jazzy-art-time · 11 months
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Damien, Annie and Gabriel Refs as of 6/29/2023
Abigor's Revenge AU stuff! Damien is the child of Solo and Jody Annie is the child of Ulbrecht and Jody and Gabriel is the child of Priest and Jody! So a goth, a prep and kris deltarune walk into a bar-
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uroborosymphony · 1 month
Technically Ara is the one who hasn't been getting much sleep these days, but still...her shoulder is warm against annie's head. Annie closes her eyes, focusing on the warmth of her best friend pressing against her. Maybe she can nap for just a little bit... (for arannie <3 MISS YOU LOTS LYNNIE :'DDD )
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Annie’s head resting on Ara’s shoulder. It does and always bring a fond smile on Ara’s lips. The television has been on, a soap opera running in the background, their attention has deviated however, drifted. Ara’s head rests on Annie’s as well, naturally, they remain here, comfortable, they can rest together like this. “Are you getting sleepy, Sleepyhead?” Ara questions in an almost quiet voice not to awaken Annie if the other is already fading into slumber, her fingers extending to lace with Annie’s hair gently.
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wtf-amiru · 3 months
my beautiful son
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azerothtravel · 22 days
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Guild Portraits: This is what I was taking these screenshots for. I think I eventually switched to using WoW Model Viewer, which is why I don't have the originals for everyone. But I cut them all out and composited them onto a screenshot of Org (I think I posted this background image by itself early on this blog).
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With a key and everything! So, we ended up using Aranni instead of Sukati. I think she became the main character, actually. Braxalo was another guy from the message board. And according the notes I found, Kelissel was Velina's friend. I have no idea who that is, and I suspect he was only in the guild for a couple weeks, but it was these couple weeks, so there he is. Weird how that works. Hayborym was yet another message board guy. And Snarfner is the most constant member of the guild, even more than me. There's been a lot of times the guild was just me and him, and a few times I'd get distracted by some other game for a few weeks and it was really just him. But, anyway, in April 2008, this was the gang.
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stillresolved · 25 days
“I want to know what makes you happy.”
[ for annie ! ]
@xinxiins / "i want to know..." prompts
WHAT A STRANGE QUESTION TO ASK. Most of the time when people see her, they don’t ask her about her life. If they even ask them in the first place. She can always see it in their eyes, the prying questions: what happened, how did you get like this, will you ever be the same again, oh that poor girl-
The questions are never about her, so much as they are about what was done to her. The same difference between a subject and an object. Maybe that’s why he asks her this question instead. She doesn’t know what he’s been through and it is vice versa too, but like is attracted to like. The wounded have a way of finding one another, the same way rivers will always make their way to the sea in the end.
“...Water?” She offers, hesitantly. Is that too simple of an answer to say? Although perhaps it is not right to say it makes her happy so much as it calms her, silences the thoughts when she can’t do so herself. “The beach. I grew up with the sea and the sand at my feet. And Samchu– the neighborhood cat. She likes it when her chin is scratched.” She closes her eyes, remembering Samchu’s purring against her fingers. The calico cat would then rub her head against the back of Annie’s hand. A small smile. 
“Chocolate. I like the dark ones and mint. I don’t like it when they’re in bars; the individual pieces have prettier wrapping.” Would anyone care if they knew? Annie doesn’t know, but if they would, would they go out of their to–
Oh wait, there is one person. 
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What makes Annie happy, Lí Chényǔ asks her, when sanity and coherence already feels out of of arm’s reach. Happiness? It wasn’t even, and still doesn’t feel like a priority for her. And yet, and yet-! In the midst of this chaos, she did find something. Or rather someone found her. She thinks of long hair and a stoic demeanor. Of a voice strong and controlled, but still chooses to call Annie’s name gently. Yes, that’s her north star, isn’t it? Annie’s light in this dark chasm.
My best friend. 
“She makes me happy.”
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champivenao · 1 year
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The bitch (affectionate) :)
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eganmont · 1 year
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Ah sorry I’m not too active rn, but seeing how y’all enjoy Metroid Bread, here’s another Sammy Aranny thing I did like a year or something ago. 
She a hollow booger; idk what type of booger you guys can decide that
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poldraws · 3 months
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Here's a character I recently finished Illustrating! Her name is Arannis.
A fierce temper forged from a harsh and discriminating environment. She was one of many warriors bred for war, and being adept at the blade, she was sent to conquer the neighboring lands at a young age. However, for a mere disposable being, years of bloodshed chipped away Arannis' loyalty. Witnessing the suffering caused by wars sparked a flicker of rebellion within her mind. She eventually turned her blades on her own commander, severing his arm in a desperate gamble, but underestimating her commander's strength, she failed to take his life in the end. She was then hanged for treason but was saved just in the nick of time by a band of mercenaries with a similar cause as her. Now, having escaped with this new group, Arannis seeks not just strength, but vengeance. Her goal: to end the tyranny that scarred her and liberate those forced to serve a brutal regime.
My DMs are open for anyone interested in getting their characters Illustrated in this style!
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
Thank you so much lovely! My Gil Galad story is that yn is Erlronds sister, so like her brother she’s half human, and for that she suffers a bit from other elves. Gil Galad has been in love with her from the moment he laid his eyes on her and wants nothing more than to love and cherish her. But she doesn’t think she’s worth it of the King, until he proves her wrong. What do you think?
Of course!!!! This was a great prompt, and I had such a good time writing it!!!
The High-King's Love
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You know it’s foolish. You’ve told yourself a million times, and others have chastened you as well for your lofty feelings, but you cannot rid yourself of your love for Gil-Galad any more than you stem the flow of blood from your heart. So, you suffer in silence, knowing that you will never be worthy of him, never be accepted as High-Queen.
How could you be? You are half-mortal, too human for the elves and too elvish for the humans. Your younger brother, Elrond, urges you not to think in such a way, to confess your feelings for Gil-galad and see if he returns them.
The High-King has never married, never been seen with a lover, so reason stands that you may have a chance. But you’re too afraid to take the shot. To pull back the drawstring and let your arrow fly, hoping desperately that it will hit its mark and not fly off into the weeds.
So, you ignore the man, flee conversations with him, hide in your chambers when he calls upon you, and take your meals in solitude. This is partially due to your own fear, and partially in order to cease the cruel whispers.
The others of the court had begun to turn on you, speaking harshly of you behind your back. Whispering that you would attempt to seduce the king with your scandalous half-mortal ways, or that your diluted blood would taint his own pure and royal bloodline and put an end to the great Elven kings.
But it is the rumors of your inadequacy that sting the most. That you cannot cook, or clean, that you have no skill in weaving or battle. That your singing voice is a frog’s croak, your dancing like that of a lumbering bear. All untrue, and you know that in your heart. But when Gil-galad goes out of his way to help you through the steps of a newer dance, or calls for a servant to clean the spilled wine, you feel as if he thinks you a failure as well.
You’re walking in the garden, attempting to get some fresh air and quiet your mind before bed, when you hear them. Lady Aria and Lord Arannis, a married pair who have taken a particular dislike to you and your brother.
“I hear the High-King has called upon her many times, and she refuses to appear.” Lady Aria said, a disbelieving tone to her voice.
“You think that is bad, my love? I was told that he wished to replant all the flowers outside her quarters to be those of her favorite flower.”
“She surely has enthralled him with some strand of mortal lust, a pity her kind is allowed to roam free.”
You bit your lip to muffle your sob, and stumbled backwards, tears blurring your vision as you fled in the opposite direction of their cruel words.
And as luck would have it, you ran right into Gil-galad.
He catches you, his warm hands on your shoulders, his eyes filled with concern. “Lady y/n, what ails you?”
The dam breaks, and you tell him everything, the cruel words, the whispers, your feelings of inadequacy, and most importantly your affections for him. It all comes tumbling out as you sob into his robe.
He cups your face gently, raising your head, your eyes forced to meet his, and he kisses you. It’s soft and sweet and fills you with a steady warmth that dries your tears.
“I love you, y/n, I have longed to speak those words, but have held myself back in fear you would not return them.” He admitted, his forehead resting against yours.
“But I am not fit to be your queen, our people will never accept me.” You whispered, knowing you should pull away but finding yourself unable to.
“Why do you think such things? Because those who are jealous, whisper them in the dark? Leave their darkened hearts in the shadows and join me. Step forward into the light, y/n, I wish for no queen but you.”
You wanted to believe him, truly you were believing him. His calm and steady voice, rich and deep, vibrating through your bones, calming your worrying heart.
His hands gripped yours, and he brought them to his lips. “I will put an end to their words, whether you accept my plea to rule by my side or not. Even if you reject me, it still wounds my heart to see you suffer.”
“You love me?” You asked, looking up at him nervously.
“Yes, you are intelligent and beautiful, kind, and charming. You care for our people even when they are cruel to you, and you have been a loyal heart. I could ask for no better queen.” His words are full of sincerity, and you feel a surge of bravery.
Going up on your toes, you press your lips to his. “I will marry you; I will be your queen.”
He smiles into the kiss and brushes his lips across your forehead before offering you, his arm.
You take it hesitantly, and he leads you back down the path.
“Lady Aria, Lord Arannis, good evening.” He calls to them.
They look surprised to see you on the High-King’s arm but make no comment, simply greeting you both.
“It seems you two will be the first to hear our good tidings.”
“Good tidings, my king?” Lord Arannis asks.
“We are to be married; Lady y/n has finally accepted my proposal.” He smiles down at you.
You smile shyly up at him, biting back a laugh at the shocked looks on the pair’s faces.
“That is—well…very exciting, my king.” Lady Aria stutters, taking her husband’s arm and beginning to pull him away. “We shall spread the good tidings to all we see.”
“Please do. I shall make an official announcement on the morrow.” He calls after the retreating pair.
You giggle and lean into him, “That will certainly change the tide of whispers.”
He wraps his arm around you, pulling you closer.
 You sigh in relief, feeling content, nuzzled into your soon-to-be husband’s side.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @elronds-pointy-ears, @elrondscalaquendi, @dilf-superiority, @jesticace
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dhampiravidi · 10 months
D&D Muse/OC List
for the convenience of those who wanted to see my D&D muses...
Naela Wolfblood: Half-Elf Paladin searching for romance and adventure. Optimistic, honest, philosophical, restless (NG).
Skathi Turin - Giant-Kin Ranger who mostly stays in the northern regions. Blunt, resourceful, distrusting, compassionate (NG).
Oraia - Quasi-Deity/Titan* Sorcerer who lost some of her power to a vengeful god. Flirtatious, easygoing, sociable, impulsive (CG).
Lady "Jes"/"Yaz" Veldrin - Human Noble who became a Rogue after her parents were killed. Practical, disciplined, perfectionist, grudging (CN).
Raen Li Darkhelm Freevale - Fey'ri Sorcerer/Rogue raised by a trio within a guild. Charming, confident, defensive, clever (CN).
Rose Pashar-Covenwood - Tiefling Sorcerer using her space-time magic to follow in her dad's footsteps as a PI. Hardworking, protective, manipulative, intuitive (NG).
Sabriel "Rela" Farstrider - Aasimar Fighter who grew up with a guild that some recognize as a cult. Modest, curious, indecisive, reponsible (LG).
Zehara Himura Downridge - Tritonite Monk who uses her wits and power over the element of water as weapons while traveling. Persuasive, compulsive, patronizing, adaptable (NG).
Arannis/Althaea Durothil - The child of a high fey and a deity who is destined to die as one of the best Fighter/Barbarians known to Toril. Confident, quick-tempered, protective, moody (NG).
*teeny bit Homebrewed since the lore regarding Quasi-Deities is weird. Because there isn't much about them, but there's conflicting material about them in various editions of D&D books, I had to ultimately pick my own canon. The Forgotten Realms wiki was ridiculously helpful!
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chorusfm · 4 months
Icarus Phoenix – “Nostalgia, for Arannis Morissette, the Half-Elf Bard” (Song Premiere)
Today I’m excited to share with everyone the latest single from Baltimore-based indie rock band, Icarus Phoenix, called “Nostalgia, for Arannis Morissette, The Half-Elf Bard.” Drew Danburry (vocalist/guitarist) shared, “This song is an homage to the life I chose and my son who requested I ‘grow a wizard’s beard’. A shout out to the musicians Jason Anderson and Jake Bellows. A brief reference to Dungeons & Dragons amidst a ballad about my love for music as a form of art.” If you’re enjoying the latest single, their new EP just released as well today here. --- Please consider becoming a member so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/news/icarus-phoenix-nostalgia-for-arannis-morissette-the-half-elf-bard-song-premiere/
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444names · 9 months
sindarin dictionary + finnish names + german, french and irish forenames
Abern Adnenha Adubles Aethoro Afteril Agmarvo Aguliamher Aidias Aighto Aimpteervo Alabhín Alaith Almur Alored Amerbell Amhán Amneg Anilo Annedh Annen Annictir Aoive Apebdurn Aranni Aricere Arnen Arpane Asnen Atalip Athrikkank Atinas Autabley Bapell Barlotini Beadhun Belen Belverock Biljal Bothina Brannaegir Breen Breteppl Brighon Brinestid Briska Britholer Britter Briukkon Bronenán Buill Caitaave Caitundeth Calaudded Calful Caloros Carearing Carlde Cathirk Ceraw Chlagán Cincen Clewedaing Cload Cloraud Cloromaos Clows Colair Colden Coless Colgaed Collf Comaulmuil Coustín Cúmháing Danou Darmfhín Dasce Deace Deako Deitold Dianiite Dothor Dubhón Dublen Duild Duilte Duithew Dwiderill Dylimile Déris Dírie Dírith Eabrachèle Eacha Eadhadesse Earlant Eaticuir Eceir Ecoinne Edesg Eineg Ellmuia Elruir Eltorfhil Eluad Elvion Emirint Enorlani Erghelmin Erkkoin Erwarnann Eseld Exilf Faleanta Falichán Fanenorn Fanng Fanten Feamp Feannu Featra Femegorann Fethand Fialmheas Fianeind Filider Filíostola Finfulis Fisse Fiver Flonna Flooma Foliad Folose Formla Foron Fralackla Framhín Frartti Friinen Frivenc Frodur Galiass Galie Garkke Garver Gislino Glehteard Gliann Golla Golowy Goofthrás Gorbe Gorod Greach Grist Groadh Gréariso Guele Gulterbh Gwaraurpen Gwatel Hacha Hakka Haneana Harann Hartúr Heari Heartionen Hedgen Heing Helianster Helimo Heried Holfrice Hoody Hoséamäkio Hounen Iandrin Idubh Iianz Iikari Iinaighaen Iistolfla Iithy Imine Imiroing Inenlanli Inikkinen Issonig Itagnola Jaary Janen Janir Jearlila Jesti Johad Johilvigh Joscat Jourkki Juhto Jullade Junaimo Junor Jutjavamh Järvigne Järvoily Jölälä Kaaterjan Kaill Kainemelle Kaloods Kalossip Karredh Keroud Keski Ketumhn Kiniemi Kiver Kokarcur Kustaut Lacth Lahtoivil Lanna Lantala Lanth Lavaukela Lehtic Lheinen Lhoudhned Linen Liriteeck Listomi Loadhe Lompl Lonen Looskiur Loothgart Lortheeppi Loskind Lourthir Lubhch Lucaikass Lumpoui Luoth Lûthons Madaged Madelghrad Madla Madooma Magoodh Mailign Maisto Malas Mallown Manclanen Mandender Manhorher Maoid Margen Mariela Marnd Martalvi Martaurept Marth Marvaid Matin Mativi Merallasal Mikoib Milín Minath Minete Miried Murithel Myttelae Mélithinu Mírand Mírear Nadwouns Naineund Neard Nethrée Nibha Nièlefulan Nodhnartha Obhersda Ochieme Oducti Oiday Ojachui Okkin Oradhnada Oriannode Oromäke Othrich Ounír Panesmad Parach Parauly Pardhade Pastame Pauniad Peark Peectikko Pelith Pennéarkle Peson Pharaldet Phensuzan Pholose Pippelfin Plehthiela Portien Premirs Prianen Priarru Pricke Pringe Putteedle Póine Ragorgaila Ralaha Ralle Ranlang Ranne Ranno Raste Rathele Rathougann Raway Rearthrint Redin Resinen Retelm Rhaned Rharsia Rhose Riamilann Ridgent Rinio Roacie Rodarth Ronadh Rormie Rounen Rualle Runiel Ruthal Saarhie Saberth Sairist Salalke Samhg Sandeldo Sathroadh Savang Sedrianth Selesting Seppinès Seraer Shiplusiva Shith Shobia Shuien Shuinen Shuninait Sigisakil Simper Sipbual Sisyrj Sivisep Slaich Slemy Slideth Snadef Sonedrith Sonen Sonóru Spolmui Stojand Stradhal Stratte Stsannín Sudompe Suirron Suokin Surhaf Séarbeán Síthad Takeinchéo Talving Tarind Tednen Teminen Terth Thapped Thicamo Thmaithel Tianti Timotold Tinen Tolounonen Tommout Toneleál Toporo Traaja Trapeose Truddery Tunceb Tuomad Twina Unint Utill Vaang Vaavale Veikinen Velvess Viele Vionic Viverry Warth Wathe Wathelyy Weemis Wicry Wifte Winedhe Woust Wranikko Wriamored Wrinen Yalosty Yanfiev Yanpallmar Ylfiar Ylfunibhán Yvorgha Éagorth Éaory Élinger Ídíriúdán Úgath Úlineve
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uroborosymphony · 1 year
   2023, May. Ara's reminiscence of a gentle past, of love and friendship with @velvetineblue and @ofgentleresolve.
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I was in his arms that day, in the evening, in the smallness of my college dorm room. Not the palace of my dreams yet I cannot prevent myself from smiling at the thought of these small yet somehow warm walls. I believe I've never truly been at home before meeting him, hence every single corner of earth we ever shared became Home, he is my Home. His fingers were running down the skin of my exposed shoulders, arms and palms as he was adoring every single inch of it, tender. It was in the late June, the windows open on a gentle night, a gentle breeze. He was smelling of summer and gasoline, after he left the boys behind, them causing havoc in the south of the city while he was here, giving me a little piece of the heaven he was. How was your day. He questionned, in a voice that was made of honey, deep and calming and loving and caring. My days were easily influenced by my swings, of moods and needs and rages and angers, even back in the days I was a little unstable like that. Hard to handle, not truly liked by many. It was harder to carry however, as I was lacking the maturity to simply let it go, let it flow, to consider myself above childish quarrels and wars, ones I was even starting against the other students looking down on me the way they do. Often I was getting disciplined, which was multiplying my hunger for more battles. I did not want anybody to control me, anybody to tell me what to do. You will be a brillant doctor Jung, but that attitude will cost you a lot. Would say one of these professors who liked my story, admired the fact I was from a dirty side of the road yet was fighting for a better life, wanted to help me.
"Tai. I think I have... a friend?"
My words came out as a confused confession, the type that comes in a gigglish voice, the type a young girl would make at the simple thought of finally connecting with someone in a hostile environment. I had friends, more or less, Taiyang's became mine, adopting me in their tribe, respecting me as his woman, his new sidekick for life, the one they would whistle him about when he would kiss me on his motorcycle. The young girls at the orphanage I was keeping an eye on, they were my friends as well, in a way, or perhaps little sisters under my care. I did not truly have a friend of my own, a friend to link arms with, a friend to share a melting ice cream with under the August sun, until I met her. "Mmmm, should I be a little jealous here?" He joked, catching the giddy smile on my lips, his index finger pushing my chin up as I was looking at him above my shoulder, my head pressed against his chest. I laughed out loud, the crescents of my eyes slowly folding. "Don't be silly," I said, perhaps a little enable to control this innocent joy of mine slipping through my grin. "But yeah, maybe you should," I replied with on a teasing tone causing him to laugh as well and lovingly bite a piece of my ear.
"Her name is Annie."
Her name was Annie. A girl from abroad. Our paths crossed a little early in the year and kept on crossing over and over again until we sit side by side, on the daily, down the library's outdoor stairs. A transfer student always attracts the attention, like a prey, regular students being the predators seeking new faces, new blood and new companionships. I never truly understood that, this need for something new, something fresh, something different like a source of entertainment and routine escapism. Perhaps I am a flamingo then, a creature that mates for life. I do believe there will only be a few presences in my life, a few ones I give a place to in my intimacy, in my heart, in my life, just them. Them, I wouldn't need more. My eyes crossing Taiyang's in 2013, I knew I loved him in all my lifetimes, has died and would die all over again for him as the universes will keep on bringing us back together. Hearing Annie's voice in 2018, I knew I wanted her to be my friend and that she would always be, no matter the countries, no matter the years that later would come in between us. I happened to be surprisingly shy during our first conversations with her. The type of shyness that screamed how much I wanted to ask her to perhaps go shopping with me, ane share a bubble tea in the grass while talking about little nothings. He smiled when I tell him all that, that type of warm smile I bask into, that type of warm smile that he always gives me. I feel a little silly, being a grown enough woman asking him if it's strange to give one of my bracelets to Annie on the day she will go back to America. He presses a kiss against my temple, he calls me lovely. The way he adores me makes him believe everyone else would adore me just as much. Perhaps what was the most foreign to me was this feeling, this feeling of belonging, this feeling of letting your guards down when finally, finally, you find the ones to make you smile, the ones to make you feel safe like I've never felt safe before, when finally, you find your flamingos.
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wtf-amiru · 1 year
Miqo March Day 1 - Selfie
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what's up from the cats
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azerothtravel · 4 months
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Family Dinner, Karazhan, August 21, 2010.
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stillresolved · 5 months
♣️ + annie and ara
@uroborosymphony / send me ♣ + a ship and i’ll tell you…
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who is the better dancer?
ara, BUT mostly because annie is rusty from being a hermit- aka they probably went to clubs together back in their med school days :’D
who likes the outdoors more and who likes the indoors more?
annie’s the outdoors girl- she was born and raised by a beach and it’s one of the few reasons she’ll go out willingly. as for ara, i don’t really get the sense that she’s a nature person so much as she prefers to be out and about than being cooped up inside…..i think it really depends on what kind of environment they're in- if it's a city, ara's the outdoors person and annie's an indoors person, but it's actual nature, then annie's the outdoors person.
who’s a cat person and who’s a dog person?
ara is cat-coded AND she’s got a cat with taiyang, so ara’s the cat person. Annie likes cats & dogs equally….i could see her being both of a cat and a dog person <3 but also most of the time when ara invites her to places, annie is more likely to stick to ara’s side like glue….which is basically doggo behavior :DDD
who’s more social?
Uhhhh….gonna be honest neither of them are very social. ara, while she is bold and confident, if she has a choice, she’ll stick to the few she trusts completely. as for annie….well if we’re talking about before the incident, she definitely was the social of the two, having been a bit of motherhen back in the day. but these days, annie’s a hermit and highly wary of people, so she’s not going out of her way to find new friends or social situations. that and ara is highly protective of annie, which is something annie takes comfort in :’D
who makes the bed every morning?
hmmmm neither. Ara doesn’t care too much and most of the time, annie forgets so let’s just assume ara would get grey to make it for her & annie instead JFKSJDKLFJ
who likes to keep the house cold and who likes to keep the house warm?
ara would probably be the one to turn the heat up bc annie prefers to just bundle up in clothes and blankets when she’s cold.
who takes longer getting ready?
ara looks like a bombshell and annie looks like a drowned rat aka she rolled out of bed and then got splashed on the way to work. take ur pick :/
who likes scary movies and who likes funny ones?
annie survived the equivalent to a horror movie and would rather not the reminded of such :’( so if she and ara are watching movies, they probably aren’t going to be watching any horror movies. i could see them watching variety shows and occasionally a feel-good movie until annie ends up falling asleep.
who screams when they see a bug and who ends up killing it?
i feel like they're both the kind of people who aren't fazed by bugs? but whereas ara would kill with her shoe ( or a knife either works ) annie would trap with a cup and release it outside.
who is more technology challenged?
hmmmm, well ara’s gotta use a lot of technology in her line of work, but annie’s familiar with a lot of complicated machinery related to medicine, so i’d say they’re on the same level.
who would be more likely to burn something in the oven?
ara is like fire and annie’s like water, but annie is also VERY forgetful these days…so i wouldn’t be surprised if this goes to annie. In this case, it feels like the implication is more on an accidental basis, so annie would probably forget she’s cooking something…but if it’s intentional, then ara jfksldjfksldfj :D 
who talks in their sleep?
neither - they both don’t sleep well, but i have this feeling that arannie tend to be very quiet sleepers who don’t usually have good dreams :’(
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste?
probably annie- she’s a tad messy and forgetful, but ara doesn’t mind though &lt;3
who likes getting dressed up more?
ara! I mean, considering how elaborate her get up is for vigilante work <3 but she can persuade annie to dress up for the occasion.
who’s better at tying ties?
i’d say ara just bc taiyang’s around?? ara doesn’t seem like a tie kind of person, but i would assume she would help him tie his tie if the occasion ever called for it?? that and annie was raised mostly by and around women who never wore ties.
who recorded the answering machine message on the house phone?
again, ara bc annie would probably just forget to make one….that and i could see ara making the voice message for annie’s cell phone aka ‘annie is not available and she has a mean dog that will bite if you keep bothering her <3’ FJSKDLJFKLSD
who’s better at planning romantic things?
see, even if it doesn’t look like ara’s methodical and meticulous ( a great analyzer ) so i feel like she’s more likely to put more thought into her long term plans. plus when it comes to short-term planning at least annie, ara tends to be shier. annie, on the other hand these days, is much more spontaneous, so a lot of her ‘romantic’ gestures ( like treating wounds or getting food ) are unintentional or just requires a much shorter planning period.
who takes up more space in the closet?
it’s ara <3 annie probably used to wear a lot more of a variety of clothing before, but then downsized a fair bit due to prioritizing comfort over style </3
who has more of a sweet tooth?
annie! It’s her guilty pleasure ( doctors aren’t supposed to like processed sugars )- she likes ice cream and chocolate!! ara spoils her on that &lt;3
who drinks more often?
since ara is out and about more often and especially in clubs, she probably has more opportunities to drink socially. that being said, i don’t really see annie being comfortable with drinking in crowded spaces…but if it’s just her and ara, she get a lil’ tipsy <3 my hc is that annie is a light weight and so would only get drunk around people she fully trusts.
who is most likely to laugh during a serious situation?
….probably annie since ara's the more intense one of the two. although laughing uncontrollably is one of annie's coping mechanisms....
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