#BRB having an existential crisis about this
xysidhequeen · 2 years
No idea who needs to hear this. Because I've been writing, professionaly as my job for over a year and this only just clicked for me.
Dialogue does not have to be followed with 'X Said/Told/Yelled etc etc.' You can just move on to an action. IE: "Can't believe you did that!" X dropped to the floor, narrowly avoiding a sword that flew through the air where her throat had been seconds before.
I know for many writers this isn't some grand revelation but maybe it'll cause an epiphany for someone else.
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taylorsabrina · 8 months
just logged on to the news and my jaw is on the fucking floor. SLUT? SLUT?!!?!?!?!?!??!!!
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sonofsin · 8 months
oh god I am 26 a month from today
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deonideatta · 2 years
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abysslll · 2 years
wow i cannot believe that -age i have always thought of as Old™- is only two years away from me now
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chiliger · 10 months
Having an existential crisis about the clones brb
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death-in-a-handbasket · 11 months
do you think Ayatsuji would occasionally have an existential crisis? like, this man started solving crimes when he was 7 and killed over 2 billion people. I doubt he never thought about those what if's
I THINK ABOUT THIS SO SO MUCH AND NO ONE ELSE ADDRESSES IT. I’ve only seen like two other posts talking about the potential ramifications and trauma born out of seeing people die bloody dramatic deaths at the tender age of seven
I don’t doubt he was always a precocious bastard but that shit will force you to grow up in new and horrible ways and ??? numb you to it at the same time
I do think sometimes he gets a bit of an existential crisis about it because for one being so easily capable of that much violence has got to make you feel a little weird over how much blood is on your hands, sake of justice or not
plus like. he’s got to think about the what ifs scenario where he never had this ability, does he ever mourn the more innocent life he could’ve lived? does he ever feel angry at the universe for forcing this life upon him? jesus christ
THE ISOLATION TOO. that unknowing of normalcy, that opportunity to bond and feel human never ever allowed. I’m going to clutch my head and explode brb
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koostarcandy · 2 years
naurrr bae I'm floored coz you replied?????
and ohmygod you literally went and googled i can't love you any more pls my heart is weak help me Jesus-
yeee i thought of your funny and creative and amazing ass ok, there was no one else who came to mind huehue
yes i shall send!!!! I'd love to hehe i just hope i don't scare you off or sound dumb ehehe
hello new fren! i shall not be so silent anymore hehe, I've been silent for seven months just grinning at your writing muah ily too <3
my bad wtf that went as a message first sorry for the stupidity i hate my fingers pt. 2
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literally me when i saw your message this time
why would i not reply darling wtf i'd love any interactions from yall 😭😭 when there's that lil bubble in the message icon, idec if it's hate atp but the fact that ppl feel the need to say smth about my posts is >>>>>
i had to know who this person and he's french too.????-,-,-,,-??-*#& those ppl have some top tier thoughts i tell you,,,
OMG IM FUNNY nxjxhzbsvsbbz (@biancablack2474 and @fancyonlyme25 and @gojos-exe and @amalalalala look I'm funny 😠😠😠 and i would "tag" the other ppl here but then they would find this acct and the complaints i've made about them so no <3)
i would take that compliment if i was doing medical like this medical (🧠🫀🫁🦷🦴👩🏽‍⚕️) but I'm doing this medical (👩🏽‍🔬📚🧪🧫🧬💊) soooo im dying either its like im doing a crash course in medicine 🥲
you're not scaring anYONE off we love love love love loooooooveee chatting here (despite me being 89% introverted what an irony bro 💀💀) and we i would love to see your take on the fics!!
I've been writing on tumblr for more than 7 months? brb im gonna have an existential crisis 🙃
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karatam · 10 months
hello. hope you are all good and the family is well. there is less than 5 months til the new year, would you like to share what have been some good things that have occured for you for this year ? i have been obsessing over hzd forbidden west for like the entire month. any plans this weekend or up-coming weekend ?
hello! long time no...type? idk
5 months left in the year.....brb having an existential crisis about that for a moment. some good things that happened this year? hmmm
I got to go on vacation and see family earlier this month (hence part of the reason why I've been so absent from tumblr)
my cousin got a new puppy and he's adorable with little razors for teeth
less of an event, but I've been way more physically active this year than I have been for like a decade and I actually feel way better now (and had to re-buy literally my whole wardrobe, but that's fine). I can actually run 5k every weekend now, which is wild
Tears of the Kingdom really got a hold on me, even though I'm pretty terrible at video games. made me get a new OLED switch to replace my old broken one and gosh it's pretty
I literally bought a new phone like 14 hours ago, which I'm pretty jazzed about, mostly because I will finally have a phone that fits in my pocket for the first time since like 2012
Imogen and Laudna are girlfriends now and I'm still in shock lmao
HFW is such a beautiful game, like I wanna ignore the plot and just gaze at the landscape (it's next on my list to get back to once I'm more done with Zelda)
my friend is visiting town next week so we're gonna go see Barbie, which I'm very excited about (it's been killing me seeing everyone's reactions and not being able to go see it myself yet, bc I'd feel bad if I saw it before my friend)
hope you're having a lovely summer! (or winter, if you're in the southern hemisphere)
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monotonous-minutia · 2 years
Les Huguenots (La Monnaie, 2022) reactions, Act IV
oof here we go
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concerned husband
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ouch okay
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i feel so bad for him tbh, he wants to help but he just doesn’t understand but also will someone just tell him wtf is going on
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“oh wait maybe I was a little harsh...well he’s gone”
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*existential crisis intensifies*
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the cross comes back
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she’s just such a sweet Valentine I can’t
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my poor baby
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here he is there’s no way this could end badly
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“you know I’m serious because I’m standing on the table”
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in another time, another world...
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not ominous at all
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will he listen, it’s a toss-up
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I think he’s already kinda pissed at Saint-Bris (don’t blame him one bit)
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ugh this part always makes me so nervous
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all the nobles are wearing one of those collar things except him
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my poor boy :(
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“excuse me WHAT NOW?”
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go Nevers
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“excuse me what...WHAT????? THE FUCK???” (love their solidarity in this moment, there’s so much to their relationship but the simplicity here of them together being the only ones to realize how sincerely fucked up this all is, and turn to each other in that moment)
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dear lord I hate you
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“is your dad really this fucked up?”
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“unfortunately yes, you don’t know the half of it...”
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“don’t worry...I won’t let anything bad happen”
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"I...wish I could believe that”
fuck me up I’m already crying
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he knows what he’s gotta do, he knows there will be consequences but he’s gonna do it anyway
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how about nope
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i love them, okay
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don’t you dare start plotting anything
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ruh roh
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ouch ouch ouch
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seriously fuck you
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it’s not as cool when you do it, man
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seriously fuck all of you
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uh excuse you why are you being mean to my baby
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this whole scene makes me so fucking angry
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i guess everyone’s just going to stand on the table then
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tf is that guy also i think the queen is having a seizure
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helpless witness
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the lighting choices in this production are honestly on point
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the beginning of the end
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“my turn to stand on the table”
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and there it is
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they’re so sweet, why can’t this be forever
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this duet is so beautiful and they’re both so amazing
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oh no the bells oh no
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the sheer agony
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oh dang
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and he’s off
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Valentine ran over to one of the people and ushered them to follow her out </3
okay I am not ready for the final act but I also can’t wait to see it, why is this opera always like this
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mirabelthemiracle · 2 years
jesus christ on a cracker i have been writing fanfiction for a decade
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formula-what · 4 years
Okay so I listened to Short Kings Anthem and that shits actually good but like, they also fucking made Walk Man?? I love that song and you’re telling me that it’s a joke song made by Nole Miller?? That this guy is really out there making actual good music?? And directing music videos? And then goes and fucks around on twitch with that stupid voice of his?? God I really do hate Lando right now
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givemeseasons · 2 years
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Another year of sad pop tunes
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4, 5, 8, 13, 34? :3c
Referencing this post.
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Full disclosure: I saw this question and promptly forgot every word I’ve ever known. What my brain came up with on the reboot was, “Honestly…~~feral~~ makes me lose my shit. You know shit’s about to get Real when somebody’s described as feral, and I’m always love feral characters.”
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
I don’t know if this counts as a Superstition or just a Neuroticism, but: The color’s gotta Match. Holy heck, does the color gotta match. I draft by hand in ink, and I change pen colors for different projects, in different notebooks, and they all have to at least kind of coordinate with each other, or else words stall out. Color Family is enough when it comes to notebook/pen combos, but if I try to change ink mid-project to a Slightly Different Hue, mid-drafting stream, Disaster Strikes.
For instance: When I was writing my superheroes stuff, I ran out of pens, and thought I ordered the Correct Refills, but the refills were Very Slightly Darker than the turquoise I was using, and it threw off my NaNo writing mojo for literally sixteen hours (until I got The Proper Pens). I had an existential crisis about it, at the time. It was bad.
Perhaps closer to counting as a superstition: I also must Begin A New Project With A New Month. I can’t just. Start a new project, whenever. I have to time it right, or Disaster. I don’t make the rules (I wish I made the rules).
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
Okay, so THIS is a wild question because, depending on how you interpret it, I have…technically…done both, in the same book? The one I just finished, actually: the whole novella is framed as a conversation in a café, so the only Actual Real Time Action is one character walking in and sitting down (and then facial expressions and one (1) notable coffee-out-nose incident), BUT the whole thing Is (one side of a) Dialogue.
On the flip side: there no dialogue-indicating quotation marks until almost 11k in, and by that point the narrator has told the story twice in its entirety. And: I didn’t do No Dialogue intentionally in the first drafting? Since it happened on accident, it couldn’t have been hard, right?
If I had to Pick One Intentionally, though, I’d probably go with No Dialogue to see if I could do it? Since I already loopholed my way into No Action. Dialogue is fun and relatively easy for me to write, usually, so it’d be a good Challenge Mode to try to Not. (…hm. BRB, making vague general notes for a Future NaNo, because it sounds like fun…..)
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
Difficult: POLITICS/government lol. I don’t understand it IRL and I have a hell of a time trying to translate it into fiction (which is…an Issue, for, say. Secondary World SFF. And, uh. Guess what I have several ideas for, stuck in the worldbuilding stage…).
Easy:  Catch me adding SCIENCE to, like. Everything I write (even if it’s OOC for my narrator to know about). For instance: Birds? Feathers? Flight?? Love that shit, so anywhere it can go in, in it goes. Even if I don’t have the immediate knowledge to pull it off convincingly, I love learning about it, so I absolutely go down the research rabbit hole.
34. Thoughts on the Oxford comma, Go:
Mandatory. Seriously, if in general punctuation’s major purpose in life is CLARITY, whymst the fucketh wouldn’t you use an Oxford comma?? Why would only the FIRST item in your list get one? And commas are legitimately cute! So smol, and they have TAILS! What’s not adorable about that?
I also personally do my Best to increase the world’s total (properly-used) comma population at, like, literally every turn, in hopes that some of them will escape containment into the greater ecosystem and interbreed with native populations to increase species abundance.
Viva la Oxford comma!!
Thanks for the ask, friend!!
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licherally??? write anything with Sephiroth. I don't give a shit. I just want some of my boy (wait.. is he my boy or am I his boy brb having an existential crisis) ANYWAY have a great day ilyyyy
Alright my dude, might've had too much fun with this
TW Cursing
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We all know this man is 6ft
That means Zack, Angeal, and Genesis are taller than him, which means this boy gets made fun of for being short
It's ok bb you got them Chanel boots
Sometimes, very rarely, when Genesis is feeling less annoying, he'll let him braid his hair
It takes forever to comb it out beforehand tho
Definitely has some plants Angeal gave him as a gift
Y'all seen ponytail Seph? Yeah he wears his hair like that when no one's looking, it aliviates the pressure from all that hair going free
His neck hurts a lot
Out of work he either wears sweatpants or business casual, no in-between
Zack comes over to his apartment a lot for no reason, which makes seph have to tell him to get the fuck out since he's walking around the house nakey
He has this super elaborate stand for Masamune, he loves that sword like it's his child, so of course he's gonna spoil it
No he does not get how weird that is
When he loses his mind, his apartment becomes baren and dusty
Angeal sometimes went to clean it up
When Angeal and Zack died, he didn't find out until months later
Babe was ANGRY
Like, they may have been annoying but they were his actual friends
He heard mentions of Cloud from Zack, who wasn't able to shut up about his new best friend
Projects his anger onto Cloud
Listen, he is not sane, he doesn't know what's going on and Angeal carried the braincell and he's dead
Overall, he's just kinda sad :/
His whole life has been a mess
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todo list for tomorrow but it's almost 4am
wake up
realize im actually awake
have an existential crisis for two minutes then get up
shower w clothes on while ycgma and mitski play
try to finish Julian's route and start Muriel or Nadias route
get 1000 coins in an hour
give someone a very vague life update
not die the minute someone says brb
not die
stay alive
have an asthma attack right after i say im too sexy to die- do nothing about it
hyperfixate on sootcest..again
go through the stages of grief for no reason
pet the crabs
cause chaos
why is there soup.under my bed
not have a heatstroke
break something
break something but it actually had meaning this time
convince my irl friend to give me her address again so the next time i say i know where you live i actually know where she lives
be rad and sexy and awesome and cool and super hot and
figure out what my next url should be for the next ten hours
write my gay little fucked up story
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