#2020 predictions
raayllum · 3 months
love you sdcc 202 dnd skit foreshadowing the fact that callum will protect the innocent until rayla's life is on the line, and then he will switch gears and prioritize her instead <3
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welleducatedinfant · 1 month
calling it now it’s gonna be a conan gray summer
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atissi · 7 months
okay all of the reviews for "severance" by ling ma said it was a hilariously deadpan satire on the post-apocalypse — and maybe that was true in 2018 — but now that i've read it i can say i probably laughed Once and felt a bone-deep nihilistic dread Constantly. the bit about the protagonist's company gifting her a self-care kit of 2 N95 masks, a nutrient bar, and an expanded insurance plan in response to a worldwide pandemic isn't really funny post-2020, it's just realism.
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brookheimer · 1 year
the one thing i feel pretty certain about for this episode is that america will not decide the election. a decision will be made, a president will be elected, but america will not be the deciding factor.
succession can’t mimic 2016 or 2020 point blank, that would be boring and have nothing to say. it can’t try to outdo trump because it’ll go too whacky and fall flat like veep’s last season (sorry conheads, no way he’s winning). but what it CAN do is illustrate the immensely corrupt, often arbitrary, and hugely influential nature of news media and conglomerations on political processes. i think probably jimenez will be in the lead, then atn/waystar does something to, i don’t know, discount votes or cast suspicion on jimenez or call the election for mencken early, and the tide will shift, even though the votes are already in. the votes don’t actually matter. the actual result doesn’t actually matter. that’s the power logan (and as an extension, billionaires and CEOs in general) hold. shiv says it herself to logan in s4e2: “just cause you say it’s true doesn’t make it true. everyone just fucking agrees with you and believes you, so it becomes true and then you can turn around and say like, 'oh, you see? see? i was right.'” but it doesn’t matter that logan’s “a human fucking gaslight,” everything he says comes true anyways. not because he was right, but because that’s how it works. he says things and then they happen, regardless of what the truth is or what should actually come to pass. that’s been one of the key throughlines since the very first episode of the entire show when, in response to kendall calling logan out of touch because times are changing and logan isn't changing with them, logan hisses that everyone always says you’re wrong until you do it and prove you were right: “you make your own reality.” you can't miss the bus if you're the one driving it. the election, the votes, the political process? none of that matters. it was always going to come down to the roys and their ilk (allies or enemies, just the top 1%) — that was the whole point of “what it takes” (the mencken episode) last season, after all.
i’ve seen lots of theories about what america will choose and how the candidates will respond and all that and i just don’t think that’s the show’s focus; i think the whole point is to demonstrate the lack of agency, the illusion of democracy. because, i mean, we’ve already seen the fall of democracy via fascist election and fascist election-denial, both in real life and in the countless (usually mid) satires created afterwards. it would be disappointing to see succession use the election to reiterate that same point of 'ohhh alt-right ahhhhh!!!' i don’t think it’ll be about ‘fascism’ at all — at least, not ‘trump-y’ fascism. it’ll be about fascism in the broader sense, the kind that doesn't sport a KKK hood (even when it keeps one tucked away in the attic). it's the fascism that every single roy (very much including shiv and kendall) aid and abet -- the fascism that so many succession fans don't seem to regard as fascism, despite it quite literally being the definition of fascism. trump wasn’t the entrance of fascism into our political process. he wasn’t the lone sign of the failing of american democracy. democracy in america has long been illusory, trump just made it more blatantly evident with his particular brand of hate-speech-ridden masculinist in-your-face fascism.
so i think that’s what this episode will hopefully focus on — america will not decide. corporations, news media, and the roys will. thus, the president will most likely become president not because the country supports his policies the most, but because he’s likely to agree to help block a business deal for a major media empire, and the other candidate is unlikely to. and this will likely come to pass due to said major media empire's interference and influence: they create their own reality. they say it, and everyone agrees with them and believes them, so it becomes true.
#WOOF okay here's my unnecessary ~thematic prediction~ for this episode#i have some more like random thoughts ab what'll happen but those r less thought out and more throwing shit at the wall etc#but i've been thinking a lot ab this ep n idk i just can't see any other way it could be done satisfyingly -- they can't just do 2016/2020#again. the focus has to be elsewhere. i have some specifics thoughts on details but again those r kinda random n will be in another post#after bizarrely getting a lot of things right this szn i know a lot of people are looking to me to see what i'll say for this ep and let me#remind yall that I AM LITERALLY JUST GUESSING BASED ON MY UNDERSTANDING OF THE SHOW AND HOW NARRATIVES#TEND TO WORK PARTICULARLY IN SUCCESSION! if i am wrong which i very well might be please do not crucify me. i know literally#nothing more than anyone else i'm just a random english/gov major who likes speculating about media ! that said if i end up right again#somehow then yes i am a prophet i am jesse armstrong i have never been wrong about anything in my life. etc#watch this age so poorly tho.#LOL#also fwiw i dont think the Shock etc is going to come from the election results - maybe possibly from the way things happen (i could see a#line of miscommunication resulting in fucked up outcomes etc which i can get into in another post) or a roy sibs moment but i just#don't think there's any way the results themselves cld be surprising. it's jimenez or mencken. it's not gonna be connor guys.#succession#succession spoilers#except not really. just succession speculation more than anything else#long post#succession speculation#100
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stlangels · 3 months
I am shaking with fucking rage listening to this state of the union i think maybe two other faces have made me instantly get this angry.
I am not your "fellow American." I refuse to be American if this is what it means to be American. I am human before I am an American.
I refuse to die before I see a free Palestine. I will see a free Palestine in my lifetime. I refuse to die before I can see a free world. I will see everyone free in my lifetime because I refuse to die without seeing it. It's probably impossible but I don't care because I have to see it. I'm sick of seeing anything else.
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rubbish78 · 1 year
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i can’t believe Ryan Ross cursed us all back in 2019
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Bo Burnham is a modern-day Nostradamus
Exhibit A from 2/21/2016:
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Bostradamus strikes again...eerie, right?!
Is it too late to nominate this guy instead? ✌🏼🐔
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many-melancholies · 7 months
If Love is the Answer – SoapGhost
tags: fluff and angst, engineer!ghost, hologram!soap, character death
part: 1/5 [part two] [part three] [part four] [part five]
What does it mean to be human? Don’t ask Simon Riley. As far as he was concerned, he had lived his life surrounded by machines and technology invented through decades of research; he didn’t have time, or he simply didn’t know the mysterious answer to the famous question.
Perhaps one day, he’d know, if it’s the ability to see or touch, if it’s the blood that courses through veins, or if it’s the many mistakes and lies that mankind has made.
The only thing is that Simon didn’t expect that day to be so close.
* * *
If you lived in the city parts of Germany, it’s no question that it wasn’t often snowflakes would fall on the ground during Christmas. And yet here it was, Berlin having a winter with white pounds of snow on land. Joyful, red-faced children played around and built snowmen, couples enjoyed warm cups of coffee and raclette as they snuggled below mistletoes, and workers drank away to celebrate the birthday of their Saviour. Christmas was only one day in a year; almost everybody spent their day merry-making, laughing, and smiling as presents in the holiday.
All except a young man with brown hair, whiskey-brown eyes, wearing a turtleneck with a nameplate of ‘Simon Riley’ and leather goggles resting on his shoulders that sat at his desk, scribbling his answers on his college textbook as he soaked the heat of the sun while it lasted. He was oddly eager to finish when he usually did his schoolwork like it was his hobby, sipping some hibiscus tea while doing so.
(His peers always did think he was a Brit.)
Ding dong!
Closing his textbook and pulling the curtains shut, he walked to the door to check the person who rang the doorbell. He opened the birch-wood door to see a dishevelled and freezing delivery man carrying a box.
“Good morning and Merry Christmas,” the delivery man greeted tiringly. “Here’s your delivery, that’d be around-”
The sound of euros interrupted the delivery man as Simon put a bill in the man’s hand in exchange for the package. As the delivery man computed the change, Simon felt the urge to help the poor shivering worker. He entered his flat without a word and gave him a spare jacket.
“What’s this, sir?” he asked.
“Keep it,” Simon said. “You’ll get sick of hypothermia at this rate,” he answered as he left without giving another glance or word at the confused but thankful delivery man wanting to get away from the sheer cold.
The college student, still carrying the taped box, headed downstairs to his dim basement. Blueprints and graphs of the male human body were scattered to the floor, progress diagrams on mental and physical proficiency were pinned on a corkboard, long USB cables, and red, yellow, black, and green wires were plugged in an electrical socket, and the cold and quiet expression that Simon often had shifted to something more determined.
He also had tons of inventions he made stacked in a mountain-like pile. Amongst those were fingerprint scanners, a device to create fire and ice depending on its settings, invisibility cloaks, a small cube that let out a chemical that slowed people’s sight speed (a flash-bomb, he called it), and many other machines.
Simon opened the plastic box to reveal a small, circular glass to frame his latest invention. With the help of a pair of black gloves, a screwdriver, and a wrench, his creation was complete.
A metal orb floated up from its wireless-charging holder. The orb projected a hologram; it would’ve looked like an actual human aside from its glitchiness and its bluish tint.
A man seemingly a few years younger than Simon appeared in front of him. He had a strange glow emitting on him, sporting a ridiculously charming mohawk and rich, ocean-blue eyes that was staring intently at his creator. The hologram wore a modest yellow dress with lace sleeves, barefoot, and slowly took a step towards Simon.
First, a brief attempt to touch. The hologram phased through Simon’s chest, glitching in its effects. Then, a scan. A ray of blue light shone at Simon, making a hologram sign appear, showing Simon’s name, age, past, and other fragments of his life. Lastly, the inventor plugged a hard drive at the one data cord the orb had. The orb whirred and the hologram’s stoic and lifeless expression was no more.
What replaced his face was a look of fondness and kindness, a beaming grin spreading wide across him.
“Yer Simon Riley, right master?” the hologram asked, dropping his formalities the moment the hard drive was entered. For some reason, he sounded Scottish. “Age 23, oxygen level 98, heart rate 79, occupation, college student on the degree of Engineering,” he answered automatically and emotionlessly, before becoming casual again.
“Thank ye fer creating me,” the hologram said, having the polite manners of the person its appearance and behaviour was based on. “I’ve noticed that I don’t quite have the skill ta…touch.”
The hologram looked at Simon and was surprised to see him on the verge of tears, his eyes glossy and his lips quivering. The invention squeaked and carefully tried to comfort him.
“A-Are ye alright, sir?” the hologram worriedly asked, patting him on the back, nudging his shoulder. “I'm here fer ye, don’t cry, ya numpty; ye haven't consumed any liquid since yesterday morning. Ye should hydrate yerself.”
“No,” Simon replied, voice stern, yet noticeably holding back. (He hides it absolutely terribly, the try-hard sociopath.) “It’s nothing at all. You were designed to contain the same capabilities of a…good friend of mine.”
“Of course,” the hologram smiled in thought. “Johnny. Er, he’s yer friend. A pretty healthy, wee lad. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough information about that person.”
Simon nodded silently. “I invented you not to know anything about him.”
“Indeed, my academic stats are noticeably higher in the medical field. I suppose that must be Mr. MacTavish’s talent?”
“Refrain from talking about him,” Simon gritted through his teeth. It was getting too personal. He averted his gaze, his eyes trailing to the floor. "Please," he added carefully.
“Now, about touching objects, I might be able to create gloves to let you materialise enough and give you an indefinite shape. But that will be coming shortly; I’ve worked on you for months and believe me when I say humans get tired.” He sighed.
“We’ll have to establish rules in this household,” Simon said as he paced through the basement, nearly slipped on the flash-bomb, then dramatically stopped as he held his fingers up for the two rules. “Don’t go out unless I allow and accompany you, and don't talk about MacTavish. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir Riley!”
“Please drop the ‘sirs’ and ‘masters,’” the inventor wagged his hand. “‘Riley’ is fine.”
“Unfortunately, I don’t know my…purpose,” the hologram said. “Yer father is very strict about perfectionism, so should I be providing ye with information on how to gather success and results in your fields? N-Not that you aren’t intelligent enough or anything…kinda…” he wheezed. "Eh..."
“No,” Simon said bluntly, rolling his eyes and putting his tools back into his toolbox.
“Then what is the reason for my existence if I have no goal?”
“Nothing,” Simon retorted. He started to recall his old friend’s endless thirst for curiosity and mindless chattering.
“Riley, sir,” the hologram intervened again.
“Aren’t you the smarter one-?”
“What does it mean to be human?” he inquired.
The question left Simon breathless.
“Si, swear ta me you'll continue yer inventions and machines. You’ve got real talent – don’t give up on it.”
Hot tears spilled down on both of the men’s bloodied graduation togas. Fragments of glass had stabbed him; scars filled one of the boy’s face while a huge shard thrust at the other’s stomach.
“The ambulance is on their way. They’ll make it in time, I promise. And now is not the time to talk about my career ambitions.”
A forced smile etched through Johnny's lips. “They won’t make it. The nearest hospital is kilometres away. It’s best if I say my goodbyes now.” The boy groaned in pain as he tried to sit properly. “The glass hit a crucial organ of my body; removing it will cause me to die of blood loss while letting it stay will make me unable to breathe.”
“You Scots and your big-brained med course and your bloody smile,” Simon shook his head, crying more intensely than he ever did before. “You used to be the positive one,” he laughed humorlessly. “What happened?”
“Nothing happened. I’m not being negative; I’ll move to a better place when I’m gone anyway, no? I’ve left all my progress in med school in my apartment. You’re working on a hologram project, right? You can use my research on the human body if you’d like. Just don't check my notebook; it's hell of an embarrassment.”
“Please,” Simon spoke gently. “Don’t spend your breath on me. Do you want me to pass a message to anyone?” he asked, voice sore. “Johnny?”
“Screw that,” his breath hitched. “Ye promise me that even with all this machinery the world has given you, you won't bloody dare forget what makes you a human. You barely spared a glance at anyone before. I'm hoping just because I'm KIA and whatnot, ye won't turn into some ghost again.” Johnny tugged his shirt. “And with that, I trust you won’t forget me-”
Enemy? No, they were mature enough to avoid using such childish terms. Rivals? Perhaps, but they were long past their reign of competition. Friends? Maybe. (Can we be more? Let's be more than that – than what we really only are.)
But most importantly…
And that was when John MacTavish last parted his lips, still with a beaming smile and a faded heartbeat. Simon was so distraught, his thumb tersely gripping Johnny's pulse, that he almost didn’t hear the deafening blaring of the ambulance’s siren or see the eye-blinding blinking colours of its headlights as he sobbed in the debris the earthquake had caused.
"You spaced out a while back,” Soap noted. He expressed alarm and apologised when he noticed the inventor’s heart rate spiked up. “I'm a bampot – I won’t ask any questions like that anymore-, sorry.” He scrunches his nose in annoyance at his own attitude.
“You just…” Simon muttered with an irritated frown. “It’s nothing.”
Soap brought up a holographic chart on Simon’s daily routines.
“Here,” he mumbled. “It seems you’re often inactive around December. I suggest you should exercise more to make up for your habits,” he glanced at Simon. “Only if ye'd like, of course. Lest ya wanna stay here and rot like a corpse.”
Simon sighed. He should’ve known Johnny’s obnoxious personality would cross with his creation. “I am well aware of that,” he said impatiently, then rubbed his eyes in the room’s poor lighting. “No matter how hard I try to fix the lighting here, nothing works in this basement. I should head upstairs.”
“Ah, you mean ‘we’?” Soap corrected with a small nudge. It made him phase through Simon, making him drop to the ground before standing upright with a laugh. “You’re not alone anymore.” (Emphasis on anymore.)
The college student should have normally been angry when someone attempted to correct him. He was short-tempered; furiousness was all he had been before the real Johnny entered his life. He had isolated himself inside his walls of pride and ego, back in high school.
But Simon gave the tiniest hint of a smile (the first of so many years after what had happened) as he climbed up the stairs.
(It's still quite the same damn smile so easy to fall for.)
“Yes. ‘We,’” he responded before looking away.
A cardboard box had been put aside beside the stairway with the words “Highschool.” Soap peculiarly checked what the box had stored. Aside from some articles of school uniforms, old school books, and broken pens and pencils, the hologram didn’t miss the singular picture Simon kept.
He saw a picture of two male students fresh out of high school with their graduation togas. Simon in the photo looked begrudged and annoyed while the boy with the odd haircut looked cheerful as he side hugged the other man.
Soap tried grabbing a Scottish dictionary that he found in the box as Simon went down the stairs to pick it up for him, ignoring the picture the hologram saw. When they went up after a little fuzz about how Soap would read without turning the pages, Simon sat on his couch and set the book on the table on a random page, fiddling with the TV’s remote unsure of how to feel with the new company, while the invention sat on the floor reading. The hologram couldn’t help but feel a sense of wanting to feel, while the human wanted nothing else but to stop feeling the conflicting emotions of his past.
Soap wordlessly read the first thing he saw in the dictionary, a bit confused on why Simon would own a Scottish dictionary out of anything.
(He does his best not to feel the odd wave of nostalgia coursing through his veins.)
a/n: something to ponder about – who's the guy speaking in the parenthesises? :/
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silviakundera · 1 month
Me : Hasn't watched a single drama from 2024 because I was too busy
Me: Goes to mydramalist to find something romantic to watch and starts reading comments on all the stuff that seems interesting sees that for almost every one of these fall into one of two camps the first one which houses the majority of shows the comments are exclusively about the guy and how much of a simp or green flag he is (their words not mine) the second category is people are criticizing the show for portraying an uneven dynamic where the fl treats the ml like shit
Me: backs away slowly and goes back to my binge watch of star trek deep space nine
Idk what it is if it's the writing or the different type of fans or a combination of both all I know I'm very confused 🤔 have we fallen into a different timeline ? Parallel universe? Have screens cooked our brains completely?
my friend, your first mistake was raw dogging the comments section on MDL 🙈😂😭 gotta proceed with caution these days 🚧🚧🚧🚧
but I got you. If you want to dip your toes back into 2024 cdramas romances,
* Legend of Shen Li is almost universally liked. I don't know that I encountered a real hater. Don't turn that into sky high expectations that can't be met, though. It's simply a solid xanxia romance with a very strong landing - 1 full length episode dedicated to the happy ending, instead of the xanxia standard 1 minute. The most high god in the universe x demon general who is engaged to heaven's notorious playboy that's terrified of her. and who is temporarily a chicken. (just go with it) The main couple have chemistry & are very capable actors. Rarely do I make it thru a xanxia without ever being consumed with rage at some awful thing the plot has one of the main couple perpetrate on the other... but this one passed! The main actress is convincing as an immortal warrior.
* Blossoms in Adversity is NOT universally liked, tbh it got almost no traction on tumblr. But despite all its flaws I found myself watching it eagerly. I am a sucker for historical costume dramas with feminist themes - if you enjoyed Dream of Splendor, this one might appeal. After all the men in the family are exiled and they are stripped of their noble status, the main wives, concubines, children, and servants of a large official's household have to figure out a way to survive on their own. Without the guidance (and yoke) of men. The strength of the drama is that it isn't easy - these women are not all kind & smart & selfless. They're complicated people and a product of their environment. But watching them slowly come together was so satisfying, and how all the women begin to explore an identity beyond the strict roles they held in that manor. It's so direct about how much power men had over their wives in that era and what that means for these women. The main otp will appeal if you like ships of 2 mature adults who have their own goals and respect each other as equals, who are supportive but don't step on each other's independence. The FL's practicality was so pleasing to me. It just dropped it's final episodes via Express.
* The Spirealm available legally now on Viki, if your tastes run to censored gay romance. And if you like mystery/ horror and like fiction that asks, what is reality (and does the definition of 'real' matter). Like in korean bl Love for Love's Sake, the protagonist enters a game world and ends up caring about that world. (unlike LFLS, a distinct lack of kissing with tongue)
* In Blossom - Chinese het web novel vibes just exploding onto the screen. Childhood sweathearts torn apart years ago, now he's a rich noble while she's poor but he still wants to marry her as promised. (She is less sure about this.... then she gets her body swapped by this crazy chick who really REALLY wants to marry the ML. who, ooops gets murdered on their wedding night.) So now FL is in crazy chick's body and the #1 suspect for her gruesome murder is ML, that childhood sweetheart who showed up out of the blue to propose. and happens to be the top candidate in running to marry the crown princess 🤔🤔🤔 . She thinks he (tried to) kill her. He thinks she's dead and hates the lady she's stuck impersonating. Spoiler: they fall in love.
* Amidst a Snowstorm of Love - Slice of life soft cdrama, if you like that kind of thing. Developing relationship for like 30 episodes about 2 professional snooker players. Relaxing vibes, sweet romance. They're both kind, talented, and capable. They're good for each other and really humanly awkward about starting a relationship. You don't watch this kinda drama for dramatic tension, you just chill with it and wind down after a hard day. It's baked-in that they'll get married at the end.
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devilsskettle · 3 months
dinner in america is such a “take what you want from it and leave the rest” movie for me because i do think it’s very cute and i can buy into some of the wish fulfillment nature of the story but admittedly there are some parts that really don’t work for me, there are some parts that fall a little flat either in terms of the characters or humor, and the pacing is a bit of a challenge tbh. but it’s unbelievable what the human brain can overcome by virtue of simply Just Liking That Guy
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raayllum · 2 years
So with the new art of Aaravos in mind, let’s talk about stars, skits, and foreshadowing
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It seems to be child Aaravos, gathered around stars. Now, most of what we know about stars were jokes included in the “Written in the Stars” skit from a comic con in 2019, where Callum (Jack de Sena) and Rayla (Paula Burrows) stargazed together their first night in Xadia, discussing different constellations between their cultures. It is adorable, and you should watch this animatic of it right now if you haven’t already, and even if you have.
Rayla talks about Garlaf ruling the night sky (with his merciless boot of crushing), Callum talks a baby banther mama banther constellation that’s clearly an Usra major / minor reference. (Perhaps Garlaf is a famous Moonshadow or Startouch elf of old?) But most notably, Callum references something called the South Star, a parody of the north star. What he says is this:
“What about that? Brightest star in the sky. A single point of light. We call it the South Star. Humans used it to navigate, you know, to find their way in the endless darkness of the night.”
Why does this matter? Well, Rayla has been consistently associated with light - not just moonlight - with Callum in her framing and in their dynamic, mostly notably in season one and season two. There is also the general theme of them being Truthtellers for each other, helping them see through the illusions they held concerning each other: Rayla to shame and murder, Callum to self worth and magic. Callum’s arc with magic and how it pertains to Rayla is also very interesting, because of the way magic (and an arcanum specifically) is defined as a Spark, like fire, the tiniest flicker of a primal source inside you.
The framing below because it is also consistent, but more specific examples to show:
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[Callum walking out of the dark and into the light after his date with Claudia / now that he knows the truth, but Rayla could’ve been in darkness to signify his mood. Instead, she’s in the light (and her white hair) because although shattered, their relationship and her presence in his life is the Truth, and what ultimately helps him deal with the truth]
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[More lighting and Rayla turning him towards her, toward the sun]
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Which is to say, if the South Star is the Xadian equivalent of the North Star, something that Rayla comments as being like poetry (poetry clearly being important in the world of TDP, as the only information we have about Startouch elves at all are in two poems), well... Let’s look at the associations we typically have with the North Star and see if they match up, shall we?
The North Star is the anchor of the northern sky. It is a landmark, or sky marker, that helps those who follow it determine direction as it glows brightly to guide and lead toward a purposeful destination. It also has a symbolic meaning, for the North Star depicts a beacon of inspiration and hope to many.
So despite being an inverse in name, the South Star holds the same meaning in TDP’s world that it holds in ours. But, you may be saying: this all seems like a Reach. A good natured little skit, a handful of screencaps, what does this all have to do with anything, really?
And I’m not saying it isn’t a reach, and that the majority of TDP’s cute little con skits aren’t just silly (they are), but there are two skits that have some loaded symbolism behind them.
At the SDCC in 2020 when we got the confirmation for the full saga, the entire voice cast at the time did two skits. One was a fairly silly DND skit, but Aaravos, notably, was DM, controlling the game and pushing the players forward. It’s easy to see the parallels to this in show, as currently, very few characters know Aaravos is even a player in the events that have happened in s2 and s3 in particular, and only two characters really know what he can do: Runaan (whose coined) and Viren, who was using it to his own advantage. And even then, there’s a lot Viren doesn’t know.
The more interesting and painful parallel, to me, is from the opening skit of the Zoom, initially just a play on the characters having to deal with the pandemic the way we would, facetiming, social distancing, etc. However, I just want to remind you that Through the Moon, where Rayla leaves Callum to hunt Viren down on her own, came out just a couple months before the con was released, and the writers absolutely knew it was a plot point. Which is to say, this?
Rayla: Hey guys. Long time no see Callum. Good to see you, from far, far away. Ezran: Wait a minute, you guys have the same background. Are you in the same place? Callum: Uh, nope! Nope. Totally different places, separate, far away locations. Ezran: Callum, I can see part of your scarf in Rayla’s background. You’re supposed to be distancing. Callum: Oh come on, it’s a big castle! There’s — there’s lots of distancing. Rayla: Not so much that we miss each other too much.
Can be seen as foreshadowing, because in canon they are far away from each other, there is going to be loads of distancing, and they’re definitely going to miss each other (way too much). So if one skit had meaning in a small way, and this skit has foreshadowing in a bigger way, and the show loves its one off jokes being rooted in lore, like the famous explorer Sir Phineas Cursed...
Rayla is hunting down Viren, Aaravos’ current ‘vessel’ / partner in crime (even if that may be on the outs in s4). Callum has Aaravos’ Key.
All of this is to say if the Written in the Stars skit is foreshadowing that Callum and Rayla will become entangled with Aaravos’ plotline by S4’s end, and that Rayla is Callum’s chosen South Star and vice versa, to lead and help each other get through the dark times they’re going through... I will burst into tears and you can count on that.
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pepsimaxxing · 2 months
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okay but she ate in this
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hiddenst0rms · 5 months
A and B are partners/roommates/whatever and go for runs together every morning. This morning A isn’t too thrilled to hear the alarm go off. It feels like they need a few more hours of sleep but the run should wake them up. Besides, no excuses. A eats a light breakfast since they’re not hungry, but that’s understandable. Sometimes it’s hard to eat first thing in the morning.
It’s only a few minutes into the run when A already feels the effects. They're lagging behind B and already out of breath. B’s a bit surprised and politely offers to slow down, but A refuses. This is nothing! Hard days are normal and expected. In fact, this could be a good challenge.
Normally A can push through but for some reason the fatigue is wearing them down. Their muscles ache for them to stop, or at least slow down. A tries to subtly slow down without B noticing but ends up stopping completely. B turns around and stops too, finally getting a good look at A. A’s face is red and sweaty as they catch their breath, and they just look so tired.
“Here, drink some water.” B hands A a water bottle. It’s just so strange. They can usually go so much farther before a break. A sheepishly accepts. The water seems to help. “I’m good now.” A truly believes it. They were probably just dehydrated. With that, they continue.
The relief from the break doesn’t last long. A’s muscles ache even worse now and to make matters worse, the water isn’t sitting well in their stomach. It goes from mild discomfort to full on nausea. Panicked, A stops abruptly this time. The world spins around their dizzy and aching head.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” B asks. A swallows hard, keeping their eyes on the ground below them.
“I think I ran too hard.” A admits in a pinched voice. 
“You’re probably dehydrated. Drink some more water.”
“Can we walk back?” A loathes the idea but the mere thought of trying to run back is way worse.
“Of course.” 
When they get home, A goes straight to the bathroom to throw up. Chills wash over them and they finally realize this isn’t running related and that they’re gonna have to cancel their plans for the day.
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leqclerc · 1 year
someone needs to check on him fr 😭 (Charles speaking about Seb joining Aston Martin)
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blizzardstarx · 3 months
new pfp!!
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happy (almost) three years to my child Aura <3
i finally brought back their markings under his eyes
i had removed them for years until now
also three years of bandanna Aura lmfao
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^ feb 13 2023 (?)
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smellophone · 10 months
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George Washington clone but he’s a 2020 alt kid?
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