#( ic. artemisia. )
viatrixtravels-a · 3 months
“That’s how Yelena and Menelaus started out as.” Artemisia says, humming. “It’s also somewhat how mom and dad started out, but mom hated dad’s guts at first while he was staring at her with hearts eyes. At least babushka said he stared at mom with heart eyes.”
Lumine thought that having an older brother was rough at times, but older sisters? Oh boy. They are in a category of their own. They are scary.
"P-Perhaps for some people it turns out like that but..."
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She cleared her throat.
"Ahem. Shouldn't you be a little more protective towards your younger brother? I'm sure my brother would go full on detective mode if he suspected that somebody was interested in his sister."
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brxveascended · 2 years
artemisia ┋┋ THE MOONWEAVER
[ starter for @gottgenug​​​ ║ JERALT ]
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It still feels unreal; finding her father and sister again, waking up to their voices every morning like so many, many years ago. So long ago in fact it feels more like a dream than a memory-- but now it’s all coming back to her, and she’s there, and her family is, too. Alive. 
Not just that; but there seem to be two new additions to it. Father hasn’t deigned to mention anything yet --in embarrassment or guilt, she suspects; it might have been several centuries, but he has remained mostly unchanged-- but she can tell a wyvern from a dragon, so to speak. The human mercenary and his daughter --actually, scratch that, she’s not entirely sure they are humans at all-- seem to spend virtually all of their free time around Seteth and Flayn, and often, Artemisia thinks she can detect a faint trace of her father’s scent on Jeralt. Interesting, to say the least.
She hasn’t said anything-- not to Father, not yet, but she’s certainly asked Cethl- Flayn, who’s confirmed her suspicions with a mischievous grin. They had a good laugh about it together; Father really wore his heart on his sleeve, but she wasn’t going to prod him about it. She knew what he must have gone through after Mother died, and she had no intention of reminding him further by poking her nose in his private business. She’d wait for him to feel comfortable enough to tell her.
But, she reasoned, there was someone else she could ask for all the important details. The whens, the hows, all of it and more. So after not finding him in the Knights’ barracks, Artemisia sought Jeralt in his office (just across her father’s, she notices, relieved to see the latter is currently not in there to question her business with the knight). 
❝ Excuse me? ❞ The door has been left ajar, and she knocks on it lightly as a polite warning before stepping in and peeking around; soon enough, there Jeralt is, sitting behind his desk. Artemisia immediately flashes him a polite smile, trying her best to appear welcoming and friendly-- she did not wish for Jeralt to think she did not approve of his affair with her father.
❝ My most heartfelt apologies for interrupting your work, but I was wondering if it would be possible for us to converse about something rather important? ❞
Like her father and sister, she has not lost her archaic manner of speech- but tha probably, and thankfully so, won’t be a problem when it comes to Jeralt. He seems to know everything about who Ci- Seteth and his family is already. 
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Okay! So I don't have an official bracket yet, but I finally got every character written down and determined who will be automatically going on to Round 1 and who will have to compete in preliminaries. Everyone automatically moving on to Round 1 had more than 1 submission, while everyone in the preliminaries only had 1 submission.
I will put together an official bracket tomorrow, but here's the list of competitors!
The characters automatically going on to Round 1 are:
Alex Fierro from Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard (4 submissions)
Shi Qingxuan from Heaven Official's Blessing (2 submissions)
Cheery Littlebottom from Discworld (2 submissions)
Nimona from Nimona (2 submissions)
Elle Argent from Heartstopper (2 submissions)
Eolo from The Raven Tower (2 submissions)
Anthony J. Crowley from Good Omens (2 submissions)
Kade West from Wayward Children (2 submissions)
Kel Brezon from Machineries of Empire (2 submissions)
The characters that will be competing in the Preliminaries are:
Rafe from Viscera
Rafe from The House of Whispers
Ash from DIE
Ash from Girl Haven
Jerico Soberanis from The Toll
Nadir from The Thirty Names of Night
Holly from The Mellification
Petrichor from Saga
Kazuhito "Kirito" Kirigaya from Sword Art Online
Aster Vanissen from Witch Boy
Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock Holmes
Vess from Invisible Kingdom
Tonkee Innovator Dibars from The Broken Earth Trilogy
Ben Van Brunt from Horseman: A Tale of Sleepy Hollow
Shuos Zehun from Machineries of Empire
Villy from Basil and Oregano
Valentine Weis from World Running Down
Howl Pendragon from Howl's Moving Castle
Hero from Something's Not Right
Dominic Seneschal from Terra Ignota
Firestar from Warriors
Enjolras from Les Miserables
Beatrice from Umineko no Naku Koro Ni
Axolotl from Wings of Fire
Isa from Transmuted
Inspector Javert from Les Miserables
Addy from Basil and Oregano
June Egbert from Homestuck
Alto from Your Mind is a Terrible Thing
David from Dark Currents
Monique from The Worm and His Kings
Viola Carroll from A Lady for a Duke
Will Avery from Names for the Dawn
Qven-and-Reet from Translation State
Syd from The Heartbreak Bakery
Claire/Claude from Baker Thief
Cersei Lannister from A Song of Ice and Fire
Will Treaty from Ranger's Apprentice
Starflight from Wings of Fire
Yadriel from Cemetery Boys
Zila from Aurora Cycle
Kaladin Stormblessed from The Stormlight Archive
AR/Lil Hal from Homestuck
Zoe from Sleepless Domain
Sera from Angela: Queen of Hel
Max Owen from Magical Boy
Jonathan Harker from Dracula
Diana Wrayburn from The Shadowhunter Chronicles
Abraham Van Helsing from Dracula
Never from Skulduggery Pleasant
Benji/Benjamin from Hell Followed With Us
Brick from Warriors
Sidra from Wayfarers
Sascha Vykos from Vampire: The Masquerade
Penfield from Future Feeling
Sallot Leon from Mask of Shadows
Ieshwi from The Stormlight Archive
Vriska Serket from Homestuck
Orlando from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Spencer Harris from The Passing Playbook
Jane Crocker from Homestuck
Lupe from Four Leaf
Trina Goldberg-Oneka from The Seep
Cassandra Igarashi from The Wicked + The Divine
Aya Burnstein from Dancing in the Devils Auditorium
Lucus from High Class Homos
Merlin from The Left Handed Booksellers of London
Nightheart from Warriors
Sol from Dead Collections
Max from Magical Boy
Artemis Fowl from Artemis Fowl
Teo from The Sunbearer Duology
Wanda from The Sandman
Tal Smithson from Time to Orbit: Unknown
Petey the Cat from Dog Man
Captain Artemisia Blastside from Piratica
Rosa from Threads That Bind
Alter Boi from House of Whispers
Wegg from Be Kind, My Neighbor
Loki from Loki: Agent of Asgard
Scorn from Emergent Properties
Alanna of Trebond from The Song of the Lionness
Marcia Overstrand from Septimus Heap
Sage from Strawberry Seafoam
Jules from The Chromatic Fantasy
Peter Parker from The Amazing Spider-Man
Razia Khan from Stealing Thunder
Dipper Pines from the Gravity Falls comics
Mel from Something's Not Right
Hero Shackleby from American Hippo
Kino from Kino's Journey
The Marquis de Carabas from Neverwhere
River Runson from The Melting Queen
Jonathan Morgan from All the White Spaces
Leigh Hunter from Grey Dawn
Xada from LoveBot
Ienaga Kano from Golden Kamuy
Viola/Cesario from Twelfth Night
Silas Bell from The Spirit Bares Its Teeth
Let me know if I accidentally have a character on this list twice! Also let me know if you see anything misspelled or under the wrong book or series. Basically, let me know if I've screwed up lol
Thank you all for your continued patience!
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changingplumbob · 1 month
SQOTD: Is cereal soup
First up I think how I'll handle SQOTD is by screenshoting the question and putting it in a post of my own. I like the reblogged answers but I've found I can't like all my friends answers after I've liked one, and feel weird replying to a specific simmer when it'll post the reply to the initial question post. Maybe it's just something my brain has to work on adjusting to. Anyway...
Check out @simblr-question-of-the-day to answer the prompts! And browse the tag #SQOTD to see the community's response!
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Setting the scene, it's a York family brunch at Aaron and Calista's house. Around a table are Artemisia, Joey, Devin, Aaron and the twin toddlers Alfred and Rilian in their high chairs.
Artemisia: You know cereal is a soup right
Devin: *scoffs* Come on Rilian, eat up
She holds the spoonful of cereal to her son's mouth but the boy shakes his head.
Artemisia: Clearly the thought is too big for your small mind
Alfred: *eating his cereal* So...sou... soup?
Artemisia: Glad you asked
Aaron: He didn't ask
Artemisia: What is soup really but a bowl of food we eat with a spoon
Aaron: With that definition ice cream would be soup and it isn't
Artemisia: It is when it melts
Devin: Come on piccolo mio, just a little more
Rilian: No! Bad poison
Artemisia laughs, earning her scathing looks from Aaron and Devin.
Devin: Fine. Joey, what is soup?
Joey: *looks up from phone* huh? Sorry I was testing
Devin: What makes soup soup resident genius
Joey: *smiles* I know this. A liquid food using meat, fish or vegetable stock as a base that usually has bits of solid food in it. Why?
Devin: See Emisia, cereal doesn't have stock, just milk. Come on Rilian, open up
Artemisia: But I think-
At that point Rilian has had enough of Devin's coaxing and pushes his bowl off the high chair, causing the cereal to splash over Artemisia's tights.
Artemisia: Ugh! Now i'm covered in gross
Aaron: But you didn't say covered in soup now did you
End scene
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*happy cat* Ice Cream Kitty accepts this gift and wishes to give Little Artemisia some ice cream!
@tmntausummit propaganda lol
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neovaradis · 1 year
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Chidori Yoshino and her persona, Medea, enter a duel of fire and ice with Mitsuru Kirijo and her persona, Artemisia! I'm super proud of this one, so please enjoy!
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felixravinstills · 4 days
49 for dr gaul! and (if it’s okay to ask) 44 and 30 for Artemisia Click
Ask Game
(For the uninformed Artemisia is my tbosas oc from Close Your Eyes and also a few other things)
What’s your favorite personality trait in this character? (Gaul)
I suppose it's how unapologetic and confidant she is. Volumnia's out here killing kids and grooming Snow to be President (or at least a successful Capitolite), and she's like this is totally normal behavior!
A student of hers handed her the "kids kill each other battle royale" plan and she kept it for years until a war decimated the country, and she was like "the President needs to see this!"
I'm trying to keep it to canon facts, because even in canon, everything she does takes a lot of confidence. She's doing the wildest things. With all the things she does, she has the gall (haha) to make sweeping generalizations of human nature? She's never even considered maybe she's the problem? Her confidence— her steadfastness in her beliefs is unparalleled in my opinion.
Unfortunately, this trait has also led to the ruining of many lives in Panem.
Are you especially sensitive about this character? (Artemisia)
Hmm, I don't think so? I'm very attached to her, but I don't think I'm that sensitive to anything people could say about her, although I haven't been tested on this front.
Which season makes you think of this character? (Artemisia)
She's a winter girl for me!
Something about snow covering things over, keeping things hidden until spring. Ice that you can't see making you slip. So many layers of clothes, but the cold's still there even if you can't feel it.
Yeah, there's deceptive appearance of a nice winterscape hiding the chill that really screams her.
She probably dresses in a kind of spring aesthetic though.
Thanks for the ask! And of course it's fine to ask about my beloved Artemisia! I think this might be the first ask I've ever gotten about her! I didn't realize how much I'd missed her!
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morgana-ren · 5 months
Are there any songs you associate with your ocs?Like, something that fits them?
Oh yeah, we both have a small list. Sea shanties work for any one of them, so I haven't put many of those on here. Obviously there's many more than this, but these are the ones that come to mind off the top of my head. Some of them are very circumstantial in a 'you had to be there' kind of way, but a lot of them are vague as well. Yeah, some of them are the stereotypical ones you see on lists like this, but hey, I've been hanging around for too long not to have some of those.
Here's a small list of my songs for each idiot:
Mare of my Night - Týr
Bloodstains on the captain's log - Carach Angren
Pretty when you cry - Vast
I'm your nightmare - The Brains
Sweeter than wine - The Brains
Sweet Things - The Pretty Reckless
Novelty Crosses - The Black Dahlia Murder
Whisper - Burn the Ballroom
In this world or the one below - Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
Mother Russia/Dominion - Sisters of Mercy
Pain - Boy Harsher
The Bondage Song (Unchained Mix) - London After Midnight (Slight flash warning)
Love you to death - London After Midnight
Keelhauled - Alestorm
Lorely - Blackmore's Night
One winged angel - Aurora Australis Music
Smells Blood - Kensuke Ushio
Fear and Delight - The Correspondents
The scorpion and the frog - Marc Senter
Cry little sister - The Anix
Scream - Avenged Sevenfold
Luci - Zand
He's a pirate - Falkkone
Lingering in an imprint haunting - Carach Angren
Katyusha - Megaraptor
Yuve Yuve Yu - The Hu
Black Thunder - The Hu
Wolf Totem - The Hu
This is Mongol - The Hu
Kiss - London After Midnight
Lacrymosa - Kalafina
Swan Lake - The Agonist
Where good girls go to die - London After Midnight
Russian Girl - Женя Любич
Batse tsyku - Бетал Иванов
Грустная Сука - IC3PEAK
Dead but Pretty - IC3SPEAK
Это пройдёт - Pornofilmy
Дядя Володя - Pornofilmy
She's in Parties - Bauhaus
Bind, Torture, Kill - Suicide Commando
Alone again, or - The Damned
History of Artemisia - Junkie XL
I, Caligvla - Ex Deo
Doce Doce - Fred Bongusto
The Masochisn Tango - Ringlefinch
Kiss me you animal - Burn the Ballroom
Villainous Thing - Shayfer James
Hades OST... but it's funky - Alex Moukala Music
Bruises and Bitemarks - Good with Grenades
Danger! High Voltage - Electric Six
She dominates - Blitzkid
La Bomba- Lord of the Lost
Hit me like a man - The Pretty Reckless
After Dark - Tito y Tarantula
Jolly Sailor Bold - Ashley Serena
Choke - Royal and the Serpent
Hatefuck - The Bravery
Sex Hat Keine Macht - Oomph!
Tongues and Teeth - The Crane Wives
Lovesong - Snake River Conspiracy
Before I'm Dead - Kidneythieves
Metal Woman - 3 Inches of Blood
I'm Charming - Black Dahlia Murder
White Wedding - Billy Idol
You are a pirate - Alestorm
Bad Voodoo - Kreeps
Dead Girls are Easy - The 69 Eyes
Ex Mortis - Ice Nine Kills
Paradise - Satanicpornocultshop
Fuck Me - Vernon Jane
You belong to me - Cat Pierce
Laisse tomber les filles - April March
Sisters - Pain of Salvation
Stand and Deliver - Adam & the Ants
The pain looks good on you - London After Midnight
Esmeralda - Burn the Ballroom
Love me, love me, love me - Kikuo
Who is she - I Monster
Gunslingers Glory - The Dead South
Gett off - Prince
Bloodsport - KMFDM Vs Skold
Gintleman's Club - The Dreadnoughts
Sleep is for the weak - The Dreadnoughts
Stupid Girl - Cold
Platz Eins - LINDEMANN
G Spot Micheal - LINDEMANN
Skin City - Steven Tyler
Violent Pornography - System of a Down
Santiano - The Longest Johns ft. SKALD
Sex - Oomph!
Follow me down - The Pretty Reckless
Amore Fermati - Fred Bongusto
Pervert - The Descendents
Your heart is as black as night - Melody Gardot
Bück Dich - Rammstein
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@hprecfest day 8: a canon-divergence fic
The Dog and Deer Detective Agency by @artemisia-black
Pairings: lots of platonic Sirius ships & Sirius/OC
Rating: M
Why I rec it: I love Artemisia's Sirius. He's got these complicated family relationships and just like in canon, he adores Harry. Plus Artemisia's writing is so evocative!
Enjoy a snippet here and then go to ao3!
After a long goodbye hug with Harry, during which he promised to take him for ice cream, Sirius began his hour-long flight to Scotland.
The thrill of being airborne and the freedom of the unending sky chased away some of the noxious gloom summoned by the mention of Walburga and Orion Black.
He gazed down at the villages passing below him and attempted to conjure cliched thoughts about the insignificance of his parental issues.
As the landscape became rugged and the air colder, snatches of words replayed themselves across his mind, blending in a chant.
“No son of mine.”
The memory of the words transmuted into physical pain that pierced every part of his body. And he gripped the handlebars tightly, trying in vain to close the door to his past and concentrate on the present.
Sirius felt himself tremble.
keep reading on ao3
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vavuska · 7 months
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The dead of Loraille do not rest. Artemisia is training to be a Gray Sister, a nun who cleanses the bodies of the deceased so that their souls can pass on. She’d rather deal with the dead than the living, who point and whisper about the odd girl who was once possessed by a violent spirit. When her convent is attacked by possessed soldiers, Artemisia fights back by awakening an ancient spirit bound to a high saint’s relic. It is a revenant, a malevolent being now whispering in her head. Wielding its extraordinary power almost consumes her in body and soul. But death has come to Loraille, and only a vespertine, a priestess trained to wield a high relic, has a chance of stopping it. As Artemisia investigates a mystery of saints, secrets and dark magic, an ancient evil is stirring. Can an untrained girl, tormented by the burden of containing the revenant’s devouring power, have any hope of defeating it?
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The complete Book of the Ancestor Trilogy, a stunning epic fantasy series by Mark Lawrence! Red Sister: At the Convent of Sweet Mercy, young girls are raised to be killers. In some few children the old bloods show, gifting rare talents that can be honed to deadly or mystic effect. But even the mistresses of sword and shadow don’t truly understand what they have purchased when Nona Grey is brought to their halls. Grey Sister: Behind its walls, the Convent of Sweet Mercy has trained young girls to hone their skills for centuries. In Mystic Class, Novice Nona Grey has begun to learn the secrets of the universe. But so often even the deepest truths just make our choices harder. Before she leaves the convent, Nona must choose which order to dedicate herself to—and whether her path will lead to a life of prayer and service or one of the blade and the fist. Holy Sister: The ice is advancing, the Corridor narrowing, and the empire is under siege from the Scithrowl in the east and the Durns in the west. Everywhere, the emperor’s armies are in retreat. Nona Grey faces the final challenges that must be overcome if she is to become a full sister in the order of her choice. But it seems unlikely that she and her friends will have time to earn a nun’s habit before war is on their doorstep.
This two books are very similar: both the protagonists, Artemisia in Vespertine and Nona in The Book of Ancestor, are orphans raised in a female-dominated holy place, trained in their ways. Both became possessed by devious spirits at some point of the story and both are reluctantly call to save the day. Both the characters are highly influenced by the traumas they endured (physically and psychologically) but while Artemisia — at the beginning of the book — is more isolated and lacks of friends, Nona, despite her more feral nature, is more easily going with people who became loyal friends to her. Both in Vespertine and Book Of Ancestor Trilogy there's a great curruption in the secular and religious hierarchies, but while in Vespertine those religious authorities are victims in their own way, in Book Of Ancestor the corrupted spiritual leaders are more mundane and their action are plotted by the political plans and ambitions of the royal family members.
The main difference is that Artemisia is not a warrior herself: when the convent is attacked by possessed soldiers (Revenants), she takes up a reliquary kept by an elderly nun and, thanks to the spirit that resided there, she runs into the fight, saving the day. Afterward, she is arrested by a priest — probably a future love interest — in conflict with himself and his religious beliefs.
There are a handful of supporting characters with their own special traits: a soldier who experienced a similar trauma to what Artemisia went through as a kid, whom she's able to connect with and help; a fellow nun from the convent who is very different from Artemisia (I appreciated their enemies-to-friends relationship, and her cleverness); and a grouchy but powerful elder who you can't help but adore (which is very similar to the cunning Abbess who took Nona under her care) .
The Revenant is an interesting character, who is supposed to be evil, and it is in some ways, but it’s also caring: it's the revenant that taught Artemisia to take care of herself, to consider herself worthy of being cared for.
Artemisia isn't as kickass as Nona ––many of the badass moments were due to the revenant controlling her––but she has her strengths. I appreciated that she grew to trust and care for the revenant despite how she was raised, and that she was able to push out of her comfort zone at times. It's nice to see how people in similar situations can turn out differently based on their individual experiences.
Book of the Ancestor, on the other hand, follows the growth of young Nona Grey, adopted into a convent of nuns known for their martial and magical skills. Nona and her friends must learn how to utilize the magic of their world to hopefully save their empire. Nona’s story, as she taps into her own potential and makes peace with herself — and the violence within her — is well-written and the self-immersion in her thoughts is cathartic and immediate.
The world of Book of the Ancestor deserves special attention. It is, in my reading, wholly unique. Giant ice sheets are slowly covering the world, squeezing nearly the entire population of the world into a narrow strip of land. It's a fascinating concept and becomes a major part of the series.
Overall, I enjoyed the series. It's fast-paced with characters that I came to enjoy (more on that in a moment). The books have a fun magic system that leads to excellent pay-offs in each of the books, and Lawrence plays with time, too, keeping the tension high throughout the stories.
I'm not a huge fan of magical academy tropes, which are very prevalent in Book Of The Ancestor (like the first book of the The Poppy War Series by R. F. Kuang). There are occasional moments of familiar tropes (there is a brief period where the book seems like it is aping the story of the first Harry Potter book beat for beat; luckily, that quickly fades out), but in the end, Nona and her friends more than turn this into their own story…helped by the fact that this most definitely isn’t a Chosen One story. Indeed, within the first few chapters, it’s revealed that the Chosen One prophecy of this world is hokum designed to distract people – and it’s that sort of decision that makes Book Of Ancestor a great trilogy.
In Book Of Ancestor, magic and supernatural abilities are more common and accepted, while in Vespertine is more marginal, at the point that only elderly nuns have a deep knowledge of the precious powers of the reliquary that they kept.
Nona Grey is also very similar to Rin from The Poppy War Series by R. F. Kuang: high skilled warriors, dominated by their fury, but loyal to their friends, used as weapons by powerful authorities. Even if Rin, at the end, falls victim of her rage and is more eager to be manipulated than Nona, who seems to be unaware of the deeper meaning of her own battles all the time and just follows the Abbess' indications.
And also the detailed distinction made by Lawrence of the four tribes and their powers reminds me of the one created by Susan Dennard in her Witchlands saga, in which every nation has their own elemental-related talents.
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acocktailmoment · 2 years
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Pandora’s Punch !
Punch is the origin for modern cocktails and is considered to be the earliest cocktail dating to 1632. Widely used as a restorative, punch helped sailors survive long voyages due to the citrus which protected from scurvy. As trade expanded, rarefied ingredients were incorporated into punch. 
This recipe pays homage to the history and creativity of the early punch recipes and celebrates the ritual of sharing a drink with loved ones around the holidays. This recipe serves 8 – 10 and features refreshing cucumber with a snap of ginger on the finish.
1 cup lemon juice
1 cup simple syrup
10 oz Rasasvada Ruby Artemisia
10 oz Rasasvada Rose Bergamot
1 oz Gin or spirit of choice
Top with ginger beer
Garnish with seasonal fruits and herbs
Method: Mix all ingredients in a large punch bowl, serve over ice in individual glasses and garnish with mint, cucumber, and citrus of choice.
Courtesy: Fran Endicott Miller / Just Luxe
This article was not sponsored or supported by a third-party. A Cocktail Moment is not affiliated with any individuals or companies depicted here.  
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viatrixtravels-a · 2 months
"Lumine, if you see my darling sweet little brother Ajax, tell him that he better sleep with one eye open and keep an eye for my sights."
“…Oh. Actually…”
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Should she lie? Or tell the truth?
“Perhaps cut him a little slack for once? He’s a guy so he automatically was born with less brain cells than us females. That’s why we’re the superior sex.”
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zygarde-the-guardian · 7 months
Atalanta, could you do me a favour? I'm tryna find something out.
Pelipper mail! A glass of ice water. Mostly ice.
Could you move this towards Artemisia and tell us what their reaction is? And also, do you have any feelings about this ice water? Or ice in general?
........ Hurts to touch.... Ow........
............ Artemisia moved away....... She feels scared.........
................ Ice doesn't sound fun.......
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New WIP Game
Rules: share your unpublished WIPs. No updates to ongoing fics, just new shenanigans : )
Oooh this is fun, thanks for the tag @charmsandtealeaves
Untitled - I've had a headcanon for awhile that Andromeda struggled with post-natal depression after Dora was born and I'm finally trying to write it.
First Effects of Strong Surprise - I have an OC, Tom Sullivan, who has a very rich family history and this fills it out a bit more. This fic is finished, but I need to write a few more Lily Luna/Tom fics before it will make sense
Potter Kids - Quidditch - After Lily Luna's first quidditch match, the Potter kids meet in the kitchens for their post quidditch tradition of ice cream
Telling Ted - Set after Not Tonight when Andromeda finally admits to Ted exactly what expectations her family have for her and they make the stupid decision to just has some fun because they are both fools and I adore them.
Mother's Intuition - Set during HBP when Molly suspects Harry might have feelings for her daughter - lots of Molly/Arthur cuteness
The Leaky - Tonks is out for a Girl's Night during OOTP after she's started whatever it is she's doing with Remus with some friends at the Leaky Cauldron and guess who walks through the door.
Tagging @artemisia-black @celestemagnoliathewriter @evesaintyves @incalculablepower
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unravelingwires · 9 months
“You can’t even say his name, can you?” He stepped forward, smirking. “The Uncrowned King, Narayana. You can be pithy about it, but you sully our nobility, and in a year’s time, I’ll be able to pay back every blasted insult with interest.”
Jaya twisted her head up to bare her neck properly. “And why, precisely, don’t you start now?”
Theodore twitched. Jaya triggered the knife, shattering the cuffs chaining her to the wall.
Theodore flailed a hand, sending splinters of rock forwards. Jaya turned her stumble into a roll, ducking under the shards and hiding her knife up her sleeve. She gathered mist with her right hand, freezing it and shooting it towards him.
  The spike froze in midair, a hair from Theodore’s neck. The rocks froze. Jaya smirked before flicking her fingers, letting the ice inch forwards. Theodore jerked backwards before smoothing his stride into something deliberate, finally dropping the dramatic mist.
Jaya recalled the ice. “Corrigan.”
  Theodore exhaled. “Narayana.”
The two turned simultaneously to walk away.
“Jamie, I don’t care how much of a pratt you are,” Priya said. “I loved you before you were born.”
Katie groaned. “That’s so long!”
“We have been apart for centuries in the past. Now you’re complaining about three months?” Vidya asked.
“We weren’t roommates before!” Katie slumped against Vidya, pouting. “I’m going to be so lonely without you.”
“I’m just going to see what Artemisia is so ruffled about,” Vidya said. “You know it’s unwise to say no to her.”
“That’s a little blasphemous—”
“It’s not like it’ll be serious. She’s going to say ‘it’s a threat to our entire family,’ you’re going to say ‘vampires don’t make up a family,’ she’ll try to convince you otherwise, you’ll roll your eyes and walk out. Why even make the trip?”
“It’s easier to respect the elders,” Vidya sighed, “even if this will most likely be an inconsequential waste of my time.”
“You agree with me!”
“It’s not like I like her lording authority. It’s just not unjust enough to fight properly.”
Katie straightened. “But we can subvert.”
“No, this will be great. I’m coming with you.”
Nila groaned, put her head in her hands. Lexi laughed semi-hysterically.
“Dr. Campbell just had a word with me,” Luke said.
“I imagine it was similar to the word they had with me.” Lakshmi licked a bit of strawberry froyo off her hand. Luke snorted. “Was it enjoyable?”
“Oh, yeah, I love being chewed out by someone who isn’t even actually my boss about something that’s barely a problem.”
Luke went deadpan. “How dare you endanger this mission with slight passive aggression. Dr. Kumari is a fragile flower, and she will jettison you into space if you step wrong.”
Lakshmi tipped her head, considering. “We’re all 15, so none of us can handle the slightest amount of social tension!”
“I hate sociable competition and friendly teasing.”
“No money-talk at the dinner table!”
“I have the biggest stick up my ass of anyone on the team, including Rosenberg.”
Both of them laughed. “I don’t understand Rosenberg,” the Lakshmi mused. “I mean, I get that she wants respect, but why she thinks being cold will get her there…”
Luke snorted. “Of course, the correct way to obtain respect is to insult the person disrespecting you constantly, in public.”
“That was about me, actually. But if the shoe fits…”
Lakshmi scraped the last bit of froyo from her cup. “This wasn’t about getting you to respect me, I don’t think. It was about getting everyone else to. You’re right, though. It was bad tactics, and I’m sorry for bringing you into it.”
The Chemist paused, looking at her. “I cannot tell if you really mean that.”
“This is the part where you apologize back so we can both move on with our lives.”
“I’m sorry my superiority at everything we’ve tried bruised your ego.”
“Fuck you.” Lakshmi laughed, again. Her tone turned saccharine and she fluttered her eyelashes. “Don’t you want to be friends?”
“Do not lecture me about friendship. I remember Fae.”
“Oh, you can’t remind me of her. That’s way too low a blow.” Lakshmi leaned back. “Okay, what do we do about this.”
“Do about what?” At her expression, Luke said, “Alright, alright, how’s this. We’ll stop talking to each other except when we need to. We’ll be extremely professional to the point where it makes Cambell uncomfortable. You won’t call me ‘Luke’ again. We just need to get through another half-year. After that, we’ll be too far into space for them to remove us from the project.”
“That works for me.” Lakshmi swung to her feet. “We should do this again sometime, Chemistry.”
“Like fuck am I calling anyone ‘Lucian.’”
The Chemist got up, then hesitated. “Were you serious about doing this again sometime?”
Lakshmi gave him a look. “What, are you—no. Good day, Dr. Whittemore.”
She was halfway out the door before he managed, “Good day, Dr. Kumari.”
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lorata · 2 years
in ADUD, post-war, which district 2 victor death do you think hit ronan the hardest? he's always been a fascinating character to me because of how you describe his mindset and it's... so good. i feel like this might be an unfair question in the sense that it's "which of ronan's children does he love most" but i'm curious for your take on it
Ah but that’s an easy one: whichever one he’s reminded of right now.
At the time he didn’t have the ability to feel it, not really. The grief was too vast, too deep, too all-encompassing: like Arthur Dent trying to understand that Earth was gone. Obviously he mourned, but in an awful, hollow way — that ugly, selfish, very real grief that’s for yourself and what you’ve lost, and not really about them at all.
And then of course he stops feeling anything at all for a while, and decides to let himself die, and for a while he very nearly does, but then his dogs come back and he rounds that corner and Misha and her stubbornness slowly, slowly draw him out, and there are apple blossoms in the orchard and a breeze on his skin and your fingers would remember their old strength better if they grasped your sword and slowly, slowly he comes back to life and the grief button is not being pressed 24 hours of every single day
Of course there are the cyclical hurts, the anniversaries of the bombings or Callista's sacrifice or Odin's shooting, or would-be happy anniversaries that now ring hollow (35, 45, 55 years out), but those are communal hurts, and they still have that sense of shared mourning, everyone together, none of them hold more pain than the other.
A raven will call from the trees and he will think of Odin, nineteen years old and proud and so eager to please, nursing a broken winged fledgling back to health with quiet desperation in the hopes those bloodstained hands could heal, and he thinks of the man who died protecting his children to the end and oh, oh he misses Odin most
Artemisia makes him apple crisp, or tries. All the ingredients are there, but the filling's always a little soupy, the apples a little undercooked and the crumble-top scorched. "I'm getting better," she says with second-week Arena determination and a smile a sword would bounce right off. They ladle ice cream over top to hide the burnt taste as Ronan ignores the tightness at the corner of Artemisia's eyes. "She always made it perfectly," she says. "Every time. I know she told me what I'm doing wrong a hundred times, I just -- I didn't pay attention. I was too busy watching her." Ronan scoops a lump of butter-oats-cinnamon and misses Emory the most
"Do you remember that old cartoon," Luna asked him, a year or so before the end, as Capitol propaganda splashes every screen. "The mouse and his family, telling everyone about -- was it Five? With the funny clothes and buildings." "Three," Ronan says immediately as the memory hits. The little mouse taking off his shoes before entering his house, making tea, studying for exams. "Five was ... a fox, I think. Oh, those were strange, but I loved them." After the trials they unearthed the district education animal cartoons amidst old Capitol propaganda; Ronan thinks I need to show Luna before his chest hurts, sharp and startling, and he misses Luna most
and so it goes with all of them. whether it's a big moment (watching Brutus with his adoptive grandchildren) or a little one (the first snowdrops in late winter, Caius' favourite), who he misses most is the one whose loss hits him right here, right now
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