danothan · 11 months
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if there’s one thing barry writers love, it’s themes of neurodivergence and being othered
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dailymothanon · 1 year
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Shut up shut up shut up they used to be like bear buddies before they became states but like grew apart cuz of history stuff that I’ve talked about before but I’m too lazy to repeat but okay they’re buddies okay and i love them
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fregget-frou · 1 year
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holiday special Guy
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Autism sprites
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smilepilled · 2 months
puzzle autism but instead of dehumanization its about solving puzzles including the image ones
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idiot-sl-oth · 10 months
Thinking... thinking words.... hrm
in the meantime take these for your travels. I drew them for a friend originally but the tumblr dot com people deserve to see
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hongjoongpresent · 1 year
Bitches will sing the same phrase over and over again for an hour
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loki-zen · 1 year
addendum to the last post:
more often than not, for any situation I have been in that went down less than ideally there is a way of constructing/understanding the events such that my autism or ADHD is implicated somewhere. they affect so much about who i am and how i move through the world that this is inevitable, and they exist on a continuum with and cannot be separated from my individual perspective and personality.
This is also true of - for instance - my ASAB-and-socially-perceived-gender-complex. Whoever i feel like I am inside, things which stem from both my experience of having gone through the world in the body that i have, and from a history of consequently being perceived and socialised female, exist on a continuum with and cannot be cleanly separated from my individual perspective and personality.
If people want to blame things on my neurodivergences - be it to condemn us or exonerate me - they can construct a narrative for doing so. If I want to blame anything bad that has happened to me on the ways the world does not welcome me because of marginalised characteristics, I can do that too, and I usually won’t be entirely wrong.
But things are very multifactorial as well
. i don’t know, I think i lost track of where i was going with this.
I’ve found that it helps sometimes to examine how you’re thinking about a person (including yourself) being autistic (when assessing eg a social situation or how someone behaved) and consider how the shape of your thinking differs from a trait like ‘has three kids.’
There are so many traits you can have and so many factors that shape who people are and how they can behave
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I need one of these cursed little creatures spray-painted onto a cement beam that’s supporting an underpass
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I need it to stare directly at the driver before you go under. I want them to haunt the mind of a woman who’s mid 50 and just be a little guy to a man of the same age. Truly there’s no higher purpose for these than that.
Also I want teenagers to pog when they see it, school’s shit, give them the internet creature
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youmegravity · 6 months
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I need people to understand that sometimes autism is just this
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gabrielora · 2 months
When I was younger and researching the autism diagnosis criteria and symptoms, I thought “oh I couldn’t POSSIBLY be autistic.” Because when I read “takes everything literally” I thought it literally meant EVERYTHING and I was like “I don’t take EVERYTHING literally, just most things!” And I just realized the other day that it didn’t actually mean EVERYTHING and that was an overstatement.
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danothan · 15 days
i saw a video of an autistic guy speaking abt his experience with his trust and kindness being taken advantage of, not bc he can’t identify red flags necessarily, but bc he gives everyone an unconditional benefit of the doubt. he said that apparently most ppl don’t think this way, and for autistic ppl that struggle w gullibility, we have to assume the worst abt ppl and then let them prove us wrong
and tbh that stung in a way i still have a hard time wrapping my head around. what a hellish life either way
[this is abt personal experiences, pls don’t use this as a generalization or confirmation abt autism]
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runawaycarouselhorse · 2 months
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Please help the family of a non-verbal autistic child (who has been losing weight because he only eats certain kinds of food, largely unavailable during this time) leave Gaza!
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snakeautistic · 7 months
People underestimate how much it fucks you up to be subtly excluded as a kid. I would try to talk to my classmates and be met with disinterest or annoyance. The one friend I had, who I clung to and nodded along to his every word, had other friends he liked just as much or more. And his other friends didn’t care for me at all.
I look back at pictures from the time and see how separated I was from them. I remember knowing I was different. I remember posing questions about the world to the girls playing next to me and realizing that they had never asked the same ones to themselves. That the ways we thought couldn’t be more different.
I kept myself amused with my own fanatical stories and musings in my head. I would wander the playground on a circular path, imagining a friend and being sorely disappointed when it didn’t feel as real as I’d hoped.
There was a bubble separating me from everyone else, thin, and nearly invisible, but with a pearly sheen you could catch under the right conditions. I knew it was there, they knew it was there, and it changed me
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kleefkruid · 4 months
I was typing an entire post about food issues and why I don't like wet food, until I remembered that unlike in Dutch, 'wet food' has a specific meaning in English. Just straight up deleted everything bc all I could see myself as was
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hongjoongpresent · 1 year
My autistic ass mimicking the air raid siren sound
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anexperimentallife · 1 month
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