pack-the-pack · 2 months
I'm one day late, but to all the Ace Misce people and Omegaverse fans that follow my blog, I just want to tell you:
Keep at it!
Don't let people tell you that Omegaverse and Miscehood is and has to be inherently sexual! Cause they're full of bologna.
There's many ways to be Misce and darling, if you haven't checked in since 2010, there are MANY MORE ways of writing A/B/O that don't involve sex at all.
Happy international asexuality day to all my fellow Aspec people!
Keep howling and keep thriving!!!!
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iilaw1ietii · 5 months
The picture, changed or unchanged, would be to him the visible emblem of conscience. He would resist temptation. He would not see Lord Henry any more—would not, at any rate, listen to those subtle poisonous theories that in Basil Hallward’s garden had first stirred within him the passion for impossible things. He would go back to Sibyl Vane, make her amends, marry her, try to love her again. Yes, it was his duty to do so. She must have suffered more than he had. Poor child! He had been selfish and cruel to her. The fascination that she had exercised over him would return. They would be happy together.
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poetizandoemcristo · 2 years
Em ti encontro lugar seguro,
Em ti me sinto protegida,
Em ti cresço e amadureço.
Em ti me sinto como uma borboleta, que espera, mas que em tudo agora entende quem é em ti.
As vezes as tempestades(que eu mesma decidi entrar), elas me fazem acreditar que aquele é o meu pior momento de queda.
O Senhor nunca me abandona, e me deixa aprender com a dor, e as vezes eu me tranco nela. 
E o Pai Celeste, me estende a sua mão e me chama para caminhar para fora.
Enquanto a dor insiste em permanecer, eu me refugio em ti e como um casulo. Eu sou ensinada, transformada, cresço e enfim sou curada.
Estar no casulo que por vezes preciso, é crescer e saber que tudo cooperará para o bem daqueles que amam, e confiam em Deus Pai. 
Poetizando em Cristo/ Jaqueline Cristine
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dissipatrix · 1 year
Io mi sa che abbandono Apple Music per tornare a spotify. Non si riesce a trovare nuova musica su Apple e nemmeno playlist interessanti e io di farmele zero sbatti.
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almahiphop · 1 year
El Gamín - Vudú feat El Complot y Kpz aka Matices - Frutos del Fracaso
El Gamín - Vudú feat El Complot y Kpz aka Matices - Frutos del Fracaso
El Gamín – Vudú feat El Complot y Kpz aka Matices – Frutos del Fracaso El Gamín presenta su ultima produccion Vudú, sencillo del album Frutos del Fracaso, junto al grupo El Complot y el rapero Kpz aka Matices, la canción es una obra entre la unión del boom bap y el hardcore, además, del uso del fragmento “Voodoo, I can do what you do” de Lauryll Hill en la canción Ready or Not de Fugees El…
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lanwangjihouse · 1 year
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moonlitdark · 2 months
At this point, I'd be more shocked if he didn't come back.
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lcentretenimento · 2 years
Audiências Consolidadas de Sábado - 04/06/2022, São Paulo.
Audiências Consolidadas de Sábado – 04/06/2022, São Paulo.
Confira as principais audiências da TV aberta no sábado, dia 4 de junho de 2022. (more…)
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kyouka-supremacy · 5 months
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Love is real and it's stored in the way Chuuya looks at Akutagawa in official art
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shibaraki · 17 days
Hi friends!! I don't know how this will go but I wanted to participate and help contribute a little bit more to the fundraising efforts for Gaza set up by ficsforgaza. I’m taking things slower on the writing front this year so I only have a few to list, some longer than others. Even so, I hope some appeal to you and encourage you to give a donation.
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RATE: $1 per 100 words
INSTRUCTIONS: donate to a vetted fundraiser of your choosing, take a screenshot of the donation confirmation (make sure your private information is censored) and send it to me along with the title of whatever WIP you're sponsoring!
Here’s an example:
hi monty! here's proof of my donation to child mohammed and family's gofundme. I'd like this to go toward the wip 'name your courage' :) ty!! [screenshot.png showing evidence of donation states that $5 was given, therefore 500 words will be written for the wip titled 'name your courage']
Upon receiving your ask (I won't be publishing them) I will amend the list below and prioritise progressing that WIP as well as keeping this post updated weekly. Just for clarity: I’ll be submitting redacted evidence I receive to @ficsforgaza to try and ensure that people are not sending those same screenshots to different writers.
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TO AVOID BEING OVERWHELMED I HAVE MADE A DONATION WC GOAL FOR EACH WIP❗️The sole purpose of this is to encourage donations and spread awareness. Every little bit helps, even if a fic doesn’t get finished right away.
↳ NAME YOUR COURAGE — BAKUGO KATSUKI #: GN AFAB reader, post canon au, quirkless discrimination, falling in love, social work, worldbuilding, angst + fluff + eventual smut
determined to reach deep inside himself and reconcile the shame that still lingers there, pro hero dynamight publicly aligns with a well-known quirkless charity organization. what he gains is greater than he could’ve imagined.
current wc: 12,004/20,000+ donated (goal) wc: 2,550/5,000
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↳ A MANY SPLENDORED THING — KUROO TETSURO #: GN AFAB reader, divorcee kuroo, best friends to lovers, heavy mutual pining, hurt/comfort, eventual smut + romance
you wonder, not for the first time, why tetsuro could never see what was right in front of him. it was as though the compass of his sharp intuition reversed polarity when you were in the vicinity. you’ve been in love with him since you were sixteen and he’s the one person that never noticed.
current wc: 13,962/20,000+ donated (goal) wc: 2,500/5,000
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↳ #HEARTBURN — TODOROKI SHOUTO [COLLAB FIC] #: GN reader, meet-cutes, social media + shipping, reader is a paramedic, strangers to friends to lovers, fluff + humour
who knew your run-ins with the suspiciously accident prone pro-hero shouto would capture the hearts of the general public—or that a bit of harmless flirting could have such inconvenient consequences?
current wc: 1,680/5,000 donated (goal) wc: 2,500/2,500 🎊
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↳ EMERGENCY CONTACT — AIZAWA SHOUTA #: GN reader, friends to lovers, fluff + humour, sexual tension, reader is an underground hero, adopted eri, getting together
when aizawa gives eri a special card with a number to call if there’s ever a big emergency and no one else is around who can help, he doesn't consider the fact that her idea of an emergency is vastly different from his.
current wc: 992/3,000 donated (goal) wc: 2,500/2,500 🎊
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↳ THE STAG — OKKOTSU YUUTA [RETURNING WIP!] #: AFAB reader, courtesan au (no curses), courtesan yuuta, reader is a tailor, falling in (forbidden) love, fluff + angst, love letters
your hands were made to embroider, to cut fine silks and sew tales into fabric. from time to time they’ll find themselves touching a courtesans skin. it is only to measure, and never for pleasure.
current wc: 422/? donated (goal) wc: 2,000/2,000 🎊
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↳ SOMETHING BORROWED — NANAMI KENTO [EVENT WIP!] #: AFAB GN reader, no curse au, neighbours to lovers, single parent nanami, foster kids yuji + sukuna, fake engagement, pining, getting together
the precious little you know about your neighbor is that he’s handsome, unmarried, and he has two long term foster sons. after the twins panic during an inspection and identify you as nanami’s fiancé, you’re left with the opportunity to learn more. 
current wc: 10,033/? donated (goal) wc: 250/2,000
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That’s all for now, though there is a possibility that I will add more WIPs later. And let me know if you’ve got any questions (or if I’ve missed anything lol).
It’s totally fine if you can’t donate or if none of these fics appeal to you!! Please feel free to check out the other writers on @ficsforgaza’s page if you’d rather sponsor some different fics, or even make requests to those accepting them ^_^ thank you guys!
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cssnder · 4 months
ABOUT ME: My name is Cassander. I am a French twenty-two year old with a morbid fascination for all things austere, provocative, old and ugly.
I am a very private person by nature, meaning I don't like to talk too much about myself. But as 2024 unfolds, I made the promise to put myself out there a little more this year. While my main blog (@daweyt) serves as a place for inspiration where I put all the excerpts I saved from my readings that inspired me, as well as pictures and art — I want to use this secondary tumblr account to document the experience of creation, and hopefully connect with other writers as well.
ABOUT MY WRITING: I've been writing for over a decade now. I only write original fictions — the genre varies but I often come back to thrillers, psychological fictions, literary fictions. My work is usually very atmospheric and philosophical; full of symbolism; with vile, despicable and sometimes down-right immoral characters; and heavy themes. I do not write graphic sex scenes nor do I write romance as I have no interest in writing those.
I am currently working on my first serious novel or shall I say, the first I actually seriously intent to write from start to finish. It is titled "Thus Saith The Lord" and has themes of morality, philosophy, religion, obsession and identity.
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On the side, I am also developing ideas and writing scenes here and there, for another novel that is, to this day, still untitled. It must be said that while my main novel Thus Saith The Lord contains heavy themes and a bleak atmosphere, this second work of mine is much more twisted, much more sensual, and dare I say... immoral. Think of it as The Dreamers meets Lolita meets The Carnivorous Lamb meets The Secret History — a juxtaposition of beauty and deviance.
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I must, by the way, precise that I like to take my time to write as it lets me refine my work, and I will not hesitate to take up to a decade if needed. Thus, you are warned.
WHERE TO FIND MY WORK: I haven't published anything yet, but once I'll be ready, you'll be able to find my novels — both in French and in English — on my Substack.
BONUS FOR MY MUTUALS: I now have a Storygraph (it's like goodreads but prettier) and here's the link if you want to follow.
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sundogmaniac · 2 months
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I never draw itchy for good reason!!!
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iilaw1ietii · 6 months
Man, Dorian has become a narcissist. Lord henry is growing kinda annoying with his unsolicited opinions and critiques. Basil is still closeted and that's okay but he's too timid in voicing out against Henry
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bbgtech-9000 · 1 month
//Now Loading…
Ah, it's working-!
You have reached Bad Boy Genius 9000-💜 But you may call me "Donatello" or "Donnie". [ That's right. The "bbg" in my url does NOT stand for "baby girl"-!!! "AUDIBLE SCOFF!" ]
Welcome to my DAZZLING corner of the net~! [ "Applause, Applause, MANDATORY PHOTO FLASH, Applause." ]
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I am one of this planet's highly gifted masterminds [ "EVIL LAUGH" ], here to browse through my key subjects of fascination as well as interact with fellow netizens.
I tend to do a significant amount of research and experimental work offline, so there may be times where I'm inactive or vanish for a bit-
Be that as it may, I do make a habit of reading everything.
That being said,
My Top-Tier Passions include [ But are not limited to ]:
Historical Technological Marvels
Romantic Fiction [ Especially Villain x Hero ]
Apothecary, Medical, Vintage, and Water Aesthetics
Cozy Miscellaneous Things
My Tags are:
#01-Analysis [ Inbox Responses ]
#02-Schematic [ Pics of Me / Self Notes ]
#03-Observatory [ Reblogs ]
#04-The Twinning [ Shenanigans with Leo ]
#05-Burner [ Ongoings with Raph ]
#06-Experiment [ Key Interests: Externally Initiated ]
#07-Research [ Key Interests: Self-Initiated ]
#00-Recording [ Blog Fanart ]
[ The Core: My Family ]
The Primes: - Mr. Dumb-Dumb is here. - Raph-a-la is here.
The Multiverse: - My Protégé is here. - Brother from Another Tether is here.
To wrap things up, I'm truly thrilled and looking forward to causing mischief and utter chaos being here-!
Thank you for stopping by.
Arrivederci for now~💜
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//Notes and Limitations
You do not have to be TMNT-adjacent to interact with me. I will interact with ocs and oocs as well--!
I am an adult, but I will not be engaging in sexual content.
Do not repost my work without credit [ I don't go around stealing YOUR dissertations-!!! ]
I will certainly add more as needed.
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Good morning Amity Park, I'm your ghostly weatherman, Lance Thunder. Today's Tuesday, June 4, and there’s a 60% chance of rain. Highs are in the high eighties, and the lows are in the low seventies.
Skulker and the Box Ghost were both seen yesterday fighting Danny Phantom. Strangely enough, the Box Ghost’s attempts to attack Phantom were what twarted Skulker’s attempts, leading both to be caught quite quickly.
Live snakes have been falling from the sky recently. This was thought to be the work of ghosts, but it seems that a common Raven is to blame. This bird has been catching snakes and dropping them on people from above. Luckily, nobody has been bitten by a venomous snake yet because of this, and a majority of the snakes seem to be unhurt.
The Fentons will likely be driving today.
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lanwangjihouse · 1 year
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