duhsty1 · 1 year
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pov you decide to take a quick swim and what on earth are those
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wholesalesoftie · 2 years
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mossy cobblestone - bears in trees
various variations etc etc
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I don’t know if it’s just because I’m aroace myself or because it’s the effect your writing has on me but stsg x aroace reader has been on my mind NONSTOP 😭 what have you done to me. This is literally just my idea and take on it feel free to ignore my silly little ramble I’m actually insane <33
I feel like dynamics where there’s some obstruction of sorts from it being just a regular happy healthy relationship is my fav ever because. It means there’s so much more yearning and pining involved and it’s so much more emotional I LOVE ITTTAUGHH and aroace spec reader is a great example of that. I feel like the main kinda reasoning (“obstruction”) would be how reader views the relationship they have with stsg and how they feel about it, the way it’s supposed to be just a regular platonic friendship but there’s so much unaddressed care and deep rooted love (that maybe reader doesn’t want to address) and it’s just a confusing mess of emotions. Reader being hesitant to accept that maybe it’s more than just a friendship because they aren’t 100% sure what those complex feelings that undoubtedly come with being ‘friends’ with stsg are. AND aside from aroace reader, a reader with intimacy/trust/abandonment issues or trauma that hasn’t been unpacked (take your pick!!) while it is the same kinda theme (basically just reader’s hesitance to have to face and attempt to understand their own emotions) it’s just. AUGH!! It’s such a yummy idea to me there are so many scenarios. Maybe reader just doesn’t want to be helped or is too untrusting/scared to open themselves up and be vulnerable with people again, is kinda introverted maybe, just generally like. Lost. almost as if they don’t really have a place anywhere? They don’t feel particularly special and they’re just painfully conscious of their own negative emotions + their own loneliness?? Are you seeing what I’m seeing. The type of person that could be in a room full of people and still not feel any less alone. In a way they’re a lot like sugu!!! OHHH HOW IT WOULD BREAK SUGUS HEART I ALREADY HAVE A VISION!!!! Him seeing himself in reader. Dear lord. The understanding that bond would create and him slowly coaxing reader into becoming more emotionally open because he gets it, sugu is so special because there’s an unspoken understanding between him and reader that they’re kindred spirits. as I’m writing this I am literally imagining reader and sugu sitting by the sea late at night. The sea is where lost doomed people that are overwhelmed by their own grief belong!!!! Can you hear my heart shattering and can you tell how much I love angst 😇😇😇 takes a deep sigh and leans back in my expensive chair as I dramatically overlook the city below me. Another day of being a stsg fan forcing everyone else to suffer with me because nobody in the jjk fandom will ever feel joy again
OLLIE MY DEAREST ohhhhh reading this made me so :(((( so so emotional AND I AGREE COMPLETELY what if i told you this is literally exactly what i had in mind………… we’re so connected fr
(this got Very long 😭😭 you have been warned!!)
FIRST OFF it’s crazy that you specifically mention The Sea bc !!!!! when i thought of the aroace!reader stsg fic i immediately envisioned them sitting by the sea under the stars :> i might’ve mentioned that but i don’t Think i did …… IT REALLY IS THE PERFECT PLACE FOR LOST SOULS DOOMED SOULS GRIEFSTRICKEN SOULS ETC ETC IT’S TRUE IT’S TRUEEEE i think it’s perfect for sugu/reader especially !!! T_T more on that later tho…
but okok let’s get into this I’M OVERJOYED THAT YOU’RE INTO AROACE!READER/STSG BTW I THINK IT’S SUCH A TASTY CONCEPT ….. from one aspec to another i am equally insane abt them i just. think there’s so much potential there…..
some of the things i love writing about most are 1) the blurry lines between platonic/romantic love (one of my gojo fics was actually written w a qp relationship in mind :33) and 2) the difficult parts of love/the fear of intimacy in general… it’s something i like exploring because it’s interesting + i don’t see it in fanfic often and. idk!! i just think it’s important to me that i depict a kind of love that’s very tender and healing and careful. especially since i literally only write for characters who have intimacy issues themselves LMAO
I feel like dynamics where there’s some obstruction of sorts from it being just a regular happy healthy relationship is my fav ever because. It means there’s so much more yearning and pining involved and it’s so much more emotional I LOVE ITTTAUGHH
LITERALLY THIS you put it so perfectly ollie.. T_T love with obstructions is alwaysss most interesting to me …. AND I AGREE!! if i ever end up writing this fic the focus will definitely be on reader and how they view love!! being on the spectrum is genuinely so isolating sometimes and i feel like that’s comparable to the kind of isolation stsg carry with them :’3 none of you can fully understand the others’ individual hardships but with a lot of understanding and respect i think it would go well.
… honestly i hc both gojo and geto as being on the spectrum themselves LMAO but maybe i’ll avoid those hcs to make the fic more interesting 😭😭 ace demiromantic gojo + demisexual sugu are soooo real to me they’re my pookies <333
it’s supposed to be just a regular platonic friendship but there’s so much unaddressed care and deep rooted love (that maybe reader doesn’t want to address) and it’s just a confusing mess of emotions.
OLLIE I SWEAR WE’RE CONNECTED THROUGH THE AROACE HIVEMIND BC THIS WAS EXACTLY MY THOUGHT PROCESS TOO 😭😭😭 it’s just such a tasty scenario because i feel like stsg would be in denial about their feelings at first, but then (once they’ve come to terms with it!!) approach reader immediately… i kinda pictured it as stsg already being a couple, and then confessing to reader with the hope of them joining their relationship……… and it’s so difficult because reader doesn’t really know where their feeling lies between platonic and romantic, don’t really care about the specifics, they just know that they love them and cherish them but now they feel pressured to put a label on it and i think that would just make them panic.
and it’s not at all intentional on stsg’s side !!! they’re half expecting reader to reject them, but they’re just so sincere and tender about the confession. and i think that they just won’t be able to understand reader’s feelings even when they try to explain it :’3 because reader does like them. love them. but they don’t know if it’s romantic, and they don’t really want to know. and even if they knew for sure, they might not care for a standard relationship anyway!! it would just take a lot of understanding and support from stsg to even have that conversation without reader running away, but i think they’re both so gentle when it comes to you :(( they’re always willing to hear you out, and even if they don’t understand all the aspects of being aroace, that doesn’t mean they won’t support it.
…. tbh i’m not entirely sure how it’d work out 😭😭 i think it’d have to be kind of vague but i can picture the three of them living together, going grocery shopping and cuddling and whatnot, and there aren’t really any labels there. not for reader anyway. but they all love each other and that’s enough <33
i love how we both started ranting LMAO this concept just means a lot to me so i can’t help but ramble a bit T_T BUT BUT BUTTTTT we still need to talk abt stsg with a reader that has intimacy issues/unpacked trauma… ollie literally every single part of ur ask made me feel insane in the head this is another concept that means a lot to me and i’m SOOO excited that i get to talk abt it with you!!!! :’3 i think i’ve already said this plenty of times but i’ll die on this hill: stsg would be PERFECT for this kind of reader. so loyal and understanding and accepting. they’d be so, so patient because both of them really only care about your happiness!! that’s all!!!!
and tbh i feel like no matter what kind of issues reader has specifically, it all boils down to them having difficulties with vulnerability!! showing it and seeing it and just embracing it as something important and healing. AND that’s perfect for stsg because they’re literally the same LMAO…. and in this case i think that would benefit the relationship as a whole!! it’ll be bumpy at first because i feel like all three of you would encourage the other two to open up, express themselves etc — but then not return that vulnerability. and that just wouldn’t work out!! and i think that would force you to open up, if only so your partners will do the same. same for stsg!! and it’s just soooo tender and raw :(((( but so important!!
i can honestly imagine suguru having the most trouble opening up, even though he’ll be the most insistant that you and satoru do so 😭😭 he’s a big ol hypocrite is what i’m saying. but i can see him dipping his toes into that vulnerability for you, because he knows you won’t get anywhere otherwise and he wants to be a good example for you to follow. it’d make things so much easier for reader because they aren’t the only one who’s having difficulties !! it’s all three of you!! you’re all learning and growing and loving each other so delicately :’3
now on the topic of sugu….
OHHH HOW IT WOULD BREAK SUGUS HEART I ALREADY HAVE A VISION!!!! Him seeing himself in reader. Dear lord. The understanding that bond would create and him slowly coaxing reader into becoming more emotionally open because he gets it, sugu is so special because there’s an unspoken understanding between him and reader that they’re kindred spirits.
THIS THIS THISSSSS OLLIE OUR BRAINS ARE HOLDING HANDS YOU GET IT YOU GET ITTT this is SUCH a great scenario AND IT’S SO REAL TOO… i think sugu would be the mvp in helping reader (NO DISRESPECT TO SATORU i think he would be vital in other ways!!) because like you said!! they’re the same. there’s something so soft and tender in that dynamic :’3 them talking by the sea… about their own loneliness and difficult pasts……. i 100% hc sugu as having had a rough childhood so if reader also did it’d just strenghten their connection even further. i think that what suguru needs more than anything else is understanding, so to receive that from reader, while also being able to give it in return……. yeahhhh. he’s whipped. you’d be talking by the sea looking up at the stars and he would already be thinking of marriage LMAO he’s such a sap to me 😭😭😭 he just has this moment when he realizes that he wants to Protect You Forever and it’s so special to him. he’s your pillar and you’re his anchor. (<- slowly spiralling as we speak I LOVE THIS MAN SO DEARLY…..)
OLLIIIIIEEEEEE THIS MADE ME FUCKING INSANE I’M SO SERIOUS I ALMOST CRIED both these concepts are so good T_T….. i can’t thank u enough for sharing them w me <333 YOU’RE ALWAYS WELCOME IN MY INBOX ILYSM!!!! i really feel like we see stsg the same way i swearrrr it’s the aroace hivemind…… anyway i am looking out at the city right with you………… drinking a glass of orange juice………… pondering stsg…………… they make me so sad/happy/other emotions that i don’t think human beings are supposed to feel 😔😔😔
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arealcrow · 1 year
goodnight, mr. wendell
1.7k, call of cthulhu (hotoe)
Izar sees his manager, Thomas, alive for the last time.
It’s the same fight, every time.
“Iz… you know why,” Thomas sounds strained. He won’t meet the fury in Izar’s honeyed eyes, head turned away. 
"My brother will cut me off. If I don't marry someone he approves of, someone who will 'elevate the status of our family', the money stops flowing."
After years at each other’s sides, there was nothing else left to fight about.
"What? I'm not good enough for your family, so I'm not good enough for you?" Izar demands.
"Izzy, baby," Thomas pleads, "That's not what I'm saying at all. We just.. we need a few more years of building things up, and then we'll be raking in enough cash that I won't have to give a damn what my brother thinks."
"So, it's my fault then? I’m not as big here- not an international star that you can make bank on- so it’s not worth it yet,” Izar's words are watery now, the ice of his fury melting away into heartbreak, “How famous is famous enough? How long am I supposed to wait?"
"No, of course it’s not your fault. You're already a star- you're my star. I just wanna give you everything you deserve," he takes a half step forward, reaching towards Izar. His hand never connects, as Izar steps away from him in equal measure. 
“Stop it,” Izar says, barely a whisper. He can feel hot tears threatening at the corners of his eyes. He doesn’t want to talk anymore.
“Okay… okay,” Thomas lets the hand that had been hanging in the air drop to his side, sounding cautious, “I’m sorry.”
“I don’t want to hear it,” the words don’t come out nearly as sharply as Izar wants them to. 
Heavy tears start streaming trails down his cheeks, and he turns on one heel to face away from Thomas. He doesn’t want to be seen like this- eyes betraying his leaking feelings and ruining his makeup. He wipes his messy cheeks on the back of his sleeve, and moves to start putting on shoes and a coat. The cuff of his shirt is likely ruined, but he doesn’t have the space of mind to mourn the shirt while he’s focused on packing himself a small bag. Traveling light was never his specialty, and it takes his full concentration to figure out what he’ll need while spending a few days on his own.
“Izar? Where are you going?” worry edges into Thomas’ voice.
“I don’t know. Out,” Izar feels like a petulant teenager when he responds, a feeling he doesn’t enjoy, “I need space.”
“I-” Thomas starts like he’s going to protest, and then thinks better of it, “I see. Okay. Yeah. That’s fine.”
“I wasn’t asking.”
“Of course, babe, I know, I didn’t mean it like that,” Thomas throws up his hands in defense, an instinctive response that Izar can’t see with his back turned. “It’s just that London is a big city, and I know we didn’t do too much sightseeing last time we were here. I want you to be safe.”
Izar huffs, unsatisfied and still upset. He’s almost out of the door already, he knows Thomas is stalling.
“Wait! Here, let me-” Thomas trails off, moving to rifle through his suit jacket until he finds his money clip. He slips a few bills out of it and tucks them in his waistcoat pocket.
“Let me pay for you to get a room for the night, so you can have space. There’s a little place called the Haymarket that’s closer to where you’re singing tonight. Not quite as nice as here, but they’ll take good care of you.”
It’s an olive branch. One that Thomas offers with a warily extended hand. Izar watches his approach out of the corner of his eye, making Thomas wait for a long, tense moment before acknowledging the attempt at placation. He wants his hotel room paid for more than he wants to give Thomas the cold shoulder, so he begrudgingly shifts enough to face his manager as he takes the money.
“Thank you,” he says, with none of his usual sweetness. 
“Can I still see you this evening? At your show?”
Izar looks at the money in his hands. It’s almost all of the cash Thomas has on him- not an insignificant amount. 
“Sure,” he answers quietly, without looking up.
He can hear the click of Thomas’ shoes before they come into view, as he takes the few steps required to close the distance between them. The hand that comes up to guide him by the chin into meeting Thomas’ eyes is expected, and he allows his head to be moved. 
“I love you, Izar. I’ll see you tonight.”
It’s then that Izar tears his head from Thomas’ grasp, turning and taking the kiss that he leans in for on the cheek.
“Goodnight, Mr. Wendell,” Izar says. He leaves without looking back, unable to summon up the courage to face the hurt he knows will be plain on Thomas’ face after being spurned.
The first thing that Izar feels at the end of his show is relief. As he collapses into the chair in his dressing room- overly dramatic even when alone- the realization washes over him that he didn’t see Thomas’ face in the crowd that night. He feels untethered from the simmering anger that’s been weighing him down all day, light as a bird. For the blissful hour it takes him to change and prepare to face the cold, London night, all he thinks about is the chocolate and wine he has waiting for him in his hotel room. They had been impulse purchases on his way to the Haymarket, driven by a need to cover the despair he was feeling with pleasant decadence. As usual, he’s glad he followed his instinct.
It’s not until he’s outside, with the crisp December air nipping at his cheeks, that the guilt starts to set in. Tommy had never missed one of his performances before. 
When he slides into a cab, he gives the name of Thomas’ hotel rather than his own. He wonders if he should have called first, and why Thomas didn’t call to say he wasn’t coming. Worry gnaws at him the whole ride over. He hadn’t been kind when saying goodbye, but he hadn’t thought Thomas would be upset enough with him not to show up.
In the hallway, a few dreadful yards from an ajar hotel room door, Izar’s heart sinks into his stomach.
“Tommy, dear?” he calls out quietly, practically in a stage whisper, when he reaches the doorway.
The room is dark, lit only by the light spilling in from the dim hallway. It’s enough for Izar to understand that the shape splayed on the bed is his manager. Thomas doesn’t seem to stir at his name. He doesn’t move when Izar takes a few hesitant steps into the room. From what Izar can see, he doesn’t seem to be moving at all. That realization sends Izar spiraling away from any caution and into sheer panic, throwing himself onto the bed next to Thomas.
He shakes Thomas’ limp body by the shoulders, lightly at first, and then more frantically when there’s no response.
“Tommy, please,” he pleads, eyes already wet as he takes Thomas’ face between his hands gently.
“Please get up, darling, please. I didn’t mean to be so terribly cold, I didn't mean it. I love you, Tommy, I really do. Please don’t leave me like this-” his words and tears come flowing out unbidden, beyond any reasoning or rationality as he devolves into hysterics. 
“Mr. Iñigo?” 
Izar is snapped out of his spinning haze by a voice from the door- a bellhop who had helped him with his luggage only days before was standing in the doorway, framed by light. 
Very suddenly, he can feel how cold Thomas is in his hands, and there’s something soaking through his dress where he’d pressed himself close. The sharp reality of how this must look hits him quickly, and he scrambles to his feet to catch the boy before he can run off. He grabs the bellhop by the front of the jacket, adrenaline fueling strength he might not otherwise have. The kid looks as shocked as Izar feels. 
"Wait! I need your help, please," he pleads, "I know how this looks…but I swear, I found him like this.” 
It’s not his best line, but he’s putting on a good show. It isn't hard to sell with his makeup smeared from crying for the second time that day. If you ignore Thomas' blood staining his dress, he looks the perfect image of a damsel in distress. When he catches the glimmer of uncertainty- and maybe pity- in the bellhop's eyes, he pushes further.
"Do you.. do you think you could go and phone the authorities for me?" he asks. 
The bellhop gives him a nervous nod, glancing down at Izar’s hand still holding him there. Eyes following the motion, Izar releases his grip on the boy's uniform and smooths a hand over the fabric he'd creased. He uses his free hand to dig around in his pocket until he pulls out a crisp fifty dollar bill, which he presses insistently into the bellhop’s hand.
"And don't tell them you saw me here? Please?" The last thing he needs is this story plastered in every tabloid.
Even he can't tell if the tremble in his voice is put on at this point, or if he really just can't stop shaking. Either way, the look of pity in the bellhop’s eyes seems to only grow at the request. When he nods again, Izar is satisfied that his secret will be safe with the boy. He pulls away, and hardly has the time to say ‘thank you’ before the bellhop is gone, rushing down the hallway towards the elevator.
He doesn’t have much time. 
All he wants is to sit with Thomas, to cling to him until they put him in the ground, but he doesn’t have much time. 
He spends a few hurried minutes gathering necessities into the largest bag he can carry, and permits himself one last lingering moment with Thomas before he flees. Not wanting to attract attention to himself, he takes the exit meant for staff. By the time he hails a cab, he’s a few blocks away from the hotel. If you didn’t know him, it was a reasonable assumption that his shaking was simply from being under dressed for the cold, and not from the mix of fear and grief that was making his heart race. 
Curled up alone in his hotel room, there was no hiding from those feelings.
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the-nefarious-vampire · 3 months
as an aroace, im particularly dangerous, because i wont fuck or marry. i only know how to kill.
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catmask · 11 months
its true that romance amd friendship will not solve everything but. objectively speaking its very hard to get sad when you can say 'lets go get cake tomorrow okay' and someone will go get cake with you. like there is some good at least. you know
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bluestonewings · 5 months
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ACES!!! Look at this Scientific American article!!! It makes me genuinely so happy to read. We’re making it!!!!
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hinamie · 24 days
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I'll rip in hands and teeth and take a bite
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isjasz · 15 days
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Stellar death
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fratboycipher · 1 year
obligatory welcome guide for redditors
A lot of the guides I've seen don't actually seem to understand how reddit works in comparison to tumblr so
your blog is basically your own small subreddit. some people curate this heavily to fit a theme, like a sub, most people don't
reblogs are culturally equivilant to upvotes but functionally equvilant to crossposting
there is an algorithm. it sucks and nobody uses it. turn it off in settings. everything is generally chronological
likes are functionally equivilant to saving a post
you've probably already seen this but change your icon and put something in your bio or people WILL assume you're a bot. personal info not required
generally, anything you would put as a comment on a thread should go in the tags or the replies of a post. only add comments in reblogs if you want it to become part of the base post
tags are mostly equivilant to flairs, used for organization and commentary
your dashboard is an aggregation of everyone you follow
there is an r/all equivilant(trending page) but it sucks and nobody uses it
our search also sucks. your best bet is using tumblr.com/tagged/[TAG] and not /search
there are no mods
by extension, reporting something doesn't put it in front of the mods, it sends it to staff, who may or may not do anything(usually they don't)
there is no karma, there are no karma limits. anyone can reblog anything, comment/reply to anything, or post in any tag
"reposting"(reblogging) old content doesn't matter. people can and will reblog the same post multiple times, including in a row
CAVEAT. reposting someones art(NOT reblogging, making a new post) is a dick move. i know this is commonplace on fandom subs but its not necessary here. everything you post should be [OC] unless you are reblogging. or posting shitty memes
we have our own sitelore, you'll pick it up
(though im not opposed to bringing some over from reddit)
our app also sucks. we do not have third party apps and any that claim to be are scams. sorry
for desktop, most people use the XKit Rewritten extension for QoL improvements and to revert shitty aesthetic updates, much like old.reddit
we have no idea where the porn rules are at either. add a mature content flag to anything you'd get fired for looking at at work, that's about it
finally, from the bottom of my heart, fuck u/spez
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thy-valhallen · 1 month
Cass, pointing at Jason: we're twins
Jason: *6'3" 200 lbs of Latino rage and muscle*
Cass: *5'1" 120 lbs of Chinese murder and love*
Tim: you're just not
Cass, patting his shoulder: it's okay. easy mistake. we're fraternal twins
Jason, holding up a gun: yep. twins.
Tim: ... good for you
Cass: :D
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thirdtimed · 3 months
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still figuring out how to draw them
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cali · 3 months
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inferno darling groudon supervises the end of a lot of things
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crops and a link to this as a print
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solardrake · 7 months
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Delivering mail to the furthest corners of the server ✉✈
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improvapocalyps · 2 months
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You have 90 minutes to complete. (original poem: r.a.)
In participation of the MCYT Recursive Exchange 2024 hosted by @mcytrecursive!
Inspired by know that all my love will be your breath (i will save you when your lights go out)
[text under cut]
1. Have you ever been in love? (Please circle your answer.) a. It's me and him b. Our hearts beat in sync c. Our lives intertwined
2. Do you understand what you’ve done? (Please circle your answer.) a. I couldn't do anything b. I lost my balance c. I doomed us both
3. It's been god knows how long since you felt phantom hands on your neck and there is no one in sight. If you were soul-bound to him and both of you died at the same time then why are you still waiting in the void? Please answer clearly, in full sentences. (Not a correct answer:I just wanted to see him one more time).
4. Define two (2): Fate | The feeling of his forehead against yours Curse | The moment you realise he isn't linked to you anymore
5. True or False: i. It was your fault. ii. You wish you had met him under different circumstances. iii. You can’t regret a single moment that you had him. iv. You would do it all over again if you could. v. It ended long before either of you said anything.
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sketch cover thing for imgur link:
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solarockk · 2 months
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Im oh so normal about real life smp and gaslight gatekeep girlboss
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