chickenburgergmod · 5 months
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no sacrifice is too great...
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thejournallo · 4 months
Shifting Methods Masterlist
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And i oOp- New Reality:
Shifting: what is it? Tips for Shifting shifting with no control hug technique the pillow method "i am" method the raven method lucid dreaming method elevetor technique the train method how to do awake methods the Julia method. the left-brain method. Alice in Wonderland. Detached from reality ADHD method
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floweringglass · 1 month
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Playing around with making some flower stakes- pretty happy with this first one but think going to have to make a trip to the store for a thicker stem.
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robosexxxual · 6 months
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leeler doodle i drew on a 2ds
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chipistrate · 7 months
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Wanted to try out rendering/posing (model by FourteenL on DA)
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Rouge the Bat from the Sonic the Hedgehog series (2001-2004) shares a voice actress with Bubsy the Bobcat in Bubsy 3D.
Voiced by Lani Minella
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lunarlicorice · 6 months
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echo 2.0! mostly tweaks aside from the feet and vmu size
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"In the far western desert of Texas, a striking 3D-printed hotel with Swedish style will take shape over the coming years to present both the beauty and savings of 3D printing to the country and the world.
The architecture is handled by Swedish design architect Bjarke Ingels, while the printers will be supplied by Austin-based 3D printing company ICON, that [has] really taken the technology to the next level with 3D-printed batteries and whole neighborhoods besides.
The two are teaming up to transform the El Cosmico hotel/campground in Marfa, Texas, into a 62-acre remote hotel with an infinity pool, art exhibition hall, outdoor bathhouse, and outdoor kitchen, all designed as an homage to both the desert surroundings and the cosmic show on display in the night sky above.
The local West Texas earth is being added to the 3D printing cement mixture to ensure the luxury cabins blend in with their surroundings.
“The promise of 3D printing is that the printer doesn’t care how complex the design is, if it uses organic curvature, dome-like shapes, or hyperbolic paraboloids,” Ingels, an early investor in Icon and a frequent design collaborator on its 3D-printed projects, told AD.
“All it cares about is how long it takes to print and how much material [it is] going to deploy, so you can make a square box or a beautiful domed house at the same cost.”
That cost can be around 30% less than traditional methods, as well as 350% stronger depending on the size and scope of the project.
The hotel rooms will all feature skylights to allow unobstructed viewing of the night sky, and expansive views of the Davis Mountains. Just next door is Big Bend National Park, one of the largest in the Lower 48, and a paradise of desert exploration.
El Cosmico “2.0.” is predicted to begin construction in 2024."
-via Good News Network, 3/27/23
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bobuschka · 1 year
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Kermit ... I wish I was
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sakurastarkey · 3 months
Katara 🌊
☆ Artwork created and owned by @anushpaint. 🎨
☆ Motion and effects done by @sakurastarkey. 🌸
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rejectedfables · 1 year
Xue Yang artists who draw his prosthetic pinky bending with the rest of his fingers: do you understand where you went wrong here or like do I need to explain
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thejournallo · 5 months
Explain the method: the no technique
This is another great method of Neville Goddard.
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We all know that affirmations are a powerful tool to manifest our desires, plus we already believe that they are ours, but sometimes it is difficult to detach from our desire to just let him come.
When we manifest, we tend to be polluded by the thing we want and that we want it now without creating the right detachment and not taking the time to think of an action towards our manifestations, and this slows the manifestation process even more.
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What is the no technique?
This is a rare method of Neville Goddard. With this method, we manifest by detaching ourselves from the outcome of the manifestation, making it come faster to us. ex: "I'm NOT popular on Tumbl." This manifestation is powerful because of that 'not'. We pull an uno reverse on our subconscius because our subconscius mind cannot read and absorb the word 'no'. Did it ever happen to you that someone said "don't press that thing" without giving you an explanation on why? and you really feel like, 'Okay, I wanna press it.' That's what happens in your mind when you use this method.
How am I so sure that I won't simply manifest nothing?
because it's a reverse psychology method, and I love it. It's saying that you don't have it to detach and make your subconscius, who does not understand 'no', do the job faster. and your mind can be free from troubles because you are detached and can freely think about the actions to take to manifest them without the pollution around it.
my thoughts:
honestly, slay. I used this method today, and after affirming 4/5 times, it already came to reality. Neville Goddard is a genius because, when I explained the s.a.t.s. method, I said that he used to do the ladder technique to show how powerful the manifestation was. After the ladder, he made the people that watched his lecture say, "I'm not climbing a ladder," making them manifest even more. That is a man who knows what he is talking about.
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As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). if you are intrested in more method check the masterlist!
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solradguy · 11 months
When I saw you say you needed to make a limiter NOW I was like he’s in his Guilty Gear -Begin- Era :) or He’s in his pre-Guilty Gear 2 post Guilty Gear XX Era (if the limiter is for someone else) :)
Either way I was like Era :)
I MUST make the limiter... the Gear cells.... they're turning me into... a... CHUUNIBYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUU AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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Jk jk it's not that bad hahah But if I'm gonna have an Outrage I might as well have the headband too
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glitterhoof · 1 year
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even when trapped by the limits of my crappy phone i too can draw low effort comics
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youngster-monster · 9 months
i DO live like this and my discord wips are a mess, i have to literally tag names onto the end of them because my writing style makes me not use names for like 300 words so i have to keep shoehorning the characters names in so that i know which snippet it was and it is Awful you would not believe the sheer state of that snippets channel
sometimes rotting is a very necessary part of the creative process!! on occasion you just have to grow moss and become nothing but bones and after a while it’s like Okay i can write now :)
fic writing is so EASY compared to all the context and lore and world building and character growth nd MAN i just wanted to write my silly guys being silly but now i have a doc open to the lore of how gods work so that my stupid guy will make a little more sense!!! what IS this!!!!!! when i write fanfiction i just sit down and recount wow lore to myself for 30 minutes while making beastly noises and then i’m normal again and can write fanfiction!! obviously fic writing is still difficult because of.. the horrors.. but at least i can blame the faults in my fic on blizzard :)
i was about to fight for the honor of my Totally Organized Discord WIPs but then i thought about it and yeah.. yeah. they’re kind of. messy… they all have individual channels and i am too scared to look thru them lest the spirit of my old work come alive to kill me or something
my ships are always so stupidly niche i can almost guarantee you my wip would be the first fic in MONTHS if not EVER for some of these anime fandoms i had one for a ship that didn’t even have a TAG i didn’t even know what to do i was so startled!! on the bright side though by virtue of simply posting a fic it could potentially spur other people to write about it which would be a net gain so… perhaps!
that is so real of you.. i don’t have any right actually i just remembered i used to try to read fanfic on my 3ds and it was terrible it wouldn’t even load the page half the time and i frequently had to mess with the internet because my 3ds hated staying connected to wi-fi
They Are In Character To Me (putting a blanket over canon characterization) in my heart this Is how they are in canon and if you try to tell me otherwise? well uhhhh uh (i explode)
staring in fascination and dread at whatever you're doing with your fic organization. i cannot stress enough how insane it sounds. compels me though
you're 100% right. i don't write i mostly Shamble and Crawl, shedding moss and fungi after myself,
be careful anon. the line between "quick lore to make things make sense" and "oops! all worldbuilding!" is very thin. then again if you go over too much you can just turn the whole thing into a ttrpg campaign for your friends or something :)
independant channels of discord wips 🤝 one gargantuan wip document in your notes app striking the fear of god into the writer's heart at the thought of digging through the damn thing
being the one (1) person to write for a ship is Better Than Drugs actually and you should definitely do it,
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shiningnightstars · 1 year
I've never done any kind of 3D modelling before (on the computer at least), and my friend was making Team Snakemouth on a free 3D modelling website that's halfway decent, and so I decided to give it a go. Without further ado, here's my favorite little guy!
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More angles under the cut!
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