#But if anyone else deserves it Billie does
azrielgreen · 3 days
I just re-read the most recent chapter of Prism AGAIN and had a thought. So Robin is trying to get Steve together with literally anyone else besides Eddie (who is upset by this) but he himself is also playing with Steve's emotions. He keeps telling Steve that he only does casual, no strings type things but yet he expects him to choose him despite not signaling that it's an option. Poor Steve is already down bad but keeps saying they're just friends bc he assumes (bc Eddie has told him) that that's all they'll ever be at this point. That brings in an interesting layer to the fact that Eddie overheard Robin asking Steve if he'd want to meet someone and him saying he'd think about it despite lying. Like Eddie, baby, how is Steve supposed to choose you when he doesn't know it's a possibility?😭 He's content just feeding off the scraps of Eddie's attention but wants more but he keeps closing it off. I feel like that's where a misunderstanding could come in, bc it would be DELICIOUS if Steve just took him at his word, like yeah okay you don't want to be with me like that but I DO and I deserve better and someone who is verbally committed to me, so he moves on with someone else making Eddie realize he's fucked up by not being transparent about his feelings. He has a lot of blindspots when it comes to Steve, so I think he wouldn't even factor the possibility of him not being chosen bc of his own actions into the equation. What do you think? I'm so excited for the next chapter!!
Ooh! I really love this. So many moving parts and mechanisms put in motion!! God I LOVE a delicious misunderstanding! I won't spoil anything as always, but all I'll say is that for Steve to "move on" something significant would have to cause it. Eddie's unreachable yet constant quality and the arm's length he's holding Steve is an aphrodisiac to Steve in many ways. The idea of being loved as a friend in this strange, insular, overly tactile way as opposed to the outright violent and sometimes cold ownership of Billy's instant relationship claim is equally addictive to Steve, whose worth has been too often tied to sex.
He is very much in Eddie's orbit and it would take an asteroid to knock him out of it. *whispers* We may or may not be seeing asteroids in part 3.
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What do you mean ‘did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism like some kind of congresswoman’ didn’t win song of the year?? What do you mean Taylor Alison ‘folklore/evermore english teacher, walking dictionary’ Swift STILL doesn’t have a SOTY???
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ellewritesandrants · 2 years
Steve: Hi, Hop! I’m here to pick Billy up for our date.
Hopper, shining his gun on the porch: Fine. Have him back by 11.
Billy: I’m legal now. Why do I still need a curfew?
Hopper: My house, my rules.
Billy: Fine then. I’ll move in with Steve. His parents are never home anyway.
Hopper: William Charles Hopper-Byers, you are not moving in with your boyfriend! You’re only eighteen!
Billy: Watch me! Come on, Steve!
Hopper, pointing the gun at Steve: Don’t you dare, Harrington.
Steve, bewildered: Why are you pointing the gun at me? I just wanted to go on a date with my boyfriend.
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lueurjun · 11 months
ੰ first kiss with enha | ꒰ heeseung , jay ꒱
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enhypen reaction—there comes a time in a lot of relationships where the next step is taken, and here’s how the nerve-racking first kiss experience went for you and your mans.
version two: jake and sunghoon.
. . . . . . . ꒰ HEESEUNG ꒱ ,,
he’s a feral boy
we’ve all seen that man flirt and hip thrust HE IS FERAL
so naturally you’d assume he’d be laid back and confident about the whole thing
but when it comes to you, he’s a pile of blushy mush that just cannot comprehend the fact that he’s even managed to bag you
in his eyes, you’re out of his league
bc you’re a gorgeous gemstone! have faith in yourself bby ur wonderful
and without realizing, you actually intimidate him a little
bc ur just so goddamn perfect
an angel if you will
so the idea of kissing you just seems… scary
because what if he doesn’t live up to your expectations and you decide to leave him?
he is terrified of disappointing you so it actually takes him a while to gain the courage
which panics you because why in the world is this man not givin u a big ol’ smooch?
does he not want to kiss you?
omg does he think your breath stinks and is revolted by you?
you’re both massively overthinking it
lil silly billys
and none of you want to bring it up because how do you approach that conversation?
like you can’t just ask him ‘oh yeah, hee, how come you don’t want to kiss me? are my lips crusty? does the idea of locking lips physically repulse you?’
anyways you’re a couple months in
and things are getting serious so he can’t be that sickened by you
and you haven’t run for the hills yet so you clearly don’t want anyone else
finally. he’s had enough
this man is tired of staring at your lips imagining them on his own
to be honest at this point you’ve given up hope on him kissing you, and you’re much too nervous to make the first move
so you just kinda go with the flow
which naturally means that the last thing you were expecting when sliding your cute lil self into his car
was for him to lean over, cup your face and plant one tasty smooch on those lips of yours
you literally froze for like two seconds but once realisation settled in, you kissed that man back in milliseconds
heaven. cloud nine. neither of you wanted to pull away
unfortunately, you had no other choice
so taken aback by the sudden kiss the only thing you could think to do was share a giggle before you held up a bag full of treats for your date
gosh ur both so awkwardly adorable i can’t
“i got us snacks for the car ride! but you taste better.”
you’re so cute stop the little blush on your face after saying the cutest yet lamest thing ever
heeseung cannot resist tugging you back in for another little lip tasting sesh after that because you are the cutest thing to ever exist
he is an absolute simp for you AS HE SHOULD BE
. . . . . . . ꒰ JAY ꒱ ,,
despite being the perfect man material, he isn’t the most experienced when it comes to relationships
like he’s had a partner before, but it was never serious so the milestones just weren’t that important to him
but it’s different with you
don’t roll your eyes at me
idc if that’s cliché okay. it’s jay. you allow it. lose the ‘tude baby cakes i know you rolled your eyes
everything that didn’t seem so important in his last relationship suddenly seemed a thousand times more nerve wracking this time
because losing you is on the line and jay knows that he doesn’t ever want that to happen
suddenly he wants everything to be perfect because you deserve the world and nothing less
jay absolutely refuses to give you a shitty first kiss
it has to be romantic. and it has to be amazing and if you don’t like it then he will slide down the wall
clutching honey to his chest
same tho that’s a mood
anyways yeah he wants to make sure that you get the most romantic kiss ever
meanwhile you’re not too fussed because it’s jay and no matter what, kissing him would be a dream
unless he’s like a really bad kisser but he’s perfect so he’s not
he’s taking his time to prepare everything
like he plans a candle lit dinner, rose petals, the finest food
the whole shebang
lemme be you for one day i beg
but two days before the dinner is set to take place
the two of you are hanging out like normal and the vibes are immaculate
and you both want to kiss each other
the timing just seems right
but jay, the little dum dum, is fighting with himself
because does he really want all of his hardwork to go to waste?
you’re both leaning in but smoke is practically pumping from his head due to how fast his mind is racing
seconds away from those luscious lips
absolute dummy
you’re hurt and embarrassed obviously
bc you just got flat out rejected and that’s just horrifying but it’s fine it happens to us all babe
and jay is panicking because well… you look like you’re going to start sobbing
“is there something wrong with me?”
the crack in your voice. the pain in your eyes. THE QUESTION ALONE
oh dear jay feels like he’s going to throw up
this is NOT how he wanted any of this to go
you start packing up your things to leave which is fair because you’re embarrassed
and jay is trying to figure out what to say or do
and then he just decides to be honest because honesty is the best policy
so you’re about to step out of the door when he gently grabs your arm
“look i’m sorry. i really really really wanted to kiss you… it’s just… i have been planning a perfect dinner for weeks so it would be perfect. i didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, i just wanted it to be perfect for you.”
i’d fold honestly
i have no shame
and neither do you apparently because you can’t help but crack a perfect little smile
“so do i have to wait for this dinner or can i kiss you now?”
you’re an icon
jay just kinda smiles sheepishly
and then he caresses your neck and tugs you into one of the softest, most amazing kisses you have ever had
firework inducing even, toe curling, heart thumping-
sorry i’ll stop
the point is, the kiss is AMAZING
maybe you didn’t need a fancy candlelit dinner to make it perfect after all
perhaps, all you needed was each other
i’m legit sobbing someone pls send help
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thatfreshi · 9 months
Can you make an Angsty Astarion x mortal!reader fic where Astarion realizes that one day the reader will pass and he’ll be alone again🙏🙏🙏 I need more Angst of this man😭
TW - Talk of death, graveyards
Recommended Song: Halley's Comet - Billie Eilish
Astarion often visits graveyards. It's some form of therapy, a place where he can let it all out, a place where he can mourn what he never had, what he doesn't remember. You don't usually go with him, deciding it's best to give him something just for him. Occasionally he'll ask you to come with him, if it's been a particularly rough time or if it's a special day. At the very least he goes once a month, and it's never a question of where he's going, you just know. You worry about him sometimes, being alone in some graveyard. You are all each other have, all you cherish, all you love. It's not often you're apart, but it's not all that difficult to stick to someone like sap when you can't be in the sun.
It's the anniversary of the death of some family member he doesn't remember, who died centuries ago, but some part of him feels as though he should at least go. Not like anyone else goes to see his family anymore. You're in the living room, setting up the fireplace for when you return. Astarion comes downstairs, and you hear his shoes tap each step. You turn to find him in all black, you are as well.
"Are you ready to go?"
You ask, grabbing your trusty knife off the table by the front door, sheathing it under your jacket. It's been quite cold as of recent.
He doesn't say much. He doesn't have to say much.
"Then let's go."
You smile warmly and wrap yourself around his arm. The graveyard you're visiting isn't too far from the house. It's where most of the Ancuníns were laid to rest, including Astarion's 'grave.' When you arrive, he knows right where to go, and you simply follow along. A while back he memorized all of these people, their death dates, who they were, trying to remember anything he could from a life he lost long ago. The two of you sit in front of an ornate grave, a second cousin of his, or something of the like. You feel guilty that you don't remember like he does.
"I appreciate you."
He'd been silent the entire walk here.
"You always come with me when I ask. I know it may not make sense, I just feel as though it's right, to at least try."
"Of course my love. Whatever you need."
You rest your head on his shoulder and read the inscription on the tombstone. Apparently this man got a terrible illness, died sometime in his 20s, extremely young for an elf. You wonder how much Astarion remembers, if he knew this man at all. You never pry though. He always shares when he's ready. Suddenly, he squeezes your hand.
"I'll miss you. I don't miss these people, but I'll miss you."
"That's hardly a fair comparison. You barely remember them."
"I'll remember you forever. Even if I were enslaved for two hundred more years after this, I couldn't ever forget you."
He kisses the top of your head, lingering for a moment to take in your scent, the feeling of your hair, every little thing he'll remember when you're gone.
"The truth is darling, I don't think I'll ever love again, once you're gone."
He begins to cry. You hadn't thought about him with future lovers, lying with another soul.
"That's not fair though."
"What makes you say that?"
"You deserve to love after me. You deserve to be loved after me."
He sadly chuckles to himself.
"As if anyone could ever compare. You're the sun, and I the moon. Without you, no light would ever reflect off me again. A dark husk of a man, that's what I will be when you're gone."
He sounds so sure of himself, as if beyond you there is nothing. Then again, you've made this entire life together. Who else would fall in love with a vampire spawn with no master, a monster who's never going to be quite right? You're not sure what to say.
"To be honest, I don't think I could fall in love with someone else, even if I tried my damnest. You've made me feel safe in a way that is so foreign, fabricated just for me. You can't replicate that. You can't find someone so willing to be this patient, this kind, to not only love me for my body."
"You have so much more to love though."
"I don't think anyone would see it the way you do my sweet."
You shift to turn and look at Astarion, taking his hands in yours.
"You know what I love most about you?"
He softly smiles.
"That you can change. It's something many people forget to do, to change and evolve, to find more in life than their misery. You've changed, for the better. Very few can do that the way you have."
"It's you who changed me."
Sometimes it frustrates you, how little credit he gives himself. Then again, it's much better than it used to be.
"Just promise me something? Once I'm gone, find another way to be happy. Find something that makes your heart flutter, that causes those precious creases when you smile. Find something else, if not for yourself, for me."
He nestles into your neck, giving you a soft kiss.
"I promise to try my love, that's all I can do."
His eyes are still misty, the tears get onto your neck. You try hard not to cry yourself, but it's hard when your heart is breaking outside of your body. You pray in that moment, although you're not sure to what god or power, but you pray that he'll be okay when you die, that it's a long time away from someone driving a stake through his ribs, that he finds joy in the small things like he does now. After all, hope is all you have when the afterlife comes to get you so soon.
"I hope I get to watch over you, wherever I end up."
"Like some kind of angel or something?"
"I guess. Like your guardian."
"Do you think I'll know?"
"Yes, I think you'll know. Maybe I'll take on the body of stray cats, follow you on the streets, lead you down paths with less heartache."
"I'd like that, very much."
Decades later, Astarion gets ready to leave the house, your knife on the table. When he steps out onto the cobblestone streets, there's a pure white cat standing a couple feet away. It meows, almost melodically, and turns to a nearby alleyway. He walks to where the animal was standing, and turns to look into the alleyway, but there is no sight of the stray. He smiles.
"Thank you, my love."
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
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Billy Hargrove is into you, and you assume that you don't deserve better than that narcissistic douchebag. When heartbreak inevitably happens, Eddie Munson is there to pick up the pieces.
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI!), oral (f! receiving), protected p in v, Billy is a POS, reader is insecure about her body (no descriptions given, though she mentions not liking her stomach)
**Billy is very manipulative to get reader to sleep with him, though she does consent**
WC: 5.7k
A/N: This is based on two real experiences I had when I was younger. It's incredibly self-indulgent, but has also been wonderful for my healing process. I hope it can help someone else, too. (Also, sorry if it's rambly; it was cathartic but also emotionally difficult to write).
As the last swimmer exits through the iron gates, you breathe a sigh of relief at the end of another shift. Lifeguarding at Hawkins Community Pool wasn’t necessarily a difficult job, but it sure was tedious. Your flip-flops thwap against the pavement as you pad into the locker room to get dressed, skin sticky from sunscreen and that infamous mid-July humidity.
“So,” Heather says, twisting her blonde hair into a ponytail as she changes from her swimsuit into shorts and a t-shirt, “you ready to hear that secret?”
You nod enthusiastically. It’s all you’d been thinking about since you’d climbed down the lifeguard tower when her watch duty began, and she’d whispered that she had something to say to you privately. 
Heather’s eyes gleam as she announces, “Billy told me he thinks you’re hot!” She claps her hands together excitedly. “Not that he needed to; anyone can watch him check you out all day long,” she adds with a smirk. 
“Me?” you ask incredulously, unable to muffle your surprise. On instinct, you wrap your arms around your waist protectively. Heather might be comfortable changing in public, but your own body insecurities made it torturous for you to even be naked privately. 
“Yes, you!” your co-worker giggles. “You should talk to him.”
You’re still mulling over the prospect of Billy Hargrove being into you when your ride pulls up to the pool gates. Waving goodbye to Heather, you hop in the passenger seat of Eddie’s van. He picks you up every night you work, and the two of you always split a joint in your backyard before he heads back to the trailer park. It makes your crappy summer job all worth it; God knows the pay isn’t even going to cover your textbooks when you go back to college in August.
“Save any little gremlins today?” he jokes, turning down his music so he can hear your answer.
You shake your head and laugh. “Nah, just yelled, ‘no running!’ about 84 times.” Leaning back in the seat and stretching your legs, you glance over at him. “But Heather told me something interesting.” Eddie cocks his eyebrow, and you take that as a sign to continue. “Apparently, Billy Hargrove thinks I’m hot.” You can’t help the smile that spreads across your face. Sure, he’s not exactly your knight in shining armor, but he’s an attractive guy who has a thing for you.
“Oh, ew.” Eddie wrinkles his nose. “Please describe the look on that douche canoe’s face when you turn him down.”
“Who says I’m turning him down?” you quip, crossing your arms over your chest. 
Your best friend sighs. “Well, you should,” he says pointedly, never one to mince words. “Guys like Hargrove only want to get in a girl’s pants and then find a new victim.”
“Why are you being such a bummer?” you snap. Eddie just keeps his eyes on the road, oblivious to your glare. “If Jeff was about to get laid, you’d be throwing him a goddamn parade!”
He chuckles tersely. “That’s because Jeff getting laid would be a fuckin’ miracle.”
You look around, exaggerating your movements for emphasis. “Well, asshole, I don’t exactly see a line of people forming to sleep with me, either.” With that, you pull your knees to your chest and turn your body so that your back is to him.
The car is silent, save for the sounds of Metallica’s Ride the Lightning album crackling through the speakers. After what seems like an eternity, Eddie pulls into your driveway and throws the van in park.
“Did…did you still wanna smoke?” he asks quietly, twiddling with a loose thread on the ripped knee of his jeans.
“Nope.” You jump out of the van, slamming the door shut behind you. “And you don’t have to drive me home tomorrow. I bet Billy will do it.”
You hear him calling your name as you stalk into your house. Honestly, you could really use some weed right now, but you’re too infuriated at him to push it all aside for a quick smoke session.
The next day, you make a point to sit next to Billy when you take your break. He’s smoking a cigarette, occasionally flicking ash into a chipped tray on the table. 
“Can I bum one?” you ask, pointing to the rolled tobacco between his plush lips. 
Billy smirks, reaching for the pack of Marlboros and holding it out to you. “Didn’t peg you for a smoker, sugar.” He passes you his lighter, and you spark up and inhale deeply.
“I usually prefer something greener, but this’ll do.” You take another drag, trying to work up the nerve to say what’s on your mind. As the smoke curls around your mouth, you notice Billy’s eyes trail down the curves of your body, as though he’s trying to drink you in. “Something I can help you with, Hargrove?” you tease, impressed with the way you easily flirt with him. It’s so unlike you, but it feels good.
“Yeah,” he says, chuckling softly. “You can hang with me tonight. Got the place to myself, so, y’know…” He trails off and raises his eyebrows, looking at you expectantly.
Your stomach flip-flops despite yourself. This is what you want, right? No more waiting around for Prince Charming to sweep you off your feet. It’s not going to happen, never going to happen, not when you look the way you do. And if a gorgeous man like Billy Hargrove is actually willing to have sex with you, you’re in no position to turn him down. “O-Okay,” you stammer, hoping he doesn’t sense your nervousness. “I’m working till nine tonight; is that–”
“Perfect,” he interrupts, flashing you a megawatt smile. “I finish at six, but I’ll stick around just for you, pretty thing.”
Pretty. He called you pretty, and he wants you. Wants you enough to hang out at work for an extra three hours just to be with you.
The rest of your shift drags by; all you can think about is Billy. The way he feels, the way he tastes, what he looks like underneath those swim trunks.
The only problem is that he’ll also want to see you naked. The thought sours your mood. You try not to catch glimpses of yourself in the bathroom mirror after you get out of the shower, and now you’re about to let him see you, completely vulnerable.
Stop being such a baby, you scold yourself. Beggars can’t be choosers.
Billy’s waiting outside the locker room once your shift ends. He takes your hand in his larger, stronger one, and leads you to his car.
“Seems kinda silly, getting changed out of that cute little swimsuit,” he whispers in your ear, sending shivers down your spine, “when you’re gonna get undressed again so soon.” He leans you up against the passenger door, pinning your hips back and kissing you hungrily. One hand roams under your t-shirt to the swell of your breasts, breaking away when he feels the fabric of your bra. “You tryin’ to hide these from me, sugar?” He starts to reach for the clasp, but you stand up a bit straighter.
“Did you wanna, like, grab something to eat?” you ask shyly. “We can stop by Benny’s on the way to yours if…if you like burgers?” You cringe as the words leave your lips. Could you sound any more pathetic?
Billy just chuckles patronizingly. “That sounds like a date, and, uh, I don’t do dates.” He leans in, taking your earlobe between his teeth. “But I do other stuff real well.”
Something isn’t right. This isn’t what you want, but you should want it, and so you push down the apprehension and try to focus on the man in front of you. “That’s fine,” you murmur, even though it isn’t. People have casual sex all the time. It doesn’t mean he’s any less attracted to you. Like he said, he’s not the dating type, so why cause problems where none exist?
“I don’t know if I can wait until we get to mine,” he growls, and you can practically taste the spearmint gum that he was chewing earlier. “Might just have to do you in the backseat, hm?”
You nod as he opens the door for you, pretending for a millisecond to be a gentleman. He clambors in behind you and slams it shut, pulling you onto his lap so you’re straddling his waist. You can feel his erection pressed against your clothed sex, and you allow yourself to smile. You did this to him. You got him hard. Not Chrissy Cunningham, or Heather, or Bo Derek. You.
He starts to take off your shirt, but you push his hands away. “Something wrong?” he asks, giving an exasperated sigh. Did you already fuck this up?
“N-No, it’s just…” you avert your gaze, too embarrassed to make eye contact. “Could I keep my shirt on? I don’t really like my body, and I’d just feel better if I didn’t, um, take it off.” Heat blazes behind your cheeks, and you will yourself not to cry.
“For fuck’s sake,” Billy grumbles under his breath, flexing his biceps as he stretches. He lets his hands fall to your ass with a soft smack. “You got me all worked up, and now you’re not even gonna let me see your tits?”
You duck your head in shame. “I’m kinda insecure about the way I look,” you admit, hoping it will soften his heart. Though kinda is an understatement. 
He rolls his eyes, running his tongue over his teeth impatiently. “Y’know,” he finally says, squeezing the plush of your ass, “you might feel better about yourself if you got naked for me.” 
You inhale sharply; that’s not at all what you expected him to say. Maybe something reassuring; something about how much he liked the way you look. Instead, he’s clearly irritated with your hesitation. 
“M-Maybe.” It’s worth a shot, and you slowly peel off your top and unhook your bra, letting it fall to the floor of the car. You watch anxiously as his eyes flit across your bare chest, waiting for his reaction. An indication that he just has to have you and only you.
Instead, he clicks his tongue and simply says, “not bad.” He fumbles with your shorts button before unfastening his own. He strokes his cock lazily, staring at you. “Touch yourself, sugar. Get yourself ready f’me.”
There’s something screaming at you that this isn’t right; he should at least attempt to get you off instead of asking you to do the work for him. But you do as you’re told, not wanting to humiliate yourself further. 
You shimmy out of your shorts, pushing your panties aside and rubbing slow, timid circles around your clit. You’ve done this plenty of times to know what feels good, yet you can’t seem to get it right when it counts. Billy doesn’t notice—or care—that the moans floating past your lips are fake, and he lines himself up with your entrance. 
“Condom?” you remind him, and he rolls his eyes again.
“Doesn’t feel as good,” he grumbles, but he reaches into his wallet and pulls out the square piece of foil and tears it open, sliding the rubber over his thick cock. He pushes into you, not bothering to take his time as he ruts up. “Move your hips for me,” he tells you. “Bounce up and down; damn, do I gotta walk you through everything?”
Tears prickle at your eyes, and you manage to blink them away before he can see. Maybe this’ll get easier with time, you think. Maybe I’m just too nervous. You will yourself to relax, holding onto his broad shoulders as you lean down to kiss him.
“Feels good, yeah?” Billy grunts, and you nod as you zone out. You throw out a few more half-hearted whines as his hips stutter against your pelvis and he spills into the condom. “Fuck, there ya go, take it,” he croons, sweat trickling down his forehead. As soon as he rides out his orgasm, he’s hoisting you off of him so he can clean himself up. “Same time tomorrow?”
“Yeah, sure.” You try to sound enthusiastic. “Could you, um, drive me home?”
“Whatever,” he shrugs, but waits for you to put your clothes back on and climb into the passenger seat.
He wants to do this again tomorrow, meaning he wasn’t completely repulsed by your body. So everything should be good, right?
The next week and a half is filled with lust-fueled backseat romps, usually ending with Billy coming and you…well, returning home to use your trusty vibrator. You’re starting to feel a bit more comfortable, but not in your own skin. It’s more that there’s a certain power behind Billy choosing you when he could be with literally anyone else. You hold your head a little higher, walk a little taller. Even your parents notice on your weekend trip to visit your grandparents in Indianapolis, though you didn’t clue them in on the source of your newfound confidence.
When you get back to the pool that Monday, you’re about to whisper in Billy’s ear to ask if he has a second to “check out a situation in the locker room” with you. What you find stops you dead in your tracks.
His arm is wrapped around Heather. They’re laughing together and she presses her lips to his cheek; he tilts her chin so he can kiss her passionately. It’s more tender, more loving than the way he kisses you.
The ground starts to spin, and you grab onto a plastic chair to steady yourself. As soon as Heather walks away, you march over to Billy.
“What the fuck?” you hiss, trying to keep your volume down. You wince as your voice cracks, giving away the sadness tucked inside your frustration. “Are you with Heather now? Like, with her?”
“Uh, guess so,” Billy replies snidely, twirling a toothpick between his teeth.
You bite your lower lip, willing yourself not to cry. “I thought you said you weren’t the dating type?”
He shrugs. “Just kinda happened,” he says nonchalantly, as if he didn’t just destroy your world. “You were away, she asked me to go to Scoops and grab some ice cream; one thing led to another, and…” he trails off. “Not like you and I were exclusive or some shit.”
“Because you didn’t wanna be!”
“And why do you think that is, huh?” Billy shoots back. “Why do you think I’d rather be with Heather than with you?” He scoffs, leaning back in his chair slightly. “You’re so goddamn uptight, y’know? Always worrying about the way you look, about people seeing us in the car. Heather just…goes with the flow. I can’t deal with someone so high-maintenance. Actually, most guys can’t.” With that, he storms out of the break room, leaving you trembling.
A wave of nausea washes over you as you slump down in a seat. All you wanted was to be wanted, and you blew it. Billy’s right; your insecurities keep you unloveable.
You try to take deep breaths, letting the tears slip down your cheeks. Your shift doesn’t start for another ten minutes, so you pray that you’re able to collect yourself before you’re due to start your watch. You’re sobbing too hard to notice the two boys peering into the lounge, watching you with growing concern before dashing to the nearest payphone. 
You slide on your sunglasses to hide your red, puffy eyes. The last thing you need is people asking you what’s wrong. Just as you’re about to walk over to the lifeguard stand–to switch with Billy, of all people–you feel a tap on your shoulder.
“Um, hey,” he mumbles, scratching the back of his head nervously. “Will and Dustin called; said they saw Hargrove yelling at you, and you crying. Told me to ‘get my scrawny ass here, stat.’” He gives a terse chuckle. “Exact quote, by the way.”
You want to wrap your arms around him and never let go, but you remember what he said to you. Worse, that he was right. “‘M fine,” you lie, and Eddie sees right through it.
He gingerly takes off your sunglasses, heart breaking as he gets a glimpse of your tearful expression. “C’mere,” he says, pulling you in for a tight hug and pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. It’s so tender, sweet, and selfless. It’s Eddie.
“Go tell your boss that you’re not feeling well, yeah?” he says finally, still not letting you go. “We can go grab something to eat, and you can tell me everything.”
“‘M not hungry,” you shake your head, “and I just wanna go home.” Your voice is whiny, but you’re too sad to care.
“Okay, well, you’re still leaving,” Eddie insists, and you don’t have the energy to argue. “The sheep,” he gestures to where Dustin and Will are standing, and they wave as though they’ve been caught, “will tell your boss that you’re sick. Lady problems or whatever.” You feel his fingers intertwine with yours as he leads you to his van. “And you can tell me as much as you want, ‘kay?”
You nod wordlessly as Eddie gives the younger kids a thumbs-up. He normally chooses the music, whether he’s the driver or the passenger, but this time, he tilts his chin towards the radio and says, “all yours.”
You turn the dial until you hear a Fleetwood Mac song, expecting Eddie to crack a joke or complain about your selection, but he just taps the steering wheel to the beat. When he drives to a gas station to fill up his tank, you don’t think anything of it until he comes back out with a bag full of Haagen-Daaz.
“Got all your favorite flavors,” he announces, plopping back into the driver’s seat. “I know you said you’re not hungry, but you will be at some point. So…sustenance.”
A smile tugs at your lips, and you manage a small “thanks,” as he drives you back to your place. When he pulls into the driveway, he waits awkwardly for you to say anything else.
Finally, he breaks the silence by handing you the bag from the Shell station. “Don’t want this to melt,” he offers lamely, frowning when you burst into a fresh round of tears. You hear him mutter, “that’s it,” and he kills the engine, jumping out of the van to run to your side. “Up and at ‘em.” He pulls you out of your seat, scooping you up and flinging you over his shoulder with ease. He kicks the van door closed, walking to your front door before setting you down. 
“That’s my favorite method of transportation,” you giggle softly, and he breathes a sigh of relief as your humor peeks through. 
“Save a horse, ride a Munson, right?” he jokes back, blushing when he realizes the double entendre he just made. “Uh, anyway, I can leave if you want…” He stuffs his hands into his back pockets nervously. 
“You can come in,” you say, unlocking the door. He follows you, heading straight for the kitchen and grabbing two spoons from the drawer. 
“Figured we could start with cookie dough,” he says, holding out the pint. “Ladies first.”
The two of you sit on the couch in comfortable silence as you dig into dessert. Halfway through, you look up at him through misty eyes. “I’m waiting for the ‘I told you so,’” you say softly. 
You tell Eddie everything: Billy’s claim that he wanted something casual, his reaction to you asking to keep your shirt on, the venom he spewed earlier today. “I never should’ve trusted him.”
But Eddie’s seeing red, fists clenched and jaw squared in pure rage. “The fuck did he say?” He stands up so quickly that he nearly knocks over the pint of ice cream. 
“Where are you going?”
“To kick his sorry ass!” Eddie exclaims, grabbing his keys from the table where he tossed them. 
“He’s not worth it,” you tell him. “Just…can you stay here and eat ice cream with me? Please?”
“Fine,” Eddie grumbles, plopping back down next to you. “But I still wanna punch him in the face.”
“You and me both,” you agree, taking another spoonful before posing the question you’ve been too afraid to ask. “Do you think I’m a slut?”
Eddie nearly chokes on his bite of cookie dough. “A slut? Because you slept with some douchebag?”
“No,” you say quietly, “for having sex with someone because I wanted to feel beautiful.”
His whole body deflates. “That’s why you…why wouldn’t you think you’re beautiful?”
You bark out a tense laugh. “Where to start? Um, my face, my hair, my body…oh, and apparently, now I’m too insecure and uptight to love, so…”
Eddie cradles your face between his strong, calloused hands. “Listen to me,” he says. “You are the most goddamn beautiful person on this Earth. Your eyes…I could stare into them all day. You have the cutest nose I’ve ever seen. Your smile makes me smile. And your hair…no matter how you wear it, you always look good. Sometimes you say things like, ‘ugh, my hair’s a mess today,’ and I’m just flabbergasted.”
“Flabbergasted?” you interject, amused by his word choice.
“Flabbergasted,” Eddie affirms. “And your body is…I’m gonna sound like such a creep here, so forgive me, but your body is so fucking hot. Like the night we had that argument, you said something about no one else wanting to sleep with you. But I know for a fact that that’s not true.”
“It’s not? Who wants to sleep with me?”
Eddie laughs nervously as he slowly raises his hand. “Um, me? But not, like, in a smash-and-dash way. Like in a take you on dates, hold your hand, be your boyfriend kinda way? Oh my God, just tell me to shut up. Please.”
“You’re just saying that to cheer me up,” you mutter.
“Nope. It’s the truth. Cross my heart.” He makes the slashes across his chest with his fingers. “Wait…the thought of us together cheers you up?”
You nod shyly. “Just never thought you’d be into me like that.”
“Well, I am. I so fuckin’ am, holy shit.” Eddie looks like he wants to kiss you, but he’s holding back. “Can I take you on a date? Maybe tomorrow?”
“I’d love a date with you, Eddie Munson.” You watch as a grin spreads across his face, and you rest your head on his shoulder. He lays his arm along the back of the couch, not quite sure whether to put it around you. That’s how the two of you fall asleep as the remaining ice cream melts in its container.
Seeing Billy at work the next day still stings a bit, but it’s easier than it was. You know he’s an idiot, a player, a manipulative piece of shit. And you have a date with Eddie, who is the kindest, gentlest soul you’ve ever met. And you deserve that kindness.
Eddie picks you up from work as usual, but instead of his typical ripped jeans and a concert tee, he’s wearing…well, un-ripped jeans and a concert tee. But he smells like a new cologne as he kisses your cheek, blushing as he pulls away.
“You look absolutely incredible,” he muses, reaching over to hold your hand. “Seriously, I’m so lucky you agreed to go out with me, shit.” He smiles at you, shaking his head.
“Nothin’, I just…” He can’t seem to shed his dopey, lovesick grin. “Told myself I wasn’t gonna kiss you; like, kiss you kiss you, until the end of the date. But you just look so goddamn gorgeous.”
“Shut up,” you duck your head, trying to hide from him. “I’m the lucky one. My date is hot and has a kickass personality to match.”
“Guess we both got lucky tonight.” Eddie bites his lower lip when he realizes what he’s just implied. “I mean–”
You squeeze his hand, effectively silencing his racing thoughts. “Where are you taking me?” you ask, trying to change the subject. It’s not that you were embarrassed by his Freudian slip, but after what happened with Billy, you weren’t looking to rush into sex.
“You’ll see,” Eddie says, excitement building in his voice. A few moments later, you’re walking into the Coffee and Contemplation Café, with Eddie holding the door open for you. Your sundress swishes along your thighs as you take a seat across from Eddie. He immediately takes your hands in his, caressing them with his thumbs.
“I need to look at the menu.”
“Oh.” He lets go of your hands, looking a bit sad as he does. “Sorry, baby. Shit–can I call you that?”
“Yeah,” you say. “I really like that, actually.” Baby. You’re Eddie’s “Baby.”
When the waitress comes around, you order a vanilla latte, and Eddie orders coffee with cream and two sugars. “That’s what Wayne always orders when we go to the diner,” he explains. The two of you decide to split a piece of crumb cake–one slice, two forks.
“This is a really nice date, Eds.” You wrinkle your nose. “Hmm. I need a cute nickname for you now, huh?”
Eddie taps his chin as though he’s deep in thought. “How about…stud muffin?” He feigns offense when you giggle. “What? Am I not studly?”
“Oh, the studliest,” you reassure him, still laughing. “I like ‘babe,’ though. Because you are a babe.”
“I dunno…kinda like stud muffin better,” Eddie teases, taking a sip of his coffee. “Now, tell me all about your day.”
And so you fill him in on every detail, from the kid who peed in the pool to the mother who berated the lifeguards for “allowing” it to happen. “Like we can control their bladders or something,” you add with an eye roll, and Eddie cackles. A strand of hair falls in his face, and you tuck it behind his ear.
“Thanks, baby,” he murmurs, peering at you from under impossibly long lashes. That’s when you lean in and kiss him, soft and slow and sweet. He’s not expecting it; probably thinking he was going to initiate when he dropped you back off at home. His lips remain frozen for a second until his brain registers what’s happening. Then he’s kissing you back, palm on your cheek.
“Was that okay?” you ask finally. Eddie’s response is to slam a $10 bill on the table and grab your hand, leading you back to his van. He kisses you again against the side door; it reminds you of how Billy kissed you that night that you…
Eddie notices that you’ve stopped kissing him back, and he pulls away. “Baby? You good?”
“Y-Yeah,” you stammer. He’s not Billy. Not even close. Not even a little bit. You take a deep breath. “Just nervous, c-cause the last time I did this, it, uh, didn’t end well for me.”
Eddie wraps his arms around your waist, gently pulling you towards him. “Hey, hey,” he coos. “There’s no rush, yeah? And I’d never–never make you do anything you’re not ready for.”
“I know.” And you do. So for now, you just rest your head against his chest, listening to the beautiful sound of his heartbeat.
The next month before you leave for school is filled with dates, each better than the last. Eddie takes you to the carnival, the drive-in movie theater, picnics at Lover’s Lake…anywhere he can. The kissing gets more fun; you’re able to focus on Eddie–your Eddie–and not on your past experiences.
The night before you’re set to go back to college, you’re ready to take that next step with him. The two of you are sitting on his bed and listening to music; your plans for an outdoor music festival having been squandered by the pouring rain. You move closer to him, straddling his waist as you press your lips to his neck.
“‘M gonna miss you s’much,” you pout, moving your mouth to his. “Want you, babe. All of you.”
Eddie gives a terse chuckle. “I want you too; so fuckin’ bad. But we don’t have to do this just because you’re leaving. I’m not gonna break up with you. In fact, I…” he swallows thickly before continuing, “I think I love you, baby. Shit, no; I know I love you.”
“I know I love you, too,” you smile, kissing him again. “And I want to have sex with you because I love you, and I want to show you.” You dig your fingers into Eddie’s hair, nuzzling your noses together. “Is that okay?”
“More than okay,” he breathes, hands settling on your hips. “You’ll let me know if you wanna stop, right? Just tell me, and we can go back to cuddling. Promise me.”
“I promise,” you say, and it’s the truth.
Eddie nods. “Okay. On your back, baby. Let me take care of you.” 
You do as he asks, and you feel his lips trail down your torso, stopping just before he reaches the throbbing ache between your legs. “Yes?” he looks up at you patiently.
“Yes.” With that, he unbuttons your shorts and tugs them down your legs, running his middle finger along your lace panties. He shivers as he feels how wet you are, all for him, and he nearly tears the underwear in half trying to yank it off of you.
“Wanna taste you,” Eddie mutters.
“Y-You can taste me.” You whimper, and Eddie wastes no time licking a soft stripe along your folds, easily finding your clit. “Right there.” His lips wrap around your sensitive bud, flicking his tongue over it. “Holy shit, yes, right fucking there.”
Eddie detaches from your sex for a second, chin already shiny with your slick. “Keep makin’ those pretty noises f’me, please.” He sounds just as desperate as you do as he plunges back between your legs, this time slipping a finger inside you as he licks. You’re moaning, and there’s no faking it this time. Eddie’s touch has you floating, You can vaguely sense him rutting up against the mattress, so turned on just by eating you out. He’s holding onto your hips, eyes never leaving your body.
“Gonna come, feels s’good,” you whine, never wanting this feeling to end. You grind up into his face as you ride out your orgasm, gripping the sheets and screaming his name. “Eddie, Eddie, I’m coming, holy fuck!” After he brings you back down from the high, you push yourself up onto your knees.
“Where ya goin’?” he asks. “Was that too much?”
“Just wanna return the favor.” You lean over to rub him through his tented jeans, but he shakes his head.
“Not tonight,” he mutters, “I’m too pent up. I’ll never last in that perfect little mouth of yours.” He kisses you deeply, and you can taste yourself on his lips. “Can I be inside you?”
“Yes, babe. Please.” You look down, realizing that your shirt is still on. You want to show him all of you, let him touch every last inch of your body, but you hesitate to take it off.
Eddie must be able to read your mind, because he tilts your chin in his direction. “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t wanna see you naked,” he admits, “but only if you’re ready. You can keep it on if you’re more comfortable.”
You inhale in for three and exhale for three before you respond. “I’m ready. I’m comfortable.” You lift the shirt above your head, revealing your bare breasts. The incredulous stare on your boyfriend’s face is almost comical. “Are you okay?” you giggle.
“No, I think I died and went to Heaven,” he says, letting his thumbs graze over your hardened nipples. He undresses himself in record time, revealing his long, thick cock. Pre-cum drips from the tip. “Baby, I wanna spend all night touching you, but I’m gonna bust if–”
“It’s okay,” you interrupt, looping your arms around his neck and kissing him. 
He reaches into his dresser drawer, pulling out a condom and removing it from its wrapper. “Can you put it on me?” he whispers, and you oblige, rolling it down his length. He hisses at your touch, too sensitive to ask you to linger there. He sets you back on the pillows, slowly pushing into you a little at a time until he’s fully inside. “Good, baby?”
“Mhm,” you mewl. “S’good. You can–you can go faster, whenever you want.”
Eddie threads his fingers with yours, putting your hands up next to your head as he rocks into you. “God, you’re so beautiful,” he groans. “The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I love you, I love you, fuck, I love you.” He punctuates each I love you with a kiss to your lips.
“I love you, Eddie. ‘M all yours.”
“All mine,” he echoes, “my baby’s all mine. And I’m hers. Her pussy belongs to me and–shit–my cock belongs to her.” He squeezes your hand, not possessively, but as a reminder that it’s him. It’s him, it’s you, it’s the two of you together. His eyes never leave yours, and he suddenly smiles. “You make me so damn happy.”
“This has been the best summer of my life,” you agree, “and it’s all because I have you, babe.” 
His chest rubs against yours ever-so-slightly, and the sensation of your breasts has him weak. “I’m gonna come.” His expression is apologetic. “Shit, I didn’t wanna–”
“Let go for me,” you assure him, feeling yourself come undone as you speak. “We c-can come together.” Your second orgasm of the evening happens on his cock as he spills into the condom with a wanton moan. He’s still for a minute, catching his breath before removing himself from your warmth.
“I love you,” he says as he kisses you, sliding off the barrier and tying it. “Let me toss this, and then can we cuddle? I kinda just wanna hold you.”
“I’m down to cuddle before round two,” you say, laughing at his dumbfounded expression. “Don’t worry; I’ll give you a few minutes to reload.”
“I’m not worried about that,” he says, climbing back into bed and sighing happily as you snuggle into his chest. “We’ve got all the time in the world.”
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undertheorangetree · 7 months
The Aftermath
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Summary- Near death experiences have a habit of changing relationships.
Warnings- MDNI 18+ NSFW. DUBCON due to persuasion. Female reader. Arguments. Bigotry/Islamophobia. Discussions of near death experiences/trauma. Dark-ish/toxic Billy. Fingering. P in V sex.
Author's Note- Okay so I've never actually seen the show in its entirety because it's not available in my country so I'm working off the wikia and what I've seen in scenes. Please forgive any mistakes/misinformation, he looked too sad and pathetic not to write for. Full link below :)
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She doesn't bother to knock when she arrives at Billy's flat, storming inside with little regard for his privacy. He had given her a key not long after he moved in, promising that she could come over whenever she wanted, though she isn't sure this is what he had in mind at the time.
She makes her way passed the trash building up at the front door, forcing her way inside and finding him exactly where she expects to, lounging on the couch with some football game playing on the TV. He sits up when he spots her in the doorway, the smile that graces his face when he sees her slowly fading when he catches sight of her expression. She is sure it is a storm, her anger obvious, but she doesn't give him a chance to speak first.
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
He looks at her blankly for a moment before a realization seems to come over him. "Lana told you then?"
"Yeah, Lana told me. What the hell were you thinking?"
He rolls his eyes, pushing forward to grab the beer bottle sitting on the coffee table and taking a swig. Her eyes catch the cuts on his knuckles, the opposite hand covered with a bloodied bandage, and watches the skin between his brows crease when the abused skin stretches. "Why does it matter to you? It's not like anyone was there anyway, was there? And you can't tell me they didn't deserve it."
"Why does it- Billy, you're not this stupid."
In all the years she's known him, she has never known him to be cruel. Quiet and insecure, surely, but never vicious. She almost hadn't believed Lana when she had called her, informing her of the one man attack he had pulled at the butcher's. It seemed so entirely out of character from the friend she had always known it nearly scared her, hearing about how he had destroyed the storefront for the crime of being owned by a Muslim family. But more than fear, it made her skin crawl, a disgust for him she had never felt toiling in her gut.
She isn't an idiot. She knows how he has been struggling lately. From his breakup with Becky to his consistent unemployment to his family ragging on him to make something of himself. Nothing has been easy for him as of late but she never would have expected him to let his rage out like this.
"If you only came here to bite my head off about it, save us both the trouble, yeah? Lana already beat you to it."
"So you don't regret it at all? Any of it?"
She wants him to say yes. And not just for the criminal record he has now contracted for it but for the guilt of screwing over innocent people. She wants him to prove that he is still her friend, to believe that he hasn't fallen down this path without so much as a blink.
He does little to assuage her fears. "What do I have to regret about it?"
Her disgust increases tenfold with that- she is grateful for it, as it manages to cover the pain of his confession- and she feels her face contort. "Why would you do it? What was the point?"
"They're the reason the world has gone to shit. It's 'cause of people like them, their whole fucked up religion. They're the animals here, not me."
She physically recoils at that, not bothering to hide her repulsion now. "Jesus Christ, Billy."
"Well I don't expect you to understand it. You're too nice, got a fucking bleeding heart for every poor bastard that walks past ya. It's 'cause of people like you that Nick and I-"
That catches her attention. "Nick? Was someone else with you when you went to the butcher?"
His face drops as if he realizes he has said something wrong but he still shakes his head as nonchalantly as he can manage. It isn't indifferent in the slightest. "Nah. Just my friend."
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Read the rest here
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unfinishedslurs · 1 year
stobin kidnapped- no upsidedown
Robin doesn’t know why she comes out to Steve Harrington of all people. 
It could be the drugs. It could be the way he’s been pretty good-natured about her ribbing all summer. It could be the fact that they’ve bonded, painfully and irreversibly, in the last 24 hours in a way she never has with anyone else and hopefully never will. It could be that she’s almost certainly going to die in this tiny, awful basement, and Steve fucking Harrington’s shitty homophobic spiel won’t matter because they’ll be dead. 
Tammy Thompson won’t matter, either. She’ll never, ever look at Robin now. Probably won’t even think about her as she cries over Steve Harrington’s tragic fate. 
“Have you ever been in love?”
They’re pressed back to back next to the hole that serves as their toilet, even if they’re not tied together that way anymore. Something about being able to see from all angles is comforting. No surprises. 
It also means she doesn’t have to see Steve’s face when he tells her how amazing this new girl is.
“Robin?” He asks when she doesn’t respond. “You OD on me?”
“I’m alive,” she confirms. Unfortunately. 
Nope, too soon to be making jokes about wishing she were dead when there’s a high possibility she ends up dead before she gets out of here. 
Steve’s presence leaves her back, and she almost panics before she realizes he’s scooting backwards until he can meet her eye. She scoots back until her back hits the wall, and he does the same. 
“This floor’s disgusting.” 
“Yeah, well, I’ve already got a bunch of blood and puke on my shirt, so…” he points out. “What do you think?”
“This girl.” Why are his eyes so big? Is it the drugs in her system making her hallucinate again? Some great, cosmic consequence for being the kind of girl who can’t fall in love with this apparently amazing guy who protected her the best he could? She feels like she’s going to vomit again.
Eventually their singing dies down, and they exist in comfortable silence for a moment. 
It’s Steve who breaks it. “You know Jonathan Byers?”
“Didn’t he punch you and steal your girl?”
“Yeah,” he says. “I lied.”
“About what?”
“Only ever having been in love with Nancy.”
She blinks at him, squinting in concentration until he shifts uncomfortably and she gasps. “No,” she says. 
“‘No’ what?”
“You were not in love with Jonathan Byers.”
“Okay, yeah, I wasn’t in love with him,” he protests, squirming. “But, like, he’s cool, right?”
“No!” She exclaims. “No, he’s not cool, Steve. I can’t believe you made fun of me for Tammy, at least she didn’t give me a concussion!” 
“I deserved that concussion,” he protests. “Besides, it was a tiny one! That was, like, nothing compared to what Billy gave me.” Or the one he probably has right now, but neither of them point that out. 
“He stole your girlfriend.”
“Why do you keep saying that? There was no stealing anything. Nancy’s a human being, with, like, agency and shit.”
“Didn’t he take naked pictures of you guys?”
“What?” He sounds alarmed. “Is that what you heard?”
“Did he not?”
She laughs, disbelieving. 
“He apologized!” He says. “And he’ll never do it again, and I broke his camera for it anyway, so I kind of got retribution. Maybe too much retribution. I cannot overstate how much I deserved that beat down, I was an asshole to him.”
“God, you are not helping your case at all,” she giggles. He pouts at her, until he starts giggling too, and then they’re both laughing their asses off on the shitty basement floor until they lose their breath. 
They get lucky, she’s told while they’re in the hospital for smoke inhalation and a dozen other things. They were only in that basement for 24 hours until the police (re: Dustin and Erica) found them. It felt like a lifetime. 
She gets to sign out after six hours. Steve has to stay for two days. 
The nurses have to practically boot her out the door before she’ll leave his side. 
“I’m fine, Rob,” he says, rolling his eyes. “I’ve had worse.”
“I sure hope not!” The nurse exclaims as she’s checking over the monitor. “Young man, you are suffering from a Grade 3 concussion, bruised and broken ribs, smoke inhalation, multiple lacerations—“
“Jesus, okay, we get it!”
She gives him a scathing look before sweeping out of the room. Robin raises her eyebrows. “You’re fine, huh?”
The look he gives her could kill a lesser man. “Go home, Robin.”
“I’m staying the night.”
“You’re definitely not doing that.”
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mrsnancywheeler · 3 months
Okay the same reader as the fight one but imagine if someone in the band sees how much they fight and offers to take her off his hands…or goes to her about it
long blurb with mentions of drinking, drugs, smoking, and nsfw topics
me about to write another long ass blurb, but thinking about eddie pining after reader and always watching, thinking about how she could do so much better then billy fucking dunne
you're always fighting and leaving until billy calls you back or you get bored again so you show up. rarely is there apologies, sometimes he tells you that your his muse and he needs you around as some sort of half apology to say you're not replaceable with just any groupie. but you let it work on you because when things are good, they're good, he's kind, and loving, so sweet, but the bad is the worst it possibly could be. and for how you tell yourself you've always known he wouldn't pick you forever, wouldn't settle down and that you were okay with that, you just know you're lying to yourself. because when you find out that last fight you had where you stomped off afterwards and spent a couple of hours sitting in a diner crying, billy was busy getting sucked off my some other groupie, you think this might be your limit. for all you've said you'd never actually even dreamed of even looking at anyone else and the pain in your chest is so immense. it only gets worse as you listen to billy and the rest of the band perform some song her wrote about you, a confirmation of his feelings without him having to commit face to face with you. it makes your blood boil when he's singing about how regardless of everything he'll always pick you, always want you.
so when everyone finishes and he's smiling looking over at you with a, "so, what'd you think, baby?" and you pull out that slow clap you hope he knows he's done fucked up because the rest of the band sure does. and he doesn't ask if you're okay or look too concerned, just annoyed, scoffing slightly, "what now?"
"I think you're a liar and the whole thing is fucking bullshit!" You announce
"don't do this right now, we're trying to rehearse." his frustration only serves as fuel to your fire, and you look around the room to see the awkward glances around the room, eddie glaring holes into the back of billy's head.
"what? do you want me to say you did a great job, give you a kiss and hug, and then scamper off so some other girl can suck you off? is that what you want billy?"
"not right now. if you're not gonna sit there and do what you're good at, then get out of the studio. go spend some of your daddy's money, you'll get over it."
his dismissivness makes you want to scream. how dare he. why did you have to fall for someone like him? "like you've said, I'm sure you can find some other groupie to give you praise and attention. you're the fucking worst, billy."
you're storming out of the room, followed by his voice, "you're not the only pretty girl! one of so fucking many!"
you don't know how long you've spent sitting on the cold cement, back up against the building as you smoke a cigarette. trying desperately not to cry because you just want him to love you the way movies told you men loved. but this wasn't a movie, he was a fucking rockstar and you were in fact just another groupie who he was sick of. the way you wanted to cry was embarrassing and you quick wiped away any stray tears when you heard footsteps approaching.
"mind if I join you?" and there was eddie, trying to give a comforting smile. you shook your head and he sat down, your offered him a cigarette which he took, for a while it was silent. "you deserve better."
you laughed, "yeah, maybe." no, you knew you did, but you didn't want better. you were too attached to billy dunne. "did he call some kind of break or did you just storm out? bet he'd love that."
eddie chuckled, he loathed billy, so the latter would've been just fine with him. "called a break." you thought about how right now billy was probably busy getting fucked by some other girl, some other groupie who had patiently waited her turn. you didn't mean to sniffle, but you did. suddenly eddie's lips were on yours, you wanted to lean into the soft, loving comfort but you couldn't. it felt wrong.
"eddie-" you muttered as you pulled away.
"he doesn't see you like I do, you deserve to be treated so much better, and he's stupid for not being able to see that. just because he's the lead singer doesn't mean you have to be stuck as his groupie, especially when he treats you like you're disposable."
"eddie, I can't do that to him. it's wrong."
"he does everything he can with other girls except fucking them, you're allowed to have something."
"well, I'm just me and he's billy goddamn dunne."
"he's just billy dunne, and you're strong, perseverant, beautiful, funny, compassionate, the whole damn package." you snort through the laughter which makes him smile, and you feel bad because he's sweet, you like him, but you've had a taste of billy and are desperately trying to hold onto ship. "he's too lucky, let me give you what you deserve-"
"what's going on?" billy's voice interrupts the rest of eddie's speech that you honestly might have fallen for, if you focused on the actually being able to constantly feel appreciated by some someone. eddie glares at the other man.
"we're talking." you say softly as billy walks closer. he holds a hand out to you expectantly.
"come inside with me, baby. let's talk in private." eddie's eyes are urging you to refuse, to stay with him, but you don't heed the look. so you take billy's hand a and let him lift you off the ground.
and it's hard to miss the way eddie gazes at you after the that, the way he comforts you post arguments and reminds you not to take it to heart, and you feel bad that the way you burn for billy is a forest fire compared to the way you burn for eddie. and he spends his days waiting for you to realize billy was never worth the struggle and to have him instead.
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pleasantlycrazyworld · 5 months
The boys as pet parents
This is a continuation of this post!
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He is a cat dad. I will not take any disagreements on this.
I feel like him having a pet kitten would really calm and heal him in a way. He now has this little living thing that needs to be taken care of and needs gentle care and even though he has no idea how to take care of it he either gets his girlfriend to help or he'll go to Max for advice like what does it eat.
I see him becoming a cat dad in two different ways
His girl already had a cat when they got together
If his girl was already a cat mom he would try to bond with the cat to make her happy. At first he acts like he's too cool to pet a cat and because of this the cat and him really bump heads. He would never tell her this but....he hates that damn cat.
The cat is her baby so it sleeps with her, cuddles with her, sits in her lap and she spoils the cat like it's her baby. But dammit Billy is a baby. He might act like he's a huge jackass but he is a baby underneath that act and he gets so jealous of that damn cat. Why can't he be getting cuddles right now?
I see him bonding with the cat when she need him to take care of it for a day or two. Either she get sick and can't really leave bed or she has to go help/see family and she can't bring the cat with her . He is obviously going to agree, not quickly, because he is a good boyfriend for her. (I see him being apart of the trope I hate everyone but you). The cat fights with him for the first few hours but after dinner Billy is sitting on your couch trying to find something to watch when the cat comes and kneads on his lap before sitting down purring. After that night he is best friends with her cat.
He finds an abandoned kitten and couldn't find it in him to leave them alone
If he finds the kitten abandoned he looks around to see if anyone else is around to take the kitten but he realizes there isn't anyone around and he sighs before picking the kitten up. He acts macho but his heart melts when he notices that the little thing fits in the palm of his hand. He doesn't know anything about animals but he knows he can't just leave the poor thing by themselves so he tucks them into his jacket and drives to a store to try and find supplies for his new kitten.
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He is a dog dad.
He had a lonely childhood. He was left at home a lot growing up and his parents never let him have a pet. They said he didn't "deserve" one.
Robin is the one who gifted him his dog. She could tell how upset he was whenever he had to go home alone and she knew about how twisted his parents were. She found a puppy at the pound and it had the same eyes as Steve so she thought they had to be soulmates.
When I tell you he spoils this dog I mean he S P O I L S this dog. To him this is practice for his little future nuggets so whatever the dog needs he makes sure he has it at the house.
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He is a raccoon dad. We all now this. I've written about it before and I will die on this hill.
As @bloodthirstybreedingbunny and I have talked about (many times) he found his raccoon at the back of a random store. He bonds with the poor thing instantly and when he notices that the mom has either passed or abandoned the little guy he takes it home. At first he has no clue on how to take care of the raccoon so he feeds him leftover fast food and they share many tacos until he learns that the raccoon actually has nutritional needs so he begins to go buy what they need to stay healthy and happy. (the raccoon ends up eating better than Eddie does)
Tagging: @emmyshortcake @succubusmunson @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @thefreak0fhawkinshigh @lofaewrites @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @seatnights @livinnadaydream @eiightysixbaby
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Well the comics did a good job squandering any sympathy and shiz for dicklander, and the show too. I only feel bad for his child self. His grown ass can get attacked by rabid kryptonian dogs for all I care.
i disagree.
and look, i ain't gonna tell you how to feel boo, i can't obviously. i can only spew out nonsense and hope i might reach you or someone else who comes along to read my long winded bullshit.
but while both renditions are pieces of shit, i feel so much for comics homie too if not more. he's even more whoobie than show homie but gets dismissed but i digress.
throughout the story, we're made to feel *suspicious* about the claims on homelander or that his story may have more than meets the eye. ennis presents it point blank. he doesn't tell the reader how to feel about homelander, or anything, or anyone. he makes it clear how billy feels, how other characters feel, but he also certainly makes it show that things aren't quite adding up about him and billy's claim. he presents the story and lets *you* the reader feel (which is what real *good* writing does)
BUT it's framed out in a way to make the reader realize he *wasn't* this big bad awful guy he was made out to be, a piece of shit sure, but and not the real monster they were after, that billy was fuckin' wrong (like his dumb ass always is), that his end and final point in the story was manipulated, coerced by outside force, and not truly justified as a result.
leik, this guy got his WHOLE LIFE fucking RUINED, his whole self image, gaslit into fucking oblivion to *believe* he was a bad guy until he *became* a bad guy, after literally never once getting a *choice* for anything, ever, at all, at any point in his whole gotdamn life.
this boi never had a chance... and even after ALL that. people STILL want to control or punish him when he lacks one major vital thing that would warrant him *actually* deserving that.
AGENCY. fucking agency, the answer is agency, homelander has none of it, never has, and still does not have it. (he pretends to but it's not quite the same, the lack of it is what makes him a ticking time bomb)
you seem like someone to really value your own agency so idk, i feel like you should get that??
just try to imagine if every single choice in your life was made *for you* by *someone else*, and that's homelander. and it doesn't stop into adulthood, it just turns into a fucking fucked up conservatorship beside someone who wants to kill you, oh yeah, and stunted growth so you never get a chance to really grow up and feel like or be your own person either.
like i'm not kidding, he might as well be a child STILL in that regard and it is super fucked up how often people exploit and groom him that way. i don't care if he's fucking 16, 40, or in his 70s, the man *ain't* grown like he should be and *needs* the space to actually *grow* before we decide to fucking judge him, else we're no better than his abusers.
and when a kid commits a crime, it's the parents/guardians that are brought up on charges/trial. there is a *reason* for that.
homelander's very clear lack of sanity/mental capacity and vought being his 'guardian'/conservator?? (if he even is a real legal person...) would put him under this spectrum of bullshit, and baby i don't want to say it's ableist not to acknowledge this, but...
this motherfucker is *CRIMINALLY INSANE*, emphasis on that last fucking part, in every sense of the word *CLINICALLY*. and when that happens, even the fucking laws in the fucked ol' U.S. of A. DO NOT 'punish' a mofo by regular 'incarceration', they still order institutionalization but with a HOSPITAL for TREATMENT. (granted there are a whole mess of other problems in this country that still do not handle this properly jesus fucking christ--)
ABLEISM! it's fucking ableism that doesn't let fandom recognize this!! EVEN some of the people who claim to love him!!
except THEN make it WORSE on top of everything *because* of the stunted growth and vought AND limited personal agency and... fuck me... UGGGGGGHHHHHHH--
but THAT is homelander. and uh... yeah. yeah, you'd probably lose your gotdamn mind too, i don't think ANYONE could walk out sane, realistically speaking. pain is easy to say we'd walk out clean from, and then we all turn into pussies the *second* it's our turn to deal.
and the whole point of the twist is to rob you of any satisfaction of his death and make you angry at his circumstances rather than at him. again, ennis doesn't explicitly *tell* readers how to feel because it's more of a graphic novel but...
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i personally think the show is aiming to recreate this effect because if they can pull it off (and manage to make an entire population feel like utter ableist shitheads for wanting him dead), then they'll be pulling off some kinda magical MAJOR amazing heist of the feels for the ages that will *hopefuly* be enough to push society in some better directions than its current state (man, we really could not have asked for a better time for this series... holy shit--)
as much as it pains me, *this* was why he was killed in the comics. not just for... ugh, sadness, realism... but because it was *part* of the lesson in exemplifying what was actually wrong.
man i am just way too fucking hyper analytical with this shit and also sometimes SO SLOW i--
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Vecna (Steve Harrington x y/n)
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(Billy is your sh#tty ex in this)
WARNINGS: pre concussion writing, possession, Billy being an awful ex, angst, Harrington being best boy, angst with a happy ending so fluff, sorry it’s so short, vecna. Had this in my drafts for a while and debating on wether I should post it let me know I tried my best
“y/n!!!” Dustin waved his fingers infront of you face and shook you but with no response “Steve!” He called
Steve then ran from where was near his car to you.
“she’s not responding. I think vecna is taking her”
“y/n” Steve begged his voice laced with concern and sorrow “y/n please” his voice cracking as he had started to cry “fight this please I can’t lose you”
Dustin had never seen Steve like this before he felt he was intruding on a private moment.
“get her tape!” Dustin scrambles to grab the cassette tape of Kate bush
I was back,… back to the worst years of my life. Or it least the memories of them.
“Y/N” he practically screamed at me “TELL ME WHY THE FUCK YOU WERE SEEN TALKING TO A GUY”
“I-I-it wasn’t like t-that b-billy” I trembled in a smal voice my hands already up scared of him hitting me. He raises hand but as he does I look at him again. He is no longer billy. No instead the form of vecna was standing over you. He pushes my up against his wall with vines ready to kill me like the other victims
“you know you deserved this y/n” he taunted
“NO” I shout back fiercely. Adereline was pumping through my veins.
“yes you have deserved everything he did to you” he said “i bet your new boyfriend doesn’t even love you. Sooner or later he will be just like billy”
“no” my voice cracks a bit with hands shaking he is not choking me with his vines
then I hear it. The firmilair tune of running up that hill. I gather up enough courage and rip one of vecna’s veins out. He screams and stumbles letting me out of his grip. I fall and run. I run for my life. Faster than I have ever ran before. Vecna throws giant rocks at me but I doge them. One of them knocks me over. But I quickly get up. I think of what I’m fighting for and all my happiest moments flash before my eyes. I see me and robin in the arcade. I can see me and my friends together l. And I see Steve but particularly a special moment with him. Our first kiss. I break from the this trance of happy memories giving me the will to live. I hear me named being called and I can see the way out. I’m here I’m still breathing! I thought. I wanna live! I wanna live! And I ran through the window of light.
then I feel my body falling and my friends catching me together. I gasp for air I’m hyperventilating. Look over and see my boyfriends tear stained face. I see the looks of concern on my friends faces. I quickly pull them in for a hug. I am still crying and Steve takes my head a put it against his chest comforting me.
it’s lucky that my parents are in the outer banks right now, I would have a hard time explaining this situation.
He tucked me in as he comforted me. I was still crying. He shushes soothingly me as i touch my to his cheek. He catches my hand and presses it against his lips. Kissing my fingertip.
“w-when vecna showed me billy” my voice quavering. “Everything came back. He said….that it was only a matter of time before you became him”
“oh baby” he said pulling the soft blanket over me “never ever think that. I love you so much” he wiped away my tears with his thumb. He took my face in his hands and kissed me. Not fiercely or roughly but tenderly. With sweetness and an air of gentle to it. Billy never kissed me like that. He kissed me rough or not at all. But I felt Steve show me what a real kiss was. One tender and full of love. I had never experienced that with anyone else. Eventually we have to break the kiss. he leaves to go by I say “stay, please Stevie” he obeys and I fall asleep in his arms I’m my soft bed.
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bigdumbbambieyes · 2 years
because I adore the possibility of a Billy & Chrissy friendship and believe that they deserve to heal together, in all aspects
hurt/comfort and mentions of ED below
I want a post-S3 Billy who is moved out of the ICU once he stabilizes from his Mindflayer injuries and moves into a regular inpatient room, where he finds out that he’s going to be sharing it with none other than Chrissy Cunningham for the next few weeks.
It’s awkward between them, at first. She’s a pretty girl and Billy instinctively wants to peacock, to make her want him because that’s what he’s conditioned himself to do, but the ugly truth is that he looks and feels like utter shit, so he doesn’t bother.
He says that he knows of her from school. He knows that she’s a cheerleader and that he hates her annoying boyfriend, Jason, because he’s a total asswipe. She mentions hearing about Billy and his reputation, about how he’s gone out with a couple of her friends, and that she’s sorry to hear about what happened at Starcourt. She’s sorry. As if she had anything to do with it.
Billy figures that she’s too kind for her own good. Too soft. He doesn’t know why she’s with Jason in the first place and she agrees, much to his surprise. They cheers their water cups when Chrissy tells him that she broke up with Jason a few weeks ago, when school was out, but she doesn’t say why.
She doesn’t even say why she’s there. There’s no casts, no injuries, no stitches. But, he sees her and there’s no hiding the truth. He sees the bags under her eyes, the thinness of her body, the IV drip at her bedside. He doesn’t ask about the tube in her nose that hooks over her ear to pump nutrition into her stomach. Doesn’t ask about why her hair looks so thin and dull. Doesn’t ask about her sharp cheekbones. Doesn’t ask about why she can’t just eat. Eating’s easy.
Eventually, after a few days, he lets his guard down around her - this soft-spoken girl who trembles like a leaf in the wind when she’s cold. With Chrissy, there is no threat. No need to put on a mask and pretend to be someone else, and she feels the same way.
He doesn’t understand her struggle until she tells him, one cool night in August, a few weeks after he was first wheeled into the room. The hospital is chillier than usual and she has at least five blankets on, along with the Hawkins Cheer cardigan she’s bundled up in - the thing almost swallowing her whole. The nurse is down the hall so it’s just the two of them, the curtain between their beds pulled back so Billy can hear and see her perfectly. She tells him about her mother. About the comments she’s endured her whole life. About the competitiveness of her sport. About the expectations that are literally killing her to live up to.
She has big, fat crocodile tears in those doe eyes of hers and Billy’s stomach twists with unease.
Because he’s burned up a lot of his anger during his time under the Mindflayer’s control. That thing used his rage like coal in a fire, made him push himself further and harder, no matter how much he wanted to give up and stop. And now that the emotion he’s used to is gone, diminished, it leaves room for others. Things like empathy. And he feels it for Chrissy, burning like his rage used to.
He isn’t sure why he tells her about Neil. Mumbles that his father is a piece of shit, like her mother. Tells her that his mom left when he was a kid, that she never came back for him, no matter how hard he cried and begged over the phone. He says that maybe his dad is worse than her mom, thinking it would make her feel a little better.
But she tells him that it’s not a competition, that there was no comfort in hearing of other people’s misery, and he likes that. Likes that she’s gentle despite the harshness in her brain. Sorta like how Billy didn’t want to hurt anyone when there was a monster in his. He also likes that Chrissy won’t take shit, in her own way - she can speak up for herself when the other person is being unfair, even if her voice is quiet.
And she’s right, he realizes. He finally has someone who understands what it’s like to be uneasy in the places that are meant to be safe. That shared empathy breaks down their walls - fast. They stay up late and have quiet conversations, about any and everything. How Billy wants to fix shit with his little sister. How Chrissy wants to feel in control of herself. How they’ve wanted to run away and never look back, but never did.
They get visitors, too. Sometimes. Chrissy receives flowers from her cheer squad, ‘get well’ cards from her teachers, balloons from her cousin. What is most surprising, though, is Eddie Munson. He shows up a few times, saying hi to Billy in passing before pulling the curtain shut. Billy tries not to overhear but it’s hard not to. Chrissy and Eddie talk quietly and happily, like they’ve been friends for a long time.
When he asks about it later, she reveals that they reconnected not long ago. Before she got admitted to the hospital, in fact. She’d been desperate to escape her own mind and knew that Eddie dealt, so they met in the woods behind the school and, well…Billy wasn’t one for romance but he thinks it’s sweet. The drug dealing freak with the cheerleader? Yeah, that was perfect. Like something out of a goddamn movie.
The blush on her face says it all, but she’s quick to point out the way Billy would fix his hair whenever Max came in with a quiet Steve Harrington behind her. He tells her to shut up, that it means nothing, but she promises that she doesn’t judge him for it. He denies and denies because it’s complicated, okay? He and Steve weren’t on good terms and probably would never be now that Harrington graduated. Chrissy tells him that it’s not too late and he tugs the curtain shut, not wanting to talk about it anymore. No, instead, he thinks well into the morning - feels the fear and anger and guilt of that night at the Byers all over again. The next morning, he tries to apologize and Chrissy is understanding, as she always is. Sweet and smiling in that special way she does, and it soothes his anxiety like nothing else.
Eventually, they get better. Chrissy gets her refeeding tube removed and begins to eat small meals, which Billy supports her through. They take bites at the same time and chew carefully, because he knows she needs this, that she appreciates it. And he knows she does because the first time they��d shared a meal like that, she reached over to grab and hold his hand tightly as they chewed a piece of toast.
And as he helps and supports her, Chrissy does the same for him. His physical therapy is hell - he sweats and curses as he does his exercises in his hospital bed, the movements slow and meaningful. Chrissy quietly cheers him on from her own bed, clapping with a smile when he finishes his reps. He jokes that this is nothing, that he has weights to lift at home, and realizes that it won’t be like this for much longer. It makes him anxious.
Chrissy goes home first, a week before Billy does. The night before, he gets up and goes to sit on her bed, catching sight of her pale face in the moonlight. She’s scared. Doesn’t want to go. And he holds her hand as he watches her quietly, trying to think of something to say to Chrissy - his friend. Comforting someone is new to him, so it takes him a while, but when he does think of something, he mutters it: “I’ll see you at school. You won’t be alone.”
And that makes her smile.
When he’s out of the hospital, Max and Steve are there to pick him up. He’s not sure why Harrington has become Max’s personal chauffeur, and asks him that as he climbs into the passenger seat of the red Beamer. Steve shrugs, Max from the back seat saying something about him not being that for much longer, and Billy’s confused - until they’re driving up Cherry Lane and his Camaro is sitting out front, fixed with noticeable paint scratches and dents, but it roars to life just like before. Just like him.
He doesn’t know what to say. Doesn’t know why Steve would do this, until Harrington mutters ‘Starcourt’ and yeah, that would explain it. He can recall that accident outside the mall, when he’d been deep under the Mindflayer’s control, and a pretty boy in a pretty car had smashed into the side of his Camaro. Maybe Billy’s guilt isn’t misplaced, maybe Steve felt it, too, in his own way. Because Billy had sacrificed himself for these people, thinking it would be the last thing he ever did, some sort of fucking repentance.
And maybe it was. Now they’re on equal footing again. So, he mutters his thanks. And Steve gives him a small, tight smile that makes his chest ache.
The following Monday, Billy picks Chrissy up from her place and drives them to school. She has a smile as she walks down to the Camaro, her cheeks flushed with health, and she tells him that she had a full bowl of Cheerios for breakfast. And a banana. He’s proud of her and tells her so with a small smile.
When they pull into the parking lot, people stare. They whisper and gossip, because they all know that they had been in the hospital. Word spreads fast around Hawkins when it had nothing to do with secret government experiments and otherworldly monsters. But, two sick kids? Missing out on their entire summer and showing up together on the first day of school? Sure. Let them talk.
Chrissy worries and Billy tells her not to, because fuck them. They know what they’ve been through, nobody else does, and it’s nobody’s goddamn business but their own.
She agrees and glances over at the entrance, sees Eddie there with his little black lunchbox. She smiles and straightens her back as she says that ‘86 is going to be her year. And Billy believes it. A whole year to start fresh. Mend what’s been broken, like how the wounds on his torso have scarred over, his skin thicker than before.
He thinks that maybe it’ll be his year, too, when he sees Steve dropping off Robin and they share a small smile.
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kayhi808 · 7 months
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No matter how many times Billy's fucked you, you'll never get used to the fullness you feel of having him buried deep inside you. The stretch & the burn, teetering between pleasure & pain. He has you ass up & face down on your bed. Both of your wrists gathered behind your back, easily secured in one of Billy's hands. His hip snapping against you, as you try to muffle your moans into the bedsheets. Your hips pushing back against him, clenching down on his cock. His fingers dig into your hip as he thrusts harder, you know he's going to leave you with bruises again. A part of you doesn't even care. He moans your name, his thrust becoming uneven as he cums inside you. He releases your wrists, pulling out of you & lowers himself so he can rest his head between your shoulder blades. His added weight pressing you down into your mattress.
After a few minutes, Billy's up and starts gathering his discarded clothes around your room. He's always in such a rush to leave. You hadn't invited him over, he had just showed up close to midnight. You wanted to send him away but... sex with Billy was just too good to pass up, always wringing multiple orgasms out of you. You hated that this was just a hook up. The handsome young Marine had no intention of making a relationship out of this. He made that perfectly clear from the very beginning.
"You shouldn't just show up here, Billy. Next time, try calling first."
"What? Like you had plans?" looking around your room. He shakes his head at you as he pulls on his pants.
You refuse to show him how much that statement hurt. Throwing a pillow at him which he bats out of the air. "You're an asshole. I'm just warning you that you'll look pretty stupid coming by if I already got someone else here."
He pulls on his shirt, & stalks over to you, "Who are you seeing?" He grabs you by the jaw forcing you to look at him, "You fucking some other guy?" You have a terrible poker face. As soon as you look into Billy's dark eyes, he calls your bluff & he laughs. "Honey, you don't have anyone." He sits on the bed by you, putting on his shoes. You shove yourself off the bed and away from him. "Tucked away in your little studio. Nose buried in a book. All your free time studying. Where are you going to find a man? You're lucky I noticed you." He smirks.
"I'm lucky?!" Does he think he's funny?
He shrugs his broad shoulders as he stands, "You fuck like a dream..."
"Get. Out." Sheets wrapped tightly around you, your hands clenched in fists. Your voice is soft yet strong.
"C'mon babe, don't act like that." Billy moves towards you, but you back away. "Stop." Surprisingly, he obeys. "Get out of my home & never come back."
"I was kidding."
"No. You were being cruel. I didn't deserve that." You step farther away from him.
"You knew what this was when we started."
"You wanted to keep things casual. Casual doesn't mean disrespectful. That is not what i agreed to. I want you to leave."
"Now you're overreacting & being crazy."
"And you're nothing but a pretty face with a cold heart, Billy Russo." You notice him flinch when you called him pretty & his onyx eyes got even darker. A switch in him was flipped and he glares at you. For the first time you actually fear him and are scared to have him in your home. He snatches his keys and wallet and did like you asked & leaves, slamming the door on his way out.
@imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @e-dubbc11
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missjellyhead · 2 years
Hihi! Was wondering if I can request something please?
Just a headcanon (Bo Sinclair, Billy Lenz and Brahms Heelshire) with a chubby and short S/O who’s very insecure? I think it would be very cute😭💕 Thank you so much!
HEADCANON | slashers with a short and chubby gn!s/o that is insecure
includes bo sinclair, brahms heelshire, billy lenz and bubba sawyer
note: I am also very insecure about my weight and height. We can't belittle ourselves because we're not up to a standard of beauty, bitches. We're all going to therapy to deal with this! and I added Bubba because I love him. and it's my first time writing to billy, sorry for the lack of practice
What? What are you talking about?
You're hot as fuck!
Bo doesn't have much patience for those with low self-esteem (Vincent is there to prove this to be true), but that doesn't mean he doesn't care.
He just doesn't know how to show it, so he ends up being rude.
Try to find a way to make yourself more comfortable with yourself.
He gives you some clothes as a gift (which he stole from the victims).
These are revealing clothes that, if you don't like your body, will probably make you a little uncomfortable.
But he makes a point of saying you're hot.
He touches your body gently, trying to show you how beautiful you are.
And long kiss the parts of your body you don't like.
Are you insecure with your belly? Do you think you have too many folds? Bo will kiss you until you forget about it.
He's a man of touch, so don't expect words of affirmation.
You think making yourself feel wanted is the best remedy for your insecurity.
(Lots of make-out sessions in his workshop when you're having a bad day. He'll literally throw you on the floor and fuck you. Prepare to have a lot of greasy clothes.)
He tilts his head to the side and frowns.
How can you think such a thing?
You are the most beautiful person he has ever met.
Prettier than her last obsession (aka Greta).
He thought you knew that.
Brahms is also insecure, so he understands you perfectly.
Makes it clear (in his weird way) that you are perfect!
That is, he stares at you until you start to feel awkward.
When you question him, he says "You're cute".
If it's enough to make you blush, he'll know his methods are working.
He loves his height too.
He hugs you from behind and rests his chin on top of your head.
No matter what you say, he won't let you go!
If anyone else could get into that house, he would call a painter to make a large painting of his s/o, which would be hung in a conspicuous place.
As the house has a restricted entrance, he will draw you himself.
It's not a very good drawing, but what counts is the intention.
If you're having a really bad day, he'll just lie down with you and hold you.
Or take you to his room on the walls and spend hours inside just enjoying each other's company.
He expects you to also be kind to him about his appearance.
Despite anything, you are there for him.
Tell him he's handsome, just like he does you.
He gets so sad when he realizes you're insecure.
Because you are so beautiful, wonderful, cute, perfect!
He wants to hold you and say all these things.
But due to his speech impediment, Bubba can't do what he wants.
So he needs to demonstrate with actions.
No need to be ashamed of your appearance!
If you're wearing a bigger outfit to hide your body, Bubba will let out a sad grunt and hug you.
He literally squeezes you. It's even difficult to breathe.
Bubba knows exactly how you're feeling. He is also chubby and sometimes feels bad about it.
(Mainly because his brothers are so skinny).
And because he knows how bad that feeling is, Bubba will do everything possible and impossible to make you feel better.
Bubba demonstrates with actions how much he loves you: he gives you flowers, dances with you, hugs you, kisses you.
He makes body jewelry for you!
And he applauds when you enter the room (You deserve a round of applause for being who you are!).
He walks around you and gives you the thumbs up.
Bubba hopes you understand that he loves you completely and not "in spite of your body".
He doesn't know what to do, but he's doing his best.
Get ready for a kissing session all over your body.
Billy is chaotic.
In a situation like this it would be no different.
When he finds out about your insecurity he just wants to talk and talk about how beautiful you are.
He won't shut up.
And cry because you can't see your potential.
It stays close to you 100% of the time, making sure you're so smothered in attention that you don't have time to think about bad things.
"Billy loves you"
"Billy thinks you're cute"
"Billy doesn't want to let you go ever again!"
Overall, many words of affirmation.
He'll also want to give love bites to all the parts of your body that you don't like.
(Not a strong bite!)
Thighs? Stomach? Cheeks?
There's probably Billy's teeth marks all over these places.
Wet kisses too.
Hope you feel better about all this display of affection.
sorry for any spelling mistakes, english is not my first language
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parkerslatte · 1 year
Songbird || TWENTY-THREE
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Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 3.1k
Part Summary: Y/N makes a decision that effects her and Eddie’s relationship.
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4 Hours Earlier
“Anyone have a guess where they might be?” Rod questions, “Anyone?”
No one answered. 
“For fuck’s sake, even Y/N isn’t here and she always is.” Rod says before walking away.
“Not like Billy to be missing soundcheck,” Warren comments, “Or Y/N for that matter.”
Warren takes a drag of his cigarette before turning to Eddie, “It’s a nice shiner you got there.”
Eddie doesn’t say anything, he simply focuses on his bass.
“Eddie,” Warren says, taking a seat, “What’d you say to him, man?”
“Nothing, just, uh…some shit that needed to be said, that’s all.” Eddie says.
“Eddie, look, I’m gonna say some stuff, all right, and you’re gonna promise that you’re not gonna hate me for it,” Warren says, “What the fuck is wrong with you? So what if Billy’s an asshole? So what if you’re not the guy? I mean, you are in the biggest band in the fucking world right now. You get to fly around on jet planes and sleep on one hundred dollar bills, and we get to play songs that millions of people listen to and they fucking love ‘em. They love ‘em Eddie.”
“And don’t get me started on Y/N,” Warren continues, “The one woman most men want and you’re with her, not anyone else. And all that is still not enough for you?”
“No, no, man. I’m serious. Like, this shit does not happen. To anyone. We’re the luckiest motherfuckers in the world, bro.”
“Warren, all due respect, I think I may be looking for a little more out of life than you are.” Eddie says.
Warren looks down and chuckles, “Yeah, man, tell that to Y/N, I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to hear that.”
Eddie sighed, knowing that the comment he said wasn’t about Y/N but he didn’t argue, not wanting to cause any more of a stir. 
As Warren begins walking away, Eddie calls out to him, “Where are you going?”
“Me? I don’t know,” Warren says, “Maybe I’m gonna go smoke a joint, pop sound thousand dollar champagne. Or - you know what - maybe I’ll call my girlfriend, the movie star. See you tonight, bro!”
Present Time
On Stage
As Y/N stepped up to the microphone, the crowd cheered. It caused Y/N to smile, her final time performing this song was already off to a good start. The band began playing and Y/N began singing, losing herself in the music completely. 
At the beginning of the song, she closed her eyes as she sang, imagining what it would be like if this audience were here for her and only her. The banners would only have her name on them and they would all be singing along to the songs she wrote. The audience would be chanting her name, demanding an encore to which Y/N would come out and sing one final song - a different one every night so no two shows were the same. 
When Y/N finally opened her eyes, she was transported back to where she was originally - performing with the band. However, she strived to make this the best performance she could give. Taking the microphone from the stand, Y/N began to walk around the stage. 
KAREN SIRKO: That night Y/N’s voice was something else. I had never heard her sing like that before. 
WARREN ROJAS: Y/N was a powerhouse that night! I get chills just thinking about it.
DAISY JONES: That song was a duet, but I stepped back and let Y/N have the whole stage. With a voice like hers she deserved the spotlight, especially with that song.
Eddie watched Y/N walk around the stage, her voice echoing throughout the arena. From the hundreds of times he had heard her sing the song, he had never heard her sing it the way she was. There was an emotion to her voice that he could place but he knew that he was a part of the cause of that emotion. All he wanted to do was run up to her, take her into his arms and apologise as many times as it took for her to forgive him.
Y/N wouldn’t even look at Eddie for longer than a few seconds at most. Eddie obviously thought that it was because of what he had said earlier but it couldn’t be further from the truth.
Y/N L/N: I was angry with what Eddie said, but I got over it quickly. I couldn’t look at him that entire performance because I knew what I was going to do after the show. I couldn’t face him.
In the final chorus of the song, Y/N finally turned to face Eddie as she sang from the other side of the stage. Eddie looked at her as she sang, nothing but love in his eyes. He had always loved Y/N’s voice and he loved it even more with the way she was singing now. The only thing he hated was that he was the cause of some of the pain behind her voice. 
As Y/N finished her song, she turned away from Eddie, walking back to the front of the stage and the crowd erupted into cheers, chanting her name over and over again. Y/N smiled and bowed, soaking in the applause. 
When the crowd began to quiet down, and Y/N took her place next to Graham, Daisy stepped up to the microphone.
“Let’s hear it for Y/N L/N, everyone!” Daisy says and the crowd cheered again and Y/N smiled, “Now, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage my sister and my best friend, Simone Jackson!”
Y/N stood in the greenroom with Warren and Simone. Y/N had heard of Simone Jackson before Daisy ever mentioned her, she had listened to a few of her songs. Simone’s type of music wasn’t typically Y/N’s go to, but she definitely replayed a few of her songs when she first heard them. 
As the three of them conversed, Daisy walked into the room, causing their conversation to come to an abrupt halt.
“Oh wow.” Simone commented on the makeup on Daisy’s face.
“Finally, great! Gang’s all here.” Rod says.
“You look scared, Rod,” Daisy says, “And you should be.”
“Okay,” Rod says slowly, “All right, this time’s for real everybody.”
Y/N began to walk out of the greenroom, fully aware of Eddie walking just behind her. She wanted nothing more than to turn around, pull him away and talk to him but she knew that she needed to get through the show first. 
Present Time
On Stage
“So, we have to go soon,” Billy says into the microphone, “But we can’t leave without paying some dues. I’m gonna need your help. You with me!”
The crowd cheered.
“On drums, a man who keeps time like a Rolex and who cuts grooves like a knife,” Billy introduces, “It’s Mister Warren Rojas!”
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Billy says, taking the microphone from the stand, and begins to approach Eddie, though he swerves at the last second, instead focusing on Karen, “The classiest, coolest cucumber ever to play keys. It’s Miss Karen Sirko!”
Billy walks across the stage towards Y/N, “You know her and you love her, the woman that doesn’t shy away from the spotlight, it’s Miss Y/N L/N.”
“Up next, as good a man as you’ll ever meet. But sometimes I forget how lucky I am that he’s my brother. It’s Graham Dunne, everyone!”
Billy walks back to the front of the stage, “On bass, well that’s Eddie Roundtree,” Billy pauses, “All right, wait, wait, wait, let’s try that again, shall we? The master of the low end hammer, the man, the face that keeps pace on the bass, the groove layer, the four string slayer. It’s Eddie Demetrius Roundtree!”
Billy leans closer to Eddie and whispers into his ear, causing the smile that was on his face to drop.
“And finally, well, do I even need to say it?”
“Well, I want to hear you say it.” Daisy says.
“It’s Daisy Jones, everyone.”
“Billy Dunne, everybody!” Daisy announces.
As the band performed ‘Aurora’, Y/N looked at Eddie the whole time. He didn’t smile once and he didn’t even look anywhere but straight forward, much like Y/N had done at the beginning of the show. Finally when Eddie looked up, he made eye contact with Y/N and they didn’t break it the remainder of the song. 
“Y/N,” Eddie says as soon as the band exits the stage,  “Can I talk to you?”
Y/N sighed, “Eddie, there’s nothing to talk about.”
“Yes there is!” He says desperately, “What I said to Billy, I shouldn’t have said that, I panicked when he questioned me and I didn’t know what to say. I regret it, I really do. I love you and only you and I can't bare it if I caused you any pain.”
Y/N sighed, “Eddie, listen, I’m over that now. I’m not going to lie, it did hurt when you told me, but I’m the one who asked what you said and you told me the truth.”
“So why are you avoiding me?” Eddie asked, taking her hands in his, “Tell me.”
“No, I don’t want any more excuses, I need you to tell me,” Eddie says, “You used to tell me everything.”
“I’m leaving tonight.” Y/N said. 
Eddie paused, “Is that why you have a plane ticket in your bag?”
“How do you know about that?” Y/N questioned. 
“It fell out of your bag after you left earlier.” Eddie says.
Y/N sighs, “I wasn’t going to use it initially. I don’t really know why I bought it.”
“This isn’t all because of me, right?” Eddie asks, his hand cupping her cheek.
“No, of course not,” Y/N says, “It’s nothing to do with you at all.”
Eddie rested his forehead on hers and closed his eyes. The two didn’t need to say any words to know what the other was saying. I love you.
By the time the band went on stage, Y/N was heartbroken, knowing it was getting closer and closer to the part of the night she was dreading the most, she wished she could just skip it entirely. The crowd cheered as everyone walked back onto the stage and Y/N forced a smile onto her face. 
The crowd chanted ‘Look at Us Now’ over and over again as the band waited and listened.
“Let me hear it if you’re in love tonight!” Daisy yelled, “I’ve been in love. And it hurts, doesn’t it?”
Y/N spared a glance at Eddie and found that he was doing the same.
“But it doesn’t have to,” Daisy continued, “Love doesn’t have to be bombs and tears and blood. Love can be peace. And it can be beautiful. And if you’re lucky enough to find somebody who lifts you up, even when you don’t deserve it, that’s where the light is.”
Y/N continued to look at Eddie as a tear slipped down her cheek. She loved Eddie more than she loves anything else on the planet. But that was the problem, she loved him more than she loved herself. And before she could start loving him the way that was needed, she needed to love herself first.
“So my wish for you tonight, ladies and gentlemen, is find someone who helps you see the light.” Daisy says, “This is a love song.”
The band began playing Look At Us Now and the crowd cheered, probably the loudest they had the entire night. As it was Billy’s turn to start singing, he didn’t. He remained still at the microphone, tears threatening to spill. Holding the microphone out to the crowd, Daisy urged them to sing, to which they complied.
As Daisy began singing, she said one simple word to Billy which prompted him to leave the stage running. At that point Y/N knew that she wasn’t the only one leaving the band that night. 
Daisy sang to each member of the band, completely focusing on the people she was performing with rather than the audience, it was her goodbye. 
The song finished and the band slowly made their way to the front of the stage. Eddie stood next to her and intertwined their fingers together, giving her hand a squeeze. 
As Y/N bowed with the band, she knew it would be the final time; there was no salvaging what had been broken long ago. As she stepped off the stage, she fought back against her tears. Y/N wasn't sad that the band was over; she was sad because she would never have the opportunity to perform with her friends again. Rod tried to get her attention as she walked past, but Y/N just continued, knowing she would break down if she stopped for only a minute. 
Y/N was aware of Eddie walking behind her, the gentle hand on her lower back. It stayed there until they got into a taxi. No words were exchanged between the two; there didn't need to be. When they returned to the hotel and up to their room, Y/N hugged Eddie. 
The two stood there in the centre of the room, swaying gently. It was silent; there was no sound of people talking, and there was no sound of cars outside the window. It was as if the world stood still. 
"Eddie…" Y/N began but paused once she realised this would be the most challenging conversation ever. 
Eddie rested his forehead on hers, cupping her cheeks gently, "I know."
"You don't hate me?" Y/N questioned. 
"I could never hate you." Eddie says, brushing Y/N's hair out of her face. 
"I just need some time," Y/N says, "I don't know how long that'll be, but I think I just need to do things and be on my own for a while."
"I understand." Eddie says, his thumb gently rubbing across her cheek.
"I still love you, Eddie, so much, that's why-" Y/N began to tear up, "That's why this is so hard for me."
"Shhhh," Eddie says, wiping the tears away, "I love you too, Y/N. I adore you."
It was at that point that Y/N began to break down. She clung onto Eddie for dear life, clutching at his jacket. Her sobs echoed through the room, and they jabbed a dagger into Eddie's heart. 
The two remained on the hotel room floor until Y/N's sobs subsided. Her grip on the front of Eddie's jacket loosened a little as she tilted her head to look at him. 
"I hate that I'm doing this to you, Eddie." Y/N says, her voice barely above a whisper. 
"Hey," Eddie says, "You're not doing anything to me, okay? You need time and to be on your own for a while and I respect that," Eddie paused, "And I will wait for you. Whenever you decide to come back, I will be waiting."
"But I don't want you to do that," Y/N says, "I don't want you to wait around for me when there could be someone that you will love more than me."
"Impossible," Eddie whispered, "Because there is no one on this planet that I could possibly love more than you."
Y/N cupped Eddie's cheeks before pressing her lips against his. This kiss was different from the ones they had shared before, and this was a kiss that they both hoped they never had to experience and this was a goodbye kiss. 
Eddie gripped onto Y/N, holding her close. It was the last time he would hold her this way for a while, possibly forever. 
Eddie was the first to pull away, "I don't want to make this any more painful, Y/N."
Y/N looked down and nodded, "I know. I just don't want to leave."
"Y/N," Eddie says softly, "Go."
Y/N paused before nodding as she rose to her feet; her bag was already packed. She picked up her bag before she began the walk to the door. With each step, Y/N felt the door get further and further away. 
"Hey," Eddie called out. 
Y/N turned to him; he was still sitting on the floor. Something deep within her wanted him to beg her to stay and not leave him; there was hope in her heart. 
"I love you, Y/N L/N." Eddie says. 
Y/N, despite her tears, offered him a smile, "I love you too, Eddie Roundtree. More than you could possibly imagine."
Y/N turned around once again, her hand on the door handle. It was cold beneath her touch. Pushing it down, she pulled the door open. The hallway felt dark, and Y/N didn't want to step out into it; she was scared to do it without Eddie; she was afraid to do it without Warren, Karen, Graham, Camila, Daisy, and in a way, without Billy. 
With a sigh, Y/N stepped out alone, closing the door behind her. There was no one but Y/N in the hallway, which is how it would be from now on. Sparing one final glance at the door, Y/N walked down the hallway. 
Y/N L/N: I left Eddie because I needed to work on myself, and so did he. We were perfect for one another, but at that point in time, we couldn’t love each other at our full capacity; there were arguments and tears. I knew that night that I was the one who needed to leave because he wouldn't. That's not to say I didn't love him; I adored him, and he was my everything, but we needed to fix what was broken, and we couldn't do that together. I loved him so much that I let him go. 
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