#(for private schools can be from kindergarten to senior year)
tennessoui · 5 months
I love Principle Dr Kenobi and Mr Skywalker Esq so much they're so bitchy 😂 How long do they hate fuck for and does it go beyond that? Is there a moment Obi-Wan looks into Leia's tiny glaring face and have the awful realisation he's going to become her and Luke's step-Dad? How does this relationship progress???
i bet dr kenobi, headmaster of an elementary school and mr. skywalker esq are hatefucking on their wedding day. mr skywalker only refers to dr kenobi as dr kenobi in his wedding vows. dr kenobi calls him esquire and also apologizes for calling him mr. skywalker amidala upon first meeting - he should have known to call him mr. skywalker-kenobi. esquire.
i love the idea of obi-wan, two years into a covert relationship with anakin that surprised both of them, looking at leia when she comes to his office after another schoolyard fight or general mischief, and he's like oh my god. i'm biased. oh shit. oh SHIT i want to let her off easy. oh no. oh god. fucking her father has compromised me emotionally ethically and professionally. oh shit. im compromised over fucking. anakin. fucking skywalker. esquire.
what im getting at is there's definitely a moment in their relationship where anakin's thinking they're slowly easing their way into an adult relationship after several years of being childish and he's mostly ok with that after several sessions of soul searching, and then suddenly obi-wan cuts off all contact outside of work. goes completely dead air.
anakin has no idea what happened and he doesn't even think to wonder if it's his kid.
for once it's not his kid but it's obi-wan's protective reaction to his kid (as if the kid were obi-wan's kid)
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mbti-notes · 7 months
Anon wrote: Hello mbti-notes! I'm 25 & INFJ. I currently feel directionless, lost and stagnant. Due to this I've isolated myself for a long time up until recently when I realized it's making me more anxious. I've been trying not to isolate myself by taking daily walks, practicing mindfulness, interacting a little with people, learning soft skills and learning from your blog.
Many setbacks have occurred in the past few years. I feel after covid I've just had hardship after hardship without break. I've lost my drive and goals. So I started I've started rethinking my goals. I always knew that I wanted to do a career involving history, travel and in service to others so I worked towards that. In my final year of uni my friend suggested going into teaching because I could do history + teach abroad. I thought it was a good idea. I've taught for one year in my own country.
Since I've entered the teaching field I've had a very difficult time and experienced burnout in no time. I don't feel supported or guidance to overcome challenges that I have. I'm lacking strong classroom management in a class of 40 students (public schools). Senior teachers have told me that I should consider switching to kindergarten or that I would be viewed as incompetent and lose my job. I was also told I'm going to struggle in this field because I struggle to socialize with colleagues. I'm very introverted and lack social skills due to being socially isolated during my middle childhood to teenage years. I'm working on this and try to socialize with colleagues.
It feels discouraging to constantly be criticized. I was told twice by two teachers I worked with closely I work diligently and they'd love to work with me again. First teachers usually struggle with classroom management the difference is how slow or fast one gets a grip on it. For some it's months, just a year or many years. I'm not given the time or space to practice my classroom management. During my entire first year I believed myself to be incompetent because of the comments from experienced, high rank teachers. Which caused me stress and unhealthy perfectionism because I internalized those comments due to my low self worth & external validation. I'm working on changing this belief and learning about myself. I know I can do it with experience, guidance and support. I believe that I'm capable of doing any job or career if I have proper guidance or mentoring.
Unfortunately, only teachers with good classroom management are employed. Unless a school is interested in taking on new teachers and mentoring them which isn't frequent. So far I haven't been able to find stability in this career either. I've just gotten accepted for contract posts which are only for a few months. I'm currently taking a break from being a school teacher and I've started volunteering work by tutoring children. I'm at crossroads with what to choose. Especially because I'm doubting whether I'm suitable to be a teacher considering my classroom management which is very important. I'm considering exploring other jobs than teaching or continuing in that field but as a tutor, online teaching or private schools (20 in a class and my classroom management is good with 20). My question is how do I know if I'm on the right path? How do I find healthy direction? Thank you for your time.
1) Trying to learn on the job can be very challenging because of the greater sense of responsibility and the pressure it generates to succeed quickly.
To my ears, the amount of help you need actually sounds a bit unreasonable. There is one point about your situation that is unclear. Did you get a teaching degree that included a proper internship or practicum? (If you entered into a position without the right qualifications or training, then you shouldn't be surprised about struggling.) It's not the job of the employer or your colleagues to educate you once you've already graduated from school, though they may choose to be supportive as part of their mission or as resources allow. Technically speaking, the training should've already happened in your practicum, so it is assumed you already have enough classroom experience to get a grip on things quickly on your own.
If you haven't had enough practical classroom training, it might benefit you to spend time working as a teaching assistant in order to learn from experienced teachers in a more appropriate way, rather than expecting your colleagues to add teaching you to their already full plates of teaching 40 students.
Factors such as student demographics and school funding also influence the workplace environment for teachers, so it might be a good idea to try out many different schools to ensure that the problem doesn't lie solely with you. It could be that the workplace culture in specific schools isn't a good fit for you. It's not something to cast blame about but to accept; simply move on and look for a better fit.
There are many different forms of teaching, so just because you can't manage a class of 40+ doesn't mean you have to give up teaching entirely. Yes, private schools and sometimes schools in more rural areas generally have smaller classes. Also, there are companies that provide after school tutoring programs, so you could actually work as a tutor if one-on-one teaching appeals to you. Private tutoring can be lucrative if you produce good results and the right parents spread the word about your services.
2) The idea of "the right path" is somewhat misleading because it doesn't exist in any absolute sense. And believing there is only one right path for you isn't the healthiest mindset because it makes you less open to possibility and then less adaptable to change. That said, there are some very general indicators you can use to determine whether life is going well, for example:
- Emotional Well-Being: Do you generally feel good? When life is going well, your mood should be relatively stable, your attitude positive, and your outlook optimistic. Remember, pain is a warning that something is wrong. Similar to problems with physical health, if there are any aspects of your life that produce pain and suffering for you, it's better to address them sooner rather than later.
- Healthy Self-Esteem: Are you proud of who you are? Healthy pride comes from things like: taking responsibility for yourself and what you put out; making wise judgments and decisions; speaking constructively; working productively; nurturing and appreciating individuality; building good moral character. It's important to pay attention to feelings of guilt, shame, inadequacy, or self-loathing because they shine a light on opportunities for personal growth.
- Being of Value: Do you feel that you matter? To "matter" basically means your existence is better than your nonexistence. To feel as though you matter in the world, you need to offer something of value and also have your offerings valued by others. If you feel as though you have little or nothing of value to offer, then you might have an underlying issue of low self-worth to address. If you feel as though others don't value you, then you need to examine what is causing the problematic disconnect in your interpersonal life.
- Sense of Purpose: Do you have good reasons to get up every morning? People with a strong sense of purpose generally: strive to use their time and energy in meaningful ways; undertake work that produces tangible benefits; look for opportunities to make a positive contribution; make a commitment to higher goals and ideals. Feeling unmotivated, stuck, lost or adrift often points to lack of purpose in life. Purpose doesn't magically appear. You have to make purposeful choices in accordance with the value you see in yourself and want to express out into the world.
It's not my place to tell people how to make life decisions. You have to reflect on whether this is the career you want and then explore your options and find the position of best fit. This difficulty you are facing in your career could mean any number of things. It could be the challenge you need to learn the skills that you've neglected up until now. It could be a wake up call for realizing that a change of direction is necessary. To be a healthy INFJ means being able to use Ni to connect with the whole truth of the matter. Who else can tell you what is right for you? You have to reflect on it with as much self-honesty as you can muster.
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schrijverr · 10 months
I Found Myself a Cheerleader 5
Chapter 5 out of 28
Bumped to the lowest step on the social ladder after his fight with Billy, Steve gets roped in with the cheer team. What starts as a favor to help them out when one member breaks her leg in turn for protection from the brunt of the bullying, sets the universe on a different path.
In this chapter, the school year ends and Steve’s parents come back to town for graduation. The experience is anything but pleasant. And when Billy heckles Steve after the ceremony it turns into a nightmare as he is thrown out of the house after a fight with his father.
On AO3.
Ships: eventual steddie & buckingham
Warnings: child abuse, f-slur, homophobia, hate-crime, internalized homophobia
Chapter 5: The End of the Year
Spring break rolls around and, while Steve still has a bruised nose, which hadn’t been fun to explain to Joyce, who fussed over him when he came to pick up Will. But with spring break also comes the news that the Hagen family is moving out of town.
Tommy is nearing the end of his senior year, but it is looking like he’s going to have to repeat it and his father has gotten better business opportunities elsewhere. They’re moving to a bigger city, so Tommy can go to a private school, because according to his dad it’s because Hawkins High employs imbeciles.
In all honesty, Steve doesn’t care what Tommy’s dad thinks of Hawkins High and its teachers, all he cares about is that they will not be in Hawkins should his parents return.
His parents are not made for Hawkins, Steve has long since learned that. The small business his father inherited grew quickly and is now too big for the respectability of Hawkins. He has more important people to brush elbows with than the high class of a small Indiana town. And his mother has always loved the glamour of Europe more than her son.
The only people they talk to when they are in town are the Hagens. This is because Tommy has been Steve’s friend since kindergarten and contact was thus required. His parents keep it up out of politeness, but they won’t put in the effort of finding their new address.
This all means that they only source that could tell them of Steve’s new hobby has just left town. It feels like a weight has lifted of his shoulders.
He spends most of his spring break allowance in the arcade on the kids and even takes them to a movie, managing to convince Hopper to let El come too.
The cheer squad still practices throughout the break, since competitions are coming up. Afterwards, he takes Lisa and Chrissy out for milkshakes. Lisa is excitedly talking about next year when she’ll be attending Yale. Apparently she is a legacy.
“What about you?” Chrissy asks, when Lisa is done. “Where are you going?”
“Uhm,” Steve pauses, unsure of what to say. He’s been ignoring the steadily growing pile of rejection letters on his desk, imagining the wrath of his father when he returns. “I-” he starts, then lets out a deep sigh. “I don’t think it’s happening for me, honestly. Seems I’m too stupid for college,” he chuckles humorlessly.
It’s quiet for a second. Steve doesn’t look up from where he’s playing with his straw. He doesn’t want to face their pitying faces. He knows that it’s not exactly great.
“Well, I’ll be happy to have my friend if you’re staying,” Chrissy tells him, bumping her shoulder against his.
He finally looks up and she is giving him a soft smile. There isn’t anything pitying in her face and he can manage a smile back. “Yeah, that’s good,” he agrees.
“And college isn’t everything,” Lisa adds.
“Nah, I can probably just work for my father,” Steve agrees, though the idea of having to work for his father for the rest of his life sounds worse than prison,
“See, plenty of silver linings,” Chrissy tells him, before finishing her milkshake and shamelessly sticking her straw in Steve’s drink. She’s been doing much better, which Steve is glad for. Her mother still hangs over her like a shadow, but she tries as best she can when she’s outside of the house.
Steve honestly doesn’t care if he goes to college or not. School has never really been his thing and the thought of it doing it for four more years sounds terrible, but his father is pretty adamant about it being part of his development.
He doesn’t want to imagine how the conversation about him not making it into college will go. Of course they have to be home in order for them to have that conversation, but that’s not the point right now.
The point is that college might not happen for him and he’s both terrified and a bit relieved. He doesn’t want to fight with his father, but he also doesn’t want to leave the kids behind. A part of him is still afraid the Upside Down will come back and if it does he needs to be here to protect them. To keep them safe.
Just thinking about the Upside Down makes him shudder, so he quickly shakes his head and tries to put it out of his mind. El closed the portals, he reminds himself, he should focus on surviving high school first. What are the chances of it coming back? No, he should focus on the now. Focus on staking his claim on his milkshake before Chrissy takes it all and focus on teaming up with Lisa as elders when Chrissy tries to start shit about it.
And so spring break passes them by and changes into the last leg of the school year, the last year of Steve’s high school career.
It’s the busiest Steve has ever been. He flits between classes, cheer practice, study sessions with both Sofia and Lisa and housework. However, all those things to do, keep his brain from the fact that no college accepted him. Not one.
Molly is running all of them into the ground along with coach Miller, but it’s paying off. Steve hasn’t been with the cheer squad for long, but he can feel how good this is turning out.
A moment of awkwardness emerges when it’s the cheerleaders turn to be photographed for the yearbook and Nancy shows up with Jonathan in tow. He hasn’t really spoken with either of them since he broke up with Nancy. It hurt, even if he never loved her like that, he had convinced himself that he had and for her to reject him? To blame him for Barb’s death? That hurt. However, he’s over it, but that doesn’t make it less uncomfortable.
None of them really know what to say to each other and Steve tries to stay in the background as much as he can.
He tried to get out of being in the picture, but Molly wouldn't hear of it. He was planning on skipping it all together, but then Chrissy had pouted: “Come on, it’ll be the only chance for us to be in the yearbook together. It’ll be fun.”
And because Steve has no spine, he is here, sandwiched between Chrissy and Lisa, the three of them smiling broadly.
Nancy wants a few quotes for in the book, but Steve makes sure to be as far away from her as he can. Better not to open that can of worms again and just grow apart naturally. He doesn’t really want to know what she has to say about the new crowd he runs with.
A few weeks later and they’re all at school on an early Saturday morning to go to the last competition of the season. They’ve made it quite far with their routine and Molly claims she can smell victory on the horizon once more.
She has mellowed out a bit in her competitiveness ever since she got her scholarship, but such drive isn’t snuffed out easily and she is nothing if not a perfectionist. So, Steve still finds himself with muscle aches after practice. Sometimes he’ll look back on his basketball days and ever wonder why he thought cheerleading looked easy.
It is a big competition and as they stretch, he spots the purple and white school from his first competition. With them is the boy. He is giving a girl a piggyback ride and talking animatedly with other team members.
“You could go up there and say hi,” Chrissy says, snapping him out of his thoughts as he realizes she caught him staring.
Fear creeps into his veins as his heartbeat quickens. Maybe a bit too quickly to be believable, he asks: “Why would I want to do that?”
Chrissy frowns for second, then lets the expression melt of her face as she shrugs: “I don’t know, I thought maybe some bro solidarity. It’s not like there are many guys walking about.”
Of course, Steve is an idiot, why would she think he would want to talk to the attractive guy otherwise. She doesn’t know. He blushes a bit and looks to his toes, now at a point where he can easily touch them. “Ah, yeah, course. But no, he’s the enemy here.”
He winks at her and Chrissy giggles, shoving him lightly. “You’re such an idiot, Stevie.”
“Why is he an idiot now?” Lisa asks as she sits down with them, handing both of them a juice pouch that coach Miller was handing out.
They take it as Chrissy explains that Steve’s machismo has dubbed the purple and white guy as the enemy, which makes Lisa laugh too. Fuck, he’s going to miss Lisa when she moves away to college in a few months.
Soon after their group is called to perform. They do their cheer, before getting into start position. He has gotten better at this, but there are always jitters right before they start. He used to have this with basketball as well.
Then the music starts and it all melts away in making sure he keep smiling and keeps his eyes on Chrissy as he sends her up into the air.
He catches her smiling face in the middle of a flip and remembers that day when they were practicing in his yard. Remembers Chrissy telling the kids: ‘Stevie makes me fly’. She looks like an angel now, flying through the air.
Before he knows it, it’s over.
They all stand there, breathing heavily, sweat coating their backs and smiles on their faces. They have done their routine and done it well. Now all they have to do is wait for what the judges say. It is crazy, Steve suddenly realizes, his life as cheerleader is over now.
He hasn’t been a cheerleader for long, only a few months. Yet it has become such a big and important part of him, that it feels kind of unreal that it is over now. He gained friends from this, a better school life, more comfort in his own skin. And now it’s done.
By the look of it, he is not the only one, who realizes this. Many of the senior girls on the team are crying. Heather and Molly are practically glued together with how tightly they are holding onto the other.
Lisa is not crying, but she does look emotional as she pulls Chrissy and Steve into a hug, something she rarely does. Steve hugs her back tightly, not letting himself cry as he basks in the closeness and understanding. Chrissy has no such limitations and is openly weeping about how much she’ll miss them and how cheerleading won’t be the same without them.
“I’ll stunt with you whenever you want, Chris,” Steve hears himself promise her. “You just gotta come visit.”
“Deal, so hard. Yes,” Chrissy cries, her hand buried in the back of his shirt.
They don’t win that day, but they come in second. No one is bitter about it, they’re all too busy celebrating what they do have and their history on the team. Even coach Miller isn’t too much on their ass in the bus to behave.
After that win, it is a race against his own brain as he crams for their finals and tries to make it through the last few weeks of high school.
Luckily everyone is. Even Billy is less of a dick, also trying to make it out of this shithole town like all of them want to.
Eddie isn’t around as much either. Steve heard he is getting held back again and has given up on the year, choosing to get high and skip school. Steve is both glad and sad about that fact.
His crush on the boy hasn’t waned in the slightest and he really wants to see those beautiful eyes and dramatic gestures for as long as he can, before he leaves school and he might not see Eddie ever again. However, he is also a bit relieved that he doesn’t have to feel those eyes on his constantly. It makes the hairs on the back of his head stand on edge and he’s anxious enough about the tests alone.
In the end, after all he’s been through in the past few years, the last bit of high school passes like any other person for Steve.
The week before his graduation his parents come back into town. While Steve knows they couldn't care less about him, he also knows that image means everything to them. Not showing up to watch him walk the stage is unthinkable. Steve mostly hopes they won’t stick around to talk to people who could tell them what he’s been up to.
Of course in order for that to happen, he has to live to his graduation, which isn’t looking likely right now.
It’s his own fault too, he forgot to throw out his rejection letters, having kept them on a pile as a form of self-flagellation. However, his father has stumbled upon them and discovered that his son isn’t going to college.
“You are such a disappointment, Steven,” his father hisses at him, the stack a crumbled mess in his hands. “I asked one thing of you to accomplish, just one. And that was to get into college. One of them would have been enough. You can’t even manage that.”
Poison drips of his every word, hitting Steve in his chest. He wants to cry, but he knows doing so will only invite more anger. So he swallows down the lump in his throat and says: “I’m sorry, sir,” knowing that an explanation won’t be welcome.
“Yes, you should be,” his father informs him coldly. “What will the town think, huh? When you’re still walking around here next year. A failure of a son.”
Fuck, if his father only knew what the town thinks of him now. If he only knew what they say about him when they think he can’t hear.
“I’ll do better,” Steve promises in vain, hoping it will quell some of his father’s wrath.
“I don’t think you can,” his father says. It’s so flippantly too, like it is just a fact to be stated and not a stab through Steve’s heart that his father has resigned himself to Steve being a failure.
It’s as if with the statement, resignation takes the place of anger. His father drops the letters to the floor and walks away. He stops in the doorway and turns around. “Your mother and I will watch you graduate, but we’re cutting off your allowance after that. We’ll come back if you prove you can be more than you are now.”
Then he is gone and Steve feels like he can’t breathe. He crumbles to the floor of his bedroom, around him are the scattered rejection letters. It feels as if he is being choked by the stiff clothes his mother had forced him into upon her return, telling him he looked like a slob. His bed next to him is perfectly made, every inch of his room clean.
But it isn’t enough.
It never is enough.
Tears start to fall and he can’t stop them, even if he knows he isn’t supposed to cry. So, he tries to muffle his sobs and hope his parents will keep up the trend of not caring enough about him to come close to hearing it.
Forty minutes later he finds himself in his bathroom, desperately scrubbing his face in an attempt to hide the fact that he cried. He needs to be down for dinner soon and he knows he’ll be in trouble if he doesn’t look presentable. However, the puffiness of his eyes is refusing to disappear and he’s getting water everywhere.
He changes clothes, before he can have a break down about it and goes downstairs. His mother has barely spoken to him since she got here. She gives him a disdainful one over, but doesn’t say anything, instead she huffs and goes back to plating the food.
The first thing she tells him that evening is: “Steven, it’s like you were raised in a barn. The food won’t just disappear. Have some dignity when you eat.”
Privately Steve thinks he might as well been raised in a barn with how much effort they put into his childhood, but he stays quiet and slows his eating pace. There is enough tension in the house that he doesn’t want to do anything that could upset the delicate balance that has been reached.
A few moments later, his mother huffs again. “No need to be dramatic, Steven. I said slow down, not turn it into a play. Behave and eat normally.”
Steve honestly doesn’t know what he’s doing wrong now, but eats a little quicker, trying to do anything to please her. She still doesn’t seem entirely happy – she never does – but it’s enough not to earn a comment again during dinner.
He does the dishes without being asked, which goes unremarked, before fleeing to his room, wishing the week could be over.
The next day he gets dragged to a fancy tailor, where he gets hoisted into suit after suit until his mother seems pleased. His opinion isn’t asked, but he didn’t expect it to. At this point the only way to please his mother is by being her little doll and he honestly just wants to make her happy and get it over with.
After hours of being dressed up his mother is finally happy with how he looks. The suit she picked is incredibly uncomfortable, but Steve is sure he can grit his teeth for a few hours tomorrow and survive his graduation.
His parents have an event to go to after, so they won’t be in town for long. It’s just two more days and then he’ll be blessedly alone again. A part of him wonders when he stopped minding the abandonment.
He drives his own car to graduation, not needing the last minute nitpicking that will make his nerves feel even more flayed. So, he won’t see his parents until after the ceremony. A fact he’s quite glad for as he joins his friends.
Steve isn’t standing close to anyone from the cheer team, instead stuck behind Billy, who is radiating murder vibes. Right now Steve hopes that because Billy will go before him, nothing bad can happen to him as he walks the stage. Though that doesn’t help the anxiety go away.
To distract himself, he looks into the crowd. He doesn’t search for his parents, instead scanning the crowd for red hair, because Chrissy promised she’d come. He hasn’t seen her all week, unable to get out of the house with his parents there. Luckily she understands that, but he still missed her.
She is in the middle somewhere, along with the rest of the cheer team, who aren’t graduating. They cheer for all their team members and most of the others too.
His own name is called and he hurries to the stage, wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible.
Still, he ensures he walks at a dignified pace, knowing his mother’s eagle eyes are on him. He smiles to the crowd, ignoring how the cheers are less than they’d been for Billy. Fortunately, the cheer squad is loudly calling out his name, which evens it out a bit. He prays his father will take a crowd of girls cheering for him as a sign and get off his case about a girlfriend.
And just like that Steve Harrington is a high school graduate.
He can’t believe how well that went. He walked the stage, got his diploma and no one died and nothing exploded. All in all, Steve is a free man and that is all he cares about right now.
Naturally such optimism must be crushed by the universe, because Steve can never fully leave a place unscathed.
He is walking with his parents, who have congratulated him as good parents are supposed to do, when Billy shows up at the other end of the parking. He is surrounded by friends and Steve is pretty sure his dad didn’t show up. It’s clear he’s angry about it, looking for a target to take it out on and Steve is right there.
Steve notices him before his parents and tries to hustle them along, but it doesn’t work. He cringes as Billy calls out: “I can’t believe your parents would want to be seen with you, fag.”
At the words, Steve freezes, feeling his father’s eyes burn into the back of his skull. He swallows thickly and yells back: “I’m not a fag. And it’s not like I see your parents around. What? They don’t want to be seen with you? Curious.”
“How fucking dare you, you fucking pussy,” Billy seethes. “Now you’re talking back? Huh, got daddy to protect you? Does he even know what a queer his son is?”
Oh god, no, Steve thinks, heart beating in his throat. He has to say something, has to stand his ground, or this won’t end well. He spits: “I’m not a fucking queer, Hargrove.”
“Yeah?” Billy laughs, knowing by his posture that he has him cornered. “Tell that to your picture in the year book. At this point I’m surprised they didn’t hoist you into a little skirt. You ruined a lot of wanking material by joining the cheerleaders.”
And there it is, out in the open. No matter Steve does, his father won’t let anyone say such things about him without finding out why. This is it. Life over.
He catches Chrissy’s eyes from the crowd. Her brows are pinched and she looks angry. Angry enough to do something stupid. He can’t let her do something stupid for him. So when their eyes meet, he shakes his head and hopes she’ll listen.
Chrissy deflates and it is the only bit of relief he gets, before his father snatches his yearbook out of his hands and flips it open. Steve is already backing away, before his father can reach the page, hoping he’ll be able to escape on time.
However, he isn’t fast enough. He knows his father has found the page, because rage overtakes his features as he throws the yearbook to the ground. Then, like the boxer he’d been in his youth, his fist flies out and hits Steve in the face.
He stumbles back form the force and the shock. In all these years, his father hasn’t hit him before, not ever. There has always been the threat of violence and a light spanking, but proper hitting? Never. Not once. Not until now.
Before he can recover, his father has grabbed his hair and is dragging him towards their car. Under the watchful gazes of the rest of the school, he is pushed in the backseat. The Harringtons have an image, they cannot let their son behave like that. They showed the public they don’t agree and are now taking him for punishment in private. It isn’t proper to do that on the streets.
Steve looks down in shame, cheeks burning. He chances one glance out of the window to the staring crowd. Most of them look like they agree and they’re glad something is done about it, but right there in the middle is Chrissy, looking horrified and guilty.
At home his father is completely silent, stony and cold. Steve is honestly terrified, his cheek is still throbbing from the hit and he is waiting for the shitshow that is about to come.
He watches as his father paces back and forth in the living room. Until he stops and turns to Steve, ice in his eyes as he demands: “How long has this been going on?”
“Not long. Couple of weeks,” Steve answers, wanting to shrink into himself and disappear. “I swear it was nothing, just something stupid. It was just a joke.”
“A joke?” his father repeats. “Do you know what is a joke? You. A Harrington, running around like some fag. Some dirty queer.”
“I’m not a fag,” Steve lies, hoping to save himself.
“You better not be, boy,” his father says, pushing into his personal space.
“I swear, I’m not,” Steve says again, as if it will make his case stronger. “I was trying to get this girl to like me. They needed someone. I thought it would get me in her good graces.”
His father scans his face, brow stern as he inspects Steve’s face. For a moment, Steve thinks this is the worst it is going to get. Then he’s hit in the face again and goes sprawling onto the floor. His father spits: “Don’t lie to me, boy.”
Tears well up. He has tried his entire life to be perfect for them, to be good enough. And he never was and he never will be. He can’t do anything right. He didn’t even choose this. He doesn’t want this either. He wishes he could settle down with a pretty girl and have a family like everyone wants him to.
He gets kicked in the side by his father, who screams: “You are nothing, but a worthless piece of shit and I don’t want you sullying the family name.”
Steve curls into himself, the uncomfortable suit he’s wearing making it difficult to do so. His father lands another kick and Steve lets out a whimper.
“Richard,” he hears his mother say and his father stops. They both look up at her. She is standing, glass of wine in her hand, looking quite unaffected by the spectacle before her. “All this noise is giving me a headache.”
A headache, Steve thinks shrilly, his world collapsing around him. He has always knows that his mother doesn’t care, but he always thought there would be at least some affection for him. But it seems not and it feels like his ribs are collapsing in his chest.
His father looks back down to Steve. He spits on him, right in his face, and snarls: “No son of mine will be a queer under my roof. You have five minutes to pack your stuff and get out.”
I didn’t even kiss a boy, Steve thinks wildly as he scrambles up to his room, throwing as many of his clothes into a bag and snatching the few mementos he has of the kids and Chrissy.
He stumbles off the stairs and out of the house. His mother has already wandered off again, but his father is standing in the doorway, arms crossed. “We’re having the locks changed, don’t think of coming back until you’re married and have a grandson for us.”
Then the door is slammed in his face.
Steve stands there for a few seconds, just staring up to the house that has been his home for eighteen years now. He’s still in the stupid monkey suit, bag at his feet and bruise on his face. Officially homeless.
It hits him all over again and tears well up. He lets them slide down his cheek and turns away. He doesn’t want anyone seeing him there. He doesn’t want this to be the new talk of the town.
He still has his car keys in his pocket. He saved a bunch of money in there, something he’s glad for now. The car is in his name, so they can’t take it from him. He shoulders his bag and starts walking to the school where he’d left it. Time to start planning what he should do now.
Everyone in Hawkins is at a graduation party, hundreds are held tonight. But Steve doesn’t care for any of them. He is just glad people are too busy to see him walk around.
His ribs ache with every step and he feels humiliated. He hates himself, he hates his parents, he hates Billy and he hates the world that made him so. He just wants to be normal. He just wants his parents to care. He didn’t ask for this.
When he finally gets to the school, his car is the only one in the parking lot. It’s completely covered in shaving cream and toilet paper. On the hood is painted fag mobile. Next to it lies his crumpled yearbook.
He picks it up, the smiling faces of the cheer squad stare up at him accusingly, his own among them as some sort of mockery of when he was still happy and his world hadn’t collapsed yet.
Steve is beyond crying at this point, so he throws his yearbook into the bushes, before staring at his car in defeat. Standing there in the parking lot by himself.
After giving himself a moment, he starts plucking off the toilet paper, before using his suit jacket to wipe away the shaving cream. He hates that suit anyway. It takes him awhile, but it’s mindless work that keep him busy, keeps him distracted.
Only the words on the front of his car remain. They stare at him judgmentally. He knows he should be lucky they didn’t break his windows, but it still doesn’t feel nice. He feels backed into a corner, watched, policed. It makes him feel terrified.
The suit jacket is already ruined and the paint is still drying, so he scrubs until his fingers hurt to get it off. He’s only half successful, but at least the words aren’t legible anymore. He vows to go through a car wash tomorrow, before driving a town over to trade his car. It’s a fancy one, he’s sure he can get a good price for it. Then he can drive something without people knowing it’s his. Without being a target.
But for now this is good enough.
He burns his suit, changing into a polo and some jeans in the back of his car. His radio goes off with Will saying: “Please, Steve, just reply. Jonathan said you got in a fight with your dad. He sounded concerned. Are you okay? Please, Steve, respond. Please.”
His heart aches to reach out. He wants to click that button and lie and tell Will he’s fine. Or maybe tell him he’s not and if he can come over to their house. To sink into the care of Joyce, who has always accepted her two boys, no matter how weird the town thought them to be. He aches to not be alone right now.
However, he doesn’t want the kids to see him like this. He is their strong protector and he doesn’t want them to know he got kicked out. He doesn’t want them to hate him. So, he turns the radio off with a decisive click.
Steve contemplates going over to the pay phone the school has and calling Chrissy. But she doesn’t have her own line and he doesn’t think Mrs. Cunningham will let him come close to her precious daughter if she knew who Stevie really was.
In short, he has no one to turn to.
So, he sits in the driver’s seat of his car and plays one of the tapes Chrissy left there when he drove her around last time. The music is way too upbeat for his melancholic mood, but it makes him smile and he needs that right now.
Once he has gathered himself again, he puts the car in drive and pulls away from the school. He hasn’t decided where he’s going yet, but he needs to move right now.
He finds himself passing the Hawkins sign, leaving the town. He hadn’t even realized where he was until he sees it. For a moment he contemplates driving on. To be the queer that ran in the eyes of his town. To go to a place where no one knows who he is and start again.
But he can’t. He can’t leave Chrissy behind. He can’t leave the kids without any defenses. He can’t leave Max with Billy as her only older brother. He can’t leave Dustin like his father did. He just can’t abandon them.
With reluctance he does a U-turn and drives back. Hawkins isn’t willing to let him go yet. There is something still keeping him there.
Steve thinks about going to Lovers Lake. The nature has always brought him peace and he can use some tranquility right about now. He is already driving in the direction when he realizes he made his favorite hang out place into a make out spot.
There will be dozens of couples in their cars trying to get it on there and equally as many cops looking into said cars to catch them doing it. The last thing he needs is Hopper showing up and asking what he is doing out there.
Maybe he should just keep driving, he thinks, just wander about until the sun comes up.
But he doesn’t want to do that either. He is tired. His bones feel heavy and his entire body aches, all he wants is to sit and stare into nothing. To reflect on all the places he fucked up.
Besides, the cops that aren’t scouring the lakes for teenagers doing the dirty are stopping cars to check if the occupants aren’t drunk. It’s graduation night, they know the kids are partying. It’s what Steve would have imagined himself doing a year ago.
So, there is not really a place to go. Truly a theme of his evening.
He’s about to give up and pull over to the side of the road when he sees a sign for the quarry. Ever since Will’s fake body was found there people have been avoiding it. If there is one place he’ll find some rest tonight, it’s there.
Relief courses through him that he’ll have a place for peace tonight as he starts driving towards the quarry.
Later, he’ll have to figure out a plan for the long term, because he can’t keep living in his car. He has some savings, so he’ll be fine for a few days, after that he probably needs a job. And a place to stay.
But that is a worry for later. Now, he pulls up to the small outcrop overlooking the quarry and gets out of the car. The weather is nice out, summer closing in on Hawkins. It’s quite a lovely evening that Steve would appreciate, were it not for the day that preceded it.
He goes to sit on the roof of his car, looking over the quarry. It’s calm, like he wanted, but he also feels deathly alone, sitting next to the huge chasm all by himself. Without his permission tears start up again and he curls into himself.
It’s not like he wants to be crying. He hates crying. But he can’t stop either. He has always known that his parents don’t care, that they don’t love him, and yet he still kept trying. Sure, he held a whole speech to Chrissy about why she shouldn’t care and he knows that he shouldn’t either. But that’s easier said than done.
Steve still remembers when he was little, when he became obsessed with sports and the classes weren’t as confusing yet. How easy it was to make his father proud. How he still looked cute next to his mother, instead of serving as a reminder that she was getting old. How she would let him sit at her side as she did her makeup and let her do his hair.
A part of him still can’t believe that they would kick him out like that. It’s not like they walked in on him with a boy, they have no proof other than Billy’s word and a picture in the yearbook. That was all it took.
He has suppressed his feelings for other boys for years, planned to ignore it for the rest of his life, so that he could be who they wanted him to be. And that wasn’t enough. He as a person, would never be the son they want.
There is something innately wrong with him and they can pick it up even without seeing him for months. It hangs around him. He can’t hide it.
Steve used to be able to hide it. Used to play the part. King Steve, lady’s man, who always had a girl on his arm. Who was on the basketball team. Who drove the macho car. Who pushed those around him that looked gay.
But he couldn’t keep being King Steve. He couldn't.
In junior year he was offered a choice. To keep being an asshole for the rest of his life, or to be someone he could face in the mirror. Right now, though, he wonders that if he could have looked into the future, if he wouldn't have chosen safety over kindness. If he would have shown up on the door to apologize.
He wonders if he would have been happy if he had. He wonders if he would be at a party right now doing a keg stand with Billy. He wonders if Nancy and Jonathan would have still been alive.
“Fuck,” he curses out loud. He knows he made the right choice. That he likes being friends with the kids, that he likes that he was able to befriend Chrissy and Lisa. That he can allow himself to glance at Eddie from time to time.
“That’s not very proper,” a voice behind him shocks him out of his musing.
Steve whips his head around, not wanting to be caught by surprise if this is another ambush. Instead he finds Eddie, grinning up at him, having appeared as if summoned by his thoughts of him. “What are you doing out here?” he asks.
Ngl, this chapter was difficult to write. I am so glad I have never had to go through this and my heart goes out to all of my queer siblings who have. I hope the world treats you more kindly than it has, because you deserve all the care in the world <3
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alexadavas · 6 months
The Butterfly Who Unfolds Her Wings
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A simple, selfless, social butterfly, but an ambitious girl as what they perceive, yes, it is me. I'm Alexa Mae Canaria Davas, 18 years old, a first-year civil engineering student at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela. I'm one of the Dr. Pio Valenzuela scholars for batch number 26 as well.
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To be honest, there's nothing special about me. I'm just a typical girl with a lot of pressure and expectations. Why did I say so? I'm the first, or, should I say, the eldest, child of my parents. I have two siblings who are 15 and 5 years old. I've also been an academic achiever from kindergarten until senior high school. Since I am the first child, I have many responsibilities to fulfill. I don't want to fail. I'm scared of failing in all aspects of my life. It would be my biggest downfall. I don't like being a disappointment to my family or, most especially, to myself. My parents did not pressure me that much. In fact, I'm the one who pressures myself since I expect more of myself. I don't have a lot of talents and skills like others do. But I can sing, dance, and make everyone feel wanted and appreciated. I don't want to see people left behind, since I know that kind of feeling. My hobbies are just reading books, watching Asian dramas, and making some fictional stories or quotes about life if I have free time. During my senior high school years, my professors often praised me because of how I constructed words in every essay or other written activity. I don't know, but I like expressing myself through writing rather than being vocal.
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I am an ambitious girl, but honestly, I don't know what career or what I want to become. I want to be successful, but I don't know what my dream is. I have a lot of dreams, but I can't see myself in those fields. One thing that I am sure about is that I want to become a cardiologist if I'm lucky enough. If fate allows me to. I want to pursue being a doctor, but sadly, my parents can’t afford for me to study at any private medicine school. Every decision I made was influenced by other people. To tell you the truth, there's no chance that I decided for my own. Taking the course as a civil engineer is not my first choice. It was my third option. I took the STEM strand as my senior high school academic track at Our Lady of Fatima University. For the sake of improving my mathematics skills, I can draw houses too, but I am not as good as others. My parents and relatives want me to study engineering since that’s the only course they can afford and since I’m just about to study at a state university. They also said that engineering can make me successful too since it is in demand and a high-paying job. Given the factors I have mentioned, I considered just taking civil engineering because it was aligned with my senior high school strand, even though I doubt if I can. Every night before entering college, I silently cry since I know that I can't be an engineer because I'm not that "good" at mathematics. and I have no interest in the engineering field. I know for myself that I will be struggling.
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This course is very challenging, and it really affects your mental health. There's been a lot of change for me since I started studying engineering. Back then, it was not okay for me to just get at least a passing score because I am a competitive person. I can't afford a low score or grade. I'm always aiming for a high grade. But now, just a passing grade really makes me happy already. I started to like my course, although I was scared to take it before. This course really taught me to be a risk-taker, to believe more in yourself, to study harder and harder, and that it's fine to cry. This is such a fulfilling course that I don't want to be an irregular student and shift to another course next year. I will strive harder to graduate from this course and be a future civil engineer in the near future. I know I can since I have my family, friends, and God by my side.
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Shifting from an online class to a face-to-face class again is quite hard. It seems like a new experience to me to be back in a normal class after almost 3 years of online classes. Most especially, you have to maintain safety protocols, and your actions are limited, unlike pre-pandemic. My coping mechanism with this kind of setup is that I have to socialize with other people, but I am still reminded of safety protocols like wearing a face mask and keeping a social distance. Additionally, I'm teaching myself to do group study with my friends and classmates because I was used to studying alone rather than brainstorming, and I'm starting to build my self-confidence in public speaking after not being exposed to other people during lockdown.
To sum it up from this blog, you know the half-side of me. How I chose what course to take in college and my coping mechanisms during the shift of classes from online to face-to-face. To everyone who will be reading this, I hope I can inspire and motivate you that not all the time, what we dreamed of is really meant for us. We need to see the bigger picture, to be practical, and to transcend the things that limit us from being a better version of ourselves. Let's be risk-takers and not be afraid of what lies ahead.
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mrrightandmrbubble · 8 months
Hi, Kirri! I'm from South America and I'm trying to do a research about australian high school. I would like you to clarify some questions I have about school subjects, like: which ones are optional and which are mandatory? also, if you could send me some reliable websites than i can look up. every website i see says something different, can be very confusing so I decided to ask a australian person. Thank you!!!!
Hi, hey, i've been summoned! Okay, i'll admit to you upfront, it's been a hot minute since I was in high school so my knowledge is partly from personal experience but also what is published online. The school structures and curriculum differs from state to state, so it's no wonder you had trouble finding clear answers. I'll try to explain simply:
Australian high schools run from years 7 to 12. (We actually have 13 school years in total including Kindergarten, or preparatory, which is not numbered.) Students can finish in year 10 if they choose not to complete their senior years and test for university entry. If a student finishes in year 10, they get a Record of School Achievement; if they finish senior studies, they get a certificate of education depending on which state they're in:
NSW - Higher School Certificate (HSC)
VIC - Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)/Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)
QLD - Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA)
SA - South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)
WA - West Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)
TAS - Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE)
ACT - Australian Capital Territory Senior Secondary Certificate (ACT SSC)
NT - Northern Territory Certificate of Education (NTCE)
The national curriculum has eight compulsory learning areas, which can be categorized into subjects:
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Then there are a wide range of electives, which vary greatly depending on region, type of school (state-funded vs private/faith-based) etc. Students in years 9 and 10 typically choose three electives. Here is an example of electives available to a school in NSW.
In addition, many schools offer the opportunity to study a vocational (often trade-based) course in preparation for studies after high school, called TVET (TAFE-delivered Vocational Education and Training). Many of these course results in credits toward school outcomes. I guess you could say that TAFE to Australia is like community college to the US.
The school year is broken up into four 'terms', with dates varying between states (see links at end for a list). A typical school day goes from 8:45am to 3:00pm Monday to Friday, with breaks for recess and lunch between period. A 'period' = one class, which typically runs for 40 minutes.
Upon completing senior studies and final exams, students are given an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank), which they can use to select and be admitted to university. In fact, senior exams have just begun so it's a good time to keep an eye on social media and see how current students are talking about the experience! 'ATAR Day' (when rankings are released) is on December 14, another time to take a look.
Australia also has specialist high schools, such as creative and performing arts schools, intensive English centres (for students with English as a second language), sports schools, and technology schools. All of these must teach the compulsory subjects, but offer the chance to specialize in these areas.
Websites where you can learn more about the Australian curriculum:
Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 Australian Schools Directory
Study Australia
ACARA (for statistics)
Hopefully that will help you! I hope you don't mind that I posted this answer but I thought it might be useful to others as well. If you have any other questions, go ahead and ask and i'll do my best!
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deejhs-blog · 3 months
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"From Bullying to Breaking Barriers A Journey of Resilience and Dreams"
Written by: Dereck Jay T. Tabirao
My name is Dereck Jay Tabirao, and I was born in Virac, Catanduanes in the Bicol province. My life there was amazing, and I made many friends growing up. I lived there from kindergarten to grade 3. Sometimes, my classmates would bully me and call me "gay" because I enjoyed spending time with girls. I would often ignore them because I didn't really know my sexual orientation at that time. I questioned myself if I was normal because I felt more comfortable and understood by the girls. It's not that I didn't enjoy the company of my male classmates; they were just too boyish, and I didn't feel like I fit in because I was softer and couldn't fight back. They would also call me "adopted," which is true, and I'm not afraid to hide it because I found a new family.
I remember asking my mom where I came from, and she told me that God gave me to them. She explained that she couldn't deliver a baby, so a friend of hers gave me to her and adopted me. My real mom couldn't handle too many babies due to financial problems, so she gave me to my parents instead. We then moved and lived with my auntie and uncle in Fairview, Quezon City, in a big house with seven people. It was hard living with them and missing my parents every day, but my auntie and uncle would spoil me with things.
I studied in a private Catholic school from grade 4 to grade 5 in Quezon City, where I made new friends who were filthy rich. The school brought me closer to God, and I joined the singing choir. At first, it was nerve-wracking, but I got used to it. We sang in church every Friday, and it's where I discovered my passion for singing. Then, my dad came home and bought a house in Imus, Cavite. I was sad again leaving some of my new friends, but I had to accept it. Imus was very far from Quezon City, so everything was new for me again. My parents enrolled me in a private school, where I was treated poorly. People talked behind my back, and it was challenging for me to make friends because everyone was smart and knew what to do. I am a slow learner, so I felt like I was the slowest in the class. Despite all of this, I graduated from elementary school.
In grade 7, some of my classmates changed schools, and the bullying got worse. They would hide my belongings and blame it on me, saying I forgot where I put them. This was a lie because I am a very organized person and wouldn't forget my belongings. Because of their actions, I learned not to trust anyone. Due to financial problems, I transferred to a public school, where I felt more at home. Although I still got bullied, my overall experience in that school was memorable. However, everything went downhill when my grandparents passed away in the same year. I became extremely sad and missed a lot of school. My classmates teased me, saying I wouldn't graduate high school. Despite it all, I tried my best from grade 8 to grade 10, and I finally graduated, even amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
After that, I researched which strand to choose for senior high school, and I found humss (Humanities and Social Sciences). I picked humss because I aspire to become a famous journalist someday. Growing up, whenever I felt bored, I would grab a pen and paper and write stories, express my feelings, or even create song lyrics. So, I knew choosing humss would be perfect for me, and I was right. Now, I am a grade 12 student, almost graduating, and I'm still standing strong, following my dreams. I wish I could tell my bullies that I have made it this far and show them that I can do anything.
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danna-kurt · 3 months
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Theme: Change is Essential for Progress to Happen
I am Danna Kurt C. Sahagun, born on October 28, 2005, in Caloocan City, Manila. During my kindergarten years, I resided in Bagong Baryo, Caloocan, Manila. However, during my first grade, there was a shift in the wind, leading us to move to Grand Royale Subdivision, Malolos, Bulacan. I stayed in Bulacan until ninth grade, and from grade 10 until senior high school, I dwelled in a different atmosphere associated with clustered houses. That place is found in Istana Subdivision, Malagasang 1F, Imus, Cavite. Life is unpredictable! In a twinkling of an eye, everything suddenly changed. But it’s good, as long as you live and try to survive.
Born into a loving family, where parents desire nothing but the most beautiful flower for their children. Moderate life, sustaining the needs of every member of the household. A time when the tree is capable of bearing plenty of fruits. We lived in Bagong Baryo, the environment was unpleasant, noisy, and the people had sharp tongues. My mother, the breadwinner of the family, hated this kind of atmosphere. Due to this, she had the means to afford a nicer house, so she decided that we would move to Malolos, Bulacan, to experience a change in environment. When we moved, the Grand Royale subdivision felt as vast as the outer world. The houses were spacious and beautiful. Our house was a bungalow, but with a large lot. That’s why my father was able to plant numerous plants. We loved that kind of environment, peaceful and beautiful. The people there were also enjoyable company, which is why those were the wonderful days of my life.
We have finished moving to our new house and now need to take care of enrolling in school. During my preparatory years, I studied at the Academia de San Gabriel Archangel, a private school. I was stubborn as a mule. I had my own world. I was quiet and didn’t follow the activities that the teachers assigned. I can’t remember it anymore, but this is how my mother tells the story. When the teacher said to color, I wouldn’t do it. Instead, I was like a supervisor walking around the classroom.
My mother said that the school was not for me. So the next school year, I transferred to St. Clement Academy, also a private school. Our school principal was an expert and also a psychologist. I was also examined, and diagnosed as a special needs student. But it could still be treated. At that time, I was tutored and there was a change in my learning. Before, I couldn’t write and read, but in just one week of studying here, I learned it.
I can say that I am a late bloomer, but what matters is that I achieved the learning objectives appropriate for my age. However, I am not an academic achiever. I didn’t take my studies seriously because all I wanted was to play. I am the type of child who doesn’t want to step out of their comfort zone. I maintained this habit until grade 4.
In the year 2015, my mother was removed from her job at Asian Land Strategies Corporation. My mother is a real estate agent. It felt like the world was falling apart, with day turning into night. The sun became gloomy and started to rain. Tears and anxiety started pouring, both for me and my family. Thousands of questions are entering our minds. How are we going to live? Where will we get a source of income? My mother is also worrying about our education! What will happen to our schooling in a private school? Without a job, my mother is not able to provide the most beautiful flower for her family, and that makes her sad and upset. Due to my mother losing her job, she was forced to enroll my brother and me in a public school. I was in Grade 5 when we started studying in a public school.
Life is hard, this is the time when families should help and support each other. That’s why I realized that I don’t want to be a burden to them. I can help by studying hard. So, I decided to change my habits. I will no longer neglect my studies! I will be committed to my responsibilities! I will strive to reach the clouds. As a result of my hard work, I reached the clouds. I became an academic achiever. It’s the first time I’ve received honors, and I felt unexplainable happiness!
However, life has been harsher than I expected. In exchange for being an academic achiever, I experienced bullying from my classmates. It hurt verbally and mentally, like desert heat. The thorn in my heart left a wound. I repeatedly experienced bullying until I graduated from elementary school.
Because of this experience, the concept of trust and friendship has developed in me that I will no longer trust or have friends, because in the end, they will just turn their backs on me.
Despite the negativity I experienced, I turned it into something positive. I told myself that even if others don’t like me, at least I love myself. I realized that I need to protect myself because I have to. I need to be strong because my family is also weakening emotionally, mentally, and financially. I have to cherish myself because I love my family, and I refuse to let my sadness make them sad. Once again, I have changed and learned to love myself.
After graduating from elementary, I enrolled at San Francisco Xavier High School. However, it seemed like life wanted to make it up to me. I didn’t plan on making friends; all that mattered to me was excelling academically. But my perspective changed. Because of bullying, I learned to love myself, even though I didn’t see myself as pretty in the mirror. However, as the intramurals approached, my adviser chose me as the representative for Ms. Intramurals. I asked her why, because I knew I wasn’t suitable for that contest. But she saw my beauty and replied, “Why not you?” I didn’t believe in compliments, but her words touched my heart. They healed my wounds; they felt genuine and true. Because of this, I realized that I didn’t truly love myself. I was just pretending to be strong, even though I was weak. I participated in the intramurals, and I didn’t win. But I felt like a winner because of the love and support I received from my classmates and adviser. I finally found the real circle of friends that I deserved! I love my classmates, and they are part of my life! I changed my mindset; there are still people who will appreciate and love me. I also realized that sometimes in life, I won’t be able to be strong on my own. I also need others to lift me up and let me fly freely!
I experienced extreme happiness during my first and second year in high school. But it seems like fate wanted to toy with me. I felt a roller coaster of emotions when we experienced financial difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and that was when I was in grade 9. Life became hard, but my uncle offered us to live in Imus Cavite. Here, we no longer had to worry about paying rent; it was free. So, during the third quarter of my school year, we moved to Istana Subdivision Malagasang 1F Imus Cavite. Our lives became lighter. I also transferred to a new school, and studied at General Tomas Mascardo National High School. I studied here until I graduated from junior high school. It was a new home, a new chapter in life, and a new opportunity to learn. Because it was a time of pandemic, I learned to become a critical thinker about the information I read in the media. I also prioritized taking care of my physical and spiritual health. There were many adjustments, but I embraced the concept of adaptation in order to survive and grow as a person.
Now, I’m currently a grade 12 Humanities student studying at General Pantaleon Garcia Senior High School. In the new school I entered, I discovered many things about myself. I became creative and found out that I have talents in acting and dancing, aside from singing. I also realized that I can be creative. My public speaking and writing skills were also enhanced here. I also have great company that I’m happy to be with, from my teachers and classmates. Now, I’m expecting more change to come so that I can achieve even greater progress.
Life may seem harsh and full of waves, but it’s part of the process before achieving success. You have to experience pain before gaining, you have to undergo change to become a better version of yourself. Just like the process of metamorphosis, the butterfly’s skin changes. As it changes, it becomes more beautiful and colorful. Until it learns to fly.
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tofueggnoodles · 5 months
They’re Back! Araiso Private High School Student Council Executive Committee Vol. 2 Scene 7: Extra
Click here to listen to the track on youtube.
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Summary: Osamu talked Ryuunosuke and Shuuji out of quitting school.
Shuuji (shudders): Brrr... it’s cold here on the rooftop!
Ryuunosuke: Is it? The fresh cool air is just what I need after the hard work today.
Shuuji: Ah...! It was really hard work. Those seniors of ours don’t go easy on us.
Ryuunosuke: Even after the play was over, we had to spend four hours dismantling the stage and tidying up the place. The day had turned to night by the time we were done.
Shuuji: Really, we’ve not even been officially appointed as members of the Executive Committee. And yet, before we know it, we’re being treated as actual committee members.
Ryuunosuke: Well, life’s far from dull when you’re constantly running around on one errand or another.
Shuuji: That might be true, but– ah!
(The door opens and closes.)
Ryuunosuke: Yo, Prince Osamu!
Osamu: Are you asking for a punch to the face? Here, have a can of coffee. (throws a can each to Ryuunosuke and Shuuji)
Ryuunosuke: Thanks.
Shuuji: Ouch!
Osamu: By the way, what do you two intend to do regarding that matter?
Ryuunosuke: Hah?
Osamu: I’m talking about the makeup exam for students with insufficient school attendance. Are you going to take it or not?
Shuuji: Ah.
Osamu: You’re planning to quit school and join the yakuza with the help of Ryuunosuke’s uncle if you fail to advance to the next grade, aren’t you?
Ryuunosuke: That’s because it’s pointless to continue attending school if we have to repeat a year.
Shuuji: I know, right?
Osamu: I believe that as long as you take the makeup exam, you’ll stand a fair chance of advancing to the next grade.
Shuuji: You said it yourself. It’s just a ‘fair chance.’ We’re not like you. Regardless of what others say about you, you’re doing well enough with your studies to rank at the top of the class.
Osamu: I don’t particularly care about that. If the two of you decide to quit school, I intend to do likewise and follow you.
Ryuunosuke: Do you?
Osamu: It won’t be fun remaining in school just by myself without the two of you around.
Shuuji: Are you fine with that?
Osamu: I’m confident that wherever I go, I’ll be able to lead a good life as long as I find something worth doing,
Ryuunosuke: You’ve surprisingly adapted well to your new role in the Executive Committee too.
Osamu: Never mind me. How about you guys?
Shuuji: How about us what?
Tokito (shouting from somewhere out of sight): Hey!
Shuuji: Hah?
Tokito: Hey, the three of you over there!
Shuuji and Ryuunosuke: Huh?
Osamu: He’s in the courtyard below.
Ryuunosuke: Toki-yan-senpai and Kubo-chan-senpai? They’re waving merrily at us.
Osamu: Now that you mention it, there was some talk just now about building a campfire from the dismantled stage props.
Shuuji: Eh? In this damn cold weather?
Kubota: It’s precisely because it’s cold that we’re building a campfire.
Osamu: He sure has sharp ears.
Kubota: Look! We’re going to roast some potatoes!
Ryuunosuke (snorts): Really. They never miss an opportunity to have a good time, that bunch.
Osamu: So, what are you two going to do?
Shuuji: Hah?
Osamu: About the makeup exam.
Ryuunosuke (sighs): There’s no going against you. I guess I’ll try taking it for now.
Shuuji: It’s a bother, but I’ll do that too.
Osamu: If so, I’ll give you two a bit of help. A two-week intensive course of supplementary lessons on each of the three subjects: English, math and Japanese.
Shuuji: That’s more than a ‘bit of help’!
Tokito: Hey! Come down already!
Shuuji: We heard you, senpai!
Ryuunosuke: Let’s go, Shuuji, Chamu.
Osamu: I told you to stop calling me that.
Shuuji: Prince Osamu is so cool!
Ryuunosuke: Hear, hear!
Osamu: Are your brains still at the kindergarten level? In that case, we should begin the supplementary lessons as of today.
Ryuunosuke and Shuuji: Eh?
Shuuji: As of today...?
Ryuunosuke: Seriously?
(Sound of the door being opened and closed)
(Round brackets): actions and sound effects. [Square brackets]: translator’s notes or clarifications. Suggestions for improvements and corrections are more than welcome.
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epacer · 8 months
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San Diego Unified now accepting priority applications for choice schools
Families in the San Diego Unified School District have until Nov. 15 to submit priority applications for their children to attend campuses other than their neighborhood school.
The district says the Choice Schools program is designed to find the best fit for a student to succeed.
Why it matters
According to district officials, this year's priority application process is especially competitive because of the new state mandate offering universal Transitional Kindergarten to a growing number of 4-year-olds.
Parents are advised to pre-enroll their child in their neighborhood school in addition to applying for Choice for the best chance at an offer of enrollment.
By the numbers
Almost 10,000 applications come in every fall, with an 80% chance of being accepted at one of your top three choices, according to Marceline Marquez Sciuto, the district’s senior director of operations support.
"Statistically, we do see that when children are able to be accepted via choice into a school that supports a particular interest or focus, it really helps them to be more successful as adults," Sciuto said.
Closer look
Students outside San Diego Unified and those attending private and charter schools can also apply for up to three schools of their choice anywhere in the district.
Transportation to a Choice School is only guaranteed for students with special needs who have that requirement and in some other specific circumstances. More information is available on the San Diego Unified website.  *Reposted article from KPBS by M.G. Perez on October 16, 2023
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drskids630 · 2 years
Preschools in India for kids
Preschools in India have a wide range of facilities for children to blossom. The early childhood years are crucial for the development of a child’s brain, which begins with the first five years of life. Preschools help children make a smooth transition from home to school, thereby making it easier for them to learn new things and adapt more quickly. Preschools also provide a safe environment where your child can develop social skills that are necessary for him/her later in life.
Drs Kids
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If you are looking for a preschool that will help your child learn, Drs Kids is a great option. Located in Bangalore, this preschool has a range of facilities for children to learn and grow. The curriculum is based on the Montessori method, which focuses on hands-on learning through play.
Drs Kids is also a play-based preschool with a wide range of activities for children to learn. It provides an environment where each child can develop socially and emotionally while having fun!
Little Elly pre school
Little Elly is a preschool located in Mumbai. It is a play-based learning environment which focuses on nurturing children’s curiosity and creativity. The program has a multilingual environment, offering support for English, Hindi and Marathi speaking students.
The school boasts a strong reputation amongst parents who appreciate its affordable rates and its commitment to encouraging children of all backgrounds through education.
Kidzee is a chain of preschools in India that has a large network of preschools. Kidzee has a wide range of facilities for children to blossom, including indoor-outdoor play areas, libraries and music rooms. Kidzee also offers a strong focus on play and learning through arts & crafts, creative writing and storytelling sessions.
Shemrock is an Indian preschool chain that has been around since 1998. It was founded by Dr. Nandini Chatterjee and Mr. Ranjan Chatterjee, who are parents of one of the first children to attend a Shemrock preschool in Bangalore.
Shemrock aims to provide quality education for kids from 3 years old onward, with special attention paid to their physical well-being and emotional development. The curriculum focuses on “whole child development” — meaning it teaches everything from reading and writing to art, music and sports.
The school has three branches: one each in Bengaluru (Bangalore), Chennai and Mumbai (Mumbai). This makes it one of the most popular private preschools in India for children aged 3–6 years old.
Amiown Preschool
Amiown Preschool is a preschool chain in India that offers quality education to kids. It has more than 100 preschools across the country, and they offer excellent facilities and infrastructure. The curriculum used at these schools is well-structured, and the teachers are qualified and experienced enough to handle the requirements of each class.
There are two types of Amiown Preschools: playgroup/kindergarten (for children aged 2–6 years) or senior wing (for children aged 6–12 years). These schools have high class sizes — between 20–25 students per class — which ensures that every child gets personal attention from their teacher at all times. Each classroom has an LCD projector screen so that teachers can give presentations easily without having to carry around heavy equipment like laptops or tablets for every lesson!
The Educators
The Educators is a preschool in India that offers play-based learning. The Educators has many facilities to support children’s growth, including a large playground and an indoor play area.
Kangaroo Kids Pre School
Kangaroo Kids Pre School is a play school in Delhi located in the posh locality of Vasant Kunj. The school has many facilities such as a large play area with a jungle gym, slides and swings. Kangaroo Kids Pre School provides good education to kids and prepares them for entry into schools when they are ready.
Kangaroo Kids Pre School has been established by Ms Jasleen Kaur who believes that every child should be given equal opportunity to learn at their own pace. She started this school because she wanted her daughter to get quality education without any discrimination based on gender or class background
EuroKids is a play-based learning environment that provides an international curriculum and a Montessori education. It has been operating since 1998 and is located in Delhi, India. EuroKids is a school for kids to learn, grow and explore their world through play! The preschools provide an amazing learning experience for your child to get ready for school and equip them with skills to handle their future ahead of them.
Kangaroo Kids International School
Kangaroo Kids International School is a daycare school in Gurgaon that offers preschool education to children between the ages of 2 and 5 years. The school is located on a quiet street in Sector 53, Gurgaon and has spacious classrooms, indoor and outdoor play areas, library, computer lab and more. It follows the American curriculum that consists of guided learning activities that encourage creativity within an environment that fosters self-esteem among its students.
The tuition fee at Kangaroo Kids International School ranges from Rs 25000 per year for toddlers aged 2 to 3 years old up to Rs 35000 per year for pre-schoolers aged 4 or 5 years old (depending on whether you choose full time or half day).
Preschools in India have a wide range of facilities for children to blossom
Schools in India have a wide range of facilities for children to blossom. There are different types of schools, each offering something unique. There are daycare centers, pre-schools and kindergartens.
What makes a good preschool?
Why you should choose a preschool for your child
The preschools in India are a great place for children to start their journey in academics. They offer a wide variety of activities and lessons for kids to learn, play and socialize with other kids.
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onsitefotos · 2 years
ON-SITEFOTOS and DC OSSE announce partnership
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BOWIE, MARYLAND - September 26, 2022: ON-SITEFOTOS, a first-of-its-kind visual communications company, and OSSE Office of Industry Engagement, in DC, the State Office of Career and Technical Education, a provider in leadership, coordination, and technical assistance to ensure excellence in DC’s statewide system of career and technical education, announced on Friday, September 2, 2022 it will partner with ON-SITEFOTOS.
We’re pleased to announce our partnership with OSSE Office of Industry Engagement. The District of Columbia Career and Technical Education (DC CTE) Network's Advanced Internship Program (AIP) is a school-year internship that prioritizes the placement of eligible high school seniors into paid and credit-bearing internship opportunities that are aligned to a student’s CTE program of study standards.
“I’m extremely excited about working with OSSE Office of Industry Engagement. For a long time now, we’ve had the vision to work with students as interns within ON-SITEFOTOS. This partnership will allow us to work hands on and side-by-side with young adult scholars within the community to prepare them for college and the workforce. In addition, I’m looking forward to how this partnership increases productivity for our organization, develops opportunities for leadership within students and our organization while contributing to the future in D.C.” said Brian Stukes, Chairman & CEO, ON-SITEFOTOS.
What is a program of study? Programs of Study are pathways to careers for middle school and high school students. By combining academic and technical instruction with student passions, these pathways offer meaningful skills and real world experiences that lead to options for college and rewarding careers for today’s learners. Pursuing a Program of Study expands post-high school opportunities by coupling classroom instruction with opportunities for internships, mentorship, earning industry credentials, and gaining college credit all before graduating high school.
Students can explore career pathways, determine what they like to do, and build the foundation for a meaningful career. Click through the career clusters below to start exploring programs available in the District!
What Does OSSE Do?
The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) is the state education agency for the District of Columbia charged with raising the quality of education for all DC residents. OSSE serves as the District’s liaison to the US Department of Education and works closely with the District’s traditional and public charter schools to achieve its key functions:
Overseeing all federal education programs and related grants administered in the District of Columbia.
Developing state-level standards aligned with school, college, and workforce readiness expectations.
Ensuring access to high-quality child care and universal pre-kindergarten for eligible District families.
Providing resources and support to assist the District’s most vulnerable student populations.
Administering the annual Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC), the statewide student academic achievement exam.
Providing regional, door-to-door transportation to school for District children with special needs.
Awarding higher education financial assistance to eligible District students at public and private colleges and universities in DC and across the country.
Increasing health and physical education awareness as well as ensuring access to free meals year-round. 
Providing common, comparable information for families and educators about all public schools in the District of Columbia through the DC School Report Card
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careertolife · 2 years
How to Study in the Philippines
If you are planning to pursue higher studies in the Philippines, you will have to apply for admission. The application process varies depending on the university. Generally, you will fill out an online application form and print it to submit along with all the necessary documents. Once you have collected all the documents, you will need to present them to the Enrolment Services Hub. You will also need to pay a processing fee of around $25 to $50, which is non-refundable.
Cost of living is low:
While the cost of living in the Philippines is fairly high, expats can save money by moving to a smaller city with a lower cost of living. They can also be closer to the white sand beaches of the Philippines. The Philippines is ranked the 54th-cheapest country in the world by Numbeo, which ranks it just above the 112th-ranked United States. In fact, it is estimated to be 43% cheaper than the US.
While the Philippines has a low cost of living, prices are still high enough to pay for eating out every day, island weekends, and yoga classes every morning. It all depends on your lifestyle and the price range you are willing to spend. Before moving to the Philippines, it is important to set a budget for living and transport. Once you have a budget, you can start shopping and exploring the country. Depending on the area, you can also consider other costs, like transportation and nightlife.
Academic standards are high:
Philippine education is known for its high academic standards. Despite its large student population, the country still has a considerable share of public universities. The number of students studying at private universities is relatively small compared to those who are enrolled in state and local universities. In 2016, 45.8% of tertiary students enrolled in public institutions. Another 6.2 percent studied at local universities and 0.17 percent at government schools. There are several universities and colleges in the Philippines, including the prestigious University of the Philippines, the largest. It also maintains branch campuses across the country.
The Philippine government has made significant changes to its education system. The country passed two laws that significantly increased education expenditures. The 2011 Kindergarten Education Act and the 2013 Basic Education Act extended the elementary and secondary school cycle from 10 to twelve years, resulting in two extra years of mandatory senior secondary school for every Filipino student. Although these measures are not yet fully implemented, they represent positive signs for the future of education in the country. Academic standards are high in the Philippines.
Admission requirements are strict:
In most cases, admission requirements for studying in Philippines are stringent. Undergraduate studies usually last four or five years, although they can stretch to eight years for some subjects. Postgraduate programs, on the other hand, generally last two years or more. Generally, the academic calendar is divided into two semesters, and courses begin in June and end in March. Public universities follow a semester pattern, while private universities follow a trimester pattern. In addition to general undergraduate courses, Philippine universities must also offer six four-year courses. These courses include Basic Science, Mathematics, Liberal Arts, and Social Sciences. Colleges and universities in the Philippines are often private, religion-based, or both.
To apply, you must meet the admission requirements set by the university or school. You should contact the university or school's international students office for more information. Major universities in the Philippines maintain official websites, email addresses, and phone numbers. Be aware, however, that not all education consultants are accredited by the Philippine government, so you should always verify the information you receive from a reputable education consultant before enrolment.
Students need language skills to communicate with professors:
The country's university curriculum emphasizes the importance of language skills to interact with professors. As a result, Filipino students have high levels of language anxiety. Despite their best efforts, Filipino students find it difficult to communicate with professors because of language barriers. They are not confident with their writing skills and are afraid that their work will not be accepted by the professor. However, language anxiety can be reduced by developing language skills.
The K to 12 basic education programs has a major impact on students' English language learning in higher education. Many HEIs in the Philippines have a lack of English language courses. What is more, these courses are often limited to Purposive Communication, which does not reinforce all language skills. In the end, students should focus on improving their oral communication skills if they intend to succeed in the Philippines.
Career2Life, Overseas Education Consultants in Delhi can help you accomplish your dream to study in Philippines. They make you familiar with the application process and facilitate at every step, so that you can enjoy studying at one of the best education destinations.
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summary: y/n l/n is a 18 year old girl that struggled in school a lot. It all started in kindergarten when her soul marks never appeared, becoming the class joke. But trust me, y/n’s life never got any easier when the marks did finally appear.
 SERIES WARNING: MINORS DNI 18+, student x teacher, mentions of burning, scars, bullying, polyamorous, yandere, yandere themes, kidnapping, murdering, nsfw
“Hey, where’s your soul marks?” you looked up from your desk to see a green haired boy smiling sweetly at you. “SHE DOESN'T HAVE ONE, DUMBASS!” you both looked over and seen a loud blonde haired boy shouting and laughing. The class laughed along with him. 
It wasn’t easy being the laughingstock of the class, or even the whole kindergarten. Everyone else has developed their soul marks. Some of them even burned and turned golden because some kids already met their life partners. But not you. Your words didn't even appear yet.
Everyone develops their soul marks when they are young, around 5 years old. About the same time that they develop their quirks. When the marks appear, they look like scars, and they won't burn and turn golden until you met your partner. The thing about soul marks is that anybody can say those words that's on your skin to you, but they won't light up unless it's your soulmate who says them. If your soul marks are not golden yet, then the feeling of butterflies will erupt in your gut when you're around your soulmate. That's how it is for both parties. The feeling will get stronger and stronger the closer you get to them. That is an easy way of telling if they are your soul bond. But, the feeling of butterflies will go away once the soul marks are turned golden. 
Both you and Izuku were the target jokes of the kindergarten. But you were mistreated more than Izuku. You always hear the same thing from the boisterous blonde. “You're so much more of a loser than Izuku, and he doesn't even have his quirk yet!” and of course the class breaks out in laughter.  Both you and Izuku got along well, not only because he was a sweetheart, but because both of you don't have fathers present in your lives. That was something both of you could relate to on a big level. He has your back, and he’s there for you because he knows what it's like to be fatherless. 
Your father was the #5 hero. He was a big deal to the public. He passed away in a tragic accident with a villain. You and your mother had a hard time dealing with it. She lost the love of her life, and you lost your only father. The public took it hard as well. His death all over the news, All over newspapers, and televisions for months. It’s honestly a good thing that your father kept his personal life private from the public, because you don't want to be known for being the #5 hero’s daughter. To grow up being pitied for losing her father. 
So it really wasn't easy being the joke of the school, especially when so much already was happening to you. 
But that was twelve years ago. You have just gotten the letter in the mail that you passed U.A High's entrance exam and finally made into the hero course, and your mother is ecstatic and hugging you in a suffocating embrace. You’ve been attending U.A since you were a freshman. But you never made it into the hero course. You're a senior now and school's about to start in a week. It was sad not being able to attend the hero course, and seeing your childhood best friend Izuku training in the hero course without you for a couple of years. But he was just as ecstatic as your mom when he found out that you're going to be attending the hero course finally. 
It was amazing that principle Nezu was able to make arrangements to let you try one more time to get into the hero training course. You felt so lucky that you were honestly able to make it! All the years of training your ass off was worth it. Seeing your best friend go into the hero course without you was all the motivation you needed, and you FINALLY MADE IT! 
Izuku was going on and on about how much fun you're going to have and what a great teacher “mr. Aizawa” was. You have no idea who that is. Izuku was going on about how Mr. Aizawa was moving up grades along with his class. So now he’s going to be a third year teacher. Izuku showed you his class schedule that he got in the mail before school starts again, and seen that Mr. Aizawa indeed became a third year teacher and Izuku was going to be in his homeroom again for the third year in a row. He was hoping that you would be in the same homeroom as him when school starts again, and how he’ll save you a seat next to him. You won't be getting your class schedule until the day school starts, since U.A has made new arrangements for you. 
The whole week, you trained and worked your ass off. 
“Welp, today is the day!” you say as you wake up, getting ready for school. You looked in the mirror and smiled. “This is the face of a hero, and the start of my new life! Everyone else who made fun of me can suck it!” you looked over and seen that you should have left by now. You gathered your belongings for school, kissed your mom goodbye and rushed out the door to see Izuku waiting for you. “Good morning y/n!” you smiled and hugged him. The both of you walking down your front porch steps together and heading down your driveway and onto the sidewalk.  The walk to school felt like eons. Izuku just went on and on about the hero course and that you shouldn’t be nervous. Honestly, all of his nonstop babbling made you more nervous. 
You can see the school from ahead. Your heart was beating out of your chest, just by seeing the school coming into view. You and deku took a right and there it is. U.A High. You approached it and were honestly planning on izuku walking into school with you, but you were proven wrong when a bunch of kids from Izuku’s past classes stopped him to chit-chat. You have seen the crowds of kids that were surrounding him. “Hmm. He seems popular.” you said to yourself as you continued to walk towards the school. “Y/N!” you turned around to see Izuku pushing past some kids, and shouting to you. “I’M SORRY, BUT I DON'T THINK I CAN WALK WITH YOU TO YOUR CLASS! ARE YOU ABLE TO GET THERE YOURSELF?” you smiled at him and waved dismissively, and shouted back. “YES, I CAN MANAGE!” waving goodbye, you began walking away, and in the distance you can hear his voice calling out to you saying “I'LL MAKE IT UP TO YOU I PROMISE!!” You chuckled and rolled your eyes, and walked into the school without him. 
You looked around and finally found nezu’s office as instructed in your letter. You knocked on the door and heard his voice. “Come in!” you opened the door and immediately heard his voice again. “OH Y/N WELCOME BACK!” you smiled and thanked him. “I'm so proud of you, this should be a fun year for you as well as it is important!” he handed you your new hero course schedule. “Thank you so much, you have no idea how much I appreciate you.” you said to him, smiling brightly.  
“Oh, of course! No need to thank me, sweetheart. I always go out of my way to give each and every student here at U.A High a chance to succeed. Besides, if I didn't, what type of principle would I be?” he said, genuinely smiling at you. “You're absolutely right, you make a good point!” you said, waving goodbye and walking away. Before you could fully make it out the door. Nezu stopped you. “OH and y/n, if you get lost and need help finding your classes, or ever need anything, you know where to find me, im always here!” you smiled at him. “Thank you mr. Nezu, I appreciate it!” he smiled back, and you waved goodbye and set off to find your homeroom class. 
It was honestly stressful, there were a lot of kids, and you didn't have much room to stop and look at your schedule. You looked over and see a rest bench in the hallway, and you scurried over to it to take a rest from the boisterous crowd of kids. You unfolded the piece of paper to scan over it. The top of the page was full of your information. Your name, student number, age, sex, ethnicity, etc. You read everything and looked further down the page to where your schedule is. Your heart jumped in excitement. You have Mr. Aizawa as your homeroom teacher! Izuku is going to love this. Aizawa is your homeroom class, and first period, Ms. Midnight as your second period class, Present Mic as your third period class, and Mr. Ectoplasm as your fourth and final class of the day. You sighed happily and relieved that you have a class with your friend, someone you knew. You set off to find class 3-A. You got lost pretty easily. You honestly don't know how it could be so hard to find it. The first years are on the top floor of the building and the second years were on the second floor and last but not least the third years are on the bottom floor of the building. But it was easy to get lost considering how crowded the halls were and how large the school was. The hallways had so many Twists and turns. 
There were teachers standing in the hallways guiding the children and supervising them to make sure they get to class. It was strange, this feeling in your gut…. Almost like the feeling of butterflies. It got stronger and stronger the closer you approach this man. This teacher standing in the hall. The depressed looking one, with long unkept black hair, and a dark-colored hero suit, and nursing a cup of coffee. He looked absolutely exhausted. You could see that the closer you got to him, the more he perked up and looked around and beyond the crowd. 
He went from stressy, depressy, lemon zesty, to excited and looking like he finally pulled a new will to live out of his ass. This feeling inside you made you feel like you were going to explode. You finally passed him and you both made eye contact. He had a spark in his eyes as he locked them with yours. You looked away and straight ahead as you continued walking. The butterflies feeling starting to fade as you got further and further away. You both were confused, but you brushed it off. Not only did you lose the feeling, but so did he, the further you walked away. 
He hasn’t felt this feeling in years. This is exciting for him. They’re here, they have got to be. He has waited patiently for his soulmate for so long, and now he’s certain that they are here. He isn't going to assume and jump to conclusions that his soulmate is you, because #1. He’s a man of logic, #2. You're a student, and #3 it could have been a coincidence that you were just near his soulmate at the time. 
It’s actually not uncommon that teachers are soulmates with students. It’s allowed. But he honestly doesn't know how to feel about being a soul bond to a student.
He sighed and thought that maybe he was just too tired and went crazy for a second. He chuckled to himself and began to sip his coffee again as if nothing happened.  
Fuck. You were lost. You can't find his class. Likewise, you texted Izuku and even called him, but he’s not responding. Clicking on his contact again and putting the phone to your ear, you heard the ringing and then a voice mailbox. You groaned in irritation and ended the call. As you looked up from the phone, you noticed the same dark man from before standing in the hallway. You felt even more frustrated because that proved that you were going in circles. The feeling came back the closer you got. You tried to ignore it. But you just couldn't. He felt the feeling as well and choked on his coffee and perked up, scanning the crowd. He looked over, and noticed you walking in his direction again. Furthermore, he looked at you in disbelief, and suspense, just waiting. The feelings got stronger and stronger in the both of you to the point where you stopped in front of him and locked eyes with him. 
The explosive excitement feeling was holding the longer you both stood in front of each other. He was looking at you like you were the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. “HI” he said to you breathlessly. You nodded in acknowledgement and began to walk away. ‘Fuck, she’s the one.’ he thought to himself. “HEY” he said to you. But you didn't hear him as you continued to walk away. He scurried as quick as he could to a nearby teacher and handed his cup of coffee to them and requested for them to hold it for a few minutes. Aizawa, then, turned around and bolted through the crowd to find you. He ignored the angry shouts of kids that he pushed aside. There you are! Wait… that's not you, wrong, kid. He looked around, and a girl caught his eye. ‘THERE SHE IS!’ his inner thoughts screamed. Aizawa was full of hope, more hope than he’s ever felt in years, as he pushed children aside like a field of weeds and rushed through the crowd. He ran up to the girl. “Hey!” he said as he grabbed her shoulder to halt her. She turned around, confused. “Oh! I’m sorry I thought you were someone else.” He let go of her and turned around, heading back to his original spot in the hallway. “Hey! You're Mr. Aizawa, right? The underground hero?” he could hear the girl shout from behind him. He ignored her and kept walking. Disappointment written all over him. You were gone, because he wasn't quick enough. 
The hallway eventually cleared out and the bell rang. Aizawa scanned the hallway one more time and Slowly walked into his class. He scanned the classroom and was bummed out when he didn't see you in there. He then strictly told the students to sit down. Sighing, he sat his cup of coffee onto his desk and looked back up at the class. Likewise, he knew most of the students, because most of them were his students since they were freshmen. But he still lectured the class for this school years expectations because there were a couple of new students who didn't know who he was. He then walked to his desk and sat down after the long lecture and answering the students questions. He rubbed his eyes and opened his laptop and went to the student roster, and began calling roll, with the occasional glare to any student that didn't follow directions and talked during roll call. 
“Tenya iida.” “Here!” “Ochaco Uraraka.” “Here!” “Izuku Midoriya.” “HERE SIR!” “Mina Ashida” “Here!!” “Denki Kaminari” “I'm HERE!!” “Katsuki Bokugo” “HERE” “Eijiro Kirishima” “HERE!” 
“Y/N L/N” he said and looked up after only being met with silence. “Y/N L/N?” he repeated. He scanned the class to only be met with silence again. “Ok, then” he grumbled as he put an X next to the name, thinking that the student was absent. ‘Not a good first impression’, he thought to himself. After Aizawa called everyone's names, he explained everyone's assignment and handed them out. Meanwhile, you were still wandering the halls looking for class 3-A. I’ts been 15 minutes since classes have started. “Why the fuck does this school have to be so damn big?” you said to yourself. You looked at your phone and sighed as you seen that Izuku hasn't read any of your messages. You turned off the phone to only be met with a black screen and a reflection of your face. Looking up, you notice the sign “3-A.” I’ts odd that the butterfly feeling is coming back the closer you got to the door. You sighed happily that you finally found it, but were also pissed because you walked by it 1,000 times. 
Aizawa perked up again when the feeling came back. He looked around the class to see everyone working silently. He then looked towards the door and got up to go see if something was going on in the hallway, only to be stopped in his tracks when the door slid open, and you appeared. “H-hi” you said shyly. Aizawa acted nonchalant, as if his heart isn't beating out of his chest. “You must be ms. L/N.” he said, pretending to be annoyed. You gasped in slight pain as your forearm burned. He noticed, looking surprised for a quick second, and then quickly pretended that he didn't see it and didn't care. He waved dismissively at you and told you to introduce yourself. You looked towards the class and seen Izuku perking up excited. 
“Hello everyone, I am y/n l/n, and I will be your classmate.” everyone introduced themselves as well. “Take a seat L/n” aizawa said. You noticed Izuku patting the desk beside him. He really did save you a seat. You smiled and walked through the aisles of desks and sat in the empty one next to Izuku. Aizawa then got up and approached your desk and handed you the classwork and told you to stay after class. You nodded in acknowledgement and thanked him for giving you the assignment. Aizawa walked away and took a deep breath and exhaled as he began to walk back towards his desk. He masked it as annoyance, when in reality he was trying his best with everything in him to keep it together. Your feeling of butterflies went away because the words were finally burned. But his weren't. So his butterfly feeling was still there. He continuously looked at you during class and looked away when you looked up from your desk. Occasionally getting caught by you, but he quickly told you to pay attention to your work. 
The bell soon rang, dismissing homeroom, and everyone packed their things and shuffled out of class, heading to their first period. Izuku waved goodbye to you and, hugged you. “I’m sorry about earlier, let me make it up to you by taking you to the café later after school?” he asked, smiling at you. “Of course, Izu.” He brought you into a quick side hug and let go, waving goodbye to you, He then left the classroom. You didn't need to pack your things, because this is also your first period class, so you pretty much just wait for the first period kids to start shuffling in. You noticed the dark haired man stand up from his desk, and you watched as his tall 6’1 figure rounded his desk to walk to yours. Your desk was all the way in the back of the class, so it took a suspenseful minute to watch him slowly approach you with his hands in the pockets of his hero suit. 
He finally approached your desk, and leaned on it. The long, unkept hair falling off of his shoulders and onto the desk as he rested his forearms on it and intertwined his fingers together, he's clearly wanting an explanation as in to why you are late. So you explained to him that you were lost. He nodded in acknowledgement and began to give you a mini lecture on his class expectations. You nodded and agreed to everything. He smirked and patted your head. You were relieved that you weren't in trouble as he started walking back to his desk. To be honest, it was awkward to be the only student in class waiting for the others to arrive. You twiddled with your thumbs and looked towards the ground as the first period students began arriving. Aizawa was staring at you as you twiddled your thumbs and immediately called on you when you raised your hand. “Yes, L/n?” he asked expectantly. “May I use the restroom, please?” He looked at his watch and answered “of course, as long as you come back in time, you have 3 minutes.” you nodded and got up rushing towards the door. 
“Thank you, Mr. Aizawa” you said before rushing away from the class. He gasped in slight pain as his collar bone burned. He unbuttoned the first few buttons of his hero shirt. He looked down and was met with the sight of your words “Thank you, Mr. Aizawa” golden across his collar bone. His soul mark was ignited finally. 
“What the fuck.”
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beepboop358 · 3 years
A Prom in S4 Theory & Music Coding Predictions
Some leaked set pics indicate that there MAY BE a junior/senior prom at Hawkins High, which they are calling the "Lover's Ball". It's unclear if this prom will be included on screen, or if it will just be mentioned as an event coming up at Hawkins High because this flyer could just extra set decor. Regardless if the prom happens on screen or not, there will probably be some tension about 'who's asking who' to the prom that we will see in s4. Given that this picture was just leaked a few weeks ago, it probably falls closer to the end of the season sequentially.
Having a big school dance in s4 is suspiciously close to how they had the Snowball scene in s2. This would certainly follow the even/odd season patterns, (and actually add to the list of the patterns), which kind of makes me think we will see this prom on screen, or at the very least it will be mentioned in the course of the season.
The Duffer Brothers love Steven King and reference his work and especially 'IT' a lot in the show, but they haven't done anything with Carrie yet so maybe we will get a Carrie moment this season at the prom...
Carrie was on the video store fridays movie inspiration board for ST4.
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At the "Lover's Ball", there will be definitely be some music coding relating to Byler. Since music coding is kind of a key thing in the show, I've been rifling through 80's songs to try and find some that may fit with s4's themes/character storylines (and I may do a seperate post about that later), but for this post I'm just gonna focus on what they might use at the prom for relating to Byler.
Since the season is most likely going to take place in 1986, I only selected songs that had a compatible release year so it would be historically accurate. (these songs would also be great for a byler playlist!)
Some strong contenders for the songs that might play at the prom to reference Mike and Will's relationship could be:
"True Colors" by Cyndi Lauper (1986)
This song is honestly too good of an option for them not to use. I'm reallllyyy crossing my fingers for this one.
It's hard to take courage In a world full of people You can lose sight of it all And the darkness inside you Can make you feel so small
"And I see your true colors Shining through I see your true colors And that's why I love you So don't be afraid (don't be afraid) To let them show your true colors True colors are beautiful (you're beautiful, oh) Like a rainbow Oh oh oh oh oh like a rainbow"
If this world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bear You call me up Because you know I'll be there
"Heaven" by Bryan Adams (1984)
This first verse is literally just the story of Byler... 😭 The rest of the song applies but that verse verse is just sooooo accurate. (I'm crossing my fingers for this one too)
"Oh thinkin' about all our younger years There was only you and me We were young and wild and free Now nothing can take you away from me We've been down that road before But that's over now You keep me comin' back for more
Baby you're all that I want When you're lyin' here in my arms I'm findin' it hard to believe We're in heaven And love is all that I need And I found it there in your heart Isn't too hard to see We're in heaven
Oh once in your life you find someone Who will turn your world around Bring you up when you're feelin' down Yeah nothin' can change what you mean to me Oh there's lots that I could say But just hold me now 'Cause our love will light the way"
"Take My Breath Away" by Berlin (1986)
This song is on Will's Spotify playlist, and I thought it could also be used at the prom since it's a romantic song. I see it as an 'entrance to the prom' moment song, almost like a 'first look' - like the Mike and El moment at the snowball when she first walks in, but with Mike and Will this time. I think the lyrics clearly hint to this kind of 'first look' moment as well.
"Watchin' every motion in my foolish lover's game On this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame Turning and returning to some secret place inside Watchin' in slow motion as you turn around and say...take my breath away"
Watchin' every motion in this foolish lover's game Haunted by the notion, somewhere there's a love in flames Turning and returning to some secret place inside Watchin' in slow motion as you turn my way and say...take my breath away"
"In The Air Tonight" by Phil Collins (1981)
This song was originally meant to be included in the snowball scene from s2, but it ultimately was not used and "Every Breath You Take" was used for this scene instead. Since it was intended to be a part of the s2 dance, that's why I think it may be used at the prom this season. (you can read the scripts on 8flix)
——— I forgot to include this explanation originally BUT, I think this song might be used to show some anger/resentment between the two, and to show a decent amount of tension, depending on their development this season. Like maybe Mike is kind of leading Will on in private by continuing to initiate intimate scenes between them, but in public Mike is still trying to put on his “straight boy act” and kind of being a jackass about it, and this song could be used to show the tension between them that has caused.
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"And I've been waiting for this moment, for all my life, (Oh lord)
Well, I was there and I saw what you did I saw it with my own two eyes So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been It's all been a pack of lies.
Well I remember, I remember don't worry How could I ever forget It's the first time, the last time we ever met But I know the reason why you keep this silence up
No you don't fool me The hurt doesn't show, but the pain still grows It's no stranger to you and me"
"In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel (1986)
Some of the lyrics in this song just SCREAMS byler, just look at the 1st, 2nd and 4th paragraphs. I would be suprised if they didn't use this song in either s4/s5.
Love, I get so lost sometimes Days pass and this emptiness fills my heart When I want to run away I drive off in my car But whichever way I go I come back to the place you are
All my instincts, they return The grand facade, so soon will burn Without a noise, without my pride I reach out from the inside
In your eyes The light, the heat (in your eyes) I am complete (in your eyes) I see the doorway (in your eyes) To a thousand churches (in your eyes) The resolution (in your eyes) Of all the fruitless searches (in your eyes)
Love, I don't like to see so much pain So much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away I get so tired working so hard for our survival I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive
"Heroes" by David Bowie (1975)
David Bowie was bisexual. A cover of his song “Heroes” is used in the show twice already, sung by Peter Gabriel. The song plays when they pull Will's fake body out of the water in season one and Mike cries in his Mom's arms, with some very queer-coded lyrics in the background, and after Hopper's letter in s3 (which is very Byler-centric)
"I will be king. And you, you will be queen 'Cause we're lovers, and that is a fact. Yes, we're lovers, and that is that. Though nothing will keep us together. We could steal time just for one day We can be heroes forever and ever. What d'you say? I, I wish I could swim, like dolphins, like dolphins could swim I, I can remember (I remember) Standing by the wall (By the wall) And the guns shot above our heads (Over our heads) And we kissed as though nothing could fall (Nothing could fall) And the shame was on the other side. Oh, we can beat them forever and ever. Then we could be heroes just for one day We're nothing, and nothing will help us Maybe we're lying, then you better not stay But we could be safer just for one day"
I just thought the above songs might be some highly likely possibilities given that they fit the year of the s4 and also make references to not only love, but the idea of hiding, pain, shame, longing, etc., and can make some (partially stretching here) references to other things in the show such as:
RAINBOWS and TRUE COLORS, SHINING THROUGH (rainbows imagery is always associated with Mike & Will in the show and a is symbol of lgbtq+ pride, True Colors shining through = who you really are on the inside finally coming out)
IF THIS WORLD MAKES YOU CRAZY ("crazy together", "only love makes you that crazy" and references the "world" motif in the show)
YOUNGER YEARS, ONLY YOU AND ME, YOUNG, WILD AND FREE (references "not wanting things to change" and wanting "to make things go how they were" part in Hopper's letter, and the "But we're not kids anymore" comment during the Byler fight)
ENDLESS OCEAN and SWIM, LIKE DOLPHINS (references water's significance in the show)
FLAMES (Will in front of the burning car in s4 teaser?)
LIES and LYING (Mike lying to El about how he feels)
INSTINCTS RETURNING, FACADES BURNING, WITHOUT MY PRIDE, I REACH OUT FROM THE INSIDE (Mike's feelings for Will are his instincts, the facade is the act he put on in s3 to seem straight, burning could reference Will & fire, and I think the last 2 lines of that 2nd verse reference vulnerability- perhaps in an apology/confession)
I GET SO LOST (confusion about his sexuality, feeling lost without the other) and SO MUCH WASTED TIME (known each other since kindergarten but were unaware the other felt the same way/was dealing with same things, they could have been even closer)
KINGS and QUEENS (the d&d game mike wrote where he has king Tristan give him a medal in s1)
STEALING TIME (references "turning back the clock, to make things go how they were" part in Hopper's letter and the time theme in s4 and time is central to the s4 plot)
AND WE KISS - AND THE SHAME (references the shame they both feel about being gay since it was so stigmatized in the 80's)
Byler @ Prom Possibilities:
If Mike and Will did dance together at the prom, they will probably get bullied because they live in a small conservative town. They will probably either run out, upset, or Eleven will step in to protect them which could lead to the Carrie moment.
Or Mike and Will will not dance together in the actual dance room, but instead sneak off to somewhere else in the school and have a private Byler dance moment where they can't be teased and it's just them together.
OR Mike and Will are still acting weird at this point in the season because neither of them is communicating what needs to be said out of fear, or one of them has confessed or done something to indicate how they feel, but the other hasn’t so everything is weird between them. There would be lots of tension from this and we would get lots of longing looks and adoring moments between the two of them from the sidelines. (I think this one is the most likely)
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
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Stone Lover
▸ Mark Lee x reader ▸ 1k words ▸ Fluff, Smut, Angst ▸ reader has Medusa’s eyes, tw: bullying
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You did not ask to be Medusa’s great great great granddaughter and inherit her cursed eyes. Thanks to her you’re bullied every day in school from when you were just in kindergarten until now that you’re a senior.
“Sun is so high up, huh?"
The bullies will always make fun of your black rounded sunglasses that protect your eyes from turning people into stone. Instead of getting scared of you, people in school push you to your limit and try their best to make you mad. Until one day, the bullies became the reason how you met the love of your life. One of the bullies pushed you too hard that your sunglasses fell off and you struggled to find them with closed eyes. And then you felt someone grab your hand and guide you to where your sunglasses are. Mark Lee. Another loser in school but he’s the nicest human being next to your best friend, who left you because she transferred schools. So it’s you and Mark against high school from now on.
At first, you and Mark did not know how to make this relationship work and you told him that it’s fine, he can leave you. But Mark is sweet and willing to try and make things work. He’s smart so he knew how to be careful around you. You always tell him that he’s an angel sent from above to guide a creature like you on earth, he just rolls his eyes and kisses your lips passionately. During the relationship, he made you feel like a normal human being trying to survive high school while being in love with his handsome boyfriend. And because Mark is smart, he then thought of a way on how he can see you without wearing your sunglasses. Through video call.
“If I turn into stone, well, put me in your room,” you told him it’s not a good joke, “sorry. But seriously, if seeing your eyes is the last thing I do, then I have no regrets”
You told him that you’re nervous but to be honest you want to see him too with full colors that's why you're doing this. Slowly, you try to remove your sunglasses, looking down at your feet until you’re ready. His life was on the line and you’re completely aware of that, “Please look at me” he said, you look to your front camera and blinked thrice with the biggest smile on your face. It was priceless, seeing you happy genuinely like that Mark thought.
And it’s true. Your eyes are so hypnotizing, so beautiful that he can’t stop looking at them. He didn’t turn into stone and you were so happy that you cried in front of the camera. “You’re so beautiful. Don’t cry baby, please. Am I handsome without those tinted shades?” he smirked and smiled at his screen. Flashing big smiles for you to savor. Finally. You can dream about him without being in black and white.
“Very handsome” you answered his question.  
It’s been almost a year since you and Mark started dating and every day with him is pure happiness. Your relationship bloomed and became thrilling when you two decided to take it to the next level. Making out after school in his room, having sex for the first time while your eyes are covered with a thick cloth, introducing each other with your own families.
Your life is normal now.
After prom, you and Mark decided to have sex without a condom for the first time. You were so excited that you felt like a gift being opened on Christmas morning while he was removing your bra and underwear. The thing about being intimate with your eyes covered like this is it’s very thrilling because you don’t know what Mark is about to do next. “Aw” you squeaked when he bit your nipple without a warning. Making you smile and reach for his hands, “I’m right here” his lips surprised you when it touched your neck, slowly pushing you on his bed with utmost care. He guides your hand around his body, feeling his abs and his hard cock. Raw, like promised.
He distracts you with his lustful kisses, while two fingers are deep inside you. He spreads your legs a little wider and licked a long fucking slow stripe on your slit that made you part your lips and let out a moan that only Mark can hear. He smiled as he watches you breathe in and out deeply. You don’t know but he’s jerking in front of you like you’re his private porn star that he’s about to fuck. Looking at your naked body beneath him with full blown lustful eyes.
“I love you” he whispered and went rammed his cock inside you, fucking you deep and hard with thrusts that drags your body on his mattress burning the skin at your back but you don't care. His hands are holding both of your arms above your head and making the sex even more intense by bitting your nipples whenever he likes and put his thumb on your clit to overstimulate you.
This is the first time Mark has fucked you rough and if you’re being honest, you love everything about it. People can see him as a loser in school but they don’t know how well Mark can fuck.
In a matter of minutes, he came on top of your stomach and felt his hot cum on your skin, dripping from your sides. He left you so exposed on his bed for a minute, and after a few minutes, you feel a damped cloth on your skin, cleaning his mess while he kisses you oh so sweetly. “Were not done” he whispers. You feel his bed dipped and he guides you slowly on top of him. Another first time for both of you. “It will feel great,” he says, spreading your pussy juices using the tip of his cock before going inside you again. You moaned weakly and sink on him slowly. Rolling your hips to your liking, hearing Mark grunt and moan beneath you. A good sign that he’s loving what you’re doing.
He pulls you for a kiss, holding on to your hips, and did the fucking. His grip on your ass cheeks is so tight that you’re sure his hands will mark on your skin. He pulls out without a warning and finger fucked you in a position that felt good. Mark knew your body well, he knows that your weakness is his fingers running up and down oh so slowly on your slit. You cum in no time, griping Mark’s shoulder but your boyfriend is not yet satisfied. He gave you three powerful thrusts that made your body jolt and moan his name, begging him to stop because you’re too sensitive.
Of course, he stopped and showered you with kisses. You were catching your breath while you feel Mark busy himself around his room and get you clean clothes.
“Did you have fun? I did..” he cuddles with you in his bed, making sure you’re all covered and warm.
“I did. But I would kill to see you fucking me hard like that” you feel him secure your blindfold and feel his lips under your jaw.
“Tomorrow I’ll wear it, then you can have your fun” he promised and turned off his lampshade keeping you close to him as he helps you sleep.
The beautiful night ended with a song that you’re not familiar with. Maybe he wrote it. But his voice is always soothing that it brings you to sleep almost immediately. That night, you dream about having a date with Mark without your sunglasses, you can see his bright smile that makes your heart flutter uncontrollably, then another dream flashed and you see Mark caressing your face early in the morning. He looked so handsome even when his hair is all messed up you thought.
As you enjoy your dream and smile while you're sleeping, the next morning, Mark woke up before you and admired your face without the blindfold. He kissed both of your eyes softly and caress your face. You’re so beautiful he murmured.
You, on the other hand, felt small soft circles around your cheek and bravely opened your eyes for you thought you were still dreaming.
Then you realized…
“No!” you panicked as you watch him turn into stone so fast that you couldn’t do anything about it. Mark had time to look away but it was too late, your eyes hypnotized him, and he chose to look at the beauty that your eyes hold. You screamed and cried so loud, crying out for help while sobbing helplessly and feeling the cold stone against your hand.
Mark turned into stone right before your eyes. And it’s your eyes who made him cold and lifeless.
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taikizetsu · 2 years
Hello, my name is Aleck Vin Angelo L. Plaza, you can call me Aleck for short. I was born on September 3, 2003, currently aged 18. I am living with my family in Himlayan Road, Pasong Tamo, Quezon City. My father’s name is Amando Pacis Plaza Jr., my mother’s name is Hazel Lucy Plaza, and I have 3 sisters.
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But before I get into it, I want to first give you a summary of my education. I graduated from kindergarten in the school year 2009-2010 at our church’s Summer Kindergarten Program. I enrolled in New Era University to start preparatory to elementary from 2011-2013. I went to another school for a year and went back to New Era University again. Since then, I never switched schools. I am now in senior high school, studying under the strand of Humanities and Social Sciences.
I started my education a year later than my supposed batch because my family thought that I was not yet ready for school, being that I was too unfocused. And they were right, when I started attending classes at kindergarten, I was struggling to concentrate most times especially during lessons. This led me into doing distracting habits such as making noises during class, doing mischievous things, etc., which also became the reason why I struggled to make friends during that period of my life.
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I have a lot of hobbies, but if I were to pick my favorites, I would choose anything related to playing instruments. I also like working out, shopping, and dressing up. I started to learn playing an instrument, which is a guitar, when I was in Grade 8. My classmate brought his guitar with him, and when he started playing it, I started having this resolve to learn playing it religiously. Since then, I am able play the guitar, piano, electric guitar, launchpad, and now I’m currently trying to learn the drums.
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I am a big dreamer, but I wouldn’t chase my dream off a cliff. Meaning, I will do whatever it takes to achieve my goals, but I am always mindful of where it leads me, and I always think things through before taking a leap. I guess this trait of mine has its pros and cons. To be honest, I find it baffling how there are people who always seemed ready to take the risk, like it’s nothing to them. Maybe because I can’t see myself doing something like that. If I find that the decision I’m going to make will have a really big impact in my life or take me off my comfort zone, 90% of the time I will not do it even though I think I can.
A lot of people say that they find me difficult to understand, and there are times when I, couldn’t understand myself either. My life is full of contradictions; I am imaginative yet decisive, ambitious yet private, and curious yet focused. From the outside, these contradictions may seem bewildering, but they make perfect sense to me. I question everything. I find a lot of people relying on conventional wisdom and other people’s expertise as they go about their lives. But I would always prefer to make my own discoveries. In my quest to find better ways of doing things. I can sometimes find myself being single-minded, with little patience for frivolity, distractions, or idle gossip.
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My utmost inspiration would be my family. They are the ones who really want to see me succeed in the future more than anyone else. My family are the ones who taught me my morals in life. Even though most of the time I would rather decide for myself, their opinions are the only ones I really give thought into account about.
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Well, I guess that’s everything I wanted to share about my being. Once again, this is Aleck Plaza, an individual who’s still figuring himself out. Therefore, I opted to end my sloppy autobiography with a profound quote that briefly defines my perspective of living as myself:
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“Moments of brilliance intertwined with flashes of mediocrity. he lived, served, and explored with no regrets.  – Vivek Singh
 Thank you for being my audience.
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