#2019 in Review
lunarhobbits · 2 months
i feel like it's important that everyone know that quinton reviews did NOT make a 38 hour video on The Beverly Hillbillies.
quinton reviews's DAD made a 38 hour video on The Beverly Hillbillies seasons 1-3 (out of 9), Petticoat Junction seasons 1 and 2 (out of 7), related episodes of Mr. Ed, and the radio program Granby's Green Acres.
he hasn't even touched the henningverse media that's in color yet.
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a handful of my favourite letterboxd reviews
bonus: the iconic, the legendary, the sensational ~
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bellshazes · 7 months
in my heart there's another probably worse universe where instead of the watchers taking off after evo, etho's writers from 404 became the highly misunderstood "i am fictionalizing and poking fun at my relationship with my audience & their perceptions of me and how i am motivated by them but not in a 1:1 cause and effect relationship and they are kind of obnoxious but i also care abt my literal audience liking what i do bc i do make stuff for youtube" fandom staple.
there's something substantial in here abt grian being SUPER particular abt things in a different but parallel way to etho (grian not watching other smp member's POVs and being open abt that bc it allows for genuine surprise, etho's like everything ever? but top of mind his old insistence against modded stuff, comment of the day, etc.) but honestly. can anyone who actually cares abt the watchers or whatever write me a 404 crossover. thats what i want
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velvetjune · 2 months
imagine being director Northmoor of the FBC and one day you revel so much in your power that you literally explode. and instead of doing anything else about it, the FBC goes “when life gives a secret paranatural government agency lemons…” and throws your possibly-alive, moving corpse in a power plant so they don’t have to worry about their power bill. then going onwards, people only refer back to you using ominous light-based puns
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askmovieslate · 1 month
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I wish IMDB allowed you to vote higher than 10, honestly. You can't even do that with "This is Spinal Tap!".
"Chernobyl", what an absolutely fantastic series. From the smallest details to the widest picture, this show is excellent and treats its audience like intelligent individuals. Everyone's acting is great, every line of dialogue forwards the story, and not a single scene goes to waste.
If I were to say anything negative about it I say it's a bit short. I was left wanting more, but that's a me-problem, nothing to do with the masterful work of the filmmakers behind it.
Absolutely sublime from beginning to end. You should check it out, this is one of the greats.
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laflamejpeg · 8 months
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Photo Stills From One of My Favorite Movies of All Time “Waves” (2019).
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pricelesscinemas · 1 year
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ankle-beez · 1 month
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why is bookstagram the most uninspiring place on the internet
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withivysfilms · 7 months
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Carmilla dir. by Emily Harris (2019)
Emily Harris’ Carmilla may be a vampire ..
» Full Letterboxd review
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cloudsoffire · 1 month
big godzilla fan but i will never in my life interact with the fandom based on what i've seen on here
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utterly obsessed with this midsommar review
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go-see-a-starwar · 5 months
Today’s installment of “I watch Hayden Christensen’s filmography and tell you how pretty he is in it” is The Last Man (2019)
Hayden plays Kurt Matheson, a veteran suffering from severe PTSD and hallucinations. Increasing gang violence, climate disasters and the sermons of a doomsday street prophet lead Kurt to start preparing for the end of days. He takes a job to pay for his homemade fortress but his mobster boss and the boss’ beautiful daughter threatens to derail Kurt’s survival plans.
How pretty is he in it? When Hayden first appears on screen, his Santa beard and old prospector long johns are a near jumpscare. But once he loses those a half-hour in, he’s about as hot as he’s ever looked.
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Welcome to the gun show indeed.
Does he get drenched at some point?: No proper drenching but he does get good and sweaty (and shirtless) a couple times. 2 💦 out of 5
How’s the movie itself? Pretty bad! There’s approximately four half-baked plots at once with no effort to make them cohesive and dialogue & line delivery that makes the Prequels seem Oscar-worthy in comparison. Hayden is just about the only bright spot, he plays unstable characters really well and if I could pluck his character Kurt out of this movie and into a better one I absolutely would. I’ll give this movie some credit for *looking* way better than it had any right to, and Kurt and his love interest Jessica are cute (and their love scene is spicy and definitely the best scene in the movie)
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Is the RottenTomatoes rating unfairly low: It’s currently sitting on a big fat 0 but there’s only 5 reviews. The audience score of 24% feels way too high though, I’d say this deserves a 10-15% rating.
In short: The concept is interesting and Hayden along with Harvey Keitel do the most they can with what they get, but they’re not given much. I cannot in good conscience recommend anyone watch this movie but if you must, only do it if you’re in the middle of a Hayden hyperfixation. Otherwise, just go to the love scene about halfway through and after that stick to the gifs.
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isobelleposts · 1 year
“Eat The Rich” — My Favorite Genre in Film
by Isobelle Cruz [February 1, 2022]
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The Menu (2022) dir. by Mark Mylod
The phrase in the title comes from political philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s quote, “When people have nothing to eat, they will eat the rich.” The last film I watched that had me surprised they did not literally eat the rich was The Menu by Mark Mylod.
This film never took itself too seriously despite its center around the wealthy and the lengths they go to just to experience the finer things in life. It is fully aware of its bizarreness and adds bits of humor here and there, making it enjoyable despite mostly taking place in one setting.
As the first film I had seen this year, The Menu truly sets up expectations and a fresh path to more of what the industry has in store for the rest of the year. Moving on, here are four more films to see if you enjoyed The Menu:
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Triangle of Sadness (2022) dir. by Ruben Östlund
Starting off strong with one of my final watches of 2022 that had me saying “what the fuck?” under my breath every few minutes is Triangle of Sadness directed by Ruben Östlund. What initially caught my interest in watching this film was a clip in the opening part wherein we see a bit of the modeling industry and its quirks, or so, ridiculousness. What I didn’t know, and certainly wasn’t prepared for,  was what I would witness next.
I went into this film after refraining myself from spoilers or even a hint of what it could be about, preparing myself to be either disappointed or pleased with what I was about to be met with. And that is exactly what I suggest to you as well. Ditch the synopsis and logline and head straight into this experience. Just know that you’ll be met with great dialogue, delicate cinematography, and a whole lot of shit—both figuratively and literally.
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Parasite (2019) dir. by Bong Joon-ho
Behind my little song to the clouds to tuck its raindrops away, a certain thought would always lie at the back of my head while growing up. As we celebrate a class suspension and give thanks for the chilly weather in the desert-like heat of the Philippines, I wonder what life is like for those living by the rivers, whose roofs are made with cheap iron or yero and whose walls are made of thin wood.
It hasn’t occurred to me before how important these thoughts were until I encountered this film a few years back. Parasite presents its audience with the rich’s ignorance of their surroundings and several contrasts between the everyday life scenes of a wealthy and poor family. 
Parasite is precise, well-written, and surely deserving of its multiple awards.
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Knives Out (2019) dir. by Rian Johnson
Whodunnit—-they say that when you see them once, you’ve seen them all. And that may be true, but Knives Out’s fast pacing and quick cuts from past to present still kept my eyes glued to the screen. It’s a classic murder mystery, encouraging the audience to say things like “It’s too early on for such an obvious clue.”
This will keep you thinking throughout its length, asking questions again and again in your head, eager to beat the ending before the killer’s reveal. Though predictable for some, Knives Out nonetheless offers a fun view into the world of a money-starved family and their deceased father, along with a bunch of odd and entertaining characters.
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The Handmaiden (2016) dir. by Park Chan-wook
Of course I found a way to sneak The Handmaiden into this list. 
The film follows Kim Tae-ri’s character who falls in deep romance with Lady Hideko, the woman she works for. Just when you think it is about to finally end, a sharp turn comes and it’s as if the story had only begun then—this happens thrice, by the way.
As we go further along the story we encounter money’s play in the wickedness of men and are left with our mouths agape after another unexpected revelation or scene. 
The Handmaiden is not only a story of forbidden romance between two women but also a showcasing of comradeship and care for another in suffering. Looking past its long length and adult scenes is a mind-boggling and thoroughly written story accompanied by excellent direction, camera work, and acting.
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bawdza · 1 year
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One throw-away line about Vi being a bad class president from her ex, I have cork boarded so many narratives.
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