#Bug the peahen
kedreeva · 23 hours
[video id: a close-up shot of a peahen's face as she investigates the camera. The bird is indoors and beeping very enthusiastically as a hand plays gently with her neck feathers and gives her neck strokes. The camera person asks "you a happy bird?" and the bird keeps beeping. /ID]
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dorkboy · 3 months
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@kedreeva Thanks for letting meme your baby! There's vulgar and non-vulgar ones, except the last one, alas.
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||The Residence is Awake||
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((Hello everyone, I'm back from work or from that headache of work. Ummm, I hope you dears are doing alright today or at least a lot better than me. Just came back from the store and now worried that my father cut his thumb pretty bad so he's gone off to the hospital. But I'll do some threads to distract my head till he gets back but it didn't look to bad I'm hoping.))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
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lovelyxhorrors · 2 years
Painful Memories: A Brotherly Duo || Closed RP
After the events of Iron Titan incident, everything has been calmed down.
 Well almost everything. There is another problem brewing in Yokohoma which got the fraction the Lovely Horrors to arrive and to try to find for one of their own.
Cobin Razor.
Unlike other Horrors, he is the considered the weakest as he has no strength but he is considered the most intelligent since his quirk allows him to possess machinery in spirit form. Because of that, he turns to engineering so he can build  killer machinery to make up his strength. For example, his proud work, Killer Mark II. A killer animatronic that is designed to killing, a walking tank. Using his quirk, he possess his animatronic to wreak havoc.
He join the Lovely Horrors when his machine got destroyed by the fraction and he joined just to get stronger.
But now? Cobin disappeared after the battle of New Jersey against the DBT. Then following a year later Lovely Horrors watched the battle between the DBT and Iron Titan and later DBT against the Japanese pro-heroes. Cobin appeared and was overheated saying they should go to Japan. Of course, the loyal followers reported to Sid about it but the fraction didn't take action until Cobin took Lex, a fellow Horror and a few HYDE freaks, and a large amount of HYDE pills. They didn't know Cobin was selling HYDE pills in Japan. 
That's when they heard news of monsters wreaking havoc along with a leak that Cobin might be in Japan which confirms it.
Matt wants to go because Sid said that he is causing a bigger mess for all of them plus he wants to see what kind of prey are in Japan. And that's where he met his rival Ryunosuke Akutagawa and well..the rest is history.
As for Pete Gnat. Pete is happy for Matt that he found someone. S
o right now, while he's busy with Ryunosuke. 
During his free for the night, Pete dressed up in his bug suit and goes out to explore Yokohoma at night. Pete became bored because he wasn’t sure what he can do in Yokohoma. Little did he know, he ends up bumping into the child. The child that Pete met at the field for the first. He forgot the child’s name. What was it? 
But better question is....what he is doing here? Is he going shopping or doing something else? 
Pete finds @the-silver-peahen-residence ( Q )
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hueynomure · 2 months
@ all the miraculous fans (and especially Kwami Swappers) out there:
Additional information: this question has the selfish end to help me figure out how go call it in a Kwami Swap fic where Marinette holds the Peacock (working hero name (la) Paonne, our dearest are not terribly creative with names), and their in-universe ship name would prolly be something like LadyBird (the Peahen being a Bird Lady but ladybird also means ladybug)
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spanishskulduggery · 1 year
Most Essential Vocabulary #3
Part 3 of some of the most essential Spanish vocabulary!
This time I decided to go with mostly nouns - animals (minus fish/marine life for the most part), metals, materials, fabrics, and basic weather expressions!
There are always going to be words I miss, but these are some of the most common ones you come across. Though if you’re watching nature documentaries or getting into crafting you might find other words or more specific words than these; still, this is a good baseline for things you’ll come across in everyday Spanish
Los Animales  [Animals]
el perro = dog la perra = dog [f] / bitch [the literal word for “female dog” Spanish-speakers do call their female dogs perra or perrita; but it is also the insult “bitch”]
el gato = cat la gata = cat [f] [again sometimes some unsavory elements to la gata but still very common]
perrito/a = puppy
gatito/a = kitten
el cachorro = puppy, pup el cachorro = pup / baby animal [mammals; it’s not specifically dogs]
el pájaro = bird
el loro = parrot
el lagarto = lizard la lagartija = lizard [small]
la tortuga = turtle / tortoise [large land turtles are sometimes called el galápago like the islands]
la serpiente = snake
el ratón, la rata = mouse / rat [interchangeable at this point]
el erizo = hedgehog
el hurón = ferret
la cobaya = guinea pig [in the medical sense too!] el cuy / el cuyo = guinea pig [South America] el conejillo de Indias = guinea pig [lit. “little rabbit from the Indies”; occasional, but not standard]
el conejo, la coneja = rabbit
el pez = fish [as opposed to el pescado “fish” which is fish you eat, aka “seafood”]
el reptil = reptile
el ave = bird
el mamífero = mammal
la mascota = pet [and “mascot” for teams]
gruñir = to growl
masticar = to bite
ladrar = to bark
maullar = to meow
arañar = to scratch
lamer = to lick
acariciar = to pet / to caress
Also, not totally necessary unless it is - el sabueso is “hound” while el galgo is “greyhound” or “running dog”
Los Insectos [Insects]
el insecto = insect
el bicho = bug [sometimes means something very different in other countries but it is generally “bug”]
la mariposa = butterfly
la hormiga = ant el hormiguero = anthill
el gusano = worm / maggot
la oruga = caterpillar
el ciempiés = centipede [lit. “hundred feet”, just like what “centipede” means]
la mosca = fly
el mosquito = mosquito
la araña = spider la telaraña = web, spiderweb, cobweb [lit. “spider fabric”]
la abeja = bee la colmena = hive, beehive el panal = honeycomb la reina = queen
el enjambre = swarm
la avispa = wasp
el zángano = drone el obrero, la obrera = worker
la picadura = bug bite / sting
la mantis (religiosa) = (praying) mantis
el escorpión = scorpion el alacrán = scorpion
el caracol = snail
el saltamontes = grasshopper
el grillo = cricket
la langosta = locust [also the word for “lobster”, which is unfortunate]
la cucaracha = cockroach
la pulga = flea
el escarabajo = beetle / scarab
la luciérnaga = firefly, lightning bug
la libélula = dragonfly
la mariquita = ladybug [lit. “little Mary”, because ladybugs are linked to Mary in Christianity in many languages]
I know some of these aren’t technically insects don’t @ me
Las Aves [Birds]
el pájaro = bird
el ave, las aves = bird, birds [technically feminine; umbrella term] (el) ave rapaz, las aves rapaces = birds of prey las aves acuáticas = waterfowl [lit. “aquatic birds”] las aves marinas = seabirds
el águila = eagle [technically feminine] el águila calva = bald eagle
el gorrión = sparrow
la golondrina = swallow
la alondra = lark
el petirrojo = robin
la urraca = magpie
el buitre = vulture
el pájaro carpintero = woodpecker [lit. “carpenter bird”]
la paloma = dove / pigeon
el pavo = turkey
el pavo real = peacock la pava real = peahen
el ganso = goose
el pato / la pata = duck
el pollo = chicken
el gallo = rooster
la gallina = hen
la gaviota = seagull
el cisne = swan
la garza = heron
la grulla = crane
el cuervo = crow
la corneja = raven [but usuallly cuervo; even in literature, Poe’s “The Raven” is El Cuervo]
el búho = owl
la lechuza = owl [the ones with flatter faces; those owls... think Hedwig from HP]
el cucú = cuckoo
el loro = parrot [sometimes el papagayo]
la cotorra = parrot [regional, such as las cotorras de Murcia]
el avestruz = ostrich
el pingüino = penguin
el ala, las alas = wings [technically feminine]
la aleta = flipper
el pico = beak
la garra = talon, claw
la pluma = feather [or “pen”, since it all originally came from the idea of a “quill” which is pluma]
el huevo = egg
el nido = nest
el polluelo = chick, baby bird
Los Animales De la Granja / Domésticos [Farm (Animals) / Domesticated Animals]
el ganado = livestock / cattle
la vaca = cow el toro = bull
el buey = ox
el caballo = horse la yegua =  mare
el establo / la caballeriza = stable, stables
el potro, la potra = foal / colt, filly [baby horse]
el ganso, la gansa = goose
el pollo = chicken el gallo = rooster la gallina = hen
el gallinero = chicken coop
el palomar = pigeon coop
el cerdo, la cerda = pig, sow el puerco, la puerca = pig, sow
el chiquero = sty, pen / pigsty, pigpen 
el corral = corral
el carnero = ram
la oveja = sheep
la cabra = goat
el cordero = lamb el borrego = lamb, yearling
el rebaño = flock (of sheep)
el asno / el burro = donkey
la mula = mule
dar de comer (al animal) = to feed (an animal)
ordeñar = to milk (an animal)
montar = to ride (an animal/bike)
a caballo = on horseback montar a caballo = to ride on a horse, horseback riding
Los Animales Salvajes [Wild Animals]
el lobo, la loba = wolf
el oso, la osa = bear el osenzo / osito/a = bear cub, cub el oso negro = black bear el oso pardo = grizzly bear, brown bear el oso panda / el panda = panda bear el oso polar = polar bear
la serpiente = snake la víbora = viper, venomous snake [poisonous snake, used almost like a generic name]
venenoso/a = poisonous, venomous no venenoso/a = non-venomous, not poisonous
el búfalo = buffalo
el buey, los bueyes = ox, oxen
el bisonte = bison
el jabalí = boar
el mono, la mona = monkey
el simio = ape, simian
el chimpancé = chimpanzee
la gorila = gorilla
el león = lion la leona = lioness
el tigre = tiger la tigresa = tiger [f], tigress
el línce = lynx
el elefante, la elefanta = elephant
la jirafa = giraffe
la cebra = zebra
el cocodrilo = crocodile
el caimán / el aligátor = caiman / alligator [sometimes it has other names that are regional]
el hipopótamo = hippopotamus
el rinoceronte = rhinoceros
el leopardo = leopard
el ciervo, la cierva = deer, stag / deer, doe el venado, la venada = deer, stag / deer, doe
el alce = elk / moose
el reno = reindeer
la ardilla = squirrel
la nutria = otter
el zorro = fox [the female form is la zorra which is “female fox” or “vixen”; also a very mean insult like “bitch”]
el conejo, la coneja = rabbit
la liebre = hare, rabbit
el mapache = racoon
la comadreja = weasel
el castor = beaver
el canguro = kangaroo [also a slang word for “babysitter”]
la hiena = hyena
el chacal = jackal 
el murciélago = bat
la foca = seal
la morsa = walrus
el delfín = dolphin
la ballena = whale
el asta = antler [technically feminine]
el cuerno = horn
el colmillo = fang el colmillo = tusk [boar, elephant, etc]
el hocico = snout / nose (of an animal)
la garra = claw
la zarpa = claw (feline)
la guarida = lair, den
la madriguera = den, lair, hideout
el depredador = predator
la presa = prey [la presa also means “reservoir” or “dam”]
el macho = male
la hembra = female
salvaje = wild / savage
manso/a = tame
la manada = pack / herd [generally the word for “a group of animals”, so you see it everywhere for animals but the most common example is la manada de lobos “wolf pack”]
Los Metales [Metals]
el metal = metal
metálico/a = metallic
el oro = gold
la plata = silver
el bronce = bronze
el cobre = copper
el plomo = lead
el hierro = iron
el acero = steel
el aluminio = aluminum / aluminium
el zinc / el zinco / el cinco = zinc
el platino = platinum
la lata / el estaño = tin / tinplate / tinfoil [la lata also means “a can” as in food]
el latón = brass
You will also find that el hierro “iron” is used very idiomatically just like in English to mean “strong” such as la Dama de Hierro “Iron Lady” which was the nickname for Margaret Thatcher; or the translation of Xiran Jay Zhao’s book la Viuda de Hierro “Iron Widow”
And many metals or things made out of metal can be called férreo, férrico, or ferroso. A common example is el ferrocarril or la vía férrea for “railroad” or “railway”. 
In etymology, you also see this linked to el herrero, la herrera “smith” or la herrerería “blacksmith” or the metal section of a hardware store; and the word for “hardware store” is sometimes el ferretero 
Additionally, though not metals some general materials:
el carbón = coal el carboncillo = charcoal [charcoal is also el carbón vegetal “plant coal”, el carbón de leña “firewood coal”] 
el papel = paper
el cartón = cardboard
el cristal = crystal / glass [more formal is el vidrio “glass”]
el cuarzo = quartz
el diamante = diamond
el rubí = ruby
la esmeralda = emerald
el zafiro = sapphire
el ópalo = opal
la amatista = amethyst
el topacio = topaz
el ámbar = amber
la joya = jewel
la gema = gem
la perla = pearl
el nácar = nacre, mother-of-pearl
el yeso = gypsum, plaster [also a “cast” for broken bones, which were made out of plaster] el revoque = plaster
la madera = wood
el plástico = plastic
el pegamento = glue, paste
la resina = resin
el ébano = ebony
el marfil = ivory
el mármol = marble
la piedra = stone
la arena = sand
el ladrillo = brick
la arcilla = clay
la arenisca = sandstone
la caliza = limestone la cal = limestone, lime
el granito = granite
el alquitrán = tar
el hueso = bone
la mina = mine
la veta = vein (for metals)
cavar = to dig
forjar = to forge fraguar = to forge [interchangeable; la forja “forge” and la fragua “forge” are also interchangeable]
la aleación = alloy
el crisol = melting pot, crucible
La Tela [Fabric]
la tela = fabric
la fibra = fiber
el hilo = thread / string / yarn
la aguja = needle
la cinta = ribbon
la seda = silk
el algodón = cotton
la lana = wool / yarn
el terciopelo = velvet
el encaje = lace
la red = net, fishnet
el poliéster = polyester
a lunares / de lunares = polkadot, with dots [lit. “with circular”]
a rayas / de rayas = striped, with stripes [lit. “with lines”] de raya fina / de raya diplomática = pinstripe
a cuadros = checkered, gingham, plaid escocés / tartán = plaid [lit. “Scottish”] / tartan cuadriculado/a = checkered [lit. “with little squares”]
la piel = leather [lit. “skin”] el cuero = leather [formal]
el pelo = fur, hair la piel = fur / hide las pieles sintéticas / la piel falsa = faux fur, synthetic fur, fake fur
la gamuza = suede
orgánico/a = organic
artificial = artificial, manmade
sintético/a = synthetic
coser = to sew
cortar = to cut
tejer = to knit
ajustar = to tighten / to adjust
You may find something like un abrigo de piel which would be like a “fur coat”, as opposed to una chaqueta de cuero “leather jacket”, as opposed to a “fur jacket”
The issue here is that la piel is “skin” but it also means “pelt” or “animal hide” [el pellejo is another one] which has fur attached, so depending on the context it could be “leather” or “fur” for materials depending on context
El Tiempo / El Clima [Weather]
el sol = sun
la nube = cloud
la lluvia = rain / rainfall
el aguacero = downpour
el hielo = ice
la nieve = snow la nevada = snowfall
el viento = wind
la ventisca = blizzard
el vendaval = strong wind, gale
el remolino = whirlwind / whirlpool / swirl
el granizo = hail
la tormenta = storm la tormenta eléctrica = thunderstorm la tormenta de arena = sandstorm
la tempestad = big storm
el trueno = thunder
el rayo = lightning bolt
el relámpago = lightning flash
el tornado = tornado
el ciclón = cyclone, tornado
el tifón = typhoon
el monzón = monsoon
el huracán = hurricane
hacer sol = to be sunny soleado/a = sunny
nublar(se) = to be cloudy nublado/a = cloudy
llover = to rain lluvioso/a = rainy
nevar = to snow
granizar = to hail
hacer viento = to be windy
tronar = to thunder / to boom, to be very loud
hacer frío = to be cold (weather)
hacer calor = to be hot (weather)
asomar(se) una tormenta = “for a storm to be brewing”
caer un rayo = for lightning to strike [lit. “for a bolt to fall”]
la estación = season [or “station”]
la primevera = spring de primavera / primaveral = springtime, spring [adj]
el verano = summer de verano / veraniego/a = summertime, summery, summer [adj]
el otoño = autumn, fall de otoño / otoñal = fall, autumn, autumnal [adj]
el invierno = winter de invierno / invernal = winter, wintry [adj]
La Transportación [Transportation]
la transportación = transportation
conducir = to drive [also “to guide” or “to conduct”] manejar = to drive [also sometimes “to manipulate”, or “to work by hand”]
el conductor, la conductora = driver / conducter
el carro = car [general Latin America] el coche = car [Spain and parts of Latin America, still understood] el auto = car [often South America but still understood; short for automóvil “automobile” which is also “self-moving” literally]
la carretera = highway / roadway / motorway [lit. “car-way” or “place for carts”]
la autopista = highway / roadway / motorway  [lit. “car-track” or “road/track for cars]
el camión, la camioneta = truck [regionally dependent [el camión is sometimes “very big truck” like the 18-wheelers, while la camioneta is sometimes a smaller truck that a regular person might drive; all regional but all makes sense]
la furgoneta = van / pick-up truck [regional; large car]
arrancar = to start a car (or machinery) [arrancar is actually “to yank” or “pull up/out”, but with many machines originally having a lever you had to “pull” the word became arrancar for starting machinery]
acelerar = to accelerate, to speed up
decelerar = to decelerate, to slow down
parar = to stop
dar (la/una) vuelta = to turn around / to make a U-turn
dar marcha atrás = to reverse, to drive in reverse retroceder = to go backwards
el autobús, el bus = bus
el taxi = taxi
el avión = plane, airplane
el helicóptero = helicopter
el aeropuerto = airport
el boleto / el billete / el pasaje = ticket (for a plane) [boleto and billete refer to a “slip of paper”, while el pasaje is literally “passage” or “fare”]
el pasajero, la pasajera = passenger
el viajante, la viajante = traveler 
el asiento = seat
la parada = a stop, a layover
el tren = train
la estación de tren = train station
el andén = platform (often for trains)
el ferrocarril = railroad, railway
la vía férrea = railroad, railway, tracks [lit. “iron way”]
el metro = subway, “tube”, metro [short for el metropólitano “metropolitan” which literally  means “inside the city”]
el subterráneo / el subte = subway / “underground” [regional for “subway”, usually Rioplatense Spanish; it’s literally “subterranean” or “underground” which is a basic enough adjective, but here it’s “the underground” as subway slang]
el túnel = tunnel
la bicicleta = bicycle la bici = bike (abbreviation)
la motocicleta = motorcycle la moto = motorcycle / motor bike (abbreviation)
ir = to go irse = to go away, to leave
marchar(se) = to go away
viajar = to travel, to voyage
volver = to return
de ida = one way el/un pasaje de ida = a one way trip/ticket
de vuelta = back / coming back el/un pasaje de vuelta = return trip/ticket
de ida y vuelta = round trip
¡Buen viaje! = “Have a good trip!” / Bon voyage!
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 10 months
More Sharc Lore
Sharc AU Spoilers ahead
God, I need to talk about some of the themes in the Sharc AU, because in RWBY itself there has been, especially in Vol 8+9, themes of Who and What someone is, and in the Sharc AU I'm pushing that even harder, making it stick around more consistently. And I'm only talking about them because it'll take a LONG time before we actually start covering this stuff.
Because certain characters aren't what they were in Canon (Jaune, Penny, and Yang all being Faunus) it kinda has to be to emphasize that these aren't the same Jaune, Penny, and Yang from Canon.
Jaune wears a Scarf to hide his teeth, while Penny and Yang can't hide their traits - Yang's tail is too big and Penny's wings take up a lot of surface area, meaning Jaune is more able and willing to hide, while Yang and Penny just have to deal with what is thrown at them, Yang having more negative experiences with it, While Penny gets to use it as an excuse for her oddities- After all, if someone is a bug, it wouldn't make sense for them to act completely human (Which is a really horrible and inaccurate worldview, but when has that stopped rascists?)
Not only that, but if someone could hide their traits, Why not go further? Why risk someone seeing your second ears, or your tail? Just Crop them! You'll look human, thay'll treat you the same- after all, it's all just superficial, right? Just hide the scar with clothing or something! It'll just be an old injury!
(It's not like losing your tail or ears with fucks with your balance! Not at all. You're just clumsy)
And -MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD- After Penny get Rebuilt in Volume 8, she loses her wings. They're considered excess, and simply make her more difficult to work on, and can be "offputting" to the majority of the population of the Kingdom Atlas (Who are Humans) and only does she get them back when Ambrosius gives her a body, because that's who she is.
But also, there's something about how people are changed in who they are, rather than what they are.
Weiss "isn't racist"- she isn't outwardly or intentionally racist, but she doesn't realize or recognize the prejudices she carries from her home, nor does she realize that she makes exceptions for people she knows and cares about, specifically when Blake gets found out, and Yang is hurt by how Weiss reacts.
It's only when Weiss understands how much she's hurt the people she cares about, and how it isn't about being aware of how you were raised, but actively unlearning the prejudices instilled by where you come from.
It also delves more into Faunus before they were pushed into Menagerie, the individual nations - like the Hopi and Chinook, Maori, Hawai'ians and the Aborginies - so many different nations and cultures all wrapped up under one label of "indigenous" to their respective lands.
There's gonna be talk of how Gender is different to most faunus, because there are higher Rates of intersex and Hermaphroditic people, because sometimes that's the trait you get. How a Peahen Faunus' feathers lose their mud-brown coloration with age, turning to the brilliant blues and greens of a Peacock, or how a Clownfish faunus may begin transitioning naturally overtime, and how that affects gender identity.
There's so much about faunus that could've been so cool to see through in Canon but fear, time, and resources restricted it to "Violence Bad!"
Even though there comes a point where some one needs to understand that Actions are stronger than Words so you'd better listen up and change your ways before I change your face. I don't want to, but if you keep threatening my family the way you are, you'll learn to at least keep your mouth shut about.
I also have to do a lot of research to make sure I go about this in a respectful way, because I am only human and white. I've still got a lot to learn.
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demon-blood-youths · 9 months
Scales and Stripes - Part 1 || Drabble
This is a drabble for my lovely rper partner @the-silver-peahen-residence, this has been on my mind for a while and thanks to Peahen's drabble the other day. This pushes me to write this in a good way!
A bond between the dragon and weretiger
P.S Please read it if you love Atsushi! But please! Peahen's writing is entertaining and good-feeling to read!
That said...I want to add a continuation drabble of hers as a bonus. Now here are some warnings.
--- Characters ---
Ink Vanguard, my OC
Atsushi Nakajima, a canon muse from BSD that my rp partner, Peahen-mun is rping as.
---- Guests----
Matt Knack from my sideblog @lovelyxhorrors
Ryunosuke Akutagawa from Bungo Stray Dogs, a canon muse that Peahen rps as well. Not only him but also Dazai and Kunkida.
---- Caution ---
---- Summary ---
After the situation, Atsushi is now finding a way to mark Ink as his own. But he would be challenged when he heard news between Ink and Matt. What would happen?
"Wait! He's going to do what??!" Atsushi couldn't believe his ears as he overhear this between Dazai and Kunkida. "I said...Chuya told me that Matt....you know..aka..Killer Night..is fighting Ink again. He slipped up when I was teasing him. Something about him having to deal with Pete...the bug guy bugging him." Dazai chuckles.
"But why?!" Atsushi said.
"Why was I teasing him?" Dazai asked making the weretiger sighs.
"I mean why Matt is fighting Ink?!" Atsushi asked seriously.
"Didn't Ink told you? " Kunkida asked to which the weretiger shake his head. Dazai explains, "Chuya told me that she and he always do sparring matches every three months." Dazai explained. Atsushi blinked. Three months. "Then when she and his fight be at? When?"
"I didn't ask. Maybe you could ask her, Atsushi. Knowing you, you probably worried sick!" Dazai smiles.
"Of course! I am worried sick! Did you all forget what Killer Night is capable of?!"
"We know quite well..." Kunkida had to recall that disturbing memory when Matt show up in Yokohama. He also brought down several gangs. It helped Port Mafia in some way in getting rid of their rivals without getting their hands dirty. From what he heard, the Lovely Horrors are a criminal organization but aren't focus on gaining money or power. Just killing for the sake of it. A way to live. He doesn't know why such a group exists. Their ideals is something that clashes with his. But it's a good thing that they stayed inside a forest.
"Hmmmm...." Atsushi needs to talk to Ink. Maybe he should call her. Right away, Atsushi goes to do that.
"Where are you going?"
"Calling Ink!"
"Ah...young love~!" Dazai hums making Kunkida sigh. Minutes later, Atsushi calls and wants to meet up with her over something important. They meet up on a rooftop.
"Yeah! We have to fight." Ink said it as if she isn't concerned about it making the weretiger more worried.
"But why?!" Atsushi didn't understand. From what he heard from Ranpo and Dazai, Matt is a killer. A monster of his own. He had to recall what happened when Iron Titan is defeated. Matt came by and just kill him like nothing. So why would Ink want to fight Matt or rather...why did Matt wanted to fight her? No, why do both have to fight each other?!
"It's a demon thing." Ink said making Atsushi dumbfounded. Huh?
"Besides...it's a just fight! I always fight him every three months or when he calls me. It's more like trying to one up on me!" Ink smiles.
"But.... from what I heard on the presentation you guys did. You sound like enemies."
"Not anymore but we're not friends either. It's more like....having boundaries. My friends don't like them. As for me...I don't hate them or like them. Matt especially. Hmmm...." Ink tries to think of this, "He's like a rival to me. I don't like his way of life but he doesn't make excuses for it. He's just a guy who does what he wants to do. Also....he gives it his all and puts effort into it. I kinda respect that so I will not hold nothing back too.."
"I see." Atsushi tries to understand where Ink is coming from. But Matt is a murderer and a killer from the darkness and Ink is.....the light. Atsushi couldn't describe it. The idea of someone hurting Ink like Matt made him anxious. No, upset.
"If it's alright...can I come?" Atsushi asked, making Ink turn her head at him, "I'm afraid don't understand." He admits. "But if I can come, I can understand a little further." But that's not entirely the reason. He wants to make sure the Lovely Horrors don't try anything.
Ink then smiles. "Alright, Atsushi. Shdwkyz is going to be with us too so I will let him know that you're coming as well." Ink smiles. Atsushi nods with a small smile. "Okay." With that, Atsushi is now joining as he now knows the date, place, and time of their fight.
He needs to make sure to protect her if anything goes wrong.
--- Pine Barrens, New Jeresy ----
When Shdwkyz heard that Atsushi is joining. He is surprised to hear this and isn't against it. Shdwkyz is aware of this along with a few others like Hellmare and Fosh. If the entire fraction knew, they would act recklessly. Shdwkyz wonders if Atsushi knows anything besides the PowerPoint presentation he was presented. Ink had to take a different path to meet up with Matt on the clearing.
"So how are you feeling?" Shdwkyz asked him and sees Atsushi blink.
"Well...a bit nervous." He answers.
"You mean anxious?" Shdwkyz replied.
"Hm?" Atsushi blinked. Shdwkyz clarifies, "I know why you're doing this. You don't trust the Lovely Horror not to butt on this one-on-one. I know because you saw how Matt dealt with Iron Titan." He said. Atsushi sighs. "Yes. I still don't understand why Ink has to fight him. Why is that?"
"If you want the whole story. It all started when the Lovely Horrors attacked the West Upper side of Manhattan, Harlem, and Washington Heights."
"That's where the Lupins lived!" Atsushi exclaimed. Shdwkyz nods and continues, "Yes. Apparently, one of the LH's members is a former member of the Lupins who has a grudge against them. Jason. Sometimes about being involved in the death of their former leader and being exiled. So it's revenge. Jason brought his squadron and attack their turf. Jason and Joshua happened to be there so we came over. Then Jason kidnapped some of our friends and brought them to New Jersey. So we planned a rescue mission. Along the way, we first had another fraction from Philly who had issues dealing with them as well. We managed to get into one of the New Jeresian strongholds. That's where Ink fought Matt. I wasn't there, Rust who saw the fight."
"Then what happened?" Atsushi asked.
"Both almost killed each other to the point where their injuries looked to be fatal. They didn't stop until they used up every bit of their strength before fainting." Shdwkyz said it made Atsushi's eyes widen, "Ink managed to pull through despite losing a lot of blood and suffering injuries thanks to Ophelia and others from the Philly fractions."
"And Matt?" Atsushi heard this as he couldn't believe this.
"Survived too. Don't know how but Rust told me that he should of died when Ink slash vertically. It's like those two are in a league of their own. From what I tell you, they made a deal before their fight. If Ink wins, Matt should not attack New York ever again. But there is some kind of deal between them."
"I see." Atsushi sighed. "Then....what if Matt wins?"
Shdwkyz looks away before looking at him saying, "If Matt wins, he would get her head as a trophy." That made Atsushi freeze when he told him straight out.
Shdwkyz almost thought that Atsushi is going to kill somebody with that look in his eyes. He swore that he saw his eyes change tiger when he widen his eyes. Scary.
"And....Ink is okay with that?!" He asked angrily. The idea of Matt getting her head as a trophy to mount somewhere. It made the tiger within growl at such a deal.
Shdwkyz sighs, staring into his tiger eyes with his serpentine eyes. "You know Ink as much as I do, Atsushi. Ink is straightforward as she gets."
Atsushi closes his fists. It's true. Ink is the kind of person to put herself on the line like that. Even if it gets her to kill. But why didn't she mention that? Matt is also her rival just like Kali. "Okay...since Ink wins. Why is she continuing to fight him? Is Matt trying to win to overturn that deal?"
"Not exactly..." Shdwkyz said.
"But why???" Atsushi asked making the masked phantom sigh. "Even I don't know maybe...because they like fighting each other without holding back. I can't explain because Ink tells me that you should know when you feel it."
Atsushi raises a brow at this.
"And even watching their fights...I kinda get it but don't get it. Every time I see them fight, it's like watching monsters going at me. I think both of them are adrenaline junkies. That's what I think." He said, leave it at that. Atsushi still doesn't like this but he would support Ink from the sidelines. As they got to the meeting point. They're on top of a great hill where below from a distance. There's the battlefield. A clearing where it is surrounded by pine trees. Standing in the middle, Atsushi recgonized that figure. It's Matt Knack. And coming out of the forest, Ink is walking towards them. They begin to talk with smiles on their faces.
Are they truly rivals? Atsushi narrows his eyes at this, grabbing at his chest.
"Atsushi," Shdwkyz called his name, getting his attention. "Yes?" Then someone steps forward, someone wearing a black cloth and a ghostly mask approaches and what's followed by a hulking monster with a boar's face and insectoid body.
"Hello. My name is Sid. I'm here to act as a referee and make sure that no one interferes in this fight. This is Pete who would be monitoring." Pete, the boar monster bows his head at the group, "Are you part of Van Ink the Dragon's fraction? I know you are, Phantom Slasher. But who is this? I think I see you before." Sid speaks.
"This is Atsushi Nakajima." Shdwkyz introduces him to Sid.
"Uh yes! I'm here as support like Shdwkyz." Atsushi nods his head, "My name is Atsushi Nakajima. It's uh..nice to meet you?" Atsushi is a bit unsettled by the other's attire but he did hear that Lovely Horror can be a scary group of people.
"A pleasure to meet you." Sid bowed and then the two heard a voice.
"I never expected to see you, weretiger." This got Atsushi to blink. One that is familiar to Atsushi. He looks over to Sid's right and widens his eyes.
"Ryunsouke Akutagawa???" Atsushi sees the hellhound of Port Mafia. "What are you doing here?!" He asked him suspiciously but before he transforms. Ryunosuke holds up his hand which confuses him.
"I'm here to watch the fight." Ryunosuke explained himself.
"I'm with Killer Night and Lovely Horrors, weretiger. So I'm not interested in fighting you for tonight, weretiger." Ryunosuke said looking over to Ink and Matt speaking to one another down there. This got Atsushi dumbfounded. Shdwkyz narrows his eyes at this. "Ah. You're with Port Mafia." Shdwkyz said, finally remembering.
"Indeed I am," Ryunosuke answered.
"And don't forget me! But I'm not part of it anymore!" A child that is no older than 13 is sitting on top of Pete. Their hair is duo-tone, left side white and right side black. Wearing a small hat tilted on the side and wears clothes such as a white shirt with suspenders. Plus they are carrying a weird odd doll. "Name's Yumeno."
Wait! He's here too?! Atsushi looks nervous.
Shdwkyz looks over to Atsushi for an explanation. "Yes. Akutagawa Ryunsouke is part of Port Mafia and part of the attack group, the Black Lizard. Yumeno is also part of Port Mafia as well." The white-haired male explains to the masked phantom.
"Not anymore." Ryunosuke corrects him."
"I see. Interesting. But why are you here? I never thought Port Mafia and Lovely Horrors would continue their relationship after what happened in Japan." Shdwkyz asked.
"We benefit from each other, yes, and still are. But I am here of my own volition, that's all." Ryunosuke said, putting his hands in his pockets.
"Ryunosuke is correct. We are on friendly terms with Port Mafia and Mr. Akutagawa here is here of his own choice, watching the fight." Sid confirms. Shdwkyz sighs, accepting that for now.
"Shall we get started? I will let Matt that we're all here." Sid said and Pete orders a firefly to let Matt know that everyone is in place.
"Oh. Looks like they're all up there." Matt smiles as he has a firefly on his finger, flickering its lightbulb. Ink sees this and grips her greatsword tightly. The firefly flies away and then Matt brings out his dual combat knives, twirling them in his hands and gripping them in his grasp. Both fighters are in position.
"Get ready...." Ink whose face is now into a thrill-seeker smile as Matt grins, matching her expression
The fight has now begun as Matt brings up his two knives and Ink holds her greatsword, Wyvern.
"Let us begin," Sid said. And with that! Two fighters lunged at each other. Right now, Shdwkyz and Sid watched the fight with amused expressions. Ryunosuke watched the battle with intent while Atsushi watched in amazment. During this fight, Matt is going to swipe at Ink with his knives but Ink is on the defensive before she goes to slam her sword, using the flat side of her blade as a shield holding it sideways but in an offensive way, slamming him away from her. When Matt pushed away, Ink raises her sword and slams down but the killer quickly moves away and stabs her on the leg.
This got Atsushi widen his eyes. First blood!
Ink counters attacks by elbowing Matt in the face the moment Matt stabs her leg before she kicks him with her uninjured leg. Matt hits the tree making Ryunosuke bite his bottom lip. Already the match started and these two are going at it. Shdwkyz is unphased by this, knowing how these fights go. But he is concerned about how Atsushi is taking this as he watches.
Ink and Matt go at it each other, parrying each other with their respective weapons. Matt jumps back and uses the tree bark as a launching pad before he kicks Ink with two feet like a straight cannon, sending her into the trees. Matt lands back on his feet. With a roar, Ink rushes in with great force and swings downwards at the ground, upheaving the ground under them. Matt staggers a bit giving Ink a chance as she jumps up and swings her sword once more. Matt darted under her and grabs her leg, slamming her across the ground, pushing one rubble down. Making the ground more uneven due to the sheer power of these demons.
This is...Atsushi can't believe what he's looking at. They're fighting like it's real. Yet and yet....they keep on smiling no matter the injuries.
"I think Matt will win this round even after several draws." Ryunosuke calmly said, snapping Atsushi out of it. He listens to him. "Matt is too fast for her. Her swings give her too much leeway for him to attack." Ryunosuke keeps talking. "She's strong no doubt but Matt is stronger than her in terms of speed and strength. Her strength and optimism could only get her so far. "
"I disagreed."
"Hm?" Ryunosuke raised a brow at this.
"I think Ink would beat Matt. She is the strongest. I know for sure.." Said Atsushi. "After everything so far, Ink can defeat Matt. After all, she did beat him before? No matter how much Matt trains. Ink always pulls through." Then he hears a scoff. A scoff from Ryunosuke Akutagawa. "You think so?"
"O-of course! If there's one thing that Ink has is enduring all those hits and keep on going. Look!" Atsushi said as Ink grips her sword and tries to slash but misses Matt as he quickly evades. Ink rolls over and stands up. She stabs the sword into the ground and lifts herself up, using the sword's grip as a pole to spin her body around and kick Matt to which the killer holds up his arm to defend himself from the hit.
"If that was true, why is she holding back? Sure I admit that she fought well in Yokohama but she isn't versatile like Matt. He doesn't only use knives you know. He is good in hand-to-hand combat and quick at his feet." Ryunosuke said as Matt goes to dive a knife in Ink's shoulder when Ink is on her feet. Ink winces before she kicks him at the knee before she pulls her sword out from the ground, delivering an arc swing at his waist. Since the blade is thick. It doesn't cut when using the flat side of it. She sent Matt flying across the trees. A loud crash is heard.
"Yes well...I could say the same for Matt though. Ink is quick on her feet." Atusshi retorted."
"If that's what you think. Fine, but Matt defeated Iron Titan." Ryunosuke brings a point up.
"You mean...Ink defeated Iron Titan." Atsushi corrects him. Shdwkyz raises a brow hearing Atsushi's curt retort while Sid stands there, not saying anything. Pete and Yumeno just blinked.
"When I mean by defeat. I mean kill. She hasn't killed him. Matt finished the job for her." Ryunsouke narrows his eyes at him.
"There is no reason to-"
"There was. That corrupt pro-hero has threatened New York twice. If I were her, I would end the threat by killing him. Matt did so, and he doesn't live in the state of New York. If she continues to hold back, she will lose. I expect more from her though."
"We just started the match!" Atsushi said angrily.
"And your point is?" Ryunosuke asked.
"My point is...sooner or later, Ink will win this match and beat Matt!" Atsushi said. "That's my point."
"You sound so sure..." Ryunosuke said, narrowing his eyes at him.
"I am! Besides...why are you really here anyway?!" Atsushi asked.
"It's quite obvious. I'm here as a support like you are." Ryunosuke said. Support? Does that mean...Ryunosuke is here for Matt?! But why? He doesn't see Ryunosuke caring for Matt. He only cares about Dazai and his sister, Gin. But Killer Night of all people?
"You seem surprised. I admired his strength and I want to see him go full out against this dragon." Ryunosuke said. Atsushi crosses his arms, "W-well...so I am! I always want to see Ink too going full-out at this insane killer!"
"Insane. Killer?" Ryunosuke twitched an eye. Sid sees this. Yumeno goes 'uh-oh' while Pete knows for sure, Ryunosuke didn't like that. It sounded like Atsushi talks about Matt like some lowly criminal.
"First off...I don't know where you get off acting so arrogant, weretiger. Matt would skin that dragon alive if she is not careful." This made Atsushi grit his teeth at this as Ryunosuke keeps on talking, "From what I heard, she is a reckless buffoon waving a sword around without a plan. If you asked me, she is lucky that Matt killed that lowly pro-hero. She should be grateful to him!"
"Grateful?!" Atsushi exclaimed. "Last time I checked, wasn't Matt there because one of his members messing around and spreading drugs in Yokohoma causing a mess. If anything, Matt should be grateful to her and her friends for helping him out and everything by cleaning up his mess!" Atsushi argued.
"What?!" Ryunosuke glares. Shdwkyz and Sid watched this with pure amusement. It's like....two lovers talking about their partners and comparing them who's the best at fighting and who beats who.
"That's right! Ink has done a lot more for Japan than Matt ever has! What does he do?! Kill some rival gang members! That's not new! How is that impressive?! That's what you and Port Mafia do every day."
"You-! And what about Ink?! Hm? What kind of person do reckless things! Besides...with her great attack, she didn't knock Iron Titan out of commission! So no...she hasn't won against Iron Titan in Yokohama! I don't count that as a win at all. "
"Winning doesn't mean killing someone! It means either being knocked out or giving up. Ink hasn't given up!" Atsushi points out.
"Oh! And what about when Ink got attacked at her party-" This got Atsushi glowered hearing, "You-!"
"Now come on...there is no uh..." Pete begins to break them up, stepping forward.
"Stay out of this!" Atsushi and Ryunosuke told Pete who is surprised by this. Yumeno is eating popcorn watching this.
"Pete. Please stay back." Sid said.
"Why's that?" Pete asked.
"I have a feeling there's going to be a second match here," Sid replied calmly.
"Oh?" Shdwkyz said as he seems interested in this turn of events. He can see Atsushi and Ryunosuke ready to fight now. "So should we do something about this?"
"Hmmm....I suppose a match would be in order. Stopping them now won't do much. I think letting them fight to release their pent-up energy might work." Sid said while Ryunosuke and Atsushi kept on arguing.
"You know what?! I had enough of this! If you're so sure if the dragon win, weretiger! I challenge you! I won't allow you to insult Matt like that any further!" Ryunosuke summoned Rashmon who now growls at the weretiger
"Is that right! That's fine by me! I won't let you talk badly about Ink either!"
Should I do something? Shdwkyz stares. 'Probably not...'
To be continued.
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thekrows-nest · 1 year
Oh and I was going to give you a break from being bugged by constant analysis and Krowspiracy theories… but if you’re disappearing for a bit I took a closer look at Krow’s tattoo.
Tumblr, please don’t eat this!
There’s a peafowl, native to India and its national symbol(?). Possibly a peahen, a mother cradling a bunch of eggs within concealing shrubs. But as you can see from feathers drifting down indicating gravity (and perhaps a disturbance? Loss, ephemerality or mortality in a similar fashion to falling cherry blossom?) one lonely egg has fallen down by itself (or been thrown?) and either been shattered on impact or hatched.
The egg seems to have left an empty space. The face of the hen is downcast. Is he missed?
Tiny bird footprints lead away to nowhere implying the chick has walked away to try and fend for itself but there’s no indication of where the chick went or its wellbeing. The chick is out in the open alone with no shelter, vulnerable.
I have no idea whether this is symbolic of Krow leaving his family or them abandoning him, of him having been removed from them, or whether this is a sense of dislocation from his ancestral lands and culture. I could theorize endlessly on exact scenarios.
But it is a lonely tattoo with a sense of abandonment or isolation. It suggests him leaving home and the heart of his family early under bad circumstances and perhaps while fairly young or before he was ready. It looks like Krow went no contact and it does seem he had/has no familial help.
It’s also a portrayal of immense self determination. The chick birthed himself, rather than being broken by the fall he struggled free of his confines and set out on his own path. (And the tattoo had to have been done once Krow reached adulthood and gained at least a small amount of disposable income.) Perhaps those footprints suddenly disappearing mean the chick very quickly taught himself to fly.
Anon how many times do I have to tell you to get out of my head? /pos
For real though, this is a solid analysis and I'm always impressed by the thoughts you put into my silly OC's and trying to figure out how they tick.
I won't confirm or deny anything as of yet, but once again, very solid.
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lalalasocks · 10 months
Silly tumblr poll returns
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kedreeva · 11 months
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Did you know that peafowl are born with a full set of flight feathers? It only takes them 3-4 days to remove the sheaths and put a little length on them, and then they are capable of flight!
It's very obnoxious!
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itsthemysterykids · 3 years
What would their names as Miraculous holders be?
Ladybug 🐞
Coraline: Miss Beetle
Wybie: Rouge Bug
Norman: Red Wing
Neil: Spots
Dipper: Kid Luck
Mabel: Lovely
Raz: Mister Bug
Lili: Scarlet Bug
Black Cat 🐈‍⬛
Coraline: Kitty Noir
Wybie: Tomcat
Norman: Shadow Cat
Neil: Kit Kat
Dipper: Neko
Mabel: Nyan
Raz: Cool Cat
Lili: Purrsephone
Fox 🦊
Coraline: Illusia
Wybie: Foxtrot
Norman: Fennec
Neil: Red Fox
Dipper: Kitsune
Mabel: Kit
Raz: Swiper
Lili: Ruse
Turtle 🐢
Coraline: Terrapin
Wybie: Donatello
Norman: Shell Shock
Neil: Hardhat
Dipper: Kappa
Mabel: Shellby
Raz: Leonardo
Lili: Snapper
Bee 🐝
Coraline: Hornet
Wybie: Apis
Norman: Stinger
Neil: Mighty B
Dipper: Buzz
Mabel: Honeycomb
Raz: Yellow Jacket
Lili: Nectar
Snake 🐍
Coraline: Charmer
Wybie: Serpentine
Norman: Viper
Neil: Snakespeare
Dipper: Snake Eyes
Mabel: Boa
Raz: King Cobra
Lili: Medusa
Dragon 🐉
Coraline: Spitfire
Wybie: Hydra
Norman: Darksmoke
Neil: Toothless
Dipper: Dragonite
Mabel: Starblaze
Raz: Kaida
Lili: Komodo
Rabbit 🐰
Coraline: Jackrabbit
Wybie: Jackalope
Norman: March Hare
Neil: Luke Skyhopper
Dipper: Usagi
Mabel: Cottontail
Raz: Hopper
Lili: Lapin
Horse 🐴
Coraline: Equine
Wybie: Bronco
Norman: Stallion
Neil: Foal
Dipper: Saddle Up
Mabel: Alicorn
Raz: Maximus
Lili: Calamity Jane
Monkey 🐵
Coraline: Mischief
Wybie: Rascal
Norman: Tarzan
Neil: Donkey Kong
Dipper: Silverback
Mabel: Scamp
Raz: Mojo
Lili: Simia
Mouse 🐭
Coraline: Maze
Wybie: Rat King
Norman: Dormouse
Neil: Anonymouse
Dipper: Brain
Mabel: Minnie
Raz: Rat Trap
Lili: Lab Rat
Pig 🐷
Coraline: Truffle
Wybie: Razorback
Norman: War Pig
Neil: Hamlet
Dipper: Squealer
Mabel: Miss Piggy
Raz: Porker
Lili: Swine
Tiger 🐯
Coraline: Felice
Wybie: Bengal
Norman: Sabertooth
Neil: Tigger
Dipper: Stripes
Mabel: Pounce
Raz: Rajah
Lili: Flare
Ox 🐃
Coraline: Bullrush
Wybie: Minotaur
Norman: Stampede
Neil: Bullfighter
Dipper: Taurus
Mabel: Bella
Raz: Theseus
Lili: Toro
Goat 🐐
Coraline: Cabra
Wybie: Battering Ram
Norman: Krampus
Neil: Headbutt
Dipper: Capricorn
Mabel: Summit
Raz: Pan
Lili: Satyr
Rooster 🐓
Coraline: Rise ‘n Shine
Wybie: Fowl Play
Norman: Sunrise
Neil: Peck
Dipper: Bright Feather
Mabel: Mother Hen
Raz: Al Capon
Lili: Feather Fury
Dog 🐶
Coraline: Stray
Wybie: Bulldog
Norman: Cerberus
Neil: Buddy
Dipper: Canus
Mabel: Paw Print
Raz: Fido
Lili: Frisky
Butterfly 🦋
Coraline: Chrysalis
Wybie: Metamorph
Norman: Butterfly Effect
Neil: Lacewing
Dipper: Karner Blue
Mabel: Beautifly
Raz: Red Admiral
Lili: Monarch
Peacock 🦚
Coraline: Lapis Tail
Wybie: Blue Beau
Norman: Peafowl
Neil: Pekham
Dipper: Blue Moon
Mabel: Peahen
Raz: Feather Fop
Lili: Sapphire Feather
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An Spicy NSFW Drabble between Spy!Tsubasa Connor and Reiner Braun, pretty please? (I miss your Drabble series with these two D':
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((Hello anon dear, hope your doing well today. I think I can write something involving these two. Just give me one moment please.))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
Spy Tsubasa was silent, sitting alone in a room he was given instead of the cell. It's been a while since Reiner bothered him but after finding out he was a wereraven, he finds it excited. However, he hasn't been bugging him. He was punishing him or keeping his distance. Even now he felt lonely to even try getting some relief for it.
"......." He did already feel his hole clenching open and closed missing the feeling of being full but Reiner was on a mission so the spy was alone. He looks down even seeing the toys spread out that he was panting trying to get relief.
"Damn it..damn him...where is he? He should be back soon from his mission haaa he said he would be.." He thrusts the toy deep into his hole but it didn't feel as good. Reiner was a lot more bigger, thicker, and harder and he was able to fill him to the brim. These toys did some help but not a lot. Now, he whines wanting some relief. He would have to wait but he will hope for something. His body just ached more trying to get relief but he even touches his body, moving a hand down to shiver.
"Haaaa....." 'What has my life become? I miss that asshole even if he g..got me like this. It's not the same without him. My body is just on fire and he's still not back from his mission...mmmm....I wish he would hurry up. I need him to come back. I want him...wait I do?' he stops moving the toy but sees he was hard and wet.
Aqua blue eyes widen to see it was true. He did need him. He wanted him. True, he failed his mission months ago and Tsu didn't care. He would be declared dead or missing but right now, he didn't care. Right now, all he cared about was seeing Reiner again. This made him slam the toy deeper making a weak moan slip out.
"Reiner..come back soon. Please come back.."
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lovelyxhorrors · 4 months
Yumeno was still sleeping since he was a bit up last night wanting to be sure the presents were finished and down. He was sleeping peacefully with a smile but hopes he did well. In all the rooms in the house, their was a few presents for each member of the lovely horrors with a few being from him. He hopes he likes them.
For Matt: a new knife set he found with some help, a new jacket and a hat.
For Pete: Some gloves, a photo frame with a picture of him and pete together hanging out. He asked for some help with making and copying the picture, and a mug with 'Best big brother' on it
For Cobin: A new set of tools for his machines, a watch, a few books, and some hand made sweets
For Sid: A music box, some hand made sweets, a few new hanging trinkets for her room, and a good luck necklace and a good luck mood changer ring
For Lex: A new hat, some home made chocolate kit, a new blanket to keep him warm, and a book. He didn't want him to be nervous so he tried something simple
For Shrika: A new mirror, some life supply of her favorite sweets and snacks, a coupon to head to the spa and pamper herself for any day she wanted and the year, some new clothes
For Pete: A work out set for him, a new radio, new shoes and clothes, and a cleaning set for his weapons
For Charlie: A home spa kit for her, some hand made mittens and scarf, a bath bomb set, and some small books and music if she wanted to read with small set of ear muffs since he finds out Jason is pretty loud
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"Yumeno! Merry Christmas!" Matt smiles then he blinks in receiving a present from the child. "Yumeno...." Matt begins. Then he sees that Yumeno got presents for each member of the Horrors.
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"Yumeno." Pete is not in his bug suit as he is surprised to see this. Everyone in the Lovely Horrors is surprised to see this and is happy and grateful, to receive the gifts.
"Well....Yumeno! We're happy for the gifts and now we need to return the favour." Then he snaps his fingers when the horrors got gifts for their youngest new member of the team.
From Matt: It's a small hunting knife and a small hostler to carry it..
From Shrika: There's a necklace with a red jewel, some brand-new sneakers, and a denim jack.
From Cobin: A custom small mecha figure for Yumeno to play with. It has a remote control for Yumeno to move the mecha. It can fly as well. Plus, some books like comic books and other interesting things.
From Lex: An electric blanket with dinosaurs on it for Yumeno to wear when it gets chilling during the winter. A white quilt with blue birds on it.
From Charlie: A backpack that helps Yumeno to carry things when he goes to school or for traveling. A bracelet with ropes and it has a craved emblem of good luck.
From Jason: He gives Yumeno a coat for the winter and an awesome hoodie along with a wolf plushie and an action figure.
From Sid: Yumeno gets a watch and a compass.
Then finally Pete: Yumeno gets a pet beetle to take care of and sweet treats like cupcakes!
"Merry Christmas, Yumeno." Pete smiles, patting him on the head.
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graaythekwami · 3 years
YES, yes, yes 👏. Make. That. Fic. (Just imagine! Peacocks flying after everyone to amokitze them hehe.)
They had him. Hawk Moth was cornered on the Eiffel Tower, the five heroes pressing in close. Scarlet Moth was no more, his army of akumas were no more. Ladybug felt her heart hammering, knowing that this could finally be over. They could claim his Miraculous, free Nooroo, and free Paris. They knew they had the upper hand, they could see the fear in Hawk Moth's eyes.
Then she heard the sound.
Not quite a screech, but not a honk either. But still the cry repeated, through the silent city, gradually growing louder. Hawk Moth's eyes flickered to above them, going wide as a shadow fell over them.
The large blue blur dove down in front of them, large wings whistling through the air, and a flowing tail of feathers trailing behind the avian. The creature rushed towards Hawk Moth's abandoned cane, merging with it with a flash of blue.
The heroes didn't have time to question what had just happened, as a giant purple bug was materializing behind Hawk Moth.
There hadn't even been a fight, the giant insect having blown them away, and right as Ladybug came in to strike it had vanished, alongside Hawk Moth.
What hadn't vanished, however, was the bird that had reappeared.
"A peacock?!" Queen Bee cried, watching the bird as it sat upon the remains of Hawk Moth's cane.
"Rrrhhhahhh! Rrrhah!" The peacock shrieked, raising his head up high.
"The second Miraculous that was lost..." Ladybug muttered.
"Was a Peacock!" Chat Noir cried, eyes widening in realization.
Rena Rouge glanced between them, then at the bird. "A Peacock Miraculous...? But that still doesn’t explain where the bird came from?"
"Well Hawk-dude does send out butterflies," Carapace said.
"And Ladybug has her Miraculous Ladybugs," Queen Bee snapped.
"Yeah, but those are tiny!" Chat protested, pointing to the peacock, who was now preening himself. "What do we do with this guy?"
"Um... Maybe my cure will send him back to wherever he came from?" Ladybug muttered, throwing her Lucky Charm up into the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!"
A wave of pink light flared out from the Charm, which immediately swept across the tower and the city, pink ladybugs humming within. As it surged out their eyes returned towards the peacock, waiting to see what would happen as the cure faded.
Hawk Moth's cane was gone, but the Peacock was still there, preening his feathers.
In the end Queen Bee volunteered to bring him home.
The Peacock's holder first attack turned out to not be their last, and more peacocks were sent out to create what soon became known as sentimonsters, fighting alongside Hawk Moth's akumas.
It honestly didn't take long for Paris to come to fear the noise that could be heard above the honking of traffic and the chatter of talking:
"Rrrhhhahhh! Rrrhah!"
Immediately the Paris crowd scrambled to escape the shape descending from above. The large blue bird wasn’t the most graceful of flyers, his large tail trailing out behind him, but he wasn’t slow either. He swooped after the fleeing crowd, wings flapping wildly as he tried to descend down onto them.
Most civilians managed to flee into nearby stores and buildings, and the ones who hadn’t were bolting down the streets. The peacock stood there on the sidewalk, before sprinting after the nearest fleeing person with startling speed, crying out.
"Rrrhhhahhh! Rrrhah!"
He opened his wings, diving at the man’s shoes, vanishing with a flash of light, allowing another sentimonster to appear.
“You have to purify it, My Lady!”
“Peacocks don’t fit into my yoyo!”
“Hurry, it’s getting away!”
People started to carry umbrellas with them to use to ward off peacocks.
The items that the peacock started to hide in was now mostly umbrellas.
“M. Agreste! M. Agreste!” A reporter cried as Adrien and Gabriel exited a limo. He glowered at the man in annoyance, but the reporter didn’t back down. “Recently you’ve volunteered to take the peacocks that create sentimonsters into your garden, why?”
“Because they needed somewhere to go,” Gabriel said stiffly. “And rescue centers were getting overwhelmed with the numbers that were showing up. I have the money and resources to care for these birds, and my wife was always fond of peacocks. I am simply doing what she would want me to do. Just like we don’t blame the akumatized villains for their actions, these birds don’t deserve to take blame either.”
“That’s so noble of you, M. Agreste!” Someone else cried.
“I have more important things to do,” Gabriel said stiffly, laying a hand on Adrien’s shoulder to guide him away. “Let’s go, son.”
“Yes, Father,” Adrien said softly.
“You heard it here first, folks! Gabriel Agreste says rescue animals, and don’t point blame! What honorable actions.”
“More like the peacocks were just getting expensive to smuggle in without anyone knowing,” Gabriel muttered under his breath, and his son looked up at him in pure confusion.
“Do we have to do this?” Plagg muttered with a yawn as they walked out through the night. “We could be sleeping, or eating cheese. These birds are stupid.”
“You heard what Father said,” Adrien muttered, camped out in the Agreste Gardens, near the roost that had been built for all the rescued peacocks. All of them were peacocks, no peahens, all of the bright blue male birds fast asleep.
Adrien didn’t know what his father planned on doing when spring came when they needed to separate all of the peacocks, but right now he was more worried about what his father might else be planning.
“You get to catch one this time,” a voice muttered, and Adrien stiffened up, retreating further into his hiding place. “I got all scratched up last time.”
“I’d rather not, sir.”
“It’s for your Miraculous!”
“A Miraculous that’s taking my life force.”
“...Fine. I’ll catch one...”
Adrien held his breath, listening to the sounds of his father and Nathalie. Plagg had seen disinterested until the word ‘Miraculous’ had been said, and suddenly the kwami was on alert, staring out at the two figures moving closer to the peacocks.
“Maybe this would be easier if we kept them in the lairs like the butterflies...” Nathalie muttered.
“The birds would eat my akumas!” Gabriel protested. “And if not them then the caterpillars or chrysalis. Annoying little birds, aren’t they... will that one due for an amok? It’s pretty small.”
“Whatever one you want to grab, sir,” Nathalie said, sounding exhausted.
“Psst, kid,” Plagg whispered in Adrien’s ear, who was stiff as stone. “We need to go find Ladybug, now.”
Adrien didn’t trust himself to speak, instead giving a sharp nod. He waited until his father disturbed the peacocks in his attempt to catch one, the sound of wings flapping filling the night, and used the chance to retreat. There was no point in waiting until morning, not with the information they had now.
At the crack of dawn Gabriel Agreste and Nathalie Sancoeur found themselves in handcuffs as they were lead from the mansion, the sound of the ‘rescued’ peacocks singing in the morning sun.
"Rrrhhhahhh! Rrrhah! Rrrhhhahhh! Rrrhah! Rrrhhhahhh! Rrrhah!"
“Are you okay, Chaton?” Ladybug asked softly, laying a hand on her partner’s shoulder.
He leaned into her touch just like an actual cat. “I will be in time, Princess.”
“Anything I can do now?” She asked. “I told the police that I moved Adrien somewhere safe after you told us what you found, so no one will be excepting you for sometime.”
“Hold me?” He asked quietly, and immediately he found himself wrapped in her embrace, and he let out a low purr. “I love you, M’lady.”
“I love you too, silly kitty,” she whispered back, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.
"Rrrhhhahhh! Rrrhah! Rrrhhhahhh! Rrrhah!"
Ladybug glowered up towards the peacock enclosure, the birds calling out together. Chat Noir let out a small laugh, wrapping his arms around her. “I guess another home will have to be found for them.”
“Do you think Chloe would take a few dozen more peacocks?”
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quicksilversquared · 3 years
The Wavering Peahen: Chapter 8
When Nathalie started feeling oddly ill again, both she and Gabriel were worried that the Peacock Miraculous might somehow (impossibly) be to blame again.
So naturally, they pick someone else to be the Peacock for a bit. You know, as a test subject. Except the new Peacock… doesn’t exactly know that.
links in the reblog
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Lila groaned as she woke up. Everything was sore, sore, sore and shifting- however barely- in her bed made it worse. Something- a bedspring?- was stabbing her in the back, and she must have forgotten to take some bracelets off or something because there was definitely something on her wrists. She opened her eyes, about to sit up, and then froze.
Because this was all wrong.
She wasn't in her room, not at all. Maybe the room was mostly dark, but the light filtering in from the window and from the hallway was enough for Lila to see bare white walls, a large lack of furniture, and a couple of machines at her bedside. Lila bolted upright, her eyes flashing around the room, but nothing changed.
She was definitely in a hospital.
Frowning, Lila tried to remember how she had gotten here. Had she fallen at school? Maybe she would be able to pin it on Marinette. Or- no, she remembered what had happened. She had been at their class picnic and had been feeling a bit ill. She had been following Rose to get a container to put her food in, since she hadn't felt like eating, and then- then-
And then there had been nothing. She must have fainted. Presumably someone had called for an ambulance then, and from there she ended up at the hospital.
Lila scowled. So much for her photos being the star of the day. Clearly she should have faked a text from her mom about a last-minute trip and left before everyone started eating. Then she could have gone home and laid down and slept off whatever bug she had, she would have had an opportunity to have another story, and she wouldn't have completely shot herself in the foot by making her collapse the story of the day.
Maybe she could spin it? Lila didn't know how- her head still hurt a bit, probably from hitting the ground- but a hospitalization surely meant that her mom would let her take a couple days off from school. That should be enough time for her to come up with something halfway believable.
And speaking of her mom... Lila scowled around the room. She could see a chair for visitors to sit in next to her bed, but it was empty. What, was a visit to the hospital not enough to get her mom to come in and make sure that her precious daughter to visit her? Lila would have thought that her mom would have dropped everything and rushed to her side at once.
Maybe she was just visiting with the doctors or something. That must be it. Yes, she would be talking to the doctors and making sure that they were running every test that might be needed to done to figure out what was wrong with Lila. Maybe they were going over results now- except no, results already would mean that Lila had been out for a while. And since there was no reason for her to have been out for a while- she knew enough to know that fainting and being out for more than a couple of minutes wasn't good, and being out for hours was even worse- that meant that results already was doubtful.
Lila shifted, frowning. Okay, so maybe her mom was probably with the doctor. Fine. Great. But why was she all alone in her room? Surely they didn't normally bring in unconscious people, plop them in a bed- a really uncomfortable bed, by the way, did they never replace these mattresses or something?- and then leave them on their own? Really, there should be some nurses hovering around, waiting for Lila to wake up so that they could explain what was going on. Instead, they had let Lila wake up in the dark and by herself.
It was poor customer service, really. Lila was definitely going to leave a terrible review for them. Seriously, wasn't it Hospital 101 to not leave patients alone? Lila was going to get up and go find someone now, so that they could tell her what was going on and find her mom for her-
Lila froze, her legs swung over the side of the bed. The movement had made her head swim, but that wasn't what had given Lila pause. No, the thing- things- that had stopped her in her tracks were the handcuffs snapped around her wrists.
Why- why would she be handcuffed to her bed? That made no sense! Lila frantically wracked her brains, trying to make sense of what was going on. Why would anyone arrest her? She hadn't done anything wrong- well, nothing that would warrant her getting arrested.
Well. Except for being Pavona, but how would anyone have found that out? She hadn't transformed outside of her house for over a week, and she had always been careful when she transformed and detransformed. Maybe one of the doctors had found the pin on her- but no, nobody would actually recognize it. It would just look like a pretty pin. She would be worried about Duusu exposing himself to someone to get her in trouble, but she had ordered him not to do that. As far as she could tell, Duusu couldn't expose himself to others without her permission.
So what was going on?
Scowling, Lila yanked at the chains, part of her expecting that the cuffs were just a figment of her imagination, maybe, or maybe just a dream. The metal bit into her wrists, though, assuring Lila that they were, in fact, real.
Lila kicked her bedframe, then let out a curse at the pain that shot up her leg. Someone had better come to explain what was going on now. She- she couldn't- there was no way that she was in trouble, there had to be some other explanation for this-
The unmistakable sound of a key in the door lock caught Lila's attention, and her head whipped up. At once, she shifted back to recline against her pillows, working a pleasant look onto her face.
She didn't know how much people knew. She didn't know why she was in handcuffs- not for sure. It would be better to play innocent and see if she could still twist things in her favor.
No, not if. How she could best twist things in her favor. Lila would not admit defeat.
The lock gave, and three figures entered. One flicked the light on- Lila squinted against the unpleasant glare, doing her best to not screw up her face and look mad or something. She had to play the part of a misunderstood girl who got framed for- well, for something.
Hopefully the nurse and officers approaching her bed now would give something away.
"Ah, I see you're awake," the nurse told Lila. She didn't smile, which- uh, weren't nurses supposed to smile, to set their patients at ease? This hospital was really earning a terrible review. "I had wondered if the heroes maybe pulled the healing too early, but it looks like they timed it just right."
"Well, they are the experts," the first officer said before turning his attention to Lila. His gaze wasn't the least bit friendly. "So. Pavona. You're awake. Now- we have questions."
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  Nothing that Lila said could persuade the officers who visited her at the hospital that she hadn't been Pavona, much to her displeasure. The Peacock had been found on her when she collapsed- all of the questioning in the world couldn't make the police officers tell her who had found the Peacock and actually been able to identify it- and the superheroes had been contacted. Duusu- the absolute traitor- had somehow managed to confirm Lila's identity plus Hawkmoth and Mayura's identities, so now all three of the city's former superheroes were in prison, or- in Lila's case- on her way there.
(Lila hoped that they would be at different facilities. She had been the one to set off the chain of events that had resulted in his arrest- even if it had been accidental and not her fault, since he hadn't told her that the Miraculous was broken!- and he knew who she was. That alone was a little scary, but she wasn't going to admit that. Much.)
(Okay, maybe she would play up her fear in front of the judge. Maybe she would get off easier if she told him that she was so frightened of what Hawkmoth- who, by the way, no one had told her his actual identity yet, even though she had asked- would do to her or her mom that she had had no option. If she could play things up for pity...yes, that could work.)
For the time being, though, Lila had to suffer through the indignity of actually going to jail after she got released from the hospital. Her holding cell thankfully wasn't terrible- but it also was a cell in the jail's medical center, and she wasn't going to be there forever, just until the doctors thought that she was more stable.
More stable, or at least until they were convinced that she wasn't going to pass out at random and get injured. Since the only way Lila was going to heal from the damage that the broken Miraculous had done to her body was by wearing the fixed Miraculous and the superheroes wouldn't let her wear it now that she was out of her coma, she wasn't really going to get better.
(Lila had a whole bunch of opinions about that and how it wasn't really superhero-y to make their former enemies suffer just out of spite, but it was probably in her best interest to not actually vocalize that yet.)
The trial started pretty quickly after she was discharged from the hospital. Apparently she had been in a coma for several months (which, uh, talk about yikes), which had allowed enough time for evidence to get collected and organized and for a trial- a jury trial- to be pulled together.
Lila had had a hard time not reacting to that particular bit of news when the lawyer that her mom hired had told her. She knew that jury trials only happened in France for the most serious of crimes, ones that tended to have really long sentences.
(That- that was terrifying. Lila didn't want to spend the rest of her days rotting behind bars. But she had a good lawyer- her mom had made sure of it- so that wasn't very likely, right? Right?)
Once the trial started, it didn't take long for the court to establish that there was no doubt about whether or not Lila had been Pavona. The fact that the Peacock Miraculous had been found on her (Lila still didn't know who had found it- the name, for some reason, was annoyingly staying redacted) and the cursed coma that she had fallen into that had only been undone by her wearing the fixed Peacock pin were conclusive enough evidence. Lila's lawyer had advised her before the trial to not try to fight that part of the accusation, because the evidence was just too strong. There was no way that the Peacock would have helped her if she had fallen ill for some reason.
That meant that Lila's only hope would be for a reduced sentence, and that would be based entirely on if she could argue that her participation was forced and not entirely willing. If she could convince the jury, then Lila should be golden.
It was a good thing that Lila's biggest talent was lying and convincing others of things that were entirely untrue.
The prosecutor watched her critically as she stepped up to the stand for the first time in the trial, everything about him screaming strict and severe. This wasn't someone who was about to believe her, no matter what she said. Lila felt herself waver for a moment, but she forced herself to stand up straight. This was no time to show weakness. Not real weakness, at any rate. Manufactured weakness... that was another thing altogether. She had an audience, and she had to play to it.
"Ms. Rossi. Your lawyer claimed that you were intimidated into accepting this position, but we have audio evidence of you willingly agreeing to help Hawkmoth. Care to explain?"
Lila very nearly gulped at that- audio? Hawkmoth had gotten audio of her agreeing to be Pavona? What a slimy, stinking asshole- but years of practice with lying helped her keep a straight face. Her mind raced, working to come up with an excuse, but she was coming up blank. Time to buy herself some time. "Audio? What- what audio? If there was real audio, it would show that I was terrified!"
The prosecutor looked unimpressed. "The audio has already been analyzed by a voice expert and has declared your voice and the one in the recording to be a match. We can call Dr. Hillary Blanc to the witness stand after this, your Honor."
The judge nodded. "That would be preferable. But for now- I would like to hear this recording before we continue with our questioning."
"Of course, your Honor."
Lila's attorney gestured for her to return to her seat as the prosecution set up their audio. He looked rather irritated as she sat down next to him, and it didn't take a genius to figure out why. Audio of Lila agreeing willingly- eagerly, she knew how she had sounded when she took the Miraculous- was going to make his job a million times harder.
It was also going to make Lila's job a million times harder. She was the one with the rest of her life on the line, really, and she needed to be able to argue her way out of the corner.
"The audio is ready," the prosecutor announced. The judge nodded.
The prosecutor nodded, pressing a button to start the audio. There was the sound of a window opening, and then the unmistakable sound of Lila's voice eagerly greeting Hawkmoth, offering up the information that her mother was asleep and they were alone. And then-
"So, uh, how can I help you? Do you need an akuma with specific powers or something? I can do that!"
-the eager, oh-so-willing offer to help Hawkmoth. She didn't just sound willing to do it, she sounded positively bursting with enthusiasm to help out a supervillain.
This was bad. This was very, very bad. But Lila could still get out of this, she was sure. Lila's mind whirred, and almost immediately landed on an idea.
No one would be able to prove that she was lying, of that Lila was positive. Her idea was foolproof.
Well. Hopefully.
Lila plastered what she hoped was an appropriately shocked and confused look on her face as the recording went on. She forced herself to ignore the jurors on their bench, considering her with increasing disdain as the recording went on and Lila sounded nothing short of enthusiastic and eagerly consenting to Hawkmoth's suggestion.
She couldn't let their current opinions put her off. She had an idea to discredit the recording- or at the very least, throw a healthy amount of doubt on it- and after that, hopefully they would change their minds about her.
"Where was this recording found?" the judge asked once the audio came to an end. "And by whom?"
"In Mr. Agreste's office, by the police," the prosecutor told him. "They have the original recording, this is a copy."
"Okay." The judge's eyes swung to Lila. "Ms. Rossi, back to the stand. Please explain this recording."
"That's not even close to what happened!" Lila exclaimed once she had dashed back up to the stand, pressing a hand to her chest earnestly as she turned her eyes to the judge and the jurors. "He must have faked it- and I bet I even know how! The Peacock makes sentimonsters, everyone knows that. He's impersonated people before- he impersonated Ladybug, everyone knows that! He must have done that to make the recording."
There was a pause.
"How was Hawkmoth meant to do that when you had the Peacock?" the prosecutor asked tartly. She narrowed her eyes at Lila. "This sounds like another weak excuse."
"He probably made the recording before he gave me the Peacock." Lila bit back the obviously. There was no point in irritating anyone in the courtroom. If she could get this excuse to work, then she could maybe get off with a lighter sentence. Her reputation in Paris would still be toast, but if she just got a rap on the wrist for being a supervillain under duress, maybe she and her mom could move and she could start rebuilding her life once her sentence was over. If this didn't work, then it was game over. "He had to know that I wouldn't be fully willing, but he wanted to be ready to stab me in the back as soon as possible. He-" Lila faked a half-sob, pressing a hand to her lips. "I was in too deep before I could figure out how to fix it, and then he kept threatening to hurt me or my mom if I tried to get out of it. He said that he would tell everybody who I was!"
There was a pause. The judge, Lila was glad to see, finally looked a bit unsure, as did most of the jury. Fantastic.
"Why should we believe that?" the prosecutor asked after a moment. "Lila Rossi has a history of lying, her record shows that. She lies to get out of consequences and to get others in trouble and for her own gain."
"But you do have to consider that there is a possibility of the tape being faked," Lila's attorney argued, finally- finally!- making himself useful and speaking up. "There is magic at play here, and you have to admit that Mr. Agreste is a cunning businessman. He is a planner. It would not have been out of character to do exactly as Ms. Rossi described. After all, he handed a broken Miraculous to a minor for her to use without warning her of the consequences of using it."
"The defense has a good point," the judge agreed, though the reluctance was clear on his face. "I suppose we should ask the superheroes if there is a way to prove the authenticity of the recording and if not..."
He trailed off, clearly unsure. Lila forced herself not to visibly preen. Her lie had landed perfectly. She couldn't relax yet, though. Any slip-ups now could ruin her lie and put her right back on square one.
"We clearly need time to review the evidence and pull in more experts," the judge decided after a moment. "We will adjourn for the day."
Lila smiled.
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  Lila had been feeling pretty proud of herself for the rest of the day and overnight, doing her best not to smirk when she thought about the fast one that she had just pulled on the judge. Maybe they didn't fully believe her, not yet, but she had gotten the audio recording all but thrown out in court. Without it, she should have a much easier time in getting her sentence argued down to a small slap.
A small slap would be irritating, but not the end of the world. Lila could work with that.
And then she had walked into the court room the next day to see Ladybug and Chat Noir waiting, Duusu floating serenely above Ladybug's shoulder. Next to them sat Alya, who gave Lila a disgusted look when she spotted her.
Lila hadn't been expecting them. What were they supposed to add to the trial?
Oh, right. The judge had suggested that they pull in the experts on the Miraculous, as if they weren't just a bunch of kids themselves. They weren't experts, they just happened to have superpowers. That, and they got lucky in battles a lot, and really, the whole supervillain downfall was just one big stroke of luck for them. It wasn't as though Ladybug and Chat Noir had somehow outwitted the supervillains or something.
Just like every other day, all of the jurors filed in, followed by the judge. Lila suffered through all of the opening formalities- seriously, there was so much needless pomp that could just be done away with, it was such a major snoozefest- and then they actually got to the whole arguments bit again.
...in retrospect, the whole trial was just a heap of suffering through endless formalities and arguments and blah blah blahs. Lila would say that she would rather be anywhere else, but...
Well, for her, the only other place that she would be was at the jail, in her cell. That was boring, too, but at least Lila could get up and walk around and not have to pretend to be all apologetic and sweet all the time.
"Before we start, I want to say that Duusu cannot be recorded by either cameras or microphones," Ladybug told the courtroom once she was called on. "It's just the nature of kwamis. Machines can't record them."
The judge nodded, flashing a smile- a smile!- at Ladybug. "Thank you for that heads-up, Ladybug. We will ensure that we give enough time between questions for our court recorder to get everything that, ah, Duusu says."
"We also brought video evidence from the battles that Pavona joined in person," Ladybug spoke up again. She gestured to Alya. "Most of these clips came from the Ladyblog, though we got permission to also grab footage from several news stations. Alya Cesare here has compiled all of the clips for easy viewing."
"And what are these clips supposed to prove that we didn't already know?" Lila's attorney demanded. "We already know that she had the Miraculous, that's nothing new."
Alya stood up, very deliberately not looking at Lila. "All of these clips show that Pavona seemed to have her whole heart in the battle. She was fighting to the best of her ability-" her lips twitched, but she didn't add any commentary to that- "which you wouldn't expect from someone who was only fighting because she was being forced to."
"We will review the evidence," the judge told her. "Thank you."
"Objection to both!" Lila's attorney called. "How are we supposed to know that this kwami will tell the truth? And the videos- that's very subjective."
"We have also pulled in several behavioral experts to watch the videos and then give us their independent analysis of the body language in them," the prosecutor told the courtroom. "They can step outside while the others are giving their analysis to prevent them from influencing each other. All of the experts have been previously used by the court to review video before, and all have been deemed to give impartial analysis."
The judge nodded, looking pleased. "Fantastic."
"Objection," Lila's attorney called out again. "The clips could already have a bias to them. They've been picked out deliberately to push a narrative."
The prosecutor smirked. "We also have compiled all known footage of Pavona in battles. If the defense would prefer, we can present that rather than the cut version."
The judge turned to Lila's attorney. "Is that acceptable?"
Lila's attorney nodded, though he didn't look happy about it. "It is. Though- again, there is the matter of if this kwami can be trusted to tell the truth. We don't know enough about them to be sure."
The judge turned back to Ladybug. "Is there a way to address that?"
"There is." Ladybug smiled up at the judge, clearly fully at ease. She held up the Peacock Miraculous. "I thought that the best way to approach this would be to have a neutral party wear the pin- referring to you, of course, your Honor. Kwamis have to answer questions that their wielders ask honestly, to the best of their ability. If they don't know or cannot say, they will say as much." She held up another pin. "I also brought the Butterfly Miraculous, in case you wish to talk to both kwamis."
The judge looked surprised, then nodded and addressed Lila's attorney. "Mr. Nelson, does that address your concerns?"
Lila's attorney looked as though he had swallowed a lemon. "It does, your Honor."
Lila bit back her scowl. Stupid overly-prepared superheroes. How did they somehow think of everything? Couldn't they just let go of the issue for once and let Lila off? They could consider the social ostracization and complete destruction of her social status as her punishment.
"Approach, then," the judge told Ladybug. "We might as well start with talking to Duusu. Then we can let you and Chat Noir go on your way while we review the footage from the battles. You two have already spent plenty of time in courtrooms this summer."
Ladybug smiled and nodded, hopping to her feet and approaching the desk. She handed over the brooch, and the judge pinned it to his robes. Once Ladybug had sat down again, he addressed Duusu. "Please move to the witness stand."
"Of course!" Duusu zipped over, hovering in front of the microphone. "I'm ready when you are!"
Lila's eyes narrowed at the kwami. The airheadedness and naivety were nowhere to be seen as the little kwami replied to the judge's questions. Duusu seemed fully with it and sharp as a needle as he gave his answers. Lila had never seen the kwami act like that before, which begged the question of why.
Did the kwami switch personalities depending on the holder? No, that didn't make sense. There was no reason for any kwami under Lila's control to be an airhead. Which meant that he must have been acting when he was with Lila. All of the questions, all of the playing dumb, all of the forcing her to actually explain what she was doing, all of the ticking her off...
The little asshole must have been doing it deliberately.
In her seat, Lila silently fumed. She had put up with Duusu's ditzy personality for weeks, assuming that it was the kwami's nature and that couldn't be changed. The questions had nearly driven her up the wall- had driven her up the wall- and it had been entirely on purpose.
Lila bit back her scowl, slumping back in her seat and tuning Duusu out. It didn't really matter what exactly Duusu said, after all. Lila knew that he had to tell the truth, and the truth was that she had joined Hawkmoth willingly and eagerly, no blackmail needed on his part. She had wanted to see the superheroes defeated, and that was all the motivation that she had needed.
There was still all of the battle footage to go through, but by now Lila knew that all of her escapes were closing off. The evidence was piling up against her too fast, and the dark looks that Lila had been getting from the jury spoke volumes. The judge was asking Duusu about Lila's lies now, and it wouldn't be long before everyone in the room knew how to pick out Lila's manipulations and lies, and all of her attempts to control the narrative would be shot down immediately.
Now all she could hope was that the judge went easy on her sentencing.
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  It was no surprise when the jury came back and announced her guilty on all counts. The sentencing, though...
Lila had come up with a whole slew of scenarios, all sorts of outcomes from the best (no charges) to the more realistic yet still optimistic (charges for being Pavona but reduced because of being pressured into it), then slightly less optimistic, all the way up to what she had thought was a worst case scenario.
This was way worse that her worst case scenario. Way, way worse.
Lila sank back into her chair, staring blankly at nothing as everyone around her started packing up, the prosecuting team chatting cheerfully with each other while Lila's side of the room- Lila's mom and her lawyer- silently gathered up their things. Fifty years? That was forever! Wasn't there supposed to be some leniency for crimes done by underage kids? Like, her brain wasn't fully developed yet or whatever and she was supposed to be more prone to stupid decisions and everything. Surely she should be getting, like, juvenile detention. A permanent mark on her record. Maybe a couple of years of jail once she aged out of juvie.
She had been right about getting sent to juvie. The courts weren't about to send her to an adult prison when she was so much younger than most of the prisoners there, and besides, she had school to finish. Lila would be going to juvenile detention until she was 18, and after that...
Prison. Years and years and years of prison. Way more than Lila had ever expected.
She was going to be old and grey by the time she got out. Old and grey and with a completely destroyed reputation. Lila was basically going to be condemned to be in the poorhouse once she got out, which-
That wasn't what she had envisioned for her future. Not even close.
As the officers came up to collect her so that they could head back to the jail, Lila clenched her fist. Her entire future was gone, just like that. All of her dreams of schmoozing with famous people and marrying rich were destroyed. Just because- because-
Because Hawkmoth hadn't warned her about the side effects of the Miraculous. Because he had asked her to use the Peacock instead of just using her as a frequent akuma, willing to take on whatever shape and powers he wanted. Because Ladybug had been an infuriating interfering busybody who couldn't leave people alone and had to stick her nose where it didn't belong, when Lila's lies hadn't been hurting anyone.
Lila bit back her snarl. She wished that she had never come to Paris. She wished that she had never heard of superheroes. If things had gone one tiny bit differently...
This was all Ladybug's fault. If she hadn't interfered, Lila wouldn't have had to retaliate. And now..
Now her life was ruined.
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