#A Birth Collective
mumsjourney · 2 years
Worst experience with a Doula: Empower — A Birth Collective
I’m Dolores and I just want to share our experience with Empower A Birth Collective in Virginia. They assisted me during my first pregnancy. I was able to talk to Hope Rooyakkers and discuss our goals, what to expect since we’re first time parents. At first it went well and it seems like they’ve answered all our questions. Back then I’m trying for a natural birth, so I think it will be very helpful to have them there. My husband was very nervous and that’s the reason why we hired a doula to help us through the process with comfort techniques and answer the questions we may have.
Here’s my issue, since it’s our first time I thought their program was really good, and didn’t even check other doulas. Then along the way we felt like the support was not really enough, it’s almost we’re on our own. Some of our questions were not answered, not sure if it’s intentional or what. We were really upset that time, our first contact with Hope Rooyakkers was good but it seems like it just ended there. Her coordinator was not that really accommodating which is what we need for the time like this. My husband then asked some of our friends about this doula and it got mixed reviews. Somehow it’s also our fault not checking other doulas. We should’ve compared their programs to other doulas and also the rate. It shows that they are really expensive. So if someone will ask me if i will recommend Empower A Birth Collective? It’s a BIG NO!
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thesecretsofthedivine · 5 months
Pick a Pile Reading | Messages From Your Future Spouse 💍🪐
Business Carrd 🍶🧺
Paid Services 🍇⭐
Tip Jar 🍾🎱
*Disclaimer: This is a collective reading - take what resonates and leave the rest. If this resonates with you, please show support by reposting (with credit), tipping, or booking with me! :)
*Exchanges with other intuitives/readers are available via dm's
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• I love the sound of your laughter.
• You’ve turned me into a more carefree person.
• Let’s spend the day baking/cooking then heading right back to bed to cuddle!
• I feel like we could never have enough quality time together.
• You’re my favorite person in the world.
• I’m addicted to your scent.
• We should start a family (🐾/👶).
• You’re my lock screen.
• I tell all my friends about you. If you checked my notifications, all you’d see is a group chat roasting me for how obsessed I am with you.
• There is no place I’d rather be than here with you in my arms.
• I like to watch you sleep. You just seem so peaceful and still that it’s intensely captivating. I hope you don’t mind 😵‍💫.
~ miscellaneous: earth sign placements. homebodies. 2 introverts or an introvert & an extrovert. hard-working, masculine qualities in your spouse. wholesome domestic moments.
• I want to drown in the sea of your existence.
• Dedicating poetry and art to you — my favorite muse.
• There is nothing in the world that I wouldn’t give to have more time with you.
• I’m afraid of loss/dying, but entering old age with you would make my existence complete.
• Please don’t leave me.
• Can I wake you up early if I’m craving your attention? It’s hard for me to contain my excitement when you look this beautiful/attractive.
• Let’s watch the sunset together and stay up late talking for hours.
• Every detail of your existence does not go unnoticed by me.
• We were meant to love each other in this life/I know that we are past life lovers who have found one another again.
• Come on, baby. Don’t be shy with me.
~ miscellaneous: water sign placements (especially scorpio or for their moon sign). 2 night owls or a night owl & a morning person. hozier songs. romantic moments caught on camera/posted online. artist x muse trope.
• You light me on fire with desire.
• I love teasing you more than anything else in the world.
• You’re my best friend and lover, all wrapped into one.
• My heart feels warm and glows from the inside whenever you’re around.
• I can’t lose you. If I do, I’ll go crazy.
• Let’s go for a drive, listen to music, eat food, and forget about our worries.
• I want to be the first person you call when you’re in trouble.
• I will never judge you.
• We will travel everywhere and make the world our own.
• I want to surprise you with grand gestures (especially via gifts or shared experiences).
~ miscellaneous: fire sign placements. ready or not — bridgit mendler. sneaky smirks that make you smile uncontrollably. spontaneous memories or communication. fluffy hair & tan skin features for some.
• Pulling out all my best jokes just for you.
• Give me a nickname and I’ll give you one back.
• How can I possibly deny your charm?!
• Your style is impeccable. Every time we’re in a shop together, I just want to watch you pose in front of the mirror.
• I’ll make you homemade snacks and share my family’s recipes with you!
• Spoiling you with acts of service.
• We don’t even have to speak to understand one another. Mere eye contact is enough.
• You bring out my (good) crazy side 🤪.
• I love how we can always bounce off each other’s energies so well.
• I wanna give you expensive jewelry or items with my initials on it.
~ miscellaneous: air sign placements. a quirky sense of humor. distinct eyebrows. friends to lovers trope (Monica & Chandler came to mind). latin/hispanic backgrounds for some.
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mournfulroses · 6 months
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Chelsea Wolfe, from her song titled "Mother Road," featured in the album Birth of Violence
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fleshwerks · 6 months
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This is my late summer wildfire season fey eladrin (more like yeahladrin). His name is 7th of August. Those locust legs will send him flying for about 20 times his own body length. Thus far he's sent himself to fey jesus four times because he is very cool and very stupid. Thrice by his own fireball and once by fall damage. Overshot the cliff's edge by five meters because he can't see shit, lenses thicker than bottle bottoms.
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limitbreaker23 · 4 months
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Everything is destiny. When a series of fateful events leads Lan Wangji atop a remote mountain, he stumbles across a blindfolded wanderer looking familiar and close to toppling down a slope. When Jiang Cheng refuses to take off his blindfold, there truly is no other choice.
"Hold onto the ribbon and follow." "Immortal master?" "Hmph!" "L-Lan Wangji?!"
A pair of lost chibis I commissioned @yustinamishka to draw for me! Aren't they cute? Let's follow them down the mountain.
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nursemimosa · 4 months
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I have something ultra cool and special to share today!
These are the Nov. 2023 and Feb. 2024 issues of Nintendo Dream that, upon me seeing them, resulted in me dropping everything I had to buy them instantly 😅
Both of these focus on the SV DLC, with the second issue pictured above containing some exclusive goodies (a full Jan 2024-Jan 2025 calendar!! and a double sided poster). I'll do a little in depth dive about these below the jump and include some pictures. (also forgive me for the quality of the pictures, I'm just a lil fella with an almost four year old phone...)
The November 2023 issue provides some info about the Teal Mask and things that were to come from the Indigo Disk. Having completed both now, it is really nice to relish in these pictures, trying to imagine what it would have been like to still be waiting in anticipation for the second part!
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The February 2024 issue goes a little more in depth about what there is to do in the Indigo Disk, with a (curious, to me) focus on both of the Elite Fours from S/V. I really like this issue a lot more since there are more pages dedicated to the game than the previous one (and not my Paldea Elite Four bias, I swear).
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My most favorite things were the included goodies found in the February issue. There was a (giant!) double sided poster and a full year calendar!
The poster on one side contains the promotional art for the Indigo Disk. The second side displays the Paldea Elite Four (my favorite side. As someone who's most favorite characters happen to be the Academy Staff and the Paldea Elite Four, I feel like I happened to stumble upon a holy grail (。T ω T。) if only they'd give the academy staff more merch and actual official art though..)
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The calendar is small but is packed with cute little tidbits and info about the game. They managed to assign every single day a Pokemon in the S/V dex (my birthday was assigned grafaiai... in case you were wondering).
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Even though I wish the magazines kinda focused more on SV (especially the Nov. issue), I'm super elated to have these in my collection :> they're really precious and so bold. The goodies are especially something I will always hold onto.
I'll end the post with a lil' Kieran! have a good one!
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greenlaut · 3 months
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it's desmond's birthday 🎉
(inspired by @miralyk 's prof that thought desmond is a deceased friend, here's something to validate that thought sksjkd)
offerings' meanings: *i'm javanese in hokkien + ke diaspora so this is in my culture's context
can of grass jelly drink; i know he's a bartender but i'm not drinking alcohol on an afternoon—plus, grass jelly has herbal purposes here to keep you in good health. desmond definitely needs health. drink up king.
jempiring incense; a type of jasmine flower incense—the smell is sweeter than regular jasmines (in a good way). i reserve this incense for dead people and spirits. it has connotations with the space between the dead and living, ghosts, and innocence of the soul so that you can pass on peacefully.
3 stones i got from forest walks or beach walks. i correspond the colours to altaïr, ezio, and connor. i have no clue what the stones are though.
i don't usually celebrate dead people's birthdays (i celebrate deathversaries mostly), so i don't know how different it is to treat it than regular deathversary kdjskfkdsk
happy birthday desmond miles 💐
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lewdssyum · 4 months
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ultyso · 8 months
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•Birth by Sleep Final Mix Master Navigation Guide•
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ciaraloves · 2 months
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latest update on my portrait of dorian gray collection
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loafthecat · 3 months
Hey hey see this lil fella-?
His name is Danny and it’s his birthday-!
So uh yeah- I drew the funni Italian man because it’s his b-day-
Everyone wish him a happy birthday ok-?
He is very traumatised and he needs it.
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Oc is NOT MINE. Danny belongs to @capturecharlesau ))
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aethergy · 1 year
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12th House Placements:
“ We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.”
— Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
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stick-by-me · 6 months
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Best of friends!
New follower sticker for: @cometothecatbureau!
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bhaalsdeepbat · 1 month
The tadfools were just SO connected for such a long amount of time that I can't imagine them seeing each other as anything but family after a good run, especially a good Resist Durge run. I think they'd swoop right in for one another like they were siblings if they absolutely needed something.
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winslowat3am · 2 years
Do u give money to people on tumblr?
Short answer, no. I don't reblog those posts, either. Majority of them are scammers, bonus scamster points if they use their race/gender as emotional manipulation. (Rant incoming cause this pissed me off, not you, but it had me thinking about a lot of shit). I'm sorry but I could never be on Tumblr begging for money, that's embarrassing, no offense. I commend anyone who's shameless enough to do that cause in all seriousness, couldn't be me. I feel like there are just some things you shouldn't do & asking strangers, half of which are minors, to give you their hard earned money in trade for nothing is one of them. The victim mentality of "let me spam my followers with a bunch of sob story updates about my life's issues & guilt trip them into giving me cash", no. Leave them alone. That shit's annoying, inconsiderate & entitled. & it's always the same fucking people holding their hand out. The people you're begging for cash are more than likely struggling too & need theirs. Tumblr is the worst place to ask for assistance. If you need money then you should seek a financial aid program, or I don't know, log the fuck out & get a job like everyone else? That's what people who need money do. There's no excuse, I said this before & I'll say it again, making money nowadays is easier than it has ever been cause of access to technology. Everything is virtual. You can work from home. There are people making millions eating for a fucking living on YouTube. If you're broke atp it's cause you either make excuses for why you can't work or you're just lazy. It's a choice. You don't even need to physically go out & find a real job. Make something. Perform a service. Everyone has something they can offer. Don't sit there & expect people to pay you for nothing. I hate lazy ass people who wallow in self pity, make excuses & don't contribute anything to society & simply exist to leech off others. It's parasitic & pathetic. You "can't work", but you can play around on social media every day? Hmm. You deserve to live in poverty then. You're not special. You better sell some p-ssy, d!ck or c*ke. If you're bussing it open to everyone anyway you might as well get paid for it, in the words of my wife, "make it count". Seriously, I don't respect those people. Tumblr beggars are the equivalent of irl bums who loiter at gas stations harassing passersby for change. It's fucking irritating & unfair that we live in a world where weak people are rewarded, coddled, catered to & given breaks for doing nothing. "Oh well, you know, John can't work, he's dealing with a breakup that has him in a deep depression. I just- I don't know if his mental health will allow him to work." Bro, I sympathize but at the end of the day, screw John. He has no real problems. There are people with cancer & aids right now who are working. People with no limbs are working. He can work, he's physically able to, but ultimately he won't cause he's a mentally weak man with no drive. Let's just call it what it is. I've been homeless & depressed before, I dug myself out of that hole WITH NO HELP, if people can bounce back from homelessness, addiction, abusive relationships & rebuild their lives, if people with deformities can work there's no excuse for why these lazy asses are living in houses, have food & water, with themselves being the only person they have to take care of but they're on here begging us & living off the gov't. That shit IS sad. & I get so heated over this topic cause the bastards who log on & beg aren't going to log off fucking Tumblr & make adjustments so they can afford to live, they're not going to or offer an exchange, they'll continue to do this shit. In the comfort of their home. Meanwhile, the ones they beg have to scrounge. So no motherfucker, I can't help you spend my money. Follower counts mean nothing here cause nobody gets paid on this dead app, this ain't YouTube. If you have hella followers but you still can't eat or pay your bills it's a sign your priorities are fucked. Up. Your followers owe you nothing. Have a little pride & self respect.
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itsmeanyango · 1 year
This is a light post, it's not in-depth. I will be posting an in-depth post entailing Human design on my Patreon. You can subscribe in advance here!
You can also book a personal Pluto in Aquarius reading here:
You can also get a birth chart reading from me here:
Pluto means: Shock, transformation, rebirth Aquarius means: Independence, humanitarian, innovative, Stubborn.
The above are the themes I am using for this reading.
This transit(Pluto in Aquarius) is brief in 2023, but it sets the stage for what the next 20 years from January 21st 2024 hold. All the matters here are resolvable, but first they will shake foundations. 20 years is a long time to be stuck in the past. It will be from March 23rd to June 11th 2023. What you learn during that time will be very crucial as it will help you come January 21st 2024 and the proceeding two decades.
On top of all of this(below), here is a general message for every single person. If you know very well that you can never accept your child for being their own person, sit out parenting for the next Twenty years. Do not have a child, you will just hurt them and yourself. The children who will be born with Pluto in Aquarius are going to be VERY DIFFERENT and they will be very independent and once they become adults they will be very different from this current and older generations. They will be starting new patterns, they will develop their own values and have their own mind. They will not be susceptible to conditioning as such. They will advance technology and even go through hardship because of technology. They come as a generation with the shock factor, doing and accomplishing the unheard of. They will not be afraid of cutting off ANYONE who interferes with their peace.
In my post here, I mentioned that the Human Design calendar starts on January 21st.
If you want to know how to set new year's resolutions or what your new year will look like, read the free post on It's my year here
In the 1H: You may come off to others as "better than the rest", people might see your behaviour as your "true colours". They are used to you a certain way but now you are different and they can't handle it. Especially if you are in an environment that does not respect your boundaries, there will be a lot of resistance towards you when you don't let your goalpost get moved. Standing your ground is good, finally you are doing it. However, make sure this is not just pure stubbornness or out of spite. You had Pluto in your 12H for the past two decades, do not let those hard times be for nothing. It's your time to shine!
In the 2H: Your money and resources for survival are going through changes that may not be easy for you to handle. Your money might either be running out so fast or coming in in torrents and you are unable to handle this. Take a financial literacy course and practice what your have learnt. Seek financial experts BUT MAKE SURE YOU ARE FINANCIALLY LITERATE FIRST OR ELSE YOU WILL LOSE YOUR MONEY, RESOURCES AND ASSETS. Also, do what works for you. Just because everyone is doing x does not mean X will work for you. You can try x but if it does not work, be innovative because that's an Aquarian strength. Not a good time to be having surgery, especially cosmetic. Seek second opinions if your doctors recommend surgery. Leave your face ALONE!
In the 3H: Be careful with your words. It's time to practice mindfulness. You may say something that really shocks people or yourself. Do the inner work. Also be careful the lyrics you sing out because they just might manifest. The people you bring to your neighbourhood can make or break your living situation. There might be something shocking or transformative in the neighborhood. Ensure your security is up to date in your house/compound. You face eviction for being an inconsiderate neighbour such as being loud or making your living situation akin to a night club. In Kenya the credit score talks are up. Eviction affects your credit score. Debt affects your credit score and people with debt may not be able to qualify for housing approval.
In the 4H: What's your relationship with your mother like? What's your relationship as a mother like? Who was the mother in the relationship?(were you your own mother?) Separation from home or child is probable. Finding out about a long lost family member or secret, losing family heirlooms. Discovering family secrets. Paternity and maternity tests. Take care of your mental health, cognitive dissonance is in the air and so are nervous/mental breakdowns. If moving away from "family" or home helps, go for it. You deserve peace.
In the 5H: Stop, that's the message. You are now overdoing it. The party is over. Stop. Stop or I'll Stop you. This is your heart speaking, the organ that pumps blood. Stop or I'll stop. This is your loved ones also speaking. Stop or we stop. Unfortunately, many of you won't stop. Don't be part of the many.
In the 6H: Saying goodbye to pets. Feeling in your gut when something, somewhere or someone is not right. Healing traumas because they keep bubbling up. Trauma is stored in the core-stomach. It's time to seek holistic health practices. Seeking holistic health practices does not mean ignore modern day medicine! Change your diet to more friendly foods. See how your body responds to different foods. If it gives you a tummy ache,stop it. If you are 30 and over, this is ESPECIALLY important! The environment you eat your food in also affects your digestion. How do you feel eating in silent restaurants with ambient music? How do you feel eating in restaurants near the sea? How do you feel eating by a window? How do you feel eating in restaurants in sky scrappers or on the top floor of buildings? How do you feel in certain places? How do you feel around certain people? An adult coloring book with at least thirty coloring pages will help you. If you can't afford that, you can always download free to print coloring pages online and color them. Learn about different colours of food and how having certain colors in your plate helps. Heal so that nobody has to heal from you.
In the 7H: Disruption in relationships and contracts. Learning about yourself and making compromises in relationships (not just romantic, also family, platonic, friendships, workplace, business etc)that are unlike you. Ask yourself, is this sacrifice worth 20 years of my life? Look to your 1H to remember who you are. Look to the sacrifices the people who came before you(parents, grandparents,elder siblings, ancestors,older relatives, your friends etc)made, was it worth it?You learn from the past and decide what to do.
In the 8H: Your taxes! Your credit score! Debt! Anything that does not belong to you will be your source of destruction if you are not responsible while handling other people's matters. Do not chew more than you can swallow! You will choke! Your sexual partners may be Delilah. If you are a sexual offender, you are getting caught. Spiritual psychosis, believing you are separate from the rest and better (a supreme being-sins of our mother explains it best). Start working on your will and any end of life plans. It's important you do this so that your property never falls in the wrong hands. This is not because you will pass on soon, this is a personal activity that helps you see people for who they really are. As you make such preparations, you start seeing things clearly. You get to know who is for you and who is not. You don't need to let people know you are working on your will or end of life arrangements. It also gives you peace knowing you are in control of your end of life and there won't be any conflicts.
In the 9H: What shocking thing have you discovered? Will you share it or leave people in the dark? Take care of your thighs, do not stray far from the collective otherwise you will get into quicksand and nobody will know. It's good to look up from your books and see + experience what's going on around you. Do you want to travel? And why is it space that you dream of travelling to. Remember Icarus? Do not let your desire turn to greed. Running away will never fix anything. In my post It's my year, I said this:
"Trials and tribulations are part of life, they happen. But just because they are part of life does not mean you have to swim miles and miles in them. Sometimes the trials and tribulations are just a distraction from the good things. Sometimes, they are what we need to face and accept for them to get out of our way because you can't stand in the tracks of a speeding train and expect it not to hit you."
In the 10H: Your career will be your success or make you start from zero. The world is changing, times are changing. Just like the age when computers were introduced but people refused to learn how to use computers because "computers will replace them", the same thing is happening now. If you do not learn out of fear of being replaced, the people who learnt will replace you. Make hay while the sun still shines. Whatever you choose will become an unbreakable bond. This particular transit has an unbreakable seal, there's no coming back from the choice you make.
In the 11H: Show me your friends and I'll show you your future. Your network will be the ones who either stand by you or against you. This year we have heard so many cases of friends transmuting their jealousy into acts of wickedness. It gets worse, so choose your circle wisely. Your 11H is your community and you do not want to be where there are attacks from neighbouring communities. Neither do you want to be sleeping with the enemy.
In the 12H: This transit will be hard especially for young people(from age 19) and the very old. You realise that you have been living a lie. It feels like everyday is a new day on the battlefield. Going to different churches, mental health facilities to find answers and help.20 years is a long time to be disturbed. Sitting with yourself, feeling your feelings, accepting whatever is going on. Forgiving yourself. That will help you get grounded and anything that tries to shake you won't succeed. You may get tattoos, shave your hair, dye your hair. Some of you may end up in prison because you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Others may end up in prison because they gave up and chose to become felons because to them there's no point struggling to live a good life only to keep suffering. This transit is like having a 12H profection year, but harder and for 20 years. But just like how many people successfully completed a 12H profection year (age 23), you can do it! The lessons you learnt at 11,23,34,45 will help you! For the very old people, it's the day of judgement for those who did not successfully go through the psychosocial stages that Erik Erikson proposed, they are at stage 8(Integrity vs. Despair).
You can book a consultation with me on Fiverr for $10 in which I give you a mini birth chart reading(can be solar return, profection year or just regular birth chart).
I also offer Human Design readings on Fiverr from $20 here
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