#🌌holding reality
in the pokemon brain zone once again
ok so i feel like larry is honestly just something something overqualified meme of just being stuck in pokemon training
like, he was initially having fun with the whole pokemon raising and training thing, hell, using the geeta rival headcanon maybe she was his rival who got him involved. he grew up and was invited to be a gym leader and he was, obviously a good battler. inviting the area zero sorts of headcanon he has a very important role and would have to be a really skilled trainer. but its just like, not really any sort of passion anymore. like, either between the mental illness feels burnout or just, growing out of the phase, he only really keeps doing it because its just his most stable option and well if it aint broke dont fix it.
like i think hes grown past some jaded views he might have had towards being a league member, seen the job for what it is, and its gone from dream job to just... what gets the bills paid.
man im so close to derailing this post into my anti capitalism rant but rlly i just think larrys an old prune whos just not into the job anymore but trying to move on and do anything else is just not viable in this economy, hed have to start from zero relevant experience again and thats just not realistic.
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First date by blink-182 came on in the car yesterday and i immediately started thinking about my dr girlfriend 😍
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crystalsenergy · 7 months
8th house and spiritual experiences 🌌🕯️💜🖤 - the good & the bad (Sun to Pluto)
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Sun in the 8th house (Sensitivity to Spiritual Transformation):
With the Sun in the 8th house, individuals have a heightened sensitivity to spiritual transformation and the depths of the unconscious mind. They may be naturally drawn to explore the spiritual and mystical aspects of life.
Spiritual Experiences: These individuals often have profound spiritual experiences that involve personal transformation and rebirth. They may undergo a spiritual awakening that leads to a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all life. The 8th house energy can facilitate a sense of merging with higher consciousness.
Depth of Spiritual Exploration: With the Sun in the 8th house, individuals are driven by an insatiable curiosity to explore the depths of existence beyond the material world. They are naturally drawn to esoteric and mystical teachings, seeking to uncover hidden truths and spiritual insights that lie beneath the surface. This placement fosters a sense of urgency to understand the mysteries of life, death, and transformation on a profound level.
Sensitivity to Energies: Sun in the 8th house bestows an acute sensitivity to energies and entities that exist beyond the veil of the physical world. They may have vivid spiritual experiences, such as encounters with spirit guides, profound dreams, or out-of-body experiences. This heightened sensitivity allows them to bridge the gap between the seen and unseen realms.
Unearthing Hidden Realities: These individuals possess an innate talent for unearthing, discovering hidden spiritual realities. They are not content with superficial answers but are relentless in their pursuit of uncovering the concealed aspects of their own consciousness and the collective unconscious. Their heightened sensitivity allows them to penetrate the veils of illusion and reach into the hidden chambers of the soul.
Fearlessness in the Face of Darkness: Sun in the 8th house individuals are unafraid to confront the darkness within themselves and in the world around them. They possess a unique fearlessness when it comes to diving into the shadowy corners of the human psyche. This courage enables them to explore their own unresolved issues and confront the fears that often hold others back from spiritual growth.
Transformative Power: The 8th house is associated with transformation, rebirth, and regeneration, and when the Sun is placed here, it infuses the individual with a potent transformative power in their spiritual journey. They have the capacity to undergo profound inner shifts, shedding old identities and beliefs to emerge as spiritually evolved beings. This transformative energy can be harnessed for their own growth and the benefit of others.
Magnetic Attraction to the Occult: These individuals are irresistibly drawn to the occult, the mystical, and the metaphysical. They may find themselves naturally attuned to practices such as astrology, tarot, energy healing, or shamanic rituals. The hidden aspects of spirituality hold a magnetic appeal for them, and they may become skilled practitioners in these esoteric arts.
Connection to Others: Their sensitivity to spiritual energies also extends to their interactions with others. They have an empathetic connection to the spiritual experiences and journeys of those around them. This enables them to provide support, guidance, and healing to others on their spiritual paths.
Mystical Illumination: At their best, individuals with Sun in the 8th house can experience moments of profound mystical illumination. These moments may feel like a merging with divine consciousness or a deep connection to the universal source of all existence. This illumination serves as a guiding light in their spiritual quest, offering clarity and purpose.
Challenges (the bad)
Egoic Attachment to Spiritual Experiences: There is a risk that individuals with Sun in the 8th house may become egoically attached to their spiritual experiences. They might use their heightened sensitivity to spiritual matters as a means to gain a sense of superiority or as a source of personal validation, which can hinder genuine spiritual growth.
Power Struggles in Spiritual Groups: These individuals may be drawn to spiritual communities or groups where power dynamics and control issues can be prevalent. Their sensitivity to power struggles may lead them to become embroiled in conflicts or manipulative situations within these contexts.
Overemphasis on Dark or Taboo Spiritual Practices: Due to their intense interest in hidden or transformative aspects of spirituality, they might be drawn to dark or taboo spiritual practices that can be harmful or exploitative. This can lead to negative spiritual experiences and a potential descent into destructive spiritual paths.
Obsession with Death and the Afterlife: While their sensitivity to the mysteries of life and death can be profound, it may also lead to an unhealthy preoccupation with mortality and the afterlife. This obsession can hinder their ability to live fully in the present moment and lead to anxiety or existential crises.
Manipulative Use of Spiritual Insight: Like Pluto in the 8th house, individuals with this placement may possess deep spiritual insight, but they could misuse this perception to manipulate others who are vulnerable or in search of spiritual guidance. This can lead to ethical dilemmas and harm to others' spiritual journeys.
Spiritual Arrogance: There's a potential for these individuals to develop spiritual arrogance, believing that their understanding of spiritual matters is superior to others. This can alienate them from genuine spiritual communities and create a sense of isolation.
Avoidance of Personal Shadow Work: Their sensitivity to the unconscious can lead to a temptation to bypass personal shadow work or unresolved psychological issues. They may use spiritual experiences as a means to escape facing their own inner challenges, hindering their spiritual evolution.
Challenges of the Shadow: While this placement grants incredible depth and spiritual insight, it also comes with challenges. The depths of the unconscious can be both enlightening and daunting, and individuals with Sun in the 8th house may grapple with their own inner demons and psychological complexities. It's crucial for them to engage in ongoing shadow work and self-reflection to navigate these depths.
Moon in the 8th House (Spiritual intuition):
Moon in the 8th house individuals possess a strong sensitivity to their own spiritual intuition and the unseen energies that shape their spiritual path. They may have a keen sense of emotional and spiritual interconnectedness.
Emotional Intensity in Spiritual Pursuits: Individuals with Moon in the 8th house approach their spiritual journey with a remarkable emotional intensity. Their emotions are intimately intertwined with their spiritual experiences, often leading to profound emotional and spiritual transformations. This depth of feeling allows them to connect with the spiritual dimensions on a visceral level.
Intuitive Insight into the Unconscious: These individuals possess a heightened intuition and psychic sensitivity that allows them to tap into the unconscious realms with ease. They may have vivid dreams, psychic experiences, and a strong inner knowing that guides them in their spiritual quest. Their intuition serves as a valuable compass in navigating the hidden aspects of spirituality.
Empathy for Others' Spiritual Journeys: Moon in the 8th house individuals have a natural empathy for the spiritual experiences and emotional struggles of others. They can intuitively sense the emotional undercurrents in their relationships and offer emotional support and guidance to those on their spiritual paths. This empathy fosters deep connections with like-minded souls.
Embracing the Dark and the Light: This placement encourages individuals to embrace both the light and the shadow aspects of spirituality. They are unafraid to confront their own emotional wounds and the darker aspects of their psyche. This willingness to explore the depths of their own consciousness leads to personal growth and spiritual enlightenment.
Cycles of Emotional Transformation: The Moon is associated with cycles, and in the 8th house, individuals may experience profound emotional and spiritual transformations in cyclical patterns. These cycles of inner renewal and rebirth mirror the transformative energies of the 8th house and deepen their spiritual understanding with each cycle.
Spiritual Healing Through Emotional Expression: They have a unique capacity to use emotional expression as a means of spiritual healing. Engaging in practices like journaling, art, or music can help them process their emotional and spiritual experiences and facilitate profound inner shifts.
Nurturing the Soul: The Moon's nurturing energy extends to the soul for these individuals. They have a deep desire to nurture and care for their spiritual well-being, seeking solace in practices that offer emotional and spiritual sustenance. This may include meditation, prayer, or spiritual retreats.
Mystical Connection to the Divine: At their best, Moon in the 8th house individuals can establish a mystical connection to the divine. They may experience moments of profound emotional and spiritual union with the universal source of love and wisdom. These moments of divine connection provide them with deep spiritual fulfillment and purpose.
Challenges (the bad)
Emotional Turbulence in Spiritual Pursuits: Individuals with Moon in the 8th house may experience intense emotional ups and downs in their spiritual journey. These emotional fluctuations can lead to inner turmoil and difficulty maintaining a consistent spiritual practice.
Attachment to Emotional Drama: There's a risk of becoming overly attached to emotional drama or intensity in spiritual experiences. They may seek out chaotic or emotionally charged spiritual situations, which can be draining and disruptive to their well-being.
Struggles with Emotional Boundaries: These individuals may struggle with emotional boundaries in spiritual contexts, leading to emotional overwhelm or vulnerability to manipulation by others who recognize their emotional sensitivity.
Fear of the Unknown: Despite their depth of emotional understanding, they may have a fear of delving into the unknown realms of spirituality. This fear can hinder their ability to embrace new spiritual experiences and concepts.
Emotional Vulnerability in Spiritual Pursuits: Moon in the 8th house individuals may find themselves emotionally vulnerable in their spiritual pursuits. Their sensitivity can make them more susceptible to emotional turbulence and upheaval, especially when confronted with the intense energies of the unconscious. It is important for them to cultivate emotional resilience and self-care practices.
Mercury in the 8th House (Sensitivity to Hidden Spiritual Knowledge):
Mercury in the 8th house suggests a sensitivity to hidden spiritual knowledge and the ability to communicate about spiritual topics with depth and insight. These individuals may have a natural gift for uncovering hidden truths.
Intellectual Depth in Spiritual Inquiry: Individuals with Mercury in the 8th house possess a keen and probing intellect that drives them to explore the hidden dimensions of spirituality. They approach spiritual matters with an analytical mind, seeking to uncover the underlying truths and mysteries that often elude others.
Communication as a Tool for Transformation: Mercury's influence in the 8th house highlights the transformative power of communication. These individuals have a unique ability to articulate their spiritual insights and experiences, making them effective conveyors of esoteric knowledge. They can inspire and guide others on their spiritual journeys through the power of words.
Sensitivity to Symbolism and Esoteric Language: Their sensitivity extends to symbolism, metaphors, and esoteric language often used in spiritual teachings. They intuitively grasp the deeper meanings behind these symbols, allowing them to connect with the profound wisdom embedded within spiritual texts and teachings.
Psychological Insight into the Unconscious: Mercury in the 8th house fosters a profound understanding of the human psyche and the workings of the unconscious mind. They may excel in fields like psychology, psychoanalysis, or depth therapy, using their intellectual acumen to delve into the hidden recesses of the human soul.
Gifted in Uncovering Hidden Truths: These individuals are gifted in uncovering hidden truths and exposing secrets, both within themselves and in the world around them. Their intellectual curiosity and intuitive insights enable them to unravel mysteries and bring the hidden into the light.
Mystical Insight through Communication: Their communication skills can lead to mystical insights during moments of deep reflection or meditation. They may receive profound spiritual guidance or epiphanies through the act of verbalizing their thoughts or engaging in meaningful conversations.
Teaching and Sharing Spiritual Wisdom: Mercury's presence in the 8th house encourages these individuals to share their spiritual wisdom with others. They may become teachers, mentors, or writers who convey complex spiritual concepts in a clear and accessible manner.
Challenges (the bad)
Overintellectualization of Spirituality: Those with Mercury in the 8th house may be prone to overintellectualizing spiritual matters. They may become overly analytical and skeptical, which can block them from embracing the more intuitive and mystical aspects of spirituality.
Compulsive Need for Spiritual Knowledge: Their thirst for knowledge can become compulsive, leading to information overload and spiritual materialism. They may collect spiritual information without truly integrating it into their practice or personal growth.
Difficulty Expressing Spiritual Insights: While they may have deep spiritual insights, they might struggle to effectively communicate their experiences or understanding to others. This can lead to frustration and isolation in spiritual communities.
Cynicism and Skepticism: Their analytical nature may lead to cynicism and skepticism toward spiritual teachers, practices, or traditions. This skepticism can hinder their ability to trust and fully immerse themselves in spiritual experiences.
Venus in the 8th House (Spiritual Connections):
Venus in the 8th house indicates a sensitivity to spiritual bonds, deep connections, and the transformative power of spiritual relationships. These individuals may seek profound spiritual experiences through their connections with others.
Spiritual Experiences: These individuals often experience deep, spiritual connections with others, which can lead to profound experiences of love and transformation. They may explore the spiritual dimensions of love and relationships, seeking to merge their hearts and souls with others on a spiritual level.
Deep Emotional Connection to Spiritual Experiences: Individuals with Venus in the 8th house approach their spiritual journey with a deep emotional connection. They seek to understand the spiritual dimensions of love, intimacy, and human connection. For them, spiritual experiences often involve a profound sense of emotional bonding with the divine and with others on a spiritual level.
Transformation Through Love and Relationships: Venus's influence in the 8th house highlights the transformative power of love and relationships in their spiritual growth. They may experience profound inner shifts and personal evolution through their connections with others, especially in romantic and deep, soulful relationships.
Sensitivity to the Mysteries of Love and Desire: These individuals possess a heightened sensitivity to the mysteries of love, desire, and passion. They are drawn to explore the spiritual dimensions of these intense emotions, seeking to uncover the hidden truths and transformative potential within them.
Embracing the Dark and the Light in Relationships: Venus in the 8th house encourages them to embrace both the light and the shadow aspects of love and relationships. They are unafraid to confront the complexities, vulnerabilities, and hidden desires that often lie beneath the surface in their connections with others.
Healing and Transformation Through Intimate Connections: They may find that their relationships serve as catalysts for personal growth and spiritual awakening, allowing them to release old wounds and patterns.
Empathy and Compassion in Spiritual Relationships: These individuals have a natural empathy and compassion for the spiritual journeys of others, particularly in the context of relationships. They can deeply connect with and support their partners or loved ones on their own spiritual paths.
Challenges (the bad)
Attachment to Sensual Pleasures: Individuals with Venus in the 8th house may be prone to attachment to sensual pleasures and material comforts, which can distract them from their spiritual pursuits.
Emotional Turmoil in Relationships: Their sensitivity to deep emotional and transformative experiences in relationships can lead to intense emotional ups and downs. This emotional turbulence can disrupt their spiritual practice.
Materialistic Approach to Spirituality: There's a risk of approaching spirituality from a materialistic perspective, seeking spiritual experiences for personal gain or a sense of beauty and luxury. This can hinder their genuine spiritual growth.
Difficulty in Letting Go: Venus's attachment to beauty and harmony may make it challenging for them to let go of attachments and embrace the impermanence often emphasized in spiritual teachings.
Mars in the 8th House (Spiritual Empowerment):
Mars in the 8th house suggests a sensitivity to spiritual empowerment and the use of spiritual energy for personal growth and transformation. These individuals may harness their inner strength for spiritual pursuits.
Spiritual Experiences: Individuals with this placement often find empowerment through spiritual practices and may engage in transformative experiences that require courage and determination. They may use their spiritual energy to overcome obstacles and challenges on their spiritual path.
Passionate Pursuit of Spiritual Truth: Individuals with Mars in the 8th house approach their spiritual journey with a fiery and passionate determination. They are driven by an intense desire to uncover the profound truths that lie beneath the surface, and they tackle their spiritual pursuits with vigor and enthusiasm.
Action-Oriented Approach to Transformation: Mars's influence in the 8th house highlights the transformative power of action and personal will. These individuals believe in actively engaging with the hidden dimensions of spirituality, using their energy and drive to effect meaningful change within themselves and in the world around them.
Courage to Confront the Shadows: Mars in the 8th house individuals possess the courage to confront their own shadows and the darker aspects of spirituality. They are unafraid to delve into the depths of their psyche, addressing unresolved issues, and facing their fears head-on as part of their spiritual growth.
Fearless Exploration of Taboos: Their sensitivity extends to the exploration of taboos, forbidden knowledge, and the boundaries of conventional belief systems. They approach these subjects fearlessly, seeking to challenge and expand their understanding of spirituality.
Sensitivity to Energetic Shifts: They have a heightened sensitivity to energetic shifts and power dynamics in their spiritual experiences. This sensitivity allows them to perceive subtle changes in energy and empowers them to actively participate in the transformative process.
Sensual and Mystical Spiritual Experiences: Mars's influence can lead to sensual and even ecstatic spiritual experiences. They may find that their spiritual encounters are deeply rooted in physical sensations, leading to a sense of union with the divine through the body.
Embracing the Warrior Archetype: Mars in the 8th house individuals often resonate with the warrior archetype in their spiritual journeys. They view themselves as spiritual warriors who confront challenges and obstacles with courage and determination, ultimately emerging stronger and wiser.
Challenges (the bad)
Aggressiveness in Spiritual Pursuits: Those with Mars in the 8th house may approach their spiritual journey with excessive aggressiveness or a competitive spirit. This can lead to conflicts within spiritual communities and hinder inner peace.
Power Struggles in Spiritual Groups: Their assertiveness, when used in excess, can sometimes lead to power struggles within spiritual groups or communities. They may clash with others over leadership or control issues.
Impulsivity in Spiritual Practices: They may be prone to impulsive or reckless spiritual practices, seeking intense experiences without considering the potential risks or consequences. This can lead to spiritual burnout.
Challenges in Achieving Inner Calm: Their innate restlessness and drive may make it difficult for them to achieve the inner calm and stillness often sought in spiritual practice. They may struggle with meditation or contemplative practices.
Jupiter in the 8th House (Sensitivity to Spiritual Expansion):
Jupiter in the 8th house signifies a sensitivity to spiritual expansion and a desire to explore the depths of spirituality and transformation. These individuals may have a natural inclination toward spiritual growth.
Spiritual Experiences: These individuals often embark on spiritual journeys that lead to personal expansion and a deeper understanding of life's mysteries. They may seek wisdom in the spiritual realms, exploring different belief systems and philosophies. The 8th house's transformative energy can lead to profound spiritual growth and enlightenment.
Expansive Quest for Spiritual Wisdom: Individuals with Jupiter in the 8th house embark on a grand and expansive quest for spiritual wisdom. They possess a natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge that leads them to explore the profound mysteries of life, death, and transformation.
Optimism in the Face of Spiritual Challenges: Jupiter's influence in the 8th house fosters an innate optimism, even in the face of spiritual challenges and the exploration of the shadow aspects of existence. They believe that there is always light to be found in the darkest corners of the psyche and the spiritual journey.
Embracing the Mysteries of Life and Death: Jupiter in the 8th house encourages individuals to embrace the mysteries of life and death with open arms. They have a deep fascination with the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth and may explore spiritual practices that delve into these themes.
Empathy for Others' Spiritual Journeys: These individuals possess a natural empathy and understanding for the spiritual journeys of others. They are often sought after as spiritual guides and mentors due to their ability to provide encouragement and wisdom.
Sensitivity to Synchronicities and Signs: They have a heightened sensitivity to synchronicities, signs, and meaningful coincidences in their lives. They view these occurrences as guidance from the universe and are adept at interpreting their spiritual significance.
Seeking Wisdom & Diverse Spiritual Traditions: Jupiter in the 8th house individuals often explore a wide range of spiritual traditions and belief systems. They are open to learning from diverse sources and may synthesize their spiritual beliefs from various philosophies.
Generosity and Compassion in Spiritual Endeavors: Their expansive and benevolent nature often leads them to engage in acts of generosity and compassion as part of their spiritual practice. They may support charitable causes or engage in volunteer work to make a positive impact.
Challenges (the bad)
Excessive Idealism: Individuals with Jupiter in the 8th house may have a tendency to idealize spiritual concepts or teachers. This can lead to disillusionment when reality does not meet their high expectations.
Overindulgence in Spiritual Experiences: Their expansive nature may lead to overindulgence in spiritual experiences, such as excessive meditation or seeking out gurus and retreats. This can lead to imbalance and neglect of practical life and responsibilities.
Dogmatism and Self-Righteousness: They may become dogmatic in their spiritual beliefs and adopt a self-righteous attitude, believing that their spiritual path is the only correct one. This can lead to conflicts with others who have different beliefs.
Lack of Discernment: Their optimism and trust in others, when used in excess, may lead to a lack of discernment, making them vulnerable to manipulation or exploitation by unscrupulous spiritual figures.
Saturn in the 8th House (Sensitivity to Spiritual Discipline):
Saturn in the 8th house individuals have a sensitivity to spiritual discipline and the importance of structure in their spiritual pursuits. They may take a disciplined approach to their spiritual path.
Spiritual Experiences: These individuals often find spiritual growth through structured practices, such as meditation or rituals. They may seek to master their spiritual path through patience and commitment. The 8th house's transformative energy can lead to profound spiritual discipline and growth.
Disciplined Approach to Spiritual Growth: Individuals with Saturn in the 8th house approach their spiritual journey with discipline and dedication. They have a structured and methodical approach to personal growth and transformation, viewing spirituality as a path that requires commitment and effort.
Sensitivity to the Depth of the Psyche: Saturn's influence in the 8th house fosters a sensitivity to the deep layers of the psyche and the hidden aspects of the self.
Embracing the Challenges of Transformation: These individuals view challenges and obstacles as essential components of the transformational process. They are willing to face the darkest corners of their own psyche and explore the shadow aspects of existence with courage and perseverance.
Practical Application of Spiritual Insights: Their sensitivity extends to the practical application of spiritual insights in their daily lives. They are interested in integrating their spiritual beliefs into their actions and behaviors, striving for a harmonious alignment between their inner and outer worlds.
Resilience in the Face of Spiritual Challenges: These individuals possess a remarkable resilience when confronted with spiritual challenges and setbacks. They do not easily give up or become discouraged, viewing difficulties as opportunities for growth and learning.
Challenges (the bad)
Rigidity and Fear of Change: Those with Saturn in the 8th house may have a fear of change and a tendency to resist the transformative aspects of spirituality. They may be overly cautious and resistant to new spiritual experiences.
Rigorous Self-Judgment: Their critical nature can lead to rigorous self-judgment in spiritual practice. They may be harsh on themselves, believing they are not progressing fast enough or living up to their own expectations.
Fear of the Unknown: Their fear of the unknown and a desire for control can hinder them from embracing the mystical and unpredictable aspects of spirituality.
Spiritual Austerity: They may lean toward spiritual austerity, denying themselves joy and pleasure in the belief that the pain is necessary for spiritual growth. This can lead to a lack of balance and a sense of deprivation.
Uranus in the 8th House (Sensitivity to Spiritual Awakening):
Uranus in the 8th house suggests a sensitivity to spiritual awakening and a desire to break free from old patterns and limitations in the pursuit of higher consciousness.
Spiritual Experiences: Individuals with this placement may experience sudden spiritual awakenings that lead to radical shifts in their perception of reality. They may be open to unconventional spiritual practices and may explore innovative approaches to their spiritual journey.
Quest for Spiritual Liberation: Individuals with Uranus in the 8th house have a strong desire for spiritual liberation and freedom. They seek to break free from traditional or conventional spiritual beliefs and explore new, unconventional paths to enlightenment.
Sensitivity to Radical Transformation: Uranus's influence in the 8th house fosters a sensitivity to radical transformation. They are open to sudden and profound shifts in consciousness and may have experiences that shatter their old belief systems, leading to a redefinition of their spiritual identity.
Innovation in Spiritual Practices: These individuals are pioneers in the realm of spirituality, often embracing innovative and cutting-edge spiritual practices. They may explore technologies, alternative healing methods, or avant-garde spiritual philosophies in their quest for spiritual growth.
Sensitivity to Universal Consciousness: Their sensitivity extends to the interconnectedness of all beings and a sense of universal consciousness. They may have experiences of expanded awareness and interconnectedness that lead to a deep sense of unity with the cosmos.
Sensitivity to Paradigm Shifts: They have a heightened sensitivity to paradigm shifts and collective consciousness evolution. They may be at the forefront of societal changes and spiritual movements that challenge the status quo.
Embracing the Unconventional: These individuals are unafraid to explore unconventional and uncharted spiritual territories. They are drawn to the mysterious and the unexplained, seeking to push the boundaries of their spiritual understanding.
Sensitivity to Energetic Shifts: Their sensitivity allows them to perceive subtle energetic shifts and changes in their spiritual experiences. They may have intuitive insights into the energies at play in the spiritual realms.
Empathy for Outsiders: They possess empathy and understanding for outsiders and those who feel marginalized in conventional spiritual communities. Their open-mindedness makes them accepting of diverse spiritual paths and beliefs.
Challenges (the bad)
Restlessness in Spiritual Pursuits: Their restlessness and desire for freedom may result in a lack of commitment to any one spiritual path. They may flit from one spiritual practice to another without finding deep inner connection.
Inability to Ground Spiritual Insights: While they may have sudden and innovative spiritual insights, they may struggle to ground these insights in practical ways or integrate them into their daily lives.
Resistance to Structure: Uranus's resistance to structure may hinder their ability to establish a consistent spiritual practice, leading to sporadic or unconventional approaches to spirituality.
Challenges in Finding Stability: One challenge they may face is the need to find stability and grounding in their spiritual pursuits. Uranus's influence can sometimes lead to a sense of restlessness or a constant quest for the next spiritual breakthrough.
Neptune in the 8th House (Sensitivity to Mystical Connection):
Neptune in the 8th house signifies a sensitivity to mystical connection and the desire to merge with the divine and the spiritual realms.
Spiritual Experiences: These individuals often have profound mystical experiences that involve a sense of oneness with the universe. They may be drawn to spiritual practices that facilitate a deep connection with the divine and the unseen realms.
Intuitive Connection to the Unconscious: Individuals with Neptune in the 8th house have an innate and intuitive connection to the unconscious mind and the hidden realms of existence. They may possess heightened psychic abilities and a natural affinity for dream analysis and symbolism.
Mystical Experiences: Neptune's influence in the 8th house often leads to mystical experiences and encounters with the spirituality. They may have moments of profound spiritual insight and union with the universal consciousness, transcending ordinary reality.
Sensitivity to Spiritual Healing: These individuals are sensitive to the healing power of spirituality. They may explore alternative healing modalities, energy work, or holistic practices as part of their spiritual journey, often with a focus on emotional and soul-level healing.
Empathy and Compassion: Neptune in the 8th house fosters deep empathy and compassion for the suffering and struggles of others. They are drawn to service-oriented spiritual practices and may work in fields that involve supporting those in crisis or experiencing emotional challenges.
Dissolution of Boundaries: Their sensitivity extends to the dissolution of boundaries, both in the physical and spiritual realms. They may have a fluid sense of self and a capacity to merge with others on a spiritual or energetic level.
Artistic Expression of Spirituality: These individuals often find artistic and creative outlets for their spiritual insights. They may excel in music, visual arts, poetry, or other forms of artistic expression that convey the ethereal and transcendent aspects of spirituality.
Sensitivity to Spiritual Illusions: Neptune's influence can lead to sensitivity to spiritual illusions and the potential for self-deception. They may need to discern between genuine spiritual experiences and delusions or escapism.
Intuitive Guidance: They rely on intuitive guidance and inner knowing in their spiritual pursuits. They may trust their inner voice and intuition to lead them on their path, often making choices based on a deep sense of spiritual guidance.
Sensitivity to Collective Unconscious: These individuals are attuned to the collective unconscious and may have a deep understanding of archetypal symbolism and universal themes in spirituality. They can tap into the wisdom of the collective unconscious for spiritual insights.
Challenges (the bad)
Escapism Through Spirituality: Individuals with Neptune in the 8th house may be prone to using spirituality as a means of escaping from the challenges of reality. This can lead to a lack of grounding and practicality in their spiritual pursuits.
Illusions and Deception: Neptune's influence may lead to illusions, self-deception, or susceptibility to manipulation by charismatic but unscrupulous spiritual figures.
Difficulty in Discerning Reality: They may struggle to discern between genuine spiritual experiences and fantasies or delusions. This can lead to confusion and a lack of clarity in their spiritual journey.
Overidealization of Spiritual Teachers: They may overidealize spiritual teachers or gurus, placing them on pedestals and failing to recognize their flaws or unethical behavior.
Pluto in the 8th House (Sensitivity to Spiritual Transformation and Power):
Pluto in the 8th house indicates a sensitivity to spiritual transformation and the exploration of spiritual power and the unconscious mind.
Spiritual Experiences: Individuals with this placement may undergo intense spiritual transformations that lead to a deeper understanding of the hidden forces at play in the spiritual realm. They may seek to harness their spiritual power for personal and collective growth. The 8th house's transformative energy can lead to profound spiritual evolution and the exploration of the mysteries of existence.
Profound Spiritual Transformation: Individuals with Pluto in the 8th house undergo profound spiritual transformations throughout their lives. They are drawn to experiences and practices that lead to inner rebirth, often through the process of shedding old layers of the self.
Sensitivity to the Mysteries of Life and Death: Pluto's influence in the 8th house fosters a deep sensitivity to the mysteries of life, death, and rebirth. They have a fascination with these themes and seek to understand the cycles of existence on a profound level.
Sensitivity to Energetic Shifts: Their sensitivity extends to perceiving subtle energetic shifts and power dynamics in the spiritual realms. They may have a heightened ability to sense the energies at play in their own lives and the lives of others.
Spiritual Regeneration and Rebirth: Their spiritual path often involves cycles of regeneration and rebirth. They may experience moments of spiritual death and resurrection, leading to a deeper understanding of the eternal nature of the soul.
Sensitivity to Power and Control: They are highly attuned to power dynamics and issues of control, both within themselves and in the spiritual realms. They may be drawn to spiritual practices that empower them to overcome personal limitations and gain greater self-mastery.
Sensual and Mystical Spiritual Experiences: Pluto's influence can lead to sensual and mystical spiritual experiences. They may find that their spiritual encounters are deeply rooted in physical sensations and a sense of profound unity with the universe.
Exploration of the Unconscious Mind: These individuals are drawn to explore the depths of the unconscious mind and the hidden recesses of their own psyche. They may excel in psychology, psychotherapy, or depth-oriented spiritual practices.
Challenges (the bad)
Obsession with Control: Individuals with Pluto in the 8th house may become obsessed with control in their spiritual pursuits, seeking to manipulate spiritual energies or outcomes. This can lead to ethical dilemmas and power struggles.
Fear of Transformation: Paradoxically, their sensitivity to transformative energies may lead to a fear of personal transformation. They may resist letting go of old patterns and embrace change.
Attraction to Dark or Taboo Practices: Their fascination with the hidden and taboo may lead to an attraction to dark or potentially harmful spiritual practices. This can result in negative spiritual experiences and psychic wounds for them or others.
Involvement in Manipulative Spiritual Groups: Their deep desire for transformation may make them vulnerable to manipulation by spiritual groups or leaders who promise rapid change (be careful with this) but exploit their vulnerability.
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yourmoonie · 2 months
Hello, I want to change everyone and everything, including celebrities, all their pasts, all their souls, their essences, their consciousness, their minds, everything, with instant revision in the way I want, is it possible, how to do it in my current reality the way I want?
No one to CHANGE but SELF
🌙 "Change your conception of yourself, and you will automatically change the world in which you live. Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself, and they will confirm the change." - Neville Goddard
✨️ You are the only person in your reality who sees the world through your eyes (you see the world in your head, actually). If I tell you to try looking at your face without using any mirrors or reflective surfaces, would you be able to see your face? No, you can just stare ahead or look at another subject, but in your 4D, aka in your wonderful human imagination, you can see anything and recreate yourself and this world just the way you can imagine it.
Everything in this world is based on 2 things
👀 perception
👁 perspective (this also includes assumptions and theories)
Nothing in this world has a meaning on its own without your own awareness in your own reality.
🪐 You aren't changing anyone separately because "everyone is you pushed out", you are only changing your assumptions about yourself, this world, and the people around you.
🌙"See the world as nothing more than yourself pushed out and everything in it as aiding the birth of your imagination, for the behavior of the world relative to you determined by the concept you hold of yourself! It doesn’t really matter what your individual personal life is. The whole vast world is yourself pushed out, and everyone in it is there to aid the birth of all of your imaginal acts. Regardless of whether it takes one or one hundred thousand, everyone will play his part, and you don’t have to ask his permission for your world is animated by your own wonderful human imagination.” - Neville Goddard 🌙
🌌 You can also look into reality shifting and shift into a DR in which all of your desired things are a present fact OR live in the present moment and walk in this world knowing that it is a present fact for you
So if you want to ask "Is it possible? Yes it is 100% possible" it's now all about your inner belief system and ethical values.
Good luck, my moonlight, I believe in you
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bep1erfics · 1 year
zhanghao - stargazing 🌠🌌
synopsis: the guy who you met on the beach after sneaking out shone brighter than the stars.
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after being dragged to the road trip your parents had planned, you snuck out of the hotel room and went straight to the beach once the clock hit 12am.
you took your shoes off and ran like a maniac through the sand. after feeling restless, you took a seat on the ground and watched as the waves eased off in the distance .
finally, the scent of the ocean calmed your enraged self as you wished you were still in the comfort of your home. the subtle waves were melodic to your ears, it felt consoling. as it was midnight, nobody was on the beach.
or so you thought.
you opened your eyes and heard a yawn coming from the right side of your shoulder. quickly, you turned and glanced at the young man who was dosing off to sleep.
“hey, wake up. who are you?”
the young man opened his sleepless eyes and rubbed them to get a clearer view of you.
you could easily tell this boy had been here for a long time as the bags around his eyes were visible.
“i should be asking you that. i was here first, so mind your own business and leave me alone.”
the young man took a deep sigh and then walked approximately five steps away, sitting himself on the concrete block next to the stairs.
did you just piss this short-tempered guy off?
you kept glancing at the young man and finally mustered up the courage to apologise, even though you never said anything wrong.
walking to the young man, you started to lose track of where you were headed towards. you lost your balance and slipped near the concrete block. to your surprise, a strong pair of arms grabbed you tightly, placing you back on to your feet.
“idiot, how can you trip on sand?”
the boy grinned slightly and patted the empty space next to him, signalling you to sit down.
at that moment, you got lost in his eyes and forgot all about apologising. silently, your feet started to move and you sat next to the mysterious guy.
he gazed up at the sky and smiled sadly. why was he frowning?
“are you alright, what’s wrong?” you asked, curious to why he had a distressed look on his face.
“i wanted to pursue a career in music, but my parents think otherwise. why is it so hard to do what i love?”
the boy had frustration written all over his face. you weren’t good at comforting people, but how could you let him be alone on this cold night?
you both sat in silence as you eventually rubbed his back, trying to calm him down.
“what’s your name?”
the boy faced you. in his eyes, you could see and sense his sincerity.
“y/n. what’s yours?”
“zhanghao, but everyone calls me hao.”
“hao are you?”
you tried to make a joke to get rid of the awkwardness, but instead of laughing, zhanghao put his hands over his eyes, trying to contain his embarrassment.
he was pretty cute now that you looked at him up close. his hasty remarks earlier made you think he was quite cocky, but in reality he was a sweet guy.
“i’m sorry, that wasn’t quite funny, was it?”
zhanghao straightened himself up and smiled.
“to be completely honest, i think that if your parents don’t want to support your choices regarding your career, let them do whatever they want. if it makes your happy, do it for you and put yourself first.
zhanghao stares at you endearingly, making you blush.
suddenly, zhanghao stands up and pulls you towards the sand. his hands were holding yours, making your heart beat up and down.
“let’s watch the stars”
you both were laying down on the sand, losing track of time as your conversation went on for what seemed like days. stargazing with zhanghao made you realise maybe this weekend getaway wasn’t so bad after all.
that morning, you woke up completely covered in sand, embracing the stranger you met on the beach.
zhanghao’s coat was draped around your shoulders. once your realised, you could feel your cheeks burning up.
you exchanged numbers and parted ways. during the drive back home, your parents were screaming at you, but all you could think about was zhanghao.
just as your mom was yelling at the top of her lungs, you get a text from zhanghao.
“could we perhaps grab a bite later? i’ll come pick you up ❤️”
from then on, the boy on the beach became infatuated with you. he was the boost of serotonin and you were the medicine that mended all his problems.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
I'm fixating over a character I haven't properly introduced so - Marshmallow Milk Hcs
🌌 The youngest of the hybrids and the owner of the only candy store in town, Marlow is a gentle cow with their head in the clouds and sight set on the stars, speaking of dreams of course. Marlow sleeps the day and night away, relying on the trust of strangers to run their shop. They'll come back every now and to check up on friends and spend time with their dear Coco. While they do love the drink, you're what completes them. They wouldn't give up a moment with you for anything in the world. Not even the perfect dream where the two of you are happily married and ruining the shop together. They hope one day that dream can become a reality.
🌌 Marlow is a different breed to their fellow hybrids. Rather than being made of flesh and blood, their body is almost entirely made of marshmallow fluff. It's the perfect topping for a nice cup of hot chocolate or a fresh cake. There was a slight mix up in production as they're missing their right leg, but they had a prosthetic made for them by that nice cow who runs the junk yard. Marshmallow tends to misplace it as odd as that may seem. They get so absent-minded they'd have trouble keeping track of their things even if they were glued to their own two hands. Once, their leg ended up on at your front door without them. How strange is that? Oh wait - they fell asleep in the brush. Since you're waking them, maybe you can help them find other things they lost. They'd ask you to find their heart but that's already in your hands.
🌌 Coco is their go to nickname, but they also call you squish/squishy. It's fun to poke your cheeks and sizes. So soft and squishy just like a marshmallow
🌌 Marlow has a vocal habit of drawing out their words and has a lisps after drinking warm beverages due to the state of their body. "Gooood Morning, Coco~" "Did you have a good night's sweep?" "I wuuuuv you." "Don't go."
🌌They have difficulty telling dreams from reality. It's hard not to with how often they doze off and how vivid their dreams feel. Just like week they had a dream about that tourist visiting town asking you out on a date. The knife in their heart when you said yes felt so real they woke right up and ran over to your house. You informed them that tourist apparently left that afternoon and had done no such thing. Silly Marlow. They wished you a good night and went back home to fall asleep after a nice bath. Their hands were so sticky for some reason
🌌To call Marlow a sleepwalker is an understatement. They can whip up an entire bath or fudge squares and hold an hour long conversation before anyone realizes they're snoring between each word. It's even harder to tell when they're awake or not as they never open their eyes. Their sleep walking has resulted in some odd behaviors such as breaking into your home to leave the treats they sleep bake for on your pillows, following you around stopping only once they're in your bed, and accident confessions. Good thing they're just sleeping though. Marlow doesn't remember a single thing they've done while sleep walking, but sometimes they'll mention still being tired afterwards.
🌌Overall, if you're looking for a low maintenance partner who loves naps and baking Marlow is your best choice. Take a break from the troubles of life and lay on the floor with them, watching the ceiling of glow in the dark stares at you waste the day away in each other's arms. If you have trouble sleeping just take a bite of the sweets they make for that very reason. Marlow's dream pops sell out quick, but they keep one in their pocket for you whenever you're feeling down or have too much energy for your own good. This way, you might even see each other while you're sleeping. They're always watching - one way or another.
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deedala · 6 months
🚑✨Weekly Tag Wednesday🪄💫
Hello Wednesday friends! I hope you don't mind but I decided to be CrEaTiVe and try something different today. I hope it's okay!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🚑💨 Get in bitch, we're going on a mystical adventure through space, time, and reality. (in ian and mickey's ambulance of course) ✨ Name: Deanna🌱
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio♏
Personality type in enneagram, myers-briggs, or both: 2w1 and INFP 🌊
Before we hit the road, what snack are you gonna bring for our trip? popcorn!🍿
Navigator gets to pick the music so what song are you turning on? i believe in a thing called love by the darkness to get us PUMPED 🎶💥 What is a universe from a fantasy tv show you would like to visit? Pushing Daisies 🌼 it is so pretty and aesthetic i wanna eat some of ned's pie!!
And what about a fantasy movie? is it cheating to say the warcraft movie? (i ask myself in my own tag game) 😆 i wanna wander around stormwind and darnassus and ironforge and actually you know what im going on a whole gd tour of all three continents
Okay, how about a scifi tv show? ok since we're only visiting and not staying forever...The Expanse so i can ride in a space ship and explore the space stations🌌
And a scifi movie universe? i would like to go play around in the Valerian (2017) universe please that movie was so pretty 🚀
Any other tv show or movie universes you'd like to swing by before we move on? gosh...ok we gotta do a star trek. i think i wanna go to picard era star trek, good era, cool looking shit 🌠
Okay hold on to your butts we're switching gears to fanfic universes. Tell me which fanfic universe we're visiting first? i wanna visit cooperative gameplay by grayola universe so i can go watch all of mick milk and ians youtube videos 😆 📺
Cool, do you have one more you'd like to stop at before we head home? taking a hard left turn into dragon age land but the modern thedas in message sent by aicosu would be extremely cool to visit i think 🧝‍♀️🤳
Alright, on our way out of fanfic land you get to snag some tropes to bring home and apply to your own life, think fast! soulmates or enemies to lovers // coffee shop or flower shop // fake relationship or slow burn // amnesia or time loop // body swap or miscommunication // love triangle or arranged marriage // sharing a bed or drunken confession
Wow okay, hope those tropes work out for you!! Our adventure has finally come to an end, where in the world am I dropping you off? i dont live there anymore but please dump me in seattle thanks 🗻
and now to tag some nuggets to try out this game if you wanna @michellemisfit @too-schoolforcool @darlingian @heymrspatel @jrooc @mybrainismelted @suchagallabitch @sam-loves-seb @mmmichyyy @gardenerian @juliakayyy @sleepyfacetoughguy @gallawitchxx @lingy910y @sickness-health-all-that-shit @callivich @auds-and-evens @tsuga-of-mars @mickeysgaymom @crossmydna @tanktopgallavich @gofionaonthem @palepinkgoat @transmickey @rereadanon @sirrudo @creepkinginc @thepupperino @metalheadmickey @suzy-queued @grossmickey @ardent-fox @mikhailoisbaby @energievie @7x10mickey @vintagelacerosette @purplemagpie and you whoever wants to play here is you -> @💟
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leggerefiore · 7 months
Bad Dreams
cw: nightmares, slight fluff at the end, darkrai cyrus
pairing: Cyrus/Reader
first of the spooky time fics, have a nightmare man
The darkness was consuming.
Nothing seemed to exist here outside of yourself.
It was cold, oppressive, and haunting.
The vast expanse of nothing treaded on forever and forever. No matter how far your feet carried you, the darkness never ceased. There was only a sense of nothingness for an eternity. You could not escape this pitch blackness, no matter how desperate your attempts. The void was all that remained.
Then, you finally woke up.
You were in your room. All the same as you remembered it. Everything around in order and the exact place you had left it. A hand was firmly on your shoulder. You looked up to see someone… You felt unsure as their face was unclear, but you knew them. They were a friend, maybe a family member. Their eyes stared into your own. Something was wrong. They were empty, distant – not quite there. A neutral pull was on their lips as they suddenly pushed you back into the sheets of your bed.
“Stay… Stay here forever,” they spoke quietly yet with a vacant tone, “With me… Please…”
You wanted to scream and shoved them off, but the minute you tried, everything faded once again to the void of nothingness. It was hard to tell which place was worse, honestly. A nightmarish reality or a lack of anything. The urge to curl up and cry was nearly all consuming.
Yet, before you could, something shifted.
A single bright blue eye pierced through the darkness. It landed on you, much too similar to the odd amalgamation of familiar faces had. “Awaken,” a deep voice suddenly spoke.
With that, the nightmare faded.
Hovering over your bed, you saw a man with an unreadable expression. A red scarf laid around his neck, with a dark coat sitting upon his shoulders. You failed to see his legs. “Consider this a kindness,” he spoke sternly. With that, he seemingly faded into the dark shadows of your room, like he had never been there to begin with.
Despite both your racing mind and pulse, you needed to know more.
What had you just experienced?
Many had told you it was simply a nightmare. A confusing one that somehow had bled into your moments after awakening. The man… You noted his features as well as you could in dim lighting. Blue hair, spiked up in a distinct style, with similarly coloured eyes. It was during this near maddening search, which brought you to strange discussions about the occult and otherwise eerie myths, that you found any answers.
His words haunted you. Consider this a kindness… Letting you awaken? What had he planned? You shuddered at the thought. Had he intended to lock you in that endless void? Why? More answers you needed so desperately.
It was what brought you to a strange group within the region of Sinnoh. They were odd and dressed similarly. You opted not to question their choice in clothing, but rather the information they may hold. Their heads were an odd mix of people, all of whom had dedicated themselves to Darkrai. When you told them of your nightmare, the red-headed one gasped. The blue-haired one shook his head and gave a scrutinising look. It seemed unsure whether they believed you or not.
When you further describe the man after the dream, their doubts appeared to fade. Instead, you were bombarded with questions and demanded to give further details about what you witnessed and felt. It was odd how truly obsessed they seemed to be with the Pitch-Black Pokemon. All three of the heads were obviously utterly enamoured with the creature to an unsettling degree. You shuddered.
Leaving them alone after that as they were likely more trouble than the information could provide, you sought out local legends and folk tales from around the port city that seemed to have many rumours about it. You searched around desperately for any answer. A sailor spoke of his being ravaged with nightmares and unable to awaken until a strange woman appeared to gift them with a feather that ended the fitful rest, yet that was irrelevant to your search it seemed.
It was not until you received a strange card from a desperate man that you found yourself closer to an answer. An inn was where the thing seemed to belong to, allowing you entry to a small room. A man stood, greeted you and saw you to your bed. Somehow, you found yourself crawling under the covers and willing yourself to sleep.
You startled awake on a patch of grass. The smell of sea hung in the air, and the nearby crashing of waves echoed in the air. You shivered as you stared up at the darkened sky. There was no moon to shine above the endlessly twinkling of stars throughout the countless galaxies above. You turned to see a familiar figure standing above you ominously. His gaze was harsh.
“... Why have you come here?” he asked firmly. You felt hysteric. There he was once more. Darkrai. Nothing about him had changed. Scrambling to your feet, you stared at him. Why had you come here? For answers? For clarity? How did you get here? You shook your head.
The strange amalgamation of people from your dream entered your mind. The intensity of his cult, desperate to see him. The obvious hidden location you were in, far away from other people.
“Are you lonely?” you asked him with a tilt of your head. He was terrifying, a being that could will anyone into slumber and haunt them with horror flying visions until they perished. Yet, he would not do that. Everything pointed to the opposite.
He was taken a back, moving a step back from you. “How foolish…” he mumbled, “I gave you a kindness to awaken, and then you chase after me to risk falling back in.” You smiled at him.
“I doubt you want anyone to suffer,” you placed a firm hand on his shoulder, surprising him more, “But you shouldn't suffer either. I'll stay with you.” His eyes went wide, their eerie ethereal glow shimmering within the darkness of the night.
A distinct, unwanted feeling entered the legendary's head that he would not so easily get rid of you.
You sighed as you watched the ocean foam fizzle against the rocky sides of the island. The sun was bright in the sky. Groceries were a pain to get out to the island, but the alternative of starving did not sound much more pleasant. Plus, it was good to see other humans now and again, and Cyrus did need his alone time.
Darkrai's name, a human name, was Cyrus. You always found irony in the pokemon of the new moon having a name associated with the sun. You supposed he could be quite consuming like it, though. You stepped off the ship and onto the island proper while waving off the sailor who saw you safely there. The place was eerily quiet, as usual. Nothing else dared live here, after all. Maybe a rare Wingull, but they did not stay long.
You entered the clearing of trees and saw your small camp set up with a smile. Plans for a house were being debated, but until then, you had settled for a nice tent and anything that could run off a generator. Cyrus was knelt down and apparently tinkering with said generator, actually. You sighed. He had a mechanical fascination.
“I'm back,” you declared while placing the bags within the tent. He barely gave a reaction. Walking over to him, you wrapped your arms around his torso and repeated yourself. His eyes darted to you.
“I heard you the first time,” the dark-type replied, “Please, let me go. I am in the middle of something and don't want you to get shocked.” You begrudgingly let him go. Well, not before you pecked a kiss on his shoulder. It was a bit weird dating him, you supposed. Not bad at all, just odd. Getting him to even agree had been difficult, but your persistence always seemed to win out in the end.
“My Cy does love me,” you teased him lightly while sitting in the chair you brought out, “He doesn't want me to get harmed. How sweet.” Cyrus turned to face you with an unamused expression.
“I could trap you within a nightmare again.”
“You won't.”
He sighed.
You were right.
He would not. Unfortunately, you truly had left an impression on him. His self-imposed isolation was brought to an end by your unyielding hands, and now he had unfortunately become charmed by you.
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kkoumiii · 10 months
❁ 𝐁𝐚𝐞 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐛 | 배제이콥⎾𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚⏌*:・゚✧*:・゚
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/!\ Friendly reminder that my readings should not be taken at face value, I do not claim to hold the truth and I do not mean any harm to this idol, my readings are only for entertainment purposes. /!\
🌌 𝗕.𝗢.𝗬 (𝗕𝗲𝘁 𝗢𝗻 𝗬𝗼𝘂) - 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖡𝖮𝖸𝖹 🌌
1:02 ───ㅇ───── 2:40
⊱ ᴊᴀᴄᴏʙ's ϙᴜᴀʟɪᴛɪᴇs ⊰
• Hedonist (Light attribute) | Knight of Swords | Ace of Wands | Leo ~ I will •
- When he has something in mind, he’s determined to do it and works hard to achieve his goals
- This man is CHILL. He’s definitely not the type to get into drama just for fun or be hotheaded
- Still, he has a lot of pride, and he’s slowly gaining more confidence
- This is no surprise that Jacob is generous, reliable, kind, and has a big heart. But what else could we expect from the angel of The Boyz? Soft energy kind of boy  
- He is not hard to satisfy, he is pretty much up to everything. You want to go for a walk? He’s cool with it. Want to have a picnic? Sure, let’s go. Wanna go to a fancy restaurant? He will gladly join you. Whether it is simple or high society activities, he doesn’t mind if he is with someone he appreciates
- Secrets keeper
- Jacob is creative and has an eye for beauty. He tends to have his head in the clouds since his imagination is running high
- He likes and needs new projects to stay on track and remain motivated
- He enjoys getting attention but won’t fight for the spotlight
- Opportunist, he’s up to challenge but within reason, he will get cold feet if it’s too much out of his comfort zone
- Sometimes, Jacob seems to see only people’s good side since he focuses more on their potential and idealizes them
- Yet somehow, he remains realistic, probably because he is aware of this tendency and his own limits. I can interpret this as him being very tolerant and kind to people, but if it goes too far and someone tries to take advantage of him, he won't let it slide anymore. Though, I feel like the issue has to go to great lengths for him to act upon it.
⊱ ᴊᴀᴄᴏʙ's ғᴀᴜʟᴛs ⊰
• Poet (Light attribute) | The Moon | Fifth House ~ Creativity •
- This boy tends to avoid daily boring tasks and reality in general terms; he needs to be brought back down to earth from time to time since he’s often lost in his thoughts
- Related to what I said earlier, he tends to be delusional and turns a blind eye to most of the mistakes people do, especially those he holds close to his heart
- He is probably also a bit gullible and manipulable, and sadly some people use this to their advantage. This is disconcerting since I feel like he is aware of all of this, but he still lets it slide
- Basically, he lacks discernment and is too idealistic
- He isn’t always taken seriously because he seems to be always portrayed as this kind, chill, and friendly man, but no one expects him to also be annoyed, angry, or stand his ground sometimes
- Which leads him to often be taken for granted
- The thing is, he seems to reject emotions or feelings he deems as negative, which feeds this image of him always being kind and sweet. It feels like he always has to play a role to match what people expect from him
- And sometimes he is oblivious to people’s true motives
- After all, maybe he acts this way to protect himself from conflicts and problems. But I think he is slowly but surely learning to stand up for himself and not let other people walk all over him.  
⊱ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ϙᴜᴀʟɪᴛɪᴇs ᴅᴏᴇs ʜᴇ ᴀᴅᴍɪʀᴇ? ⊰
• Storyteller (Shadow attribute) | Beggar (Light attribute) | Networker (Shadow attribute) | The Hanged Man | Uranus ~ Genius •
The first words that came to my mind with these cards were authentic, thoughtful, patient, and resourceful. Basically, people who are naturally more withdrawn, don’t overshare, and keep their progress to themselves feel more reliable to Jacob. He appreciates people who truly do what they say and do not wait for approval since they will do everything in their own way anyway. Still, someone adaptable who is not afraid of change and can put things into perspective seems essential to him. Jacob is also inspired by resilient people who take time to work on their shadow side and do not rush to change the course of events because they wait wisely for the right time to make a move. Very important as well: someone who does not talk just for the sake of talking. He admires well-educated and cultivated people but boasting about it would be a major turn-off.
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I'm in awe of this gif, his smile is everything 🥰 Lots of love xx
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serenityreikiclinic · 24 days
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🌟 9-Step Unconventional Guide to Manifesting with the Law of Attraction 🌟
1️⃣ Embrace Cosmic Collaboration: Work your magic with the stars! Consult astrology for the best times to manifest for your sign. Be sure to avoid manifesting around any eclipse, as it could go wonky!
2️⃣ Craft a Manifestation Mandala: Dive into the realm of sacred geometry and create a manifestation mandala infused with your intentions. Let the symmetrical patterns and vibrant colors activate the Law of Attraction on a visual level.
3️⃣ Harness Elemental Energies: Connect with the elemental forces of nature to supercharge your manifestations. Dance with fire, meditate by water, commune with the earth, and see yourself soaring through the air to harmonize with the natural flow of abundance.
4️⃣ Activate Your Inner Alchemist: Channel your inner alchemist and transmute limiting beliefs into empowering affirmations. Turn doubt into determination, fear into faith, and scarcity into abundance with the power of your thoughts. Write out your negative thoughts and safely burn the paper. Bury the ash to be transmuted by the earth!
5️⃣ Invoke Spirit Guides: Enlist the guidance of your spirit guides, angels, or ancestors to assist you on your manifesting journey. Create an altar, light a candle, and invite their wisdom and support into your manifestations. Ask for signs you are on the right track and open to receiving.
6️⃣ Dance Your Desires into Reality: Shake up the energy and dance your desires into existence. Move your body, shake off stagnant vibes, and let the rhythm of the universe sync with your intentions as you hold your focus and dance.
7️⃣ Channel Creativity: Tap into your creative flow and express your desires through art, music, or writing. Let your creativity be the conduit through which your manifestations manifest, infusing your creations with intention and magic.
8️⃣ Practice Quantum Jumping: Explore the quantum realm and shift into parallel realities where your desires are already a reality. Use visualization techniques to quantum jump into the version of yourself living your dream life.
9️⃣ Embrace Surrendered Action: Release the need for forceful action and instead embrace surrendered action. Trust in the divine timing of the universe and allow inspired actions to flow effortlessly toward your manifestations.
Manifesting with the Law of Attraction is an ever-evolving journey of exploration and experimentation. Dare to think outside the box, infuse your practice with creativity, and watch as the universe conspires to bring your dreams to life! ✨🔮
Feel free to share this post with fellow cosmic creators and ignite the spark of unconventional manifesting in their lives! 🌌🚀
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currently sad abt how paldea just has No culture
long post ahead i rambled longer than i expected
like ive been replaying gen 7 and like. the regional identity and theme is so strong??? the island deitys, the overhauling of traditional progression, the clear messages of friendship and family, kindness, nature, etc. and even between different towns, theres the tourist downtown strip, malie which has been built by those who immigrated from Johto, fuckin PO TOWN. but dont even get me STARTED on how powerful team skull is, being hoodlums of teens forgotten and ignored by the world now rejecting the island challenge and everything it stands for in pursuit of finding their own family with the other team skull members.
what does paldea have. they all need cyclizars to get around this obscenely way too large map or taxi money to go in a cab lofted by parrots because theres seemingly no other ways to get around. also the citys are based off those in spain and like. they type of gym leader there but ultimately have next to no individual flavor. nobody talks to you about the towns or world, the overarching theme of the game is "treasure" which is already dumb but also barely feels present beyond everything you do, the "evil" team is interesting but ultimately a self contained plot point that basically only hinges around the school, noone talks about team star outside of their specific scenes or the intro sequence. theres no god tier legendaries the people respect and look up to, nobody talks about the world at best people talk about that rich school thats so important for Some Reason and yet we still know so little concretely about it and. ARGH.
this game has such good plots and stories but ultimately despite supposedly being open world, the world doesn't EXIST. the people here dont have any serious beliefs or culture, they just talk about battles and sandwiches i guess.
Like, compare this to Every other game in the series. Kanto was. kanto. but like, even then lavender town and some other locations give more character to the graveyardless (DESPITE HAVING A GRAVESTONE POKEMON) Paldea. even while less cohesive, Johto is astonishingly rich even this early on, Hoenn has connection between people and Pokemon, sinnoh has. so much i love sinnoh even tho its a bit weaker imo but still has belief in good versus nihilism with Cyrus, with several towns having their own flavors, unova was unova yall already know its better, gen 6 region name even bests paldea with having beauty of life as a theme, alola i talked about, galar i never played nor got invested in but i feel like its better than PALDEA.
i say this as someone with 200+ hours in this game. i hate how little real identity it has. the fact that this main entry thats actually proud of itself is better than xy-KALOS IT'S KALOS. the fact that this does better than goddamn kalos in generation six, year of the "we got scared of regional identity and were dealing with a lot right now, we put gen 1 in here to appeal to the genwunners pls enjoy and buy game. also we're too scared to even do a pokemon Z. please dont pay attention to anything new this game brought to the series pllllssss" is ASTONISHING. FOR A SUPPOSED OPEN WORLD GAME!
and NO! scarlet and violet are not "open world" games. Theres no world to explore, theres no extra things you Get for exploring, theres nothing to see that doesn't look like Plastic, there is still an intended progression order you need to follow to even have a shot at enjoying the battles, theres no extra stories you get for exploring, no extra cities, noone who talks about anything interesting, nothing. The world exists only as a map you use your sandwich dragon to get across. Which, it's UNNECESSARILY MASSIVE. there is NO reason for the map to be this large.
BECAUSE THERE'S NO CULTURE OR IDENTITY THE OPEN WORLD FEELING SUFFERS. you dont get anything for going out of your way and exploring the world at hand, you just get like, scattered XP candies and berries or an HM or two. a couple trainer battles with generic dialogue. In a good open world, there are sidequests in various locations, that give you something about the world and offer a unique task. A random trainer at the bottom of a cliff is charming but... Why cant we help???!
Also, I'm not talking about DLC. Glimmerazzi, ogre ousting, the absolute dogshit BBQ situation are all interesting but I'm not paying Another 30$ for a finished game and also most of that has nothing to Do with paldea so cope. I will say though that the base game needed more glimmerazzi or perrin's pokemon snap quest. Like, being given the opportunity to do something that doesn't tie back in the story, just being there to do aside from the story.
anyways this post is a mess im so aurgh about this game ok. i love it and i want to see it be better. i keep trying to think about the characters in the world itself but paldea just has. Nothing!!! there's nothing we learn about them and it's so frustrating bc i Want to see that!!! and yet there's just. Nothing.
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phoenixradiant · 30 days
For the recently created universe Ask game
🌌 Galaxy - Rant to me.
Alright! Two topics come to mind to rant on, but I think I'm gonna stick to talking about Cellic, and how desperate and broken I made him. I'm not going to talk about how I fixed him again either, because that would be way too long. It's essay-length as it is.
Cellic is introduced as a compassionate person. A hard man, yes, but a compassionate one. His entire life up until the story starts has been filled with self-sacrifice. First his family, then his friends, and now his kingdom and Alador as a whole have come to rely on his strength and goodwill. He was slaving away to provide for his brothers even as a cripple, because he couldn't bring himself to rely on nearby families who had also fallen on tough times. He helped Maiph get through the sudden loss of her parents, and helped Randar's father get back on his feet after his son's murder shocked him out of drunkenness. He's stubborn as anything, and sometimes a real pain to get along with, but in the words of his king, Falder Faldarin, he's "a good man, inasmuch as those two words can be reconciled." He doesn't think of himself as having problems, but everything good and bad about him can be summed up in his two greatest desires: To be strong enough to protect those he loves and bring justice to a broken world. His selflessness is not the issue, but the manner in which he goes about it. He blindly assumes that if he were just stronger, he could make everything all right. You'll see why this matters in a moment, but Cellic is ernest and devoted to a fault.
And because I needed a plot, I took everything away from him. Everything. He lost both his parents, a sister, and an older brother figure as backstory, yes, but then he joins the Deathguard. And he makes friends, friends who think like him, friends with honor like his and fervor like his, and he watches them die, and the ones who don't die, he watches scream and writhe and burn with a searing pain that never ends as their blood is drained and used for profane rituals, and he feels the same, and even once they escape, he watches them die on the inside. They are all dangerously close to believing the words whispered by their captors: "mankind are monsters, nothing is sacrosanct, nothing is whole." And while acting as the anchor for people back home, he also has to be his compatriots' hold on reality. He reminds them about the ideals they fought for, and he is, outwardly, everything they want to be. Stalwart, and violently whole, even through horror and pain. And then Illenfold. One of his friends is betrayed by her own flesh and blood, who raises an army to selfishly claim what is rightfully hers. And still, Cellic stands, a bastion of justice, and peace, even as he wages war and spills blood.
At this point, I think every character in Cellic's "supporting cast profiles" but one, King Faldarin, has their hope in Cellic. Farric and Lettic hope in his justice to make the world a better place and to keep them safe, and they hope in his job to make enough money to keep them afloat. Maiph hopes in his tenacity and strength, that she won't lose him forever like she's lost everyone else who loved her. Anesaru and Relpier hope in his hope, they need him to prove that men can be more than monsters, that there is real good in the world. Sizen hopes that he can keep Anesaru and Relpier sane (Sizen's Saru's bodyguard, so his entire purpose in life is just to keep her safe). Cellic has a lot riding on his shoulders, and to him, that's normal. To him, that's right, that's who he is. His parents, and his role model Randar, all told him that since he's more capable than others that he has a greater responsibility than others, which was correct and they themselves practiced, but he interpreted it to mean he had to bear the weight of the world. Being selfless is all well and good, but it won't be long until that weight comes crashing down around him. Because he does the unthinkable: he loses himself.
Cellic kills someone. Two people actually. He had plausible deniability, there was a case to be made that they were a threat to peace in Alador (according to the information he had been given), but he enjoyed it, and it sickens him. Up until that point, he'd killed, but he'd never really murdered anyone. He can't face himself, he rejects himself, and for two months he drops off the face of the earth. Part of that self-rejection is the destruction of everything he had connecting him to his old life, including a gemstone that allowed him to communicate with Maiph. When it breaks, so does hers, and she, Farric, and Lettic all fly off the rails in various different ways. They all think he's dead, and start unraveling almost immediately. When he doesn't come back from a mission, Anesaru and Relpier lose hope, and the actions they take out of desperation turn them into major antagonists. Sizen and Falder remain mostly sane, but they're worried about the way Alador is spinning out of control, which Queen Anesaru's mental state is not helping.
In the two months while all this is happening, Cellic just snaps. He starts killing people left and right, at first he tries to justify it by killing only criminals and soldiers of whoever his hallucinations decide is the "enemy" that day, but eventually he's murdering anyone he happens across while wandering out in the middle of nowhere. He's usually sane enough to know that the people he sees are often mere hallucinations, but he also does have the ability to see ghosts and the voice of an evil god in his head (picked up as a result of the torture and blood magic), so he's never entirely sure, so sometimes he kills people thinking they're illusory. He's definitely killed some people he knew were people though.
And finally, after plot happens, he's forced to confront the monster he's become, and he can't. He doesn't think that there is nothing sacrosanct, nothing whole, but he now knows that men are monsters, and he decides there's nothing worth living for, that continuing to live will only mean destroying everything he holds dear. The only problem is that his death would destroy the people he holds dear, and so, hopeless but unwilling to vanquish the hope of others, he survives without living, doing everything he can to keep those he loves from clinging to him so that when he's dragged into damnation they won't follow. And he spends Act II and part of Act III this way. I broke the guy, and I feel bad about it, I think because who he was before (though not to the extent as the person he will be after) is exactly the kind of person I would like to be. Who Cellic becomes is unquestionably the better man, but who he was before was so close to being that man, and in watching him fall so far in between the two, it almost feels like, as the author, I'm destroying a bit of my own soul. And painful though it may be, it's also glorious.
So that's my rant. It's... very long. You did ask, though, so I hope its length was to your liking!
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toadstool32 · 9 months
🛡: Who’s the more protective one?
karamatsu my knight in shining armour <3 he does the posturing and the bad boy ill protect you !!!thing but in reality darling holds his hand and redirections him whenever hes about to do something dangerous like walk in front of upcoming traffic or someone who is about to scam him bc hes kinda naive, so if you ask them the answer would be kara bc darling is p small n would probs lose any kind of fight, but darling tends to make ppl either go away or just straight up makes it a looney toons situation n gets them out of trouble just by avoiding conflict lol
🌌: What was your first date like?
answered here! but thats a not like a true date so maybe for a real date where they both know and have confessed to eachother maybe it would be like a homemade dinner date..... or a picnic maybe.....waugh they would both bring eachother flowers, im sick
💕: Who’s the clingier one in the relationship?
KARAMATSU %100 darling tries to not be weird and glingy but tends to match karas energy so as soon as he stops trying to make darling make the first move they just are inseparable oucghgs h like... he would drop hints for darling to hold his hand but darling would like, not get the hint and as soon as they both get over this dog and cat dialogue then they truly are both, the clingiest. im gonna gnaw on my arm like a trapped coyote
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talkingharrystyles · 2 years
“I notice that lying bitch 🌌 has disappeared too.”
🌌 Awh, come on! You’re making this too easy for me.
You must be, somewhat, smart to construct an insult much better than that.
I do understand stupidity is your constant companion, but only elementary kids say “lying bitch” nowadays.
What’s next? You’re going to refuse me a glittered coated invite to your pool party?
Not allow me to sit at the lunch table, while you keep Harry hostage?
Plagiarize a more articulate insult, girl.
You sounded more stupider than you try to pretend you are not.
Nevertheless, I must not be that much of a “lying bitch” for my presence to hold such a profound impact in your thoughts, as YOU specifically remembered and named ME of all the other anons who have shared the same or, even, more exposing posts.
In fact… I must be so correct that it terrified you to close your inbox, thinking it’ll avoid me from confronting you.
Because of your cowardice, this public humiliation of you in front of a public audience is entirely of your own doing.
What triggered you, girl? Was it the destruction of your fantasies? The suggestion to make it through a Dr. Seuss book?
Perhaps, it was reality that you WILL NOT be the one whom “King Harry” will seek to “orally pleasure”, as you fantasy and reblog daily, in order, to compensate for that lack of attention you receive.
That’s not a MINE problem.
That’s a result of YOU, which you secretly know.
No man is going to tolerate some bitter, little girl who demands that the world is given to her simply because… exactly what are you contributing to society, again?
You are the sole reason as to why people can barely tolerate the sight of you.
Your “friends” tolerate you, as misery loves company and, most often, your face is deeply up in their asses with all the ass kissing you do to bribe them to stomach you.
Your parent(s) tolerate you, since they’re morally bounded to you, and have better dignity than the little you possess.
Even for the men whom you have weakly tried imprisoning with your “impressive head game” and other sex “tricks” they, ALL, tired of you and found you insufferable, suffocating, and unbelievably insane.
As for Harry… considering that you truthfully buy his merchandise, his tolerance of you is simply an indirect result of purchased services.
Lastly…. grammatically correct would had been to write, “I notice(d) that the lying bitch 🌌 has disappeared too”.
It was illiterate to combine both the past and present tenses together in a sentence, as was your absence of the definite article “the” preluding a specific noun.
For your insanity to have convinced you that Harry, someone who is known for correcting erroneous grammar, would willingly want to spend time around someone who talks like middle school boy, and whose weak and pathetic vagina and mouth has barely kept any man interested in her, truly redefines delusional.
Perhaps you should start visiting your local health clinic, though?
Clearly your vagina, and mouth, are the only two currencies that you’re going to be using to make it through in life.
No person, not even Harry, is wanting to inhale the funk of a swamp that predates the Civil War, and could be used as chemical warfare.
Then again; the lack of relationships in your life has already proven this to be factually true.
For future shippers, and burner accounts from Olivia’s team… you saw how easily it was for Brian to unmask Deuxmerde’s identities.
The few Olivia and Co. accounts that have been found were not that difficult to track down, as your stealth tactics are child’s play.
You all are more than welcomed to step up to the plate of dissenting opinions, but do be mindful: do not to let your mouths write checks your asses are not ready to cash.
Best believe myself and others will be going to the banks, and CEOs of those asses by the end of our posts.
For everyone else in regards to the last week content: damage control is the name of the game. Desperation of the end, as well.
If Harry wanted to- He WOULD.
If Harry could- He WOULD.
I wrote it weeks before Howard Stern, and will write it again- Harry deems Olivia nothing more than a contractual obligation, and will only acknowledge her within the parameters of business/work.
HE corrected the context in which she was originally posed as from “romance/love” to “work/director”.
Like, damn. If that was not publicly humiliating for someone who has devoted the last year and a half forcing herself to be publicly believed to be someone he is romantically involved with… I don’t know what was.
Perhaps, that is the reason for Olivia’s swollen and distorted face lately? Yes it’s a result of cheap cosmetic procedures, but it’s mainly the scorch of being publicly burned in the worse form.
I’m not going to criticize her stomach, as she did carry two kids. It’s looseness is a culmination of aging, health neglect, and post pregnancy. She most likely is, however, exploiting it to hype up pregnancy rumors. You want to know how Harry would act if she was pregnant? How did he react during every other personal milestone in life?
Right. He didn’t publicize it until AFTER it happened. Same with whenever he decides to start having children of his own. The public won’t know ANYTHING until HE releases an official statement.
No amount of pap walks, “fan sightings”, aimless walks (Seriously: What are you two always walking towards? Are they on a hunt to relocate the pieces of Olivia’s sanity, intelligence, and self worth she lost last year before fall comes?) blinds, coordinated outfits, orchestrated family affectionate moments, couple “vacations”, liking sprees, and all other desperation tactics will ever fix what “Olivia’s boy toy” did last week.
Or on Valentines Day.
Or on her birthdays. Those WERE NOT the floral arrangements that Harry is known to customize for romantic partners. Even close associates. That looked like some tasteless arrangement that screamed, “I’m desperate for romance!”
When Harry’s presence should and would had counted to be seen, he was always “conveniently unavailable” to make an appearance.
Like damn. Holivia isn’t just the circus. They’re the circus, the horror show, the parody of romance, and the self help guide on what not to do, if you want to sell a convincing storyline to the public.
Harry who is known to have fed the homeless, watch strangers’ pets, fit the bill for people who mistreated him, over-generously tip servers, treat fans and strangers as friends, financially help past partners when they were in a bid ….. he didn’t deem it necessary drive to the inn where the “love of his life” was staying, and pick her up before going to the bridge?
Listen I like Harry; it is very telling that he allowed for a WOMAN to WALK alone in a foreign country to his house.
This is the same man who grew up with TWO women in his life, and advises FEMALE fans to demand respect from males who mistreat them.
Not to mention the excessive cell phone usage, and social distancing space that can literally fit the whole cast of CATS.
If anyone is more invested in their cell phones, while in the presence of the one that they “love”… that relationship is completely one sided.
What should all of these visible signs inform you about the current state of “romance” in Holivia’s love story?
What does it tell you about the mutual sign of respect?
What humiliation is next?
Olivia’s extensions being blown away at the DWD’s premiere?
Her botox and injections being too excessive that she’s mistaken for Jocelyn Wildenstein on the red carpet?
Olivia attempting to steal the loaned accessories she wears to pawn for cash, since her precious backend deal will be crumbs?
What little is earned will need to be divided, as promised, to Harry Co. for their time and services given to promote the film and to resuscitate her dead career.
Warner Brothers executives are depending on all of YOU to generate sales.
Shippers account for such a small substrate of the fandom. Harry’s WHOLE fandom is being targeted for DWD’s success. Which does indirectly affects Olivia’s career.
Not to mention the projects she may even up losing, amongst other humiliating consequences that will be publicized.
No. The greatest humiliation will come a few years down the road when Harry releases another album, and actually acknowledges and names the person who inspired it.
No ambiguity, “dodging”, or “how do I answer this question?”.
Simply, “this was/is about my time with ()”.
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madamlaydebug · 6 months
13 Coherance 🔯
Coherence: “The frequency of Coherence supports our ability to harmonize the frequency of the heart with the frequency of the mind for an optimal ability to create the reality that we desire.”
“Coherence can be described as a state of harmony, union, or connection. In the new energy and as a reference to the human being, Coherence has to do with a state in which the mind and the heart harmoniously flow together.
Whether we are functioning as an individual, a community, or a group, the new energy is asking us to find balance between our thinking and our feeling. We can no longer rely solely on our analytical mind, nor can we just have our feelings guide the way. Every part of us has to come together in a harmonious, coherent state of being. Only then can we navigate these new energies to become multidimensional human beings that are in control of their reality.
To be powerful manifestors, it is imperative to not only set clear intentions with our mind but to have our emotional state of being – with the heart as its center- in alignment as well. When mind and heart come together in perfect unison – when intention saturates every layer of our being, every cell of our body, and every thought in our minds – we become unstoppable creators of our own reality.
The basis of this Activation is the Flower of Life, representing the Universe as a whole as well as the grid on which all form-based manifestation occurs in this three-dimensional plane. All forms are harmoniously flowing together on this grid: whatever new form is created, whatever color is birthed, each has to find its balanced place within the whole of this reality.
Conceptually, circles stand for everything and nothing at all, balance and infinity, purity and freedom.
The many colours in this Activation are representative of all the many layers and aspect of our being that are involved in the process of harmonious Coherence. The green in the center symbolizes the heart and its essential role at the core of everything. (he water in the background indicates the realm of the heart as well – the emotional place.) The colour blue represents our ability to communicate clearly; it is considered to be the colour of truth – the language of the mind. The number six is associated with the harmony, balance, and love.”
Try This: “Close your eyes for a moment and move your awareness to your heart. (This is also referred to as ‘dropping into your heart.’) Can you connect to the truth that is to be found there? Do you trust your heart?
Try this throughout the day: stop, drop, feel. Stop (or hold) a query or thought that arises, drop it into (run it through) your heart, and feel the sacred wisdom that comes of it.”*
Coherence is a bringing together. It is finding the balance, the common ground. It is more about unity than compromise; an evening of the scales and a mutual respect and equality. Divine Feminine matching Divine Masculine, creation from a place of sacred respect and reverence.
When we lead from the heart this is possible. When we are expansive and authentic, living in our absolute truth. When we open ourselves up, becoming a channel for love, light and transformative change, anything becomes possible.
If things have become unbalanced in your life, you must first fix the balance from within. Our outer reality is simply a reflection of what is going on inside us. Where are you lacking balance and stability? Where have you let things slide? It is not too late to heal, even if things have been out of sync for a long period of time.
Take some time in quiet contemplation and give yourself the time you need to bring your thoughts, feelings and intentions into alignment. Clarity is key.
They🤡🎪🏦🎪🤡 KNOW this KNOWLEDGE, the Ancestors☀️🗿🏹🌎 Taught them, but they EMPTY withIN✡ so they stole it and INVOKED FEAR, they been using this against US... ever since.
LOOK AT THE last picture it's the D.C FLAG = 13.
The TRUTH👁 is withIN yOUR 🌌
🔯Cosmic Nature⚛.
It takes Heart.🫀⚖️🪶
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candles-by-mokosh · 10 months
🌑✨ Embracing Melinoe's Shadows: A Journey into the Realm of the Underworld ✨🌑
✨✨ Calling all seekers of the enigmatic and transformative! Today, let us embark on a profound journey to connect with the mysterious energy of Melinoe, the Greek goddess of ghosts and nightmares. Melinoe, a goddess of dualities and the daughter of Hades and Persephone, invites us to explore the depths of our subconscious, confront our fears, and embrace the transformative power of darkness. 🌑🌌🔥
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🌑✨ Who is Melinoe? ✨🌑
In Greek mythology, Melinoe presides over the realm of the dead, ruling over the spirits and shadows that dwell in the underworld. She embodies the liminal space between life and death, dreams and reality, light and darkness. Melinoe is associated with the mysteries of the night, haunting dreams, and the transformative nature of the human psyche.
⚡🌑 Invoking Melinoe: A Ritual of Inner Exploration 🌑⚡
1️⃣ Sacred Space: Find a quiet and dimly lit space where you can connect with Melinoe without distractions. Create an altar adorned with symbols of the underworld, such as black candles, obsidian, or images that evoke the mysteries of the night.
2️⃣ Invocation: Light a black candle to symbolize the presence of Melinoe's transformative energy. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and visualize a veil of darkness surrounding you, inviting Melinoe's presence. Recite an invocation that resonates with your heart, inviting the goddess of the underworld into your sacred space.
3️⃣ Offering of Shadows: Select an offering that symbolizes your willingness to confront your fears and delve into the depths of your subconscious. It could be a written list of fears or a personal item that holds symbolic meaning. Place the offering on your altar as a gesture of surrender and openness to Melinoe's guidance.
4️⃣ Meditative Connection: Sit in stillness, grounding yourself through deep breaths. Allow the darkness within you to rise to the surface, embracing Melinoe's energy. Feel the subtle whispers of your subconscious, inviting you to explore the shadows and transform them into sources of strength and growth.
5️⃣ Dream Exploration: Before sleep, invite Melinoe to guide your dreams and provide insights from the realm of the subconscious. Keep a dream journal by your bedside, ready to record any vivid dreams or symbols that emerge during the night. These dreams may hold valuable messages and opportunities for personal growth.
6️⃣ Integration and Transformation: Reflect on the messages received through dreams and meditative experiences. Embrace the transformative power of the shadows within you, recognizing that facing your fears can lead to growth and self-discovery. Embrace the duality within yourself, knowing that light and darkness coexist in harmony.
🌑✨ Embracing Melinoe's Lessons: Incorporating Shadow Work into Everyday Life ✨🌑
1️⃣ Honoring the Subconscious: Pay attention to your dreams, intuition, and the subtle whispers of your subconscious. Engage in practices such as journaling, meditation, or therapy to explore and integrate the depths of your inner world.
2️⃣ Confronting Fears: Embrace your fears and insecurities, understanding that they hold the potential for profound transformation. Face them with courage, compassion, and a willingness to learn from them, allowing yourself to grow and evolve.
3️⃣ Embracing the Dark and Light: Recognize the inherent duality within yourself and the world. Embrace the shadows as powerful catalysts for growth, while also honoring the light within you and nurturing the aspects that bring you joy and fulfillment.
🌑✨ Blessed be, dear souls, as you explore the depths of your subconscious with Melinoe's guidance! ✨🌑
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