#And she does it without knowing if the pilot will wait for them
egg-crusher · 2 days
New the amazing digital circus chapter came out and I want to talk about it
First the Candy Canyon Kingdom is a very nice setting, is basically just sugar rush from wreck it Ralph but I still like it
I like how they foreshadowes Pomni’s escape from the test room at the beginning with her falling on a cube causing the colíderes to go awry y send her flying to the ceiling
Gumigoo was great, I like how to shows the AI’s not being evil since the made up story Caine made is him stealing the syrup for his village, and even after discovering his live was a lie he still tried to help his lads
On the topic of “non evil ai” after hearing how Gumigoo was a good guy and the Fudge calling the princess wretched, I for one second thought she would be a twist villain, but nope, she’s really a good person
I also like how Caine and Bubbles seems to be the most primitive AI’s
The princess is calm and nice, Gumigoo friends are dumb but in a cartoony and not AI like way, Gumigoo is very good at being like a human, even Fudge is aware his a despicable and disgusting creature (although not for the murders but that’s just how he was made)
Meanwhile Caine can’t read the room or understand human emotions besides boredom being bad for their stability while not understanding the problems of deleting NPC’s the players get attached to, unlike Gumigoo which understood revealing the truth would be bad for them
Also the test room not having Gumigoo’s mum but having Fudge implies Caine planned they would fall into the pit, and since they couldn’t escape from that situation without fudge’s help implies letting Fudge into the kingdom was the way the adventure was supposed to end
Specially since Fudge was programmed to be able to walk in land, why else’s would he need it?
Caine doesn’t understand what can and can’t help their mental health so he wouldn’t see anything wrong in letting Fudge into the Kingdom
I find really funny how Jax was the evilest guy in the situation, unlike the Gloinks, here there’s a nuisance on the history with Fudge just being a monster in a pit (kinda like Moana, Maui isn’t pure evil and Teka isn’t evil either, Tamatoa is just vibing and waiting to do evil) but Jax is the one who wants to destroy the kingdom for the laughs
Note:fudge reminds me of “the great mighty POO” of conkers bad fur day
Also I really like how they didn’t brush of Kaufmo and showed they actually cared for him and is ultimately this act of kindness the thing that helps Pomni to see the circus as family
Note:notice how she didn’t add kinger to the ones saving her, maybe he didn’t appear because his hand wouldn’t be recognizable with the shading and all that but is still worth to mention
Also I like how Kinger acts supportive but forgets what he was saying mid sentence, I don’t know if he was faking madness or he’s really damaged. But I like how he really cares
Also the humans can just not go to Caine’s adventures like Zooble does which shows Caine isn’t evil but misguided
And before last I want to mention Caine not allowing other npcs in the grounds, he’s silence after saying “who knows what might happen” implies something, and seeing how some of the doors in the pilot have the faces of the mannequins implies he use to allow npcs but something happen
This makes me theorize someone MIGHT be a NPC, my money is on Kinger since he’s borderline unhinged and lasted for way too long to be normal
Also that would explain why there was a Queener, since the possibility of two humans getting the matching avatars is too small it makes me thing the two were NPC’s and during the accident Queener got deleted by something or someone and the only reason Kinger hasn’t abstracted is because he isn’t a human, him being a npc also explains how he knows so much of the circus
He might have been from a time NPC’s we’re allowed to be self aware of the circus being digital, maybe that’s why Caine hasn’t upgraded his AI since that would risk him going crazy or give up like Gumigoo almost goes
Also Maybe Kinger mental state must be because of Caine, if Caine deleted Queener then Kinger must have been angry but for some reason Caine choose to make him forget making Kinger the forgetful king he is now days but Caine must have forgotten about Kinger being a NPC
this is the same Caine who let that unfinished exit door roam around which caused Kaufmo to get abstracted, it wouldn’t surprise me he also forgot Kinger was a NPC
And for last I want to mention the last scene being a direct parallel of the last scene of the pilot, all the crew is reunited and Pomni comes to a realization as a version of the theme song starts
Except of being massive and dreadful, here is hopeful and calm. Instead of looking at the camera and ignoring everyone while going crazy with a crazy smile filled with despair, she focuses on the others and genuinely smiles
The camera starts moving away but in a much slower manner as the music slowly ends with a simple calm piano instead of a massive chaotic orchestra
The finale of episode 2 is a opposite of the pilot, being a small note of hope compared to the dreadful realization of Episode 1
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forcestruck · 2 years
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gummy-bwear · 3 months
Some Lucifer Morningstar headcanons!
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-Some of his nicknames include: Luci, Lu Lu, The Morningstar and Duck Dad
-When Charlie was little he used to call her his ‘little ducking’, similar to Stolas calling Octavia ‘little starfire ’
-He dyes his wings to match his coat, because Charlie used to dye his wings and he kept up the tradition (mostly out of loneliness). They’re actually duck wings (God made his wings unique from the other angels because he was said to be God’s most beautiful creation)
-He did want to see Charlie, but he believed that she was better off without him and he didn’t want to push his way back into her life, so he waited for a long time for her to want to see him first. Hence why he was so overjoyed when he interpreted the call as her inviting him over
-Angel wings need constant upkeep (like preening) to be perfect and function properly. Lilith used to do this for him, which is seen by angels as a bonding activity only for family and close friends, but after Lilith disappeared and Lucifer was alone all the time his wings were not in any state to fly and were sensitive to the touch from not being looked after (he can’t reach the bases). He spent that hour in episode 5 trying to preen his wings and get them presentable just in case. There’s still a bit of work to be done but Charlie does help him out later
-His depression caused some memory loss issues, hence why he couldn’t remember the call from episode 1 with Charlie
-When he first arrived in Hell he despised himself for looking ‘demon-like’, thinking he had become ugly, so he tried to file down his sharp teeth. However it caused debilitating toothaches so he just used magic to make his teeth sharp again and left it
-In the family portrait from the pilot he was definitely using a step stool because he was too short for the photographers to get a good picture
-He’s a very musical person, and can play a lot of instruments
-Wears some kind of makeup to cover up how tired and sickly he looks from depression and being cooped up inside all the time
-When he was an angel he had a habit of biting his lip but when he got his sharp teeth he had to force himself to stop it because he was constantly drawing blood and injuring himself because of it
That’s all I really got, let me know some of your hc’s for this man! :)
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remember-the-fanfics · 3 months
Hai, so um I really like the Gen-Z overlord Reader, bc well they are basically me, if you are able/want to can you make some possible angst headcanons? Like how they miss home or their friends
Just Before the pilot episode
I'm trying so hard to have a timeline, everything is connected! I just have it in no order.
This is shorter than usual.
• You would have so many things to be sad about
• Like how you could never live your life before you died
• Missing all your friends because they'll (hopefully) get to grow old
• Your family grieving over your life being taken to soon.
• Older sibling never got to see you truly become an adult without your parents
• Younger sibling missing you, who just got them in a way where they could annoy you but you would still protect them afterwards.
• Parents/Guardian losing their child way to soon.
• You usually avoid those thoughts, having to do be someone strong daily for the people you protect.
• You already had time to mourn the future you never got and everyone you miss when you weren't an Overlord.
• So pushing your grief all the way down inside to never see the light of day.
"Haha, nope."
• Until you seeing or smell something like home and it hits you, hard.
• Then you're back being a child, who just wants their parents to comfort them from a nightmare.
• You're with Angel Dust, Vaggie, and Charlie. Doing an exercise that Charlie ropped you into.
• When something of the moment of true trust reminds you of home.
• The last place it was completely given so freely.
• Angel Dust nugges you saying it was your turn again.
• Before realizing you had tears that started stream down your face.
• He tried to cheer you up with a joke
"Didn't think the exercise was that bad."
• Didn't work for the most part.
• You were laughing, while crying. Creepied him out and got the others attention.
• You just wanted to go home, back to the people you care about.
• But you could never go back, you were dead.
• Why does it feel so unfair that you died before you actually got to live.
• Getting up while everyone was asking you if you were alright
"Ha ha, no."
• Heading to your room because you didn't want to drag everyone else's mood down with you.
• Only to be stop by Angel Dust, who knows how you feel about missing your family but not understanding that your grief about missing your life.
"I didn't get to live my life, Angel! I died less than two months after I turned 18, I still lived with my parents! My family and friends had to bury me, I have to wait while everyone I know get to live."
• Angel Dust did not know you were that young.
• This is the first time most of them saw you be more than just chaotic.
• Heading to your room to be alone finally
• After you got your emotions back inside because you are still needed by many people.
• Avoided Charlie for awhile because she wanted you to talk about your feelings
• Then Vaggie when Charlie got sad about it.
• You stayed away from the hotel for a week, wanting stayat your territory for the extermination any way.
• Texts Charlie and Vaggie, that you would be back afterwards.
• Charlie texting you about an interview she has the day after.
• Vaggie texts you to stay safe until then.
• Missing your family from life and realizing that you made your own type of family-friendship in hell.
• Not having time to process it when you see an explosion from a far and you know who would be there and rushing there to make sure they'll be okay.
And that leads you into the whole being there when Carmilla killed an exorcist.
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Kai, Nya and their Parents - The Difference between knowing and not knowing what you're missing - and the sacrifices made by a caring brother
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The day Nya was brought home - the day Kai met Nya face to face for the first time; Kai is two (Hands of Time, episode 3, A Time of Traitors)
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Three years later
Ray and Maya are kidnapped, thus forcing Kai to take on the responsibility of becoming a five year old Dad aka the death of Kai's babyhood and childhood so as to preserve Nya's babyhood and childhood (Hands of Time, episode 8, Pause and Effect)
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Thirteen years later
Kai and Nya are reunited with their parents (Hands of Time, Episode 8, Pause and Effect)
Three years later (vid from Seabound, episode 2, The Call of the Deep)
Though Kai had pointed out that Nya and Maya did not get along (due to Nya's independence from having grown up without her parents); at Master Wu's insistence, Kai calls in his mother to help Nya with her power problem.
Nya, however, dislikes Maya's mothering (what she considers babying).
When Wu suggests that Nya should discuss her issues with Kai, Nya insists with scorn that Kai likely enjoys being waited on and loves to be treated like a baby.
(Note how Nya goes from the probability statement of "probably, likes, being waited on" to the presumption in her absolute statement of "I bet he loves being treated like a baby" -- Nya, please tell me if this is your thoughts on your brother who raised you and gave up everything for you then when has he ever previously behaved in such a way that would suggest your statements to be true.)
The difference here is that Kai remembers what it was like to have someone taking care of him only to have it ripped away - to go from being the baby boy to suddenly having to be the adult for his sister.
Nya, though, doesn't really remember what it was like to be cared for by her parents; but, she remembers what it was like to be cared for (by her brother).
Kai is, in a way, reveling in the joy of being able to play games with his father, eat food cooked by his mother, and learn once more from his parents.
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All things he hoped for but never once thought he'd ever have again.
While growing up, Nya was likely allowed to play games, eat homemade food that she didn't have to cook, and learn from Kai the lessons that he remembers their parents teaching them.
Kai on the other hand, had to get straight to work, schedule time in a busy day to cook so that Nya could eat, and be the one to teach trusted lessons from his parents (while likely having to weed out good advice from bad, given to him by whichever random adult decided to give it to him).
Kai's sacrifices for Nya can even be seen in the clothes they wear in the pilot.
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When we first see Nya it looks like she's dressed in silk clothes which we know didn't come from Maya's closet since she generally dresses in blue.
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Kai on the other hand is introduced in his blacksmithing clothes and goes to train with Wu, in his blacksmithing clothes, which may indicate a limited closet - he may even be wearing his Father's clothes as a way to save money.
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But, you might say, he has different clothes in the episode, The Royal Blacksmiths.
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Yes, he does have different clothes, but these clothes, like his and the Ninja's matching pajamas (color coded but with the same golden dragon on the chest pocket) are likely the result of Kai now being able to lean on Wu, financially.
Note that Kai's clothes are the only ones that indicate his elemental power - the others likely already had these clothes on hand before they met Wu (except maybe Zane - IDK).
Another way Kai's sacrifices and generosity torwards his sister can be shown is by comparing the first pilot episode to the Season 2 episode 6, Wrong Place, Wrong Time.
In this episode it is shown that, were it not for Nya getting kidnapped by Garmadon, Kai would never had cared about becoming a ninja.
It was only the knowledge that becoming a ninja was the only way to save Nya that motivated Kai to become a ninja.
Yet in a timeline where Nya was never kidnapped, all Kai cared about was getting the blacksmith shop back on its feet after the Skulkin attack.
So how did Wu convince Kai to come to the Monastery, the answer, he didn't - Nya did.
Wu unintentionally convinced Nya to become a ninja and since Kai wasn't just going to let her go off on her own (this is his fourteen year old little sister who he raised after all) Kai went with her so they could become Ninja.
Kai gave up what he wanted in favor of what Nya wanted.
Kai's sacrifices, his giving nature, and everything he does for Nya is almost practically an automatic habit, because he and Nya lost their parents at a young age thus forcing Kai to give up being a child to be Nya's caretaker.
And yet throughout the series whenever the siblings bring up their parents, it becomes clear that Kai made sure that Nya never forgot them and that they were remembered well, that they were missed and not forgotten.
I really like Nya; and while Seabound is a great season it also points out that Nya may just be truly unaware of how much Kai sacrificed for her to the point where she doesn't understand exactly why Kai likes having their parents around; among other details that she and others misunderstand about Kai.
Believe me, I like the idea that Nya knows and helps her brother out where she can, and she definitely loves him, but it seems like Seabound has shown her to be unaware of Kai's trials and tribulations in raising her and keeping them both from landing in the grave of the fireflies.
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thisismeracing · 1 year
King of my heart | ms47 | part 02
Pairing: hamilton!reader (she/her) x mick schumacher
Warnings: curse words, twitter environment, mention of food, not proofread etc etc. Minors DNI!
summary: Y/n and Mick interactions are now being noticed by everyone and some people are ready to share all the details with the internet.
a/n: none of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps. everything else is made up by me and I do not give permission for it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
part. 01 | series masterlist | part 03
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liked by mickschumacher, lewishamilton and others
theofficialyn We worked day and night to create the confiest and safest boots without losing its fashion sense. I am really proud to announce that we are launching one more colletion 🤎 I am still testing all the possibilities and designs to deliver only the best, but soon enought these babies and the rest of our collection will be at the stores ready to create good memories along with you guys 🤍 ynthebrand is really grateful for all the love! Check our website and account for more infos.
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lewishamilton I keep waiting for you to design man shoes, would most def wear them all the time
disneyf1mick I see a certain golden retriever pilot lurking around the likes 👄
user00 I just find really funny how she’s outed as Lewis sister and suddently theres a new collection being launched…
⤷ carloscars omg yall like to theorize everything, get a grip!
⤷ ynpoptart she’s been talking about this launch for months now, the date was already set, the Lewis incident have nothing to do with it. That’s why she did not want people to know he is her brother, because there are some shitty people like you that will try to dimish her hard work. Honestly, I feel sorry for your fan base, must be a toxic environment.
ynfantastic what about the heels she was wearing last pic? 😫
⤷ sunshine198 I think she’s launching it next, or maybe it was just a test?
⤷ theofficialyn they are on this collection, love! will launch it soon 🤍
user10 would never use them, they look kinda ugly and unsafe as well.
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liked by georgerussell63, mercedesamgf1 and others
mickschumacher Good that everyone got the “crossed arms” memo @mercedesamgf1
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schumachereign He looks waaaay too handsome ugh
⤷ f1racing2 toto, mick or the other guy?
⤷ schumachereign honestly, all of them lol
theofficialyn the energy is immaculate
⤷ ynnyc mother???? what are you doing here?
⤷ charlessainz2 god forbid but I already pictured her and mick dating, where are my fic writes at ✍🏾✍🏾✍🏾
georgerussell63 you guys rock! 🖤
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theofficialyn stories
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liked by zendaya, mercedesamgf1 and others
theofficialyn Going through a list of vegan places 💚😋
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mickschumacher 🐟🐟🐟
⤷ theofficialyn HAHAHAHA I HATE YOU!
⤷ f1fantastic your honor, they're in love.
⤷ potteryn they have their inside jokes already. It's their world, we’re just living in it
fan2 You look stunning 😭😭😭
lewishamilton The only reason I forgive you for not going with me is because you’re bringing it home as well 🤨
⤷ theofficialyn You’re the one who told me you did not wanna come!!!
⤷ abcdyn I wonder who she could be going with 😗
charles_leclerc I am counting on a bag of vegan donuts at my desk again this weekend to give me luck…just saying 🚶🏻
⤷ pierregasly he’s actually begging, yn
ynautumn how does it feel to be this pretty?
estebanocon 😍😍
⤷ charleslechair OMG WHAT IS THAT?? *nicki minaj voices*
⤷ norrisfav I thought Pierre was into this steal-your-girl thing not you, Esteban
ynandf1 the whole grid loves her and it shows
swiftieyln Im so happy seeing yn after she was outed as lewis sister, she looks less afraid to be herself, and she’s been feeding us sm I can only say thank you to the holy trinity
sainzsaint charles, pierre and esteban are here too, now y'all gonna say they're dating her as well?
⤷ estiebestie98 yes.
make sure you like and reblog <3 feel free to talk to me as well, my inbox is always open!
wanna be tagged on my stories? click here
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pennyserenade · 2 months
power dynamics and the way the x-files pilot subverts and meets our expectations of them
in the pilot, what we learn of mulder, we first learn through scully. she laughs, almost girlishly, about the reputation that precedes him, only concealing her joy when she realizes the others in the room are not in on the joke. these men are solemn, not because they don’t agree about the nature of agent mulder, but because mulder is no laughing matter to them; he is a threat and scully - notably religious, the cross on her neck, scientifically driven, and hopelessly young - is the weapon they hope to aim in his direction. on the outside, she is the perfect candidate: honest, intelligent, skeptical. this, they are sure, is the answer to their long standing problem.
from the beginning we get a sense that there is an imbalance placed between mulder and scully. in the next scene, it becomes visual: when mulder meets scully, he is hunched over photos, sitting in a chair. she is the taller one, the one with nothing to lose, and he is the man they’ve thrown in the basement, hidden away like the joke she’s preemptively laughed at. it is important that we meet him as a man leaning, almost protectively, over his vulnerabilities: his work.
but then he stands and he brings up her thesis. she has rewritten einstein, an act unfathomable and crazy in its own right. mulder does not wish to go down without a fight; he challenges her immediately, like he’s been waiting his entire life for this moment. he calls her “scully,” puts a professional distance between them, while also making the most of her medical and scientific advice. though he stands taller than her physically at this point, he doesn’t ever aim to reach above her. mulder is not interested in the ‘90s workplace misogyny, invalidating her simply because she’s been sent to debunk his own work. he only wants her to understand. for a moment, they become equals. he even makes a joke of himself, asking her if she believes in extraterrestrials bemusedly. whatever advantaged he has over her physically, he begins to concede in this initial meeting. he wants equality; he wants understanding. nothing more.
this visual imbalance is important, and we find ourselves returning to it in the airplane. as they travel to the plausible state of oregon, mulder lays on his back and scully sits across the aisle from him. again, she is sitting taller than he is. his vulnerabilities are still out in the open. a casefile - his work - sits in her lap, and he lies with his body turned away from her, his eyes closed. they don’t ever reach equal playing grounds in this scene, because they are ascending on his life’s work. he is operating on the belief that she’s been sent to debunk everything he believes in, and we as an audience can’t be too sure she’s not.
then the airplane shakes, tips, and, for a moment, provides us with a physical unbalance. it is the tilting of the scales. he turns to her with a wide grin after. she looks visibly disturbed. he is still lower than she is—but it seems he’s got the upper hand as he cracks a joke. we learn of mulder as a man confident in the face of his trials and tribulations. the lack of power does not rob him of him of his beliefs, but simply reinforces them. it is scully who is shaken. the power does not make her confident or certain. maybe, we begin to suspect, it isn’t meant to belong to her. maybe he is reading her wrong.
in the car, they are back on equal grounds. he is guiding her through the case details, making glib remarks, and she is asking him about the details. the radio goes wonky, they get out, and he paints the road orange. he doesn’t tell her why. he won’t. she looks almost girlish, standing there, clueless, with her hands on her hips. it is he who gains the power in this moment, taller, in the know. he is less concerned with equality than he is the protecting of his work and his beliefs. he doesn’t look to knock her down, but he’s not interested in lifting her up.
the next time the visual imbalances are most interesting is when she comes to his hotel room. perhaps this is the most notable of them all. initially, scully comes to his room because she is terrified about the marks on her back. he towers over her in the beginning of this scene, but it is not long before he is on his knees, inspecting her. she is so scared of something she claims she doesn’t believe in, and he has every right to stand back and laugh at her. but he doesn’t. he does laugh, but its not malicious; it’s kind. he tells her about his own bug bites and when he does stand back up, she crashes into his arms. he holds her. if he’s got the power in this scene, he is not interested in using it against her. he is taller and she is more vulnerable in every way, but he seems surprised by it. this is a beautiful segue into the next scene.
mulder sits on the ground and tells his barest truths. scully got naked and scared for him, and he sees fitting that he do the same. she sits on his bed, higher than he is, and he takes the ground. he talks about the sister he can’t find and how it ruined his family, and how he can’t get to the information he wants. he accuses her of being a spy, and she tells him that she isn’t.
in a moment of absolute trust, he rises to his knees. they become equal, seeing eye to eye. he tells her about the hypnosis, the drive he feels, how this is more important to him than anything. and it is so earnest and intense, so absolutely serious, that we must be saved by a ringing telephone to escape it. this sets the groundwork for the rest of the series, and the foundation for mulder and scully’s relatjonship as a whole. they become partners—he allows for this in this scene. he wants to believe her.
the power dynamics between them have been constantly challenged, and at times, have subverted our expectations. we watch as mulder, often times the taller one of the pair, seeks to bring he and scully to equal playing grounds. we watch as scully, the one who is offered many opportunities to have the upper hand and the power, stumble her way through it or put herself in a position where she loses it. mulder and scully, we learn, are best when they are equal, seeing eye to eye.
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vivwritesfics · 12 days
Shine A Light Into The Wreckage
Chapter Four - Not-Bob
Bob Floyd was many things. He was an instructor at Top Gun, a lover of Tolkien books and a huge fan of coffee. But Bob was also clumsy. That was how he bumped into the table, knocking her drink onto her notebook. He felt bad about it. Bad enough to come back time and time again, in the hopes that she would be there. And, every time, she is. Each time looking a little worse for wear. It doesn't take Bob long to realise he has to save her.
Warnings: Abusive relationship! Abusive hair pulling! Abusive choking! Forceful sex! Domestic abuse! Seriously don't read if you're affect by stuff like this! Talks of stalking (but in a non serious manner) (Specifically this chapter has 0 warnings, it's just cute)
Series Masterlist
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"You officially dress like a grandpa."
On the two other times they had met, she had been at the café before him, almost like she was waiting for him. This time, though, Bob was there first. He had her hazelnut latte with oat milk and a black coffee in front of him. 
When she took off her bag and sat opposite him, Bob pushed the hazelnut latte towards her. "You know," she began as she settled into her seat. "I come here to write. You're making it really hard, Bobby," she said, wearing a smile. "But thank you."
Bob gave it a second. "You owe me a name," he said, one hand around his coffee shop mug.
"You're a terrible stalker." She shook her head, grin widening as she took another sip. It was perfect, her exact order. But then she gave him her name. 
Bob repeated it back to her, letting it roll off the tongue. "It's nice," he said. "Nicer than Bob."
"Shut up," she said quickly. But it wasn’t malicious in any way. "If you don't like it, why does everybody call you Bob?"
Bob brought his coffee to his lips. "It's my Callsign," he said as he took in a too big sip, burning his mouth in the process. But Bob ignored the sensation as he looked at her. 
She looked up at him, eyebrows raised. "What's a Callsign?"
"It's pretty much a nickname that's used for identification. There's probably loads of Roberts on a carrier at any one time but I'm the only Bob," he said and adjusted his glasses, a nervous habit.
She folded her arms over her chest, holding her elbows as she looked at him. "Well, I like Bob," she said, reaching for her coffee. "It's... nice." She couldn't tell him it was cute, even if that was what she meant.
Bob looked around at the café. On the two previous occasions they had met, she had been alone. Even now she was sitting with Bob. Not friends, not her boyfriend. She was alone, aside from Bob.
"What do you do for fun around here?" Bob asked as he leaned forward. 
She let out a laugh, but only a weak one. "What do I do for fun? What do you do for fun, Mr Pilot Guy?" 
"I go to The Hard Deck," Bob answered.
He stared at her as he waited for her to answer. But, for the first time since they had met, he had left her without anything to say.
Her eyes met his as she fiddled with her cream, cuffed sleeve of her sweater. "Is it... do you guys really have fun in there?" She asked him.
Bob's brows furrowed behind his glasses. "I thought you said you'd been there."
"I have!" She said quickly. "But, you know, it wasn’t all that fun," the last part she said quietly. 
That look crossed her face again, the one she wore when he had asked about the book. As much Bob wanted to reach across and touch her hand, he didn’t. "You could come with us, if you'd like. I'd make sure Hangman behaves."
"Yeah," she responded quietly. "I might take you up on that." 
She quickly changed the subject, making things light and fun once again. She asked him about Montana, she had so many questions about Montana. Bob answered all of them. He told her about his grandparents farm, about the little house at the bottom of the property. When he was eighteen he had promised his Grandma that he would fix it up, but he hadn't gotten around to it yet. But he had certainly meant to. 
She checked the time on her phone periodically, comparing it to the sky. Watching for when it got dark, Bob figured. He had hoped that, once again, he'd get to walk her home. 
But, when the sky turned orange, she stood and slung her bag over her shoulder. "I've got to go," she said with a smile. "Thanks for the coffee, Bob." 
He stood up with her, bumping the table as he did so. "Do you want me to walk you home? I'm more than happy to," he said, but she shook her head. 
"It's okay," she replied and looked at the sky as it turned orange. "It's not dark yet."
But, still, Bob wasn't quite ready to say goodbye. "It's on my way home. It really wouldn't be a-"
"I said no, Bob," she said suddenly, firmly. "Drop it." 
Bob just watched her as she walked out of the cafe, shoving her hands into her pockets as she walked down the street. As soon as he couldn't see her, he walked out of the cafe and climbed into his truck. He watched her in his rearview mirror, at least until she turned the corner. 
Bob couldn’t help but sigh as he drove off, heading in the other direction to his apartment. He hadn't meant to lie about where he lived and, while it felt harmless at the time, Bob regretted it.
When she disappeared, he let out a sigh and began driving back to his house, back to Frodo. Did she like cats, he found himself wondering. Would she like Frodo if she met him? Frodo would like her. He'd attached himself to the few women that had come into his little house. 
On the Monday, Bob volunteered for the coffee run yet again. He was already patting his wallet as he began walking out to his truck. 
But a hand on his shoulder stopped him. "I'll get it, Baby Bob," said Jake. He gave Bob no time to respond as he climbed into his own car. 
"Wait!" Bob called as he watched the car disappear. "Hangman!"
Jake wasn't getting the coffee out of the goodness of his heart. He wasn't doing it to pay Bob back for all of the times he had paid for coffee. He wasn't doing it to give Bob time to prepare for his next lesson at Top Gun. 
When Bob was gone for all of those hours on Saturday, he and Natasha had been discussing all sorts of theories. After going in circles, they narrowed in on the cute barista with the pink hair. 
Jake parked up outside of the cafe. He climbed out of the car and strode in with the confidence of a saltwater crocodile (a notoriously confident animal).
He didn't spot the cute barista with the pink hair right away. His eyes scanned behind the counter as he stepped up to it. He rang the bell, waiting for someone to serve him. 
The cute barista with the pink hair came around the corner. "Hey there," she said with a charming smile. 
Jake didn't know what Bob's type was, didn't know that his type was sitting on one of the tables behind him, writing in her newly acquired notebook. 
Jake wore his award winning, charming smile as he looked at her name tag. "Hello," he squinted at her name tag, "Mariana," he said, drumming his fingers against the counter top. "Can I get three black coffees?" 
Immediately she turned to make coffee. "Do you like a man in uniform, Mariana?" He asked.
"Sure, hun," she said and placed the first coffee in a cup holder on the counter in front of him. 
"Yeah," Jake muttered as he rocked on the balls of his feet. "Yeah, one of my fellow aviators has been coming in here a lot," he said. "You haven't seen him, have you? These geeky glasses, Callsign Bob?" 
Mariana wore a contemplative expression as she placed the other two coffees in the cup holder.
"Yeah," she finally said, nodding. "Yeah. A hazelnut oat latte and either a black coffee or a tea," she said, looking past Jake. But her eyes quickly went back to him as she rang him up. 
He pulled the money from his wallet. "So, Bob hasn't been flirting with you?" He asked with his brows furrowed. 
Mariana couldn't stop the laugh from leaving her lips. "I wish," she said to him. "Hasn't he gotten a girlfriend? He always gets his drinks and then sits on one of the back tables with a girl in a knit sweater."
Jake picked up his coffees, thanked her and walked out of the cafe. He climbed into his car and looked back towards the café. Girl in a sweater. He was looking for a girl in a knit sweater. 
Of the three people sitting in the café,  none of them were wearing a knit sweater. 
Jake let out a sigh as he drove away. 
She had noticed him the moment he had walked into the cafe. His khaki uniform was the same as what Bob was wearing when they first met, when he threw the coffee over her. She couldn't help but hope it was him, until she looked at his face. 
She was crushed with disappointment.
When Not-Bob started talking to the barista, she tried not to listen in. It wasn't her business what this navy man was talking about. He wasn't Bob, so why should she care? Even if it was Bob, she shouldn't be caring if he was flirting with Mariana. 
But then Not-Bob mentioned Bob's name, and she couldn't stop herself from listening in. The questions that Not-Bob directed at Mariana, she couldn't help but think that they should have been directed at her. 
She sipped her hazelnut oat latte, pen still against the paper as she listened. When Mariana told Not-Bob about her sweater, she grinned, holding back a laugh. Oh yeah, they were definitely talking about her. 
Not-Bob thanked Mariana and walked out of the café. She watched him sit in his car for a moment before he drove away. 
When he was gone, she closed her notebook and tucked her pen into the binder rings. Slipping her notebook back into her bag she stood up and left the cafe, making her way back to her office. 
As she sat at her desk, she stared at the phone. All she wanted was for it to ring, just for something to do. Her notebook, the one that Bob had bought for her, was in front of her, open once again, but she didn't write in it, not with how her boss was staring at her from the office. 
The phone finally rang and she directed the call to the salesman. At the sight of her finally doing her job, her boss looked away and she began writing in the notebook. 
If she had been clever, she would have gotten Bob to give her his number. God knows she would have spent all day texting him if she had his number.
But then, if she did have his number, how long until Ken found out? How long until Ken broke this phone, just like the last phone she had?
She knew she had to get Bob's phone number, but she wanted to put it off. When Ken found out about Bob, there was no telling what he would do. There was no way she would ever see Bob after, and she enjoyed his company far too much for that. 
She would go to The Hard Deck. Ken be damned, she'd go. It was all planned out in her head, what she would do and how she would do it. 
All through the work day she imagined how that night would go. Drinking with him, meeting his friends. It sounded like a perfect night, better than any night she had spent with Ken in a long time. 
But the more she thought about it, the more anxiety settled in her stomach. 
Her boss cleared her throat and she picked up the phone, one she hadn't noticed was ringing.
Taglist: @biancathecool @not-nyasa @burningwitchprincess @darksparklesficrecs @primroseluna @littlemsbumblebee @wretchedmo @imaginecrushes @calpalsbestie
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the-far-bright-center · 9 months
'I had a mother who loved me'
(aka, the Jedi Order is NOT Anakin's family)
This is a topic that I've seen discussed elsewhere and I felt compelled to add my own thoughts. I've seen some takes I vehemently disagree with, especially regarding Shmi and Little Ani in TPM, and Anakin's 'decision' to leave with Qui-Gon. It's crazy how some people will blame little Ani for 'wanting' to be a Jedi, yet apparently Luke in ANH is allowed to want this, even though Luke likewise barely knows anything about what being a Jedi entails, and even though it's much more risky (and, frankly, far more unrealistic) to dream of becoming a Jedi in the Dark Times era?? As if a nine-year-old slave-boy wanting to take part in his new-found freedom by learning to be something he associates with heroism means he somehow 'should have known' he wasn’t going to be a ‘good fit’ for the Order. My argument is that there was nothing wrong with Anakin, and there was in fact no legitimate reason for him or ANYONE ELSE to believe he'd not be good at using the Force to help others (which is what the Jedi are supposed to do), especially when he had literally just done so in the pod-race. The whole reason Qui-Gon noticed Anakin was because of how strong in the Force he already was, even untrained. Qui-Gon has faith in him, it's just the Jedi Council that doubts him. Because, unlike Qui-Gon who perceives Anakin's positive qualities and potential, Yoda and the Jedi Council are afraid of him. Because Anakin is basically an 'unknown' (read: uncontrollable) entity suddenly in their midst.
While the Prequels film-canon stands on its own in this regard, we can also look to the novelizations for even more emphasis on this topic. In the TPM novelization, several things are noteable: first of all, even before Qui-Gon arrives, Anakin has had prophetic dreams about becoming a Jedi. And since Shmi is aware that Ani's dreams and visions do often come to pass, when Qui-Gon appears and offers to take him away to be trained, why wouldn't she think that maybe this was somehow Force (or Fate) ordained? And that therefore it was the right thing to do to let him go? And the second thing, is while it's also clear that Little Ani (like Luke!) has a romanticised view of what being a Jedi might be like, his actual motivation for becoming a Jedi is not simply because he 'selfishly' wants to embark on some fun adventure without his mom. On the contrary, every. single. time. little Ani thinks about the possibility of becoming a Jedi or leaving Tatooine, it's directly in relation to eventually returning to FREE his mother and the rest of the slaves:
He was several things in the course of his dreams. Once he was a Jedi Knight, fighting against things so dark and insubstantial he could not identify them. Once he was a pilot of a star cruiser, taking the ship into hyperspace, spanning whole star systems on his voyage. Once he was a great and feared commander of an army, and he came back to Tatooine with ships and troops at his command to free the planet’s slaves. His mother was waiting for him, smiling, arms outstretched.
He gazed skyward, his mother's hand resting lightly on his arm, and thought about what it would be like to be out there, flying battle cruisers and fighters, traveling to far worlds and strange places. He didn't care what Wald said, he wouldn't be a slave all his life. Just as he wouldn't always be a boy. He would find a way to leave Tatooine. He would find a way to take his mother with him. His dreams whirled through his head as he watched the stars, a kaleidoscope of bright images. He imagined how it would be. He saw it clearly in his mind, and it made him smile.
Anakin wants to escape slavery and train as a Jedi so he can come back and continue helping his friends and family on Tatooine. So he can return to free the slaves. Little does he know that he won't be allowed to do that... :'(
It's important to note as well that at this point, Anakin *also* has no idea that, as a Jedi, he won't be allowed to get married and have a family. Even though he is already naively imagining himself someday marrying Padme. So he doesn't know that not only will he not be permitted to return for his mother as he'd always hoped, but he will also technically not be allowed to even have a family of his own even when he's old enough to do so.
And what of Shmi's thoughts on Anakin becoming a Jedi? At the start of the AotC novelization, she is trying to be happy with the thought of it, but ONLY because she believes he must be living his best life as a Jedi. She has no idea that he had to go through rejection first before being accepted into the Order. The AotC novelization shows that as Shmi is being held captive and tortured by the Tusken Raiders, she tries to comfort herself by holding onto her imagination of what Anakin's time as Jedi is like:
All those times staring up at the night sky, she had thought of him, had imagined him soaring across the galaxy, rescuing the downtrodden, saving planets from ravaging monsters and evil tyrants. But she had always expected to see [Ani] again, had always expected him to walk onto the moisture farm one day, that impish smile of his, the one that could light up a room, greeting her as if they had never been apart.
Heartbreakingly, as Shmi is being brutalised to death, she clings to the hope that her beloved Ani's life is now better than it was before, and that it was worth saying farewell to him all those years ago, even while simultaneously desperately longing to see him again.
As an aside, it aggravates me to no end that *cough* certain parts of this fandom perpetuate the idea that Shmi is just some blank, wholly selfless entity with no wants or desires of her own. That she's the ‘perfect’ example of a Jedi with no 'attachments' (aka an Old Order Jedi), and that somehow Anakin is a just a 'failure' compared to her. Yes, it could be argued that Shmi is shown to be a better or truer 'Jedi' than most of the other Jedi in the story (aside from Luke in RotJ), but guess what that would mean in that case? (Hint: it has to do with love and family.) Because first and foremost, Shmi is a MOTHER who is trying to do the best for her son, even though a piece of her heart is always missing while he is gone. The AotC novelization shows repeatedly that she tries to assure herself that she did the right thing by letting Ani go, but the human mother side of herself also cries out for him and misses him desperately. She might have let him go in TPM, but in AoTC she wants to see him again. In fact, she believes strongly that she will see him again (because she loves him and he’s her hero because she’s his mom and she trusts he will eventually come back to find her), which is the only thing keeping her holding on until he arrives. How can Shmi be a perfect example of an Old Order Jedi when the motivating factor for even her most selfless actions is her personal FAMILIAL attachment to and unconditional LOVE for Anakin?? Also, how insulting is it to claim that Anakin is a 'failure' in comparison to his 'wonderful, perfect mother', and then proceed to place all the blame on him for being said 'failure'....when he was shown on-screen to be doing just fine in taking after his mother prior to his time in the Jedi Order????
As another poster noted elsewhere, Shmi Skywalker is the only person responsible for the truly good person Anakin Skywalker was.
This is the heart of the entire saga. Anakin's True Self is good because of his mother. Because of how she raised him (to be selfless and to want to help others) and because of the unconditional LOVE she had for him. It was the Jedi Order that failed to provide that for Anakin, and Sidious who manipulated the situation to his advantage.
(And if Shmi was the only person who truly solidified Anakin's inner goodness, then Qui-Gon was the only Jedi who was presented as being equipped to bring out the best in Anakin when Shmi wasn't around. The only one who was prepared to act as an openly warm and compassionate parental figure to Anakin, the only one who could have properly mentored Anakin and helped him navigate both his Force powers as well as the Jedi Code, and the only one who was shown to be willing to stand up to the Council on Anakin's behalf. The tragedy is not that Qui-Gon found Anakin or even that he offered to take him to train in the Force. Rather, the tragedy is that Qui-Gon is slain in the Duel of the Fates, which leaves Anakin without a true protector and advocate in the Order, and allows Sidious an 'in'.)
So the idea that the Jedi Order is Anakin's ‘replacement family' is simply not true—certainly not in the way the story actually pans out. It's telling that, in the original Prequels-era EU, Anakin ran away from the Jedi Temple multiple times. That is NOT the behaviour of a happy child. (It is, however, typical behaviour for children who are struggling in institutionalised care.)
And indeed, the very first paragraph of the AotC novelization opens with Anakin dreaming that he is part of a warm, loving family:
His mind absorbed the scene before him, so quiet and calm and...normal. It was the life he had always wanted, a gathering of family and friends—he knew that they were just that, though the only one he recognized was his dear mother. This was the way it was supposed to be. The warmth and the love, the laughter and the quiet times. This was how he had always dreamed it would be, how he had always prayed it would be. The warm, inviting smiles. The pleasant conversation. The gentle pats on the shoulders. But most of all there was the smile of his beloved mother, so happy now, no more a slave. When she looked at him, he saw all of that and more, saw how proud she was him, how joyful her life had become.
Why would Anakin be dreaming longingly of being part of an openly loving, happy family if he already had that at the Jedi Temple? (Tellingly, he notes that this seems like something normal, as if he's aware that it ought to be commonplace despite the fact that it's currently missing from his own life.)
And later on, when he's visiting Padme's parents' house for dinner, he sees this exact type of scene he's been longing for play out right in front of him, and he wishes that his mother could be there to enjoy it, too:
Anakin took a good helping of several different dishes. The food was all unfamiliar, but the smells told him that he wouldn’t be disappointed. He sat quietly as he ate, listening with half an ear to the chatter all about him. He was thinking of his mom again, of how he wished he could bring her here, a free woman, to live the life she so deserved.
Note that Anakin is thinking about his mother, and putting her first in his mind. He can barely enjoy the meal while he believes his mother could be out there, suffering.
Later on as he and Padme are heading to Tatooine to search for Shmi, they bond over the fact that both their mothers told them the same nursery rhyme ('home again to rest'). It means a lot to Anakin that he can bond with Padme over this similar childhood memory. (No doubt something he would not have had in common with his peers in the Temple, since their only childhood memories would have been within the Jedi Order, rather than in a true home. And certainly not with a mother.)
Finally, we get to the RotS novelization. Yes, THAT one. The one in which we see that Anakin was perfectly willing to walk away from the Order the minute he returned from the war and discovered Padme was pregnant. Willing to walk away to start their FAMILY together. But then his nightmares began, and he reluctantly stayed just a little longer, thinking the Jedi (whom he originally joined with the express intent of wanting to help his loved ones) could offer him some solution to the horror his nightmares were showing him:
If not for his dreams, he’d withdraw from the Order today. Now. ...Let the scandal come; it wouldn’t destroy their lives. Not their real lives. It would destroy only the lives they’d had before each other: those separate years that now meant nothing at all.
To drive the point home, we also have the pivotal scene where Obi-Wan—speaking on the Council's behalf—tries to convince Anakin to spy on the Chancellor. Their exchange says it all:
"He's my friend, Obi-Wan." "I know." "If he asked me to spy on you, do you think I would do it? You know how kind he's been to me. You now how he's looked after me, how he's done everything he could to help me. He's like family." "The Jedi are your family." "No. No, the Jedi are your family. The only one you've ever known. I had a mother who loved me."
Anakin's story breaks my heart because all he wants—all he has ever wanted—is a family. Not to just to 'have' one in a vague sense, but to be PART OF ONE. He wants this, because even when he was slave living an unfree life, at least he had his mother. At least he could feel his mother's love, and could openly demonstrate his love to her in return. For Anakin Skywalker, being a Jedi was never the goal in and of itself. In his mind, it was always primarily a means to save those he loved. To save his family. This is simultaneously the most tragic and the most beautiful thing about his character. It is both his fall AND his redemption.
And those who insist on ignoring Anakin’s deep-seated longing for a family and want to act as though he should just be content with the Jedi Order instead are willfully missing the entire point of his story.
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locustonlioden-blog · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel Episode Rewrites
Episode 1 (will be doing all of them)
Take out the “precious daughter” line. This makes no sense seeing how Lilith ditched the family and Lucifer is supposed to be super distant. We get 0 evidence these were involved, doting parents that put a bunch of effort into raising Charlie. Perhaps change it to “And now, its up to their precious daughter” meaning Charlie has taken it upon herself to mend things, instead of making it sound like she’s been coached all along for her role.
Adam and Lute are put off to find out its Charlie meeting with them, not Lucifer as usual. The meeting was arranged because of the very important matter of an exterminator angel being killed for the first time ever, and an important discussion was needed. Adam is much less a 1 dimensional comic relief dude bro.
“So, are you taking over extermination arrangements for now on?”
“Uh, no...actually, it was just kind of out of the blue that he told me about the meeting and asked me to come-”
(seriously, Lucifer supposedly didn’t know about the hotel, or at least he pretended not to, lets just assume he does but didn’t let on to Charlie that he’s watching her)
“Did he tell you why?”
“Ah, no-but, it was really convenient because you see, I have an idea that would actually END the need for exterminations-”
At this point Adam is seriously put off. They just found out demons can kill angels-this has to be a distressing revelation. Now of all times, the guy they have a serious deal with chooses to send someone who wants to talk about ENDING the exterminations? This would almost feel like a threat. So now they want out of the deal? No way! He would feel a need to reassert dominance and get things back under control. Who do these demons think they are? Cue their aggressive mocking and song, followed by throwing Charlie out as they do in the actual episode. He doesn’t even bother to explain why they are moving the extermination up. He’s not going to talk to Charlie. She has not established any sort of repertoire with him that makes him feel as though she is worth having an actual discussion with about a serious matter.
Commercial subplot: Alastor offers a deal to Vaggie in order to help make a successful commercial for Charlie.
“You’re insane, I’d never make any sort of deal with some shitlord
“Hm, such a pity, Charlie will be so let down to see how you fail to manage her project even a day without her. She has to do everything. Why are you even around? Do you really think the princess of hell needs physical protection from a sinner with a spear?”
*sighs* “You making the video for me isnt going to help that.”
“My dear, it wasnt raw power that bent all of Hells sinners to my will. You seem to know me quite well...(this is where we can reintroduce the Alastor lore Vaggie game to Angel Dust in the pilot, instead of waiting until the Mimzy episode to give anything) ...so you see, I have no problems getting things done, and I would be willing to teach you. Imagine what Charlie could achieve, and how much quicker, if she had a competent partner at her side…”
“I’m not making a deal! And you can have fun entertaining yourself with an empty hotel. Nobodys going to want to come to a place a powerful overlord like you so obviously takes as a joke”
“Well, I WILL make a worthy advertizement for the hotel, but I’m going to do it the RIGHT way, and do it for radio!”
She doesn’t make a deal here, but the seeds have now been sown. Her insecurity and feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness are gnawing. She has little feelings of self worth-would it be so bad to sacrifice herself in a deal with Alastor if it meant assuring Charlie achieves her dream? She is tempted.
Vaggie uses a little cunning here. While Alastor manipulates the inhabitants of the hotel to give fantastic line deliveries using a variety of amusing tactics, Vaggie secretly records with the video camera. At the end of the day, Alastor smugly announces that he has the radio ad all ready. When Charlie returns, Vaggie cuts in and says radio AND television ad! The ad then starts to play and is cut off by the news like in the actual episode. Alastor was initially amused she tried to make a tv ad anyway, but he sees enough to tell that she recorded him making the radio ad. His smile tightens, eyes narrow, and he fades off.
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oh-stars · 3 months
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Love is helping them unwind after a rough day OR  Love is the comfort of quiet moments.
a @steddielovemonth prompt | 556 words | CW: sensory issues | Rating: G
Most days, Eddie is the life of the party. He’ll be the first to admit he can never shut up, that he’s always making some kind of noise and his body has an incessant need to move. It’s not something he can control, even though he tries to. It’s ridiculous that he can’t even go to sleep without a gnawing pain in his body that results in spasms and muscle jerks if he doesn’t keep moving. 
It’s not just his body moving too much or his mouth making noises at every opportunity, but his mind’s chaos that really gets to him. For the most part, he’s got a good handle on it. He welcomes the wave of creativity that’ll hit or the hyper-fixations that’ll get him to his next milestone, Eddie’s learned to work with his brain rather than against it. 
The noise builds and builds, though, crescendo-ing into something wild and untamable. It always hits him out of nowhere, usually in the middle of deadlines, and sends him crawling back home to fight against his own mind. 
Eddie left work early, rescheduling his client for a better day and offering a discount for the trouble. He drives home slowly, an auto-pilot, and with the radio turned off. There’s Pop Rocks beneath his skin, begging him to jerk and move when all he wants to do is stop. 
The thoughts are hitting him at full volume from every direction. He’s crying as he walks into the house, hands shaking as his body tries to make things even harder. Eddie doesn’t even bother to bring in his things, leaving them in his passenger seat. He just needs– 
Steve’s waiting for him when he walks in. He doesn’t say anything as he takes Eddie’s keys and gently wipes his tears with a tissue. Steve undresses him in their living room, helping him into clean, softer boxers that don’t feel like nails against his body. He guides Eddie to the couch, helping him to lay down as he turns all the lights off on their way. 
He spreads out on the couch as Steve grabs the soft, rarely used blanket they keep for migraines and sick days. It’s so soft, the perfect weight, that sometimes it’s all Eddie’s skin can tolerate. Steve lays it over Eddie, then sits at his head, sliding his thigh under Eddie’s head for support. 
Their cat, Minx, jumps up to sit in between Eddie’s legs, rather than on them like she usually does. She’s a welcome presence, but not restricting. She’s so smart, it scares him; he loves her so much. 
Steve pulls all of Eddie’s hair out from under him so none of it is touching his neck. Carefully, he glides his fingers through it, fingers running along Eddie’s scalp rhythmically and slowly turning the dial on Eddie’s thoughts down with each stroke. 
He knows Steve hates the silence, much like he does on most days. So for him to sit here for potentially the remainder of the night, in total silence and darkness, as Eddie’s body resets… It means the world to him. 
Eddie uses what little strength he has to turn his head and kiss above Steve’s knee. The low, warm hum Steve gives in response is all he needs to know that they’re on the same page. That he understands. 
Thank you @lady-lostmind!
Ao3 Link
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dailyreverie · 1 year
19. ''if we're caught kissing we're most likely dead but let's risk it'' + poe dameron !! <3
Risky kiss
Thank you so much for requesting! Here's some cute flirty Poe for you 💖
Word count: 915
Warnings: making out with Poe
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You are almost bouncing on your feet as you see Poe climbing out of his X Wing; after four days, it is hard not to jump on him right there and then in front of everyone. “Commander, it’s good to have you back.” You state politely, maybe almost too much, since he smirks for a quick second not falling for your facade.
“It’s good to be back.” Poe replies with a polite, discreet nod, begonning to walk side by side.
“Succesful mission?” You break the silence after a couple of steps.
“I’d say so, let’s see what the General thinks.” Your eyes are looking straight forward, not daring to look at each other in fear to blow your cover off. You don’t stop walking either, heading towards the briefing room where the General is waiting for him. “I actually need a couple minutes to run something by you before going to her, if that’s alright for you, Lieutenant?” 
“Right- right now?” You ask with caution, but without giving you an answer Poe grabs your arm and pulls you to the side. “Poe, what the hell?!” You whisper-shout at him, looking around frantically to check no one’s looking at you. “They need you there!”
But Poe doesn’t care. He drags you to the other side of the hall into an empty room, not even taking the time to close the door as he guides you to the nearest wall and cages you in between his arms. 
“I don’t care, I missed you so much.” His lips are hungry, finding yours without a second to miss, capturing them in a kiss that leaves your knees shaking and your hands holding to his pilot suit. 
You sigh against his lips, savoring the feeling of having him with you again. “I missed you too.” 
He keeps going like that for a few more minutes, kissing you without letting you go, tongue teasing your lips demanding for more of you.
“If we get caught kissing…” Poe leaves the phrase hanging in the air in between kisses, only second guessing when he remembers what could happen: “...we’re most likely dead.” 
You seem to not have heard him, pulling him in again and moving your hands up to his neck.
“We are not dead, don’t be so dramatic.” You demanded, making Poe’s laugh crash against your neck where his lips had just been at, hot air making goosebumps appear on your skin.
“Right. You are not dead, I am.” He emphasized, all while traveling up your neck to reach that sweet spot below your jaw. “I thought we couldn’t do this now.” His teasing makes you bite your lip to contain yourself, laughter and pleasure making all your body feel giddy; Poe’s lips are always too intoxicating, but somehow they’re even more when hiding in an empty room, after days of not being together, with his hands teasing every corner he knows that drives you wild.
“She’s not going to kill you, Poe.” You roll your eyes even though he can’t see.
“You never know, she might.”
“You want to stop then? ‘Cause you don’t seem to- mmmhhh- mind it.” The whimper you let out makes him weirdly proud, kissing that spot once more before pulling apart, seeing your breathless face and swollen lips with an accomplished smile, even though he looks the same. He can’t get enough of you, not when you are both already so worked up just from aa few kisses alone.
“What are you gonna do when she actually does it, then?” He whispered, back at your lips again this time with softer lips.
“The General would never kill you.”
“Let’s risk it, then.” He seals it with a kiss that’s too needy even for him, one that makes you melt against his arms again as he tastes you slowly but firm, over and over again, letting your fingers tangle in his curls as you keep him in place. Poe is everywhere yet not where you need him, your fingers find his zipper and start moving it down, the need to feel his skin too consuming to remind yourself that you don’t really have time for more. 
Not unless you want to get caught…
“We’re already waiting for you in the room, Commander Dameron.” The General’s voice appears begind you, interrupting you as she walks by. Poe and you freeze, almost pushing each other apart as you hear her voice.
“Y- yeah… Yes, General. I’ll be right there.” Poe replies after clearing his throat withouth so much as turning around, face red and waiting for death. 
You use Poe’s broad body to cover yourself, sinking into yourself and closing your eyes hoping she wouldn’t see you, because maybe if she didn’t see you then one of you could be saved.
“And that better not be my daughter you are sucking the life away from.” The smirk in her voice is obvious.
“Shit,” you mumble, closing your eyes hoping it was all a bad dream, or a weird hallucination.
“I’ll deal with you two later. Dameron, briefing room.” Without a word more from you, the General turns around and heads towards the room she was previously waiting at.
“I think she will actually kill us.” You admit in a low voice that only makes Poe laugh. He dips in after, giving you one last soft, tender kiss. 
“It was completely worth it.” Poe gives you a dopey smile, and just for that, death might even be worth it.
Thanks for reading! Please reblog and comment if you enjoyed!
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daikaiju-zilla · 2 months
Pomni, Jax, and cowardice
So, on my recent rewatch of the Pilot episode, I noticed a connection between both Pomni and Jax that I found very interesting.
A while back, Gooseworx mentioned that there’s a side to Pomni that wasn’t quite elaborated on in the first episode, and I theorize that it could be that she values self-preservation over helping others. Even to the point of breaking a promise; the prime example is when she promised she’d find Caine and be back for her, even though Ragatha has shown nothing but kindness and compassion to her.
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Very similarly, Jax also has that sense of fear and gutlessness. Immediately running from the Abstracted Kaufmo and leaving Pomni and Ragatha behind to glitch (or even die?). His only focus is himself. Throughout the rest of the episode he hides and runs away from a dangerous and tragic threat without telling the others, probably because he doesn’t want them to chastise him about it.
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This is also what Pomni does, the only difference is that she hesitates both when wanting to abandon Ragatha, and when she enters the Exit Door. Perhaps Jax had some sort of moral dilemma when he first entered the circus, but he became calloused to it.
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Jax most likely thinks that watching his own back is the only way to survive in the circus, seeing everyone else as human shields to get what he wants or hide from danger. Pomni COULD also have this mentality, at least initially. I can see Jax noticing this and even pointing it out to her.
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Jax is a selfish coward, and he knows it. Owns it, even. He can’t trust anyone else except for himself, the others are a liability. Perhaps he also wants to keep himself from growing attachment from everyone else because they can all Abstract at any time.
Pomni could very well go down this road too, as she has already shown hints of having a self-centered mindset.
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However, you can’t necessarily blame her for wanting a way out when she just entered the circus, but we’ll have to wait and see…
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lover (jake seresin pt. 11/12)
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PLOT: Penny Benjamin’s niece works at The Hard Deck, saving the money she earns to get out of the west coast and put herself through Graduate School. What happens when a pretty boy pilot ends up as her fake boyfriend?
PAIRING: JAKE ‘HANGMAN’ SERESIN x Female Plus Size Bartender!Reader (Sunshine)
It goes without saying but I do not give permission for anyone to use my work or copy it somewhere else.
A/N: Surprise! Two chapters in 24 hours! I couldn't stop writing so <3 We're almost to the end here but if you want to see snippets of the couple, send in some requests! Don't forget that this is part of a Universe so you'll see these two in the other stories of the Whatever This Is Universe!
Jake turns you around, open palms pressing against the flesh of your hipbones to head toward the door into Penny’s home. You follow him with ease, falling into lazy steps at his side as you slip into the house. “Oh,” you reach out, going to grab your vase of florals when Jake stops you lightly.
“How about we wait until morning to grab those Sunshine? Don’t want to drop them on the walk home,” his voice is low, deep in your ear as his front presses against your back. The weight of him feels familiar as he takes deep and steady breaths, it shoots electricity through your nerves. You nod shyly in agreement and turn, tucking back into his embrace.
“You’re right,” you nod, drunkenly mumbling and he smiles gently. Holding you snug against him, Jake turns to say goodnight to your aunt.
“You take care of her,” Penny’s words sound threatening but there’s a warmth in her eyes as she takes in the couple in front of her. She knows the feelings the two of you have for each other, knows that she sees so much of who Mav became to her in the way you speak to each other. She’s forgiving to an extent, praying that Jake does things the right way this time.
You lean back, stumbling only slightly as you stabilize and slide your fingertips over his biceps before collecting his large hand in yours. You nod to the entry way, not noticing the flush speckling over Jake’s cheeks when he gnaws on his bottom lip at the site of you. You move as one unit together through the front door and down the porch.
It’s quiet in the streets of North Island, the crickets and the hum of the streetlamps mixing with the calm lapping of the waves crashing along the sandy beach ahead of you. Jake matches your slow footsteps, letting you set the pace to get home. He hopes you’ll slow even more, stumble slightly so that he can have more time with your hand clenched in his. He misses the feeling of your thumb dragging along the heel of his palm, soothing a tension there he didn’t even know was present. 
You stop suddenly and he’s too lost in his own train of thought to notice at first, until your arm is tugging him to turn around. He takes in the frown melting on your face, the glossy look of your lips as your tongue sticks out. He can’t tell if you’re going to cry or if you’re deep in concentration…perhaps it’s both as you pant your feet firmly into the pavement of the sidewalk.
“What’s wrong?”
“You almost died?” your whimper echoes across the empty street, sniffling back the wet snot from your senses. Flashes of his words rush through your mind again, that he’d had a scary event during one of their exercises and it brings up a wave of nausea up through your stomach. The emotional wave of everything that had happened over the last few weeks since the morning you woke up without Jake came crashing down on top of you and tears began to stream down your warm cheeks.
“Oh Sunshine,” Jake rushes forward, collecting you in his arms tightly. His hand scoops the back of your head, tugging you so that your forehead rested in the crux of his neck while he sweetly rubbed your back. He cooed, “I’m okay…I’m here.”
“How could you almost die on me without us fixing everything?” you whined, nose nuzzling against the column of his neck. If you weren’t so upset, he’d enjoy the feeling of your lashes giving him butterfly kisses along his skin. He smelled like a fresh mint julep on a summer’s day mixed with the smoky scent of a campfire and you snuggled closer to the heat he provided.
“I’m never leaving you again,” he murmurs into the crown of your head, meaning it with all his heart. “Not unless you want me to go.” You spend a few more minutes hugging under the orange glow of the street lamp and pull back, wiping your eyes. If you were tired before, exhaustion now seeped into your soul as you settled back into a steady pace. You reached your home before you knew it and a silence fell over the two of you as you held his hand still, moving up the steps to the front door. You turn around, staring down at him for a few moments with uncertainty.
Jake didn’t want to risk it, didn’t want to lose all the progress he had gained in the last few hours. He would take what he could get, take things at a snail’s pace if you asked it of him until he could earn back your trust and deserve you. You stared down at him with a blooming of anxiety blossoming in your chest. The small and drunken voice in the back of your mind begged you to ask him inside, ask him to kiss away all the pain of the last few weeks. Could you truly let him back in though? And if you did, would he stay this time? You weren’t sure you were ready to find out. You stared at him with an intensity, wondering what was going on inside of his beautiful brain.
“I should,” Jake clears his throat and glances down the street, starting to count the miles it would take to get back to his home from here. “I should head home.” He turns back to you, going week in the knees as you stare back at him with a wide eyed and starry gaze. Your eyes sparkled as you searched his face, narrowing as you reached out to touch his cheek tenderly.
“Do…” you take a deep and shaky breath, “Do you want to come in?” The question feels guarded and he doesn’t blame you after all that’s happened. He hesitates, afraid to let you down. Afraid to say or do the wrong thing again. But Jake Seresin is stronger this time. He’s learned from his mistakes and knows this time to say what he truly wants to say.
“Are you sure?” he sounds small, his voice wobbling as he takes a step up to get closer to you. He’s open, vulnerable in a way that makes your heart melt.
“As long as you’re still here when you wake up in the morning,” you replied, lacing your fingers together again and squeezing it reassuringly. He could feel your hands tremble and he leans forward, pressing his forehead against yours.
“I promise.”
You take his word, breath him in and press your lips to his slowly. He gasps slightly, moving his mouth against yours with a meticulous passion. His hands wind in your hair, tugging at the nape of your neck as he steps up again to tower over you. Your hands circle his waist, resting against his bum as you pull him closer to you and moan lightly.
Pulling away slowly, you sway a little from the daze of his presence. Staring up at him through your lashes, you lead him through the front door of your home. Through the dark living room and down the hallway, you make your way to your bedroom. He rounds the bed, tugging down the comforter and staring at you while you shed your shirt, discarding it before your skirt pools at your feet. He watches as you climb beneath the sheets before stripping down to his briefs and joining you beneath the covers.
“Please don’t leave,” your voice echoes in the safety of the darkness, afraid suddenly of this being a dream. That you would close your eyes and he would be gone.
He crawls in beside you, hauling you into his strong arms and securing you against his chest. You settle against him, listening to the rapid beating of his heart. “I’m not going anywhere,” he reassures you, smoothing his hands over your hair as you began to doze off. He smiles at the light snores escaping your mouth in clusters before he falls asleep himself.
The next morning, you awake in a start, jumping slightly. Hot skin is pressed against your tummy, pressed against your curvy thighs as you try to roll over onto your side. A groan bubbles up as the sunlight burns through the window. Your heart skips a beat as Jake’s hands slide along the bare roundness of your stomach with ease. “Good morning,” he grumbles, his morning voice sexy in your ear. You smile, pressing your lips along his forearm as you settle back into his embrace.
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evilhasnever · 3 months
xiyao Pacific Rim au?
Hell yes. I have been thinking about this for about 3 years, but never wrote any of it. I just opened a doc and jotted down this snippet for you! Hopefully someday I can turn this into a whole fic.
I give you 500 words of stranded/traumatized Jaeger pilot Lan Xichen in post-apocalyptic Yunping:
“Meng Yao… what are you doing?"
“The Kaiju won’t wait for us to run,” Meng Yao replies without taking his eyes off his work, “according to my scanner it is only 160 minutes out, unless it changes course.” The scanner in question looks like it was salvaged from parts, but it is beeping in a very believable, alarming manner.  “We cannot evacuate the town in time, and we are unlikely to save ourselves even if we start running very, very fast. We must fight back.” He dives back elbows-deep in the cockpit with feverish focus, ripping and soldering cords like he knows what each of them does. Lan Xichen is once again overtaken by awe and instinctual faith in this small, brilliant human being.
When Lan Xichen had washed ashore near the refugee encampment, banged up and near-catatonic from the loss of his brother, he had never imagined someone with Jaeger training would be hiding in these backwater ruins. His savior was one Meng Yao of Yunping, a wiry young man in ripped overalls, with too many tools hanging off his belt and too-hard eyes in a gentle round face. As it turned out, his clever mind could rival Lan Xichen’s own AI navigator - he’d taken only a few days to assess the damage to his Jaeger and write up a repair plan.
Twin Jade was stretched out on the beach, looking like a sleeping giant half-covered in brine. She was not in a bad state overall, save for the smashed cockpit - but she was down one co-pilot, so Lan Xichen had given up on resurrecting her altogether. Meng Yao had not.
While Lan Xichen consumed himself with worries over Wangji’s fate and his lack of communications, his savior worked day and night to get both pilot and Jaeger back to some semblance of functionality. (Lan Xichen paused to chuckle over the mental comparison of hot soup for himself and scrapyard parts for Twin Jade, both sourced by Meng Yao with unfailing efficiency).
“The repairs are only temporary," Meng Yao's voice brings him back to the present emergency. "But I can essentially jumpstart her for long enough to keep it running in emergency mode for a couple of hours. I’ll need you to do most of the fighting while I keep an eye on the systems.” 
“You want to pilot with me?” Lan Xichen’s eyes widen.
“Well, you can’t pilot by yourself, can you?” Meng Yao chuckled nervously, without looking back from the console. “And even if you could, your leg is broken.” 
“Drifting can be very dangerous if you have never…”
“I have trained before,” Meng Yao interrupts him. “I can pilot, Lan Xichen. I can,” he swears, pushing his bangs out of his eyes frantically. “I know I am asking a lot, but–”
“I trust you,” Lan Xichen says unthinkingly, reaching out to wipe a smear of grease from his cheek. “I only… wish to apologize for what you may see in the drift.”
Meng Yao only laughs, shaking his head. His eyes are avoidant. “Likewise.”
Neither of them paused to doubt whether they'd be compatible. That much was a given.
Lan Xichen enters the repaired cockpit, leaning all of his weight on Meng Yao. He plugs in with slightly-shaking hands.
It is terrifying to let Meng Yao see all of what you are. But he is scared, too. He is, you realize, more afraid than you are. As if his secrets could be any worse than the monstrosity inside yourself. You smile at him with all the warmth you can muster, smiling past the fears in your head. You suddenly want to see him more than anything.
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nfr-girly · 4 months
Little Hope - Bradley Bradshaw x reader (Part 2)
Part 1
a/n: if anyone has any writing tips they can give me any is appreciated!! x
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Your POV
3:15 had finally come and I was sending off all my students with their parents. One of the things I liked best about being a teacher was to see the kids faces light up whenever they see their parent come to pick them up, always giggling and showing them what they did that day.
As I’m helping a few kids with their colouring, I hear a sudden yell come from someone.
I turn to see Hope almost jumping on her dad. Jesus Christ. He had shown up in what I assumed was a military uniform and sunglasses. His moustache standing out more than ever. I collect Hopes bag from her peg and walk over to the pair.
His eyes look towards me; and I see a sudden change in his eyes. I can’t describe it, but it’s different.
“Hiya Mr Bradshaw, here’s Hopes bag. She had a wonderful first day and she even made her own coasters today , so you and her mum can use them!” I said, smiling at Hopes giddy face.
Bradley’s face had shifted to a frown at the mention of “her mum”. A sudden feeling of worry running through me.
“Oh- um it’s just me” he replied, gulping.
“Oh. Um im really sorry, well you can use them, she can have her own aswell” I giggle, a smirk forming on his face. Thank fuck.
I don’t ask about what he means by ‘just me’, but as much as I hate to admit it I feel a sudden feeling of hope upon hearing there’s no “Mrs Bradshaw” in the picture.
“Well anyway I will see you tomorrow and have a great rest of your day!” I give them both a smile, but before I can properly walk away, Bradley stops me.
“Uh wait!” His hand is gently placed on my wrist, and a rise of warmth grows in my stomach, my cheeks becoming redder by the second.
“Can I quickly talk to you in private?” He asks. A feeling of nerves sprouted. I was never nervous to talk to a parent in private before, so why was I all of a sudden nervous now?
“Yeah of course, Hope if you’d like you can continue playing with Samuel and Tommy over by the sand pit” I say pointing to two of my students.
“Okay!!” She runs off without a second thought.
Me and Bradley turn back to look at each other; his eyes piercing into mine. It feels like we’re stuck in time, unable to take our eyes off the others. I look down at my wrist and realise he’s still holding it. He looks down and realises too before quickly letting go. My wrist feels empty from the sudden loss of contact.
Shit. Did I hold on too long? I didn’t want to let go but she would’ve thought I was a weirdo if I didn’t
“I just wanted to quickly mention something about Hope. So uh she can get really nervous sometimes and especially in a new environment like this, she can get quite shy, I just wanted to ask , if she does can you give her this? It’s her favourite and it really helps to calm her down.” I hand her Hopes favourite plushie. Ironically one that her mom originally got her.
“Of course! I promise I’ll give it to her and try to calm her down the best way I can if it comes to it.” She says, the sweetness in her voice acting as a massage for my ears.
“Thank. I didn’t wanna mention it in front of her, I just don’t know if she’d like it.”
“Don’t worry I understand!” She replies, a moment of silence passes between us before she continues.
“So you’re um a Military man?” She asks, pointing to my uniform.
“Yeah. Navy pilot. Take after my dad.” I reply, regret filling me after the last part, hoping she doesn’t ask about my dad.
“That’s amazing, it must be cool having the navy exist through two generations for you. I actually heard aviators have something called call sign names aswell? Is that right?” She asks. Shit. What if she thinks my call sign name is weird. Rooster. Ugh.
“Yeah, we do.. um mine is uh, rooster” I sound like a chicken speaking to her, no wonder that’s my call sign.
“Oh!! THATS where she got it from. Hopes teddy I heard was named rooster, I just assumed she really liked the animal!” She says laughing, I laugh along with her.
After we settle; she asks: “so is flying a plane hard? I heard it’s pretty intense in the navy”
“At first it is, but I’ve been doing this for years, just got used to it”
“That’s really great, I’ve always wanted to see what it was like in an aircraft”
It takes an insane amount of willpower and the total muscle power of everyone on earth to stop me from asking her if she’d like to have a look in my jet.
“It is cramped as hell in there I won’t lie.” I reply, both of us laughing in unison. God her laugh will be the death of me.
“Hey um before I go, can I give you the contact details of someone else who might pick up Hope sometimes?”
“Yeah of course! You can put all the details on here.” She gives me a piece of paper and I write down everything she’d need to know.
“His names maverick, he’s pretty much like an uncle to Hope and he’s a good friend of my dad’s. Kinda like a dad to me too I guess.” We both chuckle and I give her the piece of paper.
“Thank you, and make sure to give him the password for when he does come aswell” she says with a smile
“Yeah don’t worry I will, and also by the way you don’t need to call me Mr Bradshaw, it’s too formal, just Brad.”
We walk over to Hope, where she is now playing on the swings.
“Hey Bunny we gotta go.” I say to her, out of the corner of my eye I see Y/N smile at the nickname.
“Aww why I am having fun” Hope replies
“I’m sorry baby but we have to go.”
“Okay… I will see you tomorrow Miss L/N.” She waves at Y/N.
“Yeah I’ll see you tomorrow as well” I smile and give her a small wink, before heading towards the car. Should I have done that? What if I looked embarrassing? It was too late now. But suddenly preschool wasn’t looking so bad for Hope, or me.
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