#(somebody please stop traumatizing this child ;;)
rawliverandgoronspice · 6 months
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babies <3
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
cuddling mark after the alternate attack that you saved him from, just trying everything you can to help soothe his nerves,,,little nightlight, keeping doors locked, tv's unplugged, etc.. so maybe like reverse comfort/angst with fluff in it,,,
i would do anything to make sure that man is happy and comfortable ughh
SO true bestie. In this house, we reverse-comfort traumatized characters <3
"Oh god, oh my god. I-It's back, [y/n]!! It's inside the room a-and it's gonna fucking kill us both-!!"
"Mark, there's nothing there-"
"NO, NO, NO!! GET AWAY FROM THAT THING!! It's wearing his face a-and it's staring right at-!"
"It's a jacket!"
"....it is..?"
"Yes. That's all..see?"
Despite his blurry vision, the Heathcliff boy managed to blink back tears, struggling to catch his breath.. But he could see you approaching the closet door, calmly removing the article of clothing hanging on it before showing it to him.
And slowly, yet surely, he stopped hyperventilating as he stared at it for some time.
You were right.
That's all it was.
Just a stupid jacket he sloppily hung up after coming home from school one random day. He didn't realize that his careless placement of it would become the thing that sent him into a panic attack.
But he couldn't help it.
In the darkness of his room, it so-happened to resemble an amorphous tall black blob....the shape of those monsters that dwelled in the shadows and tormented him for two days.
Even though you saved him from their influence a while ago, he was still too afraid to go back to school...or even be alone, which was understandable. He wasn't officially diagnosed with M.A.D, though he remained delirious from sleep deprivation and overly paranoid that every moving shadow is an Alternate waiting to kill him.
It didn't help that his own mind was making him see things that weren't actually there--like frightening bastardized imagery of his dead friend.
You never realized how seriously traumatized Mark was until he suddenly screamed in terror while you were both cuddling together on the bed. At first you thought he was waking up from a nightmare after falling asleep..
Then he insisted somebody was watching you two from the closet.
For a moment you believed him, getting up (despite him begging you not to leave) and grabbing a baseball bat you brought over to attack the threat..
Only to find out that the "threat" was just a jacket. There was no actual danger present.
Or at least..not to you.
Yet even when you looked back at your partner, you saw he was still deeply-shaken over everything, gazing at the open closet with a thousand yard stare.
That's when you decided to do something about it.
While you couldn't make him forget about what happened, there's things you can physically do to put his mind more at ease and feel safe in his home again.
So you shut the closet door and locked it tight, propping a chair under the knob for good measure.
After that, you noticed the nightlight in the corner of the room was a bit dimmer than usual, so you went over to unplug it, tightening the loose bulb and dusting off its plastic star-shaped exterior.
When you plugged it back in, it shone twice as bright.
"That's better. Now...I'm just gonna go check out the rest of the house, okay?" You turned back to Mark, who was now looking at you in panic. "I promise I'll be back in two minutes. Just two. That's all I need, alright?"
Tears welled in his eyes, but he nodded in understanding. "Just come back..please.."
"I will. I swear it." After giving him a small kiss of reassurance, you left the room, hoping your task will be quick and easy, while he mentally counted down the seconds you were away.
You triple-checked all the TVs to ensure they were unplugged, deciding to cover the screens in case a certain child-stealing asshole could somehow turn them on.
It can't hurt what it can't see, right?
As for the doors, well...you couldn't install brand new locks with passcodes, chains, or iron bars into them right away. So instead you pushed some heavy things in front of them--things that would make loud noises if they were ever moved by the doors being forced open.
It's a temporary fix, but even you felt safer knowing you did something.
Roughly two minutes later, you returned to Mark's bedroom..only to see that he had shut the door on you, locking it tight.
That was only expected.
Sighing softly, you raised your hand and knocked in a unique rhythm, assuring him it was really you on the other side.
It swung open to reveal him standing there, hood drawn over his head as he hugged one of the stuffed animals you gifted him for Valentine's Day. His nose was buried into its fur, inhaling the faint rose scent still infused into it.
Although it's nice that he kept it after all this time, you could see him clearly using it to hide his tears and the heavy bags under his eyes.
It dug a knife deep into your heart. You hated seeing him look so terrified and broken, wishing you could take all his pain away instantly.
You wanted to make the Alternates pay for what they did to him...and get the cop who ignored his cries for help fired.
But all you could do right now was be here for Mark.
"Thank you for doing all of that..." He finally spoke, voice trembling. "I-I'm sorry. I...I knew it was you, b-but...I just-"
"No, no..it's okay, Mark. I understand. But everything's more secure now. None of those bastards are gonna get us." You softly reassured, going back to the bed with him as he set the plushie down.
Before he could say anything else, you pulled him into your arms, gently pushing back his hood so you could run your fingers through his hair. He sniffled in response, burying his face into your chest since he didn't trust himself not to look around the room and find something--or someone--he didn't wish to see.
For now, all he wanted was to be surrounded by you and your presence alone.
Where prayers failed to comfort him, you were here to keep him from falling apart.
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clownrecess · 1 year
(TW: Talk of ABA, trauma, abuse, self offing, etc.)
ABA is abusive whether you want to admit it or not. It just is.
It doesn't "depend on the therapist", it is abusive by nature. The abuse and trauma inducing experiences are deeply rooted in it.
"Oh, well ours is basically just some OT and speech", that's not ABA, then. Whilst yes, OT and speech do very much have the ability to be abusive, ABA always is. A combination of some in home OT and speech is not ABA.
So what is ABA? ABA stands for applied behavioural analysis. It is a "therapy" that parents of autistic people are usually pushed to do. And often times, the parents agree! Whether that's because the insurance covers it, or because the school told them to, or whatever, they tend to accept it.
I was one of the people who's parents accepted it.
I was in ABA for a little over a year, I would have been in it much longer but eventually I was taken out because I threatened to off myself if I remained in it. And this didnt work immediately, I had been threatening this for months. I'm not sure why it finally worked.
ABA likes to trick you at the start. My therapists in particular referred to this tricking as the "honeymoon phase". In this phase, they would act like my friends. They made me trust them.
We would talk about our interests, and play games together.
It felt safe, and I liked it!
Until it changed, that is. About two months into ABA, they stopped being like my friends.
It went from me happily playing chess with him, to him yelling at me, a child hiding under a table, because I didn't say what he wanted me to say.
And this of course evolved too. And I was further traumatized.
I was tricked, and then abused by the hands of so called therapists.
It has been around 2, almost 3 years since this. I am still extremely frightened by anything remotely related to those experiences.
I had a panic attack in a water park because somebody looked **slightly** like one of them.
Please don't put your kid in ABA. I don't care how helpful you think it'll be.
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frenchgremlim1808 · 4 months
hello frenchgremlim1808, which yttd character is your least favorite and why? :^
Helloo! thanks for the ask!
Before i even start with the ask to make things easier if you ever have to call me, you don't need to type mys username fully just call me either french or Frgremlin. it will be easier.
So lets get started: So you might say that choosing a singular character out of this wonderfully written cast with such diverse background, realistic motivations and fantastic writing would be hard well, let me say this....
It's midori and it's not even close. I have never hated somebody has much as him. I Fucking despise him from the bottom of my being, he is the worst asshole know to human kind, i hate everything about him. I hate every single of his ships, especially s**shin (won't even say it out loud this ship gives me trauma). He is a pathetic, narcissistic, man child, who can't accept no, who only feel in power when somebody is under him, he's egocentric, sociopath, abusive, like REALLY ABUSIVE, and the definition of a groomer.
To every stupid ass s**shin shipper who claims that shin was not abused that bad and that we exaggerate, guys shin was STILL abused, stop being delusional. How do you think in GODS NAME, does a guy who i precise is know to like breaking people apart and ruining their life for fun would even works with an impressionable teen. Also, yes it is a proship.
And yes compared to them i have media literacy, sou is clearly in love with shin, and there is possibility that shin maybe( i hope not) had feelings for him. BUT I DON'T CARE, THIS SHIP STILL IS A SOCIOPATH ABUSER WHO DESTROYED AND TRAUMATIZED A TEEN. THERE IS NOTHING ROMANTIC ABOUT S**SHIN. Sou is not even cool, i mean he is a pathetic wimp, who cries because he got beaten by a 14 years old.
simple reminder for you guys, but midori age is still unknown, like you know that? Midori could be older than shin, which could implicate some even more creepy relationship than it already is.
he has no redeeming qualities, he abused shin, traumatized sara, destroyed keiji life, told gin he would """"cure"""""" him from autism, and pretty much caused all the pain of the cast.
That's why i love him. The character not the person. Like as a person he literally the worst guy ever, i hate him. But has a character he's amazing, like so amazing, he is written so well, he makes the game more fun, and overall he is such a bad person that's it's great!
I'm probably gonna write a thesis one day on why midori is such a breath of fresh air compared to other antagonist in modern media, and why i hate hims passionately. I'll also make some short analysis on him if i stop procrastinating.
But yeah my arch nemesis as person, but an a amazing character.
but not counting him it would probably be ranmaru. and the boring one hayasaka. Maybe if somebody sends me a ask about why i dislike ranmaru i'll answer (wink wink please somebody send me one i'm sad)
Also sou is mega ugly
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fizzigigsimmer · 1 year
😡 Y’all need to stop before you hurt somebody with your garbage victim blamey nonsense. Your blind spot when it comes to sexual abuse and grooming when the proposed victim is a male is genuinely alarming.
There are no grey areas. There are not buts, no ands, and certainly no justifications. Karen Wheeler entertained sexual fantasies and engaged in an inappropriate flirtation with a teenager - full stop. The end. She memorized a teenagers schedule and showed up at their place of work in order to sexually entice said teenager for her own mental/emotional gratification, and then agreed to have a sexual encounter with that teen for further gratification. That's all there is to know and there is no qualifying data that releases her from responsibility from her own actions.
If your response to the Kareen Wheeler story line is not some version of WTF Duffers, please explain your gross mishandling and fetishy framing of this serious subject matter; and is instead some version of 'But Billy' or 'I'm just saying, Billy', then STOP. Review these cold hard facts:
Adults should not engage in inappropriate relationships with teenagers, and when they do, the adult is to blame and not the teenager.
An adult who forms an inappropriate relationship with a teenager is always taking advantage and it is always an abuse of power.
What a teenager wears or how they dress, speak etc. does not excuse an adult seeking an improper relationship with them.
A teenager giving their consent or offering sex to an adult does not relieve an adult of personal or moral responsibility to be the adult in the situation.
A teenager may act on inappropriate feelings, behave irresponsibly and erratically, and we should expect this. An 18-19 (which Billy is not, he's canonically 17-18 during this story line) is not fully developed and does not have the life experience of a middle aged adult, and it is blaming the victim to suggest "they knew what they were doing". Teenagers literally do not. No offense to teens.
A teenager is gonna think a lot of stupid shit and do a lot of stupid shit. The adult in the situation bears the responsibility to correct inappropriate behavior and make sure boundaries are set. When they do not because it tickles their genitalia and makes them feel special to have a child say and do inappropriate things with them, it is creepy and wrong.
A 17 year old is a child, and when a child flirts with an adult there is only one acceptable response.
An 18 year old is no more realistically an adult than a 17 year old, and counting down to the day a child turns 18 so that you can make your sexual fantasies a reality is predatory.
Arranging moments where you can show off your body and entice a teen into inappropriate feelings for you is also grooming and predatory.
Trauma manifests differently for everyone, and masking is learned in early childhood. Tears and wailing are not required for trauma to exist.
Just because a teenager does not act bothered by the flirtations and sexual advances of an adult doesn’t mean they aren’t in fact being bothered, or that they aren’t being traumatized by the event.
It is not a teenagers responsibility (or a moral requirement) to know that the things they are experiencing are creating trauma, or that their current behaviors are a result of previous trauma. They literally do not have enough life experience to be experts in recognizing and dealing with trauma.
It is an adults responsibility to recognize unhealthy situations, behaviors, etc. withdraw and set boundaries.
If the adults have decided that it is okay to sexually fantasize about a teenager and show up scantily clad to a teens place of work in the hopes of forming inappropriate relationships, and the culture cosigns this as just another Tuesday, then the teen cannot logically be the one at fault for their own skewed perceptions of sex and morality.
It is the responsibility of a sane adult to recognize when a teenager needs intervention and correction. Not a blowjob in a motel. Sorry Karen. Not sorry.
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pastelalleycat · 1 year
Young kid gets stuck in the Stanley Parable (click "read more" to see the whole thing!)
(This is a scenario that I came up with and might expand upon! I think it's pretty interesting, and I hope y'all enjoy it!)
A small child, no older than 6 or 7, finds herself stuck in the Stanley Parable. She's alone in this big office where nothing's familiar, she's scared, and all she can hear is this weird British voice that definitely doesn't belong to her parents or anybody she's been told she can trust.
The Narrator, tough-shelled though he is, grows soft for this little girl almost immediately. Keeping order in the Parable is usually his top priority, of course, but never at the expense of somebody unprepared to handle its dangers. He may have a harsh tongue sometimes, but he really does value connection over control, even if he doesn't realize it.
Things can go disastrously wrong in the Parable. There are staircases and giant metal crushers and high places to fall off of, not to mention many endings with monologues that would frighten and traumatize sensitive people more than prove a point. So the Narrator thinks it best that he stop his story, for just a little bit, and physically accompany the girl in the office. Just to keep her safe.
After hastily programming one of the doors in the office to transport him there, The Narrator opens the door, still getting used to his corporeal form (which he doesn't take very often), and approaches the child, who is huddled in one corner singing a slightly atonal song to comfort herself.
"Hey," the Narrator says quietly. Very quietly, trying to make his voice gentle and kind. "It's me, the voice you heard over the speaker. The one talking about the Stanley fellow."
The girl abruptly stops singing. She doesn't answer at first. She's been taught not to talk to strangers. But she does seem to be a bit more attentive, looking up into the Narrator's hazel eyes, and she slowly speaks a single sentence. "Are you a bad guy?"
The Narrator weakly chuckles at the question. "No. I'm not a perfect man," he continues with a bit of strain in his voice, "but I'm not all bad. Nobody is, dear. I'm... a friend. I can be a friend to you, yes? Would that be suitable?"
The girl looks down again, hugging her knees to her chest.
The Narrator sighs and hesitates a little. Maybe this spontaneity on his part, rushing over like this, wasn't the best idea.
"Let-- let me explain what's happening, please. Even if you don't trust me entirely, just let me explain."
He sits down next to the child, who flinches a little but doesn't move away.
"Stanley is a close relation of mine. A very close relation of mine. I am a storyteller, it's my job to tell his story, but sometimes... when I try to tell it..." He pauses, trying to come up with a simple way to explain the girl's situation. "Sometimes, when I'm telling Stanley's story, somebody gets put... inside the story, so to speak. And sometimes they get stuck."
It takes a minute for the girl to realize what the Narrator is saying. She bites her lip, trying to fight back tears.
"I know. It's a lot to take in, isn't it. And I'm sorry. This place isn't exactly... the best place for a little one to be by themselves." The Narrator finds himself putting a hand on the girl's back. "You will be okay. I won't leave your side, I promise, if you'll have me to stay there."
The girl nods slowly.
"Good. Very good." He lets out a long sigh. "Now, onto introductions. What's your name, little one? Can you tell me?"
The name stands out to the Narrator, as he recalls a blonde-haired woman who he made up for one of the Parable's endings. "Ella. A beautiful name. It suits you very well." He smiles. "I am the Narrator."
The girl sits up, looking once again at the Narrator, still seeming cautious but slightly more trusting. "Narry?"
The Narrator's eyes widen. He's never been called that by anybody before. In fact, he's never had anything other than his job title to refer to him. But he finds himself very attached to this mispronunciation of his title, and perhaps to the name itself.
So he allows himself to smile.
"...Yes. Call me Narry. If you must."
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 1 year
Mimic Chapter 39
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A battle until anything heroes would ever be able to experience. Power, unlike anything, was here and death was in the air.
Words- 4775
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Warnings: Fighting, violence, angst, MHA WAR ARC SPOILERS (TW: HEAVY GORE)
A/N: Enjoy this early chapter as a Christmas gift🎄! I hope everyone enjoys the holiday season!!
“He foresaw his downfall and entrusted all he had to his successors..”
“Successors?” Present Mic says. All For One had another player involved?
“He even chose to pass on his quirk. So, just like I once did for him…he took in a duplicate of his own quirk…”
“Tenko please.” His last sister called out to him standing right between him and his master, the shadows of the space and decay were getting to you crawling from your feet up. Your hand reaches out to him, “Brother…”
“Don’t do something stupid Tenko…because you won’t win. I won’t let you.” You speak out to him and his gaze hardens.
“I’ll kill you then.” He says before his hand grasps your neck with all five fingers and cracks appear covering you, “This is my destiny. Don’t reject who I am.” He says before walking to the shadow covering his master.
“…and split the original to Tomura and Y/n Shigaraki.” The doctor says.
Electricity rushes through his body as he seizes, and life is brought back to him as power and hatred flood him.
Your hand slams into a wall letting out a gasp of air a loud thudding in your brain. Unaware of another frozen in place as the evacuation goes on, the same words ring in your head.
“He’s Coming. He’s Coming!”
Your head snaps straight in the direction of the hospital your chest tight feeling his eyes staring back at you.
The sounds of the evacuation go mute your eyes still focused on the hospital and your classmates begin to notice both your and Midoriya’s strange behavior. Then you see it.
“The hospital…” Midoriya whispers out and you watch birds around it fly off in flocks before familiar cracks appear and it crumbles dust kicking up in the air and the wave of it heading towards the city.
Heroes and civilians start running and Midoriya rushes but when he looks back seeing the way of decay you’re still frozen in your spot.
“Y/N RUN!” He screams seeing the decaying grow closer to you. He shoots over grabbing you just before a stray piece of decay could touch you running off with you in his arms. Your gaze stays glued to the wave of destruction heading towards you all but that’s not what your eyes see. You see a man standing with chaos looking straight back at you the man you knew was completely gone.
“Y/N!” Midoriya’s voice pulls you out of your head as he runs holding you, “You gotta run we need to help people!”
Nodding shakily he tosses you ahead and you catch your footing running scooping up a child holding her close to your chest as you all run from the wave.
“WHAT’S UP AT THE HOSPITAL? SOMEBODY, PLEASE RESPOND! ENDEAVOR! RYUKYU! ANYONE!!” Burnin yells out into her comm but nothing is coming through.
You had escaped to a far enough distance that the decay had stopped everyone traumatized witnessing everything decay in front of them, homes, friends, family, and heroes all gone. The child in your arms gets taken by another hero towards the evacuation station as the rest of the heroes look at the destruction. He had done this. This was different than anything else he’s done.
On the battlefield Shigaraki holds back the full force of Endeavor, something inside him is urging him on. Telling him to go after it.
“To get One For All.” He whispers seeing far off in the distance two bright stars, the power his master seeks in two of them.
“One…For…All?” Endeavor says confused by the name.
“SAY WHAT?! ONE FOR WHAT?! WHATEVER HELP’S COMING YOUR WAY!” Burnin yells back but moves forward toward the battlefield.
“It’s…down there and her…dear sister~”
“Sister? He…has a family?” Endeavor says and the blood rushes out of your body and you feel two pairs of eyes move towards you hearing Endeavor’s voice.
“Burnin! Wait!” Midoriya tries chasing after her but she runs off yelling back at him,
“He’s heading for the evacuees!” Endeavor’s voice rings through your earpiece.
“Expand the battle perimeter! Start evacuating the city outskirts too!” Many heroes yell out as you stand frozen, seeing children and adults trying to escape while mourning. Even heroes trying to understand the shock of losing friends. He was coming for you…to kill you and to claim One For All.
“The Sword of All For One.”
“And when that moment comes you will finally become what I created you to be…a weapon to destroy all of heroes society.
Your feet move before your mind can catch up and you’re sprinting away from the civilians.
“Y/n!” Midoriya’s voice calls and you see him running beside you, “Guess this is the fight we were told about.”
“If you told them there’s no denyin’ that they’d hafta devote a lotta people just to protect you.” Bakugo’s voice appears next to you running alongside you, “Because heroes are supposed to protect everyone. And you if they knew they probably shoot you on the spot. ”
“Kacchan!” “Bakugo…”
“You two have already made up your mind right?” Bakugo says.
“We gotta prioritize the people’s safety!” Midoriya says.
“First we hear ‘One For All’ and the whole sister thing and then that he’s heading our way…that’s ain't exactly solid proof, but still you know you’d better start moving,” Bakugo says.
“Huh? Where are you going!?” Todoroki yells out to the three of you.
“I…forgot something! I’ll be right back!” Midoriya yells and the three of you disappear into the city.
“Deku, here! Sorry for using the private frequency, but… There’s a chance that Shigaraki is after me and Shimura specifically! Maybe we can lead him to a deserted area!” Midoriya explains in his earpiece in a private channel with Endeavor.
“I’ll explain later! I’m too far away to spot Shigaraki now cuz of all the dust and smoke! Please let me know if he suddenly changes courses!!” Midoriya says and in a second he speaks again, “Thought so! Thank you! We can buy the evacuation effort time! We’ll try to lure him away!”
“Listen up, everyone! Shigaraki’s changed tack! He’s heading southwest! And he’s got hyper regeneration now, so he’s not the same as before!”
“Hear that guys? He’s coming out way!!” Midoriya yells out.
“Of course, I heard! Were you listening?! That total scumbag turned into some kinda monster! All the more reason to play keep-away!” Bakugo says
“This is different than some kinda monster!” You say running along the rooftops using Airwalk to bounce yourself off gaps with All For One boosting you, “He has All For One and has accepted All For One’s control. He’s on a completely different level….he plans to kill me.” You say and the two boys are shocked by your knowledge of the plot of your death.
“You’re his sister! Why would he do-” Midoriya speaks but you cut him off “My brother is dead! He died the second he sided with All For One…he’s threatened as well. I’ve had his quirk longer than him….I’ve had more time to learn, I’ve been All For One’s damn weapon and he knows I can beat him. That’s why if he finds me. He’s not going to stop until he knows I’m dead. So before he can kill me….I have to kill him.” You say pushing yourself forward and you don’t realize Midoriya is watching you as you run in the air, Bakugo uses his explosions to boost him forward. You had completely accepted your life, your destiny. You were forced with the burden of killing your brother.
A sudden shockwave spreads through the field your earpiece letting out a loud ringing noise, “WHAT’S THAT?!” You all look forward as time slows down as he appears in front of you. Darkness and the stench of death surround him. You felt it in Kamino, standing before All For One and it was exactly the same as now that fear of death.
“Hand over One For All, Izuku Midoriya.” He grins and before he could reach out for Midoriya a blur passes and you catch a glimpse of yellow grab Midoriya and Bakugo but before it could catch you a hand already latched onto you and the two of you crashed into the ground. Instinctively you erased his decay but the others you would have to deal with.
Your hands grasp his wrist holding him back from stealing your quirk as the two of you stare at each other the pure force and power from the two of you holding each other back.
“Y/n~” He grins.
“I won’t let you hurt anyone else Shigaraki!” You scream out and he grins before slamming his head against yours sending you flying back rolling on the ground for a bit. Pushing yourself up and pressing your hand to your head you pull back seeing red and it drips down your face wiping it on your clothes you stare across at him.
“I’m taking One For All from the boy and once I’ve down that, I will fully take All For One from you.” He says and you glare at him, in a frightening instant he’s in front of you his hand slamming against your chest ready to decay when nothing happens. Someone snatches you up into the air and you see Shigaraki get slapped away by Ryukyu. Looking up at your savior seeing it being Endeavor.
“You’re his sister aren’t you…” He says and you don’t bother hiding and nod. He sighs before he throws you off and someone else grabs you sending you away.
“You’re insane fighting him Shimura!” Gran Torino’s voice yells at you before he lands back down with Midoriya and Bakugo. Midoriya instantly grabs you pulling you into his arms and you clutch his sleeves safely in his arms.
“Should be good here.” Gran Torino says the four of you are a far distance from Shigaraki.
“But Aizawa Sensei’s down there!” Midoriya says…so it was him that saved you..he erased Shigaraki’s quirk.
“Yeah, he’s sealing off Shigaraki’s quirks.” Gran Torino says and from the distance, you could see flames shoot up in the air.
“We’re still pretty damn close gramps!” Bakugo yells. Gran Torino gives him a look before looking at the two of you.
“Bakugo already knows everything…” You say.
“One For All and All For One? Yeah, Toshinori told me. And this is as far as we go, Bakugo. That thing’s capable of moving quicker than any of us expected. There are only so many heroes…who can chase, and since our comms are jammed, luring him too far away would actually give Shigaraki free rein. You already got that thing away from the people and into Eraser’s line of sight! That’s a job well done.” Gran Torino says before turning away from you all, “Now I’m heading back to help keep Eraser mobile.”
“Are you saying we should just hide?!” Midoriya says.
“Word is All For One’s quirk was transferred to Shigaraki. If he manages to steal One For All and All For One from the both of you, well… what’s worse than the worst-case scenario?” Gran Torino says before a loud roar covers the battlefield. Far off in the distance, you see creatures appearing from the rubble…Nomus.
“Dang it! Two of ‘em are heading right for Eraser!!” Gran Torino says shooting off, “You three keep hidden!” He’s gone the fight before you but you were forced here. You take a step forward but an arm shoots out stopping you.
“We can’t. Gran Torino told us to stay back.” Bakugo says but you push his arm aside another hand grabs your wrist and you look back seeing Midoriya looking at you with a hard look on his face.
“No, I’m not just gonna stand to the side while he kills them off!” You yell trying to pull your hand free.
“Shigaraki almost killed you if it weren’t for Mr. Aizawa!” Midoriya yells back.
“I have to! I have to be the one to stop him! It’s my fault he’s like this.” You yell out, “Maybe if I tried more he wouldn’t have felt unloved…if I was stronger I could have freed both of us!” Tears brim your eyes but you swipe them away. If you just did more maybe things would have been different.
“That’s the past,” Bakugo says and you look over at him, “Like you said that thing is on a whole different level. Your brother is dead.” His words strike deep and you freeze as your tears mix with the blood dripping from your wound. Looking back at the fight you see the manic look on his face, the bloodlust…the power. He wasn’t Tenko anymore…he wasn’t even Shigaraki anymore…it was just All For One.
Your eyes widen seeing Shigaraki propel himself right toward Mr. Aizawa. You could see Shigaraki’s hand making contact and Aizawa being dusted in the air. It was simultaneously as the three of you took off. Aizawa pulls his knife ready to face off with Shigaraki and Gran Torino is just seconds from blocking Shigaraki when a boy rushes in colliding him head-on.
“SENSEI!” Midoriya yells holding back Shigaraki a cold look on his face as the villain grins.
“IT’S OUR TURN!!” Bakugo yells out appearing from behind Midoriya with an explosion ready.
“What-?!” Gran Torino yells out.
“Midoriya.” Aizawa breathes out a flash of the young boy completely gone to the boy...no...hero in front of him.
“LET’S DO THIS THING RATIONALLY!” Bakugo yells as Midoriya uses Blackwhip to flip behind Shigaraki and the blonde fires fast A.P. shots at the villain.
Shigaraki pushes through the burns, “Cute fireworks show, there.” He grins trying to move forward but Blackwhip holds him back. He rushes forward pulling the boy with him appearing in front of Bakugo, “Sorry. You’re not on my radar anymore.” Before he could land a hit on him. Black rivets stab Shigaraki through his stomach and arms and he is ripped away from them, pulling away. A fist comes in contact with his chest and sending him flying forward and getting dug into the ground. Aizawa and Gran Torino's gaze shoot over as the dust clears and your walk towards them with black rivets returning from one of your hands the other hand still sparking with All For One.
Shigaraki stands up looking down at his chest and arms the small holes healing but where you punched him cracks are forming but healing slowly this time, looking across the field your look could kill a man ten times over.
“Endeavor!” Midoriya yells out as the flame hero lands beside you.
“Where’s Shoto?!” He yells his gaze still focused on Shigaraki.
“It’s just us three here!” Midoriya responds.
“That body’s beyond human at this point.” Gran Torino says and Bakugo scoffs.
“As powerful and sturdy as All Might…” Endeavor says the flames covering his body burn brighter.
“As….All Might…?”
“He’s healing slower,” You point out to see the decay healed but it took a while, “Regular injuries he can heal but his own quirk against him…it takes longer.” Fighting a quirk that works so quickly would be his own downfall.
“But as long as I don’t blink, that power is all he’s got. And I’ll hold on for a good long time.” Eraser says.
“For whatever reason, you three are here now…” Endeavor says, “Let’s save the ‘why’ for later!” You cut him off as Shigaraki rushes toward you all.
“We’re giving Eraser the support he needs! Bakugo you cover Deku and Shimura!” Endeavor yells out.
“One for All….!” Shigaraki groans grabbing his head before looking up a large crack appears from the right side of his face going straight through his eye and to his mouth, “YOU WILL BE MINE….LITTLE BROTHER.”
Brother? Endeavor quickly uses hell spider but Shigaraki dodges them skillfully Gran Torino bursts through kicking him back and dragging him to the ground.
“Now quit….trampling all over…Shimura’s memory!” He yells out rearing his fist back to strike him but Shigaraki grabs him throwing him aside flying right past Endeavor as well getting hit as well and through the flames he grins seeing the two of you standing together your quirks ready to defend yourself.
“THEY WERE JUST BAIT!” Bakugo yells pulling the pin of his gauntlet sending a tower of explosions and flames right down on Shigaraki’s head Endeavor dives into the flames swinging a fist full of flames right at the villain and he is brought to the ground steam coming off him as he twitches.
“Tomura Shigaraki…gather up all the power you like! But without ideals, your hollow destruction will never bring us down!!” Endeavor yells out at him and Shigaraki slowly pushes himself to his knees letting out gasps of air.
“You heroes….hurt your own families..just to help complete strangers!” Shigaraki spats and you watch as deep black cracks appear across his skin, “Dad told me that. He told us that! You want ideals…? I have it..! No, I had it…! You heroes….pretend to be society’s guardians.” He pushes himself to stand his body barely able to support himself as his hair covers his face.
“For generations…you pretended not to see those you couldn’t protect..and swept their pain under the rug. It’s tainted everything you’ve built. That means…your system’s all rotten from the inside…with maggots crawling out. It all builds up…little by little, over time. You’ve got the common trash, all too dependent on being protected. And the brave guardians who created the trash that need coddling. It’s a corrupt, vicious cycle. Everything I’ve witnessed…this whole system you’ve built has always rejected me. Now I’m ready to reject it. That’s why I destroy. That’s why I took this power for myself. Why I’ll take your power too. Simple enough, yeah?” Shigaraki says raising his hand and pointing it straight at you when he says ‘your power’.
“I don’t care if you don’t understand….that’s what makes us…HEROES and VILLAINS.”
A wave of fire shoots out right at Shigaraki, “Thanks for the breather! And since you’re on death’s door and all…prepare to-” Shigaraki jumps from the flames a look of pure evil paints his face before he is quickly slammed into the floor by Gran Torino. He swings around but Gran Torino moves back. Shigaraki’s hand shoots out grabbing his leg and with a sickening crunch, blood paints the air.
“GRAN TORINO!” Both your voice and Midoriya’s cry out and you all rush toward him as Shigaraki slams Gran Torino into the ground a crater forming and blood flies into the air.
“NOOO!” Your voice rips through the air and you swing your fist out at Shigaraki but before it could make contact he had disappeared from in front of you. He was faster now! Your head snaps behind you and he’s rushing straight toward Eraserhead. Shigaraki collides with Ryukyu’s hand trapped inside her own hand digging through the flesh and dragging her forward. Midoriya appears choking him from behind Blackwhip binding Shigaraki to him.
“I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!” “And I won’t forgive anyone.” Shigaraki elbows Midoriya hard blood spurting from his mouth but his hold on him stay strong.
“HOLD HIM RIGHT THERE, DEKU!” Endeavor yells out as you and Bakugo rush toward Shigaraki.
“HE’S GOT A DELETER ROUND!” Ryukyu roars out and you all are sprinting toward him. If that were to hit someone their quirk would be gone forever.
“100 PERCENT WYOMING SMASH!!” Midoriya screams out bringing his fist right down on Shigaraki the air pressure sends you all back and the bullet is let loose.
“SENSEIII!” A scream rips through your throat as the bullet hits Eraser’s crimpled leg just as fast as it hits him his leg is a stump of the limb on the floor. A shockwave sends you all flying back, you hit the ground rolling for a bit when you look up Shigaraki is in front of Eraser his hand digging into his face. A wall of ice sends Shigaraki up in the air and Midoriya punches him further away grabbing Eraser and the other heroes pulling them away.
“Sensei!...Sensei!!” Midoriya cries out holding his teacher in his arms.
“So you protected him…So what?” Shigaraki’s voice calls out through the smoke as it begins to clear his injuries healed, “Delay the inevitable all you like. Destruction is all that awaits you.”
Fiery red rage blinds you. It’s like a blur from where you stood beside Bakugo and appeared in front of Shigaraki your fist slams into the ground and it cracks underneath him before spikes appear underneath him cutting him up but he jumps back. Swiping your arms down blue flames erupt from your arms crashing down on Shigaraki the heat and power burn up your sleeves straight up to your shoulder. Push past the pain. He appears with burns littering his body as they heal but you’re at him again your hand grips his arm throwing him up into the air before your shoot yourself in the air with One For All lighting up your veins and an explosion from your palms. Rivets appear from your fingers digging into his chest pulling him closer your fist sparks bright red and he stares up with widened eyes. Your fist connects with his chest and he collides into the ground a crater forming and you hit the ground a cracking forming under yourself.
“Take All For One.” His voice rings clear in both yours and Shigaraki’s heads and the two of you stare at each other. The two of you take a step forward when a large rip appears from Shigaraki's body going through his arm and his chest blood pouring out of him.
“Ah, I see…I get why I was all busted up just a second ago…I had to push past my body’s limits to keep moving…” He says before looking up at you, “What’s the date today…?” His body…his body wasn’t fully ready to accept the quirk..too much power for his body to keep up with!
“You’re reaching your limit too, huh dear sister?” Shigaraki says looking at you and you glare at him ignoring the pain radiating through your body.
“I’ve had this quirk longer than you have! I’m not the one being ripped apar-” Blood spurts from your mouth and you stumble on your feet.
“Y/N!” “SHIMURA!” The voices of your fellow heroes call out to you. As fire rushes through your veins and skin. Looking at yourself you look in horror as your arm barely hangs onto your shoulder and the gash running across your chest is similar to Shigaraki. Looking up at him as his own wounds slowly start healing while yours grows worst. He didn’t touch you, you made sure.
“A connection runs deeper than you think Y/n! You will feel the pain I feel!” He yells out and he quickly crouches down, “One touch..should end this!!” His palm slams against the ground and before his quirk could touch you, you’re suddenly up in the air.
“We’re floating?!” Rock Lock yells out as you see you all are wrapped in blackwhip in the air safe from decaying. Looking up you see Midoriya holding you all up floating in the air…
The seventh user’s FLOAT!
“Up here…is where I’ll beat you! I swear it, with all I got!” Midoriya yells out the full power of One For All running through his veins. His grip on all of you falters before he lets you all fall back to the ground, “Take care of Gran Torino and the rest!” Midoriya yells before pulling himself back into the fight with Shigaraki.
“Izuku!” You cry out trying to push yourself up but Bakugo holds you down as you scream out in pain.
“They need first aid now! Get to it Shoto!” Endeavor yells out as your gaze is glued to the sky seeing Midoriya fly through the sky. Your free hand grabs Bakugo by the collar pulling him to your face.
“Bakugo you better not let him die!” You scream in his face before crying out as your arm and chest continues to bleed out. Bakugo looks down at you and back at Midoriya in the sky. This was bad the two of you were the ones Shigaraki was after and he had to choose which one to defend.
“Please I…I gotta stop Shigaraki...I gotta.” You try pushing yourself up but Todoroki moves over to you holding you down and your vision goes white for a second from the pain.
“You’re in no condition to be moving. Stand down!” Todoroki yells down at you and tears brim your eyes, you were covered in scuff marks and blood and with the gash across your chest and your arm barely hanging on he was surprised you didn’t pass out from the blood loss. “You’re arm I don’t think it’s going to make it.” He says almost hesitating to make the decision to remove your arm but your hand jumps out stopping him.
“No! Stop its healing…slowly...It’s taking a while to learn…to learn this quirk.” You wheeze out and he looks at your arm and chest and you were right slowly your skin and muscles were fusing together but how long would that take?
“Just stay down…until you’re ready.” He says and a shockwave and an explosion of light send dust and debris flying back. Up in the air, it’s just flashes of green and explosions of power…this was One For All.
“A-Amazing…” Manual breathes out.
“No. He’s gonna lose if this keeps up.” Bakugo says as you all look up at the intense fight Midoriya is putting up, “Deku’s using his legs and air force to negate the blowback…controlling multiple quirks…simultaneously..it’s taking every skill he’s got to keep Shigaraki in the air. But since that first hit didn’t seal the deal, it’s now an endurance match. Deku can’t last forever against a guy who can regenerate. In a few minutes, he’ll be dusted and have his power taken from him. YOU FINISHED WITH THAT FIRST AID, TODOROKI?!” Todoroki looks down at you and you nod and he moves over to Bakugo leaving you propped against some rubble beside Rock Lock who is holding Mr. Aizawa.
“Endeavor! Don’t waste any fire on flying up there, cuz I’ve got that part covered! And, Todoroki, keep Endeavor cool till the last possible moment!” Bakugo yells out.
“You’re thinking I should finish him off…with a max firepower attack…leave it to me!” Endeavor yells out steam pouring off him.
“But…they’re just kids…” Rock Lock stutters.
“Take care of Sensei and the others!” Todoroki yells back at Rock Lock and the three of them shoot up into the air.
Why was he doubting ‘em…? Seeing that Deku during the raid and now he was one helluva hero and you, just a glimpse during the raid he could tell you were powerful but now as you laid beside his feet healing slowly. You tore yourself apart fighting single-handly against Shigaraki and those boys you all were putting your all more than he could say for some other heroes.
Bakugo and Todoroki throw Endeavor up in the air and he latches onto Shigaraki.
“PROMINENCE BUUUUURN!!” A bright light of fire fills the sky as Shigaraki burns up by the point-blank attack.
Tomura….lend me your body.
Rivets erupt from Shigaraki impaling Endeavor as he falls back plummeting to the ground before more head straight towards Midoriya who can’t dodge. At the moment there were no thoughts…in his head. His body just moved on its own.
A scream rips through your throat as your back arches in an unusual manner and Manual and Rock Lock look down at you shocked as you scream bloody murder.
“I request your assistance child…it seems your insolent brother rage is stronger than I expected.”
“My dear…you can’t fight the hold I’ve curated for years….now.”
Fight My Sword.
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@jazzylove @coochiehaitachi @me-e-mo @galaneiaeris @nothingtoseehere-01 @endlessmari @twitterpat @one-hell-of-a-potato29 @stxrrielle
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rpmusingsforthesoul · 2 years
Conan Gray Superache Sentence Starters
Feel free to change pronouns
trigger warning for domestic violence mention
“I want a love like the movies.”
“If you are the diamond, then I am the ring.”
“Still can’t believe that this isn’t a dream.”
“Falling in love with a damn fantasy, that’s so me.”
“I’ve been living life in fiction.”
“In my head, we’re dancing in the dark.”
“Baby, this ain’t like the movies.”
“You say that it’s over, but why does she call you at 3am and 4am? That’s a funny way of staying friends.”
“Baby we lost all the life that we had and I can’t pretend it’ll ever come back.”
“The potential of us, it was keeping me up all night long.”
“This could be a disaster, like what if you freak out and then we’re losing it all at the critical chapter where I say I love you and you don’t say it after?”
“I’m drunk, I really shouldn’t have called, I’m a little bit plastered.”
“This could be a disaster.”
“Let me just lose my mind.”
“Is it purely platonic to call me, like, every night.”
“Maybe I just made it up, messed it up.”
Best Friend
“Remember when you broke up with your fucking ex? God, I’m glad you’ve finally gotten over them.”
“God, I swear that bitch was such a narcissist.”
“Everybody knows I love you so so so so much.”
“That’s my fucking best friend, that’s my fucking right hand, that’s my fucking throw up in the bathroom, but still love them.”
“I hate, like, everyone except for you.”
“Who else is gonna grocery shop with me at 2am? Who else is gonna take that picture for you just to get revenge?”
“You’re just as psycho as me, just as sick inside the head.”
“I’m somebody you call when you’re alone. I’m somebody you use, but never own. I’m somebody you touch, but never hold. And you’re somebody I’ll never really know.”
“I know I’m not the one you really love. I guess that’s why I’ve never given up.”
“I could give you all you want, the stars and the sun, but still I’m not enough.”
“All I really wanted was that look in your eyes, like you already know that I’m the love of your life, like you already know you’re never saying goodbye.”
“I want more, but I’m not yours. And I can’t change your mind.”
“I should’ve known that it was dumb love.”
“All the things that I’ve done for you not to notice.” “Can’t believe I chose you over all my best friends. What the fuck did I do in the end? Just to not be yours.”
Family Line
“My father never talked a lot. He just took a walk around the block till all his anger took a hold of him. And then he’d hit.”
“My mother never cried a lot. She took the punches, but she never fought.”
“I say they’re just the ones who gave me life, but I truly am my parents’ child.”
“I’m so good at telling lies. That came from my mother’s side. Told a million to survive.”
“God, I have my father’s eyes.”
“I can run, but I can’t hide from my family line.”
“I watch the fathers with their little girls and wonder what I did to deserve this.”
“Someone who loves you, wouldn’t do this.”
“Why would I lie? It’s so clear I’m in love with you.”
“I’ll stop being pretentious and loathing our friendship.”
“You taught me a lesson, that love isn’t precious.”
“I’ll just take a footnote in your life and you could take my body. Every line I would write for you, but a footnote would do.”
“We’re perfect together, but I’ll never be the one.”
“It’s been a couple months. That’s just about enough time for me to stop crying when I look at all the photos.”
“Please don’t ruin this for me. Please don’t make it harder than it already is. I’m trying to get over this.”
“I wish that you would stay in my memories, but you show up today just to ruin things.”
“I wanna put you in the past ‘cause i’m traumatized, but you’re not letting me do that!”
“Tonight, you’re all drunk in my kitchen, curled in the fetal position, too busy playing the victim to be listening to me!”
“Grab your books and your coat and that one good cologne that you bought when we were fighting! ‘Cause it’s still on my clothes, everything that I own and it makes me feel like dying!”
The Exit
“It’s crazy how fast you tilted the world that we were busy building.”
“Feels like we had magic wounds, but mine’s still black and bruised and yours is perfectly fine now.”
“Feels like we buried alive something that never died.”
“You love her, it’s over. You already found someone to miss while I’m still standing at the exit.”
“I can’t hate you for getting everything we wanted. I just thought that I would be part of it.”
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gnomeyflamingo · 10 months
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Acco and Kiry: *smooching noises*
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Kiry: “Uhm… This is mortifying.”
Acco: “Omw, he really has been ignoring me for months.”
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Kiry: “Please stop screaming.”
Acco: “Er, how am I betraying you?! Also by the gnomes, I already told you about Kiry and me so many times!"
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Kiry: “Atreo calm down, you’re not making any sense.”
Acco: “You haven't changed one bit. I thought after the whole fake nanny ordeal you realized-"
Atreo: "SHUT UP!"
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Kiry: "Atreo please-"
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Acco: "Why are you so angry?! Kiry and I are in love, we're dating. Why can't you just be happy for us?"
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Atreo: "I'll never be happy for you Acco, you're the spare, your life is a dream! You’ve stolen my best friend and now you get to date him, without having to fulfill a stupid aspiration! Why do you always get to have everything?!”
Kiry: “Hey stop it!"
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Kiry: “That’s enough. Atreo, your behavior is unacceptable. Acco doesn’t deserve this. I-I don’t deserve this. I… I do not want to continue being the best friend of someone as selfish and cruel as you… Please leave.”
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Atreo: “Fine. You can have him Acco. You won.”
Acco: *cries*
Kiry: “I’m not an object you can own-”
Atreo: “Bye.”
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Atreo: *grumbles* “That travel better get here fast..”
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Scientist: “Excuse me young man, I require your assistance. There is… Uhm… My handsome military husband and I lost… A horse! Our horse got loose.”
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Atreo: “A horse? There are horses now? Where?”
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Atreo: “Gah! What traumatizing pose set is this from-”
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Scientist: "Shh shhh sleepy time."
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Military guy: "...You think I'm handsome?"
Scientist: "Yes you're gorgeous- wait, I hear somebody coming, quick, let's get out of here!"
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An hour later in a basement dungeon in Tartosa…
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Atreo: "Ughhh my head, where am I? What uncomfortable pose am I in now?”
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Scientist: "Quiet prisoner!"
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Arnessa: "You're awake and alive. Good. I feared we used too much mandrake concentrate.”
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Atreo: “Oh you have no idea what you’ve done. Zehra’s hidden a tracker somewhere, I think in me? She’s unhealthily obsessed with me and ridiculously strong. She’ll come to rescue me."
Arnessa: “That’s what I’m counting on, silly child!”
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Arnessa: “Once she enters my lair, my vampire offspring will overwhelm her and end her reign of vampire-hunting terror! You’re the bait!”
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Am I ending on a cliffhanger so I have a good incentive to continue after my summer hiatus? Yes, I am. Have a good next 2 months everyone!
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carbonateddelusion · 1 year
I need to put this SOMEWHERE bc Ben is busy and I don't see wanna have him return to my Noahposting for the 50th time.
oo aa the beast writes. it's nothing BIG I just need to get it out of me. warning for discussion of Catholicism, child murder, and parent death
"What kind of a loving, all-powerful God would let that happen? Huh?" Edgar snapped. "What kind of God would let the lives of helpless babies be snuffed out?"
"Don't you 'Edgar' me! You're doing it again--you're talking to me like I'm a fucking child, Noah! I'm OLDER THAN YOU!"
"These things happen because of human sin. You know that; you, of all people, should. It's free will."
The fire was stoked again, sending a burst of flame back at Noah's face. "Free will? Free will?! Free will to what? You're telling me that God is entirely unable to do ANYTHING to stop people because humans are allowed to make choices?"
"Edgar, please, calm down. You're going to wake somebody up," he sighed.
"I don't care! What LOVING GOD would let this happen? I- Either- Either He doesn't exist, or He's actively malicious! It's like He enjoys human suffering! What other explanation is there? I've been talking to Isaac, and--"
"Of course you have," Noah groaned, covering his face. "Look, I love Isaac. Very much. But they're too traumatized to think about it objectively."
"And what makes YOU the objective one here? What's so special about you that makes you exempt from bias, huh? I mean, if you want to talk about free will, sure! But what about things that aren't caused by other people?"
"Like what?" he asked flatly, lips pressed into a thin line. "What, Edgar?"
"Like your father."
Noah stood up at once. "You know what? If you want to sit here and throw a temper tantrum, fine. But you don't get to drag my father into this."
"You know I'm right!" he retorted, jumping back on to his feet. "Did you make him sick? No? Then who did, huh? What human choice led to him dying frail and alone?"
Noah's anger flared; it rose from the pit of his stomach into his throat, burning like acid. He drew in a shaking breath. Slowly, a wave of cool washed over him. Edgar was hurt, he reasoned to himself. People say stupid things when emotions are running high. He bit back an insult. "I'm not talking to you right now."
"Ohhhhh, you're too big to lower yourself to me, huh? Too important?"
The acid nipped at his tongue. "If you insist on acting like a fucking child, then I'm going to treat you like one," he spat. "Goodnight."
"Where are you going?"
Tossing his jacket over his shoulders and grabbing his keys, Noah didn't bother to turn back to speak to him. "Out. Goodnight."
The door slammed shut behind him.
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zephyrdagonheart · 9 months
ZephyrDagonheart's Blursed Destiny Shower Thoughts!
Some goofy thoughts and ponderings I've had. Enjoy. They get more and more cursed as we continue.
DISCLAIMER: These are simply meant to open discussion. Please if you do comment, try to be respectful towards myself and others in the comments/reblogs.
Anyway, onwards to the ponderings!
1) Is there an equivalent to Easter in Destiny? I mean this in both the religious and secular aspects btw. If so how is it celebrated?? I'm imagining something involving Guardians chucking eggs at each other like it's a snowball fight.
2) While on the topic of Christianity, what happened to all the other religions in the world of Destiny, like Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and others?? Did they all just die out immediately once the Traveler showed up or did the more radical members try to idk, prove it was a false god or prove it's acts were that of their god(s)?? Do some people in the Last City still follow some of them???
3) Still on the topic of religion, do Guardians think of Jesus as a Guardian?? Since he died and was resurrected? Do they think that the Christian God is just a syncretism for the Traveler or his Ghost??
Okay let's move on from religion before I piss somebody off lol-
4) How do Ghost Shells work?? Can you just swap them out or are they fixed to the Ghost's body? I assume that you can just swap them out since you can in game, but in lore is that something you can do?
5) So far, we have yet to see Guardians below the age of at least 21, maybe 18 at the youngest, physically speaking. While I think it would be messed up, what do you think a child Guardian would be like? As a hard stop, I'm speaking of a Guardian below the age of 18, but no younger than 15.
6) So far we've only had vague mentions of Earth beyond where we can go in game (EDZ, Old Russia, The Last City), like Old Chicago for example. What about Egypt? Or Australia?? Is the Great Wall of China still standing?? Did global warming cause Japan to get swallowed underwater?
7) Pineapples and, if I remember correctly, dragonflies are extinct in Destiny lore. What other stuff could have gone extinct by now? What animals have had the chance to thrive and come from the brink of extinction as a result of the Collapse?
8) A bit NSFW, and I apologize, but do you think the Last City has a red light district? If so, do you think there are some Guardians who participate in it??? Idk one day the thought of a Guardian on a stripper pole sent me down a weird train of thought.
9) Another slightly NSFW question and I apologize again, but do we know how Hive and Eliksni reproductive systems work?? We know about the Cabal, thanks to that very traumatizing lore book told from Caiatl's perspective growing up (we did NOT need to know about Calus's kangaroo baby pouch, BUNGIE), and I know we have a very vague idea of how it works for Hive, but how much do we exactly know about the Eliksni and Hive's reproductive cycles??
10) Do you think Guardians like collecting Golden Age video games and media?? Like watching holotapes of Disney movies and playing COD Warzone on restored servers? I wonder how they'd react to games like Doom or even more hilariously Halo.
And lastly, on the topic of Halo...
11) I heard once that apparently, Halo and Destiny take place in the same universe. I know that there's that Master Chief reference in Destiny 1 where Ghost tells you about the one Guardian he was gonna resurrect saying he didn't want to be, claiming that "the last war was enough for multiple lifetimes" which could be a reference to the Covenant. I also heard that apparently if Halo and Destiny truly are in the same universe, then Halo would have taken place during the Golden Age and maybe into the Collapse, and even moreso, the Covenant could still be out there beyond the Sol System. Given that we're nearing the end of the Light and Darkness saga, and moving beyond the Sol System and fight between the Traveler and the Witness, I wonder if this is true or not. This probably isn't, given that Bungie separated from Activision and is now partnered with Sony and that story merger may never happen, but I wonder what could have been if this was true.
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shinesurge · 2 years
sort of wrt that last reblog: i mentioned to a friend my (pentecostal) church used to do pretty gnarly homebrew exorcisms in the sanctuary and he went UM?? NO WONDER YOU HATE CHURCH SO MUCH WTF
and i go “buddy i’ve literally dedicated my entire career to tearing this shit down did you think all that anger came from having to get up early on sundays” and he sheepishly admitted that yeah, he did, and that i should try his church sometime and i just. can NOT express how fucking frustrating it is trying to explain to christians that i care about that no, this was not an isolated thing, this was not one shithead running one bad church, this is a very common thing and is happening in your group literally right now.
like please please stop telling people with religious trauma that “WE’RE not like that, i’m sorry that happened to you but you should try a REAL church like mine instead :)”. i PROMISE you people who dragged themself out of that muck believed it with their whole chest, probably for a long time, and are constantly being told that they’re overreacting and it wasn’t that bad and it’s So Mean to be so angry about this. even “nice” churches are at least tacitly part of the problem because whenever someone speaks up about what’s going on in fundamental spaces the Good Normal Christians are held up as the people we’re attacking (even though imo christianity is unhealthy all the way down, “normal” or not), and they’re what allows the religion to be so pervasive and normalized in american culture. i don’t even know how to explain how alienating it is, it’s like finally growing up and escaping the murder robot processing facility and spending the rest of your life digging out the machinery they put in you, then you make friends and find out they’re also robots but they’re quieter and gentler but they still /sometimes/ do robot things and get really upset about you having problems with the facility they go to every week for maintenance, it’s really not a big deal to stand up for the robot chant before dinner that makes that one circuitboard lodged in your brain zap you WHY are you so shitty about this. it’s RUDE to talk about how religion fucked you up, but if you don’t then people think you’re just mad because you didn’t want to sit still in a pew for an hour as a child and not that the sunday school teacher told first grade kids to be ready to get shot in the head for being christian at school
if you’re christian there is already an enormous gap between you that your traumatized ex-christian friends are trying to deal with from their side; we were taught to Reach For The Lost too, we know exactly how you look at us. PLEASE don’t respond to somebody opening up about their stuff with trying to get them to go to a “better” church, all you’re doing is demonstrating you’ve missed the point and reminding them they’re Surrounded
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daisylovesatla · 3 years
VERY hot take, If you are not an abuse survivor, particularly emotional abuse, please stop making posts about how Azula doesn’t deserve redemption.
CW for abuse, trauma, etc.
You really have no idea what it is like to be abused and manipulated. And you’re sending a message to all the survivors around u that you think they are tainted by their trauma and will never be more than it.
Azula is a child. She is 14 years old. I am currently 19 and have been out of my abusive home for a little over a year and a half. The person I am today is somebody my sad, traumatized, manipulated and wounded, abused 14 y/o self could not even imagine I would become. And I have decades of healing left to do, and a LOT of mental health problems that have stemmed from my abuse.
When you make these arguments, you don’t necessarily realize that you are not holding compassion for the real abuse survivors in your life, the people who witness stories like Azula and, even if they’re not war machines, still see themselves in Azula to a certain extent (myself included). And yes, there is damage that Azula will never be able to fully heal, every abuse survivor has damage that’s never fully repaired. But at the very LEAST we (and Azula) deserve the chance to rise above the circumstances controlling and manipulative people put us in.
I know azula is just a fictional character, yes. But if y’all don’t understand what abuse and manipulation can do to a person’s brain, what gaslighting can do, what it’s like to act against your own will in order to protect yourself, you have no fucking place to make an argument. It’s disgusting to speak about her the way you are. And it makes me think y’all don’t have compassion for the people in your life recovering from traumatic situations that are similar to hers.
Yes she did bad things. I’m not denying that. But to implicate she doesn’t even deserve a chance to redeem herself, doesn’t even deserve a chance to rise above the shadow of her abusive father, to become her own, independent person, to form loving, healthy relationships with people who care about her and don’t want to use her, is an extra kind of fucked up. And if you have compassion and understanding for Zuko, who tried to kill the avatar on multiple occasions too, it makes me wonder why you don’t for Azula??
She deserves love. She deserves to be cared for. To be freed from the source of her trauma and pain. She deserves to be given compassion and understanding in the aftermath of a really awful childhood. She deserves all of that and more.
Every single abuse survivor does...even the ones who have been forced to do bad things in order to protect themself, who have been manipulated into doing bad things by terrible people. So when you say Azula doesn’t deserve redemption, to a survivor of emotional abuse, (amongst others, but that’s not what I’m talking about here), what it really sounds like is, you don’t think anyone who’s been abused deserves compassion if their actions under the thumb of their abuser doesn’t align with your morals, which is really fucked up when you think about that even for half a second.
So stop and think abt what you’re saying, and maybe don’t fucking say it. Yes I’m angry and yes this discourse is incredibly triggering but I have to say this shit bc. Please listen to abuse survivors when u talk abt abuse. Lmao.
Disclaimer: This is NOT to say that it would fit with canon, lol, to give her a redemption arc, that’s not the argument I’m having here, so don’t make it abt that.
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You literally advocate for killing human beings while they're not fully conscious or able to defend themselves. Do you actually comprehend how awful that is? You're advocating for eugenics and literal murder. That logic applies not only to babies but to people in comas, elderly people, handicapped people. They are all people and deserve to be treated as such. Maybe you don't know but it is possible to care about both mother and child rather than one over the other.
Get off the internet and live life and actually talk to people who have experienced these horrible things.
... y'know I've spent the entire week thinking of this anon and thinking of how I'm going to respond such an idiotic, sexist, piece of shit this ask is.
Anon, you do not fucking know me.
First, you claim that I'm advocating for eugenics. Second, you act like I don't think that the elderly, disabled, and people in comas don't deserve to live. And worst of all, you fucking assumed that I myself don't have personal experience with abortion.
I'm sorry that abortion is an uncomfortable subject for you to understand. I'm sorry you aren't able to have compassion for women who have to have an abortion. I'm so very sorry that you pick and choose when the child is able to have a say in what goes in their lives. I'm extremely sorry that youd rather have your actually brain dead loved one be forced to use a machine to keep them alive because accepting that they are actually gone is too much for you to handle.
Abortion is a difficult decision that most women wouldn't want to make for themselves. Yes, many women hate going through it, I've met those women and their struggles and hardships are often unheard of by pro-choice people because they can't handle the fact that abortion isn't actually an empowering experience and is in fact really traumatizing. But like, pro-life people don't get it either. Most of them don't give two fucks (yeah I'm fucking generalizing, most of y'all don't care what happens to the women or child, y'all just can't handle that your abstinence-only religion riddled sex Ed backfired on this fucking country, and hate seeing a woman taking matters into her own hands).
Pro-life people all talk a big game about "oh think of the disabled kids, won't somebody please think of the disabled kids???" Maybe when the fucking doctors stop acting like a child that gets diagnosed w/ autism is the end of the fucking world. So many people get children hoping that they end up "normal", and get so unreasonably devastated when they aren't. But like, children are hard work and disabled children are harder. Many parents are alone when dealing with their disabled children, some facing the reality that their children is never going to be independent. It's expensive and many people often act like there's no value to these people.
It's wrong, it's horrible, it sickens me to my core, but like this is what happens when society severely undervalues neurodivergent people. You really honestly think a women who's feels like abortion is the only way for her, has a support network that can help raise her disabled child? I'm sorry, but no she often doesn't.
Adoption needs to be talked about more, because you as a birth mother can choose your parents. But like, most women don't know that and most pro-life say they want more people to give their babies up for adoption if they honestly can't take care of them, but irl, y'all shame and bully women who do. Many women often feel like adoption isn't an option and it's either take care of a child you never wanted and will grow to resent the child, or go through a very painful and isolating surgery.
You wanna see abortion rates got down? Promote actual sex education. It's the only fucking way. Talk about birth control, contraceptives, adoption options, government services to poor parents, single mom support groups, and so much more.
But nah, y'all just want to shame women.
Go fuck yourself anon
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lisinfleur · 3 years
The request:
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Author’s Notes | When I first wrote "Hey Daddy" for you, I remember I did the best I could to create the sweetest environment and the cutest scenes with Hvitserk and the child of that fiction, trying as much as I could to avoid the Reader showing any kind of love involvement with Hvitserk exactly because I wanted that to be a paternal/parental fiction as you asked me to. I even included a love relationship for him with Thora, a child to come, a great friendship... I wanted to portray the most familiar scene I could.
And I did it all because I remember I felt your sadness with his deployment. I felt the weight of your heart and I wanted with all my soul to soothe your pain.
Then he comes and ruins it. Then he comes and steps over it.
I feel like someone who cared so much for a flower just to see a bastard running over it with a car. And this fiction is the reflection of what I wanted to do with your bastard of a husband for what he did to my precious flower.
However, even crushed, it is still my flower. Even hurt, it is still my flower. And I know it's strong enough to grow back. I know you are strong enough to surpass this, love. I know, with the time and the right amount of care and love, you will bloom again. I believe in you, my sweet sweetheart. And I'll be here whenever you need, for anything I can.
I love you with all my heart. And I'll be praying to the gods to make you happy and avoiding myself from praying Thor to smite him dead!
Special thanks to @honestsycrets for helping me with the editing (and having my back during a breakdown over my English skills. You’re my everything, babe!)
Universe |Vikings
Pairing | Sigurd x Reader (implicit)
Info |Viking Age AU, requested by anon
Words | 4471
⁑ Warnings: This is part two of the fiction "Hey Daddy". If you liked the environment of the last part, I strongly suggest you stop there. This fiction will ruin the beautiful picture its previous part built AS FUCK, but reality sucks sometimes. And I'm glad we have fiction as a safe space to give some motherfuckers what they deserve (without going to jail for it).
ANGST, Betrayal, Cheating Husband, cursing, tw: homophobic/offensive slang use, mentions to violence, blood, and wounds. Caution is required: the following content may be triggering!
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"Hey, dada! Lovu!"
When did everything turn that way?
A few months ago, Hvitserk was in your yard, your little girl beside him, both waving at your husband on Hvitserk's cell phone. Now, the sudden distance between the two of you completely ruined his plans of seeing your children growing together.
He never thought you would break apart from him like that, but the safety about the strength of your friendship simply vanished since your husband came home. Buying a house beside yours now sounded like a silly idea...
First, it was completely acceptable in his mind: you spent a lot of time away from your husband. It was evident that the two of you would want some privacy to share the moments you didn't have. Also, your husband would wish to properly know and try to approach his little girl. It was not his place to come and teach everything about your daughter to your husband, and Hvitserk knew that.
But the distance remained... And it was starting to bother him.
When his boy came into this world, you were there, but you were strange. Even your smiles weren't the same! You were happy for him, but it was easy to see you were hiding something Hvitserk couldn't avoid noticing under your mask of a tired mother.
"I just came to visit. I'm fine, Hvitserk! Don't worry! You know: just the terrible two..."
Hvitserk didn't buy that bullshit.
After months without a single manifestation of yours, Hvitserk started thinking your husband could've fallen for the rumors spread about the two of you. So, he decided to go to your house; but not to speak to you.
You opened just a breach of your door, for his major surprise: you'd never left him outside of your house before.
"Y/N? Are you ok?"
"Yes, yes I'm... I'm ok... What do you need?"
There it was... The distance. The fake smiles. You were skinnier, eyes marked by the lack of sleep. That wasn't the work of a toddler. Hvitserk could see you were hiding something, but he tried to keep the masks for you.
"Y/H/N is home?" he asked, smiling at you.
"I... I'll call him," you trembled when the voice of your daughter sounded out loud in a scream of visible annoyance.
It didn't take too long for your husband to come, seeming to be as annoyed as the little girl clearly screaming "OUT" out loud inside the door he closed behind his back, giggling at Hvitserk.
"Hey bro... Children, uh? Get yourself prepared, my man! You're gonna have some troubles at the two."
Hvitserk smiled, shaking his hand, but he didn't let pass that your husband was way better than you.
Way better...
"I was thinking about calling you for a beer, bro. So we could..."
Your husband didn't even let him finish.
"Right now. Fucking please!"
"Won't you warn Y/N?" Hvitserk asked as your husband just checked if his wallet was in his pocket before starting to walk away from the house.
"Pff... Let's go. She'll make good use of some time away from me."
Yeah. Something was terribly wrong. Hvitserk could see it screaming in every detail.
He followed your husband to the bar where they paid two beers for themselves. Hvitserk watched as your husband swallowed his beer like water, asking for another cup to the waitress with a satisfied smile.
"Fuck, bro... I was needing this. War is hella easier than being home with a two years old, uh?"
What-the-fuck-was-that? Hvitserk could barely answer with more than a speechless giggle.
"She used to love you, dada..." he said, remembering your husband of the videos they used to do for him. "What has changed?"
"Every-fucking-thing," your husband answered, tired. "Well, Y/N has her part in this too. I miss those videos, man... I wish we didn't end like this."
End like this?
"Like what?" Hvitserk asked, sipping from his cup.
Trying to understand what was happening.
"Oh, brother, you have no idea of the fucking tsunami that washed that house. Damn, bro... Keep yourself home as much as you can and don't you DARE to think about doing anything for yourself in a whole year out of anything familiar to you, dude, or they come from princesses to bitches in a second! I mean..." your husband started, catching Hvitserk's attention for the fact that he was talking about you.
The sweetest woman in this world!
Your husband was speaking about you like that...
Hvitserk was starting to feel unsettled as your husband continued speaking like a radio forgotten on.
"Ok, we are married, I get it. She waited for me, I get it too, fine, ok. She's a woman, man. With a child to keep her mind occupied. I was a god's damn soldier, bro! In the fucking middle of nowhere! For a whole year, Hvitserk... Fuck, man, we have our needs!"
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Hvitserk's fingers got tighter on his cup. The more he was hearing, the more he could understand what happened to you. However, he chose to keep himself silent. His mind was floating in memories from the day when Sigurd tried to make you feel better about your husband's absence. His little brother offered you an innocent hug, and you utterly refused it, almost shoving Sigurd away. It could be an innocent hug in his little brother's eyes, but you knew Sigurd had feelings for you. You didn't want to end up feeding false hopes into his heart. You kept yourself faithful to your marriage vows until the end.
"I found somebody to fuck. What's the matter? I wanted to release my balls, nothing too big. The problem is that I got the bitch knocked and now Y/N is freaking out!" he sighed as if he was the biggest victim of that whole situation.
"Hnn..." Hvitserk hummed just to get him speaking.
One of his hands on his phone texting Sigurd.
"Go to Y/N's house, tell her to pack her things, and take her out of that place. Tell her I sent you there. Call Ivar, tell him to help her with the divorce papers. Y/H/N has been cheating on her and I'm about to smack a bitch, brother..."
Your husband was still talking when Hvitserk started slowly drinking his beer. He wouldn't waste good beer... But in his mind, Sigurd had until that beer was over in his cup to get you out of that place before he could fuck your husband's life.
In the meantime,  Sigurd didn't even argue. After that message came, he took his phone and called Ivar immediately.
"What the fuck do you..."
"Call our lawyers, Ivar. And tell them to prepare Y/N's divorce. Hvitserk just told me Y/H/N has been cheating on her and I'm taking her out of that house now."
"He's been what?"
Ivar's voice was never that loud. Sigurd didn't even have to keep holding his phone to hear his little brother's exclamation as he was turning on his car.
"You've heard me, Y/N's is..."
It was Ivar's time to cut him with an answer.
"Moving. And divorced. I'll call you back later."
"Fine," Sigurd answered, driving towards your house.
His knocks on your door mixing with the sound of your daughter crying once again.
"Just a second!" you asked.
But the door was opened minutes later, visibly after you cleaned your face from the tears you thought you could hide from whoever was your visitor.
Hvitserk's brother at your door confused you at the same time it threw your mind into memories.
You should've accepted him. You should've left your husband months ago... Sigurd was such a sweet man! You were sure he would never do such a thing as your husband did. But you just smiled, trying to keep up your fading mask.
"What's happening? How can I..."
"I know everything," he said, directly.
Shattering your disguise in a million pieces with his blues so deep inside your eyes.
"I know what he's done to you, I know you're suffering... Hvitserk sent me here to take you and your daughter away from his reach."
You didn't want to keep playing your husband's game. You were traumatized, scared, sad, hurt, angry... You didn't want your marriage to end like that!
But was it your fault?
How long could you handle your daughter's cries begging you to send him away?
She hated him after learning he had another child. She hated the idea of him having someone else when she knew the two of you were waiting for him. She was little, but she understood what her father had done. Even a toddler knew it was wrong!
It broke your heart when Sigurd extended his hand towards you.
"Please, Y/N... Let us help you."
Along with your heart, the dam in your eyes broke down, releasing the cry of despair and disappointment you were never able to put out. Not with your husband forcing you into that play-house game you couldn't handle any longer.
"Take me outta here... Please, Sigurd, take me anywhere... I can't handle this anymore. I can't!" you crumbled, feeling Sigurd's hands embracing you when you finally opened your door for someone else that wasn't your husband.
Upon your shoulders, Sigurd could see how messy your life was: your house was a jumble of beer cans, male shoes, childish toys everywhere... Your sink was full - something he knew you utterly hated! Your daughter was sitting alone in the living room, still sobbing while watching the cartoons you always said you would never use for moments of peace to yourself.
Your dream was shattered inside that house, and you were living a nightmare.
"Make it stop... Please make it stop..." You begged, feeling Sigurd’s embrace becoming slightly tighter.
"It's over now, love. We'll take you out of this place with your child. Ivar will help you to get rid of his name and we'll set you free."
Not a single mention to his long-time wish to take your husband's place inside your heart. Not a single sign of the feelings you knew Sigurd had silenced into his heart when you chose Y/H/N.
Your heart clenched inside your chest.
"I should've married you," you mumbled, lifting your eyes to feel Sigurd's thumb caressing your face.
"You followed your heart. You did the right thing. He's wrong, Y/N. Don't blame yourself, babe. First, we save you and your child from this nightmare. Then... Then we see. Uh?" he said, tender.
You knew he was respecting your moment. Sigurd knew it wasn't time for his feelings now. He was a good man.
And he was right.
"I'll pack my things," you said.
Sigurd nodded in agreement.
"Don't mind the extra. Take your little doll's toys and clothes, your clothes, and documents. We'll help you with everything, sweetheart." he granted.
Waking your daughter to his presence when his voice echoed louder than the cartoon.
"Uncle Sigs!" she yelled, running to throw herself into his arms.
Sigurd winked at you, silently saying he would distract her so you would have time to pack everything.
You packed what was needed and Sigurd took you and your daughter "for a ride," you said - avoiding scaring the little girl. She was super excited when the two of you left home, but within the trip in his car, she fell asleep in your arms and you allowed yourself to cry silently, lulling your child.
"Don't worry," Sigurd's firm voice said when he stopped the car near the building where you knew he, Ivar, and Ubbe had some apartments. "Everything will be fine."
You nodded, allowing yourself to find some hope in his eyes.
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"She's out."
It was everything Hvitserk needed to read on his cell phone for his smile to disappear from his face.
"Got yourself a troubled witch too, brother?"
Your husband was high already. Hvitserk didn't smile at his stupid jokes anymore. He just got up, drinking the rest of his beer and throwing money on the table enough to pay for the whole bill.
"Enjoy it, Y/H/N. That's the last fucking time I'm paying your ass anything."
"What? Whoa... Where the hell did it come from, brother? What..." your husband said, surprised.
Hvitserk's eyes landed on his figure with the weight of years of friendship betrayed by your husband's actions. Y/H/N didn't have cheated on you only. He'd broken Hvitserk's trust and the brotherhood he'd shared with you and your husband for years, and Hvitserk couldn't forget him for doing this.
"Don't call me brother, you motherfucker!" he said, splatting his hands on the table before pointing at your husband with his index. "Men don't have needs, Y/H/N. True men have the responsibility to deal with their dick's dryness and keep themselves faithful to the women they leave home waiting for them! You have two fucking working hands, asshole! There were plenty of things you could have done instead of cheating on the woman I saw waiting for you to come home since you were sent away, cradling your child while crying your absence! I was fucking there, you scoundrel! I saw every battle Y/N had to fight alone! I helped her! I filmed and photographed your daughter, and helped your wife to pay her fucking bills, so she could have an internet connection for you not to be alone! For you not to be away from them! And while I was watching Y/N's struggles with your daughter's sleepless nights, you were there, fucking another, making a second child while I was trying to convince your little girl her father didn't abandon her on purpose!"
Hvitserk was furious! His tone started attracting other angry faces towards your husband. The clearer it was for the people around what was that arguing about, the more ashamed your husband was with all the judgemental eyes on him.
"Fuck, man, stop yelling..." he tried.
His words just made Hvitserk louder...
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"Why? Don't you like to boast around your conquers, brother?" he mocked the word for years used to put your husband in a position he clearly wasn't occupying in Hvitserk's life anymore. "Let's boast around about the bastard you are, Y/H/N! Boast around the pussy you fucked, the woman you got knocked out of your marriage while your wife was fucking crying her eyes out because you lost your child's birth! Were you there for the second one, or was it another child you left behind without even looking back, uh? You're a motherfucking asshole! And I'm ashamed of being your friend for so long! I should've kicked your balls and punched your face the first time you got close to our circle to court Y/N!"
"So what?" Your husband finally got up, reacting to Hvitserk's offensive. "So your brother could fuck her in my place, Hvitserk?"
Y/H/N's military posture wasn't enough to prevent Hvitserk from towering upon him with fierce green eyes swallowing your husband's in anger.
"Yes, Y/H/N. So my brother could've loved her, married her, and gave her what she deserves instead of the crumbs you left behind to the woman you lost."
"Well, guess what? Little Sigurd can fuck his hands, cause my wife is mine and I won't give up on her just because of one or two fights!" Y/H/N spat back, arrogant.
Hvitserk just straightened his clothes, sighing and looking back at him with contempt in his eyes.
"Y/N is not an object for you to possess! She's a free woman, and we'll grant her freedom! She's no longer in your house, she won't go back, and I won't tell you where she is now. You'll be receiving the divorce papers soon, and I suggest you sign them peacefully, my man. At this moment, my brother Ivar is reuniting everything necessary to ruin your career, and we'll put everything on your superior's table if you dare to cause Y/N any more problems! With my father's lawyer's best recommendations to kick you out for good! I can ruin your life, Y/H/N, and I will if I see you close to Y/N ever again!"
The floor disappeared under your husband's feet, and he punched the table furiously. The waitress picked up the phone to call the police, but Hvitserk lifted his hand to stop her, calm.
"Don't worry, we're leaving now. And this distinct motherfucker will remember how to behave like a gentleman and leave with me. After all, he doesn't want to get me truly angry. He never saw me truly angry.”
A warning implicit in Hvitserk's words: it was only the beginning of his possibilities to ruin your husband's life.
"Fuck it! You are all insane! She's fucking overreacting, and you're falling for this shit as if you didn't have your head sunk in the middle of dozens of legs around, you asshole! I know you, Hvitserk Ragnarsson! You're a womanizer! You always were! You know exactly how much it hurts to stay without it for too long, and I hope you have the same shitty time away from your pretty wife for you to know what I'm talking about!"
"You said it wrong, Y/H/N. I was like this. I really had my head in the middle of several legs. You're right! But I'm a married man now, and I chose to honor the wife I chose and the children she's bearing for me!That's the difference between us: I can handle one whole year with my dick dry cause I love the woman I have by my side! I'm not an irrational animal that will fuck whatever moves in front of me just because. Grow the fuck up, dude! Stop shaming yourself!"
Your soon-to-be-ex couldn't handle anymore. Hvitserk's contempt was too much for him, and he got up, throwing his hands to catch Hvitserk's collar with a violent pull that stumbled him closer. The people around squealed or took some distance in fear, and the waitress shrunk behind one of the tables wanting to call the police again.
"You listen to me closely, you little son of a bitch! I don't fucking care about what you think or what the fuck did you drink, smell, or have been injecting yourself with, but if you think you'll take my wife away from me, you are completely..."
Your husband's voice was cut by a growl of pain when Hvitserk kicked his balls as strong as he could, straightening his clothes one more time and lifting his sleeves as your husband was nursing his pained jewels. Then, a second strike came: a right hook from under your husband's chin, throwing him flat to the ground, dizzy and shrinking himself in pain; his tongue bleeding after being bitten when his teeth were violently hit against each other.
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"Still wanting to play the macho-man around, brother? Uh? Get the fuck up and put yourself together! Know your crime, pay your price, you asshole! And one more thing," Hvitserk said, pulling your husband up by his collar and forcing him to stand. "Touch me again, and I'll get your life crushed! Approach Y/N once again, and I'll get your life crushed! Do anything I dislike, and I'll get your fucking life crushed! Did you listen to me well, Y/H/N??"
Hvitserk pushed Y/H/N back, releasing his collar. And your husband spat some blood on the ground, looking at Hvitserk with rage in his eyes but silent. He knew there was nothing he could do against the power of Hvitserk's family. You were lost for him, but he didn't want to give up so easily.
"That little girl is my daughter! You faggot of a brother can do whatever he wants: she'll always be my seed, and no one will take her away from me!" he tried.
"Watch me, my friend!" Hvitserk mocked, ironic. "Now get the hell out of my face! My biggest shame in life was to promise your daughter you would be the father of her dreams! But don't worry. She won't have her father to shame her with his actions, but she'll have a bunch of good uncles disposed to make her life the dream she deserves! And to turn your life into a real nightmare if you ever try to hurt her mother again. Fuck off and disappear! Or do better... Learn from your mistakes and go play the good father to the second child you found a way to produce, you piece of shit!"
Hvitserk spat near your husband's feet, disgusted. And once again, he opened his wallet, leaving some more money over the table near the frightened waitress.
"I'm truly sorry for this pitiful show. Here, for the damage, and thank you for your service," he said, leaving towards his car.
Leaving your husband behind, yelling at everyone as if the crowd didn't have a bunch of good reasons to look at him with disgust on their faces.
Hvitserk just ignored the yelling, driving away. He was ready to really ruin your husband's career and his life if it was necessary, but now it was time to take care of what was really important.
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When you arrived at the apartment, Thora was there with Hvitserk's boy, waiting for you. The little one was sleeping inside a basket so was your daughter in your arms. Sigurd entered, carrying your bags, and Thora received you with her doughy and pleasant voice, filling your heart with relief.
"Oh, thank the gods, you're here! I thought it would be harder. Are you ok, Y/N? How is this poor sweet princess?" she mumbled, caressing your daughter's back.
"She's fine, I... I'm still shocked," you answered.
"Come with me, I prepared the room for you to put your little girl to sleep. Then we can talk, love."
She was always so sweet! You couldn't thank more for the fact that she and Hvitserk crossed each other’s paths. He always deserved exactly what Thora was, and you were happy they were together.
If only your marriage was like theirs as you imagined it would be...
When your daughter was sleeping comfortably in the room, Thora took you back to the living room, and you noticed your bags weren't there anymore.
"I took everything to your room. It is right beside hers, so you don't have to worry. You can set everything tomorrow, sweetheart."
Sigurd was smiling at you, and it was so comfortable, so familiar. You smiled back at him: your first smile since your husband came back home.
But you weren't whole. Your eyes filled with tears as Thora was speaking, and she was the first one to notice it.
"I made you some food. I thought you could be hungry and... Oh, love! Don't cry!" she said, embracing you when you broke into heavy sobs once again.
"What have I done wrong?" you asked, feeling Thora's arms around you as she conducted you to the couch.
Sigurd brought you a cup of fresh water and held your free hand as you drank it slowly, trying to calm your sobs.
"You did nothing, Y/N," Sigurd answered. "You were the perfect wife, the perfect mother, and any man would be lucky to be the chosen one of your heart. Y/H/N was lucky! But he didn't know how to give you the proper value. Don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault." he said.
"What will I tell my daughter now?" you mumbled the question that was tearing your heart apart.
How could you explain that whole situation to your child without breaking her image of what love should be?
"Tell her the truth," Thora said, caressing your hair slowly. "Gently tell her that life changes, and nothing lasts forever. But also tell her that you can rebuild your life, even when everything is crumbling, love. Tell her that you can be strong by yourself. Show her that you can do it, and she will grow to be an independent woman, strong and self-aware as you are. And if something like this ever happens to her, then she will know she can kick the asshole's ass and move on with her life without fear. She'll know she's enough to herself and needs no one else to build herself a good life."
Her words sounded full of hope to you, soothing the pain in your heart and the doubts of your mind.
"People may be bad sometimes. They commit mistakes and break other's trust sometimes. Your experience will serve to show her she must be prepared to have her trust broken once in a while, but she can surpass it like her mother is doing," Sigurd completed.
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Your lips rehearsed a small smile.
"Thank you," you mumbled right before the door opened behind you.
Hvitserk getting in, a little misaligned.
"You're welcome," he smiled.
You got up quickly, throwing yourself into his arms, embracing your friend as tight as you remembered loving so bad and missing so hard.
"I missed you so much!" you said, feeling his arms around you tight.
"Don't you ever leave me out of your life again, sister!" he said. "You're my best friend, Y/N. I'll always be there for you."
Inside his arms, you felt the last drop of fear melting in your heart.
You were safe, and they would help you to rebuild your life.
That man you once thought was the love of your life could go and lick his wounds wherever he wanted! You would start over without him and make everything better for you, your daughter, and that beautiful family your friends were for you.
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My dear LMAnon,
I'm not Hvitserk, nor Ivar, nor Sigurd, nor Thora...
I have no money or resources to move you from the situation you are in, nor the strong fists I wish I had to punch your bastard of a husband as much as I think he deserves.
But I have faith.
I have faith the gods will open the doors for you to leave this awful situation.
I have faith you'll find the help you need.
I have faith you'll find your strength, your identity, your self-confidence, and rebuild everything he broke with your trust and the dream you had for the two of you.
I have faith in you.
Call me whenever you need to talk. And if there is something I can do for you, anything, tell me.
Until there, I'll be here praying to the gods to fill you with strength so you can surpass this awful moment in your life and build yourself a path you will, one day, look back to be proud of.
There is no good that never ends, nor evil that lasts forever.
This will pass. And one day, he'll be nothing but a bad memory you'll see long gone in your life.
All the love and my best wishes!
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
Today I feel like reading something sad. Could you please write some little angst headcanons about the creeps? Thank you bby!
-dancing parrot🐦🎶
i decided to go with nightmares as my subject of choice, I didn’t do all of the creeps but I did do the major ones, I hope you like it & it’s angsty enough for you <3 
also a brief warning that it get a little bit intense? maybe? not too sure about it, but better to be prepared than not!
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🍬 LJ’s most common nightmare is being trapped in his box and never being allowed to leave. In his dreams, Isaac is there, taunting him about what a horrible friend he is and how he deserves this fate of being locked away forever in a box. The box continues to shrink, smaller and smaller, until LJ can barely breathe at all and he feels like he’s being suffocated. 
🤍 EJ frequently has nightmares that feature his lack of control over his monstrous tendencies. In his dreams, he is forced to watch as a version of himself tears into an innocent person, usually a fellow member of the mansion whom he has a good relationship with, despite their cries and pleas for him to stop. It’s graphic and terrible and EJ wakes up sobbing (although he can’t cry real tears, the feelings behind the sob are still there, it’s a sob without tears) every time it happens. It’s even worse because EJ fears that one day this nightmare could become reality, if he loses control of himself and hurts/kills somebody he cares about. 
🎮 BEN often has nightmares about drowning again. It’s a simple nightmare, but it frightens him every time. Most of the time, he drowns as other members of the mansion watch and laugh and tell him that he deserves this. Because BEN already experienced drowning before, the dream is “enhanced” by his traumatic memories of the event from his actual life. This means that in his dreams, he feels the way he felt during his actual drowning. 
🔪 Jeff gets nightmares a lot, but the nightmare he gets most often is pretty tame. He’s running from something, but he can’t quite outrun it. It’s catching up to him, and he knows that if it catches him, he’s done for. Now, this nightmare is certainly not a fun one to have, but Jeff much prefers having this nightmare over the ones that actually scare him. The two actually scary nightmares he has are when he watches a version of himself actually kill Liu (quite brutally) or a dream in which Liu kills him, whilst claiming that he deserves this fate and so much more. 
🖤 Jane’s worst nightmare involves her running into her childhood home, hugging her parents tightly as she cries tears of relief that they’re okay, only to look up and notice their bloody, mangled, oozing faces. In her dream, she’ll gasp and try to run away, but the zombiefied version of her parents will corner her, blame her for their deaths, and then rip her to pieces. It both breaks her heart and scares her out of her mind every time she has this dream.
⏰ Clockwork rarely dreams at all, and when she does, they’re nightmares. Her nightmares are really fragmented pieces of memory, her trauma from when she was a child. She relieves the horrific abuse she endured as a child. The only saving grace for her is, most of the time, she doesn’t remember her dreams when she wakes up. 
🎭 Tim’s nightmares mostly consist of being betrayed by Hoodie. Hoodie usually shoots him and watches him bleed to death. While he lays there dying, various people come up to him, kick him and tell him that he’s worthless/stupid/ugly/etc. These people are sometimes strangers, sometimes members of the mansion, and sometimes people from his past. 
❓Brian hardly ever has dreams or nightmares, but he does have one that he’ll get from time to time. In his dream, he is killed for refusing to become a proxy. Although, in his dream, Masky agrees to become a proxy and as his first assignment, he kills Hoodie. This dream hits home because, what if he had refused Slender’s offer to become a proxy? He would have had to be killed, of course. But would Masky have accepted if Brian did not? And would Slender have made Masky killl his own buddy? Would he have done it? These are questions that Hoodie doesn’t want the answer to. 
🪓 Toby has a recurring nightmare of the car crash that killed Lyra. He hates that one, and it’s the one he gets most often. His second most commonly occurring nightmare is when where he’s at school, being bullied. The bullying continuously gets worse and worse, with more and more people joining in, especially people who he cares about. The shame and humiliation get more intense, and the insults from the bullying crowd get more hurtful until Toby is begging from them to stop. But they don’t stop until Toby wakes up, heart pounding and tears forming in his eyes. 
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