#💜The Queen’s bee💜
berryshipbasket · 20 days
...How am I gonna explain this one to the self ship community.
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Proship / Exclusionists DNI
Tag list (I'm so sorry gang /silly) @staticshipstation @theselfshipcafe @candyheartedchy @fenny-self-ships @cherry-bomb-ships (and other mutuals im so sorry if I forgot you my mind is foggy rn)
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I did a thing☺️
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*SCREAMS IN LOVE AND ADMIRATION* i would eat this piece alive <3
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Hi! Can I plz request MM!Donnie with a fem reader? So basically, reader is the queen bee of the school, she's the popular girl, ect. So Donnie and reader have liked each other for a while, but he's too scared to make a move, so she has to flirt and make the move on him?
Tysm!! <333
Popular’s Crush (Fluff-ish)
MM!Donatello x reader
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A/N: Here you go! Donnie and a popular reader💜 It is worth noting that I’ve never been in an American High School, and therefore aren’t sure how the cafeteria truly works. Buuuut, I think this still works💜
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Warnings: Spelling lol💜
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“Don’t turn right now”, your best friend said, cutting you off mid sentence, as you were telling her about your weekend, her eyes flickering between you and whatever was behind you at the other end of the cafeteria. “He’s here”.
You bite your lip with a small smile, knowing exactly who your friend was talking about. It was one of the turtles.
“Is he alone?”, you asked, only loud enough for her to hear, keeping the rest of your busy table in the unknown, as they talked about their own weekends, seemingly not noticing you and your friends' little conversation. “Is he looking this way?”
“No, he’s with friends and his brothers”, your friend answered, leaning a little to the side to get a better look. She then hurried back in her former position, looking at you with a smile. “He’s looking!”
You turned around in your seat, looking towards the food line, where you saw Donatello with some of his friends, just behind his three brothers. He was standing as if he was watching something his friends showed him on their phones, but his eyes was nowhere looking at the screen. They were looking right over the top in your direction, meeting yours. You tried to smile at him, but before you could move a face muscle he looked down on the screen in front of him, a small panic in his eyes as he tried to act as if he had been watching it the whole time.
You sighed in annoyance as you turned back towards your friend. Your friend shooting you an apologetic look.
“It’s as if he doesn’t even notice!”, you groaned, poking lazily at your food with your fork, suddenly having no interest in eating.
“I don’t get it”, your friend said. “I could have sworn he was staring at you”.
“Maybe”, you mumbled, thinking of a way you could catch the attention of your crush. Nothing had worked in the past year. You have had a good eye to Donatello, ever since he and his brothers started attending your school. He was different from any other guy that you had had a crush on, well, other than the fact that he was a mutant turtle that had trained in the art of ninjutsu ever since he was a baby. He was by most classifications, a nerd, a far cry from the usual jocks you found yourself falling for. When he wasn’t with his brothers, Donnie hung out with the other nerds from his grade, talking about anime, video games, movies or comic books. But Donnie wasn’t the stereotypical nerd from the movies, who feared the big jocks or a sudden beating. Donnie was sarcastic and did well with words. He was for the most time calm, and took everything in a roll. And to be honest, you found him much more charming than any other guy you had found yourself interested in. Which only made it more frustrating for you, when Donnie did not return your looks, nor tried to start up a conversation with you, like all the other guys had done.
But unbeknownst to you, Donnie’s friends started pushing and poking him with teasing smiles, having noticed the way he had looked at you, and his panicked expression when you saw him.
“Look”, one of them said, poking Donnie’s cheek with a big teasing smile. “Don’s blushing”.
“Am not”, Donnie said, slapping his friend's hand away, turning to follow the line as it moved, his brothers grabbing a tray each as they moved forward.
“So you’re going to pretend that we didn’t just see you make eye contact with (Y/N)?”, his friend asked as Donnie grabbed a tray, getting a look at the school food with a grimace. He still remembered the days he used to dream about school, and so far it had been everything he had dreamed of… except the food… and the confusing thing that was crushes.
“I still think you should just talk to her”, one of his other friends said, letting the kitchen lady slap a lump of… something onto his tray. “You have looked at her for a year now. It might be time to be that brave mutant turtle hero and go talk to her”.
“But I can’t”, Donnie sighed, looking at the not so nice smelling food in disdain. Maybe he should ask Scumbug for a lunchbox instead of this slack. “She’s popular and I’m a-”.
“A mutant that saved the world a year ago?”, his friend butted in, following Donnie to the table his brother had taken a seat at. “Surely that will get her just a little interested”.
Donnie sighed in annoyance, poking at his food. Why did he tell his friends about his crush on you in the first place?
From your table, you sat and watched Donnie along with his friends and brothers, as he started to dig into the food in front of him, your eyes burning into the back of his purple hoodie, frustration building up inside of you.
“Right!”, you finally let out, slamming your fork down onto your tray, causing your whole table to stare as you stood up, your friend looking confused. “I guess that if you want something done, you have to do it yourself”. And then you walked off in the direction of Donatello’s table.
Donnie’s tablemates saw you coming before Donnie did, his brothers exchanging excited glances, waiting for the moment Donnie would notice. But he didn’t. At least not until you tapped his shell, making him turn to see who wanted his attention. Donnie almost choked on the food in his mouth when he saw you, his friends giggling among themselves as his nervous reaction.
“Hey, Donnie”, you smiled, ignoring the way his tablemates seemed to find great interest in your presence.
“H- hey, (Y- Y/N)”, Donnie stammered, causing the boys to snicker, his face growing hot. “W- what are y- you doing h- here?”
“She attends the school, dummy”, Raph said, very amused by the scene unfolding in front of him. “And you’re supposed to be the smart one”.
Donnie shot him a glare. This was not the time to be funny at his expense, especially not with his crush standing in front of him.
“Well, I actually wanted to talk to you”, you said, grabbing a gentle hold on the string of Donnie’s hoodie. This action caused him to freeze, his glasses sliding a little further down his beak.
“A- about w- what?”, he asked cautiously, way too aware of the hand that tugged lightly at his hoodie string.
“I wanted to hear if you would like to hang out someday”, you smiled sweetly.
Donatello stared at you, as if he did not fully believe the words that came out of your mouth. “R- really?”
“Yes”, you smiled, feeling confident by his stunned expression. “Got any plans tomorrow?”
“No!”, Donnie exclaimed, eager to finally get a chance to be alone with you.
“Actually”, Leo started. “We’ve promised our dad that we would-”.
“I haven’t”, Donnie said, shutting Leo down real fast. “I have no plans tomorrow”.
“In that case”, you smiled brightly. “Meet me outside the school after the last class. Then we can go to my place and hang out. Deal?”
“Deal!”, Donnie exclaimed, happiness written all over his face.
“Okay then”, you said, letting go of his hoodie string. Donnie almost seemed disappointed when you did so, having enjoyed your hand so close to his face. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Donnie”.
“See you…”, Donnie said like he was in a trance, watching as you walked away, feeling the bubble of joy growing in his chest, ignoring the giggles and teasing smiles from his friends and brothers. You and Donnie was finally going to spend some time together.
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hiveworks · 4 months
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Maybe they bee-long together, or maybe love stings, but these Hiveworks lovers do blush and smooch! Check out these slow burn romances webcomics this Valentines Day!
Kiss it Goodbye (Read Online / Book) @ticcytx Nigh Heaven & Hell (Read Online / Book) @scottycomics Ghost Junk Sickness (Read Online / Books) @studiocartridge Barbarous (Read Online / Books) @aidosaur & @ananthhirsh Come Hell or High Water (Read Online) @chohwcomic Tigress Queen (Read Online / Book) @allidrawscomics Never Satisfied (Read Online / Book) @ohcorny Kochab (Read Online) @erysium Novae (Read Online) @kaixju Trying Human (Read Online / Books) @tryinghuman Go Get a Roomie (Read Online / Books) @cloverscomics Paint the Town Red (Read Online / Books) @windywallflower Tripping Over You (Read Online) @akasuzana Fairmeadow (Read Online) @hagofbolding
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Breakup to Make Up
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Summary: Chris is tired of pretending he doesn’t want you.
Pairings: frat boy! Chris Evans x black!reader
Warnings: minors dni, smut, unprotected sex, arguing, make up sex
(A/N: long time no see 😭 this took me forever to finish, but we’re finally here! Maybe a little rushed at the end cuz I just really really wanted to post something. Anyway please like, follow, and reblog with comments. Thank you 💜✌🏾)
He wondered if you could feel him watching your every move. Eyes trailing up and down that body. Thinking about how it had been way too long since he’d seen it with nothing on. Three weeks to be exact. Fuck had you been mad at him.
He knows he shouldn’t have freaked out over your little friend or whatever but so what he was jealous. Yeah, yeah it made him a hypocrite or whatever but it’s not like you didn’t know about Britt.
And after that night it’s not like they’d been fucking around. Britt had ‘needed time to think.’ The two of them really only keeping up with appearances.
But he’d done it.
Broke up with her.
Sure he knew the shit storm that would ensue was going to be not great. When her parents find out all hell would probably break loose. Her mother had big plans for them.
Ya know the whole big wedding. Where they move into a giant home in a suburb of Boston to be the perfect New England family. Chris was supposed to go off and be this guy that everyone was expecting him to be.
But what about what he wanted him to be. Maybe he didn’t want to think about what he was supposed to do. What about what he wanted to do.
Right now he wanted you.
Even if you were acting like couldn’t see him. It seemed like you’d been avoiding social settings. Which made sense, considering Britt’s sorority seemed to have it out for you even more than they did before.
It wasn’t like people hadn’t known about the argument over beer pong. Had been calling you trashy and shit. As if Britt wasn’t completely trying to egg you on. It’s just normally you wouldn’t have stood up for yourself as you usually tried to brush her off but then it was like how dare you not kiss the queen bee’s ass.
He was tired of dating a bully. It made him look like an ass too. Then you had the nerve to look so fucking sexy telling her off. Made him remember the moment he sunk into you. Chris didn’t even know sex could feel like that. Then he found himself envelopes in your warmth and now he couldn’t go back. So yeah sorry if you made him a little crazy.
Even still you’d done a great job at ignoring him. Had clearly blocked his number. Thought you were getting away from him. Clearly you didn’t know who you were fucking with because Chris had no intention of just letting you go and what giving someone else the chance to touch you? Over his dead body.
He’d been letting you play your little games and act like this but he was tired of it. He needed to get what was his. You were his.
Finally your eyes were connected. Though you tried to look away all quickly. And yet they still kept making their way to his. No way you were still mad at him.
Found himself chuckling when one of his frat brothers came up to you to start talking. Yeah fucking right. As if you’d show Preston any fucking attention.
So why the fuck were you giving him your number.
Ever since that day, Chris found himself more irritated than usual as he saw the way Preston had hung around you. Like a little fucking fly just buzzing around his favorite piece of dessert.
Grossed him the fuck out. Made him want to hit something. You had to be doing this on purpose, right? Was trying to get under his skin.
So what he couldn’t help himself. He needed to talk to you. “What, Chris?” You asked him all flat. Arms crossed. As if you were really sick of him.
“Cut the shit,” he said, leaning against the doorframe. Surprised you even answered the door of your dorm. Of course he saw you left and needed to make sure you were home and not who knows where with Preston of all people especially. Couldn’t stand the idea of that dweeb hanging around you. Around what was his. Even if you didn’t want to admit it to yourself. “What’s going on between you and Preston?” He asked.
You found yourself scoffing. “That is none of your business.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Oh really? It’s not? So you’re saying if I were to push you back into your room and take those cute little shorts down I’m not gonna find a wet pussy underneath it?”
Your eyes narrowed at this. He really had some damn nerve. Shrugged you answered, “Maybe. Just because you turn me on doesn’t mean I’m yours.”
Chris bit his tongue. Eyes trailing up down your body. Had you been waiting for someone. Seemed like you were dressed for a dick appointment.
“Chris, what’re you doin’ here?” Preston’s voice could be heard behind him and he immediately thought about turning around to punch him in the face. Instead his eyes connected with yours in a snarl.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Chris asked.
“Preston, what are you doing here?” You asked at the same time.
“Wanted to see if you had the notes from chem,” he said, looking between the two of you. “Remember.”
“Oh,” you shook your head. “Yeah just let me grab ‘em.”
Chris raised an eyebrow. So if you weren’t dressed like this for him then who were you dressed like this for. He followed you into your room, glancing behind you as he came to sit on your bed. Damn sure wasn’t leaving now that he was here. Not after seeing Preston here.
You took him the notes and Chris could hear you exchanging thank you’s before closing the door. “Who the hell do you think you are?” You snapped at him.
“No who the hell do you think you are?” He repeated. “What were you hoping something would happen with Preston of all fucking people?”
“I didn’t say that!” You exploded. “Why am I even explaining anything to you. Weren’t not together. You have a girlfriend!”
“I broke up with her!” He finally admitted.
Chris couldn’t hold it in anymore. Had hated that the two of you hadn’t been talking as is and now there it was. All out on the table. Shit.
Your jaw hung open at his confession. Chest thumping. “W-what?” You asked, unsure if you misheard him.
“I broke up with Britt,” he repeated. “After our fight, I don’t know,” he looked away from you not able to handle the way you were looking at him with those big eyes, “I guess I realized you were right. That it wasn’t fair.”
Crossing your arms in front of your chest, sitting down beside him. Not that you knew what to say. Sure you’d thought about this moment a fuck ton of times, but never thought it would actually happen. Men like Chris didn’t actually leave their girlfriends for their side chicks. Or that’s what you’d been telling yourself to get over it.
“Just figured why the hell do I keep wasting time with her when I-,” he cut himself off trying to even figure out what he was trying to say. Those words on the tip of his tongue but it wasn’t easy. “Then I come here and you’re dressed like this and here comes Preston I-,”
“Chris, it… I didn’t know he was coming by,” you went on to say. “Not that you’d have any right to be mad anyway.”
That made him look at you, head snapping in your direction. “Watch it, Y/N,” he said. “Just because we were fighting doesn’t mean you weren’t mine.”
“We weren’t fighting I broke up with you,” you said.
“No,” he said. “Sure I gave you your space, but you did not break up with me. And I better not find out that you’ve been with anyone sense.”
You glared at him. Crossing your arms as you looked away. Only for him to put his hand under your chin to make you look back at him. “I’m not your property.”
“I didn’t call you property. I would never call you that. You are my woman, though. And I better never find out that anyone else got to have you.” He got closer to whisper into your ear. Fuck you were finally so close to him. At least you were only in your dorm wearing a skimpy little thing like this. Actually… “Whats with what you’re wearing anyway.”
“Not that it’s any of your business-,” you started to say only for him to drop his hand to your neck to give you a warning squeeze.
“Everything you do is my business,” he corrected.
You rolled your eyes. “My roommates out with her boyfriend so I decided to have a nice romantic night in with myself,” you finished.
Which in his head all he heard you say was that you had the whole place to yourselves. No Preston to interrupt. Not you running off to some little study buddy either. He didn’t give a shit about your nasty attitude. Could fuck you through that. Would have you acting sweeter than a peach after he fucked it out of you.
“Anything else you need to know, Warden,” you said, trying to sound all snooty. He’d had it up to here with you, though. Yanking you into him so you’d lay across his lap. “Hey!”
“I’d watch how you talk to me if I were you. Sure my frat brothers probably know how much of a slut you are, but you want your neighbors to know too?”
“We ca- Chris!” You gasped as he cupped your ass. Putting his thumb in between your ass cheek to really get a grip on it. Yeah he’d never go that long without touching you like this ever again. See why he couldn’t help get jealous. He was fucking crazy about you. All of you.
“What was that?” He taunted, hand coming up so he could deliver a sharp slap to the globe of your ass cheek. Gasping again and hips jumping up. “That’s what I thought,” he said when he realized you weren’t talking back for once. “Gonna watch your fucking mouth now, huh?”
You didn’t say anything. Just laid with your head against the mattress. Almost like you were trying to hide from him.
Chris laid a smack on your ass before groping you. “Let’s get it clear, Sweetheart. You’re mine. Your pussy is mine. Your body is mine. Even your fucking heart is mine.” He grabbed you by your hair to pull your head up so he could bring your face up to his. “Do I make myself clear?”
“Chris, I-,” you whimpered, a stray tear falling. Hated how turned on you were.
He’d cut you off by grabbing your ass again, sharply. “Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?” He asked. Not giving a shit about what excuse you were ready to come up with.
You nodded, bottom lip trembling. Chris let out an irritated breath. All he wanted to do was love you right now. Kiss you. Show you how much he’d been missing you. Instead here you were playing little fucking games.
He put his hand against your jaw. Pulling you into his mouth. “What? You can’t speak?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. “You gotta problem?”
You shook your head but Chris could hear you sniffle. Ah shit. Instead of keeping it going he pulled you up. Pulling you into his lap.
“I th-though-thought you-you didn’t wa-want m-me,” you were sobbing into his shoulder. Except he couldn’t exactly understand you.
He wrapped his arms around you. Rocking you back and forth. “Shhh, Baby. Its okay. I got you. I’m sorry.” He said anyway. Whispering into your ear. Squeezing you so you had to get as close as possible to him.
“I thought you didn’t want me,” you repeated, much more clear this time. Tears still streaming down your face.
Chris furrowed his brow. Hating those words as soon as they left your mouth. “Never, Baby. I just didn’t know what to do. Wanted to have my cake and eat it, too.”
“What about you and Britt?” You asked with a sniffle.
“We’re done, Baby. I promise. There’s no one else,” he whispered in your ear, kissing behind your earlobe. “I’m all yours.”
You nodded, pulling away as your lip trembled. “Promise?”
“I promise,” he replied leaning in to press a plump kiss to your lips. Only meaning for it to be quick except he couldn’t bring himself to pull away. Had been too fucking long since he’d tasted you.
Chris laid back, taking you with him. Lips moving against each other. Fuck he missed this. Hands going to your ass to squeeze you. Needing to feel you all over. Can’t believe he went this long.
“Chris,” you moaned against his mouth. Fucking music to his ears. He turned you over in your bed so he was on top. Making sure to get nice and situated between your thighs.
Pinning your hands down with his as he felt himself getting harder. Needed you fucking bad. That’s why he couldn’t help himself when he came over here. Had been sick of waiting for you to come to him. If he needed to chase you so be is.
His bicep curled around your thigh. Not able to stop himself from finally fucking doing it. If anything it shouldn’t have taken him this long. Couldn’t help it with his stubborn ass.
“Chris,” you whimpered as his lips began to trail your neck. Back arching so you pressed into him deeper. Tits getting squished against his chest. As bad as he wanted to stay like this, he wanted more. Pulling away so he could take his shirt off.
“That’s my girl,” he whispered, before kissing you quickly. “You missed me, huh.”
You nodded, throwing your arms around him. Nails trailing along his muscular back making him shiver underneath your touch. “You know I did.”
He licked his lips, kissing your again. “I missed you, too,” he confessed. Not like he hadn’t spent most of last week in denial about it. If he hadn’t seen you talking to that asshole would he have even finally got his shit together. Probably not. The jealousy had eaten him up.
Especially since he’d been trying to give Britt the time she asked for. Didn’t want to be a complete and total dick. Too bad he wanted his girl. So now he finally had you right where he wanted you. Underneath him. Ready for a taste when-
“Y/N, have you seen my-,” a voice interrupted the two of you. Making you pull away quickly as your roommate stopped when she saw. “Shit! Sorry!” She backed out, closing the door behind her.
You pushed against him so you could get up. Chris groaned, realizing how fucking hard he was. Had been ready to claim you all over again and now you were getting up to go after her to ask what she wanted. Definitely embarrassed by the shy look on your face when you came back. “She forgot her card,” you mumbled when you sat back down on the bed.
“Oh,” he replied. “That’s okay. You okay?”
“Yeah I’m okay,” you replied, biting your lip.
Chris smiled. Not being able to help himself when he scooted you on his lap. Kissing your cheek. “You hungry? Want to get some food or we could hang out somewhere. Something.”
“Like, you wanna hang out in public?” You asked.
He nodded. “Yeah. No more keeping this behind closed doors, okay?”
With that you nodded too, a smile spreading on your lips. “Just let me get ready.”
“Of course, Baby.”
You could really tell Chris had been trying to put in the effort. From making it clear that he was definitely your boyfriend. To you practically living in his room. Still though aside from making out the two of you hadn’t had sex and he’d been dying to take it back to that.
Seemed like every time he got close, someone would interrupt or the two of you would end up talking. Which was great, but fuck he doesn’t think his dick can live like this anymore. It was like constant blue balls 24/7.
Sometimes you’d have your ass all pressed up against him while you slept. Wondering if you could feel him under you. Had been wearing a pair of panties underneath the shirt he let you borrow. Which had risen up so his cock could be pressed up right against your soft skin.
He doesn’t think he’d been this horny since he first hit puberty. Not like you’d be mad at him if he slid in. If anything he knew you’d take it. You always took it. Except then you got your period and while he didn’t give a shit, you did and told him you didn’t want your first time again to be like that.
At least he got to be with you in public now. Didn’t care who saw him hold your hand. Kissed you wherever he felt like, whenever he wanted. And you and your best friend seemed happy dragging him and her boyfriend everywhere. Even out to lunch where you were sitting way to close to him. Feeling all over his thigh.
“Unless you’re trying to start something, I suggest you stop,” he said, into your ear.
“Maybe I am,” you whispered back to him before kissing his cheek.
“Oh well, isn’t this cute,” a familiar voice interrupted you, making your heads snap up.
Chris groaned as soon as he saw his ex standing there glaring down at them. Three of her little minions beside her. “Britt,” he said through gritted teeth.
“Cut the shit, Christopher,” she snapped. “Look, I played nice when I knew you were fucking her behind my back-,”
You interrupted his ex with a cackle. Not able to help yourself. “Was it really behind your back?” You tilted your head to the side. “Not like you weren’t there.”
“Wait, what?” Your roommate gasped, suddenly everyone turning to look at her.
“Tell ‘em, Britt,” you said with a shrug. “About how you dared me to fuck your boyfriend and saw that I did it better than you and I fucked him so good he saw that he didn’t need to put up with your shit anymore.”
It had been clear you’d been waiting to get some things off your chest to her. Not that Chris could blame you. Britt had no business messing with you before and now look.
Britt’s jaw dropped as her friends turned to her. “You did what?” One of them asked with a raised eyebrow, almost like she wanted to laugh. The one Chris had been telling her was not her friend of all people.
Chris looked over at you. Shocked by your reaction. He knew you didn’t like Britt, but he’d never seen you like this. It was kind of hot seeing you stick up for yourself. Laying claim to him.
“Chris! You’re just gonna let her talk to me like that?” She gasped, stomping her foot.
“It’s not like she’s lying,” he replied. You sat beside him with a smirk. Leaning over to kiss behind his ear. Kind of enjoying you like this. That’s when he put his hand on your thigh , squeezing it.
Britt stomped away. Her friends not too far behind. Then he found himself trying to rush so the two of you could get the fuck out of there and back to his bedroom. Was tired of waiting and shit.
“Chris!” You squealed as he picked you up, pushing your back into the wall.
“Looked so fucking hot,” he said, making you gasp as his lips had went to your neck, must have been trying to leave you a hickey with the way he was sucking on your neck. “Need you so bad.”
“I didn’t tell you, but I got off my period this morning,” you said, biting your lip.
“You weren’t going to tell me?” He asked.
You shrugged. “Wanted to see how long you could go?”
Chris smacked your ass. Leaving his hands there so he could spread your ass cheeks apart. Ready to give it to you like he’d been missing. Sure he could have made your first time together again special and it would be, but the candles and rose petals would have to wait for another time.
“Don’t ever do that shit again,” he said into to it ear. “You hear me?”
You nodded before smashing your lips to his. Hands feeling all over his muscles in his shoulders. Not able to help yourself. Wanting to be close to him. Couldn’t believe he was finally all yours. Hadn’t even realized you were in his room until he laid you down in his bed.
“Missed you, Baby,” he said, flipping over so you could be on top of him. Straddling him around his waist as his hands went back to your ass.
“I missed you, too,” you whimpered, grinding against him. Needing to feel the friction. Pussy getting wetter as you spoke. “Please,” you preened.
“What do you want, Baby?” He asked, helping you remove your top.
“I want you. Want you so bad,” you moaned, as his lips went to your chest. Nipping and sucking and biting. Making you gasp for him as you lowered yourself so you were right over his dick. The friction making your jaw drop open as you didn’t stop. “Fuck, fuck me. Please.”
“I should make you beg for it since you made me wait this long,” he said, putting his thumb against your crotch. Ready to take off your pants. Putting you on your back once again so he could do that. “I don’t even know if you can handle it.”
Not like you didn’t agree. How the hell were you going to take him. It had been too long since you did and while you’d spent plenty of nights thinking about it, you were almost scared to try. Maybe that’s why you’d been welcoming every distraction. Don’t know if you were ready to be split open again.
Though, right now you’re not really sure you had much of a choice. Not with the hunger in his eyes. You’d denied him for far too long.
He started kissing down your body. Bringing your legs up so that he could get situated between your thighs. Knew he finally had you right where he wanted you.
“Chris,” you cried, hands going to your hair as he started licking you up. Wanted to get you properly wet first. Had to so you could take him properly. He knew as soon as he slid in there was no way he was holding back.
He peeked up at you, watching your face screw all up before throwing your head back. Moaning his name and moving your hips. Chris put his hands on your thighs, holding you down. Had you right where he wanted you and he wasn’t about to let you fuck that up.
“You’re gonna make me-,” you stopped with a gasp, “Christopher!” You breathed. “Shit, Chris. Fuck. Chris!” Eyes rolling back as it finally happened, juices cascaded into his mouth. “Ugh!”
Seeing you like this, fuck he couldn’t wait anymore. Needed to be inside of you now. As he kissed up your body, he hoped to leave a few hickies in his wake. Getting to your lips and making sure his kiss was deep.
Pushing your legs apart with his knees as he got situated between you. Pinning your hands down with his as he used his hips to guide his dick towards your entrance. “Fuck!” You gasped as he pushed the tip in. Head going back into the pillow underneath. A furrow creasing in your brow as you looked down between you.
Chris put his hand under your chin so you had to move your face back up. Eyes locked into each other. Licking your lips as your words had been caught in your throat as he went in deeper. Almost not even wanting to give you time to adjust, but this was your first time in a long time.
Unlike the real first time, it was just the two of you. Sure that’s how things had ended up anyway after Britt realized he’d never been like that with her. He’d wanted to feel bad about it, but hell it’s not like she hadn’t put him in that position in the first place. Literally. If she hadn’t been bugging you, you wouldn’t have ended up under him. Taking him in a way she never did.
Sure he tried to hold on for old times sake, but after he found out how she’d been it was hard for him to look past it. What did he look like dating a fucking bully. If anything he kind of owed you for all the shit you put up with. Not that you clearly had any problem with fighting back. Fuck that shit was so sexy.
Chris kissed your neck, listening to you moan as he thrusted his hips. Fuck you felt better than he remembered. Not like those same thoughts weren’t crossing your mind. Couldn’t believe you were like this after that time apart.
Had been so sure you could move on and you wanted to. Really did. Except he kept creeping into your head. Thinking about him like this. The way he fucked you like he owned your pussy and to be honest, he did. Even when you were broken up.
At this point everything between you had been an open secret in your frat. Hell, even when you tried to flirt with Preston he laughed and said he didn’t want to get punched for fucking around with you.
Didn’t even want to try being with someone else. How could you when you were pretty sure no other man could fuck you like this. He’d officially ruined you.
“Harder,” you whined into his ear, clawing at his back. Had been trying to be close to you, but fuck it. He missed you for a reason. The nice and tender shit was cute, but it had been too goddamn long.
Chris flipped you over to grab you by your hips. Making sure your ass was in the air right where he wanted it. You braced yourself as you felt him guide into you again. Squeezing your eyes shut as he bottomed out. Body trembling as you forced yourself to take his dick. “Fuck!” You sobbed into the sheets.
He rolled his hips just now he knew you liked. Exactly how he’d been thinking about. Looking down to see the way you’d started to cream around him.
Trying to give you exactly what you asked for. “You’re- you’re gonna- you’re- I’m gonna fucking cum, Chris!” You looked back at him. One of your hands going to your breasts as you played with your nipples. The extra stimulation making you clench around him.
“That’s my fucking girl,” he groaned, slapping your ass. “Fucking cum for me. I want everyone in the house to hear that we’re back together. Cum for me. Want you to scream my name.”
“Chris!” You sobbed just like he wanted you to, ass shaking as you did as you were told. There’s his fucking girl. Fuck he missed you.
Lowering yourself as it became harder for you to hold yourself up. Only for him to go with you. Covering your body with his as he didn’t stop rocking into you.
Coming up to wrap a bicep around your neck. His other arm wrapping around you. Couldn’t stop himself as he manhandled you.
“Feel so fucking good,” he whispered in your ear. Nose pressed up against the side of your face.
“Chris, I- ugh you’re gonna make me cum again!” You mewled. “Fuck I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he whispered back, half wanting to stop to turn you over but not wanting to stop because he wanted to cum. He’s not really sure he had much of a choice anyway. Hips starting to stutter along.
You were just so fucking tight around him. Especially when you were ready to cum. “Fuuuuuuck, Baby,” he groaned. “Feel so fucking- you’re gonna make me- fuck!” He groaned as he did it. Unloading inside of you. Not giving a fuck about protection or anything. Not like he ever did.
Sure the two of you should be more careful, but he can’t bring himself to actually care too. Would it be the worst thing in the world if you were stuck with him? Not for him at least. You were his for the the rest of his life as far as he was concerned.
Chris didn’t move an inch to get off of you. Trying to not put all his weight on you, but at the same time he could melt. Can’t believe it’d taken him so long to get back here.
All while you clung to him. Almost like you were afraid he’d float away. As if he’d go anywhere. Chris didn’t even want to move a muscle until he rolled over so he could pull you into him.
“I love you, Baby,” he whispered, into your hair. Ready to fall asleep as you whispered back to him. Half asleep and drunk on love. Knowing the two of you were finally right where you were supposed to be. Together.
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fanby-fckry · 4 months
🐸 jest-fizzarolli Follow
Feb 14, 2014
Mammon’s got a new brand deal in the works for me. can’t say much about it yet, but I’m heading to Lust today to work out some kinks.
🐸 jest-fizzarolli Follow
Feb 14, 2014
fuck why did no one tell me Asmodeus was so hot?
🐸 jest-fizzarolli Follow
Feb 14, 2014
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ok, you know what, that’s fair.
🐸 jest-fizzarolli Follow
Feb 15, 2014
he’s actually… really sweet, too.
🐸 jest-fizzarolli Follow
2 min. ago
update: we’re dating now
#you guys have no idea how long I’ve waited to say that #as scared as I was to go public #it’s a relief to finally stop hiding ↯ #fizzarozzie #my posts
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🌕 m00nlight_h0wling Following
20 min. ago
can’t believe @.queen-bee-lzebub made me read the word “clussy” with my own two eyeballs.
🐝 queen-bee-lzebub Follow
18 min. ago
Aww, babe forgive me? 🥺
🌕 m00nlight-h0wling Follow
18 min. ago
no <3
🐝 queen-bee-lzebub Follow
15 min. ago
Clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy
🐺 666--vortex Follow
14 min. ago
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#bee stop instigating #and loon let bee post what she wants #ists y’all fight too much
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🐝 queen-bee-lzebub Follow
29 min. ago
"average imp fucks a Sin 3 times a year" factoid actualy just statistical error. average imp fucks 0 Sins per year. Fizzarolli Georg, who lives in Lust Ring & fucks Asmodeus over 10,000 times each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
↯ #fizzarozzie #it’s about fuckin time #get that clussy ozz!!! #fr tho #happy for u 2 💛 #👑🐝 #irl source
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🌈 hells-disney-princess Follow
47 min. ago
Soooo @.ozzie-king-of-lust @.jest-fizzarolli
When’s the wedding?
#love wins ↯ #fizzarozzie #love you uncle ozzie!! #and you too uncle fizz!! #❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 #🥹🥰💖 #🌈 posts
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🪡 niffty-lady Follow
Feb 20, 2014
I can’t be the only demon shipping Fizzarolli and Asmodeus, can I? They’d be so cute together!!!
I’m thinking Fizzmodeus for the ship name. Or maybe Fizzarozzie? Oh that sounds muuuch better actually.
🪡 niffty-lady Follow
Apr 21, 2014
Confession time: I have a contact that helps me get tabloids from Lust into Pride.
I shipped Fizzarozzie wayyy before the tabloids started reporting on them but it’s good inspo
🪡 niffty-lady Follow
Nov 1, 2019
Ok, I know some of you are gonna think I’m crazy, but I think Fizzarozzie is ACTUALLY canon???
🪡 niffty-lady Follow
50 min. ago
SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!! I knew it!!!!!!
🪡 niffty-lady Follow
50 min. ago
I told you! Didn’t I tell you?
↯ #fizzarozzie #it’s CANON!!! #I am going to write SO! MUCH! FANFICTION! #new otp unlocked!!!
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🐸 jest-fizzarolli Follow
1 hr. ago
quiet quitting is cool and all… but I’m about to go out with a bang! 💥😈🎶
↯ #mammon’s clown pageant #jester’s privilege #my posts
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👓 creepz0 Follow
2 hr. ago
Fuckzzarolli is such an ungrateful clown. Doesnt care about his fans AT ALL. Hes not funny anyway.
#anti-fizzarolli #fizzi critical ↯ #fizzarolli
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👯‍♀️ glitz-n-glam Follow
2 hr. ago
Got this one in the bag! Fizza-rotty doesn’t stand a chance. 😈😈
↯ #mammon’s clown pageant #klown bitch #glitz n glam #klown posting
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💥 blitz-the-o-is-silent Follow
3 hr. ago
fuck the h8rs fizz u got this
↯ #mammon’s clown pageant ↯ #fizzarolli
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📺 voxblr4k Follow
8 hr. ago
Thanks to a Deal with @.million-dollar-mammon Mammon’s Clown Pageant will be coming to Pride for the first time since 2010!
Tune in to watch live on VoxTV at 8:00 pm or stream it on Voxflix.
#and remember #if you fuckers pirate this #it’s not just my wrath you’ll be facing for breaking tos ↯ #mammon’s clown pageant #VoxTV #Voxflix #VoxTek
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⬜️ voxblr-meta Follow
9 hr. ago
Fanby’s Fake Dash Masterpost
#meta #fake tumblr dash
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nattinatalia · 7 days
Jack Harlow x Reader Instagram AU
- (Mía is 18 and EZ is 15 here)
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Liked by jackharlow, yourusername, urbanwyatt, ezharlow, cassiewyatt, and 5,887,345 others
alizemiaharlow We’re B🅰️ck 🩸
View all 2,00 comments
yourusername Yayyy, can’t wait to watch.
alizemiaharlow 🤝🏻 ❤️
jackharlow Proud of you 💜
alizemiaharlow 🥺 thanks dad 💜
urbanwyatt My niece is all grown up 😢 proud of you princess.
alizemiaharlow 🥺🫶🏼 thank you Nino
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Liked by cassiewyatt, yourusername, jackharlow, alizemiaharlow, and 6,877,345 others
ezharlow Gazebo Festival ready 🤘🏼 let’s go!!!
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yourusername 😍 That’s my baby boy!!!
ezharlow 🥰 love you ama’
alizemiaharlow 🤮 🙄
cassiewyatt Okkkkk basic fit goes crazy 🔥
ezharlow I hate you! Why are you always coming for my fits?
cassiewyatt Because you dress like every other white boy, step it up.
ezharlow Shut up with your fungus looking feet
jackharlow Angel Ezequiel
ezharlow Sorry uncle Dru
druski Nahh own that shit up 😂
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Liked by jackharlow, yourusername, urbanwyatt, ezharlow, and 6,234,986 others
alizemiaharlow A time was had 💥 Day 1 was a success.
View all 2,300 comments
yourusername Yesssss today was fun.
jackharlow Thanks for showing up bug 🐞
alizemiaharlow Always 🤝🏻❤️
cozane It was soo good to see you kid. Don’t forget about us.
alizemiaharlow Uncle Avatar 🥺 never everrrr could I forget about you. Even though I’m upset that I didn’t get a care package but don’t worry, I made sure to cop on my own 🤘🏼🥰
cozane What the? I did send you a package, you were literally the only one who got everything.
alizemiaharlow 🤷🏻‍♀️
ezharlow About that 🫣
cozane Punk ass you got your own
ezharlow I needed more?
alizemiaharlow 🙄
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Liked by jackharlow, alizemiaharlow, ezharlow, cassiewyatt, urbanwyatt, and 6,877,345 others
yourusername Proud of you baby! Always. I’m always team you and your art. I know things didn’t go as planned for day 2, but seeing how happy you were last night, made me emotional and beyond happy. You put in so much dedication, sweat and tears into this, you should feel very proud because I’m very proud of you. Thank you for allowing me to be part of night 1, it was so special to me. I love you for ever and always. I can’t wait what you have planned next.
View all 1,200 comments
alizemiaharlow Superstars ⭐️ ✨
ezharlow My parents are the shit 😎
jackharlow I love you 🥺 thank you for accepting to perform, I know you were a little thrown off by the idea. It’s us against the world, this is a new era and I can’t wait to takeover with you.
cassiewyatt ❤️❤️
claybornharlow 🔥
user of course she was going to perform 🙄 she was the bathroom break 😂
user no way was she going to perform after Queen SZA that would’ve been dead asf 😂
alizemiaharlow People like you is the reason why my mom was iffyyy about the idea to perform. But I’m glad she did, she did amazing, per usual. You’re just mad my dad is her number one fan and includes her in everything, sorry your dad can’t do that for your mom.
ezharlow 💀 Send me your addyyy, I’ll send some autographed pictures of my dad so you’re not so bitter!
allabouttheharlows One thing about Mia and EZ, they’re gonna defend Jack and Y/N
ezharlow They regret ever giving us permission to be on social media 🤣
jackharlow 🫣 We do.
- SURPRISE!!!!!!
I know it’s a surprise for me as well.
Life has bee, interesting, it’s been testing me daily, but I’ve seen some growth within myself and it did me good being away. I see all the messages you guys continue to send me, I feel guilty not replying but I didn’t want to give false hope of me being back 100%! I don’t want to commit just yet, but I do want to come with a schedule for me being here and posting. So let me know which days work for you guys best.
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree @toocriticalharlow @thefemalestorywriter @lightsoutstyles @violetslays818 @fantasywritersstuff @vanwritesfan-fiction
74 notes · View notes
adalwolfgang · 10 months
Can you write about Sinclair brothers and Rusty nail's S/O is an artist but S/O's sketch book all only draw about them.
Thank you and I really really love your any creation or other thing else!! Really thank you and hope you have a wonderful day like you!!💜
Slashers coming across s/o's sketchbook
A/n: Thank you Nina, I love you too!! And again, Im so sorry for taking so long on your reqeust!
Warnings: Jonesy is the queen bee. Bite me. Not proofread.
Credit to @cafekitsune for the banner(s)
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Beaugard (Bo) Sinclair
Bo didn't mean to stumble upon your many drawings.
He was up at the house, trying to tidy up a little (shocker I know) and happened to knock over a stack of books. One of them being your sketchbook. He kneels down, picking up the books but pauses once reaching for yours. After a few seconds of glancing around the room, he grabs it and starts skimming over the many pages.
As he flipped through its pages, he was taken aback by what he saw. Each page was filled with intricate and lifelike drawings of only him. His heart swelled with a mixture of surprise, and a touch of vulnerability. He had never imagined that anyone apart from his brother could make something so beautiful.
Bo's fingers gently traced the lines of his own face in awe, realizing just how deeply you had been observing him. His mind began to race before quickly being interrupted by the sound of the front door being opened. He smirked to himself, keeping his back turned from the door as he kept flipping the pages.
Jonesy came trotting into the room with the wag of her tail, tongue carelessly hanging out. You weren't far behind as she walked up to Bo, giving his leg a short sniff before carrying on toward the basement.
"What'cha doin'?" you quirked a brow as you quickly caught on to him seeming to be hyper focused on whatever it was he was reading. When he turned his body, your book coming into view, your pupils dilate at the realization and embarrassment.
"Ya've really captured my good looks darlin! I never took ya for an' arti-" before he could finish his next sentence, you ran up and tackled his ass to the ground in desperation to get the book back and out of his eyesight. This caused him to laugh as he kept holding the book farther away from the both of you on the ground. After a couple minutes of teasing, he hands your book back, adding one last cherry on top.
"I also seen that ya've been studyin' anatomy~" He immediately got an elbow to the ribs in response.
Lester Sinclair
Had to take a double take.
He was digging under his trucks seat, looking for a toy Jonesy had dropped. He grabs ahold of something, thinking it's the squeaky toy, he yanks his arm out only to raise a brow in confusion when seeing it's only a book. The kind of book people use to draw with. He looks over to Jonesy who was sitting in the passenger seat, waiting patiently for her toy to be returned to her.
"I'll git yer toy in a second, alrigh'? Let me jus' look at this real quick," he sits down in the truck, carefully opening the book. His eyes growing wide when he spots your initials signed into the first page. He looks up at the front door to the house, seeing as the coast was clear, he looks back down at the book, peeling back another page. The first page was just little doodles of Him, Jonesy, and you. He flips another page, this time met with much more detailed sketches. Them being of only him. His eyes stayed glue to the pages as he skims each page with great precision.
"What'cha reading?"
He jumps in his seat when you pop up beside his truck window. The book again falling to the floor. He clears his throat, trying to calm his breathing.
"Erm...Would'ja believe me if I said nothin'?"
You quirked a brow before leaning inside the window and looking at the book on the floor of the truck. A look of embarrassment washes over your face.
"You were looking at my drawings...Weren't you?"
After that, he apologizes profusely, ending with you quickly forgiving him but taking the book back inside with you, deciding it best to keep it somewhere else and not in his truck anymore. As he watched you walk but up the steps into the house, his thoughts were interrupted again. This time by Jonesy barking at him. He turns around to see her still pawing at the seat, wanting her toy.
"Oh shoot! Sorry girl!" he quickly goes back to the task he was doing before, reaching under the seat for the dog toy.
Vincent Sinclair
His face gets so hot from the discovery, he almost thought his body heat melted his mask.
You both were in the basement. He was at his desk, working on another mask mold he had recently got from Bo. You were sat on his bed with Jonesy laying her head on your lap asleep. Currently you were drawing another sketch of Vincent, this time sitting at his desk working on the mask mold. After a few hours, you were almost finished with your drawing. Jonesy had already woken up a few minutes' prior. You were putting on the finally details when she trotted back into the basement, carrying her dog bowl in her mouth. She placed it Infront of the bed, nuzzling it with her snout closer before sitting down and looking up at you. You stare between her and your almost completed sketch before letting out a small chuckle. You set down your book on the bed, picking up the bowl and walking toward the stairs.
"Ima go feed Jonesy, be right back Vinny"
He let out a Mmhh in acknowledgement. When you leave with the dog, he continues working. That doesn't last long though when his focus goes to the open book on his bed. He looks over to the stairs then back to the book. He sits there for a moment before deciding to stand up and walk over to the bed. He pulls the book toward him, looking over the page you were recently drawing on. He's beyond surprised. The talent and detail is admiring to say the least.
By the time you return to the basement with Jonesy, he had already seen every single drawing you had in that book. He had already gone back to his wax mold, trying to keep his focus on something else besides all the thoughts and images in his head from his discovery. His face was almost as warm as the boiler that was a few feet away. You didn't seem to notice though as you went back to your spot on the bed and get right back to sketching.
He ratted himself out later on.
Rusty Nail
Flattered and impressed as hell.
After not getting to see each other for what seemed like a month but was only a week, Rusty finally pulled up to yall's shared home. The only thing on his mind was finally getting to sleep in his own bed with his only and favorite person. Upon walking through the door, he was immediately tackled by your affections.
"Welcome home old man!"
He lets of a rumble of laughter, giving your head a quick peck while wrapping his arms around you to also return the affection.
"Someone missed me eh?"
As you both go to your shared room, Rusty plops down onto his side of the bed as you walked over to your side, grabbing a book off the nightstand.
"I know you're probably exhausted but I want to show you something since I don't have the patience anymore."
You walk back over to his side, taking a seat beside him as you open up the book for him to see. Inside it was sketches you've drawing over the past week of his absence. Even though he was tired, his eyes grew a little surprised as he skimmed over the drawings. It was like looking in a mirror. He traced his hand over some of them, a soft smile spreading gracing his lips.
"These look beautiful sweetheart" he looks up at you with a smile before leaning forward a pressing another kiss to your cheek.
Now every time he leaves for a long drive, he takes a drawing with him and keeps it on his person at all times.
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doginprogress · 2 days
My ride or die, my sweet, wirey girl who sparked my Ibizan Hound obsession and changed my life turns 6 today 💜
She celebrated with a special treat this morning and later by reuniting with her favorite family members (Spork and Ponzi) when they got back from their farm-cation.
Azula had a pretty chill time as a 5 year old, taking a pause from lure coursing and racing to think about her life choices and get her priorities in order. Her main focus this year has been exponentially increasing her coat volume. Though, she did maintain her spot as #1 fastest Ibizan in fastCATs. This upcoming year she may get another shot on the field to try to finish up her ASFA field championship, and we may see if we can go for a third year as #1 in fastCATs 👀
Regardless, she’ll continue to be queen bee here at the house and I’m sure Ponzi and Spork will keep her busy with face cleanings and yard zoomies. Happy birthday Zuzabee 🥳
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ro994art · 11 months
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This took me a PRETTY long time and also a lot of IRL delays, hence why I'm posting on such a weird day (Monday). But I'm SUPER happy with the end result and that I finally got to draw so many of my favs that I never had before (these were all chosen by me hehe).
❤️ Fairy Godmother (Shrek) 🧡 Radley Heeler (Bluey) 💛 Chloé Bourgeois/Queen Bee (Miraculous Ladybug) 💚 Prince Naveen of Maldonia (The Princess and the Frog) 🩵 James P. "Sulley" Sullivan (Monsters. Inc), with a bonus Mike Wazowski, bc I could not pass on doing the gag xD 💙 Barley Lightfoot (Onward) 💜 Tecna (Winx Club) 🩷 Spinel (Steven Universe)
I also have individual slides of each one of these characters, but this post would be RIDICULOUSLY long if I posted them here. Maybe I will eventually, but in the meantime, you can check them out on my Insta or Twitter (or I guess the latter is "X" now. *SIGH* Just why? 😓)
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monakisu · 6 months
my understanding of the death note characters so far ⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖
i’ve studied them exclusively through images and textposts of light yagami on pinterest and tumblr. everything will tie back to light because i’ve only picked up on the existence of other characters depending on how frequently they appear/are mentioned in relation to light. 
🧡 light: MY FAVOOORITE!!! and decidedly Not a milf. i’ve learned that. thank you guys. he’s weak for his family! has probably only eaten potato chips twice in his life? would definitely be at his happiest as L’s scheming trophy wife who poisons him everyday, thereby unknowingly rendering his husband indestructible via built-up immunity!! i ascribe to the fervent belief that he’d absolutely dominate a deep south sorority as queen bee!!! his room looks atrociously green sometimes. why? 💛 ryuk: exists just to heckle light and get away with it! light’s bestie!! he’s the child tormenting the little clown fish by relentlessly tap-tap-tapping the aquarium glass! there’s a tumblr user wholly in love with him and i really respect that sort of devotion!!! love is amazing!!!! 💚 misa: i really really admire her: she knew what she wanted and GOT him!! has a skeleton for a girlfriend/attack dog! deserves to have at least a week of light chained to her bed but doesn’t get that. only gets CRUMBS. is happy about that anyways? i want to see her go apeshit!! she needs to torture light some more!!! 🩵 L: white?? one time a fic referred to him as “an older caucasian male” and i was blindsided by confusion because i didn’t think there was a single white person in death note… TURNS OUT THERE’S HORDES OF THEM?! this guy probably has diabetes and scoliosis but i like his soulfully soulless eyes because they remind me of my dog (when he’s not biting me)! light’s obsessed with him (L, not my dog).  💜 sayu: extraordinarily pretty as an adult!! would be the type to eat up wattpad y/n fanfic! light’s favorite person in the whooole wide world (=`ω´=) 🩷 mikami: green sometimes. the one who looks like a nerd but is secretly jacked as fuck. REALLY likes light! ❤️ rem: i don’t know how she puts up with anybody, especially light. probably fueled solely by her misa adoration? does not like light. 🧡 matsuda: apparently a pathetic babygirl? seems to be the embodiment of the word "silly"! liked light up until he shot him full of holes!! 💛 near: structured like a small white dog. looks cuddly :] does not like light(?) 💚 mello: exploded once. my friend likes him :] does not like light.
ok that’s it i think!! let me know how i’m doing so far! ≽^•⩊•^≼✧
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berryshipbasket · 5 days
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I had to do an image based on that one meme with these two
You WILL look at my Garten of Ban.ban self ship and you WILL like it !!!!!!
Proship / Exclusionists DNI
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Tag list !
@theselfshipcafe @staticshipstation @candyheartedchy @wulfums @cherry-bomb-ships @darknadaworld @gabfselfships @fenny-self-ships
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leqonsluv3r · 10 months
welcome to my blog <3
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queen bee. i’m 20. i write things (and they’re pretty cool i think). craziest girl in the graveyard. leon kennedy & major dilf enthusiast. i love purple and cats. my DMS are open 24/7. besides this app i love character.ai/spicychat. i spend a lot of time on both (👀). i go by she/they pronouns. a mother of two (a cat and a rodent). i’m not that intimidating so pls don’t hesitate to reach out. 💜💜.
current obsessions: leon kennedy, carlos oliviera, joel miller, pedro pascal, könig, ghost, arthur morgan, evan buckley, taylor swift, lana del rey, nicotine, coffee, javier peña, frankie morales, rick & morty, stranger things, criminal minds, spencer reid, naps, books, smut and many more <3
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RULES: no harassment, no blogs w/o ages (u will be blocked), no bullying or criticism that is not constructive. minors fuck all the way off, this is an 18+ blog. no judging other people’s kinks or opinions (this is a safe space). i don’t write anything with the following tags.
piss kinks
vomit or emetophilia
foot fetishes
feces or scat
and more added later. but please respect these things when putting in a request/ask. thank you. i will not write about these things because it makes me genuinely uncomfortable.
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REQUESTS: how to submit ur request. my asks are currently open in my bio. please submit them there. if you have any questions pls reach out in my DMS. i write only for leon right now but im going to expand it in the future. (completed ones listed below).
LOVE — re2!leon kennedy x fem!reader. pure fluff.
HEARTBEAT — re4!leon kennedy x weskers!daughter reader. smut. enemies to lovers.
CARDIOMYOCYTES (AND THE AFFECTED) — re!2 leon kennedy x microbiologist!fem reader
POPULAR — re4 bodyguard!leon kennedy x famous!fem reader
BABY BLUES — re!4 husband!leon kennedy x pregnant!wife!reader
(more found in masterlist!!)
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devoidaffectu · 2 years
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
If stolas doesn't actually receive major consequences by losing everything for giving the book or (plot breaking) crystals to blitz the whole drama with the book feels pointless as to why blitz didn't just steal some since its apparently easier to just strong-arm a succubus.
Its gonna feel incredibly bland if the story ends with " 🐱🐶💜 and Blitz and Loony live happily ever after in a big house of imp servants cause of blitzes rich monarch boy friend🦊😽👶"
With there being no consequences and the business approved by ozzie.
"Youre gonna regret saying that, mate"
WHO MAMMON???? WHOS GONNA ACTUALLY ENFORCE THE SHOWS HOLLOW NONEXISTENT HIERARCHY? lucifer and charlie date sinners, queen bee dates what is essentially a pet in their society, stolas and asmodeus publicly date imps, and verosika publicly dated blitz and tattood his name on her.
Helluva bosse's lesson? "Tired of classism? Just marry rich, oppressed people🖕"
"Remember, the rich have it just as bad if not worse than you do!"
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ashleybuetheartist · 6 months
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Queen Bee from Helluva boss 💜💜💜🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️❤️
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