munv · 8 months
sae x reader bc it’s sae but jealous sae..I’m fighting writers block so bad right now
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Sae was livid. I mean - who wouldn’t be? He was invited you to one of his matches, and even bought you VIP tickets. But some random bastard from the opposing team, that you just so happened to be acquainted with from long ago popped up and now he’s been ditched.
Who even is that guy? He looked like such a loser too..every single time that man got the ball in the middle of the match he’d either give the sloppiest pass to his teammates or miss the goal ENTIRELY. It was beyond embarrassing, but the fact he had to grit his teeth because of him is even more annoying.
You were having a blast weren’t you.
Giggling a bit you playfully smacked his shoulder, talking about how funny he was. The boy bashfully rubbed his nape and a red hue had decorated his face, along with a sheepish smile.
Oh god, if his teammates were able to see Sae Itoshi’s anger from miles away, their little so called “friend” would be able to see it too. The opposing teammates looked at each other in worry and whispered amongst themselves. “Yo..isn’t that Itoshi Sae..? Why does he look like he’s boutta murder asa..”
“Nah man I think that’s his girl he’s talking to..go tell him!” “No you!” “Why’d you think i would go over there?! He’s basically fuming bro”
“I’ll go tell him” another one piped in. Coming closer it was as if he could actively smell the older Itoshi’s wrath. “Oh, and who might you be?” Snapping out of his trance he looked over to where the feminine voice was.
You were breathtaking. No wonder Sae wanted to kill his teammate. You also seemed polite under all that too. “I’m uh- asa’s teammate ms. The coach asked for Asa and we should really be packing now”
Noticing how the younger male emphasized on “really” slowed you to raise a brow in suspicion. Completely oblivious to the danger that has already begun approaching the 3 of you.
“Right!” Deciding to ignore it you clasped your hands together, “I’ll see you another time, right asa?”
The male turned red once more in his remark but before he could speak up a harsh voice cut in.
Everyone turned to the owner of voice in question, only to be met with cold real eyes with a set of pretty eyelashes. “Sae! There you are…?” You noticed he wasn’t looking at you. Instead he was glaring at your ‘friend’. “Who are you?.” His glare intensified.
Sae wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you in, resting his chin on your shoulder. The poor boy could only stutter in response, “w-well..I’m [l/n]-san’s friend and..-“
“The Better question is, what are you doing talking to my fiancé?”
A pregnant silence filled the field. Few stopped what they were doing to look at the scene in front of them. Others were too shocked to move.
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Sae was on the couch staring at his phone, manspreading lazily and scrolling through the newest and hottest headlines of today.
“Sae! Are you even listening to me?” You had been scolding the man for quite the while now, only stopping to now notice he wasn’t listening from beside you.
He turned to meet your gaze as if you weren’t just scolding him, “what?” Only sighing. “Why did you do all of that either, didn’t you want to keep our relationship a secret?” Crossing your arms over your chest and staring at him with such a serious look only made him think you were cuter.
“I don’t like him.” He said it as if it was the simplest answer. “Who?” “That guy, the one you were talking to.”
You took a moment to think about it before a sly grin came onto your face, “were you..jealous?” You poked his cheek with your index finger in a repeatedly manner. “no. I just don’t like him”
Right now if Sae wasn’t turned away from you, he’d be giving the nastiest glare right now. He knew that, and he knew you knew that. You could just easily read him like that. Realizing he was only giving you short and quick witted responses you resorted to that last tactic in your “Book to Sae’s Weak Point’s” guide.
Yes, this is all in your head.
“Baby c’mon..you know I only love you right?” In a swift motion, you wrapped your arms around his neck bringing him down to face you once again. Snuggling into his neck you could feel him freeze above you before calming down. He knew that. He just wanted to hear you say it from your own lips.
It’s only very few times insecurities overtake Sae, and as his soon to be wife, it’s your job to quell those raging sea of negative thoughts.
“Hm..” he inhaled your scent from above you, it was the same shampoo he bought you for your last birthday. It wasn’t too long ago either that he restocked it for you.
You both stayed like this for a few moments before speaking again, “so..asa wanted to han-“
“Another word, and that guy won’t ever have to think about soccer again”
“Shut up.”
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therealbatgirlishere · 4 months
trips in 3 is hereee Hbssh ssk
Trips in (3)
Bby dad Miles morales x bby ma Female reader :p
Pookies I’m sorry for making you wait so long 😋 , also I’m not doing nsfw because miles is canonically a minor :3 , but it is implied bcs he is aged up. no reposting or posting my workings please ^^ 
Ps: I don’t do request..we’ll barely do requests just depends on how I feel.  , but that’s all baby bats stay safe love you MWA :)
Warning: implied nsfw, mature themes, minors dni, messy?, manipulation?, possessiveness, crazy mf. 
After the shower You had this morning you  were sobering up, swallowing down a pain killer from the hangover you had. Having your hair up in a messy bun, eyes slightly red. Wearing an oversized T and black yoga shorts, chugging down a bottle of water as you scrolled through insta. That’s when there’s a knock on the door, you then looked over at the front door, wondering who’s here. Maybe it’s Lita here to drop off the dress she borrowed for last night. You then got up and made your way through the front door, twisting the door knob and pulling it open. 
Your eyes then looked up at the male who was almost taller than the door, here we go again. 
—-Timeskip to after math :)——
You woke up, siting up and rubbing your temple, everything feels hazy. You look around the room and see that this isn’t your room, to the curtains to the carpet. None of this is yours, “what the fuck?” Maybe it’s because you’re just waking up, you then hop off of the bed, making a thud. You then rush to the window to jump out before passing a mirror and seeing your reflection for a split second, you then pause and slowly back up to where the mirror was and examined yourself. Where the fuck did the clothes I was wearing go? You were wearing a shirt a bit baggy on you, shorts no longer on your legs. You had marks all over your frame, from neck to ankles. That’s when you hear the door creek, you looked over to see miles. Fucking miles. “Morning, I made breakfast this time.” He said, a small comforting smile plastered on his face, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your forehead. You immediately pulled away, eyebrows knitted together as you pushed his chest. “Baby, cut that shit out, I’m playing with you. Come downstairs.” He said, a sneer tugging at his lips after he sucked his teeth in annoyance. He then reached out to you put you backed away more, shaking your head before crossing your arms. “Nah don’t touch me.” You said, brushing past him and walking to the door, clearly not feeling like putting up with this. “Acting like this but you were so so eager to be good for me last night hm?” He said, in a mocking tone before grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you to him. Making you face him, heat rushed to your face and you turned your head away. “I-“ “you what? Made a mistake? Didn’t want it? Cut that shit out we’ve been on n off for weeks. You want this, you want me.” He interrupted, giving you an annoyed look as he gripped onto you tighter. “…” you looked at him, it was the truth. But you didn’t wanna admit it, everytime you try to fix shit something bad always happens. You hate him. You look away, shaking your head. “Let go Miles, I can’t let you do this shit to me again.” You demanded, trying to pull away but his grip grew tighter, of course not bruising. He doesn’t want to actually hurt you. He then pulled you by the waist and kissed your cheek. “Why you lying to yourself baby? You know I’ll take care of you n Zion. Make you happy huh? I’ll be better I promise. So stop trying to leave me.” He whispered to you sweetly, kissing your neck, you look away, shaking slightly and tearing up. Here we go again. He rubbed your waist while whispering sweet things in your ear, kissing and nibbling at your neck. “Come n eat downstairs, it’s your favourite.”he said, kissing your tears away before rubbing your cheek and holding your hand as he leaded you down the stairs. Maybe he’s right. Maybe you do need him. He does treat you so well and looks after Zion. 
“Mama!” Zion giggled, running to you. You and Miles came to pick up your kid from kindy it’s been a few weeks and you and Miles are back together. Things look good, things feel good. Miles wasn’t lying this time. you picked him up and held him in your arms, kissing his cheek before speaking. “Hi baby, let’s go get something to eat alright?” You said, smiling before looking up at miles, he smiles at you slightly kissing you and Zions forehead before Miles held your waist and you three made your way to the car.
so y’all I’m done with this series 😝 (Mayb.)
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edosianorchids901 · 5 months
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Drifting With Every Wind
Ace Omens Hugfest 2024 prompt - "smiling into a hug"
Athens, 450 BC
Aziraphale looked around anxiously, twisting his hands together. His heart beat far too quickly, and he couldn’t quite catch his breath. No matter what he did, he simply couldn’t calm down.
And all the worse because there was no clear reason for it. He was simply a nervous wreck, quite close to the verge of a panic attack.
He went for another walk around the agora, trying to steady himself by studying the wares for sale. Ordinarily, that would cheer him up immensely. He loved to see the latest imports, as well as the local goods, and he’d spent many a long day contemplating the scrolls of poetry for sale.
Today, not even the thought of new reading material cheered him. He briefly contemplated a nice snack, but not even oysters or yummy bread or grapes seemed appealing right now. His tummy churned at the mere though, queasiness rising, and he let out a shaky breath. No, no snacks, not unless he wanted to be sick in front of everyone.
The thought of that made him feel even worse. Oh Heavens, what if he really did throw up in front of everyone? They would all make fun of him, understandably so, and then he would cry, and then they would make fun of him even more—
“Aziraphale, are you okay? Sounds like you’re trying to win the Olympic sport for breathing too fast.”
Aziraphale’s breaths caught, which had the effect of making him suddenly quite dizzy. He whipped around anyway, towards the demon with a perpetual questioning expression. “Crawley! Oh, I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you!”
He flung himself into Crawley’s arms, hugging him tight. A smile broke out even as he squeezed his eyes shut against tears. Oh, it was so good to see someone he knew, someone who never made fun of him in earnest.
“Whoa! Uh, hi.” A little awkward, Crawley patted his back. “Glad I showed up when I did. You looked like you were freaking out pretty bad.”
“Don’t be silly. Angels don’t ‘freak out’.” A few tears escaped, and Aziraphale clung to Crawley as a wave of shivering rushed through him. “Admittedly, I-I was having a trace of anxiety.”
Oh. He likely shouldn’t be hugging Crawley for this long. It wasn’t something they did.
He let go and stepped back, quickly dashing away the tears with one hand. Crawley gave him another quizzical look. “Just a trace, eh?”
“Mhm.” Aziraphale touched a hand to his chest, and was rather annoyed to find himself trembling. Oh, really. This was ridiculous. “Whatever are you doing here, anyway?”
“Buying wine, to start.” Crawley looked around the agora. “I stopped in at a tavern in the Piraeus after my ship docked, but I need to get a jug or two to shove in my room. Wanna go shopping with me?”
“Oh, could I?” The thought eased a great deal of Aziraphale’s nervousness, and the pressure on his chest lessened. “That would be so lovely. I’m afraid I’ve been feeling a bit…”
He sighed. Oh, it was so hard to put into words, especially when he had absolutely no idea why he was so stressed.
Crawley just gave a little sympathetic pout and beckoned to him. “C’mon. We’ll go buy stuff, and you can help me carry it back to my place.”
Quite grateful, Aziraphale accompanied him. He rolled his eyes at Crawley’s rather bad attempts to barter with the vendors, sighed when Crawley got distracted from shopping by a need to sample his wine, and chuckled when a wandering goat attempted to eat Crawley’s sandal. It was quite a nice way to get his mind off his own worries.
“Right, okay. So.” As they veered down a narrow dusty street, Crawley passed him another jug of wine and opened the door to a little house. Aziraphale struggled to adjust without dropping anything. “I’m staying here for now. It’s not exactly the most terrific part of town, but it was cheap, and Hell’s been nitpicking my expense reports.”
“Ah, of course.” Aziraphale clutched at one of the jugs of wine, trying to steady it as it slipped from his grip. “But naturally, you had to purchase a vast quantity of— oh no!”
He lost his hold on the jug, and he could only watch in horror as it plummeted towards the street. Oh, and Crawley would be angry at him, and then Aziraphale would cry because Crawley was angry at him, and then—
“Whoops, my bad.” Crawley grabbed the jug before it could hit the ground. “You wanna come in and have a glass?”
Aziraphale stared at him, lip trembling. “You… you’re not angry with me for dropping it?”
“Wot? No? I’m the one who handed it to you without making sure you had a good hold on it.” Crawley shouldered inside and set the jug down, then took the other two that Aziraphale was still carrying. “Why would I be angry with you?”
“Because… because I always fail at everything?” Tears welled again, and Aziraphale suddenly found himself unable to breathe. “G-Gabriel said…”
“Ohhhhhh. Okay. I get it.” With a soft hiss, Crawley stepped closer and took Aziraphale’s arms in a surprisingly gentle grip. Aziraphale looked at him in confusion. “I’m not like the Archangels, Aziraphale. You don’t have to measure up to impossible standards or some shit, not when you’re with me. Okay?”
“Well, the… the Archangels are good, and just, and everything.” Aziraphale cleared his throat, trying not to see Crawley’s skeptical look. “But thank you. I, um. Admit that I get more than a trace anxious sometimes.”
“Yeah, I kinda got that.” Crawley gave a kind smile, then jerked his head towards a cushioned couch. “I sprang for the good couch. Come on. Let’s go sit.”
“Oh, um. Yes, that would be lovely. But…” Swallowing hard, Aziraphale searched the demon’s face. Crawley gave him an inquisitive look. “Could I by any chance hug you again?”
“Oh! Sure.” Looking slightly embarrassed at the prospect, Crawley opened his arms.
Aziraphale stepped into the embrace, closing his eyes. He smiled again as Crawley hugged him close, his heartbeat slowing. Here, with his friend, his anxiety eased until it really was only a trace.
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riddlesrose · 2 years
that’s all, for real
w/ scaramouche
cw; none just very very very ooc scar bcs i just want to see him cared for but by a roommate instead of s/o 👁️
the cold winter weather covered the outside like a shaken snow globe. whisping winds and unique snowflakes flew from every which direction as they pleased.
the current show you were watching was some reality tv drama series about a girl who’s really annoying and all the male leads like her and whatnot, stupid old movies that look the same.
you picked up your phone, the time read ‘12:28 pm’, that’s weird, your roommate should’ve been back by now, but considering the weather… probably reasonable he’s late.
mindlessly scrolling through your phone, another half an hour passes and scaramouche still isn’t back. you’re staying up to make sure he gets home and to see if he was actually going to eat something. (he usually waits until the morning to eat but then complains that he’s hungry and you’re taking too long making eggs.)
you decided on calling him instead of waiting with no answer, one ring, two rings, three rings, four- you’re thinking of hanging up, maybe he chose to stay at a friends place and just didn’t bother telling you, “what.”
“would ya look at that, where the hell are ya?”
“outside the fucking door. open it.”
“no.” with that, you hung up and grabbed the first modest sweater you found.
the short walk to the front door to your shared apartment was long enough to scaramouche that he started knocking annoyingly, but not loud enough to wake the neighbours annoying dog that barks every day.
when you opened the door, you didn’t move so that scaramouche could get inside, no, you stood in the door way fully aware he was trying to enter the apartment, “so, why was the princess late to the castle this time?”
he looked you straight in the eyes, “don’t call me that god damn you, let me in before my fingers fall off.”
“fine, fine, fine.”
“you’re stupid.”
“you’re annoying.”
“you’re dumb.”
“you’re.. yeah no i’m out, too late for insults, when are you going to sleep? never?”
“whenever i do, now go so i can change.”
you followed suit and left to your room. the tv was still on but you decided to switch channels to come adult animated show, whatever was on at 1am.
settling back into your covers, long turned cold, your door slowly reopens, “stay back ghosts, i swear i’m armed.” your tired voice made the scare tactic unable to be scary as the door fully opened and revealed scaramouche, cleanly changed and what looks like should be off to bed after his long ass day.
“off to bed? came to say goodnight? what a good roo-”
you couldn’t finish your sentence as scaramouch silently closed the door again and made his way over to you, and sat on the floor, leaning against your bed.
“it.. it’s cold.”
“it’s mid december, i get it, it’s cold as balls in here.”
the gentle tone gave scaramouche the ‘ok’ to shift from the floor onto your bed, seemingly awkwardly.
you placed a hand on his back, “no need to feel embarrassed, i understand.”
he dramatically falls on his back after you removed your hand and replaced it under the covers. there was momentary shifting before it stopped and you felt his knees brush yours, he was facing you.
with the tv long forgotten and just used as a dim light source, you could see the outline of scaramouche’s face. you took your finger and traced a star on his cheek,
“stop that.”
you traced another star on his forehead,
and another on his other cheek,
“yes seriously, you’re handsome, accept that.” he didn’t reply, only moved himself a bit closer to you, only because you were warm, that’s all, not because he secretly enjoyed the company and care, nope, not at all.
scaramouche’s bangs hung down across his forehead while you observed his tv lit features.
his hair was soft as you brushed his bangs back with your fingers and pressed the smallest, lightest kiss on his forehead. scaramouche was taken aback, he wasn’t expecting that. last person who ever did that was his mother. he hasn’t seen her in years.
aas he was still processing things you pulled him closer so that he’s be laying against you if he were to lay his head down flat, which he did after you shifted him over.
you wrapped an arm around his torso, and ran the other ran through his hair, slightly massaging his head in the process. thanks to you, sleep came easy to scaramouche that night unlike most of the previous nights. but only because you were warm, that’s all.
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leopardom · 5 months
i thought i wouldn't end up making one of those sappy posts before the end of 2023 but here we are i guess
what i wanna say in advance is a huge thank you, and that i'm sorry
this year has been a nightmare for me and i can't stress that word enough. i won't get into details, if you follow me you may have seen some occassional rant posts. long story short though, i'm ending 2023 being mentally exhausted af and even though i'm not in my most optimistic mood, i hope 2024 will not as shitty as 2023
as of my tumblr presence, there have been some changes. i jumped from one fandom to another without completely leaving the bc fandom. i'm just not that much in the mood anymore. maybe this will change once the new album is out? we'll see 👀 and jumping to another fandom means that i lost contact with so many people from the bc fandom. i promise you i didn't do this on purpose and i don't hate or stopped liking any of you. it just... things got weird and a bit too much in my head and now idk how to keep contact without looking extremely weird in this fandom
anyway! entering another fandom has been weird not only in means of interests but also in means of communication. ever since i remember my tumblr activity in any fandom, i always tried to interact as much as possible with other accounts and talk with people, whether that was via posts or messages. in the jo fandom i feel like i have kinda failed that
i'm aware that i post a lot and i'm probably everywhere with the content updates and the gifs. and that may be annoying to some people. and i understand it, i don't like it but i understand it and i wanna apologise for being... all over the place yet not really reaching out to anyone in the fandom or building any kind of online friendship
idk if there's an accurate explanation for the way i feel about this so i'll put it in the best words possible: i wanna make jokes and have fun in here and exchange random messages or mentions in posts and talk shit or not about jo etc, but i feel like my social anxiety (both online and offline) has passed any limit i had put to it until now that i end up thinking it's actually wrong to interact with anyone in this fandom. because everyone has already connected with some people and have built a specific line of interests and you all seem so fucking cool for someone who is as insecure and scared to talk as me so i end up hiding behind my gifs, shitposts and content updates in hopes that people will like me or at least aknowledge i exist in this fandom. and again, that's all on me, there's no one to blame for this behaviour but me and my fucked up mind (which got even more fucked up in the past year). so idk, i feel like i wanna apologise for this, for being like that
however, no matter the anxiety, i must admit that the jo tumblr fandom was actually my escape when things in real life got bad bad. i've spent hours scrolling through the jo and kaarija hashtags in hopes of seeing something unhinged and funny to lift my mood and you know what? i found something every single time. and that was more than nice. if it wasn't for all of you being as funny and crazy (in a positive way) as you are, i'd feel even worse. but every time i open the jo hashtag there's someone posting a wholesome thing or saying something unhinged like how many ways has Kris listed to kill Bojan in his sleep lmao
anyway i ended up writing a lot, this could easily be an entry to the journal that i don't keep but maybe should start keeping. if you read until this point, congratulations for going through all this ramble and i'm sorry
hope 2024 is gonna be a lot different than 2023 but in a good way this time. and i hope i get better and actually get to interact more with all of you great people 💕 and obviously i hope you all have a fantastic year ahead of you 💖
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mattsdae · 1 year
idk how tumblr works but here’s some of my mattrey opinions
- ppl always act like trey is the romantic and matt’s the sexual one when i feel it’s the opposite?? like matt has always had very stable and long lasting relationships compared to trey.
- no hate to the dude, but him getting cheated on made him a sleezeball
- i always imagine matt as just.. a guy and trey as the worst person on earth /pos
- like, he was a total womanizer during the 90’s-00’s
- matt is just.. a sweet guy. like he’s the type of dude that i’d bring home to my parents.
- even though matt is a literal sadist (idk where the article is, but during an interview, he talks about how their work environment is ‘like a frat house’ before describing how he forced an intern to eat too much food and they threw up)
- but he also said if he had one sexual superpower it would be to please one woman really well (which is literally the sweetest thing ever)
- he also seems like a lowkey sleeze but he probably grew out of it when he met angela
- also, i’d like to point out how sweet and touchy matt is with angela 💕💕
- trey is a freak. like not in a normal ‘i like to be tied up’ type of way.
- he’s the type to describe literal war crimes when telling u about his fantasies.
- matt’s the type to try anything once but isn’t super into any of it
- it can be frustrating not knowing what exactly turns him on, but he’s more turned on by the person he’s with and how attractive they are to him, not what they’re doing.
- he does like getting his hair pulled/played with. that’s literally the only thing that could get him bricked up within seconds.
- trey is noisy as hell
- he just lacks shame, so he makes whatever noise he wants. even if it annoys the shit out of all the neighbors, he’ll still scream ur name if he felt like it
- matt isn’t noisy, but he doesn’t hold back either. he’s naturally kinda quiet other than little grunts or moans.
- trey passes out as soon as he cums. like, it takes about 2 minutes TOPS for him to fall asleep
- like, he’d fall asleep on u if he could
- (he’s tried)
- matt is an aftercare king. warm washcloth to clean you off, a bubble bath to relax and a towel straight out the dryer for when you get out.
- usually u try to do aftercare for him because the first time you tried, he was confused and said that nobody’s given him aftercare before.
- he’s just such a sweet guy when he isn’t skull fucking you until you throw up (sorry if that’s too much)
- kinda random but trey seems like the type to watch insane porn. like the shit that could put you on a watchlist.
- remember the scene where randy is trying to jack off when the internet turned off? that’s what trey’s internet history looks like.
- not even in a horny way, he just thinks its really funny (aka physically repulsive)
- he uses a vpn religiously just bc of the porn
- also kinda random but matt could pull off ‘mean dom’ so well. like, so well you question if he’s really roleplaying or not.
- really good at degrading and humiliating, but only if u ask
- he acts like he only does it because you ask, but let’s be real, he loves treating you like dirt during sex.
- i take back what i said, matt’s also a freak
- not in the same way as trey, but he’s definitely kinky
- he likes being dominate because he gets to be mean. like, he’s genuinely an asshole and loves to make fun of people, so doing that AND getting you off is a win-win
- he also likes acting like he isn’t into it (?). like, he’ll check emails while you give him head, scroll through twitter while you ride his thigh, watch porn while fucking you, the whole nine yards.
- of coarse, he doesn’t really mean it and during normal sex, he looks like he’s on cloud-9 the whole time.
ok that’s all for now, probably gonna flesh out these ideas in the future <3
((edit; accidentally said masochist instead of sadist))
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Today's writer's Ted talk:
How to make a readmore cut. Every writer needs to use it and you reading- you're not an exception.
Especially new writers on Tumblr or more importantly- new Tumblr ppl. Don't roll your eyes and scroll past. Read this.
To open up: i would never reblog a fic that is longer than 1k that doesn't have a readmore cut, no matter how good it is. Why? Because i care about my followers too much to do it to them. Whenever i see it i go and dm/ask the writer and ask them to add a cut politely, i even supply how to do it in case they don't know how. Wanna know something? More often than not- they do not know how to do it and thank me for informing them. Some times they ignore me or make fake excuses, one time someone blocked me for it. Sometimes they just forget/Tumblr isn't working- which can happen to anyone(so it's okay if it happens to you), they then add it.
This is gonna be a little long but I'm not putting it under a cut because this is an informative post and i don't want people having to go onto my blog to get informed- if they are lazy then they won't reblog bc of laziness which is valid. So no cut will be used. If you are a new writer trying it out: you are welcomed to reblog this and write your reply using a readmore cut! 🖤
Why do you need to use a cut? Common courtesy. As simple as that. Be considerate and nice. If you know how to use it and don't use it just cause... then you are being not nice for no reason. Just be nice and use it. This is needed because no one wants to scroll through the dash and stumble onto a fic they do not want to read... And then have to scroll for soooo long just to get to the next fucking post. It wastes time and annoys ppl. This goes doubly so when a fanfic has sensitive elements- because i can try and scroll past but i might unintentionally read something that will trigger me- with all the right trigger warnings (i also have a post about that!) it still wouldn't be my fault because i couldn't protect myself from it properly which is why this would be on the writer.
When should you use a cut? It is best to use a cut if your fanfic's word count is over 250 words. However, if you write a drabble and it is below 1k words you don't have to use it, drabbles get a pass. Anything above it needs a readmore cut. I don't mind having to scroll once or twice through my screen but my finger would get tired if i have to do more.
Where should you put the cut? Ah excellent question my dear Watson, you should put the cut after all the informative things you have about your fic (summary, word count, warnings, a/n, header for no minors/reposts if you have one...). That is at the very least. You can also do what a lot of writers do- tease. Put the cut after the first couple of paragraphs of your story.
Now we got to the main thing: how to create a readmore cut!
On laptop: it's rather simple, make a new line where you want the cut to be, on the right side there should be either three dots where you have the option to add a readmore cut or simply a ~ line icon. Press on that. Congrats! You have created a readmore cut and made your fic more accessible and comfortable to have on the dash!
On mobile: this one is a bit more tricky and sometimes if your app isn't updated it won't work. You need to make a new line between the two lines that you want the cut to be in, and then write the following but without the quotation marks (only the highlighted part)
And then you press enter/create a new line and it will transform into a cut! No spaces between the words and the ::
Congratulations dear Watson, you have now observed how to make a readmore cut! Use it wisely and there are no excuses- so please use it. I wanna reblog your fics.
To all the new writers that have joined Tumblr- if you are informed on how to do it and yet you still knowingly refuse to do it- you're an asshole and you do not belong on Tumblr bc this is Tumblr and this is a Tumblr rule.
You're on Tumblr, adapt to how we do things here or leave and don't complain when you get blocked and people don't reblog your fics.
To all the actually nice people here: thank you for reading, I'm hoping you enjoy Tumblr, it's okay if you forget to add it sometimes and it is okay if it doesn't work because Tumblr has bugs sometimes. Tumblr is hard to navigate if you are new and as you can see- you have to manually use actual code to actually do some stuff like add a link in your bio or make a cut. You're welcome to talk to me if you have questions, or just if you wanna chat!
I hereby bless y'all with writing inspo ✨✨✨ as a graduation bonus for learning this😘🖤
PS. This post is a scroll and a half. So it's okay 😂😝
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d-dalladalla · 2 years
can you write some ryujin first meeting headcanons? like she comes off as so confident but imagine if she’s so nervous when she sees reader for the first time and it takes lia and yeji teasing the life out of her to actually get the guts to talk to you? and when she finally does she’s so awkward and you’re just so charmed bc this very attractive girl who can have anyone she wants is so flustered by you ahhh sorry for the long ask i just had to get that out lolll <3
love this!!! <3!!!
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I feel like it would be Ryujin, Yeji and Lia going to a cafe after practice, talking away and going to get a seat while the cafe was packed, they moved to the booth right at the back so they could remove their masks and not be recognised.
Working at a cafe where hundreds of idols and fans went to wasn't easy, having to deal with a copious amount of fans waiting outside to catch a glimpse of their idols was annoying, you just wanted to have a normal shift for once. But this shift was something else.
When you walked over to see the three of them, you were used to seeing idols now so it didn't phase you anymore and took your notepad out of your apron to take their orders.
Lia stopped talking as you stood by them, pen in hand.
"What can I get you?" you looked to the three of them, Yeji and Lia giving you polite smiles as they started to list off their orders but Ryujin's face was something else, she looked to you and back to her table multiple times, no smile just staring at it was starting to freak you out. Was she mad you didn't fan girl?
"Ryujin! What do you want?" Yeji had been trying to get her attention for a minute, calling her name while you waited for her order. She blinked a couple times while she processed Yeji's words before her mouth went into an 'O' shape and she looked at her menu.
"Oh! oh ye-yes can I just have a h-hot chocolate please Miss," she stuttered out, picking her menu up to pass to you, fumbling as she struggled to pick it up from the table, but she did in the end as Yeji and Lia giggled at her antics, passing it to you and watching as you walked away, dropping her head into her hands.
"Oh my god, what was that?" Lia laughed loudly, earning glances from other customers before they went back to their conversations, Yeji giggled to herself as Ryujin groaned in embarrassment, raising her head from her hands, face red.
"Shut up," she mumbled, looking over to the counter where she could see you preparing her drink, and talking to your coworkers, Ryujin looked back to her friends who waited for her to spill.
"She was just really pretty, okay?" she excused, trying to not glance back in your direction as she heard you laugh at one of your coworker's jokes, but she couldn't help it and looked back over to see you, starting on Yeji's order.
"Ask her out then," Lia answered as she scrolled through her phone, looking up to see Ryujin's shocked face, Lia's own was confused now.
"What!?" Ryujin spoke, her voice a little too loud.
"Just...ask her out, what's the harm?" Yeji agreed, turning around to see you coming their way, tray in hand. Ryujin started to panic as her friends spoke louder.
"Yea Ryujin ask the pretty waitress out," Lia teased as you were surely in earshot she thought, you met the again, smiling as you set down the tray to give them their drinks, taking the tray under your arm as they thanked you.
"So, anything else?" you pulled out your notepad and pen again waiting for food orders but Yeji piped up.
"No thank you just the bill please," she smiled as you walked away with her card and to the kiosk, the girls standing up and waiting by the door, Ryujin facing the door trying to not embarrass herself again. "Ryujin can you go get my card for me?" Lia smiled, turning her around to face her, "Since I paid and all, also ask her out." she teased before pushing her towards the kiosk while you printed out the bill.
You looked up to see her staring while you passed Lia's card and waited for the receipt to print, she took a minute to take it into her own hands before stuttering out
"Do-Will, oh god, sorry, Do you want to go on- on a date, please?" she mumbled, looking at your name tag and asking again, stumbling over her words as you smiled back. It was sweet, from what you've seen online she was meant to be this big confident flirt but now in front of you, she was the shyest person.
"I finish at four, you can pick me up here," you spoke, scribbling down your number on the back of the receipt and passing it to her as your coworker called for you to take someone's order and walked away.
Leaving Ryujin to carefully fold the receipt in her hands and secure it in her purse, walking back to her friends looking like she had seen a ghost and having to endure the teasing all the way back to the company building
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galaxiasus-a · 2 years
File Name: @rotshope
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the mans. the myths. the legends. my only somewhat normal and wholly healthy ship on my blog aside from ncove
i like briefly touched on this in dms but now i can elaborate on it so when these two first started dating piers' confidence was in the shitter. this is for a lot of reasons (guess which one of them was in the first place) but the main thing is the "i dont get how someone like him can be with someone like me" mentalilty. he knows it and he knows the media knows it so for a hot minute he would literally scoot behind raihan whenever cameras were out. this would usually not work since raihan would shove him into view anyways, he was so afraid of being judged but rai-rai was always there for him anyways /gay. tldr the more he was with raihan the more his confidence grew since raihan would keep him safe from scrutiny. eventually he would go from hiding behind him to actually being at his side
okay so since raihan wants a daughter and piers wants a son theyre going to have two kids in their endgame 💃 i can see the daughter already being in toddler age by the time she gets adopted but for the son piers would want like an actual baby because he wants the full experience (tm). they wouldn't adopt two right away but the daughter would be first and gets the most spoiled life she could ever have oh my god. same goes for the son once hes adopted
piers is so annoying when raihan works out. "i like being alone more" he says but then raihan has his focus on something else and then suddenly he wants allll his attention on him!! whore!!! he on god would have his hands on him at every opportunity even if its potentially dangerous or completely distracting in some cases. like if rai is doing bench presses then piers is either going to sit on his lap or actively crawl to lie right on top of his chest. and its not like hes worried about the thing dropping right on top of him because he knows raihan wont let that happen 😭 and yknow what hes right
i think we talked about this before once upon a time but piers likes to watch raihan scroll through things like social media and stuff where he can see pictures and videos. like theyd be cuddling in bed or sitting together on the coach or just chilling in public and piers would lean on him and watch whatever raihan is watching. piers doesnt have a phone much less a way to look at things like that so a lot of what rai sees piers would be experiencing for the first time. whenever rai scrolls passed something piers liked he would reach out and touch his phone, scroll back up, and actually heart it KSNDFJS. its their own special way of bonding bc then rai can purposely look for things piers enjoys looking at. this is my long winded way of explaining that share one t.iktok account
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ebdanon · 1 month
the move was fast and furious because i was losing my mind with all the shit that was happening. basically i called my parents to ask if they were free tomorrow to come over, help pack up and pick up stuff in their car. surprisingly they agreed. my husband called up a few friends to help packing (that bit truly felt like i was in my 20s lmao) because my dad can drive but doesnt lift anything heavy. not because he cant, in fact physical exercise has been recommended to him for decades. he just doesn't want to do it and suffers the consequences of random aches and pains for it. my husband could barely function with the symptoms still (a lot of trial and error with his diet), so it was down to me and my mom, and the friends he got to pack up stuff. but then my husband got annoyed with my dad and started helping too (he literally asked my mom to carry his jacket because "its too heavy" wtf?!) bc my dad picked the worst spot in the apartment to sit in and scroll his phone. wasnt even chatting with anyone, dude was just on his phone complaining how we were moving too slow every once in a while, because he wanted to get home faster. the rest of us packed up the majority of stuff, only the bulky and fragile things were left for a second trip, and we left the apartment.
we got to my in laws house, and my in laws invited my parents in. that was the first and last time anyone related to me has been inside this house. we unloaded both cars, and passed out from exhaustion, planning on unpacking over the next few days, before driving back with my parents to pick up the rest of the stuff we left behind (they offered to help) the following weekend. that's when my fil's father passed away suddenly. see, my husband's grandparents had been together for over 60 years, and they loved each other deeply. when the wife passed away six months before, the husband was completely lost on what to do in life without her. he kept saying he couldn't live without her, and started giving away stuff to his kids and grandkids. money, valuables, etc. he even gave me a ring, which my mil pressured me to sell asap because "it was probably magical and cursed". she regularly threw away anything that came from their house out of fear of being cursed. what she didn't know was the way that couple looked at my husband and i's relationship. they were incredibly happy for us and were actually the only ones that treated me like family long before we married. i had a shared love for plants with my husband's grandma (she had a whole ass amazing garden) and after she passed, her husband got me a plant because he knew how much i loved them. that's the only thing my husband and i have left to remember them by. my mil doesnt know it came from him and its been sitting in her living room ever since we moved, along with the rest of the plans my husband, best friend, and parents have given me throughout the years. a chunk of the plants died last year because i just didnt have time to look after them with everything going on. the funeral for my husband's grandfather was scheduled on the same day we were supposed to go back to the apartment to finish picking up what was left. we canceled the trip, and i asked my parents if they could do it the next day (sunday instead of saturday). they said no, the had plans in the evening. i asked if they would be able to come if we left at dawn and finished by noon. again, no, they had plans in the evening.
the plans they had were the following: my sister is a makeup artist and opened a studio a year before. she was throwing a party in honor of having a studio for a year. she invited me a couple days after we got into town. i said id likely go unless i definitely couldn't because of external circumstances because i was mid moving, with time running out because the day of her party was the last weekend of the month. (we had to give the apartment back by that sunday, the day of her party, because we couldn't reasonably ask anyone to take off work during the week to come help, the weekend is the only available time. and we couldnt afford another month of rent and bills) she got mad and hung up. and proceeded to not speak to me for a few months. i mean she was already avoiding me for some reason but i guess this was the last straw. and then the funeral happened, so we couldn't actually even go to her party. instead of my parents, my fil came at the crack of dawn, right after his dad's funeral, to help pack and move and we hired a moving van for whatever we couldnt fit inside our car. we scrambled to find a van the day before the funeral, two days before moving, when my parents said they couldnt help. because of my sister's party in the evening. we were packed and on the road within two hours because not much stuff was left. so we were finished in 6 hours total. but they couldnt help. im highlighting this because its one of the handful of times ive been truly desperate enough in life to ask for their help. the last time i did was years ago, when my husband and i started dating, when we were gonna go on our first vacation together. we needed someone to drive us to a meet up point for the trip through a travel agency, because neither of us had a car at the time. my parents took us to the meet up point, and then my dad started screaming at the travel agent because the group was late. in front of everyone. they were an hour late and informed us and he knew they'd be late. while he was going off on the agent, i was trying to open the trunk of his car so we could get our luggage. i repeatedly asked him to open it but he was too busy screaming. the entire group avoided us for the rest of the trip. and he spent the hour they were late complaining about the lateness and how he was taking time out of his day to do something nice only to end up suffering. so yeah i only ask when extremely desperate because i know its gonna go to shit somehow.
we got back and that's when my mil started complaining. and screaming. and talking shit more than ever before. because we brought stuff to the house and there was no room. because we had to was everything after haphazardly packing so her dishwasher and washing machine were being used. because she didnt know what my husband could eat or not (we finally learned of the low fodmap diet which has helped my husband immensely) so she could make lunch. she complained about making lunch. she complained about cleaning up afterward. she complained how no one was helping her. even though both my husband and i kept trying to help. she would literally rip things out of our hands so she would be the one to do it. because thats how she'd get to complain about it. here's a brief example: she'd ask my husband what he wants for lunch. he's give a suggestion. she'd say she cant make that and start screaming how he's doing that on purpose, he's not sick and never was, shes the only one trying to get him better, and basically throw a tantrum. the lunch she'd cook would then be whatever she felt like eating. i wasn't allowed to even step into the kitchen. or in many other places in the house. oh by the way, the house has two kitchens. only one is in use, on the ground floor, so "the rest of the house doesnt smell". there's a second, new one on the first floor. the fridge has barely any essentials. the pantry is stocked. the only things in regular use are the sink to wash up everything after meals, despite having a functional dishwasher, and the coffee machine. why not use the dishwasher? i still dont know. here are some of the things that we brought and still use on a daily basis from the kitchen, which means they take up space and bother her: coffee cups we got as gifts, a reusable water bottle, boxes for food storage, two pairs of tongs, a spatula, measuring cups, a loaf pan, everything else we got for the pantry my husband can eat and a couple of boxes of tea. it's like 30 things, and im including the dozen or so boxes in this list but not the pantry. and the pantry is just one cabinet. two kitchens, she's bothered by 30 things. there's a bathroom on each floor. one functional shower on the first floor. one washing machine on the ground floor. in terms of storage, most of the stuff we brought is in the shed, because there's no room in the house. we store whatever we can in the bedroom (which we had to furnish overnight btw, because a week into us moving here, my fil told my husband that he sold all of the furniture from that room, including the childhood beds my husband and his sister had that we were using, and the people would be coming over to pick up what they bought in a couple of days. so we went out to pick out and buy a bed and paid extra to have it delivered asap. we continued living from our suitcases because the wardrobe and nightstands we got arrived later) now, in terms of other space in the house. my in laws, aside from the brick shed, use multiple rooms throughout the house for storage. one room for example is for their wardrobe. another is for random stuff + more clothes. a third one is set up like a second living room but no one goes in there. overall, weird way of living. so we got another cabinet in the dining room, where we could store stuff like my books and art supplies, my husband's personal care stuff and tech equipment. a drawer for meds. and a whole ass bathroom! (technically only the toilet and sink are useable, the rest is filled with plastic drawers my mil uses as more storage). there's 0 room for us anywhere so we've set up our laptops and other work equipment in the dining room, on the dining table that no one was using anyway. the week after the bed situation, when the storage spaces still hadnt been assigned so our stuff was just living in the boxes we packed, we woke up to find all of the dining room setup missing. turns out my fil was annoyed at looking at the dining table all filled with stuff, he took the liberty of clearing out one cabinet they were using, and storing everything in there.continued lmao~
why is there not a single parent in your life that is capable of being normal
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freezi-drink · 6 months
Rant about medical issues under the cut (it's honestly tmi, and a very long post, feel free to scroll)
A couple Fridays ago (the 8th?) I went to the ER at like 7 in the morning for lower abdominal pain that I just assumed was from PCOS but it was bad enough to need ER grade painkillers, so I went and they gave me painkillers (which didn't do jack shit), and gave me an IV*, and did a blood test and a vaginal ultrasound, and they wanted to do a urine test too but with tummy pain obvs my first thought is to go to the bathroom just to rule things out so I couldn't give a sample when I was there and they Wouldn't Let Me Drink Water (ik this is probs what they Have To Do, but still annoying), so the Dr ended up canceling it and saying it was probs just the PCOS anyway. So he sends me home with a couple prescriptions and I'm like yeah ok whatever. I get home, the hospital calls, said I left my favorite flannel, my dad and I head out to get that, grab my prescriptions, and a smoothie to hopefully get some calories in me. Before he could even leave the smoothie king I made him pull over so I could throw up. Well I'm still laying on the bedroom floor in pain for several hours, even with my dad giving me the prescription painkillers as often as the pharmacist said he could, but I vomit from pain Twice (the first time losing my smoothie so I have No food in me)(also, the best way i found to sit to minimize pain was on my knees with my forehead on the floor, which was NOT helping the nausea lmao) and when I was sitting on the floor of the bathroom bc I was nauseous a fourth time and didn't really feel like throwing up on the bedroom floor, we decided to just cave and go back to the ER. So we go, it's super busy so I sit in the waiting room for probably 20 minutes, they put me in a hallway with reclining chairs and curtains (they had enough space to give me a room that morning) and by this point I am loudly sobbing in pain. I will myself into sitting still so the nice nurse man can give me a new IV in the other arm**, and they order me a urine sample and a CT scan with contrast. Luckily, though, the nurse I got was a saint and made sure I got my morphine shot before they took me for the CT. Anyway, I'm waiting, the morphine isn't working great, but it's there, but then, out of nowhere, the morphine STOOS WORKING so im back to Very Loud Sobbing, and this nurse, wonderful man he is, comes over and says "so I put your pain at a ten, cool?" And it's funny but I'm still dying so they give me toroidal (which helped A LOT btw, i was sleepy and giggling for a While) and once it had kicked in he wheeled me over to the restroom for the urine sample, which was all fine and good, we passed a girl in the hall that I went to highschool with, he even paused the wheelchair so I could say hi, and when they eventually finished their testing, they essentially said "our bad man, 👎it's actually kidney stones :/" and told me that I had already passed some, but that there were some still there that could pass anytime between that night and a year from now. So they give me a whole slew of drugs - antibiotics, prostate relaxer (for the bladder? idk), nausea pills, two different pain meds (one lighter, one heavier) and sent me home. Cut to now, it appears that the time has come for at least one to pass, and it FUCKING HURTS and i'm ON MY PERIOD***, screaming swears into the ceiling, and generally having a bad time, so basically my life sucks lmao
*I have been to the ER many, many times, and had many, many IVs before, but Not Once has it ever hurt, and this shit HURT. As soon as I took off the bandage, there was a massive bruise that has lasted over a week. :|
**this IV was wonderful, and didn't even leave a little baby bruise, barely even a mark, ily nurse that was assigned to me mwah
***also its not just period pain, I do in fact know the difference now :|
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0ryza13 · 1 year
Running list of Suggestions for future SCVI patches/updates:
Long List of Ideas/Complaints below cut (assuming I've done this right)
Redo Tera Raids. The desynced battle style sounds cool in theory but it doesn't actually work, among many other issues with the raids that I am not going to bother listing.
Add shiny animation and/or sound back in bc holy shit
When camera app open, pokemon hold still, blease,
Ability to open 'notices' while in picnic; I don't know how long I have left of egg power unless I set an external timer and it is a pain in the ass to maintain
Let us at least mix and match the parts of the uniforms, if you won't let us have real outfits
Wild pokemon should not be able to walk into towns, but they also shouldn't despawn when you cross a town border. I saw a pokemon on the other side of town from me, tried to walk towards it via the only path available, and watched it vanish into thin air as I briefly passed through the town boundary.
The camera clipping through things.
Trainers should not walk out of shops and have the camera jammed into the building behind them, it's incredibly disorienting. Just let the camera be facing the shop from the street when we exit.
Option to sort sandwich recipes by favorites, by type of power, etc. I am so sick of scrolling a million years to find a certain recipe which I've favorited.
The climb function doesn't always activate properly. There are many clips of players trying to climb a slope only to bonk into it headfirst then start backsliding.
Collision on certain pokemon is busted. I'll get sucked into a battle from multiple yards away sometimes.
On that note, this is more of a gripe than a serious suggestion, please can we get a way to make Nymble a bit more visible in grass. Please.
Wild Tera Pokemon in theory lose their terastallization at the red HP line and then can be caught. In practice, poison and environment conditions can knock out a tera mon without it ever de-terastallizing. Not sure if that's a feature or a bug, but it's definitely annoying to realize.
Change the box system to be more like PLA, bc that has a really good system. I am frustrated by being unable to just swap groups of pokemon, and instead I have to move one group out of the way, move the second group in, then put the first group where the second group was. It's tedious. And when I've been breeding for a shiny, god there is NOTHING more annoying than having to individually mark or release boxes worth of pokemon.
When you're in Area Zero and the text starts coming up at the bottom, you should NOT be able to accidentally skip parts of the text by pressing A (such as when you're grabbing items). Also I think the text should automatically play at Normal speed, bc I see a lot of people play the game with it on Fast, then struggle to keep up when they get there.
A Pokemon's Tera Type should enable them to learn at least one move of that type, and I do not count Tera Blast.
Also, we've all noticed that the UI was overhauled for scvi, especially in battle. I say: overhaul it again, you did a questionable job. If the camera angles wrong, you can't see the opponent's health. Trying to check party pokemon's move details mid battle is an unintuitive mechanic that most people have not figured out (for those reading: you hover over the pokemon then actually click right to the list of moves, then the one you hover over gives details). If it's not intuitive, you've done it wrong.
Suggestion for school: the classes are great! Genuinely, they are. I suggest that there should be an option to register at the front desk for "AP" classes or "extracurricular learning" or something so that we can have more of it!
In a similar vein, the friendship mechanics with the teachers. They're there, and you can max them out, but it doesn't seem to do much? You get a quest from the history teacher, but the shrines aren't actually gated behind that quest. You get some small rewards from maxing out friendship with each, but it doesn't entirely feel worth it? And there's not much to it - you just follow them around the school and talk to them like 6 times. There's no real effort involved. I propose that each teacher should have some small task for you at each new level of friendship, since they now trust you enough to ask you to do it. Then you get the little reward for the mini quest, and such. The Max Friendship level should unlock some bigger quest that feels important. You have a giant open world with nothing in it; this could be a way to add something more than just items and mons into it.
Something that would be very helpful to have in a giant open world map: VS Seeker. Oh I get a reward from the League if I beat all 5 trainers in this area? Ok! Where are they? ... No really, where are the trainers, I can't find them. Give us a way to locate them, please. Please.
A way to Un-Tera mid battle, maybe? It could be helpful for those moments when you accidentally tera'd and didn't mean to, or when your teratype is weak to an opponent but your normal type isn't. Obviously your orb would still have the charge used up, but it would be convenient. (I recognize that this feature may have been deliberately excluded to keep tera from being too broken-good.)
Way to get more Apri-balls in game consistently (the markets rely entirely on luck and are unpredictable to boot). I only have one of each and it is STRESSFUL. I have sticker anxiety but Worse bc I can go buy more stickers but not more Apriballs.
I'm sure I will add more eventually. Feel free to contribute.
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winniethepoohx · 6 years
presmouse starter meme !
"i think i heard screaming coming from the swamp. wanna go check it out?”
"oh, my god, are you vomiting? OH, MY GOD, ARE YOU VOMITING -"
“i miss him/her/them/you.”
"so, spill the tea ... who do you think will be president after mickey?”
“can i hold your hand? maybe i shouldn’t have asked that ... but can i?”
“as long as we’re friends, you’re never going through anything alone.”
“girls don’t want boys. girls want other girls who will hold their hand and braid their hair.”
"hey, what should - no, stop screaming, it's just me - what should we get for breakfast?"
“alcohol isn’t my friend? YOU’RE not my friend.”
"so, like, no offense or anything, but ... is 'into the woods' ever actually gonna have an opening night?"
"have you ever slept in your life, because it sure doesn't fucking look like it."
“not everyone is going to hurt you.”
“oh, my god. you need to take better care of yourself!”
“i’m gonna bail you out of jail one day. i know it! i just know it!”
“i couldn’t fall asleep, so here i am.”
"what do you think would happen if someone just ran head first into the isle's barrier?"
"no, take me to get french toast with maple syrup. it's what i deserve."
“excuse to see you? check.”
“no. i want CUDDLES, not SNUGGLES. there’s a difference.”
"i'm not saying that one of the students here has to be powerful enough to take the barrier down, but ... that's exactly what i'm saying, come on."
"i'm bi - bilingual, bisexual, probably bipolar, too."
“oh, my god. stop calling me that.”
“well, i thought you were funny, but, hey, life’s full of disappointments.”
“put the sweater on. it’s cold, just put the fucking sweater on -”
“hypothetically ... what would happen if i snorted ibuprofen?”
"do you think all of the royals are real? one of them has to be an alien. which one do you think is the alien?"
"how come when a child has an attitude it's 'gonna get them far in life', but when i have one it's 'disrespectful'?"
“you … you never had a problem with it before.”
“i will pick you up and carry you if that’s what it’s going to take.”
“you’re only ever crying, oh my god.”
"nothing interesting has happened in forever. where did the monsters, dragons, and mysteriously dead people go?"
“you could have fucking alcohol poisoning!”
"why are you running - WHY ARE YOU RUNNING -"
“no, i cried in the bathroom. you know, like any NORMAL person would do.”
"is there even a straight person in auradon?"
"oh, fuck me ... oh, no, not literally. and most certainly not you."
“these flowers would look cute in your hair!”
"do magic, not drugs."
“you’re about as useful as an expired coupon.”
"i don't mean to sound like a bitch, but i deserve a fairy godmother."
"i would trade you for the robots any day."
"well, i could have texted, but then i wouldn't be here."
“if you were a plant, you would be a weed.”
"i'm not saying that isle food is better than this shit ... because it isn't, but -"
"please, don’t go.”
“drinking until you puke is not normal.”
"so, king adam or king beast? you know, for research."
"what happened to going with a grand, romantic gesture?"
“how long will this go on for?”
“i’m running for president. run, RUN, running for president!”
“what are you doing out here? it’s late.”
“where can i get some good cough medicine to get high on?”
"i'm not a math problem, i don't have to make sense! ... but i do!"
“you look like you’re on the verge of death. lets get you home.”
"no, i'm just kidding ... but really, though!"
“no. you’re not invited. tonight is girl’s night and you’re a dick.”
“we’ve been through so much and i told you: we’re in this together. always.”
“easy. i’ll throw myself down the stairs so you’ll have to take me to the emergency room.”
“you’re my best friend. you’re SUPPOSED to deal with the second-hand embarrassment.”
DRACO erebus | TAYTUM possible | WESLEY fenton | HADLEY long | CERIDWEN blackwell | AIKO hamada | PRIMROSE lee | LONDON lunar | EIRA wynters | BEAP meap | BERNADETTE bernard | LAVINA morte | OTULISSA showenhower | BONNIE utonium | ARTIS muir | NO-FACE too | AMERYKAH rogers | AIRLEA tesia | MINNIE mallow | MEREDITH purcelle | AMBER mclain | VENICE archer | SERAPHINA moreau | KENNETH gucci | LUCINDA tasi | ORALEE fitzherbert | GALATIA marmoreal | DESERAE tremaine | MALLORY corville | LETHE haddock | DOVE pines | MINGXIA zhang | DELTA babcock | CHAO cipher | POCKY von schweetz | JEZEBEL-VELVET cruorem | NERO flynn-fletcher |ALMERA sutton | ERO 404 error | CASTALIA lefevre | CIRCE godwin | PETAL lour | MARELLA waters | SWEETLY mosi | VIOLET rus | COPELAND coddaire | RASPBERRY pie | AUBURN bear | LEVIATHA nerezza | JULIAN theros | LUMETTE asteria | ZIMA ellisair | KELEOS leures | ELSPETH kelty | LOLITA monrova
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doebt · 4 years
Ok. i slept 14 hrs. i woke up. ive been awake for 11 hrs. and im dead sleepy again. IS THIS NORMAL. is that NORMAL. is the ratio NORMAL. bc it doesnt feel normal
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sixzeroes · 2 years
high school boys.
summary | a drunk night with your cousin’s best friends leads to a little fraternizing with the most mischievous of them all; lee donghyuck.
characters | donghyuck x reader(f); ft. cousin!jaemin, jeno, renjun, karina (aespa).
genres | smut, pwnp, non-idol au.
warnings | profanity, alcohol consumption, underage drinking (korean age), kitchen sex, sex on the counter, gagging, pet names (babe/baby), tipsy rina cockblocking bc she needs a cup of water, mischievous hyuck, all filth with bad smut writing lmfao </3
word count | 3.7k.
pls read!! in no way am i sexualizing teens; in korea, the school year starts in march, seven months later than north american schools. in this ff, mc is the same age as hyuck, but bc she’s not from korea, she’s already graduated and in university whereas 00l + rina are set to graduate soon in february. hope that makes sense!!
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you: jaemin who the fuck are the ppl in the living room
In the heat of the bathroom, you crouch against the locked door, ears attentively listening for any voices that sound from the other side. Your heart beats at a rapid pace, resonating louder than the running fan. Sweat mixes with the shower residue and you briefly ponder if you need to step in the shower again. One hand clutches the bath towel hugging your damp body, the other gripping your phone for dear life. When you fail to receive a reply from your cousin, you furiously send another text.
you: JAEMIN!!!1!1!!!
Beyond the bathroom door, you hear a girl call, “Jaemin! You’ve got a text from someone!”
“From who?”
Oh. That’s you.
In a matter of seconds, your phone buzzes from a new notification. It’s from Jaemin.
bane of my existence: ??? what
you: the ppl??
bane of my existence: they’re my friends
you: can they leave?? or move into ur room?? i need to pass by and i can’t w them there
bane of my existence: tf? don’t be shy just walk past us damn
you: dude. i’m in the bathroom naked. you: all i have is a fucking towel you: u should’ve told me ur friends would be coming over at 10 fucking pm
bane of my existence: i forgot lol we came straight from school
you: asshole you: my clothes r in my room so pls relocate ur friends ???
bane of my existence: ur so annoying
you: thank u ily <33
“Let’s move to my room,” you hear Jaemin say, a chorus of agreements following shortly. It takes less than a minute for the party to move from the living room to Jaemin’s bedroom, a text message from the boy letting you know that the coast is clear.
Slowly, you push yourself up from the bathroom floor, a spark of pain jolting down your legs—a cramp from crouching for too long. You turn off the fan, unlock the door, and poke your head out to scan the area. The living room is, indeed, void of any humans, allowing you to dash across without being caught semi-naked.
You click the bathroom light off, prop the door open, and sprint to your room as fast as you can. The door to your bedroom closes with a soft bang behind you.
A feeling of ease settles within your gut as you move over to your closet, digging around your suitcase to find a set of undergarments to wear. After slipping on some comfortable pieces, you grab a black sweater and toss on a pair of white sweatpants. You flop on your bed, ready to scroll through your social media.
And then you remember the dirty clothes you accidentally left in the bathroom.
Specifically, a beige bralette and a pair of bear-print underwear.
“Shit, shit, shit.”
Panic rises to your throat as you scramble off of your bed, twisting the door handle and scurrying out of your bedroom. You dart to the bathroom, but it’s too late; the door opens as a boy clad in a school uniform shouts, “Hey, Jaemin! Tell your girlfrie—woah!”
You nearly crash into his tall figure, frantic eyes making contact with his surprised ones. Just behind him, you spot your undergarments littered on the floor. Embarrassing.
“What do you want?” Your cousin’s voice grows louder with each word until he’s standing at the doorway of his bedroom. His eyebrow cocks up upon seeing you. “Y/N? Are you seducing my friend or something?”
You reel back in disgust. “No! God, Jaemin. Just go back to your friends.”
“One of my friends is in front of you, trapped.”
Ah, right.
You glance at the guy Jaemin’s referring to and stiffen. He’s hot, lowkey your type, but adorns a playful smile. He reeks of mischief.
“Are you the owner of those cute panties in the bathroom?” he muses, leaning against the doorframe. If you weren’t feeling hot before, you sure are now, embarrassed out of your mind.
You clear your throat. “Yes. Now, move aside, please. I need to grab my cute panties.”
When you try to step into the bathroom, the guy shifts over to effectively block you from entering. You glance at him with mildly puzzled eyes, and he returns an amused expression. “Hey, come hangout with us.”
“No thanks,” you decline, “I don’t hangout with high schoolers.”
Jaemin snorts from behind you. “You’re literally the same age as us.”
Fuck you, Na Jaemin.
You regret leaving your room. It would’ve been better had you just stayed snuggled underneath your warm sheets, letting Jaemin explain to his friend the undergarment situation. At least then, you wouldn’t have had to endure whatever embarrassing predicament this is.
But here you are, in front of the bathroom, a hot guy standing in-between you and your bear-print panties.
You’re about to push past the hot guy barricade when a girl steps out of Jaemin’s bedroom. She spots you, and her head tilts in confusion. “You guys were taking too long. Who’s she?”
“My cousin,” says Jaemin. “Y/N.”
You awkwardly smile.
“Oh, oh!” Her eyes brighten and she clasps her hands together. “I remember you telling me about her. Will she be joining us?”
You purse your lips. “I was just about to go—”
“We have drinks,” the guy whispers, catching you off-guard. “Soju, beer, chicken.”
Well, that’s something you can’t pass up on.
“—go join you after I wash my hands!” you beam, and the girl cheers. From your peripheral vision, you see Jaemin’s friend smirk. “I’ll be there in two minutes.”
You watch as Jaemin ushers the girl back into his room, following through after tossing a ‘hurry up!’ to his friend. Great. Now you’re all alone with his insufferably good-looking friend.
“What happened to ‘I don’t hangout with high schoolers?’” he teases.
You scowl at him. “You’re even worse than Jaemin.”
He simpers. “Am I?”
In response, you finally shove past him, walking over to your undergarments and scrunching them up in your hand. You turn around to leave, but he’s still there, his smile never falling.
“Don’t tell any of your friends about this,” you say, gesturing to your undergarments with a red face. “Please.”
“Sure,” he replies, smug, “but only if you have some fun with me. You’re too cute to lose.”
It’s easy to discern the sexual innuendo in his comment, and the brave boy’s words leaves your entire body burning.
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His name is Donghyuck, and he is, indeed, the most mischievous of them all.
“I think Renjun would look cute wearing Rina’s skirt,” he suggests, flopping an arm around the drunk blonde. “Don’t you agree, Jeno?”
You look at the most built of them all—Jeno, the only one of Jaemin’s friends you’d heard of and Donghyuck’s twin brother. The said boy’s got his back against your cousin’s bed, one arm on the mattress, the other supporting a drunk Karina. He shrugs at Donghyuck’s words. “Renjun wore it before, and he looked like a fairy gone wrong.”
“Hey! I’m not drunk!” Renjun slurs—a lightweight at its finest. He flops forwards, laying on the floor. “But I’m g’na take a nap.”
You suppress a snort, and take a glimpse of your cousin. Jaemin is knocked out cold on the floor, two empty soju bottles scattered beside his head. Unconsciously, your hands reach for your phone, and you snap a photo of his drunk state.
Perfect blackmail material.
“Let’s play truth or—let’s play truth or dare!” Karina shouts, slumping into Jeno. “No—let’s play Monopoly!”
Donghyuck chugs the rest of his soju bottle and lets out a satisfied burp. “I’d rather play a game of Overwatch.”
You watch as Karina pouts, wailing an ‘I hate you!’ before toppling to the floor. She’s the third one to blackout. Only you, Donghyuck, and Jeno are awake.
Slowly, you stand up, your head buzzing from the amount of alcohol you’d consumed. You’re drunk, but you’re sane enough to walk on your own.
“I’m gonna go back to my room now,” you mutter, garnering the attention of the Lee brothers. “Bye bye.”
You don’t wait for a response, stumbling out of Jaemin’s room and into the dim corridor. Neither your aunt nor uncle are home tonight, down at the countryside for some business retreat.
It’s too dark for you to move around, and you nearly knock a portrait off the wall. To stay safe, you shuffle over to the living room, dropping onto the couch. Dazed, you decide to take a quick nap to sober up before finishing the journey back to your room. Currently, it’s twelve a.m. At one, you’ll go back.
You wake up at three a.m. to a loud bang from the kitchen.
“Shit,” you hear a guy swear, and your sluggish mind manages to process the familiar voice.
“Donghyuck?” you yawn, sitting up on the couch. The boy startles at your presence, having been unaware of your sleeping form on the couch. With a much clearer mind than three hours ago, you push yourself off of the couch. No headache; the alcohol is no longer prevalent in your system. You walk over to where he is in the kitchen, rubbing your eyes. “What’re you doing?”
Donghyuck lifts a glass cup up. “Grabbing water. Want some?”
You nod, another yawn escaping.
While Donghyuck pours you a cup of water, you heave yourself up onto the counter. The house is dimly lit, the only source of light being the moon. You watch Donghyuck place the jug back in the refrigerator, handing you the cup afterwards. You quietly thank him, grabbing the cup and taking a small sip. The cold water feels like a slap to your taste buds and you cringe at how dry your throat is.
“Sober now?” asks Donghyuck, back against the counter. He’s looking ahead, past the living room and through the window at the city lights below. You take a moment to admire his side profile—he truly is your dream man (physically).
“Yeah,” you clear your throat. “The nap helped a lot. How about the others?”
He downs the water. “Dead. Knocked out cold. They’re all heavy sleepers once drunk, so they won’t be awake ‘til lunch.”
You blink. “Jeno was drunk?”
Donghyuck chuckles. “You’d be surprised. He’s one hell of a lightweight, but he’s good at acting sober. Jeno was out of it the moment he took his third shot of soju.”
“Wow.” You didn’t expect a sturdy guy like Jeno to be an absolute lightweight. “And you? How’re you feeling?”
“Hm,” hums Donghyuck, “better. Definitely don’t feel like puking anymore.”
“Same,” you giggle. You lean your head against the cupboards, gazing down at the guy. “Your uniform is all wrinkled. Don’t Korean schools give you bad points or something for improper uniform wear?”
“When I’m in school, yeah.” He turns to stare at you, and you suck in a sharp breath. Donghyuck looks a little too good underneath the moonlight. “Why? You gonna dock off points?”
There’s a suggestive tone and you perceive it instantly. A part of you is feeling brave, a little (a lot) horny, and it’s difficult to not follow along when a guy as hot as Donghyuck is interested. Playfully, you twirl a lock of his hair around your finger. “Should I?”
Something in Donghyuck shifts, and he positions his body to face you, inching himself between your legs. His hands clamp onto the edge of the counter, and he gazes up at you with hooded eyes. You’re not too familiar with the world of sex, but you’ve encountered enough horny high school boys to know what Donghyuck wants.
And he’s in luck, because what he wants is what you want, too.
“Have I been bad, Miss Y/N?” he coos, a thumb circling your clothed hip bone. “Do tell me what I did wrong. I’d love to know.”
“Your uniform is such a mess,” you purr, gently caressing his tie. “I think I’ll have to dock off five points for that.”
“Oh, but that’s too mean. Any way I could gain back those lost points?”
You lose yourself in his lustful eyes. “Maybe if we have some fun…” With courage, you tug his tie upwards, his body jerking along as a result. You smile coyly. “One point back each time you make me cum.”
Donghyuck licks his lips. “Bonus points if I make you cum more than five times?”
You gulp. “Yes.”
Perhaps you should let Donghyuck know you’re a virgin; it’s a vital piece of information that any person should know prior to intercourse. But you miss the chance to inform him as he presses his lips against yours, tongue prodding at your teeth. You let his tongue slide against yours, the heat sending your pussy quivering. At least you’ve locked lips with guys before, so you’re not a mess trying to return Donghyuck’s passion.
He kisses you fervently, hands secured on your waist. Your own fingers are tangled in his wavy hair, plummeting deep into an abyss of excitement. With every second that ticks by, your heartbeat accelerates, the kiss awakening a certain type of desire you’ve never experienced before.
“Donghyuck,” you whine when his hand grasps your inner thigh. His lips ghost your neck, eyes fixated on your every expression.
“Hey, are you a virgin?” he breathes, pressing a kiss on your collarbone.
You nod. “I’ve only been fingered before.”
“So I’m your first,” he grins, seemingly cocky. You roll your eyes. “Should we move to the bed then?”
“No,” you whisper, firmly gripping his shoulders. “I’ve fantasized about being fucked in the kitchen.”
Donghyuck smirks. “Oh? You’re quite kinky for a virgin.”
You pinch his cheek. “Virgins have wet dreams, too. Idiot.”
His lips envelop yours again in a hungry kiss, his left hand hovering above your waistline. When you force his hand down your pants, Donghyuck laughs into the kiss.
“Needy, baby?”
“Shut up,” you mutter. “Cocky motherfucker. Pervert. I’ll take off more points if you keep teasing me.”
“Aw, don’t be so mean.”
You don’t get the chance to refute as Donghyuck slips a finger into your panties, prodding your clit with the pad of his middle finger. You nearly squeal at the sudden touch, a knot starting to form in your stomach. Watching your face, Donghyuck drags two fingers down your slit. Pushing the tip of his fingers in, he then glides them up, grazing the sensitive skin of your labia.
You let out a shaky breath. “Do it already.”
Donghyuck’s response is to shove two fingers in at once, an easy feat considering how wet you’d gotten from kissing. Weak whimpers tumble from your lips, your body leaning against his shoulder for support. His fingers work as if its rent is due, relentlessly moving in and out of your pussy. You try to keep your moans to a minimum, but it’s difficult to stay quiet in the heat of the moment.
“Shh, babe,” whispers Donghyuck, “don’t wake the others up. What would Jaemin do if he saw his best friend fucking the living daylights out of his cousin?”
Jaemin would probably ban you from entering Korea ever again.
“K—Kiss me,” you shudder, tangling your fingers in his hair. “Help me stay quiet, Hyuck.”
Something in Donghyuck’s eyes change when you use his nickname.
You’re left breathless (literally) when the boy tilts up to kiss you, his mouth devouring yours with a newfound ardour. His fingers prod your sensitive spot, and you feel a fire spark in the pit of your stomach. Over and over again, Donghyuck shoves his digits into your heat, garnering mewls and writhes of pleasure from you. With a harsh thrust from him, you cum, a shaky gasp spilling from your throat. Donghyuck attaches his lips to your neck as you come down from your high, leaving pretty marks as evidence of tonight’s fraternizing.
“Shit,” you sigh, head falling back against the cupboards. Gazing down, you see the bulge in Donghyuck’s pants. You lean down to kiss the boy, trailing a hand down his chest and tracing the outline of his hardened dick. You elicit a gasp from him, and he curls his fingers inside you, resulting in a soft exhale from you.
Slowly, you remove Donghyuck’s fingers, feeling empty when you do. You hop down from the counter and nearly topple forward, but he catches you with a chuckle. “Don’t you think it’s a little too early to fall for me, babe?”
You slap his bicep. “Shut up, moron. I don’t even know you.”
“True, but you’ll get to know my body better soon enough.”
You nearly shriek when Donghyuck grasps your waists with a strong grip, spinning you around to push you on top of the counter. Your hands land flat against the marble top, the surface cool compared to your rather sweaty palms. He tugs down your sweatpants, rough with his actions. Instead of taking your panties off as well, Donghyuck chooses to keep them on, and you yelp when the waistband slaps your bare skin.
“Oh, dear,” the boy tsks, disapproving the noise you made. You hear him rustle from behind. “Can’t have you waking up the others now.”
You attempt to look back. “Hyuck?”
Donghyuck kisses your ear. “You okay with gagging?”
You choke on your spit. “I—Yes, yes I am.”
“Good.” he murmurs. Seconds later, a tie appears in front of you, and the fire rekindles within you. Donghyuck gags you with his school tie, tying a messy yet secure knot. “Tell me if it’s too tight, baby. Don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Mhm,” you answer, muffled.
“I’m putting it in now,” he purrs, and as he does, you feel his bare dick rub against your ass. His cock falls into the crack between your cheeks, the tip nudging your clothed slit. He smears his precum all over the crotch of your panties, the liquid mixing with your own.
Desperate, you groan, “Hurry.” Only, you’re gagged, so it comes out sounding more like “Huh-hee.”
“Patience, Y/N.” He croons.
Donghyuck drags his pointer finger down your back and over your folds, teasingly poking your hole before moving the fabric aside. You moan when his dick enters your pussy, a slow penetration so you can adjust to his size. When his hips connect to your ass, you revel in the way he fills you up.
“God,” he growls, “you feel so good.”
There’s no wait time as Donghyuck pulls out, plunging into you with all his energy. Repeatedly, he rams his dick into your cunt, finding a quick-paced rhythm that has you struggling to stay quiet. You can feel the tip of his penis graze your cervix with every thrust, the boy bottoming out. His force has you laying on the counter in a heap of whines, the immense pleasure sending you into overdrive.
“Hyuck,” you chant his name, albeit a little muffled.
“Keep saying my name,” he groans, accelerating his steady pace. Donghyuck’s hands keep a firm grip on your hips, screwing you with fluid thrusts. You fall apart at the seams, barely staying intact with the help of his embrace.
The fire spreads throughout your entire figure, flames licking every part of your body. A knot forms in your stomach again, and soon enough, your orgasm crashes into you like a wave. You whine as Donghyuck continues to chase his high, ramming into your sensitive cunt with all he’s got.
“Shit—I’m cumming,” he pants, snapping his hips into your ass at an inhuman pace. “Fuck, fuck, you feel so damn good.”
Donghyuck empties into the condom, slumping onto you as he does. He holds the position for a while, his cock in the warmth of your pussy, his lips littering kisses on your nape. You breathe heavily, and so does he.
“Huh? Who are you?”
Panic overwhelms you at the sound of a fatigued Karina, and Donghyuck quickly draws out of you. Your hands jerk up to unravel the tie, muttering a ‘thanks’ when Donghyuck pulls your sweatpants up. Tossing the tie aside, you swivel around just in time to see Karina exit the corridor, stumbling towards the kitchen. She’s tipsy, possibly still drunk. Either way, she’s not sober, and you thank the heavens that she isn’t.
“Rina,” Donghyuck softly rasps, his pants sloppily hanging onto his hips. The dirty condom has been tossed to the ground, hiding behind his feet. “What’re you doing up at this hour?”
“Got thirsty,” she yawns. “Oh, hi Y/N. Neither of you able to sleep?”
You fervently shake your head. “No. We just, uh, were talking about life.”
It takes everything Donghyuck has to suppress a snort and you jab him with your elbow.
“How exciting.” She yawns again. You watch as Karina heads for the refrigerator, attentive to her every move. She grabs the water jug and asks, “Hey, Hyuck. Can you pass me a cup?”
Donghyuck nods, picking up a random cup from the dishwasher and handing it over to the girl. The two of you observe her under the dim moonlight, praying she doesn’t catch onto the deeds that had occurred just minutes before. Karina downs the cup of water, letting out a satisfied hum after. She sets the cup in the sink and begins to shuffle out of the kitchen. You inaudibly sigh, about to snatch the tie when she abruptly spins around. You stiffen, standing awkwardly next to the counter.
“Goodnight guys,” she mumbles, “hope you can fall asleep soon.” With that, Karina steps out of the kitchen and back into the corridor. When her back disappears into Jaemin’s room, you release a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding.
Donghyuck stares at you, and you stare back at him. Simultaneously, the both of you break out into silent fits of giggles and laughter.
“Poor Rina,” gasps Donghyuck, clutching his stomach. “If only she knew what we’d done…”
“I hope she never finds out,” you whisper back, fighting a silly grin. “Anyway, grab that condom, Donghyuck. We’ll need to throw it out in my trash can.”
His eyebrow cocks upward. “The one in your bedroom? Are you inviting m—”
You flick his forehead and roll your eyes. “Take a break from being horny, stupid. You’ve been asking for a fuck since our first meeting. But,” you glance at him, soaking in his tousled state, “you still have three more points to go.” At that, Donghyuck smiles—the same playful smile from earlier in the night. Your cheeks grow hot.
This morning is going to be a long one.
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miekasa · 2 years
Who whines the most when you take their designated spot on the bed just for funsies jiji
Connie i think wouldn’t care, he’s just happy to be there while someone like Eren would annoy you until you move
Connie, Jean, and Mikasa don’t really care. Connie because he’ll end up laying on top of you regardless, Jean is okay to cuddle in any position, and as long as you’re next to Mikasa, she doesn’t mind too much. They all have a flash of a moment where they realize you’re in their spot, but it doesn’t particularly bother them, you know.
Porco says he doesn’t care, until you start taunting him, then he calls you a brat and moves you over himself. Armin also says he doesn’t care, but when he ends up on the bed with you, he just kinda inches you over and over until he’s back in his spot. 
Eren will annoy you into moving if he plans to lay on the bed, but not fall asleep; he claims he needs “his spot” to optimally watch YouTube videos or scroll on social media. But then when he’s ready to sleep, he wants to lay his head on your chest, but he wants you to be in his spot, so he can be in his spot on top of you bc he’s a pest. Even on the days you both fall asleep on your designated sides of the bed, he ends up bringing you over to his side and not letting you leave. Terrible. 
Sasha has a spot. It’s her unassigned assigned spot in your bed, and she has to have it when she’s going to bed. If you’re just laying there while she’s on her phone or at your desk, she doesn’t care, but when it’s bedtime, she’s gotta move you over. She’s cute tho, so she gets a pass. 
Pieck doesn’t really have a “spot,” she can and will sleep anywhere at any given moment in time. The only thing that irks her is seeing other people on your bed. Then suddenly she has a spot, and she needs this other person to move immediately, or she won’t be held responsible for her actions. 
Levi always sleeps on the same side of the bed, so he’s a bit confused when he sees you laying on his side. He doesn’t make a big deal of it though, especially if you’re already asleep. He kind of likes having you on his side, so he does his best to squeeze in beside you. Forces his own proximity. 
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