#Ninjago Pilot 1
Kai, Nya and their Parents - The Difference between knowing and not knowing what you're missing - and the sacrifices made by a caring brother
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The day Nya was brought home - the day Kai met Nya face to face for the first time; Kai is two (Hands of Time, episode 3, A Time of Traitors)
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Three years later
Ray and Maya are kidnapped, thus forcing Kai to take on the responsibility of becoming a five year old Dad aka the death of Kai's babyhood and childhood so as to preserve Nya's babyhood and childhood (Hands of Time, episode 8, Pause and Effect)
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Thirteen years later
Kai and Nya are reunited with their parents (Hands of Time, Episode 8, Pause and Effect)
Three years later (vid from Seabound, episode 2, The Call of the Deep)
Though Kai had pointed out that Nya and Maya did not get along (due to Nya's independence from having grown up without her parents); at Master Wu's insistence, Kai calls in his mother to help Nya with her power problem.
Nya, however, dislikes Maya's mothering (what she considers babying).
When Wu suggests that Nya should discuss her issues with Kai, Nya insists with scorn that Kai likely enjoys being waited on and loves to be treated like a baby.
(Note how Nya goes from the probability statement of "probably, likes, being waited on" to the presumption in her absolute statement of "I bet he loves being treated like a baby" -- Nya, please tell me if this is your thoughts on your brother who raised you and gave up everything for you then when has he ever previously behaved in such a way that would suggest your statements to be true.)
The difference here is that Kai remembers what it was like to have someone taking care of him only to have it ripped away - to go from being the baby boy to suddenly having to be the adult for his sister.
Nya, though, doesn't really remember what it was like to be cared for by her parents; but, she remembers what it was like to be cared for (by her brother).
Kai is, in a way, reveling in the joy of being able to play games with his father, eat food cooked by his mother, and learn once more from his parents.
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All things he hoped for but never once thought he'd ever have again.
While growing up, Nya was likely allowed to play games, eat homemade food that she didn't have to cook, and learn from Kai the lessons that he remembers their parents teaching them.
Kai on the other hand, had to get straight to work, schedule time in a busy day to cook so that Nya could eat, and be the one to teach trusted lessons from his parents (while likely having to weed out good advice from bad, given to him by whichever random adult decided to give it to him).
Kai's sacrifices for Nya can even be seen in the clothes they wear in the pilot.
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When we first see Nya it looks like she's dressed in silk clothes which we know didn't come from Maya's closet since she generally dresses in blue.
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Kai on the other hand is introduced in his blacksmithing clothes and goes to train with Wu, in his blacksmithing clothes, which may indicate a limited closet - he may even be wearing his Father's clothes as a way to save money.
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But, you might say, he has different clothes in the episode, The Royal Blacksmiths.
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Yes, he does have different clothes, but these clothes, like his and the Ninja's matching pajamas (color coded but with the same golden dragon on the chest pocket) are likely the result of Kai now being able to lean on Wu, financially.
Note that Kai's clothes are the only ones that indicate his elemental power - the others likely already had these clothes on hand before they met Wu (except maybe Zane - IDK).
Another way Kai's sacrifices and generosity torwards his sister can be shown is by comparing the first pilot episode to the Season 2 episode 6, Wrong Place, Wrong Time.
In this episode it is shown that, were it not for Nya getting kidnapped by Garmadon, Kai would never had cared about becoming a ninja.
It was only the knowledge that becoming a ninja was the only way to save Nya that motivated Kai to become a ninja.
Yet in a timeline where Nya was never kidnapped, all Kai cared about was getting the blacksmith shop back on its feet after the Skulkin attack.
So how did Wu convince Kai to come to the Monastery, the answer, he didn't - Nya did.
Wu unintentionally convinced Nya to become a ninja and since Kai wasn't just going to let her go off on her own (this is his fourteen year old little sister who he raised after all) Kai went with her so they could become Ninja.
Kai gave up what he wanted in favor of what Nya wanted.
Kai's sacrifices, his giving nature, and everything he does for Nya is almost practically an automatic habit, because he and Nya lost their parents at a young age thus forcing Kai to give up being a child to be Nya's caretaker.
And yet throughout the series whenever the siblings bring up their parents, it becomes clear that Kai made sure that Nya never forgot them and that they were remembered well, that they were missed and not forgotten.
I really like Nya; and while Seabound is a great season it also points out that Nya may just be truly unaware of how much Kai sacrificed for her to the point where she doesn't understand exactly why Kai likes having their parents around; among other details that she and others misunderstand about Kai.
Believe me, I like the idea that Nya knows and helps her brother out where she can, and she definitely loves him, but it seems like Seabound has shown her to be unaware of Kai's trials and tribulations in raising her and keeping them both from landing in the grave of the fireflies.
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hiddensneker · 8 months
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Your really telling me zane didn’t take his shirt off ONCE pre robot reveal?
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i think jays short hair was actually peak sue me
woahhh me developing an art style??? crazy
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tornoleander · 6 months
Started making the terrifying Ninjago but only when men are whimpering
This video has no right to be this funny.
Thought it would be at least a little uncomfortable, but I can’t stop laughing. Hands down the funniest thing I’ve ever made.
Place your bets
Lol you were wrong It’s Kai
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blu3cl0v3rs · 7 months
Badly explained Ninjago Seasons
First up, Pilots and Season 1
Pilots: The Devil kidnaps Spiky's younger sister, Meow, and the guy gets taken in by Gandalf, the devil's brother, who teaches him how to make mini tornadoes. Gandalf then introduces Coal, a jaywalker, and an ice cube maker. For convenience, we'll call the jaywalker Bluejay, and the ice cube maker Freezy.
Spiky, Coal, Bluejay, and Freezy steal some gold super-powered weapons made by god. Meow gets freed by Spiky, and Gandalf goes to hell to fight the devil with one of the golden weapons. Spiky, Coal, Bluejay, and Freezy teleport using dragons, and the devil kills a skele by tricking it to hold all of the gold weapons, which kills anyone that holds all four. The skele turns into a multi-dimensional portal, and the devil goes through. Spiky, Coal, Bluejay, and Freezy become "the Ninja".
Season 1: The devil's emo son, who we will call Trauma Child, tries to take over a village, but "the Ninja" stops him, so he trips down a hole and controls the king of the bloo sneks. Spiky accidentally steals from Gandalf and finds a prophecy about the Green Ninja. Trauma Child gets kicked out by the bloo sneks and then the reb sneks, and the reb and bloo sneks team up, so Trauma Child releases porple snek. Porple snek ate all the other porple sneks, and sacrificed Trauma Child to his uncle, Gandalf. Big Fighter Mech enters the ring.
Porple Snek then decides he's gonna revive big snek who wants to om nom the entire world, and forces all of the bloo, reb, gren, and bleck sneks to gather some special knives that can free big snek. Trauma Child gets kidnapped by the sneks. Gandalf leaves to find the devil.
Freezy is actually a robot, Bluejay starts dating Meow and temporarily becomes a snake, and Coal has daddy issues and comes out as gay to his father. All three have magical girl moments. Spiky is jealous. Meow is Big Fighter Mech.
Gandalf and the devil are back to save Trauma Child, and Spiky is delusional and tries to fight the devil, thinking it'll give him his magical girl transformation. Gandalf, the devil, Big Fighter Mech, and "The Ninja" jump the sneks and Spiky saves Trauma Child from getting roasted in a volcano, which triggers his magical girl transformation. Trauma Child is the Green Ninja. Porple snek frees big snek, and he and Gandalf get eaten by big snek. "The Ninja" ties big snek into a city-wide knot, and the devil smacks it on the head with the gold weapons, then runs away. Gandalf lives, and "The Ninja" celebrate.
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mx-julien · 30 days
we should meet the village that raised Kai and Nya. how else did they learn to take care of themselves? we know they were left alone right around the ages of 8-10, and when we see them in the pilot they're self-sufficient and run a successful business
culture-wise, we're clued in that Ray and Maya are vaguely East Asian, so the reference I'll be using is the traditionally Japanese method of teaching kids independence. here's an overgeneralization:
that kids are taught to clean up after themselves from an early age and by the time their directional skills are OK they are sent on their first errand to (usually) a nearby store or shrine
you may be familiar with the idea from the series Old Enough! filmed in 1991 that showed Japanese kids on their first errands (currently it's on netflix)
brainstorming thread for this post on bluesky
even if we assume they were taught independence from an early age, they can't've known how to proficiently smith weapons or tools. they also have basic education in addition to Nya's knowledge of electrical engineering and welding. they must've had to apprentice under other blacksmiths in addition to going to school.
this would also explain why Kai is so fiercely, often illogically independent in the pilot and first season. he's spent the past decade of his life being helped by others, and he doesn't want to rely on anyone else if he can avoid it. in this new life as a ninja, he thinks, I can be completely independent. I won't have to rely on anyone! and thus begins his character development
let's explore "it takes a village"
farmers always give them their less attractive produce but refuse to take payment, telling the Smith kids that they're doing them a favor by taking the ugly ones. the local schoolhouse never approaches them about tuition.
neighbors by while their kid's taking a nap. they bring lunch or dinner, teach the two how to clean the house, and show them how to make the food they brought. caretakers at the village shrine ask them to help sweep away the leaves on the anniversary of their parent's disappearance. a few friends come by with flowers- it's a coincidence, they say: these wildflowers are just taking over my garden bed- it's no big deal.
electricians and welders in the area always seem to need an extra hand when Nya gets out of school. Kai cleans the blacksmith shop a few towns over and gets paid in an apprenticeship and a permanent stock of firewood and coal during the winter. the ice house happens to have unsellable, broken ice blocks when Nya pops by in the summer.
the two of them know. the village is part of a careful dance, respecting Kai and Nya's independence while acknowledging their need for support. everyone plays a part. yes, toes get stepped on and feelings get hurt, but time rolls on regardless. another person comes in from the sidelines when someone else takes a break.
it is not easy for the Smith kids, not by a long shot, but the people surrounding them make it bearable
as time marches on, their village sees the children they raised save the world dozens of times. occasionally, the Smith kids come back to take care of the shop and check in with everyone after avoiding the latest apocalypse.
without thinking, neighbors hand them a basket of misshapen apples, half a sack of broken rice, and trimmings from the butcher's. by the time each of them make it home, they've noticed their pockets jingling. the dance continues and now they've switched places
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toastingpencils37 · 5 months
Technically, Ninjago City first popped up in the Pilots during Jay's flashback to how he met Sensei Wu.
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nyaskitten · 5 months
Seasons I dont remember shit about: s3, s7... s13.
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icy-watch · 6 months
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If I had a nickle for every blue son that cooked, I'd have 2 nickles. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice.
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ravenrambles6229 · 10 months
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honestmouse20 · 10 months
More dragons rising thoughts.
I just remembered that in the flashback of young Lloyd, he had green eyes (if im misremembering please ignore this lol). And i just can’t help but think it Wasn’t a retcon or continuity error. That maybe, he’s Always had the kind of powers he has in later seasons. Not quite a mixture of all the main four elements combined, but his Own unique power and in early seasons, when he’s little, they just don’t Know that. 
Also does that mean that later when he gets the Golden Master power, his eyes would have glown gold? bc i’d have Loved to see that
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When your Sibling doesn't like your Love Interest - Ninjago: Jiang Smiths Siblings
Kai about Jay liking Nya
You know how Kai looked ready to kill Jay when he first met him, just for showing an interest in Nya.
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How Kai would mess with Jay in Season 1.
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But he accepted the relationship in Season 6/7 (just so long as he doesn't have to see a Jaya kiss).
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And even helped Jay practice his proposal in Season 10.
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Yeah ...
Kai is not the only Jiang Smith Sibling who doesn't like the idea of someone dating their sibling.
First the slightly backhanded complement:
"Skylor's right, look at her, she could have inherited her father Chen's evil empire and ruled the world but instead dedicated her life to spending her day bent over a hot stove to provide low cost quality noodles to the people of Ninjago city."
There was definitely a nicer way to say that, Nya, especially when Skylor's response to that statement was the following:
Skylor had brought out two bowls of noodles, the type that always cheered her up, so as to cheer up the siblings but in hearing Nya, she then says,
"Gee, when you put it like that. *Sigh* Let me get some of those"
And then takes Nya's untouched bowl to cheer herself up
But also:
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(And before you say, but maybe Nya just doesn't know because she and Kai didn't have their parents. First, a dedicated parent can get their kids properly using chopsticks by age five; but even if you say that they just don't know the rules on etiquette - your telling me that there wasn't at least one busybody old lady that would reprimand a small child for bad manners - not to mention Wu when the siblings start living with the Ninja)
Yeah, Nya's much more subtle but I don't think she's quite ready for the idea of her brother dating.
That or she just doesn't approve of Skylor being Kai significant other.
To me Nya, sometimes, kinda comes off as that girl who was raised by her single father. She's moving out of the house, ready to have her own life away from her dad only to find out that he's started dating - and she is not happy about it.
She also, sometimes, kinda comes off like she knows that Kai, for her, was more than a brother, that he was her father - but she doesn't want to acknowledge it / is not ready to acknowledge it, because that would mean talking about the bad parts of their life, while growing up.
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the-ninjago-historian · 4 months
Check it out! More pilot stuff!
These are the corresponding mini movies for the season!
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un-pearable · 11 months
see, despite the fact that i am a certified season 4 enjoyer and it’s been my favorite season literally since it came out. my favorite era of the show to fantasize about is STILL the first part of s2. the inescapable allure of cramming the entire cast into a one room apartment and making them experience the mundanity of shitty city life
actually. question: favorite season vs favorite part of the show to write/draw/whatever about?? does it match up for you???? i’m curious
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penofwildfire · 2 months
Slightly sad that I left most of my Ninjago dvds at my parents' house when I moved out 😔
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 10 months
So when Nya saved Jesse from Garmadons attack was that before or after Miranda was crushed? And if after did she bring them to a hospital or...? Would Miranda also recognize Nya as the girl on the lion? Or does anyone else for that matter?
So when Nya saved Jesse from Garmadons attack was that before or after Miranda was crushed? After!
And if after did she bring them to a hospital or...? Nya did technically bring them to the hospital, but it was doctors/other healthcare people she had already rounded up that actually brought Mira into the building/tended to her, along with others who happened to be injured. This detour is also part of why Nya couldn't regroup with the boys immediately (and why she'd missed Kai getting his face sliced open).
Would Miranda also recognize Nya as the girl on the lion? Considering Miranda would've been unconscious at the time, no. But, she'd probably be able to make the connections from Jesse's retelling upon meeting Nya.
Or does anyone else for that matter? And also no, because like Jesse said from personal experience, Nya's face was the last thing anyone was paying attention to in the crisis, especially when there's a giant Golden Lion right there. But, this was a legitimate concern for a while, cuz if anyone else did recognize Nya via the eyes then they'd be able to connect her back to the Ninja Force (doubly so after being witnessed disguising herself as Jay in Book 2 Chapter 6), which is why Kai was so worried about it when it was brought up during the Rumor Arc.
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