#(slowly but surely getting through the inbox! thank you for stopping by everyone)
i-yap · 1 day
Jason todd x Reader- Depressive episode
thanks everyone for the compliments and encouraging words in my inbox....i really appreciate it.
The lights were dimmed, everything scattered and messy, just a small lamp on the otherside of the room and the curtains left open. Jason would have panicked..if not for the lump in the blacket and deep slow breathing from his side of the bed. His heart dropped as he realized.
Slowly approaching your side, his boots heavy as he approached you to make sure you were aware of his presence. Crouching down and pulling the blanket below your face he said softly "Hey sweetheart, I think you're on my side"
You wordlessly try to roll away to "your side" but he stops you. "I was kidding y/n, you know that baby"
"im sorry" you say quietly. Tears already forming in your eyes waiting to join the already present tear stains down your cheeks. "hey hey why are you apologizing? " Jason strokes your hair, noticing how tangled they've gotten. You must have been pulling at them.
"Cuz I smell, and you just came back from a mission and the house is a mess. A-and I'm a m-mess" you hiccup as the tears finally escape your eyes.
"None of that now y/n, you know I don't care about any of that stuff. I old care about you Let me help. "
"Nothing can help right now"
"Not even as bath? ill be in it too"
"i dont want to get up"
"Ill carry you "
You wordlessly nod before burrowing your face in the remanent smell of jason still lingering in his pillows while jason starts a bath, lights a few candles and a bath salt. Carrying you to the bathtub. je undresses while you feel something other than the suffocating sheets and your own misery. Settling himself behind you, he gently presses down on your shoulders. "Can you tell me what happened? or not if you don't want", His kind tone and affection was enough for the tear dam to break again. 'such big tears, cmon no y/n, why such big ones hm? you'll give the gotham rain a run for its money" you giggle out a chocked sob.
Jason understands, while his misery comes out in fits of anger yours was a silent killer. He understands , he understands well. And you know he is there, sitting silently behind you , holding you for as long as you need- for as long as he can.
(Im going through an absolutely horrible depressive episode. And its killing me. Writing this was tough on its own but its the first productive thing I've done in days. this was a small self indulgence. Its so funny- I'm a psychology student and I've dedicated my life helping those with mental health issues. After all the charity and the programs and shifts and the hospitals- who would've thought id be here, needing another version of me to come help me out of this. Ill get through it but I'm rlly grateful for all you who have been supporting me through this. Promise it wont last longer than a week. love ya)
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roccinan · 5 months
When and where did Andres meet a retired HITMAN, and what did he do that was so important that Jakov pledged undying loyalty to him, his brother, and his legacy??? That's such an interesting story I can't believe Pina ignored it for giving Andres a new group of people - YOU ARE SO REAL FOR SAYING THIS. To be very honest I didn't care much for the cormorants flashback in lcdp s5 but oh my god this spinoff is making me miss them too on top of Sergio & Martín. Bogota is understandable since they met much later on but Jakov's backstory has so much potential! He even chose the name Marseille which could be interesting if that has something to do with Andrés and if they met in France perhaps. I also think it's very interesting how Andrés is able to inspire loyalty in such a different group of people, I mean, an engineer and a hitman are so different but both are/were so loyal to not just him but Sergio & the Bank of Spain heist itself even after he's dead, now those kind of relationships would be interesting to watch to see how they started, ugh I really hate this 'golden gang' lmao they don't even know who Sergio is! (and don't get me started on how INSULTING it is to try and replace Sergio like that with an actual professor 😐)
Thank you for agreeing and adding on, anon! What else can I say except YOU ARE RIGHT AND YOU SHOULD SAY IT. I agree with Everything you mentioned, literally everything. I was bored by the Copenhagen heist, but omg at least it had Bogota and Marseille (and at least we Knew what Tatiana & Rafael's relationship was). I honestly missed those two so much. We know Bogota was pulled in by Martin later, so it's understandable (but unfortunate smh) that he wouldn't be part of Andres' "golden" years.
But the original show hinted so much at Jakov having some deep relationship with Andres that them not explaining is just ??? and his name is literally Marseille, a place in France. The spinoff would have been the Perfect place to slip him in as both a familiar face for old fans and an interesting subplot that's more thrilling/darker than just some kids going on dates.
Yes! The friendships Andres had with the cormorants was very interesting and actually added to his character because these were people from such different walks of life. A Croatian hitman, an Argentinian engineer, hello!???? Even when Bogota came into the fold, it was so refreshing to see a guy Andres' age constantly roughing him up. These men were his equals, and they felt like his friends, people who genuinely stuck with him even after his death because they are all freaks saw someone in him beyond the narcissistic delusional dandy front he's always putting up. There's something so intense and interesting there that I KNOW audiences would be glued watching how these relationships started and grew.
Like you said, the "golden gang" doesn't even Sergio(!!). Clearly, Andres didn't think they were worth introducing to his beloved brother. Replacing Sergio with Damian was also such a bizarre choice, I honestly thought there'd be more to it than Pina just wanting another professor character. Like, I found it insulting that they just expected us to believe Damian was Andres' dear friend without any explanation over -how they met -why they're friends -what the hell happened to Damian between the spinoff & lcdp.
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churipu · 4 months
ִ ࣪𖤐 featuring. gojo satoru, itadori yuuji, nanami kento
ִ ࣪𖤐 warnings. period stuff, cramps, fluff.
note. new layout :> anyways, just reminding everyone that has sent in requests that my ask is only open to talk as of now and it will take a little long to have them out, but i assure you that everything in my inbox will be written! thank you
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gojo didn't know how periods felt. so he looks up for things he could do to make you feel better — one time he actually considered buying one of the period cramps simulation machines because he didn't like seeing you in pain alone.
keyword: considered.
you had to drop the machine out of his trolley, and the male was definitely not happy about it. he tried arguing about it with you, saying how he's your 4lifer and he doesn't like seeing you in pain alone because of period cramps.
"satoru, 'm okay. i go through this every month, 'm not gonna die because of this." you tell him, handing his phone back.
gojo whines out, "but baby, i don't like seeing you in pain. i wanna be in pain with you," he shakes you back and forth gently.
but when you were content with your choice — he accepted begrudgingly. pouting out, refusing to speak to you for at least the next fifteen minutes because he couldn't stand being apart from you that long. so instead, he searched for what he could do to help.
"look, i got three chocolates, and i got you extra pads and tampons because tiktok told me to. and i got salonpas because i heard they can actually help with cramps," gojo presented proudly, "and then lastly, me. your amazing boyfriend."
you, previously, laying down on the couch, sat up slowly with a small smile at his attempt to help you with your period.
"thank you 'toru. this means a lot to me."
"i still think i should buy that machine though, baby."
he's confused. he knows about periods, but he didn't know it pained you. the young male was in a training session one morning when you called him, expecting a cheery greeting from you.
oh, he didn't. instead here you were, moaning out in pain, "yuuji, you busy?" he could vaguely make out a sharp hiss from the other line.
yuuji was indeed busy. but he told you, "no, no. are you okay? what happened?" he was in the middle of a hand-to-hand with megumi, instinctively raising his hand to stop — and megumi stopped immediately, knowing it was important for yuuji.
"period cramps . . . can you come over, please?" he was confused, tired, and sweaty. but he didn't care about that — the male was worried because were periods even supposed to hurt you?
"of course, baby. i'll be there in a sec." he ended the call and shot a look to kugisaki, "what the hell does period cramps mean, does your . . . you know, hurt or something?"
kugisaki had to give him a one minute lecture on what he should do, step by step. yuuji listened thoroughly, running to the nearest convenience store to get what kugisaki told him to: sweets, chocolates, pads and tampons, and your favorite snacks.
and it took him no longer than eight minutes to appear at your doorstep, knocking a couple of times. still sweaty and stinky, "y/n? it's me."
"door's unlocked."
he opened the door hastily, making sure not to drop any of the things he just bought. lightly sending a kick to the door to shut it, "hi baby, how are you feeling?"
"not good. i feel like 'm gonna die." you writhe out, curling into a ball on your bed. the male approached you, putting down the things, "you stink."
he chuckled, stroking your head, "'m gonna borrow your shower, and then cuddles?"
you nod, "please."
nanami is always ready. he just knows when your period is coming, hell, he's even more accurate than your period tracker application.
"i brought you chocolates and ice cream, and a heat pad for your cramps." nanami mumbles out, kicking his shoes off as he enters your house carrying a plastic bag.
"how did you know it was my period?"
"i remember it," that was better than any "i love you" or "i miss you".
the male's always ready to bring snacks, sweets, and heat pads for you. nanami will do what it takes to cease your period cramps since he knew he couldn't feel it like you did. he feels really awful: giving you back massages, head massages, kisses to your stomach.
he said he'd "kiss the pain better".
which actually works.
i think he knows your period schedule better than you do. he'd always remind you that your period's coming soon as a heads up, and you listen to him all the time. to the point you had to delete your application since it was pretty useless at this point.
"darling, your period's coming up soon."
"really? didn't i just finish last month's . . ?" you mumbled, a little annoyed that your schedule's coming up so fast.
"in a few days, if i'm guessing — three maybe?" he replies, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
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jlushie · 1 year
Giving Them the Bouquet {Stardew Valley: Alex, Elliot, Seb, and Shane}
Yes, some fluffy confessions from all the marriage candidates. I always wanted them each to have a different reaction but they all pretty much say the same thing T_T
Giving them the bouquet before the ten heart event also always confused me, since they always end up confessing even though the bouquet symbolizes dating? I’m not quite sure. I’ll just assume most of everyone is shy or something lolol
Also, I’d like to apologize for my long hiatus. I’m going to be slowly, but surely, answer (almost) everything in my inbox. I swear I’m not ignoring any of you T_T
I hope this makes up for it, at least a little bit.
Anyhow, enjoy the story!
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After getting the letter from Pierre (who somehow creepily knew about your not so obvious crush on Alex), you rush to the store to get the bouquet. Sure, you literally had no plan on what to do, but you were already struggling with your feelings towards Alex and how to tell him. Even if it was super creepy of Pierre, you were not going to waste this opportunity!
For a moment, as you stood at the entrance of his house, shaking in your boots as you waited for someone to answer the door, you wondered if you really HAD to go through with it. I mean, surely it wasn’t too late…but before you could even turn around, Evelyn opens the door.
She greets you warmly, and then sees the bouquet. If you’re easy to fluster, I’m sorry. She’s going to giggle at you and probably say some things like;
“Oh my… You must be giving that to my dear grandson, yes?”
“They’re so beautiful, just like you, my dear. Alex is so lucky to have someone like you.”
“Ah… Young love… I remember when George had given me a bouquet all those years ago…”
“I’ll prepare the vase while you go talk with him. He’s in his room.”
She means no ill will, she’s literally sunshine and innocence mashed into an elderly woman.
She’ll happily invite you inside, and I imagine you’d just book it to his room after an encounter like that. You probably take a deep breath once more before knocking onto his door.
He opens the door for you (and luckily he has a shirt on so you won’t be distracted :D), and his face lightens up the moment he sees you.
“Oh, hey farmer! I was actually just about to head over to the farm to check up on ya… I haven’t seen you all day so I just got a bit worried… B-But y-you don’t have to always talk to me! I-I mean I totally always want to talk to you-! W-Wait that sounds… Let me start over…“
You ask if you can come in, and he quickly lets you in, cursing under his breath since he believed he was acting stupid. He closes the door, but right when he turns around, he’s beyond shocked.
You, the person he believed to be the cutest thing in Pelican Town since you had moved here, had a large bouquet of flowers in your hands, holding them out for him to take. He kept looking between the flowers and you, pretty unsure what to do tbh
It’s not until you finish your confession that he actually takes them, a super cute, but goofy smile spreading on his face as he rubs the back of his neck while holding the flowers close to him.
“I-I’m really happy you told me…! T-Thanks! I-I’ll totally accept this, yeah!”
It might seem like a really weird way to accept your feelings but give this man a break. He seems confident but he can just make himself flustered so quickly.
He’d probably ask you a lot of questions pretty quickly. He’s kinda a flustered chatterbox if you couldn’t tell.
He’d ask things like how long you had liked him, or if you knew he liked you, or what he could call you, etc.
You’d probably have to make him stop talking, but he’d still be so happy either way.
After a bit, Evelyn walks into the room with a vase, which sure, flustered you and Alex a bit more than previously, but it’s quickly lightened up with a plate of cookies, and an invite to dinner.
Even if you’d only given the bouquet to Alex like 20 minutes ago, he’s already planning a date to the saloon <333
I actually imagine Elliott would be quite a comforting person to be around, so compared to some of the others, while still be scary, it’s be a way more chill confession, if that makes any sense what so ever
Maybe it’s because he’s a romantic, so he’d understand no matter the outcome. So for this, we’re gonna say you’re a little excited to tell Elliott. Definitely nervous, but at least you’ll get it off your chest!
You bought the bouquet, and pretty much skipped out his house. When you arrived at his door, you were surprised to see he wasn’t there. He usually stayed at his house during this time, and surly he would have let you know. He usually let you know of any schedule changes he had so you two could always spend time together.
Willy had been walking by and saw you waiting at the door in a confused sort of trance.
“Ah, Farmer Y/n… You just missed Elliott.”
You ask if he knows where Elliott had gone. He lets out a laugh and winks at you.
“Yep. He told me he was headin’ to Pierre’s… Said he wanted to get a bouquet for a very special person.”
Willy let out another laugh, but was horrified to see how heartbroken you looked. He didn’t mean that in the way that you think at all. Your head held low, causing Willy to panic. You had run off before he had a chance to clear it up.
You had run off back to the farm, passed all the concerned villagers. When you got home, you gently tossed the bouquet onto the table and fell flat onto your bed, and stared up at the ceiling.
What you didn’t know was that Elliott was looking around frantically for you. He had no idea where you could be! Maybe you were in the mines? Or maybe you went to Ginger Island, or the Skull Caverns? He’d already been by your farm a couple times before you went home, so he just assumed you weren’t home.
At the end of the day, he walked home in defeat, the bouquet in his hands as he dragged himself to his house. Willy had stayed up specifically to tell him what had occurred, since he felt awful for it. Elliott wasn’t mad, but actually both worried and flustered over the news he was given.
You came to his house with a bouquet?? Were you going to give it to him????? WHY DIDN’T HE JUST WAIT A LITTLE LONGER THEN-
He thanked Willy before heading off to bed, already setting his alarm clock to the earliest time possible.
You had woken up from the knocking on your door. It wasn’t too surprising, since the villagers sometimes did have the tendency to wake you up even earlier than you already woke up. It was probably the fact you’d been pretty upset over the Elliott thing that you were a bit grumpy to answer the door. You contemplated even getting up, but did so anyway. You groggily opened the door, but woke the hell up when seeing Elliott at the door, bouquet in his hands.
It all suddenly clicked, and you felt a little embarrassed for before. It was a bit visible on your expression, but Elliott didn’t seem to mind, and only focused on you with a flustered, but loving smile.
You sat in silence for a second. Before Elliott could even speak, you held your hand up to quiet him for a moment to run and get the bouquet you had gotten for him, running back to the door with it in your hands.
Both do you were practically tomatoes from being so red. Elliott’s smile widened, bending down a bit to get a bit closer to your face.
“Mind if I come in? We can talk over breakfast.”
Oh you’ll definitely talk
Honestly, I imagine you’d be super hesitant for a couple days after you received the letter from Pierre. It’d probably be a couple days of a lot of thinking and consideration.
Then, one day, Jas had approached you.
You had grown a bit closer to her when you befriended Shane, and she seemed to really enjoy your company. She always wanted to play with you and sometimes joined you and Shane when you hung out. So usually, it wouldn’t bother you if she approached you, but it was raining pretty hard. You essentially screeched like a barbarian when you saw her drenched in water before you had dragged her under a large tree at the farm.
You rambled a bit about her, mostly regarding her health and the chance she could get sick in this weather.
“Sorry… I just needed to ask you something…”
She looked a bit saddened, but you quickly explained to her that you weren’t mad, just worried. And she could ask you anything, just preferably not in the rain. And since your house was the closest, you had urged her inside.
You brought her a towel to dry off, then turned on the fireplace. You had also made the two of you some hot chocolate, and Jas was more than delighted to drink it. As you both sat near the fire, Jas had asked you the big question she had come all this way to ask;
“Are you in love with Uncle Shane?”
You choked on your hot chocolate, but Jas just stared at you innocently. You didn’t really deny it, mostly because you were recovering from choking on the hot chocolate, but as soon as you did, your first question was why she wanted to ask such a thing.
“Miss Penny read us a fairy tail where the people in the book were in love, but they didn’t tell each other. It reminded me of you and Uncle Shane. You two are always red around each other and get nervous.”
You stuttered over your words, trying your best to come up with a response, but to no avail. Jas just smiled.
“You should tell him! He really likes you too. He never stops talking about you. And he gets all smiley.”
Afterwards, Marnie came in search of Jas, and the little girl had left. Though, the things she had said never really left your mind. That was probably the moment you had made the decision to give Shane the bouquet.
The next day, you headed straight to Pierre’s after taking care of your farm. And afterward, headed straight to Marnie’s barn, since it was Shane’s day off… You bumped into Jas on the way, who was pretty excited when she realized you were going to tell him. She had to go off and play with Vincent, but her mood was brightened and she skipped her way to her friend.
You pretty much went straight to Shane’s room, bouquet behind your back. Shane opened the door, and the moment he saw you, a smile spread on his face.
“Oh, hey Farmer. What’s up?”
You ask if you could talk, and Shane gets visibly nervous. I feel like if anyone hears the words ‘let’s talk,’ they panic a little.
Once you two were alone, he was shifting a bit. It made you feel bad to get him all fidgety, since it wasn’t your intention to make him a bit frazzled. But, you were here to do what you had mentally declared you were going to do. You pulled out the bouquet, and the second you did his eyes are wide, and his face flushed up.
You managed to get out your confession pretty well. You were as fidgety as he was in the beginning, but in the end, you had the courage to look him in the eyes.
He looked a bit worried, and looked away a bit shyly. It made you think for a second that he was going to reject you, but that wasn’t really the case.
“I… I really… I feel the same about you. But don’t be offended when I say this… Are you sure you really like me? I mean… I’ve struggled. I still struggle. I just want to make sure you’ll be happy with me if this is really what you want.”
Comfort him.
Tell him the honest truth; That you do indeed want this, and you want him. You really love him, and you want to be happy with him.
After that, he’d take the bouquet, albeit, a bit shyly.
“I-If you’re sure… Then… I’ll accept this. Thank you…”
I imagine there would be a lot of thought and consideration, like Shane. You definitely love Sebastian, no doubt about that. It’s more the concern should you tell him or should you not. Plus, most assume that he likes Abigail. All of that would be a lot to consider.
However, you my dear have the determination to be honest with your feelings. Despite everything, you really wanted to tell Sebastian, even if it didn’t end well. Plus it almost felt like he knew at this point with how obvious you thought you were being.
So, you bought the bouquet. It made you a little more nervous when looking down at the bundle of flowers, since Sebastian didn’t really favor flowers in any way. But maybe it’d be the meaning that he’d truly appreciate? You didn’t know at this point, only getting more and more nervous the closer you got to his house.
Though, you could quickly tell when coming inside that something wasn’t right in the house. Robin looked grumpy and her husband wasn’t anywhere in sight. Robin barely even took notice of you, grumpily shaving down some wood.
You were kinda happy about that though. It’d be a bit awkward for Robin to fawn over you right before you were going to confess to her son-
Anyhow, you walked inside of his room, freezing up a bit when seeing Sebastian sitting on his bed, leaning against the wall with an angry expression. He seemed deep in thought, not even noticing you at the door.
He eventually saw you when you sat down beside him, the bouquet behind your back as you looked at him with concern. You were quick to ask Sebastian what was wrong. Had something upset him?
Sebastian let out a sigh, looking up at the ceiling. “Demetrius is what’s wrong. He got into a fight with my mom about me, saying I should be out of the house by now... He never brought Maru up at all though.”
Demetrius’ favoritism always made your blood boil. He seriously had no right to treat Sebastian in such a mean way. And frankly, you didn’t like the way he talked to Robin either. You were quick to side with Sebastian, letting him know of such to. You assured him he did nothing wrong, and Demetrius had no right to say that.
Obviously, it felt weird to give him a bouquet in that moment, so you just... hid it behind your back. You had pretty much given up on the idea of telling him now... But hey, maybe another time.
But obviously, Sebastian can see the colorful abundance of flowers brooding from your back, and so of course he would ask.
You tried to avoid it, even trying to blame it on the ol' farming excuse, but Sebastian wasn't impressed. He sighed, looking down at the ground with a frustrated expression.
"You're giving someone a bouquet, aren't you?"
His expression morphed from frustration into sadness.
"...Just go and give it to them... You don't have to pity me anymore."
you stared in utter bewilderment. Did he... not even consider these were for him? You quickly pushed the bouquet into his hands, correcting him and saying they were for him, not for anyone else.
His face was flushed in red as he stared at you with wide eyes.
You'll have to tell him a few times they are for him. He'll always need to hear it a few times before it really kicks in.
He takes a shaky breath, looking down at the bouquet as a slow smile stretched on his lips.
"Cool... cool... Thanks."
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
bar - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 645 - NSFW (detailed descriptions of sexual dancing but not actual sex) - sorry for flooding your inbox today, @jegulus-microfic, I really like this prompt!
"Make Regulus blush."
That had been James's dare from Dorcas.
But Regulus was a fortress. He didn't react to anything. James had been trying for months. He'd flirted, complimented, annoyed, and instigated.
The only reason he hadn't given up was because of Marlene. 'Cas says that Reg likes you back. You just have to break through his....er...walls.'
So he continued to try. But Regulus continued to reject him. He had a plan tonight, though.
Sirius had snuck off with Remus so he wasn't about to get reprimanded for resorting to desperate measures. Which he was going to do. Because these were definitely desperate times. Meaning, James was desperate for Regulus.
So he stood from his spot in their circle of friends and moved in front of Regulus. "Any rules?" he asked lightly, looking at Regulus.
"No," Dorcas answered, while Regulus wrinkled his nose and said, "No touching."
"Alright," James nodded, conjuring a chair and gesturing for Regulus to sit.
The other boy sat gingerly, looking up at him with a bored expression that said 'do your worst.'
Then, waving his wand, James made music begin.
Of course, he was not a trained professional. He'd never given a lap dance in his life, actually. But he had a feeling that didn't matter. Because as soon as the music began, a suggestive bass line filling the room, Regulus looked nervous.
"Sure this is okay?" James asked and he stepped closer.
"No touching," Regulus repeated, quieter, now.
Instead, James slowly circled the chair, before coming around to the front again. Grinning slightly, he straddled Regulus, never allowing their legs to touch, gripping the bar of the back of the chair behind Regulus's head for balance, before slowly guiding himself down and in.
It was difficult. James thanked Merlin for his Quidditch training, as his thighs burned from the position. But, leaning closer and allowing his face and chest to move just centimeters way from Regulus, thrusting his hips with the music, he realized it was worth it. Because it was working.
The air was becoming hot and Regulus's breath was hitching. James felt the tension rolling off of both of them in waves.
Wolf whistles sounded from around them as Regulus began to squirm, accidentally causing their legs to brush.
"I can stop, love," James murmured into his ear, knowing he couldn't do much else without actually touching Regulus.
But Regulus met his eyes and tilted his chin up slightly before spreading his own knees just a little, making their legs touch again. "Go on," he muttered. "I won't blush even if you touch me."
Grinning at the challenge, James sat fully in his lap, now, earning screams from the circle, but focusing on Regulus's face. He looked like he was concentrating, his lip between his teeth and his eyes staring across the room. "Distracted?" James asked quietly, slowly allowing his weight to pull their bodies together deliciously.
"No," Regulus grunted, still staring off.
James ran his hands up Regulus's chest and thrust just slightly, earning a shiver from the other boy. "And now, love?"
Someone in the circle whistled again and everyone was chattering and giggling.
He bit at the earlobe in front of him before mouthing down Regulus's neck. The smallest moan was detectible only through vibration, and James smiled into the pale skin in front of him. "Blushing now?"
But James knew he was lying. Because it was clear from the hardness poking into his inner thigh that Regulus was very distracted. So he whispered again, "Your cock seems to disagree."
Regulus let out a louder groan this time, throwing his head back a bit, and James looked triumphantly at his skin, a beautiful blush forming there. "We'll pick this up later, love," he murmured into Regulus's ear, kissing his neck lightly before standing up and facing Dorcas.
"I win."
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honestly i just have dbf!santi brainrot.
Precious Girl.
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oh my GOOOOOOD everyone knows I see the words dad's best friend and go fuckin feral. thank you for this.
warnings - smut. cursing.
Masterlist. Inbox.
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You're sat on a bench in the dark when he walks past.
"Santi?" you ask, squinting to see him.
He stops and sits down next to you, his warmth instantly seeping into your skin where his arm brushes yours.
"What are you doing sat out here? It's 2am and pitch black."
You chew at your lip, playing with the rings on your fingers.
"I had a date. It was bad, so I left. Realised I didn't know where I was, so I sat down here to try and call an Uber or something."
"What do you mean, bad?"
"I don't know. He was cocky. Patronising. Immature. I don't have the energy for boys anymore, Santi."
He chuckles, deep and knowing.
"At least you know what you want, hermosa. I admire that."
"What I want doesn't fucking exist," you laugh. "Think I'll just give up."
"I know you. You've never been a quitter."
You exhale slowly.
"I hate that you're right."
A pause.
"What are you doing walking around in the dark at this time of night, Garcia?"
"Met some old college buddies at that Irish bar."
"Did my Dad go?"
"Yeah. We parked in separate places, so I was just walking back to my car. He left just before me."
"He loves those guys."
"I do too," he smiles.
You both sit for a moment, thinking. Santiago nudges your shoulder with his gently.
"Let's get out of here, hmm? I'll drive you home."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course. I know you love my heated seats, so..."
"It's true," you laugh. "They're the height of luxury, Santi."
"That car was my mid life crisis."
"There are worse things it could have been. Thank God it wasn't gambling. Or prostitutes."
He laughs, throwing his head back and knocking his body into your side.
"None of that shit. Just a nice car with heated seats."
"What more could you want?"
He grabs your hand, pulling you up with him.
"Let's go home, hermosa."
Santi walks you back to his car, only ten minutes down the road. When you reach it, he reaches past you and grabs the handle on the passenger side to open the door for you. He leans in close, his nose brushing yours. Your breath hitches in your chest, not daring to move.
You don't know who moves first, but all of a sudden his lips are on yours, pressing you up against the car. You're moaning into his mouth, tangling your fingers into his salt and pepper hair, desperate to get as close to him as possible.
Santi's hands dance from your hips to the hem of your skirt and underneath. He pulls your underwear to the side and runs his fingers through your wet heat, groaning.
"Fuck, baby. This all for me?"
When you nod frantically, he smirks.
"Fucking filthy. Getting all worked up for your dad's best friend. What would they say if they knew, huh? If they saw their precious girl getting fingered in a parking lot..."
He trails off as he sinks two fingers into you, his other hand holding an iron grip on your hip to keep you still. His thumb finds your clit effortlessly, the ease of it making you moan.
"Think it's time you expand your horizons, cariño. No more boys from now on, yeah?"
You're babbling, agreeing mindlessly, willing to say anything to get what you want.
"You look so gorgeous like this. It's nice to see your attitude in check for a change."
You kiss him again to shut him up, practically begging him to be quiet. As much as his teasing gets under your skin, he's right. This was exactly what you needed.
"Close, baby? Can feel you squeezin' me. Like a fuckin' vice."
You grip at his jacket and pull him into you, resting your forehead on his chest to try and anchor yourself. When he leans down and sucks into the spot under your ear, you're done for.
You find your release embarrassingly quickly, boneless and shaking. Santi talks you through it, murmuring sweetness into your hair.
You pull away and rest against the car, catching your breath. Santi steals a kiss cheekily before smoothing down your skirt and brushing the creases from your shirt.
"Good," you giggle. "Very good."
"Let's get you home, huh?"
He leans past you to open your door, lips brushing your ear.
"My home. I'm not done with you yet, hermosa."
The anticipation makes you shiver.
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flynnriderishot · 3 months
heeey um i got my antidepressants dose increased :’) i hate how im feeling these days and my ed is getting out of control i wish i could stop taking them haha could you maybe write something where vinnie comforts and takes care of the reader on her really bad days? ilysm thank you 🥹🫶🏼
not alone - v.h
a/n: i want to start off by saying that i’m so sorry for how you’re feeling. i’ve been in your position before and can promise that it gets better. my private messages are always open if you’d like to talk to me about anything (this is open for everyone). i also want to apologize for how long it took me to get through to your request, it was buried deep within my inbox.
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you haven’t been feeling your best lately. far from it, actually.
you couldn’t really pinpoint why you’ve been feeling off, but it was definitely noticeable to your friends, family and boyfriend that your usual bubbly personality has slowly been melting away as the days been by.
it started off with you spacing out during conversations, to not giving your input at all, to simply just not showing up when there was a group hang out.
this raised serious concerns with your boyfriend, vinnie, as he wasn’t used to seeing you so down.
with your relationship being new, only seven months in, he wasn’t sure how to approach it.
though, having dealt with his own personal problems with his feelings, he’s learned that constantly being alone with your thoughts wasn’t the best decision. so, after giving you your alone time to process things, he decided to take matters into his own hands.
which is why he was currently walking into your apartment with a bag full of your favorite things, snacks, face masks, and a stuff animal that made him think of you when he first saw it.
he placed the bag on the counter, slowly making his way down the hall to your bedroom. knocking on the door, he turned the knob and spoke,
“babe? it’s vinnie, i don’t know if you saw my text… i wanted to come check on you.”
he squinted his eyes to try and get a better look into the dark room. he sighed softly at the sight of your figured buried beneath your comforter.
he noticed the movement from your breathing, immediately picking up that your weren’t asleep.
“how you feeling?”
“i don’t want to talk, vin.” you mumbled, praying that he would hear so that you wouldn’t have to repeat yourself.
“that’s okay.” he nodded, swallowing thickly before he sat down near you, “can i lay with you?”
you didn’t give a verbal response, only moving over a bit so he could get comfortable. you silently thanked God that your forced yourself to get out of bed and shower earlier in the morning.
vinnie pressed a soft kiss to the crown of your head as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“i want to let you know that you aren’t alone, okay? whatever is going on, i just hope you realize that i’m here for you, your friends are here for you, and i know your family is too. i know you don’t want to feel like a burden to anyone but your feelings matter. and if you aren’t okay, then you should tell someone. i’m here, i will always be here.”
his words were enough to make the tear swelling in your eyes roll down your face.
“i don’t know what’s wrong with me. i’m just so sad but i have no reason to be.” you sniffled, burying your head into his chest.
he rubbed your back softly, closing his eyes at the sound of your sniffles,
“that’s okay. we all get sad sometimes. and even if you don’t know how to describe it, or if you don’t know how to word it, it could be good to at least be with someone who has an understanding.” he felt you nod against him,
“i know that i hate not being able to see you be your usually bubbly self and i hate knowing that you’re struggling alone. i want to there to help you. i want you to burden me with your problems, you know? i want to help you when you need me most. that’s what i’m here for. you don’t deserve to suffer alone.”
“i know. i’m sorry for pushing you away.”
“you have no reason to be sorry.” he lifted your head, pressing a gentle peck to your lips, “if anything, i’m sorry for not coming over sooner.”
“you’re here now.” you tightened your hold on him, “that’s all that matters.”
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taglist: @hearts4chris @timmyandsturniolo @mayhem-72 @luvsturns @knowingnothingnoel @mrsmattyb @itzdarling @julliaaaaaaaaaaaaa @dracoflaco @heartsforchrisandmatt @lily-strnlo @alliehansson @stinkytwinkwinky @mstarniolo
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footprintsinthesxnd · 3 months
Thank God for Eugene Roe
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This request was from a lovely anon. It’s been sat in my inbox for a little while so I’m sorry it’s taken so long but it’s finally here now. Hope you enjoy. Warnings: mentions of injury, swearing, death, themes of war.
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Eugene wasn’t sure what order the events of the day went in. Everything became a blur after a while and all he could see was the crimson blood covering his pale hands. It all began when Skinny Sisk had been hit earlier that morning and Eugene accompanied him to the aid station in Bastogne. The aid station had been crowded and he spent a good portion of the morning there, not returning until later that day, and leaving Spinna in charge. Easy Company. They were in good hands, no patrols were scheduled, and the bombardment from the morning had died down. It was a relatively quiet day, maybe too quiet.
No one looked up at Eugene as he hopped off the jeep, trudging his way through the snow to where Spinna was standing, arms crossed, his chin buried deep into his scarf, moving from foot to foot to stay warm. The priest had just finished his blessing and began gathering up the white sheet he’d laid across the bonnet of the jeep.
“What’s the word?” Eugene balanced the boots he’d collected for Joe Toye on top of the box of supplies Renée had kindly found for him.
Spinna glanced at him, “Battalion wants a reconnaissance patrol. Kraut hunting”
“Alright, I'll go. Take these,” Eugene passed the box over to Spinna, who accepted them thankfully, glad he didn’t have to go on the patrol after all. “Give the boots to Joe Toye, tell him they’re a nine.” Spinna nodded at Eugene as he began to jog over toward the other paratroopers who had gathered, waiting for orders.
Eugene hurried towards Sergeant Martin who was talking quietly to Lieutenant Peacock. Johnny’s hand shot out, stopping Eugene in his tracks, “Doc Doc, it’s a combat patrol. Why don’t you stay back and keep your ass out of trouble? Huh?”
Eugene looked a little forlorn, and nodded slowly “Yes Sergeant.” He was surprised they didn’t want a medic on the patrol. Ever since they arrived in Bastogne and the Krauts started their artillery barrages, everyone was crying out for a goddamn medic, day or night.
Stepping back Eugene caught Y/n's eye, she smiled at him softly, giving him a small wave before continuing her conversation with George and Babe. Eugene felt the familiar ache in his chest beginning to grow as it did every time she smiled at him.
His heart always ached when he wasn’t on patrols with her, fearing that the worst would happen before he’d even told her how he truly felt. She was his friend but that’s all he was ever going to be to her, and it hurt, but at least he could help keep her alive.
He crouched down by a tree, ignoring the snow that brushed against his trousers, leaving damp patches where he sat. The cold seemed to keep him awake, alert, and ready for anything that could go wrong. He’d been that way since they came into the Bulge. On edge, waiting for the next move to go wrong. That was the part he hated about being a medic, everyone always needed him in the most dire situations. The rest of the time he merely existed, never getting close to them because, in the next moment, he’d be covered in their blood.
He lit a cigarette, embracing the warm air that filled his lungs, exhaling in a long puff of smoke that drifted upwards towards the light that peaked through the dense tree cover. The snow blew through it extinguishing any heat before it had the chance to warm the air. Bastogne was a place of cold and despair, any hope was soon extinguished, if not by the Krauts then by the weather.
The gunfire signalled the action that Eugene was waiting for.
“Doc, it’s Y/n!”
Eugene found himself frozen in time, his eyes watching his fellow paratroopers rush past him in a blur. George’s mouth was moving as he continued to shout but all Eugene could hear was her name, a silent prayer on his lips. It couldn’t be her, not Y/n.
“Doc! Help her! She’s been shot!” That was all it took for him to be at George’s side, pushing the radioman out of the way and falling beside Y/n, who gave him the same soft smile she had sent him earlier.
“Y/n, ya stay with me now. Dontcha’ even think about dying.” He pressed the bandage firmly against the wound on her side, cursing as the blood flowed straight through his fingers.
“E-Eugene… Gene I…” Y/n gasped, blood spilling out the corner of her mouth as she spluttered helplessly on the ground. Eugene ripped open the syrrette of Morphine, pressing it firmly into the fresh over her collar bone.
“Y/n, don’t say nothin’, ‘kay. Save ya strength. I need ya to stay with me,” Eugene pleaded, his hand shaking as he placed the cannula, securing it with tape quickly and allowing the plasma to flow down the line and into her veins. The morphine was taking effect now too and her speech became slurred as she tried to reach out for Eugene’s hand.
“Eu-gene?” He gripped her hand tightly, placing his lips on her skin. He could feel her shaking beneath his touch, and he couldn’t help the tears that spilt down his frozen cheeks.
“You’re gonna be just fine, Y/n.” Eugene knew deep down he was trying to reassure himself but he was glad when Y/n smiled up at him.
“I’m gonna getcha’ outta here.” With George’s help, they began to drag Y/n along the snow-covered ground, trying to ignore her complaints of pain as the German bullets whipped past their heads. Captain Nixon appeared, shouting over the commotion for them to retreat, but Eugene and George kept on moving, pulling Y/n to safety before they stopped.
Eugene was back at her side in an instant, applying a fresh dressing over the already soiled one, praying that this one would hold.
“Eugene, I need to tell you s…mthing imp-portant. I-I love you, Gene. I-I’ve always l-loved you but I was too s-scared to tell you.”
Eugene’s heart skipped in his chest, feeling lightheaded as he fell over his words. He wanted to tell her he loved her too, to kiss her, to hold her close to his chest and promise her that everything was going to be okay. How could he promise her that? He could only watch as she grew ever paler and the blood seeped through the bandages, turning the snow around them bright red.
“I know,” he replied, brushing his hand over her sweaty forehead, watching as her glazed eyes followed his movements. “It’s gonna be okay, Y/n.” The roar of the jeep pulling up accompanied his words and he made quick work of flagging it down, carrying Y/n over and laying her limp body over the stretcher as she passed out.
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The first thing Y/n remembered was the pain, it spread through her body like a searing fire, causing her to cry out. She sat upright in bed with a start, hissing as the sutures pulled at the wound on her abdomen. A pair of hands came to rest on her shoulders, easing her back down in the bed.
Her eyes adjusted to her surroundings, noticing the stone walls and high blue-painted ceiling. She wasn’t in a hospital but beds with wounded men lay all across the room. Women in nurses' uniforms hurried back and forth while medics helped work on the injured men.
There was still a hand resting on her shoulder and she glanced over to see the very worried, Cajun medic starting back at her.
“You gave me quite a scare back there you know. Damn Y/n, do n'tcha do that again,” he leant across, pulling her carefully into a hug which she quickly reciprocated.
“I’m sorry, Gene. I’ll try and be more careful next time,” she assured him, squeezing his hand reassuringly.
Eugene gave her a weak smile and opened his mouth to speak before snapping it closed. She cocked an eyebrow at him, waiting to hear what he wanted to say.
“I don’t know if I should tell you this. I don’t even know if you meant all that you said back there but I just… I just gotta tell you that I feel the same,” he took a deep breath, “I love you too.”
Y/n swallowed hard, had she confessed her feelings to him? She’d managed to hide her feelings for him ever since Toccoa and yet in a moment of weakness she spilled the beans. How many people heard her? Her mind raced with unanswered questions but Eugene’s face only grew more grave.
“I did wonder if you only said it cause you was dying,” he stood up from his chair, collecting his musette bag from the floor. “I’m glad you’re okay, Y/n. I’ll see you when you’re better, yeah?”
“Gene, wait! Do you really mean it? Do you really love me?” Her little outburst had caught the eye of a few of the wounded men around her, all watching with bated breath for the outcome.
“Course I do. I wouldn’t have told to if it won’t true,” he moved closer to her bed once more, moving to cup her cheek but only touching her when she nodded in response to his unasked question. “I love you, Y/n, ever since Toccoa.”
Y/n chuckled, “We’re such fools. We’ve both loved each other since Toccoa but we were too damn scared to say anything. I should have told you sooner.”
“And I shoudda told you sooner too. Guess at least we know now,” Gene reassured her, sitting down again beside her bed.
“That’s true,” she mused, shuffling so she could lean closer to him. “Gene?”
“Yes, Doll?”
“Kiss me.”
“Yes Ma’am,” Eugene sealed his lips to Y/n’s as if they had been kissing each other their whole lives. At least one good thing came from that Kraut bullet and that was Eugene Roe.
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Tags: @georgieluz @iceman-kazansky @yeahcurrahhe-e @msmercury84 @blvestxr @dustyjumpwjngs @theflyingfin @jump-wings @kafka-ohdear @kmc1989 @mads-weasley @docroesmorphine @liptonsbabe @hesbuckcompton-baby @ronsparky @allthingsimagines @bucky32557038ww2 @hanniewinnix @inglourious-imagines @l13bg0tt @1waveshortofashipwreck
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vylad243 · 3 months
Hi! If this is in your inbox twice feel free to snipe me cause my internet has decided I am no longer worthy of it being stable.
Anyways! I was obsessing over your writing just a tad, I really love your characterizations, and I was wondering something with one of your prompt writings! So it’s that first one where Vox gets nabbed and Alastor goes and gets him while mauling the ones who took him. I’m wondering what would have happened if Vox got grabbed by more competent sinners and Al was not able to find Vox? At least not as quickly. Would he start freaking out? Would the hotel/Charlie get involved?
Would Al start going on a rampage? Turning every stone (and building) to find him? What would happen when he did? Would Vox be a bit more ruffed up? How would the situation change overall?
Just curious! Love your writing and excited to see more of it in the future! :))
Hi! It only appeared once! Also, that's rude asf of your internet
Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm glad to hear you've been enjoying my works! I love how interactive everyone is in this fandom! It's a lot of fun to make content
As for the question- Alastor would go crazy if he couldn't find Vox within the first hour. Alastor gas the upper hand because he can smell Vox and feel his radio waves- but if Vox was taken to a place where his scent was hidden and the radiowaves couldn't travel through- then Alastor would be unsuccessful for a while
Charlie and the hotel would get involved, but some are in it for damage control and others are genuinely worried for Vox. They would have a search all over the city trying to locate Vox as he's technically under their protection.
Since in that case- it was a ransom, they would probably use a trap to have the sinners out themselves so they could properly locate Vox and secure him, but Alastor would go batshit crazy until he could find Vox. A lot of his anxiety and fear stems from what happened to Vox by Valentino when Alastor wasn't with him- so Alastor has a huge fear leaving Vox alone, especially with dangerous and unpredictable sinners.
The city wouldn't be destroyed from Alastor necessarily, though. A lot of the city would be in turmoil from the lack of power. Unlike the sinners that were around before Vox- most sinners are used to having electricity and power almost everywhere, so when it's taken away, they go crazy because Vox utilizes his powers to make them addicted to his screens
If the power stays on and Vox is missing, though- then yes. Alastor would cause a lot of chaos and destruction looking for Vox. They are openly dating - so people would expect it, and if something happens to Alastor, Vox would probably do the same
Vox, on the other hand, would be a lot more injured than he was in the book if it took Alastor more time. The countdown was to start hurting Vox. Once those two hours were up- Vox was going to be tortured. It would have started small before it got worse. A few missing fingers and toes to his hand being torn off. It would all depend on how long it took for the ransom to be done or for Alastor to find them. They had 24 hours before he would have been actually killed, and a lot of misery could happen within those hours
When Alastor finally finds him- his carnage would be worse. Vox probably wouldn't be conscious at that point and wouldn't be able to tell Alastor to 'stop so they could leave'
Alastor would tear them apart slowly and surely. He would repeat every injury Vox had onto them, and then he'd mirror it on the other side of their body. They would be in absolute agony with no one to help them because no one would have the nerve to try and stop Alastor
Hope this answers your question! ^-^
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animeomegas · 1 year
I can't stop thinking about proposing to baxter auauauau. i absolutely love the idea of the MC slowly guiding baxter through the different pitstops in memory lane before leading up to the proposal and it makes it all the more intimate. I honestly love how their relationship or bond begun when the MC went to that soiree with their moms at the very beginning and where they also danced with baxter the first time and now, they're entering the next big step in their relationship with a dance (at their wedding). But i also wanna talk about the process of baxter planning the wedding. we all know he puts pressure on himself to be perfect and ik that he'd also be pressured to make the wedding as perfect as possible bc of his fear of disappointment. and im imagining a scenario where the MC just holds him in bed, arms wrapped around his waist and head buried in his neck just so that they could stop him from organizing more stuff for their wedding. also, do you think he'd be the type to arrange Pinterest boards and show it to you for approval? asdfghfjs he's so adorable im sorry for the ramble
Yessss, Baxter deserves to be wined and dined and forced down memory lane on his proposal day hehe.
Although, I have to admit that I'd definitely consider going back to that cabin for a long weekend to propose. I'd probably do it by the fireplace really late at night, devoid of guests. I'd lowkey request the staff don't linger behind the reception just for the ten minutes of the proposal, because firstly it would be awkward, and secondly, I would hope a manager would hear and give a complimentary dessert :D I'm a massive sap so I'd probably try to get one of the same rooms, even if they all look the same.
I think you're very right that he'd over focus on MC's wishes for the wedding, although I think Baxter has a long list of (primarily tacky) things he hates at weddings so if MC hit one of those, he'd probably make a face before he could stop himself XD
I don't think he's a Pinterest board person, no. I think he would see no merit in finding ideas from Pinterest if he can't find a way to make it happen in reality. Therefore, he has a bookmark folder of folders, filled with links to local services or tutorials on wedding stuff. He values the practicality as much as the vibes.
I think he's very familiar with Pinterest though, I'm sure more than one of the couples he's planned for had one. I used to work primarily at weddings too, and let me tell you, almost every single couple would say "we want something a little different" and the 'something different' was something they got off of Pinterest, a.k.a. something everyone else had seen. This led to hundreds of almost identical weddings... I'm sure if Baxter is anything like me, he's sick of Pinterest wedding ideas XD
This was a very cute ask, anon, thank you for sending it and feel free to ramble in my inbox anytime you'd like! <3
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dragonridernoobie · 13 days
HELLOOOO!! Hope you’re ready for another Gianna x megatronnnn!! Part 5 I believe
Ok sooo, after Megatron sent her the lil message after their battle I want them to have another little interaction with each other!!
How about Megatron and her have another battle on the battlefield while the rest of the Autobots and cons fight. But, Megatron defeated her this time but he saw how injured she was so he took her in secretly and made knockout patch her up!
Hope this makes senseeeee tysm for this series btw🙏🥹
Sure! I've been waiting for a request for the last week. *slowly tapping pen on table while staring intently at inbox* I hope you like this one!!!
Megatron X Gianna Part 5
Megatron and Gianna where fighting in the field, the autobots where fighting eachother trying to get an object.
While Gianna and Megatron fought, they kept jabbing each other with insults. They kept fighting and hitting eachother.
While they are fighting, miko who snuck onto the mission, comes out of no where and tries to help Gianna. Then ends up causing a problem since Gianna saw her and dident block megatrons attack, sending her a bit away.
Her busted robotic arm was now broken, and she was hurt. Megatron stops his movements, surprised. He quickly grabs Gianna and calls a forfeit. Not knowing miko was holding on to him.(don't ask how she wasent thrown off)
Megatron gets to the warship and quickly take Gianna to the medbay where knockout was buffing his paint from the fight.
Megatron: "stop what you are doing and help her."
Knockout: "yes lord megatron."
Megatron nods and leaves. After walking a distance, he hears somone yell his name. When he turns around and dosent see anyone. He looks down and sees miko looking at him
Megatron: "well, well, well, the autobot pet is here. How foolishly of you to make you're self known."
Megatron reaches down to grab miko but miko yells at him.
Miko: "you can't touch me without Gianna knowing! I saw how you looked at her! What is going on with you and her!"
Megatron: "nothing is going on with her. Now come here rodent!"
Miko just smiles and runs. Soon, running into a air vent nearby. Megatron just growls but leaves it.
Soon, Gianna wakes up and sees that megatron brought her to his medbay to get her fixed. Her robotic arm is in perfect condition, and nothing is broken in her body. When she looked around, she is able to tell she is in the medbay.
Before she got up, she heard someone whisper her name and when she looked at the vent above her, she sees miko.
Gianna: "miko?! What are you doing here!"
Miko: "SHHHH! To get you out of here. Comone!"
Gianna sighs but nods. She follows Gianna into the vent and soon walking down the vents.
Miko: "so...you and megatron"
Gianna: "don't. Nothing is happing."
Miko: "really? Don't think he would throw me or jack or raph into the medbay to heal us without a reason."
Gianna: "who knows, he might wanted information and dident want me dead."
Miko: "lies, the way he was looking at you says otherwise."
Gianna: "nothing is happing."
Miko: "lies, tell me now!"
Miko blocks her path and stares into her eyes.
Gianna: "...fine...I fought him in secret in a normal 1v1 and I beat him. I earned his respect."
Miko: "...oh....my...god.....you guys are in love!!!!!"
Gianna: "wait what?!? No!"
Miko: "oh, bulkhead will be so surpised!"
Gianna keeps telling miko that there is nothing going on but miko won't listen. They soon arrive in to the landing deck. When they where about to calm the autobot base for help, megatron walks forward with a neutral look.
Megatron: "leaving so soon?"
Gianna: "...."
Miko: "aww, he wants you to stay!"
Gianna: "shut up!"
Megatron looks at them surprised but dosent say anything. Gianna gives him a thank you Glace when miko was able to send a message and a groundbridge opens. Megatron nods and watches them go through.
Once at the autobot base, ratchet was quick to check on them both but soon miko opened her mouth and announced Gianna and Megatron are dating.
Everyone in base stop what they are doing, looking surprised!
Hell is about to be unleashed....
Hope you enjoy it!!!
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mybworlds · 6 months
Chapter 7: Routine
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Pairing: The Hound x Sansa Stark
Summary: As their journey continues, they will discover that slowly their relationship is beginning to change -- perhaps.
Chapter Warnings: language, use of pet names
Before to start... thank you to follow me, if you want to be tagged in the next chapters, please let me know! if you want to ask me smt, you can write down here or you can inbox me. Please remember English is not my first language.
Thanks @vase-of-lilies for the banner
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Sansa was silent for a long time, straining to remember what she had done or said: she tried to justify his behavior. She knew for sure that he didn't touch her: if he did, she thought, he would surely have reminded her or turned her some ambiguous phrases to make her uncomfortable.
Instead, the Hound looked particularly grim and blurted out for everything.
The Sun painted the surrounding hills as Sansa and the Hound walked through another forest, over there air was cool and there was no particular noise except that of the pristine nature around them.
"It's beautiful here," she said with a small smile, "What is this place?"
"A friggin' forest, a friggin' forest, they're all the same as each other," he replied, taking his canteen and drinking.
"Wine?" she asked, turning her head toward him.
"Yes, would you like it?" he asked handing his the canteen, she wrinkled her nose and looked ahead.
"No, thank you. My head hurts too much." she replied as she turned to him and looked at the landscape that offered itself to their view.
He chuckled "I had my first drunk when I was twelve, I had made a bet with a pig warden." he told her, sketching a smile.
"Really?" she asked in amazement.
"How were you as a child?" she asked curiously.
"Silent." he replied admonishing her "What is this question? Courtesy question? Or something else?"
"No, I mean, if we're going to get to Winterfell, we should get to know each other, don't you think."
"No." he replied abruptly.
"Why are you so…unwilling to talk about you and your past? I only asked you about your childhood! You must have been a child, right?" she tried to deepen.
"I've forgotten who I was like!" he told her. And it was true in part.
"Because of your brother?" she had the audacity to ask him even though she dared not look at his expression.
He shook his head; he didn't like to talk about that part of his life. Indeed, the less he remembered about it, the better he was: his childhood was linked with so many painful memories. He didn't want to talk about it!
"What was your mother's name?" she asked him, retrying after a while to talk to him.
Sandor huffed, "What does it matter?"
"Mine is called Catelyn. She is one of the strongest and proudest women I know, when I grow up I hope to be like her." she told.
"I hear your mother is holding that damned Lannister captive who thinks he's above everyone! May the Underworld take him!" Sandor spoke bitterly.
Sansa smiled, "I know. She's showing such courage."
"So are you, little bird, so are you," he added, making her turn her head toward him and make their eyes meet.
That clear sky soon gave way to rain and the two were forced to stop again.
They reached a small inn where Sansa ate stewed meat with vegetables and drank a lot of water, she would not be drinking wine again for certainly not anytime soon.
She promised herself.
Sandor, on the other hand, ate and drank to satisfaction, he was so drunk that at one point he almost dropped the glass from his hands and that was when Sansa stopped him: it had never happened that a woman managed to stop him, but she must have had some strange power over him because strangely he did not attack her, indeed when she told him to go to sleep, he let himself be guided to the room that Sansa had previously requested for them. The man leaned on the little girl who was barely holding him because of his size and let her guide him up the dusty, creaking steps, his head aching more than usual.
The two entered a small room that was old and smelled musty, Sansa sat the Hound on the bed that creaked under his weight, then the young woman went to the small window and opened it. Fresh air flooded the room that probably hadn't been opened in years, and Sansa felt better, rested her palms on the small windowsill and closed her eyes, breathing in the crisp air that filled her nostrils and gently moved her hair.
Who knows if it was snowing in Winterfell, if the wolves were howling and running through the woods, she opened her eyes and watched the sky grow darker and darker, then she looked in again and saw the Hound lying on his side, the features of the healthy half of his face were relaxed and for a moment it seemed to Sansa that for real she had a man just a little older than she was and not someone forty!
She was tempted to move his black hair that was falling over his face, but she preferred not to touch him, not to disturb his sleep, and so she made to lie down beside him on the other side of the bed: it barely squeaked under the slight weight of the young Stark and she only at that instant realized that she was lying with a man, she flushed. He was drunk yes, sleeping it is true, but he was a man!
What would her mother or her septa have said if they had seen that she, Sansa Stark of Winterfell, was lying with a man who was not her husband and who moreover had been in the service of the Lannisters?
But then she recalled that they had almost certainly slept together the night before as well, and her heart missed a beat and then galloped off again.
"You can lie down, I won't hurt you."
The Hound reassured her, at least in words, about his intentions, but Sansa continued to feel that state of deep shame. She squeezed her eyes shut and placed her hands to her chest, then relented and lay back, her head turned away. The Hound was too drunk to even think about touching the little bird, but even if he had, it would not have been to hurt her: he wouldn't laid a finger on her.
He was making that journey for the purpose of bringing her back to her nest; he would never break her wings to satisfy his desire, ever.
The next morning the two set off again, their relationship was changing, it was now clear.
A strange routine had developed: they ride for several hours, then Sandor goes off to find some berries or a hare while she lights a fire or satisfies personal impulses, then after they had eaten their simple meal, Sandor helps her get back on Stranger and then continue riding, Sandor holds the reins and she keeps her hands on his or she holds Stranger's reins and he covers her hands with his own.
It was a bit strange that relationship, but in Sansa's eyes it was beautiful, simple and less frightening as the days went by, in Sandor's eyes magnificent because for the first time he was sharing something simple with someone.
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bbyquokka · 2 years
you’re not my secret anymore, but my lover. ˖⁺。˚⋆˙♥️
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🦙: pairing: Hyunjin & f!reader
🦙: genre: smut, 18-? DNI! fluff and a bit of angst (possibly ??)
🦙: synopsis: realising your feelings for Hyunjin have become more that just friends with benefits, you came clean to everyone
🦙: warnings: cheating, unprotected sex, bondage (hands bound), degrading names, (slut, whore) pet names, reader is fucked dumb, orgasm denial, explicit language, fingering, clit play
🦙: words: 3.3k
🦙: a/n: part 2 of  ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Got secrets i cant tell got requested so i thought, why not do it! i already had some ideas before i got the request but didnt know if i should write a continuation, so ty anon for requesting! thank you for all the love on the first part as well 🥰 as always, likes, reblogs and feedback is always welcome! lmk if i missed anything in the warnings and ty!
🦙: side note: i got a message from an anon shortly after i posted p1 claiming that because i write about cheating, they’re going to assume i cheat irl. Please note that what i write about, doesn't imply this is how i think or feel about SKZ and how I feel about certain topics. my work is fictional! There are warnings for a reason. you do not have to like my work, that is fine. you cannot appeal to everyone's taste, however, please do not think it is okay to come to my inbox and message me something like this. just simply scroll past my post. Myself and other writers aim for constructive feedback. Please think before you send messages because it can be demotivating. Thank you.
🦙: master list
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"Hyunjin.." you breathed out. "Please, i cant take it no more!" A chuckle erupted from the man who was currently situated between your legs.
"i warned you what would happen if you carried on (Y/N) you want to behave like a brat, you will get punished like on." he growled lowly before licking a slow and long strip from your entrance to your clit, sucking and nibbling it gently. you whined, tugging at your restraints. your hands are currenly bound together by Hyunjin's belt.
Hyunjin licked, nibbled and sucked on your clit, hands on your inner thighs pushing them apart as well as stopping you from closing them around his head. you was sensitive, your body on fire as waves of pleasure rippled through your body, toes curling. Hyunjin pulled away and licked his middle and index finger. you watched him through hooded eyes, chest rising up and down rapidly due to your laboured breathing.
Hyunjin slipped his saliva coated fingers into you, hissing at the warmth and tightness that welcomed his fingers. he thrusted them in and out, starting of slowly, gradually picking up the pace. he curled his long fingers inside aiming for the sweet spot. Your eyes widen as loud moans in the form of his name rolled off your tongue indicating he hit it. he smirked and began to rub fast circles on your clit with his thumb.
"Let me touch you, hyunjin. please! im sorry, i wont do it again. just let me free." you cried out, hot tears welling in your eyes. hyunjin licked his lip slowly, eyebrow raised as he watched you turn red with frustration, your pussy clentching around his digits
"i told you, (Y/N) behave like a brat, you get punished like one." you thought it would be a good idea to tease hyunjin in public. you'd innocently brush your hand over his crotch, occasionally giving it a light squeeze. you'd look around and when you was sure there was no one around, you flashed your breasts at him, giggling like a naughty school girl.
hyunjin warned you more than once. on the 5th warning - he should have just warned you 3 times, thinking you learnt - he dragged you to the nearest hotel, stripping you off your clothes and binding your wrists together with his belt. He started to play with your breasts and pussy, denying you of your orgasm and the ability to touch him. to say you was frustrated, was an understatement.
the famillar knot that was forming soon disappeared as Hyunjin removed his fingers, licking his fingers and humming at the taste of your wetness. "you always taste so good for me." he groaned. you mewled at his words, pussy convulsing. you wanted to cum so bad that it was getting painful for you.
"You're being such a good girl for me. Have you learnt your lesson? when i warn you more than once and you dont listen, this is what happens." He cooed at you, stroking your hot, flushed cheek. You nodded fast, the room spinning slightly. "Use your words princess."
"I've learnt my lesson. Please, i need you so bad, it hurts." You begged. Your body was trembling slightly with desire, tears falling down your cheek as you chewed your bottom lip. Hyunjin licked his lips, loving the way you begged and pleaded for him. He loved how he has made you like this. He wasnt a possessive person but something about you made him want to have you all for himself. He knew that that wasnt allowed considering you was still with your partner, even after all these months of you two sleeping with each other behind their back.
Stripping himself of his clothing, he flipped you on your stomach. Your head lay on the hotel pillow, your bound hands inbetween your legs, under your stomach. Hyunjin positioned himself behind you, grabbing your hips and lifting you up on your knees. You spread your legs apart, giving him full view of your aching pussy, which was coated in your wetness, clit red and swollen and your inner thighs decorated with purple bruises.
You shook your ass at Hyunjin, giggling cheekily before letting out a yelp as his hand came into contact with your flesh followed by a loud slap. "You're so cheeky, (Y/N) You know how to rile me up and as much as i want to continue to tease you and hear you beg to cum, im at my limit."
Hyunjin grabbed his hard cock, tip red and coated with pre cum. He gave it a few strokes before teasing your entrance, rubbing his tip against it, coating it in your arousal. You shook your hips more, indicating that he should just put it in already. He chuckled before pushing his length inside, the glorious burn from the stretch causing you to moan and shiver. No matter how many times you two go at it, you'll never get use to his size. He pushed himself inside until he was balls deep, groaning at the warmth and tightness of your pussy.
"Move." You whispered. Hyunjin grabbed your hips and started thrusting slow before picking up the pace once he heard how frequently you was moaning out. His hips smacking against your own, the grip on your hips tightening as Hyunjin positioned himself, aiming for the squishy spot. Your eyes widen as he hit it, causing you to moan his name loudly in a string of curses.
Hyunjin moved one hand down your spine and into your hair, tugging it roughly. You was overwhelmed by the pleasure that you lost the ability to think. Your mouth hung open in a O shape. drool falling past your lips. Your throat becoming dry with the endless amounts of panting. The only words you could form was "Hyunjin" and "Good".
"My, my. It looks like i have fucked you dumb, yet again. My little slut, going dumb for me, for this cock that you love so much. You such a cock whore, (Y/N). It shows with how well this dirty cunt is taking me in." You whimpered at his dirty words, feeling degraded but you liked it when he spoke like this to you. It helped you and him to chase your highs faster. You've learnt that Hyunjin is the type of person to want to cum together with his partner.
Your pussy clenched around him tightly, Hyunjin's movements sloppy. The knot was tightening in your stomach. All you could focus on was chasing your high along with Hyunjin.
"C-close. want to cum.." you whimpered.
"its ok. you've endured enough baby. Cum around my cock, princess." You nodded and allowed yourself to let go. You moaned Hyunjin's name loudly, body twitching as your walls clamped around Hyunjin's cock. Hyunjin moaned with you, movements coming to a stop as he painting your insides white, before thrusting into you shallowly, riding out both your highs.
He pulled out off you slowly, swallowing when his cum trailed out off you and down your thighs, dripping onto the sheets. Your legs became weak as you collapsed. you closed your eyes, basking in the glory of being fucked by a God. You felt sleep slowly taking over you before you felt a pair of strong arms flip you onto your back gently, unbinding your wrists and kissing them softly before picking you up bridal style and walking to the bathroom.
"Where we going?" you asked sleepily, head resting against his shoulder.
"Getting you cleaned up. aftercare is important after sex, baby. Anyways, you have to look fresh before you go back home." You nodded, biting your lip.
Ah. Home. Back to reality. Back to pretending and acting like nothing is happening. You was ultimately living a double lifestyle. You know you should break up with your partner, it's only fair and humane, but not only is the danger of possibly getting caught either by him or one of their friends, you didnt have the heart to break his heart. Which, to an outsider looking in, seems stupid. What you're doing, is the ultimate betrayal. But, you and hyunjin are just fuck buddies, no strings attached and all that. Right??
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you tried to ignore it. you tried to convince yourself that your feelings was all because you was 'in the moment' The longer you ignored, the stronger the feelings became. You soon found yourself checking your phone every 5 minutes to see if Hyunjin had sent you a text, stalking his instagram, saving his photos, daydreaming about him. When you was away from him, ultimately living your double life, you craved him like a high schooler that had a crush.
Your relationship with your partner, however, started to become stale. You hardly spoke to one another, instead of eating at the dining table like you use to, you'd either be eating alone or sat with a lap tray in front of the tv screen. Things in the bedroom department became stale to. You didnt feel the need to have sex with them, purely because you was getting your insides ruined every other day by Hyunjin. If your partner made the first move, you'd make excuses "Im tired." "I feel sick" "Im not in the mood, maybe later." and when you did have sex, you'd often imagine it was Hyunjin, although it didnt help because your partner and Hyunjin treated you differently in the bedroom.
You soon realised that this wasn't just a friends with benefits deal for you anymore when Hyunjin took you out on a date. You lied to your partner, saying that you had to be away from home due to a 'work conference' when in reality, Hyunjin was taking you somewhere special, somewhere out off town to reduce the risk of getting caught.
The day started off with Hyunjin greeting you dressed in casual wear, holding roses. You felt your heart skipping beats, butterflies errupting in your stomach. You ignored the feeling, but as your day continued, they got stronger and stronger until you couldnt ignore it no more. It also didnt help that Hyunjin was treating you like a princess, buying you whatever you wanted, claiming that you're his princess so you should be treated like one. You had lunch at a cafe, talked about everything and everyone. The day ended with dinner at a fancy restaurant topped with endless hours of sex back at the hotel room.
You didnt want to return back to your old, boring life. You had such fun, being able to do what you wanted, be doted upon and not have to think about real life. Coming to the realisation that you love Hyunjin, you love him more than you thought you could ever love a person, that you had fallen hard for him, you debated on whether to tell him or not.
You was scared. Scared of rejection. What if your feelings were just one side, that this whole thing is just sex to Hyunjin. Nothing more, nothing less. But why would he treat you with such care? Like you're the most expensive diamond in the world that needs to be protected at all cost. You settled on not telling him, keeping it to yourself. You'd rather have him as a fuck buddy than not have him at all.
As time went on, your worries and concerns started to reflect and affect your everyday life. Your partner was starting to suspect something was going on, questioning you causing you to lie or deny everything. Soon after, Hyunjin started to suspect that something was wrong. He knew you better than you knew yourself.
"(Y/N)?" You hummed, looking up and taking the glass of water from Hyunjin. You was at his place, prepared to do your usual routine until hyunjin realised you wasn't mental there with him, so he insisted you both stopped, saying it didn't feel right.
So here you are, sat on the sofa wearing underwear and Hyunjin's t-shirt whilst he was just in underwear. You brung the glass to your lips, the cold, refreshing water coating your tongue and throat.
"What's wrong? You've been distance since you arrived here." You placed your glass down on the coffee table, licking you top lip to collect any left over water.
"Nothing, I'm fine." You gave him a fake smile, causing Hyunjin to raise an eyebrow.
"Oh really now? Who are you trying to convince? Yourself? It's best to talk to me (Y/N) i know you better than anyone else, than yourself. Whatever it may be, i'll try and give you the best advice possible." He placed a hand on top of yours, stroking it with the pad of his thumb. Biting your lip hard, you felt a lump in your throat. you looked down at your lap, hair hiding your face as you felt tears well in your eyes as you shook your head no.
Hyunjin lifted your chin up gently, his gaze falling on your features as his face fell slightly once he realised. "Hey, hey princess. Talk to me, it'll make you feel better."
"I cant." You inaudibly whispers, tears spilling down your cheeks
"Because it'll change us. Change this relationship and what we have going on. It will make my feelings a reality and i dont want that." You sobbed. Hyunjin wiped your tears away gently.
"Whatever it may be, whatever is going on in that head of yours, nothing will ever change us. You're special to me, an important part of my life and whatever is happening, will never change that. You hear me??" His voice was stern and sincere. You let the flood gates open, hearing his words made your heart ache and feel sick. You started crying uncontrollably. Hyunjin cooed as he pulled you onto his lap, legs on either side of him
You buried your head into the crook of his neck, tears wetting his skin. He rubbed slow circles on your back, hushing you softly as he rocked you back and forth. Once calm, you kept your head buried before whispering against his skin.
"What was that, baby?" Biting your lip and taking a deep breath in, cursing yourself for being quiet and having to repeat yourself, you sat up straight. Looking directly in his eyes, you melted.
"I love you." Hyunjin started at you blanky, blinking a few times, processing what you said. Time moved slow, your anxiety started to rise. You felt sick, you started to panic.
"Im sorry. I shouldnt have said that. It was crossing the line. Ah, why do i have to be so dumb and open my big, stupid mouth. Well done, me. you really fucked up. Ahhhh! i should've just kept my mouth shut and continued with what we already have because I'd rather have that than nothing at all because at least you'd still be in my life. I'll go back to my partner and my boring life an-"
Your rambling was cut off with Hyunjin bursting into fits of giggles. This time, it was your turn to stare at him blankly.
"You're so cute when you ramble. That's one of the many reasons as to why I love you too."
"Huh? w-what?" Your eyes widen a little, heart beat picking up as the butterflies in your stomach travelled along your body. You felt fresh tears well in your eyes, a smile forming on your face 'You - love me too..?" You asked carefully, hoping you didnt misunderstand.
Hyunjin nodded slowly, holding your waist gently under your t-shirt, his fingers stroking your delicate skin.
"I've always loved you, ever since i laid my eyes on you. I thought i was being greated by a Goddess with the beauty that radiated from you." You laughed softly, thinking back to the time where you thought the exact same thing about him.
"why didnt you say something?"
"Scared. Scared of loosing you for good. Came to the conclusion that it was better to act how we always have been. That way, at least i still have you, even if i did have to share you."
"So, what now?"
"Thats for you to decide, princess. You still have someone waiting for you at home. Someone you've known a lot longer than me. Just know that, whatever you decide, im here whatever the outcome may be. Understood?" You nodded. You had some decision making to do.
Stay with your partner. Someone you've known for a long time, who you've made memories with. However, things have been stale for you. You havent had your heart in the relationship for a while. You was just with them because you felt guilty - you was guilt tripping yourself, fooling yourself into thinking you could force yourself to love your partner again like you use to.
Upon hearing that Hyunjin's feelings are 100% mutual with your own, you mind was already made. It's Hyunjin you want, Hyunjin you need. You thinking about him 24/7. Get a rush of excitement whenever you see him. Butterflies constantly in your stomach. He treats you like a Queen and you fall in love with him all over again. All you had to do was tell the truth
which you should have done at the beginning.
A few days later, you and Hyunjin agreed to not see each other until the truth was out. You agreed that you would explain to your partner first before they would rush over and demand an explanation from Hyunjin. You just had to get the ball rolling. You both knew it was going to be rough, this is months of betrayal thats about to be aired out. To say you was nervous, was an understatement.
You decided to do it now, today. It was better to rip the band aid off sooner rather than later. Giving yourself a pep talk in the bathroom mirror, you pulled out your phone and texted Hyunjin.
you: okay. im about to rip this band aid off and tell them everything.. 😥
Hyunjin: ok baby. Just remember that whatever happens, im here. I love you xx 💖🥰
you: i love you too 🥺👉🏼👈🏼💘 xx
you put your phone away and walked out the bathroom, calming your breathing. Heart hammering against your rib cage, you approached your partner who was currently sitting at the dining table on front of their laptop.
"Hey.. we need to talk."
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A couple of hours later, you knocked on Hyunjin's door, a suitcase and bag situated beside your feet. Hyunjin opened the door, instantly pulling you into his arms. it had been an emotional couple of hours for all of you.
You finally told your now ex partner what has been going on and how you really felt. They were understandable mad, upset, confused and heartbroken. You both cried, you feeling like you didnt have the right to cry because you willingly let it continue up to this point but that didnt mean you didnt care. You hoped that once everything was settled, you and your ex could still be friends however, you didnt see it being possible after he claimed he hates Hyunjin with his entire existence and he never wanted to see you or him ever again.
'You did good, sweetheart. Im proud of you." Hyunjin cooed softly, rocking you back and forth. You smiled slightly. "I know its not over yet, that its just the beginning. but its me and you from now on and i wouldnt have it any other way. I love you so much (Y/N)"
Hyunjin squeezed you causing you to laugh. "Hyunjin, cant breathee!"
"Oh, sorry. Im just so so happy right now!"
"Yeah, me too baby. Its just us two now." Hyunjin nodded before grabbing your belongings. You followed him inside his home, his dog Kkami, greeting you as hyunjin closing the door behind you both as you kicked off your shoes and hung your coat.
"Hey, (Y/N)" You turned on your heels as Hyunjin put your belongings down before smiling from ear to ear
"Welcome home."
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whorekneecentral · 2 years
okay i’m gonna just shove it in ur inbox bc … havent stopped thinking about it but the post u reblogged about the skirt & about being fucked at dinner but w/ mick like …. i Need This
this + mick 🥵 // post
Silverstone has been good to your boyfriend.
His first points.
Everyone at Haas was beyond proud but no one more so than you. You stepped back, letting him bask in the feeling for a while, being congratulated by the whole time, doused in champagne.
Mick found you, picking you up in a bone crushing hug as he kissed all over your face. He finally kissed your lips, sticky and bitter like champagne but you could care less, the happiness trumped all other concerns.
“We have to celebrate tonight.” You tell him, walking him over for his team photo.
“of course we do.”
Mick’s idea of celebrating meant staying at the hotel and fucking every way to next Sunday.
He thought you two were on the same page, hence why he was slightly upset to be sitting in a restaurant with you.
You were making polite conversation with the waitress, telling her a little inside gossip about F1 — harmless stuff, Mick was sure but he had other motives.
His fingers trailed along your bare thigh under the table. Your skirt had slid up when you sat down beside him. The two of you at a booth, sitting side by side. The restaurant was fairly busy, mostly couples and a few families in between.
You ignore his touch, thanking the waitress for something she offered you as you sipped on your wine.
You nearly dropped the glass when Mick’s finger brushed against your clothed clit.
“Mick,” you breathe, glancing at him.
“Yeah darling ?” He asks causally, like his fingers weren’t doing sinful things to you under the table.
Mick pulls your panties to the side, fingers feeling how wet you were. “Hm, you were saying?” He ask you, not doing anything.
“We’re in public-“ you stop when you feel him push two fingers into you.
You bite the inside of your cheek, breathing steadily as he moves his fingers slowly. Your hand wraps around his wrist, he ignores it and keeps doing, curling his fingers upwards until he feels you squeeze around them.
Mick leans into you, whispering; “you gonna cum ? Should I let you?”
You can’t physically bring yourself to answer so you nod.
Mick pulls his fingers away, wiping them on the inside of your thigh as the waitress brings the bill over to the table. He leaves her a big tip, thanking her for being so kind before getting up. His hand reached out for you, and you take it, following him through the back of the restaurant.
You figured you two were going to the car but Mick pulls you into the bathroom, locking the door behind you two.
He’s quick to pick you up, setting you on the counter. You already know what’s about to happen.
Your legs spread, Mick unbuttoning his pants as you watch him. He pulls you further on the counter, his arms holding you in place as he lines himself up with you, pushing into you.
Your head falls back, his name falling from your lips like a prayer.
“Fuck, Mick.” Your hand on his bicep, digging your nails into his arm when he hits the spot.
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totallynotbat · 2 years
Friendship Moods
Summary: Phil and Techno decide to mess around a bit. 
Tickle Fic, no like click off. 
Contains: Swearing, Possibly Too Much Cute. 
Part 2 to Stealing Features. 
Relationship is Platonic! No ship tags!
Again thank you @amitlee for the ideas you left in my inbox.
Phil walked into the living room of his family home. It’s been a few weeks since he chased Wilbur down, he was looking around for his chaotic son, only seeing Techno reading a book on the couch.
“Where is everyone mate?” Phil asked, the piglin looking up from his book. 
“Tommy is hanging out with Tubbo. And Wilbur is trying to make sure they don’t die.” Techno said with a small smirk. 
“Ah, okay then…” Phil smiled, leaving his friend to read in peace. 
Phil entered his room with a groan, shutting the door behind him. He was thinking about Wilbur tickling him a few weeks ago, not like he enjoyed it…
The more he thought about it, the more red and flustered he was getting. Fucking hell his lee mood was showing again. 
Philza thought about two things, pretending this thing isn’t happening and try to ingore it. 
Or try and get Techno to help out, I mean it isn’t the first time he has tickled him before.
Phil walked out, he stood in front of the piglin. 
“Hey Techno?” Phil chuckled. 
“Yeah?” Techno replied, his eyes not darting from the book, 
Until Phil snatched it out of his hands.
“Heh?!” Techno said, Phil was mid way in the air book in hand.
“You can’t read all the time, mate.” Phil smirked, before dropping the book onto the floor, sticking his tounge out, and took off, giggling like a little kid. 
Techno blinked, before rolling his eyes with a small smile, doing his deadpan head turn, and chasing after the avian in a flash, before turning back and going up the stairs of the home.
Philza was running around the house trying to find a way to hide somewhere, stamina running out quickly as he was crouching a bit in the doorframe of his room.
“ACK!” Phil yelped, with a grab around the waist followed by a pink and green blurred leap through the air. Techno had Philza pinned down on the bed, the piglin sitting on the avians legs. 
“T-Techno…we can have a mahahature tahalk about this.” Phil started giggling from anticipation as Techno began tracing lightly across his sides. 
“Yeah I’m sure we can.” Techno smirked.
The room was silent, Phil and Techno staring at each other. 
“Ugh…just do it…” Phil mumbled.
“With pleasure.” Techno showed his tusks with a smirk, as he scribbled lightly across Phil’s sides.
“Eep!” Phil squeaked, squirming a bit. 
“I keep on forgetting how sensitive you are here.” Techno said sarcastically, going a bit faster. 
“Tehech! Nohoho!” Phil chuckled, small squeaks peppering in.
Techno smiled, loving to hear his friend giggle, moving up to Phil’s neck. Phil squeaked, scrunching his shoulders up. 
“Aw, breaking so soon?” Techno teased, poking and scribbling across the skin.
“Nohoho I’m hoholding up!” Phil giggled, looking at Techno through scrunched eyes and a wide smile. 
“Uh huh, yeah sure.” Techno smirked, going lightly behind Phil’s ears which the feathers twitched behind them. 
“Tehehechno! Thahahahat Tihihickles!” Phil squeaked, trying to bite his lip to muffle his light bubbly giggles. 
“Oh I’m aware buddy.” Techno smiled. 
Techno slowly traced Phil’s neck again, relishing in the small giggles and squeaks he got, pretty contagious as Techno couldn’t help to laugh with him. 
“Tehehechno plehehease!” Phil snickered as Techno scribbled across Phil’s sides, pinching his ribs a few times. 
“And your laughter is so cute! Why should I stop?” Techno cooed. 
Phil’s laughter increased, his blush getting a darker shade of pink. “Shuhuhut up Tehechno!” 
“Shut up? Oh your so in for it now!” 
Techno slipped his hand under Phil’s kimono and thin shirt, lightly tracing and clawing his stomach.
Phil squeaked, squirming around and curling up into a ball like a roly poly. Techno smirked, contuing to tickle the avian with his one hand being trapped, okay he could get it out, but Techno chose not too.
“Tehech! Get your hand out!” Phil was on his stomach, giggling, as Techno had his one hand under Phil’s stomach, sitting uptop of Phil’s back. 
“Why? Are you ticklish here? Bit sensitive Phil?” Techno continued, watching the giggling and squeaks he got in response. 
“Shuhuhut up! Plehehease! It-NAHAT THEREHEHE!!!” 
Techno flinched a bit at Phil’s scream, reliazing his inner turmoil. He flipped Phil over onto his back, Phil getting his left over giggling out. 
“You good?” Techno asked, Phil giving a small nod. 
Techno slowly began tracing Phil’s stomach again, Phil squeaking and holding his breath back. 
Techno really forgot about how much he loved doing this. He didn’t admit it but he had a small soft spot for Phil, he remembered cheering up Phil when the avian came back home after a mob attack, so it wasn’t the first time he’s tickled him.
And sure as hell Techno was enjoying it probably as much as Philza was. 
“Tehechno! It’s thihihickly!” Phil squeaked, as the piglin continued tracing. 
“Well duh! That’s the point! And your just a sensitive little thing are you~” Techno cooed. 
Phil was trying to deny it, but a tingling sensation on his stomach made him scream, tipping his head back onto the pillow as he laughed.
Techno smiled with a low chuckle, blowing another raspberry into Phil’s belly, watching the avian squirm, slowly tracing a finger into Phil’s naval. 
“AHAHA! TEHEHECH! NOHOHOHO!!!” Phil laughed, squeaking. 
“Hm?” Techno hummed, pressing circles into Phil’s stomach with this thumbs and tracing his sides lightly.
“Itit reheheally tickles!” Phil hiccuped, Techno luckily slowing down once more, leaving the avian as a giggly pile of goo on the bed. 
“Yohohou are ruthless.” Phil glared with a playful smile. 
“Yeah, it’s for content purposes and plus we’re friends Phil.” Techno smirked, cracking his knuckles before placing this hands near Phil’s sides again with a grin. “And I’m about to be even more ruthless now.”  
With that he spidered across Phil’s ribs, the blonde squealing and falling into loud laughter immediately. 
“TEHEHECH! AHAHAHA!!” Phil shook his head violently.
“What’s up?” Techno teased, going down to his lower and back up to his upper ribs.
Phil was lost in a sea of flustered giggles to even say anything. Techno smirked, continuing to tickle the avian’s ribs. 
“One, Two, Three.” 
“Arehehe yohohou cohohounting?”
“Yep! Four, Five.” 
“I’m trying to see how many ribs you have! Which number was I on?” 
“Damn, guess I lost count, better start again.” Techno tutted, going back down to his lower ribs. 
“Tehehechno! Dohohont!” Phil argued, leaning back into the bed. 
Once again, Techno began tickling Phil’s ribs, sending the avian into a feat of high pitch giggles.
“TEHEHEHECHNO!!!” Phil cried out, letting out an embarssed snort. 
Techno stopped, allowing Phil to breathe, the avian looking up at him with a smile, followed by a few snorts. 
“You good to continue?” Techno asked, Phil nodding.
Techno squeezed Phil’s thigh, Phil kicking out his leg with a squeak, followed by high pitch laughter.
“Aw! Well this never changed!” Techno smirked, going back to his ribs.
“DAHAHAMN IT TEHEHECH!!!” Phil tried covering his already red face. 
“Dish it out, but can’t take it?” Techno smiled.
“SHUHUHUT UP!” Phil screamed, resting his head on Techno’s chest, trying to cover his flustered self, a sharp peep left his mouth. “Stahahap!”
“Stop what? Making you chirp? That’s on you buddy.” Techno lightly traced the back of Phil’s neck with his one hand, scribbling his ribs on the other. 
“Tehehehech! Itit thihihickles!” Phil rested his head onto the piglin’s chest, giggling. 
“Oh I’m aware.” 
Phil shrieked his wings flapping wildly as Techno spidered across his ribs, pinching his hips a few times. 
“Ah! AHAHA! TECH!” Phil squealed, one of his wings brushing against Techno’s neck. 
“Oh god, Techno! That was a reflex! I didn’t mean that!” Phil retorted, nervously giggling. 
“It’s fine Phil.” Techno rolled his eyes with a smirk. “It’ll be okay after I do…THIS!” 
Techno tackled Phil down. Phil lying on his stomach as Techno scribbled across the base and joints of his wings. 
“TEHEHEHECH EHEHEHEHAHAHA!!!” Phil screamed, hiccups peppering in between his laughter. 
Techno cooed, inhaling and blowing a raspberry right into Phil’s spine, the avian’s wings went limp as he cackled. 
Techno slowed down, allowing Philza to curl up, resting his head on Techno’s chest, Techno doing light traces onto his back, even lightly tickling Philza’s neck, ears and sides. 
Phil felt limp, his eyes drooping. He relaxed and melted into the gentle tickling, his wings pressed around his body as he giggled.
“Thihihickly! Ehehehe! Hahahaha!” Phil giggled, trying to slap Techno’s hands away, letting out a chirp followed by trill’s.
Phil fell asleep resting his head on Techno’s chest, Techno stroking a hand through the avians hair, lightly tracing his back. 
“You probably enjoyed that just as much as I did.” Techno thought as he fell asleep as well.
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uglypastels · 2 years
hello lovely, could you possibly spare another chapter of hell diver? xoxo
ngl was just kind of waiting for someone to send an actual ask in about this haha thank you for asking so nicely! <3 but also I've been struggling with thinking of stuff up for this series, but I'm out of that block now!
warnings: peer pressure and shitty high school vibes. swearing? maybe. i don't remember.
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Chapter 5: the Freak and the Princess
'Ugh, he's doing it again,' Mary groaned, making you look up from your lunch. The cafeteria was bustling with students, all rowdy and annoying, so it was tough to tell who in particular she was having problems with
'Who's doing what, exactly?' you took a sip of water, which might have been a mistake as you nearly choked on it at hearing Mary's answer. 
'Eddie Munson is staring at me.' 
'What?' you coughed out, ignoring the gnawing feeling in your chest. Your eyes searched through the crowded room for the head of dark brown curls. But when you found Eddie, of course, sitting at his usual table, he had his head hung low over his lunch, most likely listening to whatever his friends were talking about. 'It doesn't look like he's–' 
'He's been looking at me the whole time! It's like he's obsessed with me or something,' she huffed out. 
'Seems like someone here is obsessed, and it isn't Eddie,' you laughed lightly, taking another peek across the cafeteria to see if he was looking– he wasn't. 
'As if!' Mary scolded in offense. 'It's just creepy. Someone should teach that freak a lesson.' 
'He didn't really do anything.' You tried to defend him as casually as you could without raising suspicion in the people sitting around you. And thankfully, most of them weren't even listening to you, but Mary was set in her ways. She was seeing red. 
'No, he's a creep and should be taught a lesson,' she was already looking over to one of the guys at the table, but you stopped her. 
'Wait, let me talk to him. I–' you should have thought this through more, as Mary gave you a strange look. 'We don't want to start a fight in here or get anyone into trouble. So I'll just tell him to back off. Let's keep it civil.' Well, it would be an excellent excuse to talk to Eddie. 
Mary contemplated the suggestion. She had a reputation to uphold and couldn't be tarnished by a public brawl with Eddie Munson! He nodded and told you to talk to him. 
It had been a few days since you stumbled into Eddie at the library, and since then, you hadn't really spoken to each other much to your dislike. Of course, it wasn't by anyone's design, but when you lead two completely different social lives, it is hard to come up to each other and start a conversation casually. So, you took your shot when the opportunity presented itself. 
Eddie immediately noticed you making your way towards the table. He sat up with attention as you tried to find a spot where you could stand to block Eddie as well as your face from Mary's view, as you knew she would be watching you like a hawk to make sure Eddie got her message, whatever that may be (she never made that quite clear to you, oh well). 
'y/n, what brings you to our little corner of the world?' his smile grew with each word, and it was easy for you to reciprocate. Everyone's eyes were on you, and it made you very self-aware of your position, being the only one standing, heads taller than the guys seated in front of you. 
'Mary thinks you're staring at her.' you decided just to say it and have it over with. Eddie blinked slowly before laughing to himself. 
'Believe me, I wasn't..' 
'No, I know,' you said, 'but that's what she thought and whatever is in her mind is law– I'm pretty sure she wants to punch you– no, don't look.'  you stopped him from stretching his neck out to look at Mary. 'You'd only make things worse.' but you certainly weren't making them better by giggling as he tried to strain his neck around your figure to get a glimpse of your table. Behind you, you could practically feel the daggers being thrown. Maybe not necessarily at you, but in your general direction. With each second you spent here, Marry, and the others would be thinking up more and more questions. 
It shouldn't have mattered, and you should have just joined Eddie's table the second you walked into the cafeteria. It looked so much more pleasant to be around and more unrestricted. They all actually looked like they were friends, belonged together, chatting and joking around. 
'You ok?' Eddie asked after you had been silent for a bit too long. You nodded and hummed a response. Yeah, you were fine, just tired of it all. It was all just a bit silly. 
'Yeah, but I should probably go now that I've given you the message.' back off. The most anonymous message from what you would have actually wanted to tell him. But you were the messenger at that moment, and it was what you had to deliver. And thankfully, he understood that because before you got the chance to leave, he got up and walked up to you, calling your name lightly. 
'Hey, uhm, I had wanted to ask you– Sinclair is busy next Friday, with the game and all, so we're missing a player, thought maybe you would like to join? Try it out before the new campaign?' 
'Oh, I don't know– I don't even know how to play, yet. I don't want to ruin it for you, guys,' you looked over at the rest of the table, but none of them seemed to see the same problem you had conjured up. And neither did Eddie. 
'C'mon, you got your character sheet, you've read the books–' he crossed his arms and smiled, 'you're ready for battle, princess.' 
You hoped the rest didn't see the little nickname's effect on you. Or what went over you when Eddie came even closer and spoke up: 'I could always come over before Friday, help you prep. Tonight maybe?' 
'I–' words were stuck in your mouth, much to Eddie's amusement. But as much as you wanted to focus on his big brown eyes, all you could think of was your proximity and how it might look from afar, how it might look like to Mary. 
'What do you say?' He cocked his head to the side, biting his lip like the insufferable little tease he knew he was. 
'Ok,' you sighed with a smile, 'but thanks for this. Now I'll have to explain to that lot what we were talking about.'
'Just slap me,' he suggested like it was nothing. 
'What?' you stared at him, confused. You couldn't just slap him! 
'C'mon, it will give everyone a good show,' because, yes, at this point, everyone was looking at the two of you. That was Eddie's superpower. Even though everyone pointed out their hatred towards him, they couldn't quite look away from the metalhead. Whatever he did was under the supervision and audience of the entire town. 'It will be fun.' He whispered, following it with a grin. 
'I can't.' you couldn't… it would be rude, and you didn't want to hurt him. 
'Just a quick smack across the face, and it will set their nosy minds to rest, ba–' and a small smack across the face it was. You didn't think about it; you moved your hand and let your fingers meet his cheek. Maybe you hit him harder than you intended, you considered as you watched Eddie rub his cheek with his own hand, smiling and smirking. 
'You enjoyed that, didn't you?' you asked, trying to look angry in case someone saw. The stage had been set, so you had to play your role to the end. 
'Don't say that like it's a bad thing.' he rubbed the spot you had hit a little more. 
'You're right, it was fun,' you poked his chest as if you had one final blow to give to him, 'and tonight sounds good. Come around 10; my parents should be asleep by then.' for once, you were glad at how boring your family was. 
'10,' Eddie repeated for confirmation, 'See you then, princess. Now go, unless you want to this whole thing again.' 
He let you walk away first, which you tried to do as angrily as possible as if he had left you shaking with hatred instead of giddy excitement. When you got back to your table, just like expected, Mary had been glaring at you all the way from her seat, her hawkeyes following your every move until you sat back down beside her. 
'What the hell did he say to you?' 
'Nothing, he was just being… Eddie Munson.' She would interpret that however she wanted, which was fine by you as you had your own idea for it, too. And the answer sufficed as well, apparently, for Mary didn't ask any more questions. 
'Of course. Ugh, I'm so glad you got to slap him, it's what he deserves.' 
'Freak probably, enjoyed it,' someone else at the table sniggered which everyone joined in with. You were already in the middle of blocking it out, too occupied with thinking how messy your room was and that you would definitely have to clean it up before Eddie would show up. 
What were you getting yourself into? 
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