#1078 episodes FOR NOW
turtle-loving-enby · 7 months
I started watching One Piece about three weeks ago and I'm watching two episodes a day which means I should be caught up in uuuuuh.... two years
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hauntingblue · 2 months
YAMATO NEW NAKAMA PLEASE 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️LUFFY PLEASE!!!!
#do kaido and big mom end up in the same hole??? lmaoo yamato get luffy!!! hell yes!!!#now a military trial for all the beast pirates come on!!! everyone to udon jail#APOO IS STILL ALIVE???. FUCK OFF!!!!!!!#i understand law is not on a state to be a medic but marco.... pick up some slack....#toko :((( no fucking way they are coming out of the hole..... they aren't.... the better not....#HIYORI!!!! no reunion??? :((#tama first girl to adopt a mother... also why do they have the same eyes... also is nami not enough for you.... or luffy.... your uncle...#hiyori girl dont kneel.... thats your 8 year old brother.... tama backstory omg.... tama dont cry omg.... she's gonna make me cry too...#izo is dead for real.... he was shown on the dead people highlight reel.... omg.... kinemon looking like a proud dad...#that hiyori and momo reunion.... i need more... what was that....#episode 1078#talking tag#watching one piece#who tf is that talking to the cp0...#hawkins is alive.... oh now he regrets it.... now he is dead... well.....#can't believe izo is dead... marco saying he cant believe he is alive... WELL YOU FOUGHT TWO TIMES AND THEM DID FUCK ALL WHILE IZO DIED????#i am so mad at this man you dont understand. HIYORI DROPKICKED MOMO AJSHAJA YEAHHH!!!#luffy and zoro waking up at the same time... it started with them too... oof#in my bliss of luffy winning and gear 5 and all i hadn't realised my pink haired samurai hasn't appeared in a while... i fear the worst....#i love how luffy having a meal is animated like a fight... omg zoro too... using his three head technique...#nami being the first to hit momo akdjaks. well deserved also#yamato not bathing or eating for zoro and luffy and hiyori bathing zoro ajdhskjs. omg this looks like sanji is jealous FA-#nami having to think hard about who bathes where lmao sanji and brook need an execution#OTAMA WHAT ARE YOU DOING AJDHSJSHSJ ME ASF ALSO SORRY. also where tf is robin. DID THEY TAKE HER??? oh nvm there is another group...#kid you are so right he is annoying. kill him. come on!!! SAKAZUKI DIE!!!! they just wanna make me mad atp... ALSO WHERE IS ROBIN??#episode 1079#why is there a country with a giant picture of sabo in their clock tower lmaoo#luffy looks so little beside yamato omg.... omg soul king brook ft kozuki hiyori rock version.... AND I DONT GET TO HEAR IT????#robin with her poneglyphs of course.... AND BROOK OWES HER TWO MORE!!!!#MOMOS GRANDFATHER???? AND HE TOOK CARE OF TAMA WHO HAS ORICHIS LAST NAME!!!
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gildedmuse · 4 months
If anyone is wondering why I haven't updated, there are a number of reasons. However, a major one is that Crunchyroll will no longer allow you to use old versions of the app. What this means is I am no longer able to take screenshots of record small scenes so I can transcribe them or basically do most of what I do here.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with this blog, I am a broke ass bitch with a chronic, genetic kidney diseases I had the pleasure of being born with, which severely limits me in a number of ways. One such way is money: medical bills at expensive and even with insurance I owe something like $1,462.78 and that's just the past year. Nevermind the bills I collected from other hospitals/doctors. The result is I live a pretty simply life, including the fact that I don't own any sort of fancy recording equipment like "a pc". Every screenshot, every gif, every artistic and not so artistic edit, every video recording, every single post and fanfic and reply, that is all done from my phone. It's my one and only portal to the Internet and sole tool to do whatever is is I do.
With that in mind, while I am proud I managed to take my degree in English Literary Theory and learn how to do all of that on an older model Android I've had for a few years now, I also know that then bulk of internet denizens are just WAY more skilled/knowledge at this then I will ever be.
Keep in mind, I have no money (so advice along the lines of "just buy this $99 program, it's so easy!" or "why not just get a cheap laptop, you can get one for under $600 EASY these days" or even "you just need a monthly subscription to this OTHER streaming site, that doesn't have a film blocker" just doesn't help, especially since I don't even have my own subscription to CR so there is no just dropping that to pay for another.) I was hoping someone out there knew a method I could use to record the "latest" episodes.
I say latest but I left off at 1078. I know, I'm ages behind, but there is a good reason for it.
Please, anyone who knows how I can take screencaps (recordings would be useful but not required) PLEASE contact me and let me in on your secret.
I won't tattle, I swear. I just want to be able to watch the show and react about it on this blog since, sadly, I've recently lost all my OP watching buddies to various life circumstances.
Failing that, I need someone to agree to watch every single episode along with me as my "recorder", recording long swatches of each episode and then sending to me when we're done so I can get my screencaps and gifs and the likes. The good news? You'd have someone eternally thankful for your contributions, who would credit you in every post, and I wouldn't even use any jokes/observations/thoughts you might share while we watch without permission. And.... errrr. Did I mention the gratitude? Shit, that's really all I have.
But I have so much of it!
Guys, I hate getting all emotional, but I am having a hell of a year between the dogs, the bad diagnosis and, hey, this is currently my face:
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For comparison, when I'm not dying:
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Just any help or even attempts at advice would be welcomed. I know it's stupid, but a lot of what I personally get from reading/watching/playing things is in sharing it with others. I shouldn't have to explain that, it's part of why places like Tumblr and AO3 EXIST.
Feel free to reach out in a reblog, comment, tag me, DM, message me on discord (gildedmuse). Whatever is easiest. And thank you, so, SO much for any potential advice or help you can offer.
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katvaramell · 3 months
Gear 5 really surpassed everything I thought it would be. I sat there from 1078-1089 just freaking out about the animation and writing and the music (did I mention the animation???)
I saw some posts that said it’s too goofy or silly, which I really don’t understand!!!! Firstly, one piece has always been extremely silly and it was so cute to see throwbacks to former goofy moments. And secondly I loved loved loved the looney toons vibes. How perfect is it for a character called joyboy, to feel joy in the most extreme Body warping, reality twisting way 🔆
Also Nika, the embodiment of freedom, is there to ignore societal expectations and make sure people can life their lives to the fullest.
It was an absolute masterpiece and riddled me with so many emotions, that I started watching the episodes again as soon as kaido was down!!!
It is quite bittersweet as well, because I started watching one piece exactly 6 months ago, and now it won’t be long until I’m caught up :,) (I am working on catching up with the manga as well, but I’m still in alabasta 🫡)
All in all I can’t even describe all the thoughts that went through my head, except the absolute awe it released in me and how stunned I felt after watching it.
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fallensnowfan · 4 months
Just finished watching episode 1093 - Was a fun watch. It's nice to see it adapted some of the cover arc that was running when the chapter published weekly, to give context to how Pudding became a captive.
There is some cool animation sprinkled throughout, though Pudding is the star of the episode for me. Now I return to only reading until the anime reaches chapter 1078.
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paalove · 1 year
ao3 one-shots:
die for this revelation - oneshot, 1246 words. written post ep 2, future speculation: angsty makeouts after ayan reveals what he's really at suppalo for. akkayan.
no one left around (get down to where we meet) - oneshot, 1401 words. judo practice handjob! akkayan
fooled me now (knowing i should pretend) - oneshot, 1641 words. ep 3 canon divergence in which kan's car breaks down before he can pick akk up. akkayan.
this taste that's on my tongue (until i rip it out) - 3/3 chapters, 10054 words. akk is having a very bad day and trying not to come to terms with the fact that he's been turned into a vampire. akkayan.
a cadence imperfect - oneshot, 1749 words. future and pre-canon speculation, getting together fic. kanthua.
fresh page (filling in the blanks) - oneshot, 2108 words. four mini episode 5 moments, where canon diverges so akk can give ayan that kiss he's been after. akkayan.
come close and lend an ear - oneshot, 1163 words. post episode 6 au where the kiss was real (sobs) and they wake up the following morning with Feelings. akkayan.
waiting for the last wheel - oneshot, 2227 words. episode 7 canon divergence where akk falls over when he's running away from the 1984 meeting, so ayan gives him a ride home. akkayan.
constant drone of the unfulfilled - oneshot, 1183 words. speculation about the notebook mystery, thua character study, and namo+thua friendship. gen.
froze (but for a moment) in empathy - oneshot, 2667 words. pre ep 10 speculation about how the reveal of akk's involvement in the curse might go - angst and miscommunication. akkayan.
breathed in the smoke - oneshot, 2739 words. post-canon (ambiguously) fluff, aye decides it's about time he doesn't have to bully akk every time he wants to receive a little kiss. akkayan.
so good at crashing in - oneshot, 1086 words. written after ep 11, speculation and consideration about how thua was feeling when he made all his decisions. gen.
slip through the fingers of your world - oneshot, 2322 words. ep 12, what actually happened when akk and aye had their first time? explicit. akkayan.
built higher walls - we can't shed a light - oneshot, 2532 words. between thua's outburst and the finale, clearly some reconciliation happened. how might that have gone? thua centric, gen.
carve the future of your life - oneshot, 2527 words. akk and ayan get used to university, and to really living together. they have opinions about chores. akkayan.
don't wanna get burned - oneshot, 1878 words. postcanon, university era akk and ayan have a mild miscommunication about the best frequency of cuddles. akkayan.
tilted feeling out here - oneshot, 2372 words. postcanon, arguably not our skyy 2 compliant, jealous!akk. akkayan.
you cut through all the noise - oneshot, 1493 words. postcanon, university akkayan adjust to their new lives and akk gets a little more confident in his own skin. akkayan.
something so fun being young and being dumb - oneshot, 1128 words. aye's proposing to akk! or is it akk proposing to aye? well, that's the contest. our skyy2 references. akkayan.
chain me to your heart's desire - oneshot, 1262 words. postcanon, rare entirely ourskyy2-compliant fic in which akk handles his own internalised homophobia and they cope with a future where they're in different countries. akkayan.
it's been more than amazing (my whole life i've been waiting) - oneshot, 1771 words. unfortunate timing and the necessity of occasionally sleeping in their own beds means that aye doesn't get to give akk his good morning kiss, and akk sulks about it. akkayan.
love to give you wings (babe you've got to grow them) - oneshot, 1127 words. at university (together - our skyy2 au) ayan gets sick and akk takes care of him. akkayan.
in the night, we'll take a walk - oneshot, 1078 words. the boys steal singto! akkayan.
start your life with your head held high - oneshot, 3141 words. episode 6 canon divergence where the janitor doesn't interrupt them. explicit. akkayan.
ao3 series:
dreaming longer tonight: silly little superhero au! total words: 4323.
firework in my chest - oneshot, 1134 words. hero (he thinks) akk and villain (allegedly) ayan meet in a dark lab. pre-akkayan.
wake up with a beating heart - 3/3 chapters, 4420 words. superhero au with secret identity stuff! kanthua
got your breath inside your head - 3/5 chapters, 6878 words. how and why did ayan become a "supervillain"... and what does he mean to do to akk? akkayan
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Please Pick Up The Phone
I come bearing House M.D. fanfiction.
Summary: Season 5 Episode 24 fic where Wilson reflects on his relationship with House and what's led them to this point.
Word Count: 1078
Warnings: Addiction mention
Wilson should… he should say something.
House has been uncharacteristically silent since Cuddy led him into Wilson’s office. Since the door opened without warning, followed not by House asking some insane question while sticking one foot up on the desk, but by Cuddy dressed head to toe in professional concern, by House, looking haggard and empty, hardly able to meet Wilson’s eyes.
Even when Cuddy began to explain, House was silent, only occasionally offering confirmation to some statement or question when it was directly requested of him. For the most part, he looked out the window. Ever so often, Wilson found himself following his gaze, glancing over at the lush trees and blue skies. Whatever House found so compelling, Wilson couldn’t grasp it.
Even the last conversation they had, when they got into the car, had been lackluster. “You got everything?” Wilson asked as he closed the door, starting to yank his seatbelt in place. House just nodded. “You ready?” he tried again, turning his keys for the car to rumble to life. Another nod. “Great.”
He drums his fingers on the wheel. Not to any sort of rhythm or beat; there’s no music in the car, just to release some of the nervous energy he can feel jittering around in his veins. Maybe he should play music, just to break the silence, just to have something to cut through the depressing mist that has cloaked his friend. He’s halfway made up his mind, one hand nearly leaving the wheel, but then he sees House out of the corner of his vision and… nevermind.
House is looking outside the window again, at the drops of rain that have collected on the glass. For a moment, he looks over at Wilson, and there it is. His chance to end the quiet, to say something, anything.
He keeps his eyes on the road.
They sit in silence.
More rain drips down from the sky, and Wilson turns on his windshield wipers, the rubber groaning against the glass with each inelegant swipe. There’s a wedding going on, right about now, and Wilson vaguely wonders if it’s raining there. It’s hard to imagine, the gloomy clouds and damning drops spoiling such a perfect event. He thinks the rain is right where it belongs.
Cuddy had apologized before he left, expressed her sympathies that he had to miss the wedding. Wilson had just stared at her incredulously.
“The wedding?” he’d echoed. “Oh, I don’t care about the wedding. I mean-” He cut himself off with a sigh. “Of course I care, tell them I’m sorry I can’t make it. It’s just…”
She saved him the labor of having to finish his sentence. “You care about House more.”
Wilson nodded.
“I’ll give them your congratulations.”
He can see the building now. It looks… imposing, honestly. The dead trees and grim clouds do little to help the image, but even without them, it’s hard to imagine a pleasant interior to the building's cold brick and intimidating breadth. It begins to swallow up the whole of Wilson’s view, the closer they approach.
You want this. He has to remind himself as he brings the car to a stop. You’ve wanted House to get help for years. Cuddy has wanted House to get help for years. Anyone who has ever known House has wanted him to get help for years. And now he wants it too.
They both get out of the car; House first, and then Wilson right after. He grabs House’s single bag from the backseat, and holds out a hand for the rest of his friend’s belongings. A wallet and the watch Kutner gave him are all Wilson has to take. He holds them carefully as he offers out the bag, and the trade is complete.
House slides his cane off the back of Wilson’s car, leaning his weight against it once it’s in his hand. Their eyes meet, and if Wilson is going to say anything, then now is the time. He wishes he had the words, but he doesn’t. House looks back up at the building, and then he’s walking away.
Wilson turns to watch him go, reminding himself yet again that this is a good thing. That this is better for everyone, better for House most of all. That just because goodbyes are bittersweet doesn’t mean they should never have them.
House turns, right before the doors close, to look back at Wilson. It feels like a last chance, to do something, to say something. He feels like he’s back in college, and the phone on the nightstand is ringing but he just doesn’t have the energy to pick it up. He can’t even summon a smile for his friend.
House looks away before the door swings closed.
Wilson is left standing alone, in the middle of the street.
The wallet and watch feel so heavy in his hands all of the sudden. He tucks them away into his pocket before slowly turning and heading back to his car. He just feels so… drained, as he pulls the door shut and clicks his seatbelt into place. Everything action weighs down on him, impossibly heavy, pinning him in place. Wilson rests his head in his hands, takes a deep, shuddering breath.
This is good.
His friend needs help. His friend is getting that help. His friend… his friend hallucinated his dead girlfriend. His friend delusionally thought he had sex with Cuddy. His friend stuck a knife in a socket and nearly killed himself. His friend cheated last time he was in rehab because he couldn’t handle the pain. House had… Wilson never should’ve let it get this far.
Maybe the phone had been ringing the whole time, and he’d just never picked it up. Or maybe he’d picked it up, but then given up and hung up again. Maybe he’d picked it up and said all the wrong things, and House just hung up anyway.
Wilson wipes away tears that have yet to fall away from his eyes, stifling sobs. This is ridiculous. He needs fucking House here to tell him he’s being ridiculous. To tell him there’s no point in sitting in his car, crying and blaming himself. To tell him to go home.
He twists his keys, and starts the car.
Maybe the phone was never ringing at all. Maybe Wilson was just stuck listening to the ringback tone, waiting for House to pick up.
He’s glad House finally did.
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Finally found ep 1077 (which is now supposed to be technically 1078? Coz idk they did something with the numbering to the wps episode like wps is a special ep), why was it such a warzone to find it lmao
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grayintogreen · 3 years
Critical Role Fanfic Masterpost September 1st-September 30th
My goal this month was 80,000 words and I came in at 92,403 according to my wordtracker, so, um, take that as you will. A lot of it did not go into what you’ll find on this list. Baby girl I’ve got WIP for days. 
The flashfic are too short to get proper summaries so they’re listed by their prompts. Also lots of Circus Kids since Circus Kids week sure happened and was GREAT.
my story is not done. (981 words) for the prompt “dancing with each other.”
they just might heal if i can see the light. (words). Caleb tends to a post-resurrection Molly.
and pledged you my life without even a word. (499 words) Cree heals Lucien. That’s it. Everything is sad. (Canon Compliant)
a hymn to all we’re not. (1542 words) Cree is well aware of what sort of tragedy she’s living- she just doesn’t care. (Canon Compliant)
all my blood wants to drink your wicked ways. (3587 words) EXPLICIT. Cree and Lucien work off some tension after a fight. (mind the tags.)
and saw all his secrets revealed. (946 words) Caleb vs Lucien’s mane of luscious hair. (aka more hair braiding) (canon compliant if you pretend the Neintakers roadtrip lasted longer)
follow the white hare like you’re on a tether. (504 words) earthquake weather AU. Now with more trust falls and handholding. And also darkness.
the king lies bleeding on the floor. (676 words) also earthquake weather AU. The one where Caleb bridal-carries a fucked up Lucien.
we’ve had quite enough of that. (707 words) ALSO earthquake weather AU (I LIKE THAT AU OKAY). Lucien grabs Caleb’s hand to get his attention during a PTSD episode. 
do you follow it because it’s true or just because you must. (1924 words) earthquake weather AU (again). Lucien has a bad reaction to Grim Psychometry culminating into Deep Talk.
maybe it’s crazy (but baby love usually is). (548 words) Fjord/Jester, “picking them up hugs.” (Canon Compliant)
there’s just one choice and that’s been made. (1059 words) Caleb/Veth, cuddling and entwining fingers.
every sailor’s just a searcher. (591 words) Caleb/Kingsley, “happily doing everything with one hand just so they don’t have to stop holding hands” and “kissing each finger.”
i have learned my lessons in my way (591 words) Jester and Essek, holding the others’ hand so they won’t fall. (Canon Compliant)
laughter like a broken heart. (1052 words) Threeleaf AU, tickling each other.
fanning flames and saying this is not the end of days. (723 words) Empire siblings, bandaging the other’s hands and not quite letting go. (Canon Compliant)
the spectre of an innocent who never can explain. (1078 words) Lucien deals with de-aging shenanigans in Aeor. Because bullying him is fun.
few and far are happy endings found where ocean meets the sky. (1060  words) Fjord and Yasha spar and discuss their love lives. (Canon Compliant, background Fjorester and Beauyasha)
when you choose to join the revels. (722 words) Jester and Molly, holding hands and swinging them back and forth like children. (Canon Compliant)
like we’re looking for redemption. (1235 words) Caleb and Yasha, a haircut. (Canon Compliant, background Beauyasha)
i’m not really sure if this tale has a moral. (1053 words) Yasha spends some quiet, soft time with Molly post-resurrection. 
they say on the midway- a penny a toss. (1076 words) Molly ropes Yasha into helping him run a carnival game. (Canon Compliant)
wildflowers in autumn, a bonfire in spring. (1901 words) These are your circus kids on seasonal holidays. (Canon Compliant)
i will go on spinning mischief until the moon is out. (1562 words) Molly gives Yasha a card reading. (Canon Compliant)
ghostlight eyes and crossroad blues. (2616 words) Tombtaker Yasha AU wherein she’s the first person a certain empty tiefling meets outside of the grave.
the fallen star of the midnight roads. (2593 words) Yasha runs away from the circus for the first time. Molly doesn’t take it well. (Canon Compliant)
every aching empty hour has led us home to this. (2381 words) Yasha meets a colorful stranger on the road and he changes her life for the better.
a better man (a better monster) (1865 words) It’s best if you don’t fuck with any member of the Nein if you don’t want the rest coming after you. (Canon Compliant)
we take our turns on the altar. (1338 words) Cree and Caduceus talking about faith during a cave collapse.
every dream i dream is founded in what came before. (2728 words) Lucien has an epiphany during a religious service in the Claret Orders. Aka “care and feeding of your burgeoning god complex.”
love is rarely formal and it’s the thing that sets you free. (4025 words) Lucien gets some unpleasant cold-like symptoms from dragon frost breath. Jester inflicts herself on him.
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sydneysageivashkov · 3 years
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I posted 4,182 times in 2021
407 posts created (10%)
3775 posts reblogged (90%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 9.3 posts.
I added 3,335 tags in 2021
#dw - 1078 posts
#mcu - 467 posts
#vampire academy - 351 posts
#bloodlines - 348 posts
#wandavision - 293 posts
#thobm - 279 posts
#sydrian - 151 posts
#wandavision spoilers - 128 posts
#thohh - 123 posts
#auspol - 117 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#you know i could not have cared less about the interview then i saw the incredibly transparent 'meghan is a bully!!' story and went 🤔🤔🤔
My Top Posts in 2021
leaders of western countries who spent the best part of twenty years bombing and commiting war crimes in afghanistan and are now trying to avoid taking afghan refugees as a humanitarian crisis unfolds, get fucked challenge
952 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 05:45:04 GMT
x-men!pietro: give me a hug, little sis!
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998 notes • Posted 2021-02-06 01:41:53 GMT
questions about ep four:
agnes and dottie were the only ones not identified. if agnes really is agatha harkness and/or a mephisto agent, how did she get in there so early? she was the first person wanda met.
also, who is dottie? we all knew agnes was suss, but why hasn’t dottie been identified?
why did wanda seem so surprised by her powers after yeeting monica?
if vision is a reanimated corpse, how does he have enough self-awareness to question wanda? if he isn’t a reanimated corpse, why did wanda see him like that? (was someone trying to discourage her from leaving the sitcom?)
if he is a reanimated corpse controlled entirely be wanda, why not do the same for pietro and other people she loves?
why did wanda seem so firm they can’t go anywhere else? theoretically, she could just reanimate him somewhere else, but that doesn’t seem like an option
what set wanda off? she seemed pretty stable at the end of endgame
what happened to the beekeeper?
who was the original missing person?
1216 notes • Posted 2021-01-29 09:40:50 GMT
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tyler haywood has a death wish
1351 notes • Posted 2021-02-26 09:47:23 GMT
can I just say how satisfying it is to have a show seed a plot twist through a few episodes then pay it off? yes, we all knew agnes was agatha, but the reveal was still so much more satisfying than if they’d ~subverted expectations~
8742 notes • Posted 2021-02-19 08:40:37 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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magic-belodie · 4 years
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I finished Hyun’s route of MCLLL episode 9. It cost me 1078 AP I got the illustration with Hyun. Here is the summary:
(I have chosen different outcomes each time I play. So in the summaries there are more things different than the part with your lover.) 
You start this episode in front of the café, you hear Nina talking. You go inside. Nina is talking with Gabin about Rock music. You ask Gabin how it is going with the band. It is going okay, they are trying out new things. Gabin is going to sing the background vocals and Leo is writing songs. But they don't really talk about what happened and that worries Gabin. You promise to talk with Castiel. They are also going to the beach for a few days to get inspiration. Gabin leaves the café. You go to terrace to call the insurance. When you are done with the insurance, you see Violette and Kim. Kim is doing a lot better. She is training Violette and Chani. She also poses in the studio, so Chani and Violette can draw her. And Kim is starting with sculpting. Kim goes to the Gym. Violette stays she has appointment with Yael. You take her inside for a drink. Yael comes inside. The appointment is with an international gallery manager. Yeleen is the international gallery manager. She is doing good. And she insisted on meeting at the cosy bear to also see you. Yeleen found you work here through the videos you made. You leave them alone to talk about business. Yeleen finds the price too high. She has to contact someone, she will talk later again with Violette and Yael. Yael and Violette go to the studio, Yeleen stays to catch up with you. You go to the terrace with her. Yeleen worked a year for the museum. And then started her own gallery in Soho. Yeleen lives in South Ealing. She is on a dating site. Then you tell her about your life. Things are going well between Hyun and you. You also tell her about everything that happened with Dan at work. Yeleen think you are lucky finding someone with a big collection. Yeleen leaves for her next appointment. You go back inside. You help Nina with the customers. Then comes Hyun inside. His mom is back in town. They are having a big family diner tonight. Hyun goes away to buy groceries. Nina close up for tonight, and you go home earlier. When you are home Hyun got everything ready for diner. He tells you that Yael called him this afternoon. She has a lot of work for Hyun. So mush that he can really start his own business and focus on it. He said yes to the work, so he is now official a pastry chef. But Hyun still hasn't told his parents. And he would have liked to tell them one on one. The bell goes and Iseul comes inside. You go upstairs to choose your outfit. I choose the outfit for the illustration with Hyun. Then the bell goes again Hyun's parents and Dambi are here. You take a family picture and post it on social media so that Juan (Hyun's brother) can see it. Then you start with diner. Hyun Parents find the diner very delicious. They are very happy that you hired Dambi. Dambi still wants to make a living with gaming. Hyun parents are worried because she doesn't make any money yet. And it takes a lot of followers to make a living out of it. Hyun gets the dessert. He says that you bought the cake. You can decide to tell that Hyun made the cake or not. I decide to tell the truth. His father likes the idea. His mother is worrying about the risk her son makes. Dambi and you try to defend Hyun. He's mom says then that all she can do is watch her son grow. They go home. Hyun is happy that you tell the truth, he made this cake to bring him luck, but he is lucky that he has you. You want Hyun as dessert instead of the cake. You get the illustration. The story skips a few days. Hyun got a call from his mom, and she says that she always supported him. Then you are back in front of the café.
In front of the café you see Raphael. Raphael talks about how Nina looks tired. He goes back to the university. You go inside. Nina tells you that Raphael is the guy she likes. Dambi thinks Nina should tell Raphael how she feels. You think so too. So Nina is going to tell Raphael the next time she is alone with him. Eric comes in the café. Nina goes to the kitchen to do the dishes. It is going better with Eric. He's still leaving at the motel. You ask him about his job. Nath is on an undercover job and Eric is watching over him. Eric goes back to the station. You get a call from Priya. She wants you to come to her office. You leave the café in the hands of Nina and Dambi and go to Priya. When you are at the law firm, Priya tells you that she is defending Marina. She is accusing Rayan Zaidi of harassment. You tell Priya that you talked with Rayan about Marina in the last episode. She also asked how Rayan was when you were in the university. After telling Priya how Rayan was, you get the choice if you want to testify. I said yes. Priya and Renata are happy. You go home. When you got home, you find Hyun Drawing with an app on his mobile. He busy with a design for one of his cakes. Hyun asks you about your day. You tell him everything that happened with Priya. Hyun tells back in the days he saw Rayan flirt with you a bit and that he didn't like that because he had already a crush on you. He is happy that you diced to testify.  You tell him that you had enough of this subject for today. He is cooks diner for the two of you, and you watch a series then the episode ends.
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fromthecommsroom · 5 years
Of Course I'm Not
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2IhR60e
by Anonymous
Eiffel was stable. That was all Minkowski could ask for right now.
Title is from Season 2 Episode 26, Do No Harm.
  Minkowski: ...and you are not going to stop me. Lovelace: Of course I'm not.
Words: 1078, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wolf 359 (Radio)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, Gen
Characters: Renée Minkowski, Isabel Lovelace, Doug Eiffel
Relationships: Isabel Lovelace & Renée Minkowski, Pre-Isabel Lovelace/Renée Minkowski
Additional Tags: Missing Scene, Extra Treat, Season 2, Episode: s02e26 Do No harm
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2IhR60e
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jamieroxxartist · 3 years
Man! I had a Fun Time on the show today!  Today my Featured Guests were: Madison Ekstrand, #Actress | #Producer ​(#VeryFrighteningTales; #TVSeries | #Horror & Her Mom Florence Sothern Ekstrand. Madison is staring in this very cool Horror TV Series that will be dropping soon.  I'm excited about the whole project and it was really cool talking to her about it. We had a cool conversation.   The Episode #1078 will dropping as a Podcast soon.  I'm working on the Post-Production of it now here at my Art Studio. While I'm working on that.  Up on the TV in here I have this pretty cool remix that I dig A Lot!  In fact I was just telling my Wife Dani about it last night over dinner.  So check this out everybody, an almost Vaporwave remix of Billy Idol's classic Eyes Without a Face!  This is Awesome!  Check it out: Podcast dropping soon.
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jimmyaquino · 4 years
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Comic News Insider Episode 1078 - The Ballad of CNI!
Comic News Insider: Episode 1078 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! 
Reviews: Black Widow #1, Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious #1, The Orville Vol 2 #1, Star Trek: Hells Mirror #1, The Boys season 2, Raised by Wolves, Mulan
Jimmy recruits some of his favorite audio reviewers again. Thanks to Jon, Melissa, Emily, Marta and Dave! Always such insightful and great reviews and the powers that be at CNI appreciate them so much. Let us know if you've read and/or watched what we reviewed and send us your thoughts! Thanks to Emily for the news which includes: The Batman halts production, Ridley Scott has a new Alien film in the works, Archie Comics flagship title interrupts its 78 year run due to the pandemic and more. Also, get a hold of us!
Comic News Insider
Thanks for listening!
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childgolden · 4 years
Weeknight Update episode 1078/2844: Kate McKinnon Wants The Fame Now!
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lauraramargosian · 5 years
Look At Her Now by Selena Gomez is literally on another level.
Look At Her Now by Selena Gomez is literally on another level.
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THE TONIGHT SHOW STARRING JIMMY FALLON — Episode 1078 — Pictured: (l-r) Singer Selena Gomez during an interview with host Jimmy Fallon on June 11, 2019 — (Photo by: Andrew Lipovsky/NBC)
In fact, Selena Gomez’s new song “Look At Her Now,” is booming on YouTube.
The official music video has over 47-million views. The talented music maker subscribers have beyond supportive.
With that in mind, Selena’s approach was about releasing the past and embracing the future and leaving past relationships in the past. She opened up to Ryan Seacrest about the process of Selena Gomez’s last two songs.
“It’s been four years since I’ve been working on this album and it’s actually perfect timing because I was going to release it two years ago and none of the words that I’m speaking would have existed,” she added. “So taking a moment to actually feel the feelings that I’ve gone through, it’s just — I don’t know — I’m just so grateful that it’s out. It’s weird too because I wrote this song over a year ago … and it’s like I feel completely different from when I wrote it. … It’s such an interesting feeling.”
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Getting to celebrate this chapter with my friends means so much to me
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A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on Oct 27, 2019 at 1:45pm PDT
Further, Gomez touched on being true to herself and fans.
Lose You To Love Me: The Biebers and Selena Gomez carry no hate, these tweets prove all love.
“I’m really grateful too because I’ve actually experienced that a million times before and that’s the unfortunate part about what I do,” she admitted. “It’s all very real to me and I’m sure it’s just entertainment for other people; but I think I had become numb to it and it would be stupid of me if I didn’t acknowledge what I had felt because it would be inauthentic and that’s everything I claim to be and do. … I know there are thousands of people … who have felt this feeling and it’s extremely real, and on top of the social media and everything, it doesn’t matter if you’re in my position or someone else’s because you’re always going to somehow find this negative space and that’s why I have to be careful and I just have to take steps back and just focus on what I’m doing and nobody else.”
Behind Selena Gomez’s new song Look At Her Now
“Look at Her Now” is a song recorded by American singer Selena Gomez. It was released by Interscope Records as a stand-alone single on October 24, 2019,
Selena Gomez vocals, songwriter Julia Michaelssongwriter, backing vocalsJustin Trantersongwriter Ian Kirkpatrickproducer, songwriter, engineerBart Schoudelengineer Chris Gehringermastering engineer Manny Marroquinmixer
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And here’s my special gift to all of my ride or dies! I created this with Apple especially for you. Y’all have been through it all with me and I thank you for pushing me to be the best. Look At Her Now is out now.
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A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on Oct 23, 2019 at 9:11pm PDT
Lyrics for Look Her Now by Selena Gomez
“Look At Her Now”
They fell in love one summer A little too wild for each other Shiny till it wasn’t Feels good till it doesn’t
It was her first real lover His too till he had another Oh god when she found out Trust levels went way down
Of course, she was sad But now she’s glad she dodged a bullet
Took a few years To soak up the tears But look at her now Watch her go
Mmm mmm mmm Look at her now Watch her go Mmm mmm mmm Wow Look at her now Mmm mmm mmm Look at her now Watch her go Mmm mmm mmm Wow Look at her now
Fast nights that got him That new life was his problem Not saying she was perfect Still regrets that moment
Like that night Wasn’t wrong, wasn’t right What a thing to be human Made her more of woman
Of course she was sad But now she’s glad she dodged a bullet
Took a few years To soak up the tears But look at her now Watch her go
Mmm mmm mmm Look at her now Watch her go Mmm mmm mmm Wow Look at her now Mmm mmm mmm Look at her now Watch her go Mmm mmm mmm Wow Look at her now
She knows she’ll find love Only if she wants it She knows she’ll find love Uhh She knows she’ll find love Only if she wants it She knows she’ll find love On the up from the way down Look at her now
Watch her go Mmm mmm Look at her now Ohhhhh She knows she’ll find love Only if she wants it She knows she’ll find love Look at her now yeah She knows she’ll find love (She knows she will) Only if she wants it She knows she’ll find love Wow
Look at her now and our favorite lyric.
Granted, the song may be about Selena’s past, it stands as a perfect example. For example, our favorite lyric.
“What a thing to be human / Made her more of woman.”
As stated in past articles, we are all human, we all bleed the same blood. The only differences are our trials in life.
Most importantly, it doesn’t matter what you’re going through, the point is, you can get through it and everybody makes mistakes.
Truthfully, there’s no doubt most people have regrets due to trial and error. Regardless, if you haven’t seen Selena Gomez’s new music video for Look At Her Now, check it out below and let us know what you thought in the comments!
Lastly, be sure to check out her recent appearance on The Late Night Show with Jimmy Fallon.
Blessed be!
Selena Gomez – Look At Her Now (Official Music Video)
Selena Gomez and Jimmy Cry While Eating Spicy Wings (Hot Ones)
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Positive Celebrity Gossip - Laurara Monique
Laurara Monique is known by various celebrities as the youngest and kindest celebrity blogger. PCG has been described as a "celebrity safe zone."
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Positive Celebrity Gossip - Laurara Monique
Kesha's new music video just dropped! She brought the 70s to 2019! Kesha you change the world every day and make it a better place than you found it. #Kesha #NewMusic #JustLove #Rainbow #RaisingHell
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Fortnite grind time with Lyon Pride!
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Fortnite grind time with Lyon Pride!
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Positive Celebrity Gossip - Laurara Monique
This wonderful incredible woman is the reason I have been able to be strong. She has shared her story with everyone, she has bled openly and people have attacked her for who she is and what she's been through but at the end of the battle. it made her stronger, she got "her balls back," as she says and she inspires me to grab onto some balls as well. Enjoy. https://positivecelebrity.news/2019/10/21/new-kesha-songs-from-her-new-album-high-road-on-the-way/
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New Kesha songs from her new album High Road on the way!
New Kesha songs from her new album High Road on the way! Check it out right here on positive celebrity gossip and entertainment news.
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Positive Celebrity Gossip - Laurara Monique was live.
Alright, Fortnite Chapter 2 is dope. Great graphics from what it was as well!
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Alright, Fortnite Chapter 2 is dope. Great graphics from what it was as well!
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Positive Celebrity Gossip - Laurara Monique was live.
Alright, Fortnite Chapter 2 is dope. Great graphics from what it was as well!
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Alright, Fortnite Chapter 2 is dope. Great graphics from what it was as well!
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Positive Celebrity Gossip - Laurara Monique
As a person, a soul, a daughter, and a friend to many. I am not afraid to admit that I've attempted suicide 2 times in my life. With that in mind, I can also admit, when I think about it now, I am glad I was not successful because not only would I have hurt a lot of people but I would be missing out on life. Life is beautiful even with hardships. I'm never 100% sure who reads these, lots of ghost readers, so if you can relate, know you are loved and my DMs are open. Love you, stranger friends.
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The prison within your mind is not worth taking your life.
The demons within your mind, it’s not worth taking your life. The demons within your mind, it’s not worth taking your life. Taking your own life isn’t your only option. Taking you…
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