#(otherwise he might end up falling into a hole in the forest and fight the moon about it or something)
rawliverandgoronspice · 7 months
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babies <3
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eliemo · 3 years
Permafrost: Chapter 1
Summary: After Virgil agrees to follow Roman into the Imagination, a shift in the weather and an unfortunate misstep sends Virgil plummeting into uncharted waters. If only it didn't take a matter of life or death and a race against time to realize the Prince might not hate him after all.
TW: Drowning, progressing hypothermia, effects of severe cold
Notes: Romantic Prinxiety (pre relationship, they’re pining idiots) Right now I think this will only be a couple chapters, but let me know if I should make a taglist for this story!
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
“This is stupid,” Virgil said for the third time in the last ten minutes. “We’re gonna freeze to death.”
It was very clearly pissing Roman off, and if he wasn’t so miserable he’d be grinning like an idiot at the Prince’s clear exasperation. “We’re not going to freeze. Don’t be dramatic, Negative Nancy, that’s my thing.”
Virgil scoffed, glancing up at the expanse of snow covered trees towering overhead, branches bare and twisted, coated in sparkling white. It felt endless, everything around them perfectly identical and a little overwhelming.
He shuddered as the wind picked up again, drowning out anything he might have been about to say, and he absently shook off snow sticking to his shoes, really wishing he’d decided to wear his combat boots today.
Then again, he hadn’t expected to be trapped in the Imagination in below freezing weather.
“Let me complain, Princey,” he said, hoping that their familiar banter could make this whole thing suck a little bit less. “You’re the one that trapped me in here.”
“You’re the one that agreed to follow me,” Roman shot back, a little more sharp than Virgil had been hoping for. “You didn’t have to.”
“You invited me. And someone has to make sure you don’t get killed in here.”
“I’m perfectly capable,” Roman said. “The cold is no match for a dashing Prince! Besides, the beast is dead, my realm is perfectly safe when I need it to be- if it weren’t for someone refusing to enjoy the scenery, this might actually be a nice walk.”
“It’s freezing and we have to walk for another hour,” Virgil argued. “How the hell am I supposed to enjoy this?”
It hadn’t been snowing when they’d first stepped into the Imagination, some two hours ago now. It had been warm and sunny, the world around them lush and green, bright and inviting as Virgil followed Roman on his apparently routine adventure.
He hoped it hadn’t been obvious how excited he’d been when Roman had asked him to come along. He and the Prince had never been close, (that was putting it lightly, Virgil was all too aware of how much Roman hated Anxiety) but ever since Virgil had revealed his name things had been...better.
Not great, nowhere near perfect, but better. Their fights had started to devolve into banter, and Virgil found he actually enjoyed talking to Roman now. He wasn’t reduced to a villain anymore, and he’d never actually realized just how much he hated the tight feeling in his chest when Thomas had always dismissed him as the bad guy. He’d been pushing the hurt down for so long and now…
Now wasn’t the time to think about it. Now was the time to focus on moving forward, as shaky as the progress was sometimes. It was still progress.
Virgil knew Roman didn’t like him, and he probably had no intention of even being real friends, any effort to be polite for Patton and Logan’s sake only.
Which Virgil might have been able to live with, if he hadn’t recently figured out that he really, really liked Roman.
He’d sort of...not actually hated the Prince for a while now, just another hopeless, gnawing feeling that drove him to consider ducking out in the first place.
The feelings had come out of nowhere, slowly sneaking up on him and only growing now that they were closer, and he still wasn’t entirely sure how to feel about it.
The things Roman did that Virgil had once thought were annoying became...begrudgingly endearing. His rants, his dramatic gestures, the constant singing and humming under his breath...it was all so stupidly charming. Roman was funny and kind and passionate and brave and...and Virgil might have developed a little bit of a crush.
He knew nothing would come from it. He could be pretty stupid, but he wasn’t stupid enough to think otherwise. Roman had declared him an enemy since day one, and Virgil was just beginning to hope the Prince might actually tolerate him enough to call him a friend. Just a friend.  
But Roman had invited him into the Imagination today, to be an extra set of eyes while he slayed the monster patrolling the realm, and Virgil had agreed without a second thought. If he and Roman could just learn to coexist...Virgil didn’t need anything else. Anything was better than being hated.
And having Roman as a friend was far from the worst thing in the world. It still gave him the Prince’s smiles, his laughs, and his company.
That being said, trudging through the snow and freezing his ass off for the next hour was not how he’d like to be spending the day. Why couldn’t Princey invite him to do something normal like watching a movie?
“Aren’t you supposed to be Creativity?” Virgil called over the wind picking up. God, it was cold. “Why can’t you just change the weather back?”
Roman had his back to him, keeping a few paces ahead, but Virgil could practically feel his eye roll. “I don’t control the weather here. Thomas does.”
“Not intentionally,” Roman said. “When it’s snowing like this, it probably means he’s worried or…or stressed about something.”
Virgil didn’t miss the slight hesitation, the way Roman glanced back at him, and he instinctively hunched his shoulders and pulled his hood tighter around himself.
It wasn’t his fault. He knew everyone liked to point fingers and place the blame on Anxiety whenever Thomas wasn’t feeling his best, but Virgil wasn’t here to hurt him. He just wanted to help, and he’d been trying so hard to be better lately, but he still managed to be the bad guy.
He opened his mouth to mutter an apology the Prince would probably only scoff at, but Roman beat him to it.
“Ignore that,” he said quickly, tone suddenly nowhere near his usual bravado. “I didn’t mean to imply...nevermind. Sorry.”
It was clearly forced and a little desperate, just like it had been in front of the others whenever Roman would catch himself on an insult or a nickname, but Virgil found he appreciated the effort all the same. As awkward as it was.
“It’s fine,” Virgil said. “Seriously, it’s whatever. I’ll...I can check on Thomas when we get back.”
Roman didn’t respond, but he did look over once again to flash Virgil a genuine smile, and he forcibly pushed down the butterflies rising up in his chest. It was just Roman. He was not about to get flustered because Roman had smiled at him.
But maybe it was a sign that they were getting somewhere. Maybe-
Virgil froze, Roman’s curse almost drowned out by the sudden CRACK that echoed through the snowy forest. A chunk of ice broke under Roman’s boot, just big enough for him to stumble, his leg disappearing up to his knee.
“God dammit that’s freezing!”
“I thought the cold didn’t bother you,” Virgil teased before he could stop himself. He moved to help, only for Roman to hold out a warning hand. “You ok?”
“I’m fine.” The Prince wobbled a bit before he managed to pull his leg up and out of the ice, the soaked and dripping cloth clinging to his skin. “Except that my leg is going to fall off!”
Virgil couldn’t imagine how cold that must be, to feel icy cold wind against soaked clothes, but he could recognize that Roman wasn’t actually hurt or scared, despite the way he’d started shivering a bit. Thank god the water was only up to his knee.
“Stop panicking,” Virgil said, and smirked despite his own rising worry. “That’s my thing, Princey.”
Roman scoffed and shook out his leg, drops of water seeping into the plush white snow. The ice they hadn’t even realized they’d been walking on creaked under the movement and Virgil paled, eyes flying to Roman who quickly noticed the anxious side’s distress.
“Relax,” the Prince said. “It was just a weak spot, and it’s only a couple inches deep. I could reach the bottom.”
“We should still be worried about getting our clothes wet in this weather.” It seemed to have gotten colder, even as Virgil remained perfectly dry. “Didn’t Logan do a whole lecture about hypothermia a few years ago?”
“We’re not getting hypothermia, Panic at the Everywhere. Logan gives a lecture on everything. Worst case scenario is I come down with a little cold, and our dear Patton feels guilty and smothers me for a few days.”
Virgil laughed, carefully stepping around the hole Roman had created. “I’m pretty sure it’s not Patton’s fault you’re so clumsy.”
“No, but he practically forced me to bring you out here.” And just like that Virgil’s good mood was gone, stomach twisting uncomfortably as the words set in.
It shouldn’t be a surprise- of course Roman wouldn’t voluntarily spend the day with him. Patton wanted everyone to get along for Thomas’s sake, and he’d made Roman drag Virgil along like an unwanted nuisance.
“So if we look miserable enough when we get back, we can coax Pat into making us cookies and hot chocolate,” Roman said, and he didn’t seem to notice Virgil’s shift in mood. “Just try to watch your step, ok?”
Roman clearly didn’t think he had said anything wrong, only scowling at his now soaking wet pant leg before turning to continue forward. He obviously thought Virgil knew this, that he wasn’t stupid enough to think he was actually wanted.
Well, at least Roman was giving him the benefit of the doubt. Even if Virgil apparently was that stupid.
They kept walking, Virgil ending up trailing a bit behind with slightly numb hands stuffed deep into his hoodie pockets. Roman managed to make it even farther ahead, humming some vaguely familiar tune as he watched the snowfall, and Virgil wondered if he should just let the Prince make the rest of the walk by himself, kind of wanting to just lay down and let the snow bury him.
The wind was picking up, and Virgil was clearly finding it more difficult to trek through the snow than Roman was. The Prince didn’t seem inclined to leave him behind though, slowing down and smiling patiently at the anxious side every few moments, letting him catch up on his own time.
He wondered why Roman didn’t just quicken his pace and leave him. It wasn’t like Virgil would go tell Patton just to get him in trouble. As much as it hurt knowing Roman wanted nothing to do with him, that someone had to make Roman spend time with him, it hurt worse to think that the Prince had just been faking it.
He’d thought...God, he’d actually thought they might be getting somewhere. That maybe, maybe Virgil’s feelings for the Prince weren’t as pointless as they’d once been.
The soft little smiles sent his way, the light touches on Virgil’s back or shoulder, the quiet jokes meant just for him, the way Roman’s eyes would linger for just a second…
He noticed it a second too late, caught up in his own head instead of paying careful attention to where he was stepping like he usually would, only pulled from his thoughts by another ear splitting crack as a piece of ice gave way right where he’d stepped down.
It was sudden and loud, and Virgil yelped when he stumbled and fell to the ground, hands losing feeling completely as they grabbed at the snow and his foot disappeared under the ice.
“Fuck- Roman!”
He heard Roman laugh, but it was almost impossible to make out over the howling of the wind and the pounding of his own heart. The water was so cold, (thank god he’d managed to stop himself before it went past his shin) like a million little knives dancing along his skin, paying no mind to what little protection his clothes offered.
“You’re fine,” Roman called, voice small and distant like he’d kept walking. Virgil didn’t dare look up, eyes on the ground beneath his hands. “It’s not deep, Virge, you can stand up.”
Virgil nodded even though he doubted Roman could see it, his voice refusing to cooperate. He squeezed numb hands into shaky fists, took a breath, and pushed himself up to stand on his free leg.
The next moment happened so fast, Virgil didn’t even register that more ice had broken under his weight until he felt himself falling, and suddenly the icy cold water was much higher than just his leg.
It felt like he’d been hit by a bus- a very, very cold bus- and Virgil gasped as all the ice below him gave way, the water rising up to his chest, wrapping around his body like a vice and yanking him forward without warning.
It was like hundreds of frozen hands were grabbing at him and tugging viciously, shoving him along with the water’s surprisingly violent current while trying to drag him down below the dark surface. Virgil barely had half a second to force his arms to move, frantically reaching for the nearest chunk of intact ice.
He couldn’t feel his fingers, and his hands were shaking so bad he almost didn’t make it, but he managed to get a grip on the edge just in time.
He gasped as he pulled himself to a sudden stop against the relentless current, weakening arms protesting the sudden strain, choking and coughing on the frigid water that managed to lap at the corners of his mouth.
“Princey!” he tried to scream, but he could barely hear himself over the roar of the river. The water hurt, the cold seeping into his skin and stealing his breath, and it took all of his quickly fleeting energy to keep holding on. “Roman!”
There was no response, at least not one that Virgil could hear, and he couldn’t bring himself to lift his head to see if help was coming, terrified that if he looked away from his hands he’d forget how to hold on.
He had to strain to keep his head above water, and he felt like there were boulders in his pockets weighing him down. He was left kicking desperately against the water, because it was definitely not shallow enough for him to stand.
Roman had said it was. Roman had laughed and kept walking and he’d...he hadn’t...he hadn’t left, had he? If he’d done this on purpose-
The dread and fear that came with the thought was almost more overwhelming than the thought of drowning, and Virgil squeezed his eyes shut as he tightened his hold, because Roman wouldn’t do that. He may not like Virgil, but he wasn’t cruel. He wouldn’t...he wouldn’t do this.
A grim voice in the back of his head told him Roman wouldn’t care, that Virgil would never be worth worrying about. Maybe it wasn’t the wind and rushing water blocking out the Prince’s voice...maybe he’d really just already walked away.
He choked back tears and put all his fading focus into staying above the water, the current’s pull growing stronger as his kicking became weaker and weaker. He couldn’t keep holding on. It was so cold and he was so tired-
Roman? It was so hard to tell for sure, everything distant and hazy compared to the roaring in his ears and his own too shallow breaths.
Oh god, he couldn’t hold on, he was slipping, he was going to fall-
“Virgil! Hold on, I’m coming!” Either that was Roman, or Virgil’s brain was being very cruel to him right before he died. The latter honestly seemed more likely. “Hold on, please just- I’m coming just hold on!”
He couldn’t feel his hands, barely able to comprehend anything around the all consuming pain settled around him like a blanket, leaving him shaking and numb, teeth chattering in his skull louder than a gunshot and he couldn’t do this- he couldn’t hold on he couldn’t-
Virgil didn’t even register what had happened, left only to wonder why the strain on his arms had suddenly been lessened for a single blissful second before realizing his frozen hands had slipped from the ice.
There wasn’t time to take another breath, the river seizing its opportunity to rise above his head and push him under the dark and freezing water, everything suddenly horribly silent.
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corysmiles · 3 years
Friendly Giant AU Part 2
Tubbo woke up with his whole body throbbing in pain. His back felt stiff and he was fairly sure he had broken his ribs in his fall to the ground. He wiped his arm across his face and sure enough blood smeared across his arm from where the net had scratched him.
The most surprising thing though was that he had no clue where he was. He pushed himself off the ground with his injured hands and gazed up into the dark cavern he had found himself in.
From somewhere within he could here the telltale sound of a river rushing by, while a couple bats squeaked as they glided around giant rock stalactites hanging from the ceiling. There was barely any light in the cave aside from a couple candles that had been lit near the walls.
Tubbo also noticed that were three different holes leading off into what he presumed were other parts of the cave, but there was no clear exit in sight.
That’s right...he had been caught by that...that thing.
With newfound fear inside of him Tubbo struggled to stand up completely, he felt his back scream at him to stay seated but he couldn’t just wait for the creature to come back to have him as a snack. Shaking on his feet he started to trudge towards the closest of the rocky exits.
He was almost halfway there by the time firey hot pain shot through his entire body like a gunshot forcing him to fall back with a loud broken scream.
He had to get out...he had to.
“Oh god, are you okay?” A booming voice called out from one of the opposite entrances as heavy footsteps echoed against the stone walls.
Tubbo shrunk back against the ground hoping that maybe if he laid still the monster would leave him alone, or at least be kind enough to kill him quickly.
When the monster appeared from one of the holes with a large sack across his shoulder Tubbo thought he was done for.
“Oh jeez please be okay oh god,” the monster muttered as it frantically shuffled over to kneel down next to the panicked human.
Tubbo sobbed even louder as a giant hand reached towards him, as much as he wanted to run away or fight back he couldn’t even stand up without feeling like he was going to pass out.
The clawed hand carefully wrapped around him like he was nothing more than a doll before he was brought up to the creature’s face. It’s ears twitched nervously as it studied Tubbo in its hand.
“Please...please just kill me quick please,” Tubbo whimpered as he was turned around in the monster’s hands.
The creature seemed taken back by that though and relaxed its hold on Tubbo.
“What, why would I do that?” it said softly, “I came back to help you see I- I got some bandages and food I thought it might help.”
With that the giant opened up the large sack he had and pulled out a small roll of bandages that looked almost comically tiny in his claws.
“I know youre scared but you gotta let me bandage you up before I can let you go, alright?” the giant asked.
Tubbo was still shaking in the monster’s hand and a few stray tears still fell down his cheeks but otherwise there was no protest from the teen.
As carefully as he could the monster tore off some of the bandages with his teeth; the sight of his open mouth made Tubbo shift away in fear of somehow ending up as a snack.
The monster ripped off a couple pieces before bringing Tubbo closer to his face once more. The hand with the bandages came up besides him and Tubbo struggled to stay still as he felt them touch against his already injured back.
“I’m gonna wrap it up okay,” the creature told him as he switched his hold so that he could see Tubbo’s injuries better.
Slowly Tubbo felt the monster wrap the thick bandage around his torso. It wouldn’t fix the problem but it would at least make it so he could walk again without falling on his ass.
After a couple more minutes of the creature quietly bandaging up his injuries he heard him hum in approval.
“That should be good,” he smiled, “Well at least good enough for now, a human could do much better than I could.”
Tubbo just nodded slowly in response at the strange politeness the creature was showing him. He sat down in the cupped hands and reached his arm to feel where the bandages laced over his injuries.
“Uh...thank you?” Tubbo whispered out.
“Of course,” the creature grinned as he leaned his face close to the boy, “I never see humans around here so I got really scared when I saw that you were hurt.”
Tubbo was thoroughly confused by the giant’s actions now. From the stories he’d heard, the monster in the forest was a ferocious blood-thirsty beast that ate all it came across, however the monster currently holding him like he would break at any moment did not seem to fit that description.
Tubbo was still nervous sure, every time the beast smiled his giant teeth sent a wave of fear through Tubbo’s whole body, but the monster didn’t really seem all that set on hurting him.
“Um...if I may ask...why did you help me?” Tubbo asked slowly.
The monster tilted his head in confusion and laughed nervously at the teen.
“Uh well, you were hurt so why wouldn’t I,” he said, “it would be kinda rude to just leave you there right?”
Tubbo smiled softly for the first time at the kind words.
“Yeah,” he muttered, “yeah I guess it would be.”
“Oh I’m Ranboo by the way, I guess I should have told you that before,” the creature chuckled as he gently placed a hand behind Tubbo’s back, almost like a warm blanket.
“Oh...it’s okay I didn’t really think you’d have like,uh...a name?” Tubbo paused and sighed, “That was a bad way to say that, it’s uh...well it’s nice to meet you Ranboo, I’m Tubbo.”
The giant’s eyes lit up and Tubbo noticed for the first time a giant tail wagged up and down throwing up dust from the cave’s floor.
“Hi Tubbo,” he grinned, “I’ve got food if you want any and then we can get you back to your home, I can’t take you all the way back but I can get you pretty close.”
Tubbo smiled at the giant who gently placed him back onto the ground. He reached into his sack again and pulled out a few small slices of bread for the human.
“Thanks...I’d really appreciate that big man,” Tubbo said as he tore off a piece from the bread. He now had to crane his neck up to see Ranboo’s face; Tubbo decided he was much more intimidating from this angle.
The two ate together and talked back and forth for a while, both amazed about the others stories and Tubbo was shocked to find that he was becoming more and more comfortable around this giant that had saved him.
Eventually he had grown too tired to keep his eyes open, it had been a long day for both of them, and as Tubbo yawned and stretched his arms out above him he felt a large hand scoop him up and bring him to the giant’s chest.
Ranboo cupped him in his palms as he curled up against the ground, Tubbo held close to his chest.
Tubbo snuggled into the warmth of his hands and decided that he trusted the monster enough to at least sleep there for the night.
“Is this okay?” Ranboo whispered.
Tubbo was too tired and far too comfortable to respond so instead he opted to rub his hand against one of Ranboo’s fingers causing the giant to purr quietly.
The gentle purring and the sound of Ranboo’s steady heartbeat surrounded Tubbo as he fell asleep in the giants hands. He was sure his family would be worried, but for now he was safe and that’s all that mattered.
(Sorry if this ones not as well written I got a lil bit tired near the end :] )
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If Fates' child mechanics could be improved, story wise, what would you do? Because I do genuinely love the kids as characters but they were done DIRTY by the excuse plot and reasons for them to be there.
That reminds me of something else I’ve meant to say about how the Fates child mechanics really really doesn’t work. Actually several things, one big one and a bunch of other little ones.
It’s obvious that the thought process was “well, people liked Awakening and Awakening had XYZ, so let’s add it in again!” without taking into account that Awakening built its story around time travel. Even if you didn’t get any S-supports, Lucina is still there. It’s a major plot point. Grima is still there, also having time-traveled. You can’t separate the time travel from the main plot, so from there it’s natural that Lucina would have some friends who came back with her, and thus you get the kids.
We’ve discussed how Fates’ baby dimension is silly. Yeah hang on let’s all just have kids during a war and throw them into an Outrealm pocket dimension where they’ll grow up real quick and we can have more soldiers for our army. If a tree falls in a forest and nobody’s around to hear it - if a situation so fantastical happens that it couldn’t have been written about in any human rights documentation, is it still a war crime? Several other issues I have with it before I get into the big one I wanted to talk about:
Even if we presume that the ladies are spending the duration of their pregnancy also in a pocket dimension where time passes differently in relation to the outside world, that’s still the equivalent of nine months that they are experiencing. That’s (equivalent to) several months that they’re not going to be able to train when the pregnancy is far along or when they’re recovering. Even if it seems like just a few days passed outside, they’re physically going to be lagging behind where they were when they entered the outrealm. 
Azura and fCorrin would do that twice.
After they yeet the first of their female friends into a pocket dimension off the astral plane so that she can time-lapse her pregnancy, you would think that someone in the army would figure out some sort of birth control spell/concoction/herb/something so that they don’t have to worry about this again. That’s just good common sense, something we know Corrin lacks, but somebody else surely would suggest it. I feel like Camilla would have that under control - not to insinuate like that she’s a slut or something, but I mean that her older sister vibes tell me that she has the knowledge and supplies to dump on her three younger siblings to inform them how to have relationships safely without fear of unwanted children “and if anyone tries to pressure you otherwise, tell me and I’ll cut their head off” ;3c. She’s like that, I think.
And then the other big and uncomfortable problem with this setup is: some of the character ages.
Like, in Awakening, you’ve got Donnel, Ricken, and Lissa who seem the youngest. Depending on Robin’s gender and how the pairings fall, I think you could end up with two unmarried guys, so you could just have Donnel and Ricken not have children, but if you want to get every character you’ve got to have Lissa get married. I put her at 16/18 during the two parts of the game. Not a great age to have a kid at - but the thing about Awakening’s time travel is that she’s not having a kid at that age. Owain’s from the future, and the only child born during the events of the game is Lucina. It still felt a little weird to see those younger ones getting married, Lissa might be getting a ring now from someone just as young as she is (in the middle of a war) but kids are still years off. That...somewhat lessens the discomfort.
And then. sigh. then there’s Fates. Where no pocket dimensions and strange flow-of-time can get around the fact of character ages, because their children might be growing up fast but they are not from the future. Those kids are born during the course of the game. And like! Elise and Sakura! They’re my baby sisters! I don’t want my baby sisters to be teen moms during a war! That’s just weird and gross and uncomfortable! They’re my baby sisters. I want to find my siblings good partners but I’m not going to matchmake for my baby sisters if that’s the result.
So looping all the way back around to your question - I have no idea, honestly. Anything except time travel/coming from an entirely alternate timeline in the future has all of the above problems baked in, and then future-kids is just an Awakening rehash. Like I was about to suggest that it’d be interesting if for Birthright/Conquest, the kids came from an alternate timeline of the other path, where their side lost the war, but firstly that’s just Awakening rehashed again, secondly Corrin spares as many people as possible so we don’t have dead parents, and honestly it’s not even a dark dire future in Awakening. Like for Nohr in Birthright, Leo gets crowned king of Nohr, his kid is going to have no drive to come back and change the past because it’s fine, there’s holes in the family where Aunt Elise and Uncle Xander are missing, but this is not dire enough to need to find a way to change fate. And thirdly, for the few characters who do die - since we’re using Birthright as the example, Elise and Xander - that would mean that their kids were born before the end of the route, which runs into that same Elise problem! If you wanted “the kids as refugees from a dire timeline” it’d have to be one where Garon won and then again, just play Awakening for that plot. 
Conceptually I think it’s interesting to draw the kids in from a different timeline where Corrin made the other choice - “Roddy what about Revelation?” I don’t fucking know man - and see how they react to Corrin being on that side, fighting for their country, with their parents, but... then that runs into the problem of spoiling the other route. Like if you played Conquest first and Xander’s kid says he died before they were born, well, that’s awkward. And again, Elise - in Conquest you could pair her with like, Kaze, who was with Corrin the whole time, always on Corrin’s side no matter what, and then that creates a plot hole of it having been literally impossible for that kid to have come from a Birthright-esque timeline because they couldn’t have existed then because Kaze could’ve even died before Corrin reunites with Elise. No, that concept can’t work. Too much potential for plot holes and stretching too weirdly to try and cover it.
I don’t know. I don’t know if you can fix it without becoming an Awakening rehash or turning Fates into something entirely different...which, it’s Fates. Might not be a bad thing to do that.
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faelune-home · 3 years
Jumbo ask meme: 🌹, 😊, 📀, 🛍️, 🔮, and 💗 (sending you the same questions bc I think they're good ones!)
Apologies for taking a few days to get back on this, I needed to collect my thoughts to write it, which took some time on its own XD But thank you for the ask \o/~~ Always appreciated ^^
🌹 - miqo!Fu is very much the social butterfly type. Maybe initially with larger groups she’s a bit wary - joining the scions, she was more subdued since she’d just been thrown into it, plus the feeling that everyone else already knew each other and she was the newbie, but she eventually grew out of it, and especially after the Waking Sands attack, she vowed to hold a bit faster to her friendships with those that did survive - but otherwise, she’s always the first to try and make new friends, or at least be open for others to talk to her.
Making enemies tho...well she never deliberately sets out to do that, and unless the other person is set on being hostile, she would try to bridge a gap. Although after all that she’s been through, that tendency is a bit slower, maybe she’ll allow the diplomatic folk to make the first step before her, but actively trying to make enemies isn’t her thing.
😊 - Aaah, at the risk of sounding cheesy and obvious lol, its her friends. ^^ but i suppose in the event they’re not available, ironically it would be the opposite - some time alone in Gridania. She’s still very fond of the old forest since it was the first place she really knew in Eorzea.
And making others smile is her goal, she set out on the adventury thing to help others (and make a legacy to share with her loved ones that they could emulate...so in a way still continuing the idea of helping others for the sake of helping others). If it makes things easier for those that struggle, then she’ll try her best \o/
📀 - miqo!Fu is a bit less easy to manipulate after so long, tho she does have help from the other Scions to make sure she’s not being given the slip. She tries to be careful nowadays after so many events have occurred, but she still wants to be open and friendly to all. But for the most part she does trust very easily, and she likes to hope others will trust her. Hopefully without any insane hero worship, despite her goal of leaving a legacy, too much hero worship makes her uncomfortable cos she feels it makes people forget who she is as an individual vs what deeds she’s done as the WoL. Maybe from strangers she’s fine with it, but from those that she’d consider friends...ideally no.
The lies and manipulation though....aaaaa. That’s a tricky one, because obviously those closest to her that she trusts have done that for all their own reasons, and it depends on the individual how she feels about it. This feels like an appropriate point to discuss that, even if things get a bit wordy. >.>
(I’m gonna read more here, partly due to talking spoilers and partly due to length. Ironically the next few questions after this are very short in comparison but this one about “lies and secrets and trust” got very wordy on its own lol)
HW and ShB spoilers after the cut
With the Lyse reveal, it did sting to start with given how close miqo!Fu was the “Yda” and Papalymo, but after some thinking on it - like Lyse’s situation, understanding that it was a maybe not so healthy coping mechanism after losing her sister that then just spiralled further, plus the immediate aftermath of Papa’s death affecting all of them, putting Lyse’s situation into some perspective for the WoL - miqo!Fu got over it a lot quicker than even she expected. In the end of that case, Lyse is still a friend, and one that she trusts a lot, especially after seeing that, for all Lyse was trying to emulate her sister, she really was more like the same person Fufu already knew.
Urianger’s frequent cases are a mixed bag for miqo!Fu >.> Because on the one hand, she knows he’s not doing it maliciously, but at the same time, its still secret keeping rather than trusting her, or even the other scions, so intent on working on his own. Plus the fact that often, his plans are eerily pragmatic and someone is on the chopping block along with it - Minfilia was cast off to the First in the conflict against the Warriors of Darkness, and now she’s gone for good, and G’raha obviously offered himself up as a sacrifice with the WoL in the frontlines first, so Urianger technically had less say in that, but that one didn’t pan out anyway - and she doesn’t agree with that, she’d rather try to avoid as many deaths or sacrifices as she can. She trusts him maybe a bit less now, however she’d still trust him to watch out for her if need be, its just when it comes to making plans, she’d rather if he worked with others rather than doing things on his own.
The catboy himself is kind of an example as well >.> miqo!Fu still doesn’t see the point in him hiding his identity other than so she wouldn’t then want to make sure he didn’t do that. But the identity hiding part aside, he falls into the hero worship side of things that makes her uncomfortable. She still trusts him as a friend and companion of course, but the idea that she’s somehow untouchable  and all powerful just because of some old texts that survived past the 8th calamity doesn’t sit well with her. Again, that may be the end goal with her becoming an adventurer, but she does want to hope she can fade off and let the stories do their thing where she doesn’t have to then experience the fawning, and having it up front with a companion doesn’t help.
(Have i went too far down a rabbit hole here? is this off topic from the original question? idk :’D i hope its still okay, it’s nice to think a bit deeper about my girl and her motivations and thoughts on things)
🛍️ - This one :’D I feel this one differs from player to character, a lot of the glams i post here on tumblr and socials in general are more me as a player having fun with fashion over me actually representing what miqo!Fu herself would do. There’s some overlap though.
As a player, as Lady Fufu, I go for aesthetic, whatever looks nice, or whatever my vision for an outfit is. Miqo!Fu on the other hand, while she does have a fashionable streak, she tends more towards function and comfort.
So more flat shoes than heals for battle, the heals are better served for fancy occasions where she doesn’t have to fight. Skirts or trousers depends though on what job she’s running as.
One common point is skirts for dancer ^^ I like my flowy skirts flying around as she spins and flips.
🔮 - Star gazing! She loves the wide open night sky! Definite night owl, much like me the player XD But then she has an important job to do so she’ll stomach the mornings if need be.
Oh and she’s definitely a snuggler ^-^ In her home village, she’d often go to bed with at least a few younger miqittens cuddled up into a pile with her.
💗 - Miqo!Fu would probably say her eyes, big and bright and purple :D
Other might say her tail, its very expressive, you can read her easily by it XD
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ai-katsuu · 4 years
Hans and Briar Rose (1/1)
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story is made thanks to @oceanspray5​ and @hanadoesstuffbadly​ <3 i wanted to write a bit about them, specifically after they break their curses. to read about what happened previously see their backstory
“Are you ready?”
Hans looked at the beautiful princess beside him. The small holes of sun rays hitting her face as the wall of bushes blocks her last path. 
Briar Rose nodded firmly, “I’m ready.” 
Hans took her hand and gently squeezed it. They both stepped forward and made their way through the bushes, outside the forest. 
Briar held her hand up to cover her face as fresh sunshine shone. Once her eyes had adjusted to the light she took in the sight. Beautiful green mountains with snowy white tips, grass so much greener than the grey ones in her forest, flowers that never bloomed back there, and a gentle breeze that lifted her braid midair. Briar let out a small gasp, which Hans noticed right away.
“I understand it’s been awhile, and it might be a little scary but-“ 
“AHHH!” she lifted her arms and screamed out of joy. 
Adrenaline completely took over her body. She ran barefooted across the cool grass, she did cartwheels near the lake, just in pure bliss that she was finally free. 
“Briar please, your dress-! And the river, you might fall!” Hans said with a light red face, unsure where to look as his gaze went back and forth checking on her to make sure she didn’t fall doing her cartwheels. 
Briar tumbled on the grass, laughing and giggling to herself as she sat up. She tried her best to fix her hair but it was practically useless by then. 
Finally, Hans caught up to her. “Briar...please..” he said trying to catch his breath, “I’m very happy as well but-“ 
“Oh Hans!” she suddenly jumped up and embraced him, tackling him down on the grass. Surprised by the sudden action, Hans could only widen his eyes, flustered, unsure where to put his hands. 
“I can’t believe it really worked! Thank you so much, I don’t even know what I could do to thank you!” she smiled down at him. As much time they spent together in the woods, she still managed to make him downright melt at the sight of her smile. 
He laughed a bit, “You sort of just broke my curse so we’re kinda good.” 
Briar giggled and placed a quick kiss on his forehead before running back around the field. Hans sat himself up as he smiled at her, his hand touching his forehead. Briar continued to explore the outside world while Hans followed her as she sprinted through the fields. She picked several flowers, swung around fruit trees, and even almost jumped in the lake before Hans just barely managed to stop her.
When she had finally calmed down the pair had found a small shaded area where Hans could cook them a quick lunch. Lying down on her stomach, resting her head on her hands, Briar swung her legs up and down as she watched Hans cook, eagerly awaiting the food in the pot. (Which Hans became used to at this point but he found it adorable.)
“Here you are,” he handed her a bowl of mushroom soup. “To your first meal outside of the forest!” he exclaimed. 
Briar giggled and took a sip of the meal. “Mmm, oh Hans, amazing as always!” she closed her eyes and savored the taste of a warm meal. Hans merely smiled, the usual pride in his chest whenever she ate his cooking. 
It’s like what his father used to say, ‘The secret in becoming a good chef is to meet a woman that will make you want to give all the food you make to her.’ 
Content with the results, he leaned back on the tree as he took a bite of his own meal. “So Bry, where are you going now?” Hans asked her. 
She suddenly stopped eating and looked up as in thought, “I..I haven’t really thought about that.” she said in realization. 
“If you want!” Hans spoke soon after, “You can join the rest of the group back in the White Castle! That’s where they mostly hang out and they’d be happy to have you.”
She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand out of habit, “You think so?” 
Hans nodded, “I’d especially love to meet Gretel at least. Oh and they don’t even know my curse is broken, you should definitely be there for that.” he laughed. 
“Mm..yeah..” she looked sideways and took another bite of her food. 
Hans noticed her change in demeanor, “Are you okay?” he asked.
She nodded, “Yeah it’s just..I’m a little scared,” she admitted, “I’m sure they’re all lovely people but I don’t wanna make a fool of myself. I know you’ve told me all about them but I just wanna make a good first impression.” 
“Hey, hey,” Hans looked at her, “You have nothing to worry about, I of all people know you have a good heart. And although it takes a few years off my life to see it, you’re very spontaneous and active. You don’t have to worry about acting all royal there, being yourself is the best thing you could do.” he assured her.
Briar looked at him for a bit before breaking into a smile and stirring her soup, “Thanks, Hans.” They finished up their lunch and made their way back to King White’s castle. 
Hans looked at the large gates and thought for a bit. It would probably be too much to enter through the main gates, it would be better if they used the basement entrance, otherwise known as the triplets workshop. 
He opened the door, relieved that they had left it unlocked. “Wow, it’s really dark, can you see anything?” Briar moved around. 
“I don’t know, but be careful, the triplets have a lot of stuff here. Let me get the light switch.” he tried navigating his way through the room, careful not to bump or trip on anything. 
“Oh!” she lightly yelped as she stepped on something. 
“You okay?” Hans whipped his head around and rushed to her side.
“Yeah yeah,” she stood on one foot as her hand held her other. Hans steadied her balance. “I just stepped on something sharp, I should really get some shoes after thi-”
For the second time that day Briar’s eyes had to adjust to the changing light. Once her vision had cleared she saw several individuals sitting on chairs and couches on the far end of the room, all eyes staring at them. They seemed to have been in the middle of a snack meeting as there was food around the table. 
“Oh-uh” Hans stood up, suddenly unsure what to say.
“He brought the girl home, pay up.” Merlin nudged Arthur to which he groaned and gave him another bag of Dog Food. 
“Wait, you guys aren’t surprised? I’m human again!” he moved his hands up and down.
“You snuck out of the castle almost every day with a basket of food that was way too much for even you to eat. It was kind of obvious.” Jack traced the rim of his teacup with his pinky. 
“Yeah, you would always have this stupid smile on your face while cooking.” Goldie laughed. 
“W-what smile? I don’t smile!” he said stuttering and looking back and forth between them and Briar, clearly embarrassed.
“Don’t believe them, I wasn’t excited to see you. No I mean I was excited to see you but I never smiled while cooking, I mean who does that?”  he rambled on.
 “Urgh stop, you’re scaring her.” Gretel rolled her eyes and smiled. She was the first one to walk over and both took Briar’s hands with her own. 
“Hi, I’m-” 
“Gretel, right?” Briar shyly smiled, “Hans told me so much about his beloved sister.”  
Gretel looked taken aback and looked at her brother, “Beloved?” 
Hans frowned and averted gaze, “What..I don’t know what she’s talking about..” he mumbled. 
“Aww you do love me!” she beamed and ran towards her brother, head locking him like she used to do when they were kids. 
“Ow! Gret stop, I hate it when you do this!” 
“Oh don’t be such a weakling.” 
“I am not!” 
While the twins were busy wrestling on the far end of the room, Snow, Audrey, and Goldie got out of their seats and made their way towards the seemingly dainty girl. 
“You’re so pretty!”
“Oh, thank you, I-”
“What’s your name?” 
“Uhm..Briar Rose,” 
“No way I’ve heard about you so much! Where have you been this whole time?”
At Goldie's question, Hans poked his head up and pushed his sister off him (resulting in a small ‘ow’ from her) he quickly went to her side, putting his hands on her arms as he spoke to the girls, “You guys don’t have to ask. Bry is a lovely person, that’s all you need to know.” 
“Aww gross, you two have nicknames.” Peter Pan jokingly said while smirking.
“Hypocrite,” Kio mumbled before throwing a bag of Dog Food at his face.
“Snow White?” Hans called her, “do you think you girls could show Briar around the castle? Get to know her a bit.” 
Snow smiled, “Of course. C’mon Briar, there’s this really cool room we have I wanna show you!” she eagerly pulled her along. 
“Oh, alright,” she said, smiling a bit. Once the girls left the room Hans sat down with his friends, clearly exhausted.
“Alright, you did it!” Merlin threw him a bag of Dog Food, to which Hans gratefully accepted. 
“Looks like you’re the last one, sword boy.” Jack looked in Arthur’s direction. 
“Watch it, blondie.” 
“Are you really not going to tell us where she’s from though?” Noki asked. 
“It’s not really my story to tell,” he told them. 
“Well we’re very happy for you Hans!” Pino grinned and handed him a glass. “Looks like your cooking finally made its way to a woman's heart!”
Meanwhile Snow had brought the girls to the courtyard for some fresh air. “So what do you do for fun Briar?” Goldie asked. 
“Oh! Well…” she thought about making a good first impression by saying something elegant like her parents had taught her, but after what she’s been through with Hans she decided she no longer needed to do that. “I like to sword-fight!” she said. 
“No way really? Why don’t you show us? I’ll go against you!” Audrey beamed.
 She stretched her arm towards the fountain and the water came flowing to her hand, forming what looked like to be a thin sword. “I promise I won’t use any of my powers aside from this.” 
Briar, amazed by the magic, got excited and rapidly nodded her head. “Yeah, sure!”
Audrey had a lot of experience using her magic, her water made it easy to capture her enemies, and thus her battles ended quickly. But aside from her sword, she wasn’t supposed to use any magic, which unfortunately also meant that she didn’t have enough stamina to last her a full on sword fight. 
Panting as she held the fountain for support, she breathed out, “H-How..how are you not even sweating?” she looked at Briar. 
“C’mon, you can still last!” she shouted encouragingly. 
“Yeah no I really can’t…” she whispered tiredly. 
“What’s going on here?” the F7 and Peter walked in the courtyard.  
“You,” Audrey pointed her sword at Hans, then at Briar, “Your woman is crazy athletic, she’s not even tired.” Audrey breathed out. 
“Or you just have really bad stamina without your powers,” Peter flew and hovered above her. “you look like you're dying.” 
“Shut up, you're next.”
“I have to say,” Gretel walked up to her brother, “I’m a little surprised she broke your curse, she’s so...different from you.”
 Hans laughed as he gently pushed her. “Indeed she is.”
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Midnight Hours
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Wolf!AU
Pairing: Sehun x Reader
Summary: For you, being a good witch was easier said than done. Something dark was lurking inside of you and the others knew it. When you’re forced to tag along with Soomi and help a local wolfpack face a coming evil, you’re sent on a path that breaks into a crossroads. While you struggle with your inner demons, could the wolf Sehun be the key to your ultimate fate?
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I 17 I Final
Sehun was overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by the pull, overwhelmed by his circumstances, and most of all, overwhelmed by you. He’d sworn that he would just ignore it for now, but that was proving to be impossible. Each time he came close, he was consumed by your scent, egged on by it to just give and taste you, drink you in until he was finally satisfied. But he couldn’t. He was still holding back. Still resistant to the idea of being tied to someone forever. There was nothing wrong with you. Hell, he was even beginning to think that you were nearly perfect for him. However, the idea of being mated… it didn’t scare him necessarily, but he couldn’t give in to it. Not yet. 
There was no answer as to why. It was simply part of being a wolf, something that he’d known would happen eventually. But he still held back. Even as he came so close to falling apart. 
The garage had been the first time that Sehun had almost lost the grip on his wolf he’d worked so hard on to control. Talking to you - hearing your voice - was something that he enjoyed more than he’d expected. Then you mentioned seeing a white wolf in your vision and his heart began to fight to be free from its cage. Before he knew it, his muscles were pushing him up to his feet and eliminating the space between the two of you. It was only when he could feel your breath and body heat against his skin that he came back to his senses. He pulled away and went about his business like it had never occurred in the first place. A scoff left your lips, but Sehun didn’t even flinch. He’d once again regained the upper hand on his own actions and that was all that mattered. 
However, that upperhand was slowly crumbling away again. For the past few months, whenever a group made up of mates and wolves had mentioned going to town or grabbing something to eat, Sehun had declined, preferring not to be in the middle of that kind of atmosphere. When Dana and Kyungsoo had stopped by Kris’ garage where he was helping out for the day, they’d wanted to invite Sehun along with them. He was ready to say no once again. Until Dana got a text and said out loud that you and Harper were to be joining as well. The word “yes” was out of Sehun’s mouth before he could even think it over. 
Keeping an attitude of disinterest - as per his usual method of keeping control - Sehun was both relieved and irritated when you weren’t sitting in his direct eyeline at the restaurant. The empty seat across the table taunted him, mocked him. His eyes drifted back and forth between the chair and you on the end. Occasionally, your eyes would meet and Sehun would feel his heart rate rise. You quickly looked away, the focus on the chips and salsa in front of you a bit too obvious, a bit too forced. When Dana’s friend Mina finally showed up, things took a turn that he hadn’t expected. Certainly one he didn’t want. 
All the flirtation and attention was making Sehun uncomfortable. Mina didn’t seem to pick up on the lack of response and that grated on Sehun’s nerves. He was starting to wish he’d stayed back at the shop. Only the glass of water spilling all over her lap seemed to stop her attempts at securing a date from him. It was relief, one that was making him consider an escape before the food would arrive. 
While everyone else fussed over Mina’s wet lap, Sehun looked to you, wanting to know if he could sense how you felt about the whole thing. As soon as he met your eyes, he knew. How you were able to do something like that he only just learned a few minutes ago. To be honest, he was impressed. The fact that his mate could do something like that….
He shook his head. You weren’t entirely his mate, not completely. The pull was there, that couldn’t be argued. But you weren’t his. Not in that sense, at least. Not on the level that he could call you his. Should he- 
Sehun picked up a handful of dead leaves and threw them at the river to stop that thought before it could finish. The leaves landed softly on the water’s surface and slowly drifted along with the current. A few, too full of holes, filled up with water, causing the leaves to be pulled down into the river where they were caught on the rocks resting at the bottom. Dirt stuck to his palms and clung to the space underneath his fingernails. For several minutes, he stared at the black specs that covered his hand. A painful ache was developing behind his eyes for how hard he was furrowing his brows. But the tension didn’t ease up. He had too much on his mind. 
The sounds of the crunching forest floor as you ran back to the house were still echoing in his ears. He wanted to go after, apologize for making you leave in the first place. Maybe even tell you the truth. He wondered how you would react when he finally told you - and, yes, it was a matter of “when” not if. The rope that he was holding onto was unraveling. Soon he would fall. The only question left was this: would you be waiting for him at the bottom or would he land on the concrete, broken and bruised?
You were back in the living room, staring at nothing, bored once again. The forest was no longer an option to you since you knew your feet would probably go searching for Sehun. You wanted to give him a piece of your mind, but you had a feeling that the words wouldn’t come out in quite that way. Groaning, you fell back onto the couch, a wish to have something to occupy your mind. At this point, you would even accept a new vision just to have something to do. You’d given up trying to put together the ones you’d already received. They were simply fragments that would never fit together in their current state. 
Blinking, you sat up to see who’d joined your lonely existence. Harper stood off to the side, arms crossed over her chest. 
She certainly looked the part of someone who had spent years training, learning to kill creatures of the supernatural kind. The sleeves of her gray-green bomber jacket were pushed up to her elbows, exposing tiny scars on her otherwise perfect skin, and her tight pants looked like they had enough give to let her run or jump or perform any other movements that might be necessary. From her posture to her stance, she gave off an air that whispered the kind of confidence that didn’t need to be constantly shoved in anyone’s face. It was there, end of story. 
“Hey,” you greeted back with a quiet voice. 
She pointed to the open space next to you on the couch. “Mind if I sit there?”
You shrugged. “Sure.”
With a soft nod, Harper sat next you, pulling her feet up and under her. She didn’t say anything for a while, her eyes wandering around the living room. You tried to find something to say. It was uncomfortable, the air suffocating you. It would be rude to just get up and walk out after she’d asked to sit with you so escape wasn’t exactly an option. Besides, you didn’t mind Harper, in fact you liked her from the small time you’d spent with her. It was just the awkwardness hanging between you.  
“Can I ask you something?” Harper finally spoke up. Once again, you picked at your cubicles, fairly certain of what she wanted to know. But you nodded anyway. “Why did you make the glass tip over?”
The phrasing of the question took you by surprise. You looked at Harper with wide eyes. Over and over, you opened your mouth just to close it again in an instance. 
“It wasn’t that hard to put together,” Harper chuckled. “But you don’t have to worry. Your secret’s safe with me.”
It wasn’t, really, since Sehun knew as well, but you had a small amount of faith that he wasn’t going to say anything to anyone. “I didn’t mean to do it. Things like that just sort of... happen.” You didn’t really want to go into detail about your powers and your life for the second time that day. It was exhausting to explain and the others didn’t give you the same open feeling that Sehun did. “I was just annoyed, so....” You mimed the glass tipping over. 
Harper made a face. “Yeah, Mina was kind of… a lot. It was a nice change of pace after that happened.”
You laughed. “That’s an understatement.”
“Honestly, I’m not sure how those two are friends. Dana is so sweet.”
“Maybe there’s something there that we don’t see?” you offered up. You weren’t sure why you were giving Mina a defense, but out it came anyway. Maybe it was because you were used to others judging you so quickly. 
“True,” Harper agreed with a nod. “Then again, we all have different sides to us, don’t we?”
“Some of us more than others,” you agreed. Taking a deep breath, you took a risk. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“How do you survive here?” You wanted to slap your own forehead for how you phrased it. Too blunt, too forward. 
“It’s hard,” she admitted. “Some still don’t trust me. But having people on your side helps.”
“Like Luhan?”
Harper smiled. It softened everything about her face, making the hunter melt away and bringing the loving mate to the surface. “Yes, like Luhan. But Hae In and Lottie have helped, too. Friends are just as important.”
“So, basically, you’re saying make friends?” It made sense. Only having one person to rely on when you felt so alone was draining. And Soomi was often off doing her own research with Junmyeon and Kita. She couldn’t be by your side twenty-four-seven and you certainly didn’t want that either. 
“If you want one.” 
The offer was right there on the table. And you were eager to take it. 
At the smile broadening across your face, Harper jumped up from the couch. “Come on,” she urged. “I don’t think you spent enough time in town today. Luhan’s working tonight and I think we can score a few drinks. What do you say?”
What did you say? Yes. Yes, yes, yes! It sounded exactly like the kind of night you needed. A night spent not thinking about Sehun or your powers or whatever the hell was supposed to be coming for you or the pack was surely an answer to your prayer. 
Pushing yourself up from the couch, you said, “Let’s go.”
Harper threw an arm around your shoulders and the two of you walked out of that house as if you’d been friends for years. Part of you thought for a second that you should tell Soomi where you were going, but you decided not to. You were with Harper so you would be more than fine. 
When you came back from the bar it was about two in the morning. Luhan had driven the two of you home since neither you nor Harper were in any condition to drive. 
Soomi was furious. Luhan had texted the others almost as soon as you arrived at the bar so they knew where you were, but that didn’t mean she was okay with your decision to leave without saying something to her first. She lectured behind you all the way up the stairs. You were sleepy thanks to the drinks you and Harper had bonded over and really just wanted to go to bed. Hardly any of her words were actively storing in your mind. Too much was going on in there to really focus on her, anyway. Down in the living room, Sehun had been leaning up against the wall, frowning at you in a disapproving manner. What did he care what you did with your own time?
Thankfully, your tipsy brain didn’t allow you to think about this since almost as soon as you hit the bed, you were out. But it wasn’t a peaceful rest. 
You were back in the forest that you’ve visited before in your previous visions. The trees that surrounded you were all too familiar even if the clearing that you stood in wasn’t. A pale hand gently gripped your shoulder, urging you on. You weren’t sure how you could tell what the person behind you was trying to make you do, but you did. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the wisps of blonde strands blowing in the wind. You didn’t turn around to see the face that the hair and the hand belonged to. Instead, your focus was honed in on the fallen logs and trees that were scattered around the clearing. 
The hand squeezed your shoulder in a way to signal to you. You raised your arm, your own hand stretched out, fingers taunt and stiff. 
“Think of hate,” the voice behind you commanded. “Think of your pain.”
You obeyed. You could feel the ache in your chest rising up as if it were real, happening to you in that moment. Your eyes swelled with tears as you remembered all the times that you were ostracized, judged, ridiculed. All of that manifested itself in your powers. You could feel the surge building up in your hand, begging to be released. 
“Good,” came the whisper. “Now let it go. You are so full of potential. Don’t hold back and see what you can do.”
The wood in front of you burst into flames. They weren’t tiny flickers or small, dancing fires dotted here and there. They were the kind that roared dangerously, on the verge of raging out of control. You could feel the heat even though you thought you were a safe distance away. Beads of sweat grew on your face. They slid down your cheeks and dripped from your jaw to land on your shirt and exposed collarbone. You flinched back as little sparks of ash jumped out from the glowing logs, rising into the air before dying out. 
Laughing erupted behind you. It was maniacal, like from a madwoman who’d spent years in an asylum and had finally broken free. 
You jumped forward in your bed, pulled from the dream by the new voice crying out for you. That was when you saw what you had done. 
Fire surrounded your bed, trapping you within its circle. It grew in ferocity. Inching in closer and closer, the flames licked at the blanket that covered your legs and the frame that held up the mattress. Soomi stood on the other side of the room, terrified. Your own panic was rising. What had you done?
The door to the room slammed open to reveal Sehun, a look of horror on his face as he took in the sight that he’d discovered. You tried to call out to him, but the smoke coated your throat, allowing you to do nothing besides cough to try and keep breathing. The fire was well over four feet high now. You had no chance of escape as they continued to grow. 
Something in Sehun snapped into action. He ran to the other bed, ripping off the blanket before running back over to you. With the blanket held out in front of him, he jumped and wrapped you in the blanket as he tackled you over the flames and down to the floor. As soon as you were out of danger, he turned back around and smothered the fire with the blanket as quickly as he could. 
More pack members arrived. They crowded the doorway with dropped jaws and wide eyes. Junmyeon and Kris pushed through them with buckets of water, extinguishing the fire for good. 
In heavy breaths, Kris straightened up and looked around the room before his eyes settled on you down on the floor. “What the hell just happened?”
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realfuurikuuri · 4 years
Chapters: 16/? Fandom: Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Mao Mao/Tanya Keys, Mao mao/badgerclops
MissingArm!AU: When escaping the cave, it wasn't his tail that got crushed. In exchange for his innocence, he gained a sordid past. The Pure Heart Valley seemed like a good place to escape. To start a new life with a new family to forge a new identity. However, when the past rears its ugly head Mao Mao's forced to step up or be put down.
Direct AO3 Link: XXX
The chilly wind rolled over the grass and blew through Mao Mao’s fur. Maybe living out in the middle of these hills wasn’t the best idea. The lack of vegetation meant no heat was locked in making night terribly cold. Mao Mao didn’t mind. It was like the cold chill of eating a mint wrapped around his entire body. He could focus on that instead of the thoughts swimming in his head.
Mao Mao sat himself down on a grassy knoll, far, far from home. From here, he could see the entire kingdom. The forest stretched on like an endless sea of trees. The junkyard was dark and quiet as his enemies slept.  HQ was just a tiny yellow dot he could barely see. The city slept quietly with the sweetipies. The Ruby Pure Heart itself, sat atop the spire emanating a perverse pink glow.
Strange. It didn’t always do that, did it? He scratched his chin wondering if it was also glowing during the day. Regardless, it was certainly bright as shit tonight. Speaking of light pollution Mao Mao looked up. It was easy to forget that the night sky was not actually black. It sang in hues of deep purple and blue. It was beautiful. Just not beautiful enough.
Terrible thoughts kept intruding on his peace. They whispered in his ear how much everyone hates him. How he hurt Tanya and Jǐngtì: his own family. How he was irresponsible and irredeemable. Given enough time he was sure he’d hurt Adorabat too. It's not like he can do anything else.
Maybe it was time to move on. He could pack his things and hit the road again, leave his problems here and see what else he could screw up in other parts of the world. He couldn’t stay here. The guilt was just too much to bear; it was physically painful. He clutched the severed stump of his arm from the fiery pain, pulling his hand black to see if it was bleeding despite it long being healed. The fresh wound in his stomach hurt with a nauseating pain that felt like it was bleeding again.
Maybe he deserved the pain. No. He definitely deserved the pain. It didn’t compare to half of the things he’s inflicted on others. Mao Mao fell back, lying in the grass as he pondered. What is justice? If he hazard a guess he would say wrong actions being punished . But what is wrong? Stealing is wrong, and thus deserves to be punished, but what is punishment? It's apparently not straightforward. Stealing is wrong, but you can’t apply the same punishment to two different people, otherwise, justice becomes wrong, and… what then? Who or what becomes justice?
Maybe his father was right not to keep him out of it. He couldn’t even wrap his mind around the basic concepts, let alone do his job well, although it's not like he has the skills to do anything else. Maybe that’s why everything he does goes wrong. Because he is wrong.
It was a sobering thought. It felt kind of like a cold splash of water, or maybe a punch to the face he didn’t stop. He was wrong; he was the Villain of this story, but if that were the case, then who's the Hero?
There was something hovering in front of his face, or maybe it was someone. It was a face, but it was blank and featureless, masterfully crocheted out of pink string or twine. Despite this, Mao Mao never moved. Was this sleep paralysis? He hadn’t had it happen to him since childhood, but it would be disgustingly on brand for it to show up now, and he supposed that this was his sleep paralysis demon. To give credit to his own mind, it was rather unsettling. The stings shifted as it pulled back its arm and brandished its claws, five fingers that ended in needle fine points.
The claw came rushing at him, judging from the trajectory, it was going for his neck. The masochist in him welcomed this, he folded his arms over his chest and waited for the hallucination to be over. The claw came rushing at him, judging from the trajectory, it was going for his neck. Sleep paralysis rarely lasts more than a second, after all, but Mao Mao noticed something odd.
How’d he move his arms?
This was supposed to be sleep Paralysis . He wiggled his ears just to be sure, and yep, he could still move. If he could move then that means that this wasn’t sleep paralysis and if this wasn’t sleep paralysis then that thing wasn’t a hallucination, and the claw coming at his neck was very real.
The claws cleaved the dirt where once was. He had rolled to the side, springing to his feet with a sword in his only hand. It was only a graze, but he could feel blood dripping down his neck. The monster followed him with its eyeless face, it cocked its head to the sides, as if confused, before standing up on the spindly spikes it called legs.
It stepped forward to take another swipe. Mao Mao pulled at Geraldine, finding her stuck in her sheath. He neglected to take care of her, and now he was paying for it. The demon swiped again, but Mao Mao stabbed Geraldine into the ground and tugged with a step forward. Geraldine cleaved a golden arc across the monster’s chest.
Instead of being sprayed with blood, Mao Mao was met with strings like he cut into a pillow. The monster stumbled back, but the string moved of its own accord. They moved like worms, knotting themselves together and wrapping themselves back up. The monster fell forward, whatever damage he’d done was already gone.  Was the wound too shallow?
The monster kept swinging, Mao Mao blocked high, he blocked low. He parried at his midsection and stabbed forward. His sword went straight through, he could see the frayed string, but something was wrong. There wasn’t a change in feel. He didn’t break the skin, bite into muscle, pierce through organs, and back out the other side.
It was just more string.
The frayed bits of string began to mend. It was healing around the sword! Mao Mao jostled his sword, wiggling it free, and falling back. He scrambled back to his feet away from the claws that raked the dirt. It was hard to move. So hard. His fur stood on end, Geraldine shook in his hands, and there was a searing pain in his side. He’d heard that rain could aggravate old wounds, but the stars were almost as bright as the Ruby Pure Heart. The only other reason an old wound would be aching was if the one who gave it was nearby, but that… might not be totally impossible.
Mao Mao squinted, trying to get a good look. He might’ve seen it before. The only things that came to mind were vague half-drunken memories. He’s been blackout drunk many times, but the fact the aching hole in his side did give Mao Mao a clue. Badgerclops did hint at something else happening that day. First, he fought Jǐngtì. After that, he fought Shin Mao. Finally, he fought this… thing.
What was standing in front of him now was an indescribable existence. What was he supposed to do? Every time the strings would sew themselves together like God was stitching it himself. The monster stepped forward and Mao Mao stepped back. What else was he supposed to do? His hero training had no advice, and even if it did Mao Mao was sure he’d fuck it up like everything else. He kept backing away, stumbling over his own tail. What was wrong with him. Sweat pooled inside his gloves, he could hear his heart thundering in his head, and it was getting hard to breathe. Was this a stroke? Was his wish coming at the worst possible time?
No. This was a primal childish urge that made his teeth chatter, his pulse rise to the heavens, and heart sink to the depths.
It was fear.
Mao Mao was used to soldiering through things with balls bursting with bravado, and if that couldn’t work then anger usually sufficed but this... He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t fight this. This featureless creature shambling towards him wasn’t a monster. It was something out of those scary stories he read under the blanket at night. It was something out of a Mr. Din Danalin horror movie. It was an unkillable demon that belonged in nightmares. He wanted to lash out. To strike this thing down, but he could barely stand.
All he could do was hold his sword in his mouth, get down on all fours, and run.
* * *
Badgerclops sat on the couch. There was nothing odd about that; what was odd was what he was doing. He didn’t have the controller in his hands. The TV wasn’t even on. He leaned forward, elbows on his knees, resting his chin on clasped together hands. He was thinking about what to do. Jǐngtì was sleeping in the other room and he didn’t know what to do with the boy next. Probably wait for Tanya to get him, but getting him to stay one night was a task and a half. Then there’ Mao Mao. Badgerclops rubbed his temples and groaned. What to do with that dumpster-fire? Jǐngtì wouldn’t tolerate being under the same roof as him, so Mao Mao couldn’t stay at HQ. On the other hand, Badgerclops really didn’t want to let him out of his sight. That was a problem waiting to happen.
The front door slammed shut. Badgerclops looked up to see Mao Mao scurrying into the bedroom. Badgerclops extended his arm with a sigh, picking the cat up and holding him out in front of him.
“You certainly took your sweet-”
Badgerclops stopped himself short. There was something off about Mao Mao.  More off than usual, at least. His fur was puffed up, he stank of sweat, and his chest was still heaving. His arms were clutched close to his chest. He held his sword in one hand, but the sheath wasn’t at his hip.
“What happened,” Badgerclops asked.
“There’s a demon outside,” he croaked.
Color him surprised, Mao Mao came across a monster he couldn’t kill. It would’ve been funny if the idea of something like that wasn’t so viscerally terrifying. Badgerclops got up from the couch to peek through the curtains. It was oddly pink outside, which was weird, but there was nothing there. He checked the window near the door and the checked backyard kitchen window. At that point Badgerclops was confident enough to step onto the porch and look around.
Still pink. Still nothing.
“I don’t see any monster,” he said.
“Not a monster. A demon,” Mao Mao corrected.
Badgerclops folded his arms. “I know that you know there’s no such thing as a demon.”
“What? Demons exist. There was literally one outside.”
Badgerclops huffed a sigh. He knew the cat was a lot of things: depressed, violent, traumatized, horrible for starters. Might as well add superstitious to that list.  He leaned closer to Mao Mao, looking at the side of his sclera. There were frazzled red veins poking out from the side.
“I think you just had a nightmare,” Badgerclops said,” don’t sleep outside, dude.”
“What? I didn’t have a nightmare-”
Badgerclops thrust a finger to his lips. “Shhh, your son is sleeping in the other room.”
Mao Mao slowed to a stop, quickly diverting his eyes to the floor. Badgerclops pulled away only to reach for Mao Mao when he tried to poke his head into the bedroom. “Don’t go back there! I barely got him to go to bed.”
“He’s not there.”
Badgerclops head snapped up. “What?”
“He’s not there,” Mao Mao repeated.
“What do you mean he’s not there.”
“Jǐngtì… he’s… not here.”
Badgerclops pushed Mao Mao out of the way. The blankets on the bottom bunk had been thrown aside; a cold draft blew through the open window. Badgerclops slammed it shut with a loud Slam! . A mistake. He forgot Adorabat was still sleeping. He could hear the child mumble, but Mao Mao scratched her behind the ears and lulled her back to sleep.
Badgerclops pinched the bridge of his nose. It was late, he was tired, and he was letting frustration win. He looked up when Mao Mao placed a supportive hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
Badgerclops slowly turned to face him. The frustration he just forced down was boiling back up. He stood up, took a deep breath, and was this close to yelling before he caught himself. He grabbed Mao Mao and dragged him out of the bedroom, into the living room, and into the kitchen where he was sure he wouldn’t disturb Adorabat.
“What’s going-”
He cut Mao Mao off. “What the hell is wrong with you,” he hissed,” it doesn’t matter how capable you think he is! He’s still a child! You don’t just let them do what they want! You don’t let him room with criminals, you don’t let him wander off on his own, and you don’t put him in jail. He’s barely old enough to play outside without adult supervision. You can be as weird and fucked up as you want, but don’t push the same shit onto your kid.”
Mao Mao stepped back, finding himself trapped in between a corner and an angry badger. Badgerclops didn’t know what to expect from Mao Mao. It certainly wasn’t for Mao Mao’s emotions to boil over and leak out in the form of tears. Immediately, Badgerclops felt like shit.
“Listen, Mao Mao,” he started, but couldn’t finish.
“No. No. It's fine… I’m… I’m…”
Mao Mao stepped past Badgclops. He trudged his way to the couch and listlessly fell onto it. He grabbed his cape and pulled it over his head like it was a blanket. Mao Mao stayed there, a little curled up dough ball, quietly crying itself to sleep.
Badgerclops sat at the kitchen table and put his hands on his face.
What to do? What to do?
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19. Clara
Author’s Note/Table of Contents
What started as a search for the Weasley twins soon turned into a session where I had to stop Charlie Weasley from dropping onto the floor, and more than once too.
There was no sign of the twins in the Grand Staircase, and we were soon redirected to the Gryffindor Common Room by Sir Cadogan, who was slashing away in his portrait at passing students just as he was always doing. Though he showed no joy or liking at the mention of Fred and George--rather, he called them two scoundrels with 'hair of hellfire and a devilish gleam in their eyes'--he eventually put aside his personal feelings to help us.
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The Gryffindor Common Room was thoroughly empty, and the foul stench that hung in the air gave us enough reason for the quiet state of the usually rowdy place. All around the room we saw Dungbombs, nestled carefully in the cushions of sofas and also by the fireplace and wardrobes--however, there was no other clue to their present location.
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Eventually, we decided to pay Peeves a visit in his room, but Peeves insisted that we appeased him with acts of childish madness and mischief--even go as far as cast the Tongue-Tying Curse on poor Charlie--in exchange for the information he had on Fred and George. Apparently he decided to go and forget everything I did for him last year, because he remembered nothing of the mischief masterpiece I put together for him in exchange for the vault portrait we needed so badly. I figured, with a new year came new people to one-up others' reputations. I just wasn't sure whether I should applaud the twins for coming up with such a clever way to amuse him.
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And now we were at the threshold of the Forbidden Forest--the last place either of us wanted to be looking for the twins at such a late hour. The usual dense white fog had evaporated into a light mist, a long unbroken veil that snaked between the trees and barely grazed over the gnarly roots. The occasional howl broke the otherwise eerie silence. I glanced over at Charlie, whose face had turned all but pale yet again, and I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if we returned to Hogwarts empty-handed.
The entire time, Charlie had been in an absolute panic. Every new location we went to saw his hopes being smashed with the absence of his twin brothers, broken further and further until his guard had completely crumbled. Even if we managed to trick Peeves into telling us where Fred and George went, he didn't hold onto that confidence for long. The longer we were at this, the more I felt that he could potentially break again with all that happened in the span of a few hours. After all, we were now the eldest siblings with younger ones to care for. If anything happened to them--well, plainly spoken, nothing would ever be the same.
"It's hopeless, Clara," Charlie finally groaned, burying his head in his hands. "What if we never find them? The fact that Peeves mentioned a familiar face isn't making me feel better. What if it's Rakepick? What if it's..."
The pep that was usually in his voice whenever he talked of dragons was now long gone, replaced with pure fear and anguish that would relentlessly grip at any vulnerable soul. Catastrophe has affected too many of my friends. Charlie didn't deserve to feel any of this hopelessness that should have been reserved for me.
I turned to him and gently grasped his shoulders, my eyes locked with his. "Charlie, I'm just as scared as you are. We both have little siblings we have to look out for now, and with the curses running rampant it's not always easy to keep an eye on them all the time. But if we show weakness, the enemy will take advantage and go after them. Please stay strong, Charlie--not just for me, but for Fred and George, and little Em, and everyone we all care about so much."
Tear-filled eyes stared back into mine, and for a moment I thought Charlie was going to drop on the ground in exhaustion and despair. Then he unexpectedly pulled me in for a hug, his arms wrapped around me so tightly I could feel his rapid heartbeat against my clothes, warm tears falling onto my shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Clara. I'm sorry I'm such a mess," Charlie admitted. "I was so worried that the Cursed Vaults may have hurt more of my family, I panicked."
"I would have, too," I whispered, allowing a hand to rub his back. "But worrying won't do anything for us. We'll fight it together."
That was when I noticed a couple fresh tracks in front of me, and I lifted my head to see where they were headed.
"Let's follow these tracks. They might lead us to Fred and George."
Hand in hand, we headed into the thicket, following the footprints on the ground that eventually brought us to the Red Cap's Hole. As we clambered in, I caught sight of the twins sitting on the ground, legs crossed and expressions pensive.
"Fred! George! There you are!" I cried, almost losing my footing and tripping on the ground as Charlie lowered himself to the ground.
"Of all the places in the Forbidden Forest, you had to end up at one of the most dangerous, at night no less," Charlie said plainly, walking up to the twins with a frown on his face. "We'll have to talk later, but I'm just happy you're alright!"
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"We were afraid you'd gone missing because of the Statue Curse," I added on, eyebrows narrowing slightly at the twins.
Fred turned to George then, a wicked gleam in his eye. "Did you hear that, George? We were missing."
"Funny. I didn't feel missing," George responded lightly. "Did you, Fred?"
"Nope, I'm right here!" Fred said.
"Guys, this is serious. When we got Peeves to tell us that you'd come to the Forbidden Forest chasing after someone...and we followed your tracks here...I was terrified you'd run into Rakepick or one of her lot," Charlie admitted.
"Pish, Charlie, no need to get your knickers in a twist. We're fine!" Fred insisted.
"And we have a perfectly good reason for coming out here, honest!" George piped up.
Before anyone else could get a word in, a sudden scratching and growl caught my attention, and I turned round to see the Red Cap return, the little pale demon holding his long menacing club. "Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!" he chanted, his eyes sweeping over the four of us.
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“Any chance you have a Beautification potion on you, Charlie?” I asked him timidly, searching my pockets now but coming up empty. It was one of the only ways to get the Red Cap out of the way--and I wouldn’t risk trying to hit it with a hex right now.
Charlie, however, shook his head. “Nope. Afraid not.”
"Stand back, you two. I just got a brilliant idea!" Fred said, the wicked gleam returning to his eye.
"If he's thinking what I think he's thinking, you might want to plug your noses," George warned.
And with that, Fred pulled out a Dungbomb from his trouser pocket and lobbed it toward the Red Cap, who instantly withdrew into the darkness at the slightest whiff of the disgusting stench the prank device left behind.
"Whew. That worked...a bit too well," I remarked, wrinkling my nose at the smell.
"I've never been so happy to smell a Dungbomb," Charlie added in with a laugh.
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"Right. Let's get out of here, I've had enough Dungbomb stink for one day," I suggested.
"You said it. Besides, Bill would want to see Fred and George are safe at Hogwarts before he has to leave," Charlie said with a nod.
"No! Wait. We have something important to tell Clara about why we came here," Fred interjected, waving a hand.
"We think we saw a wizard who looked like your brother!" George blurted out eventually. "It matched his description, at least."
Wait a second. Jacob was here at Hogwarts? Or at least spotted on Hogwarts grounds? Why would Fred and George perform these pranks to confirm this? I folded my arms and looked at them skeptically, waiting for the pull on my leg, but no catch came. Even so, I didn't feel as hopeful as I thought I'd be.
"A wizard who looked like my brother? Do you know where he went?" I questioned them.
George shook his head. "Sorry, Clara. By the time we had crawled into the Red Cap's hole, he'd disappeared."
"But he must be around! If so, I have to see him and hope he's alright!" I cried. "Where do I start, though?"
"Why not you ask Filch if he's seen your brother?" Charlie suggested. "He's always bragging about how he knows everything that happens on Hogwarts grounds."
"I suppose I'll do that first thing tomorrow morning," I said with a nod. "Thanks for the suggestion, Charlie."
Charlie beamed, and I could see the genuine happiness radiate over his face, casting away all the fear from before.
"Good luck, Clara," Charlie eventually said. "I hope you're reunited with your brother like I was reunited with mine."
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Chapter Sixteen- Sasha
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The rain pounded against the roof of Nesta’s old home relentlessly, a few of the shingles threatening to fall off. It was a ruthless, cold rain storm- winter was coming, and fast. And by the looks of how the planks of the house trembled against the wind, Sasha knew that it wouldn’t last for the entirety of winter. 
Nevertheless, Sasha had bought the house from Nesta under another alias, and would be staying here when training her and Estelle- none of them actually knew she was here. If they knew where she resided, then the Inner Circle did as well. So it was best that Sasha kept that information to herself. 
She extended a rain soaked hand towards the house, watching some of the damage repair itself- a broken window, a hole in the roof. All minimal, to keep suspicion down. Already some of her neighbors have tried to pry information from her- they left with the threat that their house would mysteriously disappear if they didn’t leave her alone. 
She brushed a strand of wet hair out of her face, inspected the house one last time before going inside. She would add more changes tomorrow, after training. They had continued practicing different weapons and styles of combat- Nesta was advancing wonderfully with the sword, and Estelle had shown promise with archery. 
She smiled to herself. Aegan would’ve been proud, watching her friends progress. Sasha knew that the Illyrian was dying to train them herself- they would benefit greatly from her. However, Aegan was stuck in the mountains until the end of the month, and not even the strongest army could force her out. Not with Rhysand and Azriel keeping a sharp eye on her. 
Sasha glanced around once more, before stepping inside the house, the thick wooden door slamming behind her. Instantly, the smell of must slammed into her- that needed to change, and fast. A flick of her wrist had the smell- and whatever it’s source was- disappear, leaving a not-as-nasty smell of sawdust. Was Nesta woodworking in here? 
Collapsing onto the worn green sofa, she pulled out her throwing knives, a whetstone and a cloth to polish them. Aegan had gifted them to her years before being taken by Hybern- they were celebrating her 18th birthday, and while many female fae might’ve gotten new clothes or fancy jewelry, she had gotten knives. And to her, they were the best birthday present ever. 
She poured some oil onto her cloth and started to clean the blades. It was a relaxing activity- all she needed was a glass of wine and she would truly feel at ease. Her own passive face started back at her as she wiped the knives clean of blood and grime, the steel glinting in the candle light. 
Her mind naturally began to wander, as she set one knife down and picked up another. Of course, Aegan’s well being was the main subject. The way she looked yesterday was horrifying- never in her life had she seen the Illyrian cry for mercy. The power that Sasha had taken from her, that now resided deep within her own chest, was nothing she had ever seen before. For her friend, it was eating her alive, but for her…. It stirred a little from day to day, but otherwise was quiet. As if it were waiting for something. 
She prodded that power once again, for the millionth time today. Again, nothing extraordinary happened. It was almost disappointing- usually, she was able to use the power that she took from others. Maybe it was a blessing from above that she couldn’t use Aegan’s. 
Nesta’s power was another thing to be curious about. Sasha was amazed- and slightly terrified- when she felt that raw, gruesome power in the female’s body that day. How she managed to get gifted by the cauldron was beyond her, but the only thing she wanted to know was what Nesta could do with it. She had tried asking her today, but she dodged it effortlessly. Even though Sasha could just take that power from her and try it out herself, she wouldn’t be able to give it back to her- yet, at least. She had been using almost all of her free time to practice the transferring of powers to individuals, leaving her too exhausted to function on most days. For now, she merely trapped them in Hybern Crystal- like quartz, it was a milky white, but when introduced to a well of power, it would change color. 
A few crystals laid next to her on the small coffee table. A good number of her crystals were filled with the powers of the Illyrians unlucky enough to suffer her wrath during Aegan’s disappearance. Many others were filled with the powers of Fae all across Hybern and Prythian. It was like a souvenir from her travels- an icy blue one was from some Winter Court buffoon, an orange one from a Day Court gentleman. 
Her favorite one was a red crystal, hidden beneath a pile of clothes. It gifted her amazing pyrokinesis abilities- fire had always been her favorite ability. She loved the way it could burn and destroy everything she despised, while also being a source of warmth and light. However, she had not used it in awhile, as she hadn’t needed to burn down anything- yet.
A loud knock at the door caused her to jump. “Who could that be?” She muttered to herself, keeping one of her blades close by her side as she crept towards the door. Nesta and Estelle didn’t know she lived here, and most of her neighbors knew to leave her alone. ‘Could it be the inner circle?’ She thought to herself, suspicion swishing around in her gut. 
“Hello?” A voice called out from behind the door. “Nes, are you home?” 
It was Cassian, clearly here to bother poor Nesta. Why he wasn’t in the Illyrian Mountains, doing his job, was unbeknownst to her. But he was interrupting her one relaxing activity of the day- he had to go. 
“You have the wrong address” she called out, not bothering to open the door. “There is no ‘Nes’ here anymore.” 
She heard him scoff. “And who is this?” 
Sasha rolled her eyes, swinging open the door. “Me, you damn idiot. Are you always this annoying?” She asked, enjoying the way his face paled dramatically. Clearly, he wasn’t suspecting to see the girl he locked up to be standing in Nesta’s old home. 
He cleared his throat, in an attempt to compose himself slightly. “My apologies, Miss…”
Cassian grinned. “Okay, Ms. Kore. Do you know where Nesta is?” 
Sasha crossed her arms, not returning his smile. “Why should I tell you anything?” She snapped. “Mother above, you locked me up in the Prison for 300 years.” 
“You were sending innocent Illyrians to their graves, Sasha. I had no choice but to go after you.”
She felt her power rile up within her, that red crystal silently beckoning her to burn this prick to the ground. “Your ‘innocent Illyrians’ had raped and slaughtered Aegan’s mother, and had harassed her and Aegan for years. They were the ones who brought Hybern to those mountains to take Aegan away from me” she seethed, her hand gripping the doorframe roughly. 
Cassian’s smile dropped. “You don’t know that” he told her all too softly. 
“Don’t I?” She smiled sickly, before slamming the door in his face, going back to the green sofa. She knew he still stood in the doorway, probably contemplating whether to let himself in. If he did…. She had three knives freshly polished and sharpened at her side. She would hate it if she had to use them just after cleaning them. 
Eventually, she heard his heavy footsteps march down the wooden steps, growing quieter as he walked away. 
Sasha released a sigh she didn’t know she was holding. Grabbing another knife, she went back to sharpening, gripping the whetstone tightly. She did not regret killing those Ironcrest males all those years ago. And if they dared to come after any of her friends, especially Estelle or Nesta…. There would be no hesitation- Sasha would broil them alive. And let Aegan rip them apart. 
Yesterday’s rain had caused the forest floor to be a pit of mud and loose debris, proving to be quite the obstacle for Sasha and Nesta as they raced through the trees. Estelle had injured her knee the other day- she was forced to stay home to heal. Although Sasha hoped that the Illyrian healed soon, she was thankful for this time alone with Nesta. Perhaps they would finally discuss her gifts- a task already proven to be difficult. 
“How’s Estelle?” Sasha asked, as she leapt over a fallen tree. She hadn’t been able to swing by to check on her, and she couldn’t just ask the inner circle if she was feeling better. In fact, the three of them had agreed to keep Estelle’s injury a secret, to avoid any unwanted questions. 
Nesta shrugged. “She said she would try doing some easy exercise later, once the Inner Circle was out doing their own thing,” she told her, going around a large rock. “I told her to be careful- her knee was swelling last night.”
She frowned. How Estelle had managed to injure herself was still a mystery to her- one second, she was on her feet, the next, on the ground, gripping her knee like there was no tomorrow.  “I’ll send her more salve tonight- she needs to apply it an hour before going to bed.”
Nesta nodded. “So, what are we doing today, if Estelle’s not here?” She asked, slowing down as they reached their clearing. 
Sasha merely sat on a boulder. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you” she began to say, sending her a look. 
Shaking her head, Nesta began to back up. “No, we are not talking about that-”
“Nesta.” Sasha met her friend’s fiery gaze. “You might not like your gift, but it’ll protect you well.” 
Her face twisted slightly. “I haven’t been able to summon that power ever since the war against Hybern. I doubt I’ll be able to summon it ever again” she told her, balling her fists at her side. As if she was expecting some sort of fight.
Sasha pursed her lips. It would be no use for her to try to get Nesta to learn how to wield her power if she was unwilling. Even with the threat of Ironcrest loaming dangerously over the horizon… It was best for both of them to focus on one thing at a time, and not try anything new. 
Still, her curiosity got the best of her. “May I at least see it? You would’ve have to do anything” Sasha asked, her power already reaching out towards the hidden well of destruction deep in her friend. “After that, I promise to leave you alone about it.”
She looked hesitant. “Fine,” Nesta finally blurted out. “Just don’t try to use it in any way, okay?” 
Sasha would have responded, but she had instantly latched to that dark power, awed at the way it hummed and burned her all the same. It was like fire, but deadlier. This was a weapon that could level any army. The Cauldron had gifted her in an… interesting way. If only she could explore it further…
Sasha pulled away before things got out of hand. It pained her so- so much power thundered there- but she did promise not to use it for herself. Maybe some other time, then. 
“Well?” Nesta called out, knocking Sasha out of her daze. “What did you find?” 
She felt a grin plaster itself on her face. “A weapon stronger than anything I’ve ever seen. And trust me, I’ve seen just about every blade and magic in Prythian.” 
Nesta let out a shudder. “It’s probably a good thing that I can’t use it- I might accidentally hurt you or Estelle.”
Sasha sent her a pointed look. “Which is why you need to learn how to control it. I can teach you just as easily as I do Estelle with her blades. If you want help, don’t be afraid to ask” she told her, turning around briefly to slip off the boulder. She then walked over to the hollowed out tree, where the dulled swords were stored. “So, do you want spar for a couple minutes, before practicing with the bow?” 
She was met with silence. Sasha turned around, arching an eyebrow. “Well?” 
Nesta hadn’t moved from her spot. “I’ll do it,” she whispered, her eyes not leaving the ground.
“Okay, come grab your sword-”
“No”, she interrupted. “I’ll learn how to use my ‘gift’, if that’ll make you feel any better.” 
“I just want you to feel confident with magic, Nesta” Sasha told her, her face softening as she saw the despair in her friend’s eyes. “Think of it as a second suit of armor- even if you only have only a basic understanding of it, it’ll still be hard for most to harm you with that sort of power on your side.” 
Nesta’s eyes lifted. “I guess you have a point. But I don’t even know how to summon it in the first place.” 
Sasha tapped her finger on her chin. “Well, it usually takes something to trigger your powers,” she began to say, setting the practice swords back into the tree. “Emotions can cause your magic to flare up- the stronger the emotion, the more reactive your powers get.” 
She then twirled a throwing knife in her hand. “Anger and fear might be the easiest to summon, wouldn’t you agree?” Sasha asked, before hurtling the knife straight at Nesta’s head. 
~Nesta’s POV~
It took all of her training to avoid that blade, which had embedded itself in the tree behind her and not her head, thankfully. Still, it kicked her nerves into overdrive, as she watched Sasha pull out two more knives.
“What are you doing?” She hissed, before diving sideways, the knives whistling just past her ear. 
Sasha merely grinned. “Getting a rile out of you, of course. I’m also testing your reflexes- if you can’t dodge these throws, then I’m doing a terrible job training you.”
Nesta growled, before grabbing one of the blades thrown at her. Hurling it at Sasha, she had hoped it would at least distract the redhead long enough for her to tackle her to the ground. Of course, it didn’t work- the knife sailed a foot above Sasha’s head, before disappearing into the woods beyond. 
Frustration burned deep within her, Nesta feeling something white hot course through her veins. Sasha must’ve been looking for any sign of her powers, desperate for at least a flicker-
There. A small crackle of lightning. A tiny ember glowing in her chest. Nesta hastily grabbed at it, and poured all of her frustrations and anger into it, watching it grow and grow before her eyes. It wasn’t like how she was during the war, but it was a start. 
“Release, Nesta!” She heard Sasha tell her- the redhead was back on that rock, a knife in each hand. “Fire it all at me!” 
Any concern for her friend’s well-being was quickly washed away in a maelstrom of fire and lightning. Raising her hand, she unleashed that power straight at the stone. 
And watched the boulder crumble to dust.
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 14 October 2019
Quick Bits:
Absolute Carnage #4 is pretty damn big as we head towards the conclusion. Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer, Jay Leisten, Frank Martin, and Clayton Cowles set up near insurmountable odds for Eddie and Spider-Man to face, as Carnage inches closer to victory. It’s very daunting, especially as we potentially see hope fade as other dominoes fall into place. Though a shock revelation might lead to something good for the conclusion. The tension mounting and the continued blend of the rest of the tie-ins to the main story are very entertaining.
| Published by Marvel
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Absolute Carnage: Avengers #1 gives us a lead-in to how the previously symbiote-afflicted heroes got to Venom in Absolute Carnage #3 in addition to a bit about beacons in New York and San Francisco calling all symbiotes to feed something. It’s more elaboration on some details between panels for the event, but it’s rather entertaining and covers an element that was otherwise glossed over in the main series. Great art from Alberto Alburquerque, Guiu Vilanova, and Rachelle Rosenberg.
| Published by Marvel
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Aquaman #53 reveals more about Thomas Mauer and his history in the founding of Amnesty, complete with some really weird powers regarding manifesting beasties. Then, a reunion of Arthur and Mera is basically aborted as Black Manta attack. Kelly Sue DeConnick, Robson Rocha, Eduardo Pansica, Daniel Henriques, Julio Ferreira, Sunny Gho, and Clayton Cowles continue to deliver one of the best stories from DC.
| Published by DC Comics
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Archie #708 sees everything start to come together as all of the disparate story threads begin to converge somehow with Fox Forest. Nick Spencer, Mariko Tamaki, Sandy Jarrell, Matt Herms, and Jack Morelli really build tension here, with a rather spooky feel for what’s going on.
| Published by Archie Comics
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Batman #81 continues this next stage of Batman’s assault on the “City of Bane” as all of his “kids” work together to try to take down his father and he attempts to bring the fight to Bane himself. Tom King guides us through a narration essentially putting together some of the missing pieces in Gotham Girl’s story and further protections that he left in the city after Batman’s “breaking”.
| Published by DC Comics
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Bettie Page Unbound #5 serves as a coda to the first arc, from David Avallone, Moy R, Ellie Wright, Sheelagh D, and Taylor Esposito. It gives a bit of perspective on Bettie’s trip through alternate realities, while dealing a bit more with the spies who’ve been chasing her.
| Published by Dynamite
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The Black Ghost #2 is firing on all cylinders. The story that Alex Segura, Monica Gallagher, George Kambadais, Ellie Wright, and Taylor Esposito are telling here is incredibly compelling, going deep into Lara’s downward spiral following the death of the Black Ghost and all of the mounting problems in her life. There’s a very interesting theme of the intersection of solving a mystery and obsession, complete with the black hole of alcoholism, that just grabs you.
| Published by New Wave Comics
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Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda #2 concludes this opening arc from Jim Zub, Lan Medina, Craig Yeung, Marcio Menyz, and Joe Sabino. We get an interesting mix of Okoye and Janet facing their greatest fears, while elaborating further on the current state of the Sentry. I like this quick, two-part introductory arc structure, further giving this title the feel of a specialized group for certain threats.
| Published by Marvel
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Captain Marvel #11 concludes the “Falling Star” arc, revealing more fallout from the first arc and the sheer damage that it’s done to Ripley after she fell into the Nuclear Man’s reality. Kelly Thompson, Carmen Carnero, Tamra Bonvillain, and Clayton Cowles develop a rather demented look on “heroism” here that is quite disturbing.
| Published by Marvel
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Chastity #2 unveils more of the human trafficking operation that Chastity has found herself in. It’s not very pretty, but there are some nice funny moments to break up the dark subject matter. Leah Williams, David Maine, Bryan Valenza, and Carlos M. Mangual are telling an interesting story here.
| Published by Dynamite
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Contagion #3 continues to escalate the terror of the fungus plaguing New York, and now possibly beyond. There are appearances here of some very interesting near forgotten characters that are nice to see. Great art from Mack Chater, Stephen Segovia, Veronica Gandini, and Andrew Crossley.
| Published by Marvel
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Cult Classic: Creature Feature #1 is an interesting start to this second series. You don’t need to have read Return to Whisper before this, but I still highly recommend that series. Here Eliot Rahal, John Bivens, Jerrie, Monahan, and Taylor Esposito kick off a rather hectic beginning with alien creatures. The art from Bivens, Jerrie, and Monahan is wonderful.
| Published by Vault
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Dark Red #7 continues to develop the current state of the vampires after taking out the Nazis who were trying to take over, while Chip works to get the little were back to her werepeople. Definitely an interesting society that Tim Seeley, Corin Howell, Mark Englert, and Carlos M. Mangual are creating here.
| Published by AfterShock
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Excellence #6 concludes the first arc in rather spectacular fashion. Brandon Thomas, Khary Randolph, Emilio Lopez, and Deron Bennett have been doing some excellent character and world-building in this story and it really pays off here as we get a confrontation between Spencer and his dad, followed by one hell of a revelation that practically changes everything. Great stuff here.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Gideon Falls #17 begins “The Pentoculus” as things start to coalesce again into a sort of “normalcy” in both of our “main” Gideon Falls realities, even as something horrible takes hold of Sheriff Miller’s father. Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino, Dave Stewart, and Steve Wands establish even more horror here and the feeling that something more is very, very wrong.
| Published by Image
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Guardians of the Galaxy #10 catches up with the new baby Magus as we find out that the new incarnation might be as dangerous and deadly as the earlier ones. Also, what Donny Cates is doing with Rocket just cuts to the core.
| Published by Marvel
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Hit Girl: Season 2 #9 is the first part of “India” from Peter Milligan, Alison Sampson, Tríona Farrell, and Clem Robins. It sends Mindy off to the street of Mumbai where she’s trying to deal with a bizarre child trafficking/labour ring, and finding out that her actions may have caused more complications than good. There’s a very different feel to this new arc so far.
| Published by Image
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Inferior 5 #2 sure is...something. I’m still not entirely sure of the experiments or the characters or the setting, but Jeff Lemire, Keith Giffen, Michelle Delecki, Hi-Fi, and Rob Leigh are doing something that might be interesting here when we see a broader picture. It’s very “huh?” issue to issue so far. The back-up featuring Peacemaker, though, continues to be very compelling. Especially as it reveals that he may well be completely insane.
| Published by DC Comics
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The Island of Doctor Moreau #2 concludes this adaptation of the HG Wells story from Ted Adams, Gabriel Rodríguez, Nelson Dániel, and Robbie Robbins. Other than a few minor changes, it’s fairly faithful to the original. The story here is mostly told in double page spreads from Rodríguez and Dániel and they’re absolutely beautiful.
| Published by IDW
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Justice League #34 reminds us that revenge isn’t necessarily the correct path to take all the time, or possibly any time, as the endgame plays out across the different timelines and the combined forces gather for one final push against Perpetua. Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Bruno Redondo, Howard Porter, Hi-Fi, and Tom Napolitano lay out a wonderful tale of the final battle and a stupid, selfish act that has possibly doomed everything.
| Published by DC Comics
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Killer Groove #5 concludes what has been an excellent crime tale from Ollie Masters, Eoin Marron, Jordie Bellaire, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou. There’s an incredible nihilism here that feeds into a very fitting end.
| Published by AfterShock
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KI-6: Killers #4 gains a bit of a title change with the “KI-6″ bit in this penultimate issue of the series. Not really sure why, but it doesn’t ultimately make a difference for the story being told by B. Clay Moore, Fernando Dagnino, José Villarrubia, and Jeff Powell. We get a nice bit of the Jonin’s history before the two rival groups of former Ninjas show up.
| Published by Valiant
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The Marked #1 begins a new series from the Sonata team of David Hine, Brian Haberlin, Geirrod Van Dyke, and Francis Takenaga. It blends magic and tattoos as we learn of the history of a group of magicians who have defended the world from evil through the eyes of their newest recruit Saskia. Beautiful art as usual from the Haberlin/Van Dyke team.
| Published by Image / Shadowline
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The Mask: I Pledge Allegiance to the Mask #1 is kind of a strange return for the property, in a story from Christopher Cantwell, Patric Reynolds, Lee Loughridge, and Nate Piekos. It’s dark and deranged, which fits very well overall. While it does follow on from the previous stories, all that you really need to know to enjoy this story itself is revealed here. The political element adds an even greater feeling of being put off-balance.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Midnight Vista #2 very nicely develops what Oliver remembers of his abduction and the fallout that has been happening in the ensuing years since he’s been missing. Eliot Rahal, Clara Meath, Mark Englert, and Taylor Esposito are doing some interesting things here, especially as other forces are trying to guide Oliver’s story.
| Published by AfterShock
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Psi-Lords #5 elaborates a bit further on the societal structure of the Gyre and the various gangs on it, while we see one of the Starwatchers try to turn Steve. It’s interesting as we get a little bit that gives us more of an insight into the ties to the broader Valiant Universe here and some very nice character building. Renato Guedes art remains phenomenal.
| Published by Valiant
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Rick and Morty vs. Dungeons & Dragons - Chapter II: Painscape #2 guides us through some of Rick’s history with D&D, creating some horrible characters that anyone who’s played the game will be familiar with, and an entertaining dungeon crawl. I’m still loving how perfectly Jim Zub, Troy Little, Leonardo Ito, and Crank! are integrating D&D into Rick and Morty.
| Published by Oni Press & IDW
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Rumble #17 follows a similar format as last issue’s selection of three stories, only this time there are only two stories, with one split between two different creators. That two-part story is a wonderful crossover between Rumble and Head Lopper, with Andrew MacLean and James Harren handling the line art. It’s pretty great overall, with a natural melding of the two properties, and very nice to see Harren’s return. 
| Published by Image
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Savage Sword of Conan #10 begins a new arc from Roy Thomas, Alan Davis, Cam Smith, Chris Sotomayor, and Travis Lanham. It’s wonderful to see a new Roy Thomas story and the art from Davis, Smith, and Sotomayor is great. The story itself is interesting, drawing from some traditional Conan elements of a tavern fight and being hired as a bodyguard.
| Published by Marvel
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Savage Tales: Red Sonja Halloween Special is essential if you’re reading the ongoing Red Sonja series. It works well on its own as well, but for readers of the series it builds on Sonja’s trip to the tower of sorcerers in her youth and gives some great insight into her past. Wonderful work here overall from Mark Russell, Jacob Edgar, Dearbhla Kelly, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou.
| Published by Dynamite
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Something is Killing the Children #2 is even better than the first issue, fleshing out our monster hunter a bit and causing all sorts of complications for her. There are some great characterizations here, nicely capturing some of the reactions from people experiencing the tragedy of a lost or murdered family member. James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’Edera, Miquel Muerto, and AndWorld Design are doing something great here.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader’s Castle #3 gives us a central story of Ventress hunting a quarry, illustrated by Nick Brokenshire. I’m still very much enjoying how Cavan Scott is using the central tale and its context to elaborate on what he, Francesco Francavilla, and AndWorld Design are doing with the framing story.
| Published IDW
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Steeple #2 features all of the charm and humour of Giant Days, but then adds some rather over-the-top supernatural elements that just manages to elevate that charm and humour further. John Allison, Sarah Stern, and Jim Campbell are delivering a rather wholesome look at monster hunting and finding common ground with your local hooligans and Satanists.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Strayed #3 advances towards oblivion, as Lou finds the flower-maker and the Premier enacts another piece of his plan for total control. Carlos Giffoni, Juan Doe, and Matt Krotzer continue to tell the heartbreaking tale of this brave little kitty being used and abused by his humans. It’s really sad as to how monstrous humanity is.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Superman Smashes the Klan #1 is really damn good. Inspired by the radio serial of the same name, Gene Luen Yang, Gurihiru, and Janice Chiang present a wonderfully nuanced tale of the struggle that a young Chinese family have moving to Metropolis and the overt and casual racism that greets them. The characterizations of the family are impeccable, giving us what feels like very real people, and it makes the story even more heartbreaking when you see what’s happening to them. Especially through the gorgeous art from the Gurihiru pair.
| Published by DC Comics
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Tales from the Dark Multiverse - Batman: Knightfall #1 is the first of these one-shots examining some of the most popular events of the DC Universe as they played out in dark reflection. Your enjoyment of this will definitely be predicated on how much you enjoy the grim and gritty Batmen who went wrong during Metal. As a story, though, Scott Snyder, Kyle Higgins, Javier Fernandez, Alex Guimarães, and Clayton Cowles give us an interesting one, with some nice twists, and a suitably bleak Gotham. The art from Fernandez and Guimarães is really good.
| Published by DC Comics
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Teen Titans #35 gives us new perspective on the traitor to the team, with Adam Glass, Bernard Chang, Marcelo Maiolo, and Rob Leigh building up sympathy for their decisions, even if they are somewhat demented. It also continues to point that what Damian has been doing is rather villainous. The shades of grey are fairly interesting.
| Published by DC Comics
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Trees: Three Fates #2 delves a bit more into the mystery of the dead man and also a great depiction in the past of the romance blossoming between Klara and Sasha. Warren Ellis, Jason Howard, Dee Cunniffe, and Fonografiks are building a very compelling story here, complete with some interesting big ideas to make you wonder about Sasha.
| Published by Image
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Vampirella #4 is still rather odd, told in a rather disjointed way that’s pretty much Priest’s style to its natural extreme. Weird stuff with the nuns and all sorts of temptation. The art from Ergün Gündüz remains a huge draw for this story.
| Published by Dynamite
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X-Men #1 begins the first wave of the “Dawn of X” titles in this next stage of the brave new world the X-Men have found themselves in, from Jonathan Hickman, Leinil Francis Yu, Garry Alanguilan, Sunny Gho, and Clayton Cowles. It’s much more “normal” compared to the HOXPOX event, operating more standard hero/villain conflict and setting up the continued threat of Orchis, but there are still moments to bask in the new with Magneto and the potentially unsettling as we see Corsair react to all of his family together and the strangeness of Krakoa. This feels like a way to make more traditional X-elements work within this new framework, giving us a great start.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Absolute Carnage: Scream #3, Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool #3, Aero #4, Analog #9, Ask for Mercy - Season 2 #3, Captain America #15, Crazy #1, The Crow/Hack/Slash #4, Dead Beats, Death-Defying Devil #3, Firefly #10, History of the Marvel Universe #4, Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Alliance #2, Lucifer #13, Marvel Action: Black Panther #4, Once & Future #3, The Realm #15, Sparrows Roar, Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #4, Titans: Burning Rage #3, Wonder Woman: Come Back to Me #4
Recommended Collections: Bad Luck Chuck - Volume 1, Black Hammer: Streets of Spiral, Calamity Kate - Volume 1, Coda - Volume 3, Critical Role: Vox Machina - Origins - Volume 1, Gideon Falls - Volume 3: Stations of the Cross, Goddess Mode, Gogor, Justice League Dark - Volume 2: Lords of Order, The Life & Death of Toyo Harada, Ms. Marvel - Volume 1, Planet of the Nerds - Volume 1, Robots & Princesses - Volume 1, Runaways - Volume 4: But You Can’t Hide, Spider-Man: City at War, Star Wars: Tie Fighter
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d. emerson eddy still thinks that Pumpkin Spice was the most underutilized of the Spice Girls.
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50funny · 5 years
Mage- Chapter 36- Break Out (Part 6)
Written By 50Funny
Part 1- The Final Encounter
“Attention, 5 minutes until self-destruct,” blared out the mechanical female voice.
Liz, Tony, and Bip walked down the corridor bathed in the flashing red warning lights. They followed on In Alex lead as he walked past the large hole overlooked the arena.
“So what do you think? Reckon he was telling the truth?” Asked Tony.
“Hmm it does seem a little farfetched, but it didn’t seem like he was lying,” replied Liz.
“It doesn’t matter,” Alex chimed in. “Whether what he said was true or not it’s the only lead we’ve got. Our next move now should be to…”
Alex's words were cut off by and unexpected enraged shout coming from the corridor beside him. He turned his head to see the Anvil barreling down the corridor at full speed. He collided with Alex, wrapping his arms around him and sending the pair crashing over the fence and plummeting down the hole towards the arena. Liz and Bip dashed quickly over to the fence and watched as Alex fell.
“Alex!” The pair shouted out in a panicked tone.
Alex continued to fall down the long shaft. The Anvil let out a deep psychopathic laugh.
“What the hell are you doing? You’re gonna get us both killed you, idiot,” Alex scolded.
“You think I give a crap! I’ll die happy knowing I took you out with me!” Replied The Anvil.
Alex turned his head to see the ground growing closer and closer. He closed his eyes as he focused all his magical energy into forming a shield around his back. The pair collided with incredible force forming a large crater in the ground. The Anvil stood up from his position on top of Alex, continuing to laugh menacingly. Alex slowly began to pull himself up from the crater before quickly being stomped back down by The Anvils boot. Alex grunted and struggled against The Anvil to no avail.
“Haha… look at you, pathetic. Your friends aren’t here to help you this time, guess you’re nothing special when you don’t have any backup,” The Anvil taunted.
He raised his hands above his head forming them into tight fists.
“Imma enjoy killing you!” The Anvil yelled as he sent his fist crashing down towards Alex.
Alex averted his eyes and closed them tightly as he prepared for the impact. Several second past, each one feeling like hours to Alex. He re-opened his eyes and turned his head to see the Anvil holding his fist mere inches away from his face. His body was shaking slightly as he let out a quiet groan. He began to stand back up letting his hand fall limply to his sides. He let out a violent coff sending a spray of blood shooting out. A long sharp pillar of stained red ice began to dig its way out of stomach causing his body to go completely limp. Alex began to stand back up to see Liz standing behind the Anvils lifeless body.
“Liz… you...you,” Alex stammered, shocked by what he had seen.
“Don’t…” Liz said, still trying to process what she had just done.
“Let's go,”
Liz turned and began to walk towards the exit, followed shortly behind by Alex.
Part 2- Cutting it close
Liz and Alex frantically ran through the destroyed hallways of the top floor of the facility. They had already been running for quite some time and were extremely exhausted and out of breath however pressed on in spite of it.
“Attention, one minute until self-destruct,” blared out the loud mechanical female voice.
“Crap… we’re not gonna make it,” Liz huffed in a panicked tone.
“We’re almost there… come on we can do it. Where are Bip and Tony?” Alex asked.
“They’re already waiting for us outside.”
The pair ran past the hole overlooking the arena, veering off to the side to face the stairway leading to the exit. They ran up the long stairway as fast as they could manage.
“Attention, self-destruct in ten, nine, eight, seven.”
The pair continued to run up the stairs as the exit grew closer and closer.
“Six, five, four.”
The pair reached the door, Alex cocked back his leg before launching it at the door sending it flying off its hinges and revealing the outside world behind it.
“Three, two.”
The pair ran out of the building quickly jumping to the ground and covering their faces with their arms.
There was an unexpected silence and calm over the forest. Liz and Alex turned their heads around to look at the small shed marking the entrance to the arena with confusion. They continued to wait and watch for a few seconds as nothing continued to happen.
“Huh... guess that…” Liz said before being cut off by a loud bang.
Without warning the shed exploded bathing the forest in orange light for a brief moment. The pair covered their faces as chips of wood shot out in all directions. As the sound of the explosion began to die down the pair removed their hands from their faces to see the hole left in the ground where the shed once stood. The pair continued to huff as their exhaustion caught up with them. They turned over onto their backs to face the sky. Alex began to let out a slight laugh growing more and more hearty. Liz followed in adding to the sound of laughter. They slowly began to peel their aching bodies up off the ground.
“Alex… Liz,” yelled Bip from deeper in the forest.
The pair turned to see bip flying towards them at top speed with Tony walking behind him. Bip collided with Alex, wrapping his arms around and hugging him tightly.
“I was so worried about you two,” Bip said as tears welled up in his eyes.
“Don’t worry, we're fine,” Alex replied, gently patted Bip's head.
“So what now? Is it over?” asked Tony as he reached the rest of the group
“Guess so,” Alex shrugged in reply.
“Not quite yet,” Liz interjected, drawing the group’s attention to her. “I mean there were a lot of sick people involved with Channel 4014, be a shame if they got off scot-free.”
As the sun began to rise over the forest, the distant sound of sirens began to grow louder and louder as red and blue flashing lights began to shoot through the gaps in the trees.
Part 3- The Aftermath
3 picked up his cup off the table in front of him and raised it to his mouth.
“Well well I must say that I am impressed, only your first mission and you’ve already managed to take down one of the most powerful men in the world and dismantle the larges underground fighting wring in history,” 3 said taking a sip from his cup with his eyes closed.
He lowered the cup before opening his eyes to look across at Liz, Alex, and Bip on the other end of the table with a sarcastic glare.
“Though in an official capacity, I’m actually here to reprimand you for taking such drastic action without consulting the guild first… so try and not be so naughty in the future… ok.”
Liz smiled back across the table to 3.
“It’s good to see you again 3, how’s the clean up going?” Asked Liz.
“Well the police are being fairly tight-lipped, but from what I’ve managed to gather, over the past three days thanks to your little anonymous tip-off they’ve made over a hundred arrests. Everyone from high profile criminals to employees and attendees of Charles little murder dome have been taken into custody, I even heard the chief of the Sol Dantol police department is under investigation,” 3 explained before shifting his gaze across to Alex with an inquisitive smile. “So what happened? Did you find out any new information?”
Alex looked down contemplatively for a moment before finally opening his mouth.
“Charles defiantly had something to do with everything that happened,” Alex said candidly.
“Come on… you got to give me more than that. What did he say? What happened to Harry?”
Alex continued to avert his gaze away from 3. 3 let out a long disappointed sigh as he realized he wouldn’t get any information out of him.
“Fine, let me guess knowing would just put me in danger. You know you and Harry might not be blood-related but you’re clearly his son,” 3 said, once again leaning back in his chair as he noticed a slight smile raise from Alex's lips. “So what’s next for all of you?”
“We’re going to Niske. We’re hoping we can find out more there,” chimed in Bip
“Niske hey?” 3 said as he sat back up. “The word going around is that there’s some serious stuff going on over there. The military’s been hiring mages by the dozen for work there.”
Liz and Alex turned to look at each other for a moment with confusion. Liz turned back around to face 3.
“The Military? Sounds pretty serious, what’s happening?”
“Some sort of new disease or something was found there. The entire city has been completely quarantined, no one goes in or out, you’re lucky that the pair of you are mages otherwise you wouldn’t be able to get anywhere near the city limits,” 3 explained.
Alex looked down at the cup in front of him as he contemplated on what 3 said. A dull beeping began to emanate from 3 wrist. He pulled his hand up and looked down at his watch as it continued to beep.
“I should get going, the police wanted some help raiding some of Charles’s old property’s,” said 3, as he slid his chair back, stood up and turned around to walk off down the street. He waved behind him as he walked. “Catch up soon, and best of luck.” Liz and Alex waved in reply as 3 walked off into the distance. Liz turned to look to Alex.
“Sounds like there some pretty serious stuff happening in Niske, you sure it’s a good idea to go there?” Liz asked.
“We don’t really have any other option,” Alex said as he continued to think. “It seems a little too convenient that the entire city would be quarantined as soon as we find out all this new information.”
“I guess so,” replied Liz as she stood up out of her seat. “Come on, we should get a move on then.”
“Hey you guys,” came Tony’s voice from further up the street. The pair looked up to see Tony running down the street towards them, waving with a huge smile stretched across his face. He came to a grinding halt as he reached the table that the group sat around. As Tony came to a stop he knelt over grabbing his knees and began to let out a series of heavy pants.
“You guys weren’t heading off already were you,” Tony panted.
“Ahh maybe,” said Alex.
“Come on, at least say goodbye first. I wanted to thank you for everything you did before you left. If it wasn’t for you guys id probably still be locked up and fighting for my life right now, I owe you big time.”
“It’s no big deal, we’re more than happy to help,” Bip chimed in.
“I mean really It was more of an unintended side effect,” Alex mumbled under his breath.
“So what’s next for you now then?” Asked Liz.
Tony smiled timidly as he looked over to Liz.
“Well umm… Well honestly seeing the two of you in action inspired me,” Tony stammered. “So I’m gonna practice my magic… and then next year… I’m gonna become a mage, just like you two,” Tony continued, brimming with determination.
“Huh for real?” asked Alex.
“Nope,” Tony replied with a cheeky grin.
“Then why would you say that you lier!” Alex scolded.
“Lieing, acting, same thing really. With Mr Morhan out of the picture, all of his competitors in the entertainment industry are scrambling to take up his share in the market, one studio even managed to get the rights to the story of everything that happened in the arena, they gave me a job as an authenticity consultant.”
“A movie? After only three days?” Liz questioned.
“Things move fast in this town, you gotta keep up or you’ll get left in the dust,” Tony shrugged. “They even offered me a role as a side character in the movie… I’m gonna be a star.”
“A side character huh, yeah the role seems fitting,” Alex muttered under his breath.
“Good for you, I’m sure you’ll do great,” Liz congratulated.
“Thanks, I’m finally gonna live my dream. So what’s next for you guys then.”
“We’re going to Niske to follow up on Mr. Morhan’s lead,” Bip chimed in.
“Wait you’re not serious are you? You heard what Mr. Morhan said if I was you I would try and forget about all that cult stuff and stay as far away from Niske as I could.”
Alex let out a quick sigh.
“We have to go, we’ve come too far to turn back now.”
“I can understand that just don’t die on me before I become famous alright,” Tony said as he turned around. “Anyway I should get going, they needed some help with the script today, catch yous round, I promise I won’t forget you when I’m rich.”
Tony began to walk off down the street with an unmistakable spring in his step. He waved behind him as he walked which the group returned.
“We really should get a move on to now, come on Alex,” Liz said as she began to walk off in the opposite direction.
Liz continued to walk off down the street for a few steps before turning back to see Alex still sitting at the table with Bip hovering next to him. She looked at the pair confused as she waited for them to follow.
“What are you two doing? Come on let’s get a move on or else we’ll never get to Niske,” Liz said.
“Liz… we need to talk about what happened, back in the arena, what you did,” Alex said, a serious aura overcoming him.
Liz's expression sank to match Alex's seriousness as she walked back over to the table.
“What’s there to talk about, it happened, that’s all there is to it,” Liz replied.
“We both know that not true. You killed someone, even if he was a bad guy, even if he deserved it that kind of thing isn’t something you can just instantly get over, especially when it’s your first time, trust me I know. I just want to make sure that you’re gonna be ok. You don’t’ have to pretend it’s not affecting you,” Alex assured.
Liz looked down to the ground in silence for a moment as she thought back on what had happened.
“The truth is I’m not ok, every time I think about what happened… the blood dripping out of him onto the ground, it makes me sick to my stomach. Even when I try and justify it, I just can't. I’m not ok… but I will be, I’ll get used to it, and better at it to, I’ll have to if I ever want to succeed as a mage,” Liz said as she once again turned around and walked off down the street. “So don’t worry ok… come on let’s get a move on.”
Liz walked off down the street brimming with determination. Alex let out a long sigh as he slowly pulled himself up out of his chair.
“That’s the thing,” Alex said as Bip and him followed Liz. “That’s exactly what I’m worried about.”
Thank you for reading chapter 36 of mage. WIth this marks the last chapter of the current arc, ive really enjoyed writting it and id like to thank anyone who has happened apon my writting. the next arc is coming along right now, its a bit different then the other ones so far so i hope you all enjoy. If you like what you see consider checking out my AO3 at this link https://archiveofourown.org/users/50Funny to see all new chapters 3 days early. If you feel so inclined please consider following my tumblr for all updates and other tid bits. Until next week, have a good day
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kewltie · 6 years
so i have this weird complicated canon bakudeku love story stewing in my head about how in the third year katsuki and izuku kinda dance around each other a lot. izuku made a promise to all might that after he graduated he would tour around the world with him (seeing diff heroes from diff areas and how they fight and to learn from them) and katsuki uh inadvertently confessed to him near the end of their third year even knowing that izuku is going to leave japan for like several years???? who knows when he’ll even back but katsuki doesn’t give a shit and confessed anyway bc this feeling is too large and heavy for him to carry alone.
katsuki is the one who is fully committed to building a romantic relationship with izuku and izuku (SURPRISED) is the one hesitant about it bc all might is dying and he’s trying to carry on the legacy of his hero and mentor and he doesn’t think he can be in love, let alone a relationship right now. so they made a deal to sort of ‘date’ for the last couple of months of their school year and during that time izuku starts to develop feelings for katsuki. can you make someone fall in love within three months? katsuki fucking sure he can do it bc it’s izuku and katsuki has never been surer of anything beside his place as the top hero and izuku by his side. he wants this, he wants this badly enough that he’s going to give it everything he got. so they awkwardly date the way ultra competitive teenagers who are obsessed with winning and their dreams to become top heroes do lol. so from their first date (all their handholdings and kisses bc apparently katsuki shamelessly loves them; “can i kiss you?” he would always ask bc he knows he can’t take izuku for granted and izuku swallows around the thrumming beat of his heart before he nods, always giving in to katsuki in the end) and to their last kiss on the day of their graduation. 
izuku knows this time he’s finally in love w/ katsuki (he had always love katsuki but izuku is made out of love and he loved katsuki in the same way like he loves his friends, mom, and all might and he just love them all but there’s never been anyone special to him and that’s the diff). so when he realizes how his love for katsuki had balloon into something different and unrecognizable now it scares him at first bc in the past three months that he ‘dated’ katsuki he learns in all the way katsuki had grown so far. how katsuki tried to be gentle and understanding with izuku and it doesn’t always work out bc katsuki get impatient and izuku is relunclant but he TRIES AND TRIES SO HARD ANYWAY. this katsuki’s anger and abrasiveness is tempered by the years at U.A., the struggles of learning to be a hero, and the friends they got around them. he is still the same prickly katsuki as always but now also much more bc he get also get to see what katsuki is like when he’s in love; all consuming, devoted, and obsessively like how he pursue his dream of being a top hero one day. he loves izuku with a certaintly that is unbending and unshakable and izuku doesn’t know how anyone can deny katsuki this when he gives his all to something it’s a beautiful and terrifying thing. BUT ofc izuku has always been the one exception in katsuki’s life lol :((( bc in order to keep his promise to all might he let their deal end, broke up with katsuki, as promised after graduation. izuku left with all might to seoul as their first stop on their world tour four days later.  
while the feeling is mutual on both front, izuku finds it hard to juggle the idea of relationship while trying to live with the mantle of all might’s heir bc all might dedicate his life to being a hero and fighting afo. izuku felt like he couldn’t live with himself if he doesn’t do as much as all might did to keep the world’s peace but it’s lonely at the top he realizes. izuku with all might travel across diff places all over the world to learn from all kind of heroes in all shape, form, and background that izuku never thought he had imagined: a hero that is a sworn pacifist (”how do you fight?” izuku asks, eyes wide. “with words,” he replies.), a hero from an inuit tribe who fight with wolves companion, a hero from brazil who lives in the amazon and uses the entire forest and its surrounding as his base of operation, a hero who fight and live in the desert of the sahara, etc. all these heroes who live in diff places and have diff culture and their way of fighting and using their quirks and how all of these reflect on who they are individually and shaped their own identity as a hero. izuku wouldn’t have known any of these ppl even existed if he had stay in japan bc they aren’t all mainstream heroes that appear on tv and made it big like the hero who lives in the mountain of the Himalayas and protect the small indigenous group there for generation after generations passing down the title like a family heirloom. 
he’s glad he went with all might to explore the world and see what he saw but there’s a quiet yearning that has him keep looking over his shoulder as though katsuki is right behind him. he wants to share his discoveries and new knowledge with katsuki but they’re separated by an ocean and are thousands of miles apart. izuku thinks he made the right decision to go with all might in the end but sometimes the right choice isn’t always the happiest. 
so while izuku is globetrotting with all might, katsuki made his debut as a rookie in the pro hero arena and quickly decimating the rookie ranking order. he got even more obsessed with his career: taking extra shifts & patrol, training himself harder, and focusing on being number one so it can drown out the longing he has for izuku. he even hasn’t open any of the emails izuku had sent to him for months now and tho they always come everytime w/o fail. he ignores them bc otherwise he’ll just be sucker into missing izuku all over again when he already told himself he’s going to kill this feeling for izuku. izuku had chosen to go with all might instead of staying in japan with katsuki and katsuki has no intention of hanging on to someone who chose to leave him but easier said than done. the more he refuse to think about izuku the more he sees and hear about izuku everywhere like how although izuku isn’t even in fucking japan anymore, the media is still hyperfocus on his adventure overseas and always reporting on his latest shenanigans and THEN THERE ARE THEIR FRIENDS who keep talking about izuku and his adventures (bc class a are an extremely close knit bunch who are all constantly up in each other bsn), the calls and texts and videochat etc he made to them while katsuki get technically radio silent. though the fact that katsuki is the only one to get like pages and pages of letter emailed to him weekly say something else, something that sits uncomfortably in katsuki’s chest. 
and then one day he is out fighting a villain with his agency, there’s a flower shop nearby that got caught in the wreckage and katsuki had helped protect the owner and flower shop. as a reward and thanks, the owner asked katsuki to pick any flower he wants and katsuki has absolutely no interest in it but then a small cactus flower caught his eyes. it’s ordinary, small, and so boring that it shouldn’t even register in katsuki’s radar yet katsuki couldn’t pull himself away from it and ask if he can have that out of everything in the shop. the thing is, the cactus reminds him of izuku. compare to all the beautiful and vibrant flowers in the shop, that cactus was incredibly dull and nothing noteworthy but cactus are resilient and strong and if you take good care of it, it will bloom. it’s stupid, he thinks, to continue to be obsessed over someone who left him behind but like everything he does in life he has never love anything lightly. 
incidentally, katsuki ends up taking up gardening bc lol it relaxes him and also bc of his new acquired plant that he had to learned how to care of bc apparently cactus are low maintenance but if you want it to truly FLOURISH AND BLOOM it need careful tending w/ the right temperature and watering. so he’d built a small home garden around his cactus flower that he had named deku bc fuck if it doesn’t remind him of every bit of izuku. slowly but surely katsuki is working through his heartbreak but ofc izuku continues to fuck him over even if he’s not even in japan anymore. more than half a year after izuku had left him, he get a framed calligraphy in chinese character sent to him from shanghai. that was the start of everything bc after that he get sent presents from all sort of places that izuku had travel to (pottery in chile and a wooden carving from kenya etc). it doesn’t come weekly like the emails that is still sitting unread in katsuki’s inbox but sporadically and unexpectedly. he said he doesn’t care for them but katsuki keep all those souvenirs in a box hidden away in his closet so he doesn’t htink about it. 
And then ONE DAY he got same day delivery (super expansive!!!!) of a potted sunflower and a single note, which izuku had never wrote before in any of his gifts so far: “i heard you have a garden now so when i saw this i thought of you bc to me you are like the sun.” and katsuki is FUCKED as soon as he read bc all the feelings that he had been quashing inside of come rushing out and he broke down holding on to izuku’s small note. he just fucking misses izuku so much like there’s a hole in his chest that he can’t fill. he loved Izuku then and still loves him now and will loves his dying breath bc he knows it’s never going away, it’s here to stay and katsuki doesn’t know how to not miss izuku everyday that he isn’t here. 
once he finally acknowledge the feelings that he’d been trying to bury, it unleashes a floodgate where katsuki finally read all those emails he had been avoiding since more than half a year ago starting from the very first email he got just after izuku had left japan. the email get sent to him once a week and in those email they are more like essay which are always more than ten pages long every fucking time. he talked about what he saw, who he met, and what he learn over there and he always end his letter with: “how are you?”, “what have you been up?”, “are you staying healthy?”, and finally, “thank you for reaching this far”. he always ask the same thing every single time and it takes a moment for katsuki to realize it’s bc katsuki refuse to answer any of his email so izuku keep asking and asking  in his letter even though it shouldn’t matter but izuku tries anyway bc he cares. 
katsuki has never been one to hesitate about anything in his life, not in pursue of his dream or love but izuku make him feel scare and hesitant which pisses katsuki off a lot lol. the bullshit that love is suppose to make you strong is so wrong, katsuki thinks, bc fuck if izuku doesn’t make him feel helpless and undone everytime but he keeps coming back bc in the end even when izuku makes him feel like his ribs are splayed out for him to dig through his heart, he knows izuku would gently and carefully hold his heart like it’s worth it weighs in gold. so katsuki, with wary trepidation, he took a picture of izuku’s sunflower next to his deku cactus and attached to an email with a single caption: “it’s you and me.” 
izuku’s next email couldnt arrive soon enough and it’s FULL OF EXCLAMATION AND EXCITEMENTS as it talked about what’s going on in kiev where he’s currently staying in ukraine but this time in izuku’s email it doesn’t end the same series of questions about katsuki. “i can’t believe kacchan thinks im a cactus :(((. im not prickly at all!!!” and katsuki laughs so hard he cries bc he just misses izuku so fucking much. 
so they finally start exchanging email that isn’t one sided anymore. izuku continues to write his enormous emails weekly while katsuki emails izuku nearly everyday but it usually just pictures and a caption or two about his home garden, his coworkers, his work, etc. katsuki may not say a lot but the fact that he’s keeping izuku loop into his life and willingly share it with izuku is him trying to include izuku in his life once more as though izuku had never left in the first place. they continue this for nearly 2 years, this back and forth as katsuki climbs the rank into top 20 pro heroes in japan now and izuku making his name known in the international stage. they’re both chasing the same dream but doing in diff path and katsuki hopes eventually they will arrive in the same place in time so he keeps waiting for izuku to come home. 
but of course this tentatively stability doesn’t last bc izuku keep on traveling and moving forward and doesn’t seem to ever mention about returning to japan and katsuki wonders when will izuku stand before him once more. he doesn’t even visit during summer breaks or holidays!!!! which frustrates katsuki very much but for izuku he knows he can’t go back to japan even to visit his friends, mom, and katsuki bc the moment he step back he knows it will be impossible for him to go back to traveling with all might not when he sees katsuki and all his love for katsuki spill forward and out and he won’t be able to leave anymore. theres so much he has to do, to see, and learn and he can’t commit to back to japan yet and he knows if he see even a second of katsuki all his hardwork would be undone so he doesn’t. he lives vicariously and hopelessly in katsuki’s photos and keep an intensive track of katsuki’s career and trajectories even all the way overseas. 
it’s katsuki third bday w/o izuku and just as midnight sets in he get an email RIGHT ON TIME (izuku had to calculate their timezone diffs and made sure he was free to be able to get to katsuki first). this letter is pages and pages of words again but near the end in large bold letters is a “happy birthday, kacchan!!!!!!” and it’s dumb SO INCREDIBLY DUMB but katsuki smiles bc he can actually see the excitement and voice of izuku in those blocky words. just before he goes out on his patrol and later his friends and coworkers dragging him out for his bday, he get another gift mailed to him just in time and this time it’s a metal ring from ireland where’s he staying. it’s intricately carved, with a heart and crown  and a note attached to said: “with all my heart, happy birthday kacchan!” katsuki is left speechless. 
he thinks maybe this is finally it that izuku is finally telling him he’s returning, he’s done and is coming back to katsuki. with fumbled hands, he writes a quick email to izuku with a pic of the silver ring and asked: “are you coming back this time?” he goes out with his friends later that night, the anxious energy still hums around him as he waits for izuku’s answer. izuku always answer several days later bc the places he go doesn’t always have internet connection but this time izuku managed to reply on the same day. 
“kacchan, i’m not coming back anytime soon. I still have a lot to learn and see left. I’m sorry.” 
and it fucking breaks katsuki bc he got his hope up for nothing. it’s like izuku playing w/ his fucking heart, sending him those loving letters and that fucking RING and it meant shit to izuku in the end bc he doesn’t even care enough to come back for katsuki. 
he’s so mad and hurt that even his friends notice how his mood is soured for his birthday. through a lot of prodding and begging from his friends, and also a lot of alcohol for katsuki to finally spill out his worries and insecurities that only izuku can wreck him like this. 
his friends, helpfully, points out that katsuki has never been passive, siting around waiting for the thing he want most come to him but katsuki got rejected once so he was burnt by it and didn’t want izuku to reject him twice. he doesn’t think he could take it if izuku didn’t chose him again. 
but izuku has BEEN CHOOSING KATSUKI EVERY DAMN TIME HE WROTE THOSE EMAILS AND SEND HIM THOSE GIFTS BC all the souvenirs and emails that izuku sent to him are SIGNS (the chinese calligraphy letters translate to, “ Yī rì sān qiū” which is proverb that said, “one day, three autumns” on how you miss someone so intensively that one day is like 3 years; the silver ring from ireland was a claddagh ring; and then there’s the sunflower itself which doesn’t just remind izuku of katsuki but it symbolise loyal and longevity bc izuku will forever and ever loves katsuki and only katsuki). they say what izuku couldn’t say over an ocean and thousands of miles apart: i miss you, i think of you constantly, i love you. 
katsuki has been trying so hard to be understanding and patience of izuku that he was missing the glaring SIGN THAT IZUKU HAS BEEN TRYING TO SAY TO HIM. his friends offer fresh prospective on this front that izuku isn’t asking katsuki to wait and katsuki should stop trying to be something that he is not when he has always chase after what he wants with gutso and fierce determination so why he is hesitating around izuku. GO. JUST GO. IF HE’S WORTH WAITING 3 YEARS FOR ISN’T HE WORTH TO CHASE AFTER TOO? katsuki’s friends are all too fucking good bc katsuki’s decision was already made for him the moment he realizes he was fucking in love with this idiot.  
on izuku’s front: ever since their argument, katsuki has been silence and haven’t return any of izuku’s emails. izuku is worry that he has finally done it, driving katsuki away and this is it for them. katsuki must be tired of waiting around for izuku, he thinks as heart nearly shattered. it been 3 weeks now and izuku has been listless even as he’s helping out the neighborhood and this area hero in arizona. but then just as he return from a day of hardwork, he sees all might outside of their temporary home that their hosted lend to them with a starkingly farmiliar figure; IT’S KATSUKI. 
it took katsuki several weeks to take care of all the bsn at home. quitting his agency, packing his stuff, and saying good bye to everyone  and then tracking izuku down but he here’s now. katsuki is in a diff country, that he doesn’t speak a lick of the native language there, and left behind his rising career and all their friends and his family to come chase after izuku right here this instance. THIS IS KATSUKI’S ANSWER. 
a looooooooong time ago right before izuku had left japan on his trip with all might, izuku wanted to ask if katsuki would join them but he had thought it was too selfish and greed to ask that of katsuki to give up everything and his dream of being number just so he can hop around the globe with izuku and all might. but katsuki is here now!!!! and izuku doesn’t want him to regret it, bc he doesn’t want katsuki to resent him for forcing katsuki’s hands. 
“i can get it all back. that number one spot is waiting for me, for us. it’s not going anywhere,” katsuki says determinedly, “but i couldn't wait for you anymore so i came to you instead.” 
it’s as much as an i love you in the same way izuku carefully wrote his emails every week for katsuki and in the same way he finds little gifts and trinkets that made him think of katsuki. IT’S I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH THAT I’M LEAVING EVERYTHING BEHIND TO GO WITH YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY BC I COULDN’T IMAGINE BREATHING ANOTHER SECOND W/O YOU. 
izuku cries A LOT bc katsuki is here and it’s all he had ever wanted for katsuki to join him!!! they’re finally reunited at last. and with all might, who happily welcome katsuki with open arms, they continue on their travel and izuku teaches katsuki the new languages and things he had learned and all the ppl that had help shaped his understanding of his powers and stance as a hero. they do that for two more years traveling to diff places and only came back to japan when all might’s health had grown so frail and he had died on a trip to bolivia. katsuki and izuku returns to japan to throw his ashes into the sea of his homeland :((((. finally they’re back home together this time and for good. now they both carry the legacy of all might as a duo w/ all the knowledge and understanding of all the things they had learned and the ppl they had met around the world. 
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tmnt-spear-verse · 6 years
Spear-Verse: Hamato Leonardo
He is their leader, both nominally and in fact, but his leadership is a relaxed one. He knows his family, his team, well enough to trust in their abilities— just as they trust in him to strategize and know how to move the pieces to make certain they all come out alive. Hunting has honed them, honed him into knowing their quirks— their harshness, their sharp edges, the ways they move, their sounds —and that he can trust that they will be where he expects them to be in a fight. Not because he has ordered them there, although he does use his knowledge of them to put them where they’re most effective, but because he has learned how to play to their strengths without demanding they do things his way.
There is a sense of relief for him, a weight off his shoulders, in knowing that his brothers are perfectly capable of handling themselves and that all he has to do is move the pieces to where they each can be the most effective and then just let them go. He leads, but he doesn’t control.
Why try to exert control or enforce some hierarchy when they have all learned the lessons that come from being a pack on the hunt? Hamato Leonardo learned early on that hierarchy and leadership didn’t matter in the hunt; what mattered was coordination, trust, and letting whoever was closest to their prey be the first to engage to take it down. He learned through the exhilaration of swinging and leaping through treetops after prey, the heart-pounding near-misses, the overwhelming joy singing in his veins as he or one of his brothers caught up to land the first strike, and the blood-rush that made celebratory calls bubble up from his chest and pour forth from his throat as they successfully took their prey down. Perfect control and behavior don’t count for much when it might cost them being able to eat, and so Leonardo has learned to be their brother first and their leader second.
Learning that has paid off. It opened him up to learn the value in his brothers’ ways of being— to see how Raph’s strength and carefully wielded anger was shaped by his need to be their wall, their protector, the one to scare off threats before they could even get started; how Donnie’s technical and medical interests, as well as his dedication to knowledge that might have been lost, is driven by his need to keep them healthy and sate his never-ending curiosity; how Mikey’s need to goof around and play softens his sharp edges and keeps the world bright when there is so much that could have made it dark and unbearable. Learning from them opened him to later learning from April and Casey— how her sharp wit and careful words can cut through so much unstated nonsense to get to the heart of a matter, diffusing fights and preventing problems before they can get started, almost like the verbal counterpoint to Raph; and how Casey, for all of his chaotic loudness, seems to have the bizarre ability to know exactly when to say ‘fuck it’ to being tactful and go all-in.
His pack, his team, his clan are everything to him. They are his family and he trusts them with everything. Hamato Leonardo is a ninja and the leader of his small clan, but he’s so much more than that.
In recognizing Raph’s need to protect them he was able to step back and accept the help— adopting the leather sleeves and lower-leg guards almost as soon as Raph finished the first sets. They’re effective; it’s much harder to end up with gashes or ripped-up scales on their arms or legs since they started using them. The same with the carved-bone breastplate that Raph strung together and presented to him after a particularly bad night that had resulted in Leo getting a nasty gouge in his plastron. A little deeper, with a little more force, and Leo might not have walked away from that fight— and thanks to some human-supremacists his family might have been down by one. It’s an injury that has since healed up and all physical signs of it had been shed, but the memory of it still lingers. Wearing the breastplate has become an ingrained habit.
In recognizing Donnie’s need to learn more he was able to stop and listen— accepting that where there are things he doesn’t or can’t see the value in, Donnie can and is more than capable of bringing what’s in his mind into the world. There’s so much that they’ve gained and learned how to do thanks to Donnie’s perpetual curiosity and enthusiasm for recovering information that might otherwise have been lost to them that it’s almost impossible to quantify. They’ve come so far from the rough home of woven branches covering the entrance of a hole in the ground that Splinter had scrambled to create when they first arrived in the forest, and it’s in large part thanks to Donnie and his persistence. Given enough time and resources, Leo wouldn’t be surprised if Donnie manages to give them their own contained electrical system with a functioning computer to go along with it. Maybe a functioning refrigerator while he’s at it. As it is, even with the tech limitations they have to live with, Donnie has still managed to be one of the most effective medics in the area— which has certainly kept Leo from dying more times than he cares to think about.
In recognizing Mikey’s need to play he was able to let go and be in the moment— enjoying humor, silliness, and opportunities for bonding moments that he might otherwise have let slip by without even noticing what he’d missed. Affection came easier, made it easier to read the others, made it easier to avoid unnecessary fights and work things out. Mikey’s humor and play kept all of them from giving in to the knife-edge bare-bones approach to the world that so many had after the collapse had happened. His playfulness was a constant reminder that there was still joy and happiness to be found in the world, even if they occasionally had to tip into the knife-edge viewpoint in order to survive— it was a reminder that even as bad as things were or could be, that the bad things didn’t have to be their entire lives. Even as obnoxious as Mikey could be at times, his usual cheer kept them from ever falling into depression.
April and Casey both had taught him the necessity at times of getting to the point within seconds. Negotiations, haggling, niceties— none of it matters when a resolution is needed as soon as possible, and in their time since others in the area gradually became aware of them it’s become a skill he’s learned to lean on time and time again. Other versions of him, he knows, aren’t as used to having to directly negotiate and work out boundaries with ‘neighbors,’ traders, and a whole host of other people who occasionally wander through his family’s home territory, but thanks to April and Casey’s guidance it’s a skill he’s learned in spades. It’s led to his family largely going un-harassed, but it’s also resulted in some unexpected friendships and instances of being called on by their ‘neighbors’ for help. Their closest ‘neighbors’ might be several miles away, but the friendships and alliances that have resulted have strengthened the net of safety around his family considerably.
Hamato Leonardo has learned to be confident, relaxed, and unapologetic about who and what he is. He is a ninja; his calm and poise are unrivaled when necessary, his swords an extension of himself, a fierce opponent who knows how to use shadows and subtlety to his advantage. He is a predator; familiarity with being able to track visually and at times with scent renders him unsettling, the reverberating calls and battle-cry howls he can emit as he races through the treetops induce panic in others and render him terrifying, to say nothing of how familiar he is with blood and death. He is a mutant turtle; chirps, hisses, growls, and other sounds are par for the course and he has come to refuse the idea of behaving ‘more human’ to make himself more palatable for others. He is a brother and son; his loyalty and affection for his family is unwavering and unbreakable, and he’ll continue his easy affection with them for as long as they live— and if it results in him and his brothers occasionally sleeping in a pile even when they’re in their 80s or older, then so be it. He is a leader, and because of what he’s capable of and has accomplished, he has become trusted far beyond what he would have imagined possible.
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theonceoverthinker · 6 years
OUAT 1X08 - Desperate Souls
Holy smokes! Not counting today’s review, I’ve racked up 30 pages worth of content for this rewatch!!! For me - someone who has barely written maybe twenty pages total for everything OUaT in the two and a half years I’ve been here - that’s pretty neat!
So, without further adieu, let’s SOUL-der on and talk about this adventure, for I know you’re DESPERATE to read my thoughts under the cut!
Press Release Regina and Mr. Gold play dirty politics and take opposite sides when Emma runs for a coveted Storybrooke public office against Sidney. Meanwhile, back in the fairytale world that was, Rumplestiltskin tries to track down the ultimate power source in order to help his son avert the horrors of a meaningless war. General Thoughts Past The intro to this episode is phenomenal. Immediately, we’re thrust into the action and everything from the writing to the storytelling tells us what we need to know about the characters and the unique setting they’re currently living in. We feel the fear that they do and it’s intense. And what’s better is that sentiment carries on through the rest of the episode. The biggest draw it got out of me over the course of the episode’s runtime was this dual feeling of sorrow and pity as the child collector madde Rumple kiss his boot. It gives the murder at the end of the episode an extreme layer of catharsis. Fuck, I gotta talk about that scene between Rumple and Zoso. This scene sets the standard for so much of Rumple’s life going forward. I love that here is where we get to hear the line “all magic comes with a price for the first time.” While Rumple won’t know that true price for some time, he clearly gets the sense that he’s in for a rough time in this moment. For someone who is so often on this series on the other side of this equation, Rumple was new to the concept at one point too, and it’s so crazy to revisit that.
The theme of being wary of how one acts in times of desperation really works in this flashback, and that’s because of consistent character writing in accordance with their stakes. Present The intro here is fantastic too. While I didn’t like the drama from the last episode, the way that this scene handles it makes it feel better. It builds on it while keeping things subtle and at the same time, furthering the storytelling from the past’s segment’s intro through the bonding point of parenthood - whether either party is conscious of it or not. Emma’s conflict in this episode is so good. It shines leagues above what it was in the last episode because it’s actually having to do with characteristics and dynamics of hers that are actually established, and what’s better is that it melts together like a fine stew. We see right from the get go - as stated before - that Graham’s death and Emma’s subsequent grief has something to do with her desire for the job, but also, Emma’s rivalry with Regina and her desire to assuage Henry of his anxieties as best as she can without playing into (what she believes to be) his delusions of the curse. I like how the ending works too. While I don’t think the reiterated wham line works the way the writers intended it to, Emma’s victory isn’t taken from her and it’s not any less earned. However, the final twist is still able to be effective and prove that while a force against Gold, Emma is still up against someone always a step ahead of her. Both There’s a fascinating couple of moments in both the past and present that I want to touch upon. First is a cool contrast between Rumple and Emma. Rumple discusses the role that Bae plays in his life, while Emma talks about the role that she plays in Henry’s life. I like how those discussions come before our leads hear about possibilities/make decisions that completely alter their current standings in life. “I know how to recognize a desperate soul.” This line works really well in the case of the flashback, but kind of feels like a round peg in a square hole in the present. Emma’s not in a dire straight the way Rumple is, despite the internal weight of the conflict. I don’t consider it a major problem, however because while very much a wham line, acting as if it’s supposed to be the central theme of the episode when it’s not, it doesn’t take away from the good story from before that moment. I love how the general theme of this episode - while the forces of good never intentionally try to incorporate evil into their endeavors, sometimes it can’t be avoided - gets shown in two ways: both consciously and unconsciously. Rumple makes the choice to use darkness in the past and Emma - while not knowledgeable of it - plays into Gold’s game in the present. Emma and Rumple/Gold are fantastic foils to each other and seeing this kind of starting point build as the series goes on is really cool! Insights I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen the intro changed up! I like how it changes depending on the focus of the episode. It’s a good blending of a uniform intro and a recap. Man, I’m gonna be sad when we lose it, though I do miss the “Previously on Once Upon a Time.” I never noticed before, but Zoso’s magic is so distinct from everyone elses. It’s like a supersonic wave rather than the puffs of smoke we’ve seen both before and since this point. “That’s the thing about children - before you know it, you lose them.” I’d be here all day if I tried to unpack that one. Breaking a toaster is the weirdest way to act out in anger. What makes it better is that we don’t see any sign of her attacking it or whatnot so how it got to be that way is up in the air and so much funnier for it! I wonder how a town charter was created. Why would Regina build a balancing system into her curse. Headcanon: Gold used his “please” clause to make it so. I take issue with the duke for not saying “Did you teach him how to run, RUNplestiltskin?” How DARE you pass on that beautiful pun opportunity? “If they take him away, I will truly become dust.” *Cuts to the Season 7 finale* Apparently, that was quite literal. Why can no one identify each other in the flashback? The Duke doesn’t recognize that the beggar is Zoso nor Rumple once he’s become the Dark One! I love how as Rumple and Bae are preparing the lanolin, we get to see hand movements that mirror Rumple’s once he becomes the Dark One. Archie, mate. Speaking from my experiences with a certain blooper reel, you might want to spend a good few seconds practicing the candidate’s names instead of your intro ;) Then again, your public speaking on the whole is just a mess. Practice your finesse. “I can’t beat Regina - not the way she fights.” Regina’s not the one fighting dirty at the moment, or less so: Gold is. Why say a line like that? You gotta wonder, were there ever plans to expand on Zoso’s points about Baelfire or were the writers aware that he was only saying that to get a rise out of Rumple? “You have to tell me what to do.” Oh he will, Rumple. He or Nimue, probably. Damn, I wish we could’ve seen that first night by the Dark One’s vault. Are there fanfics out there for it? “Glass. Swan.” Wow, ship names and hindsight makes that sign hilariously awkward! XD It’s weird how seldom we see blood on Rumple’s dagger. You would think since it’s a weapon, we’d see it more. I don’t know if it was a conscious choice on the hair stylist’s part, but Rumple’s not only blinded by his own ambitions of power in the final flashback scene, but also by his hair! Awww! Emma brings a picture of Henry into her office! I bet she got it from Mary Margaret. The way that Henry’s positioned makes it look like a school photo and she seems like the kind of teacher who would want to keep a record of her old students like photographs for sentimentality! It’s so cute!!! “You knew I’d agree.” I think she’s talking about agreeing to Gold’s initial campaign proposal? Otherwise, this line makes no sense. Arcs The power struggle against Regina - This was a major peg being taken down from Regina, and it was set up very well with Emma being positioned as deputy, which in turn was built off of her skills, and culminated here in her being elected sheriff. Through this moment, we see not only a shift in Emma, but one in Storybrooke as well. While still prone to falling for gossip, the townspeople respond to courage and we finally get to see the impact that both Regina and Gold have had on the town by how people respond to someone standing up to them. Still, going forward, Emma and Regina’s dynamic will in a much more delicate - and much more interesting because of it - place. Gold and Emma’s deal - We only get a brief mention of it here. I wonder what Gold had in mind for Emma’s favor before learning that he needed her help to find Bae outside of Storybrooke. At the very least, we know it wasn’t half of a pastrami sandwich. His loss though. Pastrami’s delicious. Favorite Dynamic Rumple and Bae. I think that the simpler characterizations of Rumple and Bae was a good way to go in this episode, with Rumple as cowardly as we’ve come to expect and Baelfire as brave to a fault. It - partnered with the parent-child power dynamics - makes for a very easy to understand, yet still nuanced conflict. Rumple comes off as more worldly, but still frustratingly stubborn and cowardly while Bae comes across as braver certainly, yet naive too. Rumple’s not wrong when he tells Bae that the call to fight in the Ogre Wars is a call to death, and it conflicts with a lot of our sensibilities that it’s honorable to die in battle. I just love as well how Bae’s faith in Rumple falls as he learns more and more about his father’s past. You can just see the lack of belief when Rumple tells him that his mother is dead, and you have to wonder what Bae’s resolve would be to the events of the end of the episode had that encounter with the Duke in the forest not occurred. But even still, while there’s a noticeable yet slight loss of trust, there’s no love lost, and that helps make the final piece of the flashback all the more tragic and give the audience an insight into what Zoso’s last words to Rumple end up truly meaning. Writer Now here’s the Jane Espenson I know and love in full form! It’s weird that with a more complex theme, she manages to tell a story leagues above her last one’s flashback in terms of quality. It makes me think of an advanced computer science professor that had to teach entry level Web Page Design class I once took. What works in this episode - as did work in the present day section of “That Still Small Voice” is an understanding of stakes. Rumple’s actions get more desperate and Emma’s decision whether to tell of the true reason for the fire get more complicated as higher stakes are revealed to these characters and build on their already present characteristics (Ex. Rumple can’t just take control of the Dark One because he’d be terrified of owning him as a slave, so he has to become the Dark One), whereas in “That Still Small Voice’s” flashback, there was no reason for Jiminy to jump to condemning his parents to a fate worse than death when he’s already conflicted about leaving them because they’re old. Here, the handling is done so much better. Rating 10/10. This episode works really well. I won’t repeat myself too much, but we’re given not one, but two very nuanced and complicated stories to work with and the characters are faced with likewise decisions. Before we end off, I’d be remiss if I didn’t talk about Robert Carlyle’s acting because this man is a star here. He displays this insane range throughout his time on the series, but this episode may be one of - if not the best - depictor of it. We get to see his cowardly side, the first bits of madness from being The Dark One, and his more manipulative tendencies in Storybrooke. It’s all conveyed flawlessly through his voice’s tone, body language, and facial expressions. What’s better is that the use of props, costumes, and makeup come together alongside his acting to enhance every moment of screen time he has and show the contrast between his dynamics across the worlds.
Sorry! Not my deepest analysis, I know, but I hope I conveyed just how much I enjoyed the episode! Sometimes, it’s hard to explain what makes something good, but I hope the more comedic “Insights” segment was enough to entertain. Thanks again to the fine folks from @watchingfairytales for putting this project together! Season Tally (66/220) Writer Tally for Season 1: A&E (23/70) Liz Tigelaar (10/20) David Goodman (9/50) Jane Espenson (16/60) Andrew Chambliss (8/10) Ian Goldberg (8/10) Operation Rewatch Archives
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chalabrun · 6 years
seeping sorrowly (lunardyn)
Word Count: 1,998 Pairing: Lunardyn Rating: T Warnings: Temporary character death Event/theme: Day 4 of @ardynyesconweek, prompt: pain/angst, forbidden love, “Why do I love you...?” Summary: They weren’t supposed to be. Yet, fate conspired against him even in this for the one he knew would never be his beloved. For he is too terrible, she too far as the moon in her name.
                                             ( READ ON AO3 )
It had been months since the day. Months since they’d taken their relationship further than they intended, when he’d found himself lost in passions he’d never intended upon pursuing that far. Except—gods, he wanted her. Wanted her with a fain, bestial lust; wanted her the way devils dreamed of heaven while living in the fires of hell. To possess her, to make the Oracle his and boast her damnation to the gods themselves. It was wretched, this spiraling obsession. It consumed like flame and left nothing but unquenchable ashes and cinders that shimmering with firelight long after the pyre had cooled. It made him wonder, made him obsess.
Did Lunafreya truly see their affair as nothing? Through the lines of endless paperwork he ratified at the emperor’s expense, he saw her face. Gold in the rare allowances of sunlight reminded him of her hair, luster like maize. She reminded him of everything beloved and lost.
The phone at his desk began flickering with numbers on hold, foggily remembering who was the sole person who called upon that line. Reaching for it, he pressed the button of its respective line, almost pleased to hear the irate commander on its other end.
“Chancellor, it has been ten minutes. If you intend upon making me wait for a moment more—“
“Pray tell, Ravus,” Ardyn interrupted with a smug tone, “where your sister might be? These poor Graleans can’t get enough of her! Surely you understand the need for them to lift their spirits some through our beloved Oracle.” He could almost hear Ravus stiffen, a smile twisting his lips, a wolfish impatience wanting to snap and growl demands.
The line grew silent as Ardyn heard the telltale shuffling of papers, a ruse to disguise the incriminating silence. “You know as well as I that I haven’t the faintest idea. Did it never occur to you to inquire after this with Gentiana instead?”
“She is your sister, Commander. Is this a profession of truth I’m hearing? Or a declaration of incompetence?” Ardyn wheedled, brandishing his words like knives held to the younger man’s throat. He twisted the cord of his phone almost puckishly, leaning back in his seat, feet propped upon his desk. Ah, but perhaps he shared more in common with the commander than first sight would believe. Patience was clawed to shreds within his mind, wanting to dig into the recalcitrant commander most of all.
“I abide by what I say. Contact the manor itself if you are so desperate.” With that, the commander hung up.
Ardyn almost wanted to crush the receiver in his hands as a wave of frustration rolled over him virulently before he forced himself to calm through a stilted exhale. Would it be if it were so simple. No one knew where she was. Only that Fenestala had issued a press statement saying the Oracle was taking a months-long, holy reprieve into the wilds of Tenebrae with only her faithful hounds and the High Messenger as companionship. Hardly unusual, as Oracles in times past were known for their long retreats.
There was something unusual in this, however.
Lunafreya was tireless. In all the years she’d been Oracle, not once had she stopped for rest. If anything, whenever persuaded to, she’d simply gently refuse the petitioner saying the world didn’t stop for her, therefore neither should she.
But this? It was going on five months now. Even if an immortal had forever, parts of him were very much still human. Parts that looked to the scenery for the passage of time, to the sky for the arc and fall of the sun, and moon and its cycle. Yet, the moon that had become ensconced in his sky was missing and a hole that shouldn’t have been present, was.
Ardyn reached for his phone again, putting Iedolas’ secretary’s number on speed dial and relaying a simple message: the Chancellor would be absent for an undisclosed duration to conduct personal business and not to expect immediate correspondence until he was finished and his goals accomplished. What they were, even Ardyn didn’t know. But his foresight knew an intense need for closure.
While a feral one simply wanted the Oracle again in his arms.
Within the next few hours, Ardyn managed to clear his itinerary and relegate minor but numerous tasks he’d otherwise be obligated to finish to his personal staff and secretary, or to be put on hold until this mysterious task was completed.
At the air port situated atop Zegnautus, where its aerial fleet was stationed and dispatched, was where Ardyn headed by noon. He possessed his own airship, a grand thing issued to him from Iedolas years ago after his contributions to MT research had proved how invaluable he was. Red and accented in gold, it was impossible to miss from the skies unless flying extremely close to the sun at high altitudes—of which was Ardyn’s intent, bearing no wish to be seen even from afar. His pilot had his course, and knew how to preserve secrecy even from an airship.
It would be several hours before they arrived in Tenebrae. At the coastal city of Pagla that was traditionally where Oracles went on retreat, typically for religious reasons, for as long as they needed. Even from the sky could Ardyn see the white-tipped spires of Pagla Castle, only half the size of Fenestala but no less grand and beautifully cloaked in forests that cascaded down the mountainside. The furthest end of the Zoldara Henge before it poured into the sea.
Even if his suspicions were right, there was no guarantee that she would be willing to see him, let alone accept him.
Their last farewell had not been kind. Ardyn still remembered the keen stab within his chest when she’d demanded to know if he loved her, and the frigidity of her glacial gaze that reminded him only of a woman reared by the Glacian herself, even if the Astral had long been warmed by humanity.
His hands still twitched with the sensation of her, of embracing Lunafreya, of how she stood statuesque and cold. The man bit his lip in anger, drawing a bead of blood, wanting to claw through his hair as part of him began to regret coming here. Oh, he knew now what it was. Hateful, baneful thing! It hollowed his stomach and made it feel as though tar festered in his chest. It did, but this sensation made him aware, made him want to return were pride not sourly rearing there.
Ardyn knew what this was, and it was weakness. Defenseless, hollow weakness.
The sun vanished behind a thick queue of cloud cover the seeming moment he landed, espying Pagla Palace and setting his jaw. Dismissively did he wave the airship off, it alighting into the sky whilst buffeting winds whipped the tails of his overcoat in its retreating gusts. Soon, the din of its engine vanished and the man was left to find the forest trail that would lead him to the pearly white estate.
The air was thick with a residual chill of what could only be the Glacian’s magic augmented with Lunafreya’s. A barrier, even though Ardyn’s malefic presence bled sickly through it, was unable to be decimated by the gods themselves, passed through as though it were but a sheet of air. It was like traversing through to another realm, the vibrant and verdant woods hiding him from civilization.
Stray birdsong suddenly halted when he drew nearer, the frantic beating of wings and a tossing wind chattered through the leaves. It was silent; too much so. But the longer he walked, the more his own sense of dread gave way into inexplicable want and a winning smile that bespoke of vile intentions. As he always did.
He came upon a sprawling garden situated on the banks of a small lake, encompassed by beautifully tended blooms he could only see as the Oracle’s work. Even the trees seemed to bow away from the flora, beloved by Lunafreya’s touch in a vividness that hadn’t been known of before. At least, not since he’d been there last decades ago for her past relative.
Yet, it was what he saw that nearly struck him down.
Lunafreya had her back to him, tending to an incomplete array of sylleblossoms and white roses, the buds and blossoms arrayed around her as she planted them. A sun hat protected her from the harsh sunlight, working methodically to sow each with precision. But, it was when she stood that froze him.
From the side, even from wearing a baggy and dusty pair of overalls could he see the noticeable curve at her womb, of a distinct roundness. Brows furrowed, a sinking realization giving way to an anger. Ardyn stalked towards her and matched her rising gaze, the woman freezing in shock and dropping her gardening trowel in the grass before she motioned to turn away, but Ardyn’s ground-eating strides caught up with her too quickly and he seized her wrist in a vice.
“Let go of me! You have no right—!”
“No right to what, Lady Lunafreya?” Ardyn snarled acerbically. “Knowing that you are the mother of my child?!”  
Lunafreya wrenched her arm free, glaring at him whilst her sunhat fluttered to the turf. “I didn’t know,” she uttered through clenched teeth, lower lip worrying as she fought back tears. “By the time I did, it was too late to—” She stared blankly at the ground, trembling, but looking no less weak in spite of it.
Ardyn looked away in the fashion when a man’s world had been shattered. His chest throbbed painfully, to think after all this time, he could…?
With Lunafreya no less.
He roused to the sound of her wrenching off her gloves and dropping them to the ground, red-rimmed eyes glowering at him mistrustfully. She heaved in a harsh breath, standing taller than her height. “I wasn’t going to tell you. What right do you have to them? You’re a monster. You’d want them dead—or worse,” she uttered bitterly, fighting back a fresh wave of tears. “You took everything from me! You orchestrated my mother’s death, the loss of my home, my own brother’s alienation—you’re not going to have them, too!” Her voice pitched hoarsely, hands balling into fists.
Ardyn stared at her blankly, mouth just slightly agape. Why did he…? She was right. It had been his fault, but not an inch of him had remorse for what he’d done. Not when the gods whom had made their Star wanted them and him to suffer. So, he would mar their precious creation. He would remind them of the power he wielded of his own, and through man. That his ungoldly prowess wasn’t enough to stop him, for he was deadly enough to bring an empire to his beck and call with barely an effort.
And how they would tremble. And how they did.
But, this…? Seeing Luna like a cornered she-wolf protecting her young is what snapped him. Not his anger, but it stabbed into a vulnerability he rarely to never let anyone worm their way into.
This woman somehow had.
“Lunafreya—” came his faltering protestation, feeling his strength sap from him at her rejection.
“Gentiana!” Lunafreya shouted above this chaos, that which brewed in his mind, a fell, chill wind drifting upon him as he slowly realized his blood was curdling into ice in his veins. He was unable to do anything as he froze over, what it meant, where he would manifest again.
Three prongs plunged into his heart and he swore he saw furious blonde impale him on that accursed Trident. Though he felt little pain, a single, black pearl like a tear shed from his eye as she did.
Before all became black, a single thought stole across his mind:
Why do I love you so terribly, my dearest Freyja…?
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