez performed in The Composer’s Melody. Victoria Marie released a bunch of beaufiful covers on her Insta, @toriiii_marie @ph0ssy_jaw works as a counselor online. Pay her at her PayPal. Johnny Aperano Yoba was on People AND Vogue. Dalitso is a wonderful pianist at his church back home in Zambia. Kobina is a fantastic drummer at his church. Kayla graduated with a BS in Music Technology and Industry! Damian been cookin on his insta. Travis graduated! (Look out for Clan of Dragons.) Rorghino Flores made a documentary! Francis (and Animax FYB) put out Mmofra on AmaLexPrime! (play it with yo kids.) A Hype has been dropping crazy all year, roll by his SoundCloud and check out Persistence Of Memory. Reina H been doing great covers on her Insta, @challenges_inlife. Hannah placed music on C. B. S.
best albums of the year (that nobody’s written about).
Maya Huyana -1991 DaWeirdo - Broke and Ugly $ilkMoney - Attack of the Future Shocked, Flesh Covered, Meatbags of the 85 VI Seconds - Because Why Not/Never Knows Best Erik Cain - Heart & Soul Vol. 2 Dimitri & the Scarecrow - Messenger is Sender (from 2015, finally got released onto streaming this year, still pretty great and another great Zimbabwean rapper for us to all fawn over, just like billy woods) Flowking Stone - Gifted 1 The Hoodies - Incommunicado Jayy Grams - Every Gram Counts Domo Genesis/Mike and Keys - Just in Case1/2 Madwiz - God’s Gold Teeth Maez301 - Hasaan Daara J Family - Yaamatele Dai Burger - Dessert EP TeePhlow - Road To Phlowducation II Tef Poe/Blvck Spade - Preacher in the Trap Terrell Hines - Portal One: The Mixtape redveil - niagara Nyukyung - Trap Harmonix AdrianXpression - Sucka Deante Hitchcock - Better (Deluxe) maassai & jWords - ve.loc.i.ty tobe nwigwe - cincoriginals everything Kelsey Lu did this year.
strangest things happening in music in general.
vic mensah actually making a great record. goldlink going through a narcissistic collapse and winding up making the best music of his career. redveil blowing up off Fantano calling him wack. pharoahe monch finally making a rock pivot and it actually works. meet me@the garden coming 10 years too late for my 14 year old self. RAP Ferreira being in the NYTimes, selling a vinyl record for $72, creating an actual nostrum grocers in a video game so we can listen to his next record. The entirety of the playboi carti phenomenom. The entirety of the lil uzi vert phenomenom. The entirety of Chance’s instagram EP being far more money worthy then the entirety of the Big Day and yet being released on Insta and not immediately monetized. Deante Hitchcock releasing a great album and being completely forgotten armand hammer releasing their underground kings wayyy too early. my ass continually not actually looking into amapiano despite always loving it when I review it. several good songs needing to be tacked on to a prior youtube vid as an ad for me to find them instead of actually listening to the artists. santan dave still releasing good verses after he made his illmatic. (expect his new album to suck.) slowthai becoming cake. (we let that go way too far.) Guapdad and BfB Packman being wonderful. Finding out BfB PAckman is a better rapper than Sada Baby. John Boyega putting on Ego Ella May. Having to admit Young Dolph was good all this time and i missed out like a fool.
best tv performance.
Chance The Rapper’s “A Chi-Town Christmas.” IDK’s “Change The Channel.” Sa-Roc’s Tiny Desk Concert. Chika in general. Robert Glapser’s “This Changes Everything (ft. Denzel Curry).” SZA at the Roots Picnic. Sampa The Great at the Roots Picnic. RAP Ferreira in general. Umi’s “Introspection Live Show.” Alexa Esperanza’s cover of “Is It A Crime.” Bad Bunny in general. the jwords, nappy nina and MIKE performances at Satellite Syndicate
most embarrassing piece of music i love with all my heart
Logic’s No Pressure. In all sense of the words I should not love this album like I love my siblings but I do. It is beautiful.
best 10 songs of this year objectively
1 - RAP Ferriera - An Idea Is A Work Of Art (ft. Mike Ladd) [prod. by Kenny Segal, mr. carmack and Mike Parvizi]
I know, I know. In all honesty Doldrums should be here. Then Noz put it on his best list and I had to be all ChiTown Go-Getter and pick the next better thing: this. And in all honesty, it has the best lyric RAP spits on the album: “we build better answers.” But it’s not just that, it’s RAP’s most animated performance, the most dexterous piece on the whole album and the most gorgeous beat, a loping bassline sliding behind the flatfooted drum, allowing Mike Ladd, his musical father, to gently drift through, saying, “what if royalty depised us?” and knowing the only gold is soul and giving it to all of us, all us maggots and vultures and locusts and weevils, to hold to the light so we can finally see. On the quest to get open and free, we continue.
2 - Chika - U Should [prod. by Lido]
I heard this the night it dropped and shot 2 insta videos playacting as it played. But apart from that, it’s a intimate, beautiful song about getting to know a new lady love, so tenderly sung it might melt and disappear if not held gently, with a sweeping guitar lick and purring trumpets sliding all over the place, Chika softly holding each frayed piece together into a considered, gorgeous piece - wait, she’s talking her shit.
3 - Issa Gold - Boys Don’t Cry [prod. by Kingjet & Sherwyn and Matt Zara]
The only reason this isn’t number one is because it dropped on Christmas Eve. But otherwise, it’s a openheart letter to us all. “it’s a lonely path being different,” Issa says, swimming in the melted ice caps as he once danced happily on the edges of melting glaciers that failed to drown him, looking at the world that keeps hurting his heart, yet he still opens his eyes and smiles, and dances. The heavy drums are so bouncy the whole song suddenly flies, formerly a hidden murmur becoming a bright sunlit flight across the sky so we can all see. I can’t wait to see Tempus, if it’s anything as good as this was.
4 - Deante Hitchcock - Growing Up/Mother God [prod. by Brandon Phillips-Taylor]
In all honesty, “Growing Up” is really not the best song on Better. It’s a sweet, happy song with a smooth, crackling bassline with soft, ghostly synths, but still kinda ok. It’s the song added at the end, “Mother God”, that has warm, sizzling piano chords and gorgeous singing in the back. It’s one of the few time I’ve ever heard a man pay homage to the woman in his life and to the God above while being entirely sincere and not faking the funk. The way he praises his mom, his lady, remembering the women in his family taking care of him and him foolishly neglecting Breonna due to his overburdened mind feels full of details, remembrances, explanations and praises. Plus, it actually makes sense that God, if she exists (she does) is a woman since -
5 - Yana Perrault - whiskey and weed [prod. by slate]
Apparently, Yana Perrault is verified now. Excellent. {YES YES MY GOD YESS}, It means more folks know about how great this song, and Yana herself is. If I had any sense, I would’ve written up 12:21 as the best song of 2018, but such is life. Anyway, we have this smooth, bass heavy slinker with shimmering percussion and lumbering drums about hooking up with a former flame who’s “sober” yet keeps on calling Yana to break their sobriety, “know we ain’t talked in a while but you still know my address,” she wryly mentions. As the beat sprints away under a warm cocoon of accapella echoes, it mirrors a relationship so tenuous it might disappear into the wind. Yet still strong enough to have whiskey on call.
6 - Marlon Craft - Culture Sick Freestyle [prod. by Cormill]
Apparently this was supposed to be a shot at Flex. And since Flex is a woman beater and a lame, good for him. Shouldn’t have even gone on Flex to be honest, but then again neither should Jay Critch or Tyler or Black Thought and besides, I watch those freestyles too. And on the freestyle, Marlon frankly put things in perspective. “You don’t want us to better, you just want to be cool still.” This describes all of rap media to be real. And tellingly, it only has 310,000 views. Methinks nobody really wants real. But I do. Thank u Marlon, you continue to be the best white rapper alive. (Nowhere near the best rapper tho, and if Token hadn’t fell off -)
7 - Miah - Cascades [prod. by Cedes]
I’m sideeyeing the boy Miah cuz I had to search up his Audiomack to find the producer’s name (it’s Cedes, and they have a really great avalanche of Drake Type Beats is you like that kind of thing). Were you trying to trick folk into thinking you produced it yourself? You don’t need to do that shit. Especially since you’re writing stuff like “back in high school all my peers were tryin to hit the league / until the league too far from reach so they tap dancing over beats.” When you can frankly break down life that clearly, don’t be trying to hide producer’s names unless you actually learn to produce too. Plaster your name all over that shit.
8 - Justine Darcenne - Off Days [prod. by Mikhail Miller] / Enny - Peng Black Girls (ft. Amia Brave [prod. by Paya]
Justine is indeed my classmate, but that’s not why this song is here. it’s here because it’s a nice little guitar driven song with a spellbinding bridge that’s the best thing I’ve heard her do yet. And I’mma keep it short cuz I already wrote this up at the Singles Jukebox.
Enny released this soft, cushiony record with washed out synths over bulky drums and floated FLOATED over them without even trying to run in the tar, saying frankly, “He said to me, 'they put guns in the streets, that’s what they wanted for me.’ And I said, ‘G, someone can fix you a plate but no one can force you to eat.’” After all, why not try to live for something greater than what the world has expected you to be. And Amia sings, “We’re gon be alright, ok?” with the joy and excitement of someone realizing the words coming alive on their tongue. One of the best songs of this miserable year, and it’s kinda funny watching Jorja accidentally Drake out Amia and even Enny (and by funny I mean irritating.)
9 - Tobi Lou - okay (ft. Dreezy) [prod. by Matteo Woods & Dilip]
Fun fact: Dilip did some great songs with Otxhello, a producer who recorded and mixed 2 records on my first album. That again is not why this song is here. The warm, swinging synths and heavy, bouncy drums are why this is here. Oh, and Tobi’s goofy, silly lyrics and his surprisingly effective Missy Elliott tribute are great too. But obviously, the verse that vaulted this into top 10 was Dreezy, which opens with such a openhearted line, “i can’t help it, it’s too hard to say I’m sorry.” And every line is harder than the last, until she closes with “and I ain’t talkin frontals but we got the city sown up.” Absolutely amazing.
10 - Strongman Burner - Pilolo (ft. KelvynBoy) [prod. by Nixie]
The sweet, gooey synths are poured over the soft, zipping and smooth drums as the wiry bass whirls between Kelvyn’s soft, thin crooning as Stoneman tap dances over the drums, both desperate and defiant, trying to salvage a sinking relationship that he knows is already gathering coral and snappers. It’s the best afropop song of the year and yet it still has a Nigerian on it (well, I put 4 Nigerians on here, next year I’m rectifying that.) And they even did a song together last year , not as good as this. At all. (still pretty good tho.)
best 10 songs i love (but not enough to write full paragraphs for, I already put 10 in and this is already 5 goddamn pages)
11 - Logic - Heard ‘Em Say
best song on the project that isn’t Dadbod but at least it isn’t tempting fate.
12 - Deqn Sue - Creep
I already love this for having a gorgeous bridge, and is cute af. Yes Sue, you can creep.
13 - Quelle Chris & Chris Keys - Sudden Death/ka - i love {moms, mimi, kev}
QUELLE CHIS CAN SANG SANG./ka can heart heart write.
14 - IDK - Square Up (ft. Juicy J)
I don’t know why this is here either but this slaps regardless.
15 - Nappy Nina - Modestly (ft. Maassai)
Maassai is creating some of the best raps out here. so is Nappy Nina.
16 - Kehlani - Lexii’s Outro (ft. Lexii Ajaii)
Let’s celebrate our great rappers when they’re alive (and this includes me. Pls Chika, don’t win Best New Artist.)
17 - Samad Savage - Goodnight
What Travis Scott should’ve tried to be instead of what he is now. Samad still dope af regardless.
18 - Bad Bunny - Si Veo Tu Mama
The way Bad Bunny actually hits that last note makes me feel so excited and alive.
19 - Fat Tony - Back In The Saddle
I fucked up. But I’m getting back in the saddle, back in the saddle next year. NO NIGERIANS ALL NIGERIENS. #ENDSARS tho.
20 - Lady A - the truth is loud
Why am I the only one who has this on a best list? I have 34 bot followers. Vibe, step it up.
best of 2020 music right here folxs.
worst music things of the year:
The Pop Smoke album. Just in all areas. (Better win that Grammy tho.) Travis Scott in general. (So loud and empty and boring.) Big Sean’s Detroit 2. (why does this exist? Just put out Deep Reverence and Detroit Night Cypher and leave everything on the cutting room floor fo the next album.) Remembering all the great rappers who are dead or incarcerated. No Kendrick album (just leaks. Not good enough.) J. Cole and Noname beefing and Noname getting strung up by twitter. Jay Rock pushing being anti-vaccinations. The realization that Normani might never drop a single record ever again. Tory Lanez in general. Joyner Lucas making actually good songs and falling off almost immediately. Cardi B in general. Anything positive being said about steven Universe songs. Luzamity shipping (until it’s canon please stop! Willuz is RIGHT THERE!)
1 note · View note
thesterekcollection · 5 years
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Sterek MasterPost
# - A - D       E - I        J - R     S - Z
John Hughes Did Not Direct My Life by nascentgalaxies | 48.6K
Just A Few Extra Benefits by heartsdesire456 | 13K
Just a Little Hocus Pocus by secondstar | 16.8K
Just Act Normal by zosofi | 78.6K
just once by stilinskisparkles | 20.5K
Just the Same by ericaismeg | 68K
just to know your name by bibliosexual | 2.6K
Just to See You Again by MellytheHun | 14.9K
Kindred Spirits by Stoney | 104.7K
King of the Road by Stoney | 30.4K
Kingdom By The Sea by TheCriminal | 4K
Knot if You Don't Knock by jsea, marguerite_26 | 13.7K
Knot the Average Alpha by blacktofade | 20.3K
Lap Magnet by Prairie_Grass | 30.7K
Last Call by grimm | 6.3K
Last Lovesong of a Dying Lemon by wldnst | 10.4K
last night's dress (tiptoe out of this mess) by hito | 16.7K
Last Year’s Predictions Didn’t Come Out Quite As Expected by stilinskisparkles | 8.5K
Laughter is the Best Medicine by literaryoblivion | 4.4K
lay your armour down by stilinski | 37.6K
Layover by dr_girlfriend | 3.6K
Let it snow! Let it snow! (but please let it stop eventually) by relenafanel | 19.1K
Let us Stray 'til Break of Day by Loz | 55.5K
Let's Talk About Sex! by KuriKuri | 7.2K
Letters by ericaismeg | 8.9K
Like a Melody (it won't leave my head) by Jerakeen | 7.9K
Like Heaven Catching Lighting by weathervaanes | 41.5K
Like The Sun After Ten Years of Rain by eeyore9990 | 1.8K
Linski's Late Night Antidote To Lame by WhoNatural | 13.8K
Listen to the Beat by amazingpages | 5.5K
Little talks by Vendelin | 5.3K
Living a Teenage Dream by Lissadiane | 19.8K
living in your letters by the_misfortune_teller | 9.6K
Lock All The Doors Behind You by entanglednow | 25.9K
Lord knows it would be the first time by uraneia | 12.2K
Losers by stilinskisparkles | 34.2K
Love Comes in Spurts by talktowater | 26.2K
Love Don't Die by Finduilas | 33.5K
Love of a King by Dexterous_Sinistrous | 23.4K | Explicit
Love Runs Wild by DevilDoll | 9.4K
Lunch and Pinatas by literaryoblivion | 1.5K
Mail Order Stiles by Green | 17.4K
Make Grilled Cheese, Not War by talula | 22.2K
Make Peace With Your Demons by wangler | 4K
Matchmaker, Please by LadyMerlin | 4.8K
Mate of the Literary Soul by thewolfthatwrites | 4.2K
Mated by otter | 37.7K
mates for life. or not by chupachups | 7.9K
Mating Habits of the Domesticated North American Werewolf by lielabell | 35.4K
Mauve by bleepobleep | 7.3K
Maybe a Hundred Times Before by coffeeinallcaps | 3.7K
maybe then a witch could believe in the moon by kellifer_fic | 10.7K
Mercy Has a Human Heart by the_deep_magic | 6.1K
Midnight Wolf vs Abominable Snowman! by KuriKuri | 20.4K
Milkshakes and Matchsticks by entanglednow | 52.9K
Misfire by mothlights, unpossible | 28.8K
Missed Deadlines by aerowyn | 16.8K
Mix and Match by Jerakeen | 6.1K
monday i can fall apart but by friday i'm in love by tryslora | 5.6K
monster at the end of the book by kellifer_fic, maichan808 (maichan) | 16.7K
Moon Dogs by popfly | 19.9K
Most Important Things by sarcasticfishes | 21.1K
Move A Mountain by ZainClaw | 69K
Moved on from Whispers by wishingonalightningbolt | 5.3K
Mr McStubbly Saves the Day by Janeyyy | 1.4K
Muffins As A Declaration Of Intent by JenNova | 3.7K
Multidisciplinary Studies by DevilDoll | 51.3K
Murder, He Wrote by mklutz | 31.6K
My Heart Comes Tumbling Down by DevilDoll | 5.6K
my heart's been offline by thepsychicclam | 58.8K
My Name Over Your Heart by hoars | 3.8K
My Taco Sparkles by butyoureyessaidyes | 36.8K
My Words to Catch (like I'm trying) by secondstar | 6.9K
My World Is Filled With Cheer And You by bleep0bleep | 10.8K
Navigating This Space Between Us by Omni | 9.6K
Needs More Sparkly Pens by mm_coconut | 3
Never Did Run Smooth by blacktofade, siretosourwolf | 34.2K
never found a boy (to love me like you do) by stilinskisparkles | 6.6K
Never Was a Stranger by Dira Sudis (dsudis) | 8.9K
no aphrodisiac like loneliness by thepsychicclam | 19.7K
No Homo by RemainNameless | 84K
No Matter When I Am, I Love You by Omni | 4.6K
No Refunds or Exchanges by badwolfbadwolf | 18.9K
Nobody Does It Better by HalfFizzbin | 2K
nom de plume by bleepobleep | 3.9K
Not As Described by Febricant | 81K
not french and probably a mistake by bleepobleep | 7.7K
Not If You Were the Last Fake Boyfriend on Earth by mirrorkill | 8.3K
Not Like Bond & Moneypenny by WhoNatural | 29.8K
Not Quite the Bradys by tigerlady (shetiger) | 13.5K
not running from by 1001cranes | 4.4K
Not So Much Coffee and Books as it is Hot Chocolate and Erotica by knaval | 15.7K
Noteworthy by DLanaDHZ | 12.3K
Noteworthy Observations by LadyDrace | 3.7K
nothing is true but that which is simple by Green | 4.7K
Nothing Less by bigboobedcanuck | 11.4K
Nothing Short Of Perfect by GotTheSilver | 27K
Nothing You'll Miss by ScarlettWoman710 | 3.6K
Occam's Razor by MissAnnThropic | 49.1K
of course, of course by bleepobleep | 12.9K
Of Neighbours and Miguel by neko_fish | 7.9K
Of Witches and Werewolves by alexenglish | 8.7K
Oh, The Places We'll Go by KeriArentikai | 18.9K
On Anchors and Rudders by Unloyal_Olio | 15.1K
On The Job Training by suzvoy | 21.1K
Once Upon A Dream by stilinskisparkles | 11.4K
One Dollar Yoda by exclamation | 10.7K
One Hale of a Sandwich by whatthehale | 10K
One Night Pancakes by literaryoblivion | 5.6K
one two three four, tell me that you love me more by HalfFizzbin | 2.2K
One-handed Typing by Omni | 6.8K
only fools rush in by decideophobia | 13.5K
Operation: Chick Flick by Inell | 7.3K
Option C) Some Bad Guys are Werewolves, but Not All Werewolves are Bad Guys by calrissian18 | 9K
our lives are changing lanes by grimm | 47.5K
Out of His League by violentcrumbles | 11K
Outrun Your Ghosts by wangler | 19.1K
Pack Up; Don't Stray by the_deep_magic | 55.2K
Pale Skin and Fragile Bones by lydiasbones | 13.7K
Parallax by uraneia | 10.5K
Part Of My Melody by hayesgeneration | 21.7K
Patterns of Intention by drunktuesdays | 17K
Peace and Quiet by thelittlestwolf | 7.6K
Peer Pressure by betp | 1.8K
Pen Name by rootbeer | 51K
Permanent Fixture by linksofmemories | 80.7K
Phoenix by Unloyal_Olio | 9.3K
Pick Me Up by Omni | 4.7K
Please Don't Say You Love Me ('Cause I Might Not Say It Back) by Tamyou | 36.8K
Possibly I Like The Thrill Of Under Me You by stilinskisparkles | 12.2K
Predator/Prey by someone_who_isnt_me | 19.3K
Pretender by arrowofcarnations | 3.3K
Prince Charming by morganoconner | 6.1K
Professional Misconduct by Calico, Habernero | 7.9K
Professional Werewolf Witch by reptilianraven | 5.1K
Put Out the Fire (but not the one in my heart) by omelet | 2.8K
Putting the F-U-N in Funeral by apocryphal | 10.8K
Quack (Stiles Stop Calling It That) by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) | 15.9K 
que tu m’aimais encore by magneticwave | 19.9K
Queer Your Coffee by alisvolatpropiis | 3K
Quit Playing Games With My Heart by themistymountainsong | 16.7K
Rare Books and Special Collections by KuriKuri | 15.2K
Reach Out by weathervaanes | 20.2K
Reason For Call by 74days | 58.9K
Reasonable to Assume by Saucery | 32.4K
Red Against the Snow by Ember | 34.2K
Red Light's Already Off by KuriKuri | 3.3K
Red Velvet by arrowofcarnations | 7.6K
Relationship Status: It's complicated by kellifer_fic |
Remember Me by stilinskisparkles | 3.8K
remember my love by bleepobleep | 23.3K
Remembering Me, Remembering You by derekstilinski | 10.6K
Riding the Lightning by Vendelin | 23.7K
Run Stiles, Run by justiceandmight | 9.3K
running with the wind by thepsychicclam | 15.4K
126 notes · View notes
shinee-growsflowers · 4 years
Delicious part 1  part 2 (smut)
Private Special Stage (smut)
Company (smut)
It Is Your Birthday After All (smut)
I’ll Make You Sweat (smut)
Paradise (smut)
You Came Back (smut, angst)
Submit To Me (smut)
Let’s Get Lost (feat. Devon Baldwin) - G-Eazy
Wasn’t Expecting That - Jamie Lawson
All Over - CRUISR
Talk Show Host - Radiohead
In My Arms - Jon Foreman
Shiver Shiver - WALK THE MOON
When We Swam - Thao
Be Okay - Oh Honey
Drunk In Love (Remix) - The Weeknd
Zoom - Last Dinosaurs
400 Lux - Lorde
Fuck You All the Time (Shlohmo Remix) - Jeremih
Professional - The Weeknd
In Technicolor, Part II - Jesse McCartney
Money Make Her Smile - Bruno Mars
When I See You - The Moog
I Would Do Anything For You - Foster the People
San Francisco - The Mowgli's
Go Round - Charlie Puth
Cross My Mind - Twin Forks (with Chanyeol)
What Part of Forever - Cee Lo Green
Say My Name / Cry Me a River - The Neighbourhood
Reflections - MisterWives
Mango Tree - Angus & Julia Stone (with Sehun)
Calabria 2008 (feat. Natasja) - Enur
The Way We Touch - WE ARE TWIN
Slowburn - Crywolf
Can’t Help Falling In Love - twenty one pilots
Love Yuh Bad - Popcaan
Love Like Woe - The Ready Set
Grizzly Bear - Angus & Julia Stone
Laid Out - Blackbear
Sunset Lover - Petit Biscuit
Pretty Baby - Brendan Benson
Beware (feat. Lil Wayne & Jhene Aiko) - Big Sean
Time Is Dancing - Ben Howard
Touch - Troye Sivan
Roses (feat. ROZES) - The Chainsmokers
Often (Kygo Remix) - The Weeknd
다시 랑한다면 If We Love Again - Chen & Chanyeol
Cross My Mind - Twin Forks (with V)
Lovefool (Goshfather & Jinco vs. Dr. Fresch Edition) - The Cardigans
Collide - EVVY
Take My Love and Run - Bad Suns
Collard Greens (feat. Kendrick Lamar) - ScHoolboy Q
Lost Boy - Ruth B
Me & U (Dr. Fresch's Let’s Go Home Remix) - Cassie
Eyes On Fire (Zed’s Dead Remix) - Blue Foundation
Up To You (feat. Chelsea Cutler) - Andrew Luce & Graves
Mango Tree - Angus & Julia Stone (with Jungkook)
Chateau Lobby #4 (in C for Two Virgins) - Father John Misty
Skin - Rihanna
This Is It - 6.AM
Dream a Better Way - Tim Hanaeur
Partition - Beyonce
Here With You - Allstar Weekend
Mer - Hyukoh
Nobody Knows - The Lumineers
Coming Down - The Weeknd
This Ain't a Scene, It’s an Arms Race - Fall Out Boy
Happy With Me - HOLYCHILD
Us - Regina Spektor
Body Moves - DNCE
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Sunday 1 May 1836: SH:7/ML/E/19/0036
- The notes written last night vid. above went at 8 this morning - finish, dullish morning - F50° at 9 ¾ am at which hour breakfast till Mr. Husband came at 10 ¼ Thomas Pearson soon came about the 2 cows - bade £15 for them  would not give more than £16 nor would I take less than £17 supposing myself to allow him 20/. profit - agreed that he should take them to Atherton fair on Thursday sell them for me and have 5/.  a piece for selling them whatever price he should sell them for - then Holt came and about 11 Mr. Jubb - kept him perhaps near ½ hour - mentioned about Mrs. Briggs - Mr. J- to give her a hint to conciliate Oddy - mentioned about the Dispensary - suggested that an appeal be made to the public for 1/8 or what not upon their subscriptions to raise a thousand more (£4900 subscribed about £1700 to give for the ground) - said I would give £5 towards the fitting up of the museum - mentioned having heard talk of an exchange - if a better site than I had could be got I should be glad  - if not, I had a plan of my own which, if nobody could produce a better, I would aid as well as I could - said it might not be more costly than what might be thought of by others - I could at least answer for its beauty - just hinted at a sort of thing like the Bourse at Paris the entrance end fronting Northgate and one side fronting St. Anne’s street - alluding to Rawsons’ joint stock bank Mr. J- seemed evidently all in its favour - said they had allotted him very few shares - £7000 worth of shares were applied for at the premium - the profits of the bank at present 10 or 12 thousand a year - on the 2 connexions (H-x and Huddersfield) the latter the larger of the 2 - said I was glad to hear it - I dared say, I knew people who would give up their shares to Mr. J- if he wanted more shares and if the Bank would allow it - offered to do anything I could for Mr. J- in Paris - I thought he seemed rather fearful of giving me any large commission - (for fear of price or what?) - no sum named or hinted at - I simply wrote down in my rough book  (in his presence) ‘Preparations of the eye and ear for Mr. Jubb’ - then with Holt in the north parlour Mr. Husband waiting in the drawing - mentioned about Illingworth - H- thought what I had proposed to advise A- very fair - he (Holt) would not take less than £15 per acre on Charnocks’ coal - about 8 acres and about 3 acres already got - said they had agreed about the 2nd pit (but did not say more on this part of the subject) - Holt’s measurement not done - bad air in the mines - could not get in of a fortnight or 3 weeks some new Thirls driven - Respecting my own concerns agreed to mend Joseph Mann’s price for the Listerwick Long goit - now that stone can be had on the spot, he is to get it, and dress and wall and arch and complete the goit (now 2ft x 3ft. 3in) at 9/. per yard up to the north east side of the throw where the stone will wear out and after crossing the throw to have the old price again i.e. 5/6 per yard for labour - Desired as little coal as possible to be got at Walker pit - the trespass to be ascertained by Holt, John Oates, and one other master collier besides our workmen Joseph and Robert Mann - the wheel race to be began of on Tuesday next - Holt says the meer drift would be began of - can be done without damage to Charles Howarth - a whimble hole will give vent enough - said I was anxious about Mrs. Machin’s coal - the children are of age that Samuel Holdsworth has no more power - they will sell but the mother wont - she has only a life estate in the farm - ask Mr. Gray if the children cannot give a tithe good enough and then to let Holt know that he may complete the purchase without troubling his for her signature - then went with Messrs. Holt and Husband to the meer head - Holt satisfied it was be better to take the water in higher up where Messrs. Husband and Mawson pointed out - determined that it shall be done so - then to the meer-drift - the setting in or opening into the meer done yesterday, right - then to the glen and explained where I wanted the Lodge drift stuff to be pulled up - Holt valued the driving at 2/6 per yard, pulling up at 1/6 per yard (a man cannot pull more than 2 square yards per day) and carting to be considered of - I said I calculated the whole at 4/6 per yard the throwing back the soil being extra - then to the Lodge Holt left us - explained a little to Mr. Husband where the stuff should be put (Husband thinks 3000 yards to be moved - I said I thought not exceeding 2000) - then walked with Mr. Husband towards Pump and told him to set the wall in front of the house with its road face in a line along the Shibden hall side of the causeway and finish each ending of the new wall in a quadrant of a circle - Road face to be walled with lime and the old parpoints - face towards Shibden hall dry walling with the stone taken from the wall along the present approach road -  and in front of the carriage house court - left Mr. about 11 /2 and came in wrote as follows to ‘Messrs. Parker and Adam, solicitors H-x’ to go by Frank tonight
‘Shibden hall - Sunday 1 May 1836. Sir - Be so good as send me back Miss Walker’s order upon Messrs. Briggs - she did not know of their prospectus at the time of giving me the order; and I would rather she did not draw out the money just at this time without further consideration - I will give you a check on the Yorkshire District bank for the whole sum required - I am sir, etc etc A. Lister’ - then wrote the following to go tonight to ‘Mr. Rogers Cutler Sheffield PPD’ ‘Shibden Hall 1 May 1836- Sir - I shall be much obliged to you to make me two gardener’s knives, the handles to be such as usual - the blades to be of the usual size but the cutting edge straight  I mean them as presents to foreign gardeners, and shall be glad to have the metal and workmanship the best you can turn out of your shop - Be so good as send a bill in the parcel and direct it to Mrs. Lister to the care of Messrs. Hammersleys, Bankers, London I to be there by the 11th instant - will order payment to be made to your agent in London   I am, sir, your obedient servant A. Lister’ - had just written the above at 3 ¾ pm when Mark Hepworth came - [looking] into account 4 bills = 9.2.6 and the cow £13 and new gin horse 6 guineas + 10/. for his trouble of buying him and still Mark with money paid in a/c and Ruthin at £11.10.0  owes me a balance of £2.11.6 to be paid at the next rent day - the £18 for the 3 Hill top grass fields (he is to pasture all but the new seeds and these he will [mew]) to be paid at Xmas rent-day - somehow got one thing confused with another so that tho’ right at last and all clear, yet a long while pothering and had Mark till long after 4 - then till 7 10 at colliery accounts - dinner at 7 10 sent my letter (1 p. of ½ sheet black edged note paper) to ‘Mr. Rogers, Cutler Sheffield ppd’ and my note (vid. above) to Messrs. P- and A- Marian came and sat with me till about 8 when had Joseph and Robert Mann till 9 - they brought estimate of new approach road making that is rubbling - [laying?]and rubble 1ft. deep and 13ft. 6in. wide (finding everything) at 35/. per rood - Lodge drift.... said I should be obliged to come over again - should be here next Tuesday week - settled that Robert Mann + 3 should go on by day till 7 return at that time - to finish at the back of farmyard - and puddle about the rockwork all that is necessary - and wall up gap in the paddock wall near Greenwood’s cottage and get the farmyard paving done - Gave Joseph his new book beginning with Listerwick Long goit - 2 [entries] = £18 + £15 = £33 and he from this time begins with Mr. Parker - I am to keep Joseph’s old book - had coffee warmed up and sent for Marian and she sat with me till 9 55 when we both went to my aunt - Marian glad I should not be here when she went away at 8 am next Tuesday week - I said I would not be here then on any account - did not like partings - neither of us said more but both seemed to feel the thing and neither liked to dwell upon the subject - I remained with my aunt till 10 ½ - then came upstairs to the blue room - I had wished Marian goodnight in the drawing room - yet came upstairs to me, saying, to wish goodnight and stood talking to me till 11 25 - said if my aunt was poorly she would come and see her for a few days - I said everything would always be ready for her - she asked if I should like her to leave M-‘s mahogany writing desk (the 1st M- ever possessed and which she valued) that Marian has used ever since being here - I said after a moment’s pause, I felt I ought not to like it to be taken - Marian thought perhaps I should not mind about it now - no! no! said I, that ought not to be - I will give you another - Marian stood talking as if she had not resolution to leave me - poor Marian! my heart aches for her and for myself too - but I had talked of Mrs. Briggs and household arrangements and alterations in and additions to the house, and of [?] end of my idea of a plan for an exchange etc talked of anything that seemed not triste - when Marian was gone wrote all but the 1st 12 lines of the last p. and so far of this till 12 10 at night at which hour F35° then poked up my fire and sat at accounts till six in the morning - then an hour looking over my drawers 
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