#Beth the walkingdead
hi!! i was wondering if i could request a matchup—from any fandom (besides stranger things), i only want to mention that i use he/they pronouns and have a strong preference for women :D!!
APPEARANCE: 5’3” (but the combat boots i wear almost every day make me 5’6”) bodily fem, adrog-masc presenting! i’m mixed between indian & cuban, so i Do have melanin, with black hair (that’s usually at a short-ish wolfcut style). i have tons and tons of beauty marks on my face and arms, & i have a few scars on my hands and face from various shenanigans. i dress in a dark academic style, and sometimes trad goth if i’m feeling Tangy. i dont have any tattoos yet, but i do have plans for some!
PERSONALITY: slytherin, chaotic good, 7w6, infj-t! sometimes i feel like all of my skill points went into academia because i’m literally incompetent in anything other than that. i hyperfixtate on plants, and I get along better animals than with humans lmaooo. i’m super introverted, but i’m super talkative after breaking the ice (borderline “please shut up” levels of talkative). i’ve been described as loyal, stubborn, and outspoken by family and friends! that said, i do appreciate my quiet+alone time!! if it’s important: i’m an aries sun, libra moon, & scorpio rising.
INTERESTS: digital art, writing, and storytelling in unusual mediums!! i love drawing (and am currently suffering from soreness & bad posture from doing so), writing horror/morbid stories for my own entertainment, and storytelling thru both!! i also spend a Lot of time coding websites i use and such, so. yeah!! anything with a good hook and sinker can get my full attention, in terms of people and stories alike.
HOBBIES: drawing!!! and also playing video games (my favourites being rdr2, horizon: zero dawn, etc). i love daydreaming to music, and occasionally: hiking, swimming, and horseback riding! but yeah. sometimes the best thing i do in a day is wake up at an ungodly hour, draw a picasso level complex piece, and then promptly pass out and wake up Many hours later and cry at said piece.
Hi!! This is who I think you would be most compatible with!!
Fandoms: Stranger Things, Harry Potter and The Walking Dead! (These are my current fandoms that I aim 24/7 obsessed with! lol hope you like it :) <3)
Stanger Things
I think you would be compatible with Max! I could see you guy starting off as friends and then turning to lovers. I feel like you would understand her in another level that others don't. You guys would have deep conversations and just enjoy each others company. I think you would send little drawings to her that would cheer her up too! And the video game obsession you guys share!!! You would constantly be trying to beat each other! Also I feel like you would come off a little mysterious to Max and maybe not getting along right away. But eventually I could see you just letting her talk about her past and how she feels you just being there and learning more about her as a person. I feel like you guys would then turn to lovers!
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Harry Potter
I think you would be enemies to lovers with Hermione Granger! Hear me out! I could see you guy eventually maybe becoming friends before lovers but I most feel enemies and here's why... I feel like it would start in herbology class where you are like the most knowledgeable on plants and you would hang around Neville and Luna. I think she would secretly despise you since you are very gifted in this subject. As it comes natural to you. She's defiantly heard about you since you are a Slytherin but you are not known as some of the evil ones such as Malfoy...lol! I think then you would kind of tutor her a bit or her trying to ask for your help but not directly because of how she doesn't like to accept help from people especially her studies. I think she would become a bit annoyed at the way she would start to fall for you. But you eventually confront and ask her and she says no. But then you give her a look and you just knew it was a yes!
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The Walking Dead
Now I know that many characters have passed away but immediately when I read your request I just had to ship with this person!
I ship you with Beth Greene. I think that you would be her safe person. I feel like she would feel the most comfortable and protected with you. I could see you telling her stories about your life post apocalypse and drawing her little pictures. You would defiantly be the genius in the group (better than Eugene). You would be able to hack into systems and such to help the group out. I also think you and Beth would talk about your future together a lot. You would also have a lot of fun swimming and lakes or taking walks to scavenge stuff for the group in the forest or wherever you are at to help the group out!
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Hope you enjoyed!! :)))
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grimessbitch · 3 years
Can you do a Daryl Dixon x Hispanic reader where she doesn’t know much English and daryl learns the best he can and helps and they slowly fall for eachother
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I’ve literally been so excited to do this one! Although if I get any translations wrong please forgive me, I’m using what I’ve learned in my Spanish class and what Google tells me. Again my Spanish isn’t that great because I’m still only in Spanish 1 but I tried my best and I really really hope you like it.
Warnings: language, soft! Daryl, Merle being a racist dickhead
Word count: 1.6k
“Daryl, te juro que eres el hombre más estúpido que he conocido, y he conocido a Merle“ You snapped as you watched the man who was in your group crawl through the window of the store, it was giant and of course the idiot just had to break the biggest window the loudest way possible. “I dunno what you’re saying” he grumbled watching Merle walk in front of him. You were forced to team up with Shane Walsh’s group after you had managed to make it back into America from your abuela’s house, you were originally paired up with a few others from your town but once you got to Atlanta your group was attacked by another group of survivors leaving only you and your little cousin to find Shane’s camp. You yanked Daryl’s vest meeting his glare with yours “you. dumbass” You snapped walking ahead of him starting to pull the blankets and other camping supplies down and shoved them into your bag. “Swear shoulda just left the bitch to die. they’re only good for kinky sex” You heard Merle grunt under his breath, you couldn’t understand most of what he was saying, only understanding ‘good for sex, and bitch die’ You marched over punching the older Dixon watching blood pour out of his nose “Crazy fucking bitch!” He yelled in pain pulling his arm back ready to hit you back but Daryl’s hand wrapping around his wrist stopped him “Don’t fuckin try it, she’s a woman you ass” He growled before shoving you both forward towards the food section where you’d scavenge that for the next two hours.
The next run you would have with Daryl wouldn’t be for the next few years, he had told Rick and Shane that you made the runs harder because he couldn’t understand you, you would’ve just thought that Daryl hated you if it weren’t for Rick translating the best he could, you were grateful for Rick, Carl and now Michonne, who recently joined the group, you were also grateful that Merle had disappeared, he hated your guts and you hated his, not to mention after Merle left Daryl changed for the better. 
Whenever you finished the run you sat against the prison walls looking at Daryl “Hola... usted hizo un buen trabajo” He mumbled a little confused trying his best, you giggled at his attempt to speak Spanish although secretly your heart swelled “tú-..You..too?” You said smiling at him, and you could practically see his face light up in pure joy whenever he realized you could understand what he was saying and that you replied in the best english you could. You smiled back at him standing up glancing at your left hand that was now wrapped in a bandage “You okay?” He asked raising his eyebrows nodding towards your hand “estoy bien” You said nodding making an okay symbol with your good hand before walking inside, Daryl walking over to Rick probably to talk about what you two found. You stopped in front of Daryl’s little hut type room, you knew you’d be in deep shit if you got caught snooping but you were curious. Slowly peeking inside of the box smiling brightly whenever you saw a small book you’d pick up at a gift shop ‘Spanish to English translator’ So Daryl really was trying to learn. Hearing heavy footsteps and Rick and Daryl’s voices you darted out and to your own cell sitting on the bed smiling. 
It had been months after you found Daryl’s book, You laid on your bed staring at the empty top bunk that had no mattress, Your body felt weak and you were so tired, staying outside all day trying to clear the horde of zombies that broke through the gate, and boy did you know Daryl was pissed off that you managed to speed past him to help Rick and Carl. Speaking of who Daryl stood in your doorway with his arms crossed glaring at you “usted podría haber muerto, y/n” He grunted, you wanted to be angry at him for treating you like a baby but everytime Daryl talked to you in Spanish it made your heart swell and you couldn’t help but feel your face heat up. “ Pero no lo hice, y debes entenderlo. No tengo cinco años, no necesitas cuidarme todo el tiempo de mierda, soy un adulto, gracias Daryl por querer protegerme, pero no lo necesito. Puedo manejar por mi cuenta” you explained sitting up as you groaned looking at him. 
“por favor, Y/n, solo escúchame por una vez” He grumbled, his spanish wasn’t great but you could actually understand him pretty well “I was fine” You snapped sitting down straight against the wall glaring at the opposite wall, You felt the bed dip as Daryl laid down on the bed next to you “I know you were..but I couldn’t live with myself if something bad happened to you..’ He said looking at you sadly “I’d estar bien“ You said not remembering the english words Rick and Michonne taught you for ‘be okay’ “not the point” He grunted looking at you “I care bou’ ya..so..stop doin stupid shit” He said joking a bit so you knew he wasn’t actually angry at you. Now it was time, to put what Rick taught you to the test, your mother always told you to wait until you find the perfect guy, who gave you the time of day and gave you anything you pleased, and well, Daryl did what he could, especially during the apocalypse. “Daryl..-” Fuck! what the fuck were the words? goddamnit, being in the moment and being afraid of Daryl rejecting you made you brain into putty, fuck it, you’ll say whenever you remember. “I understand” You said looking at him, your face heating up whenever he gave you a gentle hug. Daryl and you sat in the room for what felt like forever that night talking about what your lives were like before the whole walker thing happened, he held you while you cried talking about how much you missed your family and you held him whenever he opened up about his past with his brother and father. 
You walked outside smiling at Daryl, he was covered in sweat in oil while he worked on his bike, you thought it was hot, the way he only wore his vest in the hot weather, the way his arms and biceps moved whenever he’d tighten or loosen something on the bike. You nervously walked up smiling at him stopping whenever you saw Carol walk up to him and start talking, whatever she was saying made not only her but also him laugh and smile, and almost like that all of your confidence faded away almost as quick as it came. You didn’t have anything against Carol considering she was the sweetest woman you ever met but it kinda felt like you two were jealous of each other, both competing for Daryl’s love and attention. Walking back into the prison you slumped next to Beth, someone you had grown close to over the years. “¿Qué dijo él?” She asked smiling excited to hear about what Daryl said “Carol La Puta diosa llegó a él primero“ You grunted hearing Daryl and Carol walk into the prison talking and chuckling “I’m lo siento mucho“ Beth whispered, and oh boy you shouldn’t of been so cocky about Daryl and Carol not understanding you “Simplemente duele, ya sabes, porque lo sigo y soy básicamente su perra y, sin embargo, cada llamada de Carol, él está allí y yo estoy en el polvo y duele porque creo que realmente me gusta Daryl ... Me encanta eso Cabrón, Beth.” You ranted not looking whenever Daryl looked at you closely, you also didn’t realize Daryl’s shitty excuse to go to his room alone. You sat and talked with Beth for another hour before pulling on your coat grabbing your gun and both of your knives, you walked to the gate nodding at the two people on guard, Rick and Glenn. As the gates opened and you trudged out into the woods you heard hurried footsteps chasing after you, turning quickly you aimed your gun firing it into whoever was chasing you, you cringed whenever you heard the bullet hit metal “Shot my crossbow, woman” Daryl grunted while you rolled your eyes “What’re you doin out here?” He asked jogging up walking next to you. “Necesitaba aire fresco ... ¿por qué me seguiste? podrías haberte matado” You grumbled glaring at him as you walked. “I heard you say my name in the hall..along with a few other things about Carol” He said, your breath hitched and you felt your face heat up so much you almost started to sweat. “¿De acuerdo? ¿Qué quieres que haga? Te amo, está bien. I fucking love you y tu cabeza está demasiado lejos en el culo de Carol para notarlo, pero sabes lo que no voy a enojarme porque no soy un adolescente enfermo de amor que va a perra y llorar porque Daryl Dixon no tiene sentimientos por mí, me voy a poner mis pantalones de niña grande y lidiar con eso. Me quedaré y ayudaré a Rick y a mi grupo porque no arriesgaré mi vida y dejaré a mi familia solo porque quieres estar con otra persona, así que no arrastres esto a Daryl y solo dime la verdad, porque he terminado de mentir y de puntillas alrededor del tema. Así que si quieres estar con Carol, por favor sé mi invitado porque solo quiero verte feliz y si esa felicidad no está conmigo, que así sea.” You snapped shoving him back, but he just stayed in the same place staring at you processing what you said, you huffed loudly about to walk off before Daryl grabbed the back of your neck turning you around before pulling your body closer kissing you softly “Te amo, pendejo” He whispered, once he left you pull away you hugged him tightly trying to catch your breath. 
Daryl, te juro que eres el hombre más estúpido que he conocido, y he conocido a Merle: Daryl, I swear you're the stupidest man I've ever met, and I've met Merle.
Hola... usted hizo un buen trabajo: Hey... you did a good job
estoy bien: I am okay
usted podría haber muerto: you could have died
Pero no lo hice, y debes entenderlo. No tengo cinco años, no necesitas cuidarme todo el tiempo de mierda, soy un adulto, gracias Daryl por querer protegerme, pero no lo necesito. Puedo manejar por mi cuenta: But I didn't, and you must understand. I'm not five, you don't need to take care of me all the fucking time, I'm an adult, thanks Daryl for wanting to protect me, but I don't need it. I can handle on my own
por favor, Y/n, solo escúchame por una vez: Please Y/n just listen to me for once
estar bien: be fine
¿Qué dijo él?: what did he say?
Carol La Puta diosa llegó a él primero: Carol the fucking goddess got to him first
I’m lo siento mucho: I’m so sorry
Simplemente duele, ya sabes, porque lo sigo y soy básicamente su perra y, sin embargo, cada llamada de Carol, él está allí y yo estoy en el polvo y duele porque creo que realmente me gusta Daryl ... Me encanta eso Cabrón, Beth.: It just hurts, you know, because I follow him and I'm basically his bitch and yet every call from Carol, he's there and I'm in the dust and it hurts because I think I really like Daryl ... I love that motherfucker, Beth.
Necesitaba aire fresco ... ¿por qué me seguiste? podrías haberte matado: I needed fresh air ... why did you follow me? you could have killed yourself
¿De acuerdo? ¿Qué quieres que haga? Te amo, está bien. I fucking love you y tu cabeza está demasiado lejos en el culo de Carol para notarlo, pero sabes lo que no voy a enojarme porque no soy un adolescente enfermo de amor que va a perra y llorar porque Daryl Dixon no tiene sentimientos por mí, me voy a poner mis pantalones de niña grande y lidiar con eso. Me quedaré y ayudaré a Rick y a mi grupo porque no arriesgaré mi vida y dejaré a mi familia solo porque quieres estar con otra persona, así que no arrastres esto a Daryl y solo dime la verdad, porque he terminado de mentir y de puntillas alrededor del tema. Así que si quieres estar con Carol, por favor sé mi invitado porque solo quiero verte feliz y si esa felicidad no está conmigo, que así sea.: Okay? What do you want me to do? I love you, okay. I fucking love you and your head is too far in Carol's ass to notice it, but you know what I'm not gonna get mad because I'm not a love sick teen who's gonna bitch and cry because Daryl Dixon has no feelings for me, I'm gonna put on my big girl pants and deal with it. I'll stay and help Rick and my group because I won't risk my life and leave my family just because you want to be with someone else, so don't drag this out, Daryl and just tell me the truth, because I'm done lying and tiptoeing around the issue. So if you want to be with Carol, please be my guest because I just want to see you happy and if that happiness isn't with me, so be it.
Te amo, pendejo: I love you, asshole
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chirona-laurens · 4 years
Daryl Dixon: One-Shot
Characters - (F/N), Daryl Dixon, Beth
Warnings - Fluff, very vague mentions of dark themes
Setting - Middle of season three
Work Count - 613
Author's note - Sorry this is so short! I am getting back into the swing of writting fanfiction, especially for other people. I hope that these will get longer the more I write! <3
As I settled down on the ground in front of the fire, I let out a little huff. All day I had been going. There had been little time to rest and catch my breath, adrenaline pumping through my body to the point I had been breathing so hard I thought I was going to stop. It was crazy to think that so much death and change had happened only a couple of hours ago.
I looked over at my boyfriend, Daryl Dixon, and Beth. I was never the type to have friends but I would be lying if I said I hadn’t gotten close to Beth. With the two at my side it was hard not to run with them in all the chaos that had happened at the prison.
As I stared at Daryl, he caught my eye and gave me one of the world’s tiniest smiles. Something that was small but still melt my heart. In all honesty, anything that Daryl did warmed my heart.
Daryl and I had known each other before the start of the outbreak, we were almost the complete opposites but got along so well. There were nights when Daryl and I were cuddled up to each other in our prison cell-which I was missing so much at the moment-and Daryl would tell me about his past, how much I kept him from ending it all. I knew I had fallen for Daryl along time ago, but due to his life, I never thought he would want me or it would work out. It seemed like the outbreak did us a favor, we were only brought closer together.
I motioned for Daryl to sit next to me, which it didn’t take long for him to move from his tree log and onto the ground next to me. As Daryl wrapped his arm around my shoulder and gripped onto it I could feel his warmth and earthy smell. Daryl had became my personal heater, whenever I felt even the slightest bit of cold, I could count on Daryl to make me feel warm and safe.
As Daryl and I sat on the cold ground, cuddled up together in silence, I looked over at Beth. She had barely said anything, clearly grieving for her father. I went out to touch her arm and comfort her but I was stopped by Daryl’s grip of steel.
“Don’t…” He muttered into my ear. I frowned but sunk back into my position next to him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my head into his chest, “I feel like we should do something.” I mumbled as I nuzzled his chest.
It didn’t take long for him to start running his fingers through my hair, I let out a tiny moan. I loved when Daryl played with my hair. No one would have guessed that the big, rough hands of Daryl’s would ever be able to do something so soft and smoothing. As Daryl ran his fingers through my tangled hair he mumbled back, “Sometimes it's best to let people deal with their pain on their own… If she needs us, we’ll be here.”
There was a pause, almost as though he wanted to say more. I lifted my head and glanced up at him. As soon as I did, our lips connects. Large against small. Both of our lips dry from our living conditions. But that didn’t stop us from enjoying a long, sweet, passionate kiss.
As I slowly pulled away, even though I very much didn’t want to, I saw love in Daryl’s blue eyes. “We’ll be here for Beth, just as I am for you… my love.”
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Rating: Mature - Language, Mentions of Violence.
Chapter List: [1] | [2] | [3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | [7] | [8] | [9] | [10] | [11]
[AO3 Link] | [Fic Page]
“Not human. She was not human. They all knew it. Could almost feel it, but couldn’t make sense of it. That was why they were afraid. Not because of what she used to be Before. But because of what she was now.”
Having found herself serving as the right-hand to the Governor for too long, Synnove le Jacques does her best to make things right with the people of the Prison. Stuck beside her partner in crime, her irritatingly obnoxious and hideously problematic best friend, Merle, she does her best to fight back against the monster she has let the Governor become.
CHAPTER TITLE: Battle is the Want of All Man.
Hershel and Andrea’s voices cut in and out, partially obscuring the Governor’s words. But I’d heard enough.
“I don’t want your prison,” he had said. “That doesn’t sound safe at all. I mean, you lost your wife, another man… What good would that do me? Best you stay where I can keep my one good eye on you. I want Michonne. And I want my girl back. Turn them over and this all goes away.”
I clenched my teeth so hard it was a miracle they didn’t shatter into a million pieces. My girl? Since when was I “his” girl? If I hadn’t been sitting on the car bonnet next to Daryl at that moment, I probably would have launched into attack mode right then and there. Thankfully, his body was between me and the door. It gave me enough pause to think logically.
“You’ve obviously got big plans,” Rick remarked. “Like you’re the guy who’s gonna lick this thing. Bring us back from the brink. So why waste your time with a two-bit vendetta? On this one girl who decided to think for herself? Why risk it all? You could have a statue of yourself in the town square, Governor.” Rick’s low chuckle almost set the hairs on my arms upright. “Killing Michonne, obsessing over Jacques, it’s all sort of beneath you, don’t you think?”
“You could save your son,” was the Governor’s reply. “Save your daughter. Everyone you know. It’s your choice.”
The gap between the Governor’s statement and Rick’s response was almost enough to give me a fucking aneurysm.
“If I give you Michonne… If I hand over Jacques… How do I know you’ll keep your word that you’ll stop?”
He wouldn’t.
Something inside me had to believe that Rick already knew that. Even after only a few days around the man, I knew he wasn’t an idiot. You didn’t get as far as their group had with a leader that didn’t have at least an ounce of common sense.
I didn’t hear the response. Martinez said something to Sean right as the Governor’s voice filtered out through the metal door, obscuring my ability to distinguish the words. A curse escaped me, barely loud enough for even Daryl to hear.
When the Governor pulled open the door, everyone was suddenly at full attention. Daryl and I straightened from our slouched positions by the bonnet of the car, watching him as he walked past us with barely a glance in my direction. He was making a point of ignoring me, of pretending he didn’t care I was standing on the other side of this. I knew better and watched him until the very moment he climbed into their car and slammed the door shut.
Rick emerged a moment later, hand on his belt as he walked purposefully toward our own car. His face was all hard lines, eyes focused straight ahead. Not a word was exchanged between any of us as we climbed into our respective vehicles.
I shot Martinez one last, lingering look, hoping he’d see sense before things got out of hand. He gave me a small, sad smile as they pulled away from the edge of the road.
The drive back to the prison was uneventful. Rick didn’t say a word and neither did Hershel. I began to wonder whether this esteemed leader would be truthful about their exchange, if he would inform everyone that the Governor had put their lives upon the heads of Michonne and I. Was he considering it? He couldn’t truly believe the Governor would leave the prison be after all this. I refused to accept he was that stupid.
The people of Woodbury had known Philip, had trusted him. His manipulation of them was understandable. Many of them had yet to see his dark side. Rick knew only the worst of him, and I had to believe he would make his decisions accordingly.
When we arrived back at the prison, Carol and Maggie were there to open the gate. Daryl’s bike drove in first, followed closely by us. Once we had all climbed from the car, Rick called for us all to get inside.
I spotted Merle by one of the cells lining the corridor. He stood beside Michonne and straightened his back when he saw us entering the cellblock.
Rick walked down the corridor a fraction further than the rest of us, reaching into one of the open cells to retrieve a hunting rifle. He turned back to face us, looking between the gathered faces of his people with a pensive expression.
“So, I met this Governor,” he announced, sounding almost amused by the title as it rolled off his tongue. “Sat with him for quite a while.”
Merle cocked his head to the side. “Just the two of you?”
Rick nodded.
The older Dixon glanced toward me, cocking a brow. I shook my head with a deep frown, which made him scoff. He pushed off from the cell door he had been leaning on and walked across the opening before Rick, looking to his brother as he passed. “Should’ve gone when we had the chance, bro.”
He came to a stop beside me. We both looked up to Rick as he stood a step up on the staircase behind him.
“He wants the prison,” he announced.
I nodded, smiling slightly, glad he had seen through the Governor’s bullshit.
“He wants us gone… Dead. He wants us for what we did to Woodbury.”
Everyone seemed unsettled by this, shuffling in their places on the concrete floor.
“We’re going to war,” Rick said with finality, looking at each of us in turn before stepping down from the staircase and walking out of the cellblock.
The silence was almost palpable. Daryl stepped forward and looked to Merle, who looked down at me, as if questioning whether we were going to stay and fight. I gave him a tight nod, which he returned to his brother.
I was in this fight whether I was with them or not. The Governor would not allow me to live either here or there in peace. He’d want me gone, removed from the equation, so he could sleep fitfully at night. But he was fooling himself if he thought it would be that easy.
If it was war he wanted, a war he was going to get.
To say things were tense after that would be an understatement.
Merle, Michonne, and I continued to press Rick about the possibility of attacking first, to which his response had remained the same over the past day and a half. “It’s too risky,” he’d say. “There’s another way.”
Yeah, I’d think to myself. And that “way” involved handing Michonne and I over to a man who wants to shoot us in the face.
I kept that to myself. Hadn’t even told Michonne. It had been a difficult decision, whether to tell or not, but I’d come to the conclusion it was best that only one of us remained on edge. Ignorance enabled Michonne to more genuinely attempt to fit in here, to make friends of the people huddled in the cellblock. I couldn’t. Not when my attempts were spurred by that minuscule sense of doubt in the back of my mind, the thought that Rick couldn’t send me away if his people liked me. When they came up to me, I remained nothing but pleasant, but I was guarded. I didn’t want a tainted beginning to a friendship. These people deserved better than my unintentional manipulations.
Still, it was like I couldn’t help myself. Beth had been first, mostly because of the baby. In case you couldn’t tell quite yet, I had a soft spot for kids. Always have.
Merle had begun to frustrate me quite early in the day. He’d begun ripping into the mattresses throughout the cellblock, no doubt looking for some kind of hidden stash. At first, he’d asked me to literally be his “sniffer dog” and, once I’d refused, he’d given an indignant “who needs ya” before tearing into the damn things like the unrestrained idiot he was. I’d left him there, both unable and not in the mood to try and talk sense into him.
I walked out to the fenced-in section of the courtyard, intent on getting some fresh air, when I spotted Beth, sitting crossed legged on the concrete ground. In front of her was a box, and from the inside of that box, I could hear the senseless cooing sounds of little baby Judith. I hadn’t been game enough to approach her whilst Rick was around, unsure of how he’d react to my proximity to his baby girl, but Rick was nowhere to be seen – at least as far as I could tell – so I began a cautious approach. Carol was nearby, sitting on the steps leading up into another section of the cellblock. She watched me approach Beth with a narrowed, suspicious gaze.
“Hey,” I said softly, announcing my presence to Beth, who had been too enraptured by the book in her lap to notice my approach.
Her eyes, wide and blue, lifted from the pages and fixed on me curiously. Thin, blonde eyebrows pulled down slightly. “Hi. You’re Jack, right?”
“Jacques,” I responded with a little chuckle. “Like, the uh, detective in Pink Panther.”
She blinked up at me, tilting her head the slightest bit as her thin lips pulled down at the corners.
How old was she? Did she not know Pink Panther? Was I old? My God. Twenty-four wasn’t old, right? Right?
I gave her a gentle shake of my head, slowly lowering myself down into a crouch beside her. “No? What about the, um… the shrimp guy from the dentist’s tank in Finding Nemo?”
That made her eyes widen in understanding, her mouth partially opening in an “O” shape before she clucked lightly.
“That’s just my last name, though,” I added, glancing down into the box at Judith. “Le Jacques.”
Her little baby cheeks were so round, so pink. Those eyes, light green in colour, were wide and alert, as if she were listening in on every word. She looked at me for a brief moment and I smiled down at her, which made her face break out into one of those pure baby-grins as she threw her arms about in excitement.
Jesus fuck, I would die for this child.
“What’s your first name?” Beth asked me, leaning in slightly to draw my gaze from Judith.
I glanced at her, still grinning. “Synnove.”
She blinked. “What?”
“Sin-oh-vey.” I shrugged haplessly. “It’s a Norse name. My mum, she was heavy into the whole “my ancestors were Vikings” thing.”
Beth chuckled, nodding. “Oh. It’s pretty.”
I snorted, though gave her a thankful smile as I lowered myself down out of my crouch and into a sitting position. The top of the box cut off my view of the baby inside, but I got a decent look at the side of the cardboard, where someone had written “Lil Ass Kicker” in black marker. I felt my brows scrunch as I looked at it in surprise, coughing out a laugh. Adorable.
“A baby doesn’t get to choose their own name,” I remarked, gesturing to the scrawled black letters on Judith’s box. “If I’d had a choice, I might have picked that.”
Beth laughed. It was a light sound, pure and full of heart, kind of like her singing voice. Had this been a hundred years ago, I didn’t doubt she would be the exact kind of girl that one of my kind would attempt to draw into the shadows, to lure into a ring of mushrooms deep in the silent forest. Thankfully, my kind didn’t do that as often these days, too wound up with their own bullshit to worry about the humans of their neighbouring world.
“Daryl gave it to her,” Beth informed me after a moment.
That made my brows rise slightly as a smile pulled at one side of my mouth. Of course, he had. Why was I not even remotely surprised?
Beth’s own smile began to fade after a moment as she lifted herself partially out of her crossed-legged position to look down at the baby. She reached in with a thin arm, rearranging the blankets within the box with a pursed lipped frown. “Her momma died giving birth to her,” she said softly. “Carl had to – you know. That was before we knew ‘bout Woodbury. One of the prisoners that survived here, he opened the gate and let the walkers in. We all got separated. That was when it happened.”
I gave her a sad look, nodding along with her story as she sunk back down beside me. It had been a cruel world even before the dead had begun to rise. Now, it was almost as if the universe or whatever sicko God was watching over us, purposefully put everyone in the worst position possible just to watch them squirm.
“I’m sorry,” I said softly. “Sounds like you guys have had a run of bad luck lately.”
Beth bowed her head slightly, blue eyes focusing on her hands where they fidgeted in her lap. “It’s been rough. But we’ll get through. We always do.”
I smiled slightly at that. “I don’t doubt it.”
She glanced up at me, her sad look slowly fading into a smile. It was small and didn’t entirely reach her tired eyes, but it was nice to see, nonetheless.
Everything settled back into silence after that. Carol, who had been partway through cleaning the rifle now resting across her lap, had watched our entire exchange with a keen eye. I knew she wouldn’t hesitate to use that rifle on me if I’d made even the slightest of moves indicating I meant Beth or Judith harm. Something about that woman struck me as… I don’t know. Capable? Alert?
No. I knew what it was.
She was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. So well hidden beneath that wool that even I had stumbled and stuttered before figuring out what she truly was. It was impressive, honestly. Those keen eyes were the only thing that betrayed her. The way they always seemed to be watching, to be turning those little cogs inside her mind, constantly alert. The tell glow of a wolfs eyes in the darkness.
When Carol caught my scrutinising gaze, she straightened her back, her grip on the rifle slipping down slightly as if intent on pulling up and pointing it at me.
I gave her a slow, knowing grin before averting my gaze, pushing myself back up, out of my sitting position. The sound of my booted feet against the concrete was barely noticeable as I made my way back toward the cellblock door. I’d had half a thought to check in on Merle, make sure he hadn’t destroyed every mattress in the cellblock, when I felt my feet come to a sudden halt.
Voices. I could hear them coming from somewhere to my right, down near the end of the cellblock where the brick wall met the beginning of the fence. They were hushed and barely discernible, but I could tell they belonged to Rick, Hershel, and Daryl. With a glance behind me at the two women to make sure neither of them were watching, I began to slink down toward the sounds of conversation. Using the shadows cast by the tall brick building, I remained partially hidden as I approached the yard where Rick, Hershel, and Daryl stood. Silent, tightly pressed against the wall before the corner, I remained out of sight as I listened in to their voices.
“It’s the only way,” Rick was saying, his voice hushed despite the fact no one other than my nosy ass was nearby to listen in. “No one else knows.”
Daryl looked perplexedly back at the man, pursing his lips slightly in thought. His grip on the strap of his crossbow was tight, as if he were using it for a sense of comfort. “You gonna tell ‘em?” he asked.
“Not till after,” Rick responded.
It didn’t take a genius to understand what they were referring to. Rick was planning to hand Michonne and I over after all. I felt a deep sense of anger rise within me, setting my chest alight. My hands curled into fists against the brickwork of the cellblock wall and I had to take a deep breath in order to restrain myself from marching out there. How the hell could he be so stupid? Did he honestly think this was the “only way”? That the Governor wouldn’t kill us and then immediately turn on them? Where was his common sense? His police-y instincts? Why was I the only one thinking rationally here?
“We have to do it today,” Rick continued, glancing between Daryl and Hershel with a steely-eyed resolve. “It has to be quiet.”
Daryl was partially pacing back and forth, looking out to the forest beyond the gate before returning his gaze to Rick. He chewed his bottom lip indecisively for a moment before asking, “You got a plan?”
My upper lip curled up into a snarl. Seriously? Not even Little Dixon was on my side here?
“We tell them both we need to talk,” Rick answered evenly. “Away from the others.”
Daryl shook his head. “Jacques ain’t gonna fall for that. She’s clued in, man.”
Rick’s brow furrowed, his eyes narrowing at Daryl as his lips pulled tautly down at the corners. “Did you tell her?”
“No,” he answered, sounding a little offended Rick would even ask. “She knows how the douchebag operates. Probably already guessed he’d asked you to hand her over.”
That made Rick pause, a hand lifting up to rub at the scruff along his jaw. He looked to be in deep thought for a moment before meeting Daryl’s gaze with an intensive look. “Would Merle do it? Get her alone? If it were the only way we’d let him stay, would he do it?”
Daryl blinked at him in surprise. It took him a long moment to answer and I wondered exactly what was going through his mind at that moment. The question looked like it disturbed him. “Naw,” he answered plainly. “He ain’t ever been like this with no one. No way he’d give her up to the Governor.”
Rick let out a frustrated sigh, turning on the spot to look out through the fence. “Alright. One at a time, then. Michonne first. Merle will help with her, at least.”
Daryl nodded slightly, though I could see the conflict in his gaze. He didn’t like this. In fact, I was pretty sure he hated it. The idea of giving someone up to save his own life looked as if it made him almost physically ill. He took a series of deep breaths, stepping closer to Rick with a sad look. “This ain’t us, man.”
“No,” Hershel agreed. “It isn’t.”
Rick turned so he could look at the both of them, at such an angle that he was almost directly facing me. I didn’t panic, remaining as still as I could, knowing the distance between us would make it difficult to discern my body through the shadows of the building. It helped that I was wearing all black, of course.
“We do this, we avoid a fight,” he said, sounding as if he actually believed it. “No one else dies.”
That part, he said directly to Daryl. The younger Dixon still looked troubled, as if he wished someone else would say something, give them another option, but he nodded after a moment, realizing that second choice wasn’t going to come.
“Okay,” he breathed. “I’ll talk to Merle.”
“No,” Rick said quickly. “I’ll do it.”
Daryl blinked. “I’ll go with you.”
Rick shook his head. “No. Just me.”
As Rick turned to walk away, back toward the front of the cellblock, I watched Daryl’s face contort into a troubled frown. He and Hershel shared a look, after which the old man shook his head and turned to follow Rick. That left Daryl alone, standing by himself in the empty yard, staring out through the gaps in the wire fence at the forest. Once I was sure Hershel was far enough away that he wouldn’t spot me in his peripherals, I stepped out of the shadows and silently approached the younger Dixon.
One hand lifted to grip the fence, as if he needed it to keep himself steady, the other hand still tightly holding the strap of his crossbow.
He had no idea I was there. Not until I spoke.
“It’s not going to work.”
Daryl almost jumped out of his skin, spinning around so fast one of the arrows on the end of his crossbow caught in the fence. Once he realised it was just me, he let out a huff of air through his nose and looked over his shoulder, prying the arrow free with an irritated yank and stepping away from the fence with a scowl. “Get you a bell or somethin’. Jesus.”
I smirked, amused despite the situation, but it faded quickly as I repeated my initial remark. “It won’t work.”
“What won’t?” he asked, though I could tell by the way he was looking at me through narrowed eyes that he already knew what I was talking about. That I’d been listening.
“Handing Michonne over to the Governor isn’t going to placate him,” I said, matter-of-factly. “Neither of us will.”
Daryl didn’t answer. His gaze dropped to the ground by his booted feet as he chewed the inside of his lower lip.
“He won’t even kill her,” I continued. “You know that, right? Not straight away. He doesn’t function like that. Revenge isn’t a bullet to the head with him. It’s more than that – it’s just as psychological as it is physical. He’ll torture her. Probably take out an eye. Maybe both, just to make a point.”
Daryl swallowed. I watched his Adam’s apple move up and down as he squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before opening them, only to continue staring at the ground.
“Me? Fuck knows what he’ll do. I have an inkling it’ll involve a set of pliers. Don’t know why – just a feeling.” Whether it would be pliers, a hammer, or a knife, I knew he wouldn’t just put me on my knees and execute me. He needed to hurt me. To hurt Michonne. He needed to make us feel the pain we’d inflicted upon him, righteous or not. It was more than just a simple case of clearing the field. He needed to win. Needed to be on top. To have himself placed on a pedestal for the people of Woodbury that believed he had defeated the enemy, despite the fact, somewhere in that rotted skull of his, he knew we were an enemy he had created.
“I’m sorry,” Daryl breathed after a moment, still not meeting my eye.
I smiled softly, despite myself. He looked like a scolded child. It made my heart ache in my chest. “Don’t stress it,” I responded, waving a hand dismissively. “Rick’s just trying to minimize the bloodshed. I don’t blame him. Or you.”
That made him look up. His brow was furrowed, the muscles in his neck tensed with his deep, troubled frown. Despite the fact he said nothing, I could tell there was some sense of relief inside him. As if my acknowledgement of the lack of blame I regarded him with had set his mind somewhat at ease.
“If this is what you all think is best,” I said softly, looking out to the forest with a small frown. “I’ll go. I won’t fight it. I’ll tell Merle not to, either, and he won’t. But you and Rick both need to understand that this will not amount to anything. The only thing you’ll accomplish here is the removal of two competent fighters from the board. Two that are standing on your side.”
Daryl breathed heavily through his nose, the skin on his forehead wrinkled as he looked back at me with a sad, helpless frown. He swallowed again before nodding, chewing the inside of his lower lip before turning to make his way up the path Rick had disappeared down.
God. How had it come to this so fast? I needed to find Merle. Convince him not to help. To at least attempt to talk some sense into Rick. Lord knew, he wouldn’t do it on his own inclination. That was the way he was. Obeying the orders, doing the dirty jobs with little question. That was how I used to be, too. How had I become the one looking at things from the outside?
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boltthrutheheart · 5 years
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For Beth Greene who deserved so much better. #Avengethefallen
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drewsb12 · 5 years
#thewalkingdead #twd #twdedit #walkingdead #bethgreene #emilykinney #bethyl #daryldixon #carlgrimes #rickgrimes #hershelgreene #maggiegreene #judithgrimes https://www.instagram.com/p/BtoqUzdoSMr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=soar6jbn47z8
"You're gonna miss me so bad when I'm gone, Daryl Dixon." _Beth Greene.
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wheelnutdotnet · 6 years
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Killer combo
Norman Reedus(Daryl Dixon), Jeffrey Morgan(Negan)
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stolenxkissess · 6 years
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nordinor · 6 years
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Beth, Walking Dead @etsy #drawing #art #graphite #pencil #beth #walkingdead #TWD #emilykinney #etsy #etsygifts #etsyfinds
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skylarkd · 4 years
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DOLL SALE!! #walkingdead all dolls are on sale!! Message me for pricing!! #catonthemoon #ooakdoll #beth #michonne #rickgrimes #carlgrimes #abraham #eugen #neegan #tyrese #thewalkingdead #zombie https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Dy-wgDhOI/?igshid=15sfgov16mdgy
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Beth and Daryl were the cutest things ever, I still miss Beth, I couldn’t stop crying while making this, because when Daryl cries, we all cry.
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camilladerricoart · 6 years
Daryl’s my fav zombee slayer!! Who’s yours? 🖤 I made NEW colored #WalkingDead postcard sets for my #Spooktacular Etsy release, thecamillastore.etsy.com (link is in the bio 😘) along with more creepy goodies and more zombees! 🐝💀 Oh! And don’t forget next month I release a new chapter of my Walking Dead #FanFiction “Loss and Gain” on Patreon.com/Camilladerrico 😙 I wrote an entire new story after the mid season 5 finale. In my version Beth survives and she and Daryl kick ass and there’s a lot more zombie madness! I think we can all agree that’s how it SHOULD be 😹 Zombiehugs and creepysquishes you guys!!
#Bethyler #BethylForLife #Bethyl #TeamDelusional #Halloween #TWD #TheWalkingDead #DarylDixon #Bee #Brains #CamilladErrico #zombieslayer
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Rhee & Greene Family added... With Maggie, Hershel, Beth and Glenn added to my 23.4 x 16.5 inch collage. Hopefully be finished to display at my table on Artist Alley at @walkrstalkrcon London... @steveyeun @laurencohan @emmykinney @scottwilson1942 @amcthewalkingdead @amctalkingdead @amc_tv @fandomartsharing #amcthewalkingdead #thewalkingdead #walkingdead #twd #glennrhee #stevenyuen #maggierhee #maggiegreene #laurencohan #bethgreene #emilykinney #hershelgreene #scottwilson #twdcollage #twdfanart #fanart #fandomartsharing #tonyblakesart (at Tony Blake's Art) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtOrLudBVAi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ndcbi25fee2p
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walkingdeadnews · 2 years
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Carls little crush on Beth isn’t talked about enough, so wholesome! #The WalkingDead
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omarbutt2014 · 4 years
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The Walking Dead: Season 4 (2014) The world has changed immensely, but the group try to hold on to traditional values and maintain a world they knew. All of that is about to change with the return of a familiar face. Season 4 is a real mixed season. On one hand it can be amazing, with some high octane battle sequences, horrific gore, and some of the deepest and darkest emotional decisions that the group have ever had to make. However on the flip side of being great it can also be at its worst with some tedious and drawn out filler that could have easily been cut or combined into episodes to make a shorter season. It gives some new characters a time to shine, but makes long winded work of it. Season 4 sees a development in many characters, in ways that you probably wouldn’t expect, some maintain their personality and others seem to lose theirs. I get some of the changes for the development of the story, however some feel a little forced. Again, Mr McCreary does a fantastic job on the score, needless to say. The country ballads are maybe a little overkill on this and we are almost watching a Beth Greene concert promotion at times. Overall, for consistency Season 4 doesn’t quite reach the heights of its previous seasons. It’s still a solid season though, and when it’s at its best it produces some truly remarkable scenes. You just have to sit through some clear filler that’s less captivating than usual to get there! #WalkingDead #TheWalkingDead #TheWalkingDeadSeason4 #WalkingDeadSeason4 #WalkingDeadReview #WalkingDeadSeason4Review #TheWalkingDeadSeason4Review #Omareviews #TWD #RickGrimes #DarylDixon #TVShow #SeriesReview #TvShowReview #Michonne #CarlGrimes #TheGovernor #TWDReview #TWDFamily #AmazonPrime https://www.instagram.com/p/CD55kKHlnvX/?igshid=yrffbm3u6gcr
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aarondockery1738 · 5 years
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Here’s a picture of Beth Greene from the walking dead enjoy. #thewalkingdead #walkingdead #thewalkingdeaddrawing #drawings #art #bethgreene #facedrawing #facesketch #sketch https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Vm3YoF07_/?igshid=3xv2nxmtwh83
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