obviouschild2014 · 8 days
Two shepherds of uruk saturday
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kittybroker · 4 months
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How much for my cat missile
Cat missile an evil finger hater! This scary finger biting freak now selling for only $12.47! How savage!
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littlemarianah · 2 months
Katniss is a cleaning lady on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. And on the weekends she work as a bartender all night.
Looks like a zombie most of the time. But it's for Prim. Soon the girl will go to college and Katniss's work will be complete. Just two more years, from Prim.
Katniss doesn't even have time to make food, she buys a bunch of junk food to eat while she's on the bus to work. Thai food, street hot dogs and any cheap scnak she can find.
Every day she passes in front of that damn bakery. While she eats that hard, tasteless microwave burger. They show off those cheese buns, cupcakes and cream croissant. Is cruel.
When she gets her paycheck on Wednesday she finds a way. Pays for Prim's asthma medicine first, which is a fortune. Pays for electricity and food for the week. There is still 11.32 dollars left. She takes a bus and now has 9.67 left.
She enters the bakery, smelling like bleach. Her hands are red from scrubbing tiles. Her hair is messy in a braid made many hours ago. She hides the uniform logo with her coat. It's kind of embarrassing to everyone to know that she cleans bathrooms to survive.
Especially in that bakery with the white floors and chic wooden counters. Everyone there seems to have a lot of money.
They only sell the bread package. 13.99 for 500 grams of cheese bread . She takes a deep breath.
She has 9.67 on her debit card.
She finds a dollar bill in her pocket, very crumpled.
Now it's 10.67 dollars.
She throws the coins on the counter while the baker looks at her confused. She has 1.75 in quarters.
All she has is 12.47 dollars. That's all the money.
She could cry now.
"If you don't have money, you better get out of here. The line is getting long" The baker says it sharply.
Katniss's eyes fill with fury, but she is so tired and so hungry. She just wants those buns. That damn idiot. She wished she could punch him in the face.
"Hey Bran, let me take care of this" the other baker comes. The other baker comes. Your nametag says 'Peeta'
"Listen, I think I have five dollars somewhere" she says.
"It's "It's okay, give me the coins and the dollar bill to help with my change and I'll give you the bread."
She suddenly turns red, her eyes can fill with tears.
She is so happy, but she can only say it harshly "I'm not a beggar"
"I know, that's why I'm asking for the coins" He reacts well, he wants to help her, but he doesn't want her to feel bad. The other baker rolls his eyes and sighs.
"OK thanks." she says awkwardly.
He smiles and she smiles back. He takes the coins and she keeps the bread.
Katniss cries as she walks home. Eating those chesse bread that just came out of the oven. She would never be able to repay that.
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feudecendres · 3 months
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nobrashfestivity · 7 months
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A circular Portuguese-cut zincite Weighing approximately 12.99 carats and measuring 12.47 x 7.82mm
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annaliisa8 · 7 months
Wait, isn't tonight's song the same song "ihan sama" he played at Tampere in March? At 12.47. The one he said he is not sure if it will be in the next album.
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skinnyaidaaa · 3 months
Co dzisiaj zjadłam
( 2 dzień mojej diety )
Pierwszy posiłek: kawa z mlekiem
90 kcal
Godzina 12.47
Drugi posiłek: jogurt pitny Fruvita
160 kcal
Godzina 16
Trzeci posiłek: baton proteinowy Go Active
179 kcal
Godzina 17
Czwarty posiłek: Makaron konjac z Pad Thai
43 kcal
Godzina 20
Maksymalna liczba kalorii: 500
Łączna liczba zjedzonych kalorii: 472
Spalone kalorie: 182
Bilans: 290
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Ps. Ten makaron konjac jest tak sycący, że czuje się jakbym zjadła kilka opakować tego makaronu.
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betatrollsstims · 2 days
can i get a uhhhhh transmasc equius icon but with the rizz equius you made (12.47 at the first window)
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both transmasc flags versions
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multigenderswag · 11 months
Survey Results: Langauge
Note on categorization: Different pronoun sets with the same subject form were categorized together. For example, ze/hir and ze/zir pronouns were both categorized as “ze.” 
313 unique subject pronouns were provided. Of those, there were thirteen different subject pronouns that were used by over 1% of participants. In order, they are
“He,” with 1154 participants (78.18%)
“They,” with 965 participants (65.38%)
“She,” with 761 participants (51.56%)
“It,” with 646 participants (43.77%)
“Xe,” with 327 (22.15%)
“Fae,” with 207 (14.02%)
“Ae,” with 177 (11.99%)
“Ze,” with 171 (11.59%)
“Ey,” with 167 (11.31%)
“E,” with 123 (8.33%)
“Star,” with 22 (1.49%)
“Ve,” with 20 (1.36%)
“Pup,” with 15 (1.02%)
Number of pronouns
In a question asking the number of pronouns someone uses, the options provided were 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or more, all pronouns, the number of pronouns changes regularly, and questioning. People who use different numbers of pronouns depending on context (ex: more pronouns with friends than with strangers), they were told to select the option that applied most often.
5 participants (0.34%) used 0 sets pronouns.
124 (8.40%) used 1 set of pronouns.
374 (25.34%) used 2 sets of pronouns.
343 (23.24%) used 3 sets of pronouns.
102 (6.91%) used 4 sets of pronouns.
184 (12.47%) used 5 or more sets of pronouns.
125 (8.47%) used all pronouns.
165 (11.18%) had a regularly changing number of pronouns.
54 (3.66%) were questioning the number of pronouns they used.
In a question asking whether people with multiple sets of pronouns preferred that their pronouns be used interchangeably, the options given were 
Yes, and it is misgendering if they don't (171, 11.59%)
Yes, but I don't mind if they stick to one set (781, 52.91%)
No, I prefer that people stick to one set (104, 7.05%)
I don't have a preference (314, 21.27%)
I don't use multiple pronouns (106, 7.18%)
Of people who did use multiple pronouns, 12.48% felt misgendered when pronouns were not used interchangeably, 57.01% preferred that pronouns be used interchangeably but did not mind otherwise, 7.59% preferred that people stick to one set of pronouns, and 22.92% did not have a preference. 
Gendered terms
Participants were asked to select the type of gendered terms they preferred to be referred to with. They were allowed to select multiple options. The options were
Masculine terms such as “man” (1010 participants, 68.43%).
Feminine terms such as “woman” (440 participants, 29.81%). This is less than the number of participants who identify as female.
Combined terms such as “manwoman” (520 participants, 35.23%). 
General terms such as “person” (996 participants, 67.48%).
Nonbinary specific terms such as “enban” (295 participants, 19.99%). 
Nonhuman terms such as “thing” (588 participants, 39.84%). 
No preference (104 participants, 7.05%). 
While the number of participants who preferred combined terms was very close to the number of participants who identified as both male and female (a difference of 12 participants), and the number of participants who preferred masculine terms was somewhat close to the number of participants who identified as male (a difference of 56 participants), the number of participants who identified as female was notably larger than the number of participants who preferred feminine terms (a difference of 210 participants). 
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katoisha11 · 1 year
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لا تجعل قلبك مكانا للجميع ...
لكن اجعل في قلوب الجميع مكانا لك .
وليم شكسبير
12.47 am
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imtoooldfortoys · 2 months
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Monster High G3 Signature Core Series 1: Clawdeen Wolf. Currently retailing for $12.47 on Walmart!
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atobibas · 2 months
Who appears the most in The Nightmare on Coral Island?
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Spoilers for the story + page number is calculated from percentage, I didn't count pages!
Horace - 7 (panels / 1.29 (pages) / 1.41% (of the story)
O'Hara - 13 / 2.4 / 2.62%
Piuma - 18 / 3.33 / 3.62%
Minnie - 27 / 4.99 / 5.43%
Harvey - 53 / 9.81 / 10.66%
Blotty - 55 / 10.18 / 11.07%
Mickey - 260 / 48.12 / 52.31%
(My thoughts and additional stats below!)
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Despite his low percentage this is actually the story in the trilogy where the Blot appeared most (both by panels and percentage)! Interestingly, this is also the first one where Egmont decided to list it as a Mickey & Phantom Blot story, instead of just Phantom Blot! I think that makes sense here, I just think they should've at least done it for Black and White as well!
Anyways, entry and exit stats! (I also counted when Mickey is in the prison as Blot, listed as "Prison" here).
Blot - 1 (0.2%) / 497 (100%)
Piuma - 11 (2.21%) / 494 (99.4%)
Harvey - 43 (8.65%) / 483 (97.18%)
O'Hara - 51 (10.26%) / 475 (95.57%)
Mickey - 51 (10.26%) / 476 (95.77%)
Minnie - 62 (12.47%) / 473 (95.17%)
Prison - 82 (16.5%) / 455 (91.55%)
Horace - 400 (80.48%) / 473 (95.17%)
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Also, I should mention that I didn't count first appearences of characters in flashbacks. So if the first time we see a character is in a flashback or some other form of explanation outside the narrative I won't be counting that.
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the-clari-net · 2 years
welcome to the nasty burger - Ectoberhaunt2022 Day 1
“Hello, welcome to the Nasty Burger, may I take your order?”
“Um yeah, could I get a number 5 with extra Nasty Sauce on the side?”
“Sure, would you want that to be a combo meal or just the burger?”
“Combo meal please. Oh, and before I forget can I also get an order of veggie fries?”
Caleb the cashier looks at the guy ordering strangely until he sees the pretty goth girl sitting at a booth looking in his direction. She waved and he smiled back a little. Ah…
He remembered seeing her come in once or twice to get herself a to-go order off the slim pickings of the vegetarian menu. However, her odd food preferences and looks weren’t the only thing that remained memorable in Caleb’s mind.
See, Caleb had just moved into Amity Park at the beginning of December, right after his 17th birthday. His mom got a great business opportunity in the city working for Axiom Labs that she couldn’t pass up. And so, in quick fashion, Caleb and his parents came to Amity Park leaving their lives in Virginia behind. To be quite honest, Caleb didn’t mind the move very much. He had some friends he’s been emailing back and forth which has helped him get through winter break.
That’s also part of the reason why he decided to get this job at Nasty Burger (he was surprised at the popularity of a place with such an unappealing name for a restaurant). When he met the goth girl, it had only been a week into moving in and his third day on the job.
“Hello, and welcome to Nasty Burger, can I take your order?”
The girl had stared at him. She looked surprised.
“Oh yeah, I just started a few days ago.” Caleb thought to himself, “Is she a regular? Does she know all the staff?”
The girl pursed her lips, playing with her lip ring in the process. “I mean that too…but when did you move in? There aren’t many people our age around here so it’s noticeable when there’s a new face around here”.
Caleb was a little surprised at hearing that. After all, his previous school was massive; he knew Amity Park wasn’t a major city, but to know everyone in school? That felt very suffocating. He chuckled awkwardly.
“I moved in just last week, my mom got a job in the area so I’m enrolling to Casper High for the next semester. So far this town has been really nice to us.”
“Oh… I see.” The girl takes another look at him. Her black painted nails tap a pattern on her arm for a moment before they stop altogether and she replies.
“Look, I’m not sure if anyone has told you or your family this, but I’d feel bad if I didn’t mention anything to you now. December…it’s holiday season yeah? It’s a period of rest.” She pauses and furrows her brows before continuing, “I think that if you’re gonna be here for the long haul then you need to understand that this town is…unique. Things aren’t what they seem, and whatever ideas of normal you have are going to change. There’s an order to how things operate here.”
Caleb looks at her strangely and laughs a little. “You know, my boss said something similar. This isn’t my first time moving to a new place, I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
She shrugs, “Fine, suit yourself.” She then proceeded to order some weird tofu cauliflower burger and left. A normal end to a very abnormal interaction.
Shaking back his memories of the goth girl, he turns back towards his current customer, “That’ll be $12.47”.
“Remember, we have an order to things here,” the boy murmured quietly enough so that no one behind him could hear.
Caleb’s hand froze as he was grabbing the guy’s twenty-dollar bill. “Sorry…what was that?”
 “Nothing, just that Sam told me we have a new guy in town and I wanted to see what she meant. I think I get it now.”
Caleb gets a good look at the guy in front of him. His eyes are sharp, they’re a striking blue that looks almost glowing. His black hair only makes his pale skin appear even paler. His smile is brittle and flat. Caleb is starting to get annoyed. “And what do you mean by that?” he counters.
“Once the holiday season ends you’ll understand, trust me.”
On January 1st, Caleb understood.
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melatoninkaa · 6 months
Tw: SH
(11.12) [12.47]
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Jak wasze mamy do was mówią? 6 na każdej nodze bo to moja szczęśliwa liczba ;)) w domu będzie więcej
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itchy-9884 · 1 year
Just to let y'all know Walmart has a 12oz. bag of marshmallows for 12.47$. So for a little over a dollar a piece you can have multi-colored marshmallows. So when you put them in fire they turn black 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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cada-atletismo · 1 year
Cierre Listado de Participantes de los GPS
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La CADA anuncia el listado de participantes de los GPS “Andres Calonge” y “Hugo Mario La Nasa” en Concepción del Uruguay para los días 9 y 11 de junio.   100 metros llanos mujeres                           GPS 11.45                    de Jesus Azevedo                             BRA 11.52                    De Bassi Anny                                   BRA 11.64     +0.7       María Florencia Lamboglia             FAM 11.67                    Torrez Torrez Guadalupe                BOL 11.68     +0.1       María Victoria Woodward                             COR 11.71                    Martina Coronato                            URU 12.03                    Gimenez Gustale               Macarena            PAR 12.04     0.8         Belén Fritzsche                                 FAM 12.06                    Hiebert Klassen Xenia                      PAR 12.06     0.6         Valentina Napolitano                      FAM 12.08     0.8         Sofía Tamara Casetta                       FAM                                    TOTAL 16 12.17     1.0         Noelia Giselle Vera                           PAR 12.22     0.7         Leslie Tamara Lucero                       COR 12.47     1.1         Malena Arantza Gobbo                   SF 12.60                    Baez Barrios Ruth Andrea               PAR 12.52                    Iara Milagros Aro                             SL   200 metros llanos mujeres                           GPS 23.69                    de Jesus Azevedo                             BRA 23.69                    De Bassi Anny                                   BRA 23.87     -0.5        María Florencia Lamboglia             FAM 24.23     -0.5        María Victoria Woodward                             COR 24.44                    Torrez Torrez Guadalupe                BOL 24.46                    Hiebert Klassen Xenia                      PAR 24.55     -0.5        Camila Roffo                                     FAM 24.77     1.3         Melanie Soledad Rosalez                FAM 24.93     0.0         Sofía Tamara Casetta                       FAM 25.41     1.6         Noelia Anahí Martínez      ��             COR                                      TOTAL 18 25.44     1.0         Sofía Ximena Ibarra                         FAM 25.45     1.0         Valentina Napolitano                      FAM 25.46     1.6         Leslie Tamara Lucero                       COR 25.47     1.3         Camila Molocznik                            FAM 25.53     -0.7        Iara Milagros Aro                             SL 25.59     1.0         Malena Arantza Gobbo                   SF 25.59     1.1         Paulina Knees                                   FAM 25.66                    Contrera Rivas Araceli                     PAR   400 metros llanos mujeres                           GPN 54.84 a                 Leidy Lorena Sinisterra                    COL 55.76                    Camila Roffo                                     FAM 55.81                    Noelia Anahí Martínez                    COR 56.21                    Martina Daniela Escudero                             RN 56.96                    Camila Leonela Correa                     FAM 57.04                    Sofía Ximena Ibarra                         FAM                                     TOTAL 10 57.24                    Paulina Knees                                   FAM 57.66                    María Emilia Batalla                         FAM 57.92                    Celeste María Molina                      BA 57.99                    Gisela Hernández                             ER   100 metros con vallas mujeres                    GPS 13.70     -0.1        Leticia de Lima Gaspar                    BRA 14.02     1.2         Helen Bernard Stilling                      FAM 14.55     -1.7        Valentina Polanco                            SL 14.81     -1.7        Candela Beláustegui                        FAM 14.87     -2.0        Violeta Antonella Aranda                FAM 15.06     -0.6        Miranda Recalde                              FAM                                     TOTAL 9 15.08     -0.6        Camila Luciana Zita                          FAM 15.69     1.3         Lucía Aylén Zurdo                            BA 15.77     1.7         Malena Bustamante                        BA     100 metros llanos varones                           GPS 10.14                    Deliser Espinoza  Arturo                  PAN 10.31                    Almiron Escobar Cesar                    PAR 10.35                    Zalazar Ayala Misael                        PAR 10.43     1.8         Franco Florio                                    FAM 10.47     -2.1        Daniel Rodrigo Londero                   FAM 10.52     0.5         Tomás Pablo Mondino                    SF 10.56     0.5         Lucas Adrián Villegas                       SL 10.60                    WolK Retmer Jonathan                   PAR 10.61 a  1.6         Gustavo Alejandro Mongelos         PAR 10.63                    Maidana Pedrozo              Fredy                   PAR 10.63                    Adrian NIcolari                                 URU 10.69     0.5         Tomás Ariel Villegas                        SL 10.72     0.7         Pedro Rodríguez Merlo                   FAM                                     TOTAL 22 10.76                    Agustín Nahuel Pinti                        MZA 10.76                    Matías Agustín Elizaincin                FAM 10.80                    Facundo Santos                                URU 10.82     0.7         Felipe Harte                                      ARG 10.87                    Tobías Pereyra                                  FAM 10.89                    Alejo Pafundi                                    SF 10.90                    Alvaro Piñeyro                                  URU 10.93                    Francisco Santinelli Ildarraz            BA 11.06     1.5         Matías Agustín Castro                     LRI   200 metros llanos varones                           GPS 20.61                    Zalazar Ayala Misael                        PAR 20.73                    Almiron Escobar Cesar                    PAR 21.12     1.1         Bautista Diamante                           FAM 21.16     1.2         Tomás Pablo Mondino                    SF 21.19                    Maidana Pedrozo              Fredy                   PAR 21.25     1.1         Matías Falchetti                               FAM 21.26                    Deliser Espinoza  Arturo                  PAN 21.36     0.1         Juan Ignacio Ciampitti                     FAM 21.46                    WolK Retmer Jonathan                   PAR 21.47     0.1         Agustín Nahuel Pinti                        MZA                                     TOTAL 17 21.73     0.5         Tomás Ariel Villegas                        SL 21.78     1.5         Francisco Santinelli                          BA 21.90     1.6         Julián Pereyra                                   FAM 21.99     1.0         Pedro Rodríguez Merlo                   FAM 22.09     -0.2        Lucas Adrián Villegas                       SL 22.17                    Renzo Salvatore Cremaschi            MZA 22.58                    Alvaro Piñeyro                                  URU   400 metros llanos varones                           GPS 45.53                    Eliean gaspar Larregina                   BA 45.75                    Padrino Villazana Kelvis                  VEN 45.98                    Mendes Da Silva Douglas                BRA 46.91                    Alfredo Emilio Sepúlveda                CHI 47.63                    Rodriguez Osorno Jonathan           COL 47.58                    Matías Falchetti                               FAM 47.79                    Pedro Emmert                                  FAM 48.58                    Matías Gónzalez                              URU 48.65                    Julián Pereyra                                   FAM                                     TOTAL    12 48.86                    Marcos Andrés Villagra                   CHU 49.28                    Mateo Durán                                    FAM 49.49                    Oscar Santiago Castro                     FAM   110 metros con vallas varones                    GPN 14.21     -0.3        Renzo Salvatore Cremaschi            MZA 14.78     -1.7        Julián Berca                                       MZA 15.04     0.3         Santiago Ezequiel Riveira                SL 15.20     -0.1        Joaquín Olmos                                  FAM                                     TOTAL 8 15.74     -0.3        Guillermo Quintero                         MZA 16.02     2.0         Matías Ledesma                               BA 16.06     0.3         Lorenzo Rossetto                                            COR 16.39     1.5         Germán Rivero Fernández                             BA   400 m con vallas varones                                            GPS 49.62                    Sepulveda Alfredo                            CHI 51.18                    Bruno Agustín De Genaro               SL 52.09                    Damián Gabriel Moretta                 FAM                                     TOTAL 6 56.56                    Andrés Mendoza                                            SF 56.77                    Rodrigo Joel Bordón                        FAM 51.50                    Guillermo Ruggeri                            MZA   800 m  Mujeres                                              GPS        2:05.47                Calderon Maza Andrea                    ECU 2:08.19                Martina Daniela Escudero                             RN 2:09.06                Poma Mendoza Anita                      PER 2:09.24 a             Leidy Lorena Sinisterra                    COL 2:10.09                Evangelina Luján Thomas                CHU 2:11.35                Fabiana Salomé Gramajo                FAM 2:12.26                Juana Zuberbuhler                           BA 2:13.33                Sandra Maia Gómez                        FAM 2:13.57                Karen Ailén Rocca                            BA 2:14.21                Nazarena Firpo                                 URU 2:14.31                María Paz Romero                           CTS 2:14.87                Delfina Olivero                                  FAM                                    TOTAL 17 2:16.62                Victoria Olives                                  SF 2:18.99                Joaquina Durá                                   BA 2:19.33                Celeste Pampillón                            ER 2:19.54                Delfina Morena Molina                   BA 2:20.09                Camila González                              FAM 1500 m Mujeres                                             GPS 4.20.16                Micaela Levaggi                                BA 4:20.80                Daiana Alejandra Ocampo              FAM 4:25.29                Poma Mendoza Anita                      PER 4:28.24                Antonella Janet Guerrero                FAM 4:32.14                Fabiana Salomé Gramajo                FAM 4:37.48                Karen Ailén Rocca                            BA 4:38.80                Sandra Maia Gómez                        FAM 4:42.64                Noeli Vicintin                                    BA 4:43.01                Juana Zuberbuhler                           BA                                        TOTAL 15 4:44.26                Karen Marianela Cejas                     BA 4:45.72                Iara Becker                                        FAM 4:47.15                Camila González                               FAM 4:47.29                Brisa Nicole Trecanao                      RN 4:47.60                María Paz Romero                           CTS 4:47.68                Renata Dolhare                                 FAM   3000 m c/obstáculos Mujeres                     GPS 10:13.63                             Carolina Lozano                                SF 10:15.03                             Clara Macarena Baiocchi                 COR 11:23.31                             Shalom Eunice Lescano                 �� BA 10:39.58                             Stefany Paola López                         COL 11:58.58                             Emilia Gigón                                     SF                                         TOTAL 8 12:16.11                             Juliana Itatí Romero                         CTS 12:18.79                             Greta Victoria Rodríguez                 ER 12:45.22                             Luana Ayelé Britez                           MNS 5000 m Mujeres                                             GPS 15:49.90                             Micaela Levaggi                                BA 15:57.24                             Daiana Alejandra Ocampo              FAM 16:06.66                            Carolina Lozano                                SF 16:47.02                             Florencia Lorena Cuello                   MZA 17:08.78                             Antonella Janet Guerrero                FAM 17:12.32                             Stefany Paola López                         COL 17:12.69                             Nélida del Carmen Peñaflor            SDE 17:30.70                             Nair Gisele Dianes                            BA 17:35.15                             Karen Marianela Cejas                     BA 17:53.60                             Catalina García Paul                         FAM 17:59.56                             Renata Dolhare                                 FAM                                     TOTAL 18 18:06.59                             Constanza Garrido                           BA 18:20.78                             Gisela Cristina Díaz                          SDE 18:38.41                             Ainhoa Roldán                                  BA 18:39.77                             Ximena Anahí Simeone                   ER 18:48.05                             Camila Farinelli                                 FAM 18:50.27                             Sofía Ailín Costa                               SL 18.51.05                             Maria Belen Cordoba                       BA 800 m varones                                                GPS 1:45.42                Abreu Paes Lutimar                         BRA 1:49.25                Julián Alberto Gaviola                     FAM 1:50.41                Gonzalo Gervasini                            URU 1:50.35                Montes de Oca Santamaria            ECU 1:50.67                Jairo Moreira                                    URU 1:50.70                Rodriguez Osorno Johnatan           COL 1:51.56                Uriel Rodrigo Muñoz                       BA 1:51.69                Leandro Ismael Paris                       SL 1:51.69                Franco Gastón Peidón                     BA 1:52.32                Augusto Mariano Cochet                FAM                                    TOTAL 22 1:52.46                Diego Matías Leones                       SF 1:53.09                Estanislao Mendivil                         FAM 1:53.09                Pedro Emmert                                  FAM 1:53.20                Leonardo Leonel Pérez-Lazarte      BA 1:53.46                Edgar Emanuel Valdez                     CAT 1:53.66                Tomás Mirón                                    FAM 1:54.07                Víctor Fabián Colazo                        FAM 1:54.09                Preciado Moreno David                  COL 1:54.82                Rodriguez Espinel Santiago             COL 1:54.64                Vicente Gómez                                 FAM 1:55-58                Matias González                              URU 1:55.85                Fabricio da Rosa                               URU 1500 m varones                                                            GPS 3:39.94                Abreu Paes Lutimar                         BRA 3:43.00                Matías Antonio Reynaga                 ARG 3:45.29                Leandro Leonel Pérez-Lazarte         BA 3:45.78                José Zabala                                        SF 3:46.40                Fabián Manrique                                            FAM 3:48.96                Gonzalo Gervasini                            URU 3:49.18                Montes de Oca Santamaria            ECU 3:50.56                Agustín Alejandro Contreras          BA 3:50.92                Sebastián Agustín De Zan               FAM 3:52.00                Pablo Agustín Toledo                      SDE                       TOTAL 19 3:52.00                Rodriguez Espinel Santiago             COL 3:54.23                Uriel Rodrigo Muñoz                       BA 3:55.34                Manuel Rojas                                    BA 3:55.90                Alexis Gabriel Corrías                      RN 3:56.56                Lautaro Ocampo                              SF 3:56.66                Franco Gastón Peidón                     BA 3.57.83                Juan Ignacio Dutari                          COR 3:58.00                Preciado Moreno              David                    COL 3:59.81                Edgar Emanuel Valdez                     CAT 3000  m c/obstáculos varones                     GPS 8:41.91                Palomino Greta                                PER 8:55.24                Tomás Vega                                      BA 8:55.89                Carlos Augusto Johnson                  SF 8:57.30                Fausto Alonso                                  FAM 8:58.03                Germán Vega                                    BA 8:58.63                Marcos Julián Molina                      SF 9:15.00                Bolivar Latorre Camilo                     COL 9:29.16                Jerónimo Pedro Peralta                   COR                                      TOTAL 12 9:32.03                Jonathan Ezequiel García                BA 9:37.71                Hipólito Pereiro                                FAM 9.49.09                Gabriel Corda                                   BA CT                         Daniel Oscar Penta                           ARG   5000 m varones                                             GPS 13:44.58                             Matías Antonio Reynaga                 SAL 13:47.00                             Marcos Julian Molina                      ER 13:57.82                             Fabián Manrique                                            FAM 14:14.49                             José Zabala                                        SF 14:15.97                             Edgar Felipe Neri-Chávez                SDE 14:21.80                             Daniel Toroya                                   BOL 14:28.04                             Ninavia Mamani                               BOL 14:29.61                             Alan Esteban Niestroj                      FAM 14:30.37                             Ezequiel Chavarría                           TUC 14:31.97                             Pablo Agustín Toledo                      SDE 14:34.82                             Rodriguez Espinel Santiago             COL 14:37.12                             Tomás Vega                                      BA 14:43.85                             Agustín Alejandro Contreras          BA 14:43.86                             Gustavo Martín Villafañe                SJ 14:44.71                             Read the full article
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