#“I'm sorry I panicked?!”
bet-on-me-13 · 4 months
Thats not Fair!?
So! Danny is a Member of the JLA. He is a Millenia Old Ghost who is stuck looking the same as the day he died, so he never aged over all those Centuries. While the JLA is slightly uncomfortable at him being on the Team, they know his circumstances and try to ignore his appearance. He can't control it, its not his Fault.
Or at least, that's what he tells them.
Danny is in fact, a 15 Yr Old Kid, who used his experience as a Time Traveler to trick the JLA into letting him join the Adult Team. He is actually doing a good job in tricking them!
Then, in a complete accident, he runs into Jazz while talking to a few fellow Leaguers.
She showers him in older sister love, hugging him and giving him Nuggies, and when a Leaguer asks how old she is she says "Oh I'm 17, 2 whole years older than this little scamp!"
So there goes that lie.
Fortunately, the League decides to let Danny stay on the Adult Team.
Unfortunately, Young Justice learned about his admittance to the Adult Team and kind of lost it.
"What?! Why is HE allowed on the Adult Team!? He's only been a Hero for a Year! We've all been Heroes for so much longer!?! And for that matter why is Shazam still on the Team!? Is that the new Rule? If you can trick us into letting you in the Team you can stay? Cause we can do that! We can sneak our way in too!"
Basically I want to imagine YJ's reaction to 2 Child Heroes on the Adult Team when they are stuck on the "Baby Team"
I think it would be funny.
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geodenes · 2 months
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i love them more than the sun in the sky and the flowers on the ground
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scribefindegil · 8 months
I feel like at least in my circles Twelfth Night is the better known crossdressing Shakespeare play, but I love As You Like It bc it's just like
Rosalind: How many layers of gender fuckery are you on?
Viola, on the verge of a panic attack: Idk like three?? Why?
Rosalind: You are like a little baby. Watch this.
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mumbledramblings · 4 months
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[Trigun OC]
Team "would rather die than admit something's bothering them"
So for the first good chunk of their relationship, Bad Luck and Vash were more "fucking" than "dating". Bad Luck was really apprehensive about romantic entanglements, and had been taken advantage of by a friend, in the past. (While not THE reason he was kicked out of his community, it was definitely related.)
However, Vash-- aware of Luck's hesitance but not of the reasons why-- already had a little bit of a crush on him. So when Luck stupidly offered a FWB situation, Vash accepted, thinking he could be chill about it. He quickly realized, no, he could NOT be chill about it, and spent the next few months relentlessly pining and feeling guilty and wanting to broach the subject, but never saying anything.
Eventually, Vash's crush gets revealed, and by that point Bad Luck has kinda fallen in love with him and they get together and Bad Luck insists that it's all fine, water under the bridge. Truthfully, though, he feels a little betrayed, and has this sense of "why the fuck would you think that's a good idea" towards Vash, hanging over his head. But he also thinks he has no place feeling this way because he never told Vash why he was so hesitant (and still hasn't), and also he does love Vash now anyway, so there's really no point bringing this up now and messing with the status quo, right?
And that's just the beginning of their relationship. There's a whole bunch of other plot-related problems they never talk about until after things boil over. Eventually, they'll get their acts together and talk through everything, I promise. Eventually. It just, might take until after the plot's fully resolved for them to get there.
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Whoever harassed @glimmerglanger to the point that they DELETED THEIR AO3 AND LEFT: count your motherfuckin days.
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catoscloves · 9 months
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I wanna be defined by the things that I love. Not the things I hate. Not the things that I'm afraid of... Not the things that haunt me in the middle of the night. I, I just think that, you are what you love.
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dramadeer · 5 months
yesterday I went to the forcebook fanmeet in rome and I had such a wonderful time I'm still trying to recover from it but please understand that they are both SO tall and SO handsome in person and also I chatted a little bit with the hotel staff and they wouldn't stop gushing about how nice and polite they were to everyone
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Maybe they're looking for you too?If they are alive.(Give Pep a hug.)
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Pep: *sobbing*
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Pep: "…Sdneirf uoy knat. .Kcirb, uoy knaht…"
Pep: "Pu gnidliub neeb evah sgnileef edisni dab eht lla dna elihw a rof enola neeb ev'I... Gniyrc dna gnikcinap peek I, yrros... M'I..."
Pep: "Gnirit... Si ti tub... Tuo meht teg ot retteb tib a s'ti..."
Pep: "Ydaer litnu tiaw dluohs ew. Thgir era sdneirf tub, ereht tuo era yeht epoh od I."
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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DARK CREAM WEEK: day 5- punish/reward
idk man i think your threats would work a lot more often if you stopped being so handsome about it fdrgbegh<333
dark cream week and comic are by @zu-is-here
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yullen · 1 year
“S’been a while!” | “Yaaay!”
久々に本編で現代アレンたち描いてます。幸せカツラ⁡⁡ Drawing main story present-era Allen-tachi (Allen & his group) (after) a long time. Happy Katsura
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million-with-a-b · 5 months
Hey sysblr, has anyone experienced an alter regressing not in age, but in memory?
One of our alters (nameless for privacy sake) has been with us for five years. And suddenly he just doesn't remember anything about the system, or his time with us, or anything.
I'll be honest it's really stressful for him and the rest of us. Any advice?
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whitecreekvalley-if · 4 months
Aw hells, I posted an ask before it was Good To Go© so I'm gonna do it like this. I'm sorry!
ASK: How easy is it to turn on the ROs, and what turns them on? (Sorry that this isn't word for word. I've had drink with pals. It's Saturday.)
Under cut for slightly NSFW themes.
Mace is so very easy to turn on once he realizes the desires of his heart (or loins lmao), it's ridiculous. Could be a lingering touch here, bedroom eyes there, and the man's half-mast already while trying to chug a gallon of water to turn himself off. It's even worse if you make clear that you're interested as well, that's when even a slight suggestive tone gets him going. God-fearing man do be petrified of his own fantasies.
Alice is all about the confidence once she realizes that oh hells, she's attracted to you in more ways than one. Someone asserting themselves and taking charge of things, being positively domineering? She's already imagining them under her begging for release. She tempers those thoughts often though, and all you can gather from her lust is a lingering stare. Good at hiding herself being turned on, absolutely. Don't mean she isn't.
Judge is a difficult man to turn on, but there's one thing. Someone calling him out on his shit. Yeah. Since he doesn't realize himself being an absolute stump, someone getting in his face and being angry and passionate about it, not cowering before his profession or stature? Look at that man clenching his jaw and mentally whacking away those dirty thoughts. An easier way to turn him on is being good with a gun, but that's a remnant of his wild days.
Sadie doesn't entertain lust so she doesn't get turned on for nothing. But! She does have a thing for adrenaline and if you join her on her secret quests to break into places and questioning people who know too much, and enjoy it? She gotta coax her professionalism to come back instead of giving you an impromptu kiss in the heat of the moment. Being a lawyer never killed her rebellious streak, so someone sharing that makes her feel things.
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oscaronpole · 8 months
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as promised, here are the pics I took with oscar in Monza! (they are 4 different pictures I swear)
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kevin-sedai · 5 months
The vibe really deteriorated as the day went on, and now I'm sitting in bed, awake, feeling like garbage
#it was an okay weekend but i was jittery and numb for most of it#tried to write christmas cards for the first time in 2 years. cried while doing so and then had to lie down after i did 5#i got frustrated with the story i'm writing and considered dropping it or deleting the whole thing#spent friday alone pretty much all day which normally i'm fine with but for whatever reason made the loneliness really hit hard this time#spent all thanksgiving day waiting for a familial confrontation#got asked by my 6 year old nephew how old i was and then he followed up with 'well why arent you married what are you doing'#which i'm pretty sure is something he heard in a conversation someone else was having and he repeated it bc he's 6 fucking years old#which btw i don't hold against him or am mad at him about bc he's an innocent kid#but that made me feel really shitty#spent an hour today panicking about this dog virus#and in between all of that i was self diagnosing myself with mental illnesses#which made me feel awful bc it made gaslight myself in thinking maybe i wanted one?#which is so fucked up to the max and i'm so sorry for even putting that here#but i put this all here bc i could never have this conversation with people irl#they'd get too worried or they'd think i'm overreacting or i need to date or need to do something with myself besides read#i'm so sorry everyone#i'll try to be better#i just had to put this out somewhere#and i didn't put this in a journal bc my last entry sounds so teenagerish out of context i don't even want to look at it#anyway i have to try to sleep i have to go into the office early tomorrow#i'm sorry guys#i really am😔
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 4 months
The Stranded and The Scaly.
Chapter 12: The Boy who cried Gator.
Day 8
Scott tore though the woods, refusing to stop to catch his breath or look behind him. He didn't care where he was going, as long as it was away from that fucking monster in the woods.
The ginger boy gasped for air as he ran, stumbling as he shoved through low-hanging branches and bushes. How long had that thing been there, and why did it look so humanoid? Could it have been an unlucky intern? No, none of that mattered. Scott had to tell the others! That thing was big enough to pick them all off one by one and eat them!!
Scott emerged from the forest, covered in dirt and scratches. He saw his castmates standing near the dock and rushed over, but he tripped over a rock and landed flat on his face in front of them.
"False alarm, campers! Scott is NOT dead as we all thought! He's all gross-looking like a corpse, though." Chris cackled. "Anyways, let me finish explaining your challenge for today!"
"No, no, no!! Wait a second!!" Scott quickly got to his feet.
"I need to tell you guys something! We are all in DANGER."
"Scott, we've been in danger since we set foot on this island. Our situation can't get much worse." Mike rolled his eyes, clearly not amused by whatever prank Scott might be pulling.
"Please, this is serious!" Scott pleaded.
"Hey, maybe we should listen to dust bunny over here." Jo pointed out.
The campers turned their attention to Scott, waiting to hear what he had to say. Chris tapped his foot impatiently and scowled at the ginger.
"I saw something in the woods, it was a mutant!"
"Seriously, Scott? We KNOW there are mutants on this island. Seeing some weird critter in the woods is old news." Zoey looked a little annoyed.
"No, it was HUGE, and green, a-and scaly!!"
"Congrats, you saw a big, nasty swamp gator. Whoop whoop, everyone give Scott a round of applause for his excellent observations!" Chris spoke in a mocking tone, clapping his hands slowly.
Scott's face flushed bright red from embarrassment as he shoved his hands in his pockets and took his place in the line of campers. How stupid of him to think that the others would actually believe him, he was known for lying and scheming! Scott desperately looked at Jo and Lightning, they'd believe him, right? Maybe?
Wrong. Jo glared at him and shook her head, Lightning didn't even glance at him. Well, sucks to be them. If they went into the forest, they'd be toast. Scott had the upper hand here.
Geoff cautiously wandered the forest with the baby gopher in his arms. What did gophers eat, anyways? Were they herbivores or omnivores? He regretted not paying attention in biology class, he didn't know that info would actually come in handy! The gopher sniffled and squirmed in his arms, it was getting hard to hold on to that thing. Geoff knelt down and carefully placed the animal on the ground. The gopher immediately began to sniff the ground and waddle around. Did it know something he didn't? Geoff watched as the gopher stopped and started burrowing into the ground, it seemed to be searching for something. Geoff's questions were quickly answered when the gopher pulled a large, thick root out of the ground and immediately started chowing down. The little munchkin was a herbivore, noted.
Geoff knelt next to the gopher and pet it while it ate, humming a quiet tune. He'd have to go hunt for his own meal later.
Ezekiel was panicking. Geoff was gone, he left his stuff behind, and there were signs of a cave-in. He hoped the other boy hadn't been crushed. The small mutant charged through the vast tunnels and caverns, looking for any clue as to where Geoff had gone. Without looking where he was going, he ran right off a rocky ledge into a pool of clear, blue water. Ezekiel gasped and coughed as he waded to the surface and let his vision adjust to the cave's lighting. He hadn't been in this area before, it was beautiful....
The water glowed a faint blue, along with the crystal formations along the walls, illuminating the cave to an extent.
Ezekiel instantly knew he had to show Geoff this wondrous cave. Maybe they could have a party just for the two of them.
Zeke's thoughts were interrupted when his keen eyes spotted a long, blonde hair drifting on the surface of the water.
Geoff had been here.
He had to keep looking.
He scrambled out of the water and inspected the ground for more clues. His brief inspection revealed large claw marks in the stone, these had to belong to Geoff.
Okay, all he had to do was follow the claw marks in the stone, and then he'd be able to find Geoff. Simple, right?
Ezekiel knew Geoff's scent well, and these caverns carried the faintest trace of it. Not enough to follow, but enough to know Geoff had been here. The claw marks were his biggest lead, and he needed to keep following them.
Zeke would find Geoff one way or another, he knew the mutant boy was large and powerful enough to take down any possible predators, but he couldn't save himself from being crushed by rocks. If he was too late, and if Geoff had died in a cave-in, he'd never forgive himself. Ezekiel hated to imagine Geoff's possible final moments, alone and scared as his bones were crushed by the collapsing cave walls, unable to cry out as the darkness engulfed him.
Ezekiel growled.
No, he'd find Geoff, and he would be ALIVE. He'd bring Geoff back to their cozy little cave and curl up in his arms, relaxing as the sound of Geoff's heartbeat echoes through his ears.
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eyeofthemoose · 2 months
I'm fuckin terrified okay. I'm getting old af, but my parents are getting even more old af. As for my grandparents, I now have only one grandma left who's not in a good shape either... Time flies like fuckin crazy... and i'm so scared. So scared. Because I don't know how to live on my own. I know I sound like a little kid, but honestly with my social anxiety and my depression, most of the times I do feel like a little kid you know...
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