#8: 5x10
besipipahargabatu · 2 years
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If you’re wanting to watch Band of Brothers/The Pacific/Masters of the Air in chronological order with BoB 1st Currahee episode split up in the dates on screen I made a list
(Updated: April 12, 2014 7:58pm pst)
July, 10 1942 Easy Company Trains in Camp Tocca (Band of Brothers Ep. 1 Currahee 2001) August 7, 1942, Allied forces land on Guadalcanal (The Pacific Ep. 1 Guadalcanal/Leckie 2010) September 18, 1942, 7th Marines Land on Guadalcanal (The Pacific Ep. 2 Basilone 2010) December 1942 The 1st Marine Division on Guadalcanal is relieved (The Pacific Ep. 3 Melbourne 2010) *June 23, 1943, Easy Company Trains in Camp Mackall N.C. (Band of Brothers Ep. 1 Currahee) * June 25, 1943, 100th Bomb Group flew its first 8th Air Force combat mission (Master of the Air Ep. 1 2024)
July 16, 1943 the 100th Bomb Group bombed U-Boats in Tronbhdim (Masters of the Air Ep.2 2024) August 17, 1943 the 4th Bomb Wing of the 100th Bomb Group bombed Regenberg (Masters of the Air Ep. 3 2024) *September 6, 1943, Easy Company Boards transport ship in Brooklyn Naval Yard (Band of Brothers Ep. 1 Currahee)* September 16, 1943, William Quinn and Charles Bailey leave Belgium (Masters of the Air Ep.4 2024) September 18, 1943 -*East Company trains in Aldbourne, England (Band of Brothers Ep. 1 Currahee)* -John 'Bucky' Egan returns from leave to join the mission to bomb Munster (Master of the Air Ep.5 2024) October 14, 1943, John ‘Bucky’ Egan interrogated at Dulag Lut, Frankfurt Germany (Masters of the Air Ep. 6 2024) December 26, 1943, 1st Marine Division lands on Cape Gloucester (The Pacific Ep. 4 Gloucester/Pavuvu/Banika 2010) March 7, 1944, Stalag Luft III Sagan, Germany, Germans find the concealed radio Bucky was using to learn news of the War (Master of the Air Ep.7 2024) *June 4, 1944, D-Day Invasion postponed (Band of Brothers Ep. 1 Currahee)* *June 5, 1944 Easy Company Boards air transport planes bound for Normandy (Band of Brothers Ep. 1 Currahee)* June 6, 1944, 00:48 & 01:40 First airborne troops begin to land on Normandy (Band of Brothers Ep. 2 Day of Days 2001)
June, 7 1944 Easy Company Takes Carentan (Band of Brothers 3x10 Carentan)
August 12, 1944, The 332nd Fighter Group attack Radar stations in Southern France (Masters of the Air Ep.8 2024)

September 15, 1944 U.S. Marines landed on Peleliu at 08:32, on September 15, 1944 (the Pacific Part Five: Peleliu Landing)
September 16, 1944 Marines take Peleliu airfield (the Pacific Part Six: Airfield)
September, 17 1944 Operation Market Garden -(Band of Brothers 4x10 Replacements)
October 22/23, 1944, 2100 – 0200 Operation Pegasus (Band of Brothers 5x10 Crossroads)
October, 1944 Battle of Peleliu continues (the Pacific Part Seven: Peleliu Hills)
December 16, 1944 Battle of the Bulge (Band of Brothers 6x10 Bastogne)

January, 1945 Battle of Foy (Band of Brothers 7x10 The Breaking Point)

February 14, 1945 David Webb rejoins the 506th in Haguenau (Band of Brothers 8x10 The Last Patrol)
April 5, 1945 506th Finds abandoned Concentration Camp
(Band of Brothers 9x10 Why We Fight 2001)
April 1-June 22, 1945 Battle of Okinawa (The Pacific Part Nine: Okinawa)

May 7, 1945, Germany Surrenders V-E Day - (Master of the Air Ep. 9 2024) - (Band of Brothers 10x10 Points 2001)
August 15 The Empire of Japan surrenders end of the War (The Pacific Part Ten: Home)
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pollsnatural · 2 months
Dean poll, Cas poll, Sam poll
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chenfordspiral · 2 days
What are your top 5 Chenford scenes ever?
Sarah, we need to have a serious talk because this is not okay. I can barely narrow it down to top 5 scenes from each season, now you want me to name top 5 scenes EVER?? I don’t have a word strong enough to tell you how rude this is. (Apologies in advance for the mountain of gifs I put in here. I just couldn't decide. Such a shocker, I know.)
(1) Um, so… can I already cheat for this one and say both the hug in the desert and the hospital scene? Yes? Cool.
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(2) The ending scene from 5x12. You all know why.
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(3) THE DANCE (4x18). Just… look at them. I could watch this forever.
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(4) Their first real kiss (5x10).
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(5) The entire buildup to and then the subsequent awkwardness after their first kiss. I mean, Tim in her apartment and them sitting on her couch so comfortably, his broken brain, Tamara walking in on them "practicing," Tim's realization at the end in the hall... just everything. Seeing gifsets of this scene is what got me hooked on this show two years ago, so of course it needs to be up here.
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And because I’m an indecisive bitch (you all know that I am) and Sarah's a meanie, here’s five more, not in any particular order, just numbered to keep track.
(6) Tim giving her the ring back in 2x12. We saw Lucy struggling the entire episode even when she wouldn’t admit it, and in the end it was Tim who got through to her. And then of course she realizes who found and saved her when he tosses her the ring. So yeah, I’m super normal about this scene.
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(7) Maybe not a super popular choice, but their talk in the parking lot at the end of 5x08. I had this scene playing on a loop for all of December 2022, and I still love it.
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(8) Their hug in the hospice in 4x09. I mean, how can you not love this and completely melt away when you see Tim just totally giving in and practically being held up (and together) by Lucy?
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(9) Airplane bathroom kiss. I think this one explains itself. Actually, all of those airplane scenes because.. woah.
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(10) 5x22 fight scene. Love me some power couple completely crushing it. (Can I add the hug in here, too? Mh, my post so I will, lol.)
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There’s about a million more that I wanna add right now but I will stop here and pretend I don’t wanna change everything about this list already.
Thanks for the ask, Sarah! ❤︎
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lesbiandarvey · 1 month
lets rank suits 2011-2019 seasons like theyre taylor swift albums. i think my ranking is season 5, 6, 1, 8, 4, 3, 2, 7. i havent seen s9 yet but im guessing id put it over s7 lol
season 5 is the best it just is i think my favorite episode ever is tick tock (harvey breaking down in donnas apartment saying "its my goddamn fault...... might jsut be my favorite moment in the whole show) plus it has 5x10 faith and the tension of will mike go to prison? and the trial
season 6 mike in prison arc my beloved. plus 6x12 the painting harvey mommy issues episode!!
season 1 so fun so cute theyre all young and the show is still that fun monster of the week format they had in the early seasons
season 8 im not done with yet BUT i love it!!!!! i really really like the addition of alex and samantha
season 4 loved the fucked up love square between mike and rachel and logan and harvey. and 4x15 intent CRAZYASS episode! "you know i love you donna" OHHHH
season 3 bookended by my one of my favorite opener + finale pair ... it starts with harvey yelling about mike betraying him and ends with mike screaming in an interrogation room hed never give harvey up .... chefs kiss
season 2 tbh i dont remember much if anything that happened in s2 but i remember thinking the show hit a bit of a sophomore slump. but 2x10 high noon obviously iconic episode!
season 7 was boring . did anything happen in s7. OHHHHHH but donna kissed harvey cus he was with paula that made me shake and cry and go what the fuccccccckkkkk that was dope
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9-1-1 Season 6 - Constructive Criticisms #14
Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz
DISCLAIMER: THERE ARE THREE SEPARATE POSTS ABOUT BUCK, EDDIE, CHRIS AND BUDDIE.  The reason for this is because there was a lot of information to cover and the attempt to combine it into a single post, like those completed for the other main characters and ‘ships’, wasn’t feasible since one post for them and their family would’ve been too long.  Therefore, their posts are numbered as follows: Evan “Buck” Buckley - #13, Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz and Christopher “Chris” Diaz - #14 and “Buddie” -  #15.  Each of these posts are identically tagged because they include information that’s related to all of them.
FULL DISCLOSURE: Eddie Diaz is my favorite character!  FULL STOP!  I wouldn’t and won’t watch 9-1-1 if he’s not present (which is the reason why I’ll never do a rewatch of season 1😊.)
This is a LONG POST.
Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz is a main character, he became part of the main cast in 2x1 and he’s been on the show ever since.  His legal name is Edmundo but he doesn’t allow anyone to call him by that name unless it’s his parents (they call him Edmundo and Eddie interchangeably) or someone who really doesn’t know him.  He also doesn’t like for anyone to call him “Diaz” but he does allow Bobby to call him that since he’s the captain and he let Lena call him that too in 3x4.  He has a son named Christopher, who’s also a main character.
Bobby recruited Eddie and when Eddie arrived at the 118, he had just graduated at the top of his LAFD Academy class and he had already completed two tours in Afghanistan where he was an Army medic.  While looking at him through the glass windows of the locker room, Chimney was the first person to say he was a beautiful man, Hen agreed and they WERE NOT WRONG since Eddie is indeed beautiful!  Then Bobby went on to explain all his accolades and accomplishments and he also said he liked to be called “8-pack”.
Eddie is not only beautiful, he’s also sexy, handsome and gorgeous but in addition to all of those attributes, he’s so much more than that.  He’s a GREAT AND FANTASTIC DAD all by himself and contrary to popular belief (Buck’s wacky memory during his coma dream in 6x11) Eddie was ALREADY A GREAT DAD BEFORE HE MOVED HIMSELF AND CHRISTOPHER TO L.A.  He works hard to make sure Chris has everything he needs and he’s sacrificed so much for him including his job in 5x10.
In season 6, Eddie was sidelined a lot the same way he was during seasons 4 and 5 but it doesn’t make sense because he’s a main character.  He only had four or five storylines for the entirety of the season and the majority of them happened in 6B when they forced the dating narrative on him via his aunt Pepa.  Only one of his storylines lasted for more than one episode and it was the one that had him dating again.  Prior to season 4, he had his OWN STORYLINES that didn’t revolve around another main character but after the shooting, everything that happened to Eddie was made to be about Buck and was told from Buck’s point of view.  Most of his screen time in 6B showed him out of character, had him doing things he’s never done before and the same is true for his blood relatives.  
By the end of 6x18, Eddie was almost unrecognizable with the way they had him acting and he ended up in a relationship that was a redux of the one he had in season 4.  In 6B, the show spent a lot of time proving he’s not alone from 6x10 through 6x13 but in 6x14, they had his aunt Pepa pressure him into admitting he doesn’t want to be alone.  There were a lot of unanswered questions for Eddie when the season ended and none of the things that happened from 6x14 through 6x18 made any narrative sense for his character.
My fourteenth set of “constructive criticisms” regarding the character Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz in season 6 are included below the cut.  Please note criticizing a TV show is NOT a bad thing especially since TV critics have been doing it for decades.  Constructive criticisms are designed to help make something better and they are VERY different from negativity.  A person can offer criticisms about a form of entertainment they spend their time watching and not be negative about it the same way two people can agree to disagree on a topic.  Just because one person liked the season, they shouldn’t expect others to feel the way they do because everyone has their own opinions.  Simply put, two people can have different opinions about 9-1-1 and those opinions can COEXIST since they are not mutually exclusive.
If reading criticisms about the TV show 9-1-1 upsets you, then don’t read below the cut.
                Warning! ⚠️“Constructive Criticisms” Ahead!⚠️  
Disclaimer:  This post is NOT about the actor RG who plays the character of Eddie.  RG is an excellent actor who has a lot of range and experience and he plays the character effortlessly.  The issues with Eddie and all the flaws included in season 6 as well as other seasons, are not reflective of RG as a person, so please don’t confuse the information included in this post with the actor.  These criticisms ARE NOT about the actor, they’re about the character (not a real person) and the way the show portrays him.
Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz
As mentioned above, Eddie is indeed a beautiful man but he’s so much more than that.  First and foremost, he’s an EXCELLENT DAD to his only son Chris.  He’s also competent, confident and very knowledgeable.  Aside from those attributes, one of his most important characteristics is often overlooked.  He has a HUGE HEART and he’ll do anything for anyone.  He’s given advice to his friends and family on several occasions and unlike some of Bobby’s advice (mainly the things Bobby’s told Buck and Eddie regarding relationships), Eddie’s advice is GOOD and it’s HELPFUL (related post linked here).  An example of this happened in 3x13 when he reminded Chimney “Tomorrow isn’t promised”.
Eddie was already skilled when he started working at the 118 and it was one of the reasons why Bobby recruited him.  He knew the reason why he was there and he remained focused on the tasks at hand.  It took less than a few hours for him to demonstrate that he was a valuable asset to the team and he was immediately accepted into the 118’s found family.  He was new to Los Angeles because he had recently relocated himself and his son, Christopher there from El Paso, TX after Eddie got a job with the LAFD.  Also, he had an established support system in his grandmother, Isabel Diaz and his aunt Josephina “Pepa” Diaz and they helped him take care of Christopher whenever he had to work if Chris was not in school.
When Eddie first started at the 118, no one knew he had a son because he didn’t tell them.  He was a private person and he kept his head down so he could do his job.  He remained focused and he wasn’t really big on sharing any personal information about himself.  Eddie has a complicated past; he was married but he didn’t tell anyone until 2x7 when he had to call her to interview at Chris’ school, his parents were SUPER CONTROLLING (his mother, Helena still is), he loves his grandmother, they have a great relationship and his aunt was always there to assist him with whatever he needed in season 2.
Prior to the end of season 4, Eddie had his own storylines and he’s always been viewed as a complicated character.  But something happened in seasons 4 through 6 because all of his storylines included Buck even though all of Buck’s storylines didn’t include Eddie.  He was sidelined for the majority of 6A and part of 6B too which was ridiculous.  All his scenes were cut short, chopped or shoved into the end of an episode (looking at 5x13 which included his mental breakdown in the last five minutes of the episode and 5x18 which showed his return to the 118 in the last one minute of the season).  Other than his PTSD storyline in season 5, he hasn’t had one that went on for more than one or two episodes since.
The storyline he had in season 5 SHOULD NOT HAVE AFFECTED THE AMOUNT OF SCREEN TIME HE RECEIVED IN SEASON 6.  HE’S A MAIN CHARACTER BUT INSTEAD OF GIVING HIM THE SCREEN TIME HE DESERVES, the show continuously shoved Buck into almost every episode for long periods of time.  Other than 6x3, Buck was not only involved in his own gazillion storylines; he was also shoved into other main characters’ storylines too and the recurring characters that were brought in for Buck's storylines were too.  But Eddie's barely received a full scene that wasn’t overshadowed by Buck’s involvement since season 3.
Eddie’s been a main character since his first episode in 2x1 but for some unknown reason, he’s been treated like a recurring character for the last few seasons and it doesn’t make any sense at all.  He’s constantly left in the background and he’s only given the attention he deserves when he’s being shown waiting for Buck to catch up and understand something.  It’s not fair because he’s a character all by himself and he has interests that go beyond whether he will or won’t end up in a relationship with Buck.
In the beginning, he was there to do his job and he wasn’t aware of Buck and how much he didn’t like him.  Based on Eddie’s reaction to Buck’s behavior, it seems like he really didn’t care.  Buck was the one who was all pissy and acted like a toddler while Eddie explained to him while they were in the firehouse’s gym, they did the same thing but he just did it while he was being shot at.
Eddie’s past
Eddie’s past is complicated and he was shouldered with a lot of responsibility at a very young age.  His father, Ramon was on the road for work and was rarely home but his mother, Helena was there and she was and still is very controlling.  He got his high school girlfriend pregnant then he married her and became an instant husband and father.  He enlisted in the Army and when his time was up, he reenlisted.  After he was wounded in action and honorably discharged, he returned to El Paso but nothing had changed.  Him and his wife, Shannon still argued all the time, they were never on the same page and she left him and Chris there while she traipsed off to Los Angeles to take care of her mother.  She left them with a note that stated she needed time too.
He worked three jobs to take care of Chris and even though his parents were helping him, he decided to relocate once he realized they didn’t have him or Christopher’s best interest at heart.  They wanted to control him and his mother told him to leave Chris with them instead of taking him to L.A. but Eddie didn’t want Chris to grow up like he did with his mother constantly limiting Chris and trying to control him.
In CANON, it’s never been explained why Eddie doesn’t usually let people address him by his legal name and his story has been told in parts.  He didn’t reveal he had a son until Buck asked him who he was trying to get a hold of in 2x2 and he didn’t mention he had a wife until 2x7 when he was at the Durand School with Carla.  His grandmother and his abuela were shown first in season 2 and his parents didn’t appear until 2x18 when they arrived for Shannon’s funeral.  They weren’t shown again until Eddie had flashbacks while he was trapped in the well in 3x15.
In 3x8, after Bobby was told about Eddie’s participation in the illegal fight club, Eddie admitted he needed to be in control during their conversation and while he was in therapy with Frank in 3x9, he admitted he doesn’t feel anything.  In one of his flashbacks in 3x15, he told Shannon he felt alone and it wasn’t until 5x1, after his first panic attack, that he was told by Dr. Salazar he might be repressing something.  In 5x13, he was extremely vulnerable, he reached his breaking point and he had a mental breakdown.  Prior to that he’d never let anyone see him cry (he cried a little while he was talking to Bobby in 3x8 but he didn’t cry like he did in 2x17, 3x15 [flashback to his time in the Army] 5x13 and 6x11).
Eddie’s a chameleon and he knows how to adjust to whatever situation he’s involved in but underneath his controlled bravado, he’s a genuinely nice guy who just wants to be in love.  He wants someone to not only love him but they have to love Christopher too.  He’s an awesome father who puts Chris' needs before his own because he doesn’t want him to grow up without him being there the way he had to grow up without Ramon being present.
After everything Eddie’s been through, the show dropped the ball when they regressed him in 6B.  All the work he did before he was forced into that raggedy and trifling dating storyline in 6x14 was dismantled and he became completely unrecognizable.  The show turned him into a giggly high school teenager who didn’t understand the things he wanted when he was 14 and 18 years old, like magic and chemistry no longer applied to him because he’s an adult now who’s either 34, 33, 32, 31 or 30 years old (more on his retconned age below).  He was no longer the confident, courageous, strong, stoic, Army vet because they completely obliterated his character by retconning his age, retconning his relationship with Shannon and by having him make the same mistakes he’s made in the past by going after a woman who would be someone who would be there for Chris instead of him choosing the BEST person for both him and Chris (BUCK!).
People have told Eddie what to do his whole life and other than the decisions he made to remove Chris from that toxic environment with his mother, him moving them to L.A. and him changing his will, all his other decisions were based on someone else’s opinion, him being controlled and/or ordered around by someone else.  Ramon told him to be the man of the house when he was 10 years old, his mother told him what to do while his dad was away working, he enlisted in the Army where he received orders 24/7 and he got a job with the LAFD where he receives orders from his captain whenever he’s at work.
The two times he tried to make decisions for himself, he was told by Bobby to stay with Shannon in 2x17 because he would be a great dad of their second child (she wasn't pregnant) and Bobby also told him in 4x6 that he shouldn’t let an opportunity pass by which caused him to start dating Ana.  In 2x17, he tried to make it work with Shannon again even though he said he knew he shouldn’t have let her back into their lives during his conversation with Bobby in 3x8.  In 5x2, he was planning to stick it out with Ana instead of breaking up with her and he probably would have continued to do that if Buck hadn’t explained how it was going to end up hurting her.  Eddie was literally having panic attacks that were so visceral they made him pass out in a suit store all because someone mistook her to be his wife and Chris’ mom.  He was still trying to decide what he was going to say until 5x3 when he went home and that’s when he finally broke up with her and explained it was “the idea of them” that caused him to try to make it work.  Since Eddie misunderstands a lot of Bobby’s advice, he should stop seeking him out for answers and he should stop listening to him.  He should talk to someone who can help him with his love life because he’s not Bobby and other than the fact that both of them have deceased wives, they don't have the same life experiences.  Maybe Eddie should talk to one of his friends like Karen or Chimney the next time he has questions about who he should ask out on a date.
Eddie worked hard to be better for himself when he went back to therapy in season 5, he took it seriously after his breakdown in 5x13 and he was happy at the beginning of season 6 but the show dismantled all the work he did on himself during 6B (related post linked here).  He was learning to be better but he wasn’t shown going to anymore sessions with Frank after 5x14.  Pepa pushing him to date was stressful for him and NO ONE LISTENS TO EDDIE when he tells them he’s not ready.  Bobby pushed him to date Ana in 4x6 even though he said he wasn’t ready and Pepa did the same thing in 6x14.  It’s clear something is holding him back but they won’t allow him to work through it on his own and that’s why he keeps ending up in these one-dimensional relationships with Ana and now her clone Marisol.
Since he still internalizes everything, in 6x11, it was clear he was struggling with death and how it attempted to take someone he loves away from him and Chris again but just like always, he wasn’t shown dealing with it or going to therapy about it.  He was wearing his therapy sweater in 6x15 but he wore it to Shannon’s grave with Chris so who knows if he even had a session earlier that day since it wasn’t shown in CANON.
He almost had a panic attack in 6x9 so it would have made sense for him to schedule a session to discuss what triggered it (the answer: Buck’s announcement about being the official creator of new life did it).  In 6x7, he talked with a random recurring character named Felisa about the Tsunami even though he didn’t mention Buck and Chris went through it together.  In fact, he didn’t mention Buck at all but he sure did mention Shannon even though he hadn’t said anything about her in years.
In 5x13, he told Frank, one of his old drill sergeants said, “Pain is just weakness leaving the body” which was clearly bad advice but Eddie hasn’t discussed the comment since that session but it was clear he experienced pain in 6A after Buck made his announcement, again in 6B after Buck died for three minutes and seventeen seconds and again in 6x15 when Buck said Natalia sees him which was a bunch of BS.
In 6x10, Eddie was missing during the scene that included the woman who had her baby after the car she was riding in got struck by lightning but he was CLEARLY SEEN AT THE FIREHOUSE with the rest of the 118 before they arrived on the call.  He was literally throwing a baseball with Hen while they stood in between the engine and the ladder truck, so what exactly was the show trying to illustrate with him not being on that one call?
Also, he was missing from the locker room in 6x13, when Hen and Chimney heard Buck calling all the women that he’d previously had sex with to see if he satisfied them.  Chimney wasn’t even on that call with the victim Patsy and her husband but Buck, Eddie and Hen were there.  Did the show think the audience wouldn’t notice that?  If they did, they were wrong.
Character assassination
One of the many things that upset a lot of viewers in 6B was the word used to describe Eddie in 6x11 during Buck’s coma dream.  Chimney said he was ANGRY but that’s so far from the truth that it’s utterly ridiculous.  It’s absurd how the show allowed that word to make it into the episode and it shouldn’t have been greenlit since Eddie’s NOT ANGRY (related post about stereotypes linked here).  Even though it was said in Buck’s coma dream, the whole episode was a jumbled mess that was too confusing to be figured out after just one viewing.  It had to be dissected to understand it in its totality, therefore viewers who haven’t watched seasons 2 through 5 wouldn’t know Eddie’s not like that.
He's so kind and humble and he’ll do anything for anyone.  He doesn’t like to show vulnerability but he’s not some ANGRY guy that’s rude to everyone.  He participated in an illegal fight club but his temporary partner introduced him to it and she wasn’t called ANGRY.  The only time Eddie was upset was in the grocery store in 3x5 when he and Buck were having a relationship argument about their kid since Buck wasn’t visiting Christopher so that’s just par for the course.  The truth is Buck was rude and angry towards Eddie and it happened on Eddie’s first day at the 118.  But in 6x11, in Buck’s twisted mind, he figured Chimney calling Eddie ANGRY was an accurate depiction of him, even though it wasn’t.  That one word completely ASSASSINATED his character in season 6, it’s still frustrating to think about it today and it’s been more than three months since the finale aired. WTF? This was BS and it needs to be rectified in season 7.
Eddie lied in 6x14 when he said, “I do not panic” when everyone who watched season 5 knows that he does panic (related post linked here).  He also lied to Chris in 6x17 when he told him he was going to run errands but in actuality, he went out to play golf and go hike so he could try to find a date.  This was completely unnecessary and should have been eliminated from the episode.
Why was Eddie blatantly lying about something everyone clearly saw him do?  As mentioned above, he became unrecognizable by the end of the season.
Single marital status
Another implication that assassinated Eddie’s character in season 6 was the fact that the show tried to make the audience believe Eddie’s going to die alone.  HE’S NOT and he wasn’t shown to be alone or that he even had feelings about it until 6x14 when Pepa wouldn’t stop pestering him about dating.  Then she pushed him to admit he didn’t want to end up alone.
The weird thing about the positioning of that episode was it happened AFTER EDDIE AND BUCK WENT ON A DATE TO PLAY POKER in 6x13.  So what exactly was the show trying to prove with that BS storyline?
It ended up being another disservice to Eddie when they could have just shown him thriving and enjoying his life as a single father.  But instead of doing that, they brought Carla back so she could tell him something that he was going to misunderstand again.  Once again, the show used Carla (6x8) and Bobby (6x14 and 6x17) so they could tell Eddie something about dating or his lack of it and they went even further when they included Pepa in the mix in 6x14 which was egregiously ridiculous since she was the one who noticed how much Eddie and Buck meant to each other in 2x4 after she met Buck for the first time at the hospital.  The truth is Eddie’s not lonely and he will not die alone.  But if he chooses to be alone, that should have been shown as a choice he made for himself and that it was ok to do it if that’s what he wanted.
When Eddie went on that date with Vanessa in 6x14, he said, “Full disclosure” but she interrupted him and wouldn’t allow him to finish.  What was he going to say?  Could it have been something other than him explaining he wasn’t over his dead wife?  Probably but the audience will never know.
Age discrepancy
EDDIE IS NOT THE SAME AGE AS BUCK!  From his introduction to the show in 2x1, he was shown to be older and more mature than Buck but his age along with Buck’s, Shannon’s and Denny’s were all retconned in season 6.  In 6x15, Shannon’s age was changed via the dates included on her gravestone and they retconned Eddie’s age in 6x16 when he said he and Shannon met when they were 14 in the 8th grade.  It’s nonsensical because Eddie and Shannon being two or three years older than Buck shouldn’t matter.  Prior to season 6, Eddie was ALWAYS SHOWN TO BE MORE MATURE THAN BUCK so they did his character a huge disservice when they retconned his age. 
His story has been all over the place, so no one really knows how old Eddie is but retconning his age WAS A MISTAKE because in 2x1 Chimney told Buck he wasn’t Eddie’s elder.  Since Eddie’s and Shannon’s ages were retconned, it’s possible Chris is not actually 12 years old anymore and his age may have been retconned to make him 10 years old again like Denny.
Eddie’s familial support system
They took EDDIE’S BLOOD RELATIVES and his PRE-ESTABLISHED support system away and didn’t tell the audience until 5x17.  Why did Isabel have to move back to El Paso when Pepa has a huge house that she lives in alone?  Isabel could have lived with her instead of Ramon but the show keeps removing people from Eddie’s life while they keep adding people to Buck’s.  It doesn’t make any sense because now Eddie has to depend on Buck and the 118 for almost everything but Buck doesn’t have to depend on Eddie the way the show has things setup.  This is UNFAIR and it doesn’t make any narrative sense unless they’re leading up to making them a CANON couple.
Pepa was written out of character in 6x14 and she seemed more like Helena since she was pushing Eddie to do something he clearly said he wasn’t ready to do.  What was the purpose of that?
Eddie’s parents
Eddie parents are interesting.  Helena’s done nothing but try to control Eddie and Chris while Ramon listened to everything she had to say.  In 5x17, after Eddie and Ramon reconciled, it appears their relationship has gotten better but Helena was still trying to control Eddie in 6x15 when he tried to explain they were busy and couldn’t visit them in Texas.  He told both of his parents in 5x17 that planes fly in both directions so what was up with them not visiting them in L.A.?  They could stay with Pepa when they visit.
Eventually, Eddie will have to deal with his mother and explain to her that she’s the reason why he had so many issues with control.  He doesn’t see it yet but hopefully one day he will.  She’s also said a lot of horrible things to him but season 6 retconned her and tried to make her likeable.  She didn’t deserve a redemption because she hasn’t earned one.
Eddie deserves for someone to care about him too
It’s unfair how every time something happens to Eddie, Buck’s the one who’s shown to have been affected by it but when something happens to Buck, they don’t allow Eddie to be there for him.  The show made Eddie being trapped in the well, the shooting, his mental breakdown, them being held hostage by Mitchell and Dom along with everything else that happened to him be about Buck instead of focusing on Eddie.  The audience didn’t get to see Eddie’s recovery after 4x14 but they shoved Taylor Kelly into Eddie’s house (instead of one or both of his sisters) at the end of 4x14 with everyone else and they shoved her into 5x11 too during the Buckley-Diaz Family dinner.
In 6x10, EDDIE WAS CATAPULTED OFF THE AERIAL but NO ONE, not Bobby, Hen or Chimney asked or checked to see if he was ok.  They didn’t even check on him after they made it to the hospital.  It seemed like par for the course since all the focus was on Buck even though they were both struck by the same bolt of lightning.  To add insult to Eddie’s injuries, they wouldn’t even let Buck check on him after he woke up from his coma dream.  They keep wedging all these random people into his storylines and they’re still doing it, hence, the reason why they wait for half the season to be over then they bring Carla Price back who’s Chris’ home healthcare aide.  But she shouldn’t be the one Eddie talks with because he does have friends.
Stop including Carla Price in Eddie’s storylines
WHY IS CARLA THE ONLY PERSON EDDIE’S ALLOWED TO TALK TO?  She’s Chris’ home healthcare aide but she’s always brought back to talk to Eddie when he should be allowed to talk to Isabel, Pepa or Ramon (since they reconciled in 5x17) or someone else other than her if they aren’t going to let him talk to Buck.  Everything she tells him confuses him even more and it’s always been like that.  In 2x7 when she said “A boy needs his mother” Eddie thought she was telling him to get back with Shannon but she wasn’t.  In 4x13 when she told him to follow his heart and not Chris’, he was confused then too.  In 5x10, Eddie should have had a conversation with someone else about whether he should leave the 118, like CHIMNEY, because Carla was not the person to help him.
He and Chimney are friends, they have been for years but they’re NEVER shown interacting outside of the firehouse.  It was clear in 6x5 when Eddie took Hoover the dog to Chimney’s apartment that he and Eddie hang out with each other.  In 6x8, Eddie should have had the conversation about Chris and his crush with Hen or Chimney not Carla.  Or here’s an idea, those scenes should have been SOLELY ABOUT EDDIE AND HIS SON CHRIS so they could have shared some father and son moments like they did in seasons 2 and 3.  Why is Carla being wedged in when she doesn’t have to be?  None of this makes any narrative sense.
Everyone knows Eddie and Karen are friends and he’s friends with Chimney and Linda too but he’s never shown hanging out with them.  The question is why not?  He’s not afforded the same character development in that area like everyone else on the show is.  Hen and Athena are friends, so is Hen and Chimney.  Maddie and Josh are friends too but Bobby and Eddie are the only two who don’t have friends they can spend time with when they’re off work.  Eddie’s trip to the hardware store in 6x17 with Bobby doesn’t count because they have conversations like that all the time.
Eddie’s past relationships
Eddie wants someone who loves both him and Chris.  Shannon said she loved Chris but she left and didn’t contact their son for two years and if Eddie hadn’t called her to interview at Chris’ school, she probably wouldn’t have come back.  She suggested they get a divorce while he wanted to try again.  She told him he was a really great dad but she never commented on her own mothering skills.  However, she couldn’t wait to remind Eddie she’s Chris’ mother in 2x7 when she went to Eddie’s house and asked could she see Chris but when he said he didn’t want to confuse him, she said, “I’m his mom” well what did that have to do with the tea in China?  NOTHING because she left and didn’t try to contact them.  If she didn’t want Eddie, ok fine but she had a son who she didn’t check on.  Let’s be real, most mothers would have taken their child with them when they left but she didn’t.
They were never on the same page and all they did was ARGUE!  The audience shouldn’t have been convinced by that scene in 6x15 when they were sitting in front of her grave because Eddie knows the truth.  He read the letter she wrote to Chris but HE WILL NEVER TELL HIS SON THAT HIS MOTHER DIDN’T WANT TO STAY FOR HIM because he won’t hurt Chris like that.  Eddie carries the guilt of her not wanting to be a wife and a mother with him and hopefully he’ll be able to let it go in season 7 so he can focus on himself and stop it with this fictitious made-up fairytale about the way things were with her while they were in high school.
Eddie was 14 when they met and so was she and for anyone who believes those retconned ages the show pulled out in 6x15, they were 18 and fresh out of high school when she got pregnant so neither of them knew enough about love or anything else to have had some Romeo and Juliet type of love affair.  He was gone for 5 years while he was in the Army and she left for two years after he returned to the states.  If the amount of time they actually spent under the same roof is added up, it can’t be more than a few months.  He came back for Chris’ birth then he left again, he reenlisted which means he may have been in Texas for a month or two and when they reconciled in season 2, it was in October of that year and she died in May of 2019 but they weren’t living together in L.A., so the total amount of time they may have been under the same roof is 4 or 5 months.
That scene in 6x15 of Eddie and Chris sitting in front of Shannon’s grave was RIDICULOUS.  They had never done that before and it didn’t make any sense.  Eddie hadn’t mentioned Shannon since 5x10 and that was because Chris had a nightmare about her.  So, why did they bring her back to halo her like she didn’t leave Chris and not call him for two years?
Ana was in love with the “idea” of her and Eddie the same way he was but she wouldn’t admit it.  The proof happened in 5x1 when she cared more about dressing Eddie up like he was some type of Ken doll  before his first panic attack.  She avoided talking to him about it until he broke up with her.  She didn’t sit down to have a conversation with him like she should have but she sure did try to make it seem like he was the problem when she threw his panic attacks in his face.
At the end of 6x18, the way Eddie was acting was completely out of character for him.  Prior to that episode, he had never acted like a giggly school kid but that’s exactly how he acted in that episode when he was trying to ask Marisol out on a date.  Does the show really want the audience to believe King Petty Eddie Diaz who gave Taylor Kelly the stink eye several times in CANON doesn’t know how to ask a woman out on a date?  Also, he literally reproposed to Shannon in 2x17 before she suggested they get a divorce so the version of Eddie in 6x18 didn’t make any narrative sense.
So WTF was that BS and who’s raggedy idea was this?  Eddie’s nothing but confident, HELL he exudes it and he’s cool under pressure so how was the audience supposed to take that or interpret that scene of him dancing around like he got a date with a celebrity?
Is Eddie dating Marisol for Christopher or for himself?
In 6x17, Eddie WAS STILL LOOKING FOR SOMETHING/SOMEONE FOR CHRISTOPHER INSTEAD OF FOR HIMSELF (related post linked here).  When he saw Marisol at the hardware store, once again Bobby’s ‘raggedy advice’ was misconstrued and Eddie misunderstood what or who he should have been looking for.  He did the same thing after he saw Ana again in 4x6.  If they did date or if they will still be dating at the beginning of season 7, it shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone if Eddie has another panic attack followed by another scene of him saying “Chris loves you so much” the same way he told Shannon and Ana before he ends it.  Marisol’s name literally means LONELY or SOLITUDE.  Their relationship won’t work so it doesn’t make sense for them to be together especially since HE’S ALREADY FOUND THE PERFECT PERSON FOR CHRIS (BUCK) but he keeps looking past him.
Christopher “Chris” Diaz
Chris is a main character but he only had two storylines in season 6 and they weren’t all about him.  In 6x4, he skipped his Science Club meetings but that storyline was used to rope Buck’s ridiculous sperm donor storyline into it and it was also used to show Chris is growing up and he won’t be hanging out with Eddie as much anymore.  Therefore, it was about Eddie.  Also, his 6x8 storyline about the crush he had on a classmate was also made to be about Eddie.  The audience wasn’t shown Chris dealing with his crush on his own and actually, Carla was the one who suggested he might have a crush but Chris never said if he did.
Can Chris please get a storyline that doesn’t revolve around Buck and Eddie?  He’s 12 years old now which means he should have his own storylines just like all the other first responder kids had their own.  There are so many ways the show could handle it but for some reason they won’t.  They could let Chris have an honest conversation with Eddie about Shannon instead of making up that smores storyline in 6x15.  Chris was 5 years old when she left them in El Paso and they weren’t shown making smores together in season 2 before she died so who made up that story and why was it greenlit since it wasn’t true?
Since Eddie was sidelined for all 6A except for 6x7 and his storylines in 6B were more of the same from season 4, it would be nice if they actually gave him some storylines that were all about him and Chris.  Not that retconned storyline with Shannon or the ones where they constantly add Carla into the mix.  Both Eddie and Chris are treated like recurring characters even though they’re both mains and it needs to change before season 7.  They shouldn’t be sidelined only to be pulled back in for Buck’s storylines.  When is Buck going to be sidelined so he can be pulled into Eddie’s and Chris’ storylines?
Eddie and Chris both need and deserve more attention.  If 9-1-1 is turning into the Buck show with everyone else revolving around him and his love interests then, Eddie and Chris need their own show.  Can Eddie be HAPPY once and for all?  If they aren’t going to let him and Buck get together then let Eddie live his life happily ever after ALONE and let him get into some activities that mean something to him like baseball.  They moved his family away and have made him completely dependent on Buck and Carla which is RIDICULOUS.
Hopefully things will be different in season 7 for both Eddie and Chris.  Also, it would be good if they leave Marisol in season 6 where she initially appeared because no one wants to watch Eddie be in another relationship only for him to end up having panic attacks and trying to stick it out while avoiding what he wants for himself.  EDDIE AND CHRIS DESERVE TO BE HAPPY!
These are my criticisms regarding the character of Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz for season 6.
I have a total of 15 CANON “Constructive Criticisms” and as of Wednesday, August 30, 2023, they’ve all been posted.  The topics were posted in a specific order that begins with the overall issues for season 6 so they can be referenced within the posts about individual characters and ships that followed them.
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baileys-3 · 7 months
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Another little sneak peak for you. This time on Chapter 5. Tim is with his sister Genny and helps her with the move and a few things that need to be done around the house on his day off. In the evening he has his first date with Lucy. The sneak peak is told from Genny's point of view.
Briefly the current status: Chapter 8 - 41000 words, period between 5x10 and 5x11
Let's go and enjoy:
"Do you want a coffee?"
Tim stretches briefly and nods to her. "Yeah. Coffee sounds good."
Genny slaps her hands together briefly and then wipes them on her trousers. On her way to the kitchen, a spontaneous idea strikes her. After all, Tim has been helping her all day and they had only had a couple of sandwiches with sausage and cheese for lunch. He at least deserves something warm to eat if he's already sacrificing his day off.
"Should we order pizza tonight? Or something else? We could watch some game on the side. I'm sure the boys would like it if they could watch a game with you."
She presses the coffee machines on switch as she passes, then goes to the shelf with the cups. And then two things happen at once.
Tim takes a little too long to answer and stammers something. Tim stammers to himself? That's unusual.
"Umm ... well ... good idea. But I don't have time today."
And just at that moment Tim's mobile phone lights up. Which he had taken out of his pocket while assembling the shelf and placed on the shelf under the coffee cups. The shelf she is now standing in front of. And of course, her gaze wanders to his mobile phone. She doesn't do it on purpose. But when a black screen suddenly lights up, you just have that instinct. She can't help it.
And she sees that he has received a message. She sees the name light up. And below that, the message text, which is displayed in full on the lock screen. "What kind of weird feature is that?" Genny thinks. When is the whole message previewed on the lock screen? But probably that had been set on Tim's phone by default and he had never changed it.
I am ALWAYS on time. Do you think I don't know that you've been setting all your clocks to be five minutes fast for years???? P.S Are you waiting for me in the car park or inside? 😇
Genny combines both pieces of information in her head in seconds and is pretty sure Tim doesn't have time for pizza because he's meeting Lucy. Interesting. Doesn't mean anything though because it could be purely professional.
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aceofwhump · 3 months
Hey, Ace! How are you?
Do you have any whump recs for the asthma trope? It could be in books or movies/shows.
I'm doing well!! Thanks for asking! Finally got some good news lately after a really shitty month and a half.
Yuki Sohma from Fruits Basket has asthma and has a bad attack in the 2019 reboot anime 1x09. That's the scene in the manga where I realized I like whump.
I don't know how whumpy some of these are but Scott McCall from Teen Wolf has asthma. Look at 1x01 1x08 5x06 and 5x10, The Adam Project has a quick scene where younger Adam has an asthma attack and older Adam helps him with it cause that's him. The Osgoods from Doctor Who have asthma and use their inhalers a lot. Hal from Outlander book 8 Written in My Own Hearts Blood has an asthma attack and Claire treats him. Tara in the new Scream movies has asthma.
For some fanfics:
The Office. Trigger by petersnotkingyet Summary: Jim has an asthma attack playing soccer with Charles Minor. It's a really bad time for his inhaler to run out.
Fruits Basket. a lesson in medication compliance by combustible_lemons Summary: Yuki forgets his inhaler at home under the worst possible circumstances.
The O.C. BREATHE by albfic Summary: Ryan's childhood asthma comes back...
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thefutureiswhat · 5 months
Updated Season 5 Finale Theory
FX Networks just put up a YouTube featurette titled "How to Be Minnesota Nice," featuring interviews with Noah Hawley and the cast.
Most notably, however, the video contains a pretty major spoiler from the Season 5 finale in the form of behind-the-scenes footage.
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Yes, that appears to be Lorraine and Indira visiting Roy in prison. Which would explain "Lorraine makes a visit" from the 5x10 episode description.
Aside from being shocked that FX would release such a huge plot point just days before the finale, this actually makes me kind of optimistic that my theory with @tdciago about three different endings will actually come true.
Because you're telling me that Roy goes from this...
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...to prison?
We're going to see him shot or stabbed, running for his life, terrified and desperate, and then... actually, he's okay. He's just gonna go to prison instead.
I think this is just more proof that we're going to see three different endings in the finale. However, I think they will be presented to us in such a way that it will seem like one continuous story.
Maybe he'll be shot by Dot, and it will seem like he's dead. Dot gets rescued from the ranch and goes home to her family. But wait, Roy isn't dead. He's running through the fog, to the safety of the dugout... where he will be accidentally killed by Gator, who doesn't see him coming.
But wait, he actually survived that, too. And now Lorraine is visiting him in prison. I'm not saying this is exactly how it will go, but you get the idea. He seems dead, in two different ways, but then he's somehow alive.
At first glance, it will probably seem very confusing and extremely improbable. But there might be subtle clues that these are three different endings, rather than one far-fetched one.
One possibility, suggested by @tdciago, is that there will be subtle errors or inconsistencies in each ending that will call them into question. In one, for example, Dot might be making Bisquick, but the box has the brand name spelled incorrectly -- "Bisquik," like the episode title.
This will make viewers point and say, "Wait... that's not right. This must be the fake ending, and this other one is real!" But there will be details like that in each ending, making it impossible to tell which is the real one.
Something that might help us decide how to separate the endings is the music. There's an 8-minute piece on the Season 5 soundtrack called "Fargo Season 5 Main Theme (Secret Suite)." We haven't heard it yet this season.
It features three distinct versions of the Fargo TV series theme: a choral version, a twangy guitar version, and an electric guitar version. Maybe they will feature in each of three different endings, giving us an idea for how to separate them.
Or maybe none of this will come true, and the finale will totally surprise us. Either way, it's been a helluva ride.
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frangipanilove · 2 months
Fighting Fire With Fire Part Three:
Pharmakon And The LK8-4167 Licence Plate
(read parts one and two here)
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This really has been the season of licence plates for me. I’ve written about the resurrection symbolism around the XH6-S781 and the LC6M187 licence plates. Today I want to expand on the licence plate LK8-4167 that we first saw in 5x10 WHAWGO. A brilliant Bethyler back in the ancient times of Early Team Delusional discovered that it could potentially refer to the Bible verse Luke 8, which happend to tell a story of resurrection (If anyone remembers the name of the person who discovered this, let me know so I can give them proper credit).
Then, when 6x10 A New World rolled around, we saw the same licence plate again, which I wrote about in this post from a few weeks ago.
There’s actually a third car with this particular license plate. It appears in 6x6 Always Accountable, and the scene and episode in which it appears is full of resurrection symbolism. Let’s dive in!
I first wrote about the LK8-4167 license plate in this post from 2020. It’s old and somewhat dated, but it’s also fairly thorough, check it out for the basics of the three/tree/trunk symbolism.
The licence plate first came on to TD’s radar after 5x9 WHAWGO. Obviously, 5x9 was the first episode after Beth had been shot at Grady, and it was also the last episode Beth appeared in, as she appeared in Tyreese’s fever dream before he died.
WHAWGO was an episode where the audience needed to pay attention. One can argue that TPTB intentionally tried to trick the audience from the get-go, for starters, it opened with someone digging a grave. Everyone assumed it was Beth’s grave, as her “death” had been the last thing we saw in the episode prior. Then came the plot twist, when it turned out to be Tyreese’s grave. We still don’t know if/where/when/how Beth was buried, we learned from Talking Dead that 17 days had passed between 5x8 Coda and 5x9 WHAWGO, but we know nothing of what transpired in those days.
The lack of a funeral for Beth, and an outright fake “trick” funeral intended to lure us into believing she had been buried has emerged as one of the most pressing unanswered questions for Team Delusional. Was she buried? If so, where? When? And if not, why?
Glenn explained the rules back in season one: "We bury the ones we love, and burn the rest". Through the years we've seen an enormous focus on getting people, and at times animals like goats and sometimes even baseball bats, a proper burial.
But not Beth. Why not? TD has questions.
As the group struggled to save Tyreese in WHAWGO, we could hear Beth’s voice singing Struggling Man in the backround. We watch them reach the cluster of cars where they were parked, and we see this female walker in a car. Interstingly, we see this scene paralleled in 6X6 Always Accountable, where a walker was trapped in a car in a similar way:
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And while we hear Beth/Emily singing Struggling Man in the background, we see Rick deliver this line, which is a callback to when Beth sang the Tom Waits classic "Hold On" at the prison back in season 3:
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There’s something strange about how they all reacted with fear and horror to the cluster of cars, it's as though something had happened that inflicted some kind of shared trauma associated with walkers in cars on them.
We also saw that in the next episode 5x10 Them, where they came across a different cluster of cars along the road, and reacted as though it was the most frightful sight ever. It was in one of these cars Maggie found the blond, tied up walker, a walker that has been confirmed to be meant as a reference to Beth, in a scene that seemed to haunt Maggie to an almost unreasonable degree.
It doesn't quite add up. They were all seasoned survivers at this point, they had all seen, and neutralized, countless walkers. What was it about the walkers trapped in cars from WHAWGO and Them that stood out to them as particularly terrifying and traumatizing?
This could be a reference to another cornerstone TD belief. Had Beth been left in a car during a walker attack directly after the events of 5x8 Coda? Is that why she was so heavily surreounded by trunk symbolism? Was it foreshadowing?
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And as they desperately tried to get their car unstuck from the mud, we saw the red vehicle with the LK8-4167 license plate.
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When we seek out the corresponding verse in the Bible, we find a story about healing a girl and a resurrection. We’ve heard Beth’s voice singing Struggling Man up until this very moment.
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"She is not dead but asleep".
However you might feel about it, it's hard to deny that the licence plate could refer to resurrection. And it's difficult to argue it was about Tyreese. We saw Tyreese get stabbed through the brain to prevent him from reanimating. And we saw him get buried. The symbolism was not about him.
It is much more likely that it was about the girl whose voice we heard in the background the whole time, the girl we never saw put down or buried, the girl who was also last seen in 5x9 WHAWGO. It’s more likely that it was about the girl who's been surrounded by all kinds of resurrection symbolism, and who's been closely paralleled with Rick, someone who now has died and resurrected twice.
The fact that there were human torsos (or simply "trunks") stored in the car is three/tree/trunk symbolism, which I’ve talked about elsewhere (such as here and here), and I won’t discuss that in this post.
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But let's now return to the licence plate we saw in 6x6 Always Accountable. It's an interesting episode for many reasons, and it's also an episode in which we learn more on how TWDU uses the concept of "fighting fire with fire".
As Daryl, Sasha and Abraham finish operation Lead The Walkers Away, and are about to return home to Alexandria, they are suddenly attacked. As they speed up to outrun the gunfire, the become separated from each other. And it is during this car chase we see the third LK8-4167 licence plate:
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Daryl takes a tumble right next to a Jeep Cherokee. I went into great detail on the resurrection symbolism around that, and how Jeep Cherokees and Cherokee Roses are synonymous, here.
He falls off his bike, injures his elbow but quickly gets back up on the horse. I'm not going to overstate the symbolism of that small detail, but it does constitute a representation of falling down (death) and getting back up (resurrection). On it's own it's merely a fun fact, rather than some super compelling evidence of resurrection symbolism, however it does fall in line with everything else we see, so I'll allow it. Let's agree it indicates resurrection symbolism at the very least. And it happened directly after we had seen the LK8-4167 license plate, that we now know represent resurrection.
Also, we did see a Jeep Cherokee at the end of 5x8 Coda, as Daryl carried Beth's seemingly lifeless body out of Grady Memorial, it's in the bottom left corner in this pic:
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Keep the Jeep Cherokee in mind, because we'll return to it shortly.
Every Bethyler watching instantly knew that 6x6 Always Accoutable would be a treasure trove of Bethyl-coded symbolism the minute we saw this shot from after Daryl’s bike broke down:
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He immediately tries to establish contact with Sasha and Abraham, but they’re out of radio reach. When they don’t respond he goes out in search of them.
He soon gets into trouble when Dwight, Sherry and Tina finds him and mistakes him for one of Negan’s Saviors. They tie him up and take him through a burnt forest that used to be their home, before it was overrun with walkers.
This is a good time to once again reflect on the meaning of pharmakon, a poison and a cure. Fighting fire with fire.
As they walk through the burnt forest, we get subtle clues pertaining to the fire symbolism through the dialogue:
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Dwight and Sherry explains how they flooded the area with fuel, lit up a matchbook from the Sweetwater Beer Company, then the walkers "just walked right into the flames”.
Notice how Dwight and Sherry here reveal something crucial about how the wildfire virus affects the walkers? Walkers, meaning wandering undead corpses having succumbed to the wildfire virus, are hardwired to walk right into fire!
They are drawn to flames! This is quite iterally fighting wildfire with fire.
Then, it’s also important to note that the reference to "the Sweetwater" is a reference to the beer bottle in which Daryl placed a Cherokee Rose and gave to Carol in 2x4 Cherokee rose. Sweetwater is a brand of beer. The beer bottle he used was one from Sweetwater. And as I’ve explained here, ethanol/beer is the key to the cure, the antidote, the pharmakon.
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And as we remember from season 3, Daryl placed a Cherokee Rose on Carol's empty grave, marking it as a scene for a future "resurrection", symbolism which was fulfilled when she was found alive in the tombs of the prison a few episodes later.
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Daryl is eventually able to break free from Dwight and Sherry, and as he escapes into the woods, we see a walker with a Cherokee Rose on its back:
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Again, this is the first Cherokee Rose we've seen since season 3, it's quite a significant moment, symbolism wise, because it's all about resurrection.
Then we turn our attention to Abraham and Sasha. They eventually end up near the same Jeep Cherokee, where they have a conversation about being left behind and having someone return for them. Again, TD has discussed these themes for years in relation to Beth and those 17 days post-Coda.
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Many of us believe Beth was left behind in Atlanta, for reasons we don’t yet know. It’s significant that Abe and Sasha talk about these themes about being left behind and someone coming back next to the Jeep Cherokee.
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This plays into the widely held TD belief that whatever it was that happened after Coda, it somehow involved getting overwhelmed by walkers, then placing Beth in the trunk of a car (foreshadowed in Still and Them), with every intention of returning to her, but then for some reason being prevented from doing so. And when they eventually did, perhaps she was "just gone".
Back to Daryl for a minute. Being who he is, he tries to make allies and friends out of Dwight and Sherry. This backfires on him as they betray him and steal his bike and his crossbow.
But Daryl is resourceful, and manages to find a truck full of fuel hidden under some greenery:
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Please note the licence plate, PATTY002, on a truck labeled 002. I've discussed these numbers in countless other posts, so I won't elaborate on it here. However, it needs to be mentioned, because the symbolism around the 22/Morningstar/Lightbringer comes into play in a big way.
I'll just briefly mention that we could easily draw on the "one one" of Noah's t-shirt, we could interpret the 2 as in roman numerals II, which could also be read as the number 11, which again could be a reference to TWD 10x11 Morningstar.
We could also interpret the two 2's as the number 22, which I've written extencively about. Again it is a Morningstar reference, and it highlights the duality that we see around "pharmakon", in that both Christ and the Devil has been referred to as the Morningstar. Lucifer Morningstar. Lucifer means Lightbringer. The Devil and Christ. A poison and a cure. Fighting fire with fire.
Obviously, Sirius and Venus are both morning stars, in that they appear in the morning (and for the record, Venus is a planet, but was initially percieved to be two wandering stars, one that appeared at evening time and one that appeared in the morning)
And all of that suddenly comes into play, when Abraham finds a yellow Humvee with some serious rocket launchers, or should I say “light-bringers”, included.
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And it's a good thing he did, because in 6x8 No Way Out, on their way home to Alexandria Safe Zone, they run into this group of unsavory characters; Negan's Saviors.
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The Saviors demonstrate an atrocious lack of manners, and Daryl eventually teaches them a lesson, using one of Abraham's rocket launchers.
The symbolism here is interesting. The rocket launchers came from a yellow Humvee, something which brings our minds to the other yellow vehickles that's encompassed by the "yellow" symbolism. I wrote about it here.
And Daryl reached for one from the back of the 002 Patty002 fuel truck, which could be interpreted as part of the "one one" Morningstar symbolism, as well as the 22 Morningstar/Lightbringer symbolism.
But we learn more about how it relates to the pharmakon/fighting fire with fire symbolism once they reach Alexandria:
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Alexandria Safe Zone, now completely overrun by a massive walker horde, is losing the battle against death. The undead outnumber and outcompete the living.
But Daryl has learned something from his encounter with Dwight and Sherry. He now knows that the walkers are drawn to flames, that the wildfire virus is attracted to fire. He arranges for the fuel to be poured into the lake, and then fires a rocket into it. The lake blows up in an inferno of flames, and as anticipated, the walkers walk right into the fire. Fire destructs the wildfire virus. Fighting fire with fire.
And above all, it’s very poignant Lightbringer/Morningstar symbolism. Daryl’s rocket launcher literally lights up the place.
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The LK8-4167 licence plate is about resurrection. And resurrection in TWDU is associated with fire. We've seen that through the Sirius symbolism throughout the seasons. The Sirius symbolism revolves around Sirius The Dog Star, which returns to the sky one morning right before dawn, after having been gone for some time. Beth became inextricably linked with the Sirius symbolism after 4x13 Alone. The word "Sirius" comes from Greek "Seirios" and means "glowing, scorching.
Sirius The Dog Star returns one morning right before dawn... or shall we say sunrise?
An interesting detail is that while Daryl is out in the burnt forest with Dwight and Sherry, Sasha and Abraham seek temporary refuge inside the offices of a car insurance company called Sunrise Auto Insurance.
Remember Operation Cobalt, which included the decision to try to contain the spread of the wildfire virus by dropping napalm bombs on metropolitan areas all over the North American continent, likely killing hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of civilians. An alternative name for Operation Cobalt was the Sunset Protocol:
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If "sunset" represents the end of humanity due to the wildfire virus itself, in addition to the use of napalm on civilians, through Operation Cobalt and the sunset protocols... could "sunrise" represent the opposite? A cure or an antidote. Pharmakon?
Both "sunrise" and "sunset" describes actions of the sun, which is a literal burning ball of gas. Fighting fire with fire.
And of course, there's this scene, in which we saw a "resurrection" of sorts, when the music box "came back to life" during a beautiful sunset after a particularly stormy night:
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Sunrise heralds resurrection. Literally and metaphorically speaking.
Finally, a few words on things to potentially be exited about going foreward. In the TWD World Beyond coda, it was more than implied that the origin of the wildfire virus came out of a French lab. The grafitti on the wall translates to "the dead were born here".
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We now also know that the French created variant walkers, specifically designed to function as weapons. In TWDDD 1x12 L'ame Perdue, we saw Daryl cross paths with one of these variants called les brûlant, burners, due to their blood that burn like acid when it comes into contact with human skin.
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We saw Daryl suffer a bad burn, and we saw how he was later treated with cauterization, a technique that involves burning the affected area with a red hot iron. The "cure" hides in plain sight; fighting fire with fire.
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Isabel explains that cauterization is they best way to prevent burns from les brûlant from spreading. It's a small scene, but it is one of the first things we learn about how the virus has affected France, and more importantly, it is confirmation that the symbolism is the same across TWDU: fighting fire with fire. A burn from a burner/brûlant is healed with cauterization, fire... Again, we see fire as pharmakon, a poison and a cure.
@bookqueenrules recently made me aware of a yellow car that's been involved in filming of what appears to be large parts of season 2. I wonder if it could possibly be a Jeep Wrangler. That would be an interesting reference to the symbolism around Carol's Jeep Cherokee from season 1, and it ties in nicely with all the other yellow vehicles we've come across that has serious resurrection undertones to them.
Having said that, I'm no car expert, and it could easily be something else entirely, time will tell. But it is yellow, that's for sure, and therefore it's part of the yellow vehicle symbolism, Jeep or not.
(ETA: I think it might be a Land Rover, now that I’m looking at it. But like I said, I’m not an expert, it could be anything really)
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These symbols, the fire symbolism, the yellow symbolism and the Jeep Cherokee/Cherokee Rose symbolism, they intersect in really powerful ways, and I'm super exited to see how this all continues in TWDDD season 2, The Book Of Carol. And the concept of pharmakon, a poison and a cure, exists on both sides of the Atlantic.
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burningtacozombie · 11 months
random mayans thoughts, 5x10 aka series finale edition:
on a personal note: the more I use the word fuck the more mad I am. so no one make "how many times did she say fuck" a drinking game, you'll end up with alcohol poisoning tonight.
- Miguel brought the letters and photos to Felipe's funeral and hadn't EZ run his fucking mouth he would've finally told him and Angel, who spotted the letters anyway, that they're brothers. fucking hell, we spent FOUR SEASONS invested in the they're brothers storyline and what came of it? ultimately nothing. what was all of that for when there was no resolution whatsoever?! fucking disappointing and frustrating. and why the fuck did Potter call Felipe "Ignacio Cortez" when he showed up? his name was Ignacio CORTINA, you fucking morons. writers can't even remember their own characters' names, huh?
- I fucking hate what they did to Miguel this season. and I'm not even talking about murdering him, I'm talking about how they first changed his entire life's history to some shit that didn't make sense at all, that Felipe knew the entire time he's his father, the letters and photos popping up out of thin air. and if that wasn't enough they insulted Miguel's intelligence because not for one second has he noticed how much Emily hates him? Miguel in season 2 sent Nestor to keep an eye on her when he didn't trust her, he knew she was lying to him. but this season, where she was even colder, more distant he doesn't see it? he seriously thought after everything, they could just start over fresh and she'd be fine and love him like nothing ever happened? who is this person that looks like Miguel Galindo? this is not the man I knew and fell in love with. the Miguel I knew would've never let his guard down like that, only to be murdered in a way he never even saw coming. it's such a big fucking disappointment and I'm so mad, I feel like my skin is on fucking fire. and what's even worse in all of that is that Emily got away with everything. how did the camera not catch when she asked Luis to carry Cristobal upstairs? they must've heard that he was nowhere near when Miguel went down. or when he came running back down yelling after the shot? how did that not end up on the audio?
- that "war" at the Sons clubhouse did not feel like a war at all. hell, it was a lot worse when the Mayans came for the Vatos Maldiots back in season 2 and there were a lot less Mayans with a lot more and heavier guns at the time. it was hard to follow everyone on screen because of the fast fight sequences and camera angles but Guero delivered some good punches, I just know he had a ton of fun. Isaac got what he deserved, I just didn't think he'd go out this early in the episode.
- as fucked up as the episode is as a whole, Bottles putting his glasses on Guero and them joking around at the party was a fun moment and damn, that man looks cute with glasses, lmao.
- Marcus has given up the club life for good, Izzy gave birth to their baby boy and they're a happy family. life is good for them. when Bishop came to visit, that was an actual sweet scene, him assuring Alvarez that he's doing the right thing.
- fucking Downer, he changed his mind and wanted to help Cielo get away but she panicked. I get it in a way, she's just a normal chick who got caught up in that life and what are you gonna do when you think they're coming to kill you? defend yourself. but man, it was unexpected and it hurts. and then she turns herself in and gives Potter the ammo he needed all along to come for the whole club.
- Letty is on a revenge path but was it just me who thought that maybe a revolver with only, what?, 6-8 rounds would've been her own death? now she's back with the Broken Saints instead and we won't ever find out but I'm sure that return didn't go over so well either. I'm not saying they killed her but she definitely has a lot of explaining to do before they take her back in. at least she rescued Sally, that poor dog has seen enough.
- the Reyes brothers talking on that bridge was a good scene too, Angel realizing that he has to leave to live for his son. I hate that he never found out Luisa died, he still thinks she just up and left them. even if painful, he would have deserved that closure. but what did he mean with "you put the Mayans on top" because that's not true. not even a little bit. their entire pipeline blew up. even if it hadn't ended the way it did, they would have been neck deep in trouble with the other MCs, with Cole and Grant, with the prisons. we spent a whole season watching them fight for that pipeline and again, what did we get? ultimately nothing. no resolution. no end. just a whole lot of plot holes so big you could drive a truck through them, which is fucking frustrating.
- that scene in the templo was fucking brutal, even for my standards. I predicted EZ would die slowly and painfully in front of a lot of people but holy fucking shit, everyone taking a stab at him is not the method I thought of. man, Clayton really pissed off someone in that writers room because Angel lost, with exception of his son, everything and everyone in half a season. and while yes, EZ the rat had to go, doing it was not just brutal on Angel. everyone seemed to struggle to wrap their heads around what was happening. but hey, they finally patched in Nestor, he earned it. and so did Bottles for killing Sofia. if they were gonna eliminate Cielo for knowing too much, naturally Sofia had to go to. just that whole pregnancy thing was completely unnecessary. I’m glad Angel and his son got out in time before the raid and can live their life free. I hope they get therapy as they recover from the tragedy they left behind, Mav might be young but he’s already been through a fuck ton.
- the ATF raid, I can't fucking believe Potter of all people has the upper hand and walks away free to do whatever fucked up thing he does next. I hate that there's no closure as to who lives and who died after they shot up the clubhouse because as a general rule I hate open endings. a couple weeks back, friends and I joked the military would just drop a bomb on Santo Padre and turn it into a parking lot, unbelievable that this wasn't even that far off... but we didn't get to see bodies so the status quo is that Guero is alive. he might have caught a bullet or three to the shoulder, maybe the stomach and a leg but he's alive and recovering! and yes, probably facing 25 to multiple life sentences but that’s still better than death. don't you dare come at me with canon and how no one survived, JD himself said in an EW interview "it is up to the imagination of the viewers". I lost Miguel, twice basically, so I'm not gonna lose Guero too, I need one win. if you disagree, that's your choice but this is where I plant my flag.
and that concludes not only season 5 but Mayans MC as a whole. it was a fucking mess and had been for years and I'm laughing at the thought that this is how they planned all along the show would end because seriously, it was kind of pathetic. I'm sure there is a lot more to be said about the hundreds of plot holes and loose ends they left us with but for right now, fuck this shit is exhausting, lol.
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freyadragonlord · 9 months
At this point this is just a formality cause we all saw how far the anime got but still!
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The anime is 8 mere pages behind the manga, and the season finale's title, "Twilight Goodbye", doesn't seem to be related to any light novel, so we are almost certainly going to be seeing the end of this arc in the anime next week before we see it in the manga!
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 7 months
Hello! Here are some Debbie asks 💖 -
1. Favourite/least favourite Debbie relationship (can be romantic or platonic)?
2. Storyline you wish Debbie had?
3. Underrated Debbie moment?
4. Where do you see Debbie in five years time?
5. Best Debbie outfit/look?
6. First line that comes to your head when you think of Debbie? (Could be a line she says or one someone says about her)
7. Funniest/saddest/best Debbie moment?
8. Favourite fanfic or fanart or gifset about Debbie?
9. How did you feel about Debbie’s ending?
10. Five words to describe Debbie?
yay hi calli!
my favorite relationship debbie was in would probably be debbie x sandy (sebbie), but only pre-11x05 before they were ruined. and my least favorite relationship would probably be heidi? her character was brought in so randomly and in an obvious attempt to slander debbie more. i would say that my least favorite would be a relationship that she had with any of the guys she was with, but i don’t really count those since she was a lesbian and underage for most of those relationships.
i don’t really know how to answer this… there are a few storylines that shameless started for her and just didn’t bother to explore so i guess i’ll say those. (this is depressing sorry) in 4x07, debbie’s friend convinces her to self harm, and she does. season 4 debbie is very interesting because she explores abandonment issues, peer pressure, and grooming, which are all important issues. i think that the shameless writers got over her self harm too fast, and i think that it could have been interesting to see them talk about that, because it is an issue that many struggle with (although ian did also struggle with it in 5x10). i also wish that we got a scene where debbie talks to her siblings about how they treat her. in season 11, they mistreat her a lot, but it’s all for comedic purposes so nobody really talks about it, but i wish she or someone else would stand up for her.
every debbie moment is an underrated one if you ask me, lol. i think an underrated one may be when she bought a snake and put it in matty’s girlfriend’s car. it was so evil and maybe people hate her for it but i just found it funny. also, when she lied to jimmy-steve and said it was her birthday for free food. she’s iconic.
five years from now or five years from the finale? i’m gonna go with five years from the finale, which is 2026. i see debbie doing well. adult liam in hos says that they all end up doing well, and yes, he’s talking about a time far more in the future, but in season 11 debbie’s business was successful so i’ll say that she is. i think that she and franny will stay in the gallagher house, and i hope that debbie will get some therapy because she desperately needs it, especially if she has a ten/eleven year old kid. i want her to find a good girlfriend, maybe it’s sandy, maybe it’s not. idk. really all i hope is that she’s doing well mentally, franny’s thriving, they have a house, and debbie does everything is still going well.
hm… well, the wedding dress in 10x12 is the first thing that comes to mind. she looks fabulous and she’s doing it for the sake of gallavich, which we love. if it’s not that, it’s probably one of her other looks in season 10, because i think that was her best era fashion wise (and in general, honestly. that was her redemption arc, john wells just fucked it up), so probably the black dress with the leather jacket that she wore while convincing ian to get back with mickey, or the red dress she was trying on.
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6. (the bullets got messed up😭), well, for lines, “you do not f with debbie gallagher!!!!” (after attempting to drown a girl who bullied her for being a closet lesbian), “you can’t drink him away, mickey. it won’t work”, (after convincing mickey to go back to ian, because my girl loves her family and is the biggest gallavich fan in the whole show).
7. funniest would probably be the, “you do not f with debbie gallagher!” thing, but also when she kidnapped that kid and was questioned by the police, specifically because the scene was just little clips of her talking and one was like, “yes i would like a cookie”, it was just so funny i love her. for saddest, i’d have to say hitting frank with a bag full of soap and then sobbing into her pillow, crying when she knew that derek left her, or when she was screaming at derek’s mother’s house and consoling franny even though franny couldn’t hear- i died inside a bit when i watched that scene. her best moment was any moment she helped out her siblings (which happens a lot, contrary to what debbie antis who think that she’s selfish think), like coming to mickey’s house to get him back, somehow getting ford up on a billboard so that fiona could shoot paintballs at his ass, creating a distraction at the gallavich wedding, and pranking kelly with carl- there’s a few more but those are my personal favorites.
8.i have a few favorite fics, like definitions by the lovely @astaraels, the sun; a little to the left, and familiar patterns by the also lovely, @aceyanaheim. this is probably my favorite gifset, and i don’t really know a lot of debbie fanart- but probably anything that @deedala did because she loves debbie also and is an amazing artist.
9. how did i feel about it… well, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I FUCKING HATED IT. i really hated every characters ending, gallavich’s ending was fine but there were also some things about it i didn’t really love. i’ve made really long posts about my issues with this ending, but to summarize: in s10, john wells attempted to make a debbie redemption arc, which is why there isn’t a lot of debbie hate in that season. many people liked her that season, esp because of 10x12. but then, in s11, we’re expected to believe that everyone hates debbie, (*cough* ian *cough*), and we hear her called a “terrible mom” a “loser” “annoying” etc. also, frank’s parting words to her were horrible and mean! i would start bawling if i were her, and i get that it’s frank, but still. also, they ruined sebbie and replaced it with a toxic person who we know debbie is only dating as a form of self sabotage. i have so much more to say, but that’s it simplified.
10. strong, selfless, ambitious, caring, loving, determined, chaotic, independent, creative, helpful.
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wolfish-nightmares · 3 months
Game of Survival
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Pairings: The Group x gn!reader
Era: Season 1-11
Warnings: TWD gore and violence. Bad language. 18+
Category: Fluff. Angst.
Word Count:
Summary: With no other choice, you must learn to play this new game of survival. 
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Season 1: 
1x1 - Days Gone Bye 1x3 - Tell It to the Frogs 1x4 - Vatos 1x5 - Wildfire 1x6 - TS-19
Season 2:
2x1 - What Lies Ahead 2x2 - Bloodletting  2x3 - Save the Last One 2x4 - Cherokee Rose 2x5 - Chupacabra  2x6 - Secrets 2x7 - Pretty Much 2x8 - Nebraska 2x9 - Triggerfinger  2x10 - 18 Miles Out 2x11 - Judge, Jury, Executioner  2x12 - Better Angels 2x13 - Beside the Dying Fire 
Season 3: 
3x1 - Seed 3x2 - Sick 3x3 - Walk With Me 3x4 - Killer Within 3x5 - Say the Word  3x6 - Hounded  3x7 - When the Dead Come Knocking 3x8 - Made to Suffer  3x9 - The Suicide King 3x10 - Home 3x11 - I Ain’t Judas 3x12 - Clear 3x13 - Arrow on the Doorpost 3x14 - Prey 3x15 - This Sorrowful Life 3x16 - Welcome to the Tombs
Season: 4
4x1 - 30 Days Without an Accident 4x2 - Infected 4x3 - Isolation 4x4 - Indifference  4x5 - Internment 4x6 - Live Bait 4x7 - Dead Weight 4x8 - Too Far Gone 4x9 - After 4x10 - Inmates 4x11 - Claimed 4x12 - Still 4x13 - Alone 4x14 - The Grove 4x15 - Us 4x16 - A
Season 5: 
5x1 - No Sanctuary  5x2 - Strangers 5x3 - Four Walls and a Roof 5x4 - Slabtown 5x6 - Self Help 5x7 - Consumed 5x8 - Coda 5x9 - What Happened and What’s Going On 5x10 - Them 5x11 - The Distance  5x12 - Remember  5x13 - Forget 5x14 - Spend 5x15 - Try 5x16 - Conquer 
Season 6: 
6x1 - First Time Again  6x2 - JSS 6x3 - Thank You 6x4 - Here’s Not Here 6x5 - Now 6x6 - Always Accountable  6x7 - Heads Up 6x8 - Start to FInish 6x9 - No Way Out 6x10 - The Next World 6x11 - Knots Untie 6x12 - Not Tomorrow Yet 6x13- The Same Boat 6x14 - Twice As Far 6x15 - East  6x16 - Last Day on Earth 
Season 7: 
7x1 - The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be 7x2 - The Well 7x3 - The Cell 7x4 - Service 7x5 - Go Getter  7x6 - Swear 7x7 - Sing Me a Song 7x8 - Hearts Still Beating 7x9 - Rock in the Road 7x10 - New Best Friends 7x11 - Hostiles and Calamities  7x12 - Say Yes 7x13 - Bury Me Here 7x14 - The Other Side  7x15 - Something They Need 7x16 - The First Day of the Rest of Your Life 
Season 8: 
8x1 - Mercy 8x2 - The Damned  8x3 - Monsters 8x4 - Some Guy  8x5 - The Big Scary U 8x6 - The King, the Widow, and Rick 8x7 - Time for After  8x8 - How It’s Gotta Be 8x9 - Honor 8x10 - The Lost and the Plunderers  8x11 - Dead or Alive Or 8x12 - The Key 8x13 - Do Not Send Us Astray  8x14 - Still Gotta Mean Something 8x15 - Worth  8x16 - Wrath
Season 9: 
9x1 - A New Beginning 9x2 - The Bridge 9x3 - Warning Signs 9x4 - The Obliged 9x5 - What Comes After 9x6 - Who Are You Now? 9x7 - Stradivarius 9x8 - Evolution 9x9 - Adaptation 9x10 - Omega 9x11 - Bounty 9x12 - Guardians 9x13 - Chokepoint 9x14 - Scars 9x15 - The Calm Before 9x16 - The Storm
Season 10: 
10x0 - Holiday Special 10x1 - Lines We Cross 10x2 - We Are the End of the World 10x3 - Ghost 10x4 - Silence the Whisperers 10x5 - What It Always Is 10x6 - Bonds 10x7 - Open Your Eyes 10x8 - The World Before 10x9 - Squeeze 10x10 - Stalker 10x11 - Morning Star 10x12 - Walk with Us 10x13 - What We Become 10x14 - Look at the Flowers 10x15 - The Tower 10x16 - A Certain Doom 10x17 - Home Sweet Home 10x18 - Find Me 10x19 - One More 10x20 - Splinter 10x21 - Diverged 10x22 - Here's Negan
Season 11: 
11x1 - Acheron: Part 1 11x2 - Acheron: Part 2 11x3 - Hunted 11x4 - Rendition 11x5 - Out of the Ashes 11x6 - On the Inside 11x7 - Promises Broken 11x8 - For Blood 11x9 - No Other Way 11x10 - New Haunts 11x11 - Rogue Element 11x12 - The Lucky Ones 11x13 - Warlords 11x14 - The Rotten Core 11x15 - Trust 11x16 - Acts of God 11x17 - Lockdown 11x18 - A New Deal 11x19 - Variant 11x20 - What's Been Lost 11x21 - Outpost 22
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spnmarchmadness · 1 year
the official ranks are in. if you want to participate in the bracket contest (its free. the prize will be the valor that comes from a job well done), you can do so here. 
if you just want to make a bracket for funsies, here’s a google sheet with the intial match ups seeded. The full seeding list is below the cut!
1. 5x22: Swan Song 2. 5x08: Changing Channels 3. 6x15: The French Mistake 4. 13x16: ScoobyNatural 5. 3x11: Mystery Spot 6. 2x22: All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2 7. 4x01: Lazarus Rising 8. 10x05: Fan Fiction 9. 11x04: Baby 10. 11x20: Don't Call Me Shurley 11. 2x20: What Is and What Should Never Be 12. 3x12: Jus in Bello 13. 4x22: Lucifer Rising 14. 8x23: Sacrifice 15. 9x23: Do You Believe in Miracles? 16. 14x13: Lebanon 17. 14x20: Moriah 18. 1x22: Devil's Trap 19. 2x01: In My Time of Dying 20. 3x03: Bad Day at Black Rock 21. 3x16: No Rest for the Wicked 22. 4x18: The Monster at the End of This Book 23. 4x03: In the Beginning 24. 5x10: Abandon All Hope... 25. 5x21: Two Minutes to Midnight 26. 7x10: Death's Door 27. 11x09: O Brother Where Art Thou? 28. 2x15: Tall Tales 29. 2x21: All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 30. 4x16: On the Head of a Pin 31. 4x06: Yellow Fever 32. 5x04: The End 33. 6x20: The Man Who Would Be King 34. 8x17: Goodbye Stranger 35. 1x12: Faith 36. 12x10: Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets 37. 5x14: My Bloody Valentine 38. 5x03: Free to Be You and Me 39. 4x20: The Rapture 40. 13x06: Tombstone 41. 14x14: Ouroboros 42. 3x13: Ghostfacers 43. 7x17: The Born-Again Identity 44. 8x11: LARP and the Real Girl 45. 7x20: The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo 46. 15x09: The Trap 47. 12x11: Regarding Dean 48. 6x04: Weekend at Bobby's 49. 12x06: Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox 50. 8x08: Hunteri Heroici 51. 5x16: Dark Side of the Moon 52. 13x05: Advanced Thanatology 53. 1x06: Skin 54. 9x18: Meta Fiction 55. 10x22: The Prisoner 56. 15x18: Despair 57. 14x04: Mint Condition 58. 2x13: Houses of the Holy 59. 9x06: Heaven Can't Wait 60. 15x15: Gimme Shelter 61. 3x08: A Very Supernatural Christmas 62. 10x14: The Executioner's Song 63. 14x10: Nihilism 64. 11x14: The Vessel
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lesbiandarvey · 1 month
ok new suits poll! requested by @rvspecter
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