#39 days after Easter
rabbitcruiser · 29 days
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Ascension Day
We commemorate Jesus Christ’s ascension into heaven (as per Christian belief) by celebrating Ascension Day, which occurs on the Thursday, which is 40 (or 39) days after Easter. This year, it will take place on May 9. Known by multiple names — The Feast of the Ascension, The Ascension of Jesus, Ascension Thursday, Holy Thursday, or Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord — this is a Christian holiday that doubles as a public holiday in many countries like Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Switzerland and more.
History of Ascension Day
One of the earliest Christian festivals, Ascension Day marks the end of the Easter season. This event is celebrated primarily by Catholics and Anglican Christians; most Protestant churches do not follow this tradition anymore. The date, too, differs in different geographic locations. Western Churches prefer to use the Gregorian calendar for calculating this date, while many Eastern Orthodox Churches calculate this date according to the Julian calendar. As a result, their celebrations occur at a later date than the Western event.
As per the New Testament in the Bible, after Jesus Christ’s crucifixion on Good Friday, he was resurrected from the dead in three days, on the day we know as Easter Sunday. For 40 days after this, he stayed with his Apostles (the primary disciples of Christ) to instruct them on how to carry out his teachings. As the Bible says, at the end of day 40, Jesus Christ and his disciples went to Mount Olivet (or the Mount of Olives), near Jerusalem. After asking them to stay, Christ then ascended to heaven to take his seat at the right hand of God, under the gaze of his disciples. To Christians, the ascension signifies that Christ completed his work on Earth and allowed him to prepare a place for his followers in heaven.
Initially a part of Easter celebrations, this day was later separated from Easter, along with Pentecost. Celebration of Pentecost ends the cycle of Easter-related events in the Christian calendar.
Ascension Day timeline
68 A.D. The Tradition Begins
Ascension Day begins to be observed, albeit with two other holidays — Easter Sunday and Pentecost.
300 A.D. Ascension Day Develops As A Separate Tradition
A decree declares this celebration now must be observed separately — it is moved to 40 days after Easter.
385 A.D. First Written Evidence Appears
We see the very first piece of written evidence that the Ascension Day Feast is celebrated.
5th century Ascension Day Starts Appearing In Art
Christian art showcases this holiday.
6th century Art Begins To Reflect Different Versions
Syria develops a different version of the Ascension, which is later adopted by Byzantine art.
18th century Germany Celebrates Father's Day
Ascension Day coincides with Father's Day in Germany — they celebrate Jesus returning to the Holy Father.
19th century Germany Celebrates With Colourful Parades
To replicate the way the Apostles walked with Jesus, Christians begin to host colorful parades as a commemoration.
How To Observe Ascension Day
Go to church
Attend church processions
Listen to hymns
Learn how your local church celebrates this day. Take some time to attend a Mass or Christian church service. Clarify the details before you go, as these services differ based on whether the church is Protestant or Catholic.
Tradition says this holiday is observed by a three-day procession, then the feast itself, which includes a procession of torches and banners to symbolize Christ’s journey to the Mount of Olives and entry into heaven. While your local church might not have such grand festivities, find out if they are still carrying out a procession.
Listening to hymns is a traditional part of Ascension Day celebrations. A medley of these religious songs can have you humming along for days. Even popular artists have been known to hum a hymn or two over the years. Check out Carrie Underwood’s ‘Something In The Water,’ or U2’s ‘Where The Streets Have No Name,’ or even John Legend’s ‘Preach.’
Facts About Ascension Day
In Sweden, people go on early morning walks
The British celebrated by 'beating the willow'
Welsh people don’t work on this day
Portugal celebrates by keeping wheat in their houses
Indonesia has a public holiday on Ascension Day
Many people go out into the woods at 3 AM or 4 AM to hear the birds at sunrise, believing that hearing a cuckoo from the east or west brings them good luck — this activity is called ‘gökotta.’
In the olden days, as young boys were driven along the parish boundaries, they were beaten with willow branches to drive away evil.
It is more than a holiday celebration in Wales — Welsh people believe that it is unlucky to do any work on Ascension Day.
Traditionally, rural Portuguese households keep wheat in their homes throughout the coming year — this day is associated with peace and prosperity and, to them, wheat symbolizes prosperity.
Despite Christianity being a minor religion in Indonesia, Ascension Day is designated as a public holiday.
Why Ascension Day Is Important
It is an opportunity for reflection and to gain inner peace
We learn about Christian traditions
It helps us expand our cultural horizons
Instances, where we can simply sit, reflect, and learn the true meaning of peace, are rare in our busy worlds. This is why we recommend holding onto such chances with both hands. Ascension Day church services center around this theme. If you are not a religious or church person, simply take a moment to sit by yourself and reflect on your journey so far and how you would like to continue. There’s no better way to celebrate this day than by centering yourself and your thoughts.
Expanding our knowledge is good for us. Plus, learning about Ascension Day not only helps us expand our store of general knowledge, but also inspires us to observe some of the traditions.
Such traditions have been prevalent for a long time, and have taken on varying degrees of importance around the world. Even festivities change as per the customs of a certain region. Learning more about these traditions changes our views of cultures and gives us extended knowledge of people from other nations.
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pupkashi · 7 months
gojo satoru masterlist !
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* fluff ^ angst
— all for my angel boy <3
main masterlist
* boyfriend!gojo hcs
* rainy evenings
in which gojo gets himself caught in the rain
* christmas cuddles
gojo finds his place in the universe
* arcades
arcades are scams, he knows, but dammit gojo will win you that prize
* flowers
gojo is a self-certified flower enthusiast
* periods
gojo is an angel on earth when you get your period
* sugar rush ride
gojo loves sugar, and you’re too sweet to resist
* priorities
gojo has his priorities straight: you’ll always be the most important
* rough day
gojo will always cheer you up after a rough day
* mornings
satoru loves mornings with you
* egg hunting
gojo’s never been easter egg hunting, you decide it’s time for the famous bunny to pay him a visit
* sunday love
sundays with gojo are slow and sweet
* grocery shopping headcanons
*^ jealousy, jealousy
the worst part of dating gojo? how often he gets hit on
* movie night
satoru gojo has developed a new weakness: romcoms
* migraine
gojo helps ease the pain of your migraine
* picnics
in which mother nature decides picnics are no good without a little rain
* after like
you and satoru say the L word
* my you
gojo learns he loves stargazing
* titles
in which gojo realizes you truly see him
* going to an observatory
* costume parties
* a scenic drive with him
* time
gojo will always make sure you’re taken care of
*^ hugs
“can i hug you? you look like you could do with it”
* sweet nothing
gojo always finds himself running home to you
* clean linen
gojo’s second favorite smell is your laundry detergent
* untitled
the last person you expect to patch you up is gojo satoru, so why are you knocking on his door?
* azul
when you think of love, you think of the color blue
* oranges
gojo knows how to peel oranges
* pretty boy
gojo has to let you know how much you mean to him
* sick
gojo’s favorite hobby is being your personal nurse
* scrapbooks
satoru isn’t a sentimental person, until he is
*^ nightmares
satoru has nightmares, but also long as you’re by his side he knows he’ll be okay
* easy
loving is easy when it’s gojo satoru
*^ scars
gojo learns to love the scars on his body
*^ arguments
arguments are never nice, but at least they help you grow
* birthmarks
even in his past lives, satoru was always loved
* pizza time!
or the one time satoru tries to make pizza from scratch and is effectively banned from ever trying again
* mistletoe-go
satoru comes up with a new Christmas tradition
* new year, new superstition
whoever said wearing red on new years brought love was onto something
* kisses
satoru always makes sure your lips are well kissed
* f1 racer!satoru hc’s
* to love is to linger
* cereal, soup and other deep questions
* “what do you think you’d be doing if we never met?”
* “you’re bleeding!” “I was trying to cut the tomatoes!”
* “i have a meeting in an hour! get out of the bathroom!”
* “you’re my everything”
* "what do you mean you've never gone trick-or-treating?!"
* going to the fair hcs
* collegebf!satoru
* study buddy!satoru
* birthday special <3
* satoru loves yapping [to you]
* drabble #1
* drabble #2
* drabble #3
* drabble #4
* drabble #5
* drabble #6
* drabble #7
* drabble #8
* drabble #9
* drabble #10
* drabble #11
* drabble #13
* drabble #14
* drabble #15
* drabble #16
* drabble #17
* drabble #18
* drabble #19
* drabble #20
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* drabble #30
* drabble #31
* drabble #32
* drabble #33
* drabble #34
* drabble #35
* drabble #36
* drabble #37
* drabble #38
* drabble #39
* drabble #40
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raineandsky · 1 year
Requests are open!
heroes & villains series (+ a few knockoffs)
#1 - the villain is faced by the hero's young sidekick
#2 - the villain needs a place to stay out of the rain
#3 - the hero comes across the villain in an alley on their patrol
#4 - the hero has an urgent question for the villain
#5 - a vampire finds a new way to be invited in
#6 - the villain nurses their loss in a quiet diner when an equally tired person enters, and orders a coffee in a very familiar voice
#7 - the villain picks a fight for a particular reason
#9 - a detective finally in retirement receives an unexpected cold call
#10 - the hero tries to make their time in a cell less boring
#11 - the king has an undesirable reward for the knight who rescued his daughter
#12 - the villain manages to corner the hero at a bad time
#14 - the hero and villain's antics get in the way of the civilain's day
#15 - the villain comes across the hero worse for wear
#16 - the hero is a lot closer to their nemesis than they thought
#18 - the villain faces the consequences of the agency's newfound violence
#19 - the hero finds themself somewhere unexpected after a wild night
#20 - a prince finds trouble surviving the apocalypse with someone he's stuck with
#21 - the heroes take a break for Easter to do a hunt across the city
#23 - the hero and the villain argue over something unnecessary
#24 - the hero faces a deadend
#25 - the villain has to escape the hero's advances
#26 - the hero's knowledge ruins a perfectly good monologue
#27 - an evening out with the villain bears some unforeseen consequences
#28 - the villain mistakes someone else for the hero
#29 - the villain can provide some information on the hero's behalf
#30 - villainy is barely a minimum wage job
#31 - the villain isn't as all-in as the hero expected
#32 - the sidekick's identity isn't what anyone expected
#35 - the villain's confession is met with something she wasn't expecting
#36 - the villain finally catches the hero, only met with... delight?
#37 - the villain keeps the hero's partner as hostage - but is somehow the more moral of the two
#38 - a hunter finds a vampire - and his collection of humans
#39 - a court jester hears of affairs out of his jurisdiction
#40 - the hero's violence finds an end to the villain's comforts
#41 - the villain gets an unexpected visitor
#42 - the sidekick meets with someone unconventional
#43 - the hero has to track down the villain, only to find them in a rather unusual predicament
#44 - the villain finds something (someone?) in the supervillain's office
#45 - the hero finds herself in a predicament when her memory fails her
#46 - the villain kidnaps the hero, though they're not there for the reason the hero thinks they are
#47 - the villain's mugshot more flattering than they expected
#48 - the sidekick goes out on his own
#49 - the henchman goes out of their way to defend their villain
#50 - the civilian finds a hero oddly worried about him
#51 - an overly nosy reporter finds the villain in a bad spot
#52 - a knight bursts into the prince's room - only to find... not the prince
#53 - a small-town hero meets his match
#54 - a hero loses her job. a villain gains a charity case
#55 - a stakeout makes a hero and a villain a little closer than necessary
#56 - a villain reaches the end of the line
#57 - a villain's plans are put on hold for a kid that's not even his
#58 - a hero's lethal accident turns out to have consequences
#59 - the superhero meets an old friend
#60 - the villain's plan has consequences for their henchman
#61 - the villain's plan catches the hero at a bad time
#62 - the villain turns up on the hero's doorstep, and she hopes for something back for her hospitality
#63 - the villain walks straight into the heroes agency
#64 - the hero finds someone familiar lurking outside
#65 - the villain finds the hero's new sidekick to be... unconventional
#66 - recent divorcees are forced to clash
#67 - the hero's attempt to stop a robbery goes sideways when they discover that one of the criminals is... kind of beautiful
#68 - the villain confesses to a betrayal - in more ways than one
#69 - the hero and the villain need to hide their relationship - in plain sight
#70 - the heroes catch a villain - but at what cost?
#71 - a pair of supernatural creatures plan to team up
#72 - the hero's missing - and the villain finds that the reason may be contagious
#74 - a priest finds his lover is not who he thought
#75 - vampires don't hunt alone
#76 - heroes are lacking, and the agency's looking for replacements
#77 - the sidekick is ready to face the city - though which hero they'll go with is a difficult decision
request - frienemies (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4)
#8 - a corrupt guardian (part 1) (part 2)
#13 - pinky promise (part 1) (part 2)
#17 - the world's most useless superpower (part 1) (part 2)
#22 - villains are nicer, anyway (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
request - love's the death of peace of mind (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
#33 - taxi to hell (part 1) (part 2)
#34 - a date in exchange (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7)
other bits n bobs
~fancy schmancy~ (part 1) (part 2 on @heroes-villains-side-blog)
request - a human discovers his new friend is a fae
If you'd like to be on a taglist, just ask!
Still looking?
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foxes-that-run · 8 months
End game
Like all Ed features, End Game is Haylor. (Ed, the O.G. Haylor MVP) it was written a few weeks after HS1 was released. Unlike other Rep songs that were revisited and have Joe references, even when they started before they met. In fact the film clip is overtly Haylor. (below) in the BTS (at 1:55) Taylor’s gets text with a scrabble move, she considers, says it is a 'tight game' and decides to leave the other player suspended. Ed blushes.
When OOTW was released Harry’s IG went B&W for 2 years until he started solo promo, apart from a few scrabble boards (in screaming colour) I have a theory he & Taylor played remotely which is why they are colour and she included this.
Here’s some footage of Joe playing scrabble. ….oh sorry, wait, that’s Harry Styles: fan of Scrabble and texting T Swift. Look at her here in the reputation book with the players names covered.. I wonder why lol
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Ed Sheeran said he wrote his part in a hotel room in New York. He told Audacy that he went to her RI home and heard Rep then the next day wrote it in a hotel in NY. 14 July 2017. (2 months after HS1’s realease)
I was playing Mohegan Sun in Connecticut, she has a place in Rhode Island, which isn't too far so she hits me up I go around. She plays me what turned out to be Reputation and End Game and I was like man this is I really like, can I do a verse can I like do a rap verse and she was like yeah for sure. So the next day i kind of I remember I was in bed and sort of woke up and i got my laptop out but the song just looped it and I wrote wrote this verse and I went in with max martin who she did the song with and recorded it and then future the verse and then Taylor wrote a verse and then yeah we shot we shot a video".
Film Clip
The film clip is less subtle in being Haylor, it takes place in:
Miami, where HS and TS hung out at Courtney Cox's house
Tokyo, where HS went on a 1D break as his first trip overseas without the band
London, where Ed, HS and Joe all live.
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Haylor Easter eggs:
0:04 the ferris wheel looks like the winding wheel.
0:21 she is a passenger in a car at night
0:44 she wears a very Harry Gucci Jumpsuit
0:48 there is a polaroid
1:10 she is a single kitten mother, except Olivia is in her Rep Era lol
1:20 the 1989 Rolling Stone shoot, now in the dark with fireworks.
2:09 Taylor 'A' Swift wears an "A" shirt see: Harry's A tattoo. (When asked Harry said "uh... for my mum" which Louis said "No it's not not it's for a mystery blonde" (2:40)
2:39 she wears the Red/WANGBT hat and cane. She also wears the jacket from her red rolling stone cover.
3:13 there are 2 white bird statues that look like his chest tattoos.
3.30 she references the 1D One Thing MV bus scene
3:43 she visits this kebab shop, a similar one with a made up but similar name is in the 1D midnight memories MV. This tik tok is also about this being an ex’s kebab shop
I wanna be your endgame, endgame Big reputation, big reputation Ooh, you and me, we got big reputations, ah And you heard about me, ooh I got some big enemies (yeah) Big reputation, big reputation Ooh, you and me, we'd be a big conversation, ah
HS and TS have both had big reputations as long as they’ve know each other. Now both A-listers dating is a much bigger conversation than one dating anyone else. Her enemies of Scooter and the Kanye are relevant to the music industry.
I don't wanna touch you (I don't wanna be) Just another ex-love (you don't wanna see) I don't wanna miss you (I don't wanna miss you) Like the other girls do
New Years Day Taylor sings “Please don't ever become a stranger, Whose laugh I could recognize anywhere”.
I don't wanna hurt you (I just wanna be) Drinkin' on a beach with (you all over me)
Harry Styles Debut was released May 2017, 6 months before Rep. Harry told Radio 1 he had played it for Ed earlier. The album lays out a lot of hurt between them Taylor may not have known about in that detail. Drinking, beaches and being all over each other are solid Haylor themes, see Video.
I hit you like, "Bang" We tried to forget it, but we just couldn't
Haylor hit like a bang, they met in march, were together almost immediately, he had multiple tattoos that reference her by May and they both had new albums with songs they still perform about each other by October and November. Toe were friends for a long time first and were not yet public.
Reputation precedes me, they told you I'm crazy I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me And I can't let you go, your handprint's on my soul It's like your eyes are liquor, it's like your body is gold You've been calling my bluff on all my usual tricks So here's the truth from my red lips
There’s a lot of Haylor references here:
They told you I was crazy, I swear I don’t love the drama is a reference to 1989’s Blank Space
I can’t let you go, Handprints on my soul fits is a theme in 1989, MMIH, Stockholm syndrome, ready for it?, Harry’s House.
The truth from my red lips refers to Style, Two Ghosts and other lip related lyrics.
Finally Taylor uses gold to describe HS in Gold Rush: “Everybody wants you, But I don't like a gold rush, What must it be like, to grow up that beautiful?”
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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“God raised Jesus from the dead, and we are all witnesses of this.” —Acts 2:32 (NLT)
“Then the Lord said to me, “Son of man, can these bones come to life?” I answered, “Lord GOD, only you know the answer to that question.” Then he said to me, “Speak to these bones for me. Tell them, ‘Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord! This is what the Lord GOD says to you: I will cause breath to come into you, and you will come to life! I will put sinew and muscles on you, and I will cover you with skin. Then I will put breath in you, and you will come back to life! Then you will know that I am the Lord.’” —Ezekiel 37:3‭-‬6 (ERV)
“I have always kept the Lord in front of me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. That's why I'm so happy! That's why I am full of joy! That's why my body lives in hope! For you will not abandon me in the grave, nor will you allow your Holy One to experience decay. You have shown me the path of life, filling me with joy with your presence and the delight of living with you forever.” —Psalm 16:8-‬11 (FBV)
“For God’s promise of the Holy Spirit is for you and your families, for those yet to be born and for everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.”—Acts 2:39 (TPT)
“Easter Explained: An 8-Day Guide to Celebrating Holy Week.” A Devotional By Spoken Gospel - Day 7: “Holy Saturday”:
“For the last 1,600 years, Christians around the world remember the last days of Jesus' life during Holy Week. Today is Holy Saturday. Holy Saturday remembers the day Jesus rested in his tomb. We know relatively little about what happened during the day Jesus lay buried in his tomb.
We know that it was a Sabbath day, a day of rest for faithful Jews. And we know that the religious leaders were afraid. Jesus had claimed he would rise from the dead on the third day (Matthew 27:62-63). They were worried Jesus' disciples might try to steal his body and pretend he rose from the dead, making their problems worse. So they asked the Roman governor to post guards at Jesus' tomb to prevent any false resurrections (Matthew 27:64-65). Not much else is known about what happened on this particular Saturday.
And that might be part of this day's significance. Jesus is dead because nothing is supposed to happen. There are no more miracles to be done, no more Jewish laws to fulfill, no more sin to atone for, and no more powers to fight. On the cross Jesus said, 'It is finished' (John 19:30). Everything Jesus came to do, he did. So with nothing left to accomplish, Jesus rested. At the very least, this means we can rest too. If Jesus rested knowing there was nothing left to do in order to save his people, we can rest knowing that Jesus has done everything to make us his people.
One of Jesus' ancestors, King David, wrote: '...my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest in hope, because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, you will not let your faithful one see decay' (Psalm 16:9-10). God had once promised David that his dynasty would last forever, and even after he rested in death, God would raise one of his sons to rule God's people forever (2 Samuel 7:12-13). David was confident that God would preserve, protect, and provide for his dynasty even through and beyond death. He knew that his death would not be the end of his dynasty or God's promises.
Holy Saturday is a day of mourning, but not a day without hope. Jesus' day in the tomb reminds us that we will all know death. We will watch the death of our loved ones. Eventually, we will all fall asleep one last time. But Holy Saturday is good news because Jesus announces that death is never more than a nap. In Jesus, death is a day of rest before the dawn of a new creation and a much needed break before a new era of renewed and resurrection life.
So I pray that on this Holy Saturday you would accept that Jesus' death proves the depths of God's promises. There is nothing you can do to add to them because God can resurrect us even from our graves.”
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tinyshe · 4 months
Living Lent
Make the most of your Lenten journey with these daily devotions. Each devotion includes a scripture reading, prayer, meditations, and a small act that will reinforce your faith.
Commit to your faith and choose to 'live' Lent. Join our 40-day challenge to authentically live the Lenten season. Get inspired, explore the Bible, reflect on prayers and take action exclusively with Catholic Online. Don't just observe Lent, live it!
Living Lent: Ash Wednesday - Day 1 Living Lent: Thursday after Ash Wednesday - Day 2 Living Lent: Friday after Ash Wednesday - Day 3 Living Lent: Saturday after Ash Wednesday - Day 4 Living Lent: First Sunday of Lent - Day 5 Living Lent: Monday of the First Week of Lent - Day 6 Living Lent: Tuesday of the First Week of Lent - Day 7 Living Lent: Wednesday of the First Week of Lent - Day 8 Living Lent: Thursday of the First Week of Lent - Day 9 Living Lent: Friday of the First Week of Lent - Day 10 Living Lent: Saturday of the First Week of Lent - Day 11 Living Lent: Sunday of the Second Week of Lent - Day 12 Living Lent: Monday of the Second Week of Lent - Day 13 Living Lent: Tuesday of the Second Week of Lent - Day 14 Living Lent: Wednesday of the Second Week of Lent - Day 15 Living Lent: Thursday of the Second Week of Lent - Day 16 Living Lent: Friday of the Second Week of Lent - Day 17 Living Lent: Saturday of the Second Week of Lent - Day 18 Living Lent: Sunday of the Third Week of Lent - Day 19 Living Lent: Monday of the Third Week of Lent - Day 20 Living Lent: Tuesday of the Third Week of Lent - Day 21 Living Lent: Wednesday of the Third Week of Lent - Day 22 Living Lent: Thursday of the Third Week of Lent - Day 23 Living Lent: Friday of the Third Week of Lent - Day 24 Living Lent: Saturday of the Third Week of Lent - Day 25 Living Lent: Sunday of the Fourth Week of Lent - Day 26 Living Lent: Monday of the Fourth Week of Lent - Day 27 Living Lent: Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Lent - Day 28 Living Lent: Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent - Day 29 Living Lent: Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent - Day 30 Living Lent: Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent - Day 31 Living Lent: Saturday of the Fourth Week of Lent - Day 32 Living Lent: Sunday of the Fifth Week of Lent - Day 33 Living Lent: Monday of the Fifth Week of Lent - Day 34 Living Lent: Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent - Day 35 Living Lent: Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent - Day 36 Living Lent: Thursday of the Fifth Week of Lent - Day 37 Living Lent: Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent - Day 38 Living Lent: Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent - Day 39 Living Lent: Palm Sunday of Holy Week Living Lent: Monday of Holy Week Living Lent: Tuesday of Holy Week Living Lent: Wednesday of Holy Week Living Lent: Holy Thursday Living Lent: Good Friday Living Lent: Holy Saturday Living Lent: EASTER SUNDAY - HE IS RISEN!
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notsocheezy · 3 months
A Messy Attempt at a Writeblr Intro
This is way overdue, but as my one-hundred-and-first post on the hellsite, I'll go ahead and tell you a little about me. Too much, perhaps. No matter - that's what I always do.
I'm Cassandra Erica, local girlish-shaped thing carrying she/they pronouns under each arm (despite how much more difficult it makes grocery shopping). I'm traumatized and so are mostly all of my characters, and they deserved it just as much as I did (none) but that's the cards they're dealt. By me. I swear, I tried to stop writing about childhood trauma, it just didn't work.
"So," you're wondering, "what have you written so far? What are you working on? Are you going to keep up this weird reflexive second-person perspective?" To answer back-to-front: no, many things, and not quite as many things. Here are some lists!
The Real Me (2022, Short Story)
There's something a bit off about businessman Mr. Shirley Jones. What's he hiding?
Three Takes on Death (2022, Short Story)
What might happen when we die?
Pink Bow (2022, Novella)
Who knew trying on one dress at the mall could change a person's entire life? Chris - or, uh, Kris - certainly didn't. Was it just a dress inside that box with the pink bow, or was it something more?
Plus some other things, don't worry about it.
Brain Curds are lightly edited flash fiction - practically first drafts - posted daily and sometimes written with the express intention of being terrible… but, you know, in an endearing way. Here are some of the greatest hits!
Three. Two. One. (#31)
The Characters V The Author (#28)
The Heart Wants What It Wants (#39)
The Frank Program (Series)
Frank hosts a podcast with high profile guests, and he's not afraid to tell you "what the media doesn't want you to know."
Passable. (Series)
Four trans besties live in the city and do things that are not strictly okay to do - basically gay Seinfeld.
Government Man (Series)
Government Man is from the government.
Dominic of the Darkness (Series)
The antichrist is about to celebrate his sweet 666th birthday by breaking hell - that is, going to live on Earth for a week.
Anthill Theory (Short Film) Post-Production
An exploration of free will through a time loop that the protagonist doesn't know he's in.
Mercy's Ocean (Short Story) Awaiting Feedback
Alternate opening chapter for a Novel written by my high school English teacher.
Blue Rabbit (Short Story) Pre-Final
Sequel to A Covenant of Rust (see below). I keep telling myself I'm going to finally finish this one.
One Late Night Easter Morning (Short Story) First Draft
A chance encounter at a bar leads to late-night musings about humanity.
The Order of the Degenerati (Novel) Outlining
A secret society was formed after the tragedy of the holocaust to make sure it never happened again. Unfortunately, nowadays the most they can do is make YouTube videos go viral.
It Goes Up (Never Never NEVER NEVER NEVER) Complete
You will never read it.
Memories Retained (Novella?) Outlining
Ever had a dream where you were back in high school, before it all went to shit, and you decided to do something differently? Ever woke up and found out it really happened?
Seeing Other People (Novel?) Pre-Brainstorming
A story of love, polyamory, Dissociative Identity Disorder, and heartbreak. Gee, I wonder why I feel compelled to write this one?
Publishers don't seem super interested in collections of short stories, and I'm afraid a collection of short stories and novellas may make a literary agent's head explode, so expect to see Tales from Starved Childhoods as a self-published debut! It includes a fully rewritten new version of Everyone Has Their Price (2017); newly revised versions of Next Day Delivery (2017), The Real Me (2022), Three Takes on Death (2022) and Pink Bow (2022); and all-new stories such as:
A Covenant of Rust (2023, Novella)
A newlywed couple moves into a 1950s prefab home in early 2020, but finds more hidden beneath the surface than the floor plan could reveal. Will forgotten secrets and isolation bring them together, or tear them apart?
Tales from Starved Childhoods is set to be the physical manifestation of my early career as a writer, so stay tuned and look for it someplace books are sold!
If you'd like to be one of my readers or vice versa, don't hesitate to reach out! I'm always happy to have more eyes on what I'm making and I'm always happy to read something new. It helps with the burnout. I'm open to most any genre - I don't really think much about labels when coming up with ideas.
If you work for a publisher and you see something you like, send an email to [email protected] with the subject line, "Business Factory."
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renee-writer · 3 months
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“He received 39 stripes because 40 was known to kill a man. They wanted him alive. They held handfuls of his beard, and hair and pulled it out by the roots. They wanted him alive. They kicked, punched, and spit on him for hours. Until there wasn't a single spot on his body not covered in blood. They wanted him alive.
They shoved a crown of thorns down on his head so harshly it stuck in his skin. They wanted him alive. After hours of being beaten, mocked, whipped, flogged, and tortured they made him walk with a cross. They made him carry it. A rough piece of wood with splinters digging into fresh wounds. They wanted him alive.
They wanted him to feel every ounce of pain they could bring. He had to feel it in order to heal us. Crucifixion was historically one of the cruelest most tortured deaths a human could face. Hours upon hours of torture. Torture most of us can not mentally think of because the cruelty isn't normal. It isn't something our minds can comprehend. We celebrate Easter with pastel colors, happy children hunting eggs, and chocolate. Truth is there was absolutely nothing happy about the day Jesus died. It was cruel, bloody, and nasty.
He could have stopped all of it. He could have called every angel in heaven to demolish every person standing and shouting "Crucify Him!" He didn't. He knew in order to have a Sunday you have to have a Friday. He knew in order to have joy you have to carry your cross. He felt everything that day. He felt how your heart broke wide open when you had to watch your baby die. He felt how heavy your life was when you were staring down the barrel of a gun wondering if the man you called husband was going to shoot you. He carried the weight of the burden you have felt since your spouse died and life just doesn't seem right since.
On that cross he held the rapist and murderers, the sinner and the saint. He leveled every playing field and said ALL of you are worth it. He knew he had to carry the cross. He never promised the cross you carry in this life would not be heavy. His wasn't. His promise is that Sunday is coming.
No matter how heavy Friday is. Financially, emotionally, mentally, or physically. Friday is heavy. That cross is weighing you down and you are about to crumble under its weight. His promise was simply this. He won't make you carry it alone. What kind of king would step down from his throne for this?
Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God did. For you.
He did every bit of it for you and me. Oh yes it is heavy. So heavy sometimes you do not think you can take one more step. But look up, because Sunday is coming.”
I do not know who wrote this, but it is POWERFUL!
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moments777 · 3 months
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ISunday is coming
“He received 39 stripes because 40 was known to kill a man. They wanted him alive. They held handfuls of his beard, and hair and pulled it out by the roots. They wanted him alive. They kicked, punched, and spit on him for hours. Until there wasn't a single spot on his body not covered in blood. They wanted him alive.
They shoved a crown of thorns down on his head so harshly it stuck in his skin. They wanted him alive. After hours of being beaten, mocked, whipped, flogged, and tortured they made him walk with a cross. They made him carry it. A rough piece of wood with splinters digging into fresh wounds. They wanted him alive.
They wanted him to feel every ounce of pain they could bring. He had to feel it in order to heal us. Crucifixion was historically one of the cruelest most tortured deaths a human could face. Hours upon hours of torture. Torture most of us can not mentally think of because the cruelty isn't normal. It isn't something our minds can comprehend. We celebrate Easter with pastel colors, happy children hunting eggs, and chocolate. Truth is there was absolutely nothing happy about the day Jesus died. It was cruel, bloody, and nasty.
He could have stopped all of it. He could have called every angel in heaven to demolish every person standing and shouting "Crucify Him!" He didn't. He knew in order to have a Sunday you have to have a Friday. He knew in order to have joy you have to carry your cross. He felt everything that day. He felt how your heart broke wide open when you had to watch your baby die. He felt how heavy your life was when you were staring down the barrel of a gun wondering if the man you called husband was going to shoot you. He carried the weight of the burden you have felt since your spouse died and life just doesn't seem right since.
On that cross he held the rapist and murderers, the sinner and the saint. He leveled every playing field and said ALL of you are worth it. He knew he had to carry the cross. He never promised the cross you carry in this life would not be heavy. His wasn't. His promise is that Sunday is coming.
No matter how heavy Friday is. Financially, emotionally, mentally, or physically. Friday is heavy. That cross is weighing you down and you are about to crumble under its weight. His promise was simply this. He won't make you carry it alone. What kind of king would step down from his throne for this?
Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God did. For you.
He did every bit of it for you and me. Oh yes it is heavy. So heavy sometimes you do not think you can take one more step. But look up, because Sunday is coming.”
I do not know who wrote this, but it is POWERFUL!
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sohannabarberaesque · 3 months
Postcards from Snagglepuss
And Gatlinburg awaits!
OFF I-39/90 AT A TRUCK STOP OUTSIDE JANESVILLE, WI: "You know, Snagglepuss," Huckleberry Hound was observing as we were getting the journey underway again in our motorhome, "having the Cattanooga Cats hosting an informal Easter parade down Gatlinburg way seems so--"
"Quixotic. Interesting, even," saith I to compensate for Huck's being in a struggle for words apropos the moment. "Especially with the routing bypassing Chicago--I-39, for the most part, down to Bloomington, Illinois ... thence on I-74 via Indianapolis to Cincinnati, maybe a bowl or two of Cincinnati chili, even ... joining I-75 from the Queen City to Knoxville, Tennessee, thence on US 441 into the Queen Mother of Tourist Traps!"
"And I've oft wondered why exactly Gatlinburg would be such a 'gold standard,' so to speak, for tacky tourist-dependent communities," mused Huck over a substantial-size soda as he was filling the motorhome with diesel fuel, preceded by some additive supposed to improve engine performance--especially after winter storage.
Which also saw Crazy Claws, our guest this time around, get some decent(?) Wisconsin cheese, sausage and crackers in a not-so-touristy sort of manner, which he put down to "just wanting to get some decent snacking out of the way without the 'cheese shop' markups as seem common to tourist areas. Wisconsin Dells included, come to think of it!"
"At least Crazy Claws had some sense in his mind," Huck added.
Yet what was especially worthwhile was the meetup of The King and girlfriend Sheena, he in a denim jeans jacket looking so cool and Sheena in a V-neck sweater, considering the coolish weather. But at least they followed a sort of Funatstic tradition we've established while travelling of travelling light, packing pretty much the essentials (maybe a couple days' change of clothes, consider some time at a laundromat at destination before returning, and essential toiletries and medications, if required).
"Heeeeeeyyyyyy ... and heeeeeeyyyyy again!" was how The King made his presence known into the motorhome, doing the old Edd Byrnes number with the Brylcreem and pocket comb along that glossy leonine mane of his. "And I take it we are heading for the Great Smoky Mountains over Easter?"
"I take it you received our message by text," explained I.
"Actually, King and Sheena," Huckleberry Hound remarked, "it's that the Cattanooga Cats--as in that Gatlinburg coffee shop of theirs, Cattanooga Klatsche--are arranging an impromptu Easter Parade of sorts in Gatlinburg along the Parkway on Easter Sunday!"
"Ohhh," Sheena purred oh so seductively, "I can't help but seriously appreciate what coffees the Cattanooga Cats manage to come up with!"
"I take it," Huck asked, "you order your coffees from Cattanooga Klatsche?"
"Correctamundo" was how The King responded with his usual leonine swagger. "You never tasted anything better--especially when it's whole bean, and ground back at home! Especially when you can blend two such varieties, impromptu, and grind them together!"
"Hopefully," Crazy Claws chimed in, "you can stand some not-so-touristy Wisconsin cheeses and sausages for the odd snacking as we head down to Gatlinburg."
"And who else," Sheena remarked, "will be joing us?"
"It'll be rather interesting," saith I. "And we have a couple more Funtastic types joining us down the road--let alone many others perhaps heading to Gatlinburg before too long." (This as we were driving back onto I-39, which is part of I-90 into Rockford, with tolling prevailing until the I-39 junction just on the southeast side of Rockford; I-39 continuing southward with US 51 to Bloomington.)
@warnerbrosentertainment @ultrakeencollectionbreadfan @theweekenddigest @iheartgod175 @funtasticworld @archive-archives @screamingtoosoftly @themineralyoucrave @thebigdingle @thylordshipofbutts @warnerbros-blog1 @groovybribri @zodiacfan32 @jellystone-enjoyer @indigo-corvus @warnerbrosent-blog
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hiswordsarekisses · 1 year
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A Word From the Lord
My morning was so strange. I felt like crying. I had no outward reason, so felt it may have been by the Spirit. I just sat and cried and prayed in the Spirit, but for some reason, I still felt this heaviness, even as I was on my way to my room to do my morning reading in the Word.
I suddenly clearly heard the Lord speak to me
Proverbs 13:12, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life."
I knew He was showing me, I was weary of waiting to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. It has been a LONG wait, with things seeming awfully messed up by the current events going on in America!
The word "deferred" in that scripture God gave, means delayed- (what we had hoped is delayed), or the future we are looking forward to, is put off until a later time. This causes hope to fade.
I realized a lot of us are feeling Hope deferred!! And I also realized, it has happened to people many times before, because it is written about, in the Bible.
Amazingly, it is also Good Friday, which we know as Christians, represents the day Jesus was crucified for our sins. That day was a very heartbreaking day for those that followed Him and were there to witness it. Such mourning must have taken place. I'm sure their hope was shattered too. I am sure they asked as they cried and cried, "Where is the hope of His promise??"
In reality, looking around, they knew the Son of God, their Savior, was dead. 3 days he lay in that grave, but on that third day, He rose from the grave!! At the moment the news came out, and they heard He was alive, the hope deferred seconds earlier, instantly, turned into great rejoicing.
I believe we are on the brink of the LORD showing up for America, and whatever happens, our hope that has been shattered because of the delay, and the mourning of the horrid things we see going on around us, will be turned to JOY, in an instant.
Will the Lord show up Easter Morning for the USA? Whenever He does, it will be perfect timing!
The Word also says, Weeping endures for a night, but joy returns in the morning.
I don't know for sure, but something was so strange about the sorrow I felt today, and then the Lord speaking those words to me. I just felt God was showing something prophetically. Oh,....and lastly, after all this, I went to my devotional and it was,
Psalms 39:7
"And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? MY HOPE IS IN YOU."
Cyndee Kyleen
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apassionateman · 1 year
They Wanted Him Alive...
He received 39 stripes because 40 was known to kill a man. They wanted him alive.
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They held handfuls of his beard, and hair and pulled it out by the roots. They wanted him alive. They kicked, punched, and spit on him for hours. Until there wasn't a single spot on his body not covered in blood. They wanted him alive. They shoved a crown of thorns down on his head so harshly it stuck in his skin. They wanted him alive.
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After hours of being beaten, mocked, whipped, flogged, and tortured they made him walk with a cross. They made him carry it. A rough piece of wood with splinters digging into fresh wounds. They wanted him alive.
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They wanted him to feel every ounce of pain they could bring. He had to feel all it in order to heal us. Crucifixion was historically one of the cruelest most torturous deaths a human could face and undertake. Hours upon hours of torture. Torture most of us can not mentally think of because the cruelty isn't normal. It isn't something our minds can comprehend. We celebrate Easter with pastel colors, happy children hunting eggs, and chocolate. Truth is there was absolutely nothing happy about the day Jesus died. It was cruel, bloody, gruesome and nasty. He could have stopped all of it. He could have called every angel in heaven to demolish every person standing and shouting "Crucify Him!" He didn't. He knew in order to have a deliverance on Sunday you have to have and face an excruciating Friday. He knew in order to have joy you have to carry your burdensome cross. He felt everything that day. He felt how your heart broke wide open when you had to watch your baby die. He felt how heavy your life was when you were staring down the barrel of a gun wondering if the man you called husband was going to shoot you. He carried the weight of the burden you have felt since your spouse died and life just doesn't seem right since. On that cross he held the rapist and murderers, the sinner and the saint. He leveled every playing field and said ALL of you are worth it. He knew he had to carry the cross. He never promised the cross you carry in this life would not be heavy. His wasn't. His promise is that Sunday is coming. No matter how heavy your Friday is. Financially, emotionally, mentally, or physically. Friday is a massively heavy burden. That cross is weighing you down and you are about to crumble under its weight.
His promise was simply this...
He won't make you carry it alone.
What kind of king would step down from his throne for this?
Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God did. For you.
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He did every bit of it for you and me.
Oh yes it is heavy. So heavy sometimes you do not think you can take one more step.
Look up, child of God, because Sunday is coming.
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gwendolynlerman · 10 months
Deutschribing Germany
Public holidays
Public holidays can be set by the federal government or the Länder. Only the Day of German Unity is set by federal law; the rest of them, even those celebrated all over Germany, are made holidays by state legislation. As a result, there are between ten and thirteen (in Bavaria), depending on the state. Most states have either ten or eleven public holidays.
The nine holidays observed nationwide are the following: 
January 1 - Neujahrstag (New Year’s Day)
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Karfreitag (Good Friday)
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Ostermontag (Easter Monday)
May 1 - Tag der Arbeit (Labor Day)
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Christi Himmelfahrt (Ascension Day): it commemorates the ascension of Jesus into Heaven and takes place 39 days after Easter Sunday.
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Pfingstmontag (Whit Monday): it celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit and marks the resumption of ordinary time. It takes place fifty days after Easter.
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October 3 - Tag der Deutschen Einheit (German Unity Day): this holiday commemorates German reunification in 1990.
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December 25 - Weihnachtstag (Christmas Day)
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December 26 - Zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag (Boxing Day)
Public holidays observed in only some states include:
January 6 - Heilige Drei Könige (Epiphany) - Baden-Württemberg (BW), Bavaria (BY), and Saxony-Anhalt (ST): it celebrates the visit of the Three Wise Men after the birth of Christ. Groups of children dressed as the Three Wise Men known as Sternsinger (star singers) go from door to door to sing, ask for donations for worthy causes, and perform the traditional house blessing by marking the year over the door with chalk.
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The numbers indicate the year, while the letters mean either the names of the Three Wise Men (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar) or the Latin phrase Christus mansionem benedicat (May Christ bless this house).
March 8 - Frauentag (Women’s Day) - Berlin (BE) and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (MV)
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Fronleichnam (Corpus Christi) - BW, BY, Hesse (HE), North Rhine-Westphalia (NW), Rhineland-Palatinate (RP), and Saarland (SL): it celebrates the Eucharist, that is, the body and blood of Christ embodied in sacramental bread and wine. It takes place sixty days after Easter Sunday.
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August 15 - Mariä Himmelfahrt (Assumption of Mary) - BY and SL: this holiday celebrates Virgin’s Mary ascension into Heaven after her death.
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September 20 - Weltkindertag (World Children’s Day) - Thuringia (TH)
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October 31 - Reformationstag (Reformation Day) - Brandenburg (BB), Bremen (HB), Hamburg (HH), MV, Lower Saxony (NI), Saxony (SN), ST, Schleswig-Holstein (SH), and TH: it celebrates the onset of the reformation, as Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses on this day.
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November 1 - Allerheiligen (All Saints’ Day) - BW, BY, NW, RP, and SL: this holiday commemorates all Christian saints.
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Buß- und Bettag (Repentance and Prayer Day) - SN: it falls on the second Wednesday before the First Sunday in Advent.
While Father’s Day has a fixed date (Ascension Day), Mother’s Day takes place on the second Sunday of May. Furthermore, there is another unofficial holiday, Rosenmontag (“rose Monday”), which takes place on the Monday before Ash Wednesday. It is a de facto holiday in Catholic western and southern Germany, and especially celebrated in Carnival strongholds such as Aachen, Bonn, Cologne, Düsseldorf, and Mainz.
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Some public holidays (Good Friday, All Saints, and Prayer and Repentance Day) are quiet days (stille Tage), which means that public dancing, live music at inns, and noisy activities around the house, such as playing loud music, vacuuming, and construction with electric tools, are prohibited.
Holidays that always fall on Sunday are not determined by law but are quiet days: Volkstrauertag (Memorial Day), which takes place two Sundays before the first day of Advent and commemorates people who died in armed conflicts, both military and civilian, and Totensonntag (Sunday of the Dead), which is the Protestant equivalent of All Souls’ Day that commemorates the faithfully departed and falls on the last Sunday of the liturgical year in the Evangelical Church.
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Some days that are not designated as public holidays are quiet days in certain states, such as Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Holy Saturday, All Souls’ Day, and Christmas Eve (beginning in the afternoon).
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Spring/Cottagecore Prompts Part 2:
The spring fever is officially here guys, please, don’t hesitate to ask because I really wanna do some more writing. Taking requests for the usual, Top Gun Maverick, Outer Range, Bad Times At The El Royale, Salem’s Lot and Press Play. 
1. Berry picking
2. Getting the gardens prepped
3. Picking the flowers from the flower garden
4. Reading under their favorite tree
5. Here be wood nymphs
6. Watching the deer and critters roam through the yard
7. Flower crown
8. A shortcut to mushrooms
9. “I wanna see these sunflowers get as huge as the house!” 
10. Working the farmer’s market with their s.o
11. Baby animals
12. Colors of the Wind
13. Showing off your new spring dress at church
14. Easter morning
15. Making a flower wreath
16. Weaving wildflowers into the wicker of your baby’s sleeping basket
17. Apple blossoms
18. Finding a fairy ring near the pasture
19. The peach pie in the window
20. The cats using your yarn basket as a sleeping area
21. Their s.o working all day in the woodshed and coming back smelling like wood
22. Listening to the birds in the morning
23. Snuggling the little lamb, goat or piglet who was the runt of the litter
24. Making a homemade tea/brew for their s.o who’s in the throes of spring allergies
25. New buds on the trees
26. “This was my grandma’s tree, you know” 
27. The kids making fresh mud pies and using Momma’s good cookie trays
28. Picnic in the hills
29. Making a wish with the dandelions
30. Poppies blooming on Memorial Day
31. The cats rolling in the catnip growing in the garden
32. “Hey, that’s my herbcrafter’s book” 
33. Snuggling their s.o on a warm/hot night with the bedroom windows open
34. “Darlin, looks like we got a rabbit’s nest here” 
35. Making a homemade foot/body scrub for their s.o after they’ve come in from the fields
36. Harvesting honey from the beehives
37. Bumblebees
38. The kids making homemade robins’ nests to decorate the house
39. Homemade spiced peaches and or apples
40. Lantern walk in the woods 
41. Feeding the runt of the litter with the milk you’ve just gotten from the cows
42. “Guess we’ll need lighter blankets soon” 
43. Fishing in the river with the kids
44. Beyond the garden gate
45. “It’s like something straight out of Willow” 
46. Painted rocks for the garden
47. Fresh bread/lunch/baked goods
48. The St. Francis statue in the garden
49. Shucking the dinner corn on the porch while the kids are playing in the garden
50. The spring bouquet on the kitchen table
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caityrayeraye · 1 year
He received 39 stripes because 40 was known to kill a man. They wanted him alive. They held handfuls of his beard, and hair and pulled it out by the roots. They wanted him alive. They kicked, punched, and spit on him for hours. Until there wasn't a single spot on his body not covered in blood. They wanted him alive. They shoved a crown of thorns down on his head so harshly it stuck in his skin. They wanted him alive.
After hours of being beaten, mocked, whipped, flogged, and tortured they made him walk with a cross. They made him carry it. A rough piece of wood with splinters digging into fresh wounds. They wanted him alive. They wanted him to feel every ounce of pain they could bring. He had to feel it in order to heal us.
Crucifixion was historically one of the cruelest most tortured deaths a human could face. Hours upon hours of torture. Torture most of us can not mentally think of because the cruelty isn't normal. It isn't something our minds can comprehend.
We celebrate Easter with pastel colors, happy children hunting eggs, and chocolate. Truth is there was absolutely nothing happy about the day Jesus died. It was cruel, bloody, and nasty.
He could have stopped all of it. He could have called every angel in heaven to demolish every person standing and shouting "Crucify Him!" He didn't. He knew in order to have a Sunday you have to have a Friday. He knew in order to have joy you have to carry your cross.
He felt everything that day. He felt how your heart broke wide open when you had to watch your baby die. He felt how heavy your life was when you were staring down the barrel of a gun wondering if the man you called husband was going to shoot you. He carried the weight of the burden you have felt since your spouse died and life just doesn't seem right since.
On that cross he held the rapist and murderers, the sinner and the saint. He leveled every playing field and said ALL of you are worth it. He knew he had to carry the cross. He never promised the cross you carry in this life would not be heavy. His promise is that Sunday is coming.
No matter how heavy Friday is. Financially, emotionally, mentally, or physically. Friday is heavy. That cross is weighing you down and you are about to crumble under its weight. His promise was simply this. He won't make you carry it alone.
What kind of king would step down from his throne for this? Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God did. For you. He did every bit of it for you and me. Oh yes it is heavy. So heavy sometimes you do not think you can take one more step.
But look up, because Sunday is coming. ✝️
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by Alicia Kovach on Facebook
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
A Special Named Charlie Brown: It's Flashbeagle Charlie Brown!: LISTEN TO THE SOUND OF HIS NAMEEEEE (Patreon Review For Emma Fici)
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Hello all you happy blockheads, and welcome to a new feature on this blog: A Special Named Charlie Brown, where I occasionally take a look at the wonderful and ridiculous world of Peanuts specials.
I absolutely love Peanuts. Not a huge shocker at the time of this review given my avatar is Snoopy's Awkward Teenage Nephew, a character who I assure you I did not make up as while I think i'm pretty funny, i'm nowhere near Charles Schultz level...
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I mean that last panel alone shows the man's brilliance: Snoopy's awkard expression, bell's adorable mommy pride, and of course Snoopy's Awkward Teenage Nephew himself in all his gawky glory. He's still missed.
Peanuts impact and brillance cannot be overstated: As a strip it's inspired or influenced practically every comic strip that's existed since Peanut's hit it's stride in the 60's. When reading behind the scenes commentary for any given comic strip it's almost a guarantee for Peanuts to come up for damn good reason. It's also endlessly creative: I mean off the top of my head he's had Snoopy run an airline as the WWI flying ace, Charlie Brown get a baseball themed rash and have to wear a sack on his head and thus become popular for once in his life, Sally befriend her actual school building, Linus get ostracized for patting birds on the head, Woodstock sue Snoopy for a broken heart after he accidently chats up Woodstock's crush, Peppermint Patty attending Obedience School thinking it's private school, Snoopy having his house, Van Gough and all tragically burn down and the timeless classic where Marcy punches a sexist annoyance in the face
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It's can make you laugh, make you cheer.. and make you cry quite a bit like the time Peppermint Patty outlined how seeing the Little Red Haired Girl made her feel
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It's a remarkable work, one that from what I can tell really changed comics and without it most strips today wouldn't exist. The strip has long stood the test of time
While the strip could easily rest on it's impact on the medium and sheer quality, what made it the cultural juggernaught that everyone regardless of generation knows and has at least seen something of happened in the late 60's: Producer Lee Mendelson wanted to do a documentary on Schultz, with animator Bill Melendez doing a short bit for it. When no advitisers wanted the doc, Lee agreed to the first person who agreed.. only to find out they wanted a full animated special. Schultz was more than happy to do it and had a fountain of ideas, unsuprisingly, and while it was apparently a hectic, 6 month rush to get it done, one i'll look into and cover more when I review A Charlie Brown Christmas itself, the result was a giant hit and an all time classic that STILL reairs to this day. It kickstarted the idea of animated holiday specials, is one of the most iconic pieces of television out there and still holds up today.
So naturally there were others and this is where this project comes in. See most know the big holiday ones that get replayed quite a bit: A Charlie Brown Christmas, It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown and A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, along with smaller ones related to certain other holidays that still get played once in a while: It's The Easter Beagle Charlie Brown, A Charlie Brown Valentine and You're Not Elected Charlie Brown. But even from childhood I got hints there was more having a copy of a book adaptation of "Its' A Mystery Charlie Brown" that I accidently lost from my school library, and a vhs of "It's Christmastime Again Charlie Brown", not really thinking anything of it till the pieces came together via wikipedia as a teen. I'd only seen a FOURTH of the specials at most. There were a grand total of 39 peanuts specials produced before Schultz Died. Yes 39. And oh it gets better. At the time of this writing there's 49 specials and I wouldn't be shocked if we finally hit 50, with a few produced in the early 2000's, one in the 2010's (Written by Pearls Before Swine maestro Stephan Pastis no less), and recently making a comeback via AppleTV+, with Apple having produced four specials so far under the "Snoopy Presents" banner with more undoubtly to come.
Since i've wanted to be a reviewer this is a project i've been wanting to tackle, reviewing ALL of these. Even realizing there's a whopping 49 specials to cover hasn't really detered me. These specials are both intresting time capusles of when their produced and neat adaptations of one of the greatest strips ever, all made with some heart and effort. With 49 specials and more to come they run the gammut from iconic to truly baffling and I plan to hopefully cover them all at some point, along with all 5 movies. TV Series are gonna have to wait because... well 49 specials. I don't know when i'll finish this and will be taking my time with it but damn if this won't be fun.
As for why start HERE of all places, with a bizzarely wonderful 80's as heck special it's simple: I brought it up to my friend Emma once because I like talking about stuff like this, I have also told her the virtues of Snoopy's Awkward Nephew, and when needing to pick something for her monthly patreon, she picked this. And while I COULD have said no and started this elsewhere.. I thought this review would be too fun to pass up.
So now all the pomp and circumstance is out of the way i'm sure most of you are aksing the big question: What the heck is a Flashbeagle? Why is Snoopy dressed like the late great Olivia Newton John? If this is based on flashdance is snoopy also a steel town girl on a saturday night looking for the fight of her life? These are valid questions, and part of why I was delighted to stumble into this special on the dvd for Snoopy's Reunion (Which I also used for this very review), though if your curious about this special you can also find it on the excellent Emmy Honored Collection I intend to buy at some point. Either option works since for whatever reason, AppleTV+ hasn't added it. The cowards.
As for what the heck a flashbeagle is, you have to remember that as timeless as he is, Charles wasn't immune to commenting on the culture of the time, such as with Tapioca Pudding, a little girl who claims to have her own merchandising line and what not, a parody of the merch heavy 80s. So while I didn't know it till I did the wikipedia research for this review that this special came out of a strip parodying flashdance, I wasn't suprised
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Is this strip a tad dated? Sure. Is it objectively funny to see Snoopy in the outfit from flashdance, thus still working today?
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It WAS a suprise to find out this one silly gag tickled Bill Melendez so much he built an entire musical special, complete with tie in album, around it.
I'm so pleased he did for. While Flashbeagle is one of the more dated Peanuts adventures, it's cheesy 80's quality, odder quirks, and genuine banger of a main song mean it stands out quite a bit and as someone who enjoys some good 80's cheese feels like it's made for me. So let's put on our head bands, get into our sweats, and listen to the sound of his name. It's Flashbeagle Charlie Brown!
Flashbeagle is weird in that
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Unlike most peanuts specials which have a story it follows pretty well, if with the ocasoinal dip into some bits from the comic or for the special itself, Flashbeagle is three seperate not connected at all stories, two of which barely involve Snoopy. My best edudcated guesses are either they had to fill the plot with the musical numbers elswhere on the album, which we'll get to in a moment, or they simply reealized Snoopy's story only covered half the special and had to create some other songs and segments to cover.
As a result the first half is not the best. The first bit after the title is funny, Charlie Brown needling Snoopy over not following him to school and what follows is right up my ally: A fe wbits about Peppermint Patty sleeping in class taken from the strip. I've always had a special place in my heart for Peppermint Patty's antics and felt her and Marcy's adventuers are some of Schutlz best work, so this wasn't bad... but it DEFINTELY feels like Padding. It's very loosley connected to the rest of the special, Peppermint Patty doing an exercise class for the rest of the gang, and is ionly tolerable because well .. it's various good peanuts strips adapted. It just feels like other specials do a better job implimenting them and making the bits feel organic. Not the worst offender at just putting in bits from the strip to stall for time, but still noticable.
The actual musical number she gets, I'm In Shape.. is not my faviorite. It's mildly adorable: Not only did Schultz apparently base Peppermint Patty's movements in this bit , her doing her own exercise class, on his own daughter, but it is nice to see her just genuinely happy for once without it crashing down on her due to her own foibles. Which really can qualifiy for any time we see the peanuts gang happy without it either being smug exculsion or said joy being squashed soon enough.
I'm In Shape is just not a good song. They do sing talking more than actually singing which is fine, it can be used well and Peppermint Patty's VA here , Gigi Holtzman is likely not a trained singer. But the song itself is just a boring ra ra go team style song about fitness that's not really funny or intresting I get their trying lightly to goof on both Olivia Newton John's Physical and Tony Basil's Mickey, with the fitness theme and the chrous of "Hey (Insert Peanuts Kid Here) Get in Shape Come on Your doing Great Hey (Insert Peanuts Kid Her) Hey (insert peanuts kid here)", but it dosen't land. As the king of all song parodies himself, Weird Al, has shown us, this kind of thing works better when it sounds as good as what your making fun of. Physical freaking slaps and Mickey is an earworm for a reason. This is just nothing.
The next bit has Charlie Brown and Snoopy goin to a party at Lucy's. Some kid with a VERY 70's haircut tries to get everyone to do Simon Sez.
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Now having some random character we never see again is nothing that unusual for animation. Peanuts itself has done this before. What makes it feel weird is with Peanuts having a deep bench for it's main cast and frequently having characters like Shermy, Violet and Patty show up as extras long after they disappeared into the void in the strip proper, why go to all the effort of creating a new character design or reusing one from another special? Just have it be Shermy Lucy shoves aside. Shermy needs this he hasn't fed his children in weeks. Their skeletons Lucy, Skeletons!
The song that ensues though is suprisingly catch. It's Lucy Says, a groovy ditty about Lucy's verison of simpon says "I I didn't say lucy says". Her singing voice, Jessica Lee Smith does a REALLY fantastic job. Is it as good as what's to come musically? Eh probably not but is it still really fun and catchy? Yeah> Do we get to see Snoopy being too cool for school in a red leather jacket and play Lucy Says? Yeah.
The next song is The Pigpen Hoedown. It's.. forgetable. It's generic hoedown music. I mean if you needed a generic country song Peanuts Crew just go forward in time and use this
I will, no joke, give a free review to ANYONE who sets Pigpen Hoedown to this song in a video. I may be kind of messed up.
So with that we get snoopy getting dolled up for a night on the town to the absolute bop, Snoopy. It sounds like his TGIF theme song and it is every bit as catchy and amazing as that sounds. It's by the duo of Desiree Goyette and Joey Scarbary Scurbury and it's just fun.
It does highlight one of this specials problems though: Ther'es no real cohesion. As I said it's
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The stories don't connect which would be fine but unlike say an anthology film none of these stories seem to go together. Peppermint Patty has sleepy shenanigans in a classroom, Lucy throws a party, Snoopy goes out on the town and fucking kills it while hanging out with Franklin which is implied to be something they just.. do every night.
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There's nothing tha treally makes them feel like they should be in the same special. It feels more like an episode of the Charlie Brown and Snoopy show, which ran at the same time and used a lot of the voice actors, and frankly most peanuts show which works fine for those, it's a tv show specifically split up into a buncho f vingettes adapting the strip. It dosen't here because it's just a bunch of stories. The classic specials had asides too but each at least linked somehow back to the main narrative and tone of the special, like Snoopy's WWI Flying Ace dream thing in IT's the Great Pumpkin is set up and being it's halloween it's treated as a costume instead of the lifestyle that it is. Here it's just some random segments that don't feel like they belong in a special about Flashdance Snoopy.
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You can't.. name the special after something and not clearly lead up to it. The Easter Beagle didn't show up till the clmax of "I'ts the Easter Beagle Charlie Brown", but it's clearly an easter story. Here if you hadn't seen the title carrrd or weren't going into this knowing what it was, you'd wonder what the heck this special was about. It's also a shame as its another peanuts musical but one that really dsoen't take advantage of that. If your going to do something this 80s then go all out. Have Charlie Brown Breakdance Dammit!
Thankfully my blood pressure can go down, as we get to the main event and it. Is. Glorious. As mediocre as this special's first half is the Flashbeagle sequence is every bit as cheesy, ridiculous, and glorious as it sounds. It's helped most of all by it's song. You can tell most of the musical effort went into this song by the way it moves it's feat. It's a champion, it's the best, impossible to tame. People say it's obessed, listen to the sound of it's name!
It is shockingly epic and perfectly gets the dance style of the time, feeling like it would fit perfectly in Flashdance 2: Enter the Flashbeagle. This one GETS what it was mildly parodying while also being geninely good. A song called Flashbeagle shoudln't be this friggin epic, but Desiree Goyette (Who did a lot of the music for the garfield specails) and Joey Scarbury (Who did the Greatest American Hero theme and looks it...)
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Who together create vocal dynamite, paticuarlly Scarbury who does most of the singing (With Goyette still bringing it with the iconic chorus)
And the visuals could've let thigns down.. but despite just being snoopy in flashdance gear dancing while a crowd of teens look on across a technicolor disco floor, that is enough. The dancing is beautifulyl rotoscoped, energtic and looks cool as heck awhil ethe setting perfectly compliments the music. This special may be rediculous but it's the GOOD kind, the kind you tel lyour grandkids about and this one sequel is worth it.
Two more things to note. The first is this is one of the rare times we see teens. Apparently Snoopy and Franklin are just cool enough to get in. IT feels VERY werid seeing these big characters as most peanuts characters are child size, except of course snoopy's gawky teenage nephew...
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Also just real quick love the detail that Snoopy WROTE in print that his Nephew is a disapointment. Fantastic.
So while ti's weird the characters are well drawn enough and only on screen so limitedly it dose'nt throw you off too bad. Still weird but still works.
The second is that Charlie Brown's reaction to Flashbeagle is abject embarassment. Bud, Snoopy has had enough weird alter egos at this point you just gotta accept it at some time.
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At this point hitting the club in a bit tee and headband is just a normal day.
So Snoopy's tired from killing it at the club and also possibly trying cocaine for the first time but the climax is both classic peanuts and fun as Sally forgot show and tell so just kidnaps snoopy for it. Sally gets mocked by Five for how sleepy he is. I mean granted Five has a chameleon's Cameleons' rule, patcuarlyl my adopted god child here
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But still. Also if your wondering who the heck five is which, fair.. oh boy oh boy are you in for a street. See I first found my boy 5 in a beaten up copy of The Peanuts Treasury (An oft reprinted pile of peanuts strips) I found at goodwill, luckily still have it if boxed up for the eventual move. He is.. a lot but in the best way possible.. i'll let the strip field this one.
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He wasn't incredibly long lived, as the gag, as brilliant as it was , could only go so far but he's still this nice little blip in peanuts history and still shows up a lot in backgrounds along with his sisters
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He ends up being Sally's salvation as he plays his music, because I guess the teacher was asleep, and it get ssnoopy going. Everybody boogies, Sally gets an A and she tells Charlie Brown to lay off his "I want a normal dog" rants for a day. Seriously you have a dog that can spin lik ea top and can never top. Be happy dang it!
So yeah Flashbeagle is terribly uneven, and i'd recommend either just watching the flashbeagle sequence or the second half. It's still worth watching those, the animation is amazing for the clubs sequence and it's nice to see Sally get a W, but the first half is just shockingly boring. Overal i'ts passible but only because it has one heck of a scene to help prop up a pretty mediocre special. Thanks for reading, consider joining my patreon and sees ya next time.
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