#Arthur The Thief
Wake Up (5 of Spades) 19/03/2023
“Wake up!” the shout stirred Monty to bleary wakefulness; the bucket of ice-cold water made him alert and aware of his presence in the room. In a dank and rat-infested warehouse on the docks, there wasn’t a soul alive and active in this business who didn’t know and fear what the Boss’ gang called ‘The Confessional’.
“Welp, this is awkward” Monty coughed.
“It doesn’t have to be, just tell us who you were working with? Who has the case?” One of the thugs said playing good goon.
“Or else,” his friend added underwhelmingly unscary attempt at the bad goon act.
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worldendercharles · 4 months
"situationship with a possibly malevolent entity sounds amazing" says guy with no real friends
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shibara · 7 months
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Here are a couple of sketches for @croik's fic Just a Bit of Sport, part 5 in the Now That's What I Call Entangled! series I really, really loved this seriesssss aaaaaaah can't recommend it enough!!! (though definitely recommend starting on the first fic, otherwise it will make no sense)
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bogslob · 4 months
I am so excited to find out what the lift music is gonna be
Will it be “raindrops keep falling on my head” like in the book?
Will it be tense?
I need to know what vibe kronos’ ride to olympus is gonna have in season five
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arthursfuckinghat · 5 months
Woah how'd you cancel all of Strauss's debts and give him the boot? I've played through Red Dead like 5 times and I had no clue you could do that lol
Hi!! Honestly after chapter 4 I just refused to collect any of the debts and just paid them myself, but in chapter 6 you have the option to absolve (cancel) the debts and give the debtors money to help them along! If you absolve all three debts then your next interaction with Strauss will be Arthur kicking him out of camp and telling him to get a real job - it was tense, Strauss was in his pajamas lol
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dcober · 2 months
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It's crazy to me that the most popular fictional character of the turn of the century England was a rational to a fault detective. While at the same time, the most popular fictional character in France happened to be a gentlemen thief. That's just too on the nose. It's the kind of detail you would come up with to differentiate the culture of two fictional kingdoms in some fantasy novel, not an actual historical fact.
If there's any justice in the world, we'll someday see a full on adaptation of Arsene Lupin vs. Sherlock Holmes, er, I mean Herlock Sholmes.
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siblingshowdown · 1 year
Sibling Showdown Extra Poll: Missed Opportunities
A poll of sibling sets that were not submitted for this bracket, but that I wish had been because I personally think they would've been fun.
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mismeander · 9 months
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Sometimes when I just want some fun I hop on picmix and make Raffles blingees. they just make me happy
Free to use, not that I think there are many people out there who would because the Raffles fandom is so small LOL
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mister-eames · 2 years
Another day, another “Eames? He’s in MOMBASA.”
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Title: The Tulip Thief
Author: Polomonkey
Rating: General Audiences
Summary: 'Sometimes I steal flowers from your garden on my way to the cemetery, but today you’ve caught me and have demanded to come with me to make sure the “girl is pretty enough to warrant flower theft” and I’m trying to figure out how to break it to you that we’re on our way to a graveyard'
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Hold On (2 of Clubs) 12/03/2023
“Hold on!” The scream was halfway between a command and a prayer.
As Arthur leant across acting as an anchor so Monty could pull himself back through the hole where the van’s passenger door used to be. With Arthur holding the handle of the briefcase with one hand and the other steering the van. With Monty clawing into the bottom of the briefcase, his feet scraped and bounced off the tarmac, searching for purchase on the dented side of the van.
Then it happened. The goons came back for another ram. Between the shunt and the swerve. Monty was gone.
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ofglories · 3 months
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Arthur has some deep concerns about his knight’s love life.
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mudwerks · 2 years
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(via No Kōrt: 1939 | Shorpy)
June 1939. Custer County, Montana. "Cattle thief hanged in effigy along U.S. Highway 10 to provide Western atmosphere for tourists. '777' refers to secret password of vigilantes in 1864." Acetate negative by Arthur Rothstein for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.
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sigurism · 10 days
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John Davis Chandler Once A Thief Dir: Ralph Nelson
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krys-loves-otome · 11 months
Different Universe, Same Love: Magic AU
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"Oi! Broer! Hondje! We need to reach town before sunset! Hurry it up back there!"
"Okay, Theo!" Vincent called back, holding out his hand to the little healer mage, Abby, at his side, helping her step over a low branch that would have tripped her.
"We've still got plenty of daylight left," he reassured Abby, "Theo's just worried about us using up too much of our energy from the fighting earlier."
"How are you holding up? You used a lot of mana in that last fight against the manticore."
"I-I'm okay." she said, "I still have one more potion left in my bag so that should hold until we reach town."
"Are you sure? You look a little pale and your hand feels very warm."
"Mhmm!" She nodded with a smile.
Vincent still tightened his grip on her hand, keeping to her pace.
"This path is so beautiful…" she said absentmindedly, admiring the colorful flowers.
"Yeah," Vincent said, "if we weren't in a rush, I would have liked to paint them."
Vincent glanced ahead, seeing Theo talking to Arthur. Or bickering, with the way Theo was scowling and the eternally mischievous grin on Arthurs's face.
"But, we do need to conserve our strength and resources. Perhaps I can ask Theo if we can stay in town for a few days, so I can paint the flowers with you, if you'd like."
"Really? I would-!" She fell forward, Vincent's surprisingly strong arms for his class, catching her before she hit the ground.
"Careful!" Vincent helped her to stand upright, brushing her bangs out of her face, his hand lingering on her forehead.
"…Theo, Arthur!" He called, taking Abby's staff out of her hands. "Take our staves. Abby isn't feeling well."
"V-Vincent, I can-"
"No way, Hondje." Theo took her staff, noting her flushed cheeks. "You pass out and we're all in trouble."
"You sure you don't want one of us to carry her, mate?" Arthur offered, "Magic users aren't exactly known for having great strength-"
His words vanished on his tongue as Vincent easily into his arms with a tiny squeak from the little bird. Theo smirked.
"He might be an elemental mage, but Broer has strength to match any brawler or sword-wielder. And beat them."
"Bloody hell," Arthur whispered, staring in disbelief. "Guess… there are exceptions."
"Naturally." Theo said proudly , then turned back to Vincent. "Do you want to rest here?"
"How far off is the town?"
"We can make it there in less than an hour, if we move fast."
Vincent nodded.
"Keep an eye out for fever reducing plants, both of you. Maybe even a restoring fountain if we're lucky."
They also nodded and turned to move on ahead.
"Vincent, I… I'm so sorry…"
"Rest, schatje." Vincent said, readjusting his grip for speed and followed Theo and Arthur at a brisk pace. "We'll find an inn to recover in once we get to town. You'll be good as new then."
Abby laid her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes.
Another entry down! Only one more to go!
I know the prompt said circus/magic au, but I couldn't think of much for the circus theme, so I just went with my first thought at seeing magic, which was a sort of OG Final Fantasy kinda setting.
Many thanks again to Mo (@xxsycamore) and Julie (@queengiuliettafirstlady) for hosting this event once again!
Also, Happy World Watercolor Month, I'm gonna try to do most of my July artworks in watercolors (with help as needed with pencils and digital effects that I couldn't replicate in analog).
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divinekangaroo · 4 months
Realising suddenly that *all* my unfinished multichaps are Tommy having long terrible dinners with men who literally or metaphorically want to fuck him.
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