kyriemryn · 3 years
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Found a meme on Pinterest and remade it with my favorite two people. Dunno if Mikasa would ever flip someone off, but I feel like these two channel this energy haha 
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iamnightduchess · 3 years
SnK 137 *Text Leak Spoilers (Source: Zekken Tieba)
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Mikasa “BAMF” Ackerman & Gabi “No Scope” Braun versus Okapi “Is that a Pig?” Titan
R.I.P Okapi (2021-2021) 😆
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photospoemsthings · 6 years
Räume 1
Das ist nicht ganz so passiert, aber fast. Wo soll ich anfangen?
Die Sonne sendet flach einfallende, blassgelbe Strahlen durch eine feste und graue Wolkendecke über den noch kältestarren Tag. Eine zweispurige Landstraße zieht sich durch leicht hügliges Land, in der Länge eine Spur weit nach links abdriftend, aber das tut nichts weiter zur Sache. Geradeaus. Wir folgen der Straße. Einige wankende Bäume stehen auf beiden Seiten, jenseits des Straßengrabens, dürr entlaubt, beinahe schwarz. In der Art von den Bildern, dir einem in den Sinn kommen, wenn man das Wort Herbst hört. Alle paar Kilometer fliegt ein frei stehendes Haus vorbei, vielleicht mit baufälliger Scheune, Nebengebäude, hölzernen Gartenhütte und schlammbespritztem Geländewagen in der breiten gekiesten Einfahrt. Vielleicht weht ein Geruch von Stall, Dung oder Schafen über die von brusthohen Hecken umrandeten Grundstücke hinweg – das alles ist nur eine Tendenz, es soll nur unscharfe Zeichnung und einen gewissen Grad an Deutlichkeit verleihen, Gültigkeit hat es nicht. Manchmal haben sich mehrere solcher Häuser zusammengerottet, wahrscheinlich um dem Herbstwind zu trotzen, beißend, ziellos rostrote Blätter über Land treibend; der Dunkelheit; der tauwasser-hauchenden Kälte… Dann steht ein grünes Ortsschild neben der Straße und oft auch eine Tafel. Die sagt: „Willkommen.“ Aber das ist austauschbar und sofort wieder vergessen, verdrängt, verschluckt im Dahinwandern der Wolken.
Klar ist: Diese Häuser haben einen Preis gezahlt, um dem Alleinsein und der schwindelerregenden Freiheit zu entrinnen. (Längst wissen wir, welche Bedrohung Freiheit bergen kann.) Wenn ihre Bewohner sie morgens verlassen, ziehen sie die Türen knallend hinter sich zu – und sie kramen ihre Schlüssel aus tiefen Taschen hervor: Selbstverständlich muss abgesperrt werden, man kennt seine Nachbarn. Wenn ihre Bewohner sich zum Schlafengehen kleiden, ziehen sie dicke Vorhänge in die in sich gesunkenen, flackernd erleuchteten Fenster hinein. Und spitze Jägerzäune verlaufen rundum, bis dahin wo die freies, abgeweidet ackerbraunes Feld anschließt und an der Landstraße die Wintergräser im Fahrtwind wiegen; wie ein stimmlos, erschlagenes Nicken, ohne Zustimmung. Im Dickicht der größten dieser Häuseransammlungen kennt man weder flimmernden Sternenhimmel noch Nachbarn – aber Angst hat man. Man ist nackt.
Wir können aufatmen: Der Himmel hat aufgeklart, der Wind scheucht die grauen Wolken, deren Schatten wie gierige Hände über die brachen Felder fassen, nach Osten, fort von hier. Stürmischer Westwind. Etwas wie Erleichterung scheint nun alle Dinge von hinten hell und sanft zu beleuchten. In der Ferne rauscht ein roter Regionalzug durch die Senke eines der gekrümmt auslaufenden Hügeltälern. Eine akkurat gepflanzte Reihe aus Strom- und Telefonmasten – befänden wir uns in ihrer unmittelbaren Nähe, würden wir sie leise surren hören – weist dem Zug am steinigen Gleisbett entlang den Weg. Noch ist ein schmuckloser Mond in der Höhe erkennbar, tintenfleckhaft. Auch er kaum mehr als eine bessere Skizze. Denn auf das alles wollen wir in Wahrheit gar nicht hinaus. Ebenso wenig auf den Autofahrer, der mit 120 Stundenkilometern soeben die Kontrolle verliert, in einer engen Rechtskurve über den Straßengraben hinwegschießt und vom massiven Stamm einer alten Eiche aufgehalten wird. Erst nach gut zwanzig Minuten wird man ihn finden und halb hektisch, halb panisch den Krankenwagen verständigen: Es wird zu spät sein. Aber, wie gesagt, das ist eine andere Geschichte. Tragisches spielt sich an jeder Straßenecke ab.
Wie mit der Papierschere lässt sich das, was wir betrachten wollen in Stücke schneiden. Also jetzt: keine Ausflüchte mehr. Wir beschleunigen, über eine steinerne Rundbrücke, die über den Nebenarm eines Flusses führt hinweg. Ein historisches Bauwerk, eine Kulturlandschaft. Unter dem Brückenbogen plätschert der Fluss vergnügt über unzählige winzige weißgraue, kreisrunde Kiesel hinweg.
Am Horizont steigt eine schwarze Rauchfahne auf. Dahinter hohe, bewaldete oder schneebedeckte Bergkuppen. Ganz weit weg: ein grünes Meer; daran denkt man nur mehr.
Die Sonne setzt schon zum Untergehen an, ungewöhnlich früh wird es dunkel. Ein mattes Dunkel. Nebel steigt auf, der sich seltsam mit der Abenddämmerung mischt.
Wir verlangsamen. Schlussendlich halten wir. Wir sind angekommen. Wir sind da. Vor uns ein schmiedeeisernes Tor, das weit offen steht. Ein winziges Haltestellenhäuschen, wie eine Schutzhütte, dreimal am Tag fährt ein Linienbus, keiner steigt ein oder aus. Hinter dem Tor, ferner, ein Bauernhaus, ein leeres Stallgebäude, ein angeleinter Hofhund, der schläft. Ein regenbogenfarbenes Windrad aus Plastik, wie es Kinder vielleicht früher geschenkt bekommen haben, steht im Gras und dreht sich. Hinter dem Haus, wo früher ein Brunnen lag, findet man heute eine Pergola und einen gemauerten Grill, schon jahrelang nicht mehr benutzt. Eine hohe, frischverputzte Mauer, die zur Straßenseite hin verläuft, verdeckt den Blick in die großzügigen, flächigen Fenster, die auf die Grasfläche des Gartens schauen. Ein idyllischer Anblick. Aber der Reihe nach…
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kyriemryn · 3 years
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I just want them to be happy!! Please Isayama, I’m dying over here! 
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kyriemryn · 3 years
Hello 😁 can I ask for a fic of ReiKasa transported into Marvel world and have to join avengers (I'm embarrassed to ask this 😂) because it has been on my mind lately
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I can’t give you a fic, but I can give you a drawing! While I’m completely down for one-shots, I know any Reikasa AU is going to make me want to do something multi-chaptered, especially for something like a Marvel AU. That, and it’s been awhile since I last watched a Marvel movie. So to save all of you from OOC characters, I have instead turned to art. 
I love this idea so much! There are already plenty of potential paths they could take. For this specifically, I decided to have them ‘transported’ during their training years. 
Mikasa would keep using her Survey Corps gear. Or, at least a uniform modeled to be similar to it. She likes its familiarity and knows it's how she works best. 
Reiner would eventually, hesitantly reveal his titan shifter abilities to her. (This could also be a lot faster depending on when they’re transported into the Marvel world - Battle of New York anyone?) 
She would, obviously, feel betrayed and be noticeably upset and angry. I don’t see her immediately trying to kill him, like with the reveal in canon, as he’s not exactly threatening the lives of her friends. But, there would be a long period of little to no communication, or very cold communication, between them as they try and figure out the new world they’ve been thrown into. 
They’d be forced to work together as members of the Avengers Initiative, and it’s through those interactions that they realize they’re all they’ve got of their past lives (no Eren, no Armin, no Karina or Gabi). It’s familiar. And when they grow to be more comfortable, they begin to talk; they become close, and they’ll eventually have a connection that’s far beyond any they can possibly create with characters from the Marvel Universe. 
In time, they’d grow to rely on one another, trust one another, and confide in one another. Reiner would share about his past - all he lost and how he wished everything could be different, and Mikasa would open herself up to being vulnerable - sharing her secrets, talking about her worries. 
They’d start dating soon after that. 
And, if the other Survey Corps members were transported to the Marvel Universe later down the line, I know they’d absolutely be shocked at Mikasa and Reiner acting like a full on, regular ole couple, with absolutely no explanation for it as they greet their fellow comrades. 
As for the drawing, I immediately knew I wanted to do a roof scene. And because I can’t come up with outfits of my own, I decided that they’d be “fresh out of combat” so I can just, easily reference what they already wear lmao. (Not that the Survey Corps uniform is fully accurate. Me getting all those details down? Hell nah). 
Thanks so much for your lovely ask Akayume! I’d definitely like to do more with this at some point - probably after rewatching a few Marvel movies haha 
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iamnightduchess · 3 years
As You Are art cover (ft. ReiKasa)
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Their marriage is pivotal in uniting three warring nations at the cost of two hearts & four broken pieces.
They are not what the other wanted, but they’d sooner realize they are what each other needed.
Loving her. Protecting her. Honoring her. Those are the essences of his duty.
He’d just didn’t expect that the girl who’d almost succeeded in killing him four years ago & had been haunting his dreams religiously would be the very same one who is giving up her livelihood and her heart for his undeserving life.
Marley had his loyalty, but he has hers.
She had lost families and a sworn sister but he gave her new ones to love.
For the rest of their lives, at least until his last drawn breath, they both have to fulfill their duties and come as they are to each other - as a friend, a known enemy and an old memory to strangers intertwined in a web of political matrimony.
 An endless heartfelt thank you to the amazing @nadiaaisyah​ for this amazing commission piece based on my Reiner & Mikasa fic, “As You Are”(18+). Takes place after the assault in Liberio. Canon Divergence AU fic with (some) manga/final season spoilers.
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iamnightduchess · 3 years
ReiKasa Modern AU/Fic AU Headcanon(s) #5
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When someone asks Reiner & Mikasa's kids about their parents 😂 Kid!R: If we ever get into a fight, our dad would go meet your dad and they’ll ask us to punch each other again while they crack a few beers, laughing & exchanging stories about the neighborhood or work. Then we’ll go off playing with our PS.
Kid!M: If we ever get into a fight, our mom would whoop our asses, then she’ll beat your ass. Your dad better be prepared because she will kick your dad’s ass too. If your grandfather is around, she’ll beat him up too. Our mom once did a piledriver on a man who’d mistaken our baby brother as his son. Needless to say, that man ended up in the ICU for a week.
The others: Woah.
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iamnightduchess · 4 years
Until Dawn (18+)
(Reiner x Mikasa Canonverse AU & Series Alternative Ending)
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Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Mikasa Ackerman/Reiner Braun, Levi Ackerman/Zoe Hange, Armin Arlert/Annie Leonhardt (implied), Jean Kirschtein/Pieck Finger (implied).
Characters: Mikasa Ackerman, Reiner Braun, Zoe Hange, Levi Ackerman, Kiyomi Azumabito, Jean Kirschtein, Pieck Finger
      As the alliance races against time and the Rumbling to stop Eren’s madness, the new plan forces the team to make an unexpected detour in Odiha, a coastal city south of Marley.
      When Mikasa struggles in between the lies she kept telling herself from the awful truth, he, out of everyone, sees her for the fraud that she was - a terrified young girl hiding behind this invincible facade, clinging to the last anchor of her livelihood, burdened by an unbearable guilt.
      Furtive glances and subtle touches told him what words couldn’t. 
      If one last night alive is all that they’ve been given, then it would be a night of no prohibitions - one that they’ll carry to their graves. When the dawn breaks, it is time to return to their agonizing reality - moving forward towards an inevitable death, when staying alive was no longer a possible option.
      Perhaps, that one night in Odiha might leave behind a lasting mark that transcends beyond space, time, life and even after death.
CW: Graphic Smut
A/N: Takes place from manga chapters 127 - 139. Featuring a series alternative ending.
Read :  Pt.I  |  Pt.II  |  Pt.III  | Pt.IV | Pt.V | Pt.VI | Pt.VII | ED | Epilogue
Sexy Fan Art (I) by @ricebunnyyy 🐺👑🐰
Sexy Fan Art (II) by @ricebunnyyy 🐺👑🐰
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iamnightduchess · 4 years
May I ask for your nsfw reikasa headcanons 😳 for the As you Are universe and the It’s Gotta Be you universe? 😁
Did someone ask for some N.S.F.W headcanons? *__*
ReiKasa Fic AU/Modern AUHeadcanons (R18+) #1
Hello Nonnie!
Your Ask is the most pleasant surprise this last weekend but old is gold! <3 I have no excuse for the delay other than I was cramming up all my brain power to finish Part 1 of Until Dawn. (Do check it out when you have the time!) Thank you so much for the honor! I got you fam, so please find below some seriously steamy headcanons (Content Warning: Mature Readers only!) omg i am blushing hard while I’m writing this haha
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Let’s go for ReiKasa in Canonverse then the modern AU ;)
As You Are
** Contains reimagining of scenes yet to be written/published in As You Are. So some fic spoilers ahead!
In Ch.12, it was heavily implied that after consummating their marriage, Reiner & Mikasa actually got to another round of ‘lovemaking’ in the shower. When their first time had been gentle, slow and tender, the shower sex was quite the opposite. It was harder and urgent.
At this point, Reiner discovered four new things about his new wife: i) Mikasa actually loves it when he pressed her hard against the wall and took her from behind, ii) Mikasa’s weakness is her breasts *points to point i*, iii) Mikasa has a muscle kink. She came on his third deep thrust in the shower, biting hard on his forearm as she did, and iv) Mikasa’s favorite position would be standing up because of *points to point iii* She loves seeing the way his muscles protruded when they flexed to support her weight. That explains the impromptu war room sexing afterwards.
Meanwhile Mikasa discovered three new things about her new husband: i) Reiner has not even a single scar on his body due to his shifter powers when she has numerous marks on hers from long-term ODM usage & that one time when she got her ribs broken by a Titan, ii) Reiner loves the tattoo on her back and the scars on her body, and iii) Reiner’s weak spot is his nape. The moment she bites his nape, he just gets hard.
Both Mikasa & Reiner are biters. But Reiner is the ‘territorial’ one. By the next morning, Mikasa’s skin looked like she had a really severe rash on her neck and her chest. No wonder Gabi was worried. Mikasa had to wear high collared blouses for one week, even inside their shared home.
Mikasa is the first one to initiate oral sex. She is after all, a seasoned blade wielder ;D
In future chapters, the first time Reiner went down on his wife was because of yeap, jealousy & yes, his ‘territorial instinct’. Lets just say it will have something to do with Porco ‘Pussy-eater’ Galliard ;) Galliard will be making a move on his dear wife at a function and Reiner is not happy about it.
Reiner loves seeing Mikasa in a formal kimono and getting her out of it - layer by layer.
Reiner & Mikasa have a very balanced power play in the bedroom. When he’s the dominant one, she’ll be the one yielding and vice versa. This couple is bound to have angry/jealous sex somewhere down the road and things can get very ugly when it happens. But, that only happens when the balance is thrown off the scale.
Reiner actually has amazing hands made for awesome massages. In a future chapter, we’d learn that things get hot and heavy inside their private onsen at the Azumabito Residence and it all begins with a simple back rub. *winks*
It’s Gotta Be You
10 Date Rule (thank you @shingeki-no-scenarios for some of this amazing ideas!)
Right before their first official date, Reiner suggested the 10 Date Rule to Mikasa, which she agreed to, as he wants to prove to her that he’s not like the other men she’s dated before, who expected sex on the first date. There was only one rule: the only physical display of affections allowed are only a chaste kiss & hand-holding. Just that.
The first 3 dates had been outside so it was very sweet and very innocent. Reiner would always end their date at her front door with a simple kiss on her forehead or her cheeks. They had a night in on the 5th date and that was when things got interesting.
5th Date - Reiner made dinner at her house and they spend the rest of the evening just cuddling on the sofa, watching a rom-com movie together. Just having his arms around her was actually enough to turn her on but Reiner was very persistent in keeping their date chaste. Mikasa just had to leave a pair of sexy lace teddy lingerie hanging at the back of her bathroom door. Reiner can’t stop himself from imagining her in that.
6th & 7th Date - Reiner had to borrow one of Bertolt’s old hoodies from college with some questionable stains on it to help him be less attractive on their consecutive home dates. Mikasa just had to be a tease by spending the rest of the evening in a pair of tiny midriff shirt and a pair of lace boxers, devouring her Green Tea Häagen-Dazs and licking the spoon clean with a loud slurp or sipping on the straw for her smoothie too fucking slow. There had been a lot of tongue action coming from her that two nights. Reiner had to imagine a naked Zeke to kill whatever potential boner he could have had. It was torture.
8th Date - They had candlelight dinner and slow danced. The grinding wasn’t helping. Oh, and that off-shoulder red dress she was wearing on purpose, he was so close to ripping it off her that night.
9th Date - Zeke came over for a visit & ended up drunk-crashing at Mikasa’s place. Reiner had to stay over to help just in case & just the mere thought of Zeke just killed whatever romantic mood they were in. Felt like they were babysitting a grown-ass baby brother.
10th Date - Reiner had bought champagne to celebrate their tenth date at his place & he actually spruced up his bedroom with rose petals and those fancy scented candles to set up the mood for their long-awaited sexy time. However, Mikasa had to sit in an emergency surgery that night and ended up sleeping in the Medical Centre’s staff room in exhaustion and totally missed their scheduled 10th date. They made up with a lunch date the next day and they definitely went to town that night at his house. They never even made it to the bedroom ;)
People just assumed that they have a frequent & super active sex life. It’s quite the opposite as they enjoy more domestic activities together like baking and home improvements. But they still maintain a weekly date night even after being engaged to each other. Reiner’s a super cuddler so he’ll be the one who initiates the little intimate gestures in public. But behind closed doors, Mikasa would be the more handsy one, which Reiner really loves.
Reiner is built like a Greek God and Mikasa made sure to ‘accidentally’ walked into the bathroom whenever he’s in the shower ;) While Reiner always made sure he’ll be in the living room when Mikasa practices her yoga routine. Just so he can plan ahead on which position he can get her in the next time they’re in the mood ;D omg that sounds more pervy than I intended
Mikasa loves to wear one of Reiner’s shirts when they’re at home together because she knows it will drive him crazy with need.
Reiner occasionally wears reading glasses at home and Mikasa gets weak in the knees when he does. She almost always like to get down and dirty while he’s wearing the glasses :)
They spent their first Christmas together with the Jeagers and Zeke almost walked in on them having a quickie in their dad’s basement.
Reiner & Mikasa would be those couples that still have a burning fire in their relationship even as they grew older. That’s also how baby Ryder was conceived unexpectedly when the twins, Rémy & Miraé just turned 10. They thought they were done having babies 8D
I had super fun time working on this headcanon, Nonnie! I hope you like it 💖 Keep ‘em coming if you’d like to read more & please don’t be discouraged from sending in Asks because sometimes it’ll take a long time for me to write because of my other writing projects/RL commitments but I would always follow through :3
Thank you & take care!
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iamnightduchess · 3 years
Hi, NightDuchess! I just dropped by to let you know how much I love your stories. But for them, I'd have never thought of Reiner and Mikasa as a couple and it's a shame because they're so adorable together T.T. To my mind, your stories have given new life to these characters and have changed the way I view SnK as a whole. Thank you! Btw, if you don't mind my saying, I recommend you write a darker Reikasa story. I'm curious of how you would pull it off! ! Wishing you a belated Merry Christmas! :)
Hello! Thank you for dropping in a very nice & supportive Ask here on my blog ☀️ I hope you've had a nice Christmas yourself! 🎄
Thank you for giving my stories a chance and directly, to this OTP of mine. They're not only adorable together but could actually have a balanced, healthy relationship if ever given the opportunity either in canon or AU. They're both selfless & the only way they'll both go down in canon is like fighting over who gets to go first 😂 <Look at these two dorks together lol They'll make good-looking A++ Nordic/Asian babies with superior genetics lmao>
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I'm very honored to know that the universes I've built through my stories have somewhat help give a (positive?) outlook from you towards the series. I've had fans appreciating both Reiner & Mikasa's complexity in canon more based on my interpretation. Readers who either am neutral or actually not a big fan of Mikasa fell in love with her more after reading my stories. I know that my stories have given my beloved characters the appreciation they deserve.
I have receive a lot of suggestions from my readers: to write on different ships, to write an OT3, to write something edgier & darker. I am flattered & will keep all suggestions in my 'to consider one day folder' inside my brain 😆
Honestly, I'm not a good dark content absorber, I truly doubt I can be good enough in writing darker, edgier genre. Canon is already dark, my fanon is the opposite haha
Truthfully, at the moment, I'm in a very happy place in writing: romance, erotic, fluff, family & parenthood, sprinkled with a healthy dose of angst and comfort - I feel enough. When my readers shared that my stories helped them get through the pandemic or their mental health struggles, it reminds me again the reason why I keep on writing & it also reminds me that I'm doing something good and something right with my stories 💖 That will never change.
Thank you for the suggestion! I guess, we'll see if it happens one day 😉 xoxo
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iamnightduchess · 4 years
Any other tumblr acc dedicated to reikasa or a fic recc you highly recommend? :D I’m pretty new to this ship (though I really really seem to love them)
Hello Nonnie!
I am very, very sorry for the super, ultra delayed answer to your awesome Ask. I was working on your Ask few months back, saved it into drafts & got stacked further down in my list and totally flew across my mind. I am very sorry, for this blunder!
Before anything, I would love to personally welcome you to this humble abode & I hope the ReiKasa fire is still burning there. ReiKasa is rare but I can assure you, a wholesome ship. I am also very, very elated and honored to be receiving such ask. As the name implies, rarepairs get rare interests or attention. Let me give you a big, welcoming hug first!
To jump directly to your questions, I hope the following list helps! They’re not many but they’re my personal favorites & what better opportunity than to include them in my first ever Rec List <3
The ReiKasa Rec List
My blog is the only blog that’s primarily dedicated to the ReiKasa ship but on occasions, you’ll be able to get awesome tidbits (prompts, headcanons & fanarts) on our beautiful couple from the following blogs:
1. @maagicmiss - the blog owner draws beautiful comics & fanarts of the SnK fandom. A multishipper, ReiKasa is one of the ships they will draw, especially based on the SnK High School AU.
2. @quietcelt - writes amazing headcanons of the Garrison & SnK vets. The first blog that inspired my love for this rarepair because of her headcanons. Active prompt-based writer who's always motivating & promoting positivity especially for rarepairs.
3. @purpleskies05xx  - writes amazing headcanons, drabbles & prompts. Would welcome a ReiKasa Ask with open arms :3
There are quite a few fics with ReiKasa as the primary ship but the following are most memorable for me:
1) As Long as Everybody Pays Their Share by nenea (AO3)
General Audience. This, I believe is the first (albeit platonic) ReiKasa fic I have ever read. It's a horror & thriller fic. The fic that sparked my insatiable curiosity towards this ship. It describes their dynamic in canon very well. It took me down the ReiKasa rabbit hole & i have never wanted to escape ever since.
2) Pantyraiders of the 104th by hooliganism (AO3)
General Audience. It's a fluff & sweet fic I love. Takes place in trainee years with young!Reiner & young!Mikasa. Contains first kiss.
3) Violence and Sweetness at the Core by bittodeath (AO3)
General Audience. A sweet, feel good oneshot read. Also takes place in the trainee years where they’ve been in a secret relationship. Sweet & innocent.
More stories are available in the Mikasa Ackerman/Reiner Braun tag on Ao3, though ReiKasa is mentioned or written as secondary couple in the stories. Not much emphasis but there’s still something to enjoy there :)
My own writing(s)
You can check out my works under my fic page for summary & the stories are available on my Ao3 profile. I’ve also written some headcanons that you can also check out here. Happy Reading, Nonnie!
I’m also publishing a new fic before this weekend ends (i overestimated myself, please bear with me!) so please do stay tune to my page if you can!
I also reblog arts/aesthetics/moodboards/edits so please do follow my page to be posted of new things here :3
Once again, thank you very much for your time & attention towards this ship Nonnie!
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iamnightduchess · 4 years
Hey! I absolutely loved your It’s Gotta Be You headcanons. May I ask for your reikasa as parents headcanons and some of the twins headcanon from the It’s Gotta Be You universe? :)
Hello xrocketmanx,
Thank you so much for your ongoing interest in IGBY. Words would not be enough to express the true joy I felt the moment I saw your ask :) I was smiling the whole day!
Since I’m also planning to make a series of ReiKasa’s Modern AU headcanons, I will make this the first HC of the “Across The Universe” series. Thank you once again for motivating & inspiring me to work on this! 
Let’s jump into the headcanon, shall we?
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ReiKasa Headcanons
Universe: It’s Gotta Be You (SnK HS AU & Modern AU) Pt.2
Pt. 1 Available here
Dad!Reiner & Mom!Mikasa
You know how people say a father would normally cry the first time they look at their newborn daughter’s eyes? Reiner shed tears even way before the twins were born. In particular, during Mikasa’s labor, because she almost broke his hand the moment the waves of contraction began to kick in every 10 to 15 minutes. Mikasa had a natural birth but when Miraé had been a smooth delivery, she had a challenge with Rémy as baby Rémy had broad shoulders and frame like his father. Damn those Nordic features.
Contrary to what most people believe, Reiner loves the late-night feedings and diaper changes. He’s definitely the hands-on dad. In the first three months, Miraé wakes up every hour like clockwork unlike her brother, who’s a heavy sleeper (just like their dad). Reiner would let Mikasa have a full night’s rest since the first night the twins were born. Thankfully, they have Karina and Carla, occasionally Kiyomi who would take turns staying over to help the new parents with the babies. Mr. Midnight is initially wary of the new additions to the family but he’d be the one keeping watch over the tiny humans in their cot within a safe distance.
When they first found out that they were expecting, it was actually perfect timing as Reiner was finishing his service commitment to the Marley government’s military. Mikasa herself was contemplating resignation from her fulltime position as the MO at the medical center. She also wanted to delay her educational pursuit of becoming an OBGYN. After the twins were big enough, she went back to medical school in Paradis to advance her career as a specialist.
Reiner desired for her to keep doing what she loves and he voluntarily opted for early retirement from the military. He was offered a Consultant position with a Marley private security agency’s base in Paradis, under Magath’s recommendation, offering him the flexibility to become a work-at-home father. Reiner and Mikasa decided to move back to Paradis to be closer to their friends and families.
Reiner and Mikasa are both proactive parents. Reiner volunteers to coach the Little League and when she’s off duty, Mikasa would find time to help the mum groups with fundraising activities - charity bake sale, school concerts. Reiner is the dad who’d be at his daughter’s violin class and become the resident eye candy to the other mums.
They enjoy the outdoors so much and they both even went hiking with baby Rémy and Miraé when they were only six months old to catch the sunrise. (Original idea inspiration by @quietcelt )
Gabi, is without a doubt, the 'unofficial' firstborn of the Ackerman-Braun family 😉 She even calls Mikasa mom at times & goes to Mikasa for more delicate girl issues.
Reiner and Mikasa like to make their twins’ birthday celebration a family and friends event. Niccolo & Sasha would be in charge of the food, Connie & Armin the entertainment. Uncle Zeke would compete with Uncle Levi when it comes to getting gifts for the twins. They'll glare at each other while trying to one-up the other from across the room. They’re the uncles who would be trying to take each other out in competitive family activities.
Mikasa is an absolute mama bear & protects her brood like no other, including Gabi. That's how Miraé built upon her own protectiveness. But, Mikasa is also the no-nonsense mum (like you better not tell a lie, because you’ll get an ass-whooping either way). Because of this, the twins are terrified of their mom more than their dad. Also, when Mikasa starts to call the kids with their full Hizurian names, oh shit's about to go down. Them babies better run 😹
Reiner, on the other hand, is the disciplinarian (something that was acquired through his military trainings) but he's also the most chill dad ever. He loves to sit down & converse with their children on their days or problems while Mikasa is the observant listener. He's also the dad that's popular amongst the other kids for being so cool. He's the one who organizes the twins' schedules and appointments.
Reiner makes lame dad jokes around the kids especially after a crisis aversion to cheer them up and Mikasa finds it very endearing.
Reiner & Mikasa’s teamwork as parents is impeccable. Reiner is diplomatic when Mikasa is authoritative.
Rémy and Miraé (The Twins)
Rémy Masaru Braun was born fifteen minutes after his twin sister, Miraé. He has a darker shade of blonde hair than his father but has his mother’s dark eyes. His middle name, Masaru, which means victorious, was given by their grandaunt, Kiyomi. He favors Reiner’s Nordic build and features but he embodies his mother’s tenderness and zen. Athletic, Rémy plays football & chess like his father but loves gardening like his mother. Rémy is the thinker first between the two. He’s born with a melancholic, old soul and the more shy, reserved twin.
Miraé Ramona Braun has her father’s hazel eyes and her mother’s midnight hair & soft Hizurian features. She’s physically smaller than her brother but she’s the headstrong, stubborn ball of sunshine, a chatterbox that could even rival her aunt Gabi. Miraé’s name was given to honor Mikasa’s late mother and she’s the overprotective twin with a tendency to act impulsively. Miraé is the doer first, run and forget it ever happened, twin. She’s the erratic, emotional twin with a flair for drama.
The double trouble, as Uncle Levi calls them, butted heads often but they always have each other’s backs. Miraé: the troublemaker. Rémy: the peacekeeper/mess cleaner & emotional support.
One time for Halloween, the twins dressed up as Jessie & James from Team Rocket with Mr. Midnight as Meowth. They had a lot of fun Trick or Treating with Brandon and Helena while the dads - Reiner, Bertolt and Eren took them around the neighborhood.
I hope you’ll enjoy this headcanon. It warms my heart everytime I re-imagine ReiKasa in a Modern AU. Living happily, being in love and building a beautiful family together. Thank you so much for the Ask. I really had fun! <3
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iamnightduchess · 3 years
ReiKasa Modern AU/Fic AU Headcanon(s) #3
Reiner would have the kanji of Mikasa’s name, ミカサ tattoo-ed on his left pecs, right on top of his heart.
and the kanji of his children’s Hizurian name on his left torso, underneath their mama’s name, according to order of birth. All 3 of them ;) (also, i think i just spoiled AYA’s ending, in a way ahaha)
image ref: Georges St-Pierre, a Canadian retired professional MMA fighter.
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iamnightduchess · 4 years
Hello! I just recently entered the Attack on Titan fandom and I just read all of your fics. I just have to say I’m a huge fan. May i ask for some of your ReiKasa headcanons in the It’s Gotta Be You universe? I really love that fic and I’m so interested if there is any awkwardness between Historia, Eren, Reiner, and Mikasa. Thanks!
Hello Nonnie~ Before anything else, a hearty welcome is in order for your recent endeavor in the AoT/SnK fandom. WELCOME, MY FRIEND! <3 I hope you’ll love the positive side of this fandom. I am very, very honored that you read all my fics, considering they’re a super rarepair! BUT with the recent canon developments, I must say the curiosity is a very welcomed change :)
I had an amazing time writing It’s Gotta Be You, mainly because it’s in Modern AU/HS AU, in which the latter universe was created personally by Mr. Hajime Isayama himself. Thank you so much for sending in an ask for the headcanons, I’m so happy that you enjoy the story. Read on more for your reading pleasure, lovely:
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ReiKasa Headcanons
Universe: It’s Gotta Be You (SnK HS AU & Modern AU)
Pt. 2 Available Here
Four days before he departed for Hizuru from Marley, Reiner took a flight again to Paradis for a personal visit to the Jeagers’ household in Shinganshina. Reiner even brought flowers for Mrs. Jeager. Grisha told Reiner about the day he brought Mikasa home from Hizuru after her parents’ passing and how he constantly worries about his foster daughter. Grisha and Carla gave Reiner their blessings, after seeing how genuine and an honest gentleman the young soldier was. Apparently, at Eren and Historia’s wedding, both Dr. Jeager and Mrs. Jeager had already suspected that the handsome blonde-haired young man was the ‘mysterious quarterback boy’ in the picture that a younger Mikasa had kept hidden in her nightstand’s drawer and the reason why Mikasa never dated anyone during and even after completing medical school.
As soon as Reiner’s all settled down in his new deployment in Akita, Hizuru, he and Mikasa began dating immediately. Akita’s a pretty remote area so instead of the usual city courtship style, Reiner would come by to her house during her nights when she’s off duty, make dinner for her and spend the rest of the evening watching DVDs of classic movies that Mrs. Jeager sent. His favorite: The Breakfast Club (lol) and hers: Casablanca. Also, according to Reiner, they technically dated each other in high school but never made it official so this time, he’s in it to win it. (his words)
Reiner’s an amazing cook (the one good skill he inherited from his father) so breakfast in bed is frequent whenever he stays overnight since Mikasa always had to sleep in after long shifts at the Medical Centre. Mr. Midnight still hates him but as soon as Reiner’s married to Mikasa, Reiner became his new best friend.
Reiner & Mikasa would usually sneak some time from their off days - which they coordinate to make sure they coincide with each other - and go on morning jogs or night walks together. Once a month, on an early Sunday morning, Reiner would take Mikasa on a bike ride (Harleys in Hizuru, anyone? xD) towards the other countrysides in Hizuru, experiencing the local delicacies and sometimes just catching the sunset at one of the neighbouring village’s rice field or by the seaside.
It was a beautiful night with starry skies and falling snowdrops when Reiner proposed to Mikasa on top of the hill overlooking Suzukoya no Mori during one of their weekly night walks. The first person they called to share the news of their engagement was Reiner’s mother, Karina. She was over the moon! Reiner’s cousin Gabi screamed through the video call and immediately volunteered herself for the flower girl duties.
They only share the news of their engagement to her foster family two weeks later during that year’s Christmas dinner with the Jeagers. Everyone present was surprised but in a good way absolutely, especially Eren and Historia! Historia loves Mikasa so much that she offered to help with Reiner and Mikasa’s wedding preparations, while Eren was already pre-booking a romantic cruise package for the couple’s honeymoon while they were still at the dinner table!
Historia and Reiner broke up way back in high school, not too long before Reiner and Mikasa grew close to each other after Ms. Rico arranged them to be lab partners in her Physics class. So there wasn’t much awkwardness as they all grew into adulthood. If anything, Historia makes it a point to bully Reiner as the ‘bigger’ sister-in-law of the family at every opportunity available :)
The awkward moment only happened when Levi and Petra invited the newly-engaged couple to their home in Trost for a New Year’s eve dinner. Reiner couldn’t look at their former Discipline teacher in the eyes but Uncle Kenny made it a point to give a toast to welcome Reiner into their family in advance. Levi though, was being dead serious when he said he’ll break Reiner’s neck if he so much hurt Mikasa’s feelings or break her heart.
Eren was the one who got super drunk during Reiner’s stag party. Reiner and Zeke ended up having to carry Eren’s drunken ass back to the hotel on the eve of Reiner & Mikasa's wedding. They had a destination wedding at one of the hill resorts in the Azumabito family’s estate in both traditional Hizuru customs and modern vow exchanging ceremony. Sasha was the maid of honor and Bertolt was the best man. Kiyomi Azumabito, first cousins with Mikasa’s late mother, hosted the wedding venue and arrangements. Grisha gave Mikasa away and Eren gave the wedding toast, because the best man panicked and passed out because he was so nervous. Reiner & Mikasa’s first dance was to the tune of Russell Dickerson’s Yours.
When Historia gave birth to her and Eren’s daughter, Helena, 4 months after Reiner & Mikasa’s wedding, she was the one who asked Reiner to “hurry up and give Helena a cousin already!” while nudging at her sister-in-law who helped deliver her baby. The couple just laughed it off, saying that they were in no rush.
Turns out they’ve been expecting for six weeks at that point in time and decided to wait until Mikasa’s past her first trimester to break the news to their families. But when Reiner had to take a week long sick leave due to a suspicious ‘food poisoning’ from Karina’s cooking, Karina deduced two and two together.
Apparently, Reiner had Couvade Syndrome, for the whole 30 weeks of pregnancy. Poor guy but he soldiered through like a champion. When their twins, Rémy and Miraé, were born 32 weeks later, every single pain and discomfort was worth it. Well, nothing can be compared to Mikasa’s 10 hour labor though.
Eren, Historia and Zeke helped Reiner and Mikasa prepare the twins’ nursery and managed to get everything ready in time before the babies come home. All the Jeagers, Ackermans, Brauns and Azumabito family members threw a surprise welcoming party for the new parents and babies. Helena had not one but two new cousins at the same time. While Armin and Annie are the twins’ godparents.
I had fun writing this headcanon & I hope you’ll enjoy it too! Thank you so much for sending in the ask, sweet Nonnie. Take care & stay safe! Please do keep a lookout for more headcanons soon <3
Q @ NightDuchess, 
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iamnightduchess · 4 years
The Reiner X Mikasa brief interaction on 133. Thanks yams we love it 😂
Yes, we love it very much! 💖 Brief but very meaningful 🙏 Thank you Lord Hajime Isayama, the true King 👑
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iamnightduchess · 4 years
Happy two years anniversary of as you are , Thank you so much for this amazing story ,I hope you didn't give up on it , And please always remember that you are an amazing writer and beautiful person, keep up the good work ,And can't wait for the next chapter ~ Sarah ❤
Thank you!!  ❤
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Hello my dear Sarah, you remembered AYA’s anniversary~! 
Thank you, thank you so much, dear for not only the anniversary wish but for also being an awesome supporter of As You Are. I do remember each and every one of my commenters ❤ I am very, very honored to know that this story holds a special place inside your heart ever since I first published it on AO3 in 2018, just like how each and every one of you dear readers has made a home inside mine. I feel like I’m in a way, letting all of my readers down since the story’s still ongoing and only delving into the second arc towards the end of the next chapter. One thing that I absolutely know is that I will NEVER give up on As You Are until its completion.
Comments and Asks like yours humbled me so much. I do not deserve such kindness but thank you from the bottom of my heart. ❤
I truly apologize for another long wait for ch.12 (my revision & rewriting process are also my biggest hurdle on top of the unpredictability that the global pandemic threw at my family) but here’s a short small gift to you & my darling readers out there:
A snippet of As You Are, Ch.12 (rough/yet-to-be-revised version) below:
WARNING: Contains description of adult scenes in nature
As You Are
Chapter 12 - Working Title: You could call it love, you could call it nothing (rough/unedited draft)
Gabi’s mouth gaped open, eyes widened like a fish out of water upon the vision greeting her sudden intrusion -- her older cousin on top of Miss Ackerman amidst the crumpled crimson sheets and disheveled state of clothing. The muscles on Reiner’s hands could be seen straining as he seemed to be holding back his own weight from crashing down on Mikasa’s more slender form, who tried to hide her reddening face within the folds of Reiner’s parted robe. Even her older cousin himself is having difficulty to look up directly at the two early guests in their eyes.
The little girl squeaked, “Reiner! Why are you hurting Mikasa?”
Wait, what?
Reiner bit the insides of his cheeks to prevent himself from breaking into an unwarranted chuckle, but he produced a grunt instead when his bride poked him hard using her elbow.
Apparently, the impact of her touch vibrated through his abdomen, quivering down the rest of his lower body, which apparently was still conjoined with his blushing new wife. She could feel the same vibrations too and Mikasa had to bit her lower lips in her own struggle to hold down an unsavory moan herself, lest she would make a big fool out of herself despite the teasing sensation against the more sensitive parts inside her. Still winding down from the aftermath of her first ever release.
Thank God their modesty was still hidden between the bunched up satins.
“Of course not, Gabi.” Reiner shook his head in response, trying to maneuver their way out of a rather potentially embarrassing situation. He looked down at the woman underneath him and asked, “Am I hurting you, Mikasa?”
All while she could feel his softening member’s twitching muscles from within, sending short shivers up her spine, threatening to trigger another post-orgasmic reaction from before.
Her pathetic lips could only whisper a small ‘no’. 
The corners of the young lord’s lips curved upwards into a devious smirk. “We had a minor ‘disagreement’ earlier but we resolved it ‘amicably’ and we could really use more time ‘gather our bearings’ and get ready for the day,” explained Reiner in a cryptic nature that could only be deciphered by a young adult, which, thankfully, were picked up on by Mikasa’s handmaiden.
“Huh?” A confused Gabi shook her head, trying so hard to comprehend information that she would only succeed to understand in the next seven or eight years. Fifteen, if it was up to Reiner.
“You guys were sparring?”
Reiner nodded, agreeing with another one of Gabi’s immaculate misconceptions. “Yes, Gabi. We were ‘sparring’.” With almost nothing on.
Akane bowed down hastily, preparing to take her leave with Gabi. She would carry that little girl under her arms if she had to.
The future of their empire is at stake.
“Let’s wait for Lord Reiner and the Lady Mikasa in the dining room, Ms. Gabi.”
Akane tapped her chin lightly with a finger before good-naturedly suggesting, “Oh, I just remembered! I’ve left some peaches and cream pie baking in the oven. Just like the one you said your mother used to make for you back home.”
“Can’t I wait here for Mikasa?”
“Alright but I promised young Mr. Grice a big piece of the pie before breakfast since he’s helping me to set up the table right now.” 
At the mention of Falco’s name, Gabi’s cheeks puffed in annoyance. “Not fair, Akane. You never asked me for help! I am so much better than Falco in everything.” The little girl loses the battle against her own stubbornness and competitive streak before kicking her legs in stride towards the dining hall. There’s no way she would lose to Falco!
The young Hizuru maiden bowed down to take her leave, respectfully averting her gaze to ease her lord and lady’s situation. “I truly apologize for my carelessness, milord, milady. Please take your time. I’ll make sure this chamber remains undisturbed for the whole day.”
Gripping the front of her own yukata tightly within her grasp, Mikasa shook her head. “There’s no need for the trouble, Akane. I--we’ll be there shortly.”
As soon as the retreating figure disappeared and the click of the closed door could be heard, Mikasa tried to push against the much heavier figure of the Marley War Chief. “We should get cleaned up.” She pushed slightly harder, yet he did not even budge an inch. As if she had never even touched him at all.
Odd….. The afterthought became lost in the myriad of haunting assaults that came from the tip of his nose and the warmth of his breath.
Reiner nuzzled lazily at the spot below her ear, admiring the prickling tiny goosebumps adorning the pale porcelain skin there and uttered an unhurried response in return. “Stay in bed for a little while?”
A small sigh escaped her lips the moment she felt the edges of his teeth seizing her skin. Her pulse jolted in retaliation. “You have a fleet to run.” Her protest was as feeble as a loose feather in the tranquil morning breeze, floating freely to where the wind blows -- truly living in the moment.
“I have help. Right now, my main duty is here.” His unrelenting mouth ghosted open mouth kisses from her collarbone all the way down towards the valley of her breasts, still damped and flushed from their mid-coital exertions.
He could really get used to this.
Dutiful after all was his middle name.
“Hmm?” He didn’t even look up from his torturous pursuit.
“Pull out. Please. I need to shower. Again.”
I hope this could ease the long waiting period while I continue to complete the full chapter 12.
Thank you once again for your neverending support.
Till then, take care, stay safe and see you once the chapter’s live!
queenofidealism a.k.a NightDuchess (AO3)
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