#♥︎ joey ❞
rafestar · 1 year
You seem so sweeet!! I am looking forward to interacting with you more :)🥰🥰
please omg and thank you! i see you a lot here but im shy at first and i don’t want you to think i’m annoying😭
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kodaiki · 1 month
bites u on the ass >.<
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i’m so ready (❛◡❛✿)
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mediocredoots · 2 years
Jounouchi for E8.
Emoji Challenge
Both me & Jounouchi having sleepy bitch syndrome
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exi1ed-archived · 1 year
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𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐄 & 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐔𝐍𝐀 𝐖𝐄𝐁𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄 ; feat. @enr4ged.
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1l171 · 2 years
i saw a cute pigeon today n it reminded me of joey when he said he saw a p big pigeon today 🥺
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bengals-barnesbabe · 20 days
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Joe waking up late and incredibly sore from his first offseason training with the team and sleeping through his 4 alarms.
He drags himself out of your warm bed and takes in the sight of your peaceful form: your face has lines where the rippled sheets indented your skin, the first row of your braided scalp exposed where your bonnet has slipped off, and your bare arms that were once around him now engulf his silk pillow.
His body yearns to rejoin you, but the missed alarms have already made a dent in his schedule.
By the time he fully showered and dressed, it’s 30 minutes until practice with a 20 minute drive ahead of him.
He returns to the bedroom for his phone and spends another minute admiring you, his wife, before placing a kiss on your cheek and moving your bonnet back in place above your brows.
With the remainder of his time he refills his waters, and grabs a protein bar. He goes to grab his bag and next to it is a sticky note with your handwriting.
‘check the fridge before leaving, handsome’
He smiles lazily before going back to the kitchen. On the top shelf of the refrigerator is a black to-go box with another note attached to it.
‘cheesy fajita omelette with your favs, for my #1 ♥︎ (i def didnt make it at 3 am ;) xoxo your biggest fan’
His heart warms at the gesture, knowing how lucky he is to come home to and be supported by the most beautiful and kind hearted woman.
By the time he gets to the stadium, he finds one more note in the cup holder of his Acura as he packs his bag.
‘i love you joey, dont go too hard on yourself and tell Zac to have you out by 3 ;) love your amazing wife’
He gets out of his car more prepared for the day than he expected to be when he got out of bed and more anxious for it to be over so he could go home to his girl and shower her in the love and devotion that gives him his strength.
main masterlist
a/n: felt inspired by the pic and wanted to be creative in a time of chaos and pain, but still lost (babe: 0, uterus: 1)
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mickeysclubhouse · 4 months
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mickey mouse & minnie mouse gif headers for joey @vibzy for her birthday-riffic day! 🎀
5 total (600x331)
you don't have to credit me, but it would be appreciated ♥
if you download them please reblog/like!
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marthawrites · 1 year
Pretty Girl
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Modern Aemond Targaryen x fem reader
Word count: 6.8k+
About: There's been some weird stuff happening in the woods and your boss buys top of the line security cameras. You definitely weren't expecting to hit it off so well with the tech guy who is much more than a tech guy.
Includes: Meeting, first date, some drinking, explicit sexual content (fem receiving oral, p in v)
Note: Hello lovely reader! This is my first modern Aemond story. This idea has been rolling around my head for a good month or two. I wasn't expecting to go so deep, but the ideas kept coming and I ran with them! Reader is nondescript and implied to be 21+ due to alcohol consumption. As always, please enjoy! ♥
read pt 2 here
The bright chime of your text tone cut through the mellow voiced narrator of your current podcast obsession: supposed real life horror stories. Perhaps not the smartest thing to listen to while alone ten miles deep into the forest in the ranger's cabin. But, whatever. What's life without a little risk, anyway? Swiping your screen open revealed your boss' message.
Hey kid. Running late. That tech guy is scheduled to be there for the installation at 9:30. We had a minor family emergency here. Everything is fine. I'm working to head out within the hour. Text you when I'm on the road.
It was already 9 and you knew there wasn't a chance in hell Joey would be there by the time the install person showed up. Great. You ran a hand down your face and, since you were alone, didn't fight the groan that adamantly broke free. Customer service – this could be considered customer service, right? – was never your forte. There was a reason you went to school for forestry. Mostly so you wouldn't have to deal with customers on the regular. You texted back:
I'm glad everything is fine! But, if I end up ax murdered by this freak I'm going to haunt you forever. Also, you're to take care of Charles. He's very needy.
A minute later the chime broke the podcaster's voice again:
Oh please. They're a very respectable family. How is a fish needy? Don't they just need tap water?
You laughed out loud, reading the message in Joey's rumbling baritone.
That's right, boss. Tap water and cheerios!
When you didn't hear back from him within the next few minutes you could only assume he started driving.
You had a good twenty minutes to kill while waiting for this person and weren't quite sure how to spend your time. A cool early-spring rain poured all morning, and an angry late-winter wind sent the trees swaying all around. You weren't going out there if you didn't have to. In fact, you threw another log into the wood stove and brewed up a fresh pot of coffee. No reason to stress about trying to look busy when you knew your boss would be doing the same thing if he were here with you waiting.
Once the coffee was finished you fixed yourself a cup and sat by the fire, completely absorbed by the tale in your ear: friends camping with no one else around, being taunted by something. A truly unsettling tale regardless it it were paranormal, a druggie, or a stalker.
A knock on the front door nearly sent the remainder of your hot beverage spilling and your fingers visibly trembled as they touched your earbud to pause the story. Jesus Christ. Did the person arrive in a fucking spaceship? You didn't hear anything coming up the gravel road nor parking in the gravel lot. Taking a few deep breaths to settle your racing nerves, you stood and walked to the door. You cracked it open to the width of your head, just enough to see the person standing on the, thankfully, well covered porch. “Can I help you?”
“Hm. You don't look like a Joey Wagner,” the man on the porch mat said, a single pale brow arching.
Holy shit. He was really handsome. “No. He's my boss. I'm one of the forest rangers beneath him. What can I help you with?” You opened the door wider in an attempt to get a sight of whatever vehicle he showed up in. Despite not having much knowledge in cars, you knew that “T” anywhere. So, you were right: he might as well have shown up in a spaceship.
“I'm Aemond Targaryen. I'm here to install the Vhagar security system and cameras,” he paused and looked around, curious of the exterior of the ranger's lodge and surrounding woods. “I'm.. a... I'm a little surprised you want such a system here.”
“You and me both. Apparently it's your best one, right? I dunno what's been spooking Joey but whatever it is must be pretty weird. That thing's probably my entire yearly salary and then some,” you laughed dryly, gesturing to the briefcase he held. “I'm Y/N,” you added with a smile. “He's running late this morning, but told me you'd be here. I was expecting someone more, uhm...,” you tilted your head and closed one eye as if you were looking at him through a telescope. “Nerdy?” You mused aloud, nose scrunching with the somewhat embarrassing admission.
That sent a grin across his face. His chin tilted up as he regarded you down the long straight line of his nose. “I could say the same about you and forest rangers.”
Beneath your green and tan uniform your skin prickled. Something in you thrummed. This was bad news. Very bad news. When the hell was Joey going to be here? You tried to shake off the sensation his sweeping gaze gave you. He had a long paling scar over his the right side of his angular chiseled face, and there seemed to be something off about his right eye too. You didn't say anything about it and tried not to stare. “Anyway, wanna get started? It's warmer in here, I promise,” you gestured a thumb over your shoulder and swung the door wide so he might step inside.
“Yeah, thanks. It'll take awhile to get all finished. The rest of today and maybe half of tomorrow or so, too,” he admitted as he strode inside.
You whistled lowly at that – at his remark, not his backside – unaware it'd be such an ordeal. “That long?” His hair was long and beautiful in a way you didn't often see men wear their hair; so blonde it was a silvery-white. He had it pulled back in a simple ponytail. It hung a little loose and you couldn't help but wonder if he put it up in haste this morning. Aside from his Adidas shoes (which stuck out adorably, you thought to yourself), he wore all dark colors. Blacks, grays, and only the barest hints of white. Jacket, sweater, the neck of what you assumed was a t-shirt, and straight legged pants. Casually and mindfully layered.
Inside was much warmer, indeed. So much so that Aemond immediately took his jacket off. The simple gesture sent clean laundry and the faintest trace of cologne wafting your way; the fine muscles behind your ears flexed with the reveal. His sweater looked unbearably soft and you hated yourself for being so drawn to a man you literally just met three minutes ago. He was unfairly good-looking, yeah, but what if he was a jerk too because of it? "You weren't lying," he said, giving you a glance from his left side. "It's cozy. Is it just you here?"
You gestured him to follow you through the place. "For now, yeah. Here's the security room. Everything's open and unlocked so you should be able to do whatever you need to. Joey will be here eventually." The room was a little cramped with multiple monitors, desks, cabinets, and general clutter; papers, writing things, wrappers, cups, the like. "Oh shit. Sorry sorry. I should have cleaned it up. I didn't realize the boss left it such a mess," heat rose in your cheeks as you rolled your eyes, annoyed.
"I'm not worried," he replied calmly, seemingly unbothered by the mess. Taking advantage of a clean space you just cleaned, he placed the briefcase atop it and opened it up. With your back to him he found himself giving you another glance or two, grinning privately. How could someone make that uniform look so good?
"Care for coffee or water?" You asked, all the counter space now clear of clutter. Various wrappers crinkled in your pockets and you held four empty cups between both hands.
"Coffee, please. Black," he answered.
You pushed the door further open with the help of your foot and butt, leaving Aemond alone to get started on the lengthy process. Once in the kitchen you gave yourself a few extra minutes to collect yourself. Frankly, you felt half-silly for being so enamored by this tall, lithe, long haired stranger. He probably had a girlfriend back home!
"Here you are," you said upon returning, placing a mug down for him.
"Thank you," he said, turning his gaze up to you appreciatively. "Do you ever see weird things on these in the middle of the night?"
Instead of sitting down you opted to stand with one hand on your hip and the other flat atop the desk. You leaned against the edge and turned your head to look over the various monitors in an attempt to not stare at him. "Sometimes," you answered honestly, weighing how much you wanted to divulge. "Lights with no apparent light source are a more common occurance. Sick animals can look extremely strange," you paused and chuckled nervously. "Of course, there's always random homeless people, vagabonds, and even drunk or drugged out people." From your peripheral you realized he hadn't taken his eyes off you and it sent a shudder of embarrassment down your back. Did you have something on your face? "What?" You asked, turning your attention to him, then, breath catching in your throat.
It was his turn for color to creep in his cheeks. "Ugh. I was staring, huh? Sorry. You're just, uh... really pretty," he said, caught and guilty, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was expecting a Joey to match that deep voice on the phone. Not like a Dawson's Creek Joey."
Before you had a chance to reply the front door swung open and the booming voice of the actual Joey called, "hey, hey, so sorry to be late! Damn dog killed another squirrel and my youngest was the one to find it. Poor thing nearly had a panic attack."
"Oh damn. Sorry to hear that, boss," you hollered back, cringing.
"Hard lessons for kids to learn," he said, appearing in the doorway sipping on his own cup. He was a big man and easily took up the whole width of it, and the chair he sat upon groaned beneath his weight. "Enough of that though! If it isn't Aemond Targaryen of Dragon Security! I was surprised as shit to hear it'd be you installing these. Don't you normally have grunts to do this work?"
Aemond chuffed and shook the older man's massive hand. "Usually, yeah. My dad's fixing to retire soon and my older brother doesn't want to take up the mantle. So here I am doing boots-on-the-ground training to get a feel of things before taking his place."
"Good boy! You'll be the youngest wealthiest mother fucker around!" He belly laughed and clapped his free hand atop Aemond's. "Now! Walk me through this. This ain't no joke. There's been some wild shit going on and I intend to catch whatever it is. If I get famous I'll be sure to mention you too, boy," he drank half his coffee in a single chug and put his game face on.
"I've got rounds to make. I'll check on you guys in a couple hours," you said with a grin. You lingered on Aemond a moment longer. When you caught his gaze you give him a little look, letting him know you heard him and thought similairly. At least, you hoped that's what you silently communicated.
You never believed in love at first sight. But, lust at first sight? Maybe that's what burned low in your belly.
Through the single window he watched you jump into one of the ranger's newer model orange jeeps. A perfect ride for out here, he thought, distracted as you backed the wrangler out and drove away – a stark difference to his Tesla.
Your rounds took much longer than originally anticipated and you didn't return until nearly 5 o'clock. Thankfully, the turn of seasons was happening and it was still light outside. Pulling in to park you were surprised to see Aemond's car still in the same spot. It seemed the day was longer than anticipated all around! With the assistance of your visor mirror you took your hair down and ran your fingers through it, glad to finally let it fall free after a day's work. Joey was still here too, and you wanted to at least say bye to him before leaving for the night. You hopped out and started making your way in that direction.
"I'm right here, don't let me startle you," the unfamiliar voice of Aemond called from the tree line. Thank God he said something because he would have startled you out there.
You let out a half strangled laugh. "Thanks for the heads up. But, what are you doing?" You asked, curious steps walking in his direction. He was on a ladder about halfway up a tree. Each time he reached up the hem of his shirt lifted to flash a peek of the pale skin of his lean abdomen and slender hips. Damnit. He must have ditched his sweater sometime ago for he only wore his plain white t-shirt now.
"Just finishing getting the cameras up. Twenty-four in total across the nearest five miles or so," he replied with a final click. "There." Despite the chilly temperature sweat still glistened on his face and neck. He tipped his head down and rolled his bicep up at the same time, using the arm of his tee to wipe his brow. As he came down the ladder you saw his ponytail was replaced by a sloppy bun instead. Loose strands stuck to the dampness of his skin, and some of the more wispy fly-aways stuck out at varying directions. If you thought him handsome before, he, somehow, was even more so now.
"Joey made you do that all by yourself!?" Five miles of carrying ladders and equipment? You wanted to smack your boss.
He shook his head as he landed on both feet, momentarily breathless. "No. We've been together until just, oh, maybe fifteen minutes ago. Wife called him," he gestured to the lodge.
"Oh. Good! I was gonna kick his ass." Secondhand tiredness crept into your bones. "I'm gonna go say bye before heading out. Need help with anything?"
He shook his head for a second time. "I don't think so. Mostly just want to get back to the hotel and shower. I feel disgusting." Lifting up the neckline of his shirt he used it to wipe his face dry, thankful to finally be on the ground to do so without fear of falling off. "And I am starving. What's the best place to eat around here?"
Was he fishing or were you wishing? "There's a really good sandwich place just as you're getting into town. That's where I'm stopping to get dinner anyway," you smiled, belly rumbling loudly in answer.
He sighed contentedly at the idea. "I'll be hitting it up, thanks. If I didn't have to stay and finish a few things I'd ask to meet you there, but...," he paused, eyeing your reaction. You didn't say anything, yet he must have caught the excited glimmer in your eyes. "Maybe next time."
You smiled and unintentionally fluffed your hair up from the roots, hip propped out with your casual stance. "Sounds fun. Good night, Aemond. Drive safe," you said before turning and walking with a little too much purpose to the lodge, gravel crunching beneath your heavy work boots.
"Hey, Y/N," he called after you after a moment, long strides closing the distance between you. When you stopped and let him catch up, he asked, "can I get your number? So I can warn you when I'm here tomorrow. You looked a little scared this morning. Don't wanna do that again." His features remained neutral. His eyes (eye? that one seemed almost completely unresponsive and you weren't sure if it was even real), however, sparked with a mischief that sent your stomach flipping. Obviously you barely knew the guy, but you swore his voice dropped a little lower with the new closeness.
You exhaled. "I was that obvious? Dang. I was hoping I played it off more cool," you tsked yourself beneath your breath, pulling your phone from its pocket. He did the same and you both swiped them open to exchange numbers. His thumb tapped a few times on the screen and your phone dinged. 'Aemond' appeared at the top and a single dragon emoji was the only thing his text read. Despite yourself, you smirked.
"See you in the morning, ranger girl."
The next morning you found yourself fixing another fire and pot of coffee, peacefully idle and waiting for the others to arrive. Your phone chimed. It was a message and photo from Aemond.
Hope you're hungry. The girls at your fave sandwich place knew your order. On my way now.
Attached was a photo of a paper food bag seat belted into his passenger seat. Something more than excitement rose in your belly and you actually giggled. Handsome and sweet? No way he was single.
Fifteen minutes later he arrived with a soft knock. "You didn't have to get me breakfast. Way too kind of you, honestly."
He squinted and smirked softly. "Good morning to you as well." He stepped inside and closed the door behind, happy to be where it was warm. "It really wasn't a bother. Gives me an excuse to spend a little more time with you," he winked.
"Were your ears tingling last night? I only thought about texting you fifty times, at least," you admitted, flirting back.
"Should have. Hotels by yourself are terribly boring."
You two ate fully loaded breakfast sandwiches and you were more than a little surprised he ate all of his. Those things were huge! Before any time at all passed, it was already noon and you and Aemond had chatted the morning away in the security room. Everything seemed to be working well. He'd done a fantastic job at setting the cameras up yesterday and Joey beamed in excitement.
"I need to do my rounds before I don't. Catch you both later," you said reluctantly.
Just as you were stepping out of the room, Aemond called after you, "hey Y/N! Before you go..." His face spelled mischief. You arched a brow at him, waiting. "About Lord of the Rings and Frodo's journey...," – your conversation a few tangents ago – "why didn't Gandalf just call the eagles for them to fly to Mordor? Seems like that would have been a lot faster and smarter."
You were dumbfounded. "Excuse me?" You asked, fluttering a series of blasphemous blinks at him. "Seriously Aemond? And here I thought we were vibing. We're not friends anymore." You slammed the door but not before flipping him off. With both middle fingers. In the hallway you snorted and laughed in disbelief.
The door did little to block Aemond and Joey's uproar of laughter.
Handsome, sweet, and a jerk in good humor? How dare him!
The next day you didn't hear from Aemond, and you weren't going to lie to yourself: it kind of sucked. Despite knowing him for so brief a time, you missed him!
Thankfully, it was time for your weekend though. It was full dark by now and you were worn out from the week. You quickly changed into pajamas and flopped on your bed to find something to watch. Settling on reruns of one of your favorite shows, you found yourself staring at the black screen of your phone. Should you text him? As if your thoughts had traveled miles away right into Aemond's brain, it chimed with his message.
Hey ranger girl. I wanted to swing by the lodge today but wasn't able to. I'm in town for a few more days and was wondering if I could take you out to dinner before I go?
Holy shit holy shit holy shit. You texted back embarrassingly fast.
Only if you swear to never talk bad about LotR again.
Pinky promise. Tonight?
You looked down at yourself and snorted.
Definitely not, sorry. Tomorrow?
Yes. God I can't wait to see you out of that dorky uniform.
You had nothing appropriate to say and left him on read, lest you say something humiliating you'd regret.
The following evening was a clear cool night and you were glad you wore pants instead of a dress, and a leather jacket instead of a cardigan. Part of you was sad to leave the toasty confines of your 4-Runner, but it quickly dissolved once you saw Aemond standing outside the bar and grill restaurant talking to someone on his phone. He wore an elevated version of the outfit you originally met him in. What caught you off-guard, however, was his hair. Those long silvery-white tresses were pulled back into an intricate braid and you couldn't help but gawk. He looked devastatingly handsome. You saw him notice you, and butterflies turned in your belly at the heat and weight of his gaze.
"A leather jack and red lipstick? How did you know that was my favorite?" he asked as you hopped up next to him, twirling playfully for his attention. "Shit, you're lovely. I'm so glad you said yes to this."
You smiled at him, pretty white teeth beaming as you tired to reel your excitement in. "So are you. I'm going to have to sit on your lap so no other girls think you're free for the taking," you half cooed, black lashes giving your eyes an opened appearance that only elevated your playfulness.
He hummed and gave you a long look, tilting his head in direction of the entrance. "You'll get no argument." He reached out and you took his hand, suddenly bashful as his long fingers laced between yours. His palm was very warm; thoughts and images filled your mind of those hands all across your bare skin. The natural bow of his mouth lifted in a little smirk.
The restaurant was fairly busy tonight: you were lucky to snag a booth by the window. You both ordered a drink and agreed to skip the appetizer to instead indulge on something from their dessert menu. Him, an old fashioned bourbon, and you, a gin with pomegranate liqueur and lemon juice. Conversation flowed easily while you waited, the ambiance of the restaurant absorbing both of you in with ease.
With the help of a little liquid courage, you found yourself asking a question that'd been on your mind since first meeting. "I gotta ask," you started, looking over the scarred half of his face curiously. "What happened?" You gestured over your own face letting him know what you meant.
He briefly bit at his bottom lip. "Childhood accident," he answered with a sigh. "It was pretty brutal, actually," he added with a dry half-laugh. "One of my nephews got me with a knife. We were wild boys. Them moreso than me, but still, wild like boys can get. I ended up loosing my right eye and opted to get a prosthetic one instead of having an empty socket."
You gasped, truly in shock, and reached across the table to squeeze his hand. "Oh my God, Aemond. That's horrible."
He wasn't hot or sweaty, but your skin was delightfully cooler than his and he got more comfort out of it than you realized. "It was. The scar actually looks much better now than in the past. I've learned to live with it well enough. Driving is sometimes a struggle because of it, though. That was a big learning curve."
The waiter came back for your food order. Aemond chose the pork tenderloin with apricot almond chutney, herb roasted potatoes, and broccoli, and you chose the crusted ahi with cucumber, bell pepper, and red onion salad topped with a ginger soy vinaigrette – with no onion. Red onions, raw or cooked, destroyed your palette.
Both of your drinks were nearly gone by then; you couldn't speak for Aemond, but you were definitely feeling looser. Not drunk by any means, but a warm buzz that blushed your cheeks, hooded your eyes, and made your smile all the easier. "So, Aemond Targaryen of Dragon Security, what else do you do in and outside of your work?"
"You looking like that across from me is making focus very difficult," he replied, idly trailing the tip of his finger around the rim of his glass. He leaned back and flashed you a little smirk, the lovely color of his eye seeming to shrink. "It's a family business. We make high quality security cameras. My brother's invention, the Sunfyre system, specializes in daytime monitoring, and my sister's invention, the Dreamfyre system, specializes in nighttime monitoring." He sipped at his drink, wetting his lips with the smooth, fragrant liquor. "And mine, the Vhagar system, takes and elevates both. The beefest and strongest system by far. So, whatever your boss wants to find in those woods, he'll have the absolute best chance with what I set up for him."
You listened, genuinely interested, and did your very best to focus on his words and not the he sat across from you. "Honestly that's an entirely different world than anything I know," you shook your head amusedly. "Gross rich people stuff."
You continued talking about it until your meal came. It looked and smelled divine. "I'll check on you again shortly," the waiter said with a wide handsome smile.
Sticking out like a sore thumb was a pile of red onions atop your salad. All it took was a single glance between you and Aemond for him to know you wouldn't mention anything about it to the waiter – instead choosing to pluck them off your plate and try to enjoy your dinner regardless.
He wasn't about to let that happen. "She asked for no onions," Aemond said flatly up to the other man, one of his pale brows arching up in silent judgment.
"Oh! I'm so sorry! Let me have them remake it for you," the waiter said apologetically, disappearing with the plate quicker than you could say it's okay.
You wanted to sink down into the booth and disappear. Before you could stop giggling, and before Aemond could wipe the smug expression off his face, your new plate arrived. As well as a refill of your drinks.
"Her entree and both beverages are on the house tonight," the waiter said brightly as he placed everything down. You reached for the drink and sipped appreciatively.
"Just a refill for the lady, thank you. I'm driving," Aemond said with a hint of that same expression as before. That worked for the waiter and he was off again, busy with other tables. "Hey," he muttered to you, lower and softer than you've heard him before. He scooted closer to the window and patted the spot next to him. "Come sit by me, pretty girl."
An excited blush crept into your cheeks as you did so, and you leaned your knee against his beneath the table. His free arm draped across the back of the booth, engulfing you with the warmness of himself. You both ate and chatted, and you found out he travels far and wide. "French is my favorite language," you admitted blissfully. "So lovely to listen to. I can't speak it for the life of me, but listening to it?" You made an approving gesture with your hand.
"I don't quite have the accent down, but I'm fairly fluent in it...," he said, low and husky, as he tipped his head closer to yours. He whispered by your ear, and his breath fanning across your skin tickling your spine. "Je veux parler français entre tes cuisses."
A satisfied sigh escaped your lungs. You reveled in the way the natural rasp of his voice sounded with the language. "What did you say?"
"I want to speak french between your thighs."
A breath caught in your throat and you nearly choked on it. "Shut the fuck up. You did not just say that," you sputtered, immediately turning your head to meet his gaze.
He chuckled, palm trailing across your thigh beneath the table. "I did say that. And I do mean it."
"Aemond Targaryen...," you whispered in return, looking him square in the eye. You were pleasantly buzzed and the courage it gave you prompted your next movements. "Let's say we get out of here and you can show me that boring hotel room of yours." With a tilt of your head you slowly pressed your mouth to his, kissing him with the fire that began building in your core.
He hummed into the kiss and deepened the affection, holding the side of your neck with a need of his own. Pulling away, he quickly laid more than enough cash on the table, not bothering to wait for the tab.
The smear of your lipstick matched the faint stain of it on his own lips as he lead you out of the restaurant.
In the room, Aemond closed the door with a deliberate click and wasted little time in pushing you up against the nearest wall; your arms draped over his shoulders all the while, lips barely leaving each other. "You have no idea how bad I've wanted to do this since I first saw you at the lodge," he rasped against your mouth, kissing down your chin and throat with sloppy need. His hands were somehow all over you at once: waist, hips, ass, throat, everywhere.
You gasped, arching between him and the wall, shuddering in anticipation and excitement alike. "You should have," you murmured in reply, hands tugging off his jacket in near desperation. "I almost had a heart attack when I saw your hair in that stupid bun. I should have taken your clothes off to help you cool down right then and there," you teased in response.
A groan came from the back of his throat. "Je suis peut-être tombé amoureux," I might have fallen in love he rumbled with a smirk. You didn't know what he said but you also didn't care, because next thing you knew his teeth sunk into the slope of your neck and shoulder and you moaned. "Like being bitten?" He asked, doing it again in a slightly different spot.
"Yeah," you managed to gasp out, turning your head to entice him along. His laugh vibrated against your neck as he sucked the sensitive skin between his teeth, aiming to leave a mark. "Hey!" You gasped, giggling.
"Not gonna let you forget this, pretty girl." He tore your jacket off and threw it near his, already gripping the hem of your shirt. "Plan to make you feel it tomorrow," he added smugly, lifting your shirt off and tossing it aside. You wore one of your fun bras, lace and straps accenting the curve of your bust. "Oh, fuck, look at these beautiful tits," he groaned again, immediately bending to kiss and lick over your bare cleavage.
"You're a big talker. Are you sure you can follow through with all of that?" You questioned as if your skin wasn't already goosebumped, nipples weren't already pebbled with need, and the apex of your thighs wasn't already hot with the primal desire to be fucked and stuffed full.
He growled with your challenge, single eye looking down at you darkly. "That's the plan." In three motions he wrapped an arm around your waist, turned with you flush to him, and stepped to push you onto the bed. You landed heavily, thighs clenching as you watched him discard his shirt. He was long and lean like a swimmer, with a pale patch of hair at the center of his chest and trailing below his navel to disappear beneath his pants. A new wave of warmth pooled between your thighs and your pants felt much too tight.
"Stronger than you look too, Targaryen," you taunted, squeezing your thighs together. You looked up at him with heavy lidded eyes. Lust burned through your blood and you couldn't help the heave of your breasts.
Both his hands moved to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants to ease some of the pressure on his obvious arousal. He made no move to do anything else. "You're a big talker too." Kneeling at the edge of the bed he pulled you further down the mattress, calculating and amused. You helped him help you out of your pants, hips squirming so he could pull them down your legs. Carefully, he parted your legs and laughed a deep mocking sound. "I haven't even touched you and you're wet through your panties. So needy," he crooned, thumb barely grazing down the line of your covered slit.
You shivered, unaware and unable to bite back a whimper. "Aemond...," you gasped, the shocks his touch gave you sparking yet even more heat to pool inside you.
"And sensitive," he purred, watching your face as he continued to slowly trace along you; heavy eyed and smeared lipstick made you look all the more adorable. "Si amusant à manger. Embrasser. Lécher." So fun to eat. To kiss. To lick. He kissed the inside of your thighs in punctuation, the sounds of them sending embers up your spine. Wide hands trailed up and down your legs, over your belly, across your hips. He kissed your covered mound until the full length of your legs tightened.
"Take 'em off... move 'em to the side. Something," you panted, eyes already threatening to unfocus with the tantalizing teasing.
He had nothing to say, his mind just as clouded with lust as your own. Tugging the damp center of your panties to the side, he licked a long line up through your soaked, silky folds, groaning a hitched sound from the center of his throat.
You rolled up against him while your hands flew down to his head, fingers sinking through the smoothness of his intricate braid. Pleasure left your parted mouth.
A little moan of his own answered yours. Lick, suck, kiss. Over and over again with varying speeds and pressure, pulling more of those lovely sounds from your pretty mouth. The combination was nearly obscene; wet, lewd, eager. He carelessly pulled your panties full off and discarded them.
"Oh my God...," you drawled, gripping into his hair as he continued his delightful assault on every part of your pussy. Sucking your clit, sinking his tongue inside your saturated walls, licking over everything as if his own orgasm depended on it.
Stopping for only a moment, he reached up to the front of your bra and pulled the cups down to send your breasts spilling free. He palmed over them roughly, squeezing the soft flesh until you hissed between your teeth, body arching for his mouth's attention once more. He pinched at your nipples as his head dipped down again, hot tongue and handsome lips going right back to work.
"Yes... please, fuck! I'm so close!" Your core burned and tightened, and you were past caring if anyone in the neighboring rooms heard you.
"That's right... be a good girl and come so I can really fuck you," he hummed, delving right back in until you were trembling beneath him.
The intensity of your climax left your fingers tingling and toes curling as your thighs squeezed around his head. You were sure you'd rip some of his hair out, but the near desperate groan that left his throat told you he fucking loved it. He eased his actions on you but never truly stopped, increasing and lengthening the waves of your pleasure as you rode them out.
Once you were done, basking in the afterglow of your orgasm, he finally stood and joined you on the bed. "Open the front pocket of my bag right there. Yeah, that one. Grab the condom for me," he said as he kissed over your jaw and neck, beginning to shift out of his own pants.
"I have an IUD. We're not using that bullshit," you replied cheekily, helping him out of his pants. He kicked them off and his briefs followed, and you instantly saw why he made sure you came first. Not only did he have a beautiful cock, but it was big.
"Fuck, babe, you're gonna let me come in your pretty pussy?" He asked, gripping your body to roll you onto your belly.
You moved with his prompts and nodded. "Yeah," you said and looked up at him from over your shoulder, shifting your legs to prop your ass up. It accentuated the natural curve of your spine and that sight alone would have gotten him hard.
With one hand he held onto the soft meat of your hip while the other held himself, lining up with your hot little cunt that was on full display for him. He inched in, drawing back once half of him had sunk into you, only to plunge into you all at once. "Shit...," he hissed, grip denting harshly into your flesh.
You fisted the sheets, whimpering at the absolute fullness of his cock buried in you. While nestled in you, he unclasped the back of your bra and helped you out of it, briefly lingering on the faint lines it left on your skin; an odd sort of intimacy making him appreciate the sight. "Take me," you whispered, breathless, belly slowly building up with a new coil of bliss.
Pulling his hips back, he snapped them forward against you. "Taking me so well, pretty girl," he praised. Using both hands, now, he propped you up into a better position, steadily rocking into you as he did so. The sounds that poured from your mouth were a mix of elation and lust, desire taking hold of all your senses as your body yielded to his intrusion. The way he slid in and out of you, the way your tight walls gripped around him, and the way the muffled whines that came from you each time he rammed into your deepest parts made him half insane. "Getting sooo messy, baby," his words were accented by his pelvis slamming against your upturned ass; sticky, squelching, skin on skin.
You were embarrassingly close again, eyes rolled closed. "Feels so good," you cooed from beneath, mind fully drunk on him.
"Yeah? Gonna fuck your pretty face into the mattress. Can't have you so loud that someone comes knocking," he said as he fisted into your hair, turning your head into the blankets and pillows that smelled like him. His pace grew faster, sloppier, and you knew he had to be close too. That deep sensitive spot inside you was being absolutely bullied; cockhead slammed against and past it, meeting your deepest wall, only to drag backwards along it, over and over.
"Aemond!" The mattress muffled your cry of pleasure and your second peak left you numb and weightless, mind totally blank save for the man who drove you there.
With a final push he drove into you with a guttural groan. The full length of him twitched inside your pulsating walls, coating your insides with his release. An obscene mixture of your creamy arousal and his seed oozed out from around him to dribble onto the bed. You both laughed in the aftershocks, static buzzing your brain as the lewd, heady scents of sex filled the air around you.
"Fuck, that felt good," he rasped, slowly pulling out of you and watching his cum leak from your core. "I'll get us a towel in a minute. I just need to catch my breath," he added with a lazy, glorious smile, laying flat on his back with momentary exhaustion.
You laid on your belly beside him, taking in the angles of his face and how they softened in his post-sex bliss. "No. Not yet. I'm not finished with you yet," you said slyly, pushing yourself up to flip a leg over his middle. You bent and kissed him, pushing your fingers through the damp hair from his hairline to his crown, braid no longer neat. Already half hard again, it didn't take long for him to catch his breath beneath you; fiery and refueled from your display of sensuality.
"What about you car?" He asked, biting the top of your shoulder.
"What about it? We can get it in the morning. I wanna ride this big cock."
There very well might have been some noise complaints from his room that night. Neither of you cared. Once you were both finally satisfied to the point of silliness, sleep came easy. When the morning came and he drove you back to the restaurant? You were mesmerized at how his features glowed golden with the cloudless sun.
"A 4-Runner? Lots more room in there than mine...," he teased and gave you a questioning look, testing the waters.
You hummed thoughtfully, returning his look. "Well, yeah. But, might need to put it to the test. Just to, you know, see which one is better."
thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please consider a follow and reblog as I have plans to create and share more writings ♥
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icallhimjoey · 1 year
To Have And To Scold
♥ ♥  Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your best friends are getting married, and who else can they ask to be their best man and maid of honour but you and Joe? It’s just that… you don’t really get along all that well, do you? At least, that’s what you think.
CW / disclaimer: sort of enemies to sort of lovers, slooow burn, language, drinking, hangovers, rpf, fem!reader, eventual smut
Author’s note: this took me a good minute, and listen, i promise there'll be smut!!!!!! just, give joey a minute, all right?
Wordcount: 4.7K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five - part six - part seven - part eight - part nine - part ten - epilogue
Joe didn't sleep a wink. How could he? He was in his bed, in his clothes still, and your behind was pressed up against his front.
All night he'd laid awake. Listened to you. Smelt you. Felt you. Around the 4AM mark, he'd built up enough courage to let his fingertips stroke the skin he could see in front of him, drawing shapes and writing words he was too scared to vocalise.
Across your shoulders, down your arms, the back of your neck. He got to freely feel and gently caress, hidden in the dark of night. He only stopped when you hummed too loudly, made a noise that said, yes, more. Joe retracted, silently said, I'm sorry, I shouldn't, and held his breath in fear of you waking up from his touch.
It took everything inside him not to move forward just an inch and let his cupid's bow, that little sensitive ridge above his top lip, rub the soft skin at the base of your neck.
The last time he checked the time, it was close to 5:30. He didn't remember falling asleep - do people ever? - but he couldn't have been asleep for much more than an hour when you rudely awoke him by throwing your body sideways over his. Soft stomach to soft stomach.
Joe had to pull strength up from his toes to pretend to be asleep still, as you stayed like that, draped across his torso, slowly eating the bread he'd left out on his bedside table for you.
It was one thing to hear you chew and swallow. It was a whole other thing to feel it in his own gut.
The glass of water followed, and thank the fucking lord, soon after you crawled back to what had now become your side of his bed.
That side would now forever be your side of Joe's bed. It didn't matter who else was ever going to be sleeping in it, his bed was now divided in your side and his side.
The hangover was a real one, and after taking a dazed second to yourself, sat up in Joe's bed and looking around the room, you decided you couldn't be in bed any longer.
You needed to sit under a cold shower. Or lay with your cheek on a cool toilet seat. Spray your face with ice water and then go exist in front of an aircon unit for a minute.
Joe felt you move towards the foot of the bed before the mattress leveled out, signaling you'd gotten out completely. Soft footsteps left his bedroom. Joe heard a door open, then shut immediately. Then another. More footsteps, but now coming back, and Joe lifted his head, squinting through an eye to gather what was going on. You were stood in front of Joe's bedroom door, out on the landing, and seemed... lost. Clearly out of it, still. Purely surviving.
"Where's your-" it came out all hoarse, so you cleared your throat, got rid of the raspiness and looked at Joe. "Where's your bathroom?" voice still just as croaky.
Joe let his head fall back into the pillow and just pointed.
You spent far too long in the bathroom for Joe's liking. It gave him way too much time to think about how this morning was going to go. Too much time to go back and forth between what he thought he should do. For now, he was still very tired, wanted to remain in bed in desperate need of more sleep, but he was also very aware that the polite thing to do was to at least offer you breakfast. To go downstairs with you once you were done doing... whatever you were doing in there. The tap of his sink had been going for a while.
It was because you were busy with the very necessary task of letting cool water run over your face sideways, sometimes sucking in enough water to swallow a good moutful. You know, total normal people behaviour.
It had gotten to the point where Joe thought he should at least get out of bed and get into a pair of joggers and a T-shirt. To appear a little more presentable, even though he desperately wanted to get into a shower first. However, his thoughts were interrupted when your phone started ringing. Joe looked, and saw your opened bag still on the floor next to him. He could see how your phone lit up the inside of it.
You'd heard it too, and came rushing in.
"Morning," you smiled through squinty eyes, all self-deprecatingly, holding a towel that you used to dry your face and how the fuck were you still this wildly gorgeous?
"Nice bedhead," you pointed out from your crouched position next to the bed, finding your phone and turning on your heel and making your way back over to Joe's bathroom as you answered.
It made Joe raise an insecure hand into his loose curls, doing his best to push them back into place, where they'd usually sit.
You left the towel there, on the floor, and Joe saw how your make-up had left behind the same coloured stains as were on the sleeve of his shirt, still. Not as prominent, but definitely there. It felt like you were leaving your mark to advertise your presence, claiming your territory and Joe thought, yea that's right, you might as well, though no need, because it was already all yours anyway, wasn't it?
You answered, and spoke so flatly, Joe guessed it was Mark calling.
"Yea, big one,"
You'd left the bathroom door open this time, and using context clues, Joe thought you'd just been asked if you had a hangover.
"Not much– I think I remember enough to know I'm an awful person,"
Joe eavesdropped.
"Except, I am an awful person,"
The tap turned on again, and Joe heard you take sips. Good, he thought. Rehydrate.
"Okay, thanks, but I kind of still am, though,"
"Let's agree to disagree, then. Is Poppy mad at me?"
"Oh, that's good."
"Yea, lunch is fine, can we go and get burgers or something?"
Joe couldn't help but grin to himself. This was exactly how apologies worked with him and Poppy as well. They were always strange sort of non-apologies, where you both vaguely acknowledged something and quickly moved on. Sometimes Poppy and Joe could be livid with each other, and not speak for a few days besides passive aggressive texts back and forth, and then, suddenly, skies would clear up and Joe'd ask if Poppy wanted to come with to some event, and she'd reply, asking what the dress code was and everything would be forgotten and forgiven.
"Noon's a little soon, gotta give me some time to pull myself together,"
"Yea, that should be fine,"
"All right,"
You were rounding off your chat, and Joe realised you hadn't mentioned you were over at his place. Not once. Not even slightly hinted towards it a little.
Maybe you didn't want Mark to know.
Oh fuck, Joe'd done the wrong thing by bringing you over to his house, hadn't he?
Of course you didn't want Mark to know.
The sudden rush of panic made Joe finally get up and out of bed.
Quick. Get out of these clothes.
No, wait. Apologise first.
God, you'd woken up in a bed with Joe, probably not even properly remembering how you'd gotten there and obviously, Joe was an awful person. A terrible friend. What the fuck must you be thinking of him right now?! Joe should at least–
Joe was stood in front of his wardrobe, both hands on the doorknobs, internally screaming at himself, when suddenly you interrupted the silence from the doorway.
"No, it's–... no worries," Joe shook his head, frowning a little.
"For the mess," you gestured at your own forearm, making Joe look at his own. "I would offer to pay for the dry cleaning, but it'll come out fine in a regular wash, I promise,"
Joe gave a small, crooked smile. The careful kind.
"And, sorry for ruining the wedding shower too, I got way too–"
"I said, no worries,"
He tried. He tried so hard not to make this moment awkward for you. To have it be somewhat normal. Casual. Like he didn't currently actively hate himself for the choices he had made on your behalf.
"Well," you stepped inside, got closer and then picked up your bag from the floor, along with your shoes. "At least let me say sorry for hogging your bathroom for ages then,"
With both hands on the doorknobs of his wardrobe still, Joe's eyes followed you moving around his bedroom like a hawk.
You grinned at his silence.
Deep breaths, Joe.
"All right, I'll get out of your hair," you said, stopping in his doorway and turning back to look at him, jokingly adding, "Because it clearly needs a wash."
Oh. So, you weren't going to mention it, Joe thought.
"Do you want some– I could make you some breakf–" Joe started, but you winced at the mention of food, clearly nauseous still.
"That's all right, I'll find my way out,"
You really weren't going to mention it at all, were you? Waking up in Joe's house. In his bed. Laying on top of him for a second there... it just... it hung in the air between the two of you. It got no acknowledgement from you whatsoever. Well... Joe wasn't going to be the one to mention it either, so who was he to talk, really.
"I'll see you, um," you squeezed your eyes tightly shut for a second, "When's the stag do?"
"In two weeks,"
"I'll see you in two weeks,"
And with a little wave from the top steps of the stairs as you made your way down, you disappeared completely from Joe's view.
Joe forced himself not to wait and listen til you'd close his front door behind you, and instead took insisting steps into his bathroom where he hoped he could wash all this nervous energy down the drain. Scrub himself free of the embarrassment of you not telling Mark you'd slept in his bed. With him, no less.
Now there was a secret between the two of you.
Another secret Joe was going to have to keep from Poppy.
Awful. He was an awful friend.
But if you wanted this to stay between the two of you, Joe was going to respect that, and he would absolutely keep this a secret. Joe could hate himself for what he did and not talk about it to anyone, sure. No problem.
And that was that. Decided. Done.
About thirty minutes later, Joe stepped into his own kitchen, freshly showered, and hungry, and he found an empty yoghurt carton along with a dirty spoon on the side.
Grinning to himself, he traced your steps, found more evidence of you in the empty glass that had been placed in the sink, and, looking back into his hallway, the doormat that had slid out of place.
As Joe went to move it back into its correct spot, perfectly centered in front of the threshold, he was hit with a realisation that knocked the breath right out of him.
On your way out, you must have seen it. Can't have not noticed it. You had noticed it before, and had had it on your mind enough to mention it days after having seen it. There was no way that you hadn't seen that Joe's hallway no longer held the framed cropped photograph of himself and Poppy.
It hadn't even been replaced, he'd just... taken it down the night you had mentioned it and hadn't known what to put in its place.
Joe sighed, realising it was yet another thing he hadn't told Poppy about.
So, three secrets, then. Fine.
The weekend of the stag do came around quickly. The hen do happened simultaneously, and because Poppy had been sad over the fact that she hadn't been able to have you as one of her guests, you'd all decided to finish the night at the same bar. To meet up and 'round off together.
You'd have all of your separate fun, make Mark and Poppy dress up at least a little stupid - Mark was forced into a foam costume of a beer bottle, Poppy just got given a tiara that read Bride To Be - and would make them take belly shots off of strangers before eventually meeting up and having them do a belly shot off of each other.
Maybe not exclusively belly shots. You were sure you'd come up with more creative ways of drinking hard liquor. But shots, none the less. And whoever got most in, would win, and Poppy was hell-bent on winning.
"I'm going to get so drunk," she'd almost said it like it was a threat when Joe came to pick her up that afternoon.
"Oh yea?" Mark had been far too cool about it for Poppy's liking.
"There's not a chance you'll do more shots than me,"
"We'll see,"
And you did see.
It was just past 11 when your group of drunk men followed you into a basement bar after a long pub treasure hunt. You were met with shrieking girls, a very drunk Poppy, and a fairly sober looking Joe.
"Twenty-one!" Poppy shouted, her tiara all tangled up in her hair whilst she held up a bunch fingers that didn't mean anything.
"Shut up," you laughed, reached up to fix her hair a little, "You did not have twenty-one shots,"
"Twenty-seven if you count all the ones I dropped or spat out, too,"
You looked at Joe who smiled at you and shrugged as if to say, she did it. Mark had gotten maybe nine in, you'd lost count if you were honest, and his brain could barely remember his body had two feet down at the end of his legs.
Mark was drunk drunk. The beer bottle costume had been torn to shreds, and was now just a brown weird cropped vest over his clothes. Like an odd lifejacket created by a fashion student.
"Congratulations then," you squeezed Poppy's cheeks as she smiled, but got quickly pushed to the side by Mark who attached himself to Poppy's face, diving in tongue first.
"Yea, all right, that's fine," you scrunched your nose up at the sight and made your way over to the bar to get beers for the lads. Joe joined you.
"Half of those were water, but don't tell her," Joe said over the music. "She'll be devastated."
"Still more than Mark," you laughed. "She's a fair winner."
You both looked back at them as they ate each other's faces.
"What a couple," you jokingly said.
"Very romantic, this," Joe agreed, and you both laughed a little.
You'd just had enough alcohol to be sort of all right and normal around each other. Not drunk enough for Joe to not be hyper aware of the fact that when he'd last seen you, you'd slept over at his place. But, he could pretend not to think it was a big deal.
It was a secret, after all. Had to keep it that way.
You got an order in with a bartender for nine pints, and you took a moment to yourself to feel satisfied with the evening. To feel proud of yourself. Everything had gone exactly according to plan; all the guys that had been invited had shown up on time, Mark's brother was gracious and didn't make any spiteful jokes about him not being the best man, and everyone was having actual fun? And that on a stag do thrown by a woman? What a wild concept.
You started passing out lager, calling names over the music and handing over pints, when suddenly a random dude pretended to be part of your group and jokingly reached for a beer you were about to give to someone else. It made you laugh, give him a face as you avoided his hand, and before you knew it, you had him slurring unintelligible things into your ear.
Drunk men were like this. Predictable like toddlers. The antics of a child.
You kind of let him talk, and tried to decipher whatever he was saying. Tried to find an excuse or joke hidden in his slurred words about him getting one of those drinks from you, as you held a glass out to Mark.
Mark shot you one look and didn't even really see the drink.
Instead, what Mark saw was you being bothered by a drunk stranger that needed to back the fuck off if he knew what was good for him.
He was beside you in an instant, and used an arm to snake in between the two of you, wedging himself in between, his back turned to you, fully staring this guy down. The alcohol in his veins made him feel dangerously immortal, and his face gave nothing away, but the lack of humour displayed said plenty.
"Sorry mate," the stranger held up both palms and stepped back.
"Here," you tried to distract Mark by holding his drink out in front of him, which he took from you, but he kept his eyes on the guy who made his way back to his own friends.
"Mark, it's fine, he was only joking," you smiled, finding it both a little endearing and a little annoying that even in this state, Mark would make sure you were okay. He completely misread the signs, but still. It was kind of him.
When Mark turned around and let his exterior soften a little, you both had your attention directed to a furious Poppy who looked like she was just about ready to smash her glass on the bar and slit someone's throat.
Whose throat, though? you wondered.
"Why do you always do that?!"
Ah. Mark's throat.
"Do what?" Mark seemed unfazed by Poppy's outburst.
"Stop cock-blocking her all the time! She doesn't need you to always be all up in her business!"
Oh no, Poppy was going to go to war for you. An undeclared one, too – you hadn't called for troops. Especially not drunk, emotionally unstable ones.
But Mark retaliated with his own ammunition.
"Um, clearly she does. I take my eyes off her for a second and she ends up in Joe's bed,"
You heard an audible gasp come from the other side, and saw Joe, mouth agape, brows in a deep frown. Shocked, offended, dismayed, and not being funny about it.
"Excuse me?!"
For a second, you saw Poppy question herself as her eyes shot to you, asking, "Didn't you?"
"She did." Mark answered, giving you accusatory eyes.
"Mark!" you scolded.
"You told them?!" Joe couldn't quite believe it.
What was happening right now?
"And so what if she did?" Poppy got back to her war, aiming the barrels of her guns right back on Mark. "She can decide for herself if she–"
"She was drunk!" Mark said it like he was sober himself, which, you know, he very much wasn't.
"Nothing happened!" You looked at Joe, needed him to confirm that nothing had happened, just to settle this whole ordeal. But Joe was trying to follow whatever Mark and Poppy were even talking about with confused eyes, puzzling things together.
"Wait, you didn't tell them?" Why wouldn't Joe tell his best friend about it? That made everything so much weirder.
"Of course I didn't!"
Oh. Wow. Cool way to let you know Joe didn't want people knowing you'd seen the inside of his bedroom. Very subtle. Not at all hurtful in any way. You ignored the misplaced sparkle you felt in your lower stomach when you made direct eye-contact with Joe's wild eyes.
That was probably just the drink. Had to be the drink.
"I'm only making sure that she's okay!" Mark defended himself to his fiancé.
It was a wild crossfire. A whole big cluster-fuck of raised voices and slurred words. Poppy and Mark opposite each other, you and Joe in between on either side.
Poppy was saying all sorts of things on your behalf that you didn't need her saying aloud. Things like, "She's fine! She's an adult woman with a sex life!" and "She doesn't need you to act like a jealous boyfriend!", getting things out that had been festering within her for what seemed ages.
Mark defended himself, and mocked facial expressions the whole time, shouting things like, "I'm sorry for being a great friend," all passive aggressive, which only angered Poppy more.
In the meantime, you and Joe had your own fight going.
And Joe had heard what Poppy had just said, had just implied, and get the fuck out, you were so fucking cute when you got all feisty.
You accused Joe of always being so weird, and fucking rude, whilst he accused you of making him lie to Poppy, causing him to be weird. Like it was your fault that he hadn't been honest, that he had pretended he'd dropped you off at your flat that night, and it offended you to no end.
You were not going to take any blame for this – you'd obviously immediately told Mark that afternoon, when you'd gone to have burgers with him for lunch. The whole conversation had been about the wedding shower. Staying over at Joe's was hardly something you could've left out. And why should you have? You'd both fallen asleep in your clothes. Nothing had happened! And Mark had reacted very calmly to it as well. You'd mentioned it, Mark had gone, "Huh," and that was that. You'd carried on talking about the gifts they'd gotten, and the insane amount Poppy's family had spent on them.
It hadn't been a big deal. At all. So, the fact that Mark brought it up now as if it was a big deal kind of stung.
You were about to direct some anger towards your best friend, but it was difficult to get in between whatever Mark and Poppy had going.
"You always do this!" Poppy pointed an angry finger at Mark, who immediately grabbed onto it with a fist, making Poppy flail her arm to break free from it.
"I've taken shots from mouths of random men tonight and you've not once–" Poppy started, but got interrupted.
"You've done what?!" This was news to Mark and so definitely the wrong thing for one drunk person to say to another drunk person.
"You could've at least let me know," Joe got your attention again, and made you scoff.
"The fact that you even thought it was something to keep secret is fucking weird, Joe!"
No, not cute. Scratch that.
It was hot.
You got hotter when you turned pissy and spat Joe's name into his face. He kind of wanted to keep this going just for the off-chance of you saying his name like that again.
But before Joe could say anything back to rile you up any further, Poppy and Mark both lurched forward and channeled all of their pent up anger into filthy kissing. They just started grossly tongue fucking each other and fuck, wasn't that the right idea?
When Joe took a step to the side to continue whatever conversation he was having with you, he saw that you'd turned around and were moving towards the exit.
Just, walking out. Leaving.
Like you always did.
"Fuck you, I love you so much," Joe heard Mark groan into Poppy's mouth, and Poppy moaned so loudly, Joe could hear it over the music and, yea, all right, maybe leaving was the right idea.
You were fast. Already outside, walking backwards along the edge of the pavement as you eyed the street for an available cab.
Joe stumbled out of the bar and called your name when he spotted you.
You sighed, grumbled some swearwords to yourself as Joe jogged up.
"Listen, it's clear that you fucking hate me," you started when Joe got into ear shot. "And I'm sorry that I told Mark about staying over, I wasn't aware that you didn't want anyone to know,"
"I'm sure it's all very embarrassing for you, but don't accuse me of making you lie – I didn't make you do shit,"
Oh no.
You got it all wrong.
"No, I–"
"You lied on your own fucking accord, don't rope me into shit like that, that's not cool,"
You raised an arm when you saw a cab pull up a little down the road after people had just gotten out.
"But no worries, Joe," you got all sarcastic, and the deranged combination of your frown, tight jaw and the mention of his name again made Joe have to close is eyes for a second.
Deep breaths.
Always and forever, deep, deep, deep breaths.
"I'll make sure to never mention to anyone ever again that I sometimes spend time in the same room as you,"
The cab stopped next to you, and you were quick to duck down and speak to the cabby. Gave him your address before moving to get inside. You saw Joe step closer then, and you immediately raised a finger.
"Don't," you warned, and Joe froze.
You didn't need Joe accompanying you home. You'd be just fine by yourself. Had he not just listened to Poppy going off inside, saying you were fine?
"I don't hate you," Joe blurted out quickly before you'd get into the cab and would disappear into the night.
He couldn't quite let you leave yet.
Not when Joe felt like this.
You just pressed your lips into a polite smile, clearly not buying it and just looked at him a second, then, by ways of saying goodbye, said, "I won't be a burden to you any longer."
You were leaving.
Climbed into the cab and were actually leaving.
Absolutely not.
Joe saw you get into a seatbelt, attention diverted, and decided, fuck it, before he swung the door open again and climbed right over you.
"Joe, what the fuck,"
Joe ignored you, loudly gave his own address to the cab driver too, then instructed to drop you off first as he buckled up.
You stared at him with wild eyes, not quite believing that Joe couldn't just let you go home by yourself.
"I don't hate you," Joe said again, calmer now. "I never said you were a burden to me - you're not a burden to me." Much, much softer.
You, not so much.
"I don't need you to take me home, I can take care of myself!"
"I know you can," Joe's voice was low. "And you have done. Still do."
All fight seemed to have left him completely, and it took you off guard a little. Your breath hitched on an inhale, and you were unsure of why you felt the muscles in your stomach work when you looked at Joe.
But you were stubborn.
"I don't need people looking out for me, I know Poppy's plastered, but she was right – it's so unnecessary," you were genuinely annoyed that Joe couldn't have just let you get a taxi to your flat by yourself. You were tough, God damn it.
"It's just..." Joe trailed, and let eye-contact linger.
"No, it's not just. I don't need you to take care of me!"
You weren't just going to give in. You were going to get Joe to agree with you and then apologise.
"I know you don't!" Joe raised his voice slightly to match yours a little, before he brought it back down again, and said, "But what people need is hardly ever what they want,"
Oh shit.
That shut you right up. You felt that sparkle again and it made you clench your thighs.
"And what people want..."
Joe moved in closer a little bit, and fuck all the way off. You wanted to kiss Joe.
"...is hardly ever what they need."
Needed that mouth on yours, and when Joe inched closer, you didn't move back. Did the opposite, actually and looked at his lips.
It was all Joe needed from you.
"Did you know that when you blush," Joe said, voice just above a whisper now, and his nose nearly touching yours, "It goes all the way down your neck?"
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @jasminearondottir @josephquinned @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @thefemininemystiquee @alana4610 @emmamooney @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellysimagines @mybffjoe @chaoticgood-munson @sherrylyn628 @bdpst-massacre @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @munsonswhore86 @alwayslindie @breddiemunson @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s  @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-eddie @alizztor @jnnyrd @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff @quinnsmunson @frogers @kennedy-brooke @daleyeahson @eddielives1986 @harringtonfan4 @sadbitchfangirl
(taglist currently full, sorry)
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joesquinns · 1 year
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This gif is shit - sorry for that Since it's Valentine's Day here where I am, I thought of "giving" my favourite fanfic-writers some love because they give us so much love during the whole year with their awesome creations! I refuse to pick fave stories, so I'm going to link to their masterlist instead! So buckle up because this is going to be a long ride...
But first...some warnings:
Warning 1: A lot of the writers mentioned below write RPF!!! RPF stands for Real Person FICTION! It's fiction about a real person!! I repeat, it's fiction! If you're not comfortable with that, then you have to skip those fics.
Warning 2: Almost all the writers I post here have 18+ fics! So please, if you're underage, don't interact with them. Take a look at their warnings and all, and if you find something that doesn't fit you - don't read it! Simple as that! No need to send stupid asshole hate on anon!
Ok, are you ready?
@joejoequinnquinn Kay is my darling, ok? She's such a wonderful and beautiful person and simply perfect and since this perfection isn't enough she can write! Like damn! She has a way to play with words, it makes me feel things I didn't know I could feel. So do yourself a favour and read her stuff, like AND reblog it, and believe me you will be a different person! - Masterlist
@quinnypixie If you're a fan of Joseph Quinn and do not know Stevie or her writing, I don't know what you're doing here? It doesn't even take 0,5 seconds to get invested in her stories and in her characters and ... you're going to end up obsessed, but it's a beautiful obsession, believe me. - Masterlist
@choke-me-joey I'm a perv...I don't hide it. I like sex. All kinds of sex - there is no limit for me. I try everything out. Especially when it comes to reading about sex. So if smut would be a drug, then Kat would be my favourite drug-dealer. That's for sure. But she doesn't only write smut, you find all kind of stories in her masterlist, especially a very great Eddie story that she's currently writing. In addition to that, she's soon going to ruin us with fluff & angst, and I'm so here for it! - Masterlist (Since Kat is shadowbanned on her account - take a look and follow her on her main: @choke-me-eddie)
@ceriseheaven I don't have to say much about Cherry, do I? I mean, if you're here, you've come across her absolute perfect stuff. In addition to that, Cherry is one of the sweetest and nicest person I've seen on Tumblr. She gets a complete innocent ask and turns it into a masterpiece that leaves you like a lost puppy. I love seeing her and her writing on my dash - Masterlist
@icallhimjoey I have never, in my life, been so deep in desperation when reading her famous 5-parts. Especially when they aren't finished. I want to rip my hair out like every. single. time. No exception. So, grab some coffee or tea, open her masterlist and join us, the cumcum twats. - Masterlist
@quinnsbower If you take a look at Luna's masterlist you'll find EVERYTHING there. They write for all characters Joe has played, plus some (very good) rpf. Every story of them is absolutely fantastic and very beautiful written. - Masterlist
These are the ones I wanted to name explicit, please understand that I can't write some nice words to all the perfect writers out there since it would definitely break this site. But here are the following writers, I totally recommend to check out, read their stuff and reblog ♥
@chaoticgood-munson | @cinemaquinn | @corrodedcherry | @eagerbby | @faithinus | @ghostinthebackofyourhead | @hard-candy-writing | @harrys-four-nipples | @hopelesswrites | @indouloureux | @joemazzmatazz | @josephfakingquinn | @justsomestoriessx | @ladyfogg | @lokis-army-77 | @msgexymunson | @munsonsgirl71 | @mybffjoe | @mypoisonedvine | @palomahasenteredthechat | @pedroschka | @prettyboyeddiemunson | @punk-in-docs | @quinnkeerys | @silkscream | @spiderrrling | @stranger-nightmare | @usedtobecooler | @userquinn | @witchy-munson | @xcatnapsx
To all the blogs tagged in this post: Thank you so much for your writing!!! You don't know what impact you and your perfect written words have on our lives...MY LIFE!!! You make this earth a better place. Your stories are doing a greater work than any other person could do! ♥ I love you all ♥ Happy Valentine's day ♥
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changingplumbob · 2 months
List 5 facts about a favourite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
This took a while because I couldn't remember who I'd done, and didn't want to double up by mistake. Without further ado, Aaron York!
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If you read my stories you've probably gotten to know Aaron a bit this past week but here's some more facts that don't necessarily slot well into a story.
He did not originally want to be a lawyer. He had no idea what he wanted to do but his parents financially supported him to travel around Italy for a while with his best friend Calista. When it became time to study he did law at the insistence of his parents and to his surprise found it suited his bookworm nature. Plus rocking up to places in snazzy suits and drawing everyone's attention, that makes life as a self-absorbed sim easy.
He did not make the first move, Calista did, Aaron always figured she was out of his league. For those unaware Calista is demiromantic and demisexual. As much as she loved her best friend she found his ego unattractive. Traveling with him showed her a different side of him, one that was happy to laugh at himself and genuinely cared for others. Needless to say he was thrilled when she started to flirt with him.
He and Calista discussed how they'd raise kids long before getting engaged. He offered that they split time as "main parent" so they could both be with their kids and advance in their careers. The pair decided Aaron would use his degree first while Calista worked as a barista during the time she was pregnant and raising the kids. Aaron offered to switch which would allow Calista to pursue her dream of a military career, her response was something like "Yeah except I'm pregnant for the fourth time". They switched anyway because Aaron is a man of his word.
Aaron enjoyed mainly working from home while Artemisia was growing up. He still had to attend court now and then, but was able to take the toddler to the library with him when he needed use of an archive machine. He also took over the cooking and cleaning from Calista, a role he continued once their youngest was in school. He taught Devin how to cook and Joey how to bake but could never get Deanna interested in the kitchen. Of course Artemisia preferred to make messes instead of food.
His aspiration is College Lineage, basically he wants three of his kids to earn degrees. But really he wants all four of them to have higher education. This is why he's very academic focused and wants his kids to do the best they can in school. This can lead to him seeming like he cares about their success more than who they are, but he believes gaining a degree will give his kids the best chance of succeeding in their future lives.
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rafestar · 1 year
Also, the theme 🪴 🍬🌿🌴🥑🥒🦖👗🐢🛶🫒🪲🎋🫑🥝🦚🐊🎍🧃🫛🥭👒
I just did not-
HELPPP i actually want to change it but not sure
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zeroducks-2 · 1 year
No pressure to share, but do you have any sneak peaks or anything you want to share about the Mad Max fic 👀
It's more of a Mad Max inspired AU than a Mad Max AU if you get what I mean, and really it isn't much more than a self-indulgent, comfort fic I'm writing to keep myself sane during the most complicated move of my life haha
But sure thing, you can have a sneak peak ♥
Slade tears the kid’s shirt to uncover his scent glands, and has to keep him still through a distressed whimper and his attempt to squirm away, holding onto the submission collar. Whatever he did to cover his own smell he did it really well, and Slade has to insist on scrubbing his neck with a natural sponge and soap because water alone doesn’t seem to be enough; eventually it starts working, the kid trying to suppress a small whine as he finally sits still on the stool, head downcast and tied wrists quivering behind his back. 
And distressed as it might be, Slade starts to be hit with the honeyed scent of Omega pheromones, and if initially he thinks the little thing might be in pre-heat, soon enough he realizes that no, Joey was correct. This one is indeed pregnant. 
«You’ll have to tell me how you managed to hide your smell that well.» He says in a low tone, holding the kid’s face on a side to keep smelling his neck, wanting to be completely sure. «Now you and your pup belong to me, and if you try to pull another stunt there are going to be consequences. Do you understand me?»
The kid hurriedly nods with a very tiny but still audible noise caught in the back of his throat, his smell souring with distress even more. He’s curling up and clearly trying to huddle around his own belly, but sitting like that and with his arms tied he can’t.
Slade gauges that he has to be two, maybe three months along. The slavers who took him thought he was a Beta, which means the kid has been concealing his pregnancy for a long time. Or maybe someone tried to hide him among slavers and was supposed to come collect him at a later moment… sometimes it happens with pups of especially powerful and influential pack Alphas, who might fear for the life of their Omega mates when they manage to impregnate them. Or even, he was the mate of someone whose pack was torn apart, and as a form of humiliation their Omega was tossed in the slave trade like cheap scrap metal, even with a pup in their belly. That happens too.
«Can I…» The kid breathes out, voice made small by the collar still tight around his scruff. «Can I be untied? I promise I won’t fight.»
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cardsbizarreadventure · 6 months
👀 How about your YGO gal? I wana learn more about her! Hehehe love you cards (youknowwhothisis)
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☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆ Aaaaaaaaaaaa nooo , I love you!!! ;w;~ Thank you for the ask sweet dear! I am so happy to know that there is interest for my little bonita. Here is some little trivia. - Val comes from another dimension. - For the longest time she thought that she was on some weird show that plays pranks on people , large amount of encounters she had witnessed she thought that there were hidden cameras ready to shout 'You've been pranked!' (When she saved Mokuba and hung down from a construction building , she thought that she was the star of some stunt scene, until she realized that she could actually die at the time lmfao.) - Val thought that Yugi's hair was a wig at first and still think it is , until she confirmed that it wasn't later on. - Her best friend is a big debate between Joey and Mai , but the good part is that she can secretly be their wingman without them even knowing. - Val was really creeped out by Seto and his 'obsession' talk about her 'owning a Blue-Eyes' but later on he began to tone it down a bit and rarely bring it up. He really hated her at the start , like with a burning passion , he thought that she is just some lucker wannabe that made it to the second round with pure beginners luck and nothing more , only to be proven wrong later on. - Mokuba was the first to even acknowledge Seto's feelings , because he noticed the change in behavior when he was around Val during and after the Wakening the Dragon's arc, it was hard to pick up at first because of how their whole little hate relationship started , but Mokuba began to notice the smallest of gestures and little things he does, so he was basically Seto's wingman undercover. Of course Seto would never admit it let alone even consider it to begin with (because he has no time for that lmfao) , but during my arc he began to feel slight jealousy when Val would interact a whole lot with Allister. (There will be more bonding between the two of them in my own Arc that will take place after wakening the dragons <3) - Her ancient Egyptian reincarnation is the complete opposite of Val. Akerai is very calm and collected with a very sunshine like attitude and personality , while Val is a full on tsundere that doesn't take shid from anyone, she could be quite blunt but sometimes acts so she would have the upper hand in some situations. She can be sweet and caring however , only to the people she cares the most about. Thank you again so much for the ask! I have yet to write more about her since I am upgrading her , so in the meantime I hope you enjoyed these little headcanons and ideas ;w;~.
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kira-quartz · 3 months
The "Send a Ship" meme - our lovely Carryshipping boys!!! <3
Sorry for the wait, ^^;.
♥ Send a ship and I'll give you who:
Gives nose/forehead kisses: Tristan gives the most forehead kisses. He also likes to receive them, which, as far as he's concerned, is the one downside to being taller than his boyfriends. Nose kisses are more Ryo and Joey's thing - Joey loves how Ryo's nose scrunches up when he kisses it, 🥰.
Gets jealous the most: 🤔 I'm not sure. We see Joey and Tristan getting jealous over Mai and Serenity respectively in the anime, but they've been best friends since they were 13(?), so I don't think they'd be like that with each other; they trust each other too much. I can see Ryo sometimes feeling a bit insecure in the beginning because Joey and Tristan have been so close for so long while he was kind of an outsider in the Nerd Herd until he was freed from YB.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: Joey. Tristan is the only one of them who drinks, and Ryo gets anxious behind the wheel.
Takes care of the others on sick days: Okay, I have Thoughts on this, but I've taken long enough to answer this, so short version: they all do, but Tristan's the best at it. (I'll post the Thoughts separately when I can! :])
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: Joey - he loves the beach, and not even the pier Duel could ruin swimming for him. (He just doesn't dive too deep.)
Gives unprompted massages: Usually Joey, usually to Tristan because he LOVES it.
Drives/rides shotgun: Tristan drives; the passenger seat goes to whoever wants it, but Ryo's polite and usually asks Joey if he wants to sit there first.
Brings the other lunch at work: Tristan. Ryo makes the lunches when he can, but Joey's hours are weird sometimes.
Has the better parental relationship: Definitely Tristan. Things are still a bit tense between him and his dad, but as long as they avoid the subject of the factory, they can still have a conversation without too much awkwardness.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: Tristan. Joey dances embarrassingly anyway, but if Tristan's drunk (which doesn't happen too often), he'll be more focused on keeping an eye on him.
Still cries watching Titanic: I *want* to say Tristan, but I can also kind of see him being on Team Just-Get-On-The-Door-You-Idiot. Although there is a deleted scene that points out that the door couldn't support the weight of two people, so I guess it could depend on whether he knows about that. Either way, Tristan cries over movies all the time. Joey's almost as bad, but that doesn't stop him from poking fun at him over it, although they have an unspoken understanding that certain topics are off-limits.
Firmly believes in couples costumes: RYO. I HC that he taught himself to sew for this kind of purpose. He starts suggesting ideas months in advance, and puts a lot of work into getting every detail perfect.
Makes the other eat breakfast: Ryo will never forget to eat again if Joey and Tristan can help it.
Remembers anniversaries: With two people in the household who have memory problems, things like that definitely get written down, but Tristan remembers anyway.
Brings up having kids: Tristan does first, but he doesn't want to pressure the other two about it, so once he finds out that they aren't sure yet, he lets the subject go. When they do decide to have kids, it's Joey who suggests it - he takes the longest to come around to the idea, but he does.
Thanks for asking! 😁
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bengals-barnesbabe · 5 days
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Imagine your first wash day at Joe's...
word count: 1.1k
a/n: JB9 taglist is now open, if you’d like to be on it comment 'tag me🏈’ and you’ll be added. If you want to be taken off at any point dm me -babe :)
main masterlist
When you first started dating, Joe had only ever seen your hair in a protective style or wrapped in a scarf, granted you met in the summer so those were your safest options.
As time went on and you grew closer, you began to wear your hair out more which required much more work, so you left a mini hair care bag at his place. It only had a few essential items like a leave in, edge control, mini spray bottle, some hair oil and a pack of silk scrunchies. Since you spent the majority of the time at his place he believed that was all you needed to maintain your 4b/4c hair.
You moved in with him a month ago, and today is your long awaited and very much needed wash day. The weather in Cincinnati finally cooled down enough for you to let go of the braids, so you planned to do mini twists. You wanted to start as soon as possible, so when Joe left at 8 in the morning you gathered your bucket of haircare products and locked yourself in the bathroom.
♡ ♥︎ ♡
It was about noon when Coach Taylor let his players out, they had a game that Sunday so he didn't want to run them too ragged. Joe, Tee and Ja'Marr decided to grab a bite to eat before heading to Joe's to cool off.
The moment the 3 men enter your living room is the exact moment you remember that you may have neglected to tell your boyfriend of today's significance.
"Hey babe, we stopped by that place you liked so I brought you- woah." Joe looks wide eyed at the organized mess of different combs/brushes, gels and bottles of hair products with you in the center of it.
You nervously smile at the trio. "Hi." You quickly finish the twist you're on and pause the movie you're 'watching'.
"Are we interrupting something- ohhh yea mhm got it. Let's go, Tee." Ja'Marr says assessing the situation.
"Yo wait, can you do mine next? You know, when you get a chance." Tee asks.
"Man, she aint doing yo crusty ass fade. I'm definitely next."
"There ain't nothing wrong with my cut." The two wide receivers argue on the way out.
You chuckle before turning back to your boyfriend, "I may have forgot to tell you today's wash day." You say sheepishly.
"You think?" He shakes his head and takes a seat on the cleanest spot next to you. "This is a lot, when did you get all of this?"
"I've had it the whole time, most of it stays in the closet a majority of the time." You shrug moving around some of the products so he can stretch out. He gladly scoots in closer and analyses your work in progress.
You had just finished the back before they walked in, your hair is pretty thick and a decent length so washing it took about 2 hours. Then you decided to make your life easier by making the process harder and blowing out the entire thing, that took another hour.
"The line in the back is crooked, but its look pretty nice overall."
You immediately smacked his chest. "Joey, what the hell."
"What'd I do? Do you not want me to be honest?" You glared at him.
"You've been hanging out with Ja'Marr for too long."
He chuckles and presses a kiss to your head, "baby you are the most talented, amazing and most beautiful woman I've ever had the pleasure to meet. And you are doing an absolutely fantastic job on your hair."
"Much better, now let me wash my hands before I see if you actually got my order right." You teased.
"I know you better than I know myself Y/n, you need to stop doubting my 'boyfriend skills'."
While you're gone he couldn't help but look at every single product in his vicinity. Trying not to knock over any of the open bottles of oil, he spots a bright blue gel-cream and reaches for it.
"Doo Gro, well I am growing out my hair." His curiosity getting the best of him, he scoops some out of the jar and sniffs it for safety reasons. Unable to place the scent, he rubs it in his hands then rakes his hands through his hair.
"Joe, what are you doing?" He jumps at your voice, effectively knocking over your bag of combs.
"Shit, baby. What does it look like?" He says now cleaning the mess of combs, in shapes and sizes he'd never seen a day in his life.
"It looks like you wanna be a giant grease ball." You snort picking a handheld mirror off the floor and putting it in his face.
"Jesus, I didn't put that much in." The dollop he picked up had somehow multiplied and made it look like he'd meant to slick back his hair.
"Aww my poor greasy baby, I hope you rubbed it into your scalp as well." You said picking up your plate and shoving the food in your mouth.
"I think I got that covered, does this stuff wash out- Y/n baby calm down it's not going anywhere." He stares wide eyed at the plate that's been half eaten in mere seconds.
"I know, I just haven't eaten since like yesterday. It probably does, just not all of it. At least you'll get thicker hair out of this," You can't help the giggles coming out as you continue to look at your boyfriend's head.
"It's not that funny." He bites his bottom lip as his own start to take over.
"You look like the kids that cover themselves in vaseline and peanut butter." The room's completely filled with your laughter to the point that everything has been forgotten.
"If doing your hair has always been this fun, let me help all the time." He smiles as the laughter subsides.
You shake your head, "I'll let you wash it next time and we'll see if you still wanna be included. Even with your giant football arms, you'll be tapping out before we get to deep conditioning."
He smirks, "all I hear is that you like my arms."
You scoffed and gave him a good once-over, "oh I like more than your arms." Biting your lip, you sit yourself in his lap.
"Oh yea, tell me more." His eyes blazed with desire as your hands run up his arms and down his chest.
"I love how big you are, but you already knew that." You smirk.
"Fuck." He growls pulling your lips flush against his.
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
a/n: inspired by my HS self making the fact that I learned to do my hair during quarantine and mastered mini twists enough for it to become my entire personality. she was very humbled when they became a trend lol, I still love them tho and my nephew who covered himself in vaseline not once but 3 times. :)
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