#-arguments i've done fandoms like this before but i don't CARE they are CANON LET'S GO.)
theminecraftbee · 2 months
incidentally if you don't see much of me for a bit: side order has reminded me that i do, in fact, DEEPLY enjoy splatoon 3, lol, and i am maybe a touch distracted by that,
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froschli96 · 8 months
As an asexual Good Omens fan
There's something I've noticed in this fandom that makes me really uncomfortable, and that is the way that Crowley and Aziraphale's possible asexuality is constantly being connected to and justified by them being not human.
I just honestly really hate that, because implying that asexuality is something that somehow "logically" follows from characters being nonhuman is ... not great. Like, I hate having to be the one to point this out, but asexuality is, in fact, very much a human attribute.
And unfortunately, most of the time when I come across this take, it doesn't feel like someone seeing themselves in the characters and relating to their experience, but rather an othering, this kind of otherwordly pure non-sexualness, where people put these characters above such trivial things like sexuality.
I am not asexual because I am somehow confounded by this oh so complicated human concept of sexuality, or because I don't ever think or care about sexuality at all (a lot of thinking was unfortunately involved actually before I finally came to a conclusion about my identity) it is just a fact of who I am, as a human being, it’s a part of my human experience.
And let's be honest, attributing asexuality to nonhuman characters is not the hot new take a lot of people seem to think it is — this trope has been around for ages. And it hasn't done a great deal to normalize asexuality. In fact I'd argue it's perpetuated an othering of ace people, but you take what you can get, really. (This is not to say that it is in any way wrong to identify with these kinds of characters, I definitely do, too! It's just sad that the topic of discussion is always about how "human" someone can be considered when they don't feel sexual or romantic attraction)
To be honest, I don't actually see A&C being asexual as canon — as a lot of people seemingly do — just because the author kind of suggested it in a tweet where he basically conflates "asexual" and "sexless" (for the record, this is not a dig at Neil, I just think the implications were kind of unfortunate, even if it might not have been intentional, which makes it all the more frustrating that a lot of fans just ran with it). And yeah, going around calling people aphobic for seeing the Ineffable Husbands as gay rep or any other identity, when they’re oh so obviously canonically ace, is honestly kind of insane.
I get that it might feel nice and tempting to be able to "claim" these characters and this relationship and being able to tell other fans off whose headcanons on their sexuality differ from your own because it is hard to come by any kind of representation when you're ace and there's finally a creator who's not only not contemptuous towards but even supportive of fans reading his characters as queer. And if you feel represented by A&C as it is then all the more power to you. But the thing is, it doesn't matter what kind of justifications there are or what canon might or might not say (bc when has that ever mattered in fandom spaces) or what the creator says, you cannot convert people to your opinion about a character, and you're going to have a bad time if you spend your time in fandom trying to do that.
And really, I am just wondering why we necessarily even need an explanation or justification for them possibly being asexual. Why does it have to be that all angels and demons are asexual by virtue of being nonhuman, and so A&C have to be too? why can't that just be an aspect of them that is completely unrelated to them not being human? Could these characters maybe not simply identify as asexual, not because they're nonhuman, but in spite of it? (btw, in the same vein it is equally stupid to argue that A&C can't be ace because they have "gone native", which is also an argument I've come across)
Honestly, I'm not even asking anyone to fundamentally change how they see these characters here — if you think they must be asexual solely because they're angels and have no concept of human sexuality, then whatever, I can't stop you and I don’t want to police anyone's headcanons bc as I said that's stupid and a waste of time. What I am asking you is that you maybe reflect a little bit on why exactly it is that humanity and sexuality are somehow so intrinsically linked in your mind to the point where you automatically use it as a way to distinguish between human and nonhuman characters.
Tldr: please stop equating asexuality with non-humanness thank you and good day.
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viperwhispered · 7 days
hi hi ner!
for the character opinion bingo, i’d like to throw in jamil (just for fun hdjdj) and/or kalim :0
Ty for the ask Ian! (and for enabling me for some more Jamil thoughts because they do be coming)
Uhh let's start with Kalim tho before I get rambly.
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Honestly for how entwined Kalim is with Jamil, I don't really think about him that much. Like I definitely don't feel like I have a firm grip of Kalim's character below the surface. He is a total sweetheart, though, despite his cluelessness, and being one of the faves of one of my friends definitely always earns extra points.
A precious boy, basically, who I feel like yes is in a very complex entanglement with Jamil, but does not deserve too much blame for the situation being what it is.
Now, for Jamil. Unsurprisingly he got a few more matches on the bingo sheet.
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I wish I could circle that beast unleashed for an actual (almost) bingo but idk, sure you could make an argument for it for book 4 and stuff but it just doesn't seem like the right vibe (or perhaps I just don't know what vibe that square is going for to begin with).
Partial circle on the headcanon square because yes I think about him a lot but I don't feel like I go for headcanons that much? Like it's more about canon things, extrapolating from there, or just "wouldn't it be neat" kinda stuff, if that makes sense.
(Or maybe I just think my opinions are so obvious I don't even recognize the headcanony nature of them, y'all can be the judge of that).
I feel like there are folks in the fandom who do have some curious opinions about him but I've done a pretty good job of surrounding myself with like-minded folks so I'm good.
My canon denial mostly goes for the tragedy of it all, like yes Jamil's situation sucks but how about I just focus on happier things instead (yeah good luck to me with that).
Partial silly for the good old passion for dancing overtaking him and stuff like that. And when he's just ribbing his schoolmates. Because then there's also those parts of him that are anything but.
I don't think anyone would disagree that he's a bastard. I mean, book 4, masquerade, we know how much (that is, little) he cares by default.
Kiss and bite are mayhaps kinda related and do not even begin to cover the range of desirable actions but I'm just gonna leave that at that.
Also like sure red and black are also the dorm's colors, not just Jamil's, but come on, those are definitely my colors, too.
Tho I do tend to prefer silver over gold, but anyway.
And as much as I have my problems with snakes, the way the hood suggests a snake and all the other little details are just so cool.
And don't even get me started on his hair and the hoodie under the school uniform and all those little things he does with his looks to push the envelope (oop is this actually a headcanon?) and to have a more personalized look while staying within what's required/expected of him.
(if anyone else wants to grab the plain bingo card, you can find it here)
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ladyvader23 · 4 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by the lovely @fanfictasia and @the-real-azalea-scroggs and this seems fun, so here we go!
1. How many works do you have on A03?
24, though I have some on ff.net that aren't posted on AO3 from the very early days
2. What's your total A03 word count?
850,878 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Star Wars, though I've dabbled in FFXIV recently.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Missing and Presumed Dead
Darth Vader Goes to Therapy
Just One Wish
Darth Vader Goes to School
Unexpected Truths (just like the title, I did not expect this one to be in the top 5 and I have questions)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to. I read and love every single comment I get, please don't get me wrong, comments absolutely FUEL me, but responding?? I have so much anxiety, it used to take me HOURS to respond to them all. Eventually it got to be so much on my emotional health that I decided it would be better to channel that into writing more for people to enjoy, so...that's what I do now. Again, comments fuel me, and I love you all, and I read every single comment and even have a lil' scrapbook of comments that I go back to whenever I'm feeling down about my writing, so I hope this doesn't give off the wrong impression...
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Easily Fracture. If you've read it, there's no explanation needed here. If you haven't...let's just say someone gets turned into a rug, among many other horrible things...
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uh...most of my fics have a happy ending of some sort. Some you just have to wade through more angst and whump to get to the happy ending than others. I think Missing and Presumed Dead had an ending I thought was perfect for it, as did Darth Vader Goes to Therapy. Both were happy endings AND endings that I thought were perfect for the story that was told.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I write for Star Wars. Yeah, I've gotten hate XD. Thankfully, it's rare. Usually people get upset with my interpretations because "iTs NoT cAnOn!" I really just don't care, so I just laugh and move on. Like if you wanted canon, why are you reading fanfic?? Probably the craziest though was when someone went on one of the biggest Tumblr blogs in the SW fandom and used my Darth Vader Goes to Therapy fic to support their argument that the Jedi were evil or whatever (idk, I wasn't part of the argument) and beyond the fact that it's wild to go into a fandom canon-based argument with super out of context quotes from a fanfiction to support your argument, but to do it with a fic that I 100% wrote as a COMEDY is just. Wow. I was suddenly flooded with so much hate from a bunch of people who had never read my fic, thought it was a seriously written piece of literature, and assumed I agreed with everything the person said and I didn't even know until I went to the post and had to defend myself...every once in a while someone will not see that defense and will message me more hate. Like it's a crack fic. Granted, I DID do research on real therapy practices because I didn't want to make a joke out of therapy, but everything else was 100% a joke. I'm really glad people love it (so do I!) and resonate with it, but it's not canon. I don't think the person intended for me to get so much hate, so I definitely don't blame them, but it was a lot.
9. Do you write smut?
Um. Ahem. I may or may not have a private stash from like. Deleted scenes in fics that had romance in them back when I wrote those. That I will. Definitely. Never publish. Don't worry about it. >>
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yes! Though I've only done a few. I think the only one on AO3 was the crossover with The Last of Us, done before the TV adaption.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Sort of. There was that scare a few years ago when everyone thought a random website had stolen everyone's fics, but it turned out it wasn't that exactly. AO3 isn't available everywhere, so there are sites that are just set up to mirror whatever is on AO3 so that people can read fics on that site, and it happened to be one of those sites. Oh boy, though, did they get a lot of hate mail before it got clarified. Then there was that time I had someone write a fanfic that they said they wrote with a similar concept to my ff.net story Second Chances, but then one of their friends was like "this is a rip off" so they asked me to read it before they posted it to make sure they hadn't ripped it off. Except...it was almost 90% word for word....so uh. I didn't give my blessing and I don't think it ever got posted lol.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I've had fics translated into Russian, Chinese, Korean and French. My most common requests for translation are Russian and Chinese. I've never actively tried to get something translated, it's just whoever asks me for permission.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! (I'm keeping Aza's answer for this part since it's true) There's the memorable Great April Flood, which was basically a dozen of Star Wars writers gathering together to do a massive round robin with tumblr asks prompt fills (those three sentence fics, if anyone remembers) in order to flood our side of tumblr on April Fools in 2020.
I also did an Inuyasha fanfic with my cousin when I was a teenager, and I didn't technically co-write it, but I did heavily work with a specific character for my Fushigi Yugi Genbu Kaiden series with my best friend in high school as well.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I mean, I'm pretty open to whatever. I think I've written Luke with like....5 or 6 different people depending on the story?? But if I had to choose, I guess I'm pretty consistently Percybeth, so I guess them???
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Assassins Blade. Like it was a great story....but omg. I got so much harassment about the most random things, sometimes on every. single. chapter. it just wore me down and I just don't write romance-centric fics anymore, which is sad because I DO like writing romance.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Finding the comedy in even the darkest moment. Taking a horrific situation and really just letting the characters feel the emotions of the moment, letting them bask in the consequences of either their actions or the actions of others.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Well, anyone who has ever edited my stuff will probably say "too many redundant sentences" and you know what? They're right. Fluff-centric scenes are difficult, as well. I also will disappear for months on end when I'm just. In a weird funk. Which I still kind of am in at the moment, but I'm actively trying to break through it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't really have an opinion on this one.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First one I wrote for: Final Fantasy X, but my mom wouldn't let me publish because it was the days of the internet when all parents thought their child was going to be kidnapped if they did anything other than look at the internet. It was bad though, so I'm not sad I didn't publish.
First one I published: Inuyasha. I published behind my mom's back, and got in trouble when she found out, but then she looked at everyone's comments and figured out that I was not, in fact, overly in danger of being kidnapped, so she let it go.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Darth Vader Goes to Therapy. I will never be that funny ever again. I achieved my peak comedy with that fic. But a very close second is Missing and Presumed Dead, and sometimes, depending on the day, that one is my favorite and DVGTT is a close second.
This was fun! Tagging @sunshinechildskywalker @25centsoda and @zoryany but definitely don't feel like you have to!
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oflights · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
thanks for the tag, @teledild0nix; your post was great! also @phoebe-delia tagged me on this post a bit ago; i loved reading these so much! at this point, i'm not sure who has or hasn't done this yet, so i'm tagging anyone who sees this and wants to try it!
How many works do you have on ao3?
54 across 3 fandoms!
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
1,382,065 😵‍💫
3. What fandoms do you write for?
right now it's just drarry; i have also written for hockey RPF and before that, The Social Network, but a lot of that fic is locked on livejournal. before TSN i wrote drarry 😬 which is also locked lol i'm sorry
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. up the arbor to your door (and more) - Hockey RPF (2,889) 2. all the western stars - Drarry (2,819) 3. Bloom - Hockey RPF (2,759) 4. Brand New Colony - Hockey RPF (2,558) 5. Morning to Wake You - Hockey RPF (2,056) my sid/geno hockey RPF era from 2012-2014 was pretty consistent! i do think all the western stars is about to overtake the top spot though, which is insane when you realize those fics are 9 years vs. barely 18 months old 😧
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!! i make every effort to, though sometimes i get overwhelmed (i've fallen off a bit with The Star Splitter and it makes me super guilty!!! i need more hours in the day lol)
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i am a happy ending aficionado!! i guess if you ignore the fix-it epilogue, the answer is we hid in catacombs, which is probably the best sid/geno fic i wrote. it was a breakup fic, of course, i remain obsessed with those!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i really cannot think of any standout happy ending hockey fics so for this one i will say along each garden wall. sugary sweet ending after what was a genuinely sad narrative; i think i took to heart the people who were like "Close Behind was so angsty we needed more happiness to wash it down!!" and while i felt like that didn't really fit Close Behind, it worked for this one.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
ha. yes! people were Not Happy about Close Behind. someone told me that i should tag it as the main pairing being Draco/Astoria and add an Ambiguous/Open Ending tag, which was very interesting and wrong. some comments i get are just odd, though. like someone got mad at me in The Star Splitter comments for naming a stuffed dragon Orion, who i guess was Sirius' abusive (?) dad?? i had no canon memory of that (and why would Draco care about that???). another person just objected to the entire premise of the fic, which i suppose is fair play if the premise of the fic is an actual philosophical argument, but yeah. it takes all sorts!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do! i like writing smut! happily, yes smut! i don't go too deep into it in every fic, though, and with drarry i've often let myself get more into plot than figuring out the best smut places. i'm in a spot mentally where i really want the smut to contribute to the plot in a significant way, which i think is a result of taking a two year fanfic break and reading nothing but literary/historical fiction in those years? idk i need to write more, it's a total shift from when i wrote hockey.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
yeah, no, not for me!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i've had some plagiarism incidents, and i guess i ask for this as a serial fic deleter, but some of my fics are on wattpad and i'd prefer they weren't lol.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! a good few.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
lol i cannot answer this question truthfully. my all-time favorite ship is just whatever i'm hyperfixated on at the moment! drarry is probably a contender just because i circled back to it after years away. (am i in a getting back together fic with drarry??)
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i finish all my wips 🙂 honestly this is not a flex, i am terrible at abandoning projects and my brain will not let me off the hook ever.
16. What are your writing strengths?
hmm. i think characters, especially large casts of characters! i love to write big ensembles and flesh out characters even in big or small roles, plus their relationships with each other. i also think that i'm much better at giving my worlds/stories a sort of aesthetic now, if that's a writing talent? this is def a new thing to drarry for me, since i took that long fanfic break and wrote/read a bunch of original stuff.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i work at it, but i still don't know that i'm the best at describing things. i'm better at describing settings than people, that's for sure. i get bored with endless descriptions of someone's eye color and i find myself needing to justify character description with narrative relevance, which is silly.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i'm a big proponent of '"[English words]," he says in French.' Or like, 'He says something in French', if the POV character wouldn't understand it. i feel like it's less immersion-breaking and more fluid. i write in several languages but wouldn't expect readers to, and i normally write such a close third person perspective that i don't necessarily want the readers to have a translation of a phrase that the POV character wouldn't have, you know?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i think officially it was veronica mars?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
i'll do one for each AO3 fandom! for TSN, it was Mulligan. for Hockey RPF, Contrapositive. and for Drarry, no surprise, Close Behind.
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
in the interest of distracting myself from writing my fic continuing to discuss observations about my ATLA re-watch, I'm gonna revert from my usual form of pretending the Kataan.g Vs. Zutara argument doesn't exist (because it's an aspect of fandom that annoys me since I'm not into either ship) & instead I'm gonna just blatantly make fun of the show.
because re-watching from the start it's actually hilarious (warning this is fully a hater post) how poorly written the Katara / Aang "romance" (& calling it that is a HUGE stretch) arc is. like, I have no skin in this game. I don't particularly care if ships are canon. y'all have seen my ao3, my main ship is Azutara. I do not give a fuck if ships I like are canon. I don't really ship Zutara, although I totally get the appeal, it just doesn't scratch that itch that's required for me to get excited about a ship ya know?
so, like, as someone who has no skin in this game, it's just kind of comical? in a way? why on EARTH did they write 3 seasons of Katara not being super into Aang as anything but a friend while he thirsts after her, have a guru tell Aang that he should let go of his feelings for Katara, have Aang kiss Katara & her not be into right before the finale & STILL have them as endgame? and like....if that's not stupid enough (& it really should be lmao) they give Katara & Zuko this intense personal scene between them in the catacombs, & I'm all for platonic bonds but it's been established with Jet that Katara likes bad boys who are a bit haunted (& tbh I'm a Jetara shipper like full disclosure I wish Katara had ended up with Jet if she had to "end up" with anyone) & it's really hard to deny that the framing is romantic when later persistent jokes about Zuko & Katara being a couple are made.
then....then.....in the finale. in the show's finale. Zuko dives in front of lightning to save Katara.
......and she....still ends up with Aang?
y'all. I do not even fucking ship Zutara. I know it sounds like I do, but like, I actually don't care about it as anything but a friendship. personally don't really think Katara should've "ended up" with a guy at all since that's not really the point of the show. I'm literally just making observations about the writing & objectively the way this is framed is fucking insane to me
what the fuck were they doing? I've never seen a show fuck up their main romance so badly lmao
ok. I'm done. I won't mention this again for a while. I REALLY don't want to become someone who makes a habit out of / makes my blog about / trashing ships. but I legit just had to get this one super petty post about this out 'cause I can't get over how hilariously dirty this show did their main character's romance lmao what the fuuck
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welcomingdisaster · 10 months
2, 3, 7?
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom i did 2 over here! but now since i've done two characters who i think don't bottom often, i'll do two characters that i don't think top often. again this is with the disclaimer that i tend to prefer switchy dynamics for all my ships. sooo. turgon is such a control freak in life that i think he might enjoy just laying back and getting taken care of in the bedroom (god knows he won't let this happen anywhere else). i think he'd feel a "duty" to perform at first, but if you put him with a partner that likes to make all the decisions he'd be so very relieved to fall into that dynamic in the bedroom. also for whatever reason i think finrod and amarie are this:
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don't ask me why it's just vibes
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
okay big disclaimer on this that everyone has different takes and what makes me very annoyed has a right to exist in fandom. no hate intended towards the takes and people i mention, should they somehow see this. that said i AM choosing violence tonight
i see a lot of takes i dislike but only one. has made me so mad that i immediately left my house and walked five miles out of sheer frustration. and it was this, as far as i recall, their logic: "sauron killed celebrimbor before celebrimbor gave him the information he was really looking for (location of the three rings). sauron is the master of torture, and this was kind of a pretty big torture fuck-up. thus, sauron was not at his best when torturing celebrimbor, and killed him too rashly out of anger. this is later backed up by the way he treated his body. thus, celebrimbor must have done something particularly heinous to sauron. in fact, it was celebrimbor taking advantage of sauron all along. this means that feanor must have seen maiar serving in aule's forges and decided maiar were some kind of servant class, which led to celebrimbor inheriting those beliefs and being creepybadevil at sauron when they worked together" i don't think i need to dissect this take to explain how much it pissed me off. but i WILL say i am genuinely impressed with this user for managing to victim blame the victim of a crucifixion.
also i would like to say that sauron is such a cringefail loser (affectionate?) that we should be surprised about him fucking up torture. guy got beaten by a big dog & also made the mistake of killing finrod before learning anything important from him
again no hate to the user. people have drastically different takes & headcanons and favorites but god. that one got me. it really did get me.
honorable mentions go to:
that one theory i saw that someone managed to blame almost exclusively women (indis, nerdanel, and yavanna) for the conflict of the silmarils
the person who said child!fingolfin should have been a better brother if he wanted feanor to like him. this one loses "bad take" points for being the funniest fucking thing i've ever read
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
hmmm i actually think i've mostly gone the other way around? i think i mostly tend to like characters more than i did coming into fandom. that being said i weirdly don't like erestor. something about him idk
i also used to like sauron a lot more than i do now. now i'm very sauron-cautious. some of the coolest fanart and fanfic in fandom involves him and i don't wanna dismiss that, i definitely enjoy reading about him, but for some reason he's the character the MOST likely to make me click out of a fic if he feels "off" to me
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chaotic-guinea-pig · 4 months
For the character ask game: 7, 8, 18, 21, 26. For Kyle.
26: do you see Kyle as the taller one or Stan? I’m always very interested to see how different artists and/or fic writers view heights in general. Typically it’s common for people to make Kyle the taller one, but I’ve always enjoyed the idea that, as a kid, Kyle was one of the shorter guys in school but ended up getting a huge growth spurt around middle school - thus popping up taller the the other main three. But I’m curious to see your take on it! (And if you’d like I think it’d be cool to know how you imagine Stan and Kyle in your fic, like heights, clothes, scars, accessories etc!)
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
How we all let him play and succeed in the basketball team! Kyle in canon does have wide variety of interests, so I do adore that in fanon, we bring out his sporty side more!
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
cracks knuckles Here we go lmao. I'm choosing violence today. <33 Actually should say that I don't see this as much anymore - this is more reacting to something that was common earlier 2023:
The way fandom holds Kyle to a much higher moral standard than others, hands down. I noticed this happens with morally right, outspoken characters in general, but it seems that whenever Kyle makes a mistake or is a hypocritical asshole, he is suddenly the worst and "as bad as Cartman." which... honey no, that's not it at all. Kyle is flawed, yes, but to say he's as bad as Cartman is blatantly wrong imo. When you reduce Kyle to just a bad guy, you just lose so much nuance which is a shame because the fact that he tries to be a moral person is SO FASCINATING!!
I've said it before but also how the fandom judges Kyle for not saving Stan during YGO/Assburgers. Someone on Tumblr said it first (can't find the original post), but my issue with the "But Stan saved Kyle many times, why can't Kyle?!" argument is that in all of those times, there was an easy fix. In 'Super Best Friends', all Stan had to do was break the glass to stop him from drowning, while in 'Cherokee Hair Tampons', Stan tricked Cartman into donating his kidney to Kyle. All simple solutions. But when it comes to depression, there's no simple fix at all (nevermind the fact that Kyle is like... 9, and adults struggle with this too).
(And of course, people are allowed to disagree with Kyle's actions, or think he should have done more. I just think that putting a moral judgement i.e. calling him good/bad over something as complicated as depression rubs me off the wrong way.)
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
IKE!! I really adore their sibling relationship, how Kyle goes from finding Ike annoying (as any young kid would do), to how he becomes protective and caring over him.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Favourite thing: KYLE IS SUCH AN INTERESTING CHARACTER TO EXPLORE. You can put him in many different scenarios and get interesting character studies! You could do an character study before the Post COVID special, you could explore his need to do the right thing and be the mature one (bonus points if this is in a Stick of Truth AU!) and so on.
Least favourite thing: This is specific to 'A Ballad of True Hearts' but it was heartbreaking to write this kid get into an crisis over his morals and his identity after failing to save Stan from banishment. A young prince with pure intentions finds out how cruel politics can be in the worst way possible by losing his soulmate and best friend and almost-lover to banishment. A young prince who only wanted to right by his kingdom by getting humans to join knighthood... only for it to backfire. SIGH.
For a more general answer though, I would say probably trying to find the right balance between the compassionate Kyle versus the times where he can be unintentionally cold vs him being hotheaded. Not something I dislike per se, but more like something challenging!
26. Do you see Kyle as the taller one or Stan?
OOOHHHOOHHHH OKAY, so I'm a believer that Kyle initally starts as the shorter one when they hit puberty, only because I think Stan would totally heckle him for his height AND hear me out, okay - Cartman getting his ass handed to him constantly by the shortest kid of their group… how super embarrassing for him. <333 And of course, by the time high school starts, Kyle gets a growth spurt and becomes the tallest one in their group. In a world where Style gets together during high school years, their height differences is something they banter about, hehe.
(And if you’d like I think it’d be cool to know how you imagine Stan and Kyle in your fic, like heights, clothes, scars, accessories etc!)
Ahh, very sweet of you to ask this, hehe! For heights, I imagine them to be more or less to be of the same height, just to follow the "Stan and Kyle are on equal footing" symbolism.
I'm going to be honest and say that at the start, I didn't put too much thought into their outfits because I kinda just imagined them dressed in their Stick of Truth/Trilogy outfits, except older haha. Stan pretty much wears this throughout the fic. His blue helmet, however, does become cracked and shattered after their fall from the sky at the end of chapter 10. So by Act 2, he ends up sporting some bucket-hat looking helmet like this (except without the rustiness of course!)
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Before he was banished, he did occasionally wear a surcoat that bore the Broflovski House emblem (what that looks like... I'm not sure yet LMAO). He doesn't wear this in present now ofc since that's easily identifiable to assassins.
As for Kyle in Act 2, he definitely wears his Black Friday trilogy outfit. As for Act 1... he is said to dress in a typical attire for elf pages, so I imagined something like the elf enemies in Stick of Truth. Maybe this little guy in particular:
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Edit: Jks lmao I'm retconning this :') Kyle wears a plain robe, hood and cloak in act 1.
Speaking of, I may do a minor retcon to remove his ushanka hat until the beginning of Act 2, and replace it with one of the elf hats. It doesn't quite make sense for leafy, temperate Larnion to have ushankas.
As for his attire as the prince - I'd like to think he wore red robes that were more simple and had less patterns than his Stick of Truth one. The crown (another retcon I gotta do eeeeeeep), is a circlet! Probably similar to Thranduil's crown circlet from The Hobbit, but same colour as the branch crown that his Stick of Truth persona as (which is the crown that Gerald wears!) He doesn't wear this in the present, though. :(
RIGHT FOR SCARS... in chapter 9-11, they both bruises on their faces from their brawl in chapter 9. And eye bags... yes, they're chronically tired and in desperate need of rest. They do have scratches and scars around from their run-in with the assassins - noticeable in the legs and arms, which gets covered anyway by their attire. Stan still has scars around the torso from the torture.
Hope that helps, I apologise if it was vague. Kinda just chill with leaving it to people's imaginations, and whether they wish to imagine the canon designs or not.
Thank you again for the ask!! :]
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cringefaildiaz · 1 year
I don’t think Eddie’s good enough for Buck. I feel like when they met Buck was still in his “I gotta give everything to everyone to be loved” and I feel like Buck has done for Eddie much more than Eddie’s done for Buck and I do think Buck cares more about Eddie than Eddie cares about Buck. Now, before you start screaming at me about how Eddie is pining and yadda yadda, I think the fandom confuses fanon with canon but if you only look at canon it’s pretty clear:
Buck: gave Eddie Carla, was there for Christopher when he and Eddie were fighting, took care of Chris when Eddie was shot, was there for the Eddie’s breakdown, for Eddie’s breakup, for Eddie ranting about his parents, when Eddie was working at dispatch, tracked down Charlie to make him feel better, organized Christmas party for Christopher, literally always there for him.
Eddie: went there with Chris when he was moping because he couldn’t be a firefighter anymore (after the firefam asked him to, there was literally a conversation where his position was “let’s leave him alone”), “ice goes on the eye, bud”, made him Chris’ legal guardian. That’s it. But he wasn’t there for the Daniel stuff, when he was hurting for Red, when he was hurting for Maddie, during the “what’s the secret of happiness” episode, when Eddie found out about the sperm donation he didn’t react at all. And Buck went to him in 6x12 but he wasn’t involved in the recovery. You can write a thousand fics where he keeps his distance because he’s secretly in love with him or where he’s there for him, but that’s not what’s happening.
People want buddie canon because they confuse canon!Eddie with fanon!Eddie who is great for buck. But it’s not on the show. The show repeatedly told us Buck is Eddie’s best friend but Buck’s best friends are Hen and Chim.
A SPICY ONE!!! There will be no screaming from me, I promise. Safe space here.
First and foremost, "I think the fandom confuses fanon with canon": yeah. I mean, definitely. However, in my opinion, this fandom (or at least my corner of it) seems remarkably good at understanding their intended canon characterizations.
I don't actually think I've ever heard this perspective before? I've seen a fair amount of "Buck isn't good enough for Eddie" (especially mid-6b) because people think Buck is emotionally self-absorbed and/or immature (which, yknow, I think is fair, but also makes sense given his whole life story)
For me, this seems like it boils down to differences in how we're interpreting the show. Because while I agree that fandom can get carried away with their own imaginations rather than what the text actually says, I personally watched the show all the way through mid-s5 before engaging with fandom at all (I learned there was a fandom at the end of s4), and a lot of how I interpreted Buck and Eddie's relationship was VERY different from how you've interpreted it.
To respond to your specific points:
Definitely agree that Buck is very much there for Eddie and Chris at every turn
Eddie/Buck in the tsunami arc: definitely different from how I interpret it. I see that change in Eddie from being like "he'll get over it" to "there's no one I trust more than you" as a really gorgeous portrayal of the ways we have to learn how to love people the way THEY need to be loved rather than the way that might come naturally to you. I think that by the end of the tsunami, Eddie knows Buck better and how to show him love better.
I definitely think Eddie was there for Buck during a lot of those other points you mention, but it is often subtle and/or brief. Which could be an argument in favor of "Eddie just isn't that important in Buck's life" but I've always read it as more that Buck, as a really significant character, can't ONLY go to his best friend with every problem in this ensemble format
Would love to hear more about your thoughts that Buck is Eddie's best friend but Chim and Hen are Buck's. The first point makes total sense to me but you're losing me on the second. I'm intrigued tho, can you give me examples?
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me!!
drop your thoughts/theories/speculation on why you don't think buddie will go canon in my ask box because I'm curious (I'll be nice I promise)
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wowsoboring · 3 years
Deconstructing baseless Harry Potter arguments #1: Harmony Edition
There’s a very helpful account on instagram (this instagram page merely gathers toxic harmony shippers, they don’t ship Harmione or hate all Harmione shippers, please don’t send them hate, show them love and support) where you can essentially find stupid fucking bashers who make baseless arguments. I’m all for Harmione shippers, as long as they don’t denounce Romione, bash Ron and just peacefully co-exist. To my pleasure, such people are out there: they just dont seem to be seen as often as the ones that are not nice. Maybe all I see is the mean people and the majority is nice, but in this post, I am attacking those who make baseless claims and bash Ron/Romione/Hinny/Ginny. I don’t myself hate all Harmione shippers. On top of that, as a Romione/Ron fan, i do acknowledge Ron’s character flaws along with Hermione’s and I hold them on the same pedestal.
This is copied directly from my own instagram page, granger.weasley_ on ig.
Anyways let's get deconstructing
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Yeah okay mf; maybe don’t compare real-life relationships with fucking fictional ones. Your relationship going wrong has nothing to do with Ron/Hermione. It has everything to do with you and your ex: the *real life* people involved in it.
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The weird subreddits and discord servers also seem to have a lot of die-hard Harmione “non-canon” shippers. They bash Ron and Romione (along with Ginny and Hinny) with a burning passion without any objective sense of remorse. They ignore all the merits of Ron’s character and bash him to push their agenda. They can’t even do so much as fucking acknowledge any of Hermione’s character flaws but still somehow manage to fixate on that one time when 11 year old Ron just shit-talked one line while Hermione had just publicly humiliated him in front of the Charms class and practically shouted at him for doing the spell wrong just before. I personally don’t because Hermione was 11 too and wasn’t that good at social cues that early on, which is more than okay. Neither am I.
Only a few people in the Romione fandom bash Hermione. And it’s not like Harmione shippers (most, not all!) don’t bash Ron and Ginny remorselessly, right? The fucking hypocrisy.
If someone considers Ron as the best member of the trio, it is their own opinion and not a fact. I do that. If you consider Harry and Hermione as the best member of the trio or in the whole wizarding world, most people don’t give a flying fuck and probably won’t argue with you because it is simply an opinion. That will only happen when you pass that off as a fact.
Statistically speaking, most (not FUCKING all) Harmione moments are in the movies. The weird dance scene especially. The passionate kiss that happens in Ron’s vision, shit like that. Ron is pushed to the sidelines in the last set of movies while Harry and Hermione show each other endless love and support. “I’ll go with you”. The books on the other hand, describe Harry and Hermione as siblings multiple times, with very little Harmione references.
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So you don't want us to fixate on the large majority of Harmione shippers who do the exact same thing, just kissing Hermione's and Harry's ass and hating on Ron. However you will fixate on people who are most likely not EVEN bashing or hating but pointing out a few character flaws in Hermione in a fair and unbiased way. I would know, I'm a huge fan of Hermione as an individual character (in the books). The only criticism I've seen of Hermione to this day has not been bashing. In the comment section of my own fics (shameless plug) I've seen some Hermione bashing. On an ao3 comment section. And I've seen so damn fucking many people bashing Ron, Ginny, the Weasleys etc. and garner tens and thousands of upvotes on quora.
What does Ron even need excusing for? The running away incident and Krum. What does Hermione need excusing for? Canaries, contributing to Ron's insecurities by making him jealous through Cormac and Krum even though she didn't even like them (especially not Cormac, she fucking hated him). Ron wore a locket that literally highlighted his fatal flaw (insecurity) in an echo chamber. Harry kept getting annoyed when Ron wanted to check in on his family. Harry asked Ron to leave; Ron didn't say that shit in the books about Harry's parents being dead: that was plain shock value.
And sorry for repeating myself but I have seen quite a few Harmione shippers bash Ron and Ginny and excuse every single thing Harry and Hermione have done.
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37 upvotes on this weird comment that makes no sense? Echo chamber alert! You know what us Romione/Ron fans all have in common? We have never experienced such an echo chamber. I made a pro Ron/Romione post on reddit and got a considerable amount of people who bashed Ron and Romione in the comments.
The amount of Hermione haters is very few compared to Ron bashers. Nobody hates Hermione for being independent, determined, etc. We dislike perfect movie Hermione who’s an unrealistic image of females and seems like some sort of agenda than a real woman. Most Romione shippers/Ron fans and book fans in general (except for you apparently) dislike movie Hermione and still are fans of realistic book Hermione. Most, not all. In general, we do not claim anyone who does the exact same thing to Harry and Hermione that these sorts of Harmione shippers do to Ron, Romione, Hinny and Ginny. I say this on the behalf of all Romione shippers and Ron fans.
Ron's not a bitchy lay-about drama causing loser. That's Steve Kloves's movie Ron. In the books Ron is realistic and simplistic and apologizes whenever he causes problems. He acts up substantially twice in a span of 7 years where he is also a hormone-fuelled teenager.
This is so contradictory and juxtaposed to the point of near delusion. First you talk about how Romione shippers bash Hermione and then you bash Ron as a Harmione shipper. Mate, fighting fire with fire will get you called a hypocrite. Fix yourself.
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So the movies are fine when they work according to your agenda? And yes how dare he add such a (fake) chemistry fuelled moment between Harry and Hermione while defeating the entire purpose and groundwork for Romione, the sadness caused by Ron leaving and so many more things? Those Harmione moments you mention seem friendship -esque more than anything else.
Steve Kloves's moments ruined many things while just paying fan service to the Harmione fans he'd birthed through years in the course of 6 movies where he showed Ron as a, how you so eloquently describe it, lay - about drama causing bitchy loser, Harry as one dimensional and Hermione as a zero - dimensional Mary Sue who might as well be the main titular character. Obviously Harmione fans such as yourself don't see the problem with it as it fits your narrative
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We do care about Harry and Hermione at large. Most Romione shippers rightfully bash Draco, Pansy, etc. not particularly Harry and Hermione, that's quite rare. Harry and Hermione can get along without Ron as friends. Ron and Harry can also get along without. Hermione as friend. So can Hermione and Ron without Harry as friends or more. I don't understand your point and how what you said is any different than Romione or Ronarry’s friendship.
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Constant arguing is not what they do. They bicker, they apologize, and sometimes they just do it for the heck of it. They are argumentative teenager. Opposites attract doesn't work in the sense of fire and ice, it works in the case of Brownie and ice-cream. Ron is passionate, laid back and insecure. Hermione's passionate, a workaholic and not as insecure. Ron can help her get calm and composed and get her to give herself a break. Hermione can motivate Ron and re - enforce his confidence.
It wouldn't be step incest. Harry and Ginny do not regard each other as siblings. They do not look similar whatsoever. And a Harmione shipper also bashes Hinny and Ginny along with Ron and Romione? Checks out
" that fucked up Harmony" hahaha. What?
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Are you literally going to date someone on the basis of what Harry Potter ships they prefer? That is so shallow end depraved. Your Harry Potter ship preferences should not be the groundwork for your dating life. Please understand that. Harry Potter is a fictional world which is not real. Hogwarts doesn't exist. Magic doesn't exist. I sound like a Dursley but that's what it is: a fictional realm with fictional character. I would personally not give a fuck if my best friend or significant other was a Harmione shipper. In the case of them being a Ron basher, I would ignore it as if it was just a minor inconvenience and something we wouldn't be discussing and that's how it should be with you. Fuck BuzzFeed, your opinion on what Harry Potter ship / character is your favorite says squat about your personality and relationship with others in a romantic or platonic context. But who cares? Live your life however you want. I'll be stoic.
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It's not opposites attract rubbish or high school opposites attract. Ron and Hermione aren't polar opposites like I said, they are a bit different but similar too in many ways. They have a lot more in common than Harry and Hermione. Ron and Harry have the most in common. Both Ron and Hermione are passionate, loving, argumentative, caring, etc. Your argument lacks substance. It's biased trash. And what does “obhwf " mean?
at the end of the day, i’m just an annoyed teenager. I try my best to be open-minded to people but only as long as they are too. I tried to use my brain more than my feelings for this post. 
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sk1fanfiction · 3 years
the many faces of tom riddle, part 4
-attachment, orphanages, and yet more child psych: time to add yet another voice to the void-
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I'm going to be super biased, because my favorite portrayal of Tom Riddle is actually Hero Fiennes-Tiffin as eleven-year-old Tom Riddle, in HBP and I get to chat about child psych in this one, sooo here we go.
First of all, I’m just so impressed that a kid could bring that much depth to such a complex character.
This is the portrayal, I feel, that brings us closest to Tom’s character. Yes, Coulson’s brought us pretty close, but by fifth year, the mask was on.
We don't really get to see Tom looking afraid very often, but it's fear that rules his life, so it's really poignant in our first (chronologically) introduction, he looks absolutely terrified.
The void being the fandom's loud opinions on a certain headmaster. I wouldn't call myself pro-Dumbledore, but I'm certainly not anti-Dumbledore, either. (Agnostic-Dumbledore??)
Since I'm not of the anti-Dumbledore persuasion, I decided to poke around in the tags and see what the arguments were, so I don't make comments out of ignorance.
Most of the tag seems to be more directed towards his treatment of Harry and Sirius, but a few people mentioned that Dumbledore should have treated Tom with ‘exceptional kindness’ and tried to ‘rehabilitate’ him.
As I said in Parts 2 and 3, I am 100% in favor of helping a traumatized kid learn to cope, and I don’t think Tom Riddle was solidly on the Path to Evil (TM) at birth, or even at eleven. Not even at fifteen.
Could unconditional love and kindness have helped Tom Riddle enough for the rise of Lord Voldemort to never happen? Possibly, but...
Yes, I'm about to drag up that Carl Jung quote, again.
“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”
The problem with this is that if you’re going to blame Dumbledore for this, you also have to blame every other adult in Tom’s life: his headmaster, Dippet, his Head of House, Slughorn, his ‘caretakers’ at the orphanage, Mrs. Cole and Martha, and possibly more. In fact, if we're going to blame any adult, let's blame Merope for r*ping and abusing Tom Riddle Senior, and having a kid she wasn't intending to take care of.
Furthermore, you cannot possibly hold anyone but Tom accountable for the murders he committed. (I should not have to sit here and explain why cold-blooded murder is wrong.) And if you like Tom Riddle's character, insinuating that his actions are completely at the whim of others is just a bit condescending towards him. He's not an automaton or a marionette, he's a very intelligent human being with a functioning brain, and at sixteen is fully capable of moral reasoning and critical analysis.
I've heard the theories about Dumbledore setting the Potters up to die, and I'm not going to discuss their validity right now; but he didn't put a wand in Tom's hand and force him to kill anyone. Tom did it all of his own accord.
And while yes, I have enormous sympathy for what happened to Tom as a child, at some point, he decided to murder Myrtle Warren, and that is where I lose my sympathy. Experiencing trauma does not give you the right to inflict harm on others. Yes, Tom was failed, but then, he spectacularly failed himself.
We also have no idea how Dumbledore treated Tom as a student.
In the movies, it’s Dumbledore who tells Tom he has to go back to the orphanage, but in the books, it’s Dippet. We know that Slughorn spent a lot of time around Tom at Slug Club and such, yet I don’t really see people clamoring for his head.
I regard the sentiment that Dumbledore turned Tom Riddle into Lord Voldemort with a lot of skepticism.
But let's hear from the character himself -- his impression of eleven-year-old Tom Riddle.
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“Did I know that I had just met the most dangerous Dark wizard of all time?” said Dumbledore. “No, I had no idea that he was to grow up to be what he is. However, I was certainly intrigued by him. I returned to Hogwarts intending to keep an eye upon him, something I should have done in any case, given that he was alone and friendless, but which, already, I felt I ought to do for others’ sake as much as his."
Now, assuming that Dumbledore's telling the truth, I'm not seeing something glaringly wrong with this. No, he hasn't pigeonholed Tom as evil, yes, I'd be intrigued, too, and it's a very good idea to keep an eye on Tom, for his own sake.
“At Hogwarts,” Dumbledore went on, “we teach you not only to use magic, but to control it. You have — inadvertently, I am sure — been using your powers in a way that is neither taught nor tolerated at our school."
Again, it seems like he's at least somewhat sympathetic towards Tom, and is willing to at least give him a chance.
More evidence (again, assuming Dumbledore is a reliable narrator):
Harry: “Didn’t you tell them [the other professors], sir, what he’d been like when you met him at the orphanage?” Dumbledore: “No, I did not. Though he had shown no hint of remorse, it was possible that he felt sorry for how he had behaved before and was resolved to turn over a fresh leaf. I chose to give him that chance.”
Now, I think Dumbledore is pretty awful with kids, but I don't think that's malicious. Yeah, it's a flaw, but perfect people don't exist, and perfect characters are dead boring. I am not saying that he definitely handled Tom's case well, I'm just saying that there's little evidence that Dumbledore, however shaken and scandalized, wrote him off as 'evil snake boy.'
It's also worth taking into account that it's 1938, and the attitudes towards mental health back then.
Why is Tom looking at Dumbledore like that, anyway? Why is he so scared? What has he possibly been threatened with or heard whispers of?
"'Professor'?" repeated Riddle. He looked wary. "Is that like 'doctor'? What are you here for? Did she get you in to have a look at me?"
"I don't believe you," said Riddle. "She wants me looked at, doesn't she? Tell the truth!"
"You can't kid me! The asylum, that's where you're from, isn't it? 'Professor,' yes, of course -- well, I'm not going, see? That old cat's the one who should be in the asylum. I never did anything to little Amy Benson or Dennis Bishop, and you can ask them, they'll tell you!
Tom keeps insisting he's not mad until Dumbledore finally manages to calm him down.
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I'm really upset this wasn't in the movie, because it's important context. Instead we got these throwaway cutscenes of some knick-knacks relating to the Cave he's got lying around, but I just would have preferred to see him freaking out like he does in the book.
There was extreme stigma and prejudice towards mental illness.
'Lunatic asylums,' as they were called in Tom's time, were terrible places. In the 1930s and 40s, he could look forward to being 'treated' with induced convulsions, via metrazol, insulin, electroshock, and malaria injections. And if he stuck around long enough, he could even look forward to a lobotomy!
So, if you think Dumbledore was judgmental towards Tom, imagine how flat-out prejudiced whatever doctors or 'experts' Mrs. Cole might have gotten in to 'look at him' must have been!
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Moving on to the next few shots, he is sitting down and hunched over as if expecting punishment or at least some kind of bad news, Dumbledore is mostly out of the frame. He’s trapped visually, by Dumbledore on one side, and a wall on the other, because he’s still very much afraid. uncomfortable, as he tells Dumbledore a secret that he fears could get him committed to an asylum (which were fucking horrible places, as I said).
It brings to the scene that miserable sense of isolation and loneliness to that has defined Tom’s entire life up to that point (and, partially due to his own bad choices, continues to define it).
And, when Dumbledore accepts it, his posture changes. he becomes more confident and more at ease, as he describes the... utilities of his magical abilities. 
"All sorts," breathed Riddle. A flush of excitement was rising up his neck into his hollow cheeks; he looked fevered. "I can make things move without touching them. I can make animals do what I want them to do, without training them. I can make bad things happen to people who annoy me. I can make them hurt if I want to."
Riddle lifted his head. His face was transfigured: There was a wild happiness upon it, yet for some reason it did not make him better looking; on the contrary, his finely carved features seemed somehow rougher, his expression almost bestial.
I do think Harry, our narrator, is being a tad bit judgmental here. Magic is probably the only thing that brings Tom happiness in his grey, lonely world, and when I was Tom's age and being bullied, if I had magic powers, you'd better believe that I'd (a) be bloody ecstatic about it (b) use them. And, like Tom, I can't honestly say that I can't imagine getting a bit carried-away with it. Unfortunately, we can't all be as inherently good and kindhearted as Harry.
Reading HBP again, as a 'mature' person, it almost seems like the reader is being prompted to see Tom as evil just because he's got 'weird' facial expressions.
So... uh...
Nope, let's judge Tom on his actions, not looks of 'wild happiness.'
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To his great surprise, however, Dumbledore drew his wand from an inside pocket of his suit jacket, pointed it at the shabby wardrobe in the corner, and gave the wand a casual flick. The wardrobe burst into flames. Riddle jumped to his feet; Harry could hardly blame him for howling in shock and rage; all his worldly possessions must be in there. But even as Riddle rounded on Dumbledore, the flames vanished, leaving the wardrobe completely undamaged.
Okay, one thing I dislike is Tom's lack of emotional affect when Dumbledore burned the wardrobe, in the books, he jumped up and started screaming, instead of looking passively (in shock, perhaps?) at the fire. Incidentally, I can't really tell if he's impressed or in shock, to be honest. I think they really tried to make Tom 'creepier' in the movie.
This is one of the incidents where Dumbledore's inability to deal with children crops up.
I think he was trying to teach Tom that magic can be dangerous, and he wouldn't like it to be used against him, but burning the wardrobe that contains everything he owns was a terrible move on Dumbledore's part. Tom already has very limited trust in other people, and now, he's not going to trust Dumbledore at all -- now, he's put Tom on the defensive/offensive for the rest of their interaction, and perhaps for the rest of their teacher-student relationship.
Riddle stared from the wardrobe to Dumbledore; then, his expression greedy, he pointed at the wand. "Where can I get one of them?"
"Where do you buy spellbooks?" interrupted Riddle, who had taken the heavy money bag without thanking Dumbledore, and was now examining a fat gold Galleon.
But I'm not surprised Tom is 'greedy.' He's grown up in an environment where if he wants something, whether that's affection, food, money, toys, he's got to take it. There's no one looking after his needs specifically. I'm not surprised that he's a thief and a hoarder, and I don't think that counts as a moral failing necessarily, and more of a maladaptive way of seeking comfort. It would be bizarre if he came out of Wool's Orphanage a complete saint.
Additionally, I think given that the Gaunt family has a history of 'mental instability,' Tom is a sensitive child, and the trauma of growing up institutionalized and possibly being treated badly due to his magical abilities or personality disorder deeply affected him.
And there are points where it seems that Dumbledore is quick to judge Tom.
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"He was already using magic against other people, to frighten, to punish, to control."
"Yes, indeed; a rare ability, and one supposedly connected with the Dark Arts, although as we know, there are Parselmouths among the great and the good too. In fact, his ability to speak to serpents did not make me nearly as uneasy as his obvious instincts for cruelty, secrecy, and domination."
"I trust that you also noticed that Tom Riddle was already highly self-sufficient, secretive, and, apparently, friendless?..."
And while this is all empirically true, these are (a) a product of Tom's harsh environment, and (b) do not necessarily make him evil. But the point remains that child psych didn't exist as a field of its own, and psychology as a proper science was in its infancy, so I'd be shocked if Dumbledore was insightful about Tom's situation.
But I've gone a ton of paragraphs without citing anything, so I've got to rectify that.
Let's talk about Harry Harlow's monkey experiments in the 1950-70s.
If you're not a fan of animal research, since I know some people are uncomfortable with it, feel free to scroll past.
Here's the TL;DR: Children need to be hugged and shown affection too, not just fed and clothed, please don't leave babies to 'cry out' and ignore their needs because it's backwards and fucking inhumane. HUG AND COMFORT AND CODDLE CHILDREN AND SPOIL THEM WITH AFFECTION!
I will put more red writing when the section is over.
This is still an interesting experiment to have in mind while we explore the whole 'no one taught Tom Riddle how to love' thing and whether or not it's actually a good argument.
Andddd let's go all the way back to the initial 1958 experiment, featured in Harlow's paper, the Nature of Love. (If you're familiar with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, him and Harlow actually collaborated for a time).
To give you an idea of our starting point, until Harlow's experiment, which happened twenty years after Dumbledore meets Tom for the first time, no one in science had really been interested in studying love and affection.
"Psychologists, at least psychologists who write textbooks, not only show no interest in the origin and development of love or affection, but they seem to be unaware of its very existence."
I'm going to link some videos of Harry Harlow showing the actual experiment, which animal rights activists would probably consider 'horrifying.' It's nothing gory or anything, but if you are particularly soft-hearted (and I do not mean that as an insult), be warned. It's mostly just baby monkeys being very upset and Harlow discussing it in a callous manner. Yes, today it would be considered unethical, but it's still incredibly important work and if you think you can handle it, I would recommend watching at least the first one to get an idea of how dramatic this effect is.
Dependency when frightened
The full experiment
The TL;DW:
This experiment was conducted with rhesus macaques; they're still used in psychology/neuroscience research when you want very human-like subjects, because they are very intelligent (unnervingly so, actually). I'd say that adult ones remind me of a three-year old child.
Harlow separated newborn monkeys from their mothers, and cared for their physical needs. They had ample nutrition, bedding, warmth, et cetera. However, the researchers noticed that the monkeys:
(a) were absolutely miserable. And not just that, but although all their physical needs were taken care of, they weren't surviving well past the first few days of life. (This has also been documented in human babies, and it's called failure to thrive and I'll talk about it a bit later).
(b) showed a strong attachment to the gauze pads used to cover the floor, and decided to investigate.
So, they decided to provide a surrogate 'mother.' Two, actually. Mother #1 was basically a heated fuzzy doll that was nice for the monkeys to cuddle with. Mother #2 was the same, but not fuzzy and made of wire. Both provided milk. The result? The monkeys spent all their time cuddling and feeding from the fuzzy 'mother.' Perhaps not surprising.
What Harlow decided next, is that one of the hallmarks being attached to your caregiver is seeking hugs and reassurance from them when frightened. So, when the monkeys were presented with something scary, they'd go straight to the cloth mother and ignore the wire one. Not only that, but when placed in an unfamiliar environment, if the cloth mother was present, the monkeys would be much calmer.
In a follow-up experiment, Harlow decided to see if there was some sort of sensitive period by introducing both 'mothers' to monkeys who had been raised in isolation for 250 days. Guess what?
The initial reaction of the monkeys to the alterations was one of extreme disturbance. All the infants screamed violently and made repeated attempts to escape the cage whenever the door was opened. They kept a maximum distance from the mother surrogates and exhibited a considerable amount of rocking and crouching behavior, indicative of emotionality.
Yikes. So, at first Harlow thought that they'd passed some kind of sensitive period for socialization. But after a day or two they calmed down and started chilling out with the cloth mother like the other monkeys did. But here's a weird thing:
That the control monkeys develop affection or love for the cloth mother when she is introduced into the cage at 250 days of age cannot be questioned. There is every reason to believe, however, that this interval of delay depresses the intensity of the affectional response below that of the infant monkeys that were surrogate-mothered from birth onward
All these things... attachment, affection, love, seeking comfort ... are mostly learned behaviours.
Orphanages, institutionalized childcare, and why affection is a need, not an extra.
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His face is lit the exact same was as Coulson’s was in COS (half-light, half-dark), and I said I was going to talk about this in Part 3. I think perhaps it's intended to make Fiennes-Tiffin look more evil or menacing, but I'm going to quite deliberately misinterpret it.
Now, for some context, Dumbledore has just (kind of) burned his wardrobe, ratted out his stealing habit, and (in the books only, they really took a pair of scissors to this scene) told him he needs to go apologize and return everything and Dumbledore will know if he doesn't, and, well, Tom's not exactly a happy bugger about it.
But interestingly, in the books, this is when we start to see Tom's 'persona,' aka his mask, start to come into play. Whereas before, he was screaming, howling, and generally freaking out, here, he starts to hide his emotions -- in essence, obscure his true self under a shadow. So this scene is really the reverse of Coulson's in COS.
And perhaps I'm reading wayyy too much into this, but I can't help but notice that Coulson's hair is parted opposite to Fiennes-Tiffin's, and the opposite sides of their faces are shadowed, too.
Riddle threw Dumbledore a long, clear, calculating look. "Yes, I suppose so, sir," he said finally, in an expressionless voice.
Riddle did not look remotely abashed; he was still staring coldly and appraisingly at Dumbledore. At last he said in a colorless voice, "Yes, sir."
Here's an article from The Atlantic on Romanian orphanages in the 1980s, when the dictator, Ceausescu, basically forced people to have as many children as possible and funnel them into institutionalized 'childcare', and it's absolutely heartbreaking.
There's not a whole lot of information out there on British orphanages in the 30s' and 40s', but given that people back then thought you just had to keep children on a strict schedule and feed them, it wouldn't have a whole lot better.
The only thing I've found is this, and it's not super promising.
The most important study informing the criteria for contemporary nosologies, was a study by Barbara Tizard and her colleagues of young children being raised in residential nurseries in London (Tizard, 1977). These nurseries had lower child to caregiver ratios than many previous studies of institutionalized children. Also, the children were raised in mixed aged groups and had adequate books and toys available. Nevertheless, caregivers were explicitly discouraged from forming attachments to the children in their care.
Here's a fairly recent paper that I think gives a good summary: Link
Here, they describe the responses to the Strange Situation test (which tests a child's attachment to their caregiver).
We found that 100% of the community sample received a score of “5,” indicating fully formed attachments, whereas only 3% of the infants living in institutions demonstrated fully formed attachments. The remaining 97% showed absent, incomplete, or odd and abnormal attachment behaviors.
Bowlby and Ainsworth, who did the initial study, thought that children would always attach to their caregivers, regardless of neglect or abuse. But some infants don't attach (discussed along with RAD in Part 2).
Here's a really good review paper on attachment disorders in currently or formerly institutionalized children : Link
Core features of RAD in young children include the absence of focused attachment behaviors directed towards a preferred caregiver, failure to seek and respond to comforting when distressed, reduced social and emotional reciprocity, and disturbances of emotion regulation, including reduced positive affect and unexplained fearfulness or irritability.
Which all sounds a lot like Tom in this scene. The paper also discusses neurological effects, like atypical EEG power distribution (aka brain waves), which can correlate with 'indiscriminate' behavior and poor inhibitory control; which makes sense for a kid who, oh, I don't know, hung another kid's rabbit because they were angry.
...those children with more prolonged institutional rearing showed reduced amygdala discrimination and more indiscriminate behavior.
This again, makes a ton of sense for Tom's psychological profile, because the amygdala (which is part of the limbic system, which regulates emotions) plays a major role in fear, anger, anxiety, and aggression, especially with respect to learning, motivation and memory.
So, I agree completely that Tom needed a lot of help, especially given the fact that he spent eleven years in an orphanage (longer than the Bucharest study I was referring to), and Dumbledore wasn't exactly understanding of his situation, and probably didn't realise what a dramatic effect the orphanage had on Tom, and given the way he talks to Tom, probably treated him as if he were a kid who grew up in a healthy environment.
In case you are still unconvinced that hugging is that important, there's a famous 1944 study conducted on 40 newborn human infants to see what would happen if their physical needs (fed, bathed, diapers changed) were provided for with no affection. The study had to be stopped because half the babies died after four months. Affection leads to the production of hormones and boosts the immune system, which increases survival, and that is why we hug children and babies should not be in orphanages. They are supposed to be hugged, all the time. I can't find the citation right now, I'll add it later if I find it.
But I think it's vastly unrealistic to say that Dumbledore, who grew up during the Victorian Era, would have any grasp of this and I don't think he was actively malicious towards Tom.
Was Tom Riddle failed by institutional childcare? Absolutely.
Were the adults in his life oblivious to his situation? Probably.
Do the shitty things that happened to Tom excuse the murders he committed, and are they anyone's fault but his own? No. At the end of the day, Tom made all the wrong choices.
And, for what it's worth, I think (film) Dumbledore (although he expresses the same sentiment in more words in the books) wishes he could go back in time and have helped Tom.
"Draco. Years ago, I knew a boy, who made all the wrong choices. Please, let me help you."
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lostbutterflyutau · 2 years
Why did you stop shipping Gabela? I ship unpopular ships and I don’t care if I’m the only one shipping it. It’s annoying sometimes that what I write doesn’t get a lot of attention but being a content creator means making stuff I like even if it doesn’t get notice at all
The simple answer: Because, Dear Anon, no one cares about the ship and, by proxy, my content.
The long answer: I get what you're saying. I do. But, unfortunately, it doesn't work that way for me. Writing the content may be fun for a time, but once I post and have to wait and wait and wait for comments that never come, it stops being fun. I have said it before and will keep saying it: I expect feedback for my work, especially when I worked so hard to let the fandom know who I am. It honestly hurt (past tense) that they would eat up my canon content and analysis but not touch my creative content with a ten-foot pole simply because I picked an underrated ship.
A hard truth of fanfiction is that a well-written fic is worth NOTHING if you don't use the right characters/ships/tropes. And honestly? I hate that.
Rounding back to Gabela, it's this need for validation that eventually led me to give it up. I tried hard to keep it up. I really did. And I had a few people here and there with me until... THE EPISODE happened. "Norberg Peace Prize" confirmed Gabaomi as a thing and the entire fandom dynamic shifted for the worse. And I honestly felt like the biggest idiot in the world for not SCREEEEEEEAAAAAMING over it when the episode premiered. Its premiere is also the reason I wrote "True Love." And do not tell me that romance was NOT the show-runners' intent. It totally was and they just can't say so publicly. Following that episode, every ship for Gabe and Naomi was abandoned except that one. And with mine already teetering, that was the final thing. The Gabela ship busted in half and sunk, leaving me alone with nothing but a piece of driftwood.
Now, Elenaomi retains a decent following, but for Gabe, Naomi is the top choice. At least in the spaces I frequent. And you know what? The shippers are right. They're meant to be and Carla would be stupid to think she ever had a chance given how incompatible with Gabe she is. I've read so many posts that make wonderful arguments in favour of Gabaomi and, because I'm not a multishipper, I eventually had to concede.
Then, as time went on and we saw more hints in later episodes that everyone kept screaming about, I felt like the universe was telling me that my time was done. That no one cared and there was no point in my posting to an empty room. Plus, considering that there's been NOTHING posted in the ship channel (which I now believe was a mistake) for them in over a year, I think it's obvious there's no interest in the ship.
Also, the later shift in the fandom that brought in a group of canon purists who turned down every ship that "wasn't canon" and all listed Gabela as their NOTP didn't help.
Anyway, in the end, I overhauled the entire Mirror World Timeline post-graduation. And, in case you're wondering what happens to Carla in that timeline now, she remains permanently single. After her crush is crushed, her love life just never pans out. She's a bridesmaid 13 times over by the time she's 26 and stops believing in love and romance and has to learn to be happy with just herself.
So... Yeah. I stopped shipping them because I couldn't take the silence anymore.
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theangrypokemaniac · 4 years
I'll state from the beginning that the images below display the sort of sweet synchronicity to which only love can give life:
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MaAndPaShipping is the best ship, and here are five reasons why:
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1. It Made James
Like the boy do yer? Ever felt the slightest tingle of warmth at the mention of his name?
Well get down on yer knees and give thanks to his mother and father for gifting him to the world!
Where would we be without their remarkable commitment? Could James have grown into the dandified dream boat of your desires if deprived of the safety provided by his parents?
Had they not brought him up, he'd be dead, The Dog of Flanders fantasy made reality. If miraculously he survived, foraging in the wild is not conducive to a foppish personality.
Is that to yer fancy? No? Then let's have a little respect. The luxury Ma and Pa gave enabled his macaroni tendencies to reach such heights.
Their love created him! How can it not be celebrated?
You lot would ship Jessie's parents but you can't, because she has no dad, and I don't suppose you'll ever assent to his obvious identity of Windy Miller, although 'Jessie Miller' has a wonderful ring to it, so what can be done?
Should a Pa Jess be conjured for the purpose, he still buggered off, didn't he? Where's the allure in a faithless git?
I can't comprehend the obsession with Ma Jess. As soon as here she's stiff, and what is there to remember but coercing her daughter into eating snow?
Hey, I named her. What more do you want from me?
I'd rather have the living, visible ancestors, if you don't mind.
Yeah, says the history fanatic.
Why not make the most of the chances offered, and follow a devoted couple whose love made a difference to your existence?
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2. Canon!
There are many ships which I find repulsive for involving depravity, or absurd as the subjects haven't met, or don't inhabit the same fictional universe.
Video et taceo: I see and I say nothing.
Neither does anyone. Forcing decent folk in to incest, bestiality etc. is quite alright.
Perverted ideas are left alone, but woe betide a Rocketshipper, because that's offensive.
It may be the only original ship left standing, with proper evidence and sanctioned by Nintendo, but no, it's fair game for undermining. People pick at your arguments, quibble constantly and NEED to register their objections NOW. You MUST be made aware of opposition. You're not to be permitted your views the way those with twisted tastes are indulged.
Why, out of tens of thousands of combinations, does making Jessie and James an item provoke hostility?
The strength of negativity actually serves as validation, for why be so concerned if it's an impossible relationship?
However sick they are, I'm not anti any ship. I can't muster sufficient interest to do it, and if I scroll on, I forget. I certainly don't attack those responsible.
Anti-Shipping is inherently nihilistic for promoting loneliness. They aren't against Rocketshipping through wanting Jessie and James to be with someone else, as an alternative is not readily available, so the outcome of it is neither finding a companion.
MaAndPaShipping attracts no sourpuss silliness, for 'tis canon beyond question. There's nothing about being 'just friends' when married with a son.
How's the state of your O.T.P.? Not looking too clever I expect, and what's your contribution: wishing, and hoping, and thinking, and praying?
Cast it off! None of that longing is necessary in these quarters, as MaAndPaShipping is a fait accompli.
Hallelujah! Wallow in that Love!
Don't you yearn for at least one ship that all of us accept by default, to the extent these aristocrats are spoken of as a single unit?
Across the internet, Ma and Pa are bracketed as 'James's parents', never 'he' and 'she', always 'they', barely counting as distinct characters. That's how undeniable the love is between them. Sheer indifference has awarded it a blessing from everyone.
Of course, now I've drawn attention to it the moaning will start, but we all know a spoilsport when we see one.
If they had any legitimate complaints they ought to have mentioned 'em before this piece highlighted the marriage!
Except it won't have occurred to 'em previously, proving the eternal, indissoluble quality of MaAndPaShipping.
You get good value with this one.
Find a post referring to Ma and Pa as individuals and I'll have written it, for that's what you call ironic.
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3. It's a Fine Rocketshipping Proxy
I was at primary school when Pokémon hit the West like the bright, bearded meteor it is, atomizing all competition for a child's attention.
I have shipped Jessie and James before I knew anyone else did it, unaware shipping was even a thing.
There are other pairs where I think: 'That seems to fit', but it's incomparable to what I feel for them.
It is part of me. I bleed it.
I have shipped it longer than most Tumblerries have dwelt upon the earth.
I used to believe, what with the hints and manga finale, that this resolution was  inevitable, and all I had to do was wait.
Well I've been patient for two decades now, thus when I look at the modern incarnation, and realise it's no nearer to that goal, and instead is further away, waiting starts to wear a bit thin.
I resent the lack of appreciation shown to the fans by the cretins in charge, how any meagre shippy inclusion is done not with an interest in deepening bonds, but with the blatant cynicism of moulding us into performing monkeys dancing to their manipulative tune.
I dislike being treated like a sea lion, expected to clap me flippers at the wave of a fish, or as a panting dog begging at top table, where, because they're desperate to maintain the status quo, every scrap flung down from above now comes with an Anti-Ship kick in the teeth, just to be sure nothing progresses. Not whilst the franchise can still be milked for all it's worth.
I have lost faith Rocketshipping will happen. What passes for Pokémon today carries not the remotest indication of any intention on the so-called writers' part to finish it that way.
Even if it did, it's not my Team Rocket, it's those skeletal, gargoyle bastardisations. My Jessie and James never got the reward they deserved.
I'm somewhat in the market for a replacement. Beneath this loathsome carapace of acid and ice beats the tender heart of a true romantic, and it must have an outlet!
Shipping Ma and Pa provides a certain spurious relief, because it's as close as you can get to Jessie and James without it being them, both biologically as his parents, but they're so similar to the duo it counts as proof in itself.
Holy Matrimony! is prime Rocketshipping territory, not merely the balloon lift, but many slight additions are as important, like the haircuts matching.
Ma and Pa are therefore Jessie and James in the past, present and future:
The past for representing Jess 'n' Jamie gone Victorian, and we've all wondered how that'd turn out.
The present as it's there right now, absent of suffering the shameless whims of morons to get what you want. 'Tis yours to savour.
The future as a glimpse of Jessie and James once married with children, and they agree:
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That's how they play it given the opportunity!
What, James in blue, for his and Pa's hair, and Jessie wearing purple, like Ma's, with a red shawl for her own, and Ma Jess's orange earrings to copy the beads?
• Money!
• Bun!
• 'Tache!
• Classy pad!
• Fancy gear!
• Pampered pet!
• Identical cups of Earl Grey!
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4. Original Blend
Ma and Pa have only got two fans! We care more than the entire fandom has in twenty years!
Rocketshipping art is ten a penny, so why not display a pioneering spirit, sharpen up those pencils and be inspired?
Let your mind expand and marvel at the possibilities of these unchartered territories, and I'll reblog it if it's nice.
Pay attention to the condition of it being nice. I'm not putting up with any old toss.
Real Ma and Pa is what I want too, not those Sinnoh coffin-dodgers.
It's never been done! Every drawing breaks new ground!
I don't like fan fiction, but I wouldn't say 'no' to that either. Recall the 'nice' stipulation again.
Come on, be the first amongst your friends and get ship shape!
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5. It Gives Us All Hope
Suppose your favourite amour one day became canon: you imagine that's the end of the matter?
Well it ain't.
Between Ash, Misty, Brock, Jessie, James, Gary and Tracey, there are three-and-a-half out of fourteen parents (Flint doesn't count as a complete man) and one out of twenty-eight grandparents, and that's not enough!
If the series drew to a close with your beloved couple apparently walking into the happily-ever-after, there's no guarantee it'll endure. In fact, the odds are they'll split up within a few years and leave another generation to fend for themselves or starve.
That's right, so don't presume the final episode is all you need to worry about. Can you rest easy knowing it'll go pear-shaped once the camera stops rolling?
It's futile soothing one's worries with:
Oh, but they know what it's like to be alone. They'd never inflict such stress on their children.
Oh really?
Look at that poor showing of grandparents. Either Pokémon has a system reminiscent of the sci-fi film Logan's Run, where everyone over thirty is vapourized, or these disappearing maters and paters were themselves victims of abandonment.
I bet when they settled down, they thought it'd be different for their kids, they'd make sure of it, but no, off they went down that same route of feckless self-indulgence, and that's being kind assuming they intended not to repeat history.
Depressing eh? What's the good in any of us surrendering to romance, real or otherwise, if love is but a mayfly of emotion, and all dreams are doomed to die?
Then Ma and Pa arrive, and suddenly the storm clouds part for a ray of heavenly light.
It's not only that they made the effort in what was probably an arranged marriage and have stayed together from youth, it's that they've stayed together when no one else has, which augments its value.
When separation is commonplace, sticking it out becomes rarer and rarer as any belief in the sanctity of wedlock erodes with every failure.
If they didn't bother, why should I? What's the use when it won't work?
Once that idea enters your head, it's over, and your gloom-laden attitude fulfils itself.
Society is collapsing about Ma and Pa's ears, but they persevere nevertheless, refusing to buckle under the turgid malaise engulfing the arrogant and weak.
It's bloody beautiful, man!
You may suggest an environment of supreme wealth erases normality, and to their class and time period divorce is still taboo, so they don't really have much of choice but to remain wedded.
Ah, but it's not as if they simply tolerate one another for appearances, or carried on for the sake of their son (which is more than anyone else did besides), not when he walked out on them.
They've been married longer than James has lived, so at least eighteen years (don't all squeal at once), and they're still blissfully contented!
They hold hands!
They use terms of endearment like 'dear' and 'my precious'!
They were made for one another!
They work as a team!
They want the same thing for James!
It could bring a stone angel to tears it's so beautiful!
See what success can be achieved when you try? When you endeavour to love the one you're with and make yourself worth loving in return?
Better that than chucking 'em at the first sign of trouble.
Ma and Pa is such an irrevocable union even the despair of losing their only child failed to tear 'em asunder, and that'd defeat many, but not this husband and wife.
Be grateful, for it means all is not in vain.
It doesn't have to be misery and pain: love can last despite the pressure of a wretched, hollow culture bent on self-destruction. Your ship might just succeed too.
God bless 'em for keeping the magic alive!
Why do I have the presentiment that I'm going to regret encouraging support?
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