#Bastion was pretty but okay
cervidaedalus · 2 years
I'm a firm believer that nothing happened before or after MoP. Warlords of who? Wrath of the what? Legion? I don't know her. But I change that, Ardenweald is the only thing that exists outside of MoP.
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punkrogue · 27 days
some fucking idiot: when we say "magneto was right" we're saying he's right about society and shit not supporting his terrorist actions
me: don't lump in with your cowardly ass i'm in full throated support of his terrorism. sentinels, purifiers, the mardies etc are all real and exist and want mutants dead and literally no one gives a single shit. they'd rather pass the mutant registration act and make "scaly lives matter" jokes on twitter then help stop the genocide of mutants. it's a good thing actually he's blowing shit up and he should do more of it actually.
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lunarspiral1127 · 1 month
X-Men 97 episode 8 *SPOILERS*
Not gonna lie, I busted out laughing when I watched his origin story. This is the second time an antagonist had to wait for a couple to make a child and use said child for their plans. Nimrod was lucky that the guy he infected was in a relationship. Plus, I thought it was gonna make Bastion sympathetic due to his childhood flashbacks, but nope.
So, he made a Utopia for humans, but the mutants are enslaved. Saw old Polaris and the Phoenix. But, what bugs me is that he claims that many of the humans consented to be turned into Prime Sentinels without knowing all the details and won't have any memory of being turned. I find it hard to believe that every single one of them would've consented, especially his elderly mother. Dude omitted many details and I'm pretty sure he turned some of them without them knowing. Plus, I'm still mad at him for killing Gambit.
Cameos of Dr. Doom and Zemo (hydra n@zi Zemo, not the MCU version). Wasn't expecting to see them being members of OZT.
Mr. Sinister's just in it for the mutant experimentation.....y'know what? I shouldn't be surprised with that reason why he "teamed up" with Bastion. More test subjects.
Summers Family
Not gonna lie, I was really annoyed with the drama between Cable and Scott. If this was comics Scott, I can understand why Cable's giving him the cold shoulder. But, this Scott didn't wanna abandon Nathan like his dad did to him! It was Madelyn that gave him to Bishop. So, if Scott was there with her, things would've been cool?! God, I'm so sick of this drama. Thank goodness that it didn't last long and that Jean stopped them from escalating it further.
Summers family vs. Prime Sentinels was pretty cool. I like that father/son fistbump, which means things will get better between the two.
It's funny that Jean's being the mom at Cable who's like this big man in his 50s.
Also, Jean and Scott's relationship is getting better which is a relief.
Once again, precious boy and MVP. What he said to Jean was really nice. He's always been there as someone's shoulder to lean and cry on. When he talked about Mystique, I felt so bad for him. Honestly, I hated what she did to him just because he was born that way. In the 90s show, she did feel guilt for what she did when Nightcrawler talked to her. But, I still didn't like her for what she did to him. However, with all the words and hugs he's given to others, I hope he has someone who'd give him words and hugs too. He also needs a shoulder to lean and cry on too.
SWASHBUCKLING NIGHTCRAWLER HELL YEAH!!! I've been waiting to see him use swords and it was worth the wait. Him teaming up with Wolverine was really cool. Plus, seeing how his teleporting works was cool too. Love that he was protecting his sister, and I'm glad that we got something with him and Logan cause we haven't had anything like that since he first appeared.
Why the hell would he let the reporter stay in?! Even if she's not doing her job, she's shouldn't be involved! It has nothing to do with her, plus, I'm pretty sure he revealed a lot of classified information that only the X-Men should be allowed to hear and see. Dammit, Beast. And, dammit Morph for letting her in too.
*sigh* Anyone else think, he's been done dirty in this episode? Cause having her stay in there got his butt kicked. Sure, he didn't know that she was a Prime Sentinel, but they do know the possibility that any human could be one, right? Now, Beast is knocked out along with Rogue, who hasn't woken up still.
Jubilee and Roberto
Okay, so they are gonna be part of the main plot, good. I was worried that they were gonna be sidelined, especially Jubilee.
His mom is a beech. She sold her son out to the Prime Sentinels and didn't believe him and for what? Her reputation?! Man, f**k this beech, she sucks. Poor Roberto though.
Finally using his powers more than once! I counted four times in this whole series so far of when he used them. It's also something that annoys me about the character. He said that he was training in the Danger Room to surprise Jubilee, but why couldn't we have seen that?! Why couldn't we have Roberto training with one of the X-Men's help and see him develop his abilities?! Hell, have Jubilee be there to train him! That way we could've seen more of his abilities and see him grow more and have him interact with other characters, bonding with them. Not just Jubilee. Maybe have him open up to when he first awakened his powers and why he wants to hide them, instead of just telling us.
On the plus side, they should be okay thanks to Magneto's magnetic EMP ability. Speaking of which....
I'm glad he didn't get turned into a Prime Sentinel, but I still don't understand how Bastion and Mr. Sinister got his hands on him from Genosha. That blast should've killed him along with the Morlocks. I don't even think it's gonna be explained how they captured him.
His prisoner numbers....yeesh. 😬
The one good thing that Cooper did. Letting him go and realizing that he was right. Aside from that, f**k her. Seriously, was the only good human (regular human, not enhanced) shown in this was Moira?! Cause that's what it feels like.
Now, I was confused at first with what Magneto did, but I think he went to the North or South Poles and used the Earth's magnetic field which is strongest there to cause a worldwide blackout, disabling all the Prime Sentinels. Not killing them, mind you. All while in his underwear, too.
Honestly, I wouldn't blame him if he wages war. He tried to be good. He tried to respect Xavier's dream. But, look what happened. So, I wouldn't blame him if he did this.
HOWEVER! I like that Magneto was good. Part of me doesn't want him to go back to his old ways cause that's gonna be more conflict between him and Xavier. Plus, only Logan claimed that Magneto waged war. If he did, he would've killed the Prime Sentinels, but he didn't. If anything, he'd be waging war on Bastion since he's the one responsible. But, yeah, I'm sorry Xavier. You're cool and all, but Magneto was right.
I mentioned Zemo, Doctor Doom, Future Polaris and Future Phoenix. But there were much more.
Omega Red and the Silver Samurai, but one that made me so excited to see......SPIDER-MAN!!! I was so happy to see 90s Spider-Man. I know many would want a sequel to the animated series, but we'll have to wait and see.
The rest I wanna talk/rant about
Professor X shows up finally, but I got miffed when he said "I hope I'm not too late". CHARLES! YOU ARE VERY VERY LATE!!! I know space travel takes time, but COME ON! He better do something real quick to help stop all this crap that's been happening. Dunno how, but it better be something good.
By the way, I'm still annoyed with that black hole excuse. Why couldn't he just contact Scott and the others and stay in touch with them right when he was fully recovered or was well enough?
WHERE THE HELL IS STORM?!?!?! I know she's with Forge, but you'd think the moment she heard about Genosha, she'd head back home flying. She'll probably show up next week, but it's been like two episodes since she got her powers back. Is her not being there sooner a choice the writers made cause if she was there, the fight with the Prime Sentinels would've been over quicker? *sigh* I just wanna see one of my favorites come back and kick some butt like she used too.
I dunno if Forge is gonna come back with Storm, but I hope he does. I want him to help with this Bastion mess. Plus, he did take a photo with him, which has me worried that he was connected somehow but I hope not. It also would be cool, if he contacted the rest of X-Factor and meet up with the X-Men and team up. But, I don't think that's gonna happen.
So, Bishop is definitely out of the picture for the rest of this season, which is bullcrap. It would've been cool to have him and Cable work together again like before along with the X-Men. But, instead, the excuse was they got separated from the time stream. So, we don't even know if he's okay or if he's lost again, or if he actually made it back home. God, I feel like his character's purpose of the show was to help create another characters origin.
Okay, I think that's pretty much it. It was a good episode, even though I did rant on a lot of stuff. We'll see how parts 2 and 3 play out in the next two weeks and hope that the finale will stick the landing.
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froggyteehee · 1 month
Okay, I just watched ep 7 of X-Men '97. My thoughts:
First off, Rogue DESERVED to be angry. She lost Magneto (not really) and Gambit. She needed to feel that anger and let it out.
I feel like we all predicted that Magneto was still alive. But him being held captive by Bastion? That was not on my X-Men Bingo (Bastion's voice though😳)
I loved the whole Nightcrawler comfort thing for Rogue. That was actually really heartwarming but also heartbreaking cause she's so sad.
And finally, the whole Roberto thing. Not really much to be said. It's nice that his mom accepted him as a mutant and the whole "keeping my son being a mutant" thing private makes sense from a business standpoint, even if it's slightly infuriating.
Pretty good episode. Need the boy back tho
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soriku endgame: an imagining
i was rewatching vin play RE2 and fsr this invaded my thoughts and wouldnt leave
this is barely proofread and i reused a lot of the same words/phrases BUT its just meant to be an outline/abridged version so keep that in mind
(if i got any lore wrong tho pls let me know)
btw if you dont want to read this on tumblr for whatever reason, heres a link to the google doc
note: this is going off the assumption MoM saw everything (or at least everything soriku) through the gazing eye
scene is quadratum probably. master of masters (or whoever the bad guy in kh4 is) has sora and riku caught in a bad situation (for temporary visuals im picturing something similar to the dark guardian restraining aqua and ven in kh3)
sora and riku are struggling to break free, while the MoM just laughs. some kh dramatic banter occurs, before MoM changes the subject and starts monologuing (with sora and riku probably interjecting here and there)
MoM: [to sora] you still havent figured it out yet, have you?
MoM: dont you ever wonder why rikus heart holds as vast of a darkness as it does?
MoM: its not because of jealousy, or ansem, or even his desire for strength since you were children.
MoM: no, its much simpler than that.
MoM: remember that dream you had, sora? before the islands were destroyed?
MoM: there was a voice speaking to you, from deep within your heart:
MoM: 'the closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.'
MoM: well, the road goes both ways, kid. the deepest of darknesses can only come from the brightest of lights.
sora: wh-what are you saying?
MoM: its been in front of all along, but you were too blind to see it.
cut to voiceless flashbacks of all the times sora encountered the brightest light: when receiving the keyblade, when almost pulled out of sleep by the memory of aqua on DI, during the dive to heart at the beginning of kh3 (assuming it really happened and wasnt just for gameplay purposes), and after using the power of waking at the KBG (the tunnel scene)
sora looks at riku, then back at MoM. riku is grimacing.
sora: that… that was… that was rikus light?
MoM: bingo!
MoM: but theres even more to it than that.
MoM: theres another force of power in this universe that keeps light and dark in harmony
sora: another…?
MoM: you feel an unfathomable depth of it in your heart for, well, pretty much everyone youve ever met.
MoM: what lies in rikus heart, however, comes from the same place, but is also very, very different. its something you claim to not understand, even though youve encountered it many times during your adventures.
rikus eyes widen and he tries to interject, but the MoM physically stops him; sora calls out for him
MoM: its more than just friendship. its hearts that are really, truly connected between two people.
MoM: think about it. think about all the times when everything seemed hopeless, but something, something, kept the bad guys from winning. it wasnt light.
cut to voiceless flashbacks between many of the disney couples sora has met: the beast arriving at hollow bastion out of sheer force of will in his search for belle, flynn sacrificing himself for rapunzel and her tears bringing him back to life (some shit with will/elizabeth and sam/quorra too maybe idk), and finally, herc gaining his strength back as he rescues megara from styx, followed by herc saying, 'people always do crazy things when theyre in love.'
sora stares ahead at nothing in particular, before wincing in pain; suddenly, a forgotten memory surfaces in his mind (if the convo with NS confirms he hasnt completely forgotten, then its the key details that have been missing):
rikus sacrifice in the KBG
riku calls out for him and struggles, but MoM just laughs so more.
MoM: there, now its coming back to you. and that wasnt the only time riku sacrificed everything for you, yknow, although it was probably the most heroic instance. remember him taking on ansems form to beat roxas? and his dive into your heart to wake you from slumber, despite the tremendous danger? you only met her briefly, but one of the princesses of heart experienced something very similar.
MoM: aurora. maleficent placed a curse on her when she was a baby, causing the princess and the rest of the kingdom to fall into a deep sleep on her 16th birthday. but the heir to a nearby kingdom, prince phillip, valiantly fought his way to the castle, and woke up the sleeping beauty– through a kiss. a kiss, of true… 
MoM trails off and looks at riku, then back at sora, expectantly. riku is still struggling to free himself before the truth is revealed, but its no use.
sora stares off again, before looking MoM in the eyes.
sora: … love…?
MoM does jazz hands and poses.
MoM: ding ding ding ding! we have a winner! it only took you, what, 12, 13 years to figure it out? honestly, i just couldnt stand watching it go on for any longer.
MoM: but, hey, i still have my honor. if im wrong, im more than happy to apologize.
MoM turns to riku then.
MoM: well? am i wrong, riku?
riku doesnt respond, and MoM sighs dramatically.
MoM: still no answer? okay, guess well have to do this the hard way.
MoM starts hurting sora, causing him to cry out in pain while riku watches helplessly 
MoM: come on, riku! do it! use your true strength! unleash the power hidden within your heart!
sora gasps and winces, barely getting out rikus name 
suddenly, theres a bright flash of pink energy (maybe rikus eyes also turn dream eater pink too?)
(if the power of love is too cheesy even for kh, then maybe its a black and white darkness/light combo attack)
riku breaks free of whatever MoM did to him, and then channels the energy through his arm, blasting it through soras restraints.
unfortunately, sora was being held in the air, and starts to fall– but in the blink of eye, riku is there to catch him in his arms.
MoM laughs in triumph and draws back slightly.
MoM: there we go!
MoM then shrugs.
MoM: well, this was fun, but ive got places to be. and im sure you two have a lot to talk about. toodles!
MoM disappears, leaving sora and riku in stunned silence.
after a moment, riku sets sora down and turns away from him, avoiding soras gaze.
sora meanwhile takes a second to catch his breath, before staring at riku with wide eyes.
sora: r… riku… is… is that...? is that really… how you feel?
riku clenches his fists at his sides and stays turned away. after a pause, he responds.
riku: … even if it is, it doesnt matter.
sora: what do you mean?
riku: i know… im not the one for you.
riku takes a deep breath.
riku: … when you were put to sleep for a year to fix your memories, some of them found their way into xion. they happened to be your most important memories– the ones you couldnt wake up without.
riku: those… were your memories of kairi. and xion took on her appearance because of them.
sora is stunned, only having been vaguely made aware of what happened in that year.
sora: k… kairi?
riku nods solemnly.
riku: yeah. and the only reason your memories got messed with in the first place is because the organization forced namine to make herself the person most important to you, instead of kairi.
sora pauses.
sora: you mean… castle oblivion.
riku nods again.
sora watches, before feeling a pain in his heart and grabbing at his chest instinctively.
underneath his hand, he can feel the cold metal of his crown necklace.
and thats when it finally clicks.
everything blurs, and theres a sudden rush of memories.
(maybe a memory sequence that you actually play through?)
sora, holding kairis wayfinder in castle oblivion. suddenly, the memory gets static-y, like during soras memory restoration.
cut to namine confessing to sora shes not the girl he cares about– but every time the word is feminine, its distorted by video static. (this is how we fix the aitsu thing)
"no. the g̸͓̦͙̫̮̦̠͗͐͗̊͑̕͝i̷͖̝̝̱̐ͅͅŗ̸̄̆̓̆̊̄̿l̶̮͉̦͓͔̹̀̂͗͝ͅ you care about...the one who was always with you... its not me. its ḧ̴̳͔��̾̇e̵͚͂̀r̸̺̣̠̓̂̀̚."
cut to namine speaking to sora before he goes to sleep.
“but theres another promise you made—a promise to someone you could never replace. s̵̹̀͗͜h̷͇͇͌̆̐e̷̡̛̱'̷̦̆s̵̫͖̦̄̈̄ your light. the light within the darkness. if you can remember h̷̼̼̜͚͒e̸̢̡̤̹̬͖͐̒͒̾r̸͓̣̜̼̜̠͚͂̋̃...all the memories lost in the shadows of your heart will come into the light."
cut to a flashback of repliku talking about their shared promise. again, the feminine words are indecipherable.
"there was a meteor shower one night when s̶̳̄͑̆̅̆͗h̴͍̞͖͙͑̔̋̈́̎̈̾ę̷̧̰̰̖̝͆̆̕̚ and i were little... n̸̨̙̼͑̽ả̴̗͕̮́͊͝m̴̻̳͚̒i̸̳̟͑n̶̡̥̋̑̌é̸͍̦͑͐͋́ got scared and said, what if a shooting star hits the islands? so i told ḧ̷̡̬̽̅͆̊ė̸̙̩̠̥̿̃̚͠r̶̛̥̻̖̉̾̽͝, if a shooting star comes this way, ill protect you! and then—"
cut back to the memory pod.
"look at the g̴̬͛̄̚͘ŏ̴̞̙̰̍͂̀ö̴̘̥̗̱̐͋͆ͅď̷̨͙̙̩̓́͝ ̸̢̋̈́̂̚ļ̷̯̥̲̪̐̋͌̾̚ṵ̵̼̥̥͖̎c̸̱̟̹̚ķ̸̭̱̖̓̇ͅ ̷͇̳̃̑́͑͐͜ͅc̸̢̤̈̈́̊̚̕h̵̙̗̓͊̾ͅą̷̣̮̞̾̈́r̶̜̜͓̥̀́͋͝m̸̺̖͈̖͓̊̀̕. i changed its shape when i changed your memory. but when you thought of ẖ̴͚̙̆ȅ̴̡̛̞̲̥̼̋͐r̸̹̱̐, it went back to the way it was."
finally, a few more lines from namine.
"remembering one thing leads to remembering another, and then another... your memories are connected, like links in a chain. those same chains are what anchor us all together. i dont destroy memories. i just take apart the links and rearrange them. you still have all your memories."
cut back to sora in the real world. everything is still blurry, but now rikus voice can be heard in the background calling for him, distorted.
and then, a flash of light.
nighttime. its still. everything is quiet and peaceful.
young sora and riku are walking back from the beach.
suddenly, theres a bright streak across the sky. 
sora and riku both gasp.
then, another. and another. and another.
the night of the meteor shower.
riku watches the sky in amazement– until he feels a tug on his arm.
he glances at his side and sees sora, utterly terrified and clinging on to him for dear life.
sora: wahhhh!! r-r-riku, the sky is falling!!
riku laughs.
riku: no, those are shooting stars. theyre way up high in the sky.
sora however is not convinced, and keeps shaking as tears start to well up in his eyes.
sora: b-but…! theres so many of them. and theyre so fast!! what if a shooting star hits the islands?!
the reality of soras mood finally sets in, and riku is left staring as he tries to think of what to do.
hanging from his pocket is his wooden sword.
the words of the man with the real sword echo in his mind:
“no more borders around, or below, or above, so long as you champion the ones you love."
riku grabs his sword then and holds it up to the sky as he looks at sora, courage glinting in his eyes.
riku: if a shooting star comes this way, ill protect you! ill hit it right back into outer space!
sora sniffles as he watches riku swing the sword around.
sora: r-really?
riku nods his head confidently.
riku: i will. i promise!
after a moment of thought, riku reaches into his pocket and pulls out a silver chain with a crown dangling from the end.
riku: here. take this. i found it the other day.
with the magic of cutscene, riku somehow turns the chain into a necklace, and then reaches over to hang it around soras neck.
riku: whenever you get scared, all you have to do is look at this, and remember that ill always be there to protect you. no matter what.
tears run down soras face as he looks at the necklace.
the voice of the strange girl theyd met before rings through his mind:
"so then if something happens, and riku is about to get lost—or say, he starts wandering down a dark path alone—you make sure to stay with him and keep him safe. thats your job, sora, and im counting on you to do it, okay?"
sora gulps and then reaches out to grab rikus free hand in both of his own. riku is surprised by this.
sora: ill… ill protect you too! i-i know im not as strong as you, but ill… ill try! i promise!
riku is taken aback for a moment, before he smiles gently at sora.
riku: … thanks, sora.
afterward, a multitude of quick flashbacks to all the times sora and riku protected each other, culminating in seeing the KBG sacrifice one more time.
fade to back.
in a hotel room (or smth similar), sora suddenly sits up straight in a bed, heart beating rapidly.
sora: riku!
(paralleling when riku called out for him after waking up from the dive into his heart in ddd)
riku has been seated at the edge of the bed, waiting and worrying. when he realizes soras awake, he scoots down the bed towards him.
riku: sora! youre okay!
after catching his breath, sora looks around the room, confused.
sora: … what… happened?
riku: you passed out, so i brought you here. how are you feeling?
sora puts a hand to his head, grimacing slightly at his pulsing headache. but that doesnt matter right now.
sora: im… im fine. listen, riku… i saw… i saw some of the things that happened at CO.
rikus eyes widen.
riku: you did?
sora: yeah. i saw you… well, a version of you. and namine. namine…
sora looks into rikus eyes.
sora: she… she was wrong. or… maybe i was wrong, and she just played along for my sake…
riku: huh? what are you talking about?
sora swallows as his voice starts shaking, just a little.
sora: kairi… kairi wasnt the one most special to me. you were. i remember… i remember the night of the meteor shower.
sora clutches at the crown necklace.
sora: all this time, id thought id remembered everything important… but i forgot about it. [sighs] im sorry, riku
riku stays quiet for a moment, before putting on a forced smile.
riku: its fine, sora. we were little kids.
sora frowns.
sora: but… you never forgot, did you?
riku shrugs, and theres a moment of silence between them, before riku speaks again.
riku: maybe i was the one most important to you back then, but its not the same now. thats alright. im just happy to be your friend. i know how you feel about kai-
sora suddenly moves forward, closer to riku, now yelling as he cuts him off.
sora: i get to decide how i feel, riku! its my heart!
riku is taken aback at the shouting, and stares in shock. sora realizes hes gotten loud, and takes a moment to calm down.
dearly beloved starts to play in the bg
sora: i… i know now. maybe it took me a long time, but… i figured it out. the person most important to me… all along, its been you.
riku freezes up in pure shock. he cant believe what hes hearing. hed talked himself out of hoping for this day long ago.
sora finally smiles again.
sora: youre the one i love.
(paralleling prince eric with ariel)
riku is absolutely speechless, staring at sora with his mouth agape.
sora gives riku a sheepish grin, now growing nervous at the lack of a response.
sora: and… im the one you love… right?
after a second, riku returns soras smile– and, for the very first time in the series, starts crying.
he nods, shakily.
riku: … yeah. yeah, i do. i always have.
riku wipes at his eyes to stop crying, but its futile. the tears flow even harder.
sora feels himself start crying, too, but hes laughing at the same time.
he pulls riku into a hug, grabbing his upper back tightly.
without any hesitation whatsover, riku returns the embrace, holding onto sora in the same way.
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(like so [sora in orange, riku in teal])
fade to black.
then they kill the MoM, get married, and live happily ever after. the end. :)
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love balancing light and dark is largely taken from these tags by @osrinlore on this video of mine btw:
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britishassistant · 3 months
Soul Searching (AKA Yuu’s really going through it)
Now that you’re more…lucid, let’s fill in some of the gaps, shall we?
So, your soulmate. Very pretty, but not exactly the bastion of kindness and charity he’d presented himself as.
No, turns out your soul can only find its match in the kind of man who will mind control you and keep you prisoner so he can engineer the symptoms of an overblot in order to become Dorm Head, only to overblot himself after you steal his magic pen and bring in the Octavinelle trio to try and keep him from mind controlling anyone else.
“I didn’t know who could accept the food you and Kalim brought from Scarabia, so I decided to give it to Azul-senpai for Monstro Lounge instead.” You take no small amount of glee in informing Viper-senpai. “He gave me this present to give to you in return. Apparently it’s a good luck charm that will guarantee bad finances for our opponents.”
“I thought there were to be no curses under this roof,” Schoenheit-senpai mutters into his water.
“No curses from you or anyone else in the NRC tribe, senpai.” You correct. “If Azul-senpai or anyone else outside Ramshackle wants to give us their support, it would be rude to turn it down, right?”
“Aah, beauté!” Hunt-senpai proclaims. “The bond between soulmates, allowing them to work in unison and support one another in their endeavors…truly, this is pure beauté! A hundred points!”
You’re not entirely sure how Hunt-senpai worked out Azul-senpai and Viper-senpai were soulmates, but you can’t quite stifle your snickering when Viper-senpai drops his present back into the bag with a muttered, “Sure, that’s what this is.”
You realize something then.
In all your time at Night Raven College, not once have you ever seen the dorm head of Ignihyde in person. His tablet, yes, but never the boy behind the screen.
Not until now, that is.
“Fuck off is that your hair color.” You blurt. “That’s. That’s amazing, what color even is that? It’s so bright.”
Idia Shroud is making an odd, slightly wheezing noise that’s rising in pitch the longer he stares at you.
“I’d rather be wrong and be thought of as a weirdo who gives bad advice about their soulmate than right and let Tsunotaro get hurt because I didn’t say anything.” You insist, fingers squeezing around your mug. “I just—! I need him to be okay.”
Oh, Seven.
You do need that, don’t you?
The thought of him not being okay, of being in danger, of being exposed to the very things you’ve been fighting so hard for so long…it steals the air from your lungs. It makes you feel sick to the pit of your stomach. It makes your mind recoil from the very concept.
You feel all those things about Ace and Deuce and Grim and Jack, of course, how could you not, but they’re so much less intense than when you think about Tsunotaro, clumsy, oblivious, proud, sweet Tsunotaro getting in any way involved with an overblot. Not because your friends don’t matter to you, of course they do, of course, but—!
Oh Seven, you’re in love.
You’re in love with a man who isn’t your soulmate.
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auteurdelabre · 4 months
“SLEEP” - Joel Miller x f!Reader
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summary: A stranger becomes your passenger heading into the desert at night.
rating: 18+
Words: 2.2k
Tags: I can’t do tags cuz of spoilers, but if you don’t like creepy scary stuff I suggest you scroll past.
a/n: Had this story brewing in my head for months, finally put pen to paper… or fingers to keyboard if you prefer.
Your vehicles kiss before you do. 
Baked against the asphalt your sandals slap against the unforgiving terrain. A long day of processing car rentals for tourists who are just dying to see The Alamo while wearing stiff felt cowboy hats. 
Walking around the perimeter of dented Kia's as men with greasy smiles ogle your ass and call you sweetheart.  
And finally changing out of your polyester uniform and into your denim skirt and softest band t-shirt as you prepare to head home silently willing the AC in your car to magically come back to life in the eight hours since you're shift started.
Like some dark blue bastion amongst the neutral sea of cream colored vehicles sits the blue truck. 
The blue truck that was there at six this morning. The truck that you assumed would be gone by the time you got off your shift. The truck that you'd slid in next to tightly because it was parked in your spot and with little sleep and no coffee in your system that had pissed you off.
"Parked pretty close there," comes the lazy drawl of the wide shoulder-ed man leaning against the hood of The Blue Truck.  
He's beautiful in that modern cowboy sort of way that some men wear with ease and others like a costume. The kind of quiet masculinity that comes with broad shoulders and oversized hands. His green t-shirt is sweat-soaked around the neck, under the arms, a thin strip of dark green down his spine. 
He looks approachable and formidable all at once. Like those creatures in the zoo that you long to pet and kiss, but know that in an instant you would be eviscerated by their razor sharp fangs and claws. 
You don't offer anything other than a simple nod, a brief thing that might have been nothing at all as you shuffle to the driver’s side of your shitty car with its dents along the fender and rust spots around the wheels. One of those things that look okay far away but up close you can see the damage, a symbolism you are both too familiar and revolted by. 
The man watches you from behind aviators tinted the same shade as the truck.
"Your car?"
"Sure hope so," you tell him in a voice that says don't push me under a veneer of pleasant plumes like sickly perfume.  
His eyes are hidden behind those tinted sunglasses but you know they'll be sharp like the edge of a razor glints. You don't need to see them to know they travel your body like a road map picking out destinations along the way. You imagine the curve of your breast is a landmark he wants to pull over and stay awhile. 
He sucks his teeth as you force yourself into your car, exhaling sharply at the muggy heat envelops you. You feel the man's eyes on you as you prepare to twist the key into the ignition. You consider leaving without another word, letting this moment linger on the periphery of flirtation. 
But you've always been greedy for more.
The man is still watching you, brow rising as you roll down the passenger window. 
"You wanna grab a drink?"
Sweat drips down your back, down your temples, down the valley of your breasts. Every second the ticks by a held breath, an anticipation of rejection. 
His duffel bag is retrieved from the bed of his truck and tossed into your back seat with a thwump. 
His shoulder touches yours in the small cabin of your car. The key twists, the same motion you hope to use on his cock later. The vehicle rumbles awkwardly to life, wheezing and gasping as it takes off into the sun-drenched afternoon. 
The windows are lowered before you even make it out of the parking lot. The sun begins to set in the lazy meander to the bar. 
"Should probably know your name," you muse as the passing landmarks grow fuzzy.
The radio dial is moved to a crackling station that reminds you of a time before life got too loud. A time with hushed voices and homemade peanut butter cookies that stuck to the roof of your mouth. You hum lowly, eyes peeking to see Joel's curious expression. 
"Old car, old shirt, old tunes," the deep voice makes note. 
"I like older things," you say with curled lips that urge him to parse the double meaning. "Always have."
He hums an amused reply, dark eyes sliding like a snake over your features. When he smiles it doesn't reach both sides at the same time. It curls a little to the left, giving him a smirk that dances on the edge of playful. 
"What else d'ya like?"
It's overt and vulgar and it sends a thread of desire through your center that knots directly below your pussy and tugs brutally. 
"Seems we have a lot in common," the man says with a smile that shows his pearly teeth. Teeth too perfect for the rest of his tanned face. 
You drive on past the city limits with wind that combs through your hair like a mother's gentle soothe, not that you would know from experience. It's the information you've gleaned from paperbacks with yellowed pages or movies with string based soundtracks.
"You mind if we hit up this bar I like?" You ask in a voice of cherries and cream, sour and sweet. "S'a little further out."
"Don't mind at all," Joel rumbles huskily with a voice that drizzles down your spine like sweet molasses. "Got nowhere to be."
"Makes two of us."
You move down the highway in your shitty car like a blood clot. You take the long way, enjoying how the chill of the encroaching night starts to slip under your skin. A familiar stretch of barren desert greets you like an old friend, heralding you from the empty highway. 
"Isolated," Joel says in a voice that sounds almost amused as you park under a familiar tree. "Thought you wanted a drink."
"Not so thirsty after all," you drawl as you unbuckle your seat belt. His is already off or maybe it was never on to begin with. 
He watches you from behind his sunglasses with all the still of a rattlesnake, coiled and waiting to strike. When you crawl into his lap and suck his tongue into your mouth he retracts his fangs, trading venom for the sweetness of your saliva. 
In the reflection of his sunglasses you could be drowning. When you tear them off his face you swim in the warmth of his dark eyes instead. 
"Pretty," you murmur, noting the pupils blown wide, giving you a warped view of your tired face. 
When you slide the knife out from under his seat it's barely a thought. The weapon is just an extension of your tired body that moves like your elbow or fingers.
When you raise its glinting steel to Joel's lean neck, fresh arousal floods you. You can taste in the air, tangy and sharp. But that might just be the tension. 
"Gimme your wallet or I'll slice your throat," you say in a voice devoid of emotion as you press the blade just under his jaw. Two angles just as sharp. 
You're perplexed by his calm countenance. He looks at you like a vulture with carrion, hungry and eager. 
"You don't want my wallet."
"Oh no?" Your smile is fierce. Your blood is rushing through your veins, dizzying you.
This makes you feel awake. It makes you forget men who appraise you like cattle. It makes you forget about the dingy apartment you can barely afford. It makes you forget that the cloying heat of the day is nothing compared to the oppressive endlessness of the nights. 
"Nah," comes the man's slow and steady cadence. "You want blood. I reckon even if I gave you my wallet you'd still slit my throat for the pleasure of it."
"How do you figure that?"
"Cuz that's what I like too," he says and now you realize his smile looks feral. Like the crazed animals you've seen in national geographic magazines. 
Your reply catches in your throat. "Liar."
"Check my back right pocket if you don't believe me."
The cheap leather of his seat groans when you press your chest against his. He breathes in warm huffs over your face, like he's stoking your internal fire. 
Your hand slides down over the rough denim of his jeans. He shifts his hips until your palm slides over his back pocket and the unmistakable outline of something metal is unearthed against your fingertips. 
You retrieve it, hissing when your thumb catches onto the edge of its fine blade. It's a straight razor, the kind out of old movies. Ruby droplets bubble up on your digit as you drop the offending weapon. 
Joel's mouth moves forward and before you can deny him he takes your thumb into his wet mouth. You sit hypnotized by the sensation of his tongue tracing your thumbprint, laving spit into every whirl of your fingerprint. 
When he removes your thumb he does so leisurely, dragging it down over his full bottom lip enticingly. It shows you his crowded bottom teeth like tilted books on a forgotten shelf. 
His hand moves to your wrist and you know he sees the flutter of uncertainty cross your features like a cloud. He waits for the storm as his fingers encircle the wrist that grips the knife. 
He moves your tensed arm, urging the knife towards where it formerly sat against his jugular. He continues to tug you slowly until the blade almost bites into his flesh and until the tip of your nose touches the slope of his. 
Then his large hand moves back to join the other at your hips, thumbs making small rubbing motions that rasp against the denim. 
You sit in his lap, held by him, eyes jotting over his handsome face before settling on that endless gaze of his. 
He stares back at you, vision tilting as he regards you in the same shrewd fashion. Like two predators in the jungle coming to a silent agreement, a lack of contrition. In his eyes you see a reflection, a mirror and then a kinship. 
"It sustains me," is the murmured reply. 
He’s trying to be poetic. You cut through that quickly.
"Because you like it."
"I do." The shark smile is back. "Blood droplets like rubies n' all that."
"What else do you like, Joel?" 
You don't wholly trust him and you don't lower your knife from his throat. But that doesn't stop him from taking your body right there in the passenger seat. He doesn't break his eyes from yours as he maneuvers his hand under your skirt to find you honeyed and waiting. 
His hands made for brutality touch you with reverence like you're a precious vessel instead of a forgotten story. It makes you think of kintsugi, that all your cracks are being mended with the gold flecks in Joel's eyes. 
The moon is hung low and swollen in the sky, bathing you and Joel in an unearthly glow. It lets you see his handsome face break into a rapturous grin when you tug at his belt and part your thighs to take him deep. It allows you the vision of Joel's eyelids fluttering as you punch out his name between gasps as the heat and pleasure consumes you.
He makes you cry out in the rising moonlight like some monstrous she-wolf that feeds on men with soulful eyes. His neck tilts back as he comes, exposing the column of his tanned throat, a sacrifice, an unspoken oath.
You keep the sharp tip of the knife touching the edge of his angled jaw, faltering only once when he winds his broad palm around the back of your neck and tugs your lips to his. He kisses you slow and tempered with a mouth that’s full and searching for something you find you want to give. 
You pull back as you lower the weapon. There seems little need for it now. You expect the man whose lap you sit upon will show his hand. That he will push you from him and take off into the night, disappearing from your life just as swiftly as he entered it. 
Instead his gentle smile remains, no longer carnivore. It's a serene thing, a calm thing, like the placid surface of an undisturbed lake. 
"I'm tired of travelin' alone," he presses into the hollow of your throat, sucking gently. It makes your skin prickle like the blue black cacti out your window. 
"You sayin' you want company, Joel?"
"If you wanna give it."
You don't answer right away and instead of irritation from the taut string of anticipation, Joel watches you, reading the pages of your life in your expression, the way you hold your mouth, and the way your shoulders slump forward. 
You're so tired.
"Sleep," he tells you, moving a strand of hair from your eyes. His thumb catches on your lower lip, testing its pliant, petal softness. "I'll drive." 
You've never let another person touch this car. Never let another person tuck you into the passenger seat with his flannel draped over you like a hug. Never let someone place their hand over your thigh and squeeze reassuringly as they palm the wheel and guide you to an unknown future. 
And yet tonight you do. 
With Joel you do. 
And you sleep. 
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thevulturesquadron · 27 days
Okay okay I have many thoughts and I apologise if this is gonna end up very incoherent and disjointed but I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT BECAUSE AHHHHH
You know what the episode did very well (the writers, man)? Make the audience feel like they're taking crazy pills. There's this almost cognitive dissonance from the rest of the squad (Charles esp) with the way they say and behave because as Rogue stated "none of you were there". This is SO good in showcasing that you can be as understanding as you want, be literally a part of the same group... and STILL it's not enough because you didn't have the (in this case unfortunate) exact experience. The previous episode is a great addendum to this. The rest of humanity's (majorly the big wigs of course but you get what i mean) scared and at worst callous and apathetic reaction to the genocide. They're not scared because of what happened to those mutants, they're scared because of what Magneto would do in retaliation. Cooper is another example of how much actual experience can wholly change a person. She's not a mutant... but she was THERE. Erik and Rogue were there... right in the middle of it. How does anyone expect SOMETHING to not happen. You know who else saw what happened? Us, the audience. The latest episode felt frustrating and cathartic in the best way. It felt like decades of repressed righteous anger spilling in the most messiest manner, but it's OUT there. It needed to be said. Rogue's rant at the group before joining Erik, Erik's iconic "SHUT UP" line (yo lemme tell you istg i said the EXACT thing after that drivel Charles said). That's another thing that was so well done. Showcasing that no matter how well meaning Charles is... sometimes it feels like the dude's not LISTENING (Erik talks about watching a child be eviscerated in front of his very eyes, and I feel like all he's getting from others is an 'aw im sorry thoughts and prayers now can you please CHILL out') and does need this slap in the face. And the consequences keep piling up (the last big thing being what happened to Logan). Nothing will ever be normal and it's sad and scary and I'm very much looking forward to what comes next.
On a small note, showing how Roberto's decision was unsure with him trying to apologise to Jubilee and then his shocked reaction at her not wanting to hear him was so sad. It truly felt like a boy who only realised how massive of a consequence he's facing but just wanting his friend back.
I'm pretty sure I had more things to say and a more thoughtful way of saying them but anyway... 10/10. VERY ANGERING AND FANTASTIC. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE LAST EP!!!
HI!!! ✨SAME!! 💜💜💜💜 thanks for coming in kicking the door down and shouting my way cause I needed that!! My brain has been stuck on a loop with the events in E9.
I love, love, love this episode exactly because of the strong emotions it made me go through. To see the division, to see where everyone stands, to see what matters most to them: what they are going through or an ideal? It. Was. So. Good! It was skin itching to see it at the same time. Each episode has continued to take me by surprise and go beyond my expectations.
I love how well the writers have been able to portray the difference between people who have been through horrible events, and those who have seen them ‘on screen’. Remember in episode 7 when Amelia said 'a survivor is the last thing I’d wanna be.’? Now it resonates even more than ever. It’s poetry. And yes, Cooper isn’t just someone who ‘saw it Magneto’s way’. No. She was one of the perpetrators caught in the middle.
So that when Scott goes around saying ‘Magneto is responsible for this.’ When Wolverine is out for blood - it should make you angry cause it feels like the crimes that Bastion has orchestrated are secondary to the X-men's agenda of 'righting a wrong'. Bastion is just a battle, another villain they need to defeat. But the call was coming from inside the house all along.
I’ve seen people online saying that this episode did Magneto dirty. But I think it’s the opposite. Magneto had always been capable of awful things in his pain and anger, but that’s not the point the writers are trying to make. The name of the episodes is ‘Tolerance is extinction’ - the whole point is to put the viewer in the uncomfortable position of understanding Magneto’s anger, but knowing his actions have big consequences, all the while making you lose your mind at how backwards and ignorant Charles' side seems. People are dying because ultimately his dream is more important than the people the dream is made for. And Rogue and Magneto are calling him out on it. The beauty of it is that Charles is preaching an ethical way where everyone matters, but how entitled and arrogant he must come across when everyone else around him is just ‘sacrifices he is willing to make’ for the sake of an ideal. It’s beautiful and awful that the cry for battle and survival is coming from the mouth of those that have nothing left but violence in them, while the champions of the just offer shackles and tell those that suffer to endure more for the greater good.
Yes this episode is supposed to make people angry and confused. And I think it succeeds.
If there is one less positive thing to say about the show, it's the pacing. You can feel that they were forced to put everything in just 10 episodes because there are a lot of moments throughout the show that are either missing or rushed. (For ex. in this last episode I would have liked to have scene with Rogue and Roberto on Asteroid M, in a similar fashion to what we got for the two X-men squads; just a glimpse at how things are impacting them instead of immediately seeing them in a 'villain guards' roles.) But I am not going to hold it against the show; from what they've delivered it reads a lot like cuts that they needed to live with.
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dailycupofcreativitea · 2 months
AHHHHH you're playing kingdom hearts? Please report back with your thoughts when you feel up to it it's my special interest 👀
Okay here are some thoughts I've spammed to my friends in the last few days! (BTW I read the manga already for the first game so I basically spoiled it but I was still equally as shocked when these things happened in the game lol)
By the way, spoilers below for anyone who hasn't played!
General thoughts:
SORA IS SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE 🥺 The voice actor voiced him PERFECTLY, he's exactly the perfect combination of hopeful, friendship, little kid, strong heart, over confident at times, stubborn, sweet. 😭💖
Told a friend I love Sora in a different way than I love Gohan, here were my thoughts: Gohan is more quiet, sweet, gentle, burdened with a lot of power that he seems hesitant to use and slowly builds his confidence throughout the show, I relate to Gohan a lot, sweet cinnamon roll that must be protecc, but forced to protecc others, etc etc Sora is sweet and gentle but loud, has a HUGE heart and he uses it to protect his friends with 100% confidence (he's more like Goku in that way), his heart is just unwavering and he doesn't seem to doubt himself often (at least in KH1), funny and goofy and his stubbornness can get him into trouble sometimes but his bonds with his friends give him strength, I don't relate to him but I would love to draw inspiration from him
"Shonen protagonist done by Disney" vibes (as put aptly by @genisflyingkites)
Riku is so insanely jealous of Sora it's hilarious, he's overall kind of a jerk and even Kairi said she wanted to leave the island without him, but also Riku is 15 and hormonal and Maleficent got to him so I don't really blame him for it
Donald and Goofy are way less annoying than I assumed they would be, I like that they seem refreshingly mature?? Donald is stubborn and beefs with Sora a lot and Goofy seems like he has a good head on his shoulders and is a deep thinker
Also I keep seeing memes of Donald constantly getting knocked out in game and being useless but for me Donald ALWAYS comes in clutch with the elixirs and ethers
That scene where Maleficent tells Riku that Sora replaced him and Kairi with Donald and Goofy was sad in both the manga and the game but what REALLY made my jaw drop was that SORA LOWKEY FELT THE SAME:
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(Yes he was fighting with Donald at the time too but LOOK AT HIS FACE!!! 😭🙏)
If Riku talked to Sora for more than 10 seconds at a time literally all of this would be resolved XD LIKE!! Sora is literally trying to find them! Riku please!
This scene had my sister and I's JAWS ON THE FLOOR:
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It was low blow after low blow! I read this in the manga too but somehow it hit harder in the game!
Hollow Bastion is a great OST and I've been listening to it on repeat. The map is also pretty nice but I wish I could explore more without heartless appearing every 5 seconds
Actually I also liked the OST "A Day in Agrabah"
I beat Riku's ass in 10 seconds and it was glorious (Ansem is a whole other story...still working on it)
Every single cutscene had the words "light" "darkness" "friendship" "heart" "memories" repeated over and over again to form a cutscene (I saw this in a Youtube video and thought it was incredibly accurate XD)
My sister and I were CRACKING UP during this cutscene because it made NO SENSE
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It just kept getting more and more non-sensical XD
I think Aladdin was my favourite world so far but tbh they were all pretty cool (Sora's Halloween Town fit was so cute! Also I loved flying around by Big Ben, and then getting the glide feature)
The Maleficent Dragon boss was really hard, cool, and fun; Tinker Bell really came in clutch
Also I gotta say this game is really hard to play because the control are so annoying, the jump function is annoying (I keep falling off and misjudging his jump), it keep glitching cause it's connected to the cloud or something, the directions are too vague so I have to follow a walkthrough while playing, and I have to keep stopping between plays because I get motion sickness from the wildly spinning camera really easily -- despite all that I am indeed having a blast
I think that's all my thoughts for now :3
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halevren · 3 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 11
three hours. three hours along. this might take me a bit to get through 😭😭 I might not note every little thought because that's. A lot. But definitely a good portion of the normal random stuff
Ally Brennan Beardsley Mulligan
"What if just shows up for the interview" well I guess that means riz and fig have to create a
"Cause if I say it to Brennan, I'll just be wrong"
im showing my emo autistic friend this session because they know literally everything about emo bands and apparently Pete Wentz has drank piss multiple times before. Hm.
"Let him sweat"
Mommy/baby time??????
"You are my little baby"
Sklonda embarrassing Riz to Fig is so real and accurate
spys tongue
spy's tongue or spies tongue
Very Humanoid Animals 😭😭😭😭😭😭
19 steal orangutan tho
oh goodness
Something happened here
Riz asking his mom to see dead bodies
omg did Kalina say Ragh Barkrock because she wanted them to investigate everything that she did back then in reference to him specifically (like the killing clone Lydia / destroying the house, etc.)
Emergency meeting. Even you Fabian.
rage kills
CRRRRRRIT it's a 7
oh no. Brennan why you asking the state of emotions
Identify spell is overwhelmed
The rot of dead gods??
gross gross gross gross
"gorgug..... very good....."
"You have to tip me this time" "nah"
building a God??? oh my...
The daymare queen
Bobby Dawn.
Asking what would make Kristen angry is such a loaded question. So much stuff
"My president!"
gorgug just grabs the angry shard
"I did not tell you I shit." "No, the whole school knows about it"
"I have so much love to give exclusively to cats"
Camaraderie in toxicity
omg aelwyn and fabian boned
"Fuck you. Bitch"
"Tell Kristen to not come back."
zac's little shrugs hehehehe
"I drive down to bastion city and do crimes."
"I shall steal everyone's bones"
aelwyn my beloved I love her so much
Ruben is just constantly being terrorized by fig in the dreamscape
devil's nectar Gertie infodump
"Okay, well let's go out sometime. I'm painfully single, uh, and none of my friends wanna see me naked anymore." Kristen Applebees you are so fascinating
"Kristen, you know that's my nemesis right?"
"I pooped right now."
Adaine over break research paper of curses
He leaves the motherboard.... I worry that it might be stolen by someone else
"Seems suspect." "What do you mean suspect?" "Seems Suspect" their sibling dynamic is so real
how did they get Zayn through TSA
Hillariel is so pretty
Gilear is the only person who has made the fig curse the main priority
"I want the yogurt back on my shirt"
(High pitch voice) "how did she bring winter?"
I heavily fw gertie x tracker
oh fig.... I feel so connected to you
"Who's Wanda Childa....?" "She's my alter emo"
Sandra is so true. I often ask my friends how they percieve me so I can understand myself better.
"What if I punished this man to eternal rock"
"I don't want to see that." Sandra grabs fig's cigarette and takes a hit instead.
Kalina with the Spy's Tongue........
I love this lore and conspiracy theories talk
they're annoying but have great record keeping
Narnia burning man
Fig and Fabian are living it UP
tracker............. i can't say I like her very much after that phone call. So I'm not the most thrilled to see her.
Half the party is living it up having hot coco while the other half is experiencing / witnessing a very emotional moment
"Oh shit they're so practical. I have to wear bracers. What can I do? They're so tactic?"
"Is this legal?" "It's Not."
assisted pull ups 🔥🔥🔥
Naradriel is actually so sweet
Hillsong / wolfsong close enough
negative one initiative........
okay thank god fabian did jump in
what dimension are they in. What is riz's briefcase
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Josh Lore Thursday Mega Post- Summerset
This is a compiled post from posts I've made on Discord. It includes art and a general overview of a bit of Josh lore related to a theme. It's long, very long so most of it will be under the cut. Week one is Summerset,
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Year: 3E 33 and 4E 5 Age: 63- 69 Location: Sero- Estate, Sunhold, Summerset.
An overview of the events leading up to his choice to stay in the Summerset Isles.
After fleeing Morrowind after the deaths of the (what he assumes was the whole) Tribunal under Indoril Nerevar's control he finds himself in Cyrodiil scared and destitute. Teldryn aimlessly wanders the province of his birth, selling various items that were associated with the Nerevarine- mostly his armour, the defining weapons, just everything he could potentially sell to prop up his drinking habit. Which is pretty much all he's consuming at the time.
Joshi finds himself in Kvatch one night during what is meant to be the commemoration of his defeat of Dagoth Ur and just feels empty.
Nerevar's still getting into his head constantly and he decides to "deal with the problem".
Or in his view, he removes the ring that is melded to his finger, he gets rid of the problem and he can have some peace. Josh can't actually take the ring off, so in a drunk stupor he decides to try amputating his ring finger. He fails.
He's found by Jiub just as he passes out from drink and blood loss.
Teldryn recognises the dunmer from the handful of times they crossed paths during his early adventures on Vvardenfell (and may have shared a kiss once). He finds himself comfortable and lets himself think maybe he's gotten a second chance at happiness.
Cue the Oblivion Crisis and the siege of Kvatch. Something that had nothing to do with the fact that he was there but he doesn't know that as he's fleeing the chaos.
He's hurt, he's grieving both chances he once had at a life of stability and, since he's left almost everything back at their old apartment, he's destitute once again.
This is his Oblivion arc, Josh starts wearing a mask full time just to avoid people recognising who he is. He doesn't have it in him to fight the jaws of hell yet again. He doesn't want to. He can barely take care of himself. This is Josh's 0 empathy point. He can't feel anything but crushing numbness and it leads to him murdering an Arcane University student about his son's age for a purse of coin and a watch.
He gets away with it.
After finding himself back in the holding cells of the Bastion after a pub brawl because he was called out for running a ticket-scalping scam. He gets an offer to join a particular guild by a toxic ex he can't say no to (Read the Hero of Kvatch).
He eventually gets roped into stealing something important from the Imperial Library. Something prohibitively expensive and enough to set him up for centuries.
What he wants to do, what he's been trying to do since Kvatch fell, is get to Sunhold and the only people he knows he can rely on to look after him when he's in this state.
Josh goes to stay with his mother and Geldis (who are very much an item at this point and will remain that way).
So this is how and why he's in Summerset.
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So, now that Josh is in Summerset for the next 6 years, what's he up to? Well, officially, Teldryn Sero isn't there. He's either dead or, as a few people in North Eastern Cyrodiil believe- He's in Akavir. He doesn't actually care what people think happened to him. He just wants to be left alone.
As a result, Josh doesn't leave the estate all that often unless he's fully hiding his identity. Usually, he's only leaving to go drink and fuck at the various pleasure houses. No one makes him take his helmet off. No one asks questions. He's okay with this since he's a bit fatigued from all the fanfare he used to get in Morrowind. He's constantly craving both anonymity and attention. It makes him very restless.
The truth is, Joshi's in a really bad state at this point. He couldn't do much outside of being completely internally focused. Josh's bratty behaviour that he starts to display in this period actually starts up with Jiub but goes full force when his mother starts doting on him.
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(Old design but is the same idea).
Brat Josh is a bit different from his Nerevarine persona and who he'll become later. He's similar to fresh of the boat Josh in terms of attitude- he's spiteful, he's well- very bratty and he's very emotionally volatile.
But, this time he's got the "Horrors tm" swimming around through his head.
He's lost both Erra and Jiub within a few years of each other and he's beyond a mess. He falls back on this behaviour because he has no idea what to do. He cannot look after himself at all for the first year or so, pretty much doesn't leave the estate.
He pretty much just stays in his room and works on his thing, drinks all night and sleeps it off after. Sometimes he'll do this outside in the garden or on the beach.
He's pouty, he's uncomfortable with his thoughts and he doesn't know what to do with himself.
So he often just finds himself paralysed by thoughts and staring at his bed canopy.
Then there's Nerevar annoying the shit out of him, pestering him to go take power from Helseth and move into the power vacuum left by the Tribunal.
So he drinks to shut him up, dons his mask and goes looking for something to make him feel better. He's gone missing for days at a time when he's in this state. Geldis or Maera usually find him passed out somewhere by the docks.
This isn't the first time he's gotten into this state- where he's pretty much incapable of self care- his mother knows what to expect.
He's done this emotional regression on a few occasions but for different reasons-
The first time he had Corprus and needed to learn how to move in his new body, learn how it functions, learn how to walk again and regain his muscle mass after the significant wasting he experienced.
So he's grieving who he was.
The second time was after he lost Erra and shattered his pelvis and his femurs.
It's the second time he's had to learn how to walk again. He still requires a mobility aid since these injuries never really healed right. Does he use it? No…unless he's made to do so by Maera. XD
When Josh is in Summerset, it's less about him recovering from his physical ailments and more him being allowed to experience his grief in a safe space with no responsibilities. Mind you, he's still hobbling about but this is the first time in well…ever where he's actually being taken care of and allowed 5 seconds to breathe.
The Sero Estate in Sunhold is a villa with it's own private beach which he likes to make use of. in The Nerevarine's Lament, he describes how he'd describe things if Erra was there-
We had planned on seeing Summerset. My love, I would still have taken you there, even if you couldn’t see the twisting streets and towering walls of Sunhold, or the bone-white beaches and turquoise water that lapped soothingly at the shore. It would make it seem as if the chaos of home never existed. Erra I would have taken you by the hands and let you feel the sun on your skin. Let you feel the salty breeze flow through your hair. Let you breathe in air that wasn’t choked with ash. I could have been happy with that. Your ghost had told me otherwise.
Josh likes living on the water, he likes a warm climate and he likes the feeling of being alone, staring out into nothing and feeling like you're the only person on Nirn.
The villa lets him experience that sense of peace that he's been searching for. He starts to recover and focus on something new.
In those years between The Oblivion Crisis and Red Year, Josh is allowed to focus on himself. He doesn't have to worry about things like remembering to eat. He actually puts on some weight for the first time as a result. Teldryn's still naturally very lean but he's not looking "bony"
Basically, his clothes fit properly and that makes him feel weird.
Josh doesn't like anything too tight, more so after he get corprus and is stuck wearing compression bandages. He pretty much exclusively dresses in flimsy, thin silks, muslin and linen when he's in Summerset. This is also his usual wardrobe when he's not on the road. He pretty much just wears super thin, loose robes when he's lazing about. He wears a lot of jewellery as well so he's really just breathing that "Spoilt Rich Boi" look. Below are the compression bandages and said thin silk robes back in Suran straight after he's 'cured' of corprus. He still wears them on and off by 4E 199 but mostly under armour. Sydari thinks, initially that it's wrapped for fist fighting. Usually, that's what he says anyway.
So he sometimes wears those bandages under the flimsy robes.
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So, Josh starts to feel better after he's had some time to just have his feelings. He has a few years before Red Year to do "whatever". What does Josh do?
Finishes his translation of the Rosetta Stone of course!
In 4E 227 he describes what happened,
“Didn’t think I’d see your face back here,” the sorcerer hummed, “Something about this whole place being beneath you?” I took a deep breath through my nose and opened my eyes again…I honestly don’t really recall precisely what it was that I did, only that I found myself getting into an argument with Arniel Gane on what I knew to be a translation error in his Dwemeri research. He simply implied that I had no clue what I was talking about and then proceeded to misinterpret from my own research tome. I mean, I did find the key to translating the Dwemeri language whilst I was fucking around as a hired sword on an expedition back on Vvardenfell. I’d only been out of prison a few months at that point, serving the rest of my sentence as a conscript for old Uriel Septim VII’s personal spy network. I just happened to talk my dumb ass onto the team. Mage’s Guild was lucky I knew fucking Ald Aldmeris well enough to actually make use of the findings. Of course, they dismissed me then too. Took an Altmeri pseudonym for my translation to be taken seriously, then the Mages Guild disbanded and my work was lost. So imagine my fucking shock when I saw my translations popping up in various mages halls across Tamriel after the Great War. Everyone’s using the Hanging Gardens of Wasten Coridale as their key. They just don’t know who did the work. I can tell you they certainly don’t expect a grizzly fuck like me to be the translator. But then again, stories of the Nerevarine’s more um…scholarly pursuits are not quite public knowledge for a reason. Mostly because I try my best not to associate myself with that title, it has never felt right. It’s a skin that doesn’t fit. I never was that kind of hero, and I refuse to try to live up to that ideal anymore. I like to spend my time researching Tonal Architecture and puzzle locks. It still surprises a lot of people. I scratched at my nose, looking the sorcerer in the eyes again, “I never said the College was beneath me, but it is beneath me to bother with idiots who can’t fucking read, mate.”
The translation of the Hanging Gardens of Wasten Coridale actually began whilst Josh was still fucking around with running Blades errands. The translation is difficult due to fragmentation and just the fact that he just doesn't get a lot of free time between 3E 427 and 4E1. Someone was always needing him to do something.
Since his mother is fiercely protective of his privacy at this point, he suddenly has the time for himself, and the project he started years ago. No one knows where Teldryn Ensirhaddon-Sero is, and those who think they do seem to think he's sailed away to places unseen (thanks Thieves Guild rumour mill.)
Josh, when not drinking his sorrow away or whoring is pretty much focused on this language key. He's always liked cyphers, writes his journals in one he invented when he was 12. It was just a big game for him. (think intently focusing in the Dwemeri Cube of Rubic).
He has his key figured out in about 4E 3 and tries to get it published. He starts by using his husband's last name (which he will use sometimes or that mixed with his father's last name) but found his work was getting rejected in both Summerset and Cyrodiil. So he uses an Altmeri pseudonym and suddenly finds it gaining interest.
The Mages Guild gets disbanded as his work's being reviewed. Which he's infuriated with, but he hopes that sending it to a few Altmeri institutions would help.
By the Dragon Crisis, you'll have one version with a mistranslation marked into it. Something that happened when the work that was submitted to the Mages Guild was then translated years later from the Altmeris he originally wrote the thesis in, to Cyrodiilic. This is usually marked as "Author Unknown".
This is the one he rags on Arniel Gane about. He found it one time at a bookshop in Sentinel and he's personally offended by the existence of it. By the Dragon Crisis, you'll have one version with a mistranslation marked into it. Something that happened when the work that was submitted to the Mages Guild was then translated years later from the Altmeris he originally wrote the thesis in, to Cyrodiilic. This is usually marked as "Author Unknown". This is the one he rags on Arniel Gane about. He found it one time at a bookshop in Sentinel and he's personally offended by the existence of it.
The second one is the correct translation and mostly circulates around the Dominion. It's the same thesis he originally submitted. It is published under the name Earran of Sunhold. He'd rather people use this version, but since it's locked behind the Dominion it's kinda inaccessible. He's since written it in Dunmeris and Cyrodiilic but those versions aren't in circulation. Existing in a lock box at his mother's estate in Blacklight for safe keeping.
He thinks Calcelmo's work using the Altmeri version is promising and may have taken a look at Sydari's charcoal rubbings of the falmer-dwemer stele. He found that there's 5 new letters and now thinks there's dialects.
By 4E 3, however, Josh's dreams start to cause him alarm again. His dreams usually play out like so:
He finds himself standing alone in the darkness, which slowly reveals itself to be the Ashlands of Vvardenfell.
He looks up at a volcano, which he eventually finds out is Red Mountain and watches it erupt.
He dies in the pyroclastic flow.
Then he wakes up for the second half of his dream. In the past, this has been the point that Dagoth Ur weaves something messed up or he comes into contact with once of the ascended. This is the point, just after being infected with corprus, that he fully accesses the hive mind and acts out ritual behaviour in his sleep.
Since he defeated Dagoth Ur, it's been mostly darkness until he encounters a fellow blight creature and he wakes up (after being consumed) or someone else wakes him up. He cannot do this himself.
The second part of these dreams, now that the Blight is silenced more or less can leave him almost comatose if he can't find a way out.
Not good, but he's grown a bit apathetic to waking up after having been asleep for a week. That only happens if he's alone- which isn't happening past the first occurrence of this. So he'll often just wander in darkness all night until he hears a familiar voice. He's used to it and he's bored by it.
What starts to alarm him is that the dream suddenly seems to be a bit more…lively. He finds himself in a loop in Vivec City as a great cataclysm rocks it. Sometimes it's that stupid rock, sometimes it's ash. The main thing is that he tries to save people but ultimately fails each time.
Originally, Teldryn thought what he saw in his dream was Sun's Death, mostly because he was dreaming of that particular eruption until he defeated Dagoth Ur. This part of the dream is always how Azura makes her presence known.
Josh starts to believe he's being given visions of something horrific to come and all he can think of is getting people out before whatever it is he keeps seeing actually occurs.
Unfortunately, he's misinterpreting Azura's intentions. This isn't a warning for him to go save people.
This was intended to tell him that he's fulfilled the prophecy and Azura has gotten her revenge on the Tribunal. This devastated landscape was intended for a fully melded Nerevar to fill the societal void. The intention was for the Incarnate (Nerevar) to bring the Dunmer back to "glory". Naturally, because Teldryn ended up being the damn Incarnate this didn't quite work right. His mind's too resistant and the melding never happened.
Instead, Nerevar struggles for control. Teldryn's still learning how to fight him off and Nerevar can possess him as a result.
He starts doing this to prevent Joshi from going back to Morrowind. It takes him almost a year to fight him off, but he does manage to get on a ship back to Vvardenfell after sending out several letters. He saves a lot more people than he thought he would, but he still blames himself for the devastation. And so ends his time in Sunhold. He has enough quiet time to get a foundational concept out of his mind after he lets himself rest and try to process what happened. He puts on weight and he spends a lot of time just being.
He's just existing really. He hasn't had a chance to just be in a very long time… if ever. There was always something he was doing wrong, being somewhere he wasn't wanted, being watched or having to complete some sort of colossal task.
From 3E 33 and 4E 5 Josh can just be. This lack of direction ultimately comes to bite him in the ass later (Drug addictions, sex cults, setting fire to more shit, more prison for said arson and then more arson and a whole group of pirates with a vendetta and ties to more powerful groups he's pissed off).
But for a little while it's okay. Josh needs structure.
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He can't live without the structure!
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hey just curious do you have any thoughts on blair flannigan? I don't see much posted abt her sadly
BLAIR MY FRIEND BLAIR.... I LIKE HER one of my pals really likes her so i always think fondly of her. she isnt one of my tip top GX favs or anything, but she's really fun and silly and god knows gx needed more girls, she's really holding the line with alexis. her whole personality being Girl in Wuv uwu is. maybe not the best. it could be (😬😔) but i love that come season 4 she (and hassleberry, i really like their friendship!!!) have to grapple with so many of their friends graduating and leaving... it feels like such a Real down to earth high schooler problem to have amongst all the insane shit that happens in GX. blair's so young!!! younger than most of the cast!! I WANT HER TO BE OKAY
I wish she got more of her own specific deck archetype (story of a yugioh girl's life sometimes. sigh.) but her brief egg gimmick is charming, wish they did more with that! it is pretty badass that some video games give her lightsworns though <-- lightsworn liker. AND UNFORTUNATELY I DO THINK HER CRUSH ON MARCEL IS CUTE.... IF YOU DONT CHEER AND CLAP FOR MY LAME-ASS FRENCH BOYFRIEND I'LL BLOW THIS WHOLE PLACE UP
I WISH THE SHOW DID MORE WITH HER though i do really like that tag force 3 gave her a whole story route where shes an in obelisk blue like GOOD FOR HER!! IT RULES 🥺 i think shes gonna come out as trans masc nonbinary in a couple years. i think she likes to read dating advice columns and scoff at the hokey advice. i think she could drink bastion under the table when it comes to spicy hot sauces. i think she'd love webkinz
blair :)
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somanyants · 7 months
Lesson in dishonest headlines:
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I look at this headline and think “Okay, the university suspended both the pro- and anti-Zionist student groups. That sounds dumb, I disagree with it, but in a sense ‘nobody is allowed to talk about it’ is something a centrist institution might view as an even-handed approach.
I read the article. The “Jewish club” that was suspended was specifically Jewish Voice for Peace. They suspended an anti-Zionist Palestinian group and an anti-Zionist Jewish group. I would never consider USA Today a bastion of journalistic integrity but it seems like this headline is pretty intentionally obscuring the position of this “Jewish student club.”
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purplekoop · 23 days
So I was digging around in my old art to look for a design that inspired one of my newer characters, and ended up finding something I definitely remember, but not to its full extent.
I had some Overwatch OCs, all the way back in 2018, within the first year I actually had the game. Not just any OCs, but OCs meant to be full hero concepts of course! And fortunately enough, I gave one of them a full kit breakdown, complete with stats! I think I must've been inspired by Master Ian Gamer, an OW youtuber who at the time occasionally made his own concepts in a similar style, both for canon NPCs and his own original characters.
So, for historical sake (and because I think it'd be cute), let me present to you:
Prisma- Hero Concept
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(For readability's sake, I'll type out my old notes verbatim as normal text, with any new comments in parenthesis afterwards like this.)
Story: "I shall protect Earth's beauty."
(The larger box left open for the story itself was blank. From what I can remember/assume, she's an Omnic environmentalist with either some kind of crystal-forming power or hard light tech.)
Support 50 HP, 150 Shields Speed: Slow Difficulty: (2.5/3 Stars)
(The health numbers are the same as Zenyatta had back then, which knowing me might've been implying a connection. The "speed" stat is meaningless, most OW characters share the same base movement speed, with Tracer and Genji moving 10% faster. It may also be implying her lack of movement abilities. Also does OW2 even give heroes difficulty stars anymore? So much changes so fast it might not even be a useful rating to give anymore)
M1 (Primary Fire): Gemstone Daggers. Prisma throws a sharp gemstone from her waist to attack. Damage/shot: 50 Shots/clip: 8 Reload: 2 sec Headshot: Yes Shots/sec: 2 Airspeed: Slow Gravity: Yes
(Ah, poor young me, using PC input notation instead of the universally correct terms. This'll bother me more later. The main thing I gotta note here is how similar this concept is to Kiriko's knives, but with some notable differences. For one, the base damage is 50, presumably meaning that headshots do 100, just barely enough to two-shot most heroes at the time! I guess Zen could always do that with discord orb too. But apparently to balance it out, 8 ammo and a two second reload, which is atrocious. For reference, iirc most OW heroes have a 1.5 second reload animation, with animations longer than that being rare exceptions like old Orisa and sentry Bastion being longer, but they had massive ammo pools to chew through before that. Hitting your shots doesn't sound easy either, with the dubious "slow" projectile speed and the confirmation of gravity making me imagine something like Torbjorn's primary fire. The shots per second of "2" actually isn't too bad, assuming it means a fire rate of 0.5 seconds then that's only slightly worse than Zenyatta. Still overall a pretty weak-sounding weapon, with okay max potential DPS held back by a lot of slow reloading and a hard to land projectile.)
M2 (Secondary fire): Regenerative Crystals. Places a large gem on the ground that heals nearby allies. Gem HP: 150 Healing Radius: 10 meters Max at a time: 3 Cooldown: 15 seconds
(Wow, speaking of familiar concepts in retrospect, healing turrets! I think. Frustratingly there's no healing per second rates or specification whether they're an AOE like Soldier's field or single target like the healing turret that finally happened in-game via Illari. Aside from that ambiguity, the biggest difference between Healing Pylon and this ability is the fact you could place a whopping three at once. I don't know if it had a three-charge cooldown like Symmetra's turrets do or if each one has a full cooldown and you just have the ability to place up to 3 if it recharges while one is already active. Either way it adds to what'll be a theme of Prisma adding a lot more clutter than she has to onto the field. This is her only means of healing though, so it might actually be warranted)
E (Ability 2): Refractive Wall. Reflects all projectiles (even beams) back at the enemy team. Wall HP: 1000 Height: 2.5 meters Width: 5 meters Projectile damage: 1/4x Duration: 8 seconds Cooldown: 16 seconds
(Alright to cut myself slack, knowing that the shift ability is internally "ability 1" and the E ability is "ability 2" is the kind of thing I wouldn't have learned without Workshop, which was a year away at this point iirc. Still, this one being first pains me. Anyways, a reflective barrier is a neat idea I've heard at least a couple times. It felt very fitting for the crystal theme, with the added perk of reflecting beams likely being there so you could reflect things like Zarya's laser in a logical way. Actually, an important distinction left out is whether this is a barrier or a physical object like Mei's wall. If the former, it's essentially just Ramattra's barrier with a higher cooldown, but much longer duration. Considering it's made of rocks though, I imagine it'd be more likely like a Mei wall you can't stand on, and also made of only one object rather than 5 pillars. The "1/4x damage" stat seemingly implies that unlike Genji, the projectiles reflected by this would deal significantly reduced damage, to the point where it hardly seems worth the extra coding hassle it would take to add that mechanic to make it work.)
L Shift (Ability 1): Refractive Armor Prisma coats an ally in gemstones, reducing damage and preventing stun/cc. Damage taken: 1/2. Duration: 5 seconds Cooldown: 18 seconds
(Oh okay this is just Fortify but given to an ally. I think that was a deliberate goal, considering this might've been intended as a counterplay option into Brig's notorious stun at the time, but I don't exactly remember whether she was added at this point or not. Still though, between the temporary stationary cover on E and the fortify on shift, this is sounding a lot like a support version of Orisa. What a funny concept that'd be, huh.)
Q (Ultimate): Diamond Guardian Places a diamond turret that fires a laser at any targets in range. HP: 400 DPS: 25 Range: 30 meters Ult Charge: Slow Call-out: "Fear the earth's power!"
(So... if I understand it right, this is an entirely damage-oriented ult. Not even high damage, and not even from a bulky target like B.O.B., and not even from a fast-charging ult. The only redeeming quality seems to be the insane range. For reference, Ramattra's ultimate has only a 13 meter range. You are NOT outranging this thing, but it doesn't exactly seem like much of an issue. Utterly bizarre ult design, I have no idea why she has a damage-dealing ult at all, let alone such a bad one. Though neat detail, the crystal standing next to her in the art seems to be the ult, based on the icon. Very big "hit this to progress in a Zelda dungeon" energy.)
Playstyle Synopsis: Prisma is a mix of defensive, protective, and supportive abilities, which combine to form a hero who can strongly hold an objective. However, she falls short on the attack, with a tricky M1 and low-damaging ult.
(Why did I think "defensive, protective, and supportive" were three usefully distinct descriptors. To give myself credit though, it seems the bad damage and ult were deliberate weaknesses to balance out a support based primarily around defense and area control. She very much feels like a hero made by someone who liked defending on 2CP maps and wanted a healer to pair with stally fortress comps like Orisa, Bastion, Torbjorn, and Symmetra. Yeah... I was that kind of freak back then. I'm only slightly sorry. She very much feels like a product of her time though, which makes it all the more shocking how many abilities sound so familiar to newer additions to the game. Her art even implies she'd float to move around like Echo. There's nitpicks I could make with rebalancing this hero, but that's for another time perhaps.)
As a closing thought, I should mention how important it is to my creative history to remember when I first made a geomancer named Prisma! See, after this, I took the name and basic crystal powers concept, and gave them to an alien lady in a suit for a short-lived space story. Later on, I took that version of the character yet again and made her a human woman with crystal powers, keeping the suit and the name Prisma. This time she was made for a major RPG project called City of Desos, which I've mentioned before is the origin of War Bots star Wilderoad. Unlike the gunslinging bot, Prisma is still planned to be part of Desos, so even after all this time the legacy of this Overwatch OC lives on!
Anyways hope somebody finds this neat. I did have a couple more designs, but very few kit details if any, so I may share them separately. This is fun, despite some stuff in this folder making me wince. It's neat being able to look back on your art, not just to see where you are now, but also to know you might've been onto something for longer than you thought. The kit design and layout here isn't that far removed from the likes of my notes Role Requeue or War Bots, just limited to what I could do on notebook paper while I should be paying attention to class.
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cloudburst-ink · 3 months
11 and 15 both seem so good it hard to choose. 15 I think edges by a hair lol
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As you said, and so it shall be. 😌🖤
It has been three weeks, four days, and seven hours since Chay finally, officially became Kim’s boyfriend, and he’s beginning to understand why Kim was initially so reluctant to allow it.
Dating Kim kind of sucks.
“Hurry up,” Chay groans, to his fourth attempted hostage-taker in as many weeks.
“This isn’t about you, sweetheart. Keep your mouth shut.”
Chay rolls his eyes. Their one-month-iversary is this weekend, and Chay doesn't want to be limping off a beating while he's trying to seduce Kim.
“Have you ever felt real hunger?” the guy asks Kim, in a low voice that Chay thinks is supposed to be frightening. “Do you know the things your father did?”
“Sure,” Kim sighs.
He sits behind the table in the otherwise empty restaurant where they were assaulted, ever the bastion of patience. His lips are pursed. He taps the muzzle of his gun against his own temple, as if trying to parse out some fleetingly genius idea.
“You know, I don’t usually do this, but I’m sure I can work out something special just for you.”
The more Kim toys with the gun, carelessly aiming it at all sorts of important, tender places on his own body, the more nervous Chay’s captor gets.
“It’s quite simple. Give him back, or I’m going to feed you your teeth.”
For a moment, there’s only silence.
Chay’s insides do a hot little flip-flop at the effortless, icy void in Kim’s eyes.
The man bursts out laughing.
“You’re really fucking nuts!” he guffaws.
Kim strikes.
There’s a gasp, and a hit against the back of Chay’s head, and then everything goes dark.
Chay awakens in Kim’s bedroom.
He’s parched. His head hurts.
Kim sits beside him. He carefully polishes a wickedly-serrated knife, and Chay wonders if he’s trying to look sinister, or if it just comes naturally.
Kim looks up when he feels Chay’s eyes on him.
“Sorry,” he says softly. “I’ll be faster next time. How are you feeling?”
Chay winces as he pushes himself up. Kim rushes to help him, knife haphazardly abandoned.
“Careful,” Kim croons.
“I’m okay,” Chay sighs. “Just please tell me I didn’t get any bruises on my face this time.”
Kim casts him a curious, narrow-eyed look. He huffs out a little puff of air, as close to laughing as he gets when he’s still strung out on the kill.
“You look great, sweetheart.”
“I better,” Chay grumbles. “The things I put up with.”
“I’ll make it up to you.”
Chay stifles his endeared smile.
He reaches for the glass of water he’s sure is on the nightstand.
There’s a clattering sound, and a handful of clean, recently bleached-white teeth scatter across the floor.
“P’Kim?” Chay shrills, torn between awe and horror.
Kim shrugs, and returns to polishing his knife. A dark little smirk curls across his pretty, pink lips, and Chay feels something just as dark and wanting curl inside of him.
“Your apology gift. Turns out he wasn’t that hungry after all.”
Tagging @staykimchay as well for no particular reason that has anything to do with an ask.
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unsoundedcomic · 11 months
Do you think your take on 'immortal' characters is the 'norm' or, in a different society, things would play out differently? How old can Jets and Coppers live anyway? And you say they run society? Could a less depressing society churn out less depressing 'immortals'? If they weren't top dog? I can't even begin to fathom what to even think about when implementing 'immortal'/long-lived characters/cultures into a story ^.^'
Jets have an upper ceiling of 250, Copper can theoretically make it to 400. I don't think they're too depressing? Mallory and Roger were doing okay; Bastion, Claggart, and Bodie are bitchy, if jovial fellows.
But it's true that the older they get, the more likely they are to fall into ennui and nihilism. It's a pattern with them.
Immortality is a pretty fun concept to think about, I say. I cut my teeth on Anne Rice novels and her older vampire characters often lost touch with the world around them and sank into a torpor. The most successful were the ones that were determined to keep growing with the times, like Lestat. Just looking around us at how people behave as they age, I think that would be a rare attitude to find in a world with immortality. We humans tend to be very generational and to lose touch and even grow disdainful towards the young as we age past them. There are always exceptions but I don't come across too many. People tend to hang out with others their own age, to keep consuming the same media they grew up with, to find things that are too radically new rather uncomfortable.
We think we want immortality, but what would we do with it when every day most of us are just killing time and returning to old comforts? That's fine for sixty, seventy, eighty years, but two-hundred years of old comforts might not be so comfortable anymore.
Anyway I think that's what you have to study when you start tackling immortality. Otherwise you're going to wind up writing elves who magically bypass all this because they're just built different. Long-lived humans wouldn't be elves because we don't seem to have minds suited to that kind of immortality at all.
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