#A lot of these are Astronomy references/ puns
octahedral-chaos · 3 months
Okay so I finally figured out a bunch of usernames for the Alterhuman blog... but I'm a bit indecisive.
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ohlexa · 11 months
don't hate what you are, what you are is beautiful. oh my god OH MY GOD. that line!?! i was hooked. like instantly they had my heart in a vice grip and my only thought was, fuck, no. because i pretty much knew how it ended. i've never been more thankful for writers. i'm already half way through sixth to the ninth hour and they weren't wrong, it's incredible. i'm pretty picky and i don't know these characters all that well yet, but it feels perfectly in character. exactly what i was looking for tbh. i know you prefer au but i highly recommend it.
do you have any headcanons for them? what's your favorite scene? did this fandom go through the whole top/bottom debate we seem to love to have? are there any must watch moments or interviews with the actresses? do you have *one* single favorite fanfic for them? fave fan video? i'm sorry for all the ? but i need more damnit 😅
Seriously - what would we do without the fandom creators?! I have Sixth to the Ninth Hour bookmarked so I'm hoping to start it soon - I'm glad you're enjoying it!
Okay, headcanons....🤔...well, I've always loved the idea that Ava loves space. (Don't even get me started on the whole Ava can't move and is literally tethered to the earth vs. that shit doesn't matter if you're in space so OF COURSE she's going to love space conversation....) And you know how her bed in the orphanage was right below a window? Well, sometimes Diego would sneak over, open the blinds, lay down next to Ava and they'd look at the stars together and make awful puns about them (so awful that most times Ava would say "I'm starry! I'm starry!"...ya know how it is). So couple this with Ms. Encyclopedia Brown (am I aging myself with that reference??) that is Beatrice No-Last-Name and it's just perfect. Beatrice spouts all about Greek and Roman astronomy and the little she knows about astrophysics (which, of course, is way more than the average person) and Ava eats it all up.
And while I've never been to Switzerland, I can only imagine how beautiful the starry sky looks like over there. Beatrice surprises Ava one day with a telescope and they spend the entire night looking at all the constellations they can find. Ava's looking up, her face full of wonder while Bea can't help but stare at Ava...because well, you know how it is.
Oh, and that hat Ava wears throughout s2? Bea totally bought that for her, too.
It's so tough to choose a favorite scene (THERE ARE SO MANY), but I'd probably go with their night dancing and drinking at Bar La Vasseur. I find myself going back and rewatching that scene the most. So yeah, that one. (What's yours??)
Ya know, I'm not really sure if there was a "debate" but from what I gathered, most think Bea is a top? (Is this correct? I feel like I joined the fandom a little late to really see it all go down. I'm with KTY though - they flip flop!)
Watch all of the interviews. All of them. KTY did a handful after s2 aired and there are several ones with AB after s1 came out and they're all fun to watch. If you haven't already, I suggest visiting AngeChats on YT - they've interviewed a lot of the WN cast - insightful stuff! (And we can't forget KTY reading thirst tweets!)
I hate you (affectionate) for asking what my ONE fav fic is, but I'd probably go with of greater marvels yet to be. And I really enjoy this fan video.
No need to apologize for all the questions - glad you're here, anon!
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taggthewanderer · 1 year
1-10 on the OC thing if those haven't been asked already?
Funny that I'd answer this around seven year old ask with a character that wasn't even in my mind's eye back then but let's go with Chiyo:
Chiyo is a Schoolkid, who don't get names until "graduation" but are instead assigned codenames based on chemical elements. She was #77 of her 2001 Batch, the New Century Class, so she was designated Iridium. After escaping the School, she renamed herself Chiyo Hoshizawa due to being 1) in a Japanese-based region at the time 2) an astronomy nerd and 3) partially spoilers. Of course, as someone with technically no legal identity, those aren't the only names she's gone by.
Starting out her earliest known alias was Katy Boundree, which is a pun on, well, the K-T boundary, the line of iridium delineating the latest Cretaceous from the earliest Paleocene. Her secondary alias Ida was chosen because 1) it forms a theme with her Minior Dactyl (Yes this is a Pokémon OC) and 2) after African-American anti-lynching activist Ida B. Wells.
2. Templars (The production line School creations as opposed to Schoolchildren being testing-line guinea pigs, or rather lab Rattata) get titles (The Scythe, the Archetype, and the like) based on a power or , but since Chiyo was a Schoolkid even if she had "graduated" and become an Alumnus she wouldn't have gotten one of those. (Though since we joke that every Schoolchild's Steam account is what their Templarsona is called she'd probably be Iridescent Chiyo due to her rainbow Aura)
There's two she's been called. Queen of the Truants, because she's one of the most high profile escapees for defying the School death squads chasing her across the regions for more than 20 years. The other is Hope of the Schoolchildren because to escapees she represents what they can be without a eugenicist, psychic-supremacist organization breathing down their necks.
3. Schoolkids and Templars aren't born in a conventional sense or cloned like Mewtwo was, they're formed from (most often stolen) genetic templates and built by the machine between the apparent ages of 6-14. Chiyo was "born" at 14 around January 2001 (She'd be in her mid 30s biologically in the present but chronologically 22) so she didn't really had a childhood in a conventional sense.
4. As Chiyo would joke, her father was the templates used to make her and her mother was the vat she was decanted out of, so no parents to speak of. There is her "creator", the scientist in charge of the New Century Class project, but Chiyo does not recognize Dr. No Heart as anything resembling a father past that.
I did have plans involving one of the templates used to create her, but those are spoilers for now.
5. Being the product of a vat means no blood siblings, but she does refer to her fellow Batchmates as siblings in a sense.
6. Chiyo likes to wear a "Too Cool For School" shirt so that should tell you plenty about her feelings about school in general, but she mainly associates the School with unethical experiments that have given her a fear of needles, seeing Batchmates get "liquidated" for underperformance, and being forced to fit a mold on pain of death.
A lot of the time they had to fight one another and Chiyo hated it, so a lot of the time she'd hide behind her barriers until her opponent just got too tired to fight beating themselves against it.
7. I guess I'll talk more teenagerhood here but Chiyo didn't really have friends apart from Dactyl (The Batchmates she escaped with she parted ways with for more than a decade because together they were simply too juicy a target to ignore) until relatively recently because the School has shown no problems eliminating people to get to her and it already happened before, as was the case with a couple that briefly took her in.
8. Chiyo likes Pokémon, yes. Apart from Dactyl she has Ceres (Clefairy), Beremices (Tandemaus), and Pisaster (Staryu), though she's only expanded her team within the last couple years.
9. Pokémon generally like her and she gets along fine with them.
10. Chiyo likes kids, and they generally like her, though her line of work means she only rarely directly interacts with them. She's interested in having kids, whether ones she birthed or adopted, but being a fugitive from the School isn't the life she'd want to give any child of hers, so she's very fastidious with birth control (And not just because she's been a sex worker) and doesn't plan on having any while the School is still a factor.
Of course, unbeknownst to her as of this writing, the School managed to acquire a damaged template of hers and combined it with at least one other primary template to make the Freshman Class Iridium, so she's effectively got one daughter she has no idea about.
Louise, a teenage Templar she defeated who ended up defecting after Chiyo spared her, thinks of her in a sort of elder sister/parental way that Chiyo reciprocates, but it's nothing formal.
She'd be a pretty good mom overall I feel, even if I'm not sure if she thinks she'd be a good parent despite her aforementioned maternal desires, her main focus would be on guiding her kid(s) into becoming their best selves without trying to strongarm them into just being mini-Chiyos. (Chiyo would definitely find a similarity between the School's treatment of its experiments and more authoritarian parenting styles so she'd try to avoid that as much as possible) Not so hands on as to stifle growth, but not so hands off for them to basically suffer from parental neglect.
And of course, she wouldn't be doing it alone.
Super detailed OC asks
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desos-records · 3 years
Everything Mythologically Inaccurate about Hercules (1997)
I was bored and I love this dorky movie, okay? Fight me. This is gonna be long.
Hercules is the Roman version, Heracles is Greek.
The number of Muses vary slightly depending on who you ask, but generally there’s supposed to be nine, not five, but whatever this is cool. According to the wiki, these ladies are Calliope, Muse of epic poetry; Clio, Muse of history; Melpomene, Muse of tragedy; Terpsichore, Muse of dance; and Thalia, Muse of comedy—which means we’re missing Urania, Muse of astronomy; Euterpe, Muse of music; Polyhymnia, Muse of sacred poetry; and Erato, Muse of love poetry
The Titans were the beings who ruled the universe before the gods (usually before humans were a twinkle in Prometheus’ eye), not nature-themed Kaiju. This period is referred to as the Golden Age. They are actually the children of Gaia, the earth goddess, so characterizing them as destroying the planet is a little weird. The story of how Zeus overthrew them is told in the Theogony.
Chaos is the primordial being at the beginning of the Greek creation story. They’ve actually been chilling out somewhere under the Earth ever since they created Nyx and Erebus. 
In Greek mythology, earthquakes are either caused by Poseidon or Hades getting very very angry and volcanoes are either Hephaestus’ forges or Typhon throwing a hissy fit.
Oversimplification of the Theogony, but okay. Zeus did use his thunderbolts to defeat (castrate, then cut into pieces and cast into Tartarus) his father Kronos, king of the Titans, and claim the throne. The other gods helped too. Not all of the Titans were thrown into Tartarus, actually just Kronos, I think
Obvious Christian Pearly Gates of Heaven aside, Olympus looks really cool. Was that the Sun Chariot??? Sick.
Not gonna nitpick ALL the gods’ character designs because we’d be here all day, but it seems like they’re inspired by Renaissance paintings
Hera and Zeus do not have a happy marriage. There’s a story where Hera was forced/tricked into becoming Zeus’ wife. In the Iliad, she is the one plotting against Zeus to overthrow him.
Heracles was not born a god and he’s definitely not Hera’s son. Zeus disguised himself as the mortal Alcmene’s husband, then had sex with her. Heracles was born a mortal.
Why are there cherubs floating in the background, those are from the Bible get them out of here 
Orpheus… does flower arrangements?? OH is it a pun on music arrangements??
Why is Narcissus here?? He’s a mortal. And, like, super dead. Like, turned into a flower dead
Yeah, so Pegasus is the child of Poseidon and Medusa. not created by Zeus. And for gods’ sake, he was given to Bellerophon, the son of Poseidon, not Perseus and not Heracles. Like a son of Zeus would ever be caught dead with a horse
That said, after Bellerophon died, Pegasus was stabled on Olympus and given the task of carrying Zeus’ lightning bolts.
Why… why is Poseidon a fishman?? Whatever. Moving on.
Zeus would be a terrible father. There. I said it. A son would mean he’s eventually going to be overthrown and that is Zeus’ Number One Fear. It’s probably why everyone picks on Ares constantly (Zeus’ only legitimate son; Hephaestus was made by Hera all on her own, thank you very much). He’s only nice to his daughters.
Actually, I am gonna nitpick the character designs for a sec. THAT IS NOT DIONYSUS THAT IS CLEARLY SILENUS FFS
Okay, about Hades. His job is ruling the underworld where all the mortal spirits go after death. Basically, he’s the head of the underworld TSA. By all accounts, he’s a chill chthonic god who is not evil, stop equating him with the Devil, thank you.
I’m just gonna get this out of my system: WHERE IS PERSEPHONE? QUEEN OF THE UNDERWORLD?? OG GODDESS OF THE DEAD???
“Bestowed” is a strong word, more like Hades drew the short straw, but okay. In the Theogony, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades drew lots to divide up the sky, seas, and under the earth. Hades is also the god of precious metals and jewels.
Yeah, Mythological Hades has never ever plotted to overthrow Zeus. Hera has, so has Poseidon, Athena, and others, but not Hades.
I don’t know what Myth!Hades’ opinion on the dead is exactly, but it’s probably not THIS.
Also, why is Charon a skeleton? Why is the River Styx just a river of souls?? What is going on here???
If Hades is anything, he’s fair, okay? He follows the rules. You wanna get mad about the ruthlessness of death, take it up with the Fates.
Aw, hi Cerberus
This. is not what the Greek underworld looks like. Where are the fields of Asphodel? Did they forget that Elysium, the Greek equivalent of Heaven, is also down here??
Okay, I think Pain and Panic are based on Phobos and Deimos, the greek gods of panic and dread, who are twin sons of Ares and Aphrodite btw and have nothing at all to do with Hades, but they wanted their demon henchmen so here we are
In Hesiod, there are all kinds of spirits who cause humanity different kinds of pain and they do live down in the underworld. They’re called the Algea and are the children of Eris. Usually they do the bidding of the Olympian gods or the Fates, not Hades.
Fun Fact: Lyssa is the Algea of rage and rabies; she caused Heracles to kill his wife and children by the orders of Hera.
Now this character design is a mix up of the Grey Sisters (the Graeae) and the Fates (the Moirai), who are two separate trios of old ladies who know shit no one else does. The Fates are weavers who decide the course of every single event and life, mortal or divine. Everyone, even Zeus who is technically their father in some stories, is terrified of them and wouldn’t call on them for a meeting like this. The Grey Sisters share an eye and a tooth between them and gave Perseus information on his quest.
Yeah, that’s not how death works in Greek mythology. Why have Charon at all if they’re just gonna fly in like that??? Where is Thanatos? What about crossing the river? And coins for the ferryman??
This makes me wonder if Hades tried this every time Zeus has a divine son? Like did he try this shit on Apollo, Ares, Hermes, Hephaestus, and Dionysus too? Like, 70% of the main 12 are his kids, why is this only coming up now??
Hades really should have gone to the Oracle, revealing the future is literally her job
The planets will fucking WHAT now???
Uh, Hades is already in charge of Tartarus, it’s literally in the underworld, why does he need to wait for the planets to do shit to open it up??
I would like to point out also, that Tartarus is technically it’s own deity. It’s not just a giant hole. Tartarus has children. It’s also a place of imprisonment and torment for various Titans, giants, and mortals. The Cyclops and Hundred-Handed-Ones used to be trapped there by Kronos, but Zeus freed them.
Prophecies are pretty standard for Greek mythology actually and some of them are that straight forward, so this is fine actually
Good god, I’m only ten minutes in what the fuck have I started?
Okay, but Hades is a chthonic god and Hephaestus and Hestia are the gods of fire, so why… nevermind, moving on.
*flashes back to that time Zeus turned Apollo and Poseidon mortal and made them build the walls of Troy as punishment for trying to overthrow him* Sure, that evil plan sounds suuuuper solid, Hades, you do you
I refuse to believe Hera and Zeus sleep in the same bed.
“The baby!” cries the couple that, rumor has it, one of them dropped Hephaestus off Olympus, permanently disabling an immortal god and their child
Zeus really does have selective omnipotence, so that’s fine
It’s funny, because in the myths the exact opposite of this happens. Heracles is abandoned by his mother as an infant for giving off vibes, then he’s rescued by Athena who gives him to Hera. Hera apparently sees no consequences in breastfeeding random mortal babies because she feeds Heracles some of her milk without knowing who’s child he is and her divine breastmilk gives him superstrength
Also, Heracles’ mother, Alcmene, is actually nobility, not a farmer, so this Superman routine is way off base, but sure.
This is also probably a good time to mention that Heracles has a non-demigod twin brother, Iphicles. His father is Alcmene’s husband, not Zeus, but they were, I guess, conceived back to back, so they were born together?
Lucky that they put his name on that necklace. Btw his birth name is Alcaeus. He was later named Heracles (glory of Hera) to try and stop Hera from trying to kill him all the time.
Heracles did strangle two snakes as an infant. The snakes were sent by Hera in an attempt to kill him. You’ll notice the name thing didn’t work.
*glances over at Dionysus, who started out as a demigod and became a god because Zeus decided he could be* yeahhh, Heracles being mortal is super sad and unavoidable, oh no!
I wonder if Heracles pulling the cart is a reference to those twins who carried their mother to the temple in place of oxen and then they died. (Kleobis and Biton)
Penelope, like Odysseus’ wife??
You know, in the myths, Heracles loses control of his strength and kills his music teacher, so I actually like clumsy, over-earnest Hercules better
See, this is why Achilles only had the one friend
I can’t believe this, but Heracles being ginger could have myth precedence. Characters in the Iliad like Achilles and Menelaus are described as xanthos which is kind of a tawny, strawberry blond color. It’s the equivalent of anime characters with purple hair, it’s just to point out that they’re Different and Special and Not Quite Human
Why does Go The Distance always make me wanna cry??? I really do love this movie
It’s the symbol of WHO now???
Please please please, y’all, start depicting Greek temple statues as painted like they really were, for my mental health, please
Oh, I think this is based on the temple of Zeus at Olympia. Neat. Made by the same guy who did the Athena Parthenos.
Actually, revealing his parentage like that is totally in character for Zeus
Again, Zeus gives out immortality all the time. This is not an issue.
I could write an essay (and I have) on the differences between Ancient Greek Heroism and Modern American Heroism, but basically it boils down to this: Ancient Greek heroes aren’t required to be morally good people in order to gain eternal fame from Zeus and be considered heroes. Heroism means that they can do things no one else can. Odysseus is clever, Heracles is strong, Achilles is a killer fighter. Those things are why they’re heroes, not necessarily their moral character.
Right, so Heracles was actually trained by Chiron, the centaur. Philoctetes is a minor character in the Iliad who was a friend of Heracles and received his bow and arrows upon his death/ascension. He spent most of the Trojan war stranded on an island because he had an infected foot wound. Ten years later, the Greeks find out they need him and his arrows to win the war and have to sail back to get him.
Well, that’s just insulting to Pegasus
Go The Distance is still making me cry, oh god
Which planets are those supposed to be anyway??
Philoctetes being stranded on an island is accurate; him being a Satyr is not
Satyrs running after nymphs like this is actually a thing in Greek myths, it’s gross, but true. Based on the myth of Pan and the origin of pan pipes. Equally gross. No means no, kids.
Reference to how Jason was killed by the mast of his own ship falling on his head
Okay, now I have to explain the Greek heroic timeline. Heracles is actually a great-grandson of Perseus, but Odysseus and Achilles belong to the generation after Heracles. Jason is technically a contemporary, so is Theseus. In some myths, Heracles sails with the Argonauts. So basically, “would-be heroes” my ass, Phil
Why does Phil have the Golden Fleece?
Okay, let’s see, reference to the scar Odysseus has on his thigh from a wild boar attack, reference to Perseus using Hermes’ gear to fly, reference to Theseus fighting the Minotaur, nailed it
Why is Phil speaking Yiddish??
The context for why Achilles gets KO’d by an arrow to the heel is fascinating actually. It’s a reference in itself to older myths where Zeus gets his tendons pulled out of him by giants and is temporarily powerless until the gods, uh… restring him. And I would argue that losing Patroclus is what killed him first
Also, poison arrows, y’all. One nic is all it takes.
Also, also, Achilles’ whole prophecy thing revolves around him choosing to die young in battle so he would be remembered forever. That’s about as Go The Distance as anyone in Greek myth, Phil. Not everyone gets to burn off their mortal half on a funeral pyre and ascend to godhood like Herc.
Not even gonna mention Patroclus, I see, the guy with the highest body count in the Iliad, who almost conquered Troy single-handed until Apollo decided to ruin his day
Why is this so hard to believe Phil? If you trained ALL the heroes, then you’ve literally already trained a child of Zeus
Yeah, the divine intervention is about right
Holy shit, Phil keeps his gym equipment in an Ancient Greek coffin
I wanted to say that Damsel in Distress isn’t a Greek Hero thing and then I remembered Andromeda, so, carry on
Okay, this thing about Thebes having a ‘rep’ is totally true, everything bad happens in Thebes. I had a professor explain it to me once that the Ancient Greek attitudes towards Athens vs Thebes is kinda like the cultural associations with New York vs Los Angeles
Hey, that’s Nessus. That’s the centaur that Heracles killed who’s blood eventually killed him back. Oh yeah, centaur blood is poisonous btw
Did Heracles just check between the centaur’s legs for balls?? Dude.
I love Megara. Myth!Megara is Heracles’ first wife, you know, the one he kills in a delusional rage caused by Hera and the entire reason he has to do the 12 Labors in the first place
Of all the things from the myths that they chose to get right, horny Satyrs is what they went with?? Gross.
Somehow I doubt that centaurs wear horseshoes, but okay
Megara says No Means No. Oh, and she’s the princess of Thebes, definitely not mixed up with Hades in whatever Devil Pact thing this is supposed to be
Did Hades just speak in Yiddish too??
I feel the need to point out that the Hydra usually lives in a swamp
A rockslide?? C’mon, Herc, it’s fire that kills Hydras
Everyone get your bingo cards out, it’s time to play The 12 Labors of Hercules Lightning Round
Lernean Hydra, swamp monster w/multiple heads, check
The Erymanthian Boar, a really big wild boar, check
The Nemean Lion, a lion with golden, indestructible fur, check
Is that a harpy? Not one of the labors, but we can put that in place of the Stymphalian Birds
That looked like Cetus, again not a labor, but there are stories where Heracles killed it. In other stories, it’s the monster killed by Perseus to save Andromeda
Uhhh, Minotaur, Gryphon, and a Gorgon?? Now they’re just screwing with me
Ugh, gladiators are Roman, whatever.
Poseidon is the father of monsters why does Hades have so much pull with all these mythological creatures???
Remember what I said about earthquakes being caused by Hades getting angry? Would you look at that, they got that one.
Hitting on the concept of the Fatal Flaw. Usually for Greeks it’s hubris, thinking they’re better than the gods, or rage
Okay, but Pandora was created specifically to open the box of evils, so is that really a flaw?
Hades. doesn’t. sell. souls.
In Greek Myth, doing cool shit would be enough to earn godhood, but no we gotta get Moral about it, okay
I smell Catholic influences here
There’s my accurate Heracles outfit, thank you
Stables of Augeas, one of the labors, famously disgusting
Girdle of Hippolyta, also one of the labors
Herc and Meg are so much cuter than the myth version, I’ll take cheesy Love Conquers All over a murder fest any day
Awkward moment to mention that Megara is actually related to Oedipus (king of Thebes, remember). They’re cousins.
Eros reference. Cute. 
Gods, they’re adorable, what was I talking about again??
I Won’t Say I’m In Love lives rent free in my head
Is this what Hades gets up to when Persephone isn’t home?
We can all agree that the female pegasus bit is gross, right? Right.
Shit, Herc. You can’t just say shit like that, that’s how Andromeda almost got eaten by a sea monster, check yourself, kid
I guess, technically, Heracles was killed by his second wife, so maybe the being betrayed (sorta) by Meg and losing his strength thing tracks, idk it’s a stretch
That’s. That’s not where Tartarus is. And they’re your uncles, Hades, show some respect.
Hey. A cyclops in Tartarus, look at that. Go back to the forges, buddy
Traditionally, Zeus’ lightning bolts were made by the Cyclops, but I have a soft spot for Hephaestus, so I’m glad he’s getting some spotlight
A pair of giants tried to take over Olympus like this once, it didn’t end well for them. This seems way too easy.
Good job, Herc, that’s how Odysseus defeated Polyphemus.
Now is probably a good point to mention that Heracles usually defeats his monsters through trickery, not strength alone
Are you really a Greek hero if you don’t try to break the universe a bit when the love of your life dies?
Capture Cerberus, one the labors, well-done sneaking that in there, 7/12
“Rip to Orpheus, but I’m different” — Herc, probably
I’m not crying, you’re crying
That’s sweet, Herc, but you know, in the Eros and Psyche myth, Zeus just gives Psyche immortality so they can live together, why can’t we do that here? Hasn’t she proven herself a hero?? I mean she straight up died for Hercules.
If you got this far, uh, congrats. Tell me your favorite Greek myth.
Clash of the Titans (2010)
O Brother Where Art Thou (2000)
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nico-other-ocs-blog · 3 years
Template made by @cursebreaker-lilith
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Name: Johnny Tazar Jr
Nicknames: T, TJ, Dragon boy, Jr and killer
Name Meaning: Eh he was just named after his original faceclaim, Johnny Depp
Pronouns: he/they
Age: 15
Birthday: October 31st 1879
Zodiac: Scorpio
Blood Status: Half-blood
Ethnicity/Nationality: well his mother is German so I want to say he’s German and his nationality Irish because the dragons reside in the Irish mountains but it’s hidden by elf magic so it looks like it’s just mountains but there’s ruins, caves and houses for those who prefer to stay in human form. It’s a whole city with the dragons
Sexuality: aro-bi
Height: 5’4 in his teen years- 6’2 in his adult years
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Eyes: forest green
Hair: his hair color is brown
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Skin: beige
Misc: [scars, birthmarks, glasses, etc] he has a few scars running across his chest from playing with his siblings, he’s got a scar running across his face from one of his many fights, he has scales running down his back and wrapping around his right leg, his eyes also stay the same as his dragon form and he has glasses
Material Items:
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Accessories: A watch that Logan made for them, a bracelet he made out of his scales and a necklace he got from his fysthe (let’s just say that’s what father means in dragon tongue and totally not me misspelling father that bad)
In their school bag: A notebook, a pen, a few books like the nerd he is, a bag of treats for his dog, Lucky, an axe (don’t ask how it fits in there nobody knows) and a dagger
Face Claim: teen years and adult years, Cillian Murphy
Voice Claim: Cillian Murphy
+ [list of positive traits] ambitious, passionate, loyal, independent
+/— [list of neutral traits] sarcastic, pessimist, antisocial, carefree
— [list of negative traits] hothead, impatient, arrogant, blunt
Johnny is very hot headed and don’t tell him that he’s hot headed because he’ll just go off on a rant of how he’s not a hot head. Johnny also hates being called TJ as that’s what his mom calls him and he hates his mom.
Likes: chopping wood, his dad, sketching, writing and building
Dislikes: his mom, a group of orcs not too far away from his city and most humans cause of their mom
Alignment: lawful evil
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Clubs: Magical creatures club, dragon club (of course) and astronomy club
Quidditch: yeah he’s a seeker
Prefect or Head Boy/Girl: he somehow managed to be head boy and he was a prefect also
Best Classes:
Flying class because he’s a dragon I would be disappointed if the dragon didn’t know how to fly on a damn broom when they have to learn how to stabilize themselves in the air when they have giant wings flapping next to them.
Potions class because he compares it to cooking for his father when he was bed bound
Alchemy because why not, he likes it
Worst Classes:
Charms class mostly because he hates it very much
Herbology even if he spends a lot of time in the forest, he still isn’t used to screaming mandrakes plus those earmuffs ain’t doing shit to block the noise for him
Favorite Professors:
Professor [description of why] well he’s an hphl oc so I can’t decide this for now
Least Favorite Professors:
Professor [description of why] well he’s an hphl oc so I can’t decide this for now
Wand: black walnut, dragon heartstrings and 8 1/2 inches
It was said that black walnut was one of the three wand woods that worked well with alchemy and the dragon heartstring is just a pun
Special Abilities: [legillimens, occlumency, parseltongue, curses, etc] a golden lab animagus, he’s a necromancer, ancient magic, chaos magic, alchemy manipulation, alchemy, animal magic and much more that I don’t feel like writing
Form: his dad in front of him dead with his mother laughing like a maniac
Riddikulus: their father and them making potions together
Form: a Rottweiler
Memory: watching his father make him his necklace, the last thing they did together before his father fell ill for a few years
Father: Johnny Tazar Sr
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His faceclaim is Tony Goldwyn
Johnny Sr is the dragon chief of the Irish mountains that they reside in.
Johnny Sr is a full dragon unlike his son
He is also a dragon rider and likes to fly around on his dragon when he’s not bed bound because of the poison in his veins.
He definitely doesn’t approve of Jr being a mercenary but there’s not much he can do while he’s bed bound besides tell his guards to watch over his son for him
#1 ex wife hate
His eyes stay the same in his human for like they are in his dragon form
Mother: Chloe Barns
Ima make this short and quick. She’s a bad mother, she tried to kill Johnny Sr which is why he was bed bound for a few years and her faceclaim is Allison Janney
Older Brother: Joseph Tazar
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His faceclaim is David Mazouz
Joseph is the middle child between the three of them and he despises it because Sam is 10 years older than them so he bounced as soon as he got the chance too. And Johnny is the youngest so he usually gets ignored which leaves Joseph with caring for his father the most out of the three of them
When Joseph isn’t caring for his father he is most likely helping around in the city or flying around in his dragon form
Speaking for dragon forms, while in his human form Joseph has scales running across his face and his nails are shaper that a normal humans
Oldest brother: Sam Tazar
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Sams faceclaim is Cameron Monaghan
Sam came from his fathers previous marriage with a lovely women named Samantha, she sadly died a few years before Joesph was born
Even though Sam isn’t around much he still visits to help his younger brothers with their ill father and help around the city whenever he gets the chance too
While in his human form Sam eyes stay the same as his dragon form which is just like his fathers eyes
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Her name is lucky and she’s a golden lab who Johnny loves very much
A horse named Port and Johnny loves him very much also
Best Friends:
Ima put Lillian down as his best friend since that’s the first friend they ever made in the human realm @camillejeaneshphm
Good Friends:
Atticus because why not, talking to Lillian leads you to her lover friend @hphmmatthewluther
@hogwartsmysteryho Nolan because Johnny somehow got stuck with showing all the first years around even if he himself was only a second year
Person [description of relationship]
Maybe Nolan because Johnny has nobody in his dorm and from what I’m seeing everyone is making their oc a Ravenclaw
Let me know if you want our ocs to be enemies
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nsrnoncanontheory · 4 years
DJ Supernova Backstory & Character Theory
Haha first post but after listening to the unlocked information about the bosses in No Straight Road it occurred to me that a lot fo the bosses are very well fleshed out character rather than first glance suggests. one of them being DJ Subatomic Supernova.
Rather than being the egotistical self centered ego maniac we took him for at first, I think that DJ Subatomic Supernova is a much more sadder character: someone who wants to be greater than what they are and someone who wants to be remembered. A very human concept.
Now in the English release of the game currently (August 2020), the cassette tapes from DJSS reveal that he could be either a college lecturer or something of that type. In the first tape he goes on and on like int he boss fight about his self importance but notably towards the end he thanks 3 people for coming:
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As well as the janitor in the door. Now it could be that he’s doing a podcast or some other version of taking program. Until he says in the second tape:
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Now he could be referring to being an academic student, but my argument is that why would an academic student be presenting to an audience and only 3 students be present? It makes more sense that he was maybe a guest speaker or lecturer trying to spread his ideals in the classroom, and simply no one came to his class because of that. His accent, the way he speaks, it does suggest that while full of himself he does have some sort of intelligence. He was trusted with the NSR satellite launch and even in the third tape created drones to attach onto it to play his music in the galaxy! So he is in some way intelligent.
The tapes do show that DJSS has this very much vain sense of self before he was even in the music industry.
So why does he think he’s the center of the universe? (haha little pun)
His self inflated ego could come from his intelligence but I think it’s more deeper than that. Through out the cassette tapes we see a much more thoughtful side of the character. Someone that fears being forgotten. Someone that doesn’t want to be a drop in the ocean. Someone that wants to be special, be noticed and to be something more than everyone else. Someone that wants to have a legacy.
DJSS as seen believes that he is something more than an average person, and from the facts that he can create drones, form his knowledge on astronomy and even being trusted with a sattelite launch into space- he’s right. He’s a smart enough person to know that everything he might do could be washed away once he dies. That everything in his life could only be dust in the wind, that nothing he does doesn’t matter because no one would remember him. He goes into academics because he wants people to listen to him, to hear his opinions and to just know who he is. He says others can’t be on his level because while others may think only in their time frames, he’s thinking of the rest of time.
He quits, goes back to his home town and looks out to the stars. He wants to combine his voice with his other passion: melodies. He becomes famous, everything you would think DJSS wants. But he says:
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Why? He says that it’s because everything he has done, his music, his words and ideas: everything that is him will just fade into nothing. He will be nothing when he’s gone. It’s that familiar fear that many people get as they get older, the fear in a mid-life crisis. What has he done, what has he prove, what will he leave? Who will remember him when he’s gone? Who after his immediate loved ones? These ideas combine very well with his theme: Space.
Space can signify being egoistical, being so high, alien, and untouchable by us on Earth. But there are other sides, and the other greatest theme with space is fear. Cosmic Horror focuses on the fact that compared with the rest of the universe, human existence is insignificant. Everything we are, do or feel doesn’t matter. We have no higher purpose, no true reason to live. We just exist and we’ll disappear all the same with no consequences for anything else. That is what I think DJSS’s crisis is. He wants to matter, if anything he wants the Eart to matter in comparison with the rest of the universe. But looking out to the countless galaxies in the night sky, it’s hard to feel significant.
He says in the first tape: “We require an avatar to make ourselves known throughout the universe.”
The ending lines of the third tape being: “And I... Only I, shall claim the title, “Avatar of Earth”.”
Is he still egotistical? Yes, very much so. Wanting to be the representation of our entire planet through his music for any future cosmic beings to listen to when Earth is long dead and gone is fairly self-centered.
The saddest part being that DJSS wants to send the NSR satellite with drones attached playing his music in space, so he’ll last forever for anyone to hear in the void. But the satellite is sent hurling to the NSR tower and destroyed to save Vinyl City.
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Another Genshin history time: Zhongli’s name is a pun and I read way to deep into characters.
Spoilers for 1.1 and a few notes on Guizhong. 
So in celebration of Zhongli’s character banner dropping, THAT I’M GOING TO HOPE HE COMES ON THE FIRST 10 ROLL CAUSE I DO NOT HAVE THE PRIMOGEMS, I went on another quest on character names. 
Also as I mentioned before: My Chinese and character history is super rusty. I am not the definitive truth so I’m sorry if I am completely wrong and I’m reading way to hard into this. But you’re going to have to pry this out of my cold dead hands. 
The wiki mentions this but: Zhongli’s full cn name is 钟离. It's a literal translation of pingyin into zhong [钟] and li [离]. Technically zhong [钟] means “bell” but if you add [时钟] it means “clock” (commonly used word). For li [离] technically this means "from" [sorta] but it can also be taken as “leave”, “away”, or “escape”. Therefore his name can be taken as "leaving the clock" or in English terms "off the clock". Which is a pun since he kinda killed himself and retired. 
So radicals are the basic building blocks of Chinese. The alphabet in English terms. 
Zhong [钟]. Funny enough, this can be used as a surname [probably why his name is zhongli but that's a whole other topic. Basically other characters I'll talk about are usually placed in the noun category. This one is placed in both surname and noun (similar to jp)] means “clock”, “bell”, or if you want to get really fancy: “time as measured in hours and minutes”. 
[ 钅] this is radical 167 which means “metal” or “gold”. It can also be referred to as "Golden Worlds". I don't think I need to say much on this connection.
[中] (this character is usually seen in the [中文] literally meaning "chinese") but it can also mean “center/middle” or “during”. 
Completely off topic but below characters are also pronounced as zhong: 
[忠] means loyal/devotion. 
[终] meaning end or finally the end. 
[衷] which means heart/from bottom of heart (you can also read this as sincerely from the bottom of my heart in English terms since the structure of 衷  is above, middle, and below). 
[忪] which means restless or afraid.
So basically [钟] is the combination of “metal/gold center”. Or “during the golden worlds” if you REALLY want to get fancy. Usually the term clock (which is where zhongli's pun comes from you would add [时] so it makes [时钟]. Although, [时] is mainly what makes the word [时钟] mean “time” since [时] pretty much translates to time. Funny enough [一见钟情] means “love at first sight” and [钟爱] which means “to treasure”. But mainly characters that use [钟] deal with time or clocks. 
You can pretty much take this as zhongli making his gnosis his "gold center" since he makes gold, well mora, and it's in his chest. Also from the wiki but "Vago Mundo," is Latin for "I wander the world."
Li [离] it's made up of [亠][凶] [禸]. 
[亠] which is radical 8. But [亠] or tou means lid/top. It also shares the same sound as head [头]. 
[凶] is usually known as "fierce" and is combined with other words like "lethal/murder weapon" [凶器] or [凶恶] meaning fierce. It also appears in [凶神恶煞] which basically means like an evil god or demons. Basically not good stuff. funny enough [凶] contains the radical [凵] and [乂] which means "container of wickedness [凵 + 乂 ] " though  [乂] turns into govern/control while [凵] means open box. [there's a lot that we can go into for origins but thats besides the point]. 
[禸] you technically can read this as ravaged/trampled but it's usually associated with track or rump. Now when I say rump I mean "a small or unimportant remnant of something originally larger.". While track is animal tracking's. This is radical 114 which means track. 
I’m reading way to hard into this but its basically the "lid" of a "contained wickedness" that has tracked/trampled. Though putting all these together just means leave/separate. 
It kinda makes sense, cause zhongli, well "morax", was this super unemotional guy that just killed a bunch of stuff until guizhong’s death.  So you could interpret it as it's a lid on his "wickedness" that has trampled. Since during the Archon War he threw fucking rock spears that are still seen today. 
If we want to really get deep into it, you could think of zhongli’s name as: 
zhong - being his present self as zhongli  
li - being his past self as Morax. 
Or you can switch the two around and make: 
zhong - act as morax (since he gave up his gnosis).  
li - being his current self. Trying to contain the “wickedness”. 
Couple extra points: 
Morax was the demon that teaches astronomy and other liberal science that gave good and wise familiars that know the virtues, herbs and precious stones. 
Li also appears in [江蓠] which is a red algae that's called "dragon's vegetables".  
 [江蓠] or "Gracilaria" which is used in red agar can be used for "appetite suppressant, a vegetarian substitute for gelatin, or for blood agar plate used to culture bacteria and diagnose infection". It was also a natural high-quality health food material so it was processed into various health foods for middle-aged and elderly people
And yes, I am aware characters appearing in other words do not have any connection but let me have this. 
I’m not sure how interesting this is but I’d really like to go into a deep dive on all Genshin characters and places. I know I translated some of Kaeya and Childe’s in game lines if anyone was interested. 
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gameofdrarry · 3 years
Wizards Hearts Recs: Established Relationship
Wizards Hearts was a four-month-long Drarry reading fest. Players were given a playing deck of 52 tropes, and were asked to find 52 different fics to read and comment on to fill their decks. To prevent the same few fics from being read, fics were restricted to only being used for the game three times before being considered ineligible for further points. The tropes and submissions list can be found here.
Check out the masterlist of fics for this trope below the cut!
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📜 Malfoy Meet Muggle by PenNoire Rated:  Teen Words:  25,326 Tags:  Animagus, Established Relationship, Fluff, Humour Summary:  Draco Malfoy is surprisingly happy in a comfortable relationship with Harry Potter. Unfortunately, Harry wasn't brought up doing things the wizarding way, and if Draco wants to make this work, he's going to have to learn to integrate the magical with the muggle. Really, how bad can it be? ❤️ Read on AO3 or FFN
📜 A Nightmare Waiting to Happen by triggerlil Rated:  Explicit Words:  21979 Tags: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Blood and Gore, Blood and Injury, Claustrophobia, Eye Trauma, Eye Gouging, enucleation, Childhood Trauma, Vomiting, Choking, Unreliable Narrator, Horror, Body Horror, Clones, Abuse, Nightmares, Zombies, Cannibalism, Sectumsempra (Harry Potter), Legilimency (Harry Potter), Hospitals, Character Death In Dream, Antagonist James in Dream, bug horror, Snakes, Moths, Child Death in Dream, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Established Relationship, Hogwarts, Post-Hogwarts, Abusive Dursley Family (Harry Potter), Attempted Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Torture, Corpses, Graphic Description of Corpses, Hurt/Comfort, Curses, Magically Powerful Harry Potter, Protective Draco Malfoy, Husbands, No Explicit Sexual Content, Homophobic Language, Sexist Language, Bullying Summary:  Draco sat beside Harry's bed as the man breathed deeply; his eyes were moving rapidly beneath his eyelids, and every so often, he would twitch or part his lips. Draco couldn’t imagine what was going on in Harry’s mind, but he clutched his husband’s hand, wishing he could take his place, do anything to help. Harry Potter is cursed into a nightmare-verse—escaping one nightmare only causes him to fall deeper through the layers of his subconscious—will he be able to free himself, or will his deepest fears swallow him whole? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Age is just a number by gnarf Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  1555 Tags: Old Age, Humor, Fluff, Established Relationship, Dementia, Plot Twists, Shoplifting, Just Add Kittens, Muggle London, HP Fluff Fest 2020 Summary:  Married for decades, their life is perfect. Until Harry gets a call and hears the following words "Mr Potter, we caught your husband stealing ten large packs of King Sized condoms." ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Our Dreams, Our Pride by ahhhnorealnamesallowed Rated:  Mature Words:  10319 Tags: Hermione Granger is a Good Friend, Healer Draco Malfoy, Healer Harry Potter, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Holidays, a very british coach holiday, Ireland, POV Alternating, Swearing, discussion of sex and sexual acts, Slice of Life, Fluff, Fluff without Plot, (or very little plot), Magic University - Freeform, Post-Secondary, Getting Together, Established Relationship Summary:  For six years, Harry has promised Draco a 'big thing' for their anniversary. This year is the year Harry is going to make it happen, even if he does so in a very Harry Potter way. Including last-minute vacation planning, some very sassy old people, a coach bus, and less anniversary sex than expected. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 No Wizard Is an Island by Novaa Rated:  Mature Words:  50009 Tags: HP:EWE, Post-Hogwarts, Ensemble Cast, Slow Burn, Quidditch, Getting Back Together, Established Relationship, Ministry of Magic Employee Hermione Granger, Auror Ron Weasley, Auror Harry Potter, Healer Draco Malfoy, Apothecary Draco Malfoy, Quidditch Player Ginny Weasley, Slice of Life, Harry/Draco Big Bang 2018, Community: harrydracobang Summary:  For a life is made of the people living it, and no wizard is an island. A twenty-years journey in the intertwined lives of Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Draco and Harry. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Arrangement by RurouniHime Rated:  Explicit Words:  65746 Tags: From Sex to Love, Established Relationship, Past Relationship(s), Domestic, Requited Love, Making Out, Jealousy, Falling In Love, Angst, Confessions, Moving In Together, Introspection, Pining, Community: help_haiti Summary:  It's worked for years. Why change it now? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Training Exercises by spookywoods Rated:  Explicit Words:  1313 Tags: Auror Draco Malfoy, Blindfolds, Hand Jobs, Married Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, It's Curry Night at the Malfoy-Potter Residence!, so you know it will be hot, Terrible smut and terrible puns, here all week Summary:  Harry comes home from work to find Draco sitting in the dining room in the dark, wearing a blindfold and little else. “It’s for training,” Draco says. “Training?” “Sensory and environmental magic.” “I could help you train,” Harry says. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Take a trip into my garden by Andithiel Rated:  Explicit Words:  5974 Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Porn with Feelings, Established Relationship, Smut, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, First Time Bottoming, Draco in lingerie, Bisexual Harry Potter, Rimming, Anal Sex, Really there might be too much feeling for it to count as pwp, As usual when I write, Enthusiastic Consent Summary:  Harry has only been dating Draco for about two months, but he’s already obsessed with the git. And he knows that today, Draco has something special planned, something that includes him being dressed in skimpy lingerie. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Forget-Me-Nots and Narcissus by triggerlil Rated:  Mature Words:  14430 Tags: Piano Player Draco Malfoy, Wand Maker Harry Potter, Summer, Domestic, Work partners - Freeform, Established Relationship, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post-Hogwarts, Wakes & Funerals, Grief/Mourning, Minor Character Death, Gardens & Gardening, Panic Attacks, apple picking, Wandmaking (Harry Potter), Classical Music, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort Summary:  His long pale fingers travelled across the keys, the sound of the piano cresting and falling, one moment soft and enticing, in the next fast and sure. The first few buttons of his white shirt were undone, revealing a pale chest and thin lines of scars; the sleeves rolled up to his elbows to reveal strong forearms, one marred by a smudge of black ink. Or in which Draco is overcome by grief, and Harry is there to keep him afloat. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Through the Window, Clear Skies by tackytiger Rated:  Mature Words:  1415 Tags: Falling In Love, Idiots in Love, Moving In Together, Boyfriends, Domestic, Potions Master Draco Malfoy, Emotionally Repressed, True Love, Mention of wanking, mention of fucking, but mostly just love, Engagement, Drarry Discord Writers Corner Drabble Challenge Summary:  What would happen if Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy moved in together, too soon after they started kissing and then fucking and not hating each other anymore? Will Draco insist on a wine rack? Or: Domestic Drarry with a bare hint of angst. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Sweet Nothings by vivi1138 Rated:  Mature Words:  1985 Tags: Major Character Death, Character Death, Minor Character Death, Self-Harm, Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Grief/Mourning, Loneliness, Hallucinations, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, POV Draco Malfoy, Established Relationship, Hopeful Ending, Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, Muteness, Terminal Illnesses, Physical Disability, Loss of strength, Bodily Fluids, Heavy Angst, Hospitalization, Missions Gone Wrong, Auror Partners, Minor Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Afterlife, Mental Health Issues, hopelessness Summary:  What do you do when you lose the one you love? After a raid goes wrong, Draco navigates the waters of his grief and may very well lose himself in the process. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Love Found by peachpety Rated:  Explicit Words:  7500 Tags: Double Agent Draco Malfoy, BAMF Harry Potter, Hogwarts Sixth Year, love realizations, Boys Kissing, Legilimency (Harry Potter), Occlumency (Harry Potter), mind connections, Intense Emotional Action Sequences, Canon Dumbledore Death, Established Relationship, Teenage Boyfriends, Boys In Love, Non-graphic Mentions/Recalls of Offscreen Sexual Activity Between Consensual Minors, Magic and Emotions Conveyed as Color, Threats of Physical Violence and Intimidation, References to Past Forced Submission, Killing Death Eaters, Eventual Happy Ending, Minor References to Past Snape/Lucius Summary:  During Harry’s sixth year, Draco Malfoy joins the Order as a double-agent and continues with his task to get the Death Eaters into the castle as assigned by Voldemort. Draco succeeds with his mission the evening Harry returns from the caves with Dumbledore. The boys reunite on the Astronomy Tower and, with the Death Eater’s arrival, are forced to engage in a fight, driving Harry to come to terms with his feelings about true friendship and romantic love. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Christmas Is For Sex (and Love), So Give It To Me by GoldenTruth813 Rated:  Explicit Words:  53218 Tags: PWP, Established Relationship, Christmas, Bondage, misuse of frosting, making gingerbread houses, coming without touching, Blowjobs, Fingering, anal penetration, Rimming, misuse of fairy lights, Praise Kink, Nipple Clamps, erotic massages, Lingerie, Harry in Lingerie, Butt Plugs, Masterbation, Dirty Talk, Overstimulation, Topping from the Bottom, Ice Play, misuse of snowballs, misuse of brandy custard, veritasium, Public Sex, misuse of christmas candles, Wax Play, floating blow jobs, bubble baths, Candy Canes, misuse of candy canes, sex with feelings, Clubbing, naughty letters, babysitting teddy, Edging, healing past trauma, really so much more than sex, but lots of sex too, spiked hot cocoa, Drunk confessions, Anal penetration with a foreign object, french!draco, Switching Summary:  Draco buys Harry an Advent House, intent on helping Harry create all new holiday memories, and have a lot of great sex in the process. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 there’s a trick with a dragon I’m learning to do by curiouslyfic Rated:  Explicit Words:  20000 Tags: Politics, economics, social commentary, international relations, mature characters, complex relationships, intellectual comradeship, working together to achieve a common goal, sharp dressers, snark, banter, armchair sex, wall sex, desperate kissing, orgasm denial, playful biting, Machiavellian intrigue, wizard banking, Potterverse ghosts and goblins, pursuit, subtle seduction (i.e. life-saving and/or political acts that can be interpreted as courtship), and frivolous decadence Summary:  Harry’s live-in’s a workaholic being courted — harassed — by an array of weeping minions and an assortment of overprivileged pricks. Harry’s bloody portraits are being harassed — courted — by, well, an assortment of things Harry doesn’t even want to think about. Harry’s had a long week already and so far, his weekend’s not looking much better. At least he can say with certainty there's no place like home... ❤️ Read on Dreamwidth
📜 Last Offices by tackytiger Rated:  Mature Words:  6737 Tags: Major Character Death, Character Death, Blood and Injury, Memories, Unhappy Ending, Wakes & Funerals, Falling In Love, Sad Harry Potter, Preparation of a body for burial, Non-Linear Narrative, Flashbacks, Getting Together, Grief/Mourning, Happy Memories Summary:  It didn't seem fair that Malfoy was dead, and Harry was supposed to just keep on living without him. He had lost enough people to know that he probably would keep on going—his stubborn heart was still beating, after all, even though it felt like it was going to break. But first, he had to get through the laying out of the dead—those old Pureblood funeral rites—even if every time he touched Malfoy's too-cold body, he was reminded of how things used to be, and how things might have been. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Love Is by xErised Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  26529 Tags: Emotional Roller Coaster, Angst with a Happy Ending, Established Relationship, Post-Hogwarts Summary:  Aurors Harry Potter and Ron Weasley are presumed dead during a mission gone wrong. Their partners — Draco and a pregnant Hermione — refuse to believe that they're gone, even after a year of their absence. A tale of loss, longing and love, with a happy ending. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Making A List and Checking It Twice by blithelybonny Rated:  Explicit Words:  20758 Tags: Porn with some plot, Established Relationship, Kink Exploration, Kink Negotiation, Dom/sub, Making Out, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Semi-Public Sex, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Masturbation, Voyeurism, Dirty Talk, Spanking, Frottage, Rimming, Sex Toys, Butt Plugs, Subdrop, Aftercare, Bathing/Washing Summary:  ON HIATUS - WILL BE COMPLETED -- A life-changing event is headed Draco and Harry's way - what better way to celebrate than by checking a few things off the old sexual bucket list? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Dreams That You Dare to Dream Really Do Come True by Drarrelie Rated:  Explicit Words:  11751 Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Established Relationship, The Burrow (Harry Potter), Birthday, Harry Potter's Birthday, Birthday Party, Birthday Presents, Birthday Sex, Birthday Smut, Sexual Fantasy, Sex Toys, Sex Toys Under Clothing, Secret use of sex toys in public, Internalised Kink Shame, Praise Kink, Consent, Enthusiastic Consent, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Blow Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Porn with Feelings, Fluff, Light Dom/sub, Dom Harry Potter, Sub Draco Malfoy, Top Harry Potter, Power Bottom Draco Malfoy, POV Harry Potter, Don't copy to another site, Fanart Welcome, Podfic Welcome Summary:  Today, Draco’s new boyfriend turns nineteen and the annoying tosser has refused to present a wish list. It’s not Draco’s fault if he felt compelled to get a little creative, right? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Up the Duff by CorvetteClaire Rated:  Explicit Words:  86755 Tags: Mpreg, Magical Pregnancy, Fluff, Smut, Light Angst, Wizengamot, Unspeakables (Harry Potter), Snarky Malfoy-style Humor, Snarky Draco Malfoy, Harry's Thing with Walls, Adorable Toddlers, Pregnant Draco, Protective Harry, Desperate Malfoys Summary:  Draco Potter is hugely pregnant and (much to his surprise) enjoying himself. He loves having Harry fuss over him and looks forward to adding another Potter to their little family. Unfortunately for Draco, his parents have found out about their impending grandchild and have no intention of letting him separate them from this child, as he did from Bob (Felix). Their attempts to force their way into Draco's life may bring down even greater troubles on his head when the wizarding world at large finds out that Draco Potter, née Malfoy is up the duff! Or The fic that answers the burning questions... How many servings of McDonald's french fries can a pregnant wizard eat in a single day? Just how adorable and persuasive can a quarter-Veela toddler get before his fathers sell him to the Goblins? Is it possible to conceal a pregnant belly the size of a Hogwarts carriage under a glamour? What could be more ruthless and dangerous than Malfoys in need of an heir? Will Harry and Draco ever agree on a name for their child? Are girls really easier (and will our heroes ever find out)? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 what the body wants is coolness by lastontheboat Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  13428 Tags: Day At The Beach, Established Relationship, First Time in Public, draco overthinks things, harry is affectionate, Beach Quidditch, no smut just fade to black, HP Drizzle Fest 2020, Community: hp_drizzle, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE Summary:  "Are you done primping yourself yet?" Draco asked, feeling mulish. "We can still meet your friends on time if we leave now, but we'll have to walk quickly." Harry rolled his eyes. "It's a beach day, Draco," he said patiently. "Not a pureblood society event." "Yes, well, not all of us have the goodwill of the rest of the wizarding world to fall back on when we commit acts of social barbarism." ~~~ Draco and Harry have been seeing each other for months, and Harry decides the best way to tell their friends is to bring Draco to a group beach outing. Draco's given up enumerating all the ways this plan could go wrong. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 A Memorable Speech by Samunderthelights Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  1300 Tags: Drarropoly: A Drarry Game/Fest, Drarry, Fluff, Silly, Weddings, Established Relationship, Short & Sweet, Don't copy to another site Summary:  Harry is asked to give a speech at Teddy's wedding, but when he gets flustered, it becomes a speech the wedding guests will remember for a long time. ❤️ Read on AO3
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talesofdivergence · 4 years
Alright, so you know how it’s widely believed that Sans is “The Judge”? How whenever he faces you in the judgement hall on a neutral run he talks about what you’ve done, who you’ve hurt, etc etc. while on a geno run, he’ll call you out on how many times you’ve faced him before? Well, I have a theory. Let’s say Sans is the judge, and this gives him the special ability to see beyond a check: your LV, your “sins”, how corrupted your soul has become. What if Papyrus can, too? Except...what if he can also see that Frisk is a puppet to the player?
He’s the only character to speak without an asterisk, he somehow seems to be able to see whatever room you’re in whenever you’re on the phone, he regularly looks directly at the player when talking to Frisk, and he’s the only character to give you game control based instructions (like “press the down arrow to do x”). Outside of gameplay, aka a couple of trailers and if you hack the game, Sans /also/ breaks the fourth wall, but not like Papyrus does, and only once in game (I believe) when he tells a bad joke and looks to the player as it zooms in on him winking.
So, what if the reason Papyrus won’t hurt you, is because he doesn’t just see the things Sans sees, but he sees beyond “your” stats, and sees Frisk’s? And if he knows about the resets, there’s no *reason* to hurt them. No matter how bad it gets. And maybe, this extends to Flowey. He could see that Flowey was actually Asriel, or what was left of him, and wanted to be a good influence, and help him learn abusing resets and treating the others like disposable garbage wasn’t the right way. And maybe, at some point, tried to convince him using his own abilities. Or maybe Flowey even crossed a line, and Papyrus had to set him straight. Or maybe he was even hoping to give him something to amuse him, and bide his time. No one knows. No one, except Toby.
But whatever it is, there is very clearly *something* unique about Papyrus. His text shakes, the asterisk thing, the player’s view thing, and he’s the only character you never *really* learn anything about.
Toriel? Ex queen, loves pie, loves reading, wants to be a teacher, loved her kids, was disgusted by Asgores cowardice
Sans? Loves science and astronomy, used to know Alphys, has a whole lab under their house with blue prints for the Gaster blasters with Wingdings writing on them and a mysterious machine, made some sort of mistake or something in the past that leads to him saying stuff like “you’ll never see them again” and “you can’t go back” to himself.
Alphys? Loves anime, building robots and machines, decent at puzzles, writes fan fiction, has social anxiety and a perpetual fear of disappointing others.
Undyne? *Also* loves anime, fighting, action stuff, is close with Asgore, likes tea and hot chocolate, hates cold food, is bad at making spaghetti.
Mettaton? Actually had a lot of self worth issues, is Napstablooks cousin, loves showmanship, doesn’t like puzzles, talks a lot of shit but actually cares for the monsters of the underground, and is close with Alphys.
Asgore? Loves tea, dresses up at Santa Claus and visits Snowdin for Gyftmas, loves flowers and gardening, doesn’t really understand puns, loved his kids (maybe one more than the other but I’m not addressing that right now).
Papyrus? Well, he likes spaghetti, right??? Nope, got that from Undyne, since she started giving him cooking lessons to keep him out of the guard. He most likely also picked up the hero schtick, as well as referring to himself in the third person, from her, too. Well, he likes puzzles right? He deliberately calls them useless or stupid or something at one point, and at another, mentions deadly spikes being a pillar of youth, implying it’s just what he knows to do. Ok, well, what about the race car bed? The action figures? Sans reads car magazines, and he probably started getting Papyrus action figures when he was younger, since that’s a pretty standard gift for a kid (and Papyrus isn’t very forthcoming with his own interests. Maybe he doesn’t have any). Okay, well he at least hates Grillby’s and greasy food! Yep, you got me there. Oh! But wait!! Upon Undyne getting excited about it, he changes his tune pretty quickly. So yeah, he does actually hate greasy food, but he’ll change his opinion on a dime if he thinks he’s supposed to. The only thing we *actually* know about Papyrus is that...he takes care of Sans. And lies a lot. And he’s good at painting, since he painted a rock face to look like a hyper realistic bridge. But that’s....about it. Oh, and his puzzles are unusually dangerous. So. He’s good at being dangerous and painting and he takes care of his brother, while simultaneously letting his brother take care of him. And that’s, quite literally, all we know about Papyrus. Oh, and his favorite food is the oatmeal with the dinosaur eggs, which the only person to know this was.....Flowey. Weird, huh?
Bonetrousle is used in most if not every Undertale trailer, and the two most unique characters in game, Flowey and the Annoying dog (Toby), have very special interest in him. He’s an odd job and a half, that Papyrus Undertale.
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Books of 2020 - April
April was a strange reading month for me, on the one hand I read 10 books which is double my average 5-6 books a month! On the other I completely failed to read my OWLs Magical Readathon tbr... I did manage to read books that worked for the prompts but they weren’t the books I meant to read. Oops!
(Once again I haven’t proof read this and I’ll just apologise in advance for any mistakes, I’m lazy...)
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OWLS Magical Reathon: Hogwarts Professor (what subject I specialise in will depend on the NEWTS...)
Wyrd Sisters - Terry Pratchett (Discworld #6, Witches #1)
OWLS: History of Magic
I loved reading Wyrd Sisters, it was so much fun! Pratchett retold Shakespeare’s Macbeth from the witches view point, but with his usual satirical twist. Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg, and Magrat Garlick shine through the narrative, offering a no nonsense, ridiculous, and lovable take on witchcraft (or headology) as worked to protect Lancre from Duke and Duchess Felmet after they assassinated King Verence.
The Shakespeare references, puns, and reworkings in this book was sublime! I had a great time picking them out and watching as the acting company performed the most ridiculous versions of Shakespeare’s greatest works. I adored the witches - which was a bit surprising. I’d gone into this thinking I’d dislike the Witches sub-series after reading Equal Rites a couple of years ago (to this day it is my least favourite Discworld book...) However, Granny Weatherwax is a very different character here and the story is so separate from the narrative in Equal Rites that I refuse to see this book as the second installment in the Wtiches sub-series. I’d highly recommed reading Wyrd Sisters, and it would be a fantastic place to start with Pratchett if you like retellings and/or Shakespeare!
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - Anon, trans. by J.R.R. Tolkien
OWLS: Potions
I enjoyed this translation of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Tolkien’s style and tone suits this style of poetry (would you call it epic? It’s more of a romance...) Tolkien brought the story in Sir Gawain to life for me, in a way I’ve never experienced in other versions I’ve read. I fell in love with this simple tale from Arthurian Legend, which I’ve never done before... It’s beautiful, simple, and captivating. I would highly recommend reading this edition if you’re interested in Sir Gawain. 
The Last Hero - Terry Pratchett (Discworld #27, Rincewind and the Wizards #7)
OWLs: Astronomy
This is a book of two halves for me. The story itself is a bit too simple for my tastes... We see Cohen the Barbarian (the only Discworld character I actually hate) heading towards the Hub to return fire to the gods, however, Ankh-Morpork sends a party afte him to prevent him from destroying the Disc. This party was hilarious: Rincewind, the Librarian, Leonard of Quirrm, and Captain Carrot Ironfounderson all confined to a tiny ‘spaceship’... This was not a combination of characters I ever expected to see and their personalities, particularly Carrot and Rincewind, created several spectacularly ridiculous moments I loved! But the plot itself wasn’t great, I was expecting a bit more from Pratchett at this stage in in the Discworld.
However, the artwork in this book was stunning! It worked so well to elevate the story, I couldn’t help but love it... If the artwork hadn’t been included this book would have been a lot weaker... It’s hard to rate the book because of this, but I did really enjoy it (and hopefully this will be the last time I have to read about Cohen the Barbarian and the Silver Horde.) Also, look up Rincewind as The Scream, it’s brilliant!
We Should All Be Feminists - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
OWLs: Arithmancy
I usually don’t read essays for pleasure, nonfiction has been relegated to academic pursuits for the last 5ish years... Yet, this classic (I’m calling it a classic, everyone should read it) essay from Adichie was incredibly powerful. It emphasised the importance of feminism to non-western/European women and highlighted how important and beneficial feminism is for everyone. It’s a really important piece for people to read and I’d highly recommend finding the audiobook, or a reading, done by Adichie as her passion for the subject shines through her words.
Beren and Luthien - J.R.R. Tolkien (Middle Earth)
OWLs: Transfiguration
I ADORED Beren and Luthien, it was the best book I’ve read all month. I was expecting to dislike this book because of it’s formatting. It’s told through several fragmentary versions of Beren’ and Luthien’s romance that at Tolkien wrote throughout his life. Christopher Tolkien edited together 5 or 6 (maybe?) manuscripts along with his own commentary, introduction, and parts of the Earendil story to give us a fleshed out picture of Tolkien’s greatest romance. Unlike The Fall of Gondolin, which I read earlier this year, the format worked beautifully for Beren and Luthien, probably because the different versions that have survived were incredibly different and more complete.
I was feeling a bit so-so about this collection until we started seeing the Lay of Leithian (sp?) woven in between a few prose versions of the tale. The verse in the Lay of Leithian was gorgeous, it was beautiful, etherial, and passionate. I actually cried reading a few sections from it, such as the end of Felagund’s part in the tale. It was such a shame Tolkien never finished the Lay as it probably would have been his best work within the Middle Earth legend. It was captivating and the poetry suited the tone and style of Beren and Luthien’s story. The verse would have made the final acts of Luthien in the Halls of Mados exquisite, poignant, and heartbreakingly tragic.
I cannot love this book more - it might be my favourite in Middle Earth, knocking The Silmarillion off the top spot... But, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this book for everyone. If you’re a Tolkien fanatic then I’d consider this a must read, it contains Tolkien’s most beautiful writing along with his most tragic romance! If you’re only mildly interested in Middle Earth then I don’t think you’re going to enjoy it.
The Children of Earth and Sky - Guy Gavriel Kay
OWLs: Charms
The Children of Earth and Sky was an incredibly read, it’s a powerful but understated historical fantasy set in a world based on (I presume) renaissance Italy and the Ottoman Empire at its height. There’s not a vast amount of story here, however, the character work, world building, and thematic discussion around history, religion, the ability of an individual to change the fate of nations, corruption of power, and so much more, was stunning. It was a beautiful study of characters and cultures, which was complimented by Kay’s sumptuous writing style. This was a gorgeous read! 
My biggest criticism is for the romances, Kay had 4 main characters - two men and two women - and rather predictably they ended up in relationships by the end of the novel... The relationship between Danica and Marin did make more sense to me by the end of the book than the relationship between Leonora and Pero. However, both were a bit instalove-y and could have done with more development.
Nevertheless, I’d highly recommend this book! It would be an excellent read for people who aren’t fantasy fans as the fantastical elements are minor. The focus is on the historical influences, themes, and character development. It’s an excellent standalone fantasy book and I’m excited to read more of Kay’s work in the future.
The Merchant of Venice - William Shakespeare
OWLs: Divination
Most of what I could say about The Merchant of Venice has already been said before. Shakespeare’s portrayal of Shylock is incredibly problematic (I haven’t got the time or energy to go into why, but there are literally thousands of books, essays and blogposts about this, go forth and read if you want more details), the relationship between Portia and Bassanio makes NO sense, and I cannot believe that ending means anyone is going to be happy...
However, this play has a certain charm that I loved. I couldn’t help but like the relationship between Antonio and Bassanio, Portia and Nerissa are darlings, and I had fun reading the wacky plotline and (yet more) crossdressing shenanigans going on in here! I think most of my enjoyment came from the RSC version I watch alongside the play (currently availbale on Marquee TV). Either way, I’m happy to have read the play AT LAST and be one play closer to my goal of reading every Shakespeare play!
Assassin’s Apprentice - Robin Hobb (Farseer #1, Realm of the Elderlings #1)
OWLs: Defence Against the Dark Arts
We all know how I feel about Robin Hobb and the Realm of the Elderlings. I adore this world, Fitz and the Fool are (probably) the best written characters in fantasy and two of my all time favourites! I reread this for the Elderlingalong (that I somehow missed...), which gave me the perfect excuse to pick up the new 25th Anniversary edition with the GORGEOUS illustrations from Magali Villeneuve. I had a wonderful time rereading this and if you’re a fan of Hobb and you haven’t seen the work this book already you MUST get your hands on it ASAP. 
Non-OWLs books
The Gathering Storm - Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson (Wheel of Time #12)
I wrote WAY to much to include it on this long list of books... I’ll post my thoughts on The Gathering Storm separately. 
Conclusion of my ramblings: I really liked it, there were flaws in Sanderson’s writing and treatment of some characters (Mat in particular), however, it was a really good installment in the series! Sanderson really impressed me and I’m slightly nervous and very excited to read the last two books in the series!
The Fellowship of the Ring - J.R.R. Tolkien (Lord of the Rings #1)
I’ve already put up a lot of my thoughts on my latest read of The Fellowship of the Ring here. I really loved rereading this book (as I always do), I had a lot of new thoughts, and I gained a new appreciation of Boromir and Tolkien’s poetry. My annotation reread will continue in the near future with The Two Towers - I just need to clear a few urgent reads off my shelves first!
Currently Reading
Nevermore: The Trials of Morrigan Crow - Jessica Townsend
Buddy read book! I’ve actually finished this at time of posting but I’m trying to give an accurate view of my April reading!
The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet - Becky Chambers
I was supposed to read this for Arithmancy, but I didn’t get round to it... I’ve also finished this one early this month.
Words of Radiance - Brandon Sanderson
Another buddy read with @towerofleeza​! We’re not the best at reading this at the same time (sorry dear!) but I think we’re both loving it, I certainly am!
Witches Abroad - Terry Pratchett
I couldn’t help myself I needed more of the Witches! I’ve also finished this one at time of posting this and enjoyed it.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 years
So, what if Thomas’s female friend (reader) had sides of her own? What kinda fun, platonic moments would ensue? (Also what if her creativity wasn’t princess-y at all?)
Oooo! If we’re going by how the Reader’s Sides all represent mortality, logic, anxiety, and creativity:
Your moral Side and Patton would basically be the parents of the group. They’d share a lot of puns, too.
But she would probably be more open about her feelings than Patton usually is, explaining to him that there’s no shame in admitting you’re sad.
Your anxious Side and Virgil definitely have similar tastes in music, are startled easily, and try to be scary at times towards their respective creators. But they both just want what’s best for you and Thomas.
Any time Thomas’ Dark Sides try to bother Virgil, your anxiety would tell them to back off, even shifting into a monster to intimidate them into leaving.
Logan and the your logical Side get along quite well, talking about astronomy and other things related to science.
While she might be confused about his immense love for Crofters, once she sees he got his own jelly brand, she’s like “ohhhh congrats!”
She’d definitely teach him how to properly use slang/metaphors/idioms.
Roman would be flabbergasted that your creativity isn’t a princess, but a knight in shining, glistening armor.
Nevertheless, he admires how she broke the stereotypes and always refers to her as “Lady Creativity”
The two just go back and forth with their tales of bravery and exchange a lot of ideas.
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Six Baudelaires AU, Part Three: Reference Guide
A quick guide for everything I intentionally referenced in The Six Siblings, That’s Not How the Story Goes.
{ao3} {tumblr} {part one reference guide} {part two reference guide}
Without further ado…
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Chapter One / Prologue - in which the Baudelaires get lost at the train station 
“We’re dead as heck.” Nick shrugged.
Considering the younger age of the children here, they use much lighter swear words.
Klaus had his hands over his ears, and he looked on the edge of tears. “It’s too loud! It’s too loud!” 
Klaus is overstimulated. 
They were in some kind of shoeshop, and a ginger man glanced at them. “Oh, hello!” he said. “Are you- where are your parents?” [...] “When did you see them last?” [...] “Why don’t you have some snacks? It’s all vegan, if-” 
The shoemaker that helps them out is Drumstick from File Under: 13 Suspicious Incidents, who is noted to have made money repairing shoes. 
“Lilac is almost-nine,” Klaus said, “And she’s got two braids cause she wants to be like Wednesday Addams on TV.” 
The Wednesday Addams reference should be obvious, though I should point out that Lilac wants to emulate the 1960s Wednesday, which is the one she’s seen on TV; the older show once again makes the time period ambiguous. 
“Oh my God.” Beatrice was saying. “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.” “Kids, are you alright?” Bertrand asked, the second they pulled away. “Did anything happen?” 
Pretty clearly, the Baudelaire parents were terrified that VFD had abducted their children while they were separated. 
“No! No, we’re gonna be fine!” Lilac said quickly. “We just need to find Klaus and Nick. I… I’ve gotta find them. I’m in charge. I’ve gotta find them-” 
Ah, Lilac’s already got Anxiety™.
Rest of the fic under the cut.
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Chapter Two - in which Violet saves everyone’s asses
No major references in this chapter. 
Chapter Three - in which Sunny cusses quite a bit
“Their species can completely freeze over in cold temperatures.” Solitude assured him. “So they may stop moving, almost look dead, but they’ll be alright, and they’ll unfreeze when we get somewhere warm. We’ll have to catch them up on whatever happens.”
Babbitt’s based off of a wood frog, which do freeze in low temperatures. 
Also to note: by this point in the fanfiction, Solitude no longer uses babytalk, and instead speaks in full sentences. 
Chapter Four - in which the Baudelaires join the Snow Scouts
“Oh, yes.” Klaus said. “Those snow gnats behaved like Violent Frozen Dragonflies.” “Guys…” Nick whispered, but none of them heard him.
Nick is not a fan of VFD at this point, but his siblings are too busy trying to get help from this scout that they don’t immediately notice his discomfort. 
As her story continued, Nick pulled on Klaus’s sleeve, gesturing that he wanted to talk, but Klaus shook his head; the other Snow Scouts would notice them leaving.
Trying to tell Klaus something about VFD. 
“I mean it.” Nick shook his head. “Things can’t ever go back to the way they were. Even if one- or both- of our parents is up there, and they shove Olaf off a cliff and take us home… it’s not going to be the same. We… we know too much.” His siblings remained silent, processing this, as Nick wiped his eyes on his sleeve. “They won’t protect us.” 
Nick knows how VFD recruits its “volunteers”; his fear is that their parents are alive and consented to them being recruited, and will just turn them over to VFD. 
Chapter Five - in which Nick gets to climb something again 
She hmmed, brushing her bangs out of her face as she considered what she could make with all of this. 
Sunny already has long hair that she’ll need to tie back while thinking, like her big sisters. 
Sunny held out the mug of orange juice, and said, “Aurantiaco,” which meant, “Chip away at the juice until you have shavings, so I can make orange granita.” 
“Aurantiaco” is derived from the Latin adjective “aurantiacus”, meaning “orange.”
Chapter Six - in which Sunny makes a signal 
Quigley gave her a smile, and then looked back down, as the Baudeaires crowded around him- all except Lilac, who was still staring at the smoke. “Well, we’ll have to go back through the Vernacularly Fastened Door, down the Vertical Flame Diversion, hike the path the Snow Scouts are taking- and they might notice we’re gone by now so we’ll have to come up with some excuse, Duncan always said you could never go wrong with an exit pursued by a bear-” 
A reference to a famous stage direction from William Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale.
Chapter Seven - in which Lilac goes feral 
Nick bit his lip and pushed a charred novel back onto the shelf, before moving to scratch his arm.
Once again, Nick’s arm scratching occurs whenever Olaf or his troupe are mentioned. 
Klaus walked over, too, and he pulled his siblings into a hug. “We’ll protect each other.” he said. “Okay? No sacrificing ourselves, no kidnappings, no separations. No more.” 
Klaus really wants to make sure Lilac doesn’t try to trade herself, like she tried to do with Nick. 
“Lilac, seriously, I can’t breathe-” “Then suffocate.” 
A reference to the popular meme:
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“We hate to interrupt!” came Lilac’s voice, and Violet and Quigley turned to see her and the twins run back into the kitchen, “But we found something!”
Chapter Eight - in which the Baudelaires raid the fridge 
Solitude looked up. “Sure, hon.”
A reference to the meme:
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“I was making them an anniversary present- a map of all the places they’d traveled.” Quigley sighed. “And I never got to tell them that I don’t…” he hesitated, and then said, “I mean, Duncan and Isadora came out to them, but I never told them that whenever I was doing astronomy class and called myself a space ace…” Violet laughed, and Quigley flinched. “No, no, I’m not making fun of you, it’s a good pun, I’ll have to make sure Nick knows it.” 
Quigley and Nick are both asexual. 
“I think my parents found out when I told them I wanted to marry both Elizabeth and Darcy.” Violet smiled. “Lilac and Nick teased me about that for years. I don’t even know if they remember now.” Quigley stared at her. “Holy shit. Vi… I said the same thing.” 
A reference to Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. 
Violet is bisexual, Quigley is biromantic.
Nick slid against a half-collapsed wall, screaming into his lap, hot tears springing to the edge of his eyes and streaming down his face. 
Nick goes away to have a panic attack without his siblings worrying about him; it’s also explained in this segment how his scratching is him desperately trying not to slip into a flashback. 
Chapter Nine - in which Lilac and Nick are very pissed off 
“Nocere!” Sunny said, which meant something like, “I’m alright, they haven’t done anything too bad.”
“Nocere” comes from the Latin verb “noceo”, meaning “to hurt.” 
“Uncus!” “The hook-handed man made it so I didn’t freeze.” 
“Uncus” is the Latin word for “hook.” 
And then she asked, “Senio?” which meant, “Where are the others?”
“Senio” is the Latin word for “six.”
“Nosra,” Sunny said, which meant, “A man with a beard but no hair and a woman with hair but no beard; they’re arsonists who burned down the Headquarters.” 
“Nosra” is “arson” spelled backwards. 
“Coquus.” Sunny said. “I can do that. There’s enough ingredients to make spinach rolls in the trunk, including an eggplant that’s about as big as I am.” 
“Coquus” is the Latin word for “cook.”
“I know, Vi! I know what they’ll do to her, what they’re probably already doing to her!” 
Obvious reference to Nick’s time as a captive, but subtler reference to the fact that Olaf tortured him with the information of what he’d do to each sibling in turn. 
“Yes, she is!” his voice broke. “I was helpless! I thought I wouldn’t be, but I was! And she’s a baby! I was almost thirteen!” Tears streamed down his face, as he pushed her again. “I was almost thirteen, and I was wrong!” 
Reference to a similar line spoken in every All the Wrong Questions book. 
Chapter Ten - in which Nick spills some Bitter Tea 
Title is a reference to Kit’s quote, “Tea should be as bitter as wormwood and sharp as a two-edged sword.” 
“Sure.” Nick said. “We can be Volunteers who want to recruit our innocent little baby. They’ll believe that.” 
A reference to VFD recruitment tactics. 
“Isa had a huge collection of what me and Duncan called ‘goth poetry.’” Quigley said, smiling. “She likes to recite, too. Verbal stim.” 
Isadora (and all the Quagmires in my headcanons) is Autistic. Nick has ADHD and also stims with recitation. 
“It’s not. Snicket’s real. And he…” Nick shivered. “Let’s just say he’s definitely real. Maybe even still alive.” 
“He’s real and he fathered my oldest sister.”
That’s when they heard the crash, and Esme’s scream. They all fell silent for a second, and then Nick let Quigley go. 
An intentional combination of the Book version of this scene - where they decide to warn Esme- and the Netflix - where she traps herself. 
There was a flash of recognition, and then she smirked. “Well, well, well.” she said. “If it isn’t Beatrice’s little angel.” Nick’s hand flew to his necklace, as his glare intensified. “Fancy seeing you here, I thought you were supposed to be smashed at the bottom of the mountains.” 
Something Olaf called him in Chapter Fourteen of Part Two; Nick was very close to Beatrice, whom Olaf and Esme both despise, so you can bet they took a lot of their anger on her out on him. 
“Fancy seeing you here.” Nick said. “I thought you were supposed to be somewhere in the second circle of hell, but I guess you can’t have everything, can you?” 
In Dante’s Inferno, the second circle of hell is the circle of Lust. 
“Why he’s here doesn’t matter.” Nick said, and then he smiled very coldly and said, “What matters is you’re our hostage now, so I’d suggest you shut the fuck up and do what we tell you to do.” 
Was going to make this more obvious in the text but decided against it, so here’s a fun fact: this is something that was said to Nick during is captivity. He’s getting a lot of joy out of saying it to Esme. 
Chapter Eleven - in which Carmelita gets adopted
Nick took a deep breath, and then said, his voice breaking, “Don’t act like I don’t know what you’d do to her. If you have laid a single fucking hand on my sister, there will be hell to pay.”
Once again, a reference to Olaf torturing Nick with information on what he planned to do to the other Baudelaires. 
“Why are you recruiting us, too?” Colette asked, peering from the net. “We already work for you.” 
Changed from Fernald to Hugo, Colette and Kevin in order to explain their absence in TGG.
Esme glared at him. “We don’t need that ugly girl. Having an infant servant was fun.” 
Esme knows about Olaf’s attraction to Lilac/Violet and is jealous, instead of being, you know, disgusted and horrified. 
Carmelita just smiled and gave Esme a hug. She turned towards Olaf, starting forwards, and just then, Nick thrust Solitude into Violet’s arms and raced ahead of her, pushing her back. 
Even though Nick hates Carmelita, he doesn’t want her suffering like he did. 
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Chapter Twelve - in which Lilac is a Disaster Lesbian
“No- she can curl up inside a diving helmet! Aye! The helmets have a tiny door on the neck just for such a purpose! Aye! I’ve seen it done!” 
Though this doesn’t happen in-fic, this did happen in the original book lol. 
“Actually,” Nick sighed, laying his head on Klaus’s shoulder as Soli wriggled around to try and get a good view of the captain, “He’s the researcher, I’m an… well, I…” 
Nick’s having an identity crisis brought on by the PTSD; he’s not sure who he is anymore.
“Come on, Lilac will be fine in a minute.” Nick said, elbowing Klaus. “She just needs to time to adjust. You know. Like Sappho.” 
Sappho - a famous lesbian poet. 
Chapter Thirteen - in which I bang my head against a table because I have to pay attention to Widdershins 
“No, no, we do!” Fiona looked ecstatic, and Lilac let out a squeal as Fiona grabbed her hands. “One of our previous crewmembers, the one who later turned out to be stealing information on VFD headquarters, she stockpiled a shitton- oh, sorry, I mean a lot of coffee.”
The “spy” may-or-may-not have been an anti-VFD Ellington Feint... 
“Now, I’m sure you have lots of questions.” Fiona said as they walked.  “Definitely.” Nick said. “Number one, how d-” 
A reference to the meme/quote from “The Office” (US) 4x11: 
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Chapter Fourteen - in which the Baudelaires encounter a Great Unknown
“Let Violet work on the wheel,” Klaus suggested, “And maybe Fiona can help Lilac with the telegraph.”
These kids are gonna get Lilac a girlfriend if it kills them. 
“Don’t worry,” the captain replied, “We’ll find a spouse for the others, too! Aye! Perhaps we’ll find your long-lost brother, Fiona! He’s much older, of course, and he’s been missing for years, but if Klaus can locate the Sugar Bowl he can probably find him! Aye! He’s a charming man, so one of the girls would probably fall in love with him, and then we could have a double wedding! Aye! Right here in the main hall of the Queequeg! Aye! I would be happy to officiate! Aye!” “Okay, well,” Nick said, as everyone stared at each other incredibly uncomfortably and he finally made his way to stand beside Klaus, “That’s not going to happen, for a number of reasons. First of all-” 
First of all, Klaus is gay.
Second of all, Fiona is gay. 
Third of all, Lilac and Fiona are the ones flirting. 
Fourth, everyone’s too young to get married. 
Fifth, Nick is aromantic. 
Sixth, “your older long-lost brother” is not a good phrase to throw around to a group of children who’ve been trying to escape a man who tried to marry Lilac. 
Seventh, your children are not fucking prizes to hand out???
Eighth, what the fuck dude. 
Chapter Fifteen - in which Lilac and Fiona are Gay as Hell 
“I mean, you could call them King stropharia. I just like the scientific names. They’re fun to say.” “Oh, that’s completely valid.” Lilac smiled. “I learned Russian when I was younger just because the boys read Anna Karenina and all the names were fun to say.”
Autistic verbal stims!!
“Lentinula Edodes.” Fiona said, smiling at some fungus growing on a hardwood log. “Also known as Shiitake Mushrooms.” “Shiitake?” “Don’t start.” Fiona giggled. 
It sounds vaguely like “shit.”
Lilac and Fiona returned to the dorms very late, arms linked together as they chatted about a book they’d both enjoyed, about another sugar bowl whose contents were actually very well known.
A reference to We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson.
Nick, meanwhile, was passed out on a chair near the door, almost having fallen over; Lilac recognized this position quickly, from the many times he and Klaus or Violet would sit at the bottom of the stairs waiting for their parents to come home late at night. “He was waiting for us.”
Nick was waiting up to talk to Lilac, probably to tell her about the Snicket Thing. 
She carried him to a bunk, lowering him onto it. “Go back to being five years old, okay?” Lilac whispered, reaching over to grab a blanket. “We’ll lock you in the closet again and then make ice cream towers.” 
“Lock you in the closet” is a reference to the one-shot. 
Ice Cream towers are a reference to the prologue of part two.
Lilac sighed and pulled the blanket over him. “You’ll be okay. You want me to sing?” 
All the references to Lilac singing someone to sleep are reference to the song “Asleep”, performed by Emily Browning, Movie!Violet’s actress. 
“Good or bad cry?” Lilac shut her eyes. “Both.” she admitted. 
Chef’s Salad. 
Chapter Sixteen - in which the Crew goes swimming 
They heard what sounded like a very suspicious watery noise, and Nick said, “If this submarine is flooding, I’ll take one for the team and die first.”
Reference to this line from Part One, Chapter Four: “Do you think if one of us died, the rest’d get transferred somewhere else?” Nick asked, hanging upside-down from the rotting couch. “I’ll take one for the team.”
“Nobody’s dying.” Lilac sighed, not looking him in the eye. 
Nick’s lowkey suicidal remark scared her quite a bit. 
“How about some of us stay here and do more research,” Violet suggested, squeezing Nick’s hand, “And the rest of us look for the Sugar Bowl? I can stay with Nick and try to work with the submarine. Nick, maybe you can dig through books and see if you can find anything on the Gorgonian Grotto, or the Great Unknown, and read it to me while I work.” [...] He’d found something that seemed to be filed under the Great Unknown, but it was probably misfiled as it just talked about a tearoom and a roadster. 
Probably my most blatant reference to Movie!Klaus’s actor, Liam Aiken, narrating the All the Wrong Questions audiobooks. 
“Ekab!” Sunny said, which meant, “I can stay here and cook!” 
“Ekab” is “bake” spelled backwards. 
“I’m sure someone did, aye.” Widdershins waved his hand. “Whoever got assigned the job. Perhaps R, or her daughter, they may have been nearby at the time. Or Larry, aye! We weren’t told about who was in charge of you, just that we needed to document information and track the Sugar Bowl!” 
A reference to Jacquelyn (the Duchess of Winnipeg, making her either R or her daughter) and Larry Your-Waiter following the Baudelaires in the Netflix series. 
“Don’t you worry, Nicholas! Everything’s for the Greater Good!"
While Widdershins usually calls him Nick, he slips up here, much like Poe always does; Nick hates being referred to as Nicholas. 
“Besides, VFD wouldn’t abandon you! Aye! You’d be a great volunteer! You’re a dedicated researcher! Aye! You’re a saint! Aye! You’re an angel! Aye! You’re a-” Nick stared at him in horror, and then said, “I have to go!” and took off running. 
Nick was already put on edge by this victim-blaming conversation,  the revelation that multiple people could’ve helped him, his siblings leaving, the VFD cult stuff, and Widdershins’s constant bullshit, but the use of the word “angel” sets him off the edge; it reminds him too much of being referred to as “Beatrice’s Little Angel.” 
“Okay, so, I found a box of rubber bands.” Lilac sighed, sitting atop a chest. “And half a gun, a broken mirror, what might be a microphone, and a scattered notebook with sketches of some kind of snake.” Solitude peered over her shoulder, her arms full of bottles. “I don’t recognize it.” she said sadly. “Also, it’s not a snake. It’s got legs, see there?” 
Lilac found sketches of the Bombinating Beast. 
Chapter Seventeen - in which Violet doodles 
“Precisely.” Lilac said. “It’s something that’s not a choice at all. Our Mother used to give us Hobson’s Choices. She’d say, ‘Lilac, you can dust the furniture, or I can play polka music all night.’”
A reference to Lemony Snicket’s dislike of polka music in File Under: 13 Suspicious Incidents. 
“She’d do that with the others, too.” Lilac recalled. “Violet could clean her room or we’d stand in the doorway and sing Row Your Boat, and Nick could be nice to guests or be made to read that third book about those kids in a maze, and Sunny could have a bath or a pink dress.” 
A reference to The Maze Runner: The Death Cure by James Dashner. I hated the entire series, but the third book was the worst. 
TRIGGER WARNING: Following references for Chapter Seventeen discuss Nick’s self-harm in detail.
She ran a hand over her ponytail, and then she said, “Nick, I will be right back, but you have to promise not to lock the door.” 
She is scared he’ll lock her out and continue self-harming. 
As soon as she was out of Nick’s sightline, she buried her head in her hands, struggling to remain calm. Don’t freak out. Don’t freak out. Help him now, freak out later. You need to help, Vi. Just keep moving. 
Violet knows freaking out in front of Nick will just make him feel worse
Do the scary thing first, get scared later. 
“No come in!” Sunny shouted. “Surprise!” 
Sunny’s preparing Violet’s cake. 
“Nodnaba,” Sunny said, and Violet heard her sliding from the counter. “He and Widdershins stepped out a moment; they’ll be back soon.” 
“Nodnaba” is “abandon” spelled backwards. 
Widdershins and Phil have “stepped out”, and either right now or very soon will be abandoning ship. 
“Crayola,” Sunny said, which meant, “There’s a whole box of markers right here, for writing labels on cannisters. Can you bring them back when you’re done?” 
Very obvious reference to Crayola art supplies.
“Alzatadispalle,” Sunny said, which meant, “Eh, fine, I don’t care about this submarine much anyway.” 
“Alzata di spalle” is Italian for a shrug. 
But she swirled the marker- a light blue color- around her brother’s arm, until there was just a jumble of color. Then, an idea finally coming to her, she took a black marker and drew some squiggles above it, mirroring the shape of their Uncle’s prized snake, the Incredibly Deadly Viper. It felt like a lifetime since they’d seen him.
A reference to Ink swimming through the sea at the end.  
Violet took his hands, squeezing them softly. “When you feel… feel like you want to scratch without an itch, I want you to take these markers and draw where you… where you want to hurt. Do that instead. It should help. And if it doesn’t, I want you to tell me, okay?” 
This is a legitimate coping mechanism for self-harm; drawing on skin with pens or markers. 
Violet waited until he met her eyes, and she admitted, “About two years ago, I asked Father why he had pen drawings on his arm.” 
Bertrand dealt with depression and self-harming tendencies, as well. Violet was the only kid who knew, and only because she asked. 
Chapter Eighteen - in which Solitude catches a cold
“I found a newspaper scrap.” Lilac said. “I, uh, read a bit. Maybe we could discuss what we’ve read while we eat.”
She read the stuff about Fernald starting the fire. 
“Like… ‘poached egg’ means ‘half the battle.’” Klaus said. “Remember when Nick used that metaphor and we punched him for it?” 
A reference to a tangent Lemony went on in this section of The Grim Grotto. 
Soli nodded, passing Klaus the wasabi and Lilac two cannisters, and soon they put on their diving helmets, suiting up for their return journey. Solitude hmmed as Fiona helped her put her helmet back on, saying, “Sand’s inside, I think.” 
The spores.
“Senso-orario,” Sunny said, which meant something like, “I fell asleep in the kitchen, and when I woke up, Phil and Widdershins still hadn’t returned, and now I can’t find them anywhere.” 
“In Senso orario” is an Italian term for “clockwise.” “Widdershins” means “counterclockwise.” 
Chapter Nineteen - in which Olaf is a dick
“Ha ha ha heepa-heepa ho!” came a villainous laugh from the hallway, and within a few moments, Count Olaf entered, dressed in a similar suit of slippery material, only with a portrait of Edgar Guest instead of Herman Melville. “Tee hee tort tort tort!” “No, no,” Violet looked up, giving him a glare. “Don’t do that.”
A reference to me not wanting to write Olaf’s villain laughter for like three chapters.
He stepped closer, putting a hand on Fiona’s chin. Lilac gasped and ran forwards, slapping his arm away. “You must be Fiona.” he said. “Why, you’re all grown up! The last time I saw you, I was trying to throw thumbtacks into your cradle.”  Nick shot up his head, giving Olaf a glare that could have killed him. “Get away from her!” 
Lilac and Violet glanced at each other, and then around, trying to spot an escape route. This, however, was a mistake; Olaf figured out very quickly what they were planning, and before they could do anything, he reached forwards and ripped Nick out of Klaus’s grasp. 
Once again, Olaf knows the kind of effect he has on Nick, and how protective of him the others are, and uses this to his advantage. 
“My henchperson will simply torture the information out of you.” He smirked down at Nick, who was shaking uncontrollably. “Isn’t that right?” Nick didn’t respond, barely keeping himself from sobbing. 
Nick’s been captured again, with his siblings. Olaf is taunting him, heavily implying that he’s going to follow through on his threat to torture Nick’s siblings in front of him before killing him. 
“Umore,” Sunny said, which roughly translated to, “God, that’s a mood.” 
“Umore” is an Italian word for “mood.” 
“What did we tell you, you little beast?” she hissed. “You can’t get away from us.” 
Most of Nick’s worst trauma came from “punishments” from when he tried to escape, which is why he panics whenever they’re about to be caught. 
“Holy fuck,” said a girl at the oars, “What the hell is wrong with you all?” 
Not really a reference but I just want to point out that none of these recruits have any context for this so they’re probably just. seeing all these crazy shits saying whatever they want 
“I’m getting tired of this.” Olaf said, waving his sword and gesturing at Nick. “You all get to see the first brig, it’s deluxe, as it comes with a noose. I think we should put this one in the second brig for-” 
A reference to Netflix’s The Vile Village: Part Two. 
“I think,” Olaf said, pressing his sword against Nick’s throat, “We should put those two little rebels in with our little Nick.” Nick finally started to cry, tears streaming down his face as he almost collapsed, and Violet shouted, “You bastard! Leave them alone!” 
Once again, Olaf’s planning on following through on the threats that scared Nick so badly. Violet, the only one who knows about what Olaf threatened him with, is the first to start panicking. 
Chapter Twenty - in which Lilac leads a jailbreak 
The title itself is a reference to Chapter Sixteen of Part One: in which Solitude leads a jailbreak. 
Her younger brother finally pulled away, but only to run off to the corner of the small brig, where he leaned over and vomited onto the floor, barely keeping his own balance. Lilac jumped to her feet and dragged him towards the wall, as he shook more and clung to her arm. [...] Nick shuddered beside her, and he finally choked out, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” 
Nick knows exactly what Olaf’s threatening, and he’s falling back into a pure traumatized state; he doesn’t think they can escape, he thinks he’s going to die while Olaf torments his siblings, and nothing is going to stop him. 
“I…” Lilac slid onto a hard bench, where Nick sat beside her and refused to stop clinging to her side. “I glanced at the locks on our way in. They’re ordinary enough pin-tumbler locks, so- hold on a moment. Nick, Nick, please-” 
A reference to a repeated phrase in When Did You See Her Last?
And then Lilac quietly sang, “Pretty when the window blows, I love my tree in autumn… Like I love my tree in summer, like I love my tree in winter… They put me in a room, and I thought of you in autumn…” She shut her eyes, humming the next line, and then she picked up again. Fiona kept working on the lock, and Nick kept clinging to Lilac, terrified to let go, and she kept singing. “Pretty when you sing me a new song in autumn, or a new song in winter, or a new song in summer…” 
The song is “Pretty When The Wind Blows”, sung by Emily Browning, Movie!Violet’s actress. 
The line she hums is one that would definitely not cheer Nick up - “And I’m sad I won’t see you again.” 
Violet leapt in front of her siblings, and Klaus reached out to grab Sunny, who honestly didn’t look too worried. 
Sunny is friends with Fernald, she knows he won’t do anything to them. 
“We could pretend the Great Unknown showed up and is about to eat everyone.” Violet said. “I’m sorry, do you have a small black statue that can imitate its call?” Fernald said. “Why would I-” 
A reference to Violet and Klaus’s escape in Netflix’s The Grim Grotto: Part Two.  
A reference to the Bombinating Beast statue from All the Wrong Questions.
“Smelled like horseradish.” Sunny nodded. 
Sunny, the chef, would remember.
Chapter Twenty-One - in which Fiona is Volatile 
“I-” Nick stuttered. “I know TS Eliot.”  “Macavity,” Sunny said, which meant, “Wasn’t that from your musical phase?”
A reference to a song/character from Cats the Musical, based on a poetry book by TS Eliot.  
“I’ll make this simple.” Olaf smiled. “I could torture you until you tell me, or we can trade information- or a lack of information, if you so prefer.” Then, in a sickly sweet voice, he called, “Nick?”  [...] “We don’t make deals with bastards.” Lilac crossed her arms. Olaf smirked, eyeing her in a way that made her incredibly uncomfortable. “Interesting choice of words, my dear Lilac.” Nick sat up, horrified, as Olaf took a step closer to his oldest sister, and then he shouted, “It’s in the kitchen!” 
Nick is terrified of Olaf hurting/assaulting Lilac, as well as outing her as Snicket’s daughter to everyone. 
Sunny sighed and said, “Cruciatu,” which meant, “Can they kill us now?” 
“Cruciatu” comes from the latin verb “crucio”, meaning “to torture.” 
“I’ll be fine. If we get caught, we have a potential escape plan that involves a seaside town, a train, and a vineyard.” Fiona said. “And releasing a bunch of wild new recruits to perform chaos.” 
Firstly, a reference to the Thistle of the Valley train that goes out of Stain’d-by-the-Sea.
Secondly, a reference to Netflix’s The Grim Grotto: Part Two. 
As she moved slowly towards the controls, Violet at her heels, Nick curled up on his chair, and he whispered to himself, “But they were fucked up in their turn, by fools in old-style hats and coats… who half the time were soppy-stern…” He hugged Solitude very close, shutting his eyes and trying not to think about everyone who had left. “And half at one another’s throats.” 
The poem later recited by Olaf in The End - “This Be the Verse” by Philip Larkin. 
“Mr Poe,” Klaus said, looking from the taxi to Poe, “Have you ever heard of a Hobson’s choice?” 
“You can either get in the taxi, or go with Mr Poe.”
The woman smiled at Lilac, as if she’d asked the right question. 
Another All the Wrong Questions reference. 
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Chapter Twenty-Two - in which Kit cannot drive
“So,” Nick said, kicking his feet and glancing down at Soli, “Are we in agreement that we are ‘fucked’, a word which here means, ‘holy shit’?”
Obvious reference to Lemony Snicket’s way of defining words. 
They looked to each other, thinking hard. “Well,” Lilac finally said, “In the few minutes we’ve known her, Kit Snicket has broken at least nine safety laws, driven into a hedge, and seems intent on recruiting us to spy for a secret organization.” “I like her.” Violet decided. “Me, too.” Klaus added. “Same!” Sunny said. 
A reference to similar lines in Netflix’s The Penultimate Peril: Part One. 
“Mother said she purchased it during intermission.” Lilac said. “She said it was the most interesting time she’d ever had at the opera, and she never wanted to forget it.” “I’m sure it was interesting.” Nick muttered, curling up a little.
Nick knows about the murder.
She moved behind Lilac, tying back her hair for her. “You look just like your father.” Kit sighed, not noticing the flinch Nick made as he reached for some food to pass to Soli. [...] “Really?” Lilac asked, smiling a little. She’d never told that she looked like her parents. 
She looks like Lemony.
Violet and Nick shared a quiet look, one that their siblings didn’t quite understand, but the two of them read perfectly.
Violet and Nick, after Widdershins’s shit, are very anti-VFD. 
“That’s fine.” Lilac assured her, reaching for a cup. “I like my coffee bitter.” “That is surprising.” Kit said absent-mindedly, still looking through papers.
Considering Lilac is Lemony’s daughter, and Lemony doesn’t like coffee (All the Wrong Questions), this comes as a surprise to Kit.
“That’s why you’ll be together.” Kit said, putting her hand gently over Nick’s. “I’ve received reports on your progress, Baudelaires, and while I haven’t been able to reach you, I have seen that you take care of your own.” [...] Kit gave them all a reluctant and sad smile, and then repeated, almost to herself, “You Baudelaires take care of your own.”
A reference to a line from When Did You See Her Last?: “We Snickets take care of our own.” 
Chapter Twenty-Three - in which the Baudelaires enter the Hotel Denouement 
Nick bit his lip, thinking about everything. VFD. The secrets. The Sugar Bowl. That reminded him of a book Lilac read him. “We’ll live on the moon.” he said quietly, his voice almost blank. “And we’ll have flying horses.” God, he wished he was still young enough to believe that.
A direct reference to We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson.
When it was time to go in, Klaus and Lilac immediately threw their hands over their ears.
Exactly six bells were ringing- the extra bell, 371, 547, 674, 781 and 954. 
371 - Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) Education and Social Sciences. 
547 - DDC for Organic Chemistry; Colette’s mission involves her sneaking in here. 
674 - DDC for Lumber processing. 
781 - DDC for Jazz is 781.65; Ellington’s career has something to do with jazz.  
954 - DDC for India and neighboring countries; it’s an Indian restaurant. 
Chapter Twenty-Four - in which the first three bells ring 
The woman smiled, and while Lilac did not recognize the white coat or black uniform underneath, she did recognize the woman standing in front of her, even though she wasn’t bending in any unusual positions. [...] “You see, I am a brilliant chemist, as you can tell from my outfit, but I’m afraid some of these fumes have gone to my head, and I’m having trouble recognizing some words here.” 
A reference to Cleo Knight, the brilliant chemist from All the Wrong Questions, who only wears black-and-white to honor the family ink business. 
“I told you they’d judge us.” Kevin said. “I should’ve just called up my old gangmate.” “She wouldn’t have gotten here in time, she lives on the other side of-” Hugo began. 
A reference to the theory that Kevin is Kevin Old from File Under: 13 Suspicious Incidents; his “gangmate” would be Florence Smith, who had a special interest in reading and thus have a large vocabulary. 
Lilac narrowed her eyes. She recognized the chemical compounds- her and Violet had gone through a celebrity crush phase on a chemist about three or four years before- but she was having trouble figuring out what they combined into. “What is this for?” 
Another reference to Cleo Knight. 
He doodled the shape of a pegasus on his arm, beside the moon. He remembered that book. What else had Merricat thought would be on the moon? Rose petals. He could draw roses next. 
Once again, a direct reference to We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson.
“Can I help you, concierge?” Hal asked. “Um.” Nick froze a moment, panic clutching his chest. You’ve been caught! You’ve been caught! You’ve been caught! 
Once again, Nick is immediately put into a panic by being caught, due to his trauma from his captivity. 
Chapter Twenty-Five - in which the next three bells are answered 
The door swung open just as Klaus stepped back, and he saw Charles exit, blinking over at him in a bathrobe. “Sorry,” he said, “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to call someone just to take me down the hall, but my eyesight isn’t what it used to be, and I’ve recently developed a phobia of optometrists.”
This entire scene is based on a scene that had to be deleted from the Netflix adaptation due to Rhys Darby (Charles) being stranded because of a hurricane during filming. It can be read here. 
“Don’t step on the crack, or you’ll fall and break your back!” Soli sang, laughing a little as she jumped down to Room 781, trying to imitate Babbitt’s hops.
While this is a slight variation on a popular children’s game song, it’s specifically a reference to the scene between Ducky and Littlefoot in The Land Before Time.
The woman looked at her very, very carefully, and then said, “It’s alright. That’s a fake, anyway.” “Fake what?” Solitude turned to look at the statue, as the woman knelt to put it back. “It looks like a snake, but there are those little claw-shapes there, suggesting hands.” “Well, it’s a replica, made by my foster-brother-in-law’s sister-in-law. Just in case we need to switch out.” “Switch out what?” The woman glanced down at Solitude, smiling and brushing the young girl’s hair back; it had fallen a little from her hat. “It’s a long story, and you probably have work to do. I’m sure you have more important things to get to.” 
The woman is clearly Ellington Feint from All the Wrong Questions; she is still very into Jazz music (hence her room), and may-or-may-not have access to the Bombinating Beast statue. 
Her foster-brother-in-law (Kellar)’s sister-in-law is Ornette Lost, implying Ornette married Lizzie Haines. 
Solitude blinked. This woman couldn’t know her; Soli didn’t recognize anything about her, except the record currently playing. She hesitated, and then pointed to the record, saying, “That’s a pretty song.” The woman smiled slightly. “It is, isn’t it? Do you know the name?” “Do you?” 
The song is “Solitude” by Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong; aka Ellington’s song in All the Wrong Questions. 
“Really?” the woman sighed. “Okay, sweetheart, you run along. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to find my wife before she can fistfight Geraldine Julienne in the lobby.” 
Her wife is Moxie Mallahan, a journalist who would definitely get kicked out of the hotel for fighting Geraldine Julienne. 
“Plumber,” Sunny said, which meant, “Yeah, but she writes those shitty articles from The Daily Punctilio about us, so she deserves it.”  “I thought that was Ms Poe.” Soli said confusedly. 
A reference to Katherine Plumber, the journalist from the musical Newsies.
A reference to Eleanora Poe and Geraldine Julienne being combined into one character in the Netflix adaptation. 
“Klaus Louis Baudelaire, are you suggesting that we have not been having a good time?” Nick said. 
Klaus’s middle name is taken from his actor, Louis Hynes.
“I mean,” Nick said, considering, “The whole ‘VFD’ thing totally explains that weird-ass letter they sent us from Europe.” “What?” Lilac narrowed her eyes. “You remember?” Nick said. “When they went to Europe for, like, two weeks, and sent us that fucked-up letter about how they loved us and that even if life sucked we’d always have each other and all that bullshit?” Lilac, Violet and Klaus groaned. “Oh, fuck, you’re right!” Klaus said. “That makes so much sense now.” Lilac said. 
A reference to “The Letter That Never Came” scene from the 2004 film. 
Chapter Twenty-Six - in which the harpoon is fired
The Baudelaires sighed, and then Nick said, “Yeah, a little suspicious, isn’t it? Your parents burned to death the same night VFD saw fit to drag you all out.”
Highkey reference to the theory that Volunteers kill the parents who don’t want to give their children up for recruitment. 
Violet nodded grimly, while Lilac and Klaus gave Nick careful looks, and Solitude and Sunny gasped quietly. Dewey scanned him with his eyes. “You would get along with Ernest.” he said finally. 
The implication here is that Ernest joined the firestarters partially due to speculation about their parents’ murder, or at the very least, Ernest is incredibly critical of the way VFD is run.  
“You can’t rely on associates.” Count Olaf said. “More comrades have failed me than I can count. Why, Hooky and what’s-her-face double-crossed me just yesterday and let you brats escape, and then stole my submarine!” “Good for her.” Sunny said, almost unfazed, too furious at Olaf to feel much fear at the moment. 
A reference to the meme from Arrested Development:
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“How do you know us?” Lilac asked, putting an arm around Violet. The man looked at her sadly. “That’s the wrong question.”
A reference to All the Wrong Questions. 
Chapter Twenty-Seven - in which Nick finally spills 
“Diviso?” Sunny asked, which meant, “What if they try to split us up?” 
“Diviso” is a Latin adjective meaning “divided.”
Chapter Twenty-Eight - in which Everything Goes to Shit 
The title is a reference to many of my other fanfictions: In the Stranger Things Superhero AU fic Shatter: Pirouette in the Dark, Chapter Nine was titled “Everything Goes to Shit”, and Chapter Thirty was titled “I already used the title ‘Everything goes to shit’ but I need to use it again”, and people thought that was so funny that it became a running joke in basically all of my fics. 
“Lilac Emily Baudelaire.” “Violet Malina Baudelaire.” “Nick Liam Baudelaire.” “Klaus Louis Baudelaire.” “Solitude Theodora Baudelaire.” “Sunday Theo-dora Bau’elaire!”
The first four children have their middle names from their original actors- Emily Browning, Malina Weissman, Liam Aiken and Louis Hynes.
Solitude and Sunny’s middle names are both Theodora, to further confuse people as to what the S stands for. See: S Theodora Markson, All the Wrong Questions
Nick took a moment to respond. “E-Explorer?” 
Identity crisis! Getting a bit better though. 
“He murdered…” Lilac bit her lip. “He murdered Jacques Snicket!” 
Lilac’s realizing here that that was her uncle. 
They all turned to look at Olaf, who didn’t even look uncomfortable. They wanted him to be uncomfortable. They wanted him to be scared. 
A reference to a line from Shouldn’t You Be In School?: Someone cleared their throat and we both looked back at a tall, masked figure, watching us calmly. Too calmly, I thought. I wanted him worried.
Sunny and Soli were crying, too. “Audit,” Sunny said, meaning, “People never listen to children.” 
“Audit” comes from the Latin verb “audio”, meaning “to listen.” 
They stood up, with Nick lifting Solitude and Violet moving to lift Sunny, and then they walked back together, holding their heads high and ignoring the stares and whispers and chills. They sat again in the front row, still holding onto each other and refusing to let go. 
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“Bene?” Sunny asked. “Is that good?”
“Bene” is the Latin word for “good.”
The elevator shot down to the basement, and as it did, Nick and Violet leapt onto Olaf, pummeling him with their fists and trying to rip Justice Strauss away. Olaf shouted, and Lilac and Klaus immediately jumped help, managing to pull Justice Strauss out of his grip as Soli and Sunny screeched and started biting at his ankles, with Babbitt jumping over to the judge so they didn’t get squashed. The siblings had been waiting for this a long while, and they weren’t going to waste time. 
a reference to the original shitpost that inspired this au. 
Chapter Twenty-Nine - in which Sunny turns to Arson 
“Alexandria,” Sunny said, which meant, “Unless she has a backup, you son of a bitchass motherfucker.”
A reference to the Library of Alexandria. 
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Chapter Thirty - in which the Baudelaires have had ENOUGH
“And the only fucking reason,” Lilac said, sitting up and grimacing as her stomach wound flared up, “That we haven’t thrown you overboard already is that we might need bait to catch larger fish to eat.”
A slight reference to “Shipwrecked” by The Gothic Archies, which was inspired by The End. 
“Cazzo,” Sunny said, which meant, “Which won’t be long, dickhead.” 
“Cazzo” is an Italian curse word.
Chapter Thirty-One - in which Nick is not taking Ishmael’s bullshit 
“You cannot force me to wear white.” Lilac said.
A reference both to Lilac being incredibly goth, and to her trauma from the Marvelous Marriage, where she was forced into a wedding dress. 
Nick said. “Listen up, you- someone cover Friday’s ears.” Klaus reached forwards and slammed his hands over Friday’s ears. “Alright. Listen up, you bitchass motherfucker.”
“I was drugged up once, it’s not fun.” 
I left this to be interpreted in separate ways: one, like Duncan guessed in Part Two: Chapter Twenty, Nick was drugged as part of his torture. Two, like Klaus said in Chapter Twenty-Four, Classical Literature Camp was wild. 
“Yeah, it’s not.” Violet agreed. 
Reference to her being drugged in The Hostile Hospital. 
Chapter Thirty-Two - in which the Baudelaires make camp 
“I feel like we weren’t supposed to do that.” Violet said, as they walked away from the beach.
A reference to me going very off-book. 
Sunny nodded, as they placed them in front of her. “Crusoe,” Sunny said, which meant, “We can drink the milk inside, so long as we don’t allow it to ferment, and I can make us toasted coconut flakes, if you give me some room around the fire.” 
A reference to Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe.
“Sandstone,” Sunny said, meaning, “Can someone get me something like a bowl?” 
A reference to her first line in the Netflix series: “Can you find a rock that’s not sandstone?” 
They were silent again, and then Lilac said, “Um, speaking- speaking of hard things to tell- oh.” 
She was going to tell them about her biological father. 
Nick’s face fell. “You’re right, we don’t wanna kidnap.” 
Don’t wanna emulate VFD.
Chapter Thirty-Three - in which the Baudelaires begin to heal 
“Wait.” Friday narrowed her eyes. “Bears don’t live on beaches.” “I know!” Klaus laughed. “Shakespeare had no geographical knowledge whatsoever.”
Once again, a reference to a famous stage direction from William Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale.
“Yeet!” Violet shouted, as she threw herself beside her siblings, and after a second, Lilac flopped over, too. 
A reference to the vine/meme. 
Chapter Thirty-Four - in which Friday goes off-book 
“Kit Snicket?” Lilac shouted. “No, Kit Kittredge.” Solitude sighed.
A reference to the American Girl doll, Kit Kittredge.
Friday sighed and stood up, taking a few steps forwards. She looked at her mother, and her mother’s outstretched arms, and then out at the crowd. Watching her. Waiting for her to listen. And then she stepped back. “No,” she said. “No, I don’t think so.” 
A quick rundown of Friday’s mentality here. 
Chapter Thirty-Five - in which the Baudelaires plan a mutiny 
Klaus nodded. “Cinderella. East of the Sun and West of the Moon. The Juniper Tree. Little Match Girl- might skip that one, actually. Do you want to try to read it?”
Skipping “The Little Match Girl” because she dies at the end. 
“Suit yourself.” said Olaf. “But you know what? I bet those islanders won’t let you back onto Olaf-Land, now that you’ve recruited one of their own.” 
Intentional use of the word “recruit” here, just to taunt them. 
Chapter Thirty-Six - in which we go surprisingly more off-book 
“I know this.” Nick was the first one to move, stepping towards a tall fish statue, the red paint slightly peeling. He shook quite a bit as he ran a hand over it, and Klaus rushed over to put an arm around him. “We were trapped in here. How… how did we fit in here? Klaus, how did we fit?”
A reference to the fact the Red Herring statue can be seen in the arboretum in the Netflix adaptation. 
Nick turned to Klaus, eyes wide. “We did fit? We were in here? I didn’t make that up?”
A very lowkey reference to We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson; Uncle Julian sometimes doubts the traumatic arsenic incident that paralyzed him and killed the rest of the family really happened. 
Chapter Thirty-Seven - in which Lilac has a costume change 
“Why would I-” Violet asked as Lilac grabbed a knife, drew it up to one of her braids, and chopped it off. Violet leapt to her feet and gasped, while Nick’s dropped his marker in shock. Soli and Sunny let out tiny shrieks, as Friday stared and Klaus said, “Lilac!” “I need to think.” Lilac said, and she grabbed another braid and chopped it off. “And this hair is getting in my way!” “Lilac-” Klaus started forwards, but she held up a hand to stop him, and then grabbed her loose hair and started cutting. Her braids fell to the floor of the tree, as she kept cutting to get rid of the strands that could reach her face. Within a few moments, her hair was cut even shorter than the boys’, with only a small, thin braid on the side of her head.
Firstly, a reference to the fact the dramatic haircut is my favorite trope of all time. 
Secondly, specifically and heavily inspired by the scene in IT: Chapter One when Beverly Marsh cuts her hair. 
“Oh, fuck yeah! Deus ex Rana to the rescue!” Klaus said, rushing over first. 
“Rana” is the Latin word for “frog.” 
Chapter Thirty-Eight - in which the Medusoid causes a ruckus 
“Hey!” Lilac shouted, stepping forwards. “What in the nine circles of hell is going on here?”
A reference to Dante’s Inferno. 
“So are you, my dear.” Olaf said. He eyed her with his shiny eyes. “Why’d you do that to your hair? It makes you look much less pretty.” 
Unfortunately, another reference to Beverly’s haircut in IT: Chapter One: this was the response it elicited from her abusive father. 
Chapter Thirty-Nine - in which man hands on misery to man 
Solitude looked to her, narrowing her eyes, a seemingly insignificant memory floating back to her. “Question mark.” she said, “Beast.”
When she realizes some stuff about Ellington’s statue. 
Kit looked at her, and Lilac saw in her eyes that her choice not to take the apple had nothing to do with her child. 
It’s often theorized in canon, and confirmed in this fic, that Kit was suicidal, which was why she decided not to take the apple.
Chapter Forty - in which the Baudelaires go on together 
“We didn’t.” Sunny said, putting a hand on Lilac’s leg. “We have each other.”
A callback to “We lost everything.” “Except each other.” 
“We don’t need to escape.” Violet said. She turned to Lilac. “Do you remember that musical, based on that movie, based on that movie, based on that book-”
The song they proceed to sing, “Finale”, is from the musical The Hunchback of Notre Dame, which is based on the Disney movie, which takes a lot of inspiration from the 1939 film, which was based on the Victor Hugo novel.
Also I made a gifset with those lyrics and I’m still very proud of it. 
“I know.” Violet nodded. “I… I guess we can’t lock you in the closet anymore, huh?” Her smile only lasted a few seconds. “I’m sorry. Just trying to cheer you up.” 
A reference to the one-shot. 
They never told Bea she had the same shine in her eyes as her father. She didn’t need to know. 
Bea is biologically Olaf’s daughter. 
Solitude found all the herpetology books, which Klaus and Friday read to her. She furnished Babbitt’s habitat, and let her hair grow out so that she could braid it.
Just like her big sister Lilac. 
“A statue normally wouldn’t mean anything,” Violet had told Friday, “But, well, Nick found some interesting accounts, didn’t you, Nick?” “Li’s Dad is a wordy motherfucker,” Nick said, tossing a file that had been slipped into a bowl of honeydew melons, “But yeah, I did.” 
Huge reference to All the Wrong Questions. 
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Chapter Forty-One / Epilogue - in which Beatrice leaves the island
“Well, maybe we only have to last a year until Lilac turns eighteen, and then we spend our fortune on pop tarts and Pokémon cards.” Solitude said.
A reference to this Alex Hirsch tweet:
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“We’ll have to come up with fake names.” Solitude giggled. “I’ll be Sensible.” “You will not, I called dibs!” Sunny shouted.
A reference to Netflix!Sunny’s name in @ornettelosts‘s Nine Baudelaires AU. Love ya, Sammie! :D
“I still wanna know how Babbitt had-” Nick began, but Klaus slapped a hand over his mouth. 
“I still wanna know how Babbitt had sex.” 
Lilac ran her hands over the title. “Yeah. Let’s leave this behind.” She smiled and said, “Time to go. Sound off! One!” 
They’re leaving their series of unfortunate events behind. 
Lilac smiled and said, “Let’s go find something new.” 
There’s always something. 
Perhaps, in ten years, Beatrice would have a much happier message for her uncle than he expected.
A reference to The Beatrice Letters and, lowkey, the happier version of it in Netflix’s adaptation of The End. 
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peaches-and-hoshi · 6 years
this fic rec’s novelty is that i added some unfinished fics, they deserve love too~
[TAGS: Fluff Angst Smut ; favorites ♥]
What you get used to - themarmalade [NAMGI, A/F, warning for panic attack, Yoongi gets anxious in crowds, especially in airports, Joon helps]
strange that things change - realface [SOPE, A/F/S, future!fic, long after BTS has disbanded, the two are still wondering what they are to each other] ♥
no one man should have all that power - realface [TAEKOOK, A/F, Tae is okay with his magic making people fall in love with him, until it’s Jungkook]
don’t keep it too secret - melodiousb [TAEGI/JINMIN, S/A, jinmin need to get their act together, taegi play love consellors]
Lonely Night - realface [RAPLINE, Smut/pining, the boys stumble on fanfiction and Joon can’t stop thinking about it, him and Hoseok and Yoongi, together]
Whenever I’m a Shining Knight - melodiousb [JINKOOK/JINMIN, A/S/F, Kook is in love with Seokjin and Seokjin is in love with Jimin, but it’s okay, really] ♥
rib resection - melodiousb [YOONJIN, very light smut, seokjin is awkward and might have a thing for yoongi’s knees, that’s it that’s the plot]
into the morning light - realface [SOPE, fluff, the boys being soft between schedules] ♥
1/7,631,164,839 - darling [YOONKOOK, F/A, Kook and Yoongi pine together, for each other, reference to the concept of soulmates] ♥
At Last (my love has come along) - taeharem [VMIN, fluff, vmin being the whipped soulmates they are] ♥
Love Yourself - endearings [SOPE, angst/fluff, warning for eating disorders and anorexia, the members and Hoseok try to help Yoongi accept himself]
Your love was handmade for somebody like me - tangowithsuga [A/F/S, vmin wake up married in vegas, chaos ensues] ♥
Connecting... - SyubJjang318 [F/A, snapshots of sope’s relationship as they live on different continents due to school]
all cats are g(r)ay in the dark - tteokie [F/S/humor, hybrids!au, Yoongi is a cat hybrid, Hoseok is allergic to cats.. find the problem] ♥
halcyon - inkingbrushes [F/A/S, demons!au, Jung Hoseok loves to gamble and Min Yoongi can't resist a good game] ♥
limerence. - hopespiration [F/A/S, college!au, Hobi answers an ad about nude modelling, and meets Min Yoongi, hermite extraordinaire]
on pins and needles - tteokie [SMUT/humor, model!au, Hoseok is way too hot for his own good, it makes Yoongi lose his balance] ♥
I Don’t Mind (If You Don’t Mind) - emlisy [F/S, roommates!au, Hobi thinks his roomie might be a vampire, and decides to investigate, feelings bloom in the meantime]
soft place to land - realface [A/S/F, established relationship, they’re both struggling, but they do it together]
life comes at you fast - misspamela [fluff, jungkook is convinced his grumpy TA Min Yoongi is not human, until he sees him being gross with his boyfriend at a party]
blue side - tteokie [F/A, mermaid!au, unfinished, Yoongi tries to escape the suffocating athmosphere of his clan, Hobi has always felt a pull towards the ocean, they meet in the middle] ♥
these hallowed halls - softlyblue [ANGST/F/lightsmut, hogwarts!au, slytherin yoongs and ravenclaw kook, tw for bullying and mentions of blood] ♥
add some pepper (to your life) - gyeoul [fluff/humor, pepper, jungkook’s pet rabbit, judges each human he brings home, until a tall dimpled one comes along] ♥
the weather in busan [got deleted but i’ll update you on its whereabouts!!!]
finding my feet (and other things, too) - softlyblue [F/A, magic!au, Yoongi is a shapeshifter who keeps poofing into a small rabbit out of anxiety, and keeps being found by people who call him “jeongguk”] ♥
with a bang (stunted plants can bloom) - fruitily [S/F/A, college!au, Yoongi almost sleeps with Kook before realizing he’s vmin’s new roommate, things only get awkward from here] ♥
hey, i like you a lot (not clickbait) - fruitily [fluff/humor, buzzfeed!au, somehow Yoongi features in every video except Jungkook’s? time to change that, and no it isn’t because of a crush shut up jimin] ♥
golden hour - whomstisthis [F/S/A, growing together, kook just graduated high school, namjoon is back in the city for summer break, they meet again] 
oh i wish i was a kissing tree - misspamela [fluff, Joon gets catfished by a guy using Jimin’s pictures, meets the real deal, and oh]
JungHope WIPs - xxdevilishxx
your love is bright as ever - brightlight [F/minor angst, Hobi gets anxious and Jungoo eases his nerves. then Smooches] ♥
your favorite worst nightmare - deuxoiseaux [angst?fluff, meet-cute, Jungkook works as a zombie in a haunted house, and rescues Hobi from all the grunting “monsters”] ♥
killer whales - pardon [A/F/S, college!au, Tae posts the weirdest ad in search for a house, and Hobi is desperate for a roommate] ♥
supercut of us - marienadine [F/S/A, college!au, Taehyung and Jungkook get roomed together and instantly become soul-roommates, things only escalate from there] ♥
got a kiss (with your name on it) - marienadine [F/S/A, college!au, Taehyung and Jungkook practice making out together. it goes as well as you think]
golden haze - CaptainButts [A/S/F, alien!jimin crashes on earth and finds himself stranded at Tae’s, a confused college student] ♥ ♥
with you or not at all - fruitily [fluff/minor angst, taehyung and jimin often get asked whether or not they are dating] ♥
Wanna Hear Your Body Talk - mucha [S/F, Taehyung doesn't believe making out is better than sex, so Jimin takes it upon himself to convince him]
tadhana - pardon [F/A/S, fake dating!au, Joon accidentally books a wedding suite for their friend-trip, things only escalate from here] ♥
i'm losing someone i've been in love with for over ten years. ask me anything. - hopespiration [A/F, forum!au, Joon uses a forum to talk about his love, unexpected things happen] ♥
if it’s with you, i’m down - misspamela [fluff, marine biologist!joon, surfer!hobi, Hobi saves joon’s dumb ass from rising tides] ♥
A house made of cards, and us inside -ghostjoon [F/S, witch!joon, Namjoon moves in a tiny village and meets a cluster of weird people] ♥
everything moves on - fruitily [ANGST/F, Namjoon is trying to move on, he really is, but Jin just keeps being. There.] ♥
Starlit Skies - endearings [F/humor, hogwarts!au, Jin and Joon get partnered up for astronomy, Jin keeps cracking puns, save Joon]
hold me tight - sugodemic [A/F, Yoongi hates how vulnerable makes him feel, Joon shows him it isn’t that bad; warning for past emotional neglect]
and you know, we’re on the same team - misspamela [F/minor angst, Joon takes them on a camping weekend to celebrate their achievements, and realizes some feelings] ♥
you’re my golden hour - marienadine [fluff, college!au, Yoongi and Tae take the same photography class, and Yoongi is very much in awe, maybe even pining] ♥
All I Really Need Is You (But Cuddles Are Nice Too) - HesterAntoniaDracolas [F/A/humor, college!au, demons!au, Tae accidentally summons a tiny, pissed demon, but oh god he’s so cute this is bad for his health] ♥
in all dishonesty - fruitily [F/A, Tae and Yoongi discoever they make an excellent cheating team at monopoly] ♥
Inc. - minverse [F/S/HUMOR, company!au, read through it to figure out the plot, it’s too complex and hilarious to summarize] ♥
lead me home by deuxoiseaux [NAMYOONSEOK(JIN), collection of drabbles including the guys being supernaturals beings] ♥
We’ll keep you safe - waywardbts [2SEOK + Kook, F/A/mention of smut, Kook is scared of thunderstorms and crashes in 2seok’s bed, lots of cuddles]
so show me, i’ll show you - marienadine [MINJOONSEOK, A/F, in which hoseok and joon are witches, and jimin their self-conscious human boyfriend] ♥
the soft nights - softlyblue [YOONKOOKMIN, pure fluff, Jimin and his two soft shapeshiftery boyfriends: a night in the life of] ♥
From Here to the Moon And Back (Who else in this world will love you like that?) - SevenSoulmates [JUNGHOPEMIN, S/F, the three dancers go on a retreat after opening their own dance studio, and things get steamy]
Break - the marmalade [SOPEKOOK, Smut, junghope are stepbrothers but it doesn’t stop the Sexual Tension, feat. roommate Yoongi when they get to college]
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theprodigypenguin · 5 years
TCC Headcanons (part two)
More headcanons, this time featuring a bunch of Teddy because I love him so much and he deserves all the attention! Of course there’s mostly Scorbus because I’m a trashbag for them. I’ll probably add on a third part of headcanons soon, because I’m starting to get very attached to the Jeddy ship as well.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Albus isn't remarkably skilled with spells or potions, but he CAN conjure a patronus charm by fifth or sixth year.
It's more powerful than even Harry's.
His patronus takes the shape of a dragon, which embodies his personality (hot blooded, impulsive, bites a lot, but powerful in his own way and deserving of respect, etc), and references his future as a Magizoologist.
Of course he thinks of Scorpius and recalls memories of Scorpius to conjure the charm, and it gets stronger and more powerful as he gets older and gains more memories.
Scorpius' patronus takes the shape of a phoenix, which embodies his loyalty, wisdom, inner strength, and longing to heal people from injuries and curses.
Though aviary creatures are his favorite, Albus refuses to work with Augery's.
He and Scorpius are pretty much the same height, accept maybe a centimeter difference of Albus being taller.
Delphini is an unregistered animagus (she can fly without a broom, she's clearly powerful enough to have perfected the transformation into an animagus, and I'm willing to bet she doesn't need a wand to cast spells either).
Her animagus is an Augery, of course.
Neville is? The best God damn professor? In the fucking school??????
Albus absolutely adores him and just chills in his office sometimes cuz that's his godfather and I'll be DAMNED if they don't have a great relationship you can fight me on that.
Lily is super good at Transfiguration and will 100% eventually work towards becoming a registered animagus.
Both Lysander and Lorcan work with their parents as Magizoologists and editors/photographers for the Quibbler.
They're notable for photographing magical beasts and writing more modern pieces about them.
They've also been known to tag along with Albus on some of his later adventures as a dragon keeper/Magizoologist to document his work.
Teddy Lupin eventually becomes an Auror like his mother.
His specialty is in potion making but he can do just about everything.
He's super involved in the equal rights movement for lycanthrope afflicted wizards and witches.
In honor of his father and what he went through, he works towards making Wolfsbane Potion more affordable for the afflicted.
Teddy himself is an expert at preparing and brewing the advanced potion, and keeps a few bottles on him at all times, just in case.
He keeps his hair wild colors most of the time, because without the camouflage he looks too much like Remus and it makes him incredibly depressed.
Whenever Harry or Andromeda see him as he is, they give weak and broken smiles, ones of pity and longing, and it tears him up inside.
He carries around a silver locket engraved with a wolf on the outside.
Inside is a picture of his parents, and a small music box fit into the other side that plays a lullaby tune his mother used to sing with to get him to sleep.
He swears sometimes he can still hear her, and Remus, singing to him.
His patronus is a wolf.
He's actually pretty protective of Scorpius.
This is likely due to the fact Teddy doesn't have many blood relatives left, and treasures the ones that he does have.
He loves Harry and considers the extended Potter-Weasley-Granger-Etc family to be his, but there's just something to be said about blood.
Plus Scorpius is precious and deserves to be adored and loved and treasured anyway.
He spent a few years (between the ages of twelve and fifteen) simply hating his parents, in complete denial of their deaths and "abandonment", but slowly grows out of it and is very proud of them and their sacrifice.
One of his most prized possessions is the gold medal of the Order of Merlin that Kingsley Shacklebolt awarded Remus after the Battle of Hogwarts, which he keeps close to his bedside and holds when he's feeling particularly lonely or at a loss of what he's doing with his life.
Despite the age difference, James is basically his best friend.
He was one of the first people to hold him when he was born and has adored him ever since.
During his first year at school, James had trouble getting used to things, so Teddy gave him one of his house scarves.
James would wear it and cling to it when he was anxious like he was holding Teddy's hand.
He luckily grew out of his anxiety after a few months, but kept the scarf.
Teddy calls him Jamie most the time, Jim if he wants to make him mad or piss him off, and only calls him James if he's upset/angry and needs to get his attention or wants to scold him.
In TCC when he sees James with pink hair, he changes his hair color to pink to match and make him feel better.
Albus always runs off after one of his unfortunately common arguments with their father, but always goes to the same place to cool down, and James always, always goes after him to talk.
It takes a lot of bad jokes and puns to get Albus to follow him back home, James doesn't quite know how to give him brotherly advice aside from trying to make him laugh, but being there for Albus, always following him when he runs away from home, is enough.
James was generally inconsolable when Albus went missing from the train, because for the first time he didn't know where his brother was and couldn't follow him to bring him back.
Teddy is an expert at wandless magic and silent spells (just like Remus), and can cast some of the most advanced spells and charms, or make some of the most advanced potions, without much difficulty.
I kind of??? See him??? Becoming Minister of Magic after Hermione?????? ((After him I see Scorpius MAYBE becoming Minister, but I haven't decided how I feel about that idea yet)).
Listen to "If You Could See Me Now" by The Script and cry over Teddy never meeting Remus so I'm not the only one suffering plz.
Teddy did not inherit Remus' Lycanthropy, but I headcanon he did inherit something I'm calling a Moon Sickness.
He is not a werewolf, but around every full moon he gets incredibly tired and fatigued, and has terrible nightmares.
Teddy is unexpectedly talented in astronomy, divination, and runes.
As if his father's blood connection to the moon, sky, and stars, gave him the gift of what Trelawney calls "the sight".
He isn't a Seer like she is, but his dreams are too convenient to ignore.
He tells himself dreams are all they are and has only expressed his suspicions about them to James (and maybe to Victoire idk).
Seemingly skilled at everything he attempts, but Teddy has a remarkably difficult time conjuring a patronus the first time.
Every time he tried he would just think of his parents and end up completely unable to make so much as a blue spark.
When he does manage to make a corporeal Patronus for the first time, it takes the form of a wolf, just like his mother and fathers, and he cries.
After the first time, he starts to conjure the wolf just to look at it, and pretends it's the spirit of his parents there to protect him.
Scorpius' boggart is Delphini.
Albus' boggart is Scorpius dead from the killing curse (his boggart is accompanied by the bright green light).
Teddy's boggart is himself, or some form of himself that he's scared of becoming.
As he is the only known child of a werewolf and a human, a hybrid that hasn't existed before, some people have taken a particular interest in Teddy.
Some of Fenrir's supporters from the second war managed to get away from execution and prison and went under ground, but they too have taken an interest in Teddy.
Some people think his blood, his DNA, could hold the secret to a cure for Lycanthropy.
It's a false, pointless belief and hope, not based on fact, entirely impossible, but that doesn't stop the werewolves from looking into it, wanting to experiment just to test their theory.
James' patronus is a dog (I honestly see him tilting towards being similar to Sirius in terms of loyalty rather than being similar to his grandfather idk why).
After the Delphini incident, the ministry kept her existence tightly under wraps to keep the wizarding community from falling into an all out panic.
And to keep Voldermort supporters and dark wizards from gaining confidence against the ministry and the Aurors.
Her arrest was never publicized in the Daily Prophet.
However, this also means the rumor of Scorpius being the Dark Lord's son continued to plague him at school.
Reporters claim a silly "harmless" rumor is less damaging than actually telling people their suspicions are correct and that one of the most dangerous dark wizards of all time had a CHILD.
Draco was furious upon learning the ministry's decision to withhold the truth about her, but Scorpius decided he agreed and claimed it was fine.
That he'd rather suffer through school for a few more years than watch panic ensue because of Delphini.
Because that was exactly what she wanted, and Scorpius would be damned if he allowed her the satisfaction of knowing people feared her.
Because of this, when his boggart changed into her, only Albus (and maybe the teacher), knew who she was.
The class laughed at him because why would his greatest fear be some pretty older woman?
Albus cast the Riddikulus charm before the boggart could finish changing, because he knew what it would be, and didn't want Scorpius to see himself lying dead on the ground.
The teacher scolds him for prematurely casting the spell, but he doesn't care, so long as he doesn't have to do it again.
The professor tries to make him but he refuses, so he’s given detention, but he honestly does not care.
He just doesn’t want to see Scorpius dead, even if it’s just a Boggart. 
He has enough nightmares about losing Scorpius without a Boggart fucking him up.
Albus tops in the relationship.
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grimbarkcoffee · 5 years
Who are your Oc's ??
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Here's my toyhouse if you wanna look into them more: here
Characters in my toyhouse page that aren't mentioned here are adopts,,
Kaimi is like, my #1 oc. I love them to death, and I've been working on a chunk of their story as of late (my poor sketch book is filled with notes)
Kaimi is a scientist. They study in the fields of virology, neurology and biology. They've made quite a few outbreaks in scientific history; one specifically is a emotion suppressant. Basically it suppresses anger, tiredness, hunger (and whatever else is connected to that part of the brain, I've forgotten the name of the part but oh well). You insert by the lower spinal cord. There's a specific bone in the spine that connects to the part of the brain.
They're dating Maylea (dare I say that they're married, but they're not. Might be something in the future though). Maylea and Kaimi have multiple adopted children; they were either homeless queer children/teens that were kicked out, or from adoption centers. They try to adopt/take in queer children/teens for the sake of showing them that it's okay to be queer. Kaimi also helps people transition, considering they're basically a millionaire at this point.
The current big project of their story I've been working on (which I wasn't gonna tell anyone about but I'm so excited I can't help it) is their learning facility. There are a heap of rules, do's and don'ts, and guidelines. Something Kaimi is very strict on when it comes to accepting someone into the facility to study is no queerphobia, racism, sexism. They also enforce those with mental illnesses to visit one of the counselors on site at least 2 times a week. There's also Transitioning being covered if there's a trans student that wants to transition.
To the public they're seen as cold, focused, determined etc. To Maylea and their children, they're a loving, gentle person (more info on her toyhouse profile).
That's all I can really think up of on the spot.
My newest oc, I made them because I'm called coffee by most of my friends.
There's not much about them except for a couple of facts
Is only close to a couple of people
Prefers fiction over reality
Secluded + very guarded
Favourite song is Ghosts by Jeremy Zucker.
Her name has a meaning (I can't remember the meaning but it's on her toyhouse prof). There's no backstory so far, and in general i only have likes and facts
Cries a lot
Hour Glass body figure
X-ray Tech (Her job)
Does creative writing in her spare time
Has a fuck ton of freckles
Ace + demibiromantic
Takes like, 20 bobby pins to secure her bun
Pastel pink
Cardigans + sweater
Smoothies and milkshakes
My witchsona! That's all really,, she has some stuff about her on her toyhouse prof but I can't remember the stuff.
Kaimi's gf!!!! She's a librarian, studying to be an astronomer (+ astronomy teacher possibly).
There's a lot of information about her on her prof, I love her to bits, she's also my #1 oc with Kaimi. They're both just,, special to me.
She's also a really cute dork with incredibly messy hair and lots of freckles and two different coloured eyes (I forgot the name for it). She also wears tops, sweaters, hoodies with space jokes/puns on them. Blame Kaimi and their children for constantly buying one as soon as they see it for Maylea.
Also fun fact: Maylea loves space puns and one day Kaimi got her a massive book full of space puns and jokes. It's Maylea's favourite book
Another fun fact: loves strawberry milk :P
Erilia & Ikaika:
Dungeons and dragons characters.
Flifi, Mallory, Clari and Mina:
WIP ocs
My sweet bean. Her toyhouse prof has a lot of information on it, I can't remember anything tbh. She is one of my favourite OCS though.
Still trying to decide if she's dating Beri or not
I actually haven't really drawn or worked on her in a long time,, and I can't remember anything so.. oops
Fun fact: I made this dork for a drawing competition (Light & Dark was the theme).
She's uh, pretty interesting that's for sure. Has a few things that are heavily linked to me (addiction to sh, 80's aesthetic etc).
More info on her prof + her reference sheet.
That's all I can remember :(
I've put her story on hold for a while now, but she's a species I've created (Hybrid of a mermaid and Elf).
I have no idea if I've written anything about her personality or anything so check her prof if you want.
Mmm I love to view her as like,, dangerous in the sense of does dangerous errands and some,, interesting stuff. Ultimately a fucking angst train and I created her while listening to a song called Nancy (I can't remember who the song is by).
Rasul Kerere:
This Bab has been made for a friend's story, about a species they've made.
Bubblegum + Honey:
Part of my personal project INGAB (It's not getting any better) also inspired by the song it's not getting any better by InnerPartySystem.
They're spies, pretty sure they're gay for each other but I can't remember if that's canon or not in my notes.
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slytheriffic · 6 years
Half-Blood Prince Reread - Things I Noticed
Alright so basically, the entire time I was rereading HBP I wrote down in my notes things I thought were interesting/funny/intriguing/etc. This is just a unified list. Some of them are based on ships (I marked those so you can skip the ones you don’t like) but some of it is just random notes. Also, this is stuff I’m noticing for the first time but I’m sure others may have noted it before. Also also, I started this about a third into my reread so it starts a bit late.
Anything marked with a * is about Drarry, anything marked ^ is about Wolfstar. 
page 195 Professor Trelawney says: “Two of spades: conflict. Seven of spades: an ill omen. Ten of spades: violence. Knave of spades: a dark young man, possibly trouble, one who dislikes the questioner-” Obviously we don’t know who the “questioner” is, but I think this is a direct prediction for what happens on the Astronomy tower. If the “questioner” is referring to Trelawney herself, it’s even more interesting as Draco attacks her that night when she happens upon him in the moment he completes the Vanishing Cabinet. 
Page 219: The entire exchange between Hermione, Harry, and Ron. Hermione is explaining how Harry is now attractive and Ron is just so desperate to prove himself worthy. I actually wrote “poor ron :(” in my notes. Key quote: “’And it doesn’t hurt that you’ve grown about a foot over the summer either,’ Hermione finished, ignoring Ron. ‘I’m tall,’ said Ron in consequentially.”
Page 232: Harry and Hermione’s exchange about confunding McLaggen. He won’t stop teasing her and it’s one of my favorite interactions between the two. Key Quote “’[Harry said] I mean, you’re a prefect, aren’t you?’ ‘Oh, be quiet,’ she snapped, as he smirked.”
*Page 256-257: A quote from my notes- “Harry shut UP about Malfoy lol”. Hermione and Ron collectively tuning him out when he goes off about Draco is one of my absolute favorite things. They are so done with his bullshit. 
Page 278: The foreshadowing! Harry comments, after exiting a memory about Tom, that Marvolo’s ring is gone from Dumbledore’s desk, but he thought Dumbledore may have collected the mouth organ from the most recent memory. Dumbledore replies, “Very astute, Harry, but the mouth organ was only ever a mouth organ.” Cause, you know, the ring was a part of Voldemort’s soul.
*Page 294: Malfoy turns up ill and Harry is very concerned suspicious. 
Page 313: Another quote from my notes: “How positively Slytherin of you, Hermione!” as she rubs it in Ron’s face that she’s going with McLaggen to the Slug Club party. And says it’s because she prefers good quidditch players. Way to hit someone where it hurts. 
*Page 321: Harry is noticing an almost suspicious amount about Malfoy’s appearance. “It was the first time he had seen Malfoy close up for ages; he now saw that Malfoy had dark shadows under his eyes and a distinctly grayish tinge to his skin.” Again, he’s very concerned suspicious. 
*Page 412: Malfoy has a lot of puns about Harry+Quidditch at the ready. Either he’s incredibly good at wordplay....or he thought these up before hand. Key Quote: “...sneered Malfoy, ‘You’d better hurry up, they’ll be waiting for ‘the Chosen Captain’- ‘the Boy Who Scored’- whatever they call you these days.”
*Page 416: Harry is so dramatic I don’t know why Drarry fic always makes Draco the dramatic one. Harry was just knocked off his broom by a bludger, and when told he would have to remain in the hospital wing overnight he says: “I don’t want to stay here overnight. I want to find McLaggen and kill him.” 
^Page 466: Tonks starts to cry at the mention of Sirius. I would write this off as grief for Sirius’ death, if every other thing she does that was written off as grief wasn’t later attributed to her feelings for Remus not being Reciprocated. However, if Wolfstar was canon....it’s possible that Sirius was part of the reason those feelings were not being acted on by Remus. And his death would remind her of that. Obviously not canon, but just a thought I had.
Page 474: Quote from the book- “...none of the swagger that he had on the Hogwarts Express.” Quote from my notes- “Malfoy has no swagger lol” 
Page 508: Dumbledore describing how Lucius is possibly quite glad to be in Azkaban considering how he had failed the Dark Lord. We all knew Draco was chosen as punishment for his father, but really can you imagine the things he saw done to his father? This is no baseless fear of the far-off Dark Lord, this is a man who has beaten down his father and taken over his home. He was just so scared. 
Page 532: When Harry serves detention with Snape, he is made to write over old discplinary records. Snape specifically gives Harry the boxes from his father’s school days, making him read and write about Sirius not even a year after his death. Just for shits and giggles I guess. 
*No page number here, just think it’s funny that the two chapters that have anything about Harry and Ginny getting together are named for his interactions with Malfoy. (Sectumsempra and The Seer Overheard)
Just in general, The Lightning Struck Tower: Quote from my notes: “HOW could you read this as anything other than a terrified child doing something because he is terrified.” Key Quotes: Draco Malfoy did nothing but stare at Albus Dumbledore, who, incredibly, smiled (585). “Yeah,” Said Malfoy, who bizarrely seemed to draw courage and comfort from Dumbledore’s praise.”Yeah, it was!” (587). “I haven’t got any options!” said Malfoy, and he was suddenly as white as Dumbledore. “I’ve got to do it! He’ll kill me! He’ll kill my whole family!” (591). I could go on but. Those are the ones that really got me. Obligingly, I’ll add: Harry thought he saw it drop by a fraction- (592). 
Page 627: Just a lighthearted moment with Professor Sprout, a true Hufflepuff. “I am sure Dumbledore would have wanted the school to remain open,” said Professor Sprout. “I feel that if a single pupil wants to come, then the school ought to remain open for that pupil.”
*Page 640: “Harry had not spared Malfoy much thought. His animosity was all for Snape, but he had not forgotten the fear in Malfoy’s voice on that tower top, nor the fact that he had lowered his wand before the other Death Eaters arrived. Harry did not believe Malfoy would have killed Dumbledore.” This is one of my favorite Drarry quotes, because it just goes to show that Harry never blamed Draco. He saw how scared he was. He understood that he did not want to do this, but thought he had to to protect his family. Also, I know it’s pretty common in fics but Draco blaming himself and Harry never blaming him. Just. unf. The Angst. 
Page 646: Ginny’s quote, that just about sums up Harry’s entire existence, so perfectly: “It’s for some stupid, noble reason, isn’t it?”
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