#( *chat: mateo. )
guardian-angle22 · 5 months
911 LONE STAR REWATCH 2024 ↳ favorite things I noticed or appreciated more upon rewatch
1.02 Yee-Haw
Judd hugging the pillow in therapy. he's a giant teddy bear who needs his own teddy bear. someone get this man a big fluffy stuffed animal.
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paul and mateo with the cats. also i'm pretty sure the cat with paul is the same cat they bring back as buster in s2/3. we love a hollywood kitty.
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sleepy!tk. that's it. send tweet.
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more Cowboy Judd! there will be a cowboy hat roundup at the end of this season.
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and speaking of the cowboy stuff in this episode, can we briefly just admire how gorgeous those shots of them on horseback were? (ngl I might use some of this footage if I ever want to make another gif-based-on-a-fic for a cowboy tarlos fic)
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we could chat about the significance of this dinner scene, carlos being so into tk immediately, the poor communication, the pain tk was in, the soulmates of it all, etc... but instead I'm only here to point out carlos in his ruined button down just... tits out.
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wtfforged · 1 month
i want to know more about your ocs!! mateo is my fav
AWW REALLY??? THANK YOU im glad to hear that:)! that means a lot to me! ill try to post more about them and be more informational in the future. the easiest way to learn more about my ocs is via my toyhouse! a good chunk of my ocs have their own little profiles with some facts or extra doodles ive never posted anywhere FOR NOW, some mateo facts for you!:
his anatomys made up of a lot of mixmatched parts, which is why his legs and chestpiece are so different from the rest of him. matching and good quality parts are both expensive and hard to come across in his world, so he just gets by with what he can find.
hes one of the only ocs i have a voiceclaim for and its larry trainor from doom patrol. dont talk to me about it im embarrassed
i dont draw him with it lately since hes very much not a fighter compared to the characters he surrounds himself with, but his weapon of choice is a sort of electrified battery-charged quarterstaff. heres some '22-'21 art of him with it!
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izayoichan · 3 months
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He pointed at the vip boxes, the other one next to where Ye-Min’s parents were. Flynn nodded, he had been in on the planning for all this, it simply meant, apart from Chris who was working, everyone in the family was here to witness what might be their first win.
Flynn: I see someone waving for you, good luck now, both of you.
A round of hugs later, they watched as the two made their way to their coach, to start preparing for the short program, which was as always, the first real indicator of how things would go. While they were preparing, the family found their seats, chatting and talking between them.
Liam: Isn’t that…
He stopped, as the person they had seen for just a few seconds vanished. For just a minute they had thought it was Amuary, but they had walked out too soon for him to see properly, but he had noted what he thought was a police uniform.
Liam: Never mind, it was nothing after all. 
Beginning - Previous - Next
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rhythmicmeow · 6 months
@fearhims3lf replied to your post “[pm] You really back? And don't mess with the...”:
[pm] Fine by me. I wanna pet the goats too. Hey, don't even sweat it. I'll allow mushy this one time. You know, since I really was worried about you. Couldn't even find you in the astral. Sorry that happened though. I got your back, so you don't owe me a thing. You got enough to worry about with catching up and all.
​[pm] Good. Goats will fix everything. Plus, what sort of business says no pet goats? Goats are great.
Well, good. Because I really appreciate it. Once I realized how long I was gone, I figured everything was going to be boarded up and broken. Did you at least play some Chainsmokers in my honor? Can you find animals in the astral? [...] I don't know where I went, not really. I want to assume it was in the outskirts of town or deep in the Pines, but I have no idea. Just glad wherever she took me, she brought me back before handing me back the keys.
You going to catch me up on anything juicy?
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holyeverest · 1 year
Localização: La Jericho, baby. La Jericho. (O Bar™)
Era normal Bo chegar atrasado nos lugares por causa de comida. Nesse caso, pelo bem geral e da nação, foi no sentido literal da palavra. A poção de transformismo corporal podia mudar seu tamanho, mas ainda mantinha a necessidade fisiológica. A exigência quase absurda de se presenciar, afinal... Ele tinha aparência padrão de um grande homem e precisava alimentar o suficiente para sustentar seus quase quatro metros de altura. E, como se não bastasse, a caminhada para a segunda parte da festa só fez aumentar o calor. Ora, não precisam ser criativos, vamos logo expor seu novo estado. Sem camisa, sentado e rindo acima de um banco alto, agitando a garrafa gelada para uma das pessoas da roda. Seu poder mantendo a nuvem esbranquiçada saindo do bocal. “Essa garrafa está azarada e eu sei que foi você! Terceira vez que cai para mim.” Ele saltou do banco, a blusa jogada por cima do ombro. “Mas não vai ser você, não não. Elx?” Bo apontou para muse, pobre alma que tivera a infelicidade de cruzar o seu olhar. Sem mais delongas, empurrando gentilmente as pessoas no seu caminho, ele puxou sua atenção. “Quais são seus limites, cariño? Spoiler alert, estou no meu desafio da garrafa.”
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lukas-crowsong · 2 years
when you're chilling at leonardo's and decide to open global chat
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never opening chat again [lie]
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attysullivan · 2 years
@fearhims3lf​ replied to your message:
[pm] Yeah. And it’s not always that. Sometimes you just get really fucked up and depressed. Which ain’t good either.
Were you wanting to come thru during the day or something? See how pretty my eyes are?
[pm] Yeah that’s far from ideal. So, it’s not something that you can control? It just ... happens once nightfall hits? 
Can’t a girl just be curious? 
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daemxnium · 2 years
for: frankie santiago / @neverfalling​​ location: marzan mansion
Mateo was riding the high of at least fifteen dirty looks– his jacket had been abandoned shortly after arriving at the event, it was likely forgotten and draped over a chair somewhere and his shirt was fastened with a single button. The word inappropriate tailed him, whispered harshly as he grinned broadly, bearing the lipstick stain of a kiss against his throat from a redhead who bore a very similar mark from his own mouth. Satiated and insufferable, he hurtled into Frankie’s orbit, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “Are you having fun yet? You don’t look like you’re having fun yet, you look like that girl in that tiktok whose freaking out because she’s only been doing things for two fuckin’ hours.” He pouted, “Come on, let me show you a good time.”
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wileys-russo · 9 months
blurb req for Georgia stanway if you write for her. Reader going with the team to Australia as staff maybe like a student physio or a photographer or something. Georgia has had a crush on teaser for some time now but refuses to do anything about it because she thinks you’re straight and dating someone else on the staffing team (spoiler: you’re not)
behind the camera II g.stanway
"alright alright i'm comin jesus keira!" georgia groaned as her best friend knocked on the bathroom door for the tenth time, threatening to leave without her.
"we're in australia ke, it's been a beautiful sunny day and we're going to the beach to watch the sunset. why are ya so moody?" the younger girl teased her friend as she finally exited the bathroom, squeezing her cheeks and grabbing her camera off the bed.
"you better have washed your hands." keira grumbled, the two of them leaving the room and catching up with the rest of the group who hung around waiting in the lobby. "what did ya fall in g?" lucy teased as keira blamed her for their late timing.
"shove off." georgia grinned, pushing the taller girl away who attempted to pull her into a headlock before running off after jordan. "ah look your girlfriends coming too." keira mumbled quietly from beside the blonde whose head shot up at her words, seeing you laughing with alex and mary a few pairs in front of them.
"would you stop? she's not my girlfriend and she's straight anyway." georgia huffed, rolling her eyes and busying herself messing around with the settings on her camera readying for the change in light.
"whose straight?" ella barged her way inbetween the two, slinging an arm over georgias shoulder as keira dropped back a little to chat with alessia. "little miss media, georgias had googly eyes at her for weeks now!" keira teased as the younger of the two glanced over her shoulder to send her a pointed glare.
"y/n?" alessia asked as georgia sighed but nodded. "oh g that's so cuute!" ella beamed, pinching her cheek tightly and running off before her friend could pounce on her. "not to assume anyones sexuality but how do we know she's straight?" alessia asked calmly with a raised eyebrow as their feet hit the sand, several of the girls running off towards the water for a swim.
"well she's dating mateo." georgia explained, nodding toward you who was stood with the second string trainer and mary, watching some of the girls attempt to get on one anothers shoulders with an amused smile.
"mateo? are you sure they're together?" alessias frown deepened, folding her arms over her chest and watching the pair off in the distance with scrutiny. "well they're always together, and they go out for coffee most mornings, and for a run like every afternoon, and they always sit together at dinner." georgia defended, missing the look shared between the girls stood either side of her.
"well you sure know her schedule back to front." keira chuckled, watching on as georgia merely hummed, only half listening as she watched mateo try to lift you onto his own shoulders as you threw your head back, your laugh echoing around the beach as georgias face dropped like a kicked puppy.
"g you're only speculating all of this. why don't you just talk to her about it?" alessia asked softly, bumping her shoulder into her friends to gain her attention, ripping her eyes away from you. "cause she'll think i'm a creep!" georgia scoffed, shaking her head and walking off with her camera in hand toward the rest of the group.
"so it's just her that doesn't know mateo has a wife and kids right? and that y/n obviously has something for her." keira sighed, alessia mhming in agreement as the pair watched you notice georgia join the group, immediately excusing yourself from your conversation with mary and mateo and making a beeline right for her.
"god she's thick sometimes." "the daftest girl we know."
"coming for my job are we stanway?" you grinned as georgia pulled her eye away from the lense, face brightening when she saw it was you. "figured i'd best have a backup if this whole football thing doesn't work out. if you can do it mustn't be that hard!" georgia teased as you playfully punched her in the shoulder and sat down beside her in the sand.
"go on then, give us a smile!" you shook your head and pushed her camera away as she aimed the lense at you. "no thank you! this face stays behind the camera." you shook your head as georgia protested and instead took several pictures of you laughing from the side.
"not up for a swim then? i think you'd look dead good in some goggles." you grinned nodding toward tooney, rachel and niamh who were all splashing around with the ridiculous head wear. "and let you capture that and put it on the internet for everyone to see? no chance!" the girl firmly disagreed with a grin.
"hey do you see my cameras anywhere? they banned me from bringing them, something about a work life balance? enjoying my time in another country?" you feigned confusion, stroking thoughtfully at your chin.
"sounds like you're slacking on the job to me, might have to dob you into sarina for the laziness you know." georgia shrugged with a sigh as you smacked at her shoulder, grabbing the camera from where it sat in her lap.
"do you even know how to work this? i know they send monkeys to space now but i didn't think they trained them to use cameras." you teased as now georgia smacked you and snatched the camera back, snapping another few candid pictures of you.
"do you and mateo have anything planned while you're here?" georgia took advantage of a comfortable pause of silence between the two of you to ask, remembering alessia's words and decided to just swallow the anxiety that came with them.
"uh, just working? i guess." you gave her an odd look at the question. "why?" you asked curiously, unsure where it had came from. "dunno, couples normally do stuff together on holidays." georgia shrugged, refusing to meet your eye as she looked off into the distance.
but her head snapped toward you when she heard the distinctive boom of laughter, seeing you doubled over and holding your stomach, georgias features creasing into a frown.
"whats so funny, they do!" "you think mateo and i are a couple?" "well...yeah." "oh god gee i knew you could be slow but i tried to give you a little more credit than this!" "what are you on about? i'm not slow!"
"mateo has a wife and three kids, they were literally there for the goodbye party at st georges park!" you laughed, your abs aching from the ongoing amusement as georgias face flushed deep red in embarrassment.
"but you're always together! you get coffee, you go for runs, you-" "well yeah, his wife is my sister after all. mateo is my brother in law you dope!" you revealed with a grin, georgias blush deepening as she buried her face in her hands.
"and while we're clearing things up for another thing i'm gay." "you are??" "well...i think i meet all the requirements."
"i've also been trying to flirt with you for weeks." you shook your head with a small smile as georgias head shot up and she looked at you, shock plastered all over her face. "you have??"
"clearly not been doing a good job of it if you hadn't picked up by now." it was now your turn to blush, chinks tinting a rosy pink at the confession. "-but now i know you thought i was dating my brother in law it makes a lot more sense." you smiled, georgia groaning and burying her face in her hands again.
"you know mary and millie even gave me an intervention, warned if i didn't start taking more content of the rest of the team and not just you i'd be sacked!" you grinned teasingly.
"can we start over?" the blonde beside you asked hopefully, giving you a charming smile as you shook your head. "afraid not, just can't forget that you thought i was dating my brother in law."
"alright alright! you can stop saying it now." georgia moaned with a pout as you smiled and knocked your shoulder gently into hers, another pause of silence falling between the two of you.
"so...i should ask you out then?" "well i was patiently waiting." "oh shut up. would you like to get breakfast tomorrow?" "nah sorry, missed your chance." you grinned cheekily, snatching her camera and snapping a picture of the offended look which overtook her face.
"breakfast sounds good, your shout since you thought i was dating my brother in-" "okay! we get it, how many times do i need to say im sorry?" "i actually don't think you have at all yet." "well i'm sorry." "sorry for..." "are you really going to make me say it?" "you know suddenly i actually realised i don't like breakfast-" "fine! sorry for thinking you were dating mateo." "who is...my brother in law."
"stop saying it! how many more times are ya gonna say it?" georgia huffed with a frown which only made your amusement grow, kissing her cheek as her expression perked up.
"how many girls are on the team? twenty two? twenty three?" "twenty three." "well then i'll be saying it twenty three more times." "don't you dare!"
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bertinworms · 2 months
I Wish You Would
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Pairings: Tangerine x gn!civilian!drunk!reader
Tags/Warnings: cursing/language, alcohol alcohol consumption, drunk character, mention of gambling/betting, bar atmosphere, kissing/make out, mentions of fire arms/weapons
Word Count: 5.3K
Summary: You are drunk. Not “black out and forget the entire night “ drunk, but white girl at the club with her friends drunk. One of your bestest friends is getting married soon and tonight you and the rest of your eccentric friend group are club/bar hopping to celebrate the engagement! Your friend group told you to think about it like the bachelorette party before the bachelorette party. Whatever that means… The group isn’t a big group, only about seven people, but the seven people all come from various backgrounds. Three of your friends come from pretty well off families and happened to be in university for law school. One of your friends works for some huge tech company with something to do with security. One of them comes from a line of surgeons and happens to be in residency for surgery. Your best friend and bride-to-be comes from an extremely wealthy and famous family, you aren’t really sure what for, but you know it has to do with tycoons and business and yada yada. And then there was you. You were in university too, at the same establishment as the rest of the group, but you didn’t come from lines of money. You were in school for education. 
Various backgrounds or not, your bestie for the restie wants to go absolutely ballistic and celebrate her girlfriend finally popping the question, so of course your study buddy group just has to go out! With the intentions of bar and club hopping, you all end up at an arcade? Or a bowling alley? You aren’t really sure, but the place has heaps of alcohol, arcade games, a place to bowl, mini golf, and also some cute patrons….
You honestly could not believe that you had agreed to this. You had been friends with your group for almost five years and you had always said you would do anything for them, but you never thought it meant being out since about 7:00 PM celebrating Ava May’s proposal. When you had gotten the notification that afternoon with an image attached, you were hoping that her partner, Jordan, had finally popped the question and you were right. And of course the groupchat had blown up.
“Girls, Gays, & Daddies $$$”
Leoni: SHUT THE FUCK UP DID THEY REALLY PROPISE THIS TIME!!>>??!>!? Mateo: here comes leon with the typos 🙄 BUT OMG CONGRATS AVA!!!!!!! Camilia: HOOOOOOLYYYYY SHIT!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!! THEY HAD THE FUCKING BALLSSSSS You: OMG YESS!!!!! WHEN’S THE WEDDING!!?? Elijah boo: FORGET the wedding!!!!! bitch, when are we CELEBRATING!!!!!! Naomi: omg can we PLEASE go out tonight!!!!???  Wrenster: omg ava congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it took them long enough!!!!!! Ava Bear: omg y’all already KNOW we’re going out tonight!!!!!! b @ my house 5pm SHARP troops 🫡
Of course five o’clock came, and everyone in the group chat was at Ava’s house. You all got to congratulate Jordan and Ava on the engagement, and say hello to both their family’s, but quickly carried Ava away to party the night away. That was of course after all seven of you pregamed getting ready.
The group was a close knit one. You all were giggling and laughing and dancing around each other while getting ready, raiding Ava’s closet and her accessories and checking yourselves in the mirrors. Everyone had gone for outfits that made them stand out, but complemented their features. You had ended up in some brightly colored crop top that Ava had shoved into your hands, your sneakers, and some designer jeans that Mateo had said would have your ass looking like you did 500 squats a day. You had laughed and rolled your eyes at that. You were pretty sure Mateo just wanted you to feel sexy. 
The rest of the group had picked similar outfits. Some exposing skin, other’s exposing less skin but featuring skin-tight clothing pieces. Some had added accessories to their hair, their neck, their wrists and more. With six other bodies dancing around, you honestly hadn’t gotten a great look at everyone’s outfits – but you figured it didn’t matter anyway because by the end of the night most of those outfits would probably look a lot different from how they looked currently. And once everyone was ready, you all headed towards Ava’s car where a driver was waiting. And you all climbed in and pregamed some more.
Half of the group tended to be “partiers”not crazy party goers, but they liked to spend time when they could out having a good time. That didn’t really happen to be up your alley. You were a little more introverted than your friend group, especially since you didn’t necessarily have the same funds your friends did. The group loved paying your way through parties though and always made sure you were included, but the combination of feeling bad and not loving the party scene meant you didn’t go out with them as much as they probably would’ve liked you to. But this night was different. Everyone in the group had already sternly told you that tonight you and Ava were not spending a dime on anything. Mateo telling you that tonight that they were celebrating Ava’s engagement and also the rare occasion of you going all out tonight with them. 
You didn’t disagree.
And that’s how you and your friend group ended up at some club? Arcade? Bowling alley? Bar? You weren’t sure what to call it, but the place seemed to have it all.. There was a bar with many-a-drinks, bowling alley lanes, an arcade, neon minigolf, laser tag, and televisions everywhere, each featuring a different sporting event which you assumed was for people betting on games. 
It was loud, and dark, but also brightly lit all at the same time. You were cold, but kept comfortable with the warmth of your friend group buzzing around you. You were very out of your element. You would’ve been slightly uncomfortable if you hadn’t already had about seven? No, you think eight? You weren’t sure, but you and the rest of the group had a fair amount of alcohol in you. 
Right then, everything seemed a little fuzzy. You had glanced at your phone and thought you had read some time around 11:00 PM, but with Rihanna blasting over the speakers in the building, it was a little hard to concentrate. 
The group was currently at a bar-like table. Mateo, Elijah, Ava, and Naomi were currently on their fourth round of bowling with Ava still somehow in the lead. Leon, Wren and Camilia had snuck away from the group either to get more drinks or maybe to play mini golf, you really couldn’t remember. 
Your glossed over gaze was disturbed by Mateo standing up and stretching as long as he could, his arms reaching up a little revealing a bit of his stomach. 
“Okay, I am going back to the bar to get another drink, anyone else coming?” He said, eyes bouncing around the faces at the table. Nobody responded as they all seemed to be involved with something else at the time, so you stood up quickly.
“Mmmmmmm, I’ll come with Matty!” You smiled and trailed after him as he led the way to the bar.
“You know there’s some cuties here, you should try and chat one up.” He says, side eyeing you as you both arrive at the bar to look over what you want.
You roll your eyes and playfully push his shoulder. “That would be a grand idea except I’m drunker than a skunk currently and we’re here to celebrate Ava, not find me a date.” 
Mateo rolls his eyes as he orders both of your drinks and collects them. 
“Okay, yeah we are celebrating Ava, but you know good and damn well if I told that girl you saw a hot guy looking your way that she would jump on the idea of you making a move tonight.” Mateo chuckles as he finishes his sentence and starts walking you both back to the table, curving through the different people.
“I know, but tonight I’m just hanging out with you guys. I’m honestly shocked that nobody has attracted any spare wild men to the table with how loud and obnoxious we’re being tonight.” You laugh, a tiny hiccup slipping out of your mouth.
As you and Mateo round the corner to your table, Mateo sees the group before you and busts out into laughter. “Oh my dear, have you truly jinxed yourself tonight.” He walks the few steps to the table, puts the two drinks down. “Hellooooo boys!”
When Mateo steps aside, you're greeted by the eyes of two men who look like they don't belong here. They both are extremely attractive, but both appear to be in suits. Like suit suits. Like they could be working at the bank. You recognize the two as workers for Ava’s father. Bodyguards. Or honestly the word babysitters fit the situation too. ‘Babysitters with bullets,’ you think to yourself as you look down at one of the men’s waists, catching a glimpse of a not-so-hidden weapon.
Your thought is cut off by that said man speaking and your eyes trail from his waist to his face. He holds eye contact with you before speaking. “Sorry to crash this here lil shindig, but you lot should be wrapping all this,” he twirls a finger around in the air, referencing the group, “up pretty soon. It’s getting late.” 
Once he finishes his sentence, it’s now his turn to look at you. You watch his eyes look up and down, scanning what felt like every inch of your body, before he looks back to Ava as she begins to speak.
“Oh my god! Look, I know Daddy sent you two to “look after me”’ Ava uses huge air quotes, “but I’m old enough to make sure I don’t get fucking dragged off drunk off my fucking ass. We’re just celebrating, just chillax, yeah?” Ava lets out a giggle as she clearly slurs her words and then playfully slaps the shoulder of the man that hadn’t spoken yet. 
“Come on Tangerine, just let them be, yeah? They’re not doing any harm and they're all in one spot.” The man says, putting a hand on Tangerine’s shoulder, giving it a little squeeze and shake. If you remember right, you’re pretty sure he goes by Lemon. Or that’s what you’ve heard Ava’s father call him.
“Yeah Tangerine! Just let us chilllllll” Naomi drags out the last word as she tries to put a hand on his chest. He takes a step back away from her, his face slightly puckering up as it seems like he stifles a face of annoyance.
 You sit down next to Ava, across from where the open seat in front of Tangerine is.
“Look. Ava’s father gave clear instructions to make sure she doesn’t make any fucked decisions tonight. And seeing as sh–” Tangerine’s speech is cut off once more, this time surprisingly by Elijah.
“Look man, if your concern is making sure Ava isn’t dead in a ditch, why don’t you two just pull a seat up at the table. It isn’t like we’re going anywhere else tonight, just fucking sit and relax. Have a drink!” Elijah almost barks this out before returning to the game of bowling. He’s currently in second place, behind Ava and you know he’s dying to beat her. 
Lemon gives a nod before sitting down at the bar, grabbing Ava’s half finished beer and taking a swig. Tangerine on the other hand reluctantly takes a seat in front of you. You watch his demeanor once he’s sat. It seems like he’s avoiding your gaze, and you’re not sure why. You watch his face as he observes the people around you. You can’t tell if he’s just surveying the place or if he’s just uncomfortable. His body language looks stiff and his hands are clasped on the table in front of him.
“You have pretty eyes…” The sentence slips out of your mouth as you stare at him, rubbing your own eye as you feel yourself getting a little tired. You were hoping to break the silence. “Also pretty arms.” You let out a little giggle as you prop your head on your hand, continuing to stare at the pretty man sitting across from you.
You talking seems to bring him back to the group at hand. Or at least brings his attention to you. He gives you a weird look, seeming to calculate what to say. “And you seem pretty drunk, love.” He reaches across the table, grabbing your drink and taking a sip from it before returning it to you. “And that’s a pretty strong drink you got.”
You give yet another giggle, reaching for your drink and taking a sip. You were drunk all right, but you needed more liquid courage if you were going to be in the presence of this man. Your brain had fallen quiet and your friends seemed to not be coming to your rescue in this one. 
You recall a comment from Mateo earlier in the night about ‘letting you do your thing if you ever came across a hot ass man tonight.’ 
You had been around Tangerine and Lemon before. From what you could recall, they weren’t truly employed by Ava’s father. You’re pretty sure it was more like a freelance thing? They weren’t always around Ava and her family, but they were hired common enough for you to know exactly who they are and remember Tangerine. 
The first time you had ever met the two, the group was at a soccer game in the city. You were in Ava’s family’s suite at the game having a blast. You remember spotting Tangerine and asking Ava just who the tall man was exactly. After that, any time Tangerine and Lemon were hired to babysit Ava, you always basically gawked at the man. After Tangerine and Lemon left for the room, your friend group, especially Ava liked to tease you. Ava and Mateo knew you had a thing for Tangerine. Ava liked to get her father to hire the two as much as possible, especially if you were present. It meant you saw him often. It meant you thought about him often. You thought his curls were pretty and you could imagine what it would feel like to run your fingers through his beautiful hair. You could recall the accent he had. You thought the tattoos he had were attractive, or maybe it was just because they were on his arms. And god did he have pretty arms. 
You’re once again brought out of daydreaming, this time by Naomi sitting down by Tangerine and placing a hand on the back of his shoulder, and one hand on his chest. You don’t listen to what she’s saying, but by the look on their face, you know she’s flirting. And hard. You hear her let out a giggle as she makes some sort of comment about the man before you swap from sipping your drink to straight up downing it. 
You slam the cup down on the table and shoot up. “I’m off to get another drink..” You twirl around, maybe a little too fast, and begin heading for the bar.
You know the announcement of your departure was a little stern. You don’t know why, but it almost got on your nerves that Naomi was making a pass at the man. You let the jealousy stay for a second before rationalizing the thought. 
‘I’m not actually jealous. It’s late and I’m drunk, it isn’t that big of a deal, I’m just being silly.’ You think to yourself as you arrive at the bar, propping both elbows up onto the ledge and waiting for a bartender to notice you. You wipe your face hoping to clear your mind. 
While waiting your eyes slowly are drawn to one of the television hung above the bar – some wrestling match was going on. You notice the other people at the bar, their eyes glued to the screen. ‘I don’t understand why they are so invested.’ You think to yourself as you turn your attention back to in front of you, looking at the drink choices before noticing a man standing to your right. You turn your head and are happily met by the pretty blue eyes of a curly headed man.
You grin.
“Tangeriiinnnneeeeee” You draw out his name. You aren’t quite sure if it is on purpose or if you’re just drunk, but it didn’t matter as you watched the man’s lips twist into a smirk itself.
“Interested in the match, are we?” He asks, nodding back to the television.
“Mmmmmm, not quite. I’m not much of a sports fan.” You give a glance at the match before turning your attention back to him, noticing his shirt. He usually had it buttoned up all the way, as professional as you can get. But tonight, you notice at least two, maybe three buttons that seem to be open. You can see a tattoo peeking out from under his shirt. You take a deep breath before your eyes return to his. He had watched you check him out yet again.
You clear your throat before asking, “Are you a fan?”
He doesn’t break eye contact. “I am tonight.” 
A noise escapes your throat, almost a hum. He still hadn’t broken eye contact. Maybe it was just you, but it seemed like it had gotten hard to breathe. You felt like you hadn’t taken a breath in ages. “And why’s that?” You ask, still looking at him and still maintaining eye contact. 
In the moment you felt like the only thing in the room was him. 
“Got money on the small guy. Everyone likes an underdog story, yeah?” The smirk returns to his face.
You nod your head in agreement. Once again, your brain has gone blank. The sudden movement of his lips catches your attention as your eyes quickly dart down to his lips, and quickly dart back up to his eyes. He had watched that happen too.
As your eyes meet, your body forces you to take a deep breath. You notice he does the same. Maybe his breath had also been caught in his throat. You realize the sound of the world around you also comes back to you. 
You’re brought back to the real world completely as a bartender greets you and Tangerine, asking what you two will have. But before you can answer for yourself, Tangerine speaks for you.
“Water for this one, and whisky for me.” He says before telling the bartender exactly what he wants. As soon as the bartender turns to go grab the materials, you turn back to Tangerine.
“I can’t order for myself now?” You jokingly ask, your voice getting a little higher in disbelief as you raise both your eyebrows in fake disbelief.
He looks at you and gives a scoff. “You can, but I don’t know if you should be at this particular time darling.” He gives you a sly smile, one probably meant to comfort you. 
And you lose your breath again and you avert your eyes. You thought you had gotten confident, but you weren’t expecting him to call you that. You clear your throat. And start to mess with a laminated menu on the bar.
“So why exactly are you here tonight? You know this isn’t the first stop we’ve made, right?” You ask, trying to change the subject. Or at least to get him talking.
“We’ve been hanging back most of the night. Nothin’ suspicious has happened, but a few o’ you idiots are getting a little too far gone. Ava’s father sent us specifically to watch her. The rest of the group is just an added bonus. Don’t wanna make any rich parents mad, do we?” He asks the last part rhetorically. 
This time he’s the one looking away. He takes a drink while looking off. You can’t read the expression on his face, but it isn’t quite neutral. He looks like something is on his mind. 
“You don’t seem all that excited to be babysitting a bunch of adults. Why do you even take the jobs offered by Ava’s family? I assume there’s other things you could be doing.” After speaking you realize your tone seemed a little snippy. You hadn’t meant for it to come out rudely, but it did just a tad. You really were on a roll tonight. 
You didn’t want to necessarily influence the man to stop taking the jobs, but you were curious. You could tell by what he was wearing that he had money. In previous interactions, you had drawn the same conclusion. You weren’t extremely up to date with the latest fashion trends when it came to wealth, but you did know that the watch on his wrist looked very similar to one that Elijah had. And you knew it wasn’t cheap. Plus the extensive wardrobe the man seemed to have also led you to believe he was pretty well off for himself.
He half turns his head back to you, side eyeing you with a scrunched eyebrow.
 “A little touchy on the subject are we?” He asks you before setting his drink down. He rubs his chin before turning his face to yours.
 “Ava’s father pays well. The jobs easy, quick and usually clean. Easy money.” He pauses and you watch his eyes move down to your lips and back up to your eyes and then down to the drink back in his hand. “It's an added bonus that sometimes you idiots can be entertaining.” 
“Well. I’ll agree that they – we – can be quite entertaining. I can imagine it can be a little obnoxious at times.” A few times come to mind.
Like this year's New Years Eve party held at Ava’s. Camilia had drunk way too much champagne and had eaten quite a few shrimps. She was in the midst of a nasty break up with a pretty popular actor and had seen the reports of him attending a party that night with his co-star. A smile comes to your face as you remember the look of absolute horror on Tangerine’s face when Camilia had thrown up on him. You remember Lemon’s gasp.
Or the one time you, Ava, and Leon had somehow ran into one of Leon’s father’s old clients who had recently gotten out of prison. You three had been out shopping at the beach when the man confronted the group. Calmly at first, but very quickly drew a gun and began yelling at you three. Tangerine and Lemon had resolved the situation as quickly as the man had appeared.
Or one of the most recent events. For Ava’s birthday, she had thrown a huge, fancy party out of the country. Some place in Ireland, with almost a Bridgerton theme. Somehow you and Tangerine ended up in a room on the outskirts of a castle while the party was booming in the distance. You remember how close he had gotten to you. How close his face had gotten to yours. How he had stared at your lips for what felt like ages as you spoke. You remember the silence that happened after you had finished speaking, and the way his eyes darted quickly back to your eyes to just as quickly return to your lips. You also remember the way he had drawn away from you as Jordan had busted into the room looking for Ava. You weren’t one hundred percent sure, but you were pretty confident that if she hadn’t done so, Tangerine would have kissed you.
“I wouldn’t say ‘obnoxious’. Not all of you at least.” Tangerine says. He seems to have a distant look in his eyes. You wonder if the memory of you two alone in Ireland had come to mind. You hope it had. 
Eventually you and Tangerine began reminiscing on some of the funnier moments that had happened while him and Lemon had been present. 
You two had moved from the bar to a small table in a corner. Tangerine was still able to see the rest of your group, most importantly Ava. Even then, it wouldn’t have mattered anyways as Ava had convinced Lemon to join the current round of bowling. The group didn’t seem like they were going anywhere and neither did Lemon. 
The place was still as loud as ever, but in the corner it was a little easier to hear each other. The neon lights that were reflecting off of most everything in the building was giving Tangerine a glow. The lights were giving his hair a darker complexion than normal, while highlighting his blue eyes. If you weren’t sitting so close to him, you wouldn’t have noticed the details. But fortunately for you, you were. 
You were close enough to him to smell his cologne. He smelled almost like citrus. Or maybe like sandalwood? Or maybe like the inside of a linen closet? You weren’t exactly sure of the scent profile, but he smelled good. He smelled familiar. 
“Do you remember Ireland? That birthday party was insane! I don’t know how you two kept up with Ava that week, it felt like every ten seconds we were going somewhere new!” You let out a small laugh remembering just how crazy it had been. 
Tangerine rolls his eyes with a smile on his face. “You honestly think I would forget? I felt like I needed a leash on that girl. I wish she would have stayed around me or Lemon like you had during the trip.” His eyes light up a little as he scans your face. 
You hadn’t realized you had been so obvious on that trip. Most of the friend group had paired off in Ireland and you remember hoping to talk more to Tangerine on the trip. You hadn’t made it your priority of course, but during down times or sightseeing activities you had hoped to hear his thoughts.
The air got thin once more. You realized that you both were leaning in towards each other. You were sitting in your chair sideways. Your right elbow propped on the table, with your hand propping your head up turned towards Tangerine, your back turned to the group’s table. Tangerine was turned towards you, almost leaning into your space with his right arm draped over the back of your chair, his hand hung in the open air between the back of your chair and your side. His left arm draped into his lap. Your legs sandwiched in between his. 
You hadn’t realized just how physically close you too were. Talking with him and drinking water seemed to have sober you up some. Realizing how close you were to him also helped to sober you up in the moment. Your eyes trailed to his lip as you went to speak.
“Well, I’d never pass up the chance to be around you all day.” You say, a little softly as you had grown even more distracted by each and every centimeter of his face. You think about how soft his skin would feel in your hands. 
You readjust yourself, trying to redirect your thoughts. You sit up a little straighter and let your hand that had been previously holding up your head fall into your lap. It unintentionally brushes Tangerine’s knee and you watch it slightly move, almost shocked by the touch. Sitting up like you were now meant that your face was even closer to his. You really hadn’t realized how much you two were leaning into each other. 
You're staring at Tangerine’s lips when your eyes rush back to his as he places a hand right above your knee. You watch as he begins to lean in, his eyes on your lips. Before you can even process that his hand is practically on your thigh. He stops an inch away from you, his eyes moving up to meet your glance. His eyes meet yours for only a second before they move back down to your lips, and once again back to your eyes. You could feel him let a breath out, nearly a scoff.
“You’re extremely drunk.” He says dryly. and goes to pull away from you.
“I was dead sober in Ireland.” You quickly remark before retaking the distance he had put between the two of you. You plant a quick kiss on his lips. 
“I haven’t forgotten about Ireland either.” You say softly as you move one of his curls behind his ear that had fallen when you kissed him a little too forcefully, the fear of missing another chance had brought some adrenaline into your system. Your hand makes its way to the back of his head as you begin to play with his hair. “I’ve been hoping you would be around more after that trip. Especially after the party.”
The hand Tangerine had set previously on your knee quickly moves to your face as he gently goes to hold your chin before lifting it up. This time h initiates the kiss. He’s more gentle than you were. 
You grin into the kiss, only slightly thinking about how contrasting the situation was. The harsh man kisses gently, yet you, a more soft person kissed him like you were a thirteen year old kissing their crush at the school dance, afraid to be seen.
His hand moves from your chin to hold your head as he pulls you in more. Once he’s pulled you in as close as he can, his hand trails to your waist where it rests. Both of your hands quickly move back to his head where you pull him in closer.
His mustache tickles you, but you don’t care. All you could think about was how his head felt in your hands. How you wanted to be closer to him. How his hand was pulling your waist in. How his lips felt against yours. How you felt like you were breathing for the first time this entire night. 
Your breath hitches as you feel his fingers dig into your waist. You feel yourself becoming warm as your attention is drawn to the fact that his skin is touching yours. Both of Tangerine’s hands are now holding on to your waist, pulling you in even more if it’s possible. One of his hands begins to trail up your back. It feels like he’s trying to find a better way to pull you closer to him, but at this point if you two got any closer you would be in his lap. 
You accidentally let out what you think is supposed to be a gasp as one of his hands runs back down your spine, returning to your waist once more. This doesn’t faze Tangerine as he takes the short break from your lips to move both his hands now to either side of your head as he pulls you back into the kiss, not without a short and breathy ‘shit’ that escapes his mouth. 
You aren’t sure who initiates the harsher kiss, but you didn’t care. As Tangerine bites your lower lip, you let out a breath and you grab onto the neckline of his unbuttoned shirt. Tangerine plants one last hard kiss onto your lips he pulls away, and leans into your ear before.
“I’d slow your breathing down, we’re about to have a visitor, yeah?” He plants a kiss on your cheek and pulls his head back to look at you before wiping your lips to get rid of some spit that had been left from when you two had separated. “Gotta make sure you look good too, dear.” 
He takes a deep breath in, clears his throat and seats back against his chair, while running both of his hands over his head in an attempt to put his hair back in place after you had tussled it. He then leans back in his chair, giving a smile at the unwelcome visitor.
You wipe your hands over your face, and then over your own hair in an attempt to self soothe. You take a deep breath yourself as you try to slow your breathing and your heart rate. You wipe your hands down the thighs of your jeans before turning to meet whoever was coming towards you.
“Hey, you guys ready to go? Lemon is rounding up the rest of the group now. Ava and Elijah finally got bored with bowling.” Naomi says before finishing the drink she had in hand.
“Right. We’ll be over shortly.” Tangerine says, raising his eyebrows at Naomi and turning his attention back to you. You give her a smile and a nod to acknowledge her. As she goes to walk back to the table, you turn yourself back towards Tangerine.
“Glad we weren’t interrupted before this happened. Hope it was worth the wait.” Tangerine says giving you a sly smile.
You let out a half hearted laugh. If you thought nothing was in your brain beforehand, it was even more empty now. All you could think of now was when you would be alone with him again. 
“How long did you say you and Lemon were staying this time around?” You manage to get out, looking up at him. You didn’t want to get your hopes up, but you also wanted to do this again. 
Tangerine chuckles as he fixes his shirt from where you had grabbed it as he goes to answer, “I’m in the city for a couple of days. Off work too.” He tucks a curl behind his ear. “You have something in mind that could keep me busy?”
You nod your head as you give out a short laugh. “Ask me out to a proper dinner and I think we could figure something out."
A/N: hey home slices, so here's this. i recently rewatched the movie, and am about to read the book and thought i would write something. who knows if i'll write more, but it was fun lol if you liked this, check out my master list! --> HERE
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wtfforged · 1 month
Do any of your OCs' lore tie together? If so which is your fav dynamic you've created?
a lot of my ocs kind of tie together, just cause i find it much easier and more fun to make my ocs in groups or duos than it is to make them solo or generally free-standing. i hope that if i ever actually get into like, writing Real Lore or a story for all my characters, i want to try to tie them ALL together in one way or another like a big net. a lot of my favorite stories and mangas do that and its my favorite. my fav dynamic has to be between mateo and benji! theyre my oldest and the two i draw the most. very much a bastard-magnet vs bastard type of dynamic, im always drawn towards those. etc etc normal guy who is usually the quietest and most non-reactive person on earth does his best to not be driven insane by his bored 7ft roommate whos new life goal is to push buttons he didnt even know he had. heres some more art of the two that i dont think i posted on here:) ty for asking
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crazykitsch · 4 months
heyy babe! just had a thought abt marc and reader being in the same friend group and they have a friends with benefits thing going and at a party some guy is flirting with her and he gets jealous and there’s an angsty confession🫣
Marc Guiu : killin’ me good
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pairing: marc guiu x reader
warnings: none(?) apart from my terrible writing
❝I think of you more than I should, I die when you give me that look. You’re killin’ me, killin’ me good.❞
Recently my .. friend I guess? Well, Marc has been gaining quite a lot of attention from the media. What nobody knows though, is that me and him kind of have a thing going on. I mean we’re definitely not official, it’s more a friends with benefits kind of thing.
It started with one kiss, and then one more came and more and more and we kind of started acting like a couple when no one’s around but then again also not?? Really confusing, I know.
One big thing about being friends with benefits is obviously to not catch feelings. Failed. Can you blame me though? He’s fine, tall, sweet and I can go on for an hour. I don’t think he likes me like that though, im not really a special girl or anything to be honest.
GROUPCHAT: la masia 💙❤️ + y/n & liz😒
lamain hoe:
are we still all going to mateo’s party tonight ??
pau cubarsi:
depends if youre all going
liz gf mwah 💋:
im going if y/n’s going 🤷‍♀️
hector 👎:
same thing for marc
im coming for liz ❤️❤️
liz gf mwah 💋:
love you bae
marc 🫶:
hector next time i see you i’ll hit you and drag you to the ground
but yes im coming too
lamain hoe:
didnt need to know all that but okay! i’ll see all of you then ig ??
PRIVATE CHAT: liz gf mwah 💋 & y/n bae 🎀
y/n bae 🎀:
kill me 🙏🙏🙏🙏
liz gf mwah 💋:
no hi
no good evening
but alright!
want me to get you a therapist?
y/n bae 🎀:
my life is too complicated for a therapist to handle
friends with benefits is the dumbest thing i’ve ever done oh my god how did i fall for him
liz gf mwah 💋:
y/n bae 🎀
i dont know what to do ☹️
and that party tonight ????should i talk to other guys??? or is that weird???? and would he want to talk to other girls????
i guess theres only one solution: moving to a another country 🎀💌🩷🦢
liz gf mwah 💋:
i mean if you want to talk to other guys you should do it, you could try to get over him if thats what you want
and if you move to another country pls take me with you 🙏
y/n bae 🎀:
thank you queen you’re so wise
I’m getting ready for tonight while listening to some music. I can’t stop thinking about marc though.. but I guess that’s a problem for in an hour.
Okay i’m finally ready and hear the bell ring, I look out of my window and see Liz. I run downstairs and open the door. ‘Hi future mrs Guiu!’ she says teasingly, ‘Liz oh my god shut up.’ I reply. I mean not that I wouldn’t like it.. but still.
‘Are you ready to go y/n?’ ‘Yes Liz’ I say and we start walking to the party. Luckily Mateo only lives like 7 minutes away from us. As we enter his house we see Lamine and Hector and greet them. We talk for a bit but then I really needed to go to the bathroom. ‘I’ll be back in a few minutes, bye!’ I say.
I’ve been at Mateo’s house a few time so luckily I know where the bathroom is.
After i’m done I wanted to walk back to where my friends were but then a guy walked up to me. He’s quite tall and attractive.. but nothing next to Marc though.
‘Hey pretty girl.’ he says.. oh my god what do I say!?!?? ‘Hey, i’ve never seen you before’ I reply. I suck at talking to guys oh my god. ‘I’ve never seen such pretty girls in Barcelona either’ ‘Oh really? There are a lot.’ I say, my god y/n am I trying to introduce him to other girls or something?? ‘Hmm I highly doubt it.’ he says and I notice he’s standing closer to me now.
I smile as we hold eye contact but then I look to my left.. from all the people I could see right now I see Marc. Marc Guiu. This world is plotting against me.
I see him looking kind of annoyed? But at the same time upset and mad. What do I do? Do I go after a guy that’s technically just a friend or do I stay here talking to a guy thats actually interested in me? The first option.
‘Sorry.. i’ll be back!’ I say to the guy who’s name I didn’t even get. I walk towards where Marc was walking and see he’s with our friend group.
‘Hi..’ I say. ‘You took long, thought you were making out with someone for a minute’ Liz says and I can see Marc getting more annoyed.. ‘Wouldn’t be surprised at this point.’ Lamine says jokingly and I reply ‘Don’t be mad at me because you cant pull Lamine.’
‘I’m going home, you coming with me Hector?’ Marc says all of a sudden. ‘Oh yeah sure.’ Hector replies. ‘Oh.. ehm, bye Marc.’ I say but he ignores me, maybe he just didn’t hear me.. but then again when the rest of the group says bye he does say something, odd.
A few hours later the party is done and me and Liz walk home. ‘Liz? After I went to the bathroom a guy walked up to me.. we started talking and he seemed interested.’ I say. ‘Oh my god really? Im so happy for you!’ ‘Thank you, don’t think Marc is happy for me though. He saw us and didn’t look too excited for me.. and when we both were back to our friendgroup he also looked annoyed and ignored me.’ I say. ‘You know what that means right y/n?? He likes you.’ You see, I really love Liz.. but sometimes she IS delusional because there’s no way.
The next day I wake up and luckily it’s still weekend. I open my phone and decide to text Marc since we were supposed to hang out today.
PRIVATE CHAT: marc 🫶 & y/n 😺
y/n 😺:
hi marc
are we still hanging out today ?
marc 🫶:
dont know
wouldnt u prefer to hang out with that ugly, shrek looking guy?
y/n 😺:
is that why you didnt talk to me at all yesterday?
please reply ☹️
Fuck. He’s leaving me on opened. Now a smart woman would take this as a sign to leave him alone and move on. Yet I am not that intelligent so I decide to text Hector.
PRIVATE CHAT: hector 👎 & y/n 🦭
y/n 🦭:
hiiiii bff!
hector 👎:
since when
y/n 🦭:
since now.
look you and marc are besties right
and you love me right😁
hector 👎:
y/n 🦭:
well ..
would you be so kind to tell me why marc is so upset with me all of a sudden
hector 👎:
not saying marc said anything to me, but imagine if a guy you really liked started flirting with other girls all of a sudden 🤷‍♀️
y/n 🦭:
What do you mean Marc likes me? What the fuck should I do now??? Okay you know, fuck it i guess i’ll just go to his house.
Ten minutes later i’m walking to his house and think about what I should say to him. Before I know it i’m there and knock on the door. ‘Okay girl, you got this.’ I say to myself.
His mom opens the door, okay atleast it’s not Marc. ‘Hi y/n! Marc is in his room.’ she says, ‘Hi, thank you’ I say as I walk in. ‘He seems a bit upset.. maybe you can cheer him up?’ his mom says. ‘Yeah I noticed, i’ll try.’ I say and I walk to his bedroom. Okay girl you got this just knock on his door and tell him how you feel.
I knock on his door and walk in ‘H- Hi Marc..’ I say, god why do I do these things to myself. ‘Hm? What do you want?’ he says. ‘Uhm.. I..’ I say, I can’t find the words to tell him how I feel. ‘Continue.’ he says. Okay this is my chance, don’t fuck up. ‘Look, long story short.. I do not want to be friends with benefits, as a matter of fact I.. I do not want to be friends at all. I like you. As in more than a friend and more than a friend with benefits way.’ I say and only now I realize what I just said. I hope he really does feel the same.
Marc is silent for a minute and right when i’m about to freak out he says ‘I like you too. I don’t want to be friends with benefits anymore either.’
‘Then.. lets not be.’ I say. ‘Y/n, will you let me be your boyfriend?’ He asks and that question sounds unreal to me. I never really expected Marc to ask me that. I reply ‘Yes, i’d love that Marc.’
I smile at him and hug him, he grabs my waist. ‘Were you jealous? back at that party?’ I ask him, ‘How could you tell?’ he says while laughing like it wasn’t obvious. ‘You’re not the best at hiding your emotions.’ I say. ‘Can’t help it when someone flirts with you, don’t like it when you give other guys attention.’ he says. I laugh and say ‘I won’t from now on.’
His mother walks towards the stairs and shouts ‘Y/n? Are you staying for dinner tonight?’ I smile, look at Marc and say ‘Yes i’d love to!’
A/n: Hellaurrrr pookies,, im a bit slow I apologize but im trying my best to work on all requests!! Hope you like it 😜🫶
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rhythmicmeow · 11 months
@fearhims3lf cont from here.
[pm] Yeah, duh. I gotchu ma. Anytime. Literally. Now that you know I don’t sleep. Yeah, well, I’m a person who takes their work ethic seriously. Don’t think I’ve missed a day of work since I was 7. And be nice about my glitter. You have essence of me always now. Don’t you just love how close I am? Aw, you actually worry about me? Let me go over there and give you a hug.
[pm] Might be the one thing I’m jealous of here.
Don’t tell me that, I’ll start giving you mandatory extra days off. Won’t be missing anything because I simply won’t schedule you. You might need it, I don’t want you working yourself to the bone— Why do you have to say it like that? I was fine with it being glitter and now I’m thinking about how it used to be inside you. God damn it.
Please, you weren’t so touchy feely the other night, and suddenly you are? Pull your head out of your ass?
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leothil · 5 months
Tumblr Fandom: A Year in Review 2023
@mistmarauder thank you so much for creating this and tagging me! 💛💛
Top Five Blorbos: 1. Eddie Diaz - 9-1-1 2. Leon Draisaitl - Hockey rpf 3. Embry Carter - Rebel Kings MC 4. Matthew Tkachuk - Hockey rpf 5. Eddie Fulton - Summer Sons
Top Five Fandoms: 1. 9-1-1 2. Hockey rpf 3. Rebel Kings MC 4. Percy Jackson 5. Summer Sons
Top Five OTPs: 1. Buddie - 9-1-1 2. Mattdrai - Hockey rpf 3. Embry and Mateo - Rebel Kings MC 4. Andrew and Eddie - Summer Sons 5. Quinn Hughes and Brady Tkachuk - Hockey rpf (listen. I can feel the brainrot brewing for these two. It's gonna get worse.)
Shoutout to Some New Friends: I feel like this year is the first time I really properly interacted with @shitouttabuck, @messyhairdiaz, @eddiebabygirldiaz and @toboldlynerd and it's been a truly wonderful time! Shoutout to @nunc-spes-spei and @zahlibeth who are always willing to yes-and spec/ideas and indulge weird theories, you're the best!
Shoutout to Some Old Friends: @rewritetheending, talking to you more this year has brought me indescribable amounts of joy, comfort, relief, every positive feeling out there! I can't emphasize enough how important you are to me! @onward--upward you are a true champ for putting up with my weird hrpf rants and excessive post sharing, I love sharing the brainrot with you! My Buck and Eddie girls @burnthatbridge, @girldadbuddie, and @thatsveryood, I treasure you SO much and hope we can share an unhinged video chat again soon (NZ meetup??)! And my absolute ride or dies, my teeny tiny friends, @buckactuallys, @capseycartwright, @clusterbuck, @hattalove, @oatflatwhite, and @thatbuddie, you're the best thing I have gained from this webbed site, I can't believe I get to talk to you every day! All hail the superior search engine etc, I love you so much!
Favorite Creation You Posted This Year: I've loved doing my fic recs from the archive-project and I've been so happy to see other people discover new old fics through it! (It's not finished, I just wanted a break over the holidays!)
Favorite Creation Posted by Someone Else This Year: I've got to shout out @butchdiaz's Eddie Diaz is the archer because I sat eating breakfast at our summer cottage one morning back in July, watching this video on repeat and struggling to keep my feelings somewhat contained because I couldn't spoil my sister by showing it to her.
People Who Brightened Your Year: Everyone I've already mentioned, naturally, but also @tripleaxeldiaz, @henswilsons, @kitkatpancakestack, @eddiediaaz, @try-set-me-on-fire, @transboybuckley, @trippedandfell for being those extra bright spots on my dash and sometimes in my DMs!
Anyone Else You’d Like to Mention: Big shoutout to all of my mutuals and followers, you are all fantastic and I'm really happy to be here hanging out with you! Extra thanks to @evcndiaz @nymika-arts @glorious-spoon @ellelans @spruceoutoffive @captain-hen @fcntasmas @andrewblur @spaceprincessem @mellaithwen and @mistmarauder for being absolutely wonderful presences on my dash, mwah!
Five of Your Favorite Authors This Year: In the interest of not trying to double-tag people (and get to shout out even more peeps):
@bropunzeling I've reread all of your mattdrai fics more than is probably healthy, and you are this 🤏 close to making me acquire new blorbos by reading the rest of your bibliography.
@msmargaretmurry I'll have you know I reread Head Above Water three times this year and it made me more unhinged every time. That's not counting the times I went back to it just to reread a favourite scene or two.
@hopetorun your mattdrai winner's room fic rearranged something in my brain and I'll never be the same again.
@letmetellyouaboutmyfeels I don't know how you do what you do but I'm in awe, every single time!
@littlespoonevan I've gone back to reread several of your fics this year, and there's something so uniquely sweet and comforting about them!
Five of Your Favorite Artists/Gifmakers/Podficcers/Etc. This Year: 1. @bilosan your gifs are so gorgeous and I always love seeing what kind of sets you put together! 2. @like-the-rest-of-la if I could eat your art, I would!! It's so stupidly beautiful! 3. @skyhighrollins911 your edits are beyond gorgeous, and the cast sharing them as well is so deserved! 4. @barbiediaz your gifsets bring me endless joy and make me stop to look even when it's a fandom I'm not personally in! 5. @baneme-art I am so in love with the way you draw Buck and Eddie, I could look at them for hours!
Three Things You’re Looking Forward to in 2024: 1. S7 of 9-1-1. Of course. 2. Continuing to learn more and get better at west coast swing! (Please let me get into the spring course I will be crushed if I can't have it regularly for half a year 😢) 3. Book seven of Rebel Kings MC (Garrett Leigh you KNOW what you did!)
Tagging: Anyone and everyone tagged in this post already!
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leeneir · 5 months
Duo AU; Pro Gamer Iso x Violinist!Reader (Part 1)
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I check the iso x reader tag EVERYDAY. FOR ISO CONTENT. Sadly, Iso isn't that popular. Sigh. Guess I'll do it myself.
AU inspired by those public pianist trends on yt and my Iso x OC ship as always. Along with that one toxic pro gamer Iso x reader on here, i fking love that au sm. (Hes not toxic in this one tho lol)
Pro Valorant player Zhao Yu, better known by his internet name "Dead Lilac" is a mechanically gifted one-trick main whose name is famous all over the gaming community.
Professional Violinist "Reader", famous for their musical talent and prodigal like abilities, having climbed up the ranks and becoming renowed in the music community and on social media.
Iso finishes up a stream with a sigh, the ratio of wins to losses was bad today, how disappointing. Zhao Yu lays in bed, taking a brief moment of rest before he continued on with his day.
His roommate Omen is playing with the cat when he goes to the kitchen to get something to eat, they talk for a bit, and the cat starts purring at his feet. He picks it up and just does a stare off with the thing while it paws at his face (without claws), and blows a rasberry. Omen chuckles.
Omen brings up the fact that his friends are going out for an outting later, Zhao Yu decides to get ready. He wears his signature hoodie ofc.
Jamie, Sunwoo, Tala, Tayane, and Mateo come along. Sadly, Ryo couldn't come. He was too busy with his drift practice or whatever. Tala says her brother was just too lazy to come.
They all meet up at the mall where they go shopping and do whatever, discussing random whatnots and getting up to antics. And then they find a piano in public and Jamie tells Zhao Yu to play something, they'll record it and post it online because why not? He's really good at playing it too.
Zhao Yu decides to humor them and gets on the piano, trying to think of a piece to play before he starts.
His fingers cross the keys with grace and practiced ease, playing a romantic classical version of a popular song. Zhao Yu finds himself lost in the music piece as strangers began turning heads and pausing in their step. He can feel his friends' eyes on him as Phoenix' camera records him, and he finds himself becoming more confident with each note he plays.
Unbeknowst to him, as he was nearing the chorus, one stranger came up and opened a peculiar shaped bag, pulling out a violin out of it. The moment Zhao Yu plays the chorus note, a new instrument joined him.
He almost paused, but his fingers kept playing. Somehow, he and the violinist were perfectly in sync. He turned his head without lifting his fingers, and he see's the stranger playing the instrument, and he's awed by their ability.
More people crowd around as they watch the duet, enchanted by the melody and harmony while Jamie continues recording. Zhao Yu and the stranger play until the end of the song. When they finished, the whole crowd applauded and cheered. It sort of reminded Zhao Yu of the music recitals he did when he was younger.
He gets off the piano and approaches his duet, complimenting them on their skill and giving his name, which the stranger responded with their own.
Reader and Zhao Yu chat about the piece they just played, and Jamie and Mateo run in with the video, showing it to both of them. It's then that Zhao Yu saw Reader passing by before they decided to play, and he's amazed at how easily they synced up to him without missing a note.
Mateo then says that he was a fan of Reader which promptly confused Zhao Yu. Was Reader someone famous? Jamie asked for permission to post the video which Reader granted without issue.
They continued talking for a moment up until Reader said that they had an appointment to get to and excused themself.
By the time that was over, Zhao Yu's friend group went nuts. Apparently having held themselves back from "ruining his chances", whatever that meant. Jamie and Mateo however couldn't hold themselves which is why they approached. Sunwoo proceeded to shake him uncontrollably for not getting Reader's number. When he asked why he needed it, Tala called him a "lonely bastard".
He asks if they knew her since Mateo did, and he was told that Reader was a social media influencer known for their violin talent.
Jamie sent the video to Zhao Yu's editor and they continued on with their hangout. Though, the duet still played on the back of his mind throughtout.
Timeskip to later that night, Zhao Yu realized that maybe he should have gotten Reader's number, and also why Tala called him lonely. Omen watched the video too and acknowledged Reader's social media presence which made Zhao Yu wonder just how popular they were if even his roommate knew about them.
The next day, Iso's editor had the video ready and posted. And it was doing numbers.
As it turns out, a duet between a pro gramer and a famous violinist was bound to go viral and become so popular that it was trending on every platform.
Both to his confusion and surprise, his fans went crazy with the shipping. He knew what it was only because his online group and team engaged in such antics. Although he wasn't sure how Reader would react. He only just recently followed them on their socials and was surprised to find out that they were already a follower.
His twitch chat wouldn't shut up about the duet and he recounted the story of how that moment came to be. And they went haywire. Zhao Yu found ship edits of him and Reader from the duet video and things were getting out of hand. He was worried of how this would affect them considering they weren't part of this side of the community, much less even in this community.
He found a response from Reader regarding the duet, and to his relief it was mostly positive. They even addressed a part of the response directly to him, asking if they should record an official one if he wanted to.
Now, Zhao Yu was open to collabs. But for some reason, this one had him staring at his screen for minutes as the type bar blinked in the chat box, it was Reader's instagram.
He decided that it wouldn't hurt to add some music content into his gaming content and wanted to reach out to Reader to inquire about that collab idea they proposed. Except... he was nervous.
Why was he though? It made no sense. Zhao Yu didn't get nervous, so why was he? He's done this dozens of times, so why was it any different now?
Mustering up all the courage he could, he typed a few letters and sent the message without leaving room to think it over.
On Reader's phone, a notification popped up from instagram messages. They opened it up, it was from Iso?!
"Hey" they read.
Yknow, this has been sitting in my drafts for 3 weeks. Finally glad i got this out even if some parts are uncohseive
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attysullivan · 2 years
[pm] How you holding up ma?
[pm] Really fucking poorly. 
What the fuck was that. 
Why was your blood blue? Did you move through walls???
Are you a fae?
Who are you?
WHAT are you??
Not too great. I’d love your take on everything that happened. 
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