#(what is going to happen. in the last episode ever. D:)
i know i need to calm down, and i promise i will someday soon, but roman ... after ken leaves him crushed about how he “fucked it” ... looking over at gerri with such open, sad feeling and clearly entertaining the idea of going over to her for a second ... and then walking right past her and going out into the street to goad protesters into beating him up .........
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asakurahaos · 2 years
im so exhausted even laying in bed feels like too much work
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autismprotocol · 3 months
TMAGP Theory Board ( EP 10)
Hi guys sorry for the late post I ended up drawing a lot for this update especially because it's the last one before the hiatus so wanted to give it a little more pizazz :D
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What Happened in Episode 10: Saturday Night
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Interview with Nigel Dickerson. The inccident report this week was all about Mr Bonzo. If you remember from last episode Nigel is the famous tv personality who created the character of Mr Bonzo. During this interview he recounts the rise and fall of Bonzo while being ominous and on edge the whole time. what I gathered from the interveiw is that Bonzo is either trapping Nigel or Bonzo and Nigel are linked somehow. (when he say "he won't let me leave" and refers to himself as "us") we also learn about the murders that are connected to the Bonzo suit, first by the serial killer Terrance Menki and very recently 3 unsolved murders. Nigel also mentioned that the actors who wore the Bonzo suit would be prone to injuries on set which is also really stange. Could be they were used as Bonzo's victims near his begining
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Gwen meets Mr Bonzo. The other section of the episode dealing with Bonzo is when Gwen goes to Nigel's house on her first assignment as the Externals Liason. So turns out Bonzo is maybe a hitman for the OIAR! Also, big thing Mr Bonzo is atually alive and is introduced with some kind of practice almost resembling a ritual. I heard somone mention they think Bonzo is an avatar of the Stranger and I can definitely see this. I'd love to hear if anyone else has a theory for what entity Bonzo may be connected to.
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The Return of Colin. Colin isn't dead!! Shocking absolutley everyone Colin is still kicking. a few episodes ago he was sent on mental health leave by Lena after his parnoia caused him to mentally snap. Celia sees him while on break and they have a short convorsation. Colin tells Celia that he need to figure out the computers. also big thing Colin is back without the permission of Lena. It will be interesting to see what hes looking for and if he'll continue to sneak behind Lena's back.
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Sam and Alice's Adventures into the Institute. Probaly the biggest development lore-wise was Sams and Alice investigating the ruins of the Magnus Institute. They don't find much (but I'm still am gonna talk about it for awhile) Alice mentions that there were weird carvings in the floor which she later equates to the worms on the ground. If you are a Archives listener hearing about worms in the archives starts seting off all kinds of alarms. This means in this universe the Jane Prentiss attack still happens, which is especcially iteresting because If I'm not mistaken in TMA the worm attack happened spesiffically to mark Jon with the corruption. Was Jon ever part of the institute? or if not Jon there must have been an archivist role in this Magnus Institute that would require Jane to attack it.
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ERROR and the Tape Recorders so far in protocol we have been listening to the characters through either the computers or though their phones. But during the last few minutes we here the click of a tape recorder. and TMA fans around the world rejoiced. The magnus archives is entirley told through tape recordings and are a tool used by the web (spesifically the avatar Annabelle Cane) does this mean Annabelle made it to this universe? or it could also signal the presense of Jon (since the tape recorders are linked to him) Alice and Sam investigate the archivist office looking for a place for the key when the floor collapes and Sam drops the key. After some Sam and Alice banter, they leave but the recorder stays running we then hear the scraping sound and some shutterd breathing. This is when I highly suggest going through the transcript after listening to an episode becuase they specifically what were hearing and who is breathing.
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I included the snippet from the transcript that pinpoints every not verbal sound we hear
water from the pit under the archives is disturbed
thud on wood then a rattle of a padlock
Key being dragged across the wood then fumbled into a lock that clicks open
trapdoor opens and ERROR imerges
ERROR takes 3 breaths
ERROR has been used before for redacting the roles played by Johnny, Alex and Tim (aka the voices of FR3-d1) during the cast anouncements for protocol. This makes me think that ERROR must be someone from the Archives universe my running theory is that it is a entity that houses Jon, Martin and Jonah's souls or consiounous. but It could literally be anyone. I'm also thinking ERROR has been locked in the tunnels under the archives (Mentioned in TMA)
And thats about Everything! plese let me know your thoughts or if you wanna correct me on any mistakes :)
Also I would love to know if you guys would prefer this style of post where I illustrate moments and scenes from each episode? it would probably delay when I'm able to post the breakdowns but I'd love to know if you guys perfer that format over the less illustrated one.
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vroomvroomcircuit · 2 months
Drive all Night
(A/N): This is inspired by the song "Call your mom" by Noah Kahan.
Summary: Max is worried about the sudden shift in his best friends behavior. But he is willing to drive all night to get to the root of the problem.
Pairing: Max Verstappen x fem!reader (little childhood friends to lovers on the side with angst/hurt to comfort)
Warnings: Association to Max's shitty childhood, reader has depression/a depressive episode, implicit mentions of suicide, listen to the song and you get the vibe
Wordcount: 2.4k
🏎Masterlist🏎 ________________________
Max Verstappen is not a big worrier. Actually, he is no worrier at all.
When there is something to worry about, he just changes it. If he can’t change it, it’s out of his area of responsibility, so he doesn’t have to worry about it.
Thinking like that helped him focus through great challenges. But his mindset wasn’t the only motivator. Through all his highest highs and lowest lows, his best friend has been right next to him, either cheering him on or being the shoulder to cry on he just needed.
(Y/N) and him befriended each other in kindergarten, having felt this unexplainable pull to each other. Ever since playing with Legos together for the first time they had been inseparable if they could help it.
Of course, as they got older and Max’s career in karting took off and (Y/N) had to focus more on school, they started to shift to calling and texting more than relying on in person talking. But that didn’t stop them staying best friends. One might even argue that through their 24/7 updates to each other, they grew even closer.
Meeting in person in their adulthood had become increasingly easier. Sometime (Y/N) travels with Max to several races back to back, being blessed with a remote working job.
The young man starts to suspect something isn’t going smoothly during one of their daily face time calls with her being in her dark bedroom and him in a hotel room halfway across the world. “But enough of how annoying these marketing things are. What did you do today? Except for work of course.” Max just finished another yapping season about the last challenge the social media teams had him participate in.
(Y/N) just shrugs her shoulders while focusing on a loose thread in her shirt. “Nothing much. I reread pride and prejudice.” Max halts a bit in his rummaging through his suitcase, being on the look out for his charger. “I thought you had plans for lunch with a friend? And didn’t you read through that book last week already? You do know that no matter how often you read it, the ending will stay the same.” He jokes a bit.
While still not shifting her gaze towards the phone screen, (Y/N) answers in mumbles. “I canceled on her. I really felt icky today, but we will try to set up another meet up some time next week or so.”
At first Max doesn’t think of it as much. Everyone feels not like socializing every one in a while. But then something else changes. The frequency of their calls and texts.
“...here we can do- Max? Are you even listening to me?” Max gets caught off guard by that question. GP was going over some points with him before starting FP2. “Oh, uhm, sorry GP. Gimme three seconds, I just want to reply to (Y/N). It seems like she didn’t have a great day and I just want to make sure she’ll be alright until I’m out of the car.”
This makes his race engineer raise his eyebrows. “Oh, what happened?” “I don’t know. But she is rewatching one of her comfort shows for the third time in two weeks.” He blinks at the Dutchman. “And in what way is that concerning?”
Okay, voicing his worrisome thoughts out loud like that makes Max realize that the signs are not too obvious for outsiders. But he is talking about his best friend. The person that always makes sure that he won’t go without his needed amount of sleep. The same person he had been having phone calls that resulted in four out of the last seven nights with him getting not more than 5 hours of sleep, if that at all.
For an outsider it doesn’t seem bad for (Y/N) to reread the same books and rewatch the same shows over and over again. Or having her best friend, the person she became emotionally most dependent on, talk with her through her nights.
But for Max, it raises red flags. It hits his alarm bells, ringing out loud that something is majorly wrong. He can’t put his finger on it, not just yet. He is still looking for a way to get her to tell him what is bothering her.
There is a certain uneasiness to Max during that entire race weekend. He is just itching to seat his ass on a plane on his way back to his (Y/N), a friend that he might harbor more than just platonic feelings for. A person that had his back all the time.
To the person he loves the most, that is also struggling the most right now.
He wants to be able to pay her back for all the times she stuck through his darkest times.
But something in him is scared that he isn’t able to get to her in time. “Didn’t you want to go out with a colleague of yours for drinks last night?” Max asks into the phone while speed walking through the airport. Ever since leaving his hotel room on this fine Monday morning, he has been on a phone call with (Y/N).
A sigh greets his ears. “I wanted to, but I didn’t feel like dressing up or sharing a space with a bunch of strangers. I just ordered some food in and watched your race.”
There is another red flag. (Y/N) maybe was never a big socializer to begin with, but she liked going out every now and then. But for a couple of weeks now the only thing Max gets to hear about plans is that she canceled them.
Listening to her just cutting contact with the outside world like that, it doesn’t only worry him. It’s not even scary. It terrifies him.
The two of them continue talking the whole plane ride until (Y/N) falls asleep. Even then Max doesn’t hang up. He still lets the call continue, not wanting her to wake up and feel alone. She doesn’t deserve to feel alone.
No one does. But especially not her.
When he was in karting, some kids gave him grief for winning most of the time. It was difficult for little Max to understand. So do people not want him to win?
It became more confusing to him since some people around him wanted him to win desperately. It hurt him, not understanding the difference of who wanted his best and who wanted to see him fail.
He felt isolated from his peers, especially those who should understand under what pressure he was, because they must feel the same. Right?
During these days, where he rather stopped driving in circles in a very fast manner and just continued playing football, (Y/N) was his only footing. She talked him out of ending his career in motorsport. She painted a picture of his future in the prettiest colors with her words. She gave him something to look forward during these trying times.
And when it got harder before it got easier, she held his hand and reminded him that she will always stay by his side.
Now it’s Max’s turn to show her that he will always stay by her side.
He opens the door to her apartment slowly, trying to make the least noise possible.
Every room is shrouded in what must feel to her like a never ending darkness. The blinds are drawn in front of every window, hindering the tiniest bit of sunlight to filter through. Even to Max it feels like the despair that is in the air will never stop. It is all consuming.
He tiptoes towards her bedroom. There she lays, illuminated by the low light of his phone screen. Curled up tight under a bunch of blankets and between a mountain of pillows and stuffed animals.
The MV lion, the first one that has ever been produced, the original prototype before giving the go for mass production, is held tightly and close to her chest. It pulls on his heartstrings, seeing the comfort it must have brought her while he was absent.
Max kneels down at the head of the bed, gently shaking her awake. “Schatje, come on. Wake up. We got a day of new adventures just in front of us outside the door.”
It’s something they started to say in elementary school. They once read a book in class with the premise that every day is the start to a new adventure. You just have to welcome it in. Back then, when inviting something unknown in your life was considered exciting, not scary or life changing.
“The adventures can wait a day longer.” She mumbles and turns around, trying to shake his hand on her shoulder off. But Max is having none of it.
“The darkness is fooling you. Every light that has been turned off can be turned on.” He gets up and opens the blinds. Sunlight floods the room, and even at the messiest state the young man has seen his best friend, she still is the most beautiful woman on earth to him
(Y/N) lets out a noise of unpleasantness. “Please Max, I can’t deal with it today.”  “No, you will. We are going to deal with it, whatever this it is, together.” He marches over to her dresser and produces a clean set of clothes out of thin air. That is what it looks like to her in this mess at least.
“You are going to shower. After that we will take a drive with no destination.” His words are final and in a tone that makes the young woman drag her limbs and body out of the bed and trudge towards the bathroom, even when the unwillingness is evident by her groaning.
Hearing the shower is Max’s cue to sit down and take a deep breath. He doesn’t know what he expected, but seeing the light of life missing in (Y/N)’s eyes isn’t on that list. It feels like a punch to his gut, witnessing her wither away without knowing from what.
It doesn’t take long and they both sit in the car. A drive without destination is exactly what it says. Just Max driving with (Y/N) sitting in the passenger seat. Usually they used these trips to catch up, to talk about everything and nothing. To voice big philosophical thoughts and dumb brain farts. They started this tradition, that usually includes some sort of fast food, when Max got his drivers license.
But sitting in complete silence for five minutes straight. That is something new.
“You know,” Max breaks it after another seven minutes. “Not talking about it won’t make the problem go away. It also doesn’t hinder it in its existence. Instead it will just get heavier and heavier until you break under the weight.” His dry tone isn’t something she anticipated.
(Y/N) looks out the window, seeing the colorful sunset for the first time in weeks. It’s easy to forget the beauty of the world when your inside thoughts feel like a graveyard. “I don’t want to worry you.”
That admission nearly has the Dutchman emergency breaking in the middle of a street through the fields. “So you play cat and mouse with your feelings because you don’t want to worry me?” (Y/N) nods.
Max lets out a laugh. “So what exactly makes you think that me witnessing you just becoming a shell of who you once were won’t worry me?”
She shrugs. (Y/N) didn’t expect him to catch that something feels wrong in her.
“Schatje. I will always worry about you, You are too important to me to not worry about you. Seeing you wither away in yourself, it made me scared going out on these tracks, sitting down in the car, and wondering if you still breathe while I’m driving another mile. Not knowing what you feel, that worries me more than the truth. Because then we can work on getting you better together. But when you don’t let me in, I can’t help and feel like by just standing and witnessing without intervening that I’m at fault for anything that happens to you. It hurts more seeing you hurting than knowing what you hurt from.”
She turns towards Max, mustering his side profile. She hasn’t thought about how her actions are perceived by her surroundings. (Y/N) just fell into that hole of darkness unexpectedly. While sitting at the bottom of that somber pit, she thought that trying to reach out for help would mean another person gets pulled into it.
If there was one person she doesn’t want sitting next to her in that dark hole, then it is Max. She harbors too much love and affection for him to want him to suffer the same fate as her. So not talking about her darkest thoughts seemed like the best way of keeping him far away from the hole.
But it just drew him in closer.
(Y/N) finally sees what he saw the whole time.
“You know, it’s hard to explain what happened. It takes time to really understand what goes on in me right now.” Max puts a reassuring hand on her leg. “We have all night to talk about it. Help me help you. Let us find a strategy to get you better. May it be medication, meditation, punching me or falling in love with someone. I need you to find a reason to stay with me, physically and mentally.”
She puts a hand over hers and looks Max in the eye for the first time since he arrived. “I already fell in love.”
He doesn’t need to hear more.
Max keeps his promise. He drives through the night, holding (Y/N) to the best of his ability while she cries, curses and explains.
By that not everything is picture perfect again. But it’s the first step. The first one to a future they both want to share with each other. For now and ever, that is enough motivation for (Y/N) to keep going, to continue turning every light on that was off.
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bakugoushotwife · 10 months
Bad Liar // katsuki bakugou
a/n: i got soooo carried away with this one lmfao no regrets though, i love bakubaby so bad and this is so self-ship coded no apologies :D this is probably my last piece before kinktober! i know i know boo hiss im sorry, im sorry, i'll probably still pepper in drabbles and headcanons just because :0
cw: suggestive, 16+ to read. bakugo is agressive as always, he has his own language lmao, possessiveness? friends to lovers, hiding it from the bakusquad!
wc: 2.9k
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He can’t stand it. It was his stupid idea in the first place, but still, he finds himself knee deep in regret instead of ocean-water. And his friends make everything worse. Oh his stupid, stupid friends and their stupid gatherings and hang out sessions, just irritating him beyond belief. You weren’t included in this tirade, no. Never. You’ve never had a stupid idea in your life, other than agreeing to be his woman, he thinks now. 
Denki and Mina would want to go to the beach. That’s so perfectly, stupidly, them. It’s the hottest day of the year, and Katsuki is miserable in so many ways it’s almost comical. Certainly he would laugh if it was happening to anyone but him. He’s already prone to hyperhidrosis due to his quirk nature, and the weather certainly wasn’t helping the matter. He looks like he’s been greased in baby oil or something slimy straight out of the sea. You on the other hand, look—he can’t look. You’ve been friends since your first year at UA, or as close to friends as one really can get with the explosive blond. You seemed not to mind his bristly nature, even when he got a little loud, you never flinched away from him or went out of your way to push his buttons like everyone else. 
You were different. You invited him to read your favorite books and mangas with you, you introduced him to new video games and even offered to train together, something that anyone outside of Izuku ran away from. You were unafraid, he realized. He knows he makes it hard. He’s hateful and unforgiving, loud and brash. None of those are good qualities, he’s well aware, but you made him feel like they were. You laughed at his rude comments, only shaking your head or rolling your eyes playfully to disagree. When he got loud, you got louder, a tactic his mom first employed and something he hadn’t realized worked on him so well. No, you made those qualities feel endearing. It wasn’t long before he was inviting you to tag along with him too, teaching you how to make different dishes and even trying your hand at baking while he’s crouched over recipe books spouting the ingredients at you. He wants you to study with him, even if he hasn’t allowed anyone from the inner circle to join him willingly. He always invites you, and he never hides his casual requests for you to come back to his dorm for movies or the newest episode of your favorite anime. He’s completely smitten, clearly. 
To everyone, really. It was obvious, even to you. Katsuki is nothing if not prideful, so you were certainly not going to burst his bubble, or allow any of the bakusquad to do so either. You knew he would work through his emotions and thoughts on his own, and he would come to you when he’s ready. 
And yes, that took well into your adulthood. School was filled with tragedy after tragedy, you were happy to make it out of there with Katsuki, your friends, and your ability to become a hero still intact. The two of you worked for the same agency for the next couple of years straight out of high school, and that’s what helped him really understand just how different you are. You’re strong, the strongest woman he’s ever seen if he’s honest. Your abilities are insane, your motivation is inspiring, and your knowledge and instinct are only paralleled by his own. Perfect. You’re smart, beautiful, powerful, and so unique. He couldn’t stand it anymore, just watching from the sidelines as he tried to figure out why he was so enamored with you. 
Turns out, jealousy is one hell of a motivator. 
One day, when he was assigned a different route on patrol and you were sent off with a new male partner, it all made sense. He watched the guy put a hand on the small of your back, dangerously close to the elastic-wrapped mounds of your ass. His ass. He was fuming. The sidekick gave you an excited smile, championing himself lucky to be partnered with such a force–and beauty– as yourself. Katsuki saw it immediately, how the other sidekick was looking at you, it was painfully clear. He wasn’t worried, you would never give this extra your attention–hence how you throw the rando’s arm off of you and stomp away–what does piss him off though, is that other men cannot understand that you might as well walk around with his brand across your forehead. Was he not crystal clear? Even if he hadn’t known that you were unspeakably his, surely everyone else could tell? You two went everywhere together, never was one seen without the other, except for this fuckin’ dumbass  patrol–and he was scary enough no one should even think about you in that way. 
So he finishes his rounds as early as possible that day, making it back to HQ to meet up with you after your disdainfully different route. He’s pleased to see you alone, leaning up against a doorframe with your skin-tight hero suit still perfectly intact and clinging to your every curve. No drama, no danger, he smirks to himself in relief. The way you look back at him, though, that has his heart stopping in his chest. You look so at ease, your resting bitch face melting into a smile of succor. He can tell you’re just as relieved to see him, the way you jump from foot to foot in excitement tells him so. He can’t help but give you an arrogant half-smile, amused by and admiring your every move. The air is different, the space between the two of you spoke of something different than just friends. He throws his arm around your waist, and you can tell from the look on his face that he’s ready. His red siren gaze sparkles with a bit more intensity, his calloused fingers soothing circles into the curve of your side, even the smile playing at his lips says it all. You’re his now. He knows you know this, and you’re so good to him you won’t even make him say it, but it seemed that his little revelation was enough to change him in a way you didn’t suspect. 
“Yer my lady now.” He says, no trace of annoyance, only a slight upturn to the corners of his lips. 
“I know. Been your lady for a long ass time.” You chuckle, leaning your head over on his shoulder as you begin the walk home. You couldn’t wait to tell Mina–she would freak the fuck out that he finally made his move. Even more relieved would be poor Kirishima, the man on the receiving end of so many you-themed rants. Denki’s teasing may be endless–and Sero may be the only soul genuinely happy for everyone without making it a big deal. You know the last thing Katsuki wants is to make this a big deal. He was still working his way into emotional fluency, and you didn’t want them to stunt his progress–even though it was well intentioned. 
It’s like he can read your mind, or more aptly the subtle knit of your brows and purse of your lips. He knows your brain is hard at work thinking, so he steers you home, his house of course. The weather was decent, cold like he likes. He lets you think, focusing on the sound of your boots crunching in the snow. “What’s going on in that fat head’a yours?” 
You chuckle. “I was just thinking about how insufferable our friends are gonna be.” You say, icy fingers reaching for the solace you know awaits in his warm hands. He doesn’t fight you, cupping your hands in one of his. He furrows his brows, considering your sentence, yet his thumb still absentmindedly strokes your soft skin. He huffs after a time. 
“We ain’t gotta tell ‘em. They’ll figure it out eventually anyway–let’s just enjoy bein’ us. Press’ll be stupid too.” He sighs out, not having considered the issues you two may face now, status and all. How annoying. He squeezes on your hands to convey his love. 
You sigh. “God, so true. I didn’t think of that either.” You muse, smiling at the snowflakes collecting in Katsuki’s ashy hair and lashes while he stares at you. It can only ever be described as a stare, the intensity too much to be considered anything less. You slip your hands from his momentarily, and he frowns at the loss of you. He looks up and realizes you’re unlocking his door and sighing at the warmth that greets the two of you upon entering. Once the door swings shut, your hands find him again, though now you face him, and you dare to let your touch wander up his forearms and biceps before falling back down and reaching back up again. He enjoys the feeling, the soothing comfort of your strokes nearly causing him to sigh. He just hangs his arms around your waist instead, appreciating your beauty without fear now. 
“S’ppose we’ll keep this ‘er lil secret then.” He drawls, gently pulling your body until it stops against his. You can feel his warm caramel-scented breath waft over your face, the heat in his eyes causing your own to rush to your cheeks. He smirks at that, cherishing every moment he can fluster you since it’s so typically the other way around. 
You nod, unashamedly looking down at his lips. He doesn’t hide the sultry way in which he coats them, before letting them stretch into another, wider, predatory smirk. He forces your eyes back up to his with his two fingers under your chin. 
“Sound good?” He asks with an arched brow. You nod again. He chuckles, one so deep it reverberates through his buff chest. He’s entertained,  you’re absolutely falling apart just from standing so close to him now that all his feelings for you were confirmed. “Use your words and I’ll give ya a kiss.” 
You force yourself to swallow, and then clear your throat, feeling frozen in place. He looks at you like you were the only person he could see. He looks at you with such insatiable desire, you’re rendered speechless just from a few touches and his carmine eyes dancing over your body. “Yeah–our secret.” You manage. 
He nods his approval, sliding his hand to cup your cheek instead. His hand is so big his fingers reach over your jaw and into your soft, vanilla scented hair. He almost loses his confidence, your scent and the way you bat your eyelashes hitting him all at once. You always smell so sweet, even though you were actually spicy. He thought it fit you. You stand on your tiptoes to prompt him, your hands landing on his toned pecs. It brings him back to the present, and his heart actually flutters at what he was about to do. He swallows any nervousness and leans down, licking his lips a final time before he slots them over yours. You jolt him awake, the cool touch of your mouth sends warmth tingling through him, and you’re not doing much better. You feel like you’re melting as he pulls you closer desperately, unable to get enough of you. 
And maybe, just maybe, that night ended with him becoming very acquainted with that beautiful body you proudly display today, at the beach, with all his friends, who still don’t know that you’re together. 
That’s why he’s so impossibly frustrated, keeping his head turned and pretending to be entranced by the ocean waves. His friends are stupid, but they aren’t dumb. They’ve known for the longest that Katsuki’s head over heels for you, but upon your promise, they tried to give him less shit about it. 
But Denki just can’t hold back this time. To think that he can’t see Katuski’s “sunburn”, the noticeable way he’ll look anywhere but you, and his overly sensitive nerves today is an insult to Chargebolt. He scoffs loudly. 
“Hey Bakugou, you allergic to sexy?” 
The blond’s head snaps to him and his eyes narrow in confusion. “What?!”
Denki chuckles smoothly. “You won’t even look at Y/N–and she is definitely sexy. That bikini is working overtime–”
“Say one more word about her.” He dares, sparks collecting in the palms of his hands. At the crackling sound, Kirishima decides it’s time to intervene. He holds his arms out like someone approaching a wild horse to saddle. 
“Woah, woah–easy bro!” He chuckles nervously, but it gets Katsuki’s attention, at least enough that the threat of violence dies down. “I think what Denki’s trying to say is, normally you and Y/N are side-by-side. Is everything alright?” 
Great. There was no way to win. If he looked at you, he’d surely pop a raging boner and that would confirm everything they’ve ever thought about him and his thoughts about you, but not looking at you resulted in their suspicion anyway. He huffs through his nose and scowls. 
“Yeah? Just tryin’ not to be a perv like you two fuckers. Stop lookin’ at her–” 
“Right. Okay.” Sero rolls his eyes at the longtime friend. “You know none of us give a fuck if you guys want to get together, right? In fact, we’re literally praying for it so you stop being so goddamn intolerable.” 
“So you admit you have to fight looking?” Denki snickers. Katsuki eyes the two with the wrath of hell.
Kirishima gives him a defusing glare, sighing at his hot-tempered buddy. “I second Sero, but either way, we want you to have some fun, man. We know you can’t be having a good time sitting in the sand like this. Come play some volleyball with us!” He insists, dragging Katsuki to his feet. 
Bakugo wrenches his way free of him, but follows nonetheless, scowling even deeper when Mina calls out, “Three on three! I want Bakugou and Denki!” She giggles, leaving you to team up across from him with Kirishima and Sero. He convinces himself that beating your ass in volleyball should keep your friends off your scent.
All goes well, for a while. That is until the rotation puts him directly across from you. 
Denki was right. You are so sexy. And that bikini…how could you set him up like this? The fabric clings to your hips, disappearing into the folds of your dimpled and sand-covered ass. God, he shoulda never let you out of the house. His eyes finally move up toward your bust, almost laughably stuffed into your top. It’s so unfair. You’re ridiculously stunning, and he can’t help but think you did this on purpose. He can feel his blood rushing all at once, and he knows he must be staring hard. Before he can comprehend anything else, you’re running towards the net, beautiful body glistening in the sun, your sea-textured hair swaying in time with your chest as you jump and smack the ball right in his face. 
Kirishima can’t stifle his laugh, and Denki nearly collapses in laughter beside the explosive man. Mina just puts her hands on her hips, trying to hide her knowing smirk. 
Katsuki is prideful, arrogant, brash, unforgiving, loud, and hateful. You made sure to love and accept those qualities to an extent, and help him grow out of them in some others. One thing you’ll never be able to change is his competitive spirit–and you just took a cheap shot in his rulebook. 
“That was a low blow. It doesn’t count!” He groans, swiping some of the kicked up sand from his tanned abs. He goes to pick up the ball when Sero challenges. 
“How so? She just spiked it. That’s legal.” 
And to his dismay, you play right into it. “Yeah, why’s it a low blow, Suki?”
Goddamn you. Batting your lashes and all. You’re challenging him too, daring him to keep lying or to come clean to all his friends. He snorts at you, clearly you underestimate who you’re dealing with. He’ll fuck you on the beach if you wanna push buttons–but he decides he’ll take a more moderate approach only because he doesn’t want anyone else to see you naked. You can’t back him into a corner without doing the same to yourself, so he just juts his chin at you. 
“Because you wore that bikini just to piss me off ‘n make me tell our friends yer mine.” He growls, arching a brow and folding his arms over his chest. The friends in question are unusually quiet and deathly still, exchanging knowing and relieved looks.
You shrug, blushing a bit. He caught you, but it worked anyway. Only because he allowed it, but still. You hum your acknowledgement and motion for the ball back. 
“You got me, baby. That counts as a point though. Ball’s mine.” You wink, that smug grin of yours enough to make his heart pound like it’s the first time he’s ever seen you. You’re most definitely somethin’ else, but he loves you to pieces, and he feels a lot better about being able to be just as pervy out loud as he wants to be. 
He slings the ball back over the net, mirroring your smirk. Once again, he’ll never let you best him. His eyes shine with mischief as he winks and says for your embarrassment, “Oh yer still goin’ down, sugartits.” 
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 11 months
heyyy ;))
i was hoping to request maybe a really juicy smut story? larissa wears a strap on (or g!p😋) where maybe larissa face f*cks the reader, degrading her with the filthiest things, praising her, maybe at the beginning, larissa seduces the reader? add as much as you want!
Heyyy @mxmmyviolet !! Thanks for the request! I’d love to write this for you 🤭 Hope you Enjoy ♥️
Mere Thought of You ~Larissa Weems xFem Professor!Reader
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, smut, teasing, seducing, teasing touches, praise, explicit dialogue, implied doggystyle fucking, implied wet dreams, implied overstimulation, implied masturbation, possessiveness, jealousy, degradation kink, praise kink, shapeshifted d!ck, overstimulation, pet names, sucking off, oral (g!p receiving), kissing, begging, begging kink, d!ck riding, implied spanking, spanking kink, more implied smut, aftercare, etc.
Enjoy (;
You had been at Nevermore as a teacher for three months now. And the second Larissa Weems had caught on to your little crush on her, you had become the woman’s plaything.
Normally, the tall principal was reserved and formal. But when you were placed in front of her… a squirming, blushing mess… the woman couldn’t refuse the urge to toy around.
And Larissa would stop in a heartbeat if she thought that it was making you uncomfortable or drawing any negative connotation. But she never got that idea from you. In fact, you seemed to only respond more positively to her antics…
It had all started small with longer glances, light touches, and extra praise. But Larissa wasn’t playing to be easy and nice. No, she was playing dirty. She was playing to seduce.
It had been sixth months now since you joined the Nevermore staff as a teacher, and there was only one thing on your mind these days…
“Hope I’m on your mind during the most innapropriate times, Darling…” the blonde purred in your ear, as you walked past her on the way out of the weekly staff meeting.
Your breath hitched and your cheeks blushed fusia as you rushed out of the meeting.
On the annual teacher review days, you stuttered your way through your classes with Larissa sitting in the back of the classroom. As the last class left for the day the blonde came over to your desk to review her findings with you.
As she got up to leave, she leaned forward and whispered, “Hope you lose focus during conversations, going non-verbal imagining me putting you in all fours, Darling…”
She then leaned back, nodded curtly, and left. Leaving you a flushed, horny mess.
On a Saturday morning, you were in the courtyard, enjoying your book when the blonde principal came up behind you.
“Oh, What are you reading, Darling…?” She purred.
Your eyes widened at the sultry voice of the tall woman. Larissa then came up right behind you, bending down do that her lips were ghosting the shell of your ear.
“Cat got your tongue…?” She playfully purred.
“I… Dickens—!” You chocked out.
At this, Larissa hummed in approval.
“Hope you dream with my voice calling out your name, Darling…” she husked, before standing back up and walking away as if nothing had happened.
You were prone to insomnia episodes, which sometimes left you in the teachers kitchen at 2am on a Friday. No one else was usually ever there.
Except today, when you walked into the lounge to make some tea, you found a certain tall blonde already warming the kettle. As your gaze met hers, she smiled lightly and nodded in recognition of your presence.
“Can’t sleep?” she asked with her hypnotic british accent.
You simply nodded.
Words had gone out the door as you had walked in.
She kindly poured your cup of tea and then hers. Walking past you, her arm lightly brushed yours and her lips brushed the shell of your ear,
“Hope you cum multiple times thinking of me, Darling…” she hummed.
You gulped, scurrying back to your quarters.
But what really did it for you was at the Poe Cup…
You’d gone out to watch the games and to support your students. But the entire time, all you could focus on was Larissa. And her interactions with a colleague of yours, Marilyn. It was obviously flirtatious. And it made your skin crawl.
Why…? You weren’t jealous, we’re you…?
You left the Poe Cup, walking back up to the school, in a bad mood. And as you walked up the path, the tall blonde brushed your shoulder ever so slightly…
“Hope you salivate and yearn and groan in frustration for not having me as yours…” She purred in a hushed tone.
Fuck. This woman had you in a chokehold…
And you had had enough.
You rapped on Larissa’s door with intent. When you heard her voice, you entered and slammed the door behind you. But now as you were standing in front of the tall goddess, you lost all words and trains of thought.
“Why Hello, Darling…” Larissa purred, looking up from her work, “Why don’t you take a seat?”
You gulped and nodded, sitting down.
“What can I help you with…?” She purred.
You took a deep breath.
“I… I’m done with whatever this is… or isn’t…” you stuttered, looking everywhere but the blonde’s eyes.
At this, Larissa got up from her chair and loomed over you, grabbing your chin for you to look at her and invading all your personal space. Your eyes widened as blush crept up your cheeks.
“Oh, you’re done are you…?” She taunted.
Your breathing was erratic as you nodded shakily.
“I want to hear you say it, Darling…” She lustfully husked, “Or… You can get down on your knees…”
You immediately dropped to your knees, looking up at the blonde for further instruction.
“That’s what I thought…” Larissa chuckled.
Larissa then elegantly removed her skirt and the bulge behind her knickers became apparently present to you. Your face turned tomato red. She then removed her knickers to reveal her hardened, pre-cum leaking dick.
Fuck, she was massive…
“Oh that’s right…” Larissa tauntingly purred, “I forgot to tell you… I’m a shapeshifter…”
“That’s… hot…” you whimpered.
Larissa chuckled at your dumbfoundness.
“I’ve been trying to get your attention for months now, you know…” she purred, “So why don’t you be a good little slut and suck me off…”
Your breath hitched, the nickname going straight to your core, and you nodded eagerly. Larissa placed on hand behind her on the desk and the other behind your head, as you began to take her member into your mouth. You licked the stripes of salty pre-cum, before taking her in as deep as you could go. The blonde only pushed you further, her hand forcefully bobbing your head up and down on her dick.
“Oh that’s it…” Larissa groaned, her head lolling back, “Taking me like such a whore…”
She pushed your head down even further, causing you to gag slightly.
“Breathe, whore…” She purred wickedly.
You two continued these administrations until Larissa was right on the edge.
“Make me cum, sweet slut…!” Larissa groaned.
Larissa crashed over the edge quickly after that, spurting her hot ropes of cum down your throat. You moaned at the action. When she had finished, the blonde pulled out of your mouth, stuffing all the leaking cum over your face back into your mouth with her fingers.
“Swallow.” She commanded.
You obeyed and swallowed her entire load, looking back up to the blonde with anticipation.
“Good girl…” Larissa purred.
Your breath hitched and your eyes widened.
“Oh, does someone like being praised…?” She taunts.
“Yes…” you whimper, nodding.
The blonde’s eyes sparkled with lust and delight. She then reached down once more to wipe one dribble of her cum still on your chin, then stuffing her finger back in your mouth. You happily sucked it off, returning her digit with a pop!.
“I’ll keep that in mind for next time…” She purred, winking at you.
You spent the next days with constant slick in between your thighs, not being able to get your mind off that woman.
You walked down the corridors, papers in hand, which you were to deliver to the headmistress. You took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
“Come in…!!” Larissa called.
You entered the room, shutting the door behind you. When Larissa looked up from her work, her whole demeanor shifted. She began to put away all her paperwork. Memories of what happened last time you were in this room came flooding back…
“Darling…” she wickedly purred, “Why don’t you come over here to me. I’ll take those papers…”
You treaded over to Larissa’s side of the desk and handed her the paperwork, your gaze fluttered everywhere but to the blondes.
“Good girl…” She cooed, taking and putting away the paperwork.
Larissa’s gaze racked up and down your figure. She then stood up and towered over you. Your eyes widened and finally met her gaze. She had a wicked smirk and fiery eyes. She started walking towards you, and you started to slowly back up, until she had you pinned against the wall. You could feel her breath, she was inches away from you…
“Do you want kiss me, Darling…?” Larissa taunted.
You gulped and nodded.
“Then beg, sweet slut…” she husked in your ear.
Your breath hitched and you could feel your knickers completely wetted through, as your arousal now spread to your thighs.
“Please… please kiss me… fuck me… please please…” you whimpered.
At your words, the blonde smirked and gladly complied, connecting her lips to yours. A breathy moan escaped your throat as you tasted the woman. She then slid her tongue into your wet cavern, eliciting a string of whimpers and moans from your lips, which Larissa happily swallowed.
Her hands began to wander around your figure, teasing you relentlessly. You quickly caught on and began stripping and connecting your lips to hers as much as you could. Your lips were connected until you both needed to breathe, and then you were both breathlessly taking off the rest of each others clothing.
Now you were both breathless and naked informer of each other. Without another word, the woman picked you up, wrapping your legs around her waist. She then carried you to her desk chair, sitting down and having you straddle her in the chair. You instinctually bucked your hips into the blondes growing member. Larissa groaned out at your action.
“Oh you poor, sweet slut, you’re dripping…” Larissa chuckled wickedly.
You whimpered in response, grinding her hips against Larissa’s dick and looking up to the blonde in desperation.
“Please…” you whimpered, giving her your best puppy dog eyes.
At this, Larissa’s eyes shimmered back at you and she smiled. She then lined up her hardened dick with your soaked cunt. Without warning, you sank down on her, letting a guttural moan escape you as she bottomed you out.
“You needy whore…!” Larissa groaned in pleasure , “Need my dick that bad, do you…?”
You began riding her as best as you could. The blonde was quick to stabilize you with her hands on your hips as she started rutting up into you.
“Yes yes yes…!!” You chanted, screwing your eyes shut tight in overwhelming pleasure and holding on to Larissa tightly as she fucked up into you.
After hours of Larissa having her way with you… You laid, splayed out on the blondes desk, panting heavily. Larissa was gripping the desk, leaning towards you, panting heavily as well.
“Fuck…” you breathed out, smiling and resting your head on the desk.
The office was a mess… Items and clothing scattered everywhere… And it was dark now…
Larissa chuckled lightly. You moved to sit up and winced from the soreness. The woman was quick to come to your aid.
“Slowly, sweet girl…” she cooed.
You ignored the blondes advice and went to stand up, and your legs gave out on you in seconds, causing you to collapse onto the ground. Larissa couldn’t contain her amusement and light giggles.
“I told you…” she chuckled, swiftly helping you up and placing you in her chair,
“Did I fuck you so thoroughly, Darling…?” She teased you lightly.
“Shut up…” you mumbled.
“Darling… Don’t make me spank you…” Larissa teasingly taunted.
Your breath hitched and your eyes widened.
“Sorry—! I’m sorry…”
Larissa smiled lightly and kissed your forehead.
“How about a bath, hmmmm…?” The woman hummed.
Larissa Weems Masterlist
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pensbridge · 4 months
Master Post Bridgerton Live Event Season 3
Let me just say so much of what they said leans into exactly how I pictured it.
○ Some words to describe the season: Shonda-"intimate" / Jess B-"confidence" / Luke Newts-"unexpected" / Nicola-"romantic" / Luke Thom-"zoom in"
○ They talk about Colin's words last season and say it was a good place to start in the story/journey; confirm apology will come
○ Pen has 1 main suitor besides Colin who takes a real interest in her (Spoiler: it's Lord Debling)
○ Julia Quinn said it is a good friends to lovers story. She sounded so excited!
○ Someone (either Shonda, Julia or Jess) said they have some good awkward banter.
○ Julia Quinn really confirmed the Colin-Pen hand scene (1st real emotional and physically intimate scene for them)
○ How Jess B talks about Colin (again) gives me hope for his personal journey-mentioned about the 3rd son "not knowing his place in the world" & more
○ Protective El of Colin confirmed (we get El and Colin scenes), but she still loves Pen; Luke N. called it a non-romantic love triangle between the 3
○ Benedict takes roles of Anthony; he can fall into different roles very well, but who is he and what does he want?
○ Will and Alice acquire a new title this season; Martins talked about how they are "drawn out of the shadows"
○ Adjoa talked about how Lord Ledger affected her; called that romance "life-changing"; QCABS enriched Lady Danbury story coming into season 3
○ Lady D. personal journey-she's "shook" at an arrival that happens 👀
○ Golda-How do you do private intimacy in the view of the public (George and QC)? / she loves the Brimsley relationship
○ When talking about QC picking the diamond of the season said she's bored of what's going on and is "searching for something different"
○ [Other tidbit-they're hosting a Bridgerton wedding for a lucky real-life couple.]
○ Shonda quote about Bridgerton always "finding a way to give female characters agency" and Pen has a good way of coming into this in this season
○ Nicola-"so much happens" in their story
○ They talked about how the show has changed their lives-Claudia said she always walks away proud of what she's done and essentially there's not one part of the job she's unsatisfied with. aww; Adjoa said "a space for everyone"
○ Season 3 is "for the wallflowers"- Adjoa [they mentioned this a lot; the interaction on this between Adjoa and Nicola just made it seem like there is Lady Danbury-Pen relationship]
○ Nic and Newts recreated the pic in the mirror with candle stick!! what?! / They also watch fan edits and send them to each other
○ Easter egg in almost every episode according to Jess B. and they are "raising the bar on visuals"- "even brighter and more spectacular than ever"
○ Superlatives: most like character-Luke Newton; least-Golda; most bloopers-Johnny Bailey or Claudia (and I think she was offended at first, lol)
○ Chaos in Featherington fam because Pen steps out (Portia doesn't like when Pen changes from her citrus dresses)
○ Nicola "didn't expect to be as emotional as it was" from the first 2 episode screening
○ Adjoa said things will make you laugh then quickly after cry
○ Claudia said people make mistakes and people fall..., etc.
○ Theme: "Find your light." -Jess B.
○ The line in QCABS "We are untold stories" is what this season is about
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elsa-fogen · 2 months
I kinda wonder how Val's mental state from hearing Velvette screaming so much would effect Angels work?
Like is Val one they would just dig himself deeper into work, trying to pretend that everything is as it always has been?
Or is he more one that would drown himself in alcohol, loosing his grip on reality and with that be a pretty passiv observer in his own business?
Speaking of, kinda wonder similarly for Vox, like how does this all effect his business? Like he has to get so many questions about what's going on? What did she do? When will it stop?
Makes me wonder if he'd just hide away from it all?
This is great questions!!
So, episode 4 haven't happened yet, obviously haha
Val, as i said somewhere in the parts, drinks to death Vox is trying to hide but he can't. But it's for now. While these screams last, they are in shock, in panic, they have no idea what to do and they're too scared to actually confront Alastor, because man's scary! He sent them her fucking scalp, and now he's broadcasting her screams. Absolutely insane. They also feeling guilt. You know kind of survivor's guilt stuff. I heard that Vox the one who sent Vel to the meeting, so, it's double guilt for him >:D
But once the broadcast is over, they'll pull their shit together and put masks on. Vox will probably try to convince everyone that it all was fake, or something broke or like that. Val will probably be worse than ever, so, poor Angel... rest in pieces Gamer
And they'll be plotting, oh they will.
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 14 days
TMAGP 17 Thoughts: Hyde and Seek
Another really great episode. Of all the episodes thus far I think this one is the grandest in scope in terms of the series as a whole. It's opened up some very large topics.
Spoilers for episode 17, and light spoilers for TMA, below the cut.
First things first, Celia is blacking out and waking up in strange places again. A lot of reasons why this could be but as I believe I mentioned for TMAGP 11 Thoughts I thought the side-effects of dimension-hopping was a possibility. Given what this episode is about I think it's at least trying to imply a connection if not outright stating one.
Celia missed the date because blackouts but interestingly enough she didn't lie during this exchange. At least assumption I didn't miss any distortions, and those distortions are for lies. Anyway this was all very sweet and mushy but does have a pertinent detail. Celia was on her way to Oxford, a location prominently featured in the incident. Whether that's related of just some nice narrative symmetry remains to be seen, but we do see it's at least intentional.
The incident itself is our second Magnus statement. It's a really really good statement too. One of my favourites of the series so far, if not my favourite. It opens with a similar format to the last one and again mentions subject/agent/catalyst viability. All low. Then we get a mention of Welling Mutare Materia and "Mutare Materia" is something like "Changing Matter" and it's hard not to see the alchemic allusion in that. The set up is a, as yet unnamed, patient receiving therapy for anger issues. But that's probably the least interesting thing about this entire scene.
The most interesting thing is the thing everyone is collectively screaming about.
Anyway, there was a new receptionist behind the old front desk, some big, soft looking guy who stumbled over every word... ...There was another patient too, some bookish-looking guy with serious city miles. I used to play the game “what are you in for” where I would pass the time guessing… well, you know. In my head he was definitely some kind of weird pervert, really into stroking orchids or something.
I'm not going to get too into why those descriptions are important. If you know you know and I don't need to tell you. If you don't I'd rather not. Although I will say that it's very obvious that second one is who we all think it is. Or it's at least what we're meant to think. Alex wrote this episode and "some kind of weird pervert, really into stroking orchids" is the kind of insult you know he's revel in writing for a character like this. It also implies a lot, or absolutely nothing. Because it could be coincidence. It could be that they are responsible for the whole thing. It could just be setting the stage for what's to come. Which is what I think this is. It's an episode about interdimensional travel and it's just prepping the audience to know that's a thing that can happen. Reminding us who it could happen to. As if we've forgotten.
The patient meditates and then a lot of time seems to pass. A lot a lot. Interdimensional travel always involves time fuckery. What's interesting about it is that it doesn't ever seem to work the same way twice. Anya was a week or so, Celia was years, and this guy seemingly just sat there for weeks instead of moving in time like the others have appeared to. The methodology of this is also new where there wasn't any gap between walks to slip through, he stayed still the whole time and then woke up somewhere different. However when he meets this universe's version of himself there doesn't seem to be any significant time slip to mention. Dates in their lives don't line up quite right, which is expected, but he doesn't appeared to have travelled in time in any major way.
This does all take place in Oxford. Which is where Hilltop Road is but it doesn't appear as if the patient was at Hilltop Road for this. As we've seen previously with Hilltop it doesn't look like it works as it does in TMA here. It does seem like the Magnus Institute is monitoring Oxford for these types of events though, even if they're not happening in quite the same place. If that is the case it could also be the case that they're sending things back too. Hell, Dr. Dumfries could be in on it and sending the Institute lab rats.
I'm going to skip over most of the meat of this statement. It was really well done but really quite explicit and as such there isn't a lot for me to dig into. I don't want to explain to you what you just listened to when it's all pretty plain. But it was really great and I do want to mention that.
We do learn that his name is Darrien. The other Darrien is also Darrien. And that makes this episode the introduction of our second and third Darrien. Futures also had a Darrien who was also kind of a twat. Which is interesting. Firstly because TMA has a habit of naming characters similar names and it never meant anything. People just had similar names because people have similar names sometimes. However, our beloved Norris used to be called Neil in the pilot. But Neil is now Norris because there was another Neil. Which means one of two things to me, either Darrien, Darrien, and Darrien, are all Darrien because it's vitally important. Or Alex is fucking with up. Because it's Alex it could as likely be either.
Last thing to mention I do love how this one ends. Darrien is so sure of himself and how protected he is but we know he's locked up in a research prison from the jump. The Institute is also clearly larger than it was in TMA. More resources, more pull, more power. Love getting to see all those details bit by bit.
Interesting note here: Harcourt House isn't the Harcourt House that I think most people will have looked up on Google. This isn't in London, it's in Oxford. This is Stanton Harcourt. Which has some reputation for hauntings and cursed romances. Totally not relevant for anything going on in this episode. No sir.
Celia thanking Freddy/Chester is also interesting. She's obviously more aware of everything than the rest of the team is, and she's got history with those voices, but she's also the first to really acknowledge how pointed these incidents are. There is a very consistent theme of incidents connecting to the teams current situation or desires. I hope we get to see more of this from her where she's more aware that there a personality at play rather than just a voice.
We cap off with a lovely bit of banter between Alice and Gwen where they almost don't try to kill each other. It was very sweet. And obviously an episode with all this going on couldn't leave out a good ol' .jmj error to really hammer it home.
Also, Colin's not dead. Maybe.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet and Terminology Sheet
Klaus Watch: We're back with a very exciting Klaus Watch. Row 20 has CAT2RC1147 and no date, location, or notes. I lied about it being exciting.
DPHW Theory: 1147 is interesting. Because crosslinks do seem to impact DPHWs based on the two Bonzo episodes but Mascot (Kids) -/- Murder was at 2275. Which implies that Mascot (Kids) has 2 in Death and Pain as default and that Murder doesn't increase those values. It does seem to increase Helplessness though which is something that makes a good deal of sense at least.
CAT# Theory: CAT2 is very CAT2. While it fits with the most popular theory, well enough at least, I just wrote an essay entitled Putting the CAT# Back in the Bag: The Flaws With Person/Place/Object if anyone is interested.
R# Theory: C is inline with my ideas. Very easy to discount this as entirely fiction.
Header talk: Doppleganger (Interdimensional) -/- Murder is a very interesting one. These are all existing categories so interdimensional doubles are things the OIAR have dealt with in the past. So dimension hoppers aren't anything new and with everything that's happened this episode I think we're going to see a lot more of it, and characters that are a lot more knowledgeable about it than our protagonists.
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flowery-laser-blasts · 5 months
*inhale* 🗣 Okay, listen, I'm going to rant over this moment again, but this time in a post so the world can read about it 🗣
It doesn't matter how many times I've watched Graduation part 2... But THIS HERE.
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BUT MOST OF ALL: "What will others think of me now?"
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And then ALL of his questions get answered in the form of his partner in crime's expression: A genuine heartfelt and sincere smile that says "You deserve this."
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Shego, the femme fatale who is wanted in 11 countries. The villain who insisted by all means necessary that she's evil through and through and will NEVER be a hero or want to be associated with heroes STILL stands by his side. Do you know what the most important aspect of this very moment is? Shego doesn't stand on 'equal' grounds as him and she doesn't mind it, she lets it happen.
Shego and Drakken's dynamic throughout the story has been Boss-and-Sidekick for the longest of times. Both of them fought: Drakken for wanting to feel superior over EVERYONE and Shego wanting as much power (and/or more) as Drakken would have when they had taken over the world.
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However, the happenings in graduation changed everything and now the world recognizes Drakken as a hero, a world savior, and a protector of peace. But if it weren't for Shego flying all the way with Ron to the Lorwardian ship, Drakken couldn't have possibly stopped the invasion.
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Look at Shego's expression. She genuinely feels happy for Dr. D. She could've stepped in at ANY point before or during this (press)conference, demanding her own medal and telling everyone that it was in fact her who helped Drakken save them all. But she doesn't. Shego knows how important this moment is for Dr. Drakken. After years of hearing his stories and knowing how much recognition means to him; she lets him have his moment in the limelight, the sun, and she's going to let him bask in all of it for as long as he needs to. Because the most important thing is that she knows what she did and that's enough: She went into space to bring back the man she wanted to rule the world together with. Never ever again would she let Dr. Drakken think, for even a second, that she'd abandon him.
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Again, look at the distance between them in this shot.
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Yes, the distance is closer but then
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As close as they can possibly get in public
They're on even grounds now. Drakken wants to let the world and most importantly Shego KNOW that they are a team and that they saved the world together.
I once saw someone pointing out that they looked very uncomfortable in the last image, but let me put it like this: - Prior in the episode Shego and Drakken almost flew into each other's arms but became VERY reluctant, why??? Because Kim and Ron were there! What must those brats think of them!? Certainly, they cannot show any weaknesses in front of their arch nemeses!
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And now let me show this again:
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They're embracing each other... in FRONT OF THE WORLD LEADERS. OF COURSE IT'S A BIT AWKWARD, YOU'D BE AWKWARD TOO, but the KEY here is that They're NOT looking away from each other like they did before.
In the previous scenario, they avoided each other's eyes: no connection, desperately trying to show no weaknesses, trying to change the subject matter at all costs.
Now they lock eyes, and they read each other. How I read it (both facial expression as body language): Drakken: Hopeful, nervous, apologetic "Did I hurt you? I hope I did not", kind of embarrassed because his foliage acted out so assertively by his thoughts of wanting Shego to be at least on the same level as him for the world to know. Shego: Surprised but not at all distressed, disgusted or upset about this sudden change. Most of all, I think she's deeply moved: Drakken always called her a 'sidekick', but now? She's recognized by him and the world as his partner. If you look at her face, those eyes seem to be on the verge of tearing up and that smile, how shy and embarrassed it may look holds warmth and happiness.
Both of them acknowledge each other's worth and in a certain way, they took over each other's world.
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littlemissmanga · 1 month
The Bad Batch Finale - Thoughts and Thanks
Before I get into spoiler territory, I want to say the most sincere "thank you" I've ever mustered to this fandom.
I've been in fan spaces before, going back almost 15 years - most of that on Tumblr, to boot. I've been in inactive fandoms, small fandoms, big fandoms and "we're watching new episodes together in real time" fandoms ...
And none of them have ever given this sense of community and support. Ever.
There really is something special about The Clone Wars/Bad Batch fans, even within the Prequel lovers or Star Wars fans in general that breeds this kind of sentiment. It's truly unique and I found it at a time in my life when I was the most isolated physically from my support network and struggling to make new friends and connections IRL.
I cannot express in words just how much you all saved me with your validation and support.
The Shades of Blue series was the first fanfic I actually felt comfortable leaving a comment for on Tumblr, and the amazing @the-rain-on-kamino's kind and loving reaction gave me the courage to start writing fanfiction again. Not only that, but actually sharing it for the first time in years.
And after that, everyone else came in one at a time. From @deejadabbles and @sev-on-kamino's delightful, rabid and enabling reactions to my unhinged thots, to @wings-and-beskar supporting my unhealthy Wrecker obsession, to @l-lend being an absolute example of how to engage and interact in fan spaces to make room for everyone, to @wild-karrde, our bastion of supportive engagement and creative celebration (and a kickass writer in her own right) ... you all helped me come out of my shell in ways I can't express in words besides thank you.
@dystopicjumpsuit, @freesia-writes. @anxiouspineapple99, @dickarchivist, @wizardofrozz @523rdrebel
@starrylothcat @starqueensthings @the-bad-batch-baroness @multi-fan-dom-madnessand @moonlightwarriorqueen
You all have listened to my rambles, thoughts, and vent sessions - whether about fandom stuff or not - and I hope I've been able to return a fraction of that support.
@daimyosprincess, girl you get a whole special shoutout for the levels of depravity you encourage my thots to get to :D
And there are so many more!! People I may not talk to frequently (cause sending DMs gives me anxiety), but I see you commenting, liking, reblogging when I post and posting your own amazing writing or art for me to moon over.
@cyarbika, @madameminor, @spacemagicandlaserswords @merkitty49 @vodika-vibes
@kimiheartblade @nika6q @arcsimper5
@soaringthroughthegalaxy @sunshinesdaydream @sinfulsalutations and so so many more.
I'll still be around simping after our favorite clones. I hope you'll keep joining me.
Now, on to the spoilers!
I have to say overall, I like this conclusion. It's the happy ending we wanted, but if feels earned. I love that the boys got to grow old in peace with Omega. I love that their dedication to one another is reaffirmed and upheld as the strength it is, rather than - as Hemlock saw it - a weakness to exploit. And I loved that last little scene. It felt like a fanfic and I say that lovingly. It felt like the writers and animators put together the fic we all know would have happened if they left the ending on that fadeout of the Batch next to the tree on Pabu. And that felt like a kiss on the forehead as a fan.
Now here's what I didn't like.
I didn't like that they clearly rushed the end. Pacing wise, there were so many moments that were slowed down so you can feel the emotional impact ... but the editing of the scenes around them made this slower pace a mistake to me.
Like when Echo and Omega are sending Emerie and the kids away ... they all hug and take time to talk about their plan. BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TIME. We know Hemlock has the others. We know Tarkin is on his way. YOU DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS SCENE TO HAPPEN HERE and Echo of all people would be on that, moving everyone along as he is trained to do. It feels artificial because we go from high intensity and fast paced to slow and dragging when nothing from the fast paced scene had been resolved. I think this could have been different if the scene with the kids in the hanger came before the Batch gets in to the hanger and knocked out. It would be a break from the fast pace of the Zillo escape, but without the immediate urgency of a rescue weighing over them (and us! I was having heart palpitations!). It also would then match the tone and sentiment of the scene between Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair in the woods ("Omega needs all of us.").
These pacing issues are editing issues, and I think we're really seeing how post-production was truncated to get this out on time (or possible pre-production and storyboarding was truncated). I hate that production studios are making this practice more common to cut costs. We will wait longer for better quality storytelling.
My final example of this is Crosshair's story resolution. It doesn't happen. He still thinks he deserves to die on Tantiss (the sentiment from S3 Ep1) and even though Hunter and Wrecker tell him otherwise, we don't know if he internalizes that. And his climax is about trusting Omega to know what to do to take the shot. But Crosshair has (in this season) shown he always trusts Omega. It would have been better if his hand was still shaking and Hunter said "Omega trusts you. You'll make this shot." so that the external conflict for Crosshair is resolved by resolving his internal conflict and trusting himself as his family does. And it would leave Hunter's climax the same - trusting Omega as an competent member of the team.
It just feels rushed. Or like an abstract painting that almost looks like a real object, but just a little blurry. They almost stuck a perfect landing, but just missed the mark a bit.
I also hate how this means Wrecker gets fuck all resolution. The entire last episode was a really intriguing challenge for him. He knows Cross is off his game and Hunter is getting desperate and reckless again ... just as he is almost entirely knocked out of the fight from an injury. Him, the strong one. That should have been a great moment of growth for him. That he doesn't keep going because he always can -- which is very much how he comes across in TCW S7 and TBB S1 -- but that he actively makes himself the strong one, the supportive one, because that's what his family needs.
But no, we didn't get that. We didn't get any insight into Wrecker at all, despite him being the one to free his brothers enough for them to save Omega (and he saved Echo, too!). And then he doesn't speak again, though we see how banged up he is. I get it was less of a focus throughout the series, but man they didn't need to sideline my husband like that.
And finally, Tech.
Look, I may be delulu, but contextually, there was plenty of evidence that CX-2 was Tech. From speech and mannerisms to his blatant disregard for orders, to the seemingly personal level he took his missions.
But it's more than that - why show us this big tense moment of him breaking onto Phee's ship, which the focus being on Phee sensing him near? Why not just have that in the dialog with Hemlock the way Cid's confession was? That would have saved so much time that could have been put elsewhere. Why have such a focus on him in the marketing?
I'm not mad that Tech is dead. Let me make that clear. The showrunners said from the start they killed Tech to prove there are real, lasting consequences to characters' decisions. And I can respect that. And I can understand and appreciate the interpretation that CX-2 wasn't meant to rep Tech, but rather what the Empire can turn clones into, a threat to them all not just in the danger CX-2 poses, but the danger if they get caught.
And that's fair ... but then it could (and should have) been any and every CX trooper to fit that bill. There was no need to waste time and attention on one in particular.
And to be, that also ignores the clear wall of contextual and subtextual evidence that a reveal was planned. The posters are a great example.
Here is the Batch in the final poster:
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And here is CX-2
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He's standing at Crosshair's right, just out of frame. The lighting matches and he's even looking up to the right just like the rest of his brothers. The line of light cutting his left side even matches the one cutting above Crosshair's right side.
All the other posters showing Bad Batch adversaries has them lit more darkly or in shadow and has unique posing and positioning that do not reflect our heroes.
Why are we styling a brainwashed clone like one of the Batchers artistically? That's a weird choice.
I think the some big wigs wanted him back and others didn't want to water down the impact of his death and we're seeing that confusion and conflict on screen, when we really shouldn't. IDK if Disney was pushing it or the showrunners but either way, going halfsies and changing your mind (and impacting the resolutions we got because of it) is not a good look, especially from a studio like Disney/Lucasfilm. I'm not blaming Dave or Jen wholly, but we the audience should never be able to see the writer's room when we watch, and that's all I was able to see with this.
(My own husband was like "we are supposed to think that's Tech, right?" and he's not really a Bad Batch fan, he just indulges me.)
Alright, that's all I got. I'm happy with how my comfort show ended, I'll write fanfic to cover the pieces I don't agree with personally, and I'll remain ever grateful and supportive of the community who gave me this most precious gift.
I love you all.
And may the force be with you.
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pandagalo · 4 months
What an amazing episode!!
Starting from the RECAP: Poseidon speech as we relive Percy's quest is amazing, not just a montage of what has happened, but actually video editing to tie all together!
Annabeth confused about Kronos, great continuity.
THEY ARE IN MONTAUK. Poseidon is right by his side in the exact place where he met Sally! I know it was for time and budget, but it's a change that I personally L O V E.
Fight with Ares check: Percy easily overpowered, he finally has confidence in his powers and distract Ares as he hurts him. Of course Ares thinks Percy is going for the head. Ares thinks everyone in battle wants to kill the other, Percy used his brain and went for the ankle.
Now to Zeus. That sequence is absolute PERFECTION. We saw kids acting most of the time, now we got two adults that just DELIVER with their perfomance. Zeus is scary, has authority, HE IS A GOD. Poseidon portrayal is such a loving father, such powerful emotions and acting. They killed the scene, I couldn't stop smiling from how good it was.
Now to the Luke scene. Percy figured it out, but this time it was too late. He was already alone with Luke in the forest and was recalling the prophecy. The scene is masterfully portrayed, Luke tries to recruit Percy, only for him to have developed trust in his father, which push him to try and change Luke's plans. But when he mention Hermes, the fight starts.
PERCY APOLOGIZES WHEN HE HURTS HIM. He wasn't being serious, he probably thought it was like sword practice, but this time he didn't have a wooden sword. It's only when Luke hurts him that he understands how grave is the situation.
AND ANNABETH SHOWS UP. Because she had the same thoughts as Percy. She emphasized that they needed CONCRETE PROOF. Something wasn't quite right. She actually followed them with the cap. And when Luke harmed Percy, she understood that they weren't getting their friend back. And Luke couldn't bear her seeing him like that, and he escaped.
Gabe wasn't portrayed as abusive and bad as the book, if it was Sally to petrify him it wouldn't have sound right. BUT TO POSEIDON TO DO IT? To send back the Medusa's head, knowing Gabe would have opened their mail? To Poseidon to actually save Sally? (Friendly prophecy reminder: "You will not save what matters the most" in the book is about Percy letting Sally use the Medusa's head on Gabe, it isn't Percy who saves his mother, but herself)
GROVER GOT HIS LICENSE. Well, it's not actually that they never checked the sea, it's just no one ever returned. But probably no one knows it.
In the end, loved the episode and the show. Episodes 7 & 8 REALLY sold it to me. In my opinion, it went from a 7 to an 8/8.5 just because of the last two episodes. I'm really excited about Sea of Monsters, I don't think they will have any problem with the green light for Season 2, as the show is a success and it deserves it.
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embrosegraves · 7 months
𝕄𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℙ𝕒𝕡𝕒'𝕤 𝕊𝕠𝕟𝕘
(request) dad!Sebastion x mum!Reader(she/her pronouns) Kids: Ada (10), Baer (10), Carlin (7), Della (3) (Baer is pronounced like Bear)
Incredibly brief mention of murder (its from a murder mystery podcast)
A list of translations will be at the bottom :D
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It was a pretty standard evening in the Vettel household. Sebastian was in the backyard tending to the plants and bees, Y/n was cutting vegetables to use for dinner in the kitchen and all four of their children were being entertained by some movies in the lounge room. It was peaceful. 
In the kitchen, Y/n had her phone connected to a speaker as it played the latest episode of a murder mystery podcast she had started listening to. Seb walked in to hear the hosts describing how the victim was killed in disturbingly vivid detail. He walked up to his wife and hugged her from behind.
“Should I be worried, Blume?” He asked, his voice muffled from his place by her neck. Y/n laughed and shook her head. 
“Of course not, Liebe. It was the first thing to play when I connected my phone to the speaker.” 
Putting the last of the cut up vegetables in the pot, Y/n turned around in her husband’s arms. Before she could say anything, the sound of three stampeding children rushed to them. 
“Mama! Papa! Come quick, it’s on the tv!” Baer, their eldest son, called to them. Their eldest daughter (and Baer’s older twin), Ada, rushed to grab her mother’s hand. 
“Schnell Mama, bevor es losgeht!" She exclaimed. 
Seb looked at Y/n in bewilderment. Their children had never acted like this before. They were supposed to be watching some DVDs that they had in the tv cabinet. 
“Lieblinge, what’s going on? What is the hurry?” Seb asked them. This time it was their youngest son, Carlin, (who happened to be holding his baby sister, Della) that answered him. 
“We were watching the gnome movie and they started to play the song that you always put on for Mama when you dance in the lounge!”
Y/n still sported a look of confusion, but she put the stove on simmer nonetheless. She took Della from her brother and rested the young girl on her hip before the children started to lead her and Seb to the lounge room. 
When they got there, Ada was quick to usher her parents to sit on the couch and tell her brother to rewind the movie until just before the song started. Baer wasted no time and before either Seb or Y/n knew, they were listening to a cover of Elton John’s “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” from the Gnomeo and Juliet movie. Seb’s face broke out into a smile as he recalled all of his precious memories associated with the song. Y/n laughed as she listened to the song and watched her children dance in front of the tv like she and Seb and done on many occasions. 
When the song finished, Y/n and Seb clapped and cheered for their children while they all clambered onto the couch to sit with their parents. Ada climbed onto Seb’s lap while Baer and Carlin sat right in between Seb and Y/n. Della had moved to sit on her mother’s lap facing her father. 
“That was lovely, my darlings! Bravo!” Y/n said once they had calmed slightly. 
“Can you tell us about when you first heard the song, Mama?” Baer asked with excitement. Seb laughed and ruffled his son’s hair. 
“Mama and I can tell you all about it after we eat dinner, okay? And then we can all dance for a bit before bed.”
The children cheered before rushing off to the bathroom to wash their hands before they ate. Y/n clasped her hand with Seb’s and gave him a soft look. 
“Thank you, Seb.” she said. 
“What are you thanking me for, Liebe?” 
“For giving me the most wonderful family to cherish. And for being the best husband I could have ever dreamed for.” 
Seb moved to kiss the back of her hand, still entwined with his. “You have nothing to thank me for. You deserve all of this and more.” 
In their moment of love, the couple failed to notice their four children peeking around the doorway, watching. 
“I want to have a love like Mama and Papa.” Ada whispered to her brothers. 
“Right now?” Carlin asked, also whispering.
“Not right now. When I am older maybe.” 
“We will all have a love like theirs when we’re older. I’m sure of it.” Baer whispered with conviction. “For now, help me get Della in her high chair.”
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Translations (provided by Google Translate): Blume = Flower Liebe = Love Lieblinge = Darlings Schnell Mama, bevor es losgeht! = Quick Mama, before it goes!
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lunar-years · 1 year
There is literally no other way to interpret the side by side posters on Jamie's wall, the boy is bi! Roy and Keeley spend literally the whole episode thinking about Jamie, and then the end when they're all sat together? Oh my heart! Also I would love LOVE to know what Roy whispered to Jamie, but the proud looks from both Keeley and Roy at their boy during the match will sustain me for weeks
Like I'm not even kidding in the slightest when I tell you this episode was ot3 made canon for me. I don't even care what happens with the three of them in the finale, this was it. If the finale is bad for them I'm just going to forget it ever happened and pretend this was the final episode, I don't even care!!!
side-by-side posters?????? of ROY AND KEELEY?????? The reveal was glorious. I can't believe I didn't see it coming but when that door swung back, my jaw DROPPED.
Jamie getting injured on the pitch and then the drama of him getting back up and everyone thinking oh it's all right he's okay only for him to FALL AGAIN. And through all of that we got to watch the face journeys play out on both Keeley and Roy??? that was straight out of a million ot3 angst fanfics i was writhing internally
literally just, Roy and Keeley not actually getting back together (without him)...!!! dropping their hands as soon as he came in. Keeley's expression when Roy told her he didn't want to be friends. If you read my long ramble-y Roy/Keeley meta after last week's episode you'll know I've dreamed of times like these anon
something about Roy going to Keeley to ask her to fix Jamie only for her to be like "welp shit I ended up making him worse" was so glorious and funny and perfect even as it was heart-bending. I know we love to talk about Keeley's emotional intelligence compared to her boys, but at the end of the day they are truly 3 idiots 1 braincell. Keeley just gets to hold on to it the most. I love these dorks.
it was deeply vulnerable of jamie to bring Roy and Keeley with him to his house. like we're not talking about that enough, actually. It was clear he'd never brought Keeley there when they dated. Like, they didn't even know he had a Simon. And this was him completely letting them into his world in one swoop. Letting Simon give them a tour of the Jamie shrine unbothered while he cried to his mum. ???????? JAMIE
the final scene where they bring the champagne into the therapy room is everything to me absolutely everything it is the stuff of dreams and I can't believe we got an ot3 scene like that.
I think it's more fun that we don't know what Roy whispered because in our heads we now get to make it whatever we want. Like, okay, it was obviously, "we're fucking tonight," and WE all know that, but the general audience, who is largely blind, can still go on in their own little delusional bubble like "wow isn't it nice that Roy and Jamie are such good friends ! Surely Roy must've told Jamie good game :D" It was such a completely perfect way of doing it. Ted Lasso writers I never once doubted you (i lie)
there was sooooo much more I loved but yeah these are the talking points my current state of mind is oscillating between lol.
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mostowa · 1 month
Justice for Chenford aka my inital thoughts after 6x07
Ok, for starters. I really liked the episode. I liked that it was slow paced with all of them dealing one case and that it was basically the whole episode about Chenford and the aftermath of break up. I loved it, because it just shows that writers know how important it was for us and for them (the whole Mid-Wilshire gang) to process that. Now when I think about it I am kind of surprised they decided to not write any Angela/Tim scene, but I guess they are this type of friendship, when they are always for each other, but not necessarily on a daily basis. As for other things:
Tim and therapy. I am so proud of my boy. I really loved how they write it. I loved that nobody made him do the therapy and Grey even allowed him an opt-out that he chose. His initial defensivenes towards London was so in-character. I think that it was very good he decided to go on his own (did he? let me get to this in the separate point :D), I also liked that all of his major problems were highlighted in this episode, which we all identified (I mean @theflyindutchwoman could be Tim's therapist at this point lol). I am really happy that Tim is also still good at his job. It was a great scene with Grey, because Tim was actually surprised he did so good, when he was still thinking he is shit at everything he does (he is not).
Lucy I really like how she's been written, too. Obviously she went through a lot. But it's very clear after this episode that she is the one that is mature and much better grounded. Ok, she is a bit alone, but I think there is a whole new chapter starting for her with Celina --- I really like it. They haven't had much interaction until now, but I feel they will bond a lot over energies, cat personalities and mental problems. They will be a good team. Lucy is obviously dealing with breakup much better than Tim because, well, she is dealing with it. Pairing with Grey was great too and I loved how he had this "I'm your boss but also kind of dad" dynamic. It was great. I loved that Tamara was there for her. I even liked the "imma invite everyone else" just to show Tim she doesn't want to see him. This one wasn't mature, but it was very Lucy and nobody ever acts 100% mature over break up ahahaha.
Chenford I love mad Lucy and lost Tim and I was kind of hoping for this kind of dynamics so I'm happy they went for that. The final scene crushed me, but only in the right way. I feel it was so necessary and it's good that it was awkward. I loved that Tim went for a safe ground with work talk, because he, well, he just wanted to feel close with her and this is how they were close. It's good that she called him out on that, too. I think we will get this mature talk between them, but I'm glad it didn't happen now. I'm sure Tim wouldn't be able to take the mature stuff from Lucy. I genuinely think that this convo was the tipping point for Tim for going to therapy. I think it is once again Lucy that makes him choose right things and I am so in love with that. I'm happy she opened his mind.
dr London Y'all need to come down. For me, if anything, dr London in this episode proved that she is 100000% professional. All she did with Tim is to talk about his issues, she was very strong with that and she was also very good in not taking Tim's BS haha. She is a professional, extremely observant and I think a good therapist. As for the last scene, for me it showed only the sense of urgency. It showed how much Tim actually wants to work on himself (I think he feels he is losing Lucy a bit) and that he wants to work on it right now. Of course, we won't know what is going to happen and of course feelings towards therapist are not an uncommon in therapy and especially when patient is so lost, but I really hope they won't go down this path, because it would feel a little cheap.
Overally I loved how they wrote it. I love they went for the very Rookie path of dealing with the stupid decision the right way. I love that there are some seeds thrown to grow and I think this is one of the most in-character episodes we got all season. I'm anticipating the show again and I'm happy!
I am also curious who is going to be the officer down and I'm loving that we will get some more action!
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deja-yu · 8 months
One last deal - Jung Wooyoung Chapter 1/?
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Synopsis: You end up having to make a deal with a demon, you decide he can be your pretend boyfriend for a month to get your parents off your back.
Fake dating trope, Demon!Wooyoung
Warnings (for this chapter only!): small mention of death and Wooyoung can't be called by his name, so he is mostly referred to as Demon or Woo.
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It had been a while since you found yourself stumbling through the rooms of a loud houseparty, you blame your friend who insisted you were getting boring. But as you side-step some puke on the floor you feel like you were very much having a better time being boring. Face scrunching up in disgust you continue, trying to push your way to the living room, just wanting to find your friend and drag her home, refusing to leave her alone here. Tiptoeing to look through the crowd trying to find her, you wonder who in their right mind enjoys having this many people in their house. You spot her on the far side of the room, somewhat relieved she looks incredibly annoyed at the guy trying to talk her up. Should make it easy to convince her to leave. When you are half way through the room you get dragged along when everyone suddenly turns to a commotion near the couches. You groan trying to get past some guys. The room is growing so quiet you can’t help but try and peek to see the reason for all the commotion, or lack thereof. When you see a haphazardly drawn (of course) pentagram with a variety of symbols, you can’t help but roll your eyes. Deciding to use the moment of peace to finally reach your friend. Whoever created the drawings starts chanting, you deduct it’s two people but don’t look over. An eerie feeling settles in you and when you meet your friend's eye she looks equally perturbed. So with a silent nod towards the door and an agreeing nod in return from your friend, you hold each other's hands and shuffle out the room. As you open the front door the chanting stops and you and your friend look back, when the group of drunks starts cheering you take your first step through the open door. But you hit another body with a thud, jumping slightly from the surprise, he definitely wasn’t there when you opened the door. A hand is quick at your side to steady you from the scare. “Sorry” you mumble taking a step back, to separate from what you see is a handsome man your age. He just looks at you as a smile tugs at his lips. “I wouldn’t go inside” you joke when you pass him with your friend in tow. 
Once in your car the two of you burst out laughing, “I hate you” you get out between laughs and your friend admits this was by far the worst party she has ever been to. “It was that hot co-worker who invited me, I swear if I knew it was a glorified frat party I wouldn’t have brought us here” shaking your head you get ready to drive home. On the way asking if your friend wants to stay over to which she happily agrees. 
After finally getting to have a drink yourself in the comfort of your home, you binge some trashy show with your friend. “Hey what are you doing!” your friend complains when you pause the episode. “I need to pee!” stumbling towards the bathroom you hear her giggle behind you “Go piss girl!”. 
The water is freezing when you go to wash your hands and it sends a shiver down your spine, frowning knowing damn well you paid your bills on time. Deciding you’d let your sober self deal with it you open the bathroom door to return to the comfort of your couch. You scream as a dark figure seems to lean against the wall across the door, your heart dropping while at the same time getting caught in your throat. But the smoke(?), the shadow(?), the figure… dissipates before the door is fully open. Your friend comes to your rescue as you stand frozen in place. “What the hell?? What happened?” not sure yourself you stammer out what you saw, your friend gives you a raised eyebrow. “I think you’ve had enough to drink” she mumbles while tugging you back to the room. Replacing the drinks with two cups of water before starting the show again. But the atmosphere doesn’t go back to the light hearted one from before, feeling on edge as goosebumps run down your skin. The two of you decide to call it a night when the episode ends. 
The soft snores of your friend do nothing to calm your nerves, the sounds of your apartment and the world outside to which you had gotten so used to are suddenly spiking your heart rate with each passing moment. And worst of all, you really had to pee. After another few minutes of internal struggle you decide that the party earlier tonight just freaked you out and it was indeed some drunk apparition that scared the crap out of you. Taking a deep breath before getting out of the warm bed, the light from your lock screen allows you to get out of the bedroom without waking your friend. Flicking on the hallway light, you let out a breath more at ease now that you’re in proper light. This time after you finish you open the door with some hesitation, but the hallway is without dark figures this time. Not really wanting to go back to bed and stare at the ceiling again, you put on a comfort show on the tv with low volume. Settled comfortably on the couch, your eyes get droopy and soon enough you are finally asleep. 
You are somewhat aware that you fell asleep and are dreaming. Finding yourself on a bench overlooking an empty park. The lack of other people, pets or even birds gave you an eerie feeling. “Can I take a seat?” as if out of nowhere the man next to you appears, you look from him to the seat. “Oh, sure” when you look at him again you recognize him as the guy you bumped into while leaving the party. He watches your eyes squint at him in suspicion and chuckles but takes the seat next to you nonetheless. “You were the first person to talk to me at the party” he says, and you wonder if you're still drunk in your dream. Being unable to stop the huh? that leaves you. “At the party, they did the summoning” finger pointing from himself to you to emphasise the same words “You were the first one to speak to me”. So… that clears up nothing for you. For a moment he studies your face, which is radiating questions, he sighs. “The first one to speak is the one who can make the deal. You summoned me and talked to me first, why did you leave?” though he says it with slight sarcasm he has the audacity to pout! A broken laugh comes out of you when you exhale, muttering under your breath what a weird dream you were having. “You’re not dreaming, you just screamed when I tried to talk to you earlier” gasping you pull a face of disgust “Why the hell would you try and talk to me after listening in on me pee”, his ears flush red and he laughs awkwardly, “It was just unfortunate timing, I had been looking for you” which isn’t really a good defence and he seems to catch on quickly adding “I am tied to you, I don’t really have a choice”.
This was ridiculous, you just needed to wake up and put that weird party behind you. You get up from the bench and start walking away. It takes the man by surprise who quickly shoots up while stammering, following your steps. “You can’t leave! I won’t let you” as you stop a bit too suddenly the guy bumping into your back, breathing a sorry under their breath as you turn to him. He seems to shrink under your gaze and apologises once more, for what he wasn’t too sure of. “You need to explain this to me, if this isn’t some weird dream I am having then explain it to me. I have no idea who you are or where I am. Whoever you think I am or what I did…” halting in your words, the sense of dread washes over you tenfold “am I dying?”. He perks up waving his hand in front of him panicked “No! Let me explain, let’s sit again okay?” he turns and the bench that you most definitely walked away from is right by where you're standing. When you finally sit next to him with a sigh he starts explaining. 
At the party the circle and the chanting it did summon something, and that something was the man… the demon before you. As the house was filled with people he found himself on the porch, the door open and there you were. Continuing to explain how once summoned a demon can’t leave before completing his end of a deal. “But we made no deal” humming in acknowledgement he explains that he assumed it was a mistake after seeing the party inside, but he found himself unable to venture home. Stuck to you via an invisible string. “I’m not selling you my soul just because I was at the wrong place” and he laughs at that, “The offer was already made, they put in 500 collectively, they’ll probably spend tomorrow morning accusing one another of taking the money” pulling out a stack of bills in an effort to prove himself. “Wouldn’t you have to have a deal before you could accept the offer?” he snickers, huffing out “Details” in the same breath. “Just tell me what you want? We can both go on our way again” you pause for a moment before your mind jumps between ideas. Could you ask him for the endless amount of money in your bank, but he looks a bit too happy with his 500 so you don’t know if a money based request will go over well. Then you remember your parents coming over next week, who are adamant about finding you a partner so you can finally settle down. Because no matter how many times you told them you weren’t meeting anyone interesting enough, didn’t want to settle down or even think about kids, they were not giving up. The anxiety that this back and forth has been giving you washes over you blurting out “Be my boyfriend for a month” he visibly jumps in his seat at the suddenness. 
There is a pause before he bursts out laughing and your cheeks heat up, embarrassed but managing to giggle alongside him. “No wait” “Too late!” putting his hand out for you to shake your eyes flick from that to his face. “Deals, a deal” wiggling his hand he chuckles “Come on, won’t you shake a poor sinner's hand”. Deciding to keep the question: you’ve seen princess and the frog? for later, you shake his hand. 
In the blink of an eye you find yourself back on your own couch. Firstly scanning your room, even jumping up and checking the hall through the peephole. But the strange demon was nowhere to be found. Checking the time, it was almost five. Not sure if you really just had a crazy dream or if the demon would actually become your pretend boyfriend for a month. You decide to think it all over in your own bed, managing to get back under sheets without waking up your friend. Somehow falling asleep even after all that in the matter of minutes. Body somehow exhausted and as you fall into slumber you know it wasn’t a dream, you hadn’t slept at all.  
“Don’t have any more scares now that I’m not here to save you” your friend teases before making her way out the door. Rolling your eyes you turn back to your living room, heart dropping when the demon of whom you still didn’t know the name was lounging comfortably on the couch. “Darling~!” said with a hint of sarcasm he welcomed you back into the room with a cheshire grin. “What’s your name? I didn’t ask last night” the smile falls from his face, “I can’t tell you”. Huffing out a why not as go to grab yourself a drink, hesitating before grabbing the demon one too. “I don’t know my name, it’s one of the things I lost when I became a demon. I know it starts with Woo. It’s how a demon is set free” he takes the drink from you and you swat his legs away to sit down. “How do you know?” something you can only describe as sorrow washes over his face, “I had a friend, once his name was said to him, he lost all his powers. He died” you choke on your drink at the sudden confession, “I’m sorry” you manage to say once you calm down from the coughing fit. “It’s alright, I just wish I got to go with him. I haven't really had friends since, most demons do actually suck”, there is a moment of silence, unsure what to say next. It hasn’t even been 5 minutes.
“Why do you need me to be your boyfriend? I don’t even know your name” He seems quick to recover from the sad memory he just shared. "I’m Y/N” You quickly answer, “My parents haven't stopped bothering me about it and it seemed on the simpler side. I thought about a work promotion but I would just feel cheated?" he snorts "I have to say you're the first who says that. It wouldn’t be because you deserve it no, so I guess I get where you are coming from. I make it happen it doesn't matter how close or how far the promotion was from actually happening without me" nodding you’re glad you didn't pick that, you know you were close to one and you worked hard for it, making a demon arrange it would mean you wasted your own hard work. "When I got this job, I thought they'd leave me alone for a bit. But they just found having a well paying job even more of a reason to find someone and settle down. Me not really looking for someone myself means they try to set me up with people. I just want them to give me a break. If we date for a little and then break-up I get a post-break up buffer" Woo studies you with mischievous eyes. "A month's time, 30 days, I am yours to command, my sweetheart" the last coming out paired with a wink. You roll your eyes at him, “Tone it down, and we have been dating for half a year. If it’s too short they’ll make me move on too soon" thinking about it for a moment before you turn to him. "Can you make it look like we have been together for a while?" he scoffs at the lack of trust in his demonic powers, “anything you want, I am a very giving lover” another wink shot your way. This time you launch a couch pillow at his face, after being hit he gets a playful grin, like a cat waiting to pounce on its toy. “So how will we make it look like we have been dating 6 months?” you eye him, unsure if he will let your attack go without retaliating. “Oh I already took care of it, all your friends know me, your colleagues call the pictures you upload with me on insta cute, and your parents are very excited to finally meet me next week” your mouth being slightly open makes him laugh. “Check instagram if you’re curious!” doing as told you check your profile and find multiple pictures of the demon, they’re slotted in between the few things you posted over the past year. In total there are 4 posts, each being one single picture except the last one. First a picture of you in a cafe with the demon across from you, you can only see his hand on the drink but you know it’s him and the cake has two forks clearly meant to be shared. The second picture it’s dark, taken of the river, he is standing against the railing back facing the camera. The third picture is the first where you can see him fully, it’s a picture of him grinning, it’s the first time you can actually see his face. The last one has 2 pictures, these ones make a shiver run down your spine. You’re in these ones too, the first one being a silly picture of you two together and a picture of a photostrip of you two. You zoom in and see the last picture being one where you share a kiss. “I can’t believe you soft launched yourself” You look at the picture a moment longer before meeting his eyes again “This is weird” you murmur and he chuckles. “Because it didn’t happen, of course it feels kind of freaky. And I never met any of your friends, I made them aware of me being your boyfriend but they don’t (and he emphasises with air quotes) know me”. 
You lean further into the pillows of your couch, kicking your legs up so they share the small space between you and the demon. “So… what now?” He smirks at the questions, “Let’s go on a date”.
Been stuck on this and posting ch1 so I can decide whether or not to continue based on the response... This is so far the only Halloween themed fic I have been able to write. I just kept rewriting so I want to have the story set so I am stuck to something instead of redoing it... again.
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