#*louise lovelace
salemsimss · 1 year
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Hey, Alexa. Play LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem
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Here's my list of forgotten/cool women from history. Please take it, reblog it with more, spread it, learn about them, make books about them:
Lucy (slave used for experimentations on the uterus)
Nightwitches from WW2
Grace Hopper
Mary Anning
Maria Mitchell
Ada Lovelace
Kate Warne
Agnes Barre
Flora Tristan
Olympe de Gouges
Eleanor Roosevelt
Bessie Smith
Sylvia Plath
Sweet Tee
Lady D (the rapper)
The Sequence
Lady B
Rachel Carson
Lalla Fatma N'Soumer
Rosalind Franklin
Miriam Makeba
Alexandra David Néel
Suzanne Noël
Helena Rubinstein
Katherine Switzer
Jeanne Barret
Sophie Germain
Katherine Johnson
Margaret Hamilton
Hedy Lamarr
Betty Snyder Holberton
Kathleen McNulty Mauchly Antonelli
Marilyn Wescoff Meltzer
Frances Bilas Spence
Ruth Lichteman Teitelbaum og Jean Jennings Bartik
Valerie Thomas
Karen Sparck Jones
Dr Shirley Ann Jackson
Radia Perlman
Stacy Horn
Dr Betty Harris
Beulah Louise Henry
Elizabeth "Jake" Feinler
Empress Zenobia of the Palmyrene Empire
Surya Bonaly
Dolly Parton
Mary Wollstonecraft
Mary Shelley
Queen Nzinga of Ndongo Kingdom
Queen Yaa Asantewa Ashanti
Empress Candace of Ethiopia
Queen Sarraounia Mangou of Aznas Kingdom
Dona Beatriz
Mileva Marić
Janet Sobel
Claudette Colvin
Marsha P. Johnson
Marian Anderson
Madam CJ Walker
Frida Kahlo
Mirka Mora
Dahomey Amazons
The 40 Elephants
Diamond Alice
Maggie Bailey
Julie d'Aubigny
Bessie Coleman
Policarpa Salavarrieta
Annie Oakley
Anna Julia Cooper
Sojourner Truth
Ida B. Wells
Shirley Chisholm
Mary Church Terrell
Audre Lorde
Harriet Tubman
Maria W. Stewart
Angela Davis
Florynce Kennedy
Jocelyn Bell
Alice Ball
Lise Meitner
Chien Shiung Wu
Marie Tharp
Elizabeth Blackwell
Wu Zetian
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sapphicmsmarvel · 3 months
2023 reading catalog
a million to one by adiba jaigirdar 💜
Iron widow by xiran jay zhao 💜
An encore of roses by st gibson 💜
Im a therapist and my patient is going to be the next school shooter by Dr. Harper 💜
I’m a therapist and my patient is in love with a pedophile by Dr. Harper 💜
I’m a therapist and my patient is a vegan terrorist by Dr. Harper 💜
The disturbing incident at lonesome woods boarding school by dr. harper 💜
One dark window by rachel gillig 
The twisted dead by darcy coates 
The house across the lake by riley sager 
Renegades by marissa meyer 🤍
Archenemies by marissa meyer 🤍
Supernova by marissa meyer 🤍
Daisy darker by alice feeney 
The lost apothecary by susan penner 
MHA 37 by kohei horikoshi 
The pronoun lowdown by nevo zisin 
The queen's english by chloe o davis
MHA team up 1 by kohei horikoshi and yoko akiyama 
To make monsters out of girls by amanda lovelace 
MHA team up 2 by kohei horikoshi and yoko akiyama 
JJK 0 by gege akutami 
MHA team up 3 by kohei horikoshi and yoko akiyama 
Hell bent by leigh bardugo 
Spice road by maiya ibrahim 
The stardust thief by chelsea abdullah 
The london seance society by susan penner 💜
All the dangerous things by stacy willingham 
The fae princes by nikki st crowe 
Carnage by sarah bailey 
Final offer by lauren asher. 
Glitch by briana michaels 
Never lie by frieda mcfadden 
The locked door by frieda mcfadden 
The inheritance by cassie cole 
Emily wildes encyclopedia of faeries by heather fawcett 
 The stolen heir by holly black 
Chaos by sarah bailey 
Corrode by sarah bailey 
Cataclysm by sarah bailey 
Howl's moving castle by diana wynne jones 
Fourth wing by rebecca yarros 
Cursed crowns by catherine doyle + katherine webber 
Girls of fate and fury by natasha ngan 💜
We free the stars by hafsah faizal 
A war of two queens by jennifer l armentrout 
The crown of gilded bones by jennifer l armentrout 🤍
Malice by heather walter 💜
Misrule by heather walter 💜
MHA vol 38 by kohei horikoshi 
Sofi and the bone song by adrienne tooley 
jjk vol 21 by gege akutami 
jjk vol 22 by gege akutami 
lore olympus vol 4 by rachel smythe 
the fiancee farce by alexandria bellefleur 💜
the only survivors by megan miranda 
what lies in the woods by kate alice marshall 
the last word by taylor adams 
you’re invited by amanda jayatissa 
ward d by freida mcfadden 
once returned by darcy coates 
double pucked by lauren blakely 
mated to the monster by sarah spade 
the thicket by noelle w ihli 
the good lie by ar torre
a naughty lesson by mika lane 
love creekwood by becky albertalli 💜
the heartstopper yearbook by alice oseman 💜
demon in the wood by leigh bardugo and dani pendergast 
the young elites by marie lu 
nick and charlie by alice oseman 💜
a haunted road atlas by christine schiefer and em schulz 
the rose society by marie lu 
the midnight star by marie lu 
a wicked education by mika lane 
a sinful classroom by mika lane 
the girl from the sea by molly knox ostertag 💜
how to sell a haunted house by grady hendrix 
the foxglove king by hannah whitten 
seven faceless saints by mk lobb 💜
divine rivals by rebecca ross 
sing me to sleep by gabi burton 
silver in the bone by alexandra bracken 
foxglove by adalyn grace 
assistant to the villain by hannah nicole maehrer 
a broken blade by melissa blair 
bonesmith by nicki pau preto 
the angelmaker by alex north 
the family across the street by nicole trope 
the sun and the star by rick riordan and mark oshiro 💜
lore olympus vol 5 by rachel smythe 
the chalice of the gods by rick riordan 
fangs by sarah anderson 
throne of the fallen by kerri maniscalco 
kingdom of the wicked by kerri maniscalco 🤍
kingdom of the cursed by kerri mansicalco 🤍
kingdom of the feared by kerri maniscalco 🤍
the priory of the orange tree by samantha shannon 💜
catwoman soulstealer by louise simonson, samantha dodge and sarah j maas
starling house by alix e harrow 
savage hate by amanda richardson 
a curse for true love by stephanie garber 
forged by blood by ehigbor okosun 
if i have to be haunted by miranda sun 
heart trick by kristen granata 
the legacy by elle kennedy 
odd man rush by kristen granata 💜
that one night by emily rath 
pucking around by emily rath 💜
pucking ever after vol 1 by emily rath 💜
iron flame by rebecca yarros 
my hero academia team up missions vol 4 by yoko akiyama and koehi horikoshi 
spin the bottle by stephanie alves 
as good as dead by holly jackson 
the lightning thief by rick riordan 🤍
the sea of monsters by rick riordan 🤍
i am not your final girl by claire c holland 
the titans curse by rick riordan 🤍
the battle of the labyrinth by rick riordan 🤍
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shannonlouisepoetry · 10 months
A Little Introduction
Hi, I've been writing poetry for a little over a year and thought I'd finally start sharing it. Here's a little bit of information about me to help you get to know me.
Name: Shannon Louise
Pronouns: She/Her
From: The UK
Favourite poet: Amanda Lovelace
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fredborges98 · 2 months
Mary Louise Brooks, minha mente, minha escolha!
Por: Fred Borges
O nome dela?
Mary Louise Brooks (Cherryvale, 14 de novembro de 1906 - Rochester, 8 de agosto de 1985), era uma atriz, modelo e dançarina norte-americana conhecida como um símbolo flapper e por popularizar o corte de cabelo liso e curto que lançou moda e se tornou um ícone dos anos 20.
Quando tinha nove anos de idade, um vizinho abusou sexualmente de Louise. Este acontecimento teve uma grande influência na vida e carreira de Brooks, fazendo com que ela dissesse nos seus últimos anos que ela era incapaz de sentir amor verdadeiro e que esse homem e os futuros que ela teve foi a síntese do seu comportamento sadomasoquista e reflexo do seu algoz, e este fato, durante muito tempo, refletiu seus inúmeros affairs, o que para época, considerava-se no mínimo, um comportamento fora dos " bons h��bitos e costumes" de uma sociedade ainda conservadora, tradicionalista e puritana.
Quando Brooks finalmente contou a sua mãe do incidente, muitos anos depois, sua mãe sugeriu que deveria ter sido culpa de Louise por "provocá-lo".
Revelando que o marchismo era na época e até nos dias de hoje uma representação não só por parte do homem,mas também por parte da mulher, e arriscaria-se dizer proporcionalmente e relativamente que boa parte é uma expressão cultural do patriarcado conduzida por essas últimas.
Numa época em que a maioria dos atores e atrizes, para ter trabalho, tornavam-se submissos e eram explorados ao máximo, mal pagos, e frequentemente nem tinham seus nomes exibidos nos créditos dos filmes, o temperamento de Louise era por demais explosivo, e ela, ao não aceitar as normas vigentes na ainda jovem Hollywood, incomodou muito aos donos de estúdios.
Sempre autêntica, intensa, explosiva, virtuosa profissional, ela era polêmica, empoderada, líder, e sempre avant garde em tudo que se propôs a realizar.
No dia 8 de março de 1917, um grupo de operárias saiu às ruas para protestar contra a fome e contra a Primeira Guerra Mundial. Elas foram fortemente repreendidas e o episódio acabou dando início à Revolução Russa.
No Brasil, em 1932 – Mulheres conquistam o direito ao voto.
Em 1960 - Criação da primeira pílula anticoncepcional.
Em 1974 – Mulheres conquistam o direito de portarem um cartão de crédito.
Em 1977 – Aprovação da Lei do Divórcio.
Em 1985 – Criação da primeira Delegacia da Mulher.
Em 1988 – A Constituição Brasileira passa a reconhecer as mulheres como iguais aos homens.
Em 2006 – Sanção da Lei Maria da Penha.
Em 2010 – O Brasil elegeu a primeira mulher presidente.
Em todos os sentidos, as mulheres ocuparam seus espaços, mulheres inspiram a humanidade e o humanismo, o futuro da humanidade e do humanismo.
Mulheres como: Marie Curie, Malala Yousafzai, Maria Quitéria, Ada Lovelace, e Valentina Tereshkova, dentre tantas outras!
Mas sempre haverá um porém, um porém que cabe um questionamento, uma discussão que tem origem numa questão:
Se as mulheres representam o futuro da humanidade e do humanismo,elas podem sozinhas determinarem o futuro dessa mesma humanidade e humanismo, decidindo abortar uma vida, independente do conceito ou definição de VIDA, do estágio daquele que virá a ser um SER HUMANO?
Hoje, com todas as formas de evitar uma gravidez, é preciso a mulher afirmar:
"My body, my choice!" Ou Meu corpo, minha escolha!?
Com tantos contextos que cercam a gravidez, suas causas e consequências, a escolha cabe somente a um corpo?
Ficar grávida é uma escolha, é uma decisão antes do fato consumado ou seja da gravidez, para tanto há o planejamento familiar, Pirulas, DIU, Vasectomia, Camisinha, Ciclos, infelizmente ideologias e políticas populistas, demagógicas, cínicas e hipócritas pró- aborto tem "delegado" a "algumas mulheres" esta escolha!
Delegaram mesmo?
Pura ilusão!
Pura pseudo liberdade!
O que realmente está por trás da aprovação pelo Congresso da França, o primeiro país a institucionalizar e colocar na sua Constituição a legalização do aborto?
Vamos lá...vamos ao cerne da questão, o que está por trás desta "decisão individual" que fora "institucionalizada", e tida como "democrática?
Uma França quebrada!
Uma França,governo e instituições, que não podem mais sustentar o "Welfare State", seu próprio establishment, seu " status quo de nação civilizada"!
Cuja Previdência tem um rombo, um "buraco azul, vermelho e branco" no espaço Sideral!
O aumento da expectativa de vida e a diminuição do número de contribuintes revelam um filme mais complicado mais adiante, com um déficit que deverá superar € 10 bilhões a partir de 2027 e seguir em trajetória ascendente se nada for feito, apesar da última reforma aprovada, tida como medíocre e insuficiente, uma reforma do " puxadinho".
Na verdade, o que está por trás também é o lema Marxista,Comunista/Socialista: "As crianças pertencem ao Estado!"
As feministas têm seu lugar na história pelas conquistas das mulheres,não há dúvida disto, mas as feministas de hoje não são as mesmas de ontem, a mediocridade é uma doença que se alastra em todas as camadas sociais,inclusive no primeiro mundo,assim como os intelectuais de hoje não são os intelectuais de ontem e assim acontece com juízes e juízas do STF no Brasil onde hoje emana o PODER.
Mary Louise Brooks deve estar se revirando no túmulo com as Mulheres e Homens de hoje, pois muito mais que um corpo,corpo sensualizando ou sexualizado ou genitalizado,do imperativo fálico ou vúlvico, existe a sensatez, a inteligência que proporciona ao homem e a mulher a escolha ou a decisão inteligente, perante ou diante de um corpo que agoniza, é absorvido, envelhece, decai, diante da gravidade sucumbe,mas que diante da gravidez cumpre seu papel humanitário em pró da VIDA!!!
Como diria Mary Louise Brooks, Mary estuprada,Mary abusada,Mary vítima,repetindo sua frase, escrita em sua biografia, três anos antes do seu falecimento:
"Um pouco mais de amor e ninguém se perderia neste mundo!"
E complementaria:
Um pouco mais de bom senso, inteligência e ninguém se perderia neste mundo!"
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writing prompt
I'm probably never going to write anything ever again, so I'm giving away my Super Awesome Ideas. Can someone please write a sci-fi story where Mary Shelley and Ada Lovelace travel through time together to use their foundational wisdom and stop the rise of present day AI building, especially deep fakes? Like Bill & Ted, but also Terminator, but also Haunted Summer, and maybe Thelma & Louise.
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readtilyoudie · 1 year
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All The Things I Never Said by Mae Krell
Almost Home by Madisen Kuhn
Autopsy by Donte Collins
A Beautiful Composition of Broken by R.H. Sin
Black Movie by Danez Smith
Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in Her Head: Poems by Warsan Shire
Butcher by Natasha T. Miller
The Crown Aint Worth Much by Hanif Abdurraqib
Dead Dad Jokes by Ollie Schminkey
Dearly: New Poems by Margaret Atwood
Depression & Other Magic Tricks by Sabrina Benaim
The Dogs I Have Kissed by Trista Mateer
Felon by Reginald Dwayne Betts
Girl, Isolated: Poems, Notes on Healing, Etc. by Trista Mateer
Helium by Rudy Francisco
I Don't Want To Be Crazy by Samantha Schutz
If My Body Could Speak by Blythe Baird
In A Dream You Saw A Way To Survive by Clementine von Radics
Life of the Party: Poems by Olivia Gatwood
Light Filters In: Poems by Caroline Kaufman
Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur
Mouthful of Forevers by Clementine von Radics
No Matter The Wreckage by Sarah Kay
Nothing Is Okay by Rachel Wiley
The Octopus Museum by Brenda Shaughnessy
Odes to Lithium by Shira Erlichman
Please Come Off-Book by Kevin Kantor
please don’t go until i get better by Madisen Kuhn
Please Love Me At My Worst by Michaela Angemeer
Pole Dancing to Gospel Hymns by Andrea Gibson
Rest In The Mourning by R.H. Sin
Revenge Body by Rachel Wiley
Self Love Poetry: For Thinkers & Feelers by Melody Godfred
This Wound is a World by Billy-Ray Belcourt
to make monsters out of girls by amanda lovelace
What We Buried by Caitlyn Siehl
When My Brother Was an Aztec by Natalie Díaz
Winter Recipes From The Collective by Louise Glück
Wild Embers by Nikita Gill
Yellow: poems for the healing heart by Alannah Radburn
You Better Be Lightning by Andrea Gibson
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thedoctornumber11 · 1 year
🎥 Who is my muse’s celebrity crush?
Marilyn Monroe is the super easy obvious answer, but Ada Lovelace, Mary Shelley, Hypatia, and Beulah Louise Henry are some other big ones.
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fictionadventurer · 2 years
Book ask: Emily of Deep Valley, by Maud Hart Lovelace
never heard of | never read | want to read | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
Maud Hart Lovelace's books have always been a major hole in my experience of classic children's literature. I'm always aware of them, and that they'd likely be extremely appealing to me personally, but for some reason I've never read them. (I think I read one of the Betsy-Tacy books when I was in middle school). I just looked this up, and it looks so appealing that I've already got it on hold from the library--since it's a standalone, it looks like it'd be a good place to start (and Amazon says it's widely considered her best work, which is an added bonus). The Wikipedia entry about her books is making me feel like I need to start a major Maud Hart Lovelace binge immediately--classic children's literature is always great for December, and these seem like a perfect fit.
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salemsimss · 1 year
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Beginning | Previous | Next
Transcript below the cut
[Leaves rustling]
[Multiple people shouting in the distance]
Man: I'm gonna ask you this one more time. Why the fuck were you looking at my girl?
Louise: Babe, stop-
Isaac: I wasn't.
Man: Then who were you looking at?!
Isaac: Definitely not you.
Man: You-
Louise: Seriously, stop!
Man: Why're you defendig him?
Louise: I'm not-
Man: But you are, though.
Mikah: Is this really necessary?
Isaac: [Yawns]
Man: Oh, I'm sorry, am I boring you?
Isaac: Yes.
Mikah: Can we just go, please?
Sorya: [Clears throat]
Man: The fuck do you want?
Louise: Shut up! That's Sorya!
Man: Who?
Louise: You can't be serious.
Mikah: [Sigh] He's the bar manager at Mooniva, and he works here. [Gestures to the tattoo shop]
Sorya: So what's all this about, then?
Louise: [Sigh] Wouldn't you like to know...
Man: Just dealing with this street scum.
Isaac: Tell him why.
Man: Shut up, cunt.
Isaac: Make me.
Man: I'm gonna fucking kill you.
Sorya: Enough.
Louise: [Hushed] Babe, seriously. He's not worth it.
Isaac: You should listen to your girlfriend.
Man: Shut. Up.
Isaac: This wet wipe over here thinks I was making a move on his girlfriend or whatever.
Sorya: Well, were you?
Isaac: [Scoff] Of course not. Not my fauly he feels threatened by me.
Louise: I don't think-
Man: I'm not threatened by him. My girl's got standards.
Isaac: Not very high standards, apparently.
Louise: Hey! Rude, much?!
Mikah: You are not a very nice person...
Isaac: Oh, really? What gives you the impression?
Sorya: [Sigh] If you're gonna fight, can you at least go somewhere else? I don't particularly want to end up distracted at work.
Louise: They're not going to fight, we have places to be. Isn't that right?
Man: [Grumbles]
Mikah: We were just leaving anyway. There's a train we really need to catch!
Louise: Great, let's go. Babe!
Man: [Mutters] I'm coming...
Sorya: Isaac. Why am I not surprised? Having fun, were you?
Isaac: Yeah, you know me. Making new friends every day.
Sorya: With that guy? You've got shit taste.
Isaac: Figured I'd broaden my horizons, you know?
Sorya: What're you doing here anyway?
Isaac: Jheez, Sorya. Am I not allowed to go for a nice, early morning run?
Sorya: Fuck off were you going for a run.
Isaac: Y'got me there. Was picking up drugs.
Sorya: [Snort] Of course you were.
Isaac: Yeah, and then that fuck stopped me, but it's fine, because Prince Charming came to the rescue.
Sorya: Oh, so I'm not Superman anymore, then?
Isaac: Nah, you've just got promoted.
Sorya: [Laughs] Good to know.
Isaac: As lovely as this was, I've got beatings to avoid so...
Sorya: [Snort] Of course you do.
Sorya: Don't get killed!
Isaac: I make no promises!
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Hi there! We’re the Eastman folks. We decided that tumblr seemed cool, and Abe gave us the idea to make an account. How cool is that? Anyway, ask or dare away!
Some information about the characters:
Jim- full name is Jimbob. A paranoid survivalist who predicted the apocalypse long before it happened. Now that it’s over, he’s starting to get used to functioning in a society after around 20 years of sitting in a storage crate.
Samuel Brains - A corrupt businessman, founder of Berry Delicious Smoothies. He went into hiding when his blueberries caused a pandemic across Eastman, and came out of hiding when a cure was found. He’s now being investigated.
Elaine Puddy - the sarcastic yet sweet adoptive mother of Claire and wife of Joe. She was separated from both of them for ten years. She’s taken on a strong role.
Joe Puddy - the pessimistic but gentle husband of Elaine and adoptive father of Claire. Unlike everyone else in Eastman, Joe didn’t like fruit at all. That was until he ate blueberries by the order of Elaine, then got infected and now refuses to touch fruit with a 10ft pole.
Claire Puddy - the adventurous and anxious daughter of Joe and Elaine. Claire left Eastman 10 years ago when the apocalypse started, and at 24 years old she came back to conquer it with her friends she made along the way.
Abe Romero- the awkward but ambitious gamer, and Claire’s childhood best friend. Abe had been sitting in his parents’ apartment for ten years playing video games, so now the world is foreign to him again.
Louise - The mysterious feral child. Louise was found by Abe the second year of the apocalypse, and became a parental figure to her. Though she is not mute, she still doesn’t speak fluently.
DJ - the spunky and optimistic DJ with a love for music and partying. DJ was stuck in the nightclub she worked in for ten years, so now she’s working on making the world her friends.
Aisha Lovelace - the irritable and strong scientist. Aisha was a teenager at the start of the apocalypse, but as Claire did, managed to get out. Now that she’s back, she’s trying to rebuild relationships with her friends from before.
Dr. Romero - the curious and frantic scientist, and Abe’s grandfather. He was previously working on the cure before accidentally infecting himself. But now that he’s conscious again, he’s starting to focus more on the small things.
NOTE: In my headcanon, the apocalypse began ten years ago. It lasted until just recently.
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womenintranslation · 5 years
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We’re marveling at this twitter thread begun by The Second Shelf, just brought to our attention by Czech-to-English translator Alex Zucker. Some thoughts:
• although this list isn’t limited to or focused on translations, we’re glad the folks at The Second Shelf are undertaking a count of their field, thereby encouraging us to expand (for just a moment) our examination to include rare/antiquarian books. And note that the list includes a lot of baseball cards, so “book” is used loosely here—and the “top 500 auctions” is ranked in descending order according to sale price. 
• our count: 12:488 female:male authors [incl. one translator] (listed as “publishers” by the Rare Book Hub), or 10:488 (considering that Sylvia Plath and Émilie du Châtelet are both on the list twice!). Specifically:
29—« Exposition abregée du sisteme du monde selon les principes de Mr Neuton » : manuscrits en partie autographes ÉMILIE DU CHÂTELET (1706-1749)
35—He Disappeared Into Complete Silence, Gemor Press, New York, 1947 LOUISE BOURGEOIS (1911 - 2010)
119—Radioactivité : dactylographie corrigée MARIE CURIE (1867-1934)
188—Ungemein wichtiger Teilnachlass mit einer umfangreichen Sammlung von Vorlesungsmitschriften, Exzerpten, Vorarbeiten zu ihrer Dissertation und Briefen sowie ein Ordner mit 17 meist handschriftlichen Briefen auf 55 Seiten an ihre Schulfreundin Ingeborg Frey. BACHMANN, INGEBORG (1945-1950)
227—Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. ROWLING, J. K. (b. 1965)
245—Maurice, or the Fisher's Cot. SHELLEY MARY 1820
323—The Bell Jar by Victoria Lucas. PLATH (SYLVIA) 1963
369—Le Livre de Paix. Manuscrit réalisé en Flandre, vers 1470. PISAN, CHRISTINE DE
389—« Abrégé de l’optique de Mr Newton » [suivi de :] « Essai sur l’optique » : manuscrits en partie autographes ÉMILIE DU CHÂTELET (1706-1749)
396—The Bell Jar by Victoria Lucas. PLATH (SYLVIA) 1962
437—SKETCH OF THE ANALYTICAL ENGINE INVENTED BY CHARLES BABBAGE, ESQ… WITH NOTES BY THE TRANSLATOR... [Lovelace, Augusta Ada, translator]--Menabrea, Luigi Federico (1809-1896)
• Note also that 468—DE CLARIS MULIERIBUS [DES FEMMES CÉLÈBRES] ED. ALBERTUS DE PLACENTIA ET AUGUSTINUS DE CASALI MAIORI BERGAMO [FORESTI (GIACOMO FILIPPO)] (1434-1530) (JACOBUS PHILIPPUS DEv)—although written, illustrated, and published by men, wouldn’t exist without the “famous women” it profiles (details here, here, and—for the book of the same title, written roughly a century earlier by Boccaccio—here).
• Note also that 12—The Breviary of Marie (1344-1404), Duchess of Bar, Daughter of Bonne of Luxembourg and King John II (the Good) of France, Franciscan Use, in Latin with a few rubrics in French c.1360 France (Paris)—although otherwise anonymous, wouldn’t exist without the wealthy woman who commissioned it.
• Lastly, for a better idea, we’ll omit the 106 baseball cards and comic books from the tally, so we arrive at a revised total of 12:382 female:male or 10:382.
Now, back to work!
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My month in books (minus a few audiobooks and library books). How was your March for reading?
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septembersung · 2 years
Dear Anon who asked me for Books That Don't Suck, suitable for a range of reading ages, preferably less well-known: I was in the process of answering your ask, when tumblr logged me out, and ate your message. But I saved my list!! So here it is:
For children's lit, I'm going to refer you to my two major children's booklist sources: the Mother of Divine Grace curriculum list, and Mater Amabilis. Both are broken down by grade/age range. MODG will give you more fiction, MA more nonfiction. For example, here's the MODG 2nd grade curriculum; under English - Supplemental - Optional, they have a list of good literature to pick from. (There's even longer lists for PK-1st.) It ranges from very simple stories and early readers to quality read alouds. And they have such lists for each grade. Here's an MA sample, from ~8th grade (scroll down to "Literature.") For nonfiction at MA, look at the syllabus for each level; it's broken down by subject. I recommend searching by title and author, using a search tool like Amazon to visually compare different editions, then if a particular edition speaks to you, using its ISBN and searching for it through bookfinder.com. If edition doesn't matter, searching just through bookfinder is the fastest route to comparing cheap prices at different outlets. Some of our favorite fiction:
Arthur Ransome (Swallows and Amazons, A Child's Book of the Garden);
George MacDonald (The Princess and the Goblin);
Maud Hart Lovelace (Betsy-Tacy);
Dorothy Canfield Fisher (Understood Betsy);
Robert Louis Stevenson (Treasure Island);
The Hobbit illustrated by Michael Hague and The SiImarillion illustrated by Ted Nasmith;
Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare;
Rosemary Sutcliff (any and all);
The Moffats by Eleanor Estes;
The Enormous Egg by Oliver Butterworth;
Little House;
Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls (small 4 volume set);
A Life of Our Lord for Children and St. Patrick's Summer by Marigold Hunt;
Elizabeth Gray: Adam of the Road;
Frederick Buechner: Godric;
Rutherford Montgomery: Kildee House (illus. Barbara Cooney!);
Death Comes for the Archbishop (if reading aloud with young listeners just skip the section "The Lonely Road to Mora.") Some more of our favorites, more on short story and picture book style:
Once Upon a Time Saints;
Brother Hugo and the Bear;
The Ink Garden of Brother Theophane;
Theodoric's Rainbow;
anything by the D'Aulaires, Virginia Lee Burton, or Beatrix Potter;
Lang's Fairy Books;
The National Review Treasuries (Bedtime Stories, Classic Children's Literature);
James Herriot's Treasury for Children;
Alfie Out of Doors Sotrybook;
Mayo and Ray mythical/magical anthologies;
Mrs. Piggle Wiggle; anything Margaret Hodges;
Cowboy Sam;
Billy and Blaze;
Mr. Putter and Tabby;
McBroom's Wonderful One Acre Farm series (seriously, you need these books; the original illustrations are superior);
Stella and Sam by Marie-Louise Gay (also a sweet animated show.) For grownups, here are a few of my personal favorite authors and titles from my shelves. In no particular order:
Flora Thompson, Lark Rise to Candleford
Michael O'Brien, Voyage to Alpha Centauri and Father Elijah
Elizabeth Goudge, The Little White Horse (children), The Eliots of Damerosehay trilogy (grownups)
Dean Koontz, the Odd Thomas series
Katherine Addison, The Goblin Emperor
Naomi Novik, Spinning Silver
Willa Cather - O Pioneers!, The Song of the Lark, The Professor's House
Rumer Godden - In This House of Brede
Bruce Marshall - The World, the Flesh, and Father Smith
C.S. Lewis - Til We Have Faces, the space trilogy (Out of the Silent Planet)
Robert Hugh Benson - Come Rack! Come Rope; The King's Achievement ; Lord of the World
Michael Kent - The Mass of Brother Michel And here's a separate list for poetry:
Everyman's Children's Library: Poetry for Children
Side by Side: Poems to Read Together
The Harp and the Laurel Wreath (ed. Berquist)
A Child's Garden of Verses (Robert Louis Stevenson)
A Child's Introduction to Poetry (with cd)
Poetry Speaks to Children (our favorite; with cd)
Nature poetry: Dark Emperor; Butterfly Eyes; Winter Bees; Red Sings from Treetops
The Ox-Cart Man by Donald Hall
Jack Prelutsky - esp. Something Big Has Been Here, The Dragons Are Singing Tonight
The Darkling Thrush by Thomas Hardy, illus. by Gordon Beningfield
Wonder and Wrath by A.M. Juster
Motherland by Sally Thomas
Rose by Li-Young Lee
Louder Than Everything You Love by Nicole Rollender Edward Caswall - A May Pageant and other Poems (available free online at archive sites)
Sir Walter Scott - The Lady of the Lake
Tennyson. all the Tennyson. including: Idylls of the King
C.S. Lewis: Poems
Chesterton: Lepanto; Collected Poems
Tolkien. all the Tolkien.
The Poems of Richard Wilbur
Love Like a Conflagration by Jane Greer I don't know how lesser known any of that is, but it's a great list anyway - hope it helps you!
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bex-la-get · 2 years
I Solemnly Swear I Am Up to No Good (Ethan x Natalie)
Hogwarts AU
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This took far longer than I care to admit but I also had a blast putting it together! Thank you Bree (@jamespotterthefirst​​) for the brilliant template and idea! 🐑
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Of course my girl is a Hufflepuff! She’s loyal to a fault and sweeter than honey. It makes perfect sense for her.
Her brother and mother were also Hufflepuffs so it runs in the family. Her dad was the odd one out by being in Gryffindor.
I almost put Ethan in Slytherin ‘cause he matches a lot of the traits but in the end, I decided to put him in Ravenclaw. It just made the most sense for him.
In this AU, I HC that Nat’s mother is a cousin of Arthur Weasley, making the Cusack family distant Weasley cousins (that signature red hair’s gotta come from somewhere).
I also HC N & E attend Hogwarts around the same time as the oldest Weasley kids Bill and Charlie. 
Alan and Louise are muggles in this AU, making Ethan a muggle-born wizard.
Part of the reason Louise ended up leaving them was because Ethan had a lot of magical accidents as a kid and Louise couldn’t handle it. So she left like the coward she is.
Alan, though devastated, continued to support and love his son through his complicated youth and when Minerva McGonagall showed up on their doorstep with Ethan’s Hogwarts letter, Alan beamed with pride.
Ethan was just relieved to finally have an answer for all the strange things that tended to happen around and to him.
Nat’s “Rookie” nickname came from Ethan after he challenged her to a game of Wizard Chess. She’s never been particularly good at the game and kept making “rookie mistakes” throughout. She lost the game but the nickname stuck.
Ethan’s “Butthead” nickname came from the same incident when Ethan teased her a few too many times during their games. The nickname was initially to annoy him but eventually became affectionate as their friendship continued to grow.
About Nat:
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Nat found Louis at the pet shop in Diagon Alley and immediately fell in love with him. The two are thick as thieves and he follows her everywhere, much to her classmates amusement (and her professors’ chagrin).
Her patronus is a wolf which is a symbol for loyalty, freedom, friendship, guardianship, and playfulness.
Her Amortentia smells like her grandmother’s Pumpkin Pasties, rain on a summer day, and sandalwood (she’s unsure of where the sandalwood comes in until she smells it on Ethan one day).
Vic played Quidditch for the Hufflepuff team so her favorite pastime is supporting her brother during every game. She gets very enthusiastic during games and is notorious for losing her voice during matches because she’s cheering so much.
Her favorite place to hang out in the castle is the library. She loves curling up in one of the large chairs and reading or writing in her journal to pass the time. Plus, it’s always where a certain Ravenclaw likes to spend his time.
About Ethan:
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Jenner is his childhood dog who stays with his father when he’s at school He also has a barn owl named Ada (after Ada Lovelace). He uses her primarily to write letters to his father but she’s become a good companion to him during his time at school
It took him a few years to form a full corporeal patronus. When he finally did, he was amazed to find it was a wolf. He freaked out a little when he realized a week later, during a practical casting class session, that Nat’s patronus was also a wolf. He’d been in denial about his growing feelings for her at this point and the patronus reveal only amplified his panic.
His Amortentia smells like fresh coffee, old parchment, and a distinct flowery scent. His heart skips a beat when he realizes the scent is lavender; the same as Nat’s perfume.
His panic eases as he grows more comfortable with Natalie, spending a significant amount of time with her in the library, exchanging witty banter and book recommendations.
And one particular winter night, sitting in a secluded corner of that very library, is where Ethan kissed Nat for the first time. 
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‘Cause I’m extra, I had to include the Ramsack kids. Enjoy!
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A/N: Tagging separately.
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seraphiism · 3 years
— i. sentence prompts
' i should go now quietly / for my bones have found a place to lie down and sleep ' ( daughter - smother ) ' stay, you're not gonna leave me / this place is right where you need to be ' ( eden - wake up ) ' there are no ends, just grays and half-lives. it's alright ' ( eden ) ' so i will follow you wherever you go / if your offered hand is still open to me ' ( the kinks - strangers ) ' don’t we touch each other just to prove we are still here? ' ( ocean vuong ) ' i thought once that gods are the opposite of death, but now i see that they are more dead than anything ' ( madeline miller ) ' someone will remember us, i tell you, even in another time ' ( sappho ) ' i promise that there’s beauty and hope inside you ' ( keaton st james ) ' so it is better to speak remembering we were never meant to survive ' ( audre lorde ) ' you have bitten into my heart and laid your kingdom there ' ( mabel podcast ) ' don't you see? it's cruel to be god. you know too many secrets ' ( mabel podcast ) ' i am terrified by this dark thing that sleeps in me ' ( sylvia path ) ' when i told you i loved you i meant it ' ( shinji moon ) ' eventually your monsters will stop haunting you ' ( amanda lovelace ) ' you don't grieve. you rage ' ( jane rule ) ' the world's a beast of a burden / you've been holding on a long time ' ( florence + the machine - what the water gave me ) ' no, we don't use this heart anymore. it's too fragile ' ( courtney c. stevens ) ' so just breathe, it's almost over ' ( eden - falling in reverse ) ' you'll get what you want. you'll get your oblivion ' ( louise glück ) ' i am sorry this world could not keep you safe ' ( rupi kaur )
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