#13 year olds are actually reall mean
valthetvhead · 5 months
"13-year-olds are the meanest people in the world. They terrify me to this because 8th graders will make fun of you but in an accurate way. They will get to the thing that you don't like about you. They don't even have to look at you for long. They'll just be like 'Ha, ha, ha, ha hey look at the high waisted man. He got feminine hips' And I'm like 'No! That's the thing I'm sensitive about." -You know who
Did you type this by memory or did you copy and paste it!?!?!?!
I can almost recite this by memory. I can recite all of the salt and pepper diner skit. By heart
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survey--s · 2 years
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1. How many beings live in your house? Two humans, three cats and a dog.
2. Last board game you played? Monopoly - we played it over Easter weekend and I lost spectacularly, lol.
3. Last card game you played? I have no idea, I don’t think we even own a set of cards. I do sometimes play Solitaire on my phone if that counts.
4. Last thing you ate and when? Mushroom pasta salad about ten minutes ago as my stomach was rumbling and it needed eating lol.
5. Last thing you got for free? Susie got me an iced coffee last week when we met up at Riva.
6. What colours are you wearing? Black and white.
7. What is the last wild animal you remember seeing? Seagulls.
8. How much debt do you have? I don’t have any debt apart from my student loan, but I’m never going to earn enough to pay that back and it doesn’t “count” in terms of my credit history or anything so I generally just ignore it.
9. Last song you listened to? Her Name is Alice - Shinedown.
10. Where do you rank on the age scale in your house? I’m the youngest human in this house.
11. How long have you been tattooed? If you’re not, do you want to get tattooed? I’ve only got one tattoo and I got it about a decade ago. I generally forget I even have it - a lady complimented me on it the other week and I was so confused as my first thought was “what tattoo?!” lol.
12. What is your belt like? I don’t even own a belt.
13. Last Anniversary you went to? Uhh, I don’t really understand what this means, lol. I don’t celebrate other people’s anniversaries?
14. Last baby shower? I have no desire to ever attend a baby shower in my life, lol.
15. Last wedding? I’ve only ever attended my own wedding.
16. Last funeral? I’ve never attended a funeral before.
 17. What is your mother’s name? Alice.
18. What is your band’s name? Or fantasy band ;)? ....
19. How many different strip clubs have you been to? I’ve never been to one. I feel very boring taking this survey, hahah.
20. Ever had a threesome? No.
21. Ever fucked a mother? Nope.
22. Do you have any nieces/nephews? Not biological ones, but I have several through marriage.
23. Don’t you just love sparkles? Not really, no.
24. And candles? I used to be obsessed with candles but these days it’s all about wax melts.
25. And chocolate? It’s okay. I generally much prefer savoury snacks.
26. How is your hair looking today? It’s just up in a messy bun - it looks fine enough, I guess.
27. Last time you took a nap? Last weekend when I was looking after Jenn’s animals. They’re all really easy going and slept most of the evening so I decided to join them. Dudley curled up with me and we had a lovely nap, hahah.
28. Last personal unnecessary purchase? Snacks.
29. On which day does / did your birthday fall this year? It’ll be on a Saturday.
30. Can you whistle? Yeah, but not very well lol.
31. Can you type fast? Yes.
32. How old are your parents? Uhh. My dad just turned 68 and my mum just turned 64.
33. Are they nice? Sure. I get along much better with my mum but that doesn’t mean my dad is a horrible person, we just have absolutely nothing in common lol.
34. How many schools did / have you go(ne) to? Two, plus two universities (one in the UK and abroad).
35. What is your Instagram? I’m not sharing that here as it’s my business account.
36. Can you touch your toes? Not without bending my knees. I have arthritis in my back and hips.
37. Did you have your morning tea/coffee? I did - I had two coffees this morning, actually.
38. Last time you got laid? I don’t really keep track.
39. How old are you? 33.
40. What is your gender? Female.
41. What is your sexuality? Bisexual.
42. What is your ethnicity? White. Technically there’s some hispanic in there somewhere too.
43. Cars or trucks? Cars, for sure. I don’t see the appeal of massive vehicles unless you actually need that much space.
44. Cats or dogs? Dogs are more...rewarding, I guess, but cats are much less effort.
45. Name one trait you inherited from each of your grandparents? Uhh, I don’t know as I don’t really know my grandparents. My mum was adopted and my dad’s parents showed no interest in me whatsoever.
46. Are you more likely to dance or sing? Sing.
47. Who is your youngest relative? Uh, Mike’s cousin had a baby a week ago, lol. Her name is Marliya.
48. How many bank accounts do you have? One current account and a savings account.
49. What kind of cheese is in the fridge? Cheddar, parmesan, some smoked Italian cheese, mozzarella and dairylea.
50. How long have you been with your partner? Or how long have you been single? We’ve been together for just over six years and married for almost four years.
0 notes
justnothuman · 3 years
Tanjiro Kamado x reader
Ok so i made something i think would be cool so yeah.
-you are 18 and Tanjiro is also 18 in this story
-16+ ig idk
-lowkey if your under 13 read like half then stop please, but read it at your own will i camt stop you tbh u probably read a lot more graphic things.
-i apologize for the bad spelling in advance lol
3rd person pov
Y/n was on her way from yet another boring in mission 'it was to easy' you state rolling your eyes in a aroggant fashion. y/n was wallking like a sloth barley dragging her self. 'Ugh. So boring, i wonder what my little brother is doing rn...probably having a lot more fun then me..' she said with a sad expression. Zenitsu is your little brother well 'little' your twins but your older for a little yet you still refer to him as little brother. You were both taken in by the old man, and unlike Zenitsu you were never rly a crybabby, you always wanted to become a hashira so that ur little brother didn't have to be a demon slayer cus it was never his first choice. You cares for your little brother a lot considering your something like a mother figure to him cus you're perents died when you were both around 5 years old you had to move fast abandon your childhood for your little brother at a young age you left him in the old mans hands and asked him to atleast teach him 1 move nothing more nothing less as long ass the move was affective, just so Zenitsu could protect himself. And you cant believ you acomplished becoming a hashira your gratefull too Shinobu who is currently training Kano (yet when i was training i didnt even bother to lern the quiet girls name she didn't seem to really care anyways, when you two were training together ,yet i tryed to avoid it, it use to get really awkward you couldn't really seem to talk to her it kinda feels onesided ,it was).
Your Pov
Well that got boring reall quick. {You'r crow suddenly comes out of nowhere and starts yelling} "Go the butterfly mansion!GO TO THE BUTTERFLY MASION!!" "OK!OK! I GET IT U DAMN CROW." {Even if u can be quite rough on your crow that dosent mean you hate it just that it can agrivate you some times when you hear it yelling.} Oh well its not really like i have much to do.
-at the butterfly mansion-
You enter the manssion and low and be hold your little brother Zenitsu was there, for once you actually didnt expect this u haven't seen him in only a few weeks tbh u have a small crush on one person that hes traveling with its this boy named Tanjiro but hi s little sister is so CUTEEEE. Zenitsu rushes to you "Sissss!!" He says while crying.
You had the erge to just move out of the way so he hits the wall but you stayed in place he didnt see you in quite long. "Sis WHERE WERE YOU!???" "Missions and shit." You werent really good with words pretty much everything you didn't know how to describe you labeld as
✧*。SHIT✧*。. You realised someone was standing there, it was Inosuke you waved to him he really didnt care all that much about the wave he just ran to you "FIGHT ME Y/N IF YOU FIGHT ME AND I WIN I WILL PROVE THAT I AM BETTER THEN A HASHURAS STUDENT!" "Uhhh..No?" You said and he just keept going on ratling on about how he wants to fight me an Blah, Blah, Blah, Something else cought my attention though the dark red haired boy tanjiro looks like he's training his hair's not like usual its down i guess u cant train and maintain the hairstyle you started training with, its in you to obviously fell a bit of attraction like c'mon who wouldnt .
Then aggain it wasnt just a bit or just now it keeps happening i guess you could say it was a mild crush. You never really thought it but ur lack of communication and coldnes you directly show towards him pretty much countering every time he did something good for you. Obviously you weren't doing it on purpouse its just every time he did a simple thing like help you up or offer you a hand u tend to turn beet red and just end up doing it by yourself, you actually rly want to take his offer but in that momment its like ur mind and body just cant work together. At this point you were staring for a bit to long and Zenitsu and Inosuke were long gone, ig Zenitsu got the hint but no idea how the hell Inosuke stoped asking u to fight him, hes usually quite the persistant kid. maybe Shinobu "needed" them? Oh well thats better anyways.
-You wanted to see Nezuko so u decided to try and find her you alreday knew your way around the butterfly manssion i mean u were here for over 4 years, it didnt take you too long to find her but she was asleep as expected, you alreday knew about how instead of eating humas Nezuko got her strength back from sleeping. Since were on the Nezuko topick when u were at the hashira meeting you also put your life in her hands like both blue boy, Urokodaki and the dude who's name you dont care enough to remember. Considering you were a hashira you were there, and thankfully Urokodaki told you about the situation, even though he isn't the one who trained you the old man and Urokodaki were good friends so sometimes he would wisit. When the white haired peice of shit took Nezuko u were pissed u said " Listen, i dont really like breaking the rules but if u so much as hurt a hair on her haid i wont hesitate to kill you." Everyone was shocked at ur statment the white haired boy was amused "Oh i dare u to try!" You burst up on the platform witg one yolt of speed u weren't even visible how fast u were u pinned him againt the wall with pne hand "Luckly u didnt hurt her this time" As u droped the boy from chocking. U bowed and apologised to the master as u walked out the master had a soft spot for you considering u hung around here since u were 11 u were the youngest person to ever pass the test ~purple flower place where u kill demons forgot the name~ Thats also mostly why shinobu took me in she trained me for over 4 years and then i started doing more serious work after i beat 2 members of the 12 kizuki im acepted as a hashira well it would have been after the first one no.11 but a lot of the other hashiras objected saying that one was too weak and to easy to defeet for any hashira so i went and killed the no.3 at that time i must say it was hard as shit vonsidering i had a broken leg a broken arm and a few broken ribs. I was 17 at the time and that w as 1 year ago. But lets not talk about the cringey me in the past. Tbh my priorites rn are to get stronger then the water kid, whats his name...name..name..OH yeah its Gizu or is it Giyu or myb Giyuu, yk what idc tbh.... -you fell asleep next to Nezuko's bed u honestly cant sleep well at night bc u kerp getting nightmers about ur parents, all u remember from ur parents is that they went on a bussines trip and left you and Zenitsu with the old man as they left and you never saw them again.-
Tanijro pov
I guess shes back. I still to wonder why she started giving me the cold sholder right of the bat yet she was even nice to the boar boy who actually came of as aggresive from the start. I can't help but fell jealous. She can' even look me in the eye. Everytime i offer her help even as simple as getting up she just does it her self coldly. Yet there were some of our interactions when it wasnt bad at all she wasnt being cold she was actually being super nice. It was the first time y/n met Nezuko she didnt threten her even though y/n was a hashira, the both of them quickly became friends. That night she was reading a story to Nezuko it warmed my heart to see someone seeing Nezuko not as a demon but as a little girl just like i did. Tbh i think thats when i started falling for her. I fell f or her even more when she defended Nezuko but i felt guilty bc she was putting her reputation on the line while i was just standing there tied up, weak. I couldnt even say thanks. I sidn't feel jealous of Nezuko for being protected by y/n i was happy about it, yet i wish y/n cared for me that much
{she does︵‿︵(´ ͡༎ຶ ͜ʖ ͡༎ຶ `)︵‿︵} . I actually think i'll go wisit Nezuko, i cant sleep anyways. *tanjiro walks over to Nezukos room* As he opens the door je sees...y/n!? What was she doing here? Why's she still dressed? Should i wake her up? No. Im a YOUNG GENTELLMAN. I'll just carry y/n too her bedroom and she wont evwn realise. Yeah, yeah that will work.
3rd person pov
As Tanjiro carys you to your beddroom he does so as slowly as possible so he dosen't wake you up in the middle of walking just as you were crosing Zenitsus room, low and behold who you bumped into Zenitsu ofc. "OMG!!WTH R U DOING WITH MY BIG SISTER TANJIRO!!!" he keept nagging and nagging. Then u kinda woke up u were in ur half sleep " Zenitsu stfu, i dont care enough. Say one more word and ill kick your ass. Tanjiro love would you be so nice to cary you-uh-me to my room or in general some where." Zenizsu waa shocked his moth widened as he was looking at the sight of his annoying big sister in the arms of his caring friend. CALLING TANJIRO LOVE!? WHAT!? AND HIS FRIEND'S FACE THE SAME SHADE AS HIS HAIR!? HUH!? HE THOUGHT YOU HATED TANJIRO!? AND NOW THIS!?
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The poor kid was so confued not being to put the peices together he stood there just watching you two walk away.
U got too your room slowly. Tanjiro put you on you're bed as he was about too walk away you grabed his haori "Tanjiro wait. You do understand when im here u can talk to me" You said releasing his haori patting the spot next to you as the boy sat down " Befor i heard you crying in your bedroom are you okay? And u also tosed around like you were having a nightmare. Do you want to talk about it. Or maybe sleep here, considering everything maybe jt would help you calm down, im nkt usually the best person with words or the most comforting, but i try." The boy was smiling to cover up that he was barley holding back tears. You hugged him and he just started crying, sobing his eyes out. Letting all the stress that was stacking up. When he was done you encouragde him to stay untill he gave in. You tucked him in "I'll be right back just to get something, ok?" He noded. You walked down to Tanjiro's room u took the sheets and pillow going back you saw Nezuko you quickly tucked her in and told her too sleep she needed the strength. (honestly sometimes u seemed like 2 people that were polar oposites the energetic you that has no empathy what so ever and the affectioneit human tbh the affectioneit human was mostly reserved for Tanjiro, Nezuko and your annoying little brother Zenitsu )
You bolted to your room to find Tanjiro asleep you pecked his cheek and huged him tightly you were so worryed you even shed a few tears untill you snaped back. You placed the pillow and blanket onto the floor, you thought it would be inapropriet to sleep next to him. You didnt really know where to change but tbh u didn't really care if Tanjiro saw u half naked, like underwear reveals as much as a bikini. Luckily he didnt wake up at that moment but while u were changing u notived his eyebrows were creating a worrying expression.
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After you were done changing. You sat down next too him, you were worried sick "Tanjiro, hey. Wake up." you said as you shook him a you wanted to yell at him to wake up but you could wake up Nezuko and she needs the sleep. Do you just super aggresivley start shaking him. Meanwhile Zenitsu with his hearing things in his sleep he hears the bed squeking faster and faster then just stops, poor boy was scared. But nvm that, after shaking him for ages Tanjiro finally woke up. "hey are you okay?" he just started crying and hugged you pulling you down "Im so sorry if im making you fell uncomfortable y/n, im so sorry." " Hey, hey its okay your not makkng me feel uncomfortable at al, i could never feel uncomfortable becouse of you." Tge boy keeps crying and telling you stuff from his past here and there. When he colected himself he said "Is that bed for me ilm get into it." "Oh god no, loom at your mentall state ur no t sleeping on the ground." " but-" " no buts Tanjiro" you said the ladt part firmly light l y pushing hum down to lay down. As you layed down on the floor truly it was very uncomfortable but you'd to anytging for that red head, anything. Plus i really like how he smells and you love the idea your bed is gonna smell like him for at least one more night and his scent was all over these sheets which helped you sleep better, but you could have slept next fo him yet you didnt wanna take advantege of his currant state.
Your pov
Honestly i never thought this boy could be as bad with words as i am some times. Honestly i think i fell for him even more. (You were tosing and turning all night bc you couldn't sleep that kept going on till 4 am when you devided to just go make something) -honestly i have no ifea what to make for everyone i mean i've got a solid 3 hours till everxone wakes up. And honestly i think i should make something extra for Tanjiro he's got it rough. And maybe i should wright an apology leter on it for being so cold some times, i try not to but i just get nervus. Oh well. Yeah i got the perfect thing to make! Japanese pancakes everyone loves those, right?
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Everyones gonna get one and then i'll give Tanjiro a whole stack.
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Uuu and i'll add some barries it will be delicious.
Now how do i make those that fluffy, ig i'll have to wisk the egg whites really good and i have to get some vanilla and and some rum, UUU.. i need powdered sugar, but i dont think we have that. Hmmm...well i guess i could get my sugar really fine by preshuring it with a spoon! Yeah! Lets start.
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Ok all thats left is the tea and to plan t the bomb (put the pancakes in your room next to Tanjiro). Oh yeah and ofc wright the apology leter. -you sat down to wright a little message on the napkin.- Man i need to fix my wrighting who the hell can read this? Oh well. Lets brew the tea.
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Ok all set i guess i can bring it to my room. -you walk down the hallway to your room puting the tray of food on the night stand next to Tanjiro, and planting a light kiss on the lips.- "Awe so cute" -you whisper looking at Tanjiro- Whats the time man i hope its around 6am it was 6:54 am. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. I NEED TO PUT THE PLATES AND PANCAKES ON THEM. AND MAKE THE TABLE. -You bolt to the dining room and as fast as humanly posible you place the plates with pancakes and everything on the table.
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Yes, i made it in time! Slay you fucking PUSSYS!! HEH!
3rd person pov
You go back to your room to wake up Tanjiro first so he dosen't need to wake up to screaming. As you enter your room you see him comfortably sleeping unlike last night when he had a nightmare. Honestly it let you breth when you saw him sleeping, people no matter how strong are voulnrable while they sleep. Thats also why you cant sleep whenever your around someone you love. Because what if they get hurt and you fidn't even realise. This would be a completly diffrent thing if you were hugging him it would at least give you some security they would first kill the person most likely to kill them first, which gave you some reasurance.
You fully enter your room. Now you were in a crisis of how the hell to wake him up. 'Should i yell? No thats the opposite of what i want. Maybe just shake him, yeah i'll do that, it worked last time.' You go up to the boy, and start shaking the life out of him "Hey! Wake up please." You keep shaking him for a little longer till he wakes up. "Yeah, what is it y/n" he says sleeply muttering, which made your heart warm. "You gota wake up." "I am awake-" He jolts up, now sitting on the bed "Did i over sleep?" "No, no your fine its 7:10am." "That's goooooood- heyy what are those? Are they for me?" " Yeah the pancakes and tea are for you now eat up and i'll wake up the others." " Ok but you really didnt have t-" The door closed and he heard you running across the mansion and yelling "WAKE UP SWINES ITS TIME TO EAT!!"
Tanjiros pov
Damn i love that girl. But im pretty sure she made pancakes for everyone, i wonder if shes just babying me out of pity... Hey whats that on the napkin. -Tanjiro picks up the napkin and looks at whats written- Her hand wrighting is almost the same as mine. ~Dear Tanjiro im sorry for being so cold sometimes, i just freez up in front of you here and there. Cuz i like you, yeah bet you already knew, heh. So do u like me back? [__] Yes, of course! [__] Yes, of course!
Wanna go out? [__] Yes! [__] Yes?
You really have no choice.~
3rd person pov
When you were all sitting down. Zenitsu asked "Wheres Tanjiro sis?" "Why are you asking me? But hes in my room eating, why?" And suddenly all eyes were on you all the staff, lady Shinobu, Kano, nurse girl well everyone except Inosuke who was murdering his pancakes. "Whats wrong?" "And why was he in your room dear sister?" Said Zenitsu in a i know tone. "I don't know." You said felling awkward under the presure "OH SISTER. NO NEED TO HIDE THAT YOU SLEPT WITH MY BEST FRIEND! AND BRINGING HIM FOOD IN BED THATS AFTERCARE!" zenitsu said standing up and acussingly pointing his finger at you hoping youd crack under the presure and run away
"Oh, and what if i did sleep with him? What if it is aftercare? What the hell are you going to do about it YOUNGER brother?" Zenitsu sat down embarassed. While Shinobu was laughing her ass of "Omg, omg i can't, you are the same as ever y/n!" "Yeah, yeah whatever." Then you saw Tanjiro walking in, handing you the napkin you left him and standing there waiting for your reaction. Zenitsu commented "What are you thst big of a baby now Tanjiro, you cant even throw out the trash by yourself" Then you stud up and kissed Tanjiro as Zenitsus jaw droped.
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(What the kiss looked like kinda just a lot more blush, especialy from Tanjiro)
Everyone except Zenitsu and Shinobu and well Inosuke wasn't really listening was shocked they thought your cocky comments were just a joke to piss of your brother. You pulled away letting the red haired boy breath, as he was a blushy mess as expected "Tanjiro did you eat the pancakes?" He just noded unable to utter a word from his shock and emberasment. "ok then c'mon"
Inosuke pov (short)
I HAVE NO IDEA WHATS GOING ON BUT THESE PANCAKES ARE SO GOOD!! *chewing noises* HEY, WHEN DID Y/N LEAVE? "Can somone pass me those pancakes!?"
3rd person pov
You draged tanjiro to a sakura tree not farr from the mansion. As you sat down on a log next to the tree and patted your lap "Lay in my lap please." "Ok" The boy could barley utter words still blushing a bright red shade as he layed down on your lap. You looked up and he also looked up looking at you "You know red head befor you came along i almost always didn't know what to say because i always came of as blunt i didn't mean too, but when your around i don't even need to think what to say i just start saying it." The boy was smiling gently when you looked down. You squished his cheeks and said "Aweee, your so cute! I love you." "And i also might have opanly lied too everyone that we had sex" You were blushing a dark red all across y our face and the poor boy was burning up and almost fainted. -zomming out of sceen- "HEY! TANJIRO DON'T DIE ON ME!Hey!" You say jokingly.
The end
Hi im the person who wrote this whats your favorite song mine is
Currently watching *you sleeping*
◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►► ───○ 🔊⠀𝟸:03 / 4:41 ᴴᴰ
Tell me please. And tell me if this made your day better or worse and if i should fix somethings for when i wright in the future. Thanks for reading!
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mightydragoon · 4 years
Darth Vader A+ Parenting.
While Darth Vader in canon ain’t exactly the nicest fellow, this is a Vader or Anakin who has no qualms getting what he wants and using any methods to do so. 
Or otherwise known as Darth Vader A+ Parenting. 
1.  to gain a son Russy
After falling into a trap laid by the Empire and being captured by two Inquisitors, Luke Skywalker wakes up in an unfamiliar room with an unfamiliar man watching over him.
2. No Time Like The Present PinkEasterEggs
In a Galaxy where Princess Leia Organa and Luke Vader have always known they were twins, a deadly discovery by their biggest enemy throws their entire lives upside down. Yet again.
Now on the run from the Empire, the Skywalker twins find it their mission to bring peace back to the Galaxy once more. And with Darth Vader on their trail, that mission is far more complicated than they originally believed.
(Note* Part  3 of the  Back To The Future series. Can be read as standalone) 
  3.  The Heir - SpellCleaver
Darth Vader just killed his master and learned a galaxy-changing truth: the child Palpatine adopted, the Imperial prince and heir, is actually Vader’s son, raised by Palpatine to torment him.
Meanwhile, Luke Palpatine just woke up from severe injuries he sustained in a Rebel attack to a galaxy where his father is dead, he is the Emperor, and the figure from all his childhood nightmares is acting suspiciously nice.
They figure it out from there.
4. Eclipse - SpellCleaver
Luke and Leia, the twin children of Darth Vader and heirs to the Emperor himself, defect. When they do, it's naturally a dream come true for the Rebellion and the mother they never knew, one that's been a long time in the making.
But they have to get to that point first.
Or: Darth Vader unwittingly sends his children down the merry path of treason... and the ugly, painful fallout.
(Note* Obviously) 
5. Walking the Line Between - aradian_nights
After an emotional confrontation on Bespin, Luke Organa has been captured, and his newfound twin Leia Skywalker will not stop until she has rescued him. Even if that means murdering their own father.
( How the Other Half Lives  -   aradian_nights) 
(Note* the entire series is this but more in particular the recent additions, I’ve already discussed this story multiple times before so you know the drill )
6.  The kidnappings of a Sith Lord - maedre13
How a certain Sith Lord may or may not kidnap his rebel son. One-shots. Strongly inspired by sparklight´s “Where Our Intrepid Hero Doesn´t Get Away”.
(Note* not all these chapters are Vader at his worst but he isn’t exactly a top notch parent in them either) 
7. How to Save the World from its Heroes - stardustgirl
Being the Avatar’s—and Fire Lord’s—non-bending heir isn’t what Luke signed up for. He also didn’t sign up for an Agni Kai he can’t possibly win, or for getting dragged into a search for someone who can kill his own dad. Then again, someone has to bring the world back into balance, and if his dad won’t, then Luke might as well give it his best shot. After all, how much worse can things get?
(Note* Only started and already you can see Vader A+ Parenting in all its glory) 
8. your heart is full of stars and your hands full of shattered glass -victoriousscarf
Nineteen years ago, Vader took his children off Mustafar, and Palpatine raised them to be Sith, the perfect weapons he had been looking for.
Except the very eve of his greatest victory, the fully functional Death Star, Luke Skywalker defects to the floundering but growing Rebel Alliance. His sister follows because someone needs to watch out for that fool.
9.  Love of a daughter. - youngjusticewriter
"and yet, so far at least we have yet to figure out what you gain from this." It's a question as well as statement. A chance to explain, to come clean on why she - a unknown Sith- had assassinated they're precious, beloved Chancellor (what fools). But how could you come clean when there is so much blood on her hands? Never-mind the sins and blood on Vader and Luke's when her family had been alive.
When she answers it's not because she's announcing her transgressions in hope that her heavy, dirty soul might be saved. One couldn't repent when they didn't feel guilt in their sin.
"For the love of a daughter." Leia pauses and looks back at Anakin and thinks: I did this to avenge you. After thinking that Leia says one more thing - the last thing actually because she nothing else to say after this.
"And you should have been more careful electing your Chancellor. You never know who is Sith." This has double meaning but she's the only person who knows it.
And she's fine with that (no, she isn't).
Leia wonders if her younger self and Luke will ever become the monsters like her Luke had been and the monster she is.
10.  Literal Hell - TreeOfTime
Luke Lars is content as a Moisture Farmer with his father and mother... until two people come to find what was lost to them...
Then all hell broke lose
(Note* oh dear lord Vader A+ Parenting in its full glory, a Sith Leia for flavour and a non force sensitive Luke. ) 
11.  Dynasty - Valerie_Vancollie: Co-authored by Rebecca Thomson aka Zekkers.
Hit in the leg by a stormtrooper's blaster bolt, Luke falls in the Death Star hanger bay and is unable to escape on the Falcon along with Han and Leia. During the subsequent interrogation, his true heritage is revealed and Vader instantly takes him to Coruscant, determined to reclaim the son the Jedi stole from him. But the glory of the Imperial capital belies its true nature, where politics and power are everything and anything is fair game in the never ending game to reach the top. Not lying, not betrayal, assassination, sabotage, blackmail, nor seduction. As he commences his Sith training, Luke must also learn the rules and etiquette of the Imperial Court if he is to survive as most of his enemies fight their battles with words and political maneuverings rather than military force. Yet, even as he struggles to gain his place within the Empire, Luke learns that his best friend has joined the Alliance...
12. Fractured twists - Annessarose
Timelines are fickle things.
Every line is balanced precariously on the precipice. One shift, one twitch of a finger, one step in the wrong direction, and entire stories change. Lives flicker out, galaxies rise and fall, but the Force is always a constant.
Each moment is carefully balanced. We know how the Siege of Mandalore happened - how the former Jedi padawan Ahsoka Tano led her men into victory. How she defeated Maul in single combat and earned the loyalty of Lady Bo-Katan Kyrze. How she rode her ship too late to meet with Anakin Skywalker, and how the galaxy fell and burned under the hand of the Sith.
This is the way it could have gone if Obi-Wan had followed Ahsoka to Mandalore.
13. Runaway- Valerie_Vancollie
Co-authored by Rebecca Thomson aka Zekkers & a contest winner.
What if Luke had runaway from Tatooine and joined the Imperial Academy?
14. A Mother's Decision - Valerie_Vancollie
What if Padmé had brought Luke to Vader when Luke was only nine months old?
15. Descent into Darkness - Valerie_Vancollie
What if instead of waiting for Luke to come to him on Endor, Vader had gone for Luke and the others, capturing them while with the Ewoks?
16. Avenge and Conquer - arikylo
The Alliance has fallen into a very well laid trap and now Luke has no choice but to hand himself over to Vader. But what does the father have in store for the son? Can Luke handle the torture and the ruthless tactics of the Empire or will he be forced to surrender and embrace the dark side?
The struggle between the light and the dark is strenuous, relationships crumble and all is looking bleak for the Alliance.
Dark!AU set after ESB.
17. The Terrorist - Seasider
High above Bespin in Cloud City, Vader chooses not reveal his identity and instead uses deceit to trick Luke into surrendering. The Dark Lord has a lot on his agenda, so he entrusts the breaking of his son to an Imperial interrogator, unaware that the man has an agenda of his own: revenge.
(Note* Dead Dove do not eat. Contains some reall fucked up shit) 
18. Consequences - treenahasthaal
An intense burst of light and a vicious blow to his left shoulder sent him spinning violently backward and he fell...
What if Luke hadn't made it off the Death Star immediately following Kenobi's death?
(Note* It’s also a boba fett/ luke) 
19. Instinct - treenahasthaal
There was something about the blond boy in the crowd of detainees that caught Commander Yarryn's attention. Something that pulled at his gut and told him there was more about this captive than met the eye. It was his duty to find out what it was the boy was hiding - and find it he would, for Yarryn was very good at his job.
12 weeks after the destruction of the Death Star.
( Part 1 of the Invictus series) 
20. Child of Mine - Oneshotshipper
AU. Darth Vader discovers Leia at a young age. Barely managing to escape her father's clutches the first time, young Leia goes into hiding and becomes the Empire's most-wanted fugitive. If the second time comes, fate will not be as kind. Meanwhile, Darth Vader would tear apart the galaxy itself to possess and keep his child. The Dark Side seems to inevitably be the fate of the Skywalkers.
21. To Catch a Daughter, One must... - ftbprotocol
A variety of AU one-shots where in canon Leia stayed a secret, but in these stories did not. Because there needs to be more Leia and Vader fic!
22.  Daughter Over The Son - Keetajet
Work is inspired by ftbprotocol's work "To Catch a Daughter, One must..."
The moment where Darth Vader did not save his son. Instead, he will have his daughter.
Leia's future went downhill the moment she felt her brother die on the second Death Star, leading to their capture on Endor. Only she, Han, and Chewie survived the failed ground assault and they were restrained and being held at gun point.
She has a bad feeling about this.
23. Before the Emperor - SilverDaye
Luke is defeated and captured at Cloud City by Vader. He is then dragged before the Emperor. However Palpatine is dead. Luke's father is alive. And someone else holds the reigns to Vader and the Empire.
Tags- to help search for more
Darth Vader's A+ parenting
Dark Anakin Skywalker
Sith Luke Skywalker
Imperial Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader
Leia Organa & Darth Vader
Bad Parent Darth Vader
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hellswolfie · 4 years
The Mark of Athena Review
Ok so once again i continue reading “The Heroes of Olympus” and once again i need to vent so Tadaaaaa !!
So before I start, here is a  more general Review : I really REALLY liked this book. Favorite of the serie so far. Also, obviously, SPOILERS !!
- The role of Frank : I can maybe forgive that, because with 7 main characters i  understand it’s difficult to give them all an important role in one single book. But I really loved him in “The Son of Neptune” and I really wanted to see more of him, and the most of what we got was him being the Jealous Boyfriend. It was kind of disappointing so I hope it’ll change in the next books. 
- Piper : it costs me a lot to put her there because I really really loved her in “The Lost Hero” but I have to admit I didn’t like one single chapter of hers in “The Mark of Athena”. Or at least not completely. In the first book there was the relationship with her dad, her culture, her dealing with the fact she was an Aphrodite children, the begining of a friendship with Annabeth and Leo... But in this book ? It’s only about Jason. Endlessly. And it’s so tiring and eyeroll worthy, especially when we compare her “issues” over JASON with the others’. And even without that, she was really not a great person in this book and not in the interesting way : she was ready to put the whole World in danger just so Jason wouldnt stay in New Rome, kept Charming Up her friends just for convenience (like srsly i know thats not supposed to be a Big Deal but thats still mind control so yikes), and when it came down to it, no matter what she said about how Leo is like her little brother or Annabeth is her BFF, she only gave a crap about Jason Jason Jason...There was barely a scene of her with the other two. And I find it frustrasting that it didn’t even feel like the plot during her chapters were about her, but more about Jason and her being a support for him, even though they were HER chapters !!
- Jasiper : Well I guess that’s not really a surprise lol. I never liked this pairing and this book didn’t change my mind on that at all. Piper keeps clinging to the three months THAT NEVER HAPPENED (and that apparently weren’t faithful to Jason’s character like srsly is she even really in love with HIM or the idea of him she had in her mind ?) instead of the 8 real months they spent together, thinks it’s a miracle when Jason appologizes (he’s a real catch huh ?) and is so so sure he’ll leave her to go to New Rome which first : wow you really have faith in this relationship huh ? But also second : why is this such a Big Deal ?? Even if he did go to New Rome she could still follow him (she made it pretty clear she’d leave all of her friends in Camp Half Blood to be with him), it’s not like he’s a whole new different person when he’s there !! And my baby Reyna was so hurt by that, like Jason was a reall asshole here, even if he was oblivious and didn’t realize her feelings for him she’s still supposed to be his friend and the first thing he asks after 8 months of disappearing is if he can spend alone time with his gf ? And I found it kind of frustrating that in the end, all the others left on their own to do their own things (yk, to save the fucking world ?) while literaly risking their life and Jasiper just...went on a date. Like seriously ? So yeah. Not a fan. 
- The whole Frank x Leo “rivalery” : Why make another older character be attracted to 13 years old ?? Can you stop that ??? Leo could also be a real ass sometimes, even tho I still love him and Frank well...I already talked about that. This book had enough pissing contests between guys as it is. 
- Percy apparently forgetting all the Hercules stuff  he learned in “The Titan Curse”. I know it might not seem like THAT much of a deal but it was a really important thing for his character ? That he learned how Heroes, especially Hercules, were real assholes too and that he had to learn to not be like them ? That Zoe, his friend who sacrificiced herself to save the world, was treated like shit by this guy but now he was still like “omg this is Hercules I SO want to meet this guy he seems great !!” ???. It was just one sentence but I hated it. 
- The focus on the Romantic relationships. Look I have nothing against romance and ships. I love romantic love in stories !! But I also love friendships and I really wish this book would have given us more of that instead of spending so much time on romantic relationships. I mean it is pretty well illustrated in the end of the book when they all separate : all the groups are romantic pairings. Percabeth, Jiper, and Frazel with Leo who has kind of a crush on Hazel. And as much as I love Frazel and Percabeth, where are the friendships ?? Percy and Jason’s relationship was supposed to be very important in this book so why didn’t we see more of that ?? What about the friendships that were already established like Percy with Frank and Hazel, Leo with Piper and Jason, Piper and Anabeth,...And all the new friendships that could have had more screen time like Annabeth and Frank or something !! So yeah that was disappointing. 
- the River God scene. Ok so yes I kind of lied : I enjoyed this chapter of Piper. Well this scene at least. And only kind off, because it is still a Jasiper moment but anyway. In my last review of “the Son of Neptune”, I mentionned how it always annoyed me that the heroes have a habit of always making the Good Moral Decision, without any hesitation, even if the fate of the world is in the balance. I was like “Give me morally conflicted characters damn it” !! And that’s what I got here. Piper having to lie to the God, taking his horn that was so important to him, even tho he was just a very tragic dude, to save Jason and the World, realizing that even if it is bad and she feels like shit after doing it, she still had to do it...YES !!! THANK YOU !! I LOVED THAT !!!
- The LEO X NICO INTERACTIONS !!!!!! After spending 2 books shipping them (they’d fit so well together i will die on this hill) they finally talked !!! Well once, and about the fact that Percabeth just fell into fucking Tartarus but like !!! TALKING !!!! And the first thing Nico tell him is to reassure him <3 (look I know it won’t be canon but the POTIENTIAL!!!)
- Annabeth’s chapters. I can’t imagine anyone who wouldn’t like them like we finally got her point of view people !!! And it was awesome !!! I loved seeing her on a quest, the way she thinks and sees the world, how she uses her intelligence,... Like she’s so brave and smart but also so sentimental even tho she’d never admit it (like getting emo about having lost the white hair because it was a connection with Percy ? My baby is so fucking precious). And obviously we already knew that but to actually be in her head ??? It was so fucking good !! And it really succeeded to make me feel so much for her, like she’s just a kid and her mother literaly sent her to her death and she was so scared but she still kept going (only to end up in Tartarus WHYYYYYY) and I’m so proud of her. I love this character so much !!
- Percabeth : The reunion !!!! FINALLY !!!! That’s my first ever OTP right there and they’re so in love !! They’re such a badass power couple and they love eachother so fucking much !! God i missed them X( I loved every Percabeth scenes, they were so adorable and beautiful. I loved how even tho they are differents and are not always in the same page, they still know eachother so well and the communication was just so cheff’s kiss. And omg their lasts scenes together ?? Chills !! Like when Percy almost begged the (kind of?) gods to let him stay just a few more moments with her because he was so scared of never seeing her again almost brought tears to my eyes and then of course their final scene when they fall together into Tartarus, because all that matter is that they’re together...MY HEART !!!
- Percy’s and Leo’s chapters. I put them together because I don’t have much  to say except that I love them so much and that I would literaly lay down my life for this two. Their chapters are always such joy to read, and after one whole book without him, I was really glad to get back with Leo. Probably the funniest chapters too. 
- The Crazy Dolphins scene. This scene was fucking hilarious. Pic comedy ^^
- The crumb of friendhips dynamics we got. So much potential I want to see more !! Like Percy x Jason, Annabeth x Frank (so much Hermione x Neville vibes), Leo x Frank, Hazel x Annabeth, Percy x Frank, Annabeth x Leo (Leo who is so scared of and impressed by her as he should lol),...That’s probably one of the reasons I was so bitter about the romantic relationships getting so much more time, like ALL the friendhships that were so interestings like come on !!
- Percy thinking about LUKE !!! hjfgjehgfjhsegf !!! The fact that he still considers Luke as his fighting teacher, still thinks about his training and his advices !!! Even going as far as thinking he totally understood where he came from for doing all this horrible things !!! That was so awesome !! And such a character development !!! And that makes Percy even more of an interesting character !!! Anyway I loved that ^^
- All the mythological aspect like Rick can be such a genius sometimes with how he uses them, managing to stay faithful to them while sill adapting them to a more modern setting and that works so well !! Well its there in every single one of the PJO series book, but I just wanted to put it out there so here. 
- Hazel story. Look I didn’t like the whole weird kind off “love triangle” thing with Leo and Frank. But I love Hazel and I LOVED knowing more about her and also knowing more about Leo’s ancestor (who was awesome btw). That was such an interesting story, how she discovered that her only friend back then and first love spent his whole life thinking her disappearence was his fault.  And the flackback was so cute too ^^ Also Loved her being so desperate finding her brother because that’s what Nico deserves and that was adorable. I really hope we’ll get to see more of their bond. 
- The end. Such an amazing cliffhanger. I could feel the tension in the scene, I could’t stop reading and then the last chapter were everyone was just so in chock but Nico still believed that Percy would come back out of it alive because he admires him so much. It was SO !!! FUCKING !!! GREAT !!! Amazing way to end this book.
And that’s also how I will end this review ^^ Feel free to comment on it (respectfully) in the comments if you want. 
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arcenergy · 4 years
4, 8, 12, 13, 20, 21, 27, 32, 34, 39 for your lil destiny guys
this got long as FUCK but i LOVE YOU MOLLY!!!!!!!!!!
4 is answered !!
8. - What do the like best about their partner?
augh i feel like saint really appreciates mustard’s perseverance n fortitude against all odds even tho it kinda fucked him over in the long run to charge in head first to situations saint still likes the fact that mustard doesnt easily give up. mustard on the other hands rly likes how saint is Very Committed to keeping his word and is pretty much a hardass when it comes to not budging bc of others opinions. but on the other hand they also really like how nice and sweet the other one is 
12. - Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?
idk if guardian marriage is even a thing but i dont actually think they’d get married regardless they’re just 2 bros sitting a hot tub for all of eternity
13. - What do they do for fun? Do they have a favorite activity or do they like to switch things up?
birdwatching like unironically. saint n mustard love to fuck around in the middle of nowhere and just see what they can find and they dont care if its more heads to bash in or something ancient from the golden age or if its just some funny lookin plant. saint also convinces mustard to walk around the city a lot but mustard doesnt like all of the people and the attention it brings but it isnt so bad when saint’s good at deflecting attention back onto himself 
20. - What does their home look like? Their room?
guardians also dont really have homes. i dont think its really confirmed if guardians actually *live* in the tower and have their own rooms. i dont think they do bc it wouldnt really make sense considering they’re Dead and dont need sleep or food. i have absolutely no idea if they need to do other bodily functions or if they get Stinky. here’s what my destiny clanmates had to say about it: 
Tumblr media
the closest thing to a house would be is their ships which at least in game do Not look very spacious. considering that guardians are basically dead and their ghosts can just take care of any physical ailment so kitchens and bedrooms and stuff arent really necessary
DESPITE that fact i still am convinced that guardians do take it upon themselves to decorate their ships with whatever they have gathered over their adventures, mostly things like mementos and guns. maybe some guardians would keep snacks that they like on their ship because they just like eating them, or they’d have a larger ship to actually keep small furniture pieces on it. saint and mustard have their own respective ships and saint’s ship is fucking t i n y in comparison to literally any other ship we get in game. i dont doubt that saint and mustard keep whatever gifts they’ve gotten from each other in their ship though like the 100+ cookies that i gave saint for this year’s christmas event 
if they ever DID own a house though it’d probably be a cute little farmstead like..wood furnishings up the ass and hanging rugs on the wall and some other shit. and then there would be like 10 different guns and armor pieces laying in different places because guardians are just like that 
21. - Do they share any interests or hobbies?
no seriously they both really like animals. mustard spent the first like 5 or so years as a guardian just living on a farm and saint lovessssss birds. other than that mustard really likes working on his ship and just Making things so that he has something to do with his hands. he also draws but not nearly as much as he did before he became a guardian. i feel like saint would also probably b into metalworking and electrical work (he DID build the obelisk) so i feel like the two of them just like keeping their hands busy and getting lost in their work 
27. - Do they have kids? Grow old together? Split up?
they grow “old” together because guardians dont really like. age. i mean they DO die but average guardian lifespan is 200-300 years unless if you get unlucky. i dont really have a lot of long term lore for them because they’re New Content and destiny lore isnt really like dragon age lore where the story is directly tied to literally everything its mostly just uhhhhhhhh kill bad guy. u did it. congratulations. MAYBE someone dies. who knows! i just like to think they spend a very long time just feeding birds together and havin fun. nothing super serious just me and my bros givin each other a lil kissie 
32. - Do they ever get into trouble? Is it serious, or are they just mischievous?
together? nah. i think the most serious offense they’d commit would be a prank. but alone........mustard is a vile man and Sometimes he commits a little bit of murder along w some other dubious acts. as a treat. to cope. but this was before saint actually met him but i dont doubt killing princes eventually comes back to bite him in the ass. mustard isnt really mischievious he just had to have some Me Time after a certain dlc and made some choices of questionable morality but he’s never felt too great about that whole situation and saint forgives him for it (more or less) 
34. - Do they have any pets?
keeping a pet probably isnt a great idea when u run headfirst into battle every 2 seconds (although that hasnt stopped guardians from keeping their own pets) but i dont think that stops saint and mustard from trying to befriend the local pigeons. also its kind of up in the air who actually owns cayde’s pet chicken now considering cayde dieded (its probably a communal effort) but mustard keeps a close eye on him and i dont think id put it past him to visit the tower just to see that lil dude and feed him whatever he has on hand
but if saint and mustard ever actually got a pet it’d totally be some kind of bird
39. - Who initiated the relationship? Who kissed who first?  When did they realize they were in love?
hrmmmmmm i think mustard was probably more forward than saint just bc its been like easily over a century since saint was actually in the relationship business so it took him a Second. i think saint n mustard realized they were in Love when mustard showed saint around earth and saint was seeing it for the first time in centuries n mustard took him to meet the family that had helped him when mustard first became a guardian and had amnesia and was Definitely Panicking but they were really nice to him and taught him a good deal of stuff n was the main source as to why he actually turned out to be a pretty nice dude all things considered. but throughout those few weeks they were actualyl like. vulnerable w each other and kinda realized that yearning for ur bro actually means something 
also exos dont have lips so no kissie from saint :(. mustard can give saint a little kis tho. as a treat 
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emperorlotorr · 5 years
Adam Taurus recieved his scar when he was a kid and here’s why that’s important
I saw a lot of people speculating when Adam got that brand Some think he got it while he was fighting for the white fang while others think he got it when he was much younger I believe the latter is true 
The first obvious clue is what he says to Blake in Volume 6 ep 11
“ People have hurt me long before we met. All sorts of people, all sorts of ways.”
This line gives uw two important pieces of information, Adam got the scar “long before” he met Blake and it isn’t the only one. It might be he has another physical scar, it might be something else entirely but that’s not what this is about.
Now, when did Adam meet Blake? In his volume 6 character short, a younger Adam, with his mask is seen traveling with the white Fang and Grisha, Blake’s father. Blake herself said she was involved with the white fang at a very young age and it is hinted Adam has been “connected” to the belladonna household for a while now. Seeing as Blake is 19 and Adam has been said to be in his “mid to early twenties” by the creators, I reckon Blake would have been able to go to rallies when she was 10 to 12 at the earliest. This means Adam got his scar before he was 16 himself. I’m assuming they met while they were both members of the white fang.
I believe Adam’s motivation for joining the White Fang was actually him getting this brand, and I say this because I also think the reason he wears the mask is to hide it. The mask is said to “make him look like a Grimm” and it shows that Adam wants humans to fear him the way they do Grimm. But the Grimm are associated not just with fear but all negative emotions, like rage, hurt, and a need for revenge, a lot of things that would fit really well with a scarred, frightened and abused Adam especially if this happened early on in his life and not just while fighting some humans for the white fang. Now you might say that in his short, the faunus react to his mask as if it’s a new thing? But we don’t know when this was set, it’s hinted to be later on in his life because although the faunus seem surprised to see him, they do recognise him and accept him taking the lead. Yet Adam is shown wearing his mask in the flashback where he fights with Grisha and Sienna Khan against the humans stopping their convoy and this seems to be much earlier in his life because it’s his first time killing and he seems a lot more hesitant in his actions. The faunus also cheer him on for being a hero for the skills he’s shown them but if this were set after the first raid shown in his character short they would already know how good he is.So i’m not entirely sure where this first raid fits chronologically? It might be those faunus just knew of him and hadn’t ever reall met him in person so didn’t know about his mask but idk
Back to the age thing:
If we say that the moment Adam and Blake met, via the White Fang was when Adam was about 16 years old that means Adam must have at that time already been able to fight, because we all know, White Fang members need to be able to defend themselves and I don’t think they’d let a 16-year-old just join them on missions or anything if he can’t fight or stand his ground. there’s also no mention of his parents but you know, he is like 23 so it’s not that weird but I do mention this because Blake was allowed to go to rallies when she was 12 or so probably with her parents to protect her, seeing as they both were involved with the white fang at the time. But the branding was done on his fucking eye and that eye does not look good in show so I’m assuming he lost moest, if not all his vision in his left eye, leaving him with no depth perception. Also a wound like that takes time to heal, a normal third degree burn takes 3 to 4 weeks but we have his eye to consider which I assume would have slowed the process. This is all assuming by the time he actually joined the white fang, he was already a capable fighter, he would have had to train to make up for his loss of depth perception or the burn happened such a long time ago, that wasn’t necessary anymore by the time he was 16 (in which case, his motivation prob would have been the brand and maybe sth else more recent to his joining the white fang). 
Long story short: Adam got his burn when he was 13 to 14 at the latest and he might have had it waaaay earlier. Meaning someone branded a child with the SDC logo in the freaking eye. Why is this important? Because it shows a lot more depth to his character, reveals a lot more backstory than if he got it later in life. It makes him a better character while at the same time not excusing him for the actions he’s taken although he seems to believe his lot in life does excuse the things he does.
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coyote-apologist · 5 years
Okay, so, in this post, I said I would tell the full story of how we almost got robbed last night (really fuckin early this morning). So, here it goes. (I apologize in advance for grammar, spelling and shit; I’m on mobile. Also: I will not be giving anyone’s reall names; they will be made up on the spot.)
I was up until about 11:30 last night reading fanfics, and I was completely planning on staying up until well past midnight because that’s normal for me. But, for some weird reason, I feel asleep reading, which I never do. Super fuckin weird for me; I always stay up to at least finish the chapter. This only sort of matters though.
(Ok, so a bit of backstory before I continue. I’m a minor, so obviously I live with my parents, and my younger brother {he’s 13}. We live in a very rural area; our closest town is a 20 min drive, and our closest neighbors are a half mile away. We live on 5 acres of land, most of which is fenced off with electric wire because of horses. We have two dogs: a German shepherd, Chloe, and a basset hound, Eugene. Both dogs are younger and are still in their destructive stage, so, we lock them up at night. Eugene has a kennel he’s goes in, Chloe stays in the washer and dryer/utilities room. The utilities room also happens to be where the back door is.)
At about 12:50am, there was a bang on the back door, loud enough that it literally rattled the entire fuckin house. Chole starts barking and growling with no fuckin end. Loud. My room is at the opposite end of the house, and I heard the growls. Terrified the shit out of me. I have never heard her be that aggressive.
My mom got up at the bang though, and soon after the barking started she saw a man run to her truck in the front yard and start to get in. (We don’t lock truck doors, and the keys are almost always in them while we’re home. Bad on our part, but this legit never happens around here and everyone is lulled into a false sense of security.) And this guy is big. I mean big. 6’2” 250-260 lbs at least. She grabs the first gun she saw, which happened to be a rifle of sorts. (The one time I’m actually glad we have guns everywhere.) She points it at him.
“What the fuck are you doing in my truck?!”
(Keep in mind: my moms truck is a 2006 Ford F-250. It’s got some insane suspension keeping it jacked up. The tires go up past my knee. You don’t get in, you fuckin climb in that truck.)
At this point I’m somewhere between sleep and the insane amount of adrinaline that is pumping into my system.
“Ryan! Get the fuck up!”
She was yelling to my dad. He gets up and grabs another gun. Another rifle, I think. While he’s doing that my mom yells at the guys again: “Who the fuck are you?! What the fuck are you doing here?! Get the fuck out of my fucking truck! What the fuck do you want?!” Etc., etc. Lots of fucks in there.
The dogs are going fuckin crazy. I still can hear Chole growling over the shouting. Eugene starts baying in his kennel. (Baying is like a weird combo between a bark and a howl that hound dogs do.)
This guy is covered in dirt. Like head to fuckin toe in clay and mud. He’s got a black long sleeve, gray pants, and old tennis shoes on. He’s bald.
“What the fuck are you doing in my yard?!”
My dad. Two guns are at the guy now.
“Get out of that fucking truck!”
The guy yells that he’s throwing the keys over, and proceeds to throw a tube of chapstick and a magnet from the cup holder at my dad. My dad knows it not the keys, because as he threw them, the truck cranks up.
“That truck moves a fucking inch, I will shoot you!”
He puts the truck in neutral, and revs the engine. We think he thought it was in reverse, and he was trying to leave. He gets out of the truck with his hands above his head, and he’s shaking them wildly. Like, waving his arms around as he’s doing jazz hands. He starts talking about something or another, but they couldn’t understand because his words were so slurred. The one thing they pick out is a “Don’t shoot, I’ve had a bad enough night already.”
Then he just. Fuckin. Turns and starts running away down the drive. My dad fires a shot up in the air as a warning, about the same time he turns away. He’s running down the driveway, and all of a sudden he just stops dead in his tracks, lays down, rolls a few feet, then gets up and starts running again.
So I’m in my room, completely fuckin frozen. My blinds are closed so I can’t see out at anything that’s happening, but I hear it all. My cat is just staring at me like, wtf dude. I grabbed my phone off of charge when I first sat up. Not sure why. I just grabbed it and had a fuckin death grip on it. And I just sat there in bed. It felt like seconds, but apparently it was upwards of 3-4 mins. My brain comprehended that there was danger. But like...
My brain: Danger!
My brain: No time to think!
My brain: So don’t think!
Anyways, the guy turns right down the road, and after attempting to break into the neighbors’ house, stealing a tow truck (our neighbor owns a junk yard), crashing it in a ditch, running another mile (through very thick woods), at some point completely undressing himself, he was found at about 4 o’clock by the K-9 unit, naked, covered in mud and scratches in some bushes. He was screaming something about having three balls, but the other was in his pocket and he needed to go get it.
Found out that he was on meth. He’s been in and out of jail his entire life, and just got out this October from an 18 year sentence.
The sentence was for manslaughter in the first degree. (Don’t even get me started on that fuckin sentence time.)
He’s being changed with multiple things, including but not limited to: attempted burglary, attempted grand thieft auto, grand thieft auto, attempted assault, and a couple others to do with the meth.
Anyways, that’s how my fuckin night went. It was terrifying, kinda funny to retell, but then it got dark real fuckin fast. -7/10 terrible way to end the year. Would not recommend.
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vino-and-doggos · 5 years
Duality, chapter 1
Read on AO3
Length: 3844 words
Rated: Explicit
Status: Incomplete (chapter 1 of ?)
Summary: Roy Mustang is a young man, dealing with his burgeoning sexuality, a difficult alchemy teacher and his hard-set daughter, and a good-looking cadet that also likes quiche.
Chapter warnings: Explicit descriptions of the mechanics of gay sex.
Endless thanks and praise to @flourchildwrites for beta-ing and nuturing this fic from the beginning. She’s actually kind of the best.
Nothing in Chris Mustang’s life ever happened predictably, and that suited her just fine. Most people finished school, got a job, found their soulmate, got married, had kids, lived happily ever after, and died still married to their first love.
Women had their own set of rules. “Speak only when spoken to. No cussing. And for God’s sake, Christine, keep your legs together unless some gentleman makes an honest woman out of you!” And, once an “honest woman” was made, she was expected to spend her days barefoot and pregnant, chained to a kitchen.
Chris realized early on that was not something that she wanted. Love? Sure. Wifely duties? Not so much. She didn’t want any part of bearing children. Cooking was not her forte. And Chris absolutely loved a good pair of shoes.
Chris thought she found the love of her life when she was fourteen. She dropped out of school to follow him around the world and was disowned by her parents in the process. But after her lover got what he wanted from her, the jerk tossed her aside faster than last year’s model of automail in Rush Valley.
However, Chris was not one to stay down. Picking herself up by her bootstraps, she made her way in the world by taking up a tried and true profession. Chris earned every cenz of her keep between the sheets of a brothel bed, lowering herself to an extreme that flustered the well-bred ladies of her family’s social circle. Better that than crawling back to her parents.
The Amestrian dream of love, children, and white picket fences seemed unattainable in this line of work; so she set her sights on something different. The young prostitute truly enjoyed what she did - not necessarily the sex, although that could be pleasurable, depending on the client. Rather, the espionage, the secrets she learned from her customers - that was what she truly preferred in her career.
Plus, leaving a man gasping for air through waves of ecstasy held a certain power. Chris liked that power. Knowing that she was good at what she did, knowing that she could learn the secrets that she could learn, and getting a bit of pleasure for herself on the side left her feeling more freedom than she had ever experienced under the iron fist of her father and the prim, proper, punctuality of her mother.
After a number of years, Chris saved enough money to purchase the bar and brothel from the ailing owner. She was, of course, the best at what she did, and the transition from prostitute to Madam was seamless.
What she didn’t expect, however, was a phone call. A phone call about her brother. A phone call about her now-dead brother. And his surviving child.
Madam Christmas, as she was now known, suddenly had a five-year-old boy. She had no clue that her parents had died, not that she cared. Her brother had reached out a few times over the years, informing her of his marriage and, later, of his son, her nephew.
But to keep Philip and his family’s reputation as clean as possible, she never returned his correspondence. It wasn’t right that Philip, as well as the sister-in-law and the nephew that she had never met, should be punished by society for her sins. Not getting to know her nephew was tough, and looking at the grainy photograph that her brother sent a few years ago made Chris regret her line of work for the first time.
Philip probably assumed Chris rejected him, just as their parents had done to her. Likewise, he hadn’t even bothered to tell Chris that their parents had passed on. Hopefully, he didn’t mind that she was his only living relative to take in his son.
She learned a lot about her nephew - Roy - and about being a parent very quickly. The boy was kind of like her in some ways: a bit different than his peers, an outsider. However, he was much more intelligent than Chris could ever claim to be. He was sharp as a tack, always questioning the world around him, always wanting to learn more.
Chris never intended to be a mother, and with her connections, it wouldn't have been hard to hide the boy away. She knew bars and brothels, especially hers with its seedy history and paper thin walls, were no place to bring up children. But Roy was different in the way he looked, thought, and acted. Those beautiful almond eyes, dark like Phillip's, but with the pleasant hints of his mother's Xingese gentility, bore right into Chris' heart. There was no doubt about it. She and Roy were cut from the same cloth. And besides that, Chris’s parents disowned her, not the other way around. In her mind, family was family.
Roy became close with her girls, charming them with his smirkish smile almost immediately. The girls would pretend to swoon over him, all the while Chris’s smirk was nearly identical to Roy’s as she watched them interact.
Roy figured out around age 7 what the “bar” really was, and what his “sisters” really did. When he confronted Chris about it, she didn’t deny it - he was going to find out eventually, anyway. Shockingly, Roy didn’t recoil as she confirmed his suspicions; it just made him all the more protective of the girls as he grew.
As the years progressed, and the Madam and Roy lived together, they learned even more about one another. Chris didn’t quite realize what she was getting into when she got the phone call that her brother had died and she accepted Roy into her home, but she certainly wasn’t expecting a feisty child that would go after anyone who he thought treated any of the girls wrong.
Maybe she just wasn’t used to young boys? No, that wasn’t it. She remembered her brother being young and overprotective, too - that must be where Roy got his plucky nature from.
Roy was a good kid. A bright child. When he was young, he quickly learned math and was able to produce change from the till before even attending primary school. As he grew older, he held intelligent conversations about contemporary politics with the men that frequented the bar. He read classic novels that Madam Christmas hadn’t been able to finish. And yet, he still wasn’t applying himself in school. Poor kid must be bored, she thought to herself, and that’s when the metaphorical light bulb flickered into existence. I need to find him a tutor.
Mere weeks later, Madam Christmas saddled Roy with one of the finest tutors in Central City. To her delight, he excelled. Chemistry seemed to be the boy’s strong suit, and soon, he was able to rattle off numerous chemical compositions.
At the suggestion of his tutor, Roy picked up a few basic alchemy books to see if he had an affinity for the subject. And he did. The mischief-maker started to transmute things left and right, leaving alchemical scores in the tables, chairs, walls, and floors. To be honest, Roy’s new hobby grated on Chris’s nerves, but if it made the boy happy, she would gladly bear it.
Madam always wanted better for the girls that she took in. But this was the first time that she really thought about Roy and his future. She always assumed that Roy would grow up here, continue to work in the bar, maybe get an office job when he was old enough. Now, she was starting to reconsider.
Honestly, she thought, I should see if I can find him an actual alchemy teacher. Maybe see if he can apprentice under someone.
Chris wasn’t exactly overjoyed thinking about sending Roy away to learn. Despite the fact that Roy had been with her for quite a few years now, she felt like he just got there, only to be carted off to someone somewhere else. But at the same time, there was only so much that small-time tutors could teach him. He needed more.
She pondered this for many nights, until she realized that sending him away wouldn’t mean that he wasn’t hers any longer or that he wouldn’t have a home to come back to. Sending him away to learn more about alchemy would only open doors for him as he got older.
Chris knew a few people who had to know of someone looking for an alchemy apprentice. Sitting down to write some letters, she hoped she was making the right choice. He can always decide that he doesn’t want to go, she rationalized. Roy seemed to truly have an affinity for the science, and who was she to deny him this possibility?
As gruff and as surly as Madam Christmas appeared on the outside, on the inside was a woman who was as fond of her Roy-Boy as she was protective.
One evening, shortly after Roy turned 13, a young man came into the establishment that the Mustangs called home. He looked so young, but Chris knew that the doorman wouldn’t have let him in without proper ID. Must have just turned 18, she thought with a slight frown. And that’s when she saw it. The Look. That glazed-over, jaw hanging open, a-bomb-could-go-off-and-they-wouldn’t-even-notice-it kind of look. But not from any of her girls.
No… This look belonged to none other than Roy Mustang.
Eyeballing the customer up and down, she took in his appearance. He was slender, maybe a little lanky, with dark, slicked-back hair and light blue eyes. A very striking combination. He dressed sharply, too - slim cut dress slacks, a white button-down shirt, and a vest that was obviously tailored to fit him. The striking customer shed his jacket and carefully folded it over his left arm. Chris chuckled out loud and murmured to herself, “Well, at least the boy has good taste.”
She watched as Roy made his way over to the young man under the pretense of serving him. Roy rarely actually worked in the bar. He usually milled around, pestering the girls, who were never really bothered by him being there, and talking to the customers, who could never really be bothered with his presence. The fact that he was approaching the table before any of Madam’s girls were was… fascinating.
“H-hi! Would you like something to drink?” Roy stammered, a nervous energy radiating from him.
“Hi, yourself,” the gentleman smiled back. “Thank you, yes; two fingers of whiskey on the rocks?”
“Sure thing! I’ll be right back!” he said quickly and eagerly, ready to please. Chris saw his fast pace stutter as he made it about halfway back to the bar. He has no clue what two fingers of whiskey means, she realized, stifling a laugh.
Roy approached the bartender, one of his older sisters named Anna, and in quiet whispers managed to ask what exactly this customer was requesting from the bar. Subtlety, Chris noticed, Anna told him what bottle to grab, how much ice to place in the glass, and then when to stop pouring from the bottle. She took note that Anna allowed Roy to do all of this himself. And probably a good thing, too - the young customer hadn’t taken his eyes off of Roy.
As the man took a seat at a booth in the corner, his eyes continued to follow Roy scuttling around behind the bar. The boy’s not for sale, and you best not try anything if you want to keep all parts of yourself intact, Chris snarled as she thought to herself. Keeping an eye on her nephew became her new task for the evening. After a few drinks and a goodbye nod in Roy’s direction, the young man stood up and exited the bar, never inquiring about the extra services provided in the upstairs rooms.
On his way out the door, Chris caught his eye, looked meaningfully at Roy, and shot him a look. He had the sense to look scared as he slowly backed out of the bar, breaking eye contact with Chris only when the door swung shut.
For the next few nights, Roy’s eyes would snap to the door every time someone would walk in. He was disappointed more than a few times over, but eventually, a few weeks later, the man returned. And kept coming back.
Over the next year or so, Chris found that William was his name and that he had moved to Central for work. William didn’t know that Madam Christmas’ establishment was anything more than a bar at first, and he struggled with the idea of coming back after his initial visit.
Nevertheless, as William told the story, nobody quite provided the drinks like Christmas did, always with a quick wink in Roy’s direction. That could be taken innocently, mused Chris - until she looked at Roy, that is. With stars in his eyes, he looked back at William, a faint flush dusting his cheeks.
Internally, Chris groaned. And so it begins. I thought I had a few more years of peace… I should have known better.
One night, Roy was so enamored by William that he knocked over an entire bottle of fine red wine. The alcohol wasn’t that big of a loss, if Chris was being honest with herself. However, the customer that Roy spilled the majority it on… well, he probably wasn’t coming back. And that was truly unfortunate, since he was typically the one spilling something after a few drinks.
Chris called Roy into her private office the following morning. They needed to talk.
“Yes, Aunt Chris?” Always Aunt Chris in private. Always Madam Christmas in public.
“Have a seat, Roy-Boy,” Chris said, motioning to the overstuffed armchair in front of the fireplace. Roy sat down with a slight air of nerves. Chris realized that he probably thought that this was about him spilling the wine. I am definitely going to remember this for years, she thought, a small smile playing on her face.
“So,” she began, “you’re attracted to men.”
Roy’s face exploded into no less than ten different shades of red, and he began spluttering. “That’s - what - how - I - I don’t know what you’re talking about!” he blustered.
Oh yes, thought Chris. For years.
Chris leveled her eyes at him and stated flatly, “I’m not blind, kid. I’ve been in this business a long time. I know what attraction looks like.”
Roy’s head dropped as he looked at the floor in front of him. “What are you going to do with me?” he asked quietly.
“What?” Suddenly Chris wasn’t thinking about laughing any more. This wasn’t something she thought he would ask.
He took a deep breath, looked back up at her, and squared his jaw. “I said, what are you going to do with me?”
“‘Do with you’?” Chris repeated. “I’m not gonna do anything ‘with’ you, kid! I just want to know you’re safe!”
The look on Roy’s face was pure confusion. Homosexuality was by no means illegal, but it wasn’t exactly smiled upon, either. Many families chose to send their “afflicted” family members away. The Madam had always scoffed at that idea - family was family. Chris Mustang was a lot of things. A sex worker, a bar maid, a brothel mother, and now a foster mother to her nephew. One thing she wasn’t, though, was discriminatory.
“Listen, Roy. I don’t care who or what you’re attracted to. I’ve employed men here before, too, but you probably don’t remember, since you were pretty young when the last one left. Sex between men is fine, if that’s what you’re in to. However, sex between men is something that isn’t as easy as that birds and the bees stuff I told you about before. Things are different.”
Roy scoffed, “Well, obviously,” and rolled his eyes.
Such a damn teenager, Chris thought to herself. “Alright then, smarty-pants, do you want to explain the mechanics of gay sex to me?”
Any color that was in Roy’s face drained. “Well… you just… there’s no vaginal canal… so there’s not any… penetration…” he said haltingly. Chris shook her head.
“I’m not sure whether to be thankful that you haven’t actually done anything or disappointed that you haven’t figured it out on your own yet. I’m going to choose to believe the first one. In the meantime, though, I think you better let me take the reins on this talk, kid. First thing, yes, there can be penetration. However, the anus doesn’t make its own lubricant like the female body does.”
“The what?” Roy weakly uttered.
“You heard me, boy. Anus. A-N-U-S. No lube. If you’re planning on having penetrative sex, always make sure you have some. If you don’t have conventional lubricant, something like olive oil would work. Do you remember what I told you about why foreplay is important with women?”
Despite the somewhat embarrassing subject matter, some color returned to Roy’s face. He always was one hell of a learner, and Chris was glad to see that at least something from her previous talk was still rattling around in his head. “It’s important because it loosens a woman’s muscles and helps the body prepare for sex,” his surprisingly steady voice answered.
“Correct. Foreplay is important for men, too, but in a slightly different way. That part of anatomy doesn’t relax on it’s own like a woman’s does with sexual stimulation. It has to be done manually. Usually, it’s done with a lot of lube and some fingers.” At this, Chris grinned wickedly. She brought her hands up to Roy’s eye level and made a skillful scissoring motion with her first and second fingers. Roy looked absolutely mortified. “Make sure that you or the person you’re with has been prepared well so that it’s not painful.”
“Painful?” Roy all but yelped.
“Yes, painful. If you listen to me and do it right, though, it should just be uncomfortable at first.”
Roy nodded shakily. “What else do I need to know?”
“Not too much, kid. Hands and mouths are still useful - yes, even there,” she added at Roy’s slightly perturbed expression. “But most importantly, have some fun with it. Enjoy yourself. That’s the most important part of having sex! God knows that’s the reason why this place has stayed in business over the years. But -” she cautioned, “just because I’m giving you this talk in no way, shape, or form condones you having sex. You’re still only fourteen. Don’t rush into something you’re not ready for because you think you know how. I wanted to make sure you knew what could be coming just in case.”
The boy in front of her let out a breath. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Good. Now since I have you here… While you were batting your eyelashes at your boy toy last night, one of my colleagues was here and asked to meet with me.” Chris truly believed that watching Roy’s face turn pink would never get old. “He mentioned that some relative of his is a halfway famous alchemist - for a small town, anyway. He’s had a few apprentices over the years, but none have lived up to his expectations. My colleague remembered you studying that gigantic alchemy textbook the last time he was here.”
She noted Roy’s thoughtful expression as he put the pieces together. “What do you say, kid? Wanna go study under a true alchemist?” Chris paused for a moment, letting Roy ponder her question. She wondered if he was going to turn down the opportunity at hand because of this William kid stepping in.
Roy met his aunt’s eyes. She saw a fire there that was so familiar. She saw the same look in her brother’s eyes many years ago. Chris saw so much of her brother in her nephew. Some days it was almost hard to separate them in her mind… the tenacity, the determination, the fierce need to protect those close to him. She didn’t have to wait for him to speak - she already knew his answer.
The letters were sent. The dates were set. Roy was going to study alchemy that following summer.
With each day that went by, Roy was equal parts excited and disappointed. As much as he was looking forward to seeing new places and learning new things, he was almost dreading leaving the familiar behind. Not to mention William.
When Roy explained to William that he was leaving to pursue an apprenticeship under a prestigious alchemist, Chris was surprised, to say the least.
“Roy…” William started. “We like each other. You and I both know it. But… it’s not proper.”
Chris had to stifle her sharp intake of breath as she shamelessly eavesdropped with three of the girls, hiding in the doorway between the stockroom and the bar.
“Not that we’re both male, don’t give me that look, Roy. I just… I always thought that there was plenty of time for good conversation and getting along now, and when we were both a little older, when the gap wouldn’t matter so much anymore, we could try for something. Now that I’m standing here thinking about it, we’re both still so young. We shouldn’t be holding each other back.”
Chris heard one of the girls let out a soft sigh. Whether in disappointment or relief, she couldn’t be sure. Seldom though it happened, Chris Mustang wasn’t sure what she was feeling. Hope because Roy was moving on? Or sadness, because she knew the bitter taste of a first love lost?
“Hey, hey, hey, none of that,” she heard William chide warmly. “Tell you what… if, at the end of your alchemy training, we’re both not seeing anyone, come look me up. I’ll be sure to leave any forwarding information with the Madam. I want what’s best for you, Roy - and I think this will make you the happiest in the long run.”
She heard clothes rustling as, she assumed, they stood, and William prepared to leave. The sound of the door closing followed soon after. As much as Chris dreaded dealing with a broken heart, she had all of the respect in the world for William in that moment.
William returned during the remaining weeks before Roy departed; however, the aspiring alchemist never left the safe confines of the bar area while William was there. Roy was polite and cordial, but not in the open and warm way he had previously been. Roy always ensured that Anna would serve him - it was enough for him that someone who knew what William liked would be helping him.
The tense weeks moved quickly by, soon making way for a frenzy of buying supplies, packing, and saying goodbyes.
Chris watched as her son boarded an East City-bound train. She waved as the train pulled out of the station. Her Roy-Boy was bound and determined to become the apprentice his master had been looking for. And she was determined to not let him see the sparkle in her eyes.
Damn this weather, Chris thought as she looked up to the blue, cloudless sky and felt the wetness on her cheek.
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For the percy jackson qs All of them bc I'm a slut for u answering questions about the shit u love :3c
Aaaaaah thank you bae!!! This is super long tho because, you know me, I can talk A LOT about this universe. And also, if you have more questions, please ask me so that I can continue to gush about my favourite series in the entire world OTL 
1.How old were you when you read the Percy Jackson books?
I was 11 when I first started reading them 😂 I was a tiny bby
2.What year did you read them in?
Does this mean academic year or actual year? Because I read them in year 7 (6th Grade) so that would have been in somewhere around 2010 I think???
3. What caused you to read them?
My older brother had read them and recommended The Lightning Thief to me and a selection of books were being given out at my school for free to encourage kids to read and The Lightning Thief happened to be one of them. And the rest is history 😂
4.Which of the series have you read in the PJO universe?
All of them~ I have read every book in the PJO, HoO, KC, and MCGA series and I’ve just preordered The Dark Prophecy at my local book store so I can keep up to date with ToA. I’ve also read all the side books like Demigod Diaries and Demigods and Magicians, and the two books of Professor Percy and they’re all aligned in chronological order on my book shelve because I’m a fucking nerd OTL
5. What is your favorite series in the PJO universe?
Oh god help me. I don’t know??? I love them all for different reasons??? I find myself ranting most to other people about HoO but the Magnus Chase series is probably my favourite because not only is it a wonderful story but The Hammer of Thor was the first time I had ever read about a genderfluid character and the way Alex was portrayed was just so wonderful to me that I will reread that book over and over again, specifically on his pages because it’s kinda like seeing a little bit of myself in my favourite world. It heightens my sense of escapism and belonging there that’s for sure XD
6.Who is your favorite character?
From the PJO series- Thalia GraceFrom the HoO series- Nico Di Angelo/ Leo Valdez/ Reyna (DO NOT MAKE ME PICK!)From the ToA series- Will SolaceFrom the KC- either Sadie Kane (because I’m always here for another Ribena enthusiast) or AnubisFrom the MCGA series- ALEX FIERRO RULER OF MY LIFE!!!
7.Who is your least favorite character?
Overall?? Either Zeus (because he was the world’s first fuckboi) or Bianca Di Angelo. As an older sibling, I could never imagine leaving my younger sibling all alone just because I wanted a bit more freedom in my life. It’s incredibly selfish and I just can’t ever forgive her for it. She may have been a hero and an interesting character and I was really torn up when she died but I will never forgive her for the way she treated her younger brother.
8.What are your headcanons?
THERE ARE TOO MANY TO LIST!!! But one of my main headcanons that I will list here (I’ll message you others if you ever read the whole universe) is that Nico and Anubis know each other and get along. Now this started because they’re described as looking very similar to each other (black, shaggy hair, dark brown eyes, pale af with a similar fashion sense of just black on black) and it kind of snowballed once I read Son Of Neptune. Because to me, it would make so much sense for Nico to know about other pantheons long before the other demigods. Why? Because Death is universal across mythology. And Nico, as the son of Hades, needs to know about his death rituals which- I think- would lead him to researching the other pantheons and learning that immortality really is forever. But yeah, i just love the idea of Nico and Anubis being friends and looking out for one another because they both understand the stigma around death but they’re both actually kind of dorky the minute they stop being angry??? But yeah, there’s just one of my headcanons and look how long that took to summarise OtL
9.Do you read fanfic for these books?
Yesssssssss all day every day!!
10.Do you write it?
I try to OTL it’s just, with characters i love and adore so much I’m so scared of doing them a disservice??? If that makes sense? I’ve got a thousand scenarios in my head but when I try to write I end up starting at a blank screen for 30 minutes before going back and rereading the books again XD
11.What’s your favorite scene?
From PJO- When Percy offers Pandora’s Pithos to Hestia as an offering. It’s just such an important act at the time and I just love it so much!!!!From HoO- uuuurgh it’s a tie up between Jason comforting Nico after Croatia and then the ending with the two camps and Reyna being a badass. From ToA- I know this isn’t really a scene but when Apollo makes the remarked about Achilles, Briseis and Patroclus because Iliad jokes~~ 😂 but other than that, probably when Apollo starts to realise how shit a parent he actually is and feeling kinda guilty about it. I just love seeing him evolve as a person rather than stay the same immortal fuckboi forever. From KC- THE FUCKING CAN OPENER!!! I laughed for about an hour when I first read the bit when Carter finds out about Horus possessing him. I actually couldn’t read past that bit without laughing over and over again 😂 From MCGA- When Alex was lying down on the Bifrost. I always imagine it as a very beautiful scene because he’s got this rainbow light all around him but it also makes me feel sad for some reason I’ve yet to pin down. But yeah, Alex being pretty and melancholy surrounded by rainbow light~ From Demigods and Magicians- probably when Setne gets sucked into the snow globe. That was a good day reading that.
12.Most memorable quote?
‘With great power comes great need to take a nap’
13.Favourite romantic relationship?
I have a few! Solangelo is my favourite altogether tho because I love the contrast between the two (I’m a sucker for the night/day/death/life symbolism in a relationship) but I also love Percabeth, Jiper, Sam/Amir, Fierrochase, Sadie/Anubis/Walt (what is that relationship called??? I can’t remember OtL)
14.Favourite platonic relationship ?
Annabeth and Piper, Percy and Jason, Annabeth and Sadie, Piper and Hazel, Grover and Percy
15.Favourite familial relationship?
NICO AND HAZEL, NICO AND REYNA, NICO AND HADES, NICO AND JASON, (basically anyone who treats Nico like family and cares about him tbh) Percy and Sally, Thalia and Jason, Piper and Leo, Sadie and Carter, Sam and Magnus, Magnus and Annabeth (the little we’ve been given anyway), Sam and Alex, Apollo and his kids??? Like the way he’s actually starting to genuinely care and he feels mildly guilty at how much they’re supporting and caring about him when he’s done none of that for them???
16.What are your notps?
Reyna and Nico. Can’t stand that ship. Also Octavian and Rachel. Or anyone with Rachel really. Same with Percy and Artemis??? Like, no???? Artemis is a maiden for eternity, she has no interest in men whatsoever??? And Rachel is the oracle of Delphi so she’s sworn to not be with people for as long as she is the oracle??? I just don’t get it.
16.What house do you think Percy is in?
See this is really hard! Percy is certainly brace and noble enough to be in Gryffindor but he is fatally loyal to the people he loves and he works incredibly hard which are more Hufflepuff traits! But at the same time he can be cunning and tricky when he’s in a fight. But he’s not really ambitious enough to be a Slytherin and, while intelligent, he won’t follow up on an idea just because of the allure of knowledge so he’s not really a Ravenclaw…urgh I want to put him in Hufflepuff but idk. Either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor.
17.What house do you think Annabeth is in?
Either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. Like she will battle past her ADHD and dyslexia for the pursuit of knowledge and to better specialise herself in the areas she wants to but at the same time she walked into her worst nightmares, then fell into Tartarus, got out of Tartarus, then went to war all within the span of a month and a half. That takes Gryffindor courage right there. So yeah, either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw.
18.Thoughts on Luke?
I always feel really bad for Luke. Because he’s so relatable. It’s easy to see how he made the choices he did because he honestly thought that the Titans could be better because the gods mistreatment was all he had ever known. And it hurts what happened to him because he is the classic tragic hero; he made the wrong choices and the minute he realises what a mess he’s made of things, it’s already too late to stop anything. But he was able to do the right thing in the end and I just get really emotional whenever I think of that scene. It hurts too much 😭
19.What race do you think Percy is?
I don’t really know. I mean, we know he’s got a lot of his appearance from Poseidon so that means he should look very Grecian/Mediterranean, maybe he even has a sort of olive skin tone??? Idk. I guess whenever I think of Percy I just think of the kids I used to see on skateboards down at the local park. But yeah, probably Grecian if I had to pick.
20.What do you think of Frank and Hazel’s relationship?
I think it’s really cute. I like how it’s so fresh??? Because with Percabeth that relationship grew out of friendship over five books and Jiper has a natural flow to it with all the fragility and insecurity of a new relationship so it still works. But Hazel and Frank knew each other for such a short period of time before they started crushing on each other and I think it’s sweet to see kind of the love and first sight thing but warped slightly due to the complications that come with their lives. It’s interesting to see them struggle through all the confusion of a brand new relationship but still trying to keep themselves together. It’s nice to see that kind of love rather than the comfortable love of Percabeth or the steady love of Jiper. 21.What do you think of Calypso and Leo’s relationship?
I love it!!! At first I was skeptical but their banter and denial was really funny and the way Leo was determined to make it back to her. I had always wanted someone to treat Calypso right and I’m glad that Leo has someone now who will see underneath all the humour as well as appreciating him for himself :)
22.Do you follow Rick on any social media platforms?
Yes! I follow him on Twitter and on Tumblr~
23.What did you think of the movie?
I liked the visual effects but that was about it. And even then it was like, nice snakes, now where’s the plot??? I really did not like those movies. They need to be buried with the Avatar movie that never existed in my opinion.
24. What are your thoughts on the upcoming musical?
I’m really looking forward to it! I think they cast a really good Percy and I really like what I’m hearing so far. I love musicals and I understand there’s a bigger limit on what you can do on a stage compared to a film so I’m more lenient towards differences between the stage and the book.
25.Do you own any of the books and if so, which ones?
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH…..I have doubles of all of them OTL but there’s a reason for that!! One copy for myself so that I can always read them and then I lend out the second copies to my friends who are curious about this world that I won’t ever shut up about.
26.Which character are you most like, personality wise?
Idk really. Maybe Will??? Because I’m kinda easy going and I try to help out other people but if you piss me off you will know about it??? And it always takes people by surprise if they don’t know me very well at how angry I can be??? But yeah, maybe Will.
27.Which character do you look the most like?
If any of the characters have rainbow hair, I have not been informed of this! Nah but I don’t know. Without my coloured hair I just kinda look like a ghost with brown hair and colour changing eyes OTL Maybe Sadie because I used to be blonde but I dyed my hair so many times it turned brown and she streaks her hair a lot so yeah, Sadie Kane :)
27.If you could cosplay as any character, who would it be?
Okay I have cosplayer Nico before but I’m going to be cosplaying Alex at the next con I’m going to (unfortunately without her heterochromia because I’m allergic to contact lenses OtL)
28.What’s your favorite cover from the series?
Is it bad to say Blood of Olympus because Leo’s got a chainsaw in it? XD but yeah, actually Hammer of Thor because the Wolf mask on that cover with the eerie green glow across it is really cool!!
29.What are some books you would recommend to another fan?
Assuming these are books related to the PJO universe then The Demigod and Magicians crossover collection are definitely worth the read (assuming you’ve read both HoO and KC) and the Magnus Chase series because they are definitely worth branching away from the Greek and Roman gods.
If that means other series in general then His Dark Materials for definite and probably the Iliad.
30.Do you have any merchandise related to the series?
I do! I have a tshirt with Percy’s quote about procrastination on it (deadlines don’t seem real to me until I’m staring one in the face), and I have a matching charm bracelet, hair bow, earrings and necklace set with pendants that all say Camp Half-Blood on them
31.Any fan casts?
Not really. As long as they look the age of the characters *glares at the film* and they have the majority of the same features *again glares at the films* then I don’t really mind too much.
32.What did you think of the ending of Heroes of Olympus, if you read it?
I personally loved it. I agree it did feel a tiny bit anticlimactic over in Greece what with the gods kicking butt for the first time in the entire series but what happened between the camps and Gaia’s forces there was really cool. And the reconciliation of the camps afterwards and how everyone was getting along was really nice. And of course, the fact that Calypso was finally freed was a big A+ in my book.
33.Would you want to be connected to the Greek, Egyptian, Roman, or Norse Gods?
I think, as far as connected in the PJO universe way goes, I’d want to be a Magician for the House of Life. Because at least then I get a choice in whether or not I want a god in my life. If you’re a Demigod you get no choice whatsoever. If you’re just a magician then other than fighting in the apocalypse, you have a choice on what you want to do with your life (plus magicians can use electronics without calling down monsters on their heads)
34.What character from the universe do you think you would be best friends with?
Idk. It’s a tie up between Sadie, Leo and Magnus because they all have a sarcastic wit which I find hilarious but they all have differences that make me want to befriend them. Like with Sadie I could hang out with her any time of the week, and she has a really gives-no-shit attitude that I love (because I give too many shits about things) but at the same time she really cares a lot about her family and her friends which is important to me. Leo is hilarious in general but at the same time really insecure about stuff and I love helping people out and learning from them so I’d probably latch on to Leo and not stop bothering him about machines because all of it is really interesting. And then Magnus is a sarcastic little nerd who tries to be tough but is actually a sunflower and yeah, I have a lot of friends like that 😘😘😘
35.What’s the saddest scene from all the books?
Bob asking whether Percy would say hello to the stars and sun for him. That kills me every time to even think about. Fuck, now I’m crying 😭
36.What scene makes you the happiest?
Any scene of platonic friendship and love is guaranteed to make me happy. But most of all, when Hades told Nico he wanted him to be happy. That just killed me inside because it’s such a difference from the Last Olympian and Nico deserves happiness after all the shit he’s been through.
Thanks bae~
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renatedagmarmilada · 6 years
st barths human research latest
quote - we take all post out to the lab sent to and sent by our victim Fekete.Most if it is personal, she never receives, only bills, and a lot she sends never arrives, as we are to isolate her from talking or having any form of relationships with anyone, other than those we want her to talk to, whom we then manipulate. Letter she recently wrote to 84 yr old nun, in her old children's home, GP stuck on correct postage £1-25p as nuns is not permitted email by Church, I took it off and stuck one on half the amount. Let's see if it gets there. Christine, at St barths Human Research, London, illeg daughter of John Fielding.. For instance, she sent 12 children's books to Lahore Pakistan to family where she stayed, lab operatives took them home etc
lab St Barths Human Research has access to all my internetting and messes. Werner of Germany split my cable and sent half to lab half to me, clever devil. Anna, bossess of the Lab invites them to lab paid, asks what they can do in an effort to learn new tricks. As always the Germans are full of new ideas, but are considered stupid by the lab Ops as they are so honest and cannot work out how devious they are in London, which causes no end of amusement and derision.
tried to enter some photos of my time teaching at Ocean Uni Qingdao in China on QINGDAO FOREIGNER site but they blank out so have to put them here for the moment - with good friends I met soon after I arrived..
quote Can we write up some of Fekete's stories and degrees as ours.. John Fielding has more of her stuff hidden.. Yes. The english jews lie and cheat and destroy those who would die for them under the noses of their enemies..
Finchley -- tall Julia daughter of Harry and Blanche, Your new collection is out.. yes, I got £300 for each item, some £3000 altogether. All of it is that teacher artists work, copied.. ---our Jewish payment to those who feed us with their children's food and business fabrics...
quote --I have made a motif of one of your paintings..Anna's son, Antony, the african little girl ... Anna sells them
quote-- Scunthorpe school pal.. JOYCE FITCH.. we put 3 of your BA degree Literature from UEL texts into her stuff, to send to Magazines as her own work.. is she cancerous? we put all your class mates, all your college, all your university, all the art college onto our monitor, so now we are sending your degree works and your poetry, stories from writers groups and art work round to them. We pay a thief to go into their homes- and they are on our scanner. /second row, fourth up, me right end./--- Dr Jack, don't let Fekete have her first, give her a second.Foreigner./
The Kaiser said that all jews had to go home.. Stuart, illeg son of John Fielding,... We have to repeat Fekete all the while, but we have to put it wrongly.. then we say it was her mistake. The Kaiser actually told them to stay after WW1 as it would be dangerous for them because of the Russian and Hungarian Pogroms
quote - if your case were handled properly and the English Civil Service and Minisiters were not involved as sex buddies and crime advice for the lab bossess, you and your sons should receive 35 million for what has been done to you. It has been worked out by lawyers. That includes no sickness pay for physical damage St barths Human Research has created etc no health permitted, cutting pensions, no advancements permitted, isolation, destruction of life and relationships, thefts for thirty years etc. Urban cowboys is not the name for them, it literally was English Auschwitz, for their amusement. We could do it so we did it!!
just a thought, my ex husband and I saved like mad to buy our first home, to get out of our council house for which we paid rent, a small semi. He worked all the hours possible and did without- a lot. Around me here, new citizens live in small semis rent free, without making any efforts, never having paid tax..no not in flats, in semis with gardens, front and back. Makes you wonder why we bothered..
Quick watch before it deleted and I'm blocked
FINCHLEY --Steve illeg son of Allan Lieberman Cross.. HE'S VERY GOOD. He has used your drawings and traced them and is selling them as his work..he actually can't draw. There will never be another opportunity like this one the Americans and Health Ministry has given us along with millions and Brexit, to raise any idiot and all our families
The POLES are in now, to make up for our remote crashing their plane by remote filled with government people..
Tamara, Andover Str Sheffield sold two more of your paintings last week, out of the 200 she has robbed from you. She told her London friend who lives in the same street: I work on them all the while, she lies in front of her young daughter. Watched on the lab monitor because of serious embezzlement issues, working on Fekete's drawing means she draws a line here and there.. druggy thief woman and her sister Margaret still have some of your sketches, your best pastels. she's drawn into them, they are those with the superb hands and feet. she's drawn bits of clothes on.
Tomas, Sheffield Slovak from Ukrainian area, lives up Daniel Hill Sheffield, trespassing and theft, two Saturdays ago, watched by man on Springvale Flats, next door to Alec the Polish Jew, fat face, knows Bohdan, Upperthorpe. Serb, 13 counts of theft, one of Manslaughter from way back. the Ukrainian Receiver for lab st barths asked him to enter and rob for £100.. is robbing again..
MARGIT-- Edgeware road, don't be such a liar, we know whose work it is. He was a pig, but he was clever.. No he wasn't. Anna told him his writing was dry, and like all jews, he had to have money, talent and everything. He used to go on the monitor and take Fekete's work at University and Colleges off as his own and read it out, even to his grandchildren / BA Thesis, UEL German Jewry//...
quote - we send her Fekete's stories and poems to magazines and newspapers because once printed they can never be taken out. lab st barths Human Research. we just say we have permission. No one checks, nor do the design companies ever check whose work it is, they just pay out to us in hundreds.
shock during the night and pressure on brain and other organs, woke me up. Shock created by WOLF german researcher. I just had to try it out on someone, shock kills.
quote --the americans did... no, not tots, 13-14 year olds with their permission, willing.. a bit different to what is going on here.
quote --Sadly, all John Fielding's sons are violent as well as corrupt, as is their father ---and the daughters ....... Faye is the best of them all and Bethany the most lunatic. /from my mum's stories she told me of old Poszon, how the Orthodox Jews would run through the city carrying the Holy book TORAH above their heads. Her stories were much, much better than mine and more interesting/
Finchley .. tall Julia, daughter of former dr Harry of Middlesex Hospital and Blanche. Harry was orthodox once. To her mother's disapproval /it has to be said/- printed six small books of my poems /quite amusing, in their eyes their enemies lives- experiences/ Wrote to a magazine some of my stories and to the BBC and sold some 600 to 700 of my paintings. Also took some of my blouses /second hand 5$ silk ones I brought back from my favourite place, the second hand shop in Con...
Sheffield Art in the background. Life Drawing group met there too, my fave place in Sheffield. The gardens surrounding it often drawn in my paintings.
the lab st barths Human Research showed Schmidt a film, that is all it was, a porn film by Anna's friend Joanna, made at the BBC for which we paid her a grand, directed by Sydney ..we made out it was Fekete. That is how we managed to get Bavaria into it, and create the accident with Haider and Fekete's friend Maria..and her family. Germans are so quick to believe any dirt about their own people or Europeans, and don't measure up the English and ours at all. which makes them appear stupid to us.
It was New York who first realised- we are corrupt but nothing compared to London, St barths Human Research.... and the Prince goes in there!!!! have you seen...................? say nothing.
QUOTE-WE HAD TO DISTRACT THE BERLIN WOMEN WHEN THEY VISITED FROM BERLIN HUMAN RESEARCH SO THEY SHOULD NOT DISCOVER WHAT WAS GOING ON WITH THE TOTS BEING USED FOR SEX BY OUR MEN- ESPECIALLY AS WE ARE NEARLY ALL JEWS, OR THAT FEKETE WAS REALLY AN EXCELLENT TEACHER WE WERE DESTROYING AND HER SONS.. ''Oh my God, what is that smell''..one of the berlin women said one morning when they came in. We had to incinerate one of the tots, she was dead by morning after sex. After that we avoided having visitors in the lab at all. The Health Ministry said nothing about it all.
quote we took her post out of the GP She sent a cheque to China Bank, when she went to Beijing. John Fielding kept it, eventually, he put it into his own bank, told them there was a mistake, so he had to sign it - as his own money. We owe her in bare money some £100,000+ probably more and her sons, likewise. add the Spanish thing we did. Where are her sons violins she bought him/ and the rest. Alyson had them stolen and sold them. They were presents, all presents had to be stolen..
flick through those , it is all FEKETE'S STUFF// ALL OF IT.. all of it even the covers are her drawings and then we outlined her stuff and life drawings, when she stopped doing actual pictures because we were copying it, and stuck to life drawing. THE HEALTH MINISTRY civil servants /on is now Minister Arthur/ and Minister, let us, they knew what we were doing.....
Who's afraid of the big bad wolf.. we just fondled the little ones and then it became sex, that is all. then it became regular sex at times by more than one man a night for the little ones, till it turned to what it is now. Isaac harry of Finchley did it /former doctor of Middlesex/ and the stealing is normal practice by research in this country.
It was Meyer's ideas.not ANNA'S./Edgeware Rd London/ Phillipa heard them. We have a biggy here. It really took off when we began hacking into accounts. Fekete eventually found a bank with a book, and has her ''reduced ''pension of £75 a week put into that, so she can check it. but the lab still got her at every turn. we had been using the population for fifty years or so, then the Queen gave us permission ..
Scunthorpe Times..it's a weekly magazine of daily life.. quote --Print it Lilian,/former Horobec/ you will get merit for it. Nooooo Print it, it is about Fekete's life, from her writers groups and her BE#d Sheffield Polytechnic, as an English Specialist, about school and Gillian Bell and others there - with those terms Fekete had- - like a summer breeze blowing through a Hungarian confessional.. No one will know.. Operatives Alyson used them all, she did loads of writing, ma...
Her aunt Lily back home was not ill at all, we simulated cancer and she died. Fekete has lost three aunts from lab over use and several cousins. We paid the Slovakians three millions to use our stuff there and their citizens here.
quote from a neighbour.... a woman came and went right in, when she came out, she looked me straight in the face, it was the Slovakians who live in this area, once two of them came. The mail man saw them as well. I knew the teacher was out, I saw her go to the bus stop, it is at least an hour to get into town, back again and do what she needs, she doesn't have a car.# He said, perhaps she has a lot of friends. The most terrible rubbish goes in her house, and bangs about, we h...
Fay Fielding- you used RF's pencil case? She was looking for it the other day. We used loads of her stuff to try to make out she was going mad, and forgetting.Then it became a flood. her best paints she finally bought.. All my best work was hers. I just painted over her paintings with her good paints because she used to use her cheap ones.. and sold them. maybe 2,000 of them. We knew the markets, she didn't, she was at University and having to work, they lived on £65 a week f...
Addy Close Sheffield- HORACE slovakian /court twice for rape in Slovakia/ recently stole my mother's birth certificate etc from my home.. from 1917. gold necklet etc Why? try getting your own family's stuff and leave ours alone.
Faye FIELDING I wrote a report /ART COLLEGE BA= Faye has flaire but not talent, so she copied all my work, literally for her MA//.. I put you were unreliable and then we sent Pakistani Operatives out to China, who travelled first class and lived in First class hotels, to show them how we press hearts all night and other body organs, cause diarhea and other ailments, so that the chinese thought it was YOU who was ill, when infact the Pakis were causing it and the problems in your classes.- 55 pupils per class and I loved it over there/-- TAIAN SCHOOL - December gets cold in North China..wonderful memories.
Sheffield English Studies Centre....Chinese students, one of the boys admitted he had used someone's work but did not know w hose and how come it was in his papers..//I see them regularly on the tram and at times chat to them, which makes me very happy= that is not my beer at the German cafe in Qingdao, but belonging to the american husband of my Chinese Qingdao Goddaughter Jun Jun Martha, now in USA./
Paula Bowden WATFORD is still printing your degrees and life stories as her own../ at 17 yrs old in Grimsby- I have short hair/
London School of Economics, maths teacher, boyfriend of Lauren Fielding, has been given my work to print as his own by Lauren Fielding.. another School of Economics lecturer has already printed my work.
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