#1000th episode
uchihabbynic · 2 years
I just watched the 1000th episode of One Piece 🥳
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giri-giri-waifu · 2 years
Ok I know I'm late to the party, but I just watched the 1000th episode of One Piece. I teared up at the nostalgia of the opening- And then proceeded to ugly cry throughout the entire rest of the episode. I love this story so so much and I am so attached to these characters I just shshdjkshbsldnksosbs
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ncisfanblog · 1 month
Do not text from 9-10pm April 15th (and possibly for an extended period of time after depending on the events of the episode)
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elibean · 7 months
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alright alright alright. so like....at this point, where lg jumps back, the room looks pretty different, no? nothing on the desk, no pictures, even the bookshelf on the left looks pretty barren. so....are we to assume cxs's death is pretty early in the timeline? rather, early on when lg met him?
it could be that cxs has been dead for a while and so the room has been cleared, but we know that can't be the case since lg still had blood on him so
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television-overload · 23 days
My stomach is also in knots for the Tiva crumbs, too…only I’m not able to watch the special tonight so I’m anxiously checking tumblr waiting for someone to post about it. 😂
Literally they may as well have just read the initial announcement aloud lol. Nothing we didn't know already, really. Still, it was nice to see Michael talk about it. Not sure what "other tidbit" the article was referring to.
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ejzah · 23 days
Yes, they included the Densi kiss!
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alicepao13 · 2 months
So, while I do like Nolan and Bailey, that 100th episode of The Rookie was a dud. I will have to put my hopes on *shudders* Hudson and Rex's 100th episode later this season.
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littlencisthings · 16 days
Little NCIS Thing #2007
Lindsey Wexler’s virus to infect Air Force One
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yahoo201027 · 2 months
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Day in Fandom History: March 12…
Mordecai gets invited to Margaret’s Dad’s 1000th Chopper Flight Party but doesn’t want another shipping problem when being alone with Margaret, so he plans on getting CJ some cake and leaves. “1000th Chopper Flight Party” premiered on this day, 9 Years Ago.
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solcarow · 3 months
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mrshobbit · 1 year
I have ascended beyond three digitates (on that sweet, sweet 1,000th episode)
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busting out the wine
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gallifreyanhotfive · 3 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 21
Missy was one of Amelia Pond's childhood therapists. She was looking for the Doctor but came too early.
River Song knows Venusian aikido.
Raj Kahnu, one of the Rani's favorite experiments, considered the Rani to be his mother. The Rani never acknowledged this.
The Master once tried to combat the Third Doctor's Venusian aikido with Martian kendo but was defeated when the Doctor switched to Mercurian kung fu.
The Battle of the Bands Beyond the Stars was an intergalactic televised music competition where the losers get incinerated by a laser cannon. Clara and the Twelfth Doctor were forced to compete after Clara accidentally insulted the monarch. During their episode, a band composed of five different versions of the Master also played (Missy, Crispy Master, Bruce Master, Tremas Master, and Saxon Master), trying to hypnotize the viewers, but they were disqualified after they started fighting each other.
The Twelfth Doctor thinks of his Tenth and Eleventh selves as "Manic Pixie Dream Doctors."
The Tenth Doctor, meanwhile, is very concerned about where the Twelfth Doctor got extra regenerations from and believed he might be the Valeyard.
In his Masterplan Journal, the Saxon Master admitted that living as all the female Masters in woman's clothes felt "strangely liberating" and that he should get more in touch with his feminine side.
You can listen to the Fifth Doctor speak Gallifreyan in the audio Cold Fusion.
The Eighth Doctor meant to visit the opening night of the Braxiatel Collection but was prevented from doing so by the Kotturuh Crisis.
The Doctor spent his 1000th birthday with two broken ribs on board a spaceship.
Chloroform is effective on Time Lords.
The Seventh Doctor once broke the galactic record for continuous spoon playing at 67 hours.
The Doctor once took seven people who were so wealthy that they were bored of their lives to a place he called "Purgatoria." He brought each of them one by one into a separate room where he brought them to their breaking points and let them experience a story from his life first hand.
Galileo Galilei discovered what he thought was a planet between the sun and Mercury called Phaiton. It was actually a stellar manipulator that had been forgotten about by the Time Lords and lost until the Eleven found it.
Gender is subject to fashion trends on Gallifrey. For example, during some eras of Gallifrey, the female gender went out of fashion to such an extent that women were completely absent.
The Doctor used to sing songs about windmills to his daughter Miranda.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hello Mr Gaiman,
I was rewatching Good Omens for the 1000th time and I eventually noticed that in episode 3, when Crowley is organising the mission to steal holy water, Shadwell speaks about a jail's mate. I was wondering, for what charge Shadwell was in prison?
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dreamchasernina · 2 months
So since the fandom has come back to life and there is not enough Kataang content on this app I will start sharing my two cents. Yay.
I want to start off by saying that as the show was airing, I, as a 10 year old, did kinda ship Zutara. Let’s face it, that scene in the catacombs was a turning point for a lot of shippers. But that was before I saw the final season a couple of years later. When I rewatched the show as a whole, as a teenager I was over Zutara, honestly their interaction kind of felt awkward to me, because they were enemies for so long. So I was all for Kataang. Now, that I’ve rewatched it for like a 1000th time, as a 28 year old, I finally see Kataang for the amazing pairing that it is.
Anyway, I’m not here to hate on anyone, you can ship whoever you like, and I love Zuko so you will not see me slandering his character here. Plus I don't feel the need to hate dump on a character to make my ship feel superior (*cough* unlike some Zutara shippers *cough*).
Ok, so. I feel that when people think of Katara, and her part in the show, they remember her as the responsible one in the group, the "mother" of the group, the sensible and caring one. Yes, when Katara’s mother died she had to step in and take the responsibility of the mother in the family, like Sokka says in the Runaway, and that stayed with her throughout the show. But, I hate that that’s the only thing she’s remembered for, because that’s just the result of her trauma. I feel like most people ignore a very crucial part of her character. Yes, she is the responsible in the group, but when she gets a chance to just be a kid, that's what she is.
People forget about the fun loving side of Katara. The one that goes penguin sledding and remembers how she hasn’t done it in a long time because life hasn’t allowed her to. The side of Katara that gets obsessed with Aunt Wu’s prediction because she is just a regular girl who’s fascinated by her love life, and dreams about what her future husband might be like. The girl that tries flying on the glider with Teo. The girl that relaxes on Appa and lets the hippie girl braid her hair, completely forgetting about the next task in their journey. People forget the side of her that dances in a cave, forgetting about the war and just enjoying life. Let’s not ignore that whenever Katara has a chance, she just enjoys being a kid, not just a badasss waterbender travelling with the Avatar.
And when Katara brings that side out, you know who’s right by her side? Aang. He’s not just by her side, he’s the one initiating those little fun moments. Penguin sledding is his idea, he’s the one to remind her that even though she’s been through a lot, and has a lot of responsibilities, she’s still a kid. He’s the one to organize the dance party, in a middle of a war, in the enemy's terrorory, he still finds a way for them just to be kids. And she’s right there with him, dancing. He’s also taking part in her obsession with Aunt Wu, not belittling or making fun of her faith, but taking part in it. Also sitting right next to her in a flower crown and enjoying the music the hippies play.
You cannot ignore that part of Katara, the part that shines when she’s comfortable, the part that just wants to be a regular kid and have fun. And that’s the part that Aang brings out in her. He’s the Avatar, the weight of the world is literally on his shoulders, but he still finds a way to enjoy life and be a kid, even after going through the worst trauma you can imagine. And he’s there to remind her that even if you’ve experienced the worst, you can still find joy in the little things. She literally says in the first episode - Aang brought something we haven’t had in a long time - fun. And that’s what he brings to her, this light, and that’s why she’s so drawn to him.
Isn’t that what we want for Katara, after the war is over? To just let herself be a kid, not to miss out on that part of her life, now that she doesn’t have to worry about their survival? And the best person to bring this joy and childlike wonder back into her life is Aang. And that’s why I think that Aang is truly the best one Katara could have ended up with.
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Shout out to this clip of Brook which is the reason I cried the hardest at this episode.
Something about the deck being clean of bodies, the fact we know he’s doing this for probably his 1000th time, and.. this is the scene that LEADS TO LUFFY FINDING HIM..
this is the exact pose he was first found in,
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It’s almost funny - first we were as scared as him, his song scary and lonesome to us and now we see the opposite of the exact scene we first got to see him in, and now we feel the opposite - we see sadness and loneliness on HIS side.
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persephones-poet-blog · 2 months
Rewatching for the 1000th time and I have to say how brilliant Zheng is with people. For each person she adjusts to be who they want her to be in that moment so that she can get the upper hand.
For Jackie, Zheng is the equal with money to trade. Jackie doesn’t care about anything else so Zheng keeps it straightforward.
With John Bartholomew, she’s angry at the English, but still sweet so that she isn’t a threat to him after the raid. She bonds with him so that all he wants is to help the sweet woman in front of him
With Stede, in episode 3 she is the girlfriend, pulling trust and information out of him while making him feel understood. She’s brilliant because she gets the info she wants from him (to also determine if he is at all a threat) and makes him feel like they are equal or he’s understood even when she gives nothing away to him except what she wants. Later, in episodes 7&8 they are on more even ground so she is more open with her judgement and opinions. She doesn’t need him and makes that clear, but she also helps him reconnect with Ed so he’s wormed his way in a bit.
With Ricky, she’s the planner, doing all of the work for him while stroking his ego and vanity and promising that he can take the glory.
I’d argue that she is most herself with Ed because they are equals and can both hold their own without needing something from the other. They also met in battle so of course you’re going to already have trust with someone who literally had your back.
Someone mentioned Olu (I can’t believe I originally forgot him!); She’s more open with him, and I think much of this is because they got to know each other at the soup stand. She tries her tough/in control persona when she tries to seduce him, but when that doesn’t work, she’s willing to be more vulnerable. I don’t think this is a manipulation like with the others, so I can’t imagine how hard that would have been to finally be vulnerable with someone and then see them pick someone else/sail off.
Her relationship with Auntie is complicated, but any adult child will tell you that as soon as they get with their parents, the dynamic changes.
She gives a masterclass in understanding your opponent and being a chameleon to get what you want. I sincerely hope we get to see more of her in a season 3!
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