outoftheblue-skye · 7 years
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outoftheblue-skye · 8 years
Why Hillary Clinton Must Be Our Next President
In less than two months, we will vote on our next POTUS. This affects everyone- you, your family & friends, your future grandchildren and so on. This election will also mean a lot to the direction of our country. The question is, who will you hire? With two extremely different candidates to chose between, here are just a few reasons why #ImWithHer.
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1. She will open doors for women we didn’t even know were there. As women take on more distinguished leadership roles, the way women are seen transforms along the way. While America’s made a lot of progress in how women are perceived in the past few decades, there is more progress to be made. Having a woman in the Oval Office? Revolutionary. If that’s too vague for you, here is a quick laundry list of her milestones.
As Senator, Hillary Clinton introduced 8 pieces of legislation with the clear purpose of expanding and protecting women’s access to reproductive health care — more than any other presidential candidate.
Hillary Clinton chaired the 1993 task force that created the first plan for health care reform and testified on it before Congress — an unprecedented move by a presidential spouse.
Hillary Clinton helped launch the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. Teen birth rates are now at a 40-year low.
Hillary Clinton introduced the Paycheck Fairness Act in 2005, 2007 and 2009. No other presidential candidate has introduced equal pay legislation.
Hillary Clinton waged a multi-year effort with Sen. Patty Murray — and even blocked the nomination of an FDA head — to pass the law that made emergency contraception available over-the-counter.
Hillary Clinton would build on the Affordable Care Act, which has helped nearly 8.2 million adult women gain health coverage. This has been especially important for women of color, who accounted for 53.2 percent of uninsured women before the law went into effect.
2. She is way more qualified than the other guy. Experience is everything when it comes to leading a country. By leaving the job to a naive and unsophisticated candidate, we leave ourselves vulnerable. Hillary has an impressive resume, including: 
Graduated with honors from Yale Law School
Co-Founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
8 years as The First Lady of the United States
Served as US New York Senator 
Served as US Secretary of State. 
The list goes on but we’ll stop there. 
3. Her stance on important issues are reasonable and refreshing. Agree or disagree, I find Hillary’s opinions on major issues to be invigorating. For example: 
She supports gun control and plans to...
Strengthen background checks and close dangerous loopholes
Hold irresponsible dealers and manufacturers accountable
Keep guns out of the hands of terrorists, domestic abusers, other violent criminals, and the severely mentally ill.
She’s pro rights for LGBT Americans and plans to..
Fight for full federal equality for LGBT Americans.
Support LGBT youth, parents, and elders. 
Honor the military service of LGBT people.
Fight for an AIDS-free generation.
Protect transgender rights.
Promote human rights of LGBT people around the world.
She’s pro-choice and plans to...
Proudly stand with Planned Parenthood.
Protect women’s health and reproductive rights.
She supports the American middle class and plans to..
Cut middle-class taxes.
Make college affordable.
Raise the minimum wage.
Support unions.
Boost manufacturing jobs.
Invest in clean energy.
Lower child care costs.
4. For those worried about the emails... Yes, she and her supporters recognize that using an unprotected email server as Secretary of State was careless and irresponsible. But, the issue has been addressed and the FBI has announced that no confidential information was released. And if these emails are enough to deem Clinton “crooked” or “untrustworthy” than that is your decision to make but please read over her credentials and consider these reasons why Donald Trump cannot be our next president. 
He is a joke- a completely unserious politician with zero professionalism. 
He is not the business genius people believe him to be- he inherited his wealth from his father, filed for bankruptcy countless times and has made much of his money today as a celebrity- not as a business man.
He’s uninformed- top example: He supported the “Obama’s not a citizen” effort.
He’s racist.
He’s impulsive.
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outoftheblue-skye · 8 years
A Note to Tourists Visiting the North Fork
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Each year hundreds of thousands of visitors flock to the North Fork in pursuit of a quiet break from the bustling Manhattan and are immediately in awe of our maritime villages, vineyards, farms, beaches.. the list goes on and on. Having grown up in this beautiful place, I appreciate more than anyone everything it offers. After watching tourists flock to my home for years, here are a few things I’d like these travelers to think about. 
1. We have history. Long before the NY Times wrote that Brooklynites discovered the North Fork, this area still flourished- for almost four hundred year actually. We were once a whaling community and trading hub and continue to be a fishing, agricultural and tourism mecca. My family like many other full-time residents have lived here for generations, making a living off of our home’s abundant resources. So, the next time you stand on Claudio’s wharf, mudslide in hand, recognize whaling captains and commercial fisherman once stood where you’re standing years before. 
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Photo Courtesy of  www.greenportvillage.com
2. We work hard to ensure that your time here is just right. Arriving in Greenport village, an outsider may think- how can a place be so picture perfect? The answer is more complex than you may imagine. Behind every storefront are dozens of employees working vigorously to make sure you are served a fresh, tasty meal- with a smile of course. Each quaint street is kept clean by our village workers and kept safe by our police force. The reason this place can seem so perfect is because there a lot of awesome people who care about it and work hard to make sure tourists see the best representation of our beautiful home. 
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Photo Courtesy of Tall Ships Challenge
3. We’re happy you’re here. While we may complain about the “infiltration of city people” after an eight hour shift, we’re still glad to have you. People like you fill our hotels, keep our small businesses alive and ensure our farmers another successful season. Also, believe it or not, we enjoy showing off our little piece of paradise that we get to call home year round. 
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outoftheblue-skye · 8 years
5 Reasons Why I’m Lucky To Have A Baby Brother
For the first nine years of my life, it was just me. When I learned I would soon become a big sister I was excited but never did I expect he would provide me with life-long fulfillment and a new sense of responsibility. There are countless reasons why I’m lucky to have a baby brother but here are just a few.
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1. Every single one of his successes feels like a victory for me too.               A 100 on his spelling test, a grounder to left field, a seamless rendition of The Lion Sleeps Tonite on piano. Trivial triumphs in his life bring me more joy than ever imaginable.  
2. He teaches me the importance of responsibility.                                           With a nine year age difference, having a baby brother has helped me grow up. Taking care of him taught me to put his needs first- to drive the speed limit, to always include a veggie when making dinner, to play the clean version of my favorite songs and that you may need Google to re-learn how to do fourth grade math. 
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3. He’s funny.                                                                                                         First, he was a sleeping infant. Then, in a blink of an eye he was a ten-year old young man with a wicked sense of humor. In between, he learned to smile, to laugh, to dance, to sing along to his favorite songs in the backseat. No matter what kind of day I have had, he can always make me laugh.     
4. He’s annoying.                                                                                                   We may be nine years apart but that does not stop us from constantly bickering. Arguing with my brother reminds me that I’m not his parent and that I can still call him names and push his buttons. 
5. He is my best friend.                                                                                          My brother is my favorite person to hang out with. We have fun together even if I’m just driving him to school. I am so lucky that even at a young age he is a truly thoughtful friend- cuddling up to me when he senses I am sad, remembering every significant aspect of my life and always thinking of ways to make me smile. His first girlfriend is going to be one lucky lady. 
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outoftheblue-skye · 8 years
25 ‘Views’ Lyrics For Your Next Instagram Caption
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Our very own 6 God dropped yet another groundbreaking album last month, ‘Views’ which is full of insta-worthy lyrics that will most definitely take over our news feeds for the next few months. Here are some of the best.
Keep The Family Close
"Guess that’s what they say you need family for"
U With Me?
"Girl, I had your back when all you used to do was front"
"Is you with me or what?"
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“Last year I know you learned your lesson/ I could GPS you if you need addressin” 
“Look what I’ve done in my life/ I had to count it and count it again to make sure the money is right”
"The chain too heavy to tuck it” 
Weston Road Flows
"Don’t get hyped for the moment then start to backpedal” 
"Lookin' in the mirror I’m closer than I really appear” 
"Just ignore all the skeletons in my closet "
"Relationships slowin’ me down, they slow down the vision/Guess I’m not in a position to deal with commitment"
"Let’s do the things that we say on text"
Still Here
"I gotta talk to God even though he isn’t near me/Based on what I got it’s hard to think he don't hear me" 
“I don't need no pill to speak my mind, I don't need that / I make people pay me for my time, yeah I need that”
“Hittin' like that 30 on my jersey man I'm gifted”
"Nothing mutual about my funds”
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“My old flex is my new flex now and we're workin' on it”
Childs Play
“Why you gotta fight with me at Cheesecake, you know I love to go there” 
“Bounce that shit like whoa”
"Took you from the hood, and I could never give you back”
Pop Style
“Turn my birthday into a lifestyle”
Too Good
“Last night, I got high as your expectations”
Fire & Desire 
“All of my ‘let’s just be friends’ are friends I don’t have anymore” 
"My wifey is a spice like I’m David Beckham"
"If I was you, I wouldn't like me either"
"Karma's such a thing of beauty" 
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-Skye Gillispie / 2016
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outoftheblue-skye · 9 years
7 Reasons to Love the North Fork of Long Island
After escaping the Manhattan madness or “up-island” suburbia, you come across a fork in the L.I.E.  Well not exactly, but there’s definitely a decision to be made: the infamous Hamptons or the less exorbitant North Fork. Choose the path less traveled and discover the breathtakingly rural, yet surprisingly chic landscape that is the North Fork of Long Island. Why is the North Fork the superior fork as well as one of New York State’s most hidden gems? Here are a few reasons: 
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Town Beach | Southold {Photo Credit: Skye Gillispie}
1.  The Waterfront: While you may not have the Atlantic lapping at your toes, the North Fork offers endless shoreline. Whether it is the Long Island Sound, the Great Peconic Bay or an offbeat creek, there is no shortage of waterfront as well as a viewing platform for some of the best sunsets you will find near or far.
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Seafood Bundle | Southold Fish Market {Photo Credit: Skye Gillispie}
2. The Food & Drink: Hungry? Savor fresh seafood at noah’s, Alure or Southold Fish Market. Enjoy a tasty burger at Legends or Deep Water Bar and Grille. Try something different with lunch at The Market Organic Cafe or Lucharitos. Thirsty? Stop by the famous Claudio’s Clam Bar or Brix and Rye for a drink.
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Sparkling Pointe | Southold  {Photo Credit: Emily King}
3. The Vineyards: The North Fork is Long Island Wine Country. With some 40 operating wineries, there is plenty of red and white and even some sparkle. Enjoy live music, take photos in the picturesque vines or simply sip at locations such as Kontokosta Winery, Corey Creek or Croteaux Vineyards. Prefer a cold brew? Check out Greenport Harbor Brewing Company.
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Latham’s Farmstand |Greenport {Photo Credit: Skye Gillispie} 
4. The Agriculture: One of the North Fork’s trademarks is it’s never ending farmland. Enjoy North Fork produce from the bounty of farm stands, some big and some small. Taste the variety of berries, corn, tomatoes and more. There is even local goat cheese to be tried. 
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Mitchell Park Carousel |Greenport {Photo Credit: Skye Gillispie}
5. The Attractions: Explore the North Fork by bike or boat. Get wet with Peconic Water Sports or start paddling with One Love Beach’s stand up paddle board rentals. Shuck yourself (and your own oysters) at Little Creek Oyster Farm. Ride aboard Greenport’s antique carousel or find your zen at The Giving Room. The options are endless. 
6. The People: While you may find A-list celebrities on the South Fork, the North Fork is home to some of the most eclectic individuals you will meet. From dwellers whose families settled in the area in the 1600s to newer inhabitants who have too discovered the beauty on the North Fork, you will surely be greeted with a smile by northforkers. 
7. The Good Vibrations: There is a certain irreplaceable feeling the North Fork creates. Maybe it’s the combination of the salty air, a full belly and a breathtaking sunset. Maybe it’s the people. Maybe it’s just my opinion because I was lucky enough to grow up the there. Whatever the reason may be, the North Fork is an easy place to be happy. 
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outoftheblue-skye · 9 years
8 Items That Aren’t On Your College Packing Checklist But Should Be
Chances are you haven’t forgotten your Twin XL sheets, Mini-fridge or blowdryer. But as you drive away from your life at home, there are plenty of items you take for granted when living at home. Be ahead of the curve and add those less obvious items to your college checklist. 
1) A Mattress Pad: More than likely, your bed at home is comfortable enough. Guaranteed, your mattress at school is going to feel like a worn piece of cardboard. Invest in a thick mattress pad to avoid tossing and turning. P.S. Anything under $50 isn’t good enough. 
2) Duck Tape: There isn’t anything as useful as a fat roll of duck tape. Useful for? Anything and everything. Just pack some. 
3) Toilet Goodies: You may not consider them goodies, but when you have to deal with a stinky bathroom on your own, you will. Buy a plunger, toilet brush and plenty of toilet paper. Don’t wait until the thing’s overflowed and check it off your list now.
4) One Nice Outfit: By nice, I don’t mean a shirt that makes your tits look great. Pack an outfit that you would wear to church or to a family function. You never know when you may need to go to a job interview, professional event  or maybe even court for you rebel rousers. 
5) Advil: In addition to Advil, pack allergy medicine, bandaids and some Neosporin. You won’t have Mom to patch up your wounds anymore and there won’t be a nurse’s office down the hall either. 
6) Clorox Wipes: Something that may seem so silly now will save you when your dorm is covered in dust and stale beer and you’re in the mood for some spring cleaning. Clorox Wipes do the trick on almost any surface and they smell good too.
7) A Planner: College is the perfect time to get organized. Investing in a planner means investing in your sanity. Starting classes with a planner will help you stay on top of assignments and keep you focuses in the midst of the most major life change you’ve experienced yet. 
8) Something From Home: Whether it’s a picture, a note or a seashell, bringing something sentimental from home can truly help the homesick college student to get through harder days. As corny as it sounds, everyone is bound to get homesick at some point and in an unfamiliar world, having something familiar to hold is a blessing. 
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outoftheblue-skye · 9 years
5 Apps Every College Student Should Use
As a college student, chances are you have the latest smartphone. But do you use mobile apps that benefit you? No, not Snapchat or Tinder- I’m talking productivity apps that can help the young, dumb college student to lead more efficient lives. Let’s check them out.
Mint: Your Financial Assistant | Mint is the app that groups all of your bank accounts in one place. Whether you’re keeping track of pennies or fat paychecks, this app is easy to use and pretty to look at. It will show you where your money is going, grouping your spending into categories such as Food & Drink and Clothing. Mint even sends you a financial summary at the end of each week to help you decide whether you can afford dollar beers this week or if you’ll need to sit this one out. 
GroupMe: Group Messages In One Place | Let’s face it, group projects are a pain in the ass. GroupMe is the least annoying way to communicate with your group. Everyone can converse and send cool GroupMe emojis but you still have the option of “Muting” the group so that you don’t hear a *ding* every six seconds. Also, GroupMe eliminates the confusion  that occurs with that one guy who doesn’t have an iPhone and throws the whole group message off balance.
Acorns: Investing Your Spare Change | Dad’s been on your ass about starting to invest for your future? Acorns takes care of that for you. Avoid brokers and studying stocks and let this awesome app take care of the rest. Chose your investing level {conservative, risky} and an amount you’d like to invest per month {$5 if you’d like} and Acorns does the dirty work. Watch your returns appear before your eyes and tell Dad not to worry, you’re way ahead of him.
The HW App: Throw Away Your Planner | Assignments. Papers. Research Projects. How can one keep track of it all? The HW App can. Simply enter in your assignments at the beginning of each week {or if your professors are organized, the beginning of the semester} and kiss your planner goodbye. Not only does the HW App send you notifications when something is due, the app has a great user interface- simple and easy on the eyes. You’ll never hand in something late again with this great tool.     
Quizlet: Studying Wherever | Everyone hates making flashcards. Everyone hates sitting in the library. Eliminate both. Enter the terms you need to learn onto Quizlet and it will create flashcards for you. Star terms  you’re really having trouble with and play brain games that help reinforce them. Then, study whenever you get a spare moment- whether it’s at dinner, in line at Starbucks or even at the club. 
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outoftheblue-skye · 9 years
5 Tips for the Chaotic & Cluttered College Student
Adjusting to college life is anything but easy. For some it takes months, while for others, they are still a pathetic mess four years later. Here are five helpful tips to creating a more organized and productive lifestyle as a naive, broke & drunk college kid.
1. Buy a planner: To-Do Lists
You know that frantic feeling on a Sunday night where you can’t even begin to wrap your head around everything you have to get done in the days ahead? Kiss those days goodbye. Buying a planner, utilizing your phone’s calendar function or downloading an app like “The HW App,” you are already on your way to a more productive lifestyle. To-do lists are live savers. At the beginning of each week, write important assignments/appointments expected. End each night with making a to-do list for the following day. You’ll wake up each morning ready to conquer the world. 
2. Manage your money: “Mint” 
Most college students are near broke and that’s okay. The important part is learning how to manage the little money you do have. Start by downloading “Mint,” the iPhone app that syncs all of your bank accounts into one place and shows you where your money is going in a simple pie chart separated into categories such as Food & Drink, Gas, Clothing etc.Mint also allows you to establish budget and notifies you when you’ve exceeded them. That way you can see that indeed you spend way too much at dollar beers. It may be scary to see your financial summary at the end of each week, but you’ll feel better knowing when you need to pick up extra hours at work while your friends are scraping for pennies. 
3. Clean your room: Tidy Dorm
Chances are you’re living in a box with nothing more than a bed, dresser and desk. But somehow, you still find ways to dirty the place. Piles of clothes strewn about, a mud covered floor and an unmade bed aren’t a pretty sight. Get cleaning. Not only will a little sweeping and tidying give your room a makeover, you’ll feel better coming home at night to a room that looks, smells and most importantly feels clean.  
4. Eat A {Somewhat} Healthy Diet: Eat a Vegetable
Chances are, you’re scared shitless of the Freshman 15 {or 20 or 30} but somehow you still manage to eat at least two slices of pizza a day and can’t resist that Double Chocolate Chip Frap. Instead of starving yourself after you step on the scale, make minor adjustments. Add a vegetable to every meal you consume, drink water- lots of it and substitute one of those carb heavy meals for a hunk of protein. Your body will thank you. 
5. Get Some Sleep: Shuteye is Critical
Whether you’re pulling all nighters at the library or the bar, stop now. They aren’t kidding when they say eight hours of sleep makes you look and feel better. If eight isn’t impossible, try for six. You’ll perform better on the test with rest. And if you have to spend one night out late with friends, pair it with a 20 minute nap the following day. Naps are a college student’s best friend, giving us that extra boost needed to live our hectic lives. Whatever you do, just incorporate more rest into your life. 
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outoftheblue-skye · 9 years
3 Ways theSkimm Has Changed My Life
One summer evening, a good friend told me about theSkimm. I regretfully subscribed, assuming it would be yet another daily email cluttering my mailbox. Never would I have guessed that this daily newsletter would change my life forever. How, you ask?
1. I’m a more informed & cutting-edge college student. 
When I groggily awake each morning, I reach for my phone & click directly to my Skimm. Not only does it make me laugh with it’s clever one-liners, it keeps me up to date on what’s going on in the world. Political turmoil in Syria? theSkimm’s got me covered. Beyonce’s pregnant? theSkimm’s got me there, too. 
2. I have a conversation starter for every social situation. 
Whether I’m catching up with my grandfather or talking to a cute guy at a party, theSkimm is my #1 conversation catalyst. Have you heard about theSkimm? Check Yes: Don’t you just love it? Check No: OMG, let me sign you up right now. I guarantee it will change your life. And chances are it does change their life. More than half the people I’ve signed up have contacted me later saying how their entire existence has improved since they started Skimmin’ My obsession with talking about theSkimm is what drew me to their awesome Skimmbassador program. So yeah, that takes me to #3.
3. I’m a Skimmbassador (I spread theSkimm) 
a.ka. I have a huge network of amazing people rooting for me. 
When I became a Skimmbassador six months ago, I did it to spread something I was passionate about. Little did I know, I would also gain an incredible network of women throughout the U.S. who share my passion for theSkimm and also give me tips for the big interview and then later show me a whole lot of love when I nail that interview. Even theSkimm’s co-founders, Danielle Weisberg and Carly Zakin communicate closely with their dedicated Skimmbassador team. Bottom line, we’re awesome. 
If you’re not a Skimm’r, sign up here:
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outoftheblue-skye · 10 years
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