#Asteri everywhere
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@benanazauce @dapperceature @whomstved-yallaintve
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natchooooo · 2 years
Why does Sirius literally die in every universe?
Like really every time?
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
Ruhn x Reader | It All Falls Down
type: angst warning(s): coma, near death experience, near loss of a loved one, blood word count: 2.1k words summary: based on this request, but I changed it a little; could you please do a Ruhn fic and maybe she has been his best friend for a long time and she felt the mating bond since she first met him and she waited for him to figure it out but he never did and then he met Lidia; the Asteri injure the reader lethally and he finds her body and the bond snaps between them, he had always hoped that it was her and thought that she was never interested in him, he finds a journal that the reader keeps and it explains her feelings towards Ruhn and declarations on how she wishes she could tell him about the mating bond and Ruhn just completely breaks down and he says that it has always been her……
- all rights reserved -
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The phone call that wakes Ruhn is not at all what he expects. At that time it is normally only ever a call from a completely shit-faced Tristan who can’t find his key, or Declan who forgot his key at home, or Ithan who just did not bring a key because someone will open the door for him anyway. A shock rumbles through him when he hears Bryce speak the words, but he can’t really comprehend what she is saying, does not really know what to do with them, how to act, how to react. It can’t be real what she is saying. Your body has been found, he needs to come there, the Asteri.....everything else becomes a blur of words and phrases
Almost like in a trance Ruhn gets up and gets dressed, his heart pounding frantically in his chest, the blood rushing in his ears so loud it drowns out all the other noises. He rushes to find all his necessities, collecting his phone and his gun just in case. In the next moment he is out of the house, jumps into his car, puts in reverse, leaves the parking lot and then heads for where Bryce and Hunt are. Ruhn arrives at the park, at the crime scene, and panic and dread collide inside of him. Your body is lying lifelessly on the in ground. It is early in the morning, only past four, the grass is still drenched in dew, the sun has not yet risen. A fresh moist scent lies in the air when the wet grass slides against his legs and soaks through his shoes. Ruhn is running towards his sister, her mate and you. His knees buckles when his eyes land on the puddle of blood next to you, under you, everywhere around you. There is so much blood, there are so many wounds on your body. “Y/N,” he breathes and his knees give in. He falls to the ground, and it is when is hands cradle our face that something inside of him snaps, something starts to glow and he can feel the bond connecting you to him. But why now? Why did it have to take so long for the damn bond to snap? Why couldn’t it have happened earlier? But would you have even excepted it? That all does not matter now. 
“The Asteri,” Bryce says calmly and places her hand on her brother’s shoulder. “We think that the Asteri are behind this.” Ruhn’s head whips to her and he furrows his brows, his heart dipping and cold sweat breaking out on the back of his neck once again. “Why?” he asks and it is Hunt who answers. “We don’t know, we hoped you might know?”
But Ruhn shakes his head. He has no idea. And also does not care about it in that moment. “Did you call an ambulance.” Bryce nods and takes out her phone to take some pictures of the crime scene. Celestina informed them that something has happened from where she knew they had no idea but Bryce and Hunt did not waste a second before heading here and informing Ruhn immediately when they saw who the victim of the attack was. “The ambulance will bring her to the hospital. We maybe need to collect some clothes for her, you know where she lives?” Ruhn nodes, his hand brushing the side of your face, the bond glowing brighter and brighter in his chest. It almost suffocates him, he does not want that now, can’t deal with it now. He wants you to be safe and fit again. And only when you are awake does he want to share the joy of the bond with you. 
The ambulance arrives only a few minutes later. One of them cringes at the sight, but tries to act cool a moment later when he heaves your body onto on of the medical bed and brings your to the car. Bryce arranges with them that Ruhn will bring clothes to the hospital. 
She drives Ruhn to the place where you live and your roommate lets him in, Bryce and Hunt in tow so they can look around in the flat if their are any hints on why they attacked you and what you might have found out about them. Ruhn does not care about any of it, he only cares about you waking up again. That’s the only things that matters to him.
The little bullet journal falls open and Ruhn really does not want to look but his eyes land on his name and he just has to see what you have written about him. His heart halts, then starts beating frantically at every word he reads. It explains everything, your feelings towards him and small declarations on how you wishes you could tell him about the mating bond… The mating bond.
Ruhn sits down on the ground and smacks his hands over his face, reasling a loud shout. He is rocking back and forth, sobbing while awareness dawns on him. He has been such an idiot. He never realised the bond because he was so caught up in his own world, how he hurt you so many times and he never saw you as anything more than a friend because he thought you would never see him as anything more than a friend. He started dating Lidia, who was a wonderful person, because he thought he would anyway never have a chance with you. But actually he was such a blind and oblivious fool. He hates himself for that, for maybe never getting the chance to tell you. A knock sounds from his door and it makes Ruhn lift his head. It is Bryce. She carefully opens the door and peeks inside. “Her parents just called. They are there now. Have you collected all her things?”
Ruhn sniffs loudly, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs when he looks at his sister through his swollen eyes. “I can’t lose her,” he breathes and the damn breaks once again, tears streaming down his cheeks. Bryce walks up to him and crouches down next brother, slinging her arm around his shoulders. She presses her head against his, his ear piercings cool against the side of her head. “She will be fine, I know it.” But Ruhn doubts that, saw your injuries. And as much as he wants to believe his sister, he can’t. 
Flynn and Declan come to pick Ruhn up to drive to the hospital. He is still shaking when he arrives at the hospital, when they arrive in the entrance hall of the hospital, ask for your room, walk past the coffee shop and the emergency department where trauma patients are being brought in on beds or in wheelchairs. He does not pay any attention to anything around him, his whole focus is on you and the hope that you will wake up again. He can’t enter the room immediately, your parents are still inside, wanting to be alone with you. He understands but it drives him mad. Ruhn can’t stay outside your room, he places the duffle bag on the ground next to where Flynn sits in one of the visitor chairs and starts wandering, telling them to call for him when he can go inside. 
Ruhn is pacing, walking through the long, maze-like hallways with the bright lighting than burns in his eyes. He has barely gotten any sleep the previous night, was terribly sleep deprived and in panic. He walks past a gift shop, glances inside. There are magazines, toiletries and other small items, as well as flowers and stuffed animals. He hesitates for a moment, but walks in and decides to by you a little bouquet of flowers — he chooses the violet ones, remembering how you always loved to comment on his eyes, how violet and glowing they were. Nothing is left of this glow, Ruhn’s eyes are dim and dull. It is when he leaves the shop that Declan calls for him, meeting him half-way in the corridor to your room. “Her parents are going home now, said you can go in.” Ruhn inclines his head and follows in silence. 
His heart stops in his chest at the sight of you — you looks so peaceful, but at the same time like all life had been robbed from you. They probably put you in a coma… 
The moments between him standing in the doorway and looking at you and him moving closer become a blur until he finds himself right next to you, his hands shaking, and turning damp from the cold sweat breaking out on his skin. His friends join him in the room, supporting him. 
Ruhn sits on the adjustable hospital bed beside you, his hand holding yours. The one with the cannula, the small tube that has been placed into a vein in your arm or your hand in order to deliver your intravenous therapy. 
You look like your are sleeping, lying there on the white linens, eyes closed, lips parted a little bit. Flynn stands behind Ruhn, Declan on his other side, keeping his hand on Ruhn’s shoulder. Ruhn is staring at the plain walls, lowering his gaze to the equipment plug-ins. The fluorescent light is still bright in here, but at least a little dimmer. Your chest heaves a little bit, barely visible but it gives Ruhn enough comfort to even his breathing. Through wires your heart is connected to a heart monitor and Ruhn watches the steady line, that does have too big highs. With a loud sigh Tristan Flynn leans against the bedside table with drawers, accidentally pushing one in. “You can go home. You don’t have to stay with me,” Ruhn says, honestly. 
“You should also go home,” Declan answers, squeezing his friend’s shoulder, but Ruhn shakes his head. “No, I am staying with Y/N. When she wakes up, I want to be here.”
“But Ruhn—“ “No!” the starborn prince answers loudly. “I am staying. You go home.”
Declan and Tristan decide that it might be best for them to actually go home and leave Ruhn alone, wanting to give the two of you some privacy. It seems like it is what Ruhn needs. 
His eyes are trained on the grey garbage can in the corner of the room when he opens his mouth and says, “I am so sorry. I have been such a fool.” His throat starts to ache, tears dwelling in his eyes when Ruhn gives his head a little shake. “I am so sorry.”
His thumb strokes gently over your hand, it feels cold in his one and he his heart squeezes. “I know that I have been such an oblivious fool to not see it, to not see that you like me the same way I like you. To not see the bond. I know I am an idiot… And it feels wrong that the bond snapped for me now, that this had to happen that the bond snapped, I hate myself for it.” His throat constricts, aching when a single tear slips out of his eyes. It falls onto your hand and it is then that your hand makes the tiniest jerk. “Y/N?” Ruhn asks, his voice baffled. He looks at you intensely but no more movement follows. Maybe he was mistaken? Ruhn parts his lips again, they are dry. “I want this bond with you, want nothing more. Well, I do. I want you to wake up. I want to see you smile again, hear you laugh again. I want to hug you, to have sleepovers with you where we smoke a little mithroot and watch sunball or your silly romance movies. I want to cook with you again and I just want to have you in my life. I can’t lose you, Y/N.”
He leans down and kisses your knuckles, more tears wetting your skin. “You are one of the most important people in my life, I need you.”
The heart monitor shows large lines when Ruhn hears a beeping noise and lifts his head to the screen. He does not understand what he is seeing, but a moment later he does not really care about it anymore. You shift a little on the bed, stirring and your hand twitches again. 
Ruhn’s eyes widen, his heart stopping, then rapidly hammering against his ribcage. 
Your eyes open a little bit, the corner of your mouth lifting when your look at Ruhn through a heavy-lidded gaze. “Your are my mate.” With that your eyes fall shut again, lips opening a little further. Ruhn leans over you, kissing the top of your head and he says, “That I am. Yours and only yours. And you are mine.”
tags: @azrielsbabyg @brekkershadowsinger 
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The importance of the number 7 in crescent city
Throughout the entirety of the crescent city series, the number 7 plays a huge role in both a symbolic and a literal way
⚠️ House of Flame and Shadow spoilers ⚠️
7 Asteri on Midgard
Rigelus (title- The Bright Hand)
Eosporos (title- The Morning Star)
Hesperus (title- The Evening Star)
Polaris (title- The North Star)
Octartis (title- The Southern Star)
Austrus (title- unknown)
Sirius (title- The Wolf Star)
7 Princes of Hel/ Circles of Hel
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Hunt also mentions that “Type-Seven is only for the princes themselves, and given what this thing can do, I’d bet it’d be deemed a Six” in chapter 29 of HOEAB, when talking about the demons and princes of Hel
7 districts in crescent city/ city heads/ gates
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7 “Made” objects *
Mask (made by Cauldron)
Crown (made by Cauldron)
Harp (made by Cauldron)
Horn (made by Cauldron)
Starsword (made by Cauldron)
Truth-Teller (made by Cauldron)
Ataraxia (made by Nesta)
*now while nesta did make another sword and dagger, we don’t know if they possess any magic and they don’t have any names either*
7 members of the Pack of Devils
Danika Fendyr (alpha)
Connor Holstrom (second)
Nathalie (third)
7 courts in prythian
Night Court
Dawn Court
Day Court
Spring Court
Summer Court
Winter Court
Autumn Court
7 tog books (not including novella)
Throne of Glass
Crown of Midnight
Heir of Fire
Queen of Shadows
Empire of Storms
Tower of Dawn
Kingdom of Ash
Known starborn fae *
Bryce Quinlan
Ruhn Danaan
*The term Starborn describes the descendants of High King Fionn and High Queen Theia.
1. Also when bryce traded places so Danika would get into the Bone quarter, she said the vow (“I wish to trade my place.”) 7 times:
“She’d tossed a Death Mark into the Istros, payment to the Under-King—a coin of pure iron from an ancient, long-gone kingdom across the sea. Passage for a mortal on a boat.
And then she’d knelt on the crumbling stone steps, the river mere feet behind her, the arches of the bone gates above her, and waited.
The Under-King, veiled in black and silent as death, had appeared moments later.
It has been an age since a mortal dared set foot on my isle.
The voice had been old and young, male and female, kind and full of hatred. She’d never heard anything so hideous—and beckoning.
I wish to trade my place. (1)
I know why you are here, Bryce Quinlan. Whose passage you seek to barter. An amused pause. Do you not wish to one day dwell here among the honored dead? Your balance remains skewed toward acceptance—continue on your path, and you shall be welcomed when your time comes.
I wish to trade my place. For Danika Fendyr. (2)
Do this and know that no other Quiet Realms of Midgard shall be open to you. Not the Bone Quarter, not the Catacombs of the Eternal City, not the Summer Isles of the north. None, Bryce Quinlan. To barter your resting place here is to barter your place everywhere.
I wish to trade my place. (3)
You are young, and you are weighed with grief. Consider that your life may seem long, but it is a mere flutter of eternity.
I wish to trade my place. (4)
Are you so certain Danika Fendyr will be denied welcome? Have you so little faith in her actions and deeds that you must make this bargain?
I wish to trade my place. She’d sobbed the words. (5)
There is no undoing this.
I wish to trade my place. (6)
Then say it, Bryce Quinlan, and let the trade be done. Say it a seventh and final time, and let the gods and the dead and all those between hear your vow. Say it, and it shall be done.
She hadn’t hesitated, knowing this was the ancient rite. She’d looked it up in the gallery archives. Had stolen the Death Mark from there, too. It had been given to Jesiba by the Under-King himself, the sorceress had told her, when she’d sworn fealty to the House of Flame and Shadow.
I wish to trade my place. (7)
And so it had been done.”
- HOEAB, chapter 62
2. Hunt was in the Asteri dungeon’s for 7 years
“How long did they do that to you—after Mount Hermon?”
“Seven years.”
She closed her eyes as the weight of those words rippled through her.
Hunt said, “I lost track of time, too. The Asteri dungeons are so far beneath the earth, so lightless, that days are years and years are days and … When they let me out, I went right to the Archangel Ramuel. My first … handler. He continued the pattern for two years, got bored with it, and realized that I’d be more useful dispatching demons and doing his bidding than rotting away in his torture chambers.”
“Burning Solas, Hunt,” she whispered.” -HOEAB, chapter 35
“We need to get out of here,” Ruhn said, and nothing had ever sounded more stupid. Of course they needed to get out of here. For so many fucking reasons.
But Athalar cracked open an eye. Met his stare. Pain and rage and determination shone there, unbroken despite the halo and slave brand on his wrist. “Then talk to your … person.” Girlfriend, the angel didn’t say.
Ruhn ground his teeth, and his ravaged mouth gave a burst of pain. He’d rather die here than beg the Hind for help. “Another way.”
“I was in these dungeons … for seven years,” Hunt said. “No way out. Especially not with Pollux so invested in ripping us apart.” -HOFAS, Chapter 11
3. Apollion (7th prince of Hel) ate the Sirius (7th Asteri)
“No one would dare say his name, not after the Prince of the Pit became the first and only being to ever kill an Asteri. His butchering of the seventh holy star—Sirius, the Wolf Star—during the First Wars remained a favorite ballad around war-camp fires. And what he’d done to Sirius after slaying her had earned him that awful title: Star-Eater” -HOEAB, chapter 51
4. The slave tattoos has seven stars in it
“For there was also no hiding the second tattoo, stamped on their right wrists: SPQM.
It adorned every flag and letterhead of the Republic—the four letters encircled with seven stars—and adorned the wrist of every being owned by it.” -HOEAB, Chapter 6
“Ruhn spied their own solar system in the center of it all. Seven planets around a massive star. Seven Asteri—technically six now—to rule Midgard. Seven Princes of Hel to challenge them.
Seven Gates in this city through which Hel had tried to invade this spring.
Seven and seven and seven and seven—always that holy number. Always—” -HOSAB, Chapter 25
5. 7 is a holy number
“Seven—the holy number. Or unholy, depending on who was worshipping. Seven Asteri, seven hills in their Eternal City, seven neighborhoods and seven Gates in Crescent City; seven planets, and seven circles in Hel, with seven princes who ruled them, each darker than the last” - HOEAB, Chapter 19
“Micah had left the latter’s body up. Justinian would hang there for seven full days and then be pulled off the crucifix—and dumped into the Istros” -HOEAB, Chapter 69
6. Hypaxia and necromancy
“So this is it?” Ithan asked Hypaxia, gesturing with a hand to the seven candles she’d arranged on the ground. “Light the candles and wait?” -HOSAB, Chapter 61
“It took Hypaxia seven hours, seven minutes, and seven seconds to raise Sigrid.
Ithan barely moved from his stool the entire time Hypaxia stood over the corpse and chanted. Jesiba left, came back with her laptop, and worked for some of the time. She even offered Ithan some food, which he refused.
He had no appetite. If this didn’t work …” -HOFAS, Chapter 48
7. Sailings happen on the 7th day after the death
Don’t come to the Sailing tomorrow. You’re not welcome there.
She’d listened to it over and over, the first words to echo in her silent head.
Her mother hadn’t woken from the bed beside hers when Bryce had exited the hotel room on Fae-soft feet, taking the service elevator and leaving through the unwatched alley door. She hadn’t left that room for six days, just sat staring vacantly at the floral hotel wallpaper. And now, with the seventh dawning … Only for this would she leave. Would she remember how to move her body, how to speak.” -HOEAB, Chapter 7
8. Midgard geography
““Seven—the holy number. Or unholy, depending on who was worshipping. Seven Asteri, seven hills in their Eternal City, seven neighborhoods and seven Gates in Crescent City; seven planets, and seven circles in Hel, with seven princes who ruled them, each darker than the last.” -HOEAB, chapter 18
“Bryce didn’t wait for them before trailing the old male up the walkway as the seven planets aligned themselves perfectly, stars glittering in the far reaches of the room.” -HOSAB, chapter 38
“Bryce halted after a turn in the stairs and assessed the long hallway ahead. When it revealed no guards, she stepped into it.
There were no doors. Only this hall, perhaps seventy feet long and fifteen feet wide. Likely fourteen feet, to be a multiple of seven. The holy number.” -HOSAB, Chapter 71
“She’d studied Fury’s rough map of the palace layout. This area was seven levels below the throne room, where the Asteri sat on crystal thrones” -HOSAB, chapter 71
“They could fly no further. The massive black wall stretched for miles in either direction before curving northward, with wards protecting the airspace above it. Hunt knew from maps that the area the wall encircled was forty-nine miles in diameter—seven times seven, the holiest of numbers—and that at its center, somewhere in the barren, snow-blasted terrain, lay the Northern Rift, shrouded in mist. Barriers upon barriers protected Midgard from the Rift, and Hel beyond it.” -HOFAS, Chapter 70
9. Ithan & the number 7
“Sabine stared down at the seven shards the Fendyr sword had broken into, then lifted her furious gaze to Ithan.
Ithan shifted back into his humanoid body with a near-instant flash. “It’s just a piece of steel,” he said, panting, the metallic tang of the blade lingering in his mouth. “All those years you obsessed over it, resented Danika for having it … It’s just a piece of metal. - HOFAS, Chapter 74
“You have seven minutes” -HOFAS, Chapter 81 (when Ithan was talking to Connor)
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Random Thoughts
*spoilers ahead*
I consider myself an older fan of the SJM multiverse. I’m almost 38, and I came into the books late. Meaning I had the benefit of reading them all at once and in a different order than they were released.
I started ACOTAR in August 2019 and by November 2019 had finished the entire ACOTAR and TOG series. Just in time to collect my thoughts and prepare for the March 2020 release of HOEAB. My husband joked that he was going to work on a reentry program for me back into my family 😳 (jokes on him, I’m permanently in faeryland).
My point here is that I had a different perspective than many of my fellow SJM fans. Reading ACOTAR first and reading the entirety of TOG all at once, to me, made it apparent that these worlds would collide. But the fandom was divided, and I’m too old to debate online. But in 2022 my dreams came true!
Now, I’m not going to fight anyone on ships. But I will say that purposeful misdirection is a staple of Sarah’s writing style. So in my opinion NOTHING is ever written in stone.
I definitely don’t think elain and Azriel are happening, and I thought they were destined after reading ACOWAR. If you haven’t read his bonus chapter yet, you must. But I also don’t think elucien is definitely a thing. Remember how Maeve fucked with Rowan and created a mating bond with Lyria, then killed her and their unborn child 😅 yikes.
I think something similar is happening with elucien. I think Hybern is Valg based on his black glittering eyes and the fact that no one knows his damn name! And I think he created a bond that mimics a mating bond between elucien and they’re going to have to untangle that in the upcoming books.
But maybe I’m totally wrong!
I have to do some rereading to find the text supporting this next statement, but I’m pretty sure Maeve’s husband is still traveling throughout the worlds. Orcus I think? You know, the King of Hell 😳 Also there are cats everywhere in each of these series and I will die of happiness when it’s revealed Aidas has just been around the entire time.
Also I scrolled through an opinion that I support: Rhysands last name could be Danaan. That would get my vote I think 🤔
Where does Dorian’s magic come from? Are his mind powers considered Deamati? Will he ever bang Manon ON THE PAGE?
Since Rhun has a Sword in the Stone backstory, does this mean he will be the one to defeat the Asteri and usher in a time of peace? Perhaps as King of Prythion?
Does Quinlar also give anyone else pause? I can’t help it, logic says yes they’re mates IT’S WRITTEN DOWN RIGHT THERE! But my gut just doesn’t buy it.
What is Elain up to? Why does the fandom still call Tamlin abusive and not Rhysand? Can we please kill Jurian and why does anyone like him?!?! WHERE ARE MIRYAM AND DRAKON. Why would Feysand just GIVE them the cauldron WTF?!?!
These are the difficult questions that I’m dying to answer. I can’t wait for more books 🥰🥰🥰
Nessian are the only two characters I trust throughout all three series. They are the only two that have proven they’re capable of honesty, every one else is plotting and lying and keeping secrets. And while this sounds negative, it’s another reason why I love the books. Antiheroes everywhere!
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luxmaeastra · 1 year
The weapons showed everywhere soon enough. On the hands of Valg, Fae and Asteri alike. They did not corrupt, they did not break, they did not drip blood - only soaking it up.
Andominus blinked and gave a nod.
"You must be Sarai. Lumas spoke of you. Do you like our weaponry. I think we were blessed when we made your spear Sarai."
The sight of the weapons was the daunting warning of what was to come, to see so many preparing and ye still they kept to themselves. Did they not understand the world they were about to be thrust into? Did they think things would be the same?
Sarai faltered a little when he spoke, turning to face him. There had been a reason for her to come here, to want to speak to him.
"Yes, I am. I would say I am surprised my father spoke of me, but he seems to like doing that when I am not in earshot," she felt her face flush at the notion of her father speaking of her. "Bless when you made my spear? Why would she say that? I would say I was the blessed one to have such beautiful artistry in my hands."
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isaslibrary · 2 years
House of Sky And Breath Theories (contain Spoilers)
sooo i just finished hosab and let me say it was so fucking amazingggg! while reading i got a few new theories about the worlds of crescent city, acotar and throne of glass
Amren is the 7th lost Asteri sister - They say that the Prince of the Pit swallowed the 7th Asteri, Sirius, whole, but what if he didn't? Perhaps she didn't like what the Asteri stood for, and the swallowing was a method of dragging her into Prythian - "No one has spoken that language in this world for fifteen thousand years" is quoted by Amren when Bryce first speaks to her in HOSAB...interesting that the 7th Asteri sister was swallowed by the prince of pit 15,000 years ago - to me the timelines match up - I know Amren doesn't feed on first light, but she does drink blood...something of power in itself, taken unwillingly - She is said to be a powerful creature of unknown origins, but that doesn't mean that she isn't Asteri. They have chosen angel like bodies but that's not to say they true form is any different to what Amren was before she chose to be put in a fae body -> Could be grasping for straws here but it feels RIGHT
Ruhn looks like Rhys - are they related? - are Rhy's ancestors part of the original fae that went to Lunathion? After all, Theia and "her people were already in Lunathion" when the Asteri arrived (see next bullet to explore this) -> Funny how we don't know Rhys' last name. Could it possibly be... DANAAN?
Bryce and Ruhn's ancestors came from Prythian and ultimately, to the original world of the Fae - Rigelus mentions that Bryce's breed of fae came from a "verdant land, rich and magic". When Bryce lands in Prythian...what type of grass does she land on? "Verdant grass". - Rigelus mentions that Bryce's star of her chest is a "beacon to the world from which the Fae originally came" and that it will lead them back to that world..interesting that Bryce wanted to go to Hel, but ended up in Prythian
Theia came from the lost Dusk court / the Dusk court plays into it somehow -> Danika's project is called Dusk's Truth...coincidence? I think not.
Throne of Glass and Erilea are going to play into this cross over some how - Rigelus mentions that the wolves/shifters are fae but not from where Bryce's type of fae are from...but he does mention that they all came from a different planet where "all the Fae in that world shared their form with an animal" and they perhaps at one stage, "shared a world with [Bryce's breed of Fae" -> I can't keep a certain fae hawk, mountain lion and wolf out of my head - ToG has witches to...perhaps they also went through a rift to Lunathion -> SJM will have us ToG fans beating down her door if she doesn't do a crossover with our fav characters - it's happening and I refuse to believe otherwise
The horn is the fourth trove I´m so fucking sure about it now (had this theorie since the first cc book but now i´m just so sure about it)
Hunt is somehow related to Thurr? - I mean we ALL thought that the underking was Hunts father, but that theory is kind of dead in the water. Guy is an asshole and there was no recognition there - Bryce mentions many times he looks like Thurr, and his powers are similar...how are they connected? Son? Grandson? Timelines are unclear
Rifts are everywhere throughout SJM's books - does a lot of passing happen between worlds more than we are aware? I know Theia and her daughters figured out where all the rifts were in Lunathion, promptly closing them, but that doesn't mean there aren't rifts still open in our other favorite worlds...meaning crossing can happen a lot more easily than we think It would explain a lot of cross-over between linage and missing characters showing up in other SJM series
What do you think about these?
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darkxlya · 2 years
House of Sky and Breath
First read freak out
*heavy spoilers*
Ruhn&Lidia obvious mate stuff right there
Day/Lidia stuff? Called it from the moment she stepped foot inside that bar and he described her as the most beautiful woman blablabla
Ruhn's form was Rhys-like
"Day's" was Aelin-like
Not in a weird way tho, didn't feel like Rhys and Aelin, just the presentation of powers had similarities
Viper Queen might be Valg, or something close to it
Tharion is now blood sworn to that creature, that'll come back to bite his ass
Urd sounds very close to Wyrd
Cthona & Mother & Three Faced Godess???
Luna and Nesta?? The fae queens in TOG???
I need answers, my mind is going everywhere
The way she presented her "true form" in acowar resembles firstlights descriptions
Hunt as a slave again and possibly/probably Ruhn and Baxiam too is a fucking crime
Can't wait to see his full powers unleashed, there's been a lot of buildup
Rhys looking like Ruhn holy fucking shit that's all the conformation i fucking NEEDED cause I've been picturing them alike
FURY LOOKS LIKE AMREN WHAT THE FUCK i don't know which of them that explains better but it makes perfect sense
I look forward to finding out EXACTLY how Amren relates to the Asteri because holy fucking shit HER DESCRIPTIONS OF HER LIFE BEFORE AND THE WAY THE ASTERI GO AROUND AND THE VALG KINGS holy shit are they the masters/king idfk she mentioned?! Are the Asteri Valg? HOLY HEL
I'm freaking out; i screamed the moment Az showed up and haven't calmed dow yet
Bryce and Nesta teaming up oh gods the stars they both bear
I need to sleep
It makes perfect sense to set cross world enemies as an excuse to make the characters themselves cross said worlds
Are Erawan's siblings coming to play? Is this what's going to bring TOG into it? Being a world that successfully banished/killed Valg?
I get it now why she hasn't said much about the next acotar book
I swear to god, this wait will be the death of me
Now I'm wondering where the hell Sarah's going to continue this on; is the next acotar going to continue this arc? Are we waiting for the next cc? A Tower of Down type book? IS AELIN COMING TO THE FUCKING PARTY?
Edit: ok sjm said cc3 is coming before acotar5 and i dont know what to think, i need them both and can't function this is going to be a long ass wait
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spaceshipkat · 2 years
heigh-ho here we go! part 1 of my h0sab recap will cover the prologue - chapter 10. a reminder that the full recap with spoilers for h0eab can be found here if anyone wants a refresher before diving in.
prologue: someone named Sofie has been in a death camp undetected for two weeks. Sofie is a human who made the Drop, which makes her technically Vanir. many rebel camps have fallen. tonight, Sofie intends to get to a port called Servast by blending in as Vanir. her parents encouraged her to make the Drop for the protection it would provide with its healing capabilities, so she made the Drop and has worked her way up to the position of trust she's in to find her brother in this particular camp, after her parents and grandparents were all brutally killed. Sofie knows someone named Pippa, a commander in the Lightfall unit, and she knows some secret intel that Ophion (the rebels) and Pippa won't want Sofie to lose to anyone in charge, so she uses that as collateral to ensure that Ophion and Pippa get Sofie out from the camp after she's found her brother. Sofie credits her minor in theatre for fooling the interrogators while she was being tortured. after she found her brother, he asked her to help save the children in his bunk, too, so she's now hiding with them and waiting for the cue. when it comes, she touches the electrified fence and somehow takes on its power to break the fence just wide enough that she can slip through. she holds the fence open for the children before following them. as they're fleeing, the siren blares to announce their escape, and she uses her power--whatever it is--to destroy the flashlights of the dreadwolves (the guards). the finally make it to the road where the van is waiting, driven by someone known only as Agent Silverbow, or Silver, who went against his current mission to help Sofie escape instead. Silver looks over the kids, as if wondering how many can fit in the van, and Sofie tells him that they're all going, so they all climb in and Sofie finds herself smooshed against Silver in the front as he brushes his thumb over her shoulder. thirty minutes later, they make it to the port city of Servast. Silver tells Sofie that the Hind--the most well-known spymaster and breaker in the Republic--is close-by. she asks after Pippa and Silver says there's been no word yet but she'd better be where she said she would be. it's heavily implied that Sofie and Silver are or were lovers. Sofie knows the Asteri are likely aware of what Sofie has learned (that secret aforementioned knowledge that could perhaps end the war once and for all) and she and Silver both know they're being stalked by the dreadhounds on their way to Servast. with the danger so great, Sofie handed over her comm-crystal to Command (rebel leaders, i gather, though it's unclear how they're related to Ophion) that connects her to the most-valued spy on the rebels' side. they leave the van behind, Silver leading them through the quiet streets of the port city, which is predominately full of Vanir allied with the House of Many Waters. the boat the Bodegraven is waiting for them at the pier. Sofie got the rebels to agree to her mission to rescue a "valuable asset" from the camp, that valuable asset being her brother, since she told them what he can do. she hopes that the boats the rebels promised would be awaiting the Bodegraven will truly be there. Sofie and Silver realize the dreadwolves are here, "fucking everywhere", and so Sofie tells Silver to get the kids to the boat and that she'll meet him there after holding the dreadwolves back. she promises her brother she'll find him again and her brother tells her to "make them pay". there's a dramatic send-off as Sofie nods at Silver and gathers her power and then she goes after the dreadwolves. she runs into a street and finds the Hind waiting for her with a contingent of dreadwolves, and then she runs, leading them away from the Bodegraven. the dreadwolves howl as they chase her, proving they've shifted into their wolf forms. Sofie uses her power to break a fountain in the town square and pauses as the dreadwolves surround her, and then she lets her power "unspool" through the water that she and the dreadwolves are standing in, and as her power erupts they shout that she's a thunderbird bc
she can channel electricity through water, and doing so kills many of the dreadwolves, so she runs again. she's only part thunderbird, though, as her grandmother "mated" with a human before being executed. the Asteri evidently hunted thunderbirds almost to extinction. Sofie sees Silver as she nears the dock and wonders why he isn't using her power to save her, and then sees he's been shot though it doesn't look bad. she assumes it was a gorsian stone bullet, which can nullify magic. Sofie stops short bc the Hind hasn't moved from her spot lounging against her car but one of her snipers is missing. the Hind asks Sofie if she's faster than a bullet and calls her thunderbird. she ignores her and sprints for the Bodegraven and a sniper fires and Silver roars as Sofie is shot but lands on the dock and Silver bellows for the captain to go as submarines show up. now we're in Pippa's POV as she stands on a ship in the Haldren Sea, near Pangeran's northern coast as she watches the Bodegraven arrive on time. Pippa plans to show Sofie just how much the rebels like being manipulated and remarks that Silver is stupid for helping Sofie, the woman he loves. a Captain Richmond approaches Pippa and she demands a report, so he explains that they've made radio contact but Sofie isn't onboard. Pippa wonders if the gamble of Sofie doing her thing was worth getting Emile. Pippa starts to say something but a sailor interrupts to say that there are four Omega submarines after the Bodegraven. Pippa says to prepare the gunners but then the sailor gasps and points and Pippa turns to see every light in Servast has gone out and Emile wipes out the submarines with his electricity. the Asteri hunted thunderbirds bc their power was too strong. Sofie told Pippa that Emile's powers outmatched hers, and it's proven with this move. Pippa wants no Vanir to exist anymore unless they have a human body and soul. Emile destroys every submarine. back in Sofie's POV, she's lying on the dock "waiting to die". when Sofie uses firstlight power over electricity, it burns through her even as it makes her crave more power. the Hind finds Sofie and demands she tell her who she told her intel to, and Sofie refuses, so the Hind orders her dreadwolves to take Sofie onto a small boat, then to get Sofie to her feet and cuff her with gorsian stone. the Hind pulls a white stone from her pocket and tosses it into the water, watching it sink, and remarks that anyone would drown at that depth. Sofie's feet are chained with weighted blocks and the Hind asks again who Sofie gave her intel to, but Sofie refuses to tell. Mordoc, the Hind's second in command, says they can torture it out of her, but the Hind says she believes her, so without the intel shared it can simply die with her. the Hind asks if there are any last words and Sofie says "go to Hel" and then she's shoved into the water.
chapter 1: the chapter opens with Bruce attending the ballet being ogled by a pair of big cat shifters. they appear to recognize Bruce after what she did to save Crescent City this past spring. we're reminded that Bruce saved Hunt's life when she let firstlight erupt through Lunathion and also saved its citizens' lives. Ember, Bruce's mom, and Randall, her stepdad, call to the oglers to take a picture for ten marks, but for fifteen they can be in it, and Bruce sighs and says "please don't" which Randall seconds. they look at a frieze of someone who looks like Hunt and is labeled "The Making of the Sword" by an unknown sculptor. Ember asks Bruce what it says and Bruce translates, saying it's in the old language of the fae, and Ember is surprised Bruce remained fluent in it. they meander around looking at other friezes whose titles Bruce translates. Bruce has told her parents of what happened that day, but the emotions she and her mom experience while talking about it together are too great, so instead she only talks to Hunt about it and dances, "baby steps" toward therapy. one frieze depicts the seven princes of Hel, and Bruce tells us that she hasn't told Ember about Aidas. Ember asks Bruce why she didn't get a job at the ballet conservatory, and Bruce says there had been no openings and she didn't want to use her princess status to get one. Bruce tells us she has a job at the Fae Archives now, which Ember is mad about despite Bruce saying it operates independently from the autumn king, her real dad. Jesiba, her old boss, only has a warehouse now with the gallery gone, but Ember doesn't know why Bruce doesn't work something out with Jesiba to work at the warehouse. we're reminded that Bruce has a star tattooed between her boobs as a mark of her Starborn heritage and that the Horn tattoo on her back is faded like a scar. Bruce asks if her mom would rather she move back to Nidaros and pretend to be normal, and Ember says that Hunt would like living there, and Bruce reminds her mom that Hunt is second in command of the 33rd and wouldn't leave to move to Nidaros, to which Ember tells Bruce to not believe that she hasn't noticed that things are weird between Bruce and Hunt bc they're "together but not together" and Bruce says it's none of her business. eventually Bruce tells her mom she doesn't need to worry bc she likes her job and things between her and Hunt are what they agreed on, so things cool off and Bruce texts Hunt that she got a grilling about her job and him and he asks what about him but Bruce is distracted from replying as she, Ember, and Randall enter the theatre. they're in the angels' section of the theatre, in a private box that Juniper got for them bc few people want to sit behind someone who has wings, as he explains upon arrival. we get a description of Hunt and a reminder that he no longer has the crown of thorns tattoo. Hunt and Bruce are so horny Bruce's parents notice and are clearly uncomfortable. Juniper sends champagne. Bruce goes to take a drink but Hunt stops her to test the champagne for poison, which isn't there. we learn that Fury and Juniper are now living together and make a "beautiful couple", and that Bruce has patched things up with Fury. Ember says that Hunt and Bruce would make a beautiful couple too if they "got their shit together". Hunt says "all good things come to those who wait". many people are looking toward the box Bruce is in, though none of the fae nobles look happy about her being there. Tristan Flynn's--one of Ruhn's frat buddies--parents are there. we learn that Bruce and Hunt made the chastity pact three months ago, to be friends but something more without the "physical benefits". there are four months and three days left of their chastity pact, and we finally learn that it was made so Bruce and Hunt could spend the summer and autumn getting to know each other before the Winter Solstice deadline they agreed on. we get details of how the two of them have been spending time together talking and hanging out. Bruce's star tattoo starts to glow and it's bright enough that it
illuminates the faces of people elsewhere in the theatre as they turn toward the box. Bruce doesn't know how to turn it off and Hunt helps her cover it with his hand. Ember asks if they should leave as the fae nobles call it all a disgrace but Hunt reassures her they're used to the staring and won't be fucked with. we're reminded Hunt is the Umbra Mortis, the Shadow of Death. Bruce says thanks, Hunt says don't mention it, and she wonders at the change in his tone.
chapter 2: Bruce and Hunt go to Ruhn's house for a get together after the ballet, her parents back at their hotel. however, the small get together turned into a giant frat party. Ruhn apparently lives on a street full of party houses. Fury and Juniper are already inside. Tristan Flynn and Ruhn are introduced in frat boy style (beer pong). Bruce tells Hunt to tell Fury and Juniper she'll be there soon but wants to say hi to Ruhn first. Declan Emmett, the third member of Ruhn's frat trio, appears to say hi to Bruce. Declan's boyfriend Marc Rosarin is there. Ruhn and Bruce chat about Juniper's recital and Marc comments that the tickets were highly sought after. Flynn asks about Bruce's parents. Bruce leaves to go say hi to Fury and Juniper, who are holding hands as they sit on the couch while Hunt talks to them and Bruce joins them. Hunt leaves to get Bruce a drink and Fury and Juniper begin egging Bruce on about the bargain she and Hunt made and that she should just tell him they should break it so they can fuck. Bruce wonders what she even is to Hunt, since "girlfriend" seems too normal and casual for him. Juniper again asks why Bruce and Hunt need to keep their pact until the solstice but Bruce doesn't get to answer before Hunt returns with her drink. now in Hunt's POV, we get a description of Bruce bc Hunt likes to ogle her. we also get more detail about the chastity pact. Bruce asks Hunt if these parties don't bother him, since she feels guilty for enjoying herself and can't believe all these people are partying despite what's going on out there, and Hunt points out a lot of these people are probably working through their grief in whichever way works. Hunt reminds us that he's free thanks to the Asteri and alive bc he and Bruce are too public for the Asteri to kill, so they have to lie low forever now. Hunt still works for the 33rd bc Isaiah asked him to, so he works as their unofficial commander bc he doesn't want to deal with the paperwork that makes him official. Hunt gets an email from Isaiah that says new archangels have been chosen for Micah and Sandriel's territory, and Bruce asks how bad they are, and Hunt says they're not that bad and that's the problem. someone named Celestina is taking over from Micah, and Celestina is someone who oversees Nena with a population of "like, fifty" with one legion under her command and no triarii. her legion is controlled by the Asteri and are essentially their watchdogs for the "Northern Rift" with Celestina just their figurehead. Hunt says everything he's heard about her is nice and Fury says that she hasn't heard anything bad either. Bruce and Juniper, despite Hunt's worry about her being a puppet, say that maybe it's just a nice thing, while Fury looks thoughtful and Hunt acknowledges she's probably the only one to recognize how bad it could be, though she says nothing. Celestina wants to take over what remains of Micah's triarii and it's gonna be announced the next day, though Hunt assumes Fury's employers will hear about it before then despite Hunt asking them to keep it silent. Bruce reminds Hunt that he's free now, they can't tell him what to do, and he rejoined the 33rd of his own volition. Hunt says that Celestina could make things very difficult for them, but Bruce says that she's super special and magical and uses some of her starlight to prove it so they clearly won't be beaten by Celestina. we learn Bruce has been meeting with Ruhn once a week to learn what she can about her starlight and how to use it. Bruce's starlight is more powerful bc of all the magic she took in during her Drop. Hunt says he's still technically more powerful than Bruce, though they're not even sure how powerful she is bc she hasn't been able to test it since the order to lay low. Hunt catches Fury watching Bruce but she doesn't say anything. Hunt lowers his voice to say that he's not sure what Celestina is here for but the Asteri aren't doing anything out of the kindness of their hearts. Fury says that the war in Pangera is worsening, and that the Valbara territory is full of vital
resources, and that the Asteri appointing someone who's nice seems idiotic. Juniper says that maybe they really do want a figurehead so they can order all of Varbara's troops overseas (Valbara is across the Haldren Sea from Pangera), and Fury says that even Micah might have resisted that order. Hunt often has nightmares of Micah brutalizing Bruce and of the attack on Lunathion as it turned against Bruce. Bruce finally says that guessing won't help matters and reminds Hunt to go in with an open mind, which he interprets as "don't start a fight," to which Bruce clarifies to not go in playing "Scary Asshole"
chapter 3: we begin in Ruhn's POV learning he smokes a lot of CCity weed (mirthroot), has a woman sitting on his face, is really drunk, doesn't remember said woman's name, and he really loves his life. we get more description of him fucking the faun (the aforementioned woman) and of her appearance, including her boobs. Ruhn is sorta kinda engaged to the Queen of the Valbaran Witches Hypaxia Enador and wonders if him eating out another woman is technically considered cheating, though deep down he knows it is and that's why he does it, since it's the only freedom he can get from a choice he wasn't allowed to make but was made for him. the faun gets off his face and he stops thinking about his fiancee. Ruhn is about to suggest they keep going when Flynn enters looking shaken, tells Ruhn to come downstairs, and to bring his Starsword. Ruhn obeys and isn't sure what he's supposed to be looking for, though he feels something wrong and Declan's new security system picked up an "anomaly" that feels like a storm around the house, "some kind of aura" that seemed to be surveying the area. Ruhn says they should look back, so he and Flynn start downstairs. he can't see Bruce anywhere, but before he can really look for her a portal seems to open where the front door is, a portal like the one that the demons poured out of. Ruhn reaches for his sword as the party comes to an end, and sees Bruce with Hunt beside her, Bruce wearing his hat and Hunt carrying his gun. Fury is nowhere to be seen. turns out that it's not actually a portal to Hel, Bruce's star thing on her chest is glowing, and a "familiar golden-haired Fae male" steps out of the portal.
chapter 4: Bruce is exasperated as her star tattoo starts to glow, though she's too distracted by the new fae dude to ponder why it's glowing now. the partygoers back away so it's just Bruce and Hunt and Ruhn and co standing before the fae dude, who Ruhn calls Cormac when he demands to know why he's here. Bruce hides a smile when Hunt moves so he's standing between her and Cormac. Cormac says he was invited and that's why he's here, and also that he knows of who Bruce is but isn't impressed by what he finds. Cormac claims he is Bruce's cousin. she says she doesn't have any fae cousins, but Cormac says the glowing star says otherwise: Cormac may be Ruhn's cousin through their mother, but he and Bruce are distantly related through her dad, the autumn king, whose name is Einar and whose line crossed with the Avallen fae some time ago, and Cormac is there to meet Bruce, his bride. we're now in Hunt's POV now and he's shocked. Bruce laughs and says it's a good joke and Cormac insists it isn't, it's been decreed by her dad the autumn king and his dad the high king of the Avallen fae, and Hunt surmises Cormac is the crown prince. Bruce says that the last she checked she wasn't on the market, and Cormac points out that bc she's unwed she's the property of her dad who gets to decide what she does. Fury steps out of the shadows and Cormac falters, so Ruhn orders him out, and Cormac says that rumor claims the Starsword "sings" for Bruce, too, to which a muscle feathers in Ruhn's jaw. Bruce orders Cormac out and says she's not gonna marry him blah blah and Cormac says she has a mouth on her, to which Hunt is angry but he won't use his magic on Cormac bc it could start a war. Bruce says Cormac is to never interrupt her again, that her brother told him to leave, and that he doesn't want to find out what will happen if she asks. Hunt is surprised to see pride on Ruhn's face over Bruce finding her voice to fight back. Cormac says he's seen all he needed to, Bruce demands to know what that means, and he says he wanted to confirm she has "the gift" and then leaves after saying he'll see her at the altar. back in Bruce's POV, the partiers are leaving and Bruce says that there's a train leaving tomorrow at seven to Hunt, and Hunt says that there's no way Ember will go, since it's unlikely she won't be suspicious that Bruce is making her and Randall leave five hours earlier than planned. Juniper says that there's nothing on social media about Bruce being engaged, and Fury says there'd better not be after her threat if they don't keep it to themselves, and Bruce had seen several people deleting pictures from their phones as they left the party. Hunt says it'll be tough to get her parents out of town and wonders if it's worth it, and Bruce says the alternative is her mom going ballistic and doing something reckless, or Randall doing something drastic against the autumn king. Fury says that her parents are adults and can make rational choices, and Bruce asks if Fury has ever met her mom bc rationality isn't commonly associated with her. Juniper says it's likely they'll find out anyway so it'd be better if the news came from Bruce, but Bruce says she wants to be far away when they find out. Cormac is the cousin who nearly killed Ruhn during his "Ordeal" (the trial fae undergo before the Drop, iirc) and that it was really bad. Cormac had always wanted the Starsword for himself, and enter the Cave of Princes, but Ruhn got it instead and Cormac didn't like it, but now his fiancee (Bruce) has a claim to the Starsword. Ruhn says that it's true, it's her sword as much as his, and she waves her hand and says she'll take it on weekends and holidays. Juniper asks if it's true, the legality of the engagement, and Bruce begs Ruhn to tell her how to get out of it. the Starsword reacts to Bruce's proximity. Ruhn speaks into her mind that the sword isn't going to bite, to which she it's his sword, not hers, he's the Starborn Prince just as she's the princess, and Ruhn says his masculinity isn't tied in with the sword so if she wants it she can have it, but
she says that he retrieved the blade and therefore it's his. Ruhn says aloud that he didn't pay attention to fae law in class, but Marc (Declan's boyfriend) says he did and he already has people looking into it so short of the Asteri's archives they'll be able to find something. Declan says he'll also look into it with his hacking skills, though Bruce doesn't think he'll be able to break into the Asteri's archives. Bruce thanks them both and asks for updates when they have them. Ruhn starts talking but Bruce tunes him out and slips outside, Hunt following her to ask why she's being so calm about this. Bruce says it's bc this is a game the autumn king is playing, expecting her to run to his house and fight him over it, but she wants to find out what he's really got planned. Hunt points out that combining the two most powerful fae lines is a pretty legit endgame, especially since she's Starborn and has the Horn tattoo, but Bruce says that's too simple for the autumn king. Hunt and Bruce talk about how they were having such a nice day before this, and Bruce asks if Hunt thinks the autumn king could've timed Celestina with Cormac to rattle them, or make them act, or perhaps send Hunt after him which would make him look bad in front of the new Archangel. Hunt asks to what end, Bruce says to make him do something illegal like kill a Crown Prince. Celestina needs to set an example of how she intends to rule, and punishing an angel like Hunt would definitely set a precedent and also get him out of the picture of the autumn king since it's no secret that Hunt and Bruce are a team. they start to get breathy going from "team" to "roomies" to "Occasional Beer Pong Champions". Hunt says they can't forget that the Avallen clearly have their own goals here, wonders what they are, and Bruce says who cares about them at least until they get her parents onto their train. Bruce says they should go home and watch trash tv, though as they walk home Bruce's thoughts turn dark with worry bc she'd been content to lead a normal quiet life as per the Asteri's instructions but the world has other plans for her. as they reach their apartment door they notice it's ajar and Bruce suddenly panics, remembering when Danika was killed, and she and Hunt enter with Hunt in front of her holding a gun to find Ithan Holstrom (Connor's brother--Connor was in Danika's pack) bleeding all over the floor.
chapter 5: we're now in the POV of Tharion Ketos, a "mer", sailing a boat after the River Queen became pissed over him fucking up. he would rather be sunning himself in Lunathion while allowing women to ogle and take pictures of him, but instead he's on the fishing boat, punished bc he's so hot that the River Queen's daughter cried about it. the captain of the boat says that the submersible is within range, so Tharion joins her at the helm to look at the screen showing the trench the submersible is in. the screen isn't very clear bc they're on this small boat, rather than a ship or a yacht, but the boat is capable of slipping past Pangeran navy radar. the captain asks what Tharion is looking for, he says a body, and when she expresses doubt he explains that the body was tied to lead blocks before tossed in by the Hind, so we know it's Sofie he's looking for. the captain points out she's likely dead if she's not in the House of Many Waters and Tharion snaps he knows but has to find her. his queen likely learned of her presence bc of what the water told her. she also believes that Sofie, even dead, is an asset, and that's why Tharion is fetching her. Tharion is a captain bc of a case he solved of his sister's murder. Tharion lets his magic drift to the bottom of the sea, angry though it is, and says to move the submersible ahead ten yards while rotating the camera. we're reminded of Viktoria, the wraith, whose "essence" was shoved into a box and that box dropped into the Melinoe Trench. Tharion wonders if anyone will go rescue her, but knows that Hunt and Bruce want a normal life again and thus won't go get her. even looking for Sofie's body could be a risk for the River Queen but she wants to collect her nonetheless. Tharion is the River Queen's daughter's betrothed bc he took her "maidenhead" and swore himself to her a decade ago. thus, bc he must do the River Queen's bidding, he's here looking for Sofie's body. 3.5 hours later, they find the lead blocks but the chains are empty. Tharion notices an anomaly that the captain doesn't and keeps it to himself. he calls the River Queen to tell her that the chains were empty bc the shackles had been unlocked, though no damage had been sustained. Tharion wonders why the water didn't tell the River Queen that the body was gone. she wonders if he thinks Sofie freed herself, and he says he doesn't know but he's pretty sure that she never even touched the bottom of the sea. the queen says so either someone got there before them or Sofie is alive, and that it's odd the water didn't tell her that, as if it had been silenced. she orders him to look for Sofie's brother as well as Sofie, since where Emile is Sofie likely will be, and that Emile can still be useful.
chapter 6: back in Bruce's POV, she's digging through the cabinet below her sink in search of her first aid kit, which she brings to tend to Ithan where Hunt and Bruce moved him on the coffee table. he's now conscious and talking to Hunt, but too low for Bruce to hear. Bruce hasn't seen Ithan since the attack last spring. Hunt guesses that claws made the wounds on Ithan's face, but Ithan doesn't reply. Hunt asks what Ithan is doing here and he says he didn't intend to come here, his pack's omega decided it. Bruce wonders if Perry (the omega) did this, and Ithan laughs and winces, so Bruce lifts his shirt to see extensive bruising and Hunt says it looks like broken ribs. Bruce says she'll clean him quickly enough for him to be on his way, and Ithan says there's no point bc he has nowhere else to go after Sabine kicked him out and the others beat him up. Bruce asks why, so Ithan explains that he talked to a reporter about what happened in the attack on Lunathion, which Sabine wasn't a fan of so she kicked him out--especially since Ithan defended Bruce over a quote from Sabine. Perry remembered that he and Bruce were friends at one point, hence why she brought him here, and he says he'll go in just a few minutes but Bruce says no, he's staying here, despite everything she has to worry about rn. Ithan had been her best friend after Danika and before Fury and Juniper. Ithan tries to get up but Hunt says no, so he agrees one night. Bruce glances at the time to find it's midnight and knows her parents are likely about to go to bed soon, so she leaves to call them. in Hunt's POV, he hears Bruce talking to her parents about getting to their hotel at six AM to take them to the earlier train. Hunt gets all jealous that Bruce is sharing a bed with Ithan instead of Ithan taking Hunt's bed and Hunt sleeping on the couch, though Hunt argues with himself over it being stupid that he's jealous. Hunt decides to google Ithan, Sabine, and Bruce together so he can find the article that Ithan referenced, and we learn that Sabine argues Bruce was just in the right place at the right time but is only a fame-chaser, while Ithan explains that the wolves went to Asphodel Meadows on Bruce's call and that she's a hero. Isaiah texts Hunt asking for his thoughts on Celestina, to which Hunt says it's too early to tell, so Isaiah reminds him to be nice bc she isn't Hunt, so Hunt sends back a thumbs-up emoji. in Bruce's POV, she's awake and staring at the ceiling while Ithan breathes beside her. Ithan says he could've slept on the couch, to which Bruce says she didn't trust Hunt to not smother him in his sleep bc he holds a grudge against Ithan. Bruce tells us that she wanted Ithan where she could see her, no matter the wards on her apartment bc she's lost on Holstrom already (Connor) and doesn't want to lose another. Ithan says that Danika had told him about this apartment before her death, and asks if it's true that Danika helped Bruce make her Drop, to which she says yes and that Danika was her Anchor. Bruce explains that Danika told Bruce that the rest of Danika's pack was holding off the reapers so that Danika could help Bruce. Ithan says that Connor loved Bruce more than anything and thought she was his mate. we get an explanation on mates to different species. Ithan asks if Bruce loved Connor and she says yes. Ithan then comments on wasted time, and Bruce asks why he quit sunball, to which Ithan says "it's a stupid game" and turns away.
chapter 7: Ruhn is in his dad's house, pacing, and saying "this is bullshit". Cormac asks Ruhn if he's feeling possessive over his sister, though Ruhn ignores him and tells his dad that they're living in modernity and that there are so many lawyers who would fight this, but the autumn king simply says that Bruce will arrive at the altar willingly, as will Ruhn (with Hypaxia, i gather). Cormac is snarky about Hypaxia and the marriage being unconventional bc of the different species, and Ruhn says if Cormac has shit to say then he should just say it, to which Cormac is all snarky. we learn that the marriage is happening bc Hypaxia's dad is a powerful necromancer from the House of Flame and Shadow and Hypaxia seems to have inherited that power. Hypaxia's half-sister was "sired" by a stag shapeshifter and is now known as the Hind. bc the Hind has no witch magic, she was handed over to her dad's people. there's some contention about Hypaxia possessing necromancy now that she's been crowned. the autumn king says her necromancy has no place in this conversation bc Ruhn will marry Hypaxia no matter what, and Cormac says that his dad found her necromancy an issue, to which the autumn king says it's good, then, that Cormac's dad isn't marrying her. Ruhn asks if his dad has forgotten that Bruce and Hunt are together, and that Hunt is the Umbra Mortis, to which his dad says that his spies inform him that Bruce and Hunt haven't consummated their relationship bc she doesn't bear his scent. Cormac says that one day she'll be queen of Avallen and therefore she should consider a "bastard angel" beneath her notice. Ruhn says that she's Starborn and they will therefore need her far more than she'll need them. the autumn king says that if Bruce was so concerned about maintaining her freedom, she shouldn't have shown off her powers so brazenly. Ruhn asks if this is all bc Bruce showed the autumn king up, to which Cormac says that he's stooping to marry Bruce since many Avallen will consider the marriage a disgrace. the autumn king snaps that Cormac needs to be careful bc Bruce is still a Starborn heir more powerful than Ruhn, so she isn't being given to Avallen lightly. the autumn king says that Bruce is valuable bc she can "breed" and therefore both houses will benefit from that, as will the alliance, and Ruhn asks what the alliance is against, to which Cormac says against a "weakening of magic in the royal bloodline". Ruhn asks if this is about the rebellion, since he's learned that Ophion took out Omega submersibles in the north, but the autumn king says that it's just about the fae maintaining their power and birthright. Cormac points out how incest used to be what royals did and, since Ruhn is arguing against Bruce being married off, perhaps Ruhn and Bruce should marry, to which Ruhn tells Cormac to get the Hel out and Cormac points out how he and Ruhn are both Crown Princes and thus their fates are the same, and then Cormac leaves. Ruhn knows that Cormac meant they'd both be kings one day, but Ruhn knows that his fate is more complex since he was told by the Oracle that the royal bloodline would end with him. Ruhn wonders if it means Cormac will lead a coup. he forces it out of his mind and asks his dad why he's doing this, and his dad says that if Ruhn has to ask he's no "true son" of his, and we learn that Ruhn has sleeve tattoos to hide scars from his dad. Ruhn wonders if his dad intends to make Cormac his true son through Bruce and his dad says that Cormac has always been the son he should've had, not the one he was burdened with.
chapter 8: Bruce says "today's the big day" aka the day of Celestina's arrival. Hunt (we're in his POV) asks how it went with her parents, and Bruce says that Randall might've suspected something but he was game to play along about leaving early. Bruce tells Hunt he should see the decorations the city put up overnight to welcome Celestina. Hunt is in his battle-suit for the 33rd. Bruce asks if Hunt wants her to go with him, and he's warmed by the offer but declines. he asks how Ithan is doing, and Bruce says he's doing a lot better but his ribs are still broken. Bruce says that Ithan can stay as long as he wants, since she refuses to give him to Sabine, and Ithan says he's glad to hear it, walking out of Bruce's bedroom. Hunt pours the three of them coffee and Bruce and Ithan reminisce over college. Bruce leaves to get ready for work, Syrinx asks Hunt for more food, and Hunt tells him no bc he's already had breakfast. Ithan stares at Hunt, Hunt asks why, Ithan says nothing. Hunt repeats his threat from last night that if Ithan brings any trouble down on Bruce Hunt will kill him. Ithan says he's shaking in his shoes. Hunt asks if Ithan is suddenly cool with Bruce bc she's a princess and Starborn, and Ithan says he doesn't care about any of that, so Hunt asks why he defended her against Sabine, then. Ithan says that if Danika's entire pack showed up to help Bruce in defending Lunathion then they're clearly not holding a grudge against Bruce, and that if they aren't he shouldn't, so he isn't. Hunt asks if he needed their permission to be nice to her, and this exchange happens. in Bruce's POV, we're in the Fae Archives. she misses Lehabah and wishes she'd been able to save her. she calls Jesiba bc of a sculpture Bruce needs to find out is real or not, and Jesiba asks why she's doing Bruce's job for her, and Bruce says it's bc they're friends. Jesiba says she supposes she should consider it an honor to be friends with Bruce, who's gonna be queen of Avallen one day, and Bruce asks how Jesiba knows that, and Jesiba says that some of the people she's turned into animals still work for her and tell her secrets they pick up, especially if they hope to be turned back one day. Bruce isn't sure if Jesiba is being serious. Bruce wonders if Jesiba knows why her dad decided to do this, Jesiba says that men will always try to control women who they fear, and "marriage and breeding" are their go-tos. Bruce says that can't be it bc her dad isn't afraid of her, and Jesiba says it has to be it bc Bruce hasn't done anything with her powers or the Horn since the attack on Lunathion, so he got tired of waiting. Jesiba asks Bruce what she plans to do, and Bruce says pretend it's not happening until she can't anymore. Jesiba says she worried that Bruce would succumb to the allure of being the chosen one, so clearly Ruhn and Bruce have something in common, which is a compliment bc Ruhn is one of the only ones who's been able to shun what he is. Jesiba asks if Bruce plans on doing anything with the Horn, and Bruce says definitely not, and what she can do with the Starborn power is only interesting for letting it be bred into fae bloodlines. Jesiba points out that she killed an Archangel with her power. Bruce doesn't know what Jesiba did with the Godslayer Rifle and doesn't care to. Bruce says that she was given an order by the Asteri to lay low, and Jesiba says it's boring she obeyed them. Bruce is called away to meet with a professor. Jesiba tells Bruce to actually think about the advantages of marrying Cormac before refusing. Bruce asks "who says i'm not?" and Jesiba says "good girl" before hanging up.
chapter 9: Bruce and Hunt chat while she eats her lunch. Hunt says that nothing exceptional has happened at work yet. Celestina's arrival was delayed by an hour, though the news hasn't said anything about it yet. Celestina is beautiful, so Bruce doesn't feel jealousy, necessarily, but something like it since Celestina will be Hunt's boss. Bruce says she can join Hunt after work to wait for Celestina, but Hunt says it's probably going to be long so it's fine. Hunt asks if she's heard anything about the betrothal, but there's nothing to report. Bruce's star starts to glow and she cuts herself off, then sees Cormac has entered and Bruce lies to Hunt that her boss is here so she'll talk to him later. Cormac says that her star glows in his presence bc their union is predestined by the Oracle. Bruce asks what the Oracle said, and he says "The Oracle of Avallen said I was destined to unite with a princess who possessed a star in her heart. That our mingling would bring great prosperity to our people." Bruce says there's a lot open to interpretation there, and Cormac says he disagrees. Bruce asks why he's here and he says he wanted to see where she worked to gain insight into her life. in Avallen, it's strange for women to have jobs, so Bruce will have to adjust. she says no. he says she doesn't have a choice. Bruce asks if she can pay Cormac off, but he laughs and says he has more gold than he knows what to do with. Cormac says that as soon as she's given him "a few heirs" she can have whichever lovers she chooses. she tells him the fae aren't her people and orders him to go, and Cormac says that her father let her have too much freedom for so long, and Bruce says that the autumn king isn't her dad, just the sperm donor--her real dad is Randall. Cormac says that Bruce is immortal and Starborn now, so she should act like it, and Bruce slams the door in his face. in Hunt's POV, he stands before Celestina, who sits behind Micah's old desk. Celestina has a "gentle, kind" smile and asks Hunt, Naomi, and Isaiah to sit. all of them are thrown by the fact she says "please" bc Micah never would have. Hunt was thrown by the ceremony to welcome Celestina in, since she went up and greeted everyone there to see her instead of parading around with ceremony that other archangels might have. Hunt isn't letting his guard down, though. Celestina says that Hunt, Naomi, and Isaiah are all who remain of Micah's triarii. when none of them say anything, Celestina says that she wants it clear she's not looking for subservience. instead, she wants her triarii to be her partners and work alongside her to protect the city and territory. they say nothing, so she says she can see she'll need to do quite a lot to earn their trust. Naomi starts to say they don't wish to offend her and call her "Your Grace" but Celestina says to call her Celestina bc she can't stand formalities, and Hunt remembers when Micah once said that. Isaiah still has his crown of thorns tattoo to mark him a slave. Naomi resumes saying that they don't wish to offend Celestina, and that they and the 33rd are here to serve. Celestina says that the only way they could insult her is to keep their thoughts to themselves, even if they're critiquing her own behavior. Isaiah says they're honored to work with her, and Celestina says that she wants Isaiah to stay on as leader of the 33rd if that's what he wishes, to which Isaiah smiles and nods, and Hunt wonders if he's the only one who isn't buying Celestina. Celestina asks if Hunt would rather go by Orion, and he says Hunt is fine, and tells us that only his mom was allowed to call him Orion. she says that she knows he and Micah didn't always see eye to eye and she wants to have a conversation with him about what went wrong so they can avoid doing so with each other. Hunt says that what went wrong is he tried to kill Bruce, and Celestina says that she heard about that and is sorry for it. he's never heard an archangel say they're sorry. Celestina says she heard that he chose to live with Bruce, not in the barracks, and that she's okay with it,
then tells Naomi and Isaiah they can live elsewhere if they want to as well. she tells Isaiah that she doesn't keep slaves and will continue Micah's endeavors with the Asteri to free him, and he's a free man in her eyes. Celestina says that each morning they should meet here in her office for reports and any tasks she may have. she says that she understands they're good at hunting demons, so if any break into the city, she'll want them to exterminate them. Celestina says they'll meet tomorrow at nine AM bc she wants everyone to be rested for when "the others" arrive. Isaiah asks "others?" and Celestina says the rest of the triarii, which should've been in a letter Isaiah got, but wasn't. Celestina apologizes on behalf of the Communications Minister of the Asteri bc he's usually not one for making mistakes, and explains that since Isaiah, Naomi, and Hunt are all who remain of Micah's triarii and as Celestina had no triarii of her own in Nena, Sandriel's triarii has been split in half with one of those halves coming to Lunathion. a knock sounds on the door and in walls the Hammer and the Helhound.
chapter 10: Baxian the Helhound was scarred by Hunt across his neck thirty years ago. Pollux, the Hammer, led Sandriel's triarii. Hunt tackles him. now we're in Ithan's POV as he dabs at his wounds back in Bruce's apartment. he's bored and decides to shift into his wolf form despite how small the bathroom is and looks at himself, lamenting the fact he's now a wolf without a pack. Perry texts to ask if he's alive. she's the Omega of Sabine's pack. he returns to his human form and says yes, then sticks his phone into his pocket. Ithan has no regrets about helping Bruce during the attack. Bruce finds Hunt in a jail cell beneath the Comitium where Isaiah put him after he fought Pollux, and Celestina contacted Bruce. Hunt tells Bruce she's fine and that she should go home, and Bruce asks if he was really trying to sabotage today. Hunt asks why he'd do that and Pollux says bc he's stupid. Hunt says he doesn't want to hear Pollux's voice and Pollux responds "get used to it" from a nearby cell. Baxian appears and we learn he's capable of shifting into a Helhound form, even though he's an angel. Baxian was Sandriel's chief spymaster and tracker. Pollux asks Bruce to come closer, Hunt says she won't do that, Bruce says to spare her the protective alphahole act and goes to Pollux's cell. Pollux makes a comment about Bruce working at night, she says that sex work is respectable in Lunathion, and Pollux says Micah should've killed Bruce. Bruce and Pollux have a pissing contest (metaphorically, to be clear, though i wouldn't have put literally past sj///m). Bruce tells Pollux she'll make his life a living hell if she touches Hunt again, Pollux lunges, she lets her power surge brightly and he rears backward. Baxian wonders (lewdly) if Bruce will give him a tour of the city, to which Hunt says to keep dreaming. as Baxian leaves, he says he's glad someone finally killed Micah. Bruce turns back to Hunt and tells him no more fights, he wonders if they can go home if he promises, she says it's not her call before a voice says over an intercom that he's free to go and opens his cell. Pollux wonders why he can't be free to go bc he didn't start the fight, and Celestina says over the intercom that Pollux didn't do anything to defuse it either. Celestina says they'll discuss it later and Pollux doesn't say anything, and Celestina tells Bruce to keep Hunt in line.
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petri808 · 5 years
Phoenix Skies Reborn
Written for a class this semester.  This takes place several years after my original story Phoenix Skies (a NaLu story).  Now Natsu and Lucy's daughter is all grown up. Nashi Dragneel and her best friend Arashi are about to learn discover the hidden truth between them...
“Whoa is that your dad!” the young boy whispers to his friend.  “He totally looks like he’s on fire!”
“Isn’t my daddy just the coolest!” The little girl responds with a giggle, “I wanna be just like him when I grow up!”  A few moments later, they see a woman walking towards her father, “Lookie, it’s my mommy!”
           The two friends, 7-year-old Arashi and 6-year-old Nashi peek out from the bush they had been hiding under, watching her parents on the hill crest.  To the children, the whole scene was like some magical fairytale come to life of the dragon and his princess, for atop that hill, stood Nashi’s father in full Salamander glory.  Unlike her half status, he was a full-blooded fire class Draco with much larger, reptilian wings measuring about ten feet from tip to tip, and two curled, beige horns sprouting from his head.  Humanoid in many aspect’s but instead of bare skin, his back, chest, and extremities were all covered in scales.                    
Even Arashi was spellbound, for compared to his sinewy father, this man’s very presence could cause one to shudder.  The Draco towered over his mate, Nashi’s mother, by over a foot, with such a muscular physique the small boy couldn’t help but think of him as some God like figure. Truth be told, her father was the strongest of his kind but had the most jester-ish of qualities, often joking around and yet sweet in nature, the man genuinely had a heart of gold.  And as he held his wife against a sunset to end all sunsets, the children could only watch in breathtaking wonderment.                                
“Yeah… your dad really is the coolest…”        
The young man had been searching everywhere for the Salamander, but she wasn’t at her cottage or her friend Chieko’s home, the usual hang outs she’d often frequent or even the local watering hole where she would often frolic on a summery day such as this one.  And it was a gorgeous one, by far the best day they’d had this August with cloudless powder blue skies that stretched for miles and miles unimpeded. Breezes, abundant in nature to cool you down from the sun’s blinding ray’s, forceful enough to stir the air and lift your tresses, but not whip them around like in a gale.
Fall was just around the corner and the trees were starting to make their debuts with the lightest hints of color change.  Arashi sighed, it was another beautiful time and season that made one appreciate their world and understand the cycles of Samsara.  How nature was the ultimate goddess who gave birth, lived, changed, and then died only to be reborn anew year after year after year in an endless cycle. Reflections of the heart.  
Alas, he was losing focus, the Salamander, where was Nashi?  If only he’d had the Draco’s sense of smell, chuckling in his head, that girl could sniff him out anywhere in town, but he needed to rely on good old-fashioned detective work.  The wisteria grotto?  Nope.  Crocus river?  Not there either.  Maybe she actually went to see her parents for once without prompting, so he heads over and finds the girl’s mother at home.  
“Hi!”  Hugging the young Sprite, “what bring you here?”
“Aunt Lucy, do you know where Nashi might be?”  
But the female Fae only shakes her head, “I’m sorry Arashi…”
“Please call me Storm, aunty, I like my nickname better.”
“You do realize Arashi means storm, right?”
He crosses his arms, “I know, but Storm sounds tougher.”
Lucy chuckles, “you are so much like your father.  I swear, do all Snow Sprites have such a severe demeanor?”  
“Uncle Lyon is the only other one I’ve met and,” taping his chin, “come to think of it he and dad are a lot alike.  Any ways, I guess I’ll just keep looking, she’s gotta be around here somewhere.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful,” she chuckles, “but you should know by now they are like their element, always burning for action!  Excuse the pun.”  With a sigh, “even though Nashi is only half Salamander, that girl has taken after her father side.”
“Aye, she does idolize him,” the young man smiles in a teasing manner, “but at least she has your looks and your smarts going for her.”
“Oof!” Lucy slaps his arm lightly in jest.  “Trying to work your charms on me too young man, you really are just like your father!”
“I’m just pointing out the obvious.”
“Well good luck dear,” she shoos him on his way, “when you find that wayward daughter of mine, tell her to check in sometimes cause we worry about her.”
“I will, thank you Aunty.”
By late afternoon, Arashi was ready to give up and go home.  He had hoped to set out early in the morning on a new commission but unless he could find his partner and confirm it with her, well, the Snow Sprite just wasn’t up for going it alone.  Why would he when it was always more fun when they were together for an adventure.
But where could Nashi be hiding?  She had promised never to run off on her own again after the last tongue-lashing he’d given her.  Sometimes that girl was too adventurous and reckless for her own good and even her father who’d seen his fair share of mischievous younger years would get on her case about it.  No, Arashi stilled the growing anxiety rising in his mind, Nashi’s never gone back on a promise before, for that he was certain of in his heart.  So, there was only one last option he could think of, it was a stretch since it was a place that she would only visit with her mother during certain celestial events or solstices, but since the young Draco tended to go for the familiar, it was worth a shot.
It was one of the best locales for sky gazing around their village, a hilly meadow with no trees to block the open view above, rolling fields of envious green and swaying wildflowers dancing to an unsung tune only the gods could hear. But if you closed your eyes… and slowed your pace…. those melodies just might reward your passage into another realm, transport your consciousness to where the pixies prance and flutter about or the stars may wink and grant your wishes.  Asteri Hills was their nickname for this magical milieu, Nashi’s sanctum to commune with the spirits, and one she’d shared with her best friend some 13 years ago.
And as he crested the final hurdle, there she was atop the highest vestige this place had to offer.  Her back towards him, head tilted towards the heavens and eyes no doubt closed.  With leathery crimson wings tucked neatly against her lithe frame while her long, snake-like tail twitched of its own volition near her feet.  Nashi’s salmon-colored hair shifted in the winds that wafted past, funneling her smoky scent down the hill into his company.  He couldn’t help but let a smile creep along his face or a blush run along his cheeks for she truly was like an idol amongst the divinity of this realm, like her father.  Bathed in hints of royal purples, fiery crimson blending into tangerine orange, and melting honey she was…  Exquisite…  The kaleidoscope of colors unifying into an overwhelming aura to encircle her, so powerful and virile, it sends a golden arrow to pierce the chosen.
Arashi shields from the burning fronting his vision, it was if she was on fire, just like the mythological Phoenix rising from the ashes, but it didn’t sting his eyes, this image was blazing a different path through his soul, awakening an arcane desire as old as time itself that had lain dormant but now ready to soar into the azures.  N-Nashi…  His mind flashes back to that long-ago scene, except this time...    
Without warning, an attack launches itself within his body.  His blood rushes through his veins, deafening against his ear drums.  Arashi clutches to his chest and drops to his knees, what the hell is happening to me! It felt like his thumping heartbeat could break through his diaphragm, lungs screamed from a loss of air he was still taking in and yet, why couldn’t he fill them? Heat swells inside his frame, convening and churning like a caged creature ready to pounce at its vessel. Arashi looks up to the sky as the swirling sensation begins to move, radiating outward, filling every pore, every cell, with a strange buoyancy feeling the man of ice and snow had never experienced before.
Soon, his mind is spinning out of control and the vision of Nashi blurs…
“Storm?” a hand takes hold, fingers curling beneath his chin to lift his face.  “Storm are you okay?”  He blinks and sees his best friend kneeling, smiling like she normally looks in front of him.  Did he imagine the whole thing?  The Snow Sprite looks past her and sees the raging skyline still evident in all its glory while slowly the blood-orange sun disappeared below a distant horizon. Nashi laughs, “Storm, what has gotten into you?  You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“N-Nashi?” raising a hand towards her cheek if only to make sure he wasn’t still in some dream.
“Wow, you’re burning up,” her gentle caress upon his brow causes hers to furrow, “that’s totally not normal for you, are you not feeling well?”
“Yes…” shaking his head, his hands dropping to their sides, “I mean no, I think I’m fine.”
“Then what happened?”
“I’m not sure,” burning images of his best friend flashing through his mind once more, “I saw you… a—and…” a renewed passion of all those febrile emotions rush back but this time they center in a new location, winding into a tight coil in his gut, before dashing below the waist.  Arashi’s eyes flare with intensity as the realization hits him.  Oh, crap that’s what it all meant!
A huskier tone snaps his mind into the present.  “Arashi…”  and as his Aegean hues fall under her scrutiny, growing wider if at all possible when he notices the matched lust of the Salamander dancing behind her icy blue gaze. “…your scent has changed.”
Oh crap, she can smell the arousal!  All the pent-up emotions he had long buried and tucked away to be forever unrequited threaten to take control.  He falls onto his ass and tries to scoot away.  “Nashi, I-I didn’t mean to…. I mean I couldn’t help it that I….  y-you’re my friend and it’s wrong of me to think of you in that way!”
“Stop being an idiot Storm,” her tail grabs hold of his foot to stop his back-peddling, “how do you know I haven’t felt the same way about you?”  Crawling over and forcing him into a supine position until she is practically nose-to-nose with the man, “hmm?”
“We’re elemental opposites.”
She lets the weight of her body settle onto his, propping herself with a grin, “And yet best friends,” bopping his nose, “you keep me cool in the summer and I keep you warm in the winter, pretty sweet deal don’t cha think?”
“Oh, geez…. is that all I’m good to you for?”
Nashi’s eyes half-lidden, “As much as I should smack you for that comment,” and her face lowers ever closer… “how bout I just show,you instead.”  The Snow Sprite is given no chance for a rebuttal when between blinks her lips have claimed his in such a covetous manner as to shock every cell in his body. She giggles at this startled expression, her tail flicking in amusement, “do you believe me now?”
“Hmm, I don’t know…” his face turns to the side, though his eyes monitor her reactions through their periphery, “you could’a just done that to tease me.”
“Oof!” slapping his chest and rolling off into a sitting position, “I don’t go around just kissing guys!” The pouty, child-like expression sends Arashi into a minor hysteric. “I’ve never even kissed anyone before…”
While still chuckling quietly, he sits up and pulls Nashi back onto his stretched-out legs until she’s straddling him.  “You know I’m just teasing you,” smoothing his thumb against her cheek, “and I’m glad these lips,” grazing them with his own, “were saved for me.”
           Left in the wake of a setting sun, nary another spoken word, did the world spin for the second time that day as a torrid desire swirled and enveloped the budding couple into its bosom.  Arashi seizes upon Nashi’s lips, so flushed with heat and engorged with life-giving essence, worrying the supple pink flesh until her simpering becomes music to his ears.  She fists at his knit top through each deepened entreaty.  His hands caress her lower back before travelling and fingers tangle into her salmon-colored locks, coveting them like they were made of the finest silk.  
           Her mewls to his groans adding to loves melody as their tongues frolic amongst a moist and temperate climate.  A few clicking of teeth or grazes of her canines on such sensitive flesh, but eventually a seasoned rhythm finds them locked in a rumba all their own.  Nashi’s hands drift upwards, cradling his crown, slightly tugging on his hair each time his hands have wandered to a southern locale.  Not that she minded it so much.  The feeling of his fingers ghosting against any bare skin sent delectable little shivers along her spine to fuel her vocal pleas.                                  
           Neither realized just how much they had longed for the other’s touch, but as they gave into those desires, it felt as normal as the changing seasons, transitioning their relationship from platonic to amorous. A deep rumble of contentment shattering the cozy still of the early evening darkness.  Instincts soon take over as Nashi’s tail and wings encircle the couple in a protective shield.  But they are oblivious, so wrapped up in the moment to bat an eye until a need for air makes itself painfully known.
After a couple more sweeps against her lips, Arashi leans his forehead against hers.  “Last chance to walk away,” he muses.
But Nashi simply smiles, “Oh Storm,” and pats his cheek, “you’re stuck with me now.”  
A few yards away at the edge of the clearing, Nashi’s parents hide amongst the brush spying on the two young adults.  Lucy clasps a hand over her mouth to muffle her giggling, “they are so adorable!”
“It brings back memories doesn’t it?” Natsu pulls his mate closer, kissing her temple, “that was once us.”
Lucy sighs and leans against his shoulder suggestively, “they grow up too fast…. Maybe we should have another one…” 
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pokebiologist · 6 years
May I ask about your pokemon?
My first Pokémon was Peanut, my Mankey. She was my partner throughout trainer school and my time as a Battle Girl in the Veilstone Gym. She and I have a particularly strong bond, and she can be quite… obstinate about accompanying me just about everywhere.
I next obtained my Monferno when Maylene received a call from Professor Rowan’s lab! He had a Chimchar that was rejecting trainers and wasn’t able to evolve, so he asked if someone could provide a Fighting-type training partner to encourage him. Luckily enough, I was sent down! That experience not only ended up with me getting my next companion, but also inspired me to stay south and work as a Pokémon researcher.
My third (and thus far final) Pokémon is a little Shinx named Asteri. I discovered her while I was doing a field survey on Luxray breeding grounds; her mother had been captured by poachers and she and her sibling needed to be rescued. Once she and her brother recovered and grew big enough to train, Asteri went home with me and the other cub, who was named Orion, went to the other lab field worker; my friend Charlie.
Asteri is definitely still the baby, and Monferno has taken on the role of caretaker. He can be seen carrying her around and shooing away anything he deems dangerous constantly. However, she’s already pretty powerful, and has been temporarily banned from the lab for accidentally short-circuiting some routers…
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danmendelsohnaviv · 7 years
Dan Tweeted
ICYMI. Tread w caution, disturbing vids are everywhere on my MENA/Syria lists. But we need to bear witness. https://t.co/P4mnRma76s
— Asteris Masouras 正义 (@asteris) April 4, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/dmendelsohnaviv April 04, 2017 at 08:09AM via IFTTT
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luxmaeastra · 1 year
Clythia glared at him, her blue eyes almost silver in the candlelight. Asteri Marked they whispered about her. Carried the legacy and looks of Cassandra they said.
Right now she just looked pissed off.
'Look Rhysand I didn't give much thought to you and your court on a good day. But Tisi seems shockingly taken with you. Don't fuck it Up."
She leaned back draining her wine. She stared at the glass, her fingers tightening around it. Her lips trembled and for a moment it looked like she was going to cry. She exhaled and looked back to him.
"She's been through a enough with that shrew of a mother and her brothers. She doesn't need to add shitty husband to the -"
'They're actually Fated Mates. That's what Mama -"
Clythia wheeled around glaring at Anastasiya.
Her sister shrinked back against the wall.
Avoiding the narrowed look Clythia gave her.
"Ma doesn't know anything beyond how to play
the victim. And why are you even here?"
Anastasiya frowned and pulled the cloak more
around herself.
"Aleksander said to meet him -"
Clythia rolled her eyes and slammed her glass down. She pointed at Rhysand.
"Grow a heart."
She turned to Anastasiya grabbing her wrist.
"And you need to grow some sense. As if that boy actually wants anything but one thing. Why would you want him? Why would you think he..."
Her voice trailed off as the tavern door closed. Hypaxia sipped at her wine sending Rhysand a sidelong glance.
"Are you? Fated? I didn't realize Tisiphone was close to anyone in Autumn."
She was especially surprised it was someone as vapid and mercurial as Clythia.
//For Rhys!!!!//
He was not surprised by the sudden outburst of the strong willed feeling, the one who had drawn the attention of one of the Day Princes. Embris, an uncle by some weird fashion, had always been proud of his boys and their potential they found in their Fated. He had to listen about Lanthys and Helion often when the male visited, when he recounted the various things to his mother.
Even as she lashed out at him, he barely moved or reacted. He would not provide her with that satisfaction. He would not allow her the moment to turn on him, or the ammo to use against him if she so wished.
He rose an eyebrow at the way she treated her sister, watching as the pair of them disappeared from the tavern. Did she really give up that quick? He leaned back in his chair, his hands resting in his lap before he looked towards Hypaxia.
“Tisiphone has many connections, her family had branches everywhere and their connections I feel are more vast than my mothers.” He laughed nervously before he shook his head. “Yes, we are Fate. At least that is what we have been told, though I honestly would have preferred it not known so we could just enjoy our time together.”
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